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BESMOVIFYY, L.G., doktor istor.nauk; mUMOVSKIY, H.T.; SM. R.Sh.; T- LUPACH, V.S., red.; SLIPTSOVA. e.T.-.-t-ek-hinre @ (Russian military theory in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century] Ruseksia voanno-teoratichasksia mysl' XIX i nachala XX vakov. Hookva, Voon.izd-vo H-va obor.SSSR. 1960. 757 P. (MIRA 14:10 (Military art and science) KOVALICMK. T.K., polkovnik;, YOSOV, F.Y., doktor istoricheskikh nauk, kapitan I ranga, radaktor; GRM, I-e., mayor, redak-tor; VORMIYEV, P.V., kapi- tan 3 ranga-, %MIN, N.H., podpolk ovnik; MODTIMOT, R.N., kandidat Yeenno-morskikh nauk, kapitan 1 ranga. redaktor; IZIMIX, B.G., koutr- admiral, redaktor; I polkoynik, kandidat istorichookikh nauk, redaktor. AMMMifo@- i;"an I ranga, redaktor; BOLIML- ICOT, N.Y., kapitau 2 ranga, redaktor; BYKOV, P.D., kapitan I ranga Y obstanovka, redakter; KOVALZV, S.I., professor. redaktor. [History of naval art] Istorita veanne-marskage iskunstya. Tel. 1. Claval art of slaveholding and foxidAl society] Toonno-morskes obahchestva. 1953. 273 p. NO& 7:5 1. Ib2sela (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glava" shtab voyeano-morski1ch all Isterichaskeys otdolexiyo. (Naval art and science--History) ial ,@__Cjdcal nFt ni LYUSHIM11K & (14oskva) 1@ M@@ Data on the problem of qwe pathohistological changes in the skin in neurodermatitia. Arkh.pat. 21 no-10:50-53 '59. OUPA 14, 8) 1. Is kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - zasluzhennV deyatell nauk Prof. B.N.Mogillnitalkiy [deceased), korisuiltant temy - dotsent N.V.Ba-lan-ina) pediatricheskogo fakuilteta Il MoskMkogo meditain- skogo instuituta imeni N.I.Pirogova. (SKIN--DISEASIS) ZASLAVSKIY, B. (Kharlkov); LMHNIN- N.-JKharlkov); GOTENOV,-S. (KharIkov); PILINIKY A. (Khaekov); MISAN, L. (Kharikov); GAYDACHUK, V., (Kharlkov); SBDYCHAKOV V. (Kharlkov) V P Attention and support to volunteer design offices. Kryl.rod. 14 no.3s2-3 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Aeronautics--Technological innovations) LYUSHVIN, V., stmr3hly in&PL6@@ .1. - - Tvo bidr-s of @Ifrelhi- s,'f- -29 r--,6.-7-9 Je 165. (MITRA 1826) BABAD2HANUH, Pargav Artashevich LYUSIAIN, IBICriSI TINEallnovich; POPOV, K.K., red.; TORONIN, K.P., : "u tekh @re [Design and production of collectors for electric machinery] Konstruktsiia i proizvGdstvo kollek-torov elektrichaskikh mashin. Koskva, Gos.enarg.izd-vo, 1960. 189 p. (MIRA 14,4) (Electric current collectors) (Electric machinery) KH62iN@-,' 'I.I.,-@kana..tekhn.nauk.; LEMN, B.S., red.; LOGINOV. Z.I.. kand.ekonom.nauk. red.; LTUSOV, A.B-, nauchnyy sotrudnik, red.; SHCH 111, N.Y., red.; TSOV, P.V., red.; PONCKAR97A, A. A. , te khn. re d. (Resources of the cement industry of the U.S.S.R.; based on data from the seminar of workers of the cement industry] Rezervy tsementnoi promyshlonnosti SSSR; po materialam seminara rabotni- kov taementnoi promyshlonnoati. Moskva, Gosplanizdat, 1959. 199 P. 04IRA 13:3) 1. Koscow. Gosudarstvennyy vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut teementnoy promyshlennosti. 2. Direktor Gosudaretvennogo veaso.vuznogo nauchno-iseledo,!,atel'skogo instituta tsemantnoy promyahlonnosti (NlIteement) (for Kholin). 3. Gosudarstvennyy vae- soyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy iaRtitut teementnoy promyshlen- nosti WItsement) (for Loginov, Lyusov). (Coment industries) LYUSOV, A.N* Are the estimated prices for cement necessary? TSement 3G no.6z-13-14 N-D 164- (MIRA 18:1) Ly-us Civ ) @'l . I i . . . . - , - I I - . . I - - --:@ c a FA - , . - .- - - - - . . : I- - -- . %-: . 11 - . . . -- ,..;@ I . . - .. . :" nc;. . _l- "'. - " . @ r, t : r.l! i. @. '. , . . . " .-, I" i @ - LYUSOVP A.N. Effect on the net cost of cement of equipment and production con- centration. Nauch.soqT#.NIITSementa no.8:33-37 160. (MIRA 14:5) (dement industries--Costs) LYUSOVP A. N. Draft of a vholesale price list for cement. TSement 29 no.2: 11-12 Mr-Ap '63. (MIRA 16:4) (cement-Prices) ; ,-- ",.1 '! , I I . i . . @ @. - : , . ., , . - , , - .- , . .'I @ '-, . ,- r@ 'T;@ . r, 1, .-I,1, : - . , . . . - - I I . I . WSOIr 2 &1-- Concemming current delivery ard factory prices of cement. TnAy VIITSement no.15:59-71 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Cement-Prices) LYLISOV.0 A.N.- The necessity of changing the current prices for cement. TSement 27 no.6zl7-19 N--D 161. (MIRA 15-3) (Cement-Prices) LYUSCJV, A.N., kand. ekon. nallk; 7,OG-'iDZE, T. 1. , inzh. Economic sUrnulation at cement plants. TiSement 31 no. 6: 3-1, N-D 165. ("!L-@A lll-z.:1@111 KHARITOROV, V.S., inzh.; SVIIIARSHKO, V.A., inzh.; LYUSOV, V.Y., inzh. Noise control on diesel-electric powered refrigerator ships. Sudostroenie 25 no.8:30-33 Ag 159. WIRA 13 -.2.) (Refrigeration on ships) (Soundproofing) LYUSOV, V.F., inzh. Experimental studies of noise mufflers oA general ventilation fans. Sudostroanie 26 no.2:29-33 (208) Fab 160. (MIRA 14:11) (Ships-Heating and ventilation) (Absorption of sound) LYUBIKOVA. Ye.A.; LYUSOVA. L.N.; FIMV, F.V.;STARIKOVA, G.N.; SHUSHPANOV, A.P. Determination of surface heat flow in Staraya Yhtsesta. Izv- Ali SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.12:1806-1811 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Institut fizilci Zemli AN SSSR. (Earth tempetature) . .; - ( @ . . I I , ., I C I I . SOKOLIK, Anatoliy Ioniasovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; STANILOVSKIY, Anatoliy Ivanovich, inzh.; LYUST MBERG, V.F., inzh., ved. red.; SOROKINA, T.M., tekhn. red. [OK-23 double-beam electronic oscillograph with mechanical scanning]Dvukhluchevoi elektronnyi ostsillograf OK-23 s mekhani- cheskoi razvertkoi. Moskva, Filial Vaes. in-ta nauchn. i tekhn. informatsii, 1958. 19 p. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnicheskii i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 35. No. P-58-26/3) (MIRA 16-2) (Cathode ray oscillograph) YAKHIMOTICH, L.A.; LYUSTERNAK, I.L. - -:;.@ '-,,@;,!, 5 @ Effect of high temperature on the nature of 'Une repro@juction o'L the migratory locust (Locusta migratoria L.). Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no.6040&- 1411 Je 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Vsesoyuznyy, nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut zashchity rasteniv. Submitted September 12, 1964. LYUSTETME, L. A. 0 Nekotorykh Ekstrema-11 Nykh Zadschakb Teorii Korfcrmnykh Otobrazheniy. V Kn. 0 Csnovy Variatsionnogo Ischisleniya" T. 1, ch. 2f Dobavleriye 2. G@-i I (1935), 367-395. Bemerkung Zur Losurg des Dirchlet' Schen Problems. Matem. SB-, 33 (1926) Sur Unc Classe Dleauations diff-rentielles Non-lineaires. Matem. SB., 2 1937Y 1143-1168 Pro Deyali Neliniyni Riviyann @a t9,7-stsilyRtsi@-nimi Rozv'Yaz@.aud. Yhrk., Zap. llatem. T-Va (-) 14 (1937 , -150 Obobshcheniyc Urevneniya Tipa Shturma-Liuvi'L--ya. DAN, 15 (1937), 235-238. Qiielques Remarques Supplementaires Sur les equations Ncn-L,neaires di, Type de Sturm-Licuville. Matem. SE., 4 (46), (1938), 22?-232 Ob Odnoy Drayevcy Zadache V Teorii Nelineynykh Di"-!"erentsiallrykh Uraveniy. DAN, 33 (1941), 5-8 Probleina DiriMle. Uspehhi Matem. Maul-, 8 (1Q41), 115-124. Ueber ei-nige Anwendurgen de- Direkten Vethoden in Vari,9ticrsr, chrunv. Mpt r. 3F., 33 (:926), 173-202. Sur quelaues methodes Topologiques dans La geometric differentielle. A"I GcnjTr. clei Mat. Bclogna 4(1928@. 291-296. Clb@r die Topologischen Eigensrhafter. Oer lurvenfairilien Auf F'achem. 1%atem. AF., 38 (1931), 59-0/5. Ob Us@ovnvkh Ekstremumakh Furkt.sic,nalov. Matem. SE., 41 (1934) 390-4-"l. CYb. Cg-om Klasse Nelineynyl-h C-peratorcv V Gillbertovcm Pr --.trarstve. IAN, Ser. liater.. (1939), 257-264. LYUSTERNIK, L. A. Continued Topologicheskaya Struktura @-dnogo Ftialtsionallmogo Prostramstva-kh. DAIN', 27. (1940), 775-777. Kolltso Peresecheniy V Odnom Funkt.9-ionalliNom Prostrnnstve. DA.',, 38 (1943). 67-70 0 Serneystvakh Dug 2 CJbshehimi Kontsami Na Sfere. DI.M, 39 (194@), 85-87. 0 Yatergoriyakh Nekcton,kh Semeystv DLg. DAI:, "0' W-13), 147-i48. 0 Chisle Resheniy Variatsionioy Zadachi. DAt, 40 (1943), 243-245. Novoye Dokazatellstvo o Trekh Geodezichesl-ikh. 41 (,94-), 3-5. Topologiya Funktsionallnykh Prostranstv I Va-riatsionnoye Ischisleniye V Tselom. Trudy Matem. In-Ta IK. Steklova, 19 (1947). 0 Privedenii Vtoray Variatsii K Kanonicheskomu Vidu Treugc-l"nymi Preobra7evariyami. M. Uchen. Zap. U,-TA, 2:2 (1934), 5-16. Topolo@icheskiye I-le-tody V Variatsiomykh Zadachakh. M., Gos. Izd. (1930). 1-68 Ocrovy Variatsionnogo Ischisleni.a. T. I, ch. I.M.-L., Onti (1935), P. 26. Uber die To-cloqischen Eigenschaften der Kurver-fa-milien Auf Flachen. Ma err.. SE. 3 (1931), 59-65 Lamech,,-niya K. Nekotorym Variatsionnym Zakach=. M., Uchen Zap. MN-TA, 2 (1934), 17-23 Problera Dirikhle. Uspekhi IvIatem. Nau,, P- (1)4-1), 115-125. Yiekhanizatsiya Chislen!OFO Resheniya Fatematicheski@h Zadach Na Schetn(-Analiticheskikh LYUSTERNIK, L. A. Continued Mashinakh. Uspekhi Matem.. Nauk-, 1:5:6 (15-16). (1946), 22-4-227. 1@akhozhdeniye -'obstvenrykh Zracheniv Funktsiv lia Elektriche3kcy Sk-hem-e. Zh. Elektrichestvo, 11(1946), 67-68. Zamech@@niyn K. Chislenncmu Reshenivu Yrayc%--vkh Zadach Uravneniya L5pla E 1 Vychisleniyu 3obstvennykh Znacheniy, Metodom Setok. Trudy Materr. IR-TA D1. Steklcva, 20 (1947) 49-64. Zam1mut e Geodezicheskiye Na Vinogomernykh SferichegUkh Mnovoobraziy,@.h. DAN (1 yy 20 940), 328-330. 0 Chisle Resheniy Odnoy Varistsionnoy Zadachi. DANI, 40 (1943), 215-217. 0 Cherki Po Istorii Akademii Nauk -03R. Fizido-4Aatematicheskiye Nauki (Ccherk Po Istorii Matematiki Sostavili F.V. Gnedenkc, B.N. Delone, Y,.V. Kellysh, L. A. Lyusterrikt I.C. Petrovskiy, L. S. Fonti'.aFin, S. L. Sobolev). M.-L. IZD. AN. (1945). Pamyati k.11. Krylova. Uspekh Matem. Nauk, 1:1 (11) (1946) 3-10 Matematicheskiy Sbornik. Uspekhi Flatem. Nauk, 1:1 Ill), (11946), 242-247 L@USTIRNIK, Lazar-Aronovich, 1899 Polyhedra. Izd, 2. 'eloskva, Gos. izcl-vo tekhn.-teor-tich. lit-ry, lgal. 136 p. (49-32330) 144491-L5 19@,'l RPB 7 t-_ " - i@@ I . . 1-1 1" 1;. 1%. . ; ilu , . I ; -;1,W1 , A ., . " I !, 1 - :, ','I , . I I - - " .1 @ L)- , ,@-@eas @-.- I . - 1-1-1 1 . .- I 1, - - .,- 3, . - - " @: I 44 IJW e Lyusternik _-L a 1@, ffi-application i@ ruaTC-tion wich as tfi_e_s_tt_.0_y of jdo@- ' t i k N N I (11), no. 1 3 _(Ig - 3 40). are intentibnall inifoldi atialytic difficuitica desics on a m; usslan _ ' -lgnor@d. The.61ticat Valuei of a functitind-i on a space )? expqsitdi-y@- articl%-@ a urveying@ and assembling resu Its ' _h -of tt I set. Are, easentiallyj _t evalues at which the topology e tudy: f Plyiiig methods to tile - 0 -@ V I - ' i f-, @ " RCJ,o is called a bifurcation point of a nonlinear operator A acting in a certain Banach space if for any' posi- tive epsilon and delta one can find an eigenvalue lambda and an eignevector phi of A (i.e. Affhf) such that c/..t, 11VI< S. Operators that act in a Hilbert space H and are the gradients of certain 271T89 functioaals are defined as potential operators, following the ideas of L. A. Lyusternik and L. G. Shnirellman. Aim here is to demonstrate the basic theorem that specifies when each eigenvaue of a linear operator B is the point of bifurcation of a nonlinear operator G. Acknowledges assistance of A. 1. Povolotskiy in the formation of this work. Presented 13 Oct 52. 27IT89 USS.-13 /Mathematics -Approximations 1 Apr 53 "Elgenvalues of Finite -Dif f erence Approximations Of the Lap-lace Operator," L.A. Lyusternik, Corr Men Acad Sci USSR 11,4X SSSR, Vol 89, No 4, pp 613-616 Considers a more extensive class of network approximations of the Laplace operator from the viewpoint that finite-difference approx- imtions of operators possess certain so- called "parasitic" properties which belong to the given approximation rather than to the original operator, and that the eigen elements 256T102 corresponding to the least-negative eigenvalues of the approximating operator bear a "parasitic" character, when shown to depend on the choice of tihe approximating operator. Cites related work of O'Brien et al. (J Math and Phys. 29, 223 (1951)). Submitted 7 Feb 53. 256T102 USSR/Mathematics - Approximation of Laplacian "General Grid Approximations of the Laplace Oper- ator," L. A. Lyusternik, Corr-Mem, Acad Sci USSR DAN SSSF, Vol 91, No 6, pp 1267-1269 Continues his earlier work (DAN 89, No 4, 1953), in which he investigated the eigenvalues and elements of the general grid approximations of the Laplace operator. In the present work the author considers the convergence of these eigenvalues and elements to the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the La- Place operator. Presented 13 Jun 53. 275T79 @- 3TZIM", L. A. I-M USSR/Mathematics - Numerical Solutions Card l'l Author : Lyusternik, L. A. Title : Difference approximations of the Laplace operator Periodical : Usp. mat. nauk, 9, No 2(60), 3-66, 1954 Abstract : Treats the problems connected with the difference (i.e. grid) approxima- tions of the Laplace differential operator, delta. Considers the various grid configurations and their corresponding operators, the convergence and stability of certain iterative processes, the case of the parallel grid, the convergence of difference analogs in the Dirichlet problem, the eigenfunctions, probable evaluations of the error deviations. Thir- teen references: 9 USSR, latest (1953) by A. A. Abramov, L. V Kantoro- vich and V. I. Krylov, Sh. Ye. Mikeladze, V. S. Ryaben'kiy, M. R. Shura- Bura, and D. M. Eydus (11052). LYUSTERNIK, L.A. 'Operational calculus." J.Hikusinski- Reviewed by F.D.Gakhov. Usp.mat.nauk 9 no.4:276-277 '54. (Klr.RA 8:1) (Calculus, Operational) (Kikusinski, J.) LYUSTMNLK, War' Aronovich; LAPKO.A.F.. redaktor; GAVRILOV,S.S.. tekbni- y (Shortest lines; variational problems] Kratchaishie linii; variatsion- nye zadachi. Moskva. Goa.izd-vo takhniko-toorst.Ut-ry. 1955. 102 p. (Populiarnye lektail po matematike, no.19) (Kft 9:3) (Calculus of variations) (Line geometry) LYU5TIANIK L A prof.; MNIOSHOV. D.Ye.. prof.,, [Program in the calculus of variations; for the Mechanics--Kathenstics Faculty] Programma Do varietsionnomu ischisleatiu dlia -aekhaniko- matematicheakogo fakul'tet.-a. 1956. 1 D. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Moscow. Universitet. (Calculus of variations--Study &ad teeschiag) BERMANT. Anisim Fedorovich; LYUSTERNIK, lazarl Aronovich: RYVKIN.A.Z.. red,aktor; TSLAF,L.Tt%-.-, redAkt6r-i MMV-M7A- N.Ya., t4e1rhniche- skly redaktor [Trigonometry] Trigonometriia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo tekhniko- teoret. lit-ry, 1956. 179 p. (MLRA 9:4) (Trigonometry) LYUSTEMIK, lasarl Aronovich; IAPKO. A.?.. redaktor; NS(RIKOVSKAYA. P.A., @-I-ek'h'-MW&ct@r-AiAor [Gonvex figuroB and polyhedra] Typuklye figury i anogogranniki. Koskva. Goa. izd-vo tekhniko-tooret. lit-r7. 1956. 212 p. (Polyhedra) (MLRA 10:1) HOUSZHOIDNR, A.B.; ZHIDKOV. N.P. (translator]; OROV. H.I. [translator]; LIT@7',:40K, L.A.. redaktor; KLIMEMO, S.Y., takhnichookiy redaktor (Principles of numerical analysis. Translated from the English] Osnovy chislenaogo analiza. Persvod 9 angliiskogo N.P.Zhidkova i H.I.Serova. Pod red. L.A.Liusternika. Moskva, Izd-vo inostrannol lit-ry. 1956. 320 p. (KLRA 9:11) (Numerical calculations) Aw. Wmavrof Was l G HM rolle : 01 can O u t A 8@ no mv. ru Y: oual. An .. . ...... The basic -proble is -make: mo to re Se..- L i 6 ve, e ie conve t th rgeric. y i erat ar op - - 2) 1i near. .(6r solving e. firate . algorithm +b -Here'A- -is' tiik .'systeiii -Sy -mint y_: -order ti, and' is assumed a Inv a f bel to no 0 on t SP -Y I . - -dimet - 0. If besides 11A,1(t)v 11 -_- @ (t) IIA(t,)vll , then one of the following conditions is sufficient that the solutions u(t) Of (1) Doklady Akad.Nauk 111, 12-15 (1956) CARD 2/2 PG - 671 stabilize with respect to the solution v(t) of (2): either f (t).>Z C2> 0, V-(t) - 1 IIf,(t)II +41 Ct) 11 f (t) (t-r) , r> 0 or F7 J(t) T(t) 0(t-rl), 0 1. For establishing the criteria of stabilization by aid of these conditions one often necessitates an estimation for du(t) . The authors propose: t dt du, t , u j _L emp ir ) dr) + jp( (t) , F-(t) dt dt t-t tf 0 t t where r, (t) - r(t) - ; (t).>- 0 and (t), f (t) f E (r)exp(- f d 6) d"C. t 0 @ - - [-- 1@ 11 Aj j u S j Z R tV -7 K, 4 4, SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS/Differential equations CARD 1/1 PG - 661 LUTHOR VAIK M.I., LJUSTERNIK L.A., TITLE Stabilization of the solu-tions of parabolic equations. PERIODICAL Doklady Akad.Hauk 111, 273-275 (1956) reviewed 3/1957 The criteria obtained by the authors for the stabilization of solutions of non-stationary equations into corresponding solutions of stationary equations are applied in order to investigate the stabilization of the solutions of mixed problems for parabolic equations into solutions of corresponding boundary value problems for elliptic equations. At first sufficient conditions for the convergence in the mean of the initial solution to the other one are set up, and then sufficient conditions for the uniform convergence are given. LTUSTYMIK, L.A. A finite-difference analogue of Green's function in the threft- dimensional case. Vych. mat. no.10-22 157 (MML 10: 11) (Operators (Mathematics)) (F@nctional analysis) ,/* ec 7,-A Z "v/n, YL / AUTHOR: VISHIK M.I., LYUSTERNIK L,A, 42-5-1/17 TITLE: Regular Degeneration and Boundary Layer for inear Lifferpntial Equations With a Small Parameter (Reg-ulyarwyea 7yrozhdeni)-- i pogranichny,,,- sloy dlya lineynykh differentsiallnykh uravneniy s malym, paramecrom) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Mat.Nauk, 1957, Vol.12, Nr.5, pp.3-122 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the domain Q of the n-dimensional space (n?,l) let be given the linear differential equations (1) L., u S - h and on the boundary C of Q let be given certain boundary con- ditions k@ Here let the coefficients of L,_,depend on F-such that for S . 0 the coefficients vanish for the highest derivatives@ This boundary value problem is called the problem A&* For T.:.- 0 it changes to the proolem.A ; solution of the 0 equation - h w (2) L 0 0 for the boundary conditions 1A., where 40 + The solution Card 112 of u of A in general does not satisfy the conditions f-1- 0 0 1, Regular Degeneration and Boundary Layer for Linear Differential 42-5-1/17 Equations With a Small Parameter besides often it is less smooGh than the solution of A@. But in a number of bounJary value problems for small 9_ , u E u0 differs only noticeable from zero in the neighborhood of r, here the principal part of the difference has the so-called character of boundary layers which comp*nsates the non-satisfaction of the conditions @& 1, In the present paper the authors prove the existence of a great class of problems Af with the described boundary layer effect ("problems with a regular-degeneration"), they give a method of construction of the boundary layer, obtain art asymptotic expansion for the solution u *_of A Fand estimate the remainder terms of the obtained approximate solutions and their derivati7es. The detailed paper consists of an introduction, ten paragraphs, the formulation of some questions being in connection with the present investigations and a bibliography of 53 numbers,, The first three paragraphs treat ordinary differential equations and contain already all essential methods of the authors, in the parapraphs 4-1C then these results are extended to the elliptic partial equations of sqoond and higher order and to Card 212 parabolic equations with a degenerating elliptic part, -35.Soviet and 18 foreign references are quoted, 1. Differential equations-Applizations 2. Boundary layer /c- X.) AUTHORz LAPKO,A.F., LYUSTERNIK,L.A. 42-6-3/17 TITLE: Mathematical Congresses and Conferences in the USSR (Hatemati- cheskiye s"yezdyi konferentsii v SSSR) PERIODICALt Uspekhi Hatematicheskikh Nauk, 1957, Vol.12,Nr.6,pp.47-130 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors give a survey on mathematical congresses which have taken place in the Soviet Union during the last 40 years. The paper consists of ten paragraphs. �1 Introduction and general survey; �2 Russian Mathematical Congress, Moscow April 27-MaY 4, 1927; �3 First Union Congress of Mathematicians, Kharkov 19301 �4 Second Union Congress, June 24-30, 19341 �5 First international conference on tensorial differential geometry, Moscow, May 17-23, 1934 and first international topological conference, Moscow 1935; �6 The attempt offorming a union partnership of mathematicians and the periodical "Uspekhi matematicheakikh aauk" during the period before the war; �7 The Congresses between 1935-1941; �8 The years of war and after the war 1941-1949; �9 The conferences of the years since 1950; �10 Third Union Congress of Mathematicians June 25-JulY 4, 1956. 62 Soviet references are quoted. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 1/1 ALJTHCR VISHIK 11.1.,Corresponding '-eiLber of the Academy, PA 3o3o LrUSTERNIK L.A., TITLE Fd-liptical Equations Which Contain zimall Parameters in t:"'M Derivation5. (Ob sliipticheakikh uravneniykh, 5oderzhashcMys maliye parkmaLry pri starsnikh proizvodnykh -Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk 886R, 1957j Vol 113, Nr 4, pp 734-737 (U.@i.L.R-) Received 6/L957 Reviewed 7/i957 ObTPLACT Li the linear case the foiiowing problom,among others, @rine@for sacn equations: A family of operators is assumed whici. depend upon the para- motor 6 ajad are defined within the domain 1Z of the space (Xl,-,Xn): L u - 2; Es-p L,u . here L u denotes a differential c-perator of tce @'.r- r IF_ S.p 5 dor