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LTSFINKO, T. D. Agricultural theory of Wiliamso Isve Akad. nauk SSSR.Ser. biol., Moskva no.4:3-19 Julr-Aug. 1950. (CIRL 20:1) LYSM40, T. D. 113cientific News Concerning Biolo~fgical Spe-Aes", Agrobioloi-i-va, Vol. 6, 1950. LYSE 11 ly 0 pT. D. '"f,lork of 0. B. Lepcsninskaya, an Active ':enbor of the Academy of SUMM '.'edicinc of USSR 11 Agrobiolo-iya, ilo. 6. 1951- .1 L MLU I'ay 1952 MM/Bialoff - Genetics, 3.1 Rar 51 "Nev Developments in Science of the Formation of Species," Acad T. D. Umenko "Vest Ak Nauk SSSR" Val MCI, No 3, PP 66-75 In discussing his genetic and evolution=7 theories, and criticizing older theories, at annual meting Of Acad Sci USSR, 2 Feb 51, Lysenko describes re- cent discovery of individual rye grains on ears of both bard and soft vbeat, occurrence of grains 6f Avema fatua an ears of A,~ena sativa, (known for scue. Una) p contamination of b hed wheat (TrIticum turgidum) by admixts of soft and hard vbest, oats, 2-row wA 4-row barley, and spring rye (recent discavery). Denies tb at under the ez#U c&AI- tions in question thes admixts, sumes t:: are due to by t bridization: an me species vas trwis- formed into another under the influence of ex- ternal conditions. States that rye grains al- leged1y generated by vheat grew into typical fertile rye plants in the majority of case--not vbest-rye bybrids, vhich are sterile. LYSaNKO, T.D. Prevrashchenie nezimuiushchikh iaro- vykh sortov v zimnostoikie oziiVe (Transfonnation of winterkilling spring variaties Into winterhardy fall, varieties). Moskva, Sellkhozgiz, 1952. 31 p. SO- Monthly LiA of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7, Yo. 5, August 1954 LYSENKO, Trofim Denisovich, 1898- Agrobiology; works on the problems of genetics, selections and seed-growing. Izd. 6. dop. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry-, 1952. ?Rl a. (53-25432) S8123-L95 1952 LiBEIMOi T. D. "Some Advice for Collectice Farmers of the ,bscor Area," Acrobiolopiya, 1,'o. 1, 1952. ia-u, june 1952 LYSENKO, T. D. IlResults of Experimntal ard C=7.ercial Forest Planting's snot Seeded in 1949, 195o, anid 1951,t, ~-cro'aiolociya, ',',o. 2, 19'52 Va-ul ju*-ly 1952 MEMO ~ T. D. Agricultural Research Along the Michurin path Mol. kolk-h. No. 2, February 1952 monthly List of Russian Accessiona., Library of Congress, August, 1952. UNCLA33IFIED. T. LYS~IHKC- "The work of O.B. Lepeshinskaia, a -mmber cf 'he Acad,3.7V- o' rred:Lcal of the U.5.3.R. Tr. from the x-bissiayi." p. 20. (ZA 3W'IALIIjTI~YL' Vol. 2, no. 3, Illar. 1952, Praha, Czechoslovakia.) SO: Monthly List or East European Acc~~ssioris, L.C., Vol. 2 No. 7, JulY 1','.53, Uncl. t MNKO, T. D. 2. USSR (600) 4. Evolution 7. Development of DarwInIs theM on the origin of species in Academician T. D. Lysenko's works.Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. biol. no.,1952. 9. Monthlj List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Januar, -1953. Unclassified. LYSENKO, T. D. Plant Breeding Transfomation winter-kill spring varieties into winter-resistant fall varieties. Agrobiologiia,, No. 4., 1952. Monthly Mst of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952, Unclassified. -11- .", .. I.".." I..'', ..... I LYSE- - T.D. Wheat Some advice for collective farmerz of the Moscow area Konn. baza 3, No. 5, 1952. MONILELY LIST OF RUSSUMI ACCESSIONS. Lib-zary of Congress, September 1952. UNGLASSIFIE-1. LYSENKO., T. D., Acad. Grain Transforming non-wintering spring varieties into winter-hardy varieties. Est. v shkole no. 5, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessionsp 14braary of Congress, December 101521. Unclassified. -113ENIKO, TI ;`35V USSR/Biology - Genetics Sep/Oct 52 "The Vitality of' Vegetative and Animal Organisms," T.D. Lys4nko "Agrobiologiya" No 5, pp 1-8 This is an elaboration of Lysenko's theory of genetics. Describes expts with animals and plants, which demonstrate that the vitality of offspring depends prima ily on the fertility of the parents. The author asserts that const homogenic inter- breeding that produces weak offspring may be offset by heterogenesis produced by a directed change of environmept. 235T7 1. T. D. LYSENKO 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Agriculture 7. Tasks of the All-Union Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences in executing the directives of the 19th Party Congress concerning the development of agriculture in the U. S. S. R. Agrobiologiia no. 6. 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Ap"! -1953, Uncl. Lys,'..'14KO, T. "Results of experimental seedihgs and the stage of production of wiryforeaks so;m by the hill method in 3.949, l-)':0, and 1951.11 Tr- frovi the Russian, P. 7. "Instructions for sowing windbreaks by the hill netlDd for the protection of fields chiefly composed of oak." Tr. fraTi the hu--.ian. 1). 11i (ANIdLILE SOUZ-MCE. SEfUA, STLVICULTUM-114DUSTFIA. LEINIULUI SI A HAWlEl, Vol. 7, seria a IIza, no. 14, July/Aug. 1952. Dicuresti.) y of Congress SO: 1,11onthly Ust of East European Accessions, Vol* 2, 118, 4brar- "Lugust, 1953, Uncl. LYSLIX01 T. "The Results of the Experimental and Productive Plantirgs of*Fcrest Belts Accordirg t9 the Nest Method during 1949, 1950, and 1951," p. 271. (Gors to=S 0. Vol.8, No.6, Jute 1952, 'Jcfiya.) East European N.2. No.9 SO: Monthly List of AAdAA Accessionsl Library of Congress, ---�qptemter 1953, Unal. - - . 00000 Plant BreedinC Transforning nrn-i-jinter;r,,-- snr-ris, varieties into wiriter-resi~tarft fpll varietiev Sov. agron. 10, 'No. 9, 1952. ITHLY LIST OF RUESLliN, ACCELSION.. Library of Congre5s3 November 1Q5 "_,2. --- 7 ~ ~ . - Afforestation Result, s of eyop. rime vital ard. regnlar seedings of forest bpl-,s by 7:ptnods In 194,9, lq5f) and Kolkh. oroiz. 12 1.7o. 5, 1()~2. Monthly Lint of -Rus-i-an Accenqionst Library of Congress November 1952. U,XLASSiFl!;D. USSR/Biology, Controlled Crop Sep/Oct 52 Production to "The'Transformation of 'Non-Hibernating Sl-er M N 0rain Varieties into Winter-Stable Crops," T.D. Lysenko. "Zhur Obahch Biol" Vol 13, go 5, PP 329-335 DUcussion of the possibility of controlled pro- auction of'graln crops. T. D. Lysenko asserts thiLt a secondary sowing of sunmer grain in the roll of the yr may produce a winter-stable grain 238TI i:iop. This transformation, according to the Aifthor, is produced by the photosynthesis of the ikan and the green leaves of the plants, produc- Ing a winter type of grain crops. 938T1 LYSFNIV, T. D. Some advice tc collective farm r-,,errbers of the Moscow Eericn. Dokl. Ak. sellkhoz, 17- No. 2, 1952. f-TRA, August 1952 -- 1. LYSENKO, T.D. 2. USSR (600) 4. Vitality 7. Viability of plant and animal organisms. Dokl.Ak.sellkhoz. 17 no.9, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. 1. LYSENKO, T. D. 2. USSR (600) 1~. Phylo-ueny (Botany) 7. New concepts in science concerning the biolor!ical species, TnAy In3t. f,'(!n. No. NY 1952. �e Monthbr List of Russian Accessions LibraY7 Gf Congress, April 1953, ~nol. .E74mi Trofim J)Cnjt;)yich Agrobiologiya; roboty po voprosam genetiki, selektsii i semenovod9tva fizd. 6, dop.] Moskva,-Sell Khozgiz, 1952. 781 p. illus., tables. 27 cm. RLbliography: P. [T251-740 1. Plant-Breeding. 2. Genetics. 1. Title. LYSENKO, Trofim Denisovich, 1898- Selected works. Moskva. Moskovskii rabochii, 1953. 549 P- V11MOt T. "Increasing crop yields in an area of nonblack soil." Tr. from the Rmnian. p. 79. (Nowe Rolnictwo, Vol. 2, no. 7, July 1953. Warsm-ta.) SO: Month~Z 1,5st of Fast Eurorean Xccessions, Vol. 3, Ho. 2, TAbrary of Congress, Feb. 1954, Uncl. - __ I T# LYSENKO ____ - "For Increased crops- of bread plants sown in the autumn of 1953 in nonloeWgolls not fertilized with manures. Tr. from the Russian-" page 80 "Deepening the cultivation layer of podsolized bog soils* page 84 (NME ROLHICTWO. Vol. 2, No. 9. Sept- 1953 Warszawa, Poland) SO: East L.C. Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec. 1953 1. LYSENKO, T. 2. USSR (600) 4. Cotton 7. Cotton plant in the southern districts of European Russian, Khlopkovodstvo 3 no. 1, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl. IYSMKO, T.D., akademik. Soil plant nutrition and raising the yield of agricultural crops. Net.v shkole no.6:9-17 '53, (MLRA 6:10) (Plants--lutrition) (Fertilizers and manaree) i / - 614KC, -11~__~ " X 'Z# q t.j.- , - top hirt-ril-v T. It. I , Sri, Illi(ir of I_, liji,itig I'lituil Ili ... Im-fiiiii. (livi-vw I 1 1). Vt- 0., 11-fizIt,isila NwJi i v . 3 110. :5 Pf 1, 'Irf "I:,, I pplifil 1, ", FJ,m, Ow im,to , , V61. im. 11, Now.. i,..Ir. II)hj p. 22 IM. Appli. .11 it'll , 4 lill". .111,1 .11, studio% -xi-l'. A(-, r i, t I 11; t I I-,y ImIfL. 11 till, I'll w. fit I. id -11, 1 jilh% LYSENKO, T. D., Acad. Agriculture Twjks of the Al-1-Union Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences for tile fulfillment of the directives of the Nineteenth Pa~ty Congress concerning the develol-.ment of agriculture in the U.S.S.R. Dokl. Akad. sellkhoz. 18, No. 1, 1953. j 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June -1953, Uncl. 1. LYSETTKOi T.D. 2. USSR (600) 4. Agriculture. 7. Use all'notbntial'cultivation practices for increasing crop yield, Dokl. Akad.Bell Ichoz. 18 no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthly List 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953. Unclassified. LTSIM, T,D* akadealk. Conversion of non-vintering spring varieties to winterhardY varieties. Trady- Inst. gqR* _ ~,9,90:5-12 N-D 153. (MM 711) (Adaptation (Biology) LYSMM. T.D.. akademik. Viability of plant and animal organisms. Trudy Inat.gen. no,20-'13-18 N-L, 153. (MM 7:1) (Life (Biology) Sneciles, -~r-i'L:in of D.~~;velc~~mcnts in th,, ccience cif hio'-OF-j-ca-I 3r-,~,cic-53- y of '-~~ntlll- t of Russian Accessionn Litrar, y Li s Juric 11"'13. Ull 7C L KONONKOV, P.F.; LYSENY akademik. .4, M. 'PVT= New facts on the formation of cells from substances without cell structure. Dokl.AH SSSR 90 no-5:837-888a Je '53. (MLRA 6:5) 1. Institut genetiki Akademli nauk SSSR (for Kononkov). 2. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Lysenko). (calls) FMROV, A.K.; LYSENKO, akademik. Importance of autumn light in the development of winter crops. Dokl.AN SSSR 93 no.2:361-364 N 153. OCWA 6:10) 1. Institut genetiki Akademii nank SSSR (for Fedorov). 2. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for keenko). (Plants, Effect of light on) LY147T 8Z 'XC, T. 0. 5669. LYSENKOp T. D. Teoreticheskiye Oanovy Y arovizatsii. Kiyevp Gossellkhozizdat USSR, 1954. 72s a. Ill 20sm. 25,000 Ekz. 1r 95k-Na Urk. Yaz. (55-963) 631/ 531-19 SO: KnizhLnaya, Tetopis, Vol. 1, 1955 ~ '~ -'~ ~- % I II .114 : ~- -N-0 i Stadjni vyvoj rostlin; prace o theorii stadijniho vyvojt- a jarovisaci zemedelskych rostlin. (~, rusk6ho prel. Al. Boukova ~et al.) Fraha, Statni zemodalske nak-I., 1954. 596 L. (Publikace SZIT, cis. 294) fkSta.~es of plant development; a study of the theory of the stages or d-weloprpnt and vernalization of agricultural plants. Tr. fromthe 'Russion. plates) GU DA Not in DLC SOURCE: East European Accessions ',,ist, Vol. 5, no. 9, 33eptember 1956 D"I"T I Agrobiologgy; essays on problems of genetics, plant breer-'nry and s,:ed Errwn.,,,. '..oscow, Foreign Languages Publi-,hinr, House, 1554. 636. p. illus., port. Bibliographical index: P. (601)-620. Trans.1,etion of the 4th Russian e6ition of Agrobiologlya. N/5 631.3 .1,92 LYSMO, T.))., alcademik. Uw-~. Celabrati. the 100th anniversary of Kharkov Veterinary Institute. S~orv trud. Khar'. vet. inst. 22:6-11 154. (MMA 9:12) 1. President Vsesoyuznoyordena Lenina akademii selOakokhosyayotvennykh nauk imeni V. I. lenina. (Kharkov-Veterinary colleges) OPARIN, Aals, akademik; TSITSIN, H.V,, akadealk; MWSHCHOV, G.K.; ANICFMOV. N.N., akademik; BYKOT. K.M., akadealk; KURSANOV, A.L.: LYSENKO, T.D.; TYURIM, I.T.; NMHDIN, N.I.; IVANOV-SHOLENSKIY, A.G.; STUDITSKIT11" Mrofessor; DOZORZ, TSEVA, R.L., kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. Greetinge to Academician J.H.Pavlovskii. Zool.zhur. 33 no.2:241-242 Mr-Ap 154. (MM 7:5) 1. Akademik-eakratarl Otdeleniya biologichaskikh nauk Akademil nauk SSOR .(for Oparlu). 2. Zmeetiteli ak&demika-qekret&ry& Otdeleniya biologichaskikh n&uk (for TSItsin and Khrushchov). 3. Chien-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Khrushchoy and Nushdic). 4. Chlany".Byuro (Anichkov, Bykov, lureanov, Lysenko. Tyurin. Nuzhdin, Ivanov-Smolenakiy. Studitakiy). 5. Beyetvitellnyy ohlen Akademii zwditsinakikh nauk S5SR (for Ivanov-Smolonakly). 6. Uchenyy eakratarl Otdolenlya, biologicheskikh nauk AkRdexii nauk OSSR (for Dozortseva). (Favlovskil, Bvgenii Nikenorovich, 1884- LMENED) Mrofim Denisovich Agrobiology; Essays i Moblems of Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Growing. Moscow, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1954. 636 p. Plus. 2T cm. Translation from the 4th Russian Edition of His Agrobiologiya, with Translations of Three New Essays by the Author, Published in 1949-52. Bibliography: P. (6oll-62o. 1. Flant-Breeding. LTSMO, T.D., akademik. Yor a further developuent of HichurIn's theorles. Izv. AN 585H Ser.biol. no.5:3-6 S-0 155. (RLM 9 3 2) (Bot any) LYSIMI T.D.A4, The Michurin doctrine. Trudy Inst.gen. no.22:5-14 155. (Bielog7) (KIBA 9:4) BIN39DIKTOV, I.A., redaktor; GRITSMO, A.Y., redaktor, ILI IN, M,A., zamesti- tell glavnogo redaktora, LAPTEV,I.D., LISKUN, Ye.F.; LOBANOV, P.P., glavnyy redaktor; LYSMIK&~D., SKRYABIN, K. I.; STCLNTOV, 7.9. ; PAYLOV, G.I., ka~~ "seskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, nauchavv redaktor; SOKOLOV, N.S., professor, nauchnyy redaktor; ANTIPOV-KARATAYEV, I.N., doktor sallskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; XARPINSKIY, H.F., kandidat sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; SHICSTAKOV, A.G., doktor sellskokhozyaystvennykh aauk, professor, nauch- nyy redaktor; RUBIN, B.A., doktor sellskokhozyaystvennykh nat1k, nauch- nyy redaktor, KOMAIWITSKIT, N.A., dotsent, nauchnyy redaktor: LYSHNKO, T.D., akademik, nauchnyy redaktor, POLYAKOV, I.M., professor, nauchnyy redaktor; SHCHRGOL`XV, V.N., dnktor sellskokhozyayBtvennykh nauk, professor, nauchrqy redaktor; YAKUSHKIN, I.V.. akademik, nauchnyy redaktor; 1ARIN. I.Y.. prof essor. doktor biologicheakikh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; SHELOV, S.P., prof essor, doktor biologicheskiy mauk. nauchnyy redaktor; ADILOSHTIMI, V.I., professor, doktor sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; SHCH-RRRACHEV, D.M., professor, doktor medi- tainakikh nhuk, nauchnyy redaktor; OGOLEVETS, G.S., kandidat sel'sko- khozya.yetvennykh nauk. nauchnyy redaktor, YAKOVIXV, P.N., akademik. naychnyy redaktor; Y3KIHOV, V.P.. agronom. riauchnyy redaktor [deceased], KYTINGM, G.P., professor. doktor s!illakokhozyaystvennykh nauk, nauch- nyy redaktor; TIMOF9M, U.N., prof qssor, nauchnyy redcAktor; TUROV, S.I., profensor, doktor biologichestikh nauk; YUDIN, V.M.. akademik, nauchnyy redaktor; LISKUN, Ye.F., a:cademik, nauchnyy redaktor; VITT, V.0., Professor, doktor sallskokhoz7ayetvennykh nauk, nauchnyy redak- tor; KALININ. V.I.. kandidat sel'skokhozvavstvenmvkh nauk. nauchnvy reclakT.or: (Continued on next card) BINSDIXTOV, LA.--- (continued) Gard 2. , akaden _11R)m , , ~XjjL%,_ ~ ik. nauchny7 r(daktor. NIKOLAYEV, A.I,. professor, aaktor aullskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; RADIKIN, A.P., professor, doktor seIPskokhozyayotvianykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; SWNEV, S.I., professorg doktor sWakokhozyaystvennykh nauk, nauch- nyy redaktor; POPOV, I.S., professm, doktor sell Bkokhozyavstvennvkh nauk, nauchnyv redaktor; MANTRYFMLI, P.A., professor nauchnyy redaktor; INIKHOV, G.S., professor, doktor Wmicheekikh nauk. nauobjV7 redaktor; AHFIMOV, A.H., professor, nauchnyy redaktor; GUBIH, A.Y.. professor, doktor sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk, aauchnyy redaktor-, POLTXV, V.I., professor, doktor veterinarnykh naW:, nauchnyy redaktor; LINDE, M., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nark, nauchnyy redaktor; CHERGAS. B.I., professor, doktor biologicheal:ikh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; NIKOLISKIY, G.Y., professor, nauchnj-y redaktor; AYT-OKRATOV, D.M.. professor, doktor veterinarnvkh naiik, nauchnyy redaktor; IVANOV, S.V., professor, doktor biologicheskikh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; VIKTCROV, K.P., professor, doktor veterinarnykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; KOLYAKOY, Ya.Ye., professor. doktor veterirLarnykh nauk, nauchnyy re- daktor; ANTIPIN, D.N.. profescor, doktor veterinarnykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktpr; MARKOV, A.A., professor, doktor veteriuarnykh nauk, nauc-bmyy redaktor; DOMRACHAV, G.V., professor. doktor veterinarnykh nauk, nauchny7 redaktor- OLIVKOV, B.M., professor. doktor vaterinarnykh nauk nauchnyy redaktor' [deceased] ; YLWAUTOY. N.A., professor, doktor ve- terinarny1ch nauk, nauchnyy redalct or; BOLT INSM, V.H., professor, doktor takhnicheakikh nauk, nauchVy redaktor; VILIYAMS, VI.P., profes- sor. doktor tekhnicheskikh aauk, nauchnyy rGdaktor; KRASNOV, V.S., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, nauchny7 redaktor: BKWlff OY, I.A.---(continued) Card 3. YXMINOV, M.G., akademik, nauchW redaktor; SAZOIIOV, N.A., doktor tekluiichesk1kh nauk, aauchnyy redaktor; NIKANDROY, B.I., inzhener, nauchnyy redaktor; KOSTYAKOV, A.H., akademik, nauchnyy redaktor; CHEMSOV, A.A., professor, doktor tokhnicheakikh nauk, nauchnyy redak- tor; DATITAYA, F.F., doktor sellskokhozyaystvenaykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; IVANOV, N.H., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, nauchayy redaktor; ORLOY. P.M., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, nauahnyy redaktor, LOZA, G.M., kandidat okonomicheskikh nauk, nauchn" redaktor; CEMOV, A.V., kontrolgnyy redaktor-, ZAVARSKIY, A~I., redaktor; ROS- SOSHARSKAYA, V.A., redaktcr; FILATOVA, N.I., redaktor;, YDW,'YANOVA, N.I., redaktor; SILIN, V.S., redaktor BRANZBURG. A,Yu., redaktor; MAGNITSKIY, A.V.. redaktor terminov; K-ORYAVTSIVA, A.G., redaktor terminov; AKS3NOVA, A.P., mladshiy redaktor; MALYAVSKAYA, O.A., mlad- shiy redaktor; FX)OTOVA, A.F., tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Continued an next card) .BINADINTOT, I.A.---(contiaued) Card 4. [Agricultural encycloPedial Sellskokhoziaistvemaia enteikolopediia. Izd-3-e, perer. Xoskya, Goo. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry. Vol-5. [T-IA.] 1956. 663 (MLRA 9:9) (Agpriculture--Dictionaries and encqclopedias) LYSMO, T.D.,akademik. Hundredth anniversary of the birth of I.Y. Michurin, the outstanding scientist and biologist. Izv. AN SSSR., Ser. biol. no.1:6-17 J&,-F 056 (KIRA 9:5) (BIOIA)GY) LYSEM,.T.B., akiLdemik. How a plant io nourished. IUA.uat. no.1:29-30 Ap 156. (Plants-Natrition) (MrBA 9:9) Category: USqR/General Division. Gencrul. Problems. Philosophy. A-1 Methodology. Abs jour: Referat Zh.-Biol-, No 6, March 25 1957, 2i26o Author : Lysenko, T.D. .wx.~ Inst -T-nor, g-Iven Title :Biologic Species and Evolution of' Spocies. Orig Pub: Agrobiologiya, 1956, No 4, 3-30 Abstract: The author defends al-L the basic postulates which were developed by him in his studiea, "Nev developments in the science of bio- logic species," 1950 (see Referat Zh.-Biol., 1954, 166). it has been affirmed that factual data on which the author's con- ception is based; are authentic and fully guarantee prevention of mechanical admixture of seeds of one species in seeding ma- terial of another species. But onne cannot "say in advance which species will be generated and by what species." A special sig- nificance is attached to generation of flat-seeded vetc1i by plate Card 1/13 -1.2- Category: USSR/General Division, General Problems. Philosophy. A-1 Methodology. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol-, No 6. March 25 1957, 2126o lentil. The practical problems of the development of mea- sures which prevent reeeneration of valuable cultivated ape- cies into worthless ones and even harmful ones, of combatting weeds, and also of obtaining new beneficial forms, etc. are presented. Objections of opponents of the new conception of evolution of species are d-.i.scussed. The discussion of this problem in the "Botanicheskiy -zhurnal" CBotanical Journal-7 and in the "Byulleten MOIP" / Bulletin of the Moscow Natural- ists Societyl is qualified as directed "to befogging the truth." The opinion that the generation of individual grains of rye in the car of wheat is the result of a prolonged hybri- dization with rye is challenged; for then hwe shall have to acknowledge thet all the wheat, of whatever sort, existing on the globe, is biologically impure, and represents a rye hybrid." Then, any wheat under given conditions will sooner or later generate rye. Card 2/1-3 -13- Cateeory; USSR/Ganeral Division. General Problellis. Philosophy. A-1 Methodology. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., Tio 0, March 25, 1957, 2126o Also the possibility of androgenic generation of species is rejected. The objection also is removed that the new con- cept of species evoluti 'on is based only on generation of spe- cies already in existence and does not present a single case of generation of new species, and that therefore, the new concept contradicts the theory of dialectical materialism. The author believes that "the development by spiral and not by circle" not only does not preclude the recurrence of phe- nomuna, but on the contrary, in w-gay cases results from re- currence. It is even difficult to imagine that the evolu- tion of the organic universe would proceed... without a re- current emergcnce of one species from others. Therefore, "at the present time from the exiating species, there may appear one which did not formerly exist." A notion is presented of the need Card 3/13 -14- Category: USSR/General Division. General Problems. Philosophy. A-1 Methodology. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., No 6, 14arci 25, 1957, 2126o to aifferentiate taxpnorde and biologic species, wh.;-ch often do not coincide. Taxonomic species are often arbitrary, w1hile the biologic ones are concrete and are characterized by definite intra and interspecies relations. The new con- cept of species evolution is based on facts of biologic spe- cies generation. On the question of intra and interspecies relationship an analogy is suggested between organisms and organs. "The interrelationship of individuals within the spe- cies of the same order -is like the interrelationship of organs in an organism," while none, of these interrelationships fits iv, either under the concept of reciprocal help or under the concept of competition. The Darwinian treatment of organic expedience (regarding, adapl;ation) is expounded. It is asserted that "Darwinism could only explain in a relatively correct fa- shion the development of Vie organic world, but it could not Card V 13 -15- Category: USSR/Genural Divisicni.. General. Problems-. Philosophy. A-1 Methodology. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., No 6, March 25, 1957, 21260 serve as a theory of reorganizatinn and its management." The author considers that organic expedienco can be explained only as based on the concept that "the change in heredity is ade- quate to (is in conformi.ty with) the influence (assimilation) of environments of external. media... In the final analysis the so-called organic expedience... by necessity foUcws from the most ordinary physical and chemical condiUons, which were adopted during their conversion from a lifeless to a living state." The law of life in a biologic species is formulated. "In an animal or plant in nature the different oreans, diffe- rent properties, differeat physiological processes, all the limitless diversity of characteristics of the orGanism's forms and functions are directed toward increasing the number of in- dividuals of the given species directly or indirectly, even if in some cases it shortens the lifc: span of one individual or Card 5/13 -16- Category: USSR/General Division. G,,neral Problems. Philosophy. A-1 W-thodology. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., No 6, Mareb 25, 1957, 2126o even causes its death." Without the knowledge of this law one cannot comprehend the nature of interrelationships of individuals of different species. "The concept of intra- species interaction as competition or as reciprocal help contradicts that whicii'is obsoned in living nature) and therefore is harmful to the development of bioloeic. science." It is affirmed that it does not contradici the biologic spe- cies law of life to plant and saw plants into nests and square nests and that "woody forest species and furrowed agricultural plants ... should be plantqd in any distric't by groups and nests The author disputes V.N. 6ukachev (see Referat Zh.-Biol, 1954) 167 and 1957, 12784) in ulaose theoretical positions the author discerns Malthusianism in biology. It is asserted that "the root cause" of the drying out of the lower tree branches is related to the fact that "all the plastic, energetic water-sol- uble substances flow out from them into the trunk." An analogy Card 6/ 13 -17- Category: USSR '/Geieral Division. G+~neral Prcblems. Philosophy. A-1 Methodology. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., No C': Marc~i 25, 1957, 2126DO is presented of the interrelatf -on of individuals within spe- cies (among them youne oaks in their group disposition in the nest) with the interrQlationship of branches of a solitarj standing tree, among which `there is no competition, nor re- ciprocal help." Accord-LnG to the author's assertion, the root systems of young oaks M4 and 6 yearm old) grown in the nest, knit together. "Those young trees, which in the closest years beein to die off, knit by their roots with those young trees, which internally are not yet ready to die off. A small tree 'appropriates' the roots of Vie smaller one, and the smaller one itself 'gives up' i"11-s roots to that other one, which in- ternally is not ready to die off. Consequently, there are no 'dcminating' and 'oppressed' t,:ees but there is life unity of the specieu subordinate to the life laws of the species." The toGether of the root system-, in a nest formation, and Card 7/ 13 -18- Category: USSR/General Division. General Problems. Philosophy. A-1 Methodology. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., No 6, March 25, 1957, 2i26o and then pumping over of plastic substances "from the young tree, internally prepared to We off. into the remaining tree of the same spec.`us" occurs "in good time, for several years, in some cases for many years" before.dying off. 7he author, however, makes this resenation: "tbehypothesis . - -, of course, needs a factval, experimental verification." The self-thinning In a group of young oaks, acco"rding to the author, "occurs not because the young trees are crowded closely, but because .4n the immed.4ate future'they will be- come crowded closely." 7be problem of biologic theory of self-thinning in connection with nest planWng of forests and ;lowed cultivations is ctiscussed separately; also the problem of forest fel *linEs. It is asserted that close spe- cies are considerably harder ~o differentiate than varieties of the same species. Crossines Euid fertility of individuals Card 8/13 _19- Category: USSR/General irjivision, General Problems. Philosophy. A-1 Methodology. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., Nip 6, '.*.,.rcIi ',a5; 195-7; 2-1-260 is acknogled.ged as P. crite---ion of the gpecies. Linnacan spe- cies, as a rul,~, coincide wJt!i the biological species. Var- iants and subspecies are idcnL-ified by the brecda of farm animals c~ntl varietieo of ctiltivated planLs. Tne vievrs criti- cized are those of' 141o are the opponents of Lysenko's conception of biologic species and evolution of species, who contend that "all farm animals Pmd... plants -- as if these are not biologic specier,, but only their deviations ... Vari- ab-lity -- this is not a beginning of a new species and, there- fore, also is not a deviation of the old species. Variability- this is one of the foTms the given species exists in." The individual is defined aL,o as '*onu of the form the species exists in... Tic dIatinction of' a Dpucles from a variant ard from an individual is a quanLitative one. Die individual is a unitary thing, variety is a plurality of individuals, while Card 9A3 _20- Category: USSR/General Division. General Problems. Philosophy. A-1 Methodology. Abs Jour: Beferat Zh--Biol.) No 6, March 25, 1957, 21260 species -- this is an individual (singular) and variants (multiplicity of individuals), and a multiplicity of variants." The existing forms of biologic species are limitlessly varied (but not all) and are determined by life conditions. "The appearance of forms beyond the species limits is the genera- tion by one species of others," as for instance, the genera- tion of rye by wheat. A reference is made to the experiments of V.K. Karapetyan, whi&_ showed that separate grains of rye (as a crosspollinated plant) generated in ears of wheat, on plantJng yield plants which geiminate the seeds even by self- pollination. Analogous reslilts were obtained "in castration and isolation of cars of thcse plants, i.e. without any polli- nation." If conditilons were favorable to the generated spe- cies, then the generated, occupying now areas under the influence of new conditions, will yield new variants. In Card 10/13 _P1 - Category: USSR/Gcnoral Division. General Problems. Philosophy. A-1 m4thodology. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., No 6, March 25, 1957, 2126o this fashion, the thriving of a species is accomplished, which continues to exist as an integral unit. The notion of natural aging of species is rejected. The author's views on interspecies hybridization are evolved, as an "unusual manner" of multiplication. It is pointed out that the author's opponents, who conceive thaL interspecies crossing is attain- able, are confusing tELNonomic species with biologic ones. If species easily interbreed and as a result a normal fertile pro- geny is produced, then in these cases, in the author's opinion, "the talk is not of different biologic species, but of diffe- rent variants of the so-me species." MAle recogmizing that I.V. Michurin widely applied interspecies hybridization and developed its theory, tlie author believes that Michurin did not acknowledge "the possibility of existence of intermediate forms of interspecies hybrids ... which multiply themselves ... sexu- Card 11/13 -22- Category: USSRIGeneral Division. General Problems. Philosophy. A-1 Yethodology. Abs Jour: Referat 71i.-Biol., No 6, March 25, 1957, 21260 this fashion, the thriving of a species is accomplished, which continues to exist as an integral unit. The notion of natural aging of species is rejected. The author's views on interspecies hybridization are evolved, as an "unusual manner" of multiplication. It is pointed out that the author's opponents, who conceive that interspecies crossing is attain- able, are confusing taxonomic species with biologic ones. If species easily interbreed and a3 a result a normal fertile pro- Beny is produced, then in these cases, in the author's opinion, "the talk is not of different biologic species, but of diffo- rent variants of the same species." While recognizing that I-V. Michurin widely applied interspecies hybridization and developed its theory, Ue author believes that Michurin did not acknowledge "the possibility of existence of intermediate forms of interspecies hybrids ... whirli multiply themselves ... sexu- Card 11/13 -22- Category: USSR/cenerai Division. General Problems. Philosophy. A-1 Methodology. Abs Jour: Ruferat Zh.-Blol., No 6, Marc'- 25, 3957, 21260 ally... which are able repeatedly to recreate themselves in generations without their JnLemediate intcrBpecies form." Therefore, rye-wheat and vheat-couch grass hybrids are envisaged as a very ordinary, biologcally pure species of soft winter wheat or summer wheat and it is maintained that "in the follow- ing generations, in vicir of the physiological incompatibility of biological species, the wheat by way of splitting purified itself of rye or of couch grass, and by this very process of all the properties of rye or couch grass, and became pure wheat... Neither biologically nor philosophically can one imagine that plants consisting only of the body of wheat should at the same time possess some propertics of couch grass. Such phenomena do not appear in nature." Noiatheless, the author considers "inter- species crossing as one of the paths not only of forming new varieties.. and breeds.., but also new species" because "there Card 12/13 -23- Category: USSR/General Division, Genera). Pi-oblems. Philosophy. A-1 MethodoloGy. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., No 0', March 25, -7.957, 2i.26o is no easier way to shatter iuliel-Jtance, -to liquidate the conser- vatism of heredity, than iliter.-,pccies hybridization." In con- clusion, the autlaor states "that; the interests of biological study and practice pers!t3t,_-,jt.1y dearand a w~`dening of an authen- tically scientific di.scuss`on on problems of species and evolu- tion of species, but a discusslon specifically of a scientific, forward-looking investiGation of this problem, not one inhibit- ing search for now facts and bases of theoretical positions." Card 13/13 -24- USE MOPUL-Al4w , . 1409F~ - W"k-l One hundredth anniversary of I.T.Hichurin's birth* Trudy Inst.gen. no-23:5-16 156. (min 10: 1) (Michurin, Ivan Vladimirovich, 1855-1935) (Genstids) " LYSINKO, T.D. I Yor further development of Hichurin's theories. Trudy Inst.gen no-23;17-21 156, (KIaA 10:1) (Genetics) (Agricultural chemistry) .7 I LYS:!,"TKO. T. For development of Soviet aFriculture. Tr. fror the ltussipn. p. 204. Vol. 115, no. 4, 'pr. 1956 Ti1~43,'L6W,r z;3 Ti'RS0iIOI-. Budapest, Hungary Source: &-ist 4wopean Accession List. Library of Co7,,crr,-.,ss Vol. 5, no. 8, Au-ist 1956 iwAWAAwk4lQW , kademik.- GRIGOROYRYA. A.I., redaktor.- PAVLOVA. 9.,(M.,q4SldMcheskiy redaktor (Biological species and for'mation of species] 0 biologichaskom vide L vidoabrazovenil. Moskva Gos.1%d-vo sellkhoselit-ry 195?. 62 p. (Species. Origin of~ NIMA 10:7) LY S -Soil 'Nuturiticn c.C Flan't-3. 7ortizii D~n.,,'Ua ~e l'ubli sllirv- irus,! 137 p. Tablns. Trmslated Ey .iskf-z, Frar-: thet crif--nr-l "us~-ian: Pochvennovf- "itunive - llaste~niy Fc -.,-anc~y Vol-cs '-.'--uki 7.prilefli-t1i va. -c ---c,:,- 1'Y LYSLWO. Trofim Dionisovich, 1898- - CPlant nutrition from the soil, a vital question in agriculture] Pochvennoe pitanie rastenii - koreanoi vopros nauki zemledeliia. Izd. 2-oe dop. Mos1rva, Goe.izd-vo selkhoz. lit-r7, 1957. 185 P-p (Plants--Nutrition) (MIRA 11:6) - LYSEIIKO, -T. /D-.7 "Theoretical Successes of Agronomical Biology," Izvestia, 8 December 1957. Translated in Daily Review of Soviet Press., 18 Dec 1957 USSR/Soil Science - Mineral Fertilizers* J. Abs Jour : Ref 71iur - Biol., No 4, 1958, 15330 Autho~c- : T.D. Lysenko Inst Title : The Session of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences im. VJ6 Lenin in the "Rossiya" Kolkhoz, (vystupleniye na sessii VASKHM v kolkhoze "Rossiya"). Orig Pub : Agrobiologiya, 1957, No 2, 8-13 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 !~Lativatbed Plants Fruits and Berries. M-5 Pbs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol.., 110 3, 1958, 10995 Ai;thor : Lysenko, T.D. inst : Title : Concerning thc Mention of the Emergence of a Pltm Shoot on anApricot Tree. Orig Pub : Agrob'.ologiya, 1957, No 2, 47-48 .Abstract : The author concurs in the explanation which D.A. Dolgu- shin givss for this phenomenon and mentions that it is analogical to the emergence of a hazelnut branch on a hornbeam, which S.K. Karapetyan describes. Card 1/1 41~ LYSENKO, T.D.. akademik. For materialism in biology. Agrobiologiia no-5:4-12 8-0 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Science--Philosophy) (Windbreaks, shelterbelts, etc.) UGSR/Soil Science. Crganic Fertilizers. j-4 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 6, 1958, 24766. Author : Lysenko, T.D. Inst Title : To Apply Organo-Mineral Mixtures on a Droader Scale in Non-Chlernozem Zones. Orig Pub: Udobreniye i urozhay., 1957, No 6, 1-5. Abstract: no abstract. Card ; 1/1. It 4.S L w %,~ c , --V , -i-'> - LYSWMO. TeDs, akademi1c. "a- ..I.-dwalimmummimmofte Zor mterialism in biology! Agrobiologiia no.60-~17N-D 157. (Agricultilre) (Biology) (MIRA 10:12) JoijkNOV, P.; BRF.ZHNKV, D.; OLISHANSKIYe M. -LYSENED* T.; LISAVENKO, M.; SINYAGIN, 1. ; YAKUSHKIN, I - ; I. ; YOIZSNIKOV, V.; YErMHZNW, A.; ZASYAMFIKOV, T.; ALISOV. )4.;:UfZMN. A.; GORSHEDY, I.; IMIDKWNOV, I.,; VIISHIN, K.; KLRPOV, G.; CEUMM, S.; BAKHANEV, A.; TIKHDNOVA, A.-. KUZIMIN, A.; BUZULIN, G.; TOLMACHEV. I.; LYSYUK, Ye.; KRRITONOVA, Ye.; KUSHRIRENW, M.; ROVOPAVWVSKAYA, N.; ZHIROMCIN, I.; KATSURA. 0.; KIRYUMN, I.; HIKITIN, B.-, TSVETAYEVA, Z.; A POV, B.; OSTAPEM, V.1 IVANOV, V.; BMUZOV, V.; LUTKOVA, I.; TSVETAYEVA, Z.; ARYMPOV, B.; OSTAFEM, V.; IVANOV. V.; BTJTUZOV, V.; LUZKOVA, I. P.N..IAkovlev; obituar7. Agrobiologiia no.6:119 N-D 157. (MIRA 10:12) (IAkovlev, Pavel Nikanorovi'ch, 1898-1957) LYSMIKO* Trof in Denisovich, akademik, HUMIN, 11kolay: Ivanovich, ... ... STAROSTMiKOVA, M.M., red.; BERLOV. A.P.. YNYGNSOV. N.Ie red.; [For materinlism in biology; bAsed on public lectures in the Central Lecture Bureau of the Society in Moscow]. Za mnteriAlinm v biologii; po mnterialam rublichnykh vystuplanii v TSentrnllnom laktorii Obehohestva v MORI-.Va. Kosk-va, hdL-vo "Znanie." 1958. 67 P. (Veasoiuznoe obsches'tV0 pa rasprostrnneniiu politicheskikh i nAuchnykh znanii. Sere% VyP is no . 14/15) (MIRA 11.9i 1* Chlen-korrespondent AB SSSR (for Lysenko). (Biology--Philosophy) LTSEMO Trofim Denisovi ch-, ZAVERIN, A.S., red.; SWRNOVA, Te.A.. [Selected works in two volumes] IzbranWe socbineniia v dvukh tomakh. Moskva, Goa. Izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry. Vol. 2. 1958- 368 p. (Bialoa) (Agriculture) (MRA 12:2) LTSEM . Trofim Denisovich; ZAVMIN, A.S.. red.; SMIRNOVA. Te.A., (Selected works in two volumes] Izbrannye sochinenila v dvukh tomakb. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo selvkho2.lit-ry. Vol.l., 1958. 484 p. (NIIRA 12:1) (Growth (Plants)) (Plant breading) (Botany--Variation) LYSENKO T.D. akadamik 0. d~, . r-,-~ri,tion from soil and fertilizer application in orebards. Agrobiologiia no. 3:87-94 My-Js 159. (MIRA 11:7) -, (Fruit culture) (Fertilizers and manures) (Plants--Ilatrition) LYSENKO, T. atkndemik Milk with an increased fat content. rUn.nq,.. no.4:14-16 AD 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Milk) (Gattle breeds) LTSENK, T SKIT, M.A.; SINTAGIN. I.I.; GLUSHCHMIKO, I.To.; _jj; OLISHAN TAMUTSTAII, I.S.; PIM"HT, I.I.; SHCOMINOVSKIT, N.S.; SHUMMV. V.I.; TLFVSTIGNLTW, S.H.; BOCHNV , A.M.; LIT YIN, T.M.; TATKOVA, A.T.; PODVOYSKIY, I.I.;* SAKS, Ye.I.; KHALI1740, I.A.; FaGINSON. N.I.; SHCHEGLOVA, Yu.N.; DLUGACH, G.V.; STERITIN, R.A.; LISOVSKAYA, O.V.: GUBINA, T.I.: RDZL?I=,L'D. M.I.: TSVETAYEVA. Te.M.: PAP=- MENE), Te.V.; NLfMPII, N.F. Sofia IAkovlevna Voltinskaia; an obituary. Agrobiologila no.4:1~1 Jl-Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Voitinakaia, Sofilia Iakovlevna, 1898-1958) LYSWAO, T.D. I akademik Mo- . Increasing the butterfat content of milk. Agrobiologiia no.6:7-22 H-D '58. (KIRA 12:1) (Dairy cattle breeding) LTSEIMO, T.D., akademik . ~, *- ..Z~. - Success and persistence. On. nat. no.7:22-23 JI 158. (MIRA 11:9) - Olature stud7) LCBANoV. P.P.; BBBZHNEV. D.D.- LYSENKO. T.D.! BORKOV, G.A.- OLISUNSKIY, M.A.; - --f t SINTAGIN, I.I.; A13KUSHIN, V.A.; AVDONIN. N.6o; BEEZOVA, Te,F. SOKOLOV, N.S.; SOTNIKOT, V.P.;.SMIHN0V, N.D.; MOROV-ZIKHW, O.K. Ivan Illich Samoilov; obituary. I)okl*Akadooel'khoz. 23 no.11: 48 '58. (MI]RA 11: 12) (Samoilov, Ivan Il'ich, 1900-1958) LTSINKO, T.D. Biological species and species formation. Trud7 Inst. gen. 24:5-34 158, (MIRA 11:9) (species) 30-1-34139 AUTHOR: Kushner, Kh. F. Doctor of BioloZ;ical Sciences TITLEs The Problem of Hered#y and Variability (Problema nas')dstven- nosti i izmenchivosti) Conference Held at the Institute of Gene- ties (Konferentsiya v institute Genetiki) PERIODICALs Vestnik AN SSSR, 1958, Vol. 28, 1Tr 1, pp. 127 - 129 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The conference on this problem took place from -October 8 to Oc- tober 14, 1957, at the Institute for Genetics Al~~~~ t_e_nT_d-UY7aUMborators of scientific institutes and "W the repre- sentatives of 50 other institutions of the country, among them Va'skhnil, the University of Moscow, the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR , and many others. The total attendance amounted to more than 1000 persons. The followirg lectures were delivereds 1) T. D. Lysenko: On the rules governing the life of biological species and their importance in practice. 2~ N. I. Nuzhdint On the material carriers of heredity. 3 K. S. Sukhov: Genetical problems connected with virus research. 4 P. V. Makarov: Cytological and cytochemical changes of the Ga- metes in the course of fecundation or impregnation 5) S. M. Sarkisyan: The participation of the organism of the mother Card 1/4 and its cytoplasm in the determim tion of a num- 30-1-34139 The Problem of' Heredity and Variability. Conference Held at the Institute of Genetics P, ber of inherited features of androgynous off- 3pring. 6) 1. Ye. Glushchenko: New works in the field of ve.-etative hybri- dization 7) S. 11. Bocharovs The obtaining of productive yeast by the uiethod of veCetative hybridization. 8) 1. A. Baryshnikov: The influence exercised by the orc;anism of the mother on the properties of the offspring. 9) B. G. Novikovi Change of the properties of heritage of male sex cells in domestic fowls by means of an inter-ra- cial transplantation of the testicles. 10) P. 11. Sopikov, Ye. V. '2olokonnikOV3 On marked changes of the character of the color of the feathers in the offspring of chickens that underwent a transfusion of the blo-d of another species of fowls. 11) P. P.Sakharov; On inheriting immunity and the creation of hiGh- ly resistant forms of argicultural animals and f ovil a. 12)Ye. S.Smirnov: On the connection between the inheriting of pro- perties and the phenomenon of adaptation to new Card 2/4 conditions of existance. 30-1-34/39 The Problem of Heredity and Variability. Conference Held at the Inst-itute o:F Genetics 13 V. Ya. Yurlyev: The principal problems of wheat selection. lMh. F. Kushnert On method3 of utilizing hateroecism in a3ricul- tural animals and fowls. 15)Ye. Ya.Borisenkoi Important problems of selection in cattle- and V. A. Shchakint horse breeding. A. I. Fungi A. S. Voyakikh: 16)T. Ya. Zarubayloi Valuable observatone concernin.- the tranefor- mation of the form of summer -rain to that of winter grain. 17)1.1. M. Kislyuki Changes of the species of wheat under the influen- ce of temperatures below zero on the germs. 18) 11. D. Mukhint On a successful application of the method of transformation from summer- to winter grain for the purpose of breeding now kinds of wheat. 19) F. D. Pshenichnyyt New data concerning the variability of the morphological and funationpl characteristic features in the caae of cattle, piga, aheep, and rabbits in dependence of their food and concening the influence exercised by these Card 3/4 changes on the characteristic features of 30-1-34/39 The Problem of Heredity _Lnd Variability. Conference Field at the Institute Genetico AVAILABLE: their offspring. 20) V. D. Timakov: Certain rules governing the variability of patho genic nicroorganisms. 21) S. 11. Muromtsev: The present stage of the problems of variabi- lity of microorganisms. 22) 11. S. Butarin: An attempt making creative use of the IT. V. Loginova: Mitshurin method of remote hybridization A. I. Lopyrins for the purpose of the selection of agri- N. S. Gigineyahvili: cultural animals. A. A. Rallchimov: Library of Congress 1. Biology 2. Scientific reports-USSR Card 4/4 LYSENM . T.D., akademik Biology in the service of the seven-year plan. Agrobiologiia nn.2:163~-170 Mr-Ap '39. 04m 1?:6) (Cattle breeding) (Fertilizers and manures) LYSMMO. T., akademik-, ANUCHIN, N.. professor .t great scientist and pedagogue. Agrobiologlia no.2:280-281 Mr-AP '59 (14IRA 12:6) Nitingen, Grigorii Romanovich, 1889-1959) ILYSENKO, T.D. amik Groat plant breeders and followers of Michurin. Agrobiologiia no,3*323-374 Uy-Je 159. (MIRA 12:9) (Plant breeding) LYSANKO' T.D., akadamik ~ .-I, I " - I Interre on between biology, chemistry, and phyeico. Aggrobiologile, no.4:464-488 JI Ag '59. OaPA 12:10) (Biology) (chemistry) (Physics) LTSBIDIO, T.D., akademik minism still lives and :jrririsboo. kgro'biologila r-0-5: W-665 S-0 '59- WIRA 13: 2) (Darwin, Charlon Robort 1809-3882) (Bioloa-ph ilosophy~