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S/125/62/000/005/003/010 Alloying heat-resistant austenitic steels .... D040/Dll3 0 resistance of the metal. There are 7 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Ordena. Trudovogo Krasno-o Znameni Institut clektrosvarki im. Ye.O. Patona IN USS11 (Electric Welding Institute "Order of the Red Banner of Labor" im. Ye.O. Paton, AS UkrSSR) SUMUTTED: January 14, 1962 Card 3/3 -ACCESSION NR: AT4013946 S/2659/63/010/000/0178/0185 AUTHOR: Medovar, B. I.; Chekotilo, L. V.; Lutsyuk-Ehudin,_ V, A* - Pinchuk, N. I.; Puzrin, L. G. TITLE: Boron alloys (over 0.3-0.4%) for high temperature austenite steel and weld sesamn SOURCE: AN SSSR. 1twtitut metallurgil. Issledovanlya po zharoprochny*m splavam, v. 10, 1963; 178-186 TOPIC TAGS: boron, boron containing alloy, austenite steel, high temperature steel, weld scam, weld metal ABSTRACT: Austenite high-temperature steels alloyed with boron consist of two phases (austenite + boron component of eutectic origin) and are characterized by high tensile strength and elasticity. The use of boron alloys (over 0.3-0.4%) for high temperature auEtenite steel allows one to solve several important problems. The weld metal sharply Increases stability agalut the formation of hot (crystalline) cracks. Hot cracks adjacent to the weld scams are completely eliminated during welding. The reliability of weld seam working under high temperature and loads is increased significantly by the exclusion of the causes of local brittle failure In the seam zoue. The heat resistance of austenite steel and Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4013946 j: weld scams is Increased to a great extent. Investigations and experimental work at plants should be expanded so as to develop both new high-temperature austenite steel, as well as flow processes for the use of these steels for welding. Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 3 microphotographsi ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii AN SSSR (Metallurgical Institute AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 27Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ML NO REP BOV; 015 OTHER: 007 Card 2/2 MDOVARJ;~'gLOI~M;PUZRINI L.G.; LUTSYUK-KHUDIN,,_~.A,,; FAVLIEHUK, G.A.; VICH, G. Z. New ph-momenon. of plastic welding in the weld zone. Dokl. AN SSSR 148 no.5:1064 F 163. (WRA 16:3) 1. Institut elaktroavarki im. Ye.O.Patona AN UkrSSR. Predstavlt-no akademikom B.Te.Patonom. (Welding) ACCESSION XR: AP4013289 S/0135/61i/000/002/0006/0007 ALM1011: Humy*sh I I. (Engineer); j"-pyalc4.- Qu 'A,,,V. A. (Engineer); Sayenko, V. Ya. (Engineer;; ~ntonets, D. P. TITIZ; Automatic welding of circular scams of pressure vessels of two-layer steel SOURCE: 8varochnoye-proizvod9tvo, no. 2, 1961,, 6-7 TOPIC TAGS: welding, automatic welding, two-layer steel, two-layer steel welding, circular seam welding, 09G2T + 11(hlbNgT steel, alloy welding ABSTILICT: The article describes the technology of the.moch6nized welding of*two- ply plate metal with access ~o the sewn; front one aide. In collaboration with the Inatitut clektroavarlci im. Ye. 0. PaLona (Electric welding Institute), the authors: 0 produced stamp-welded pressure-vesselij of two layer steel. Mechanized welding was' used on the circular scams of the vessels, 1000 nim in diameter. The two-laye; steel 09G2T+]l(hl8N9T, 100 nim thick, was produced by the elect~ro-slag welding inethod developed by the Electric Welding Institute and patented in November of 1959. The finishing of the ends of the circular butt weld of the vessel and the sequence of laying the individual bonds ar~ shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. First, the plating layer of the steel was welded. The root seam was welded, with cme t-t h, on a semi-automatic welding rig, VL carbon dioxide gas# using an vo ACCESSION NR: AP4013289 EP156 wire, in the vertical position, and then automatically welded, using an Sv-OUMl9N9 wire, 3 mm in diameter, with mr-i4 flux. Welding conditions: Iw 280-300 a; Velectrode 34-36 v; veld - 2 old 83 m/hour; Uare 5 m/hour. In order to prevent the appearance of flaws in a weld alloyed with chromium and 1! nickel, foreign practice recommends the use of Armco iron electrodes. With manua arc welding, the use of these electrodes gives a positive effect since, because of; 0 the shallow fusion, the transfer of chromium and nickel from the austenitic weld to the transition layer is relatively small. In order to achieve the same ro- I sults with flux-covered welding, a type A Armco iron wire, was used in conjunction with a carbon oxidizing flux (AN348), while, in order to reduce penetration, welding was carried out with a vertical electrode, moving it from the zenith J lion to 60mm opposite to the direction of rotation of the spherical vessel. In this way the.chromium and nickel conteat in the transitional weld did not exceed 2.5 and 1.6%,respectively. All scams welded with low-carbon electrodes were checked by ultrasonic inspection; the austenitic wolds - by gammagraph inspection.1 "The work was carried out under the direction of Dr. of Tech. Sci, B. 1. Medovar.-. Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: ZHDANOVSKIY ZAVOD TYAZIILLOGO.MABIJINOSTROYENIYA (Zhdanov Heavy Cord 2/4 PATON, B.Ye., akademik; MEDOVAR, B.I.; KIRDO, I.V.; PUZRIN, L.G.; BOYKO, G.A., LUTSYUK-KHUDIN, V.A. ".., -., -. Spontaneous removal of oxide films from metals. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.1:72-73 N 164. (KILRA 17! 1-2) 1. Inatitut elektroavarski im. Ye.O. Patona AN UkrSSR. L. 33544-6,5' ACOMION conditions.:.:: RO-W S' 4-ir #~-:'4iid; jointa bEthe-steet tend to s4" pitting, which reache 0a depth. of-3 mz*eyear. -carbon austanitic, steels type OOKh25N20 can be used for work with L ow. i oxid icing, media ".The ma.xW~a'Aicreasa in the carbon of the steel must provideP" ir ion resistance br the ateOL and its weld joints under the the necessary co os indicated conditions, extremely lou-carbon vacuum-thermal fatrochrochrom- ium steel were prepared in induction furnaces at the Yuzhnotrubn Metallur- YY gical Plant and the D~eyrospetastal' Plant.- The chemical content of the steels La-showit in Table 1. Afterltba. steel was pou, d into ingot& it was rolled into ahead billetak re Welding was do ne by argo n ate with a tungsten electrode. The welds were tested for corrosion resistance in a 65% solution of HN03 for 144 hours (solution rep laced after 43 hours) and for 100 hours in a 98% solution of ~boiling HN03- 'The, resultsof-the tests are shoun in Table 2. For purposes C1 comparison I results are shown in the table of tests made on weld joints of type M417. iteil OJ1% C, :2343% Cr, 20.4% Ni, Gj22%.Si, 0,67% Mn, G..013% 8, 0,037% PY. The "41eff were compared under the same conditions as the test steels, The Iested. wels,samplea.-N# P, and Sh did not change in externAl 'iteel sampies. exhibited exteasiv rronion. sutfaccs.'of P- appearanca,~butth.e--- -2/6 7~ f7 -7 77 777777-777 ACOMS10 -~-_0 if IM: 500917& -7~77 ------ . ENCLOSME: -Table I S~Mbal Of R t ea 0 Cr Ri . SO 0 60 Ole 0.020 O.OG7 25.14 21.00 ~ 030 1. 6CI 0. R 41 0. 005 0. 008 24.90 18.90 -'5h 0 60' GA08 q'O.016 23,.95, 19.94 0 101 90 TABLE 3_ Designation of Time Before Appearanae of Cracks urs no cracks after 475 ho war- found % ;,. er 475 hours no cracks af .. were found I L~*- E14-17-'i 86 --A Card--:4/6 corroition rate Bymbol of of weld (=/yqqr) Ln EX03 65% solA 98% sat. Ilona 0. 95 SOOC, 2 hre. 1.40 1.21 -:11 `7~ none 0.53 0.47 500G -hre. 2 1.11 ills nom 0.61 0.55 650OCi 2 hM 1.32 1.47 . ne 0.35 1.19 6 0*0. 2 hrs. A5.65 none 2.53 3.27 650*G Z hrs 38.85 26.00 # . ~6 4 335 44-- 5_ - ACCESSION NR; AP500%176 ASSOCIATIOT1 1. . SUBMITTED ETTIOL: .02 CODE: IE ilo REF 8i- OV .OOQ ~,Omm 000 JPRS LUTSYUK-KHUDIN, V.A.; MEDOVAR, B.I., doktor tekhn. naukp otv. red. (New method of producing two-1--jer rolled plate for high- pressure vessels] No-vyi sposob proizvodstva tolstolistovogo dvukhsloinogo prokata dlia sosudov vyookogo davleniia. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965. 59 p. (MIRA 18:5) EWSHO I.Lp inzh.; LYIPI~M~A-V!-#A-O inzh.; SAYENKO, V.Ya.1, inzh.; .- ANTONETS, D*Pop inzh, Automatic welding of girth joints of vessels made of two-layer steel. Svar.proizv. noo2t6-7 F 164, (MIRA 18t1) 1. Institut elektroovarki imeni Ye.O.Patona, (for Sayenko). 2. Zhdanovskiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya (for Antonets.) L 5019-66 EwT(m)/EVIP(t)/EYiP(k)/EWP(b)/EVIA(c) JD/hV1 ACC NR: AP5022041* SOURCE CODE.- UR/0286/65/000/014/0113/0113i Lb AUTHORSi Paton, B. Ye.j Dudko D 1"?,411edovar, I.; Khrundzho."i. M.; jo -* ex Lu~szk--Khudia, V. A. *~F . Shekhter,,_S I~ Sayenk op Vo Ya.; Ij~~r aludif) so ve %5%uov, Ye'. 1 ORO: none TITLE., s 499 Nos 1731.15 flas-titute A method for obtaining two-layer rolling, Glas Of Electric.We Iding imi. Ye. 0. Paton, AN UkrSSR (Institut elektroavarki AN UkrSSR SOURCE: Byulleten'. izobreteniy i tovarr*rkh znakov., no. 14) 1965, 113 TOPIC TAGSz .'metal rolling, metal cladding metal industry ABSTRACTt This Author Certificate presents a mBthod for obtaining two-layer rolling by lining a plate ingot with a solid plate. To produce proper adhesion between the layers.. the plate ingot is lined with a plate of cladding metal to which is velded a plate of metal anslogous in composition to the one being lined. SUB CODE i IZ., MM/ SUBM DATEs -04jul63/ ORIG REFs 000/ OTH R& t 00d, UDCs---.621-771.8 2,1~1~8-66 T, j'nC TDIH ________90_06j34 SOURCE CODE: t13/66 /002/0057/0057 Atir-TrR: AP 01 AUMM: Paton, B. Ye.; Dudko D. A.; medoyar B. I.; LjxtsM&Zau11n, it. A.; S13 Andrianov, G. G.; ]~~Mo o '17. -yenko. V. Y4.; Kumysh, V. F.; dVzhenk Antonets, D, P.; Ku~~I~.D. ORG: none TITIZE: Method of producing composite rolled stock. Class 21, No. 177985 [announced -by Electric Welding Institute im. Ye. 0. Pat-on (Inatitut Elelctrosvarki)]. SOURCE: Izobreteniya) promyshlennyye obraztay, tovarnyye znaki, not 2, 1966P 57 TOPIC TAGS: welding, metal rolling, sandwich rolling ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of producing composite rolled metal by usin a billet consisting of Ingots or plates welded together by electrosla& welding.. alveIOn stainless steel lower the thickness of the clad layer, and simplify h Iding procedure, it is suggested that the process be begun ad and prerolled smaller billets having with a heterogeneous plate made from prewelde been a carbon steel and clad layer, and then adding additional ingots or plates to produce sandwich rolled stock. (LD] A SUB CODE: 13/) SUBM DATE-. IlApr63 ORIG; none/ M9 fw: none/ Card V1 V uDc: 621.791-793:6210771.2-419.5 14543..66 ErgT(m)/EPF(u)-2/!TtIP(v)/T/ZiV(f~)/r-~IP(k)/,VdP(b)- jD/WW/_H1V;1'W'/,J3- ACC NRv AP6006309 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/002/0013/0011 !NVENTOR: Paton, B. Ye.; doyar. B. I,,*-Puzrin. L. G.; Boyko, G A.; Lutsyuk-Khudin, V. A.; V ndarchuk. Q. re; Tjvnft-y_ev., D. I.; Dryapik, Ye. P. ORG: none TITLE* -Method of producing metal laminates. Class 7, No. 177824 (announced by the Electric Welding Institute im. Ye. 0. Paton (Institut elektrosvarki)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 2, 1966, 13 TOPIC TAGS: metal, clad metal, metal laminate, metal rolling ABSTRACT- ~'This Author CertifiIcate4introIduces a method of producing metal laminates Kli S with a low-meltiniz 1~vanishing insert placed between the metals to be by jLiLqk_ r n bonded. To qblAJU_a atrogg bond between dissimilar metals, the rolling is done with the insert-in the-liquida,tate. 1% [ND) SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBH DATE: 29May64/ ATD PRESS; Cladding GIL, Card L 32013-65 E'v4T(M)/&[A(d)/EWP(t)/EWP(k)/EWP(b~, AMEMM KRI AP40449134 007e~64HM00f%"0073 :AUTHOR: Paton, S. Ya. (Academician); Madovar. B. 1.j Kirdo. 1. V,& Puxrin, L.G.1 Bo!ko, Go A.; Lutayuk-Khudin, V. A-11.1 ;TZTLEi spontaneous c1ganing of oxido fllmo from metal surface# 30URCE1 AN SSSR* Dokladyt, v 159, no. 1, 1964. 72-73 carbon oteel\%chromLum nickel steel air oxidation, ;TOPIC TAGS3 loxide film.'spontsneous film disappearance, ate* self cleaning IABSTRAM Oxide films were observed to disappear spontaneously from ithe surfaces of many stools and alloys to which the access of air Chad been cut off. Thus, oxide films on the air-oxidized inner surd ;face of a hermetically sealed container made of carbon or Cr-Ni i7r', ;steel completely disappeared when the container was heated at 1000 tol 1300C for several minutes. A i i1 'r If- cleaning tendency was observed on carbon- or Cr-NL-st:,TI foiil&Pl.,.d in much a container. :The air pressure inside the container at first rises during the st'- ~heatlng process and then drops abruptly to approximately I mat HS, Card 1 /2 L 32013-65 ION NRx AP4049134 iACCESS ;where It remains almost unchanged, It is difficult, as yetq to give ian exact theoretical explanation for t%e phenomenon observed. It cami onlybe assumed that at a high temperature the presence of atmo:pheric' nitrogen and oxygen in a solid metal is thermodynamically more t ble when these games aredLesolved In the metal than when they are n the form of oxides and uLtrides on the metal's surface. The authors r:,G- orminend a further study of this phenomenon.. At present, it c anb jused In various fuaLonlesa welding me ods for soldering under pro@- isuro, In the production of bime tallL -rparts by hot rallinit. in -1 descalLng, ate. OrLS. art. hams 3 figures. patona AN UkrSSR iASSOCIATIONt InstLtut olaktroevarkL in. Te..O. ~(ElectrLc Welding Institute, AN UkrSSR) jSUBHITTEDs 23Jul64 ENCLt 00 SUB CODEt MH, TD INO REF SOVt 001 OTHERs 000 ATD Puss 3145 Card 2/2 otprolat ON CPU IF$ tw"! I UcTillon MUM IBM vill a '11 a a a! 0 -A-b - A--t- I jsy 0. a m n -D , L f I It! w 41. r.reat ------- "a ALS mesa IF -ejvdopua jo A jilpia atij. A'1!1!111!_(Wt 'ill pull 3,!I!Itl o1 sill% 0* !,rjrA val J1l3".'IqojmI Japull 51"JOIA .111 -v ti"111111% NJ tM3 lp..J -Jj"ILW!J1 -111 it! 1I.M.-It(Ill In' It1tvi 3111 pill -JJi Mll 11.113,141-1 aq) pim lian-vildist., -I Ilml f lit all-jisiltia .1"I Atli - UAT11.4 All it. amir.13-11111 alll. tio!lt-711111% 4111 lit MJIA-11 '(I '11,N 'OMJ 'j"W 1111"O"N 'rl '1019 I IqAwouv 6,9 -t- -V summ :qllotjvd u olso msombo- Puy lirntuali-le if sip 00 suo! Will *411111 tPA.11,41. a., gill# -If A -i r j if 1411 .0 Sid so A v: 00 00 0 0 0 0 it 1, 1"o, 'JIL.-P-4 -p-PeOPP) Ol TU toU d frimmiula Wasft and Idutlam dheas". Prtroda 36. No. 7. 947), --Review - X. Thm AV S =00 :00 too t:06 roe Wo 7. flow 43"Ov We 0 ' ' 7" Agodoo .40 dkW eat live - 8 1W 0 0 0 0 a 4 3 u 5 AV 00 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 a 0-0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 LUTTAp A. S. Lutta, A.S. "On tho ago rcaictivity of animlo Lo paraultic -,,ior7nSII, Sbornik po zootel-Imii i parazitologii, Tashkent. 1948, pp. 111-122, - Bibliog: 48 items. SO: U-3261, 10 April 53 (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey No. 11, 1949) LUTTA I A. 9. Lutta., A. S. "The effect of an incomplete feeding diet on the growth of chicks"j, Doklady Akad. nauk UzSSR) No, 9o 1948., P. 30-33, (Resume in Uzbek). SO: U-3042; 11 March 53, (LetopisInykh Statey,11o. 10, 1949). - LUTTA-, A. S. - . - - - - - -- - ~ I -rlies" . "Try-nanosomiasis and its transmitters - horse- TasMxent. Izdl4o fi2kademii 11aul~ Uzbek SSR. 1952. 44 pages with illnstration. SO: Vet., Nov. 1952, Unclassified. 0 41 40 0 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 40 41 40 0 0 40 0 0 9 0 4) 1. LUTTAA A. S. 2. USSR (600) 4. Parasites 7. Degeneration of Piroplasma bigeminum and Francaiella colchica. Zool. zhur., 31 no. 6, 1952, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953. uncla3sirlea, LUTTA, A.S.; KHEYSIN, Ye.M. Data concerning the role of different species of ticks in spreading babesiasis in the North. Zool.zhur.33 no.1:65-68 Ja-y 154. (MLRA 7:2) 1. Parazitologicheskaya laboratoriya Iustituta biologii Karelo- Finakogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR i kafedra zoologii bespozvo- nochnykh Karelo-Finakogo gosuaarst-fannogo universiteta. (Ticks as carriers of disease) ; SHULI KAN, R. To. Western lWt of distribmtion of Ixodes persulcatus in the Xarelo-7innish S.S.R. Zool.zhur. 33 no.6.-1231-1235 K-D 154. (MIRA 8:2) 1. Sektor parasitologii Inatituta biologii rarelo-lingkogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR. Orarelia-Tiolm ) IMTA.A.S. Biology of blood parasites in cattle. Trudy len. ob-va eat. 72 no.4:81-102 154. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Karelo-Finakiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR, Petrozavodsk (Parasites--Domestic animals) (Cattle--Diseases and posts) LUTTA, A.S.- SHULIULN-ALIBOYA, R.Ye. Distribution and ecology of Ixo"s triangmliceps Bir. in the Karelo-Finniab S.S.R. Trudy Kar.-Fin. fil. AN SSSR no.4:82-98 156. (MEBA 1092) (Karelia-Ticks) (Parasites--Rodentia) (Parasites--Insectivora) LUTTA, A.S.- SHULIMAN-ALIBOVA, R.Ye. 9 1;6 Research on the action of DX1 and benzene bexacbloride on the tick Ixodes ricinas under laboratory conditions and In agricultural practice. Trudy Kar.-Fin. fil. AN SSSR no.4: 99-115 156. (Ma 10:2) (DDT (Insecticide)) (Benzene hexachloride) (Ticks) (Parasitea--Cattle) LUTTA, A. S. -,,, . - , i Individual protection against bloodsucking insects at lumbering sites of.the Karelo-Finnish S.S.R. Trudy Kar.-Fin. fil. AN SSSR no.4:150-158 '56. MU 10:2) (KarelijL-Diptera) (Phthalic acid) (Insect baits and repellents) ICL1177W /~ - '~ USSR/Diseases of Fann Animals - Diseases Caused by Helminths. R. Arachno-Entoms. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.., 14o 6, 1958, 26346 Author Lutt Inst Title To the Problem of Combatting Adult Gadflies /-Onstridae L___ 7 in LarEe Horned Cattle. Orig Pub Veterinariya, 1957, No 3, 63-66 Abstract The author believes that the destruction of fenale Gad- flies when they attack the animals is an important measure in combatting adult Gadflies of large horned cattle. Fifty ei[jit cows and 35 calves were used for the experiment. During the entire summer (beginning of June until the end of September) they were sprayed every five days with a five percent solution of DDT in solar oil Ccrude petroleum 7. The dosage of the prepara- tion used was 7-5 grams of DDT (150 milligrams of Card 1/2 _3() TJSSR/Diseases of r-arm Animals - Diseases Caused by Helminths. R Arachno-Entoms. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 6, 1950, 26346 solution) for each adult animal and five gum (100 milliGTans of solution) for each calf. The resut, of the treatment were evaluated in the spring of the next year by means of examining the animals by palpation. The affliction of the cattle with Hypoderma bovis larvae decreased from 60.9 percent in 1950, to 47 per- cent in 1951, and to 35-6 percent in 1952. The avera- ge intensity of the affliction decreased from 9*4 larvae in 1950, to 2.6 larvae in 1951, and to 1.6 larvae in 1952. The differences in larvae affliction between experimental anc! control calves were found to be even more significant. Card 2/2 TIMA-p A*S_* I- --' ' It ~, I ~ - - T ~ ' I _ . , , 105~_ 4A -- ~ - . Solective infestation of cattle by the ox warble fly Hypoderma bovis "- Geer (Dipterk, 1~vpodermatidae). Sat. oboz. 37 no.1:151-155 '58. (MIRA 110) 1, Soktor parazitologii I gollmintologli Inatituta biologii Khrell- skV,,o filiala AN SSMI, Potrozavodsk. (Sortavala District-Warble flies) (Cattle-Diseasea and pests) LUTTA, A.S.; SHULIMAIT, R.Ye. 'Effect of microclimatic conditions of meadows and forests on the viability and activity of the tick Ixodes ricinus L. Zool.zhur. 37 no.12:1813-1822 D 158. (MIKA 12W 1. Institut of Biolog7 Kareliya Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Petrozavods0- (Lunkulansaarl Island-Ticks) LUTTA, A. S. "Gonotrophic Cycle of the Karelian Tabanidae." Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problems and Diseases with Natural Reservoirs, 2;_~-29 October 1959p Vol. II, Publishing House of Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Institute of Biology, Karelian Branch of the USSIR Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk GRIGORI MY, S.Y., kand.takhn.nauk, zasluzhannyy dayatell nauki Karellskoy 'ASSR,; pRAYDIN, I.Y., doktor biolog.nauk, zasluzhenny7 dayatell nauki Karellskoy ASSR. red.; ANMIEV, I.Y., kand.biolog. nauk, red. kand.biolog.nauk, red.; LOBZA, P.G., kand. geograf.nauk, red.; SAVELITEV, M.M., red.; PODOTELISKAU, K.K., [Transactions of the S7aM02erO Expedition) Trady Slamozerskoi komplekanoi ekspeditail. Vol.l. LHydrology and hydrochemistry] Gidrologiia i gidrokhimiia. 1959. 237 P. (Mln 13:6) 1. Syamozerakaya komplekenaya ekspeditaiya, 1954-1956. 2. Rukovo- ditell otdola gidrologii Institute biologii Karellskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Grigorlyev). 3. Rakovoditell sektora zoologii Institute biologii Xarellskogo filiala AN SSSR (for rrovdin). 4. Rakovoditell laboratorii parazitologil Institute biologii Xarellskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Lutte). 5. Rukovoditell laboratorii gidrokhinii Institu- ta biologii Karellskogo filisla AN SSSR (for Lobza). (Syamoraro region-Limnoloa) LUTTA, A.S. Distribution of horseflies In Karelia* Paras,abor. 19:291-307 ,6o. OaU 13 -' 8) 1. Karel'skiy filial Akademii mauk SSSR. (Karelia-Horseflies) LU~ ~novaa~; PANKRASHOV, A.P.., red.; POD"YELISKAYA, K.M.0 tekhn. red. (Controlling bloodsucking dipterous insects in northern regions) Bor'ba s gnusom - krovososushchimi dvukrylymi nasekomymi v usloviiakh Severa. Petrozavodsk, Gos.izd-vo Karel'skoi ASSR, 1961. 45 P. MIRA 15:2) (Karelia-Insects,, Injurious and beneficial) LUTTA., A.$. Parasitological research in Karelia. Trudy Kar fil. AN SSSR no.30:3-23 161. iMIRA 15:9) (Karelia-Parasitological research) LUTTAp A.S. Forests of Karelia as the breeding places and habitat of horseflies. Trudy Kar. fil. AN SSSR no.30:161-185 161. .M4 15:9) (Karelia--Horseflies) (Karelir-FOreBt launa) LUTTA I A.S. Behavior of horseflies during blo--4suc)dng and the effect of their saliva on man. Trudy Nara fil. AN SSSR no.30:186-194 161. (KM 15tq) (Horseflies) (Parasites-44an) LUTTAI A.S. Experiments in individual protection of forest workers from bloodsucking insects in Karelia. Trudy Kar. fil. AN SSSR no.30:195409 161.. '~ - (MW 15:9) (Karelia--'Insect baits and repellents) LUTTA., A,S.; KHEYSIN,, Ye.M.; SHULIMAN, R.Ye. Distribution of ixodid ticks in Karelia. Trudy Kar.fil.AN SSSR no.l4t72-83 159. WMA 15:12) (Karelia-Ticks) LUTTA, A.S, Material on.the-speal" andbiology of-borseMga (Tabanidae) in the Karelian S.S.S.R. Trudy Kar.fil.AN WSR no.14:84-109 '59. (Karelia-Horseflies) (MIRA 15:12) LUTTA, A.S. ----- Treatment of cattle with DDT and hexachlorocyclohexane as a measure of a simultaneous control of blood-smI*V Diptera, ixodid ticks, and warble flies of cattle. Trudy lar.fil.AN SSSR no.142124-137 159. (MIRA 15i12) (Narelia-Parasites-Cattle) (DDT) (Benzene hexachloride) __.LjLT_T~ ___ Ecologic and geographic features of the foci of tick-borne en- cephalitis 4n Karelia. Med. paraz. i paraz. bal. 32 no.3: 284-288 X~-Je'63 (MIRA 17.-3) 1. 1z Instituta biologil Karellskogo filiala M SSSR (dir. - S.N. Drozdov). LUTTA, A.S., otv. rc!d. [flat-u.-al of para zit 4 - an", of~ i-1 e A I ~- s~~s iT; . I I I I -- - , , - -.1 . - - - Karelia] K prinxinoi ochaLovosti paruzitarriyxkh i trans- nassivn-ykh zabolevarii v Farelill. 14o,-kva, Nauka, 1964. 184 P. (t-iPt': lF.J) 1. Akademlya rinuk SSzRl. Earellc,,kly fLIDA-l-, LUCTA, A.S. I Phys16-6'ecal age of horseflies In Karelia. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 33 no.ls44-46 Ja-F 1641 (MIM !8% 1) .I 1. Institut biologii Kareltskogo filiala AN SSSR, Petroza-Todek. LJJTTA , A.S. ____ Horsefly larvae in the Amu Darya Delta and Syr Darya basin. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Kazakh. SSR 22:184-191 164. (14ILRA 17:12) POLYANSKIY, Yu.I.p otv. red.; GORDEYEX, O.N.., red.; KUDERSKIY, L.A., red.;,_j~,_A.S., red.; SOKOLOVA, V.A., red. [Fauna of' the lakes of Karelia; invertebrates] Fauna ozer Karelii; bespozvonochrWo. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 323 p. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Karellskiy filial, Petrozavodsk. Institut biologii. _l=A2 AlS. Ecoloc~'c charac'eristas of the distribution of horsefaies L, J. to (Diptera, Tabanidae) in Uzbeklstan. Ent. obcz. 44 no.3',51595- 604 165. (,4-UA 18:9) 1. Institut biolor,15. Karell3kcp filiala AN SSM, Petr,-)zavodsl,.. bc r, Msd. Da az., :1 paraz. 'J4 (NIRA 18:8) 0 L :;I' f -'a All SO."R, Petrozavodsk. A, b Og', SALEK, J.;TICHY, S.;I;UTT3NBFM, J, Primary resection of the thoracic trachea for carcinoma. Rozhl. chir. 39 no,3:150-154 Mr 160 1. 11 chirurgicka klinika Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta akademik J. Divis CHL klin:Uca Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta akademik A. Precechtel Anaton-icIg ustav Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta prof. MUDr. et RIIDr. L. Borovansky. (TRACHU neoplasms) (CARCINOMA aurg.) MARSALA, Josef; LUTTENBERG, Jaromir The course and branching of co=isural fibers in the frontal lobe cortex of the cat. Cesk. morf. 10 no.2:139-150 t62. 1. Anatomicky uatav lekarske fakulty university Karlovy v Fraze, prednosta prof. MUDr. et RITDr. Ladislav Borovansky. (CEREBRAL CORTEX anat & histol) MARSAIA , Josef I I~U~TM-NLM!9.,~~r The progress and distribution of commiBsural fibres in frontal cortwx of the cat. Cs morfologie 10 no.2:139-150 162. 1. Anatomock7 ustav lekarske fakulty university Karlovy., Praha. LUTTENBERG, Jaromir; MARSALA, Josef LocaliZa~iOn of the co=ioural fibers in the corpus callosum of the catle brain. Cook. morf. 11 no.21166-1-76 163. 1. Anatomicky ustav lekarske fakulty University Karlovy v Prfze., prednosta prof. MUDR. et RNDr. Vadislav Borovansky, SbDr. Katedra histologie-a embryologie LFUPJS v Kosioich, vedoucl z. doe. MUDr. Marsala. (CORPU3, CALLOSUM) (HISTOLOGY) LUTTENBERG. Jaromir Number and distribution of fibers according to caliber in the corpus caUov= in cats, dogs, rabbits and rats. Cesk. morf. 11 no-4:291-300 163, 1. Anatomicky ustav fakulty useobacneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. MUDr. et RNDr. Ladislav Boravansky DrSa. ~CORPUS CALLOSUM) (CATS) (DOGS) (RABBITS) (RATS) (AXONS) LUTTEITBERG, Jaromir - -- ~ ~ - g - 72.. --- Contribution to the question of the early development of the corpus callosum in man. Cesk. morf. 12 no.2tl52-163 164 1. Anatomicky ustav fakulty vseobeeneho, lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze ( rednosta.6 prof. MUDr. et Mr. ladislar Borovansky, DrSc.~. LUTTENBERG, Contribution to the fetal ontogenesis of the corpus callosum in man, II. Gesk. morf. 13 no.2,-136-144 165 1. Anatomical Institute of the Medical Faculty, Charles' University, Pirague. LUTTER., Bela, Dr. On sampling, Elelm irar 15 no.4t].06-111 Ap 161. 1. Megyei Minosegvizagalo Intezetq Debrecon. ROZEKOV, I.S.; LUT72,',B.G. A3.1-Union Conference on the Geology of Diamond Deposits. Geol.rud.iLestorozh. no.6:122-123 11-D 961. (MIRA .14;-12) (Diamonds) ROZHKOV, I.S.; LUTTS, B.C. All-Union Conference on the Geolog GEol. i gy of Diamond Deposits. geofiz. no.11:122-125 '61. (MIRA 1-5:2) (Diamonds) LUTISSIM, Determining femic minerals of hornblendes in the rocks of granulitic (NIRA 16 facieo. Nauch.soob. IAFAN SSSR no.7:107-m-111. 1620 -.3) (Anaba= shield-Hornblende)(Anabar ahield-Ferromanganese) --- LUTTS, B. .; MOKSHANTSEV, K.B.; NIKOIAYEVSKIY, A.A. Composition and structure of the basement of the eastern Siberian Platform. Geol. i geofiz. no.8:41-50 162. (MMU 15:10) ;-4 1. Inatitut geoligii Yakutskogo filiala Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Siberian Platform-Rocks, Crystalline and met4morphic) LUTTS, B.G. Xenoliths in the kimberlite pipes in the Anabar Shield. Tzudy IAFAN SSSR. Ser.geol. no.8:87-109 162. (KRA 15:7) (Anabar Shield-Xenoliths) (Anabar Shield-Kimberlite) LUTTS B Q Granites of the Anabar massif. Trudv -TAFAII S3SH.Ser.Geol. no.13-310-39 162. (Ambar shield-Granite) (141RA 15:7) _jUTTS L.A., "inzli. .- V . .. . . - Precast concrete in the constructi-lon of navigatirmal structurees. Energ. stroi. no.42:4F,52 164. (1/,I?,A 18:3) KORNIYENKOp A.M.; SHTELIMAKHOV, M.S.; GEYLER, Z.Sh.; BERESNEV, V.A.; KOTLIKI S.B.; GORFINSKIY, Kh.M.; ZELIDIN, Yu.R.; KURGIN, Yu.M.; BELYAYEV., V.G.; ZAK, P.S.; ZAYTSEV, A.A.; LI, A.M.; -LUTT-9Iji',R,,,; KHVINGIYA, M.V.,- NRIOSHVILI, B.I.; SEMENCHRIKO, D.I.; 9ffk-H-ANOV, V. B. Soviet inventions in mechanical engineering. Vest.mashinostr. 45 no.11:87-88 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) LUTT:: A! V. 1;ew exhibits in a dc:ncrr:tmticn Sov. ttrc. 74 nc.1' ': 54 Je 161. 11:'.-! k ~'-- -14-:7) -I'-rerle-Eq,-,;iptrent and AUTHORS Luttsauj V.G.j and Rovinskiy-) B.M. 32-8-31/61 TITIZ The Construction of Relaxation;Curvea by the Method of Inverted X-Ra aphs at Elevated Temperatures. (Polucheniye rel2rcnatsion- n;,*m4e&Wom obratnykh rentgenos"yemok pri povy-shennykh tempera- turakh). PERIODICAL Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol.. 23, fir 8, pp. 961 - 963 (USSR.). ABSTRACT The above-mentioned method is here-compared to an earlier described method, wbare the first is based on the construction of relaxation curves of stresses according to the cross section of the samples and the second is performed by means of precise inverted X-ray photographs, In both casesthe Mitchell apparatus- is used, but in the second case the deformation is determined radiographically in a section lying close to the surface. A comparison of the relaxation curves obtained by-both methods permits to determine severaL mechanical properties of the relaxation stresses. A description of the apparatus for obtain ning the reLixation curves according to inverted X-may photographs is given. In the section of the book entitled " Research results" examples are given and compared for the construction of relaxation curves of the elastic lattice deformation in pure copper and aluminum samples according to both methods. In the conclusion it is stated that the complete stability, of the initialL longitudinal deformation and the Card 1/2 possibil!.tyto obtain additional. data on structure modifications 32-8-31/61 The Construction of Relaxation Curves by the Method of Inverted X.,,Ray Photographs at,Elevated Temperatures, (recrystallization., phase transformations) in the stress reLvzation process represent advantages of the radiographic method. A comparison of the relaxation curves obtained by both methods,makes it possible to investigate the details of the mechanism of the relaxation procesao (4 illustrations, 3 references). ASSOCIATION institute for the study cf macMms f6r-tha..1cadeny of Scjenoes of the USSR (Institut mashinovedenika-'Akademii nauk SSSR.). AVAILABLE. Library of Congress. Card 2/2 Card 2/2 T' MURATOT. Sergey Ivanovich: LUTTSAU, Y.K., red.; LY OT. B.P., red.; RLIXINA, N.K., (Tending machines] Torgovye avtomaty. Pod red. T.K.Luttsau. Koskva. Goo.izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1961. 358 P. (MIRA 14:4) (Tending machines) LUTTSEV. N.I. - Procedure In applying a penalty for violation of the veterinary regulations of the U.S.S.R. Teterinariia. 36 no.7'-30-31 -T1 '59~ (MIRA 12:10) 1. Narodwy R114,ya, LmmeAkinskiy rayon, Stalingradsko7 oblasti. (Veterinary hygiene-Law and legislation) USSR / Farm Animals, The Honeybee. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur -'Biologiya, No 2, 1959, No. 7409 Author : juttso, V. P. Inst 6 __ MosebV-179ftlry of Agriculture imeni K. A. Timiryazov Title : The Pollination of Long-Staple Flax by Honey- bees Orig Pub : Dokl. Mosk. B.-kh. akad. im. K. A. Timirya- zeva, 1957, VYP. 30, ch. 2, 327-331 Abstract : As fields sown with flax wore pollinated by bees, the seed yield was raised by 29 per- cent; the quantity of seeds In one scedball was by 18 percent higher, and the weight of 1000 seeds by 11 percent larger than when compared to fields with crops not pollinated Card 1/2 77 LTJTUGP.:. Leonid Ivanovich: SHMS, I.T., redaktor; GAMN, A.A.,doktor geologo- minerW1_o-g_ic9-(--a1Mft-nauk, professor, redaktor; NOVIT, Ye.O., redaktor; YAVORSKIY, V.I., dol--tor geologo-mineralogichr-skikh nauk, professor, re- daktor; ANISIMOV. Yu, A., 1-nndidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, reday-tor; KAZANTSHV, P.A., redaktor; RAKHLITA, H.P.. tekhnicheskiy radaktor. [Selected works on the geology of the Donets Basin] Izbrannve trudy po geologii Donetakego baseeina. Kiev, Izd-vo Akademit nauk USSP, 1956. 216 p. (MLRA 9:5) l.Akademik AN USSR (for Shveta).2.Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for No- vik) (Donetv Basin--Geology) -Cob= N. Bushnnkid and N. V. Lutu&z (State- d Cj 44 at 100 mm. and 750 mm. Rg pr==e. At a distn. rate of 0.8 crr---. the ro- of tbtaret- ical plates was 22-8 at 760 mm. and 18.7 at 100 ram. At 1.2 mi./win-sq. cm. the theorctfo~: plazt:3 numbered 19.7 at 760 mm. and 20.0 at 100 miu. Tbc cffliciencieB mn- Liqvid-vapor f-auillbriums for the and 13y--te-as lki ,'nm:t - 4%-Aild N V Lo~vg~lo, zhur. pr-N,14 1,74; M 4-if Tin, ulint. vvuir ~w uv,,An,, C.A 44. tt:~cti to dct. dt: " yUnr.5 Cre 't,4,1116 H,i~,-ii~ t The PAi0wing s rlwoAi:; HOAC-EtOAC F 'r ir V ~ Wfl. tic Ull- Of I-IgCJ W-~ SM VZJ'Aji I N.': jiiC JCLjL-f: 2, cric.). L~- F4Yj t~- r f x, AUTHORS: BiLihmakin, I.11, , Lutugina, 1T. V. 54-10-2-7/16 -- - TITLE: ------------------- r--------------------- The Equilibrium L --quid -Liq, iid and Liquid-Vapor in the System liVater-Acetic Acid-n-Butylacetate (Ravnovesiya zhidkost'-zhidkost' i zhidkost-t-parv sisteme voaa-uksusnaya kislota-n-butilatsetat) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo UniversitetaSeriya fiziki i khimii 1958, Vol. 1 o Nr 2 , pp. 75-83 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Among the methods of dehydrating diluted solutions of acetic acid which are obtained by the separation of wood distillation products, the method of azeotmp--*c rectification has recently been steadily gaining ground. In the present paper the authors deal Ytith the re- sults of the 1A.Wrestigation of the equilibrium liquid-liquid in the ternary system a.-i well as the distribution of distillation linej and vapor lines on the triangle of the compositions isothermal lines - isobars. For the purpose of explaining the behavior of -Lhe systems in the toasa of open evaporation and rectification, in which components cannot be completely mixed, data concerning the equi- librium licrdid-liquid at boiling temperature of the solution sepa- rated into layers are necessary. The results obtained by these ~X- Card 1/3 periments are given (table 1). At the same time the authors The Equilibrium Liquid-LiTuid ani Liquid, Vapor in the 54-10-2-7/16 System Water-Acetic Acid -n-B utylaceta te determined the position of the binodal points on the triangle of the composition at 180 (room temperatur-e) with accuracy. The lat- ter data facilitate determination of gross compositions of hete- rogeneous liquids, which are necessary for the investigation of distillation lines. The boiling temperatures of the binary solu- tions n-butylacetate-acetic acid are shovm (table 2). The boiling temperatures of the heteroazetrope obtained by checking the data given by Khennot (Ref 13) amount to 91.01+0C - according to Khennot - 90.20C. The boiling temperatures of the ternary system were irvestigated according to 4 secants in Gibbs' triangle, which correspond to the 14. ger:19-9 of solut 14ons with constant correlations of molar parts of water and n-bu~-,ylacetate (e.g. 0,4; 1 1; 5,3; 11,5). According to these data as ~,iell as to those of binar7 systems the isotherms-isobars (fig. 2) were obtained. With a chang- ing solution by evaporation also the vapor, which is in equilibri- um with it, changes according to the line of the vapor. As start- ing point for the di3tillation- and vapor lines the heteroazeo- trope water--n-butylacetate was used. The course taken by 5 lines of open evaporation and the corresponding vapor lines were invest- Cara 213 igated. Results are graphically represenied (fig. 4). It is seen The Equilibrium Liquid-Liquid and Liquid-Vapor in the 54-10-2-7/16 System Water-Acetic Acid -n-Butyla cetate that all lines of open evaporation begin in the imediate vicinity of the heteroazeotrope "water-n-butylacetate", that they rise up to the point "acetic acid", after which, without reaching this destination, they turn off in the direction "acetic acid-n-butyl- acetate. It is known from the thermodynamic theory that the dis- tillation lines continue farther along the side "acetic acid- butylacetate (approaching it asymptotically) and must end at the point "butylacetate". The course taken by the distillation lines along the side of the triangle which corresponds to the binary system acetic acid-n-butylacetate can, however, not be determined experimentally as they approach too close to the latter. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 17 references, 6 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: December 25, 1957 AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress Card 313 1, Acetic &aid-n-butylacetate-water eyotemo-Equilibrium 2. Acetic acid-n-butylacetate-water systems-Themodynamic properties Ly JAJcZ 8/032/60/026/04/40/046 110101N06 ACTROISt 1) llan,al, K.A., 2) 0 U.P., r TITLIs No.. ilk prior PERIODICAL: ZOT040474 User.torlys, 1960, T11. 26. 1*. 4, 11. 504-506 TRXTI 1) The author reports an the d4velopmant of X-ray apparatus for measuring app ... to* (rig., L::.*f f 11, ai t,- I-r, I-,.r tub. (is .01.4 for the letter. a ahamb.r. and school... for wilr.ting "A 'P401mas. 11 V. 161464-T and P.T. 8h.pols, collaborated is do.1gaing the ah"Ur and r.1*f"1%or1ptLaa at the apparatus Is at-on. 2) Th. &at bar .!.b resume f " (YIg.).for taking photographs of *a cry by the 1-M3 .... r4iTb. specimen hLah 1. fi..d toy of . a" b1ch he. tbz.:hap. of opposite Archimado an spirals, Cox rotation shifts the speo n by sim2m, vh4re a - angle card 1/2 displacement vertical to the Ineldiss X-ray. 5) Th. authors its "table vacuum tube (Fig.) for X-ray structural analysis. The tub:"Or seeing has three openings for the X-ray@ and as* for STICUAtiOn. The 0 upper mirror, the construstion of v h is 4%arlb.d- 4) The 't IF describe. . simple device (Fig, jh9t!Er ph) r lowering :'Ubor of the 1:'1j'2'1,'b:r1Uas ILe the 2jL*L";hA5) The authors 4*eortte a a t pit apparatus to or roduav4 pressure. the apparatus (Fig..: dlagrm) consists of two absorbers, a rMoseter, and & vacuum pump. A 0 art Plan::l :! lb%dl-ae 1. 11... 6) Th. author discusses the application am b"4, TV or coadeasers for investigating rootiflo.tIcA Pro; goes of teru:~ yst"Ons In th! distillates of which deallifts **our@. the Rod. 0 ties of the foadommers Is described by mean* of a diagram (Ylg.). Thor: :'T46 f Igare . ,I Woreass. ASBOOTATICIS 6) LosIngradskly SGV%d&r8%T0RAyy WMiVQrMIt4t (LonizarnA State Volversity) card 2/1 5.34oo 77538 00 V/80-33-1-47/49 AUTHOR: D-itugina, N. V., Tavastsherna, K. S., Kalyuzhriyy, V. M. TITLE., Brief Communications. Investigation of TrIple, System Methyl Acetate-Chloroform-Watet, by.Rectl.Clcatlon PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy kh1mII, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 1, pp 248-251 (USSR) ABSTRAM In the previous work the Isotherm-isobars of the above triple system were investigated. In the present work the process of rectification of 10 solutions was investigated and changes of components of distillate and of the liquid in still were studied. Card 1/3 Brief Communications. 77538 sov/8o-33-1-47/49 Course of rectification in the system methyl acetate- X, 0 - j 10.7 4R.7 40.6 56 0.3 83.8 15.9 60 35.2 45.2 19.6 10.9 1 77.01 2 16.7- 61.1 2-2. 2 56 0.6 84.0 15.4 60 3.5.7 45.3 19.0 28.4 37.11 33.7 3 25.5 24.6 49.9 .56 90. t 1.5 8.4 60 35.1 45.8 19.1 - - -100 4 40.3 20.6 39. 1 56 90.7 0.6 8.7 60 35.6 44.5 19.9 13.2 14.8 72.(j 5 23.3 62.9 13.8 56 0.8 84.0 15.2 60 35.1 45.4 19.5 35.:- W9 - 6- 30.0 58.0 12.0 56 0.1 83.5 16.4 60 35.7 44.4 19.9 .1.5.7 6 1 1 - 7 11,2, 40A 10A 56 9010 1.3 8.7 GO 36.0 44.4 19.6 36.3 63.7 8 50.7 39.0 10.3 56 8911 0.7 1 0 ~ 6 ( ) 31.7 44.6 19.7 36.0 6 1.0 - 9 12. 9 81.8 5.3 56 1.0 83,8 2 j : 5 1 ( j i _I 00 - 35.6 64.4 - 10 80.8 5.0 5.2 56 90.7 0.6 8.7 .5 7 to(L' a Number of solution, b starting solution;~ c Content (in moleA'- d methyl acetate; e chloroform; f water; g = I-st fraction; h temperature; J 2-nd fraction; j liquid reside in still Card 2/3 Brief Communicatioilo. InvcstlL~atlon of TrIple 8yotem Mc~tlhyl AcetaLe- Chlovof'oriri-Watov by oil ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: 77 53 8 SOV/80-3-3-3 -11'1/4'., There IL; I j':j.(rkjr0; 1 table; and 11 SovIct pererence.;. 3 Leningrad State Univerulty (Leningrad2lay Cosudarst- vennyy univeruitet) January 29, 1959 Card 3/3 ARISTOVICH, V.Yu.; LUTIDINA, N.V.; MAT, , YU.I.; MORACHEVSKIT, A.G. Liquid - vapor equilibria and rectification processes in the ternary system water - formic acid - acetic acid. Zhur. prikl, khlm. 33 nool2t2693-2698 D 160. (MIRA 14M 1. Leningradakiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitit. (Formic acid) (Acetic pLcid) 0 AIRAMCVA)-N.Aw)P,nauchn. sotr%y BELICHENKO, G.V., zkand. tekhn. nauk; BMRIBLIT, V.V., nauchn.sotr.; VASILIYEV, V.P., kand.khim. nauk; DOEYCHIN, D.P., doktor khim.. nauk; IO-Fn, B.V., dakt. khimenauk; KAMIVSKIY, Yu.L... nauchn.sotr.; Y'ARPOVA, T kand. khim. nauk; KOPYLEV, B.A., doktor khim. nauk; LUTUGIYIA, II.V., kand. khim. nauk; MATEROVA, Ye.A., kand. khim. nauk; MORACHEVSKIY, Al.G., kand. khim. nauk,- MORACHEVSKIY, An.G.,, kand. khim. nauk; NIKEROV, A.E., kand. khim. nauk; PALIM, V.A.., kand. khim. nauk; RABINOI,,ICH, V.A., kand. khim. nauk; SOKOLOV, P.11T., kand. khim. nauk; FRIDRIKESBERG, D.A.., kand. khim, nauk; TSYGIR, Ye.N., nauchn. sotr.; SHAGITSULTANOVA, G.A., kand. khim. nauk; SHKODIN, A.M., doktor khim. nauk; YATSIMIRSKIY, K.B.; GRIGOROV, O.N., doktor khim. nauk, red.; ZASLAVSKIY, A.I., kand. khim. nauk, red.; MORACHEVSKIY, Yu.V., prof., red.; RACHIESKIY, F.Yu.,, kand. khim. nauk, red.; POZIN, V,.Ye., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; POHAY-KOSHITS, B.A., doktor khim. nauk, red.; PROTASOV, A.M., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; ROMANKOV, P.G., red. [Bandbook for the chemist] Spravochnik khimika, 2 izd., perer. i dop. Moskva, Khimiia. Vol.3. 1964. 1004 P. ~MIRA 18:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent All SSSR (for Romankov). 2. Deystvitellnyy chlen AN Ukr.SSR (for Yatsimirskiy). BOBROV, V S:; LUTUGINA,_&X~; MOLODENKO, P.Ya.; ZAKHARIYEVSKIY, M:S ; FffRO'VA,*'O'.K-.; BELYUSTIN, A.A.; MATEROVA, Ye.A.; NIKOLISKIY, B.P., otv. red.; POZDYSHEVA, V.A., red. (Theoretical and practical guide to laboratory work in physical chemistry] Teoreticheskoe i prakticheskoe ruko- vodstvo k laboratornym. rabotam po fizichaskoi khimii. (Leningrad] Izd-vo Leningr. univ. Pt.l. 1965. 197 p. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Leningrad. Universitet. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Nikollskiy). GORBUNOVA, L.V.; LUTUGIiIA, N.V.; Yu.1. B-,ilirig points- as dei:endc-,;t cn, T,.,-r~ ccmix)si of' a component systems fti-ned Ir a,- a t ~ c ad 9 c T1 a c etat-e.. math-T]. ethyl ketone arid rx-hexare. ZI1ur.rrikI.khi,-,i. 38 rc-3:622-627 .1 1 C- I/Ir 16 5. O.LMA I. 1~,nirwradz4kiy go.,uriarstvennyy unlversil.e~t im0ni 'Zhoa-nclifi. Sdbm uItterl Sept. 28,, 1963. LUMIGINA N V - KOKOVKINA, L.I. Liquid - vapor equilibrium in the systems water - hydrogen chloride, water - hydrogen iodide, water - hydrogen iodide - hydrogen chloride. &,ur. prikl. khim. 38 no.7.-1487-1494 J1 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Laningradakiy khimiko-farmatseyticheskiy institut. LUITCiTNA fl,V.- y , P,()-BTNP,, VA, RESMUOVA, Lol. Ruct.i.fication of' a mixtare of hydrochlorinaltion prod:,,ct3 of plartraeryth-riTo'l. 7hur, prikl, khi.T,. 38 no.721541-150 J-1 165. (.MIRA 1~8~t7) 1. Len-Ingradslkly gcj3adarst,./ennyy unIversitat Imeni Zbdanova. LUTY, J.0 major,mgr.,ini.p p1lot 1 klasy Landing approach by the USL 4ystem, with the use of gyro induct'Ing compass. Wojsk prgegl' 13 no.M.'1*1-21 0 160. I/ -- LUTY,, Waclaw,, mgr inz. Tasks and organization of a research leboratory in a modern metallurgic factory. Wiad hut 1Q, no.7/8:179-182 JI/Ag 163. LUTY,, Waclaw, mgr inz.; KORCYL, Zenon, inz. Induction hardening of crane wheel running tracks. Przegl zec-'n 23 no. 16:463-466 25 Ag 164. 1. H6ad, research Institute, Warszawa Steel Works, Warsaw (for Luty). 2. Head, Metallographic Laboratory, Warszawa Steel Works, Warsaw (for Korcyl). RADWAN, Maciej, prof. dr.; ZARZECKA, Eleonora, mgr inz.; LUTY, Waclaw, mgr inz. Testing the degree of chromium mixing ty the method of activation analysis in 50 HSA steel melted with the use of the inductive agitator. Hutnik 31 no.3a69-71 Mr 164. 1. Institute of Basic Technical Problems of the Pclioh Academy of Sci-noes, Warsaw (for Radwan and Zarzecka). 2. Warszawa St,eeJ Works (for Luty). k 777-7- 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 !7-49(103,i'"English siirizmtry~ 0.02, P 0.021. Cr I 4A, 4o, Mu ZC*I~ ~;j C ~7 It Al" , " ~ ;, of la tze ujuxv: U." fm trig m vAllng. T.-". !L- Kee Of dtcrea--.fT by ailout 60) i nc ,cgenizisig ann--iling -,( 5teel from IL?M tri decre-a-ce wai very slow afte. 6-~ ii". fc,r il-,:,3 sho-ed in uftc mduclit)II (A un, ~-.L~Out in bir-eng."I (abnlt and in elenvzjc~l u"K)UT - - - -- - I F ---/ - - --- - - - - L- ~,/ 1 f -- - T