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22991 Jzmeneniye plotnosti v isologicheakikh ryadakh opganichoskikh soedinenye.
Trudy khaLrlk. KhJm.-Tekhnol-In-ta im. Kirova, Vyp.7,, 1949, C. 37-51.
Bibliogr; 8 Nazy. -
SO: LETOPIS' NO. 31, 1949
22990 Vliyaniye korAsentratsii oleuma na bykhod metaizomera pri introya-nii
atsetofenona . Trudy kharlk. Khim.-Tekhol. In-ta im. y
Vyp. 7, 19/,90 0. 101-02 irovaI
SOt LEMPIS' NO. 31p 1949
WOR/Owletry - Boub Apr k9
Chemistry - Dipole Monienta
"Intermolecular Hydrogen Bond and the Dipole
Moments in Organic Compounds," A. Ye. Lutskly,
KharIkov Chemicotechnol Inot imeni S. M. Kirov,
6j pp,
"Zhur Fiz Khim" Vol IXIII, No 4
Dotermines dipole To nts of ortho, met&, paraoxy,
and metoxy acetophenones, and analyzes their
ebaracteristics. Submitte4 23 Apr 48.
Yap. 57/49Tlk
k In tk* priatinsticA of allsiall. A. H. Luttiltif ZS,
Clseass.-Teclasol, Jusit..Khakov).- MO.Obsk
Kkin.U. Coo. Ch*M,) :0, T94-MK)JI960).-(l) InOMI Af
sohui. rhodassiat in RtOll, In the Istramice of I(Kxl
IMAs. RtO.Visper asol. fbodarline.abilorption beginsat 4WO
A,. riors hkmly to. broad band with &osj.&t 3"A.,
43. then, after a %Wksw min, at .10) A., ~ '6" 0
AP111 and CMIS .1 :1 7,,30
1410A. Inall.sul ww, . he cut v,
bt&l t% At 37M), liw- Pit"dY (it 341411),anit hall ,kp miss. at
~NW A., * - 2X). in a o.txv)l it "s.. he curve stall,
ill 3M. rim Steeply to it narrow band with ilk Max. at -
-4W A., s - &W. and a broad band with a mix. at 2W
At ths: kmill-wavellidgr of tbelatter tend,
lberfAreassialfiectionin the range 311121WIMA,, wid 2mbs.,
Cotapullon with the d
lpgctrutn of rbudAnlac in FsOlf without MON& (C.A.
,19, 48FXP) abows; thAt in the presence W ailitati there 6 on
('01MIC-411CHM Of the beginning and The end of the alnmptkn
iluivroadiin. with Moll. l-*urjbeeuuwe,jdWWt.,h,
whOk Al-Istion rurwr to lossiver waves. giving rise to :., -
new bands at 31U) slid 3440 A. The band at "-M A..
fuund In the neutsid "is.. I* licouldriwil In the ptructice ill
"I 9"Od'"ine in sak. solts. After 24 hirs'. standing, ab- q
an"Istjoin -r- or 0-001 And 0-(WI A/ subut, with At and
0-1 At MONA. fesp.. -1-c- 'harp changes, TIW
-- stall% at 31160 A. and firs mrs,ply 1. only _,
""low band- "%Ax. MO. *:!Nl. pow-s through a shallow
min.. rises Again. and ead. at =ill A. jUssals oblerml
ill fresh $do$- d6&PPmf- -xCrPt #or the 29W4. batsd.
hich, however, falls to about Vp of its intensity. The
Vidillt of 24-hr.-old .11 Was. appears as a
wall of tillhilnuMil"I tit OW elltvr 44 '1 11.111 if own, (2) f
7119 &bWpfiQa CWVC of V-ptWnykIVOfA"iUr ill 0111
(114mil M jol". in FtOll, will. Iffill) nug'. VION4irtiol,
dye, belliss at RAPU A.. FiNCS AttPlY to 2 1901sid Wad With
a onsa. at 4150, d - 301U, 1-46 1141 A all$', 'it W4115,31, And
Airs again to:00) A., with 2 inflections at -XIM"ICA) is
- Sjs~-.Rjj) and 3117t)~-zool (jAstsit-awl. As competed
with the ablimption in the al)&CntV of MONA, Alkali cause$
jbir appearance of a new broad bAnd. 41MInd all in.
tlection at Uht),Ilftf A. Unlike the effect dkAh Oil
whodanine, these in no signitim-ant %hill to longrr "AVfto(
the C911'W" 14 flr%llly IWWJKL 0.11111 0-1110111 At WAtkii-old 1111
l4tkulviniscalrocr of the lwainnoill.aiml clulsoll the culvir,
The -WO-A. hand, which so thialallUIC OluklIM4 4.111
kk'fal)k bfUsliff"ing by alkali, APlWAr% in X-V W11Y1111-
dalline. Milh IjPAer4d jailellsity, in the form of The infkc-
tints at ;Y07,11 21061 A. 13) 11jr, all"irption curve 'A 5-
11.0)[Mill At bobl. in 10011, in the presence tif IMI 111W..
M011,11144, dye, call Ile intell4eled as consisting of 2
poll;- u( builds. bigh-insensity bands with max. At 4W)
-sul ZlW A.. characteristic 4 the coupling product of 2
heterocycles in neutral ak. *An.. and of 1-nds clustracterils-
sic of rhodanine (2955 A.. and of bessaillblazole (2M6 A.)
inalk.4c. No other Wridsot thodaninearplof bemothia-
tole appear In the spectruns of this dye, The whok A-
401,ption curve Is the result of a supirsill"Ilksa of boadi all
tlwwl,. risialassitic oil.[ lriasusihiiiide suit of bonds of their
-IMIlliag 14011110. (11 Tlk- SARIC 111tri'pittallini "it 1W
sivrn to 0. ol-eptimi ~lvvtfton -4 4-13-ethyl-2,34h.
rthyll4rawith-kWitnic lit Alk.
sic,, only here all Isaills Are AslWl tts U-nit" "Av" A1411ml
J.r~dw to those of the dye let"red to soulct 431.,vuttolly
owing to an alx-ented Is thocht0mic tMect of The al"ll 'in
arrinint of the 2 Me groups lying between the 21 heter-
I t tri. k4. N. Thon
M. Cbto~
it%st!,k=A)j AV-0hawm Xk1m. (I. Gen. Clictu.)
29, ont-civ.,w).-Tist, d. of a COMM. witilt a C atou" Is
eept ralghte by d. - ofAvl(ba + 1). wbetv 4 b the
hianGludixis wits. and 6 a catist.
HT irk-At vulues ni 46 441111 b Arr: (or normal hydrofurtion,
(31 VIP ) D.MW ml +1),&331 - thlo-dit-it (264) 0,14,1130 and
(it~ U.M7 ~114 +IMO. f.ti)F
+41,813; COMMI a"
Ackb (2w) oxn and -4-486. Deviations of the caled.
Imn thectigill, its. do M exceed. except in the Ist terms
jjks, 11.5%, and lire cuostly k" tW 0.23%. The
of a so
exisitmv o( it limit iti d. in each series is due to the con-
Okting effircts of the 111MASIng man in ed the niab. and i
of the dee"API"I rim Of mOb- Per unit val, Tbk kadil 10
the Icirmula d. 4 1 - d-(JW- - IIJIJU - A), wt" I A
citpri,sa" the IVIAtlyr &CMAW of the Ito. of mob. per unit
Vol. as a mull of kruitthening the Chain 11Y 0"0 Ofs VOUJI- -
The tuagnitude a clecmas" With Increasing a. 100ft faPidly
in the tot tcruni of a bon-lotrout scrift. At e"I a. .1
v&rks but little (cwK inave than by 1-279) with the nature
01 the, jumiknal gr_p: it deereages very slightly with
Icuip. Elamples of values of a. at 2D, 30, and 40'.
d, 0. 109, 0. 107. ("(14; a - a. 0.0110, 0.1m,
may be marlied foriLWOM X 9PPrOSCIk'S Infinity; pr-
cilimlly, J. - 4, W n (At.
txvmiw* - 1. lit st-rk-4 lit which'thi. 4hffcftn~ i4 l,uwv
lhau 1, the 41. Will likW3W Willi 0. Wha-IM-6 if tjUst IfifIrl -
rucr t% km% IhAtt 1. t1w it. lit the stvrn wrk-% will dmrvi-
with imcrasing ti; examp" o( the Ist cam are hydro-
carbon- or P derivs.. o( the 2n-1 rAje. Dr and I &rivq.
The nxA. vol. V - (Mldi)fl + WWI becomes in-
cmsingly nwft newly proponkwul to the mal. wt. Af
as X IJl)pfDRCfWS InfinifY: at thil lintit. the Inerrment
A vre clij group tentlit to the limiting ctinit. VAIUE *I
14.111 lift, N. Th(m
Moon d m A. tak
y ti. PrTm M75
Oxtinctitla Z~11- -d Ik of band OW. "0 MqUUCW twtw"A 4tW
must 24)(M1 o%. for IRIOII misslutitmo tit thtislanins, (ID asod X-plionvV
ths"lanin, with must with-jut lisp &ddllwn W 140) mot ,f N,s(Wt
per nss-I J txx. vimpoutul Addition sit N*014 cousom nvw Imn,1%
w 4=1 in file !pKira. The sopestit"m of I to 611111*11 to 1110 ml
by dation o( N&ORt. The effect of alkali on the abessrpt"m
spe"ra of EtOff solutiom of : T-dihydr-,brns.
thut"-.'I')-tod~r,e-*thylidenelthodanise is sunitar, indicating that
the stwsclition of this dyv in alkaline volutuso results tmen the
OupertX.11141b M the atmwptwn alwirs, of Oir cmpnownt heirro..
ausf an &tpmtl,tim tyl4r&l of the co"It"nati'm pff.fu,t am a
wh,4r. 4) 1). SALFWARSH
Certain regulanues W the ChAAIG 01 L"WrA "guilty With
-it cn;- KJyIech. Wit,
tenzMature. At,
Khar,kov). .. 24, 8",(lW)--Th
coeff. of tzpamion. K. decressft linearly with an increase in
niass and dipole nunnent, and in a homologous series K
decream with increasinx no. of C atoms In the hydroc-arbon
115ha 1:1 but approach"s a limitinj value. K is4roportional
16 the sq. root (it the mas-v an the 4th rout the dipole
/m(nnent. Forinulas are dcrivcd for the cakn. of K in
homologous Paul W. ilowertou
tali oklikoto4ulfut hydisigoo bond 4n4 tolos III of
!rs:~d%f A I, Lut,kd ( I., ism Is li,~#
'h I VYf0rK*fVI-Tj-(*-o VI ...... , 2 1,
rfw""'tic.d. It 1, lbtt III, ,Ikw ..( thr Urp- it.,
may IN- vml.'I I,%- ifilvinal If
I Its, 111111.0 '111"tillit'A (III ...... 1.1'~ %ith NO.."
*I gt,osip. ..#r If ib.- nf tit Ow lit)
I, CX --I CILCIIA~ , tit-, -hm i-91,vt s- ah-tit, . I ids silly N,
vat.- 14 %tIAW b0toll, sit %th-Alfw-461-1 --f
011 filial list, Nt),,rle , gf,NJI.. 11.j~ 111114. if ally
vft'~t NI 111V elitist. G %L
AbWm pactr OW sbiactures of Iso"MO i1srivativeg.
IV. X7_ J= N. A
Valyaslike stiff A. R. Lqtskil (Kirov Chem.-Technol. In-t..
Kharkov). ZJa,i_.-Ob'JA:" Kkins. M Gen. Chem.) 21.
939~WJQ50; cf. C.A. 42, 2.5001g: 43.1449h.-The ultra-
vilolet absorption spectra of 3-hydruity. and 3-methoty-
iseetoplienones were examd. They tire developed from the
spectrumol' in thecuteof the2-110deriv. thea-
type spectrum resulls with %trong development of bAnds of
at and as typei. The at thind of the 3.110 and 3-.%tc()
derivs. Is a comples liand, compo-AA of 2 supcrjuipo~l
bonds. of which one corre%ponds to she a, ban.1 of AcPh.
The curve of the 3.110 deny. is clo%c to that of the 2-110
bomer but is slightly ihifted toward the %horfer waved;
the shift-to 3-MeO of the deriv. doe, not changr the spec-
trum significantiv. On1v in coned. IllSoo d~ the #-tvpe
spectruns develop. The re~ufls Indicate considerable
frrtdom of %eparate conjugations of Ar, Off, and 01%fe
groups In thii Voup of defivit.; the a form of these %u1).
stance% may be awritied to the conditimi of mutual conjugs-
-lion. while the # condition Calls for SCIMI'AtC COnjLJKAtiAt1%%
of the substituent groups with the Ph ring. The ab-,orption
curves of the comptli. are reproduced in variow solvents.
The 3-MeO de:riv. gives an as band at AM A. N XVM. a #
band at 2490 (70W), and an 0, 1 band at 21M (ICA)r)) in
EtOlf: in 10% aq. fftSO# thew become: 31M (4000),
2.510 (WW). and 21M (INUM), resp. In coned. HtSO.
the hands are., ce, at about 4L')O A. (t 7,00). as 3723 OXAM.
# 2975 (1.3") and a; 2771) (~). The 3-110 deriv.
gives,r"p.: 4XV (a)), 37W (MMI). 21133 and
2270 WXM). in cotied. If&).; In 10- 110J., th~ are
.1m (am) as 2,W (ItOM), aA a; :.,M.$ (17500);
in Vtoll thew are: as 3110 (MM). -1 '25213 (IMM), and
2 W) (2
I -'M)). mp. The effect of 11 liondinx on the
spectra is discu"rd with numerous -~ 0. M. K.
mW s6ittwas of bmmo 44dvedT"
A. Valyd silks I Anti I Plot h I I., KhA-T-
Amp. olookik&K� Pu
9.111)~ cf. C-I, 46, WW, - -T V11-40int' 11-1- 143A
41hydroxy. (to and
hex4m, F1011, ale. NAOFt, ale. IICI, crot". &fill old.
110). are Frimoduced. Int"ductim no thr 2nd 111) of
ll.fco x"alp into) the 5-folaitiftia of ow-hydriiny. of lueth.,xv
)JIVOW1114' 4-411" fit VC-14VIUMIt ill Itside' lifIRM111114111 dIt-
licroorticr 4)1 tnuch FtONA there it it devAitonleoll 14ahwirl'.
licitt in the Fritim sd locoth the at 4,1,1 the # lo,milmi, Ale.
11CIandtfil. 11,159),clum lloonignilk-unt effectnti thr9lorctrun,
in Coompuium with PtOl %olm. Moth I and U %hGw In
ccm,Nl. 11,80. a develcmate"t of atricteptieft in the rtgkA% of
, and # tmisd,, The restoltv ore explainabl, toy citimencr
in thew Ast"TAnce-, 0( 2 states, . slid 0. which off Ill equil.
with each other And are characterized toy d6cretr or c1mi-
canjugatim with the Pb ring unutp. lorrauw oif the
Climpelilk, belwtwll be a Itnoi # milies, which tiptalus the
fialitic,ii j4 the tlom"im The pretivittinot ill Or ojllw
CrIju in(closity Of a,, and at ikill(14 its I a% In thr 3.1110
("Mpd. shad% thAt Combined ca"Jugaticon with the tillialls.
lof the Ph ring can occur with Inorikipulla" of but I Off
grMpalatilow, If" RiOll gives num ill U10, W111, anti
ilm A., with nif". at SM and 241(f A.; U In P'1011 give-
onax.st3litto 201:0 mW21145 with MKImin,123MA.
Heafing 1W) i. 11W)II with W,A) X. 13% okum 34) Illin. I')
2211'. adding two 1109, tims of C180,H, hitating I.A hf *-
at 251JI, nrujuAlliting w rth lioti filleting, and u*fIfying
with IfCl IrAve 79% 3.rkf4O,%hC.lfCOJl . ivoisted a4 the
H4 alt. Fusion with K-Ilf gave &5--j40'
MY, In. 2:18 0' (drm"P11.1; nw(hylaiu ill. &WW"
14 ve I he 4i.,11tO agald
(. in,
the bitter with Meoll-11-M), gave 1*1% Ale saff, ill. 'V41;
thi. aub Kto
Ac gAvr 4:;';j Fj
oil (hydrit'"'c"" its. M-S ). Ketonic c1clovaite Pre !11'.
N , 143-4% In- 41-2' ((MIR petr. ether). Dt"WthylAIM.1
IX'oV1C1IPhJ,wi"thyAlCl* gave the 1. it,, 14-4 8, (from" jlp:
,drozywAlplobloame vW fhp mooyl qtjws.
115,14. P901 -111 1. -ITIW I into mO12'0-d1h)nlr"%V-.
phe"Ourq(IM1116% lc. mlc~ 'NAOICI. ilk. 110, S-44
mpcd, anti dil. lljWj are refortoduced. "I jhr
'Ind 110 and WO into doe O-W.,tition of 0.jl()WjXt)hjr
~AUWS thC WinCiPAI dCVVIOPnient Of AbWWPIJOn Ill tbr a
type. with ~ne ttcvrkvpmcnt of jfj'C 0 type. TIW 11
Of intrAR101. IYPC CAM" the IlecoolitritieS of the %jWtrUn,,d 1.
as only I of the a-Ito 0.411" N'ticiNt" I, the J.,nd: it,
thil comiol., the salt (Ormatkin At the _%I Jig) group hA' all
'"Significant Cilt"t "M the M)CCUU111. If9thylAtiOll Of 1
C41JU-0 it Q&TIM-Alit AIK'CtrUM -ftAU AM the rj~Ult 11 c,an.
jouralill. 10 the six.
r1ruill of In IN It.,
jusaliton of CO with the ph rius Ill greatly froh"'M by ydri.
Omtithlnediaii irnt [1N;0- flit Cal'Jux-Atitm oil Ae armill
hed. iftnce "'any so-call"I Irfw-
41, 14 46 VP
ono orl -,,at lvc - .Y.'IIT
w--lop-:nonc a-I ito Mothyl otnom;." Iry 1% A. llalya,,,~~! o and A. E. LlAxtr~ktiz
SO: Jour-,al of General ClienJutm- (Zhurnal Obshchel Miinii) 19 1, Volume 21, Illo.
/chemistry.- HyArocarbons- Dee .I
"Molecular Mass and Pbysical Properties of Liq-
uids," A. Ye. Lutskiy, Polytech Inzt imeni V. I.
Lenin, Khar1kov
"Z.hur,Fiz Khiie Vol )DY, No 12, pp 1397-1406
From investigation of properties of large mimber
of hydrocarbons substituted vith F, C1, Br, I, Si,
Ge, Sn, Pb, Zn, Cd, Hg, W, P, As, Sb, Bij 01 S,
Se, and Te found that the most diverse phys prop-
erties in isologic series basically vary linearly
vith mol mass. Density and viscosity increase in
dliect proportion to mol mass; sp heat con,d de-
creases in Inverse proportion to mol owe.
ChdMical Abst-
Vol. /,8 No. 6
Mar. 25, 1954
General and Physical Chemistry
-I*-P1rIo;ft7 of scientific and Industrial discovery of p4ing,
4JEatilskil. Zhur.Priiiad.Khim.26.1314-17(1953)~
Historiml aketch vritIL nurnerous references in which Zinin's
priority of di=vrry of PhNH, is emphasized, with credit
given also to Frietsche for much of the early work.
-.,, ----
Illia Ivanovich Stralkov; 1898-1954; obituary. Ukr.khim.zhur. 20
no-3:335-339 154. WaL 7:8)
(Strelkov, Illia Ivanovich, 1989-1954)
-9-' U -`;r
AID P 1018
Subject USSR/Chemistry
Card 1/1 Pub. 119 - 3/8
Author Lutskiy,-A. Ye. (Kharkov)
Title & - hyd,r,ogen' bond a:, nd chemical properties of organic
Periodical Usp. khim., Q, no. 4, 479-49o, 1954
Abstract The effect of the intramolecular hydrogen bond (functional
properties of phenol hydroxyl, and of the carbonyl and
nitro groups), and of the intermolecular hydrogen bond
(reactions of hydrolysis and alcoholysis, formation of
molecular compounds) are discussed. 172 references (34
Russian: 1886-1953).
Institution None
Submitted No date
0 :5
VSSR/Ghemistry- - Physical chemistry:
:Oard 1/1 pub* 151 -43/j6~
Authors i tutakiy,,-A.-E.
Title, The' and density of solutions
Teriodical- Zhur.;,ob*- khime 24/lo 74-781 Jan 1954
"stract t The density values of solutions of seventy different compounds were deter-
mined, in benzene.'and in ethyl:alcohol at 5000 It was.found that in benzene
andin.alcohol the very same density ratios are retained by-non-associated
,and as.sociated inter-..a,nd intramolecular compounds as in the case of indivi-
djjAl.substances in the-liquid state. . The applicability of the density data
to qualitative.determinatioa,of the presence and nature of association of a
dissolved substance was established, Two references: 1-USA and 1-USSR (1910
-1950),. Tables.
Institution The-Folytechnicium,, Khrakov
Submitted March 23, 1953
-USSR/ Chemistry-7 iqal chemistry
Card 1/1 Pub. 151 2138
'Authors Lutskij~ A. E,
.Title Hydrogen bond and viscosity of solutions
Periodical Zhur. ob. khim. 24/2, 203-2o6, Feb 1M
Abstract. The vis cosity values of various phenol solutions, their acids and etherswere
determined in benzene and ethyl alcohol at 50'. The viscosity ratios of non-
associated and associated inter-w and intramolecular compounds in benzene and
in alcohol Were found to be the same as for individual substances in liquid
state. It was established that the data regarding the viscosity of specific
compounds can be ap,73-i6d for qualitative determination of the presence and
natvre of association of a dissolved substance. The effect of the hydroggen
bond on the viscosity of solutions, is explained., Three references: 1-USA
and 2-USSR,.(1910-1954).. Tables.
Institution, The Tolytechnicum, Kharkov.
Submitted March~ 23..'1953
USER/Chdmistry_ - Physical cherustry-
Card Pub- 151 - 7/31
Lut Buy.. A.
Title I Hydrogen bond and physi cal properties of certain phenol and anisole
Zhur. ob. khims 24/3, 440-444,, Mar 1954
Abstract t Fxperiments, showed that the formation of a hydrogen bond in molecules or
between, them results in considerable changes of the latter. The laws
governing such changes for infrared spectra, combined diffusion spectra,,
absorption spectra in ultraviolet and visible zone of the spectrump as
well as for dipolemoments of molecules, were established. Guaiacol in
liquid state was found to have an intramolecular hydrogen bond; pyrocate-
.chin in liquid state displayed the characteristics of a mixed-associated
compound (a'ssociated inter- and intramolecularly simultaneously)* Den-
sityj,.viscosityand surface tension values for numerous phenol and anisole
substitutes were determined at*131 and 1840. Seventeen reterencest S-USA;
6-USSR and 3-German (1881-1950). ~Tables; diagrams,
institution The V,,,I,, Lenin Polytechnicum, Xharkov
Submitted t May 18 1953
uslfr;A,,Chi~nistry -Physical chemistry
Card 1/1 Pub* 151 - 33/37
Authors r LutsIdyj A* E*
Title The..*drogen bond and'physical properties of.8-bydroxyquinoline
Periodical Zhur. ob. khJjn. 2413s 561-562$ Mar 1954
Abstract t The.density, surface tension and viscosity values were determined for
&-hydroyq~ and metho.Vquinolines and just plain quinoline at 2090o The
--investigated physical properties of the quinolines indicate the presence
of a strong hydrogen bond in their molecules. The laws governing the
physical properties of compounds wIth inter- and intramolecular associa-
tions were found to be viell applicable to corresponding heterocyclic
compounds* Seven references., 3-USSR; I-SiAss; 2-German and 14JSA (1881-
.1950). Table.,
Institution.t.-The Vo. 1. Lonin Polytechnicuni, Kharkov
.-Submitted May IS., 1953
ustml Chemistz7 Physical chemistry
Pub -147
Card 1/1 -.3/27
Authors, tutskiy,:A.E.
Density of liquids
Periodical Z.hur. f,iz*- khim. 28/2, 204-212j, Fab 1954
AbBtmet s The density of liquids is normally determined by various thermodynamic
factors and the properties of the body particles,, their dimensions,, mass,
form, dipole moment and polarizability. The laws governing the changee in
different kinds of normal liquids were established. It was found that
association increases the density. Criteria are presented which make it
possible to determine the existence of association by the density of the
liquid. The density of liquids consisting of molecules with intramolecular
hydrogen bond was determined. Fifteen references 9-USSR; 2-USA; 1-Bel-
gian and 3-German (1907-1952). Tables; graphs.
Distitation t, The Vol. Lenin Polytechnicum, Kharkov,
Submitted March 24, 1953
Size of molecules. Dokl.AN SSSR 94 no-3:513-516 Ja 151P.
(MLRA 7:1)
1. LharIkovskiy politekhnicheakiy inatitut im. V.I.Lenina *
Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Yrumkinym. (Molecule.)
"Molecular Constants and Boiling Temperature of Liquids", a paper presented
at the second conference oh the Liquid State of Matter, Kiev, 30 May to 3 June 1955,
Usp. Fiz. Nauks April 1955
n g!1 MLd physiW prwrltes of Gtme six3fl,
pat'llu 11. f1glogen st;b3tWed
A. L:. U-5's.R 25,
jLhenc-acs, [bl& If)-t+ Z. 50. 32~sl-
B m R,
Hydrogen bonds and physical properties of some substituents of
phenols and anisoles. Part 2. Halogen substituted phenole.
Zhur.ob.khim.25 no.6:lo86-1092 Je 155. (MIRA 8:12)
1. KharIkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut
Hydrogen bonds and physical properties of some substituents of
phenols and anisoles. Part 3. Oxybenzophenones. Zhur.ob.khim.
25 no.6:1092-1094 Je'55- (MIRA 8:12)
1. Khnrlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
UM/Scientists -.Necrology
'Card 1A, Pub, 147- 26/20
Authors i
Yukhnovskiy, G. L.; and Ganenko, V. A.
T43.0 Ilya, Strelkov
Periodical I. Zhur. fiz. khim. 29/1, 205408,, Jan 1955
Abatract. -t jn~commemoration of the first anniversary of the death of I. I.
Strelkov 1,1898-1954), a PulogY is presented of this famous Soviet
chemists.member corresp. of the Academy of Sciences Ukr SSRx prof-
essor of Colloidal Chemistry Faculty at the Khrakov Polytechnictm.
Some of the scientific books written by Strelkov are listed.
Si3teen USSR references (1936-1954). Illustration.
Subnitt6d JulY 5,1954
L t1 7- 5 y)
USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Liquids, D-8
Abst Journalt Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 34473
Author: Lutskiy, A. Ye.
Inatitutiont Polytechnic Institute, Khar1kov
Title: Molecular Constants and Viscosities of Liquids, II
Original Periodical: Zh. fiz. khimii, 1955, 29, No 7, n62-1172
Abstract: The correctness of the following approximate empirical relationships be-
tveen the values of the Viscosity n Of normal liquids and the properties of their
co=onent molecules is established:
(1/5)p,T,~,,A = const (MRD)3/2;
(-q) P)TOmlor = A + constA;
Cq1Fm("RD)31Yp,T,0 = A +constl-L,
where m is the mass of the molecules, M the mass per unit volume, and/2 the dipole
.1 of 2 - 1 -
USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Liquids, D-8
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, 11o 12, 1956, 34473
Author: LutBkiy, A. Ye.
Institution: Polytechnic Institute, Khar1kov
T4tle.- Molecular Constants and Viscosities of Liquids, 11
Original Periodical- Zh. fiz. khimii, 1955, 29, No 7) 1162-1172
Abstract: moment. Based on this relationship, the character of the variation of
the viscosity in the homological and isological series, and also in the derivative
hydrocarbons of the RX type (X is the functional group) is explained. In the opinion
of the author, the formulation of an exact and additive scheme for the viscosity is
impossible in principle. The liquids associated as the result of the hydrogen bonds
(alcohols and carbonic acids), unlike liquids with internal hydrogen bonds, do not
obey the above relationships. The anomalously ircreased value of i for associated
compounds is determined from the properties of the viscous flow of the associated
liquids, consisting of z molecules. It is shown that z can be approximately computed
from the viscosity relationships of the associated compound I (for example,
C4H90H) and its unassociated metamer -e?met' (for example, (C'~I"O'): Z2~-Iass/lmet-
Viscosities of 34 derivative benzols were measured at 131 an 184 or 1720-
2 of 2 - 2 -
-, Y ve,
USSR/ Physical Chemistry Molecule. Chemical bond B-41
Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimiya, No4. 1957) 10903
Author Lutskiy A.Ye.
Title _H7ff_o_ge_n_Wn-dr and Physical Properties of Nitroanilines
Orig Pub Zh. obahch. khimii, 1956, 26, No 8, 2295-2299
Abstract Determined were the densities g (first figure) , surface tensions (Secipnd
figure), and viscisities r~.10 (third figure), at 1720, of melts of the fol-
lowing compounds: o-nitroaniline (1.161;36.6,-919)) nitro-diwthylanilints,-
ortho: 1.039;27.7;6731 meta: 1.047;27.9;601 and para: 1.101;34.7;1015, and
y~ of m-nitroaniline 936, and p-nitroaniline 1436. For some of th!~ subatan-
ces,these properties were determined also at 1310, and for all of th-tx. d
andY\,were determined at 500 in benzene and ethanol solutions. Comparison
of the values so obtained showed that m- and P-nitranilines are intermolscu:-
larly associated, vhereas nitro-dinothylanilines-are normal liquids. Th.-b
author considers o-nitroaniline a mixed-aseociated liquid the moletuli~a of
which are associated both intermolecularly and intramoleculaxly.,
Card 1/1
USSR/ Physical Chemistry Molecule. Chemical bond B-4
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 4, 1957,
Author : Lutskiy A.Ye.
Title : On fii`s~ociation of Amines and of Imines
Orig Pub : Zh. obshch. khimii, 1956, 26, No 8, 2299-23o4
Abstract : The author aaaerts that uniquely defined criteria of the state of molecur
lea in a~liquid can be provided only by correlations between property va-
lues of merobodies and of the microparticle components of these bodies,
for emufpIe'-the rhiln e in density, latent heat of evaporation, viscosity
coefficient t , Tk (Tk --boiling point, RD --molecuiar refractico),
R, and other, with a ge in dipole,moment of the molecules. On analy-
zYng literature data on-1)hysical properties of fatty and aromatic amines
and imines, the author arrives at the conilusion that fatty and aronatic
aminee and imines,are normal, whereas aromtic amines and imines are as-
sociated liquids. Difference in behavior of fatty and aromatic amines
and imines, apparently, i's clue to gr.eater mobility of the hydrogen of
the amine-'and imine-group in the latter becauie of the conjugation of
these groups with the double bonds of the benzene ring.
Z a
USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Statistical Physics, Thermo- D-3
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, No 89~j
Author : -Lutskim-A-Ye.-
Inst :"'~'k~ovPolytechnic Institute
Title : Molecular Constants and Physical Properties of Liquids. III.
Boiling Temperature.
Orig Pub : Zh. fiz. khimii, 1956, 30, No 2, 396-406
Abstract : Relationships are established between the values of the
boiling temperatures and the properties of the molecules.
On the basis of the established relationships, an explana-
tion is given for the character of the variation in the
boiling temperature in various types of compounds: homological,
isolog series, isoelectronic compounds, substitutional, etc.
Criteria established for the inter and intramolecular associ-
ation from data for the boiling tempereLture of liquids. Bib-
liography, 19 titles.
Card 1/1
UT-51-( I Y
usSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Liquids, D-8
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, NO 12, 1956, 34466
Author: Lutakiy, A. Ye.
Institution: Kharlkov Polytechnic Institute
Title: On the Free Volume of Liquids
Original Periodical: Zh. fiz. khimii, 1956, 30, No 3., 487-491; English resume'
Abstract: One of the basic parameters defining the equilibrium and kinetic proper-
ties of liquids is the volume of liquid VMot, accessible for the motion of micro-
particles. The expressions for Vmot given by Lennard-johnson and Devonshire, and
also by Ayring & Hirschfeld, give values of Vmot that are almost equal for various
bodies and amount to 0.1 - 0.7 cm3/mol. This is one order of magnitude less than
the values of Vmot calculated fron the viscosity equations or calculated with the
aid of the radial distribution function. In the opinion of the author, the above
expressions for Vmot evaluate only the volume due to the thermal vibrations of the
molecules and do not take into account all the volume accessible for the movement.
Vmot is determined on the basis of the absence of further order in the liquid and
the presence in the liquid of-temporary conglamorations and microscopic cavit�es.
1 of 3 - I -
USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Liquids, D-8
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika., No 121 1956, 34466
Author: Lutskiy, A. Ye.
Institution: Khar1kov Polytechnic Institute
TItle: On the Free Volume of Liquids
Original Periodical: Zh. fiz. khimii, 1956, 30, NO 3, 487-491; English resume'
Abstract: At every instant of time, not all the free volume can be accessible to
the motion of the micro-particles, since it is necessary to overcome a considerable
energy barrier (Vs) to penetrate in certain sections, making VMot = V - (NVM t vs).
(Here V is the molar volume and NVm is the BUM of the specific volumes of the mcde-
cules). Thus, Vmcrt consists both of volumes that are filled during the thermal vi.-
brations of the moleculesl as well as of volumes that are not shielded and timt are
accessible for the motion of micro-particles, holes, and cavities. In this manner
the author derives the following equations: VMot = VOTAdHev - RT)7and V,,:,t
R(PIOC) (where,6 is the compressibility and a the coefficient of thermal expansion).
The calculated values of Vmot are in Batisfactory agreement with the data obtained
from viscosity, and with the values calculated with the aid of the radial
2 of 3 - 2 -
USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Liquids) D-8
Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 34466
Author: Lutskiy, A. Ye.
Institution: KharIkov Polytechnic Institute
T'itle: On the Free Volume of Liquids
Original Periodical: Zh. fiz. kbimii, 1956, 30, No 3, 487-491; English resume/
Abstract: distribution function. An analysis of the values of Vmot and V. for
various compounds given certain lave for their dependence on the properties of
3 op 3
USSR/ Physical Chemistry - Molecule. Chemical bond B-4
Abe Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 10893
Author : Lutskiy A.Ye.
Title : Oi-P-b-z-a-c-hor-as Criterion of Structure and State of Molecules
Orig Pub : Zh- fiz- khImli, 1956, 30, No 7, 1547-1552
Abstract : Utilizing the values of density and surface tension ~ (RM9031n, 1956,
12292) of a segies of substituted phenols and anisols, the parachors F
at 131 and 184 have been calculated. On the basis of literature data rela-
ting to a large number of normal and associated liquidsthe author asserts
that F can not sene as a definite criterion of structure and state of the
Card 1/1
PR1Kti0T'K0. F.
L'Yow. Universytot
Materlaly I Vssjryuzrogo oovoehchaAlya po spsAtroskopil
Molokullarnaya op4ktraok~plyA (?opera of the 10th All-Untions
Conference an Sp&itr-.iaco:r/. Vol. Is Molecular Spectroscopy)
CLIVOY) 12d-Vo LIVOVokogo Unir-ta, 1957. 499 P. 4 000 GOPIG
printed. (Serless Its; Plz7chnyy sbirn7ke vyp, SA~)
Additional Sponaaring Agena7s Akadealya nauk 3SU. Kamloslya pa
spaktrookopiL. FA .t Uater, S.L Tech. Ed.t Sarar4uk, T.V.;
Uitorial BOLrdt La.-Astarg, 0.3:1, Academician (Reap, Ed., Deceased),
Hoporent, B.S., Doctor of Phyaic&l and Mathematical Salf'.1049,
Fabolinakly, I.L., Doctor of P*aidal and Mathematical Sciences,
7sUrIlacck, V.A.. Doctor of Ph7alcal and Mathematical Soleness,
KornitakUt V.G.o Can4idato of Too%;doal Sciancesp Rawakiye S.M-
Candidate of Physical "i Mathematical Sciences* Kllmovskiy~ L.X.o
Candidate of PhIstleal. and Mathematical Sciences, MillyLnehuk, V.3.,
Candidate of Pbjsi,;aa iuA Mat-hazatidal Sciences, and Glauberinan,
A. Ye.0 Candidate of Physical. and Mathematical Soleness.
Card 1/30
Electron Spectra and the Intra-
drogen Bond
V 196
latakiy.-A. Yo., and D.S. BldnayA. Raman Spectra
anu 'no atrangth or Intrazoloaular Hydrogen Bonding 197
Bulanin, M-O-, And V.M. Chulanovakly. Study of the
Effect of the Solvent on the Prequencl9s and yors
or Absorption Bands Of Water Molecules in the
Ul*nco-vibratlon Range 199
Uskin. Sh. 3h. Saw Characteristics. in the Raman
Spectra of Cogplox C000ounds Containing Antimony
Trichloride 203
ShlgOrln, D.N. Nature of the Hydrogen Bond and Its
"fact - Vibrational And Electron Spectra of
molecules 205
A.A., N.G. Guseva, &W V.M. yowly&nov.
d Spectra Of Baron Trlf2uorldo Molecular
Compounds With Certain
Hydv~za bond and valency vibration hequency of cu-
COCHI, and r, m-, md P-ClIaGr-al,COCII, and their
satns. im Cji,~ COI., Ewmwz, a~cvaae. CF.C!;, RtOR, an(i,
PItOll gavel rczTp., the follluwine irequencies (cm.-') &
cuWnyt groupt 1640, Y171, 165S. 1971, ldql, 1672;
Irm, 1064', 160, 1645: 1879,
1684~ tf)Q; 1687, 1164.3t 1655~ !678, 1672, 16877, 1678;
1645, W8, 16176, --, -, -: 16SO, 1637, -, 1652, W7,
1681, 16719,; M7. 116,13, 1574, 16W, 1671, 1668, 1072; and
IM7, 1637,~IgiYj. le-6.5. -, 1670, 1657. The chanan in
t1le j, C. 0) art, dEcu-ed in the 116t of iatra- azd intermel.
H - boo d Okc t .:'
- . - L,, refervac,:,. A:_L. lentltu
or, tech. Imt,
90;6~ . 4 ' - 34
E) C . 4N~ ~5201- Mi2gle.
lm. 27, !V0 1; 5~0~ 28
bmm= er from their
fts,91'sa V in g t h e a i,., andsluthelonger wave
obi" to 1YX-dimethylamina
hs and conversion f thil()
S. le264 tj3 absorption In shurter wave Length mXfons,
the awmLsomersof thedimethylamino dcriva. obwrb 1u
r wave reglors. The pecuUpAty o1 the ortho isomers Is
md to the& intcrual K bondiq. The sPectm 6m ro-
ited and the follavdar absorpUou VUL- In A. are m
d; e.H3NCtUAe 3550. 2M5; n-iserutz a220, 2436, p-
.$140, 2M; o-AcNHCsH.&Ac 8310, 2605; m4samer
25W, p4wmer 2M; e-?6fftNQHAc 3730. 2550; "1.
x 3470, 2M; P-L-Amer 8080-, AeM 32W, 2W. U-70;
2M, 2M. W. Effect of Collvents an al"bVide
wof a-mla"coWphonom And some of their dariva-
&i. 1064-72.-Iramcde amEamectophenones, N-
mW. and N.N-dJmethyJ=Jz%o, daivs. were en d.
%O.'RtOH. and 14,0 ke tbm*eolvtau effwt3 on their
04samer 3165; In StOP- mmn~: AW)A
get.Of 9WAD 0140rPIP IPWO Of 4W,(AMItol
moulis and Come of their derivatives. IN4. 1303-11.-
ultuviold $p"& are Abo-u fpr lsofutn (,I &M.Ln.. cet.
=Uo, and III ao- :,j
110 ard 11,S01. TII(! denva. in
concd. lusc), -, ~'Xb'tt t7del"T to rofm 031MAUW
mils, tW~ cdect be:n4 "imbed w 131(ranal H N"n".ing
It iS AUMSUIA that 'aft klrrlk3d'~~-~ il' fI1---
Intramolecular hydrogen bonds and Pb9orption spectra in the ultra-
violet region. Part 4: Effect of solvents on the electron spectra
of aminoacatophewnes and some of their derivatives. Zhur. ob.
khim. 27 no.4:1064-1072 Ap 157. (MLRA 10;8)
1. Kharlkovskiy politakhnichaskly institut.
Intramolecular hydrogen bond and ultraviolet absorption spectra.
Part 51 Effect of acids on the electron spectra of aminoacetophanouse
and some of their derivatives. Zhur.ob.khim. 27 no-5:1303-1311
MY '57. MIRA 10:8)
l.Kharlkovskiy politekhnichookiy institut.
(Ace tophenone-Spectra)