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SOV/66-59-5-1/35 Development of Refrigeration Machine Building 3s the Principal Task of the Current 7-Year Plan transporting milk. The main task for Soviet refrigeration engineering is automation, especially in regard to refrigeration plants and ware- houses. Complete deaigns for fully automatic control of refrigeration installations have been elaborated by VNIKhI and the Central Designing Bureau but nothing has been done yet for producing the necessary equipment. Another important question is the training of personnel capable of taking care of refrigeration installations. ASSOCIATION: VNIKhI (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Refrigeration Indust (Sh. I'~Obulastiviii),,%KEKhK(ContraI Designing Bureau of Refrigeration Machine Building) - (P. Mineyev) Card 3/3 MINEYEV, P.A. .... Production of refrigerating machinery and the 22d Congress of the CPSU. Khol. tekh. 38 no.5:8-12 5-0 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Nachallnik TSentrallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro kholodillnogo mashinostroyeniya Goskomiteta Soveta Ministrov S.SSR po avtomatizatsil i mashinostroyeniyu. (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) )w MINEYEV P A insh.; GUREVICH, Ye.S.p insh.; SHINKAO V.TA.# lush.; ~O Ye.Z., lash.; SHCHERBAKOV9 V.S.9 insh.; ILOINA, N.I., insh.; GLUKHOV, V.V.p insh.; GOGOLINA,, T.T.v lash.; KROTKOV9 Y.N., lash.; STASHIN, Ye.A., insh.; KUSHNER, A.P., -Iksk.; YERMAXOVA9 P.;,I.Insh.; PAVLOV, R.V.y insh., red.j KASPEROVICH, N.S. , koasd-va; UVAROVAp A.,, tekhn. red. [Catalog of refrigeration equipment] Ka"g kholodillsogo obDrudovaniia. Moskva,, Nsshgis, 1963. 186 p. (MIRA 16s7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) TSentrallsoye konstruktorskoys byuro kholodillsop mashinostroyealya.L TSentrallsoye konstruk- torskoys byuro kholodillsogo mashlaostmPyenlya (for all except Ka"rovich, Uvarova). (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery-Catalogs) AUTHOR: Mineyev, P.G. 3-58-7-28/36 TITLE: The Students Built Training Workshops (Studenty postroili uchebnyye masterskiye) PERIODICALs Vestnik vyssbey shkoly, 1958, Nr 7, p 78 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Polytechnical training plays an important role in the educational program of the Chernigov Pedagogical Institute. In the let and 2nd years,students learn photography; during the 3rd year they study motorcycles and receive a driving licence. They also study cinematography and pass special examinations to become qualified operators. In the 4th year they study automobiles and must pass the examination to obtain an amateur driving licence. In their leisure time they helped in other schools and also built workshops for the Institute, destroyed during the war. Practical training is conducted there undsr the direction of the Candidate of Physico-Mathe- matical Sciences, V.F. Maksimov. ASSOCIATION: Chernigovskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (The Chernigov Peda- gogical Institute) Card 1/1 '%, BOV/130-59-1-17/21 AUTHOR: TITLE: The " Satka metallurgical Works is Two Hundred Years Old (Satkinskomu metallurgicheskoma zavodu - dvesti let) PERIODICALs Metallurg, 1959, Nr 11 PP 31+-36 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author is the director of the Satkinskiy metallur- gical works, which was 200 years old in November, 1958. He outlines the history of this enterprise and measures taken from time to time to modernise it. During the war shortage of timber and labour led to the use of some coke instead of charcoal in the blast furnaces and much work was done on the smelting of low-phosphorus iron with coke. Iron with 0.020$ P was successfully produced by 1948 from Bakallskiy ore and Kemerovskiy coke using external dephosphorization (on which the author gives no information) in the ladle. Labour and blast-furnace productivity figures for some years between 1913-1957 are tabulated. The 1957 labour productivity has increas( from 516% in 1950 to 717 in 1957 (100% = 1913 producti- Card 1/2 vity), the corresponding figures for the blast-furnace coefficient of utilization of useful volume being 1.00 SOV/130-59-1-17/21 The Satka Metallurgical Works isTwo Hundred Years Old and 0.75. For the future a 25% increase in pig-iron production, a doubled foundry output and a four-fold increase in slag wool are envisaged. One of the blast- furnaces is to be rebuilt and enlarged and, to facilitate the production of low-phosphorus iron, the calcination of Bakal siderite ores with blast-furnace gas is to be introduced. Much of the article deals with the social aspects (housing, amenities, personalities) and except for a general view of the works in 1900 all the illustrations relate to this field. There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Satka metallurgical works (Satkinskiy metaUurgicheaki zavod) Card 2/2 NMYNT, ?.I. The first ferroalloy producing plant In 50 years old. Notallurg 5 no.706-37 JI 160o (KIM 13:7) it Direktor SatkInskogo astallurgicheskoga savodae (Satka Valley) Kl=Y.W- 0.1-4 , kandidat inditsinskikh nauk (Leningrad, 5, 3-y& Krasno- ameyt" u1., d. 2, ky. 10) Anatmical pothw&ym of distribution of Infiltrating abscesses In tuberculous spondylitis. Test. Mr. 74 no.6:54"59 a 154. (KIRA 7310) I# ts Gosudarstvannogo nauehno-issledovatel'skogo Institute, khirurgi- choskago tuberkuleva t kostno-sustavnykh saboloyanty (dir. prof. P.G.rornw) I kafedry operattynoy khirurgii (way. prof. IP.I.Tallker) Leningradskogo gosud&rstvennogo podiatrichemkogo seditsinakogo Instituta. (TUMOULOSIS, SPINAL, complications, abscesses caused by Infiltrations# anat. pathways) (ABSONSS, etiology and pathogenesis, tuberc.. spinal. caused by Infiltrations to various organs, anate pathways) MMMVq P*F*,, kand.misd.ziauk; SOKOLOVAp NXp doktor medenauk Angiographic Wpvpo in experimental osteoarticular tuberculoois. PAport No.l. 1!~*~i.tub. no.1:93-98 162. (KMA 15:6) 1. Is-laningradakogo gosudarstvemogo z1auebno-issledovatel'skogo inotituta (direktor i naucbnyy rukovoditell - laureat Gosudarst- vennoy promii doystwiteltnyy chlen AMN SWR prof. P.G. Kornev) khirurg~cheskogo, tuborkulesa. (BOWS-TUBERCUL40SIS) (ANGIOGRAPHr) Name: E~. S. P. Dissertations IAve of mechanics in the principles of designing a shoulder prosthesis Cand, Tech Sci Kin Higher Education UkSSH, L'vov Polytechnic Inst Be' Qt 7tej., Places 1956, LIvov Sources Knizhnaya latopis', No 45, 1956 ~,; MIMNW,,--SoPo~ dots.0 otv. red.; GRUISHPOll, F.O., sliEVCHENKO, S.9 red. red.; WANYUKv T.V., tekhn. intovaia rezlbao Llvovp lzd-vo Llvavskogo [Screw threads] V (tiln 17:4) univol 1963o 171 P* q& KONOPLEV, Sergey Pavlovich;_)4INEYEV, T.K., otv. red. (Aluminxim raw materials and the prospects of finding then in Irkutsk Province] Aliuminievoe syrte i perspektivy ego poiskov v Irkutskoi oblasti. Irkusts, Irkutskoe geologi- cheakoe upravlenie, 1961. 67 p. (MIRA 17:3) DEM114, A.M., kand, tekhn. nauk; KOKH, P.I.; CHEIITKOV, V.K.; VASILIYEV, M.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; YRFIMOV, I.P.; E241TOMIKO, A.T., dots,; PRISEDSKIY, G.V., inzh.; MIAYEVSKIY, Yu.N.; VOLOTKOVSKIY, S.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; KURIYAN, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; MAYMDI, A.I.; MIROSHNIK, A.M.; PETROV, I.P.; TUflYSHEV, B.F.; SILESHKOV, A.I.; AVERBUKH, I.D., inzh.; VARSHAVSKIY, A.V.; IMIJKOV, D.K.; LUKAS, V.A.; YIINEYEVI V.A SMIRNOV, A.A., otv. red.; IYUBIFOV, u -va N.G. red. VA, V.V., tekhn. red. (Handbook for the mechanic in a coal pit]Spravochnik mekhanika ugollnogo karlera. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1961 639 P. iMIRA 15:12) (Coal mining machinery-Handbooks., manualsp etc.) ARSHINSKIY, V-?4d' BAGAUTINOV, G.A ; BESPALOV, M.V.; GASPAROVICH, P.I.; GOLOKIDOV, I.N.; GOLUBOV; G.B.; GRIN, L.T.; ZELISKIY, S.A.; IL'INYKHp A.F.; KOZIN, V.Z.; KRYUKOV, V.P.; KULAKOV9 S.N.j- LUKAS, V.A.; M PETROV, YU.S.; PIRUSHKO, M.G.; PfbOKOFtYEV,. Ye.V.,- REBETS, B.A.; STARTSEV, N.V.; TROF, A.Te., prof.; KHRAMOV, V.A.; AERAMDV, V.I., otv. red.; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L.J. tekhn. red.; BOLDYREVA, Z.A., tekhn. red. [Handbook on electric equipment for mines] Spravochnik gorno- go elektrotekhnika. Pod obshchei red. A.E.Tropa Moskva, Goagortekhizdat, 1962. 400 p. iMIRA 16:5) (Electricity in mining) UDINTSEV., G.B.; AGAPOVA, G.V.; BERSENEV, A.F.; BUDANOVA, L.Ya.; ZATONSKIY, L.K.; ZENKEVICH, N.L.; IVAN(Y;, A.G.; KANAYEV, V.F.; KUCHEEROV, I.P.; LARINA, N.I.; YAROVA, N.A.; IqNtEY~ ~,V.Aq RAUTSKIY, Ye.l. New relief maps of the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Geofiz. biul. no.14:159-167 164. (MIRA 18:4) 11 V. A. ;T*;Mlil'7j I'VoloNa Oblast', jSMI " Iz. vses. f-r--o,-7r--f. oluslich., !',o.4, 1951 I. - Translation 1.-20986, 16 Jan 52: MINHYXV,V.A. Some problems of agricultural development in regions of the Karelian Isthmus (as exemplified by the "Put' Stalina" Col- leetive Farm in Priozersk District of Leningrad Province). Vest.Len.un. 9 no-10-107-il4 0 154. MRA 8:7) (Karelian rethmus--Agriculture) MIRMIV, Viktor Andreyevich; MALKOV, Vladimir 14ikhaylovich; LYADOY, F.A.,red. [Vologda Province; characteristics of its geography and ecow2w] Vologodeksta oblast'; ekounmiko-gedgraficheekaia kharaktoriatika. Vologodskee kulzlino6 Izd-vo. 1958. 319 p. (MIRA 1~:l) (Vologda, Province-Mconomic conditions) MIMYEVJ V.k, - Northern Dvina water system. Volog. Irral no.1:94,106 199. (MIRA 15:2) . (Northern Dyina-Mavigation) HAMOV, Vladimir Kikhayloviohi MINIM, Tiktor Andreyevich; PUDOZHOORSELY. V.K., red.; SOKCLOVA. [Across the North; guidebook] Po severu; putsiodit*10. Tologdes Vologodukoe knizhnoe Izd-vo, 1960. 334 p. (MM 13t12) (Russia. Northern-Ouldebooke) MINEYZV, VIktor Androyevich; ZAVERIffAYEVA.0 L.V., red.; GERASIMOVA, To. S. [Economic bases of farming near oitles]ZImnomicheakto oonovy prigorodnogo sellskogo khoslaintya. .14oskva,, Skonoilsdat 1962. 333 P. (14IRA16: 11 (Agriculture) EWT SOURCE AUTHOR: Gellman, He Vol Mineyevs Vo A. ORG: None