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Production of high-quality chrome leather from hidea. Kozh.-*buv.
prom. 7 no. 10;29-30 0 065 (MIRA 19:1)
NANA, Felicia and MINDRUSCA, Elisabetap Prof, Cluj (affiliation
not given]
"Analysis of the Zoology Textbook for Grade IX."
Bucharest, Natura. Seria Biologie, Vol 15, No 4, Jul-Aug 63,
pp 52-55.
Abstract: Outlines the positive elements of the textbook and
notes some deficiencies in both form and content. Criticism
is directed at the book's materialist-dialectical conception,
its scientific and methodological elements and its illustrative
10 -
NAIU, felicia; MINDRUSCA, El-iaabatma, Prof. (Cluj)
AMI2yeig of the %h-jraZjq ihnual of Zoology. Hatura Biologie
15 to-4852-55 44A9 163. n
BOZAC, V.; MINDRUSCA, EL, prof. (Cluj)
Use of biology and geology knouledge in pography lessons. Natura
Geografie 17 no.2:51-53 Mr-Ap 165.
Mindubayevs Yu. Kh. -- "Me Skeletot.,W of the Spinal Cord and the In-
terconnection between the Spinal and Sympathetic Nerves of the Horse." min
Higher Education USSR. Kazan$ State Veterinary Inst imeni N. E. Bauman.
Kazan', 1955. (Disseration For the Degree of Candidate in Biological Sciences).
So: Letopist, No. 11, 1956, PP 103-114
-- 1-% ,
164' ~-
MINDUBAYEV, Yu. Kb,.~ Innervation of %a
organs of thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities In
R e~
domestic ruminant animals." Mos, 1961. (Mos Vet AcadA Min
of Agrjk% RSFSR) (KLp 8-610 235)
- 124 -
MINDUBAYEV, Zh.1 ULIN, I.I., red.; LEVINA, L.G., tekhn. red.
[Thirty-eight baby rabbits from one mother] 38 krollchat ot matki.
Moskva, Izd-vo M-Va sell."khoz. RSFSR, 1960. 22 p. (MA 14110)
(Collective farms-Rabbits)
Morphology of the nervous apparatus of the uterus in pregnant
rabbits. Nauch. trudy Kaz. gos. med. inst. 14:233-234 164.
(MM 18:9)
1. Kafedra gistologii (zav. - prof. G.I.Zabusov) Kazanskogo
meditsinskogo instituta.
AUTHORS: TerminAsove.-Yu.3 and itindukshev,_
TITLE: X-ray Diffraction Analyeig Of the Distortions of the
Structures Of Metals.on Static and Dynamic Compression unde
ROPM and,Low Temperature Conditions
PERIODICAL! Xri0talloSrafiya,A957,,. .Vdl'.2j Nr 4, pp.514-51$ (USSR).
ABSTRACT: Deformation- of me
tO-ls at liquid N temperatures causes a
significant reduction in the influenge of thermal rest. At
these low temperatures fragmentation of the crystal blocks
is greater and gives rise to greater crystalline strains th
occurs when the metal is deformed at ZOOm temperature'. At
low temperature the influence -of the rate of deformation
becomes negligible and therefore there is no difference bet
ween1he effects of stektic and of-dynamic compression as is
the-case at tOOM temperature'.- The sPecimens used were tect
nical grade duralumin and.electrolytic copper in the form c
c7linders 10 mm t1diametet and 15 mm thick'. Back reflection
:`X-ray Pictures were taken and:also recordings from an auto.
-matic diffractometer with Cu radiation~. The 511 line of ti
.-durAl and the 331 and 420 line of the copper were used, th,
widths being measured.for various degrees of deformation u
to 500 The maximum line broadening for the dural was (fo
Card 1A
"Y-rny otudy oi- tho
tju- Of r,-,Ct- I vel
comrrc- d-WIM, -
C~~,~(litior,:3 o", iid lo,,,,
1'15' 3 p (Lcil State Pr.,,!~
10.0 co-lir.:~
AUTHORS: Mindukshey,,_~F., and Terminasov, Yu-S.
TITLE: X-ray Investigation of Block Fragmentation and Dis-
tortion of the Atomic Lattice-During Static and Dynamic
Deformation of Metals at Normal and Low Temperatures
(Rentgenograficheskoye issledovaniye fragmentataii
blokov i iskazheniy atomnoy reshetki v protsesse statich-
eskoy i dinamicheskoy defoxmatsii metallov pri normallnoy
i nizkoy temperaturakh)
PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 6,
Nr 5, pp, 919 - 923 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The basic factor influencing the changes taking place
during static and dynamic deformation is that heat which
arises along slip planes. The aim of the present work was
to investigate static and dynamic compression of metals
at room temperature and at liquid nitrogen temperature,
using tw..) metals of entirely different roperties
(duralumin and copper). The specimens Uods of 10 mm. dia
and 15 mm length) were annealed in vacuum and deformed in
static and dynamic compression at room temperature and at
liquid-nitrogen temperature. X-ray investigations of the
crystal distortions and block fragmentation at static and
dynamic deformation at the above temperatures were con-
Card.1/4 cerned with the broadening of the K M1011) and (422)
I SOV/126-6-5-24/43
X-ray Investigation of Block Fragmentation and Distortion of the
Atomic Lattice During Static and Dynamic Deformation of Metals at
Pormal and Low Temperatures
for duralumin and the (331) line for copper and the results
are shown in Figure 1. In statically deformed duralumin a
maximum broadening of the line (511) can be seen in specimen;
deformed and X-rayed at liquid-nitrogen temperature
(Curve 1), particularly during the initial stages of
deformation. The broadening of the (422) line as obtained
by using an ionisation method, was also studied (see
Figure 2). Comparing the dependence of broadening of
interference lines-in dynamically and statically deformed
duralumin at various temperatures, a fundamental difference
is evident which is shown in broadening of the line in
relation to the type and temperature of deformation. The
broadening of the line during plastic deformation is due
on the one hand to micro-slip and on the other to frag-
mentation of blocks. In order to elucidate the reason for
the great difference in the broadening of the line in
relation to the type and temperature ofcbformation, the
problem must be more closely considered. With the help
Card2/4 of harmonic analysis, a division of the above effects
X-ray Investigation of Block Fragmentation and Distortion of the
Atomic Lattice During Static and Dynamic Deformation of Metals at
.Normal and Low Temperatures
could be obtained. The results obtained by this method
show that lattice disc ortions at room temperature attain
a value of 1.10 x 10- on statically compressed duralumin
and 0.9 x 10-3 in dynamic deformation. Duralumin specimens
deformed a~ the low temperature showed an internal stress of
1.20 x 10-2 for static and somewhat less for dynamic
deformation. Hence, dynamic deformation at room temperature
causes smaller micro-distortions of the crystal lattice tham
those which arise in static compression. This phenomenon
can be explained by heat relaxation. Block fragmentation
appears to occur because the stressed blocks can withstand
only certain maximum stresses of the crystal lattice for a
given metal, after which disruption into smaller blocks take
place. This is illustrated in Figure 3 in which the crystal
block size is plotted against the degree of deformation
for duralumin which had been deformed statically and dynami-
cally at room temperature and at liquid-nitrogen temperature
The influence of the rate and temperature of deformation is
Card3/4 also evident. At the low temperature, the influence of the
X-ray Investigation of Block Fragmentation and Distortion of the
Atomic Lattice During Static and Dynamic Deformation of Uetals at
Normal and Low Temperatures
rate of deformation becomes negligible. At room temperatu3
relaxation increases and hence the influence of the rate oJ
deformation is considerably greater. The stresses brought
about by work hardening in compression are paxUy lowered b2
relaxation, particularly in dynamic compression. Hence, al
the low temperature the micro-distortions attain a greater
magnitude and the block size is nearly twice smaller as
compared with the block sizes of specimens deformed at rooi
temperature. There are 3 figures and 10 references, 5 of
which are Soviet and 5 English.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy inzhenerno-ekonomicheskiy institut
(Leningrad Engineering-Economics Institute)
SUBMITTED: February 111 195?
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: Mindukshev, V.P., Terminasov, Yu.S. 32-24-4-50/67
TITLE: A Device for Testing Samples With Respect to Static and Dynamic
Compression at Low Temperature (Ustanovka alya ispytaniya
obraztsov na staticheskoye i dinamicheskoye szhatlye pri nizkoy
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. ?J+, Nr 1+, pp. 489-489 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The system described makes it possible to attain static and
dynamic compressions at constant test-temperatures in liquid
nitrogen. It may be seen. from the schematical drawing that the
sample is between pressure plates of which the upper one in in a
cylinder which regulates the amount of deformation, whereas the
lower plate is fastenea to the piston. The entire system in
heat-inaulatea and is filled with liquid nitrogen; before being
measured, the sample is left in it for 10 minutes, after which il
is deformed in liquid nitrogen. The temperature of the sample is
measured by means of a thermooouple during the process of de-
termination, in which case one contact is on the Burface'of the
sample and the other in the liquid nitrogen. In static tests the
Card 1/2 systam is installed on the ball supports of the press, whereas ix
A Device for Testing Samples With Respect to Static, 32-24-4-50/67
and Dynamic Compression at Low Temperature
the case of dynamic tests it is fastened to the ram supports by
means of sorews.'The ram should have a looking device for the
purpose of intercepting the striker after the rebound caused by
percussion. The deformed samples may be oon-reyed in a Deward
vessel fined with nitrogen for the further investigation of a
radiographic, metallographio or other kind. There is 1 figure.
ASSOCIATION: Leningmdakiy inzhenerno-ekonmicheakiy institut (LarLbwi&
Inftstr1w -~Pt
. C3
1 Mat~rials--Test methods 2. Materials-"'Tes'ting equipment
3: Materials--Mechanical properties 4. Temperature--Control
systems 5. Nitrogen (T,~qui4);;-Applications
Card 2/2
~!&t.-MKINASOV, Toi,IL
Appamtus for radlagmpUc tweettgation at low tompr&tures,
Zw. Ub, 24 uos'5s641 15N . (KM lIt6)
Is' Isubgradekly Insbanern"kemodaheskiy I=tItut,
GAYnk,I.,V. I [Rayda. R.P.1; MIgFM. A.K. [Mindiujr, O.K.]
Radiation of photons in collisions of scalar particles.
Dop. ts, pov. Vviv. un. no~T-ptijt232-214 157, (KIRA 11:2)
(Collisions (Nuclear physics))
1.9500 157-73
AUTHOR% Mindyuk, A. K.
TITLE: Dependence of the state of stress of metal-glass welding
seams on the hardening temperature
PERIODICALs Steklo i keramika, no. 11, 1961, 21 - 22
TEXT: The dependence of the temporary and residual state of stress of
metal-glass welding seams on the hardening temperature was optically
established by polarization. Welding seams of 914-636 (EI-636) steel
with contrast glass were investigated, and the dependence of the
difference Ad of residual stresses on the hardening temperature t was
0 c
determined. The range of hardening temperatures of 440-600 C represents
the temperature zone of variable residual stresses. At hardening
temperatures below 4400C and above 600 0 C, residual stresses remain con-
stant. The maximum of residual stresses lies at t. M 5100C, the minimum
at t C -~ 6000C. In the temperature"range of 20 - 4600C, the thermal
expansion coefficient of metal is higher than that of glass, at temper-
Card 1 As
28513 S/072J61/000/011/002/002
Dependence of the state... B105/B144
atures >,, 4600C it is higher for glass than for metal. Fig. 2 shows the
course of the residual-stress difference A6 as a function of the
reheating temperature t r during subsequent stress-removal annealing. It
may be seen therefrom that the attainable values of &for all existing
hardening temperatures lie between the curves 2 (hardening temperature
tc = 6000C) and 3 (hardening temperature to - 5100C). There are
2 figures.
Card 0')
AUTHOR:- Mindyuk, A. K., Junior scientific worker
TITLE: Efficient heat treatment conditions for glass screens of
metal-glass envelopes.of cathode-ray-tubes (CRT's)
PERIODICAL; Steklo i keramika, no. 9, 1962,-19--7 20
TEXTs The state of stress in glase-to-metal seals of CRT's having circu-
lar glass screens for the 40Ak1G (40LK1B) type tubes was investigated
and eJ'fective conditions of heat treatment for glass-to-metal seals were
sought. The etrength of CRT seals was shown to depeAd neither on the
composition of the material nor on alterations of thd-thermal 'expansion
coefficient for metal or glass. The requ#ed'strengthcan be achieved by
proper selection of the tempering temperature and by4niforr. cooling-of
.the glass. Symmetric semi-tempering at 51.OOC was found to bt, the optimum
condition to obtain adequate strength both for thj manufacturing process
and for the finished product. There are 4 figures.
lCard 1/1
T, 23o66-65 8WT(m)/9WA(d)AWP(t)AVP(b) MN1JD
ACCEMON NR: AT4049946 8/27 23/64/000/003/0119/0123,-o
TITLE: Corrosion istAIbility Of Sh"15 st-cel from e)ectroslag anJ vacuum stTlelts
Am 17irrcmm Fiziko-mekhanichesIdy institut. Vlivanive rabochikh ared na
steel impurity/steel ShHhI5
ABSTRACT- Ball bearing steel ShKh15- frorn dirferent tyPes of smelts was investigated
for corro-,!on resistance The samples %vere ShKM5 steel smelted in the ordinary w.-ty,
,qteel IrnrlLed by electr-slag melting witp sub,,3equent vacuum sTnelt:ng and cortninjng
sarne nor- idmixLures (SliKh15S);~ Clio s;11re stGel as ShKhl5S except with a lower
15 P -%corification
conterit o' Imp.--irities-I-- - -_J/~ and steel smelted orce by clectro
.:c resulfs (.-see Fig. 1 0., tide Enclosure) show Uinnt the corrvqi~,n stability of
hardened S111K.'115 1'reParud by the ordinary, electroslag or vacuum exhibits
?r)-'Io% larf-er corrov!on itability t1vin steel annealed over the game pcriodl of time
L 2306"5
the corrosion slAbUity d 1e" pure MOQ15 wW ShXkI5S smelts by 25-30%. Among
various nomeWic empmests left after the &Nove-wentiomid types at smelting.
oxides wW wilicatse reduced the cormsion stability of the ball bearing @t" marv
sipMeandy. Globular &M spot impurities and PubUse caused less marbW ill-offects.
NO REF SOV: 002 OTHERt 000
:503 COD& MM
Charge forming on metal surfaces under the action of the working
medium. Fiz.-khim. mekh. mat. 1 no.1:22-26 165.
(MIRA 19:1)
1. Fiziko-mekhanicheskiy institut All UkrSSR, LIvov. Submitted
July 23, 1964.
L 4Q206-65 Eff (a)/bW(w)/EPF(c )/EWA (d)/Jr/kW(t)/tW (z)/EW(b) "/JPYWB
ACCESSION NR.- AP5009278 8/0369/65/001/001/"27/6031
At"HOR: Kuslitaldy, A.B.; Mindyuk Rudenko, V.P,; Bnhov B.F.
TITLE: Corrosion resistance and corrosi fatigue atrength of hardened Sh9h 15 teel
SOURCE: Fizlko-khimicheskays memmAl imateridov, v. 1, no. 1, 1965, 27-31
'MUM TACN.- steel corrosion, steel fatigue strength, hardened steel, Yorrosion
different degrees
were made on oair~ples of ball-7bgAr th
nonmetallic impurities and different densitie Six types of ShKk 15 steel (made by six
different technological variants) were thus tested. A 3% NaCl solution was used as the
corrosive medium. 17he corrosIan resistance of electrosiag and vacuum steels was
found to he virtually the same and somewhat greater than that of the ordinary variety made
in an open arc furnace. The 3% N&CI corrosive medium sharply decreased the cyclic
strength of hardened steel. Steels subjected to electroslag remelting were found to be
somewhat better in this regard. Fatigue tests on the six types of steel showed that the
more aggressive the corrosive medium or more sevw.*e the testing conditions (preliminary
. L 40906-605
~ ACCESMON NR: "5009278
corrosion of the samples), Ow smaller the difference in the properties of these types, Le. ,
the less they differed from one another. Orig. art. has- 3 figures.
SUMMM 204lut" EN. CU 00 BUD CODE: UM
ACCESSION NR: APS012651 UR 0369 6~0 002/0 72 0181
AUMOR: Karpenkor, r. V.; Gutman, E. K.; Mindyuk, A. K.
4~~ _P1
TITLE: The electrochemical properties and chemical resistance of the white layer
mekhanika materialov, v. 1, no. 2, 1965, 172-181
~TOPIC ~'---Iqyer, e e it d
TAM wh t6- I iMtroc'fiemdd'tiiy'#- corros on- - A
chemlcaf~ resiatan6i, reas-
'tance, steel., metal chemical property
ABSTRACT: A white la-yeAs formed on the surface of steel in certain cases: dur-
electric-spark and electric-arc harden-
'ing, when the__e__is__fr1~ct1:6n, iii4--alio"' Tn=~th#`-cas___ --injUe&- cti br--gases. du~ng
-a on-
explosive forming. This white 1is very difficult to etch in ordinary metallo-
JaY7 r
-e i
graphic reagents. The whit is a part of the base metal which undergoes stru(
tural and phase transformations. The density and uniformity of the layer depend to
i-F-M-71- F,
a great extent on ow a formed. In this arti e the electrolytic potential of
-f" -hlf-.m lavers and the norro= resistance of the white laver
I ~ :1 Iva -W
.1 - 1 ~X
-finv Z=-Studie-d-. -`-Hy-poedfm*