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Publication Date: 
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SARIC, M.; BERITIC~ T.;-NN--r-AL-M. A case of severe lead encephalopat4y in an adult treated with chelating agent. -Arh. hig. rads. 13 no.21lWL113 62. 1. Institut sa medicinska istraziwmja i medicinu rada i Interna klinika Modicinskag fakulteta u Zoarebuo (LEAD POISONING) (BUIN DISFASES) (EDATHAMIL) I j-. r I-I t r, r ""2 k I SILC 1, z La --- La L o - a. n j I c c. '.-Cho o - n ,.:17, r I r V 1 9 2 j. F~ c! ica I c r i t ~1 n -I 1.1c I u (I ir".7 5' liver fur.,F:~tinn tests, and 6 ocb~,r 1,-'-c)rat~-r7 cr.L-Zeria~ ana 1,~ s is. Only asrccr in wlhi-,.:~., secmed to be e significant diff'rence blet"IP-9211 C~CFC Witi'l and vitlout delirlim was 5ubIL-natc te-st, bi.t gunerall,, 13ver damaps (59,4% fatty erjt-lall~ frequent luk &11, as was of tables, 2 diagraw; 14 Ce-man, 7 ctiier We~terr- and Of ARY I.--R ill "i"care-lial IIII'dret?" Viesnik, Vol 84, N,, 12, 126-6-l"i- A rj-,-.f 1. Aw 0 JL' 3 9 0 rt IC I U A-f.Ch i'-- tbirj,~ cli" v;.e m~;J l-W?,RCiVB liAt.& -ir, Lh, of iwct; tresar-mEoLj ir, thp "Hilt-431 L,x and 3.3 Western z.-i-fervncu- C YUGOSLAVIA _1 L_,_Cr Dabroslav BABIC, Dr Neda and Prof at_Mjj_qra_d_K1MjgA KOHLER-KUBELKA Iva VOLARIC-MRSIC; Internal Medicine Clinic of the Medical Faculty (1nterna klinika Medicinskog fakulteta, Department of Internal Medicine of the Hospital (Interni odjel bolnice) "Dr. J. Kaifes," Immunologic Institute (Imunoloski zavod) and Department of Botany of the Faculty of Pharmacy (Zavod za botaniku Farmaceutskog fakulteta), Zagreb. "Pollinosis.11 Zagreb, Lijecnicki Vjesnik, Vol 85, No 5, May 63; pp 497-502. Abstract [English summary modified]: Data on 100 patients with seasonal allergies: rhinitis in 93, conjunctivitis 62, asthma 37. Skin tests to 39 pollen extracts from 14 families of plants: most frequent culprits were Alopecurus pratensis (75%+, 64%++); among non-grasses, ragweed was now found frequent around Zagreb (70%+, 38%4+) goldenrod also (32%+, 16%++). Multiple sensitivities to non-pollen allergens involved 30%; 84% of patients were from Zagreb and 68% had 'intellectual' occupations. Three graphs, 6 Yugoslav, I Hungarian, 20 Western references. ~'! f ; :". , - i ~ 0-,! .~ i , . - . , i-I % .1 " J - -- ~- .- - ~ -, .: . . -,, In' f-,all '-.T-rj~-,-:~ *,r-~' :,', L4 , ' " -' I ~.i k. 1 1". -. J, P-'. I i,;", . MIMICA,...Milorad,,.d*r.; BABIC, Dobroslav, dr,; KOHLER-KUBELKA, Ned&, dr.; VOLARIC44RSIC, Iva,, prof. PbUenosim. Idjecn. vjean. 85 no.5s497-502 163. 1. Iz Interne klinike Medicinskog fakulteta, Internog odjela bolnice *Dr. J. KaifemO, Imminolookog savoda i Zavoda sa botanika Parmaceutako fakulteta u Zagrebu. (POLIEN) 7SKIN TESTS) (STATISTICS) S~ CyLolc", of the b-;wf--,'. And,.it-l .11-, bacillary d7se-itery. ~f;ta 1(.~ 1. DeparLment of Medl,.~ne -n,') 54-seases, Medical Faciiaty, -:)f REMARIC, Milan, dr.; MIMICA, Milord, dr.; OBE", BozIdar, dr. Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery. Lijecn. vjeon. 86 no.2-1sI387-1393 N 1 64. 1. 1z Internog o4jela I. Prosekture BoInice *Dr. Josip Kajfav* u Zagrebue HA 11 --1015AS; Eiji Sinalim, --. a- . i i --. -.- g -. ~-. -I I air ~ ll?, Ivsd-I .3 KOSIXOT. LK.-, K 329J4-Af.; NDDBLI. A.1.; SAVITSKIY. G.A.i FXDOROVICH. B.G.; OWMININ, A.P., IFIMUMM, G.A.,atvaed.; GAIDYAN. M.A.,red, Sig"S, G.J., [Randbook for *Ieetrlc comunications VoI.S.- 2"101 lashmerno-tokhnichookit spravochnlkpo..'elaktraqviast., Kesleva, Goq,lsd-vo lit-ry po vopresm svlssl I radlo. voi.e. udiosviae. ]L958. 5w P. (min ii: 8) I.' Russia (1923 - U.S.G.R) Njuleteristvo sWaste* (R~Alo) MIV,INC,Slr\fnl, D. I. ItElectrophysiological Characteristics of the Conducting Functions of a Nerve Sear During the Process of Regeneration." Sub 19 Apr 51, Aced Med Sci USSR. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 May 55. MIKINOSHVILI, 5.74. -- Instrument for anucleation. West. oft., Kookys, 31 no.6:26-27 Nov- Doe 2952. (CM 23:4) 2, Of the Jtre Division (Need - P. D. Macharashvill) of Sukhumi Municipal Hospital (Road Physician -- A. N.. Shurpra). MIVINOSh-VILIj S. Ya. MIMINOSIIIVILII, S. Ya. -- "The Effect of Physical labor on the Development of Intr- ocular Presoure.ff Sukhumi, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candilate in Medical Sciences). Sot Knizhnaya letopialp No 8, 1956, pp, 97-103 MINIDDSHVILI, S.Ta., M66ficatlon ofithe receesion operation in concomitant otrablems. ort.xhur. 14 ub.6*-365-368 '59. (KIRA 13:4) 1 1--p 1. Is glasnogo Welenlya (say. - kand.sed.nauk S.U. MulnoshvIll) Beepublikauskoylbollnitsy In. prof. A.A* Ostrounova, 3&huml. OrMISNUS) (ITS-SM(MY) - i. -MIKI 1,-S.1a.,; BIMITA, F.Te.; TSKHADAU. A.B.; --']!QqHm MATRITA, Ah. 1. Active detection of glaucoma among the population of Smkhlul, Test.oft. 72 no.6:4-5 I-D 859. (NUA 130) 1. Glasnoye otdolenlys SespublIkauskoy bolInItsy Iseni A.A. Ontrousoys, (sav. - S.Ya. MulnoshvIll). (GZAUCONA statist. prow. & control) NIMOONVILr, saa., kand.sed.nauk 11-~ The 75th anniversary of A.No Faklakov's ophthalmomter; historical note, Test.oft. 72 no.6:52-55 Jr-D 159. (KM 13:5) 1. Glasnoye otdolenlye RespubIlimuskoy bollultsy Imni prof, A.A. Ostrammova. (OPWK"MLOGY hist.) (BrOGRAMINS) MIMMVSHVILIt S.Ya.; RUKMZE# T I KUZNETSOVA# N.Kho; MFBONYAYp L.E*; v DZKAWZISRVrLI-,-16F.Ta..; ;M914# N.G.; ZARZHETSKATAq A.S. Active dote-etion of glaucoma among the rural inhabitantB of the Abkhazian A.S.SeR,irept,oft. -73 no. 3:28-30 My-Je 160. (MIU 14d) (ABKRAZjjp4kGLAUCOMA) -A M114INOSHVILIt S.Ya., kand. meft nauk Active and passive detection or giaucam patients. vest, ort. 76 no.5:48-50 " 163, (MIRA 17:1) .1. Zavedtqpshchiy glasnym otdolenjym ResyubUkLnskqy bollmitay imeni. A.A. Olstromova, SWdml. SOV/112-59-3-4545 Translation from: Referativnrl zhurnal. Elektrotekhrxika, 1959, Nr 3, p 38 (USSR) AUTHOR: Miminos4yili._Y, TITLE: Fuel -Consumption Norms for Heating Buildings in the Cities of Gruzinskaya SSR (0 normakh raskhoda topliva na otopleniye zdaniy v gorodakh Gruzinskoy SSR) PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta energ. AN GruzSSR, 1957, Vol 11, pp 83-88 ABSTRACT: The fuel -consumption norms for building heating, as endorsed in 1946 and as applied to the Gruzinskaya SSR, are inadequate; this causes systematic underheating of buildings. The facts not allowed for by the norms were discovered by the Institut energetiki Gruzinskaya SSR (Power -Engineering Institute, Gruzinskaya SSR). For example, the temperature (+4.50C) at which heating systems are supposed to be started is not substantiated, particularly in the districts with high air humidity; specific heat characteristics of buildings In the 4-th climatic belt are heavily underrated. Recommendations are offered Card 1/2 SOV/112-59-3-4545 Fuel- Consumption Norms for Heating Buildings in the Cities of Gruzinskaya SSR as to the duration of heating period for various cities of the Gruzinskaya SSR, based on the temperature +100C for starting the heating system; recommenda- tions are also given for heat -consumption norms for buildings in the 4-th climatic belt based on specific hant characteristics which are higher by 45% than those for the 2nd climatic belt. Bibliography: 7 items. M. L. Z. Card 2/2 "Otiv 8*.' "FAasearch Work In the Field of Internal Combustim Zogines In the Institute of NDtor Yeblels Resoarebw p. 717 (STBWDUMI,, Vol. 39 1b. 20, October 1953,9 Praba, Cs*cbo- s2mkJ4. - 90s Ymthly List of Zast Maropean koessions, Wo Vol- 3# No. 5p AW 1956 Uncleselfled S B9 System of springs in autonobles and some methods of research., p. 4069 STROJUMNSTVI (I-Idnisterstvo strojirenstvi) Praha, Vol, 59 No* 6j June 1955 SOURCE: East iuropean Accessions Lis~ (EEAL) Idbrary of Congress, Vol. ,, No. 120 December 195 -IRA B. M 1112 Experiences gained during a visit to Soviet automobile factories and laboratories. p. 106 (Automobil) Vol. 1, no. 4, Apr. 1957 Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: MONTHLY INDL-,X OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (M-AI) LC, VOL. 7, NO: 1, Jan. 1958 VENDERCTA, E.; MB4RA, J. New hexachlorophene washing emulsion in the prevention of nosocomial Staphylococcus.okin infections in newborn in- fants. Ceek. ped. 20 no.12MO5-11M D 165. 1. Gynekologicko-porodnicke oddeleni Ob7odniho ustayu narod- n1ho wiravi r SokAore (yedouct - MUDr. 1. Grossmann) a Protiepidemicky odbor , Obvodni hygionicko-epidemiologicka stanict, v Sokolove (vedouci - J. Mimra, prom. lek.)* MIKRIKOV, A.N., student. Advanced technique for forging flanges. Trudy LIZI no.10:180-188 155. (K6VA 9:8) (Flanges) (Forging) BUDIIIOVA-SW,LA, J.; BOHMOVA, E.; MIMROVA, M. An attempt at the quantitative evaluation of phasic diseases. Cesk. psychiat. 60 no-4:221-225 Ag 164. 1. Oddeleni pro cevni nemoci mozku Thomayerovy nemocnice v Praze. I/" ~ 137-58-5-10580 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 244 (USSR) AUTHOR: Mimukhin, B. TITLE: Graphic Analysis of the Problem of Determining Microstresses and of the Magnitude of Regions of Coherent Scattering in Plastically Deformed Steel (Graficheskoye resheniye zadachi ob opredelenii mikronapryazheniy i velichiny oblastey kogerentnogo rasseyaniya v plasticheski deformirovannoy stali) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. rabot stud. Petrozavodskogo un-ta, 1957, Nr 4, pp 55-61 ABSTRACT: X-ray analysis is employed to study the mechanism of plastic deformation of polycrystalline substances. A method of graphic analysis is developed to solve the problem of simultaneous de- termination of the microstresses and the grain size. The investigation was run on low-carbon steel. The (110) and (220) lines due to Fe irradiation and the (I 10) and (3 10) lines due to Co irradiation were examined. The specimens (S) were first annealed for 2 hours at 7800C followed by cooling within the furnace for 2 hours. After elongation by 8, 16, and 20%, the S Card 1/2 were X-rayed and electrolytically etched. It is experimentally 137-58-5-10580 Graphic Analysis of the (cont. demonstrated that within the limits of 8 to 20% of predeformation the amount. of microstress in the S increases, while their size diminishes. It is indicated that the suggested graphic solution of the problem of determining micro- stresses and the size of regions of coherent scattering in plastically worked steel requires experimental verification where small relative strains are concerned. V.N. Ca rd 2/2 SHIYRIN, O.K.; NIMUKHIN. 3.N. Anisotropy of second order atomic deformations In the crystal lattice of plastically deformed tungsten, nickel. and aluminum. Isv. wye. ucheb. sav.: f1se vo.3:135-140 158. (KIRA 11:9) 1'. Petrosayodekly gosunivereltet, (Metal crystals) (Notallography) lP // ~' 2k- & i1 ,-AUTHORS: h L nd i a Ly=kis, S.Ye. , jAimukh n. B.M 8 7 TITIN: On the Structure of Liquid Alloys of the Nickel-sulphur System (0 stroyenii zhidkikh splavov sistemy nikell-sera) PERIODICAL: Tavetnyye Metally, 1959, Nr 3, pp 29 - 32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Previous work had shown that various sulphides were present in the intermediate sulphide product in the extraction of nickel. The present work is X-ray structural analysis of solid and liquid alloys of the nickel-sulphur system. The apparatus URS-70 was used and a diagram of this is given. The alloys investigated were the intermediate sulphide-nickel product and synthetic alloys containing 18% 8 (hypo-eutectic), 21.5% 8 (eutectic) and 24.9% S (Hyper-eutectic). Whe alloys wgre investigated at room temperature, 500 C and ' 700-800 C (50-100 C above the melting point). The transition from solid to liquid is accompanied by a loss in intensity of the lines but only those lines with the smallest intensity disappear completely alloys I%V ~examined lines corresponding to Ni and " 'hiS xe found. N1 o we ficro-regicfLs rich r ifL re, f s~ "th 0 e i t lid fp f Cardl/2 x s a n e n gener a v s e o so y 00 s , SOV/136-59-3-8/21 On the Structure of Liquid Alloys of the Nickel-sulphux System solutions of Ni and Ni3S2 and only in those alloys showing complete absence of molecular mixing (i.e. complete micro-inhomogeneity) were lines corresponding to both components of the alloy seen. The micro- inhomogeneity is connected with deviations from the ideal state. The properties of the alloys are in some degree the properties of the individual components, i.e. nickel and its sulphide. Therefore, there is a positive deviation. The line corresponding to the higher sulphide NiS was absent. NiS may, however, be present in complete molecular solution of Ni3S2* There are 1 figure and 12 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Yuzhuralnikell Combine Card 2/2 S/12 3917"6,7f-1000101 2/00 3/005 E193/E383 AUTHORS: Brovman, M.Ya., Melinikov, A.F., Tsomik, I.I. and Mimulchin, B.M. , Engineers TITLE: Heat-treatment of welded constructions PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye I termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 12, 1961, 28 - 29 TEXT: The object of the present investigation was to develop an improved method of stress-relieving of welded constructions. To this end, the stress-distribution in fillet- welded beams of various shapes before and after different types of heat-treatment was studied by X-ray diffraction and with the aid of wire strain gauges. It was found that, in addition to tensile and compressive stresses, bending and torsional stress may be set up in welded constructions. One of the heat- treatments studied consisted of heating the weld with suitably mounted travelling torches. When this treatment was carried out in such a way that the material adjacent to the weld was heated without raising the temperature of the weld itself, tensile stresses were set up in the weld which, as a result, became Card 1/4 `~,'_,73 S/129/6i/- Heat-treatment of .... E193/E383 000/012/003/005 plastically deformed. If the difference, 8 T, between the temperature of the cold-welding and the heated part of the welded construction was correctly chosen, the residual stresses disappeared after treatment of this type. The correct temperature interval can be calculated from a formula: ,& T =. o-S/ Ea where "I'S is the yield strength of the steel, E its elastic modulus, and a the linear coefficient of thermal expansion. The rate of torch traverse is given by: V = Eaq/cybiY, , where q is the linear heat-power rating of the torch, c is the specific heat of the steel, y its density, and 6 the thicImess of the material. Card 2/4 'I S/129/61/0c~lA12/003/005 Heat-treatinent of .... E-193/E383 v = 0.0068 q/b for carbon and loif-alloy steels. The effectiveness of this treatment i-tas studied on welded box-beams, stress- relieved with the aid of equipment shown din.-ranimatically in the figuro. This consisted of two oxy-acetylone torches Al) mounted symmetrically opposite each other in such a way-that both sides of the beam could be heated simultaneously, and tifo' water-spraying jets (2) for cooling the ivelds while the adjacent material was being heated. The wholo device was moved along the beam on suitably mounted rollers. The con Iumption of acetylene and oxide was, respectively, 3.5 and 4.2 m /h per torch, the water consumption being 0.5 litres/min per jet. When the traverse rate itas correctly chosen, this treatment itas more effective than stress-relieving in a furnace. Thus, after a treatment at a.traverse rate of 25 cm/min, the residual stresses in the beam studied were 3.115 times loiter than in untreated specimens and 3.25 times lover than in specimens stress-relieved in a furnace. The absence of residual stresses in welded constructions, stress-relieved by this method, was confirmed by X-ray analysis and by measuring the internal stresses by standard methods. The process described in the present paper Card 3/4 .11 -7 , S/129/61/666~012/003/005 Heat-treatment of .... E193/E383 can be used for stress-relieving of both fillet and butt welds, is easily automated and is 25 - 30 times shorter than furnace heat-treatment. Whenitisusedon beams with a wall thickness of 20 - 40 mm, the traverse rate of the torches should be 10 - 30 cm/min. Great care must be taken to ensure that weld is,cooled by the water jets during this treatment. iAbstracterts note: this is an abridged.-t.ranslation.j ~Iier'e is 1 figure. Figure: Card 4/4 only the LYUMKIS, S.Ye.j PRILEPKO.. Kh.S.j MIMUKHIN.. B.M.; SAIDVA, K.P. Surface active substances in the system matte - slag. TSvet. met. 35 no.6:34-38-Je 162o (MM 15:6) (Surface active agents) LYUMUS Soya'; ClIFUMAYip L.L.; MIMUKHT11, B.I*.~ MUM, Kh.S. r X-ray analysis of liquild hewry metal sul-fJde alloys. Tzv.vys. ucheb.zav.; tBvet.met. 8 no.2-,24-31 165. (IMITRA 19g1) 1. Kombinat IvYuzhuralnikp1II'. SubmItLed Februar7 28, 1962. 117. ~ - SELYUTIN, Vq LESNIKOV, N.1 WEVICH, V.; GURMCH, V.; KUVTSEV, A. (Bryanrk); MUNCV , M. (g. P4mneko5r&, Moskovskoy oblasti); NAZAR(Vq P.; RYKOV, Yu.; MIN, A.; IWATENKO, N. Letters on various subjects. Most. prom. i khud. promyo. 3 no.8:30-31 Ag '62. (MIRA 15110) 1. Starshiy inzhener Glavbelmostpromm, g. Minsk (for Selyutin). 2. Glavnyy inzhener shveynogo kombinata "PobodaN, g. Ulan-Ude (for Gurevich). (Industries) MI N. D. American railroad journals on the subject of Soviet railroads. Zhol'.dor.transp. 40 no.11:93-95 N '58. (NIRA 11:12) (Railroads) XISUAVAt Roos I HINg U. lbtestselp of tromaAwtablo tmors In mice sW rate. Tbp-mk;]Lo~ 6 nool$27-33 160. (TUKORS) (KM 13 MIN I U Simplified method for obtaining clones from human tumor cells in vitro. Vop. onk. 7 no.9:&12 161. - (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz laboratorii kulltivirovaniya tkaney Otdela etiologii. i pato- geneza opukholey (sav. - deystv. chi. AMN SSSR prof. A. D. Timofeyevskiy) Instituta ek"rimentallnoy i klinichesk onkologii AMN SSSR Wir.,.- - deystv. obl. ANN SSSR prof. N. N. Blokhinj. (TUMORS) SHARLIKOVAP Production of Jenson's sexcom clones (single-call tmors). Biul. eksp. bi6l. i med. 51 no.3385688 Mr '61., (MIM 14:5) 1. Is laboratorii eksperimentalluoy kh4m4oterapii (zav. chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR profi L.F.Laribnav,, rukavoditell raboty- kandidat maditsinskikh nauk G,L.Zhdanow) i laboratorii kulltury tkaney (zavi - deyetvitelfnyy chlen AMN SSBR A.D.Timofeyevskiy-) Instituta ekoperimentalinoy i klinicheskoy onkologii (dir. - daystviiallrLyy chlen A141 SSSR N.N.Blokhin) AMN SSSR. (TUMORS) SHARLIKOVA, L.F.; MINI, U. Production of clones of the mouse eacites sarcoma 37. Vop. onk. 10 no-5-.nO-nl 164, (MIRA 18:8) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy khimioterapii (zav. - chlon-korrespondent A14N SSSR prof. L.F.Larionov) i laboratorii kulltury tkaney (zav. - deystvitelinyy chlen AMR SSSR prof. A.D.Timofeyevskiy) Instituta eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy ankologii A14N SSSR (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AHN SSSR prof. N.N.Blakh1n). Adres avtorov: Moskva, I-110, u1. Sbchopkinat 61/2, korpus 9# Institut ek.Bperimentallnoy i klWcheskoy onkologii AMN SSSR. YEIAGO., I. N. p MIN, V. N. Solis Root systems of oak on dark-grey and on saline soils. Lac.khoz. 5 no. 4(43) (1952) ~.*p MonthIZ List 2f Russian Accessions, Libravy of Congress, August, 1952. Unclassified. MLN I)L cc P u N T 111%, y CATMORZ ABB. JOUTP. 19"59, ~4-0- 71936 ALI Ti I Oft Lo -,a of CIR IG FU B itev. chim., "(5fi: NO 7-8t 38Y-350- Discut.; 31;0-Jl~l t.B,-',,,rRflCT L-'bcnatory ond pilot-plwit weve ")f "'ilxtumis of t J :~nd coal tc --C!I- (zirbon '~)Ia madc-up~ at 4;"0, into ,l-, r i - A. ~- "I i t C-lu-1001 ;-tn d in a (11 1 t '- -6br-- at 550-H-00 TAI'--an ~;~aas was chlorLnut-d' ri t 1'. i~, was -And acout. :3 's C; f I C' 2 . I' d.0 (I c :~ cr U f~;-'-Iher r.-urif Iclh..Jcon c-f thc T.-'LCI4 i-TINA, 1. Mlin~, I. - "ReCalatlri6 erawth -processes in cotton 'Jants- ~;- --,et'.od to conturril ita ,-ield.11 Sel. lrhoz-vo T;,Azhikdst~-na, 1948, I-To. 6, p. 12--15 SO: U-36oo, 10 JUIY 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inyl-h Statey, !To. 6, 1949). !:I!;A, 1. I 1-:ina, I. - nilynificance of il-1-11--atioll ill producil-4" jllji cotton y-iDlj3t1, 3,01. 'I'alzI.EdIst", 19,19; 1-10. 1, p. 16-12. SO: U-3261) 10 Arril 53, (L~Aopis '""llw-nal 3tat--,,,~, No. 12, 191,9). x1m. M. I --- .. .. ~. ~- Feeding useful 'birds. Sbor. mt. Nook. soop. no.2.-83-88 158. (MIRA (Kuntsevo Distrlct--Blrds, -Protection of) I 11: 12) I MINAP M.V. Data on the evolaff and tuonow of ebars of the genus Salvelinum of the Lena Delta. Vop. ikht. 2 no.2t230-241 162. (MIRA 15M) 1. Kafedra ikhtiologii'Mookovskogo goeudaretyannogo universiteta I Yakutskoye otdolaniye Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-iosladovatellskogo instituta osernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozyayatva (GosNIORn). (Lena Delta--Trout) MINA I M. V. Materials on the ichthyofauna of the Zeya River. Nauch.dokl.VYS. shkoly; bibl.nauki no.4:33-37 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy ikhtiologii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosova. (ZEYA RIVER_-FISHES) ,V/n /V 72 VOROITSOV, O.S.; GOLIX, K.G.; DILIDOVICH. V.I.; KWIV, I.A..; KOZ, - HIM N.P. doktor b1ologloheskikh nauk. professor; SOSIDOV, 9.1. CHUn"IKO, ZAP.; GALION. D.U., redaktor, Z66.- MN, G.A.. tekhnicheekly redaktor. (Grain storage; management and equipment] Organizatella I tokhnike khranenita serna. Moskva, Isd-vo tekhn. i ekonoulcheskol lit-ry, 1954. 358 P. (Microfilm] (ML" 7:10) (Grain-Storage) L 31960;.65 BWT WI/kW-(M)/kW(t)/W(bj Jagrim O"A03/m/Oa/0-Ill/dIn H, WMIS zhwftleiwp~valfty I toor4idbeskW fisW# Y& 48p no* is 196% LU-121 To not inaml 7" mfacog free eift~trm mod4,. efrective was, carrier was,, carrier relocitrp OvIotron resonance AWHdCTs In viev of tha lack of precimion investiotims at the ftrod owface of indium, particularly IW the cyclotron resonance mtbodi, the authors used this wth- &POmok4we v~msma of the carriers In Liam and to studbr thelz ]V3,196:0.65-L a-CIS -M d4~ The offectiipa-males wwe:dotwmlmd ftom the oplotrm spectra br a formda do- in. m earlier mer (ZbW, v. 4, Ma, 1963). The extreml rived by the muthwo i : Card 2/3 ... -.- , I.. - - ... - I.- - --~. --- -- .. -.1.1 ~ --. - 4 6- 0i ACOMIOR ".0 3 on CMI NMI 00 a MW OCNI OCT S/05 40/005/003/019 4 7 4 6 0 B I I 3~B2'010~0 AUTHORs Mina, R. T. TITLE3 Relaxation absorption of electromagnetic energy in antiferro- magnetic CoCl 2 PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i toorstiohookoy fiziki, v- 40, no- 5, 1961, 1293 - 1295 TEXTs A study has been made of single crystals of antiferromagnstic CoCl 2 bred in vacuo from the melt of previously well dehydrated salt. The speci- mens obtained were transparent, homogeneous, and had a sky-blue tint. Orientation and character of the individual specimens were controlled radio_ graphically. The energy absorbed in the specimen was determined from the power transmitted through the cavity resonator containing the specimen. The power transmitted was recorded by a peak-reading voltmeter. The measured value was found to be inversely proportional to the square of the power ab- sorbed by the specimen. To prevent the change of natural frequency of the resonator from affecting the result of measurement, the generator frequency Card 1/6 24703 S/05 61/040/005/003/019 Relaxation absorption of... B113YB201 with a period of 0.03 Boo was modulated within a range exceeding that of the resonator frequency changes. As may be seen from Figs. 1 and 2# the power absorbed has a maximum at a certain temperature and a corresponding magni- tude of the constant magnetic field H. For both cases, the vanishing of the nonmonotonic dependence of absorbable power on temperature in fields exceeding 5.5 koe is a common phenomenon. Fig. 3 shows that the power absorbed by the antiferromagnetic substance in the paramagnetic state decreases with a rise of the constant field. The power absorbed by the specimen has not been found to depend upon temperatures high8r than the Curie point in the 25-400K range. A further temperature rise to 60 K, however, had the effect of reducing ab- sorption in the single crystal. The data obtained can be used to operate on the relaxation mechanism of the absorption shown. The relaxation processes can be characterized by a given time V. Since the latter rises with dropping temperature of the antiferromagnetic substance, the relaxation absorption,)2 of electromagnetic energy of frequencyti has the forms + (Ij Academician P. L. Kapitsa and A. 1. Shallnikov, Corresponding Member of the AS USSR are thanked for interest displayed in the present work, as well as M. S. Khaykin for his guidance, A. S. Borovik-Romanov for several discussions of reeults, and N. N. Mikhaylov for his assistance in breeding the single Card 2/6 24703 Relaxation aboorption of... S/05 61/040/005/003/019 B113YB201 crystals. There are 3 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non- Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as foll6wst M. Ka Wilkinson, J. W. Cable, E. 0. Wollan, W. C. Koehler. Phys. Rev., 113, 4979 1959- ASSOCIATIONs SUBMITTEM Institut fizioheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems, Academy of.Sciences USSR) December 21, 1960 Card 3/6 % S/056/62/042/001/005/0-48 B 12 5/B 108 AUTHORS: Mhaykin, 311. S., M-ina, R. T. TITLE: Investigation of the Fermi surface of lead by the cycl,)tr,~n resonance -nethed PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretictieskoy fiziki, no. !, !962, 35 - 41 TEXT: Cyclotron reoonance in the (100) and (011) planes of rectangular singie-crystal plates of lead with a resistivity ratio Q(20cC)/Q%"4.2~~K) m (0.6 - 1),104 was measured by frequency modulation at 9.47z!09 Cps in a magnetic field of 000 - 7000 oersteds at 2 0K. Two specimens with the high-frequency current and magnetic field directions are shown in Fig, 1, V/ The ratio m*/M H-1/(H-1 If-1 W (m*= effective electron masz3, e W n-ti n m z- free electron mass, If* - field strength at electron par-amagnetir e W resonance, If n =field strength at cyclotron resonance of the order n. Thz- depth of cyclotron resonance of any group belonging to a certain eff,~~cti- Card Ilk S/056/62/042/001/005/048 investigation of the Fermi surface... B125/B108 mass depends on the direction of the magnetic field. However. group hav the deepest resonance of all. The lower and upper parts of the pola! diagram (Fig. 5) show p(j)-data for specimens 1 and 2, r,-sp,-ctjvely, The Permi surface model presupposes free electrons in the weak field of the crystal, the first Brillouin band filled up, a second band with cloied central hole surface, and a third band filled up near the edges. resonances are observed on tlieoutermost closed orbits with art orb.--al plane perpendicular to the magnetic field. The elr-ctron surface of tn--3 '0,;Ard band is shown in Fig. 4. The proportionality between the effectivp electron mass and the tube cross section is the better for a real Perml aurface, the less this surface deviates from cylindrical form. The deep cyclctron resonances on the 19 ~29 ~ 3, ~4 orbits are due to the nearly cylindrical form of the tubes. With a magnetic field parallel to f~i~ iol . -" ~-' r drl axis, cyclotron resonance ariAeq on orbit, t~. I v + 1 2 Pir, ri (It te I, III. Lifshits, M. Ya. Azbell, and M. I. Kaganov (ZhETP, 31, 63; !9,56). Cyclotron resonances were o-served on all extreme orbits lying iv tile maltiply connncted Fermi surface of the third band. Data are in gool-I .ua,it t've and quantitat4ve agreement with the form of the third~bar-d - I aX Gard 2 S/056/62/042/001/005/048 Investigation of the Fermi surface ... B125/B108 Fermi surface as constructed in free electron approximation, P., L~ Kapitsa is thanked for interest, G. S. Chernyshev and V. A. Yodin 1'oi- assistance. There are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 8 references: 5 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The three references to English-language publi,~ations read as follows: J. E. Aubrey. Phil, Mag., ~t 1001, '~960; Ref. 4: A. V. Gold. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 251, 85, 1958; W~ A. HarriFcrp.. Phys, Rev., 118, 1190, 1960. ASSOCIATION: Ingtitut fizicheskikh problem Akademji naiik SSSR QnS'L!U!,e of Physical Problems of the Academy cf S3iences USSi) Fizicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR (Physi-s Institute of the Academy of Sciences Armyanskaya SSR) SUB"'ITTED: iialy 11, 1961 (initially), and November 2, 196! (aft.(~t, reviston) Legend to Fig. 1: t2) specimen 2. (1) specimen 1, V Card 3/1 eu 44228 s/o56j62/043/006/017/067 MD ~102/BIO4 AUTHORS: Khaykin, M. S., Wins., Ra T.# Wellman, V. S. TITLE: Cyclotron resonance and quantum oscillations of the surface impedance of bismuth I PERIODICAL: Zhurnal okeperimentallnoy i tooreticheakoy fiziki, v. 43, no. 6(12)'o 1962, 2063-2073 TEXT: Disc-shaped Bi single crystals of 18 am diameter and 1-5 mm thick were used to measure simultaneously the cyclotron resonance and the quantum oscillations of the surface impedanoi at 9.5-10 9cps and at 1.70K. The measurements were made by the method of frequency modulation (PTE9 39 95, 1961): the logarithmic derivative of*tho surface reactance Was measured as a function of the inverse magnetic field strength applied to the sample parallel to its surface. Of two of the samples this surface agreed with the ba"l plans (.L C,) and for the two others the aXes C 3 and C2. lay in the surface planes Ths.cyclotron resonance was measured in order to determine the effective Mass@$ psq*/No a */%QW~K -1 of the Card 1/3 3/056/62/043/006/Pl 7/067 Cyclotron resonance and quantum oscillations...BI02/BI04 carriers and to explain the characteristics of the effective mass anisotropy; 6IH_I is the period of cyclotron resonances measured in the plane of the sample with rotating field. The characteristics of the electron and hole Fermi surfaces. The main result of the investigations was the determination of-the extremal cross section areas S of the Fermi -surface perpendicular to H. They were calculated from the quantum oscillation periodsAH- I:'S - sh/cAH-1. At angles equal to or less than 300 between H_"and C2 the effective electron mass was proportional to S. The end-point energy of the Bi electrons was calculated: E0 a 3/299me = (2-5!0-1)-10- 14erg, a value, that_ .-corresponds to an 0 effective temps ature of 181+7 K; the correspondiqC electron velocity :1070m/sec. 18 VO M V2EO/Pme - (7-%0.2) Some more details on the Fermi surface are discussed. There are'6 figures. Card 2/3 5/056/62/043/006/017/067 Cyclotron resonance and quantum oscillations-.BI02/BI04 ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fisicheakikh problem Akadsaiya nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical-Problems of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: July 20, 1962 Card 3/3 T,t 1385"3. L-~T )/W#(4)/EWr(Pi)/BDS/=(b)--2 AFFTC/ASD/W-3 t r/WMG '16 /2100/219,3 slooslK 3/0~4/c*6 _-AUTM 7M3: StandIng magnet(TAezma waves In bismuth sin Is cryst SOW=: Zh==Q, elcaper, 1. teor, flzlld,,: v.446p no, 60 n6% agoa93 TOPIC TAGS: MiCZOWIEW6, pWM6, waves, magnetoplasme, wevess-single-crystal bismuth, standing waves ABSTRACT: Some results,are presented of a detailed Investigation Of adcro. ~VSVe IDWetl0plasm WILVes (defined as domped waves propagated under the acmdItion that the Lamor radius to er then the wevelength in the metal and that 'the r=mor frequency Is - b1 &her then the . wave frequency which in turn iis -much higher than the collision frequency) In plane-pare2lel single crystals of-blamath..'earried out at frequegeles of 9.5 and 25 Cc at 1.80K In a magnetic ;Xield of 20 k1looersted. gie surface lMedance'was measured by the _--ftequency modulation method and by the power transmission coefficient method !~,for high ascilleLtion ezoplitudes. Two types of oscillations are Investigated: those occurring when the magnetic field Is nearly parallel to the surface of the specimen and those for Arbitrary angle between the.field and the surface. 7h6 _,_Cad MINA, R.T.; KHAYKIN, M.S. Use of the cyclotron resonance method in studying the Fermi surface of lead. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no-5:1304~1316 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut fizicheskikh problem AN SSSR i Fizicheskiy institut Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po ispolizovaniyu atomnoy energii SSSR. KHAYKIN, M.S.; FALIKOVSKIY, L.A.; EDELIMAN, V.S.; MI-44, R.T.,. Properties'of magnetic plasma waves in bismuth single crystals. Zhur. eksp. I. teor. fiz. 45 no.6:1704-1716 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut fizicheskikh problem VI SSSR i Fizicheskly institut Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po ispoltzovaniyu atomnoy entergii SSSR, Yerevan. L 65254-65 -VP. ACM351W-W APSO'~4!? UR/0386/65/001/002/0034/0041 AUTHORt Mina. R. T~; Khnkin, M. S. --W 1ITLE; .~upe!hLe frequency electromagnet ic wavQ in the skin layer of indium SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pis'ma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, v. Is no. 2, 1965, 34-41 TOPIC TAGS: cyclotron.frequency,-indium. singler crysta4,j electromagnetic field, skin effect ABSTRACTZ -The sample-holdmethod -is ordinarily used in studying the stationary distribution of a superhigh frequency electromagnetic field outside a conductor. A similar method may be used in investigating an electromagnetic field in the skiry, layer of a metal. In this case, a specifically selected group of current carriers in the metal may be taken as the sample field. A small Inclination of a constant magnetic field H to the flat surface of a metal single crystal test specimen changes the cyclotron resonance spectrum due to a Doppler shift in the cyclotron resonance frequency for the current carriers which have a velocity component 8.1p. Zxperimenta were conducted with indium single crystals 17.8 mm in diameter and Imm _7 L 65254 ACC~SSIOHAR-_ AP5014200 thick with a mirror,flat surface oriented along (611)i Cyclotron resonance was observed at frequencies of 9.58 and 18.6 Mc at 1.50K n a field of up to 8000 oer-- steds parallel to axis C1113 and parallel to high frequency currents in the speci- men. It was found that the width of the cyclotron resonance peaks remains Rrac- T-ically unchanged during splitting. The relative resonance displacement 6H 2/jj-2 n ?I is independent of the resonance order n at small 6. The ratio of inductive skin depth to active akin depth (XIR) was 0.44, which is one-fourth the value deter- mined from the theory of anomalous skin effect. This is not unexpected, since the theory relates to a metal placed in a neutral magnetic field. "The authors are grateful to P. L. Kaoitsa for interest in the work and concern, to V. S. Edel'man for help In carrying put the experiments, to M.__Ya,1Az5el_' for discussing the re- sults, and to G. S. Chernyshav and V. A. Yudin for technical assistaxice." orig. art. has: 2 figures, I table, 5 formulas, ASSOCIATI ON,.: Institut fizicheskikh Droblem Akadetaii nauk SSSR (Institute of Phys,'- cal Problems, Academ of Sciences SSSR); Fizicheskiy institut GKAE, Yerevan sl Inst tife-LdiWO SUBHITTEM. ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EM tio REr sov-.'~ 60S OTHEM 005 WNA, R.T.; KIJAYKIN, H.S. Irarmi-surfane of indium, RM, tkopo i toor. fiz, 43 no*1011-121 A 06 5. (YMA 1&4) le Tnatitut fisicheakikh problem AN SSSR I Fizicheskiy Institut Gonudarstyannogo komiteta po ispollsovaniyu atomnoy energit 31,11.11 a I L 45io4-66 EWT(l)/EWT(m) /EEC W-2/T/F"aft 1/,-. 0 I/E*.,;!2(k) TJP(r) I.-.1a /RT4/.TT) ACC. NRz AP6024865 SOURCF CODF. 6/0056/66/051/001/0062/oo86 ' I V AUTHOR:_ Mina, R. T. ; Kh%rkin, M. S. ORG: Institute of Physical Problems of the AcadenV of Sciences,SSSR (Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR); Physics Institute GKAE (Fizicheskiy institut aw) TITLE: Investigation of the fermi surface and current carrier velocities in indium by the cyclotron resonance method 1-' SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 51, no. 1, 1966, 62-86 TOPIC TAGS: fermi level, cyclotron resonance, effective mass , indium OU&Jer-JuIr ihaf?,Ae, --kicreox) Haze, !> AtSTRACT: The results of the syetematic investigation of cyclotron resonance in indium single crystals are presented. The measurements were carried out at a frequency of 18-T Gc/s and a sample temperature of 1,Z. Animtrogr 9f the hole and electron effective masses was studied in the (010). 110)2 (11*1), (011), and (001) crystallographic planes. The velocities of the current carriers on the Fermi surfate were determined by analyzing the results obtained. The hole velocity on the "rib" of the surface lying in the (001) Brillouin plane was found to be equal to 0.73 x 108 cm/sec. The anisotropy of the effective masses (a change from 0.11 to 2.2 m . and of the current-carrier velocities (from 0.73 x'10B to 1.10 x 108 cm7sec), was in good agreement with the al st free electron model, L 45lo4-66 ACC NRiAP6024865 0 providing the mass mc of the current carriers is taken to be equal to 1.6 m The dimensions of the hole Fermi surface along the [100) and (001) directions 0.91 and 079 h/a, respectively) were determined by making use of the resonance cyclotron cut-off effect in a thin aample. A number of experimental facts which are not consistent with the almost free electron-value model were established. In order to explain them, calculations of some features of the Fermi surface model were performed. These yielded the effective potentials the indium lattice jV1111 = 0.07 * 0.015; IV0021 = 0.055 ' 0.01; IVZOOI