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TZ ri a ce rivat 166. kHmAi. 11m. N.P.ZPV-n.,-I,.cj-rj 1,11 51l'S.R. SiOrdti-o-21 Sumi MLLISHEM"ahmil Abramovich. general-mayor; S14BWXKO. Aleirsey Kivillovich. polkovnil MWO K.T.. redaktor; GUBIN# K.I.. tekhatchaskly re"ktor [Kilitery ideologiste of capitalist countries an the character and owns of coaductiag modLern war] ToewWe Idealco bapitelistl6beekikh tran o khmmaktare I spoadbokh vedenits savresennot volay. Koekvs. d-vo "Zomnle.1- 1957. 63 p. (Tessotusnos obahchestvo po rasprostre- K nenitu, politichealfth t vAucbWkh snanit. Ser.l. noo.11-12) (war) (KM 10:7) ,_gILISHTEYM general-mayor; SLOBODENKO, A.K., polkovnik; ZLATOVEROV, B.S., ---IRRqYWMvnik, red.; GUBIIA, Z.A., [Bourgeois military science] 0 burshuaxnoi voennoi nauke. Roskya, Voen. izd-vo N-va obor.SSSR, 1957. 285 P. (MIRA 10:12.) (Military art and xcience) I HMMP--Mikb&LI-Abramovicho,-general-mayor; SWBODENKOj A29ksey Kiril- -El" lovicho polkovnik; MOROW1, B.N., polkovnikv red.; SIZPTSOVA, Ye.N.p tekbz. red. (Bourgeois military science] 0 burzhuaznoi voennoi nauke. Izd,2,, perer. i dop. Moskva, Voen. isd-vo V.-Ya obor. SSSR, 1961. 354 P. (MIRA 24:10) (Militar'y art and science-History) MILISIMEIN2 M.A. intra,miscular uL;e of plasna in a clinic for pulmonary tuberculosis. Trudy Kiev. naueb..-.issl. inst. jArel. k.-ovi i neo.1ozh. kbir. 3:1r'p- 18 16j. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Odesskaya gorodskayn tuborkuleznaya bollnitsa. Wji~',K!Y, A.A.; ROMANYUK, R.S.; L.S.; KOROPOTNITSKAYA, O.L.; MILISHTEYN, p M. A. - I . ~ '--~ 11 - , ,- rc Ot marin., a. collold-salt. blood substitute. Trudy Kiev. nauch.-issl. inat. porel. krovi I neotl.ozlj. khir. 3:103-io6 161. (MIRA 37:20) 1. Odegskaya cblastnaya ot-mitmiya porollvaniya krovi. DIKOOT. D.A., inshener (1habarovskMKILISMYN. K.L. Inshener (Mbarovsk) SkIlIftl maintemn s of roadbeds in winter. ktil'put. khos. no.l: 13 A '57. (Km 10: 4) (Plallroads-Maintemnoe and repair) - MILISHTEYN, M.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Protection of tracks from erosion on the Far Eastern railroads. Amur. sbor. no.2!202-217 060. (MIRA 15:3) (Soviet Far East--Railroads--Construction) (Erosion) MILISHTLYN M kand.tekhn.nauk (Khavarovsk) Better organization of track maintenance. Put' i put.khoz. 4 no.8:19-20 Ag I *60. (MIRA 13:7) (Railroads--Track) kand.tekhn.nauk (Khabarovsk); MIT, E.I., kand.tekhn. I ~ . nauk (Mabarovsk) - Technical and economic justification for the distribution of track skeleton assembling units. Zhel.dor.tranap. 43 no-5:44-47 My 161o (14IRA 14:4) (Railroads-Vaintenance and repair) MILISHTEYN, M.I,t kand,tekhn.nauX (Kt",barovsk) :Undardization of narrow gauges. Put? i put.khoz. 9 no.l-,,19-20 165. (MT.:U 18:5) MISHTEYN, 1-1 7,,, inzh. "Tractor transmission gears; tecbnical specificationsO. Reviewed by M.Z.14illahtein. Trakt.i sellkhozmash. 31 n0,9:43-45 3 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Kiyevskiy zavod im. Lepse. (Tractors--Transmission devices) MILISHTEYN, M.Z., inzh. Accuracy of tooth profiles of medium-module gears shsped by shavin Ve3temasho 41 noog:57-58 3 '61. (MIRA 14:95* (Gear cutting) f00 MILISHTEYN, M.Z. -, I 1 -,,7' allowances for shaving medium-module gears. Stan.i instr.32 no.7;24-26 Jl 161. (MIRA 14;6) (Gear cuttink) ,G1 11-:11T-714, s~, p : r ~, t, r. ..317, -, vinc? ,,.f ~~t,n. ', WTTA 17.,.1l. .: j 1 164- KARTAVOV, Sergey Alekseyevich, prof.; LEVCHENKO, Andrey Matveyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; RUENIX, Sergey Sergeyevich, doktor tekhn. nauk; BOVSUNOVSKIY, Yakov Ivanovich,, kand. tekhri. nauk; BAZHENOVI Ivan Ivanovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; KOVALENKO, Vladimir Vladimirovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; LOMACHENKO, Zinaida Nikolayevna, kand. tekhn. nauk; MIL'~~ ~Z~ell ~c h, kand. tekhn. nauk; RADC101KO, Yuffja Gavrilovna, kand. tekhn. nauk; REZNICHENKO, Mikhail Petrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; TRUB1210K, Aleksandr Davidovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; KHRISTICH, Zakhar Demlyanovicbp kand. tekhn. nauk; SHNAYDERMAN, Isay Yakovlevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; GOLUBOV, N.P.,, kand. tekhn. Paul-. -Ptsenzant; DUMANSKAYA, V.A.2 kand. tekhn. nauk, reteenzentl.MAKSIMOV9 G.D6j,kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; YAKOVENKO, G.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent [Technology of the manufacture of machinery] Tekbnologiia mashinostroeniia. [By] S.A.Kartavov i dr. Kievj Tekhnika, 1965. 526 p. (MIRA .18:7) 1, Kafedra tekhnologii mashinostroyeniya Kiyevskogo poli- tokhaicheskogo instituta (for all except Golubovp Maksimov, Yakovenko). ZLOBIN, V.F.; HPIKIN, Ya.A.; J~Tj,~ISHIEYN M.7 - RMITSKIFY, V.A. _ I - .1 *j* Diamond grinding of a sectional multicut hard-alloy tcol. MashInostroitell no.10:16-18 0 164. 0,11RA 17:11) SHULIMAN, P.A.; MILISHTEYN, M.Z. I Basic trends of the technical preparation and organization in Introducing diamond grinding. Mashinostroitell no.10:25-27 0 164. (MIRA 17:11) KUNKIN) Ya.A.p kand.tekhn.nauk; MIL'SHTEYNI_O!Z., kand.tekhn.nauk; RYBITSKIY, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Efficiency of diamond machining of hard-alloy cutters. Mashinostroitelt no.3:18-19 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) ZAKHARENKO, I.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; MILISHTEYN, M.Z., kand. tekhn. niuk ------- ----- -.:.- Diamond grinding and the design of tools. MaBh'Inostroitell no.7: 29-30 ii 165. OMM 18:7) MIT,,'SMT,YN) M,?,, Effect ol" the wear of a sshavl~ng cutter on the microgeometry of tnoth iurfam~. Shan, i irtaLre 36 no.8:12-13 Ag 165. (141RA 18;9) BURLACHENKO, M.A., kand. mod. nauk; SIGAL, L.D.; KAUSHANSKIY, M.Z.; PELITIN, K.K.; KRAVETS, I.G.; ZDANOVICH, O.A.; ERMAN, I.D. (Kishinev); M:rL'SHTEYN,-P V. (Belltsy); ETLIS, S.S. (Bendery); MISHC101KO, S.A.; ROYTIKH) R.M. (Tiraspoll); VASSERMAN, Z.S. (Soroki) Role of artificial pneumothorex i- the iompound treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl.' tub. no 7:24-29 163. (MIRA 18:1) T. Iz Moldavskogo instituta tuberkuleza (direktor - kand. med. nauk M.A. Burlachenko). DRYEV, Th.S.; KRONGAUZ, A.N.; Indicators of gamma-irradiation utilizing photorealstors. i red. 34 no.4:66-68 .71-Ag 159. (KIRA 12:12) 1. Iz dozimetricheakogo otdola (zav. - doteent A.W. Krougaus) Gosu- darstvennogo nauchno-looledovateltakogo rentgono-radiologicheakogo institute. Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSM (dlr. - dotsent I.G. Lagunova). (RADIOMTHI equipment and supply) PHASE I BOOK ECELOITATION SOV16062 Vaynbe;;g, M. Sh., A. N. Krongauz, R. S. Milsh-teyn, V. 1. Tryapitsin, and A. V. Frolova. Praktikum po dozimetricheskim. priboram dlya rentgenovskogo I yadernykh izlucheniy (Manual on Dosimetric Instruments for X-Ray and Atomic Radiation). Moscow, Medgiz, 1961. 182 P. 7000 eoples printed. Ed. (Title Page): A. N. Krongauz; Ed.: V. F. Smirnov; Tech. Ed.: N. I. Lyudkovskaya.. PURPOSE: This book is intended for physicians, medical students, and laboratory personnel working with radioactive substances. COVERAGE: The book contains descriptiont, arri techniul characterJfities of various dosimetric instruments produced in the USSR and used in medical practice. It a,1so contains a series ol' practical exer- cises to be oarTied out In the study,of nuclear physics and dosi- met7 In medical school.. No personalities are mentioned. There Card 1/5 Manual on Dosimetric (Cont.) are 17 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: J~oreword 3 Introduction 5 .1. Basic reference information on dosimetry 6 2. Classification of dosimetric Instruments 19 3. General methodological Instructions applying to work with dosimetric instruments 23 4. General inbtruetions for eliminating the simpler defects while workir* with dosimetric instruments 24 5. Recording of measurement data and their pro- cessing 27 PART 1. DOSIMETERS SOV16062 1. RX-lX medical roent6n6meter 31 Card 2/5 MIVSHTMM. ILL Experimental determination of the half-value for soft .8-ii-radi.- ation and determination of the thickness of the window in gas counterar. Medarad. no.33.863-66 c6lo (MIRA 3-4:31) 1. Iz kafedry radiatsionnoy gigiyany (zavo - prof* 09F& Krotkov) Tgentrallnogo instituta usovershenstva7aniya vracheyo (BETA RAYS--KUSUREMT) LYI.PIDEVSKIY, V.K.;. MILISIM,"Yff, R.S. Roentgenoingtfir dotgratning ra--liatin qmlity. V,.A. rad. 8 ro.r-1: 62-65 My 163. (HITRA 17:5) 1. Iz doz.Lmetricheskogo otulela (rakovodit9l'-dotsent A.N. Krongauz) Nttui,,Iulo-isolodov,it,31'.iltogo rt)n,~(,,iirio-rit(ilologicheskogo instituta Ministerstva zdravookhronanlyu IUFSR. u%F=VSwv Tio (Nosbuh Mn'SBMYlrip RJ, (Mwkn) M --dmtlm Or dWP TOONUMUAC "Go IW mix= of a zqfttlM phm*am6 th47 29ontre mmah.-bd. Ina% nmtgo I V!ido'U "61199wm MAO OMA lasn) LUKOV, B.N., prof. (Kuybyshev); FETROV, V.I., dotsent (Moskva); PAVLE11KO, T.M.., aspirant (Moskva); YERMOLAYEV, V.G., prof. (Leningrad); ADO,, A.D., prof.; VOVSI, M.S., prof.; YERMOIAEV, V.G., prof. (Lenin&W); KUPRIYANOVA N.A. (Kazan'); PETROV, G.I. (Maekva); DOLGOPOLOVA2 A,V, (Moskvaj; SAK11AROV, P.P.0 prof,; BYXHOVSKIY, Z.Ye., prof.; MIN.1KOVSKIY, prof. (Chelyabinsk); KM-iSL1CHON0K, I.P. (Irkutsk); TEI-MIN, U.S., prof. (Moskva); MINIKOVSKIYO A.Kh., prof. (Chelyabinsk); MILISHTEY11' T.N., doktor med.nauk (Imninered); TRUTNEV, V.K., zasluzhennyy d.,tell nauki, prof.; TSYRESHKIN B D., (Moskva); SOBOLI I M Prof. (Stavropoll~; ;URIK, G.M. (Moskva); MIUMLI, M.M.' (~o;];va); MAZO, I.L.; POKRYVALOVA, K.P.; PROSKURYAKOV, S A,., prof*; ATKARSKAIA, A.A., prof.; GOLIDYMM, I.V., prof: Izhevsk),- FORIJBINOVSKAYA, N.M. Moskva) ; RUDIEV, G*P . prof.; VOLMOTI, I.Z., prof. (Stalinr-,--1); DOROSBENKO, I.T., prof: (Kalinin)- '* ROZENFELID, M.O., prof. (Leningrad); SHULIGA, A.O., ~rlof. (Orenburg); MIKHLIW, Ye.G., prof.; TRETIUKOVA, Z.V. (Moskva); MANUYLOV, U.N., prof. (Moskva); DOROSIENKO, I.T., prof. (Kalinin); YERMOIAYEVA, V.G.# prof. Speeches in the discussion. Trudy gos. nauch.-isal. inst. ukhap gorla i nosa no.11:79-87,129-11+6,179-186,233-248,31-1-333 159. (M]M 15:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Ado). 2. Direktor Moskov- skogo gosudarstvennogo instituta ukha,, gorla i nosa (for Trutnev). (OTORHI 7-CONGRESSES) LOPDNO, I.A.; ODRITS. V.7.; PMBRAZHINSKIY. B.6.; KHILOV. K.L.; LIKHACNW, A.G.; SXNVU OfflY. 1.7k.; NILISHTM, T.N.; GRINBXRG, G.I.; RONK, S.Z. Basic problems In Soviet otorhinolarynogology; on the 1960 working plan for research In the Academy of Kedical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Vest.otorin. 21 no.5:3-14 S-0 059. (MIRA 13:1) (OTO]E1NOLA6RTNGOIM) IVPOTKO, I.A.; UNMITS, V.P.; KIY, Beg*; KH M Vp KeL*; ollm ism, ma.; T-TimA 0 A.G.; NrL',SHTEYN, T.N.; UMMM,, G.I.; ROMp SAo (Imningrad - Swkwa) ~Dst lWortant problems in SiDyiet otorhinolaryngoloa; -an 168 research plan, for the fie3A.or otorhindlarMology during 1961- 1962, according to the AcadmW of Ybdical 36ionces of the Ue8*SJL Testootorine 2Z no,00-24 S-0 960, (NnA 1383-1) (OfMARIGNOUIGY) -MILMINO!, T.N.,, doktor med.nauk Basic problaw in scientific research in the field of occu- pational pathology of the earp nooe and throats %stootorine no*489-17 '62- (MIRA 16 13) 1, Is laningradekogo nauchno-insledovatel9skop institute, po bolemps ukha,, gorlap nonia i rechi (dir. - prof. LA* Lopotko, naucbnyy rukayoditall - Geroy Sotsialinticheakogo Truda deyst- vitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof, 7.1e, Voyachek). (MMINOLMNOMM) (O=PATIOWAL DISEASU) MILISHTEYN, T.N.,, doktor medenauk Research methods recommended for studying occupational lesions of the olfactory analysor. Yest.ot-orin. zo-,5S10-15 162* (KIRA 15t9) 1. Is Ioningradrkogo riauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta. po bolem7m ukba,9 nosa, gorla i rechi (dir. - prof. 1.A. lopotko, naucbmn rukovoditell - Geroy Sotsialisticheekogo Truda. deyst- vitelOnyy eblen AM SSSR prof. V.I. Toyachek). 0% (MM) (OCCUPATIORAL DISWESj MILISHTEYN T.N. doktor med. nauk Methodology of examin Ion recommended for use in scientific works for the study of occupational lesions of the acoustic and vestibular analyoors. Yest.otorin. 21+ no.6:9-24 N-D'62. (KERA 16:7) 1. Iz Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta po bole=yam ukha, nosa, gorla i rechi (direktor - prof. I.A. Lopotko,, nauchnyy rukovoditell - Geroy Sotsialistichookogo Trudaldaystvitellnyy chlen AMN SWR prof. V.I.Voyachak) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) (ACOUSTIC NERVE-DISEASES) MILUSHKIN, V. N.; MINIOVICH, F. L.; MARENNIKOVA, S S.; AKATOVA-SHELUKHINA, E.M. MALTSEVA, N. N,. grid GEINaNA, F. B. 'Hyperimmune antivaccinia Gamma Globulin from Animal Sera." report submitted for the Expert Committee on Smallpox of the World Health Organization, 0enevap 14-20 Jan 19611. Inst. for Research on Viral Preparations, Moscow. -19631 ~ -A - MMOVOIVA, G.A., 11ILISIMM12 V.V. Fish Calture-Ifol.-a River Improving the stock of the pisciculture industx-y in the Volga Delta. R.7fb. khoz. 23, t) no. 4, 1952. AUliu-ST 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953. Unclassified. 11-711- ~W V/ Vnl-o '/-:- (j /-/ #ILISTBYN,Tldiuir Tollfevick; NOSSOVA, O.S., red.; CHIBTSM~A, Y*.A.,tekhn.r*d. -V " - . -" [Breeding sturgeons] lasvod*nlo asetrovykh. Moskva, Plabehopromisdat, 1957. 65 p. (MIRA 10;12) (Sturgeons) USSR/Soil Scianco - Mineral Fertilizers. J, Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 40 1958,, 153ig Author V.V, Mil'shteyn Inst Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR Title : The Use of Fertilizers on Spawlng and Rearing Farms. (I?rimenen:Lye udobreniy v nerestava-vyrostaym khozyayet- vakh). Orig Pub : Tre probl. i temat. soveshm-nly. Zool. In-t AN WSR, 1957, vyp. 7, 73-77 Abstract : At the Spawning and Rearing Farm "Batrachok" (in the volga River delta) superphosphate was applied twice for 10 days before filling the lake and after the inlet of the melted water; this increased the productivity of the fish on the farm by 35.8 kilograms per hectare, or by 22% over the average fish production of the Card 1/2 MnISHTM, V. V.,, Candidate of Biol Sci (diss) -- "A comparative-ecological analysis of young sturgeons during the pond peridd of development". Lenirgrad, 1959. 18 pp (State Sci Res Inst of the IAke and River Fish Economy), 160 copies (KL, No 201 1959, 111) kand.biol.nauk Bleiminate obstacles in the reproduction of fishes. HTO 2 no.11:24 N 160. (MIU 13:0 1. Direktor Ktxanskogo rybovednogo xavoda. (Caspian Sea--Sturgeons) ,ELILISHTEYNA Vladimir Vollfovichj KEL-ATIEA, Ye.S., spets. red.; 71T. i~-,- re-d-. .,=O=; [Improvement in the biotechnics of sturgeon farming] Sovershenstvovanie biotekhniki razvedeniia osetrovykh. Moskva, Izd-vo, "Pishchevaia prorVshlerinostt," 1964. 22 p. (MIMA 17: 5) MILISHTEMS V.V. Ecology of yowW isturgeons in fishponds. Trudy VHIRO 56:9-23 164* (KRA 2-8t4) 1. Kaspiyakly nauohno-issledovatellskiy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografti, SOBOLEVSKAYA, R.F.; !~L,'8kn-X.N,-V-Ypq Stratigraphy of Sinian sediments in the central Taymyr-PeninBula. Trudy NIIGA no.125s2O-30 161. (KM 16:7) (Tays'yr Peninsula-Geology, Stratigraphic) - MILISHTEYN, V.Ye. Problematic formations of the K,;loaovvk~,Ya series in the Sinian system of the eastern and central Taynyr Peninsula. Sbor. at. po paleont. -' bloqLrat. no.32s37-59 163. 11 (MIRA 16:11) MILISMMI. Te. r, j, ~~, 'i' -';L~~ " ~'. - - .. li - ~ -~i laying Sao pipes with the aid of a connecting *leave. ZML-kou- khos. 5 no.8:19-20 155. (MM 9:3) 1. NacW'aik kenstruktorskogo bywe Nookovskage &sevop saveda. (pipe fitting) MILISHTXU, Ya,*, a& Ing flare-jon-te of cast-iron gp~a pippllnes. Gas.prom no-1130- s ggfl "50. 1 . 1 .1 1 (MLRA 10:1) 324% I . (Goo.Natural--Pipolines) (Phcking (Xw*lcal.engineerlng)) I I - I . -I I rr 7 ~ - - - r- .,r ~ r/" "- - - ~ MILISORYI. Takov Abremovich- AIXUFIYBVA, A.M., radaktor; PITROVSKATA, __ 7 ' -GIRFcTe_nW redaktor [Repair of gas eqit;lpmntl Remont gazovoi apperstury. Moskys, Izd-vo N-va kommiun.khosJWFSR. 1957. 80 p. (MIJU 10:7) (Gas mnufseture and works--Apparatus) MILIANT Nsw gas Wllancos- Zhil.-kon. khos. 7 no-3:6-8 '57- (ML" 10:4) Nftkov' skov gasevago $&Tod&. (Gas munfactur* and works--Apparatus) MILISHTEYN., Ye.S. Device for cutting high-carbon tool and alloyed ste'31 with abrasive wheels with 2�0-400 mm.diameter and 2-3mm.thick. Mashinostroonie no.1:102 Ja-F 162,, (IMIRA 15&2) (Cutting machines) MILISHTOYA.. 0. 1. "Certain Interrelationships BeWeen-the'Funftlonal Mobility of the Visual Analyzer and Binocular Vision." Dokl. AN SMRj 989 No.60 pp 965-967, 19540 Evaluation A-533279 26 Jul 56 MUSIM, Frantinek, dr. ~~ ", -; ~ . - PiTsaing glass on hardboard. Tech praca 15 no.88596-599 Ag #63. 1. Interier, n.p., Praha. S/078/62/007/004/001/016 B11O/B1O1 AUTHORS: Margulis, Ye. V., Getskin, L. S., Millskaya, N. S. TITLE: Pressure of the saturated SeO 2 vapor PERIODI CAL: Zhurnal neor;anicheskoy khimii, v- 7, no- 4, 1962, 729-731 TEXT:,-The pressure of the saturated Se02 vapor was measured in the range from 130 to 231-50C by means of the saturation method for the purpose of checking the divergent literature data (Fig. 2). Dried SieO2 is present in the vertical, U-shaped saturator (8) which is kept at constant temperature in a thermoetate.filled with a corresponding glycerin + water mixture. The temperature of the Se02 charge controlled by means of a Pt-resistance thermometer was kept constant within +0-50C. The condensing tube connected~/ with the saturator via a mercury seal7was cooled by melting ice. The water-vapor saturated carrier gas (02 for preventing S002 reduction) escaping from the condensing tube, reaches a gasometer which keeps the gas pressure constant with barometric pressure with an acouraoy of 0-076 mm Hg. In the condensate of the Se02 vapor dissolved in water, So was colorimetrically determined, and the pressure of the saturated Se02 vapor Card '1 /3 Pressure of the saturated was calculated according to: p S S/07 62/007/004/001/016 B110YI3101 P /Em-v(Pw-P,)/gTR + 1] - PsA , where ps is the pressure of the saturated vapor of the substance at the tempera- ture of the saturator in mm Hg; PS is the total pressure in the saturator in mm Hg, M is the molecular weight of the evaporated substance, V is the volume of the gas passed through the saturator in liter, P. is the total pressure in the water gasometer, in mm Jig, T is the gas temperature in the water gasometer, in OK, R is the gas constant: 62.361 mm Hg/OK, and g is the weight in g of the substance evaporated during the experiment. Between 20 and 3000C no polymorphous conversion was detected Lor Se02- The pressure of the saturated Se02 vapor was 0.017 mm Hg at 1300C and 8-13 mm Hg at 231-50C. The following temperature dependence of the saturated-vapor pressure was ascertained: log P - 10-7265 - 4936.2/T. The heat of evaporation Of Se02 is AH - 22-583 kcal/mole. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy gornometallurgicheskly institut tsvetnykh metallov (All-Union Mining and Metallurgical Scientific Research Institute of Nonferrous Metals) Card 2/4 S/078/62/007/004/001/016 Pressure of the saturated ... BI1O/BIO1 SUBMITTED: May 8, 1961 Fig. 2: Scheme of the apparatus for the determination of the vapor pressure of Se02- Legend: (i) oxygen cylinder; (2) and (3) H2 so4 bottles; (6) wash bottle with KOH; (4) and (7) manometers;.(5) rheometer; (a) saturator with Se02; ~9) thermostat; (10) reflux condenser; (11) Pt resistance thermometer; 12) potentiometerl (13) Hg seal; (14) condensing tube; (15) bubbler bottli with water; (16) water gasometer; (17) valve installation for maintaining barometric pressure in the gasometer; (18) and (15) thermome- ters. Card-3/4 1,ARGIULIS . Te.V.,- MILISKAYA H.S. v Harmful effect of copper sulfides on the roasting process of lead concentratese TSveta mete 35 no*6:31-34 -Te '620 (MIRA 15t6) (lead-Metallurgy) (Copper sulfide) ACC N" AP6022533,A) SOURCE CODE-' UR/0017/66/000/004/0024/0026 AUTHOR:/, Mill sk% _A. ORG: none TITLE: Methods of protec food, water. animals, and water supplies from contamination SOURCE: Voyennyye znaniya, no. 4, 1966, 24-26 TOPIC TAGS: civil defense, contamination, radioactive contaminatibn,,bact6riolo'gi contamination, radioactive agent, bacteriologic agentl r-6A A.4t-4z-- -, %P,;f w-~ ABSTRACT: This article is one of a series of lectures devoted'to fundamentals oi civil defense. It deals with the measures to be taken in case of contamination resulti~ from the possible use of bacteriological. chemical, or radioactive agents by an enemy. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. [AM SUB CODE: 14*1' SUBM DATE: none/ L Card MILISKIY, A.I., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk. f=wc kcal regulator of exhaust @team pressure. Sudoetroente 22 no.11:9-14 N '56. (MTRA 10:2) (Pressure gauges) (Stam flow) KILISKIT, A.L., kandetekhn, nauk. Drmnlc calculation of pressure-regulattug system. Sudostroonle 24 no.S.-22;-25 Ag 1580 (KIRA 11:10) (Karins, engines) (Pressure regulators) ; MILISKIT, A.V. I-1- Development of the chemical and physicochemical, analysis methods for the control of food industries and inspection of food products. Trudy 1UN11PP no.23120-134 159. (mim 14: 1) (Food-Analysis) (Food adulteration and Inspection) MILISKIY [Mills1kylv O.V.]; GAYDUIHOVICH., Kh.Ya. [Haidukhavrh,, I U SHLESMVAq S.V. Use of the refractometric method for determining fat content of ginerbread a~d semiprocessod products for pastry and cake wnufaoture. Khar.prom, no.2s76-W AP-Je 162. (min 1539) 1, Ukrainskly nauchno-iseledovateliekly Institut plabehavoy proiWshlennosti. (Baked products--Tsat~ng) (Ref ractowter) MILISKIY$ A.V.; GAUDUKOVICH, A.Ya. Determining egg product content of pastries and baked producte. Khleb.i kond.prom. 6 no.6:5-7 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-inaledovateliskiy institut piahchevoy promphlonmosti, . (*ked prodw)o) (Food-Awlysia) MILISKIY, ~O.V. [Millslkyij O.V.); GAYDUKHOVICH, Kh.Ya. [Haidukhivych, Kh.IA.); 8H9L9S'TOVAP S.V, Refractemetric method for determining sugar content of gingerbread. Kharch.prom. no.4:50-53 O-D '63. (MIRA 17:1) 60 VULIKH, A.I.; STATSENKO, A.A.; MAKOVETSKIY, M.I.; WLISKIY, S.A. Chemical method for the preparation of welding fluxes. Prom.khim. reak. i osobo chist.veshch. no.2sl8-22 163. (MIRA M2) VULIKH, A.I.p kand,tekhn.nauk; STATSENKO, A.A., inzh.; MAKOVETSKIY, M.I., inzh.; ~a . U..',,'.,.inzh. jjKI Y'4. New technology for the production of fluxes for soldering and welding. Svar. proizv. no.9t24-26 S 163. (MIRA 16s10) 1. Navosibirskiy zavod khimicheskikh reaktivov. MIL I MY, V. 1. "The Xxtraction of rndens From High Fractions of Heavy Penzol, by Technical Grade Triethyleneglycol." Cand Tech Sci. Donate Order of labor Red Banner Indus- trial Inst ineal F.S. Khrushchev, Stalino, 1953. (IL, lio 16, Apr 55) SO: Sum. No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - SurveY of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Iducatiomi Institutions (16) BAJEC,D., dr.; CUPIC, V.., prof. dr.; MILSTAJN, R., dr. SUrger7 in diabetic children. Med. C[Las. 18 no*US379-381 F 164 1. Institat SRS za zdravstvenu zistitu majke i detete u Beogradu (Direktor: prof. dr. ~. Gupio) Hirurska odeljenja Instituta (N-acelnikt dr. D. Bajeo). EuXUA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and Their H-17 Applications Pharmcautim3se VItwd , Antibiotics. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur ichudya.. No % 1Zq.. No. 16~01 Authccr : Mlstoc ke; ratrascu. Inst 0 V W Title Corn Mctract as a Raw bhterial In the Production of Antibiotics, Orig Fab Rev@ chim.p 1957, 80 Abstract Corn extract thenanufacture of,corn starch Is six 0=01lout - oultmv nedim for Tariow, fungi and is suitable for the mnufacture of entibiotics* - quality of the extracts is depemdent on the ratio m1trogen .(I) to carbohydrates' (II) and to lactic acid.(M). With a high,coritent of M ant a low'content of 3:1,, the decomposition of mines is facilitated and the doccaposi- tion ]products are easily assimilated by the m1croorganisim. Card 1/2 RT24ANIA/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their H. Applications - Drugs, VitarAns, Antibiotics. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiyas No 14 1958, 37203 Author : Milstocj Me, Dra(pi) Be Inst -Title Penicillin G Preparation in a Lactose free Fermentative Hediume OriS Pub Rev- Chim., 1957, 8, No 5o 333-334 Abstract A method of Penicillin G preparation (1), in ~diich glucose (TI) replaces lactose,, in the nutrient, is described. Laboratory-studies have proven the neces- sity of stepwise introduction of 3:1,, vhen medium's carbohydrate's concentration is Ool%* As a result of pilot plant trialsp solutions of I with concentra- tion ~r 2000 unitsxml were obtained. Card 1/1 d-- MILTENY1.1 Karoly, dr.; "VRO, lstvan, dr., foeloado Causes for crimeo committed againat property in Budapest. R.I. Stat szemle 41 no.10/n:989-998 O-N f63. 1. Kozponti Statioztikai Rivatal osztalyvezetoje (for Miltenyi). 2. Kozponti Statiaztikai Ilivatal (for Vivro). FODOR, M.; , Studies on L forms of staphylococcus aureus strains of different antibiotic and phage sensitivity. Acta microbiol. acad. sci. Hung. 11 Tio.2:155-163 164. 1. Institute of NIcrobiology (Director: L. Vaczi) and Institute of Pathophysiology \Directort L. Keaztyus), University Medical School, Debrecen. SZILAGYI, T.; CZABA, B.; MILT111YI, L.; KASSAI, L. Hypothermia and horse sennn anaphylaxis. Acta mmicrob-fol. acad. sci. Rmg. 11 no-4:399-402 164-165 1. Institute of Pathoph~siology (Director: L. Kewrtyu3), url- versity Medical School, Debrecen. HIZOARY CSABA, Bela, MILTEIM, Laszlo, FOLDES, Istvan; Medical University of Debrecen, InsT3-t-uTP--oT Path-o-pTysiology (Debreceni Orvostudomanyi, Egyetem, Korelettani Intezet). "Antig'en Distribution in the Tissue of Dogs In Anaphylactic Shock." Budapest, Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol XXX, No 1, 19669 Pages 99-105. Abstract; [English articles authors' %lish summary modified3 Anaphylactic shock was induced in dogs by means of 5 Cr labelled egg albumin. The control animals received 51Cr labelled egg albumin but no shock was induced in them. In the controls, activity was highest in the blood followed, in decreasing order, by that in the liver, kidney, spleen. lung. urine, heart, intestine, skeletal muscles and brain. In the test animals, the activity in the blood and lungs was higher than that in the controls if the second injection was into the saphenous vein; after intraportal injection, the highest activity was measured in the liver. The disappearance of mast cells of the animals in shock was 70 per cent from the liver, 39 per cent from the lungs and 30 per cent from the ear. 4 Hungarian, 11 Western references. [Manuscript received 22 Mar 63.] HUIZARY SZILAGYI. Tibor. LEVAI. Geza, BENKO, Karoly; Medical U-ni- versity of Debrecen, Institute of Pathophysiology. Institute of Anatomy and Central Laboratory (Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Korelettani Intezet, Anatomiai Intezet es Kozponti Laboratorium). 19 Formation of an Intravascular Precipitation in the Anaphylactic Shock of Guinea Pigs." Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudoman , Vol XIX. No 1, Jan 67, pages 1-6. Abstract: (Authors' German summary] Passive Arthus and antigen-antibody- complex reactions as well as passive cutaneous anaphylaxis was produced in alloxan-diabetic rabbits and mice. It was established that the development of this skin reaction is decreased in severity by the presence of diabetes. A hyperglycemia produced by the administration of glucose has a similar in- hibitory effect. It is probable that the inhibition of histamine liberation by the high sugar level and theformation of granulation tissue is respon- sible for the decrease in the intensity of the skin reaction. 7 Hungarian, 5 Western references. [Manuscript received 3 Dee 65.1 MILTEflYI, M. 1951 (Physiol Inst. U. of Budapest) "Differences in HaerwUlobin Content of Ipdividual Erythrocytes." Acta- Physiol (BudapeFt), 1951 2A suppi (18) No abst. in Exc. Med. MILTENYI, 1-11. 1951 (Elettani Intezete, Budapest U. ) "Differences in the H3moglobin Contents of Single Red Blood Corpuscles." Kiserl. Orvostud, 1951, 3/4(245~-20) Abst- Exc. lied. 11., Vol. 5., No. 6, P. 721 KIUWYI K, Simultaneous determination of calcium and phospborus from 2 al of serux6 Kiserletes orTostud. 4 no. 4:308 Avg 1952. (CLKL 23:5) 1. Doctor. 2. Second Children's Clinic of Budapest Medical UniTer- sity. MILT)EYI, M.; NOWOTNY, A. --, . Diagnostic significance of paper electrophorests of serum albumin. Orv. hatil. 94 no. 1:17-22 4 Jan 1953. (CIAL 24:1) 1. Doctors. 2. Second Pediatric Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. Gaza Petenyi), Budapest Medical University and Central Blood Bank and Re- search Institute (Director - Dr. Balint'Sores). National Blood Bank Service. MMTZNYI, Miklos Methodoloff of paper electrophoresim. Userletes orwostud. 6 no.4: 369-374 July 54. 1. Budspesti OrwastudommaWt Igyetem 11. as. Gy*r~kklInIk&j&. 21ACTROPHCOSIS paper, technic) AtopwoutiattloOtdiffor this jC. GU #Ad U. z Aruanyi ~(.Ttsice' I est -8U Wtk A4ft K&r*W. AC94 M.'ffl 41-51(1056XEm 94ffith)e- ta~ Of qpOrl~ P" 9 rangottificitt apacuat'Coemlamfm type I l S.A. 4S 428U ;by Andemn wd UcCatr lamota mc(W~OID ) asid the am of - . . thitma(ark1todet. die C-cmetimpra6da( , h l it Th ( d g d CRMY qtmat. dI d t - e o aa( esa 9mgdut mjixm. w . p aris m am t 9 the a amt car(at. of M ~M~ Gfiftp red, ' d-C Cl f i d C, i 4 m t= vc 4ti A ims c Elf tE I MILTENTI, Miklos, dr.; GAL, Kamill, dr. Diagnostic significance of the determination of the C-reactive protein. Orv. het1l. 9? no-13:337-342 25 March 56. 1. ABudapeati Oryostudomanyt Iffetem II. as. 0yermokklinikajanak (Igazgato: Petenyi Geza dr. egyat. tanar) as as Orasagoe Kozgesze&nMyl Intezet (folgesgato: Tako, Jozaef dr.) Baktariologiai Oaztalyanak. (osztalyveseto: Furesz, Istvan dr.) koslemenye. (BIOOD PROTEINS. dater%. C-reactive protein, now method by Indirect hemagglut., value In diag. of inflamm. In various dis. (Hun)) (INFIAMMATION, diag. C-reactive protein daterm. in various dis. (Hun)) for, 7*~Cv"PTA -MTGA Sec 7 ..01 13/7 Pediatrics July 1696. DIAGNOSTIC SIGNIFICANCE OF THE DETERMINATION OF THE C-RE- ACTIVE PROTEIN - Die diagnostische Bedeutung der Bestimmung des C- reaktiven Proteins -_911ttenyi M. and Gal K. 11. Kinderklin., Univ. Budapest - SCHWEIZ_.M__E_D_._W__StTR_. 1958, 88/13 (310-313) Graphs 3 Tables 1 Ulus. I Short description of a haeznagglutLnation test for quantitative C-reactive protein determination. A summary of 1.128 determinations in given. 644 were in cases of rheumatic fever. A negative test in untreated patients shown that there is no acti- vity of the rheumatic process. A negative result in patients under treatment cannot exclude activity. Positive results have also been found In treated cases without symptoms (laboratory rebound)... MILTENYI, Miklos Increase in the plasma volume in rheumatic fever and its effect on serum protein fractions and the erythrocyte count. Kiserl. orvostud. 13 no.5:481-485 0 161. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem II. sz.Gyermekklinikaja. (RHEUATIG FLTER phyeiol.~ (BLOOD VOLUME physiol.) (BLOOD PROTEINS pnysiol.) , (ERYTHROCYTE COUNT physiol.) LORANT, Ta" . dr.; yiLTEM,_ Miklos, dr. Napht,basoline polooninge Ory.b9til. 102 no.30:1415-1416 23 Jl 161. 1. Budapesti Oryostudowayi Iffetam, II. oz. Gyermkklinilm. (SYMPAMOMETICS taxicol) K=,-Zandor, dr.; MILTEUIp Mikloso dr.; BOWSZKY, Hedvig,, dr. Thyroid function tests in atrophy in infants. ayermkgyogyaazat 13 no.6:168-171 :e 162. 1. A Budapeati Orwoetudomanyl Egyatem II Gyermekklinikajanak (Igazgato-. Fetenyi Gaza dr. egyat. tanar) kazlemays. (THrROID GLAND pbysiol) (INFANT NUTRITION DISORDERS pbysiol) MILTHNYI M Comwnts - on Albert Lossa Is papert Properties and. W ndj of acid fuchmin with serum proteins in paper electrophoresis. Kisorl. orvostud. 14 no.6s655-657 D-062. (MBANILINE DIES) (BLOOD PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS) FONO, Renee, dr.; MILTENYI, Miklos, dr.; BUKr, Bela, dr. I Hypervolemia and bypersaleWs in cyanotic children with congenital heart derecte. Orv. hetil. 101 no.1:1-5 7 J& 062. 1. Budapest Orwostudomarqi Fgyetem, II 0yermakkUnika. (HEART DZMTS CONGENITAL pbyoiol) (BLOOD VOLM9 pbysiol) (CHLORIDES blood) YONO, Rome, dr.; MI~TZKI, Miklos, dr.; jrORpAI, Gyorgy, dr.; BUKr, Bela, dr. Tbradm2agtogmphic Otudies in congenital defects or the beart vith bMrmtmmi& in children. Orv. betil. 103 no.7:299-301 28 F 162. 1. Bmapeati Ormtudomenyl lasteng II Clyermak1dinika. BURT MWECTS CONGENITAL blood) iSODrUM blood) 0WOD COAGULATION In int & child) rMZARY I mftTmyl, Miklos, Dr, STMLER, 4nos ~ Dr, FONO. Renae,Dr; Medical Uni-. fe--~-qaty -0, Euaupe3t. 11. peastric Cilnic (Bu&psatl Orvoetudamwiyi ESystem, 11. Qyermekklinika). "Sodium Melua'boliom Testa on Patients with Congenital Vitim." -Ihtdapest, Orvosi Hatilap, Vol 104, No 12, 94 mar 63, pages 542-5W4. Lnstracti [Authors' Hungarian sumary3 The Fa etabolim was tested on .13 patients vith'cyanosis and congenital vitium, on 16 with normal ilc~Arculstllon. and on 2 with decomplense,ted vitim. The not dooompeneatod, .oyanotio oongenital viti= patients reacted to per on Na administration 13imUarly to the control groun. Thiir Na volume and the total exohings- i iable Na values do not differ from those found in the control group. 2 Hungarian, 8 Wastarn, references. 1 11 Dr, HERVEI Sarolta TI. Pediatric C Dr; ionic (BudapeLti orvostudoma~!edical University Of Budapest If- - ny, Eoy8tem, II. Gyermekkiinika). ..eonata` -"emia Caused by Fetomaternal Transfusion." Budapest, orvos' Hell .-IaD, Vol 104, No 38, 22 Sep 63, Pages 1799-1800. Abstract. [Authors' hungarian summryj 'A case of the recently recognized 1--0i;--O-f-neOnatal anemia, which is caused by fetomaternal reported for the first time in Hungary. The diagnosis was based on the de- termination of the elevated fetal hemoglobin c transfusion, is All Western references. 'Ontent Of the maternal blood. _!g&TEUj,_ Mk~lpp, dr.; HERVElj, Sarolta, dr. Anemia in a newborn infant caused by isaternal-fetal exchApgs. Orva hetil. 104 no.38:1799-1800 22 S 163. 1. Rudapesti Oryostudomanyi XVetem, II. Gyer-mekk-linika. WANT, MBORN, DXSEASES) HATMAL-PETAL EXOMOR) ~ANEKA) (BLOOD TRANSFUSIO11) (FETAL HMOGLOBIN) (HEMOGLOBINOMETRY) 1/62/COO/00 3 .2 o o B1491BI02 Mil'to. A. AUTHORS: Golyshev, A. B., TITLE: The possible u.9e of 1,rlass-plastico a3 ref'rforcement for concrete structures PERICDICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal. K-dmiya, no. 3, 1962, 393-3(4, abstract 3K370 (Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zaveden--;Y. Str-vo arkhitekt., no. 3, 1961, 2r~-32) I TEXT: Results are given of eXDerimental investigations into the determination of concrete strength, deformations, anchoraZe and bond for glass-plastic reinforcing bars. The resistance to cracking and rigidity of cozicrete structures reinforced with Glass-plastic material is also considered. The ultimate tensile strength was determined, as --iell as the following: elastic modulus and the character of tire growth of 0 residual deformations in reinforcement. The experiments were conducted in different media (air, water, concentrated solution of-Ca(CH )2 . The use of glass plastics as'-pre-stressed reinforcement by good prospects,since rigidity an!i resistance to cracks of unstressed glass plastic reinforced 3'/0S 3/059/0'" '~O Card 112 3/081/62/000/OC7/05q/GqO The possible use of ... B149/3102 bars are considerably lower than in unstressed st(~el reinforced bars. The losses of stress in glass plastics reinforcement from elastic compression, creep, and shrinkage are 5 or 6 times lower than the corresponding losses in steel reinforcement. ~Abstracterls note: Complete translation.] 1-018 Card 2/2 GOLYSM, A.B., IkA,.tekha.nauk;.~ ~LITO., A.A.., inzh. I Possibility of using glass plastics as r*infov6smut for concrete ship structum Sudostroenie 29 no.l.-54-57 Ja 163. (MIRA 16-3) (Glass reinforced plaitics) (Concrete reinforceaent) ACCESSION NR: AR4033716 S/0081/64/000/003/SO99/SO99 SOURCE: Referativnyky %hurnal. Khimiya, Abs. 3S620 AUTHOR: Goly*shev, A. B.; Mll'to, A. A.; Sorlsyuk, Z. S. TITLE: Experimental Investigation of the properties of a plastobeton based on FA ,monomer CIT&D SOURCE: Sb. Eksperim. teor. Issled. zhelezobeton. konstruktsiy. M., Gosstroyizdat, 1963, 15-29 ;TOPIC TAGS: concrete, organomineral concrete, plastobeton, furfural acetone based ~concrete, reinforced concrete, armopiestobeton, concrete physical property, cement 'ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the properties of an*organomineral concrete, .,plastobeton (PB), which consists of a furfural-acetone (FA) monomer with a mineral filler. A PS of the following composition was prepared (wt %); sand 83.2, FA mono- mar )2, benzenesulfonic acid 4.8 and acetone 10% of the weight of benzenesu)fonle -acid. in the investigation of armoplastobeton (APB) properties, smooth 3.2 and 8 mm steel wire was used as the reinforcing element. The strength and deformation icharacteristics of cement-based materials were Investigated In a parallel study. icarT 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4033P6 Mechanical tests were carried out on cubic and prismatic strength, compression and elongation deformation, and notch toughness as well as studies of PB-to-framework adhesion, PS water and petroleum impermeability, corrosive action on the framework, frost, atmosphere and sea water stability and PB aging. It has been found that P8 .is superior to cement-based materials in many physical-mechanical characteristics. :The axial elongation and bending strength of PB Is about twice as high as that of cement. PS possesses enhanced notch toughness and good framework adhesion. APBs possess high crack resistance (approximately 1.5-2.5 times as high as cement). The use of PS is, however. limited by lower APB rigidity, lack of stability to benzine, :a tendency toward aging and difficult setting of the material Into molds. DATE ACQ: 02Apr64 Card 2/2 SUB CODE: MA ENCL: 00 ACC Ngi AM5028930 CIV) Monograph UR/ Abrosimov, Konstantin Aleksandrovich; Mil0to, Alekse;r Aleksoadrovich;j"Inskly Anatoliy ~MoiWvjCh Technology of reinforced concrete shipbuilding (Tekhnologiya thelewbetonnogo sudostvnjeniya) le grad, Izd-vo "Budoetroyeniye", 65. 0347 p. illus.,, biblio. 2)500 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: shipbuilding engineering, concrete, reinforced concrete, construction r4terial PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book presents the newest developments In the technology of constructing reinforced concrete ships. Special note is made of the methods of producing reinforced concrete ship structures, shipyard construction of the ship hulls, and the use of new high-efficiency materials. Descriptions am made of the techrology and organization of mechanical assemblying, insulation work, finishins_anj equipm.n+ for installing reinforced concrete ships. Date is given on the main vorka of shipyard reinforced concrete shipbuilding, its equipment, and technical and economic aspects of building these shipa. A large part of the book deals vith ~wcha-' nization of production processes of building the hulls. The book is recomended for.-.. technical engineers in the planning, construction and scientific study organizations'. of the shipbuilding industry, and for engineers in shipyard reinforced concrete shipbuilding. It can be useful for students of shipbuilding Institutes and depart- ments, 1/2 uDc: 629.12.011.25-002.7 ACC NRt TABLE OF COMIUS (abridged): Preface --3 Short historical survey of the development of technology of reinforced concrete shipbuilding --5 Ch. I. YBthods of setting up and organization of production in shIpyard reinforced concrete shipbuilding --9 Ch. II. The structure of shipyard reinforced concrete shipbuilding --32 Ch. M. Preparation of equipment constructions --43 Ch. IV. Processing of concrete mix --109 Ch. V. Forming sections of reinforced concrete ships --150 Ch. VI. Accelerating the hardening of concrete --184 Ch. VII. Sectional construction of the hul.1 of ships --193 Ch. VIII. Preparation of monolithic constructions for the hull of a ship --226 Ch. IK. Finishing the surface and testing the impenetrability of the ship's hull. Drainage of 'ships --244 Ch. X. Construction of ships from prestressed reainforced concrete --253 Ch.-XI- Preparation of prestressed reinforced concrte sections --266 Ch. XII. Dockyard construction of ships from prestressed reinforced concrete --291 Ch. XIII. Completion of construction vork --303 Ch. XIV. Related problems In the development of technology of reinforced concrete --328 ch. xv. safety procedures vhIle building reinforced concrete ship* --336 Bibliography --344 c.,.i 210.1 80 COMIJ 11 /OM DAM OWaV UM-MYs 040.' ROGOVOY., P.P.; IIILITO, 11.1. 3ome data on microbiologicfd studies of green alder soils in the I.Thite fhasian S.S.R. Dokl. AN B33R 8 no.7:473-476 164. ('4IRA ir/:10) 1. Bolorusskiy tokhnologichoskiy InBtitut.