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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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TOMkSSI, Wito2d; JA"KOWSKA, Helena; WOJTOWICZ, Jan;-MILEK, RysZard -
Studies on the reduction of the potentials of electrodes and
of the voltage of electrolysis.. Przem chem 39 no.3:160 Mr 160.
1. Katedra Chemli Fizycznejl Politechnikag Warszawa
Un A' -,rf, r Z i tt-- t U 11
MILEKHIN, A.N., inzh.
Laying foundations under piston compressors. Prom. Etrol.
42 no.12:51-52 D 164. (MlRA 19;3)
1. Trest Kemerovokhimstroy.
Hydrodynamical interpretation of a characteristic of large showers
recotdod in photographic emulsions [vith summary in &glishj. Zhur,,
eksp. i teor. fiz. 33 no.1:197-199 J1 '57. (KLRA 10:9)
1. Fizicheskiy institut im. P.K. lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR.
(Cosittic rays)
~- ~ 1~ 1-t I N ~(; I d .
AUTHOR: MILEkMM,G.A. 9 ROZSK?ALi ~ .19L. 56-7-28/66
TITLE Vy-dr-o-dymimicai Interpretation of a Characteristic of Large Showers
Recorded in Photographio Emulsions.~Gidrodinamicheskaya inter-
pretatsiya odnoy kharakteristiki bo hikh livmy , zaregistriro-
vannykh v fotoewuhii, Russian)
PERIODIM: Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 33, Nr 7, PP 197-199
ABSTRkCT-. The experimental distribution of the transverw components of the
moment& of secondary particles is compared with the predictions of
the hydrodynamic theory of the multiple formation of particles. It
was shown that the conclusions of the oncaimensional variety of
this theory agree well with experimental data if a final tempera-
ture of TE = me /k (m = mass of the Tt -meson) is assu d. This
agreement makes it possible to make statements concerning the
character of 2r - 7f -interaction. (With I Illustration and
5 Slavio References).
ASSOCIATIONs Physical Institute "P.N.LEBEDIMI of the Academy of Sciences of the
U.S.S.R. (FizicheakiY institut im. P.N.Lebedeva Akademii nauk
SMIaTTIM: 11-1,1957
AVAUMM. Library of Congress
Card 1/1
"-4 (5
AUTHOR: Milul:hin, G. A.
T ITLE: On the HLrdrodynamical Theory of tne Llultiple Pro,!uction
of Particles (K Gidrodinamicheskoy teorii mnozher~t-
venno~;o obrazovariya chistits)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ek3perimentallnoy i teoreticlieol:oy
Vol 35, lir 4, 1)--e' 970 - 901 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Landau (Ref 1 ) developcd a hydrodyn~~mic,~! t' ri ry r) f
col'o-ions of L,,-io e,,~11.:j
mult;ple prriduction fol
of very hiGh en-or,-y; for the anGui,.~r- and ener,~y
distribution s,--7i~metry ---s found in the center of
mass systen. In the prossent it is sho-an ti..t in
the vollirion of' a nucl~-,on a nuclous the anGtilar-
aml. dstrib!ltion of coconirxy prt,rtici(~o
nec,rly s'-m~-etric in a cert:in system of coor-li-.-...tes
that ic near tho c.m.s. Cniculations ec-zily
be carricd out in o. zystc~ of ccordi--tos in
the colliding; -iprticioc e,~-uLi b,,.-t inverroly
Card 113 directed velocities. When invoictiL;~tin~;
On the yr am ic a 1 :f :.'.n P---
of Particles
onl-- Ve one-dimors, onal -tLi-c of the or
nucin:~r M.-ttcr is toll. As Khalatnikov (Ref 3)
'has shown, an arbitrary one-dimensional motion of an
ultrarelativistic medium may be described by the potential
which satisfies the equation-
3 2 x2 - 2 0, wherp y=1n(TIT.
I, Y rY
arcl v,T and v denote the temperature -,nd vvloo-it.y
of the mediuri I T - initir~.l tenZierature, (C=1).
The solution of ?,.,Ii- okli"---tion io obt"i.llek] - .LQL.
introduction of tl,(- co,:tIilioIi,~ =0
and ~= -ley~], +t 0(clyc:ij Y,
Card 2/3
On t h, -~ .1-- i ro]yn c --I T...? -~-:-y :)f t*.---~--t
of Particlr!f-i
2y' ~2
j-t 9 ).y e I
2 071- 0
Y/f 3
+ e 1 672 dy
2 0(
/f -3
At a collision of si-il-r ~.-rtilclcs t0, -,n,,~ t--
sulution 6ocs over into that obt-ined by
Tacre are 6 references, 5 of -i;hicii are Soviet.
ASSOCIA.TIO-TT: F-4ziche--!--iy irs-titut im.P.N.Le'-CrIeva
(Physics Institute i.-:ieni P.Ij.Lebelev o--F' tu'-~tD Aca~c--.j D-f
Sciences USSR)
SUBLIMED May 9, 050
Card 3/3
10W, 21(7), 24(5) SOY/56-35-5-20/56
AU''10R: Milekhin, G. A.
TITLE: Hydrodynamic Theory of the Multiple Production of Particles in
Collisions Between Past Nucleons and Nuclei (Gidrodinamicheskaya
teoriya mnozliestvenikogo obrazovaniya chastits pri stolknovenii
bystrykh nuklonov a yadrami)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958,
Vol 35, Nr 5, PP 1185-1197 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; The hydrodynamic theory for the multiple production of mesons in
collisions of high-energy particles was developed by Landau
(Ref 1). In view of the great mathematical complexity of this
theory, Landau contented himself with approximations; the final
formulae have only logarithmic accuracy and describe collisions
of homogeneous particles. For a quantitative comparison between
theory and experiment greater accuracy is necessary. In investi-
gations of collisions between nucleon and nucleus, the tube
model is mostly used (Ref 3). Also the author of this paper uses
this model, but with the restriction that n is 3.7 (n = ratio
between tube lengtn and nucleon dimension, approximately equal
Card 1/3 to the number of nucleons in the tube). Part of this problem,
Hydrodynamic Theory of the Multiple Production of Particles in Collisions
Between Fast Nucleons and Ifuclei
namely determination of the number of particles N 0 produced in
such a collision, has already been solved by Belenkiy and
Uilekhin (Ref 4): No . k(n+l)El/4, where E is the primary
0 0
energy of the nucleon in the laboratory system, and k is a
constant factor. In the present paper the energy-, angular-
and transverse momenta distribution of secondary particles is
investigated. The symmetry investigations were already carried
out in one of the author's earlier papers (Ref 5). Proceeding
from an equation of motion for the system after the collision
(relativistic theory of the hydrodynamics of an ideal liquid)
k k
of the form W,/ax . 0 one obtains T ik = (P+E;)ui U. k + Pgik
(p - pressure, F, - energy density, u i four-velocity, gik the
metric tensor with the components -g 00 911 - 922 ~ g33 =
gik = 0 for i + k). The problem is investigated onedimensionally
Card 2/3 and then threedimensionally. The distribution functions calcu-
Hydrodynamic Theory of' the Multiple Production of Particles in Collisions
Between Fast Nucleons and Nuclei
lated for various n-values are shown in diagrams. The author's
method is more exact than those of references 1 and 2, the
possible error in the final formula amounting to only 20-25%.
In conclusion, the author thanks S. Z. Belenlkiy and Ye. L.
Feynberg for advice, P-n%'L L. V. Parlyskaya and N. Ye. Nikulkin
for carrying out numerical computations. There are 6 figures
and 13 references, 11 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. X. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR
(Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of
ZcienceB USSR)
:;UBMITTED: May 25, 1958
Card 3/3
MHMINp G. A., Candidate Phyn-Math Sci (diss) -- "The hydrodymmic theory of
the multiple formation of particles in collisions between rapid nucleons and
nuclei". Moscowp 1959. 7 pp (Acad Sci USSR, Phys Inst im P. N. Lebedev) (KL, Tic,
22, 1959, 108)
G. A. Milekhin
Landau's hydrodynamic theory of multiple particle production is refined and
also generalized for nucleon-nucleus collisions. A study is made of the angular
distribution, energy distribution and lateral momentum distribution of secondary
particles. For this purpo.,3e, it is necessary to solve a complex three-dimensionz
hydrodynamic problem on th-, separation of a system which originated as a result
of a fast particle collision. Due to a strong Lorentz contraction of the collidi
particles, the first stage of the separation is approximately unidimensional.
.-It follows from the unidimensional solution that the seDaration of the sub-
stance becomes quas-1-inertial, i.e., each element of the substance moves with
practically constant speed. In view of this circumstance, it becomes possible
to separate the variables with asymptotic accuracy and to sinvle out the. equation
which describe the lateral separation of the substance. These equat*ons are
then solved approximately, since the lateral separation proves to have but a
slight influence upon the final results.
By means of the obtained solution, th3 anEular distribution and energy
distribution of the particles are found.
The calculati n of the lateral momentum distribution of particles also
takes into consideration the thermal movement of particles when the system
hraa~s, ut) into s,,eparaPetUrtjgcf s which'as it turns out, essentially determine
Zb6 latera momen a o, pa cfes.
lieport presented at the International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow, 6-11 July 19,
5/058/6 1/000/005/0 12/050
AUTHOR: MilekjUa,_9_A.
TITLEi The particularization of the hydrodynamical theory of multiple
production of particles
FERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no 5. 1961, 80, abstract 5B268 ("Tr.
Mezhdunar. konferentsil po kosmich. lucham, 1959, v 1", Moscow,
AN SSSR, 196o, 212 - 218)
TEYkTj The author partioularizes the hydrodynamical theory of multiple
p~oduotion of particles proposed by Landau and generalizes it to the case of nue-
leon-nualeus collison. For this purpose, the throe-dimensional problem on dis-
integration of a system formed as a result of collision of fast particles is
solved. Using the solution obtained, the author.determines the angular and energy
distribution of secondary particles. In calculations of particle distribution by
transverse moment&, the thermal motion of particles at the instant of disintegra-
tion of the system into separate particles is also taken into account.
0. Milekhin
[Abstracter's notel Complete translation.]
Card 1/1
AUTHORi Milekhin, G.A.
TITLE: The analysis of possible hydrodynamical theories of multiple
particle production for various equations of state
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no 5, 1961, 80, abstract 5B267 ("Tr.
Mezhdunar. konferentaii po kosmich. lucham, 1955~, v 1". Moscow,
AN SSSR, ig6o, 223 - 229)
TEXT: The author analyzes various hydrodynamical theoriI a of multiple
production of particles with equaticn of state of the form p - a 6, where p is
pressure, E is energy density, a is a constant (0 < a < 1). He shows that at
c-40, multiplicity grows with primary energy as a and angular distribution of
secondary particles approachea the isotropic one. In the other extreme case, when
the number of secondary particles drops at the given primary energy (at c =1
no particles are produced), the anisotropy of angular distribution of particles
increases, and the fraction of energy carried away by the fastest particle ap-
Card 1/2
The analysis of possible hydrodynamical theories ... SIO 58/6 1/000/00 5/0 11/0 50
proaches 1. It is shown also that non-linear Veories of scalar field, In which
interaction is described by IAtgrangian XLOY1bYk)'T , are equivalent, in a
quasiclassical approximItion, to the hydFo~y-namioal theory with the equation of
state P - 026 , where c - 11(2n-1).
0. Milekhin
[Abstracter's notel Complete translation.]
Card 2/2
IT2 G.A.
T TLT 71r. or ni,, narticle
Coll ;-Un -0.., nucl,~-".
,,, , .?.:-ur"y, -,r.
1:,,) Zy C~ t 1: 0,,, 1:
0 3.
t'-.r~ory and
",:(,Ory Of
(-'zv. fiz., 17,
5 3~1 il"'trolucir.:: La :arcura'o rac" od of occ-rdzry
c 1 1 'x I t i 0 -,rl o-:, 1; iirl r o 1) 1 c m, to nucleon-nuclells, colli-
SjO-, S. Ti --2 7, T) c r ',-i a,,;oi r c- j , fi---z;'u bc,~4-n~; a b.;s-ic introCa-ction
to of hi~;', Tl,~.-- ;Inle (-01,---*.son; o-,)ecial streos is laiO o-n
t'-e Of ;0r7:c 7)rc,')lc,.;l- Of hydrodyna,--icc, ll-.e 'crr.-, of
rrlr'.I;JVP fOrMUL-10 L-i:' :;'JI.11 1-1 ""'Cin o' tho TTT, u
Card 1/2
parti cn the G-
of th,~ m
-,~,~r'ui;clc and '!,,c c 4 7, 0,0 ti-e nuclouc.. Ch a') 0
dist-ri'~-Alu*'Lon of socondn:'y
-.-;i th a a 1 11 41 r, an(L mc;-,,cn-
em ~C.Sol
abovc-, tl-,i:~ v~d b-- a
--j a r u 1. C I ind--ca'.od
Tt j Close to te C-SYS41-cm
t ,,, 0 d a!30 t'. U, ccordinatc 31
the nrl rmcruy 1,11"~ ~;Ol
--lely SY7, to the direction oi inci.den',
IV, obt:-,ined. 1,01-mulac, and are compared, ani
j)ar cl Q S In chanter
c:-, cr 1.) a.- 4C
oho -'o, .1c- !-wo [(.,1l
t c 'ry
-lart~ cl e f c, r.-. 1 i~. 2" i- C -- d e n ce s
catu---;,-~; 0-f ~-Llltinlc
G. T.::at::ei)4-n and I :!,h ov t 1 re.- dr,,r c rd 7-t~rc are
and notol. h 0 paper is P. disse tation
r,,-,c j;e3., r
ror thO Of alul dofendod at tile
z Ch, c ": i yir,,;titut In ','I SSS11( PhyjicO Irl.,;tiLu!;c i,
T~~10(2(10' ..5 USSR ) on :'aY 1.7, 11,9591 -
..l. -j j
Ca-.:d 2/1,
AUTHOR: Milekhin, G. A.
TITLE: Ionlinear scalar fields and multiple particle production
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izve5tiya. Seriya. fizicheskaya,
v. 26, no. 5, 1962, 635-641
TEXT: Heisenberg's field theory of multiple mason production (Z. Phys.
126, 565 (1949); 133, 65, 1952) was used for a qualitative investigation
of some real nonlinear scalar fields. Owing to the large number of
particles involved in the processes considered the non-commutativity of
the field operators is asoumed to play a secondary role and the field
is considered an being approximately classical. The solution of the
equations of motion is based on the analogy between the field equations
and the equations of hydrodynamics. If, after the collision, when the
system disintegrates into separate particles, the Ilield can be
considered as being free (and therefore composed of plane waves) and if
the total number of particles is given by N fa*(k)a(k)dk, their
Card 114
Nonlinear scalar fields and ... B,02/B104
density can be approximately given by n ~ is the energy density
and )-,.is the reciprocal Compton wave length of a meson, The multiple
particle production ia calculated for three special cases;
(1) a Schiff-type Lagrangian L = L L jr4 (A->O). ~ is a periodic
0 4
time function, whose period, T(E) - do is calculated.
If I +k, (14)
P =- -
(1 2 r
3 k k K (15)
p IC )
are obtained; p ie the pres3ure averaged over a period;
P( fLdt. At high energy densities P,4 5( E)-1/4,
IC ~ 2n
p - 6/3; (2) the more general Lagrangian L Lo 0),
Card 2/4
Nonlinear scalar fields and B102/B104
I n-,
t F.
is obtained for large 6. If n /,1 (very strong repulsion of meson3),
1/2 2n + 2 \k
P t. (3) For L L and high energy
0 2n 2k
2nV2k,,2k n-k
P= 47~ ~4
I , -11 (20).
I f n oo 1 /2k, p (2k-1 For n-k and t
A'Q (27)
LL TO (28).
k 1 A A-21 III
Card 3/4
5104 62/026/005/012/022
Nonlinear scalar fields and ... 3102Y,3104
The secondary particle multiplicity and angular distribution depend
mainly on the derivative in the Lagrangian. Ye. L. Feynberg is thanked
for discussions.
ASSOCIATION: Pizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Labodeva Akademii nauk SSSR
(Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of
Sciences USSR)
Card 4/4
Infrared asymptotic Green's fune'tion in some models of
quantum field theory
Zhurnal eksperimentallnoj i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 45,
no. 3(g), 1962, 1012 - 1020
TEXTs' The infrared asymptotes (p 2 + m2----*0) of Green's function are con-
,sidere~~d in various field theoretical models. In a 8calar field with
interaction of the type 9? 4 without vacuum polarization, the.Green's
function can be represented as a continuous integral-of the form
G (X - X') = ~ 0 (x, x'j Z) dZ,
if the madst,6 of the particles in the field ~ is much greater than.the
mass m of the particles in the field T. The Green's function G(x,xllx)
for the quanta of the field T in the classical external field ;k(x)
satisfies an equation whicht after Fourier transformation with respect to
Card 1/4
infrared asymptotic Green's ... BIOB/B102
x X1, takes the form
(a - ip), - 1112- g-~ (x) G (x, p (3)
and the operator' solution
G (x, pj%) P - iP)l- n'2 - 9X1-1 ell (-P,-m,v#)elz&+2sPd-I1gYds, (4).
The parameter a h a to be understood as a proper time. Neglecting termo
of second order i respect of momentum (~2 terms), the solution of
Eq. (3) for'great s is
00 is(:P 2:M2+iE) iF(e
G(o)(p) i e e )d. (10,
dsIH12) (2ptnsl). (13)
'Per H121 (2pnts) + ds,
Card 2/4'
Infrared asymptotic Green's..., B108/B102
F 1)(it, (a) is the function P(e) after ite divergence has
For small a (rapidly varying fields -4(x)), Eq. (3) is
2 2
expanding G(p) into a power series of (p +M )i G(.p)
+ The function F(s) for small a is found with
192 In ni's, (16)
FPer (S) 11-Onfift-11,
been Oliminatud.
solved by the
2 2 1
- (p +M + const
LU-VO1 from Eq. (10) one finds
G((') (P) (P) +OP, (17))
P +"I -Mr
I (P) = dx x-e-4--, pl + M2 > 0,
00 if
I (P) - dx r-elx-,x P2 + nil < 0.
Card 3/4
I frared asymptotic Green's ... B108/B102
with a - g 2/ 16T[2m2< 1. Similar expressions are derived for the Green'L3'
~unotions of an electron and a nucleon in an external field.
SSOCIATIONs Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademif nauk SSSR
(Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of
Sciences USSR)
UBMITTEDs April 4, 1962
C~rd 4/4
Log-log approxination in quant= electrodynarOics. Zhur. eksp.
i teor. fiz. 45 no.6:1926-1939 D 163. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Fizicheskiy institut imeni Lebedeva AN &SSR.
MILEVIN, G.P., kandidat voterinarnykh nauk.
Parasympathetic innervation of the parotid salivary gland in horEes.
Veterinariia 30 no.5:35-39 My '53. Off2A 6:5)
Achievownts and failures of Bashkir cooks. Obshehestv. it
n007:42-" J1 162. (MIRA 15:0 1
1. Nachallnik otdela obehebeetvonnogo pitaniya Miniateretva
torgovii Bashkirskoy ASSR.
(Bamhkiria-Sestaurantsp lunchroomp eto.)
MILUMN, K.L. inshener.
Inv*ntlons of efficiency promotors, ftt' I put. khos. no.1:26-28
J& '57* (Km 10: if)
(Railroads--foole and implemnts)
Q MILMIN, K I inzhf red.; SERGEMA. A.I., inzb.t red.; BOBROU,
[Hydraulic device for servicing railroad tracku; losignp operation,
and repair] Gidravlicheakii putevoi instrment; ustroistvop
ekspluatateiia i remont. Moskvap Vses,izdatel'sko-poligr.obQedi-
nenia K--va putei soobshcheniia, 1961, 79 p. (MIRA 14:6)
(Railroads-Equipment and supplies) (Hydraulic machinery)
. MILUJW9 K.I.9 inzh.9 red.; SERGEYEVA, A.I., inzh*g red.; BOBROVA9 U.N.,
tekE-. red.
(Electric tools for track maintenance and repair] Blektricheakii
putevoi. instr=ent. Koakvap--Voes.izdatellsko-poligr. Obledinenie
M-va putei 3oobshcheniia, 1961. 3,33 p. (MIRA 14~.Q
(Railroads-Electric equipment)
Practice with a towed target by a jet plane. P. 464.
VAZDUHOPLOVNI GLASNIK. (Jugoslovensko ratno, vazduhoplovstvo) Zemun, Yugoslavia
Vol. 11, no. 4, July/Aug- 1955
honthly List of East European Accessions (EMI) LCj Vol. dj no.9. Sept. 1959.
All can work like this. Sov. profeoiuzy 5 no.2:46-4,9 IP '57.
(Moscow-BuIlding) (MM 10:4)
Milamal, 1;n.
H!gh tension. Sov. profsoluz)r 6 no.3:3(~-35 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:3)
Markov-Soclal!at competition)
~;~ -,, 1..
I J~ 4~'. ,~, -
W. iuzv 6 no.5:56-58 Hy
lr-.e-'41~jgate of a congregas sov. profso
.01r;!00 '.
d" (larickmaking)
(MIRA 11:5)
DesiM.ers begin their competition. Sov. profsoiuzy 6 no-15:27-30
N 158, (Chemical industries) (MIRA 11:12)
Every effort abould be nade for the successful fulfillnent of
the seven-year plan. Sov.proffloiuzy 7 no-10:5-8 My 059.
041RA 1229)
(Trade unions) (socialist conpatition)
_1!1~~NIN Go. general-mayor aviateli,
Training soldiers in military traditions. Vest.Vozd.yl.34
no.11:14-19 1 151. MRA 8:3)
(Russi&-Air Force) (Military education)
AID P - 737
Subject USSR/Aeronautics
Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 4/21
Author : Milenin, G., Maj. Gen. of Aviation
Title : Higher alertness
Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota, 10, 21-28, 0 1954
Abstract : The author starts with generalities on alertness and then
specifies what this alertness should consist of. Some
names of officers are mentioned.
Institution : None
Submitted : No date
BAZI, Grigoriy Averkovich; KIMOKIM. Oennadly Petrovich; RAINKIN,
Alsksaudr Nikolayevich;-TRBM, Iosif Konstentinovich; TSIMOT,
Kirill Andreyevich. Prinimal uchastiya MMY3=0, T.Tu..
T.-G.,doteent. kand.tekhn.rouke red4j; PODGUZOT, N.I.~
red.; XMZOTA. A.1.,
Ecalculation of Palma systems] Ranchat Impullanykh ekhem. Pod
red. T.G.Kilenins. Koskws, Toen.lad-vo K-va obor.SM. 1960.
237 P. (Palma technIques (Xlectronice)) (KIM 13:5)
BAZI Grigoriy Averkovich; HUROITTSEV~ Gennadiy Petrovich; RAINKIN,
k1eksandr Nikol&,yevich; TREGUB, Iosif Konstantinovich;
TSIKMICIV, Kirill Andreyevich; Prinimal ucWtiye BULYBENKO,
V.Yu.; MILRM-VG.T-doto., kand. takhn. nauka red.;
PODGUiM;-R.I., red.; KEMIIKOVA.. A.N., tekhn. red.
(Design of pulse networks] Raschat impullsrjykh skhem. [By]
G.A.Bal i dr. Izd.2., do~. i perer. Moskva,, Voen. izd-vo
M-va obor. SSSR, 1962. 267 p. (MIU 15:3)
(Pulse circuits)
ACC NR'Am6oi898,7 Monograph UR
ALleti..~.ri,-Y,Iadimir--Cjirgor.,!yevich,- Bazl, Grigoriy Averkovich; Bulybenko',
Viktor YUrlyevich; Muromtsevj Gennadiy Petrovich; Osipov, Vladlmir
Pavlovich; Fainkins Aleksandr Hikolayevich; Tregubt Iosif
Principles of-pulse techniques (Osnovy impul'snoy tekhniki) Moscow,
Voyenizdat M-va obor. SSSR, 1966. 389 P, illus., biblio. 45,000
copies printed.
.TOPIC TAGS: pulse coding, pulse counter, pulse generator, pulse
shaper, logic circuit, tunnel diode
PURPOSE AND COVERAGEt This is a textbook on pulse teohnology for-.
students attending military schools of higher education. Circuits
and methods:employed in numerous fields of radio electronics are
described and analyzed, In addition to the usual problems of pulse
technology, comparatively novel problems related to computer technolo~!
and the use of semiconductor devices are covered...Emphasis is placed
on the physical aspect of the phenomena.
Introduction -- 3
ACC NRIAM6018987
Section I. Pulse Shaping
Ch. I. Pulse ShapIng by Means of Linear Electrical Circuits -- 5
1. Electric pulses and their characteristics -- 5
2. Brief Information on linear electrical circuits -- 10
3. Differentiating circuits -- 15
4. Integrating circuits -- 31
5. Shaping lines --'35
6. Stages with an impact excitation circuit -- 52
Ch. IL Pulse Shaping by Means of Nonlinear Electrical Circuits 61
1. Nonlinear circuits'and their characteristics -- 61
2. General information on amplitude limiters -- 63
3. Diode limiters __ 67
4. Limiters-amplifers -- 72
5. Effect of separation-capacitor voltage on limiting level
(quiescent point creep) -- T9'
Section II. Pulse Generation
Ch. III. Multivibrators -- 84
Card 2/6
ACC NR- A.146018987
I. General Information on relaxation oscillation generators -- 84
2. Multivibrator characteristics -- 87
3. Physical processes in multivibrators -- 88
4. Dependence of pulse shapes and multivibrator oscillatO
on circuit parameters -- 93
5. Frequency stability of multivibrator oscillations and met)jods of
improving it -- 99
Ch. IV. Blocking Oncillatorn -- 103
1. General information -- 103
2. Basic equations of a blocking osicllator -- 105
3. Dynamic characteristics of blocing oscillator-currents 107
4. Conditions for self-excitation of blocking oscillators 110
5. Physical processes in a blocking oscillator
6. Blocking oscillator pulse parameters -- 120
7. Practical circuits of blocking oscillators -- 125
8. Special features of blocking oscillator operation during the
generation of nanosecond pulses -- 132
Ch. V. Trigger Circuits 135
1. General information 135
2. RC trigger circuit with cathode coupling 135
ACC NR-AM6018987
3- Variants of RC trigger circuits - 149
4. Rheostat trigger circuits (triggers) -- 156
Ch. VI.- Sawtooth Voltage Generators 164
1. General information -- 164
2. Pulse characteristics of sawtooth shaped voltage -- 165
3. Sawtooth voltage generator with a resistor In the capacitor
charging circuit -- 168
It. Ways of linearizing sawtooth shaped voltage -- 174
5. Sawtootb voltage generator with a pentode th-the- capacitor
charging circuit -- 179
6. Sawtooth voltage generators with a positive voltage feedback
-- 183
7, Sawtooth voltage generator with a negative voltage feedback
Ch..M. Pulse Circulta.Uning Semiconductor DeVicei - 206
1. SgeclaVfeatures of transistor operation under pulserqgimw~-.
-- 20
2.* Limiters'amplifiers -- 213
3. Multivibrators - 217
4.* Trigger circuits -- 226
5. Triggers -- 235
6. Blocking oscillators 253
,,d 4/6
Ch. IX. pulse Counters 293
i. General information_on Pulse counters 293
1. Logical circuits ~26
2. Dynamic triggers 345
3. Circuits using transfluxor3 354-
4. Circults using tunnel diodes 360
Ch. XI. Pulse Time Delay 364
1. ' Genera~ Information 364
2. Pulse delay by means of lines 36T
3. Delay by means of electronic circuits -- 378
Bibliography -- 386
SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 21Jan66/ ORIG REP:-042/ OTH REP: 002/
C,rd 6/6
:--- . , :- C, - - - 6~ *, .", - -, -. , -- , i ~: , -. -, I - .,. - . '- - - -, - - ~ -',.re , - -
- I I.- - - . 1, ~10- -
., ~ -C.V. - " -, Ir-u- s'-,: '0110q, BelgrLida, 3' Sep-4 Oc. 06~.
ACCESSION NR: AP4009934 S/0057/64/0034/001/0146/0148
AU-111OR: Voroblyeva,N.A.' Kagan,Yu-M.; Lyagushchonko,R.X.;,_91.leniuV,M-
TITLE: On the electron velocity distribution in the positive column of a mercury
discharge. Part.2.
SOURCE: Zhurnal teldinicheskoy fiziki, v.34, no.1, 1964, 146-148
TOPIC TAGS: velocity distribution, electron velocity distribution, mercury discharM
positive column
ABSTRACT: Electron velocity distributions were measured in.the positive columns of
hot cathode mercury discharge* at pressures from 1.2 x 10-3 to 5 x 10-2 = Hg and
currents from 20 to 500 mk. The measurements were performed by a probe method des-
cribed earlier(II.-ANdroblyeva Yu.M.Kagan,V.M.Milenin,ZhTF,33,571,1963). Except fcr
an improved narrow-bana amplifier, the apparatus5was identical with that previously
employed. The new amplifier has a gain of 6 x 10 and a.pass band of 8 cps. The re-
sulting improvement in the signal to noise ratio made it possible to follow the ve-
locity distributions to higher electron energies than previously reported. The re-.
sults ot the measurements at 200 mA are presented in the forafol graphs. At pres-
Card 1/2
ACC.NR: AP4009934
sures of 1.2 x 10-3 and 6 x 10-3 mm Hg, the distributions were found to be Maxwelli-
an out to the highest electr6n energies recorded (12 6V and-9 3V, respectively). At
2.5 x 10-2 and 5 x 10-2 iam Hg,,deviations from the MaxwelIdistribution were ob-
served; fewer high energy electrons were present than required by the Maxwell func-
tion fitting the low energy portion of the distribution. At 2.5 x 10-2 mm Hg the
electron temperature was about 12 OOOOK and deviations fromrthe Maxwell distribu-
tion first became appreciable at electron enorgiesslightly greater than 4 eV; the
corresponding figures at 5 x 10-2 mm Hg were GOOOOX and 2 eV. Possible experimental
errors due to the presence of ion currents would tend to mask the observed effect,
which is therefore regarded as real. 7 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskly iosudarstvenny*y universitet im.A.A.Zhdanova (Leningrad
State University)
Card 2/2
EXCL: 00
ACCESSION MR: AP4033601 5/0057/64/034/IDOS/0828/0832
AUTHOR: Voroblyeva, N*~-; Kagan. Yu.U.; Uilenin, V.M.
TITLX: On the electron velocity distribution function In the positive column of a
mixture of games
SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhn:Lcheakoy fiziki, v*34, no,5* 1964. 828-832
TO;IC TAGS: plasma, Positive column, electron velocity distribution, electric dis-
.charge, aulticomponent plasma, aercury, inert gas
ABSTRACT: The electron velocity distribution function was determined in the posi-
ti e columns of gas discharges taking place in a mixture of mercury vapor and one
of1the Inert games No, fie, A, Xo. The discharge tube was 50 ca long and 2.5 ca in
diameter. The electron velocity distribution was calculated from the characteristics
of a set of five probes located at 5 ca intervals along the axis of the tube. The
experiviontal technique is describod in more detail elsewhere (N.A.Boroblyova, Yu.U.
Kagan, R.I.Lyagushchonko and V.M.Milonin,ZhTY 34,1964). In all the aeasurements the
discharge current was 200 mA and the partial pressure of mercury vapor was 2.5 x
x 10-3 mm Hg. The electron velocity distribution in the positive column of a pure
Card 1/3
mercury vapor discharge at this pressure was previously found to be Maxwellian (loc.
cit.supra), and this finding wits confirmed in the present aeries of measurements.
Electron distribution functions were determined with various amounts of inert gas
present. ranging from 0.006 mm Hg of Xe to 4.0 mm HC of Ne,several different quanti-
ties of each gas being employed. In each case it was found that when enough of the
inert gas was present the electron distribution deviated from the Maxwollian in the
sense that too few high energy electrons were present. The heavier gases were more
efficient in depressing the ntuaber of high energy electrons than were the lighter
one,s 0.02 mm Rg of Xe producing about the same effect as 0.5 mm Hg of Ne. The data
are presented graphically, and on each experimental curve the Maxwell distribution
is drawn corresponding to the electron temperature obtained from the negative probe
characteristic. In some cases, in addition to the large deviations at high energies,.
small deviations between the experimental curve and the Maxwell distribution can be
discerned in the region of the maximum. These small deviations are ascribed to error
in determining the space potential from the position of the maximum of the second
derivative of the negative probe current with respect to the probe potential. This
maximum was sharp in the case of pure mercury vapor, but in mixtures showing consi-
derable deviation from the Maxwell distribution the Mnjam was broad and oauld rat
Card 2/3
be located precisely. -This source of error, however, could not appreciably affect
the observations of the large deviations at high electron energies.
ASSOCIATICK: Leningradskly gosudaretvenny*y universitet to.A.A.Zhdanova (Leningrad
State University)
SUB CODE: Mg, am NR REF SOV: 002 OMR: 001
Card 3/3
~:" ,
Electron distribution function in a positive discharge column in
noon and helium, Zhur.tekh,fiz. 34 no.11:2079-208i. N 164,
(MIRA 1891)
1. lAningradakiy ordena Lenina goeudaretvennyy universitet imeni
EPA(w) -2/
-ACC NRs APS025909 SOUFJCE OODE.# UR/0057/65/035/010/1907/1909
V4, 5-~- Y4,
AUTHOR: Kagan, Yu.M.; Milani
Ono: Lanl!grad State University in. A.A.Zhdanov (Leningradsk: inyy
TITLE: On the radial dependence of tits electron velocity distribution In the posi-
column of a discharge
SOURCEt . Zhurnal. -tekhnIcheskoy fizIki, v. 35, no. 10, 1965, 1907-1909
I/ ti 5- Z), yo,
40PIC TAGS: I column, helium, aeon, electron dist
gas discharge plasma, pos tive
I(Aimell. distribution. distribution function
ABSTRA,CT: The electron velocity distribution functions were measured on and off the
4xes of the 2.5 on diameter positive columns of 150 to 500 mA discharges in Ne at 0.25
to 1.5 ma Hg and 100 mA discharges in He at 0.2 to 1.2 mm 11g. Four 6 am long 0.06 am
diameter probes were employed, two being mounted 50 ma apart on the axis of the columv
and two at corresponding positions 9 am off the axis. The longitudinal electric field
strength measured with these probes was the same on and off the axis. The electron
velocity distributions on and off the axis were derived from the second derivatives
of the corresponding probe obar*oteris ties. At the lowest pressures the distributions
were nearly Maxwellian and were~the some on and off the axis. At higher pressures
there were relatively more lcw energy electrons and fewer high energy electrons off
UW: 537.525.1
99,0/ 1-~9c
ACC7 NRs ApSO259"
the axis. The difference between the on and off axis distribution functions In-
creased with Increasing preasure, Measurements could not be obtained at higher pres-
autos because of Increasing noise., Thedifference between, the average electron ener-
gy an RW of f the &3ds was siot great and almost did not ex;aeed the experimental error
The observed difference betmen the electron distributiva n and off the axis Is in
agreement with a theory previously proposed by Yu.M,KazMtz R.I.Lvamusbahenko (ZhTIF
=IV, 821, 1873, 1964). Orig. art. bast I formula and 2 11gures.
SUB ODM3 W/ SUM DATE: OHApxe5/ opia or: oos/ om =r: ooo
c"Nal '905 .5. t.~,v 0
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ACC NA, ALDO.1,326 were observed stable anomalous electron distributiols exhibiting steps,
Similar to the anomalous distributions reported by T.W.Crawford, A.Garscaddon and
!B.S.Palmor (Compt. Rend. 6 Conf. Internat. phenOwacz 10nes. gas., Paris, 1963). Orig
jart. 'has: 3 tigures.
SUB CCDE: 20 SUBM DATE: 06JU266 0.1110. =: 004 Ora REY: 001
Cc.r& 2/2
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4:1heoretieal 'I-Am. imv of,-the fWA effect. -equiliT
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tIQUi-_;Ovp4iid -bi thi -yreasdiag' -in the'same source (Accession Vr.
la yaper
~~Ii The:Ch"ge ii the out chame #'th6 electric fieldt the conductivity,
an& capacitswe'of the saniconduatop-G; calculated- as functions of the 10tential
drop acrosit the seiticonductor in the non-equilibrita modea It in shovu that the
calculAted,mIne of the deyth of penstration of the field at the instant of the
U**kIAg,*f tke current ooiwides with the thickness of the silicon platct YbAle
-the WICCU1.04 Value of tk* "bility of the field effects with account of' the
4hAMG ft US SOPUItMANG C*L=id*B LZ the "84 Of IAXRO flOlds w4+16 +U- A"
b Ity.
'ad aA
ftemtvx.., ca the sarface leT-,,:,
of -the rate ~.of theli- eneratlwviih et fr
e1. Mid gensr*UQn::of the usjority earriers within the -volvae of the aemicanduct-i
or Iran. loosl*, *exterx au&Ahe -pneration of the. minority carri era, apparently
pW,: essential rolec OrIg. art* bast 8:flgur4s.:abdlk,'f9rxa3AS.
ASSOMMOS Instytyt utpLvpr*vidrq*iv AN, UM v (Mutitut paluprovadniker
Al W=014. Kii.i (lhxl;ftvt* of allsicanduiton,
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ACC HRs APS024755 SOURCE CODEt CE/0030165/011/002/0711/0718
AUTHOR: Prinachenko, V. E.; Snitko, O..V.; Hilenin, V.-V.
ORG I Institute of Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences Ukr&A,' Kiev
TITLE: Nonequilibrium field effect on'S1 In the region of high de-
OURCE: Ph sic& status solidi, v. 11, no. 2, 1965, 711-718
TOPIC TAGS: silicon semicondtictor, electric conductivity. semicon-
ductor band structure* nonequilibrium
ABSTRACT: The features of the non-equilibrium field effect are in-
vestigated for silicon In the region of high majority carrier do-
pletion and non-equilibrium between the energy bands. The observed
effects are a strong asymmetry of the amplitude dependence of con-
:'ductivity with respect to the sign of the external fields a current-
pinch affect, and a strong dependence of the kinetics of field effec
ard 1/2'
L moi-66
ACC Mitt APS024155
on field strengthg temperature, and light Intensity. A mechanism is
proposed for the non-equilibrium field effect in the depletion region:
which involves a strong retardation of screening by surface states at'!
tlow temperatures and thus allows penetration of the field into the
volume of the crystals The experimental data agree quantitatively
with the calculation. Orig. art, has: 4 formulas, 10 figures. (Based
on author's abstract)
SUB COORt 20,09/ SUBH DATEt 16Jul65/ SOV REFt 003/ OTH REF%,003/
Card 2/2
ACC NR. AP6028193 A)
SOURCZ CODE: biC/6-0~~/o6/clo.~/0(,6/0719/07
AUTHORS: Arkhipovaj A. V.; Kudellkin, V. P.; Lyubinskaya, MI. Ya.; I.Llenin, Ye. N.;
Popova, L. G.
ORO: "Elektrostall" Factory (Zavod "Elektrostall")
TITLE-: Determination of decarburization 'in bright:-drawn high-speed stool by the
thermoelectric potential method
~-:SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 32, no. 6, 1966, 719-720
-'TOPIC TAGS: thermoelectric sensor, decarburization, high speed steel, carbon steel)
'R9 tool steel, R18 tool steel
,-*TRALT: A method for determining decarburization in bright-drawn h~gh-
sDeed steel is briefly described. The method is based on measuring the thermoelectl
'potential between the metal surface and a copper'electrode clamped to the surface, a
by comparing this potential with the potential obtained between couples of known
composition. Experiments were performed on steels R9, R18, and others (not listed j
re-oort) using a copper electrode at 160--170C (some results are tabulated). The
de~arburizat-ion criterion is specified by GOST 5952-63 as