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ZOLOYST, N.T.; KI!AYUYVMUY- I.K.; SHCOLUCHT, V.I.. professor, doktor tekhatcheskikh nank. Some characteristics of the oil-water boundary shift In the case of peripheral flooding In sloping sands. Trudy KNI no.12:126-138 153. (MM 9:8) 1. Glaynyy geolog tresta Tuynazaneft' (for Zoloyev): 2. Nachallnik geologichookogo otdela tresta Tuymazaneft' (for Kikhaylowskly). (Oilfield flooding) KI . !." " . ;~ . ~ , 1, '': . w I . - I F .-,. - . K - - - . . I .. . ~ I~ . C, , . MKHAYLOVSKIY, N.K.; KUCHAPINA, M.I.; GATTENBERGER, Yu.P.; DERGUNOV, P.V. Programming the development of the Di layer of the Shk " vo field. Nauch.-tekh. abor. po dob. nefti no.1:65-70 '58. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vaesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. (Shkapovo region--Oil fields-Production methods) )UKHAYIA)VSKIY, N.K.; SEMN. Ye.I. ----------- 3oundar7 between la7era 1)l and !)ll In the TU7mz7 fi9ld. 7rud7 V1111 no.20:36-45 '59. (VJU 12- 10) (Tu.vmEL27 region (Bashkiria)-Petroleum geology)) MIKHAYLOVSKIY, N.K.; GATTENBIJiGER, Yii.P. .............. - RatiD between the produced and tkj,- va,~er cm*. o'! In %hr, Tuymazy field. Trudy VNII no.38:5'1-63 163. 0-11-1 A 17:9) I-IIKHAYLOVSKIY, N.M., kand. tekhn. nauk Some quality indices of the machines for cotton growin,7. ay,.,J harvesting. Trakt. i sellkhozmaah. no.8:22-24 Ag 161.. (m:RA BRYUNAJ -Yll.l..; Ku~:"LAfZ'~, V.~..; PCLIY,k'J,C,'VA, ;tfwll:., V.S. Improving mothodo for tho i'iel,: wi; -: -1,11 rocks in crdor to morillor wid contrA lowdopment. lihor. PO dOb. r'Oftl '64- Ji I . A y ' -9r-: :1 i 1. V:,(--.3G;uznyy rifjft,)--azov-F -1 1 .1 SFZRII)O]fOvf luton vasillyevich; 'MI TSKIY, 111colay Klichaylovich; SOLYAKOVA, N.M. rodaktor: CqOassembly method of repairing SKbK-48 and WIN-48M cotton-pickersl Uzlovol remont khlopkouborocbnykh mashin SKbK-M t SUM-48M. Tashkent, Goa. lzd-vo Usbekskol SSR. 1956. 109 p. (MLRA 10:5) (Cot'ton-picking aschinery) MnULAYLOVSKIY, 14. 14. , Cand Tech Sci -- (diss.) "Study of the Wear of Main Parts of the Picking Devices of Horizontal Spin(lic Cotton-Ilarvosting Machines." Tashkent, 1957. 17 PP (1-11n of Agriculture USSR, Tashkent Inst of Engineers of Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture TII31-1SKh), 150 copies (YL, 48-57, 107) - 35- MIJUATWVSKIT - E.M.."hener. ,%~ft - Investigating the picking svp9ratus of SlhS-1,2 cotton harvesters. Sellkhozmashine no.6:15-19 is 157, (WLRA 10:?) 1. Sredne-Azintskly nRuchno-issledowstelleirly lastitut mekhentsatsil t elektrifikatsit oroshnytmago temledellys. (Cotton-picking unchinery ) SPIRIDONOV. P.T.; KRUM= TIKHONOTA, L. red.; .- ~TiA!V~wl SALAKHUTI)IR61A. A., tekhn.rea. LHandbook for the repair of cotton machines] Spravochnik po remontu khlopkovyith mashin. Tashicant. Goa.lzd-vo Uzbekskoi SSR. 1960. 181 p. (KnU 14:1) (Cotton machinery-MaintenBnee And repair) HIMUYWV' KIY -, N.M., kand.takhn.nauk Effect of dust on the wear of machinery. Trakt. J selikhozmash.31 no.3:34-35 Kr 161. (KIRA 14:3) (1gricultural machineryu-Maintenance and repair) (Mechanical wear) p AC,- '~P .) :jinrl t'! 01' t(!(;tln i C11 I riGi 1.-nc,.,ii the dur%bility of uvichine!3 maihinostroyeniya, no. 1, 1967, 9-11 7A C durab~.Iity, ajricultural machiner-j, cost eotl4mite, c, .- --'.L-:aination '~hlu Paper propo3en that the durabil,,ty of a machine be co,3 t of t~i#, ivork produced by the machine, the co.,jt of malntainini~ the mit the variations of the costs with respect to time. Yno coit of the worK perful'-w 'DJ the --ichine i6 detlernuned by: Et 11 +4 10-' t + 96,4. ru propo,;e~'. method constitutes a comparatively simple way of deturuining du:~,r- -ty. of operating a machine becomee the durability criterion. O-r i g. c~r x-." 4-, 6 formillas, 3 tablea, and 1 diagram. SUB J D -7: Q/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG PEF: 006 Cord 1/1 UDo: 631.5-19 ACC NR, AP602G746 SOURCE CODE: UR/0198/66/002/00J/0103q/0140 AU7HOR: Mikhaylovskiy, N. N. (Sevastopol'); Pridatko, S. A. (Sevastopol') ORG: Sevastopol' Higher Haval Engineering School (Sevastopol 'skoye Vyssheye voyen- no-morskoye -uchiliahche) TITLE: Pressure distribution on a wall in the area of a submerged flow SOURCE: Prikladnaya mekhanika, v. 2, no. 5, 1966, 139-140 TO?IC TAGS: turbulent jet, pressure distribution. flow meter ABSTRACT: An approximated method of calculating the pressure curves upon a plane wall in the area of a turbuj!! ~t4~~tdirected into a static liquid from a circular opening in the wall was developed. It was assumed that the flow beyond the turbulent jet is potential, and that the velocity component at the jet boundary is zero in the direc- tion of the flow. The obtained empirical relationships were verified on a laboratory rig which generated jets of 10, 20, and 30 mm diameter. The average flow velocity W calculated from flow meter readings was 0 < u < 16 m/sec. The obtained approxima-~ i tion satisfactorily re-flects the pressure distribution on a plane in the area of a submerged jet and can safely be used in design calculations. Orig. art. has: 5 form- ulas, 2 figures. SUB CODE: 13 SUBN DAM 69Aug65/ ORIG REF: 005 card 1/1 HTIMAYLOVSKIY, 0. "A separate Alement for the Remote Control of Short-10ave and tyltrishrrt- Wave Radio Stations." up 35. ill Abet: The aitthor owgests a remote element which would enable one to send and receive on a line a magneto ringing, to change the station from transmitting to recertion and reverse by the two-conduetor cable of a line extended up to 15 km, tu voice-modulate the transmitter, and to operate the transmitter of a short-wvve station by the same linfi. Without any tyy)e of con-ersion, the instrument may also be usod as an ordinary mapneto tele- phone set. SOURCE:Iwaam vyaziet (military Communicator). 1956. AII, Ito 12 Sum 1854 Iil,JLCTl,(YTSJ:IT, (P., -j,:, - -.-- --l-1, -..- ... -.~ D I ut r.,b Tit I-. , -., f -,: c ',~r t , - --r; ct '--r- 7 -' r- ' . 7- - . -.- r. " . , .. I ( :L~-f-,.ts -n-0) - . -, - I t -- . . HilauywvsKIY -0.,, podpolkovnik At shorter range,, but with interference. Voen. vest 42 no.10:94-96 0 162. ZHIRA 15:10) (Radio, Military) DUZINKEVICH, S.Yu., inzh. , red. ; BAT', A.A. , inzh. , red. ; 1114HMOVPHY, L,A,., inzh., red.; SHCHETININA, L.S., inzh., red.; IF7INKA, G.A., red.izd-va; PETFCVA, V.V., red.izd-va; CH-HPIAISSKAYA, F.T., tekhn. red.; NAUMOVA, G.D., tekhn. red. [Construction specifications and regulations) Stroitellnye nor- my I pravila. Voskva Gosstroiizdat. Pt.2. Sec.A. ch.2. (Alphabetical symbolsi Bukvennye oboznachazd1a (SNiP 11-A. 2-62). 1962. 4 p. Pt.2. Sec.E. ch.2. (Transmitting and re- ceiving radio centers; specifications for designs) Peredalu- shchie I priemnye radioteentry; normy praektirovaniia (SNIP II-E. 2-62). 1963. 32 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po deism atroitellstva. 2. Gosudarstverinyy komitet po delam stroitell- stya Soveta Ministrov SSSR (for Mikhaylovskiy). 3. Gosudar- stvennyy soyuznyy proyektnyy Institut 14inisterstva avyazi SSSR (for Shchatinina). (Technology--Abbrevittions) (Rndio stations) KIKHAYLOVSKIY, P.A., red.; SOWWV, ti.A., red.; VELA1,11XV, L.I., red. [Construction epecifications and reguiationsl StroltelInye norn7 i pravila. '-~oskva, Stroiizdat. Pt.3. sec.E. ch.3. (Irtarurban telephone and telegraph exchanges, regulations for operation] Stantsionnye sooruzheniia mezhdugorodp,)i provodnoi oviazi; pravila proizvodstva iTontrzhnykh rabot i priemki v ekspluatatsliu (SNiP III-E. 3-62). 1964. b p. (MIDA 17:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) GosudarAvenrWy komitet po ;a- lam stroitel'stva. 2. Goostroy SSSR (for Nikhaylovskiy, Sokolov). 3. Gosudar.9tvennyy Institut po izyskan"yam i ~ro- yektirovaniyu sooruzheniy svyazi Minivtorstvn gvyazi SSSIi (for Melamedov). 14IKHATWTSIKIT P.I., kandidat tekbnichnikb nauk. I- won" I --- Mrrors In conditions of the fifth test of the H.M. Stodolkewych alidade altimeter. ff&uk.z&p.KIev.un. 11 no.3:207-216 154. (KLRA 9: 10) (Altimeter) 'Stodolkevych. H.M.) FANEV, B.I.j inzh.; MIKHILYLOVSKIY, S.I.2 inah. Practice of using excavator cables in pits of the Vakhrushevt;goll Trust. Izv.vye.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. 5 no*2040-US 162. (MDA 15W 1. Treat Vakhrushevugoll. Rskomendovana kafedroy avtomatizatsii proizVodstvenuykh protsessav SverxUovskogo gornago instlLtuta. (X~rpinzk region-Excavating machinery-Equipment and supplies) (wire rope) /~,, /' ~- x , ,') Y " L, v- ~,(- / V , " ~. //)) KIKHATLOTMIT, 5.14. -- --- --- i6iree exhibitions. lauka I pered. ap. v sellkhos. 7 no.11:67-68 N 157. (KLRA 10:11) (Agricultural exhibitions) MIKUTLOVSKIWIA" inshener; TSPANNSKNIKOV#K. speftredaktor; VESELKINA. ,.iz;m redaktor; KALIK, Z., takhoichoishy r6daktor. LDS~Ign and installation of lighting eqmIpmant for repair workj Prooktiroyanie i montazh ustanovok remontnogo oeveshchenita. [Kovkva.J Isd-vo VTsSPS Profizdat,1952. 15 p,LMicroftlej O(IaA 10: 6) Olectric liChting-InstallRtion) MIKHATLOVSKIT, S.S. Remote recording systam for wpighinp operrit'ons. Izq.tevh. no . I : 25-27 Ja '60. (KIRA 11:5) (Walg~,Ang machinas) S/119/60/000/012/015/Olr B012/BO63 AUTHOR: Mikhaylovskiy,_S. S. - ~'MMMV TITLE: Remote Indication in Weighing PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1960, No. 12, p. 31 TEXT: This is the description of an apparatus designed ~y the remote indication of dial scales. The apparatus is schematically represented in a figure. Recording is done by a computing and printing machine of the type CAM-107 (SDM-107) which has ten keys. The keyboard is electrically controlled. The new apparatus is designed for several types af dial heads with scales of 400, 500, and 710 mm diameter. The mode of operation of the apparatus is illustrated in the figure. There is I figure. Text to the figure: 1) Pull rod; 2) Conveyer belt; 3) C~jadrant; 4) Rack; 5) Gearl 6) Pointer; 7) Code disks; 8) Spring; 9) Lover; 10) Feeler; 11) Toothed segment; 12) Electric drive; 13) Clutch; 14) Cam drive; 15) Electric starter; 16) and 17) Commutation systems; 18) Recorder; 19) Electromagneta of the keyboarl control. sy!jt"mi 23' P-j-3~ '-ut,or.; Card 1/2 S/119/60/000/012/015/015 21 Pickup; 22) Levei; 23) Clutch; B012/BO6,4 24, Starting buttonB of the motor; 25) Gate; 26) Adjustable resistor; 27 Electric computer of the type CAM-107 (SDM-107); 28) Solenoid3 "or operating the keyboard. NO.uMd P06J.-Of Cwt Mae m-d.C4*101- 7 4 COAl'ou ke, a Card 2/2 MIKHAYLOVSKIY, S.S.; GORETSKIY, V.V. Handbook an weighing devices. lzm.tekh. no.205 F 164. rKIRA 17:4) LETOKWV, V.S.; VATSUPA , V.V. ; VUHLIK, Yu.A. ; FFDOTOV, KClSM',ffJK'-f:N, A.S.; 'HABOT:!,'-'JIY, RUVINSKJY, L."J.; L.S.. PETIROVA, G.N., SHMEI;ROVITSKlY, j.5., f3FLYAYFVA, A.A. j BFYKINA, L.I.; GLFBOV, V.M.; DRONOV, M.I., KONOVALOV, M.D.; TAPAPIN, V.N.; MIKHAYLOVSKlY. S.S.; ZHF~jAl,!N, V.G.i ZHABIN, A.!.; GRIBOV, V.S.; J FRNOV, V . N. 1, TNOVS K I Y , V Y VCRCB'YFVA. L.M.; MILOVANOVA, M.M.; ZARIPOV, M.F., KIJLJKO'VSKIY, ;.J.; GONCHMISKlY, L.A.; TYAN KBAK SU Inventions. Avtom. I prit. MIRA ' P ; 9 'L )r m A L 141KHATLOVSKIT. S.V. "OtT1W%WA9bO.*OWA%&#, ~-~6f Progress In the problem of rhinosclarona In Soviet Union. V498t. otorinol&r. lio.3:21-31 Kv-June 50. (CLIC 19-10 1. Of the LCR (Otorhtnol&rMological) Department, L'vov Medical Institute, L'vov. gWjAY7 2124 s,,,, MM, M.X.;BAIULYAK, R.A. =1U* K.M. Lk Treatment of sclerome, respirAtarlum with ant1bodlea. Feet otorinolar.. Moskva 14 no.2:59-62 gar-4pr 1952, (CUL 22:1) 1. Honored Worker In Science Bashkir AWA. Professor for Nikhaylovskly; Docent for Omaks, and Bartlyak; AssistanA for Ombina. 2. Of the Department for Diseases of the Asr, Throat. and Some (Head - Prof. S. 1. Kikhaylov- skly) and of the Departiment of Kicrob toloa_. (Head -- Docent N. 9, Nusyka), L'vov Medical Institute. MIMAYLOVSKIT. S.W.; CHUNATA, L.A.; BARILTAK, R.A.; PITRUS. V.S. Possible utilisation of cutansons reactions in diagnosis of sclerosis of the respiratory tract. Vast. otorinolar., Moskva 14 no. 4: 87 July-Aug. 1952. (CLKL 22:5) 1. Professor for Milchaylovskiy and Chernaya; Docent for Barilyak; Assistant for Patrus. 2. Of the Clinic for Diseases of the lar, ?hrost. and Nose (Director -- Honored Worker in Science Bashkir ASSR Prof. S. V. 41khavlovskly) and of the Department of 41croblology (Head -- Dacoidt 4. M. Muzyka), L'Yov Medical Institute. KORNITIMO, A.A.; POLUNOV. X.Ta.; HIMYLOVSKIT 0 5 Y.. professor, saslushenw do- yatell nauki, direktor. ~ 5- Xb Scleroma of the respiratory tract In children. Yest.oto-rin. 15 no.4:90 Jl- Ag '53. 041RA 6:9) 1. Klinika boleaney ukha, gorla I nosa L'Yovskogo meditsinskogo inatituts,. (Rhinoscleroma) KIRILWYA, N.H.; HIKIIATLM11Y, S.T.. professor, vaslushennyy dayatell nauki Hashkirsko ~Zave ~ km wus c ~iy - Kelanoma of the nasal mucous membrane. Yest.oto-rin. 15 no.5:73-74 S-0 '53. (W-Ris 6:11) 1. Klinika bolesney ukha. gorla i nosa L'vovskogo meditainskogo Instituta. (Mucous membrane--Tumors) (Yose--Tumors) MAKETIVA, G.P.; Professor. zaalushennyy deystelf nauki Bashkirskoy ASSR. taveduyushchly. Intrusion of the larva of the gadfly under a child's scalp. Yest.oto-rin. 15 no.5:78 S-0 153. WARA 6:11) 1. KlInika bolesney ukha. gorla I nova L'Yovskogo neditsinskogo instituta. (Horseflies) (Skin--Wounds and Injuries) MlMYWV"aKIY, S.V., profesnor, zaoluzhennyy dey&tell nauki Bushkirskoy ASSH, 2aveduyushchiy kafed-roy; WATKA. M.N. , zaveduyushchiy; BARILTAK, H.A.; GUBINA, K.H.; PANCHMO. D.I., profeosor, direktor. Streptomycin is an effective agent In the tretAtment nf rhinoscleroma. Sov.emd. 17 no.5:20-22 My 153. (KLRA 6:6) 1. KlInIka bole2ney ukha, gorla I noaa (for Kikhaylovskiy. Baril,,uk -nd Gubina), 2. Kafe4ra mikrobiologii Livovskogo meditsinskogo inatituta (for Hazyka, Parilyak. and (hibina). 3. L'vovgkiy meditsinekly institut (for Panchanko). (Rhinoucleroma) (Streptorqcin) MZH&YLOTSKIT, S.V., professor; WZYKA, N.M.. doteent; BARMAK, R.A., ,--minninryu 6A. K.m. Mettood of combined therapy for sclaroma of the respiratory orpno. Yest.oto-rin. 17 noslift-62 j&,_r 55. (KIRA 8 15) 1. Is kliniki boleansy ukha. gorla i. nos& (saveduyusheMy - profes- sor S.T.Mikhaylovokly) I kededry ullcroblologil (savedu7ushchty - doteent K.M.K'uzyk&) Llvovskogo meditainskogo lustituts,. (RASPIRATORT ORGAIG-DISMASIS) (RHIIMCUMONA) MIKUTLOVSKIT, O.T..profesoor(Llvoy) mi;jowl " ~ " 'Diseases of the ear. throat. and nose.0 A.G. Likbachav. Reviewed by S.T. Mikhailovokit. Felld. I Ja '56 (MLRA 9:4) (OTCPIIOHOLARTIIGOLOGT) (LIKHACHRY, A.G.) ,-It MINHAYLOVSKIY, S.V., prof. "Clinical aspects of digenses of the ear, throat and nose,* Collection Ho.l. of papers from the Tiflis Kedical Inatitate. Reviewed by S.V. Mikhailovskit. Vest.oto.-rin 20 no.4.*107-109 Jl-Ag 158 (KIRA 11:7) (OTORIlrUOLARYNGOLOGY) OfDMAILOVSKIY. S.V.) KIKHAYLOTSKIY, Sargey Ta.sillyevich ESclaroma of the respiratory tract] Sklaroma dykhatalOny1ch putei. Koelm. Kedgiz, 1959. 130 p. (MIRA 13:7) (RHZIFOSCMOKA) mi TY-. a, profo ""UM -.1 "Otosclerosial by KoL. Xhilav. Revieved by S.Y. Mikhailovskii, Test.tot-rin. 21 no.13119-121 Jar-F '59 (KrRA 12:1) (OTOSCLEROSIS) mIXjLCrWVSKlY. 3.V.. prof.. sasluzhennyy doyMell auiiki Bushkiralcoy ASM (L'vov) - Ilegative aspects of antibiotic therapy in otorhinolar7agology. Yest.otorin. 21 no.4:3-11 Jl-Ag '59. (MIA 12:10) (OTOMUOURYUGOLOGICAL D167BASES ther.) (AMOICTICS ther.) prof., zaalushounyy dayatel I nauki Bashicirskoy ASSR; SMMINSKIT. 1.T., prof. On certain ar operations used for the purpose of improving hearing and eliminating tirmitus. Top.otorin. 21 no.6:34-38 N-D '59. (MM 13:4) 1. Iz kafedry bolesney ukha, gorls, i nosa (xav. prof. S.T. Mikhay- lovskiy) i kafedry operatlynoy khirurgit (zav. prof. I.T. Studzinakiy) LIvovskogo maditslaskogo instituta. (OTOSCLnOsrs, surgery) MIKUYLOVSKIY, S.V. , prof. zasluzhennyy deyntell nauki Bashkirskoy ASSR Organization of interprovince otolarygological conferences. Zhur. ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 20 no.101-92 Ja-F 160. (KIRA 14:5) 1. Kafedra otorinolaringologii Llvovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (UMWNE--X0IARBG0L0GY) HlVJIAYLOVSKlyt S-V-, prof. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Bogomolets; on his 80th birthday. Zhur. ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 21 no.4:34 Jl-Ag,161. 041M, 15:1) ( OGOMOlaTS, ALEWANDR ALEKSV:DliCVI i, 18g1-) MIKHAYLOVSKIY, S.Ve. prof. Review of L.A. Zaritskills book wDiseanes of the ear, nose and throat." Vast. oto-rin. 25 no-4:97 Jl-Ag 163. OURA 17:1) MIKHAYLOVSKI, Il [Academic Degrees) Docent BLVA01A (Affiliation] Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology with the Higher Medical Institute (Katedra po akusherstvo i ginakologiya pri VIAI), Sofia [Souros] Sofia, Akusharstvo i Ginekologiya, No 3, 1962, pp 56-57. [Data] "On the Syndrome of Amenorrhea, Galactorrhea and Lo"red Level of the FnIliole Stimulant dormons (F. S. H.)." LEBEDEVA, L,P.; KRYSlN, B.T.; KOITAKOV, Ya.v.; IGNATOV, L.N.,- MIWYL4[)VSKIY, V.A.; ~'MIRNOV, G.G.; TSYTSFWXO, 1J.1i. Experimental production of Iron-base friction certimic mottla. Porash. met. 5 no.8z96-102 Ag '65. (K'Rt. l8t9) L 57596-65'. EWr,(J)/EWT(d)/EVIT(j BIP,(e)/EViT(m)/EWP(w)/EPF(c),~FJ;P(s)-2/Ei'IP(t) EViG(v), P A Pe-VPf-~/Pr-4_ P~b/N_4 _ P z)Aw (WAw W YP 9- 7- A a ff~,M AP56if813 621.825 Mi Krys in I, - To o1pakow -Yas V#; Smirnov 1 AUTHOR--... -Xa6hooen-ko 9 1# . . - 6. G.'; 2 Alt -TeMenko, ot P. H*_H Edell-man Hf. Xe kurov, I e TITLE.- Melho a-'for- pr'oducing~_frictionparte from povdar component SOURCE: By,-411etenl izobreteniy I tovarnykh suakov,, no. 11, 196511 ITOPIC TA(;St~Qaircraift brake., friction part powder metallurgy ABSTRAM. Au--Author gertificate has been.issued for-a method of pro-, duding friction broke-unit parts) for aircraft from pov- der co MF. iron, mponen _-To reduce veer$ the mixture contain 0-70% 13-16% copper$ 8-10% barium sulfate, 3_7% graphit:A-5% asbestos, jai)d 2.5% oiiicon.'oxidee The miXture is compact M~Ided-,at a pressure ;of 3A t/cm2 and sintered We temperature of 10600 and a pressure of- 125 kg/CM2 (LB]! card I/ WN -MINHAYL4GVSKIY,-- V.I. (Kiyev) Infinitesimal bends in the "slide" of surfaces of revolution with negative curvatures. Ukr.wat.shur. 14 no.1:32-29 162o (M& 150) (Surfaces) (Curvature) (Differential equations,, Partial) KIKUTLOVSKIY, V.I. [Hykh&ilm'k7i,, V.I. I (Kiyiv) Infinitesimal defor2ations of piecewise regular inzrfaces of revolution of negative curvature. Ukr. mat. zhur. 14 n0-4:42-2-426 162o (KIRA 15:12) (Surfaces, Deformation of) tu - - 99 oeli C's GONIKSER8. M.G.; DOROGOCHINSKII, A.Z.; MITROFANOV, M.G.; GAVRILOVA, A.Te.; KUPRIMOV, V.A.; MIMAYLOYSM, -V.X.; VOVK, L.H. Homogenous demethylation of toluene. Report 56.1. Basic indices of the process at 750-790 C. Neftekbimila, I no .1346-53 Ja-F 161, (NM l5j2) 1. Institut organichaskoy khiaii AN SSSR imeni N.D.Zelinmkogo i Groineaskiy noftyazxoy asuchAo-iseledovatellskly Inatitut, (Toluene) (Nothyl group) Sl-',IUt'[*ROV , S.P. , inzh. ; MIKHAY I PVSK I Y , Vj. , i nz I- S tand f or the autona t I c -de I j j ng r, I " rLF _4 * -,~ i-_ :; ea -s -1 'z e - frames. 3var. proizv. no.7:3~-3t. ~l '6, ( :~ I -r~A i t -. 1 1. 7hdanovskiy zavod tyazlielogo mash-'nostroytniya. KIKHAYLOVSKIY, V.M. [ Vkhailov.-Okii, V.M.] All-UrLion Scientific and Technical Conference on MagneLic Elements of' Automatic Control, Remote Control, Moasuring and Comput,,!r Techniques. Avtomatyka 8 ho.3:78 163. (AURA 16:7) (Magnetic matarials) V Category USSR/Solld State Physics Diffusion. Sintering E-6 Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Flzlka, No 1, )957,No 1260 Author Garber, R.I., Polyukov, L.M., Mikhaylovskiy, V.M. Title Investigation of Processes in Roasting of Copper Grig Pub Ukr. fiz. zh., 1956, 1, No 1, 88-97 Abstract The tearing strength of a junction of copper rings, formed at various com- pressions and roasting temperatures, was studied at room temperature. The roasting vas done in VaqUUM (io-5 mm mercury). The strength of the joint is proportional to the compression, and the proportionality coefficient in- creases with temperature. The dependence of the logarithm of the strength of the joint plotted vs. the reciprocal of the roasting temperature is a straight line, the slope of which can be used to determine the activation energy of the roasting process. The latter is 27.6 kcal/g-atom at a pressure of 0.7 kg/MM2, and decreases with increasing c-ompression. The grovth of the crystal grain does not influence the strength of the joint, which depends on the true contact area. Diffusion processes of surface displacement of atome contribute to an increased joint strength. The reduced activation energy re- sulting from the increased pressure is attributed to the influence of the Card 1/2 Category USSR/Solid State Physics - Diffusion. Sintering Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957,No 1260 E-6 liberated surface energy. The low values of the activation energy indicate that plastic deformation my be i~ccompanied by certain destruction and roasting processes, vhich result in large microscopic shears but vhich retain the macroscopic solidity of the deformed crystal. Card : 2/2 / P WOO 6 76 r . SOV/126-6-6-16/24 AUTHORSt Zalivadnyy, S.Yn. and R11sidL41-0 vskiy. V.M. TITLE: Influence of Cyclic Heat Treatment n Bicrystals of Uranium ) ~1 A PERIODICALiFizika in . lov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 6, PP 904-907 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This study has been carried out in order to elucidate the influence of the interaction between crystals on the nature of changes in the material during cyclic heat treatment and to clarify further the mechanism of the phenomenon under investigation under simplified conditions (absence of surrounding grains). Prismatic billets with coarse columnar grains were prepared from technically pure uranium by a method described by Gerber et al (Ref 4). Bicrystal specimens were cut out by a wire saw from the billets. Further preparation of the specimens was carried out on polishing papers and b) electrolytic 1,olishing. The final specimens were 3.2 x 1.3 x 0.7 nun in dimension. The bicrystals were electrolytically etched and inspected in polarized light by a metallographic microscope. The relative grain orientation was determined Card 1/4 by the X-ray method of inverse Laue exposure. In order 67670 SOV/126-6-6-18/24 Influence of Cyclic Ifeat Treatment on Eicrystals of Uranium control the relative displacement of grains gradiiation lines were applied perpendicular to the adjacent boundary. These lines were made with the diamond indenter of a micro-hardness tester. For the cyclic licat treatment the specimens were placed in an iron boat provided with a lid lined with tantalum foil in order to exclude interaction between uranium and iron. The specimens were heated by passing electric current through the boat and cooled by conducting away the heat through the maSSLVO copper grips of' the boat which were water cooled. The temperature was measured by a Pt/Pt-Rh thermocouple welded to the oat. The experiments were carried out in vacuum at a pr ssure not exceeding 3 x 10-6 nim fig and a temperature ra.ige of 100 to 600*C. The sequence was as follows: heating to the maximum temperature - 5 minutes, holding at 6oOOC f'or 1 minute, cooling to the minimum temperature - 4 minutes. The investigation was carried out up to 1000 cycles with intervals for the inspection of' the specimens after 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 750 cycles. After 1000 cycles the specimens were subjected to electrolytic polishing and Card 2/4 etching in order to expose the changes in microstructure,__~ 6-,070 SOV/126-8-6-18/24 Influence of Cyclic Heat Treatmpnt on Dicrystals of Uranium In the table on P 905 results of the investigation of 3 specimens after 1000 cycles are given. Fig 1 is a photomicrograph of a portion of the specimen (a original condition, polarized light, x 40; b after 300 cycles, x 40; v - after 1000 cycles, x 40i g the same after electrolytic polishing arid etching, polarized light, x 160). Fig 2 shows graphically the dependence of the magnitude of' displacement along the boundaries on the number of cycles for a bicrystal of uranium. Fig 3 is a photomicrograph of a uranium specimen without the middle portion (a before cyclic heat treatment, polarized lighti b after 100 cycles). The authors arrive at the following conclusions: 1. The relative displacement of bicrystal grains per cycle under similar conditions of cyc1ic heat treatment coincides in the order of magnitude with the relative displacement of grains of approximately the same dimensions in polycrystalline specimens of uranium. 2. A change in the relative disposition of grains can take place due both to the difference in residual Card 3/4 elongation and to the displacement of one grain as a whole ZK 6 / 10 () 3-ov/-i26-8-6- 16/24 Influence of Cyclic Heat Treatment on b1crystals of Uranium relative to another. 3. Experiments with bicrystals Df uranium agree in their general features with the idea uf the mechanism of irreversible changes in uranium in cyclic heat treatment, during which these changes are brought about by a combination of slip along the grain boundaries and plastic deformation within the grain bodies (see Ref 3), which has been established experimentally for polycrystalline uranium by Gerber et al (Ref 4). Gratitude is nxpressed to Professor R.I.Gerber for reading the paper and his valuable comments. There are 3 figures, 1 table and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet and I English. ASSOCIATION iFizilto-tekhnicheakiy institut AN USSR (Physico-Technical. InstituteYAS UkrSSR) SUBMITTEDi May 27. 1959 Card 4/4 4b 81616 S/18 60/00,e/va/04/050 B122YB063 8100 AUTHORS: Garber, R. I., Zalivadnyy, S. Ya., Mikhaylovskil, V. M. TITLE: Change in the Microstructure of Uranium by Cyclic Heat Treatment ~1 PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 1052-1059 TEXT: When subjected to cyclic heat treatment, uranium exhibits irreversible growth which has been given different explanations in publications. In order to clarify this problem, the authors of the present paper examined the change in the microstructure of uranium, i.e., the process taking place inside and on the grain boundaries of polycrystalline uranium during cyclic heat treatment. The metal surface was examined microscopically and photographed with a camera of the type MON-1 (MFN-1). Fig. I shows the scheme of the system. The uranium samples were prepared in such a way that coarse, columnar grains developed in the center of the sample (Fig. 2). The deformation of the grains was observed by the changes in etched lines. Sample No. 1 was Card 1/3 81616 Change in the Iftirostructure of Uranium S/181'60/002/06/04/050 by Cyclic Heat Treatment B122~BO63 heated 200 times from 100 to 6000C, No. 2 300 times, and No. 3 50 times in the course of 5 min, cooling took 4 min, the peak temperature lasted 1 min. Figs. 3-6 Illustrate the changes undergone by the samples No. 1-3. A curvature in the etched lines and a mutual displacement of the grains was observed In all samples. In some cases, a distortion of the grain boundaries was observed in addition to the mutual displacement. It was further observed that at peak temperature there was a jump in the lines, which again vanished on cooling. The direction of these jumps changed after about 10 cycles, and remained the same on a further cyclic treatment. This thermoelastio deformation is assumed to be related with the anisotropic thermal expansion of uranium* The disorientation of the grains in the course of the cyclic treatment is examined roentgeno- graphically, The greatest possible displacement of grains was determined from the degree of disorientation and the difference between the thermal expansion coefficients of touching bodies; the displacement corresponding to the mechanism of "thermal wedging" is likewise determined and ccr,pared with the displacement observed experimentally. The displacement observed was found to differ only little from the one determined by the Card 2/3 V j'y~ 21369 3102 61/000/012/006/011 /1'~C) 0 0 D251YI)305 AUTHORSs Drahan, Ya, P., and Mykhaylovalkyy, V. M., Correa- onding Momber AS Ukr3SR-- TITLE: On a case of amplitude error of sampling PER10DICAL: Akademiya nauk UkrayinB'koyi RSR. Dopovidi, no. 12, 19610 1578-1582 TEXT: The authors attempt a generalization of the earlier result of A. A. Bragin, V. N. Mikhaylovskiy and A.N. Svenson (Ref. 21 Avtomat. kontroll i izmerit tekhn, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1, 129, (1957)) for the telemetric case well-known in practice, where the sensor is fed by a sinuaoidal load and the sinusoid modulated by the ampli- tude is sampled. The relative error of einusoidal sampling is given by c max (7) Card 1/ 4 On a case of amplitude ... 21369 S/02 61/000/012/006/011 D251YD305 and it is shown that is related to the sampling duration the ratio of sampling frequency P to sampled frequency f, and the number of average rectified pulses n ct 2 2 ~'!-f 2 ~(O) 2sin W 2sin 2sin 2v 2vP 4nc -- 2since T I-P(AV Cos do I I + P(AV ~Fv T 6 (A) sin w P AV + E A sin(a V) V V 2v rep, 6j (A) rep, 61 (-A) sin a E(Av) (Av) TV sino V P(Al Card 2/4 (9) V~ 21369 3102 On a case of amplitude ... YI) 61/000/012/006/011 D251 305 2sin 4q, ,Ae 61(A) 291n% sin as -1 i9 a AV x sin 4v 2v 4 Cos - T 4n, (10) V 7 2 [1 + R -cv v min. (12) The case of ideal transmission, 09 may be found from (j 1) = 0 j 10 20 .... v) (8) v The result derived is compared with the V. A. Kotellnikov theorem, There are 4 Soviet-bloc references. Card 3/4 21369 S/02 61/000/012/006/011 On a case of amplitude ... D251YD305 ASSOCIATION: Instytut-mashynoznavetva ta avtomatyky AN URSR (Institute of Machine Science and Automation AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: June 15, 1961 Card 4/4 24477 S/126/61/011/006/003/011 2.1 do E193/E483 _;i,~TTHORS Garber, R.I., Zalivadnyy, S.Ya. and Mikhaylovskiy, V.M. TITLE: Variation of the microstructure of uranium during cyclic thermal treatment. II PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1961, Vol.11, No.6, pp.889-892 TEXT: This is a continuation of earlier published work of the authors (Ref.l: FTT, ig6o, 2, 6, 1052 and Ref.2% MM, 1959, 8, 904) relating to the mechanism of distortion of uranium during thermal cycling on bi-crystal specimens and on coarsely crystalline material with columnar grains, In this paper the authors investigate the laws governing the thermal cycling-induced changes in finely-crystalline technical grade uranium. To ensure uniform grain-size of the required magnitude, cylindrical uranium specimens (60 mm long, 8 mm in diameter) were annealed and then compressed (in the direction normal to the axis) to approximately 50% reduction in thickness and the resultant blanks were machined to produce prismatic specimens measuring 60 x 4 x 3 mm. After recrystallization, these specimens were plastically deformed in Card 1/,4 S/126/61/011/006/003/011 Variation of the microstructure ... E193/E483 compression (8% reduction in thickness) in the direction normal to the longitudinal axis and to the direction of the first compressing operation; this was done to develop texture in the material studied. The specimens were then cut into several prismatic test pieces which, after polishing (mechanical and electrolytic) and recrystallization, measured 6 x 2.5 x 1.5 mm. On 3 faces of each test piece a set of lines, spaced at 0.1 mm intervals, was inscribed by making scratches 211 wide and 0.5 U deep. Annealing, recrystallization and the thermal cycling tests were all carried out in vacuum of 5 X 10-0 mm Hg. Each thermal cycle consisted of the followingt heating to 6000C in 5 minutes; holding at 6000C for 1 minutel cooling to 1000C in 4 minutes. The specimens (whose original grain size was 25$1) were examined after 200, 400, 600, 800, 1300 and 2000 cycles. The dimensional changes of several test pieces after 600 cycles are tabulated. It will be seen that the length of the test pieces increased, their width and thickness decreased. Metallographic examination reveAled that thermal cycling had brought about both the deformation in the interior of the grains and relative displacement of the grains. The latter effect was reflected in increased roughness of the Card 2/5 S/1-6/61/011 N1431/003/011 Variation of the microstructure El',-3/E483 surface of the test pieces. This is illustrated in Fig.3 showing (x200 and x200-/2- in the horizontal and vertical direction, respectively) the contour of the surface of a specimen (a) before thermal cycling, W after 600 cycles and (13) after 2000 cycles. The average grain-size of the specimens decreased from the initial 251, to 1811 after 2000 cycles. The rate of increase in the length of the test pieces increased with the increasing number of the cycles, J61/1 per I cycle after 2000 cycles being 2 to 3 times larger than that after 600 cycles. After 2000 cycles the length of the test pieces increased on the average by 60%; at the same time the average increase in length of the grains was 201'0. This discrepancy was attributed to the effect of recrystallization takingi place during thermal cycling on the total elongation of the grains. There are 5 figures, I table and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR (Physico-technical Institute AN UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: September 27, 1960 Card 3/-* DRAGAN, Ya.P. [Dr3h.,in, IA,P.lli DUBROV, Ya.A. [D,,ibrc,,,v, IA.0.1; 14IKHAnqysKiy,_ Y.IL (14ykhailovs1kyl, 7.M.] Theory of nonstati, nary randorn Dop. AN '7?F.R '62-116~ 162. (MIRA 1814) 1. Institut mash I novedonlya i avtomatlki AN fJkrSSR. 2. Chler-lycr- respondent AN ITkrSM (fnr Mlkhaylovikly). S/126/63/015/r)01/011/029 E973/g420 AU-1110113: Zalivadnyy, S-Ya-, ~[Jdsbaylovskiy,' VJI., Malik, A.K, TITLE: Simultaneous influence of.,eyelic heat trentment and an external tensile load on certain properties of polycrystalline zine PERIODICAL, Fizika metallov i,,M~talloveileniye. v-15, no.1, 1963, gj--94 TEXT: From 99.96!o pure zinc sheets, strips were cut in the direction of rolling, their surface was electrolytically cleaned, rolled to 55- at 50*C and-antica"Led in a horizontal electric furnace at 900C for 10 liours in air. This was clone to retain the original preferential crystallographic orientation of the material. From thone blanks, W'"Al long specimonn with a gauge section of 36 x 3 x 2.5 mqi %qre cut and ground by the spark-cro--tion method and then,poli--4hed qj*emically and electrolytically. The obtained specimens were gubjectod to cyclic hunt treatment in the temperature range 150 to 300*C, each cycle consisting of heating for 5 minutes and cooling for 7 minutes in a vacuum of 1o-2 min Hg. Two groupm of cyclic hPat treatmont were applied., 1) 400 cycles Clird' 1/3 3/126/63/015/001/011/029 Simultaneous influence ... E073/E420 with a tensile stress of 100 g/mm2; 2) 50 cycles with a tensile stress of 600 g/mm2. Another batch of specimens was subjected to 1200 therinal cycles without any external load. The results are given in Table 1. Metallographic studies indicate that the elongation of the specimens was due primarily to slip in the grains; mutual displacement of grains and porosity are less important. No qualitative difference was observed in the behaviour of the specimens during simultaneous application of cyclic heat treatment and an external tensile load and cyclic heat treatment alone. There are 2 figures and 2 tables. SUBMITTED: March 26, 1962 Card 2/3 Simultaneous influence Speci- men No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Card 3/3 Treatment S/126/63/015/001/011/029 E073/9420 Table I lExperiment Dimensional changes, duration, - - - -- -F- - --- I- ---- Length Width Thickness 400 thermal cycles External load a = 100 g/MM2 1 4oo thermal cycles with an external load a = 100 g/mm2 50 thermal cycles 80 +3-0 80 +o.6 80 +11.0 0 I +0-3 +2.0 I 4.o - 0.3 -0.3 -0.5 -9.0 very very I small small External load I a = 6oo g/mm2 10 +4-3 ' -1.8 -2.7 50 thermal cycl with an externalaloadl a = 600 g/Mm2 10 +33 -8.5 -16 -P(o E V r (M E W P C v v. ~/E Ad )ITIF. v VPt/Ell Vk/I E I v Pb/E I 4A 14 1 6.kQ -IL AjC 'ESSIOR-NR_"5002343________ _501U 191 0904/0908 LW -q/00-6/- UTH Malik,- A. K. No ovi 1. W AM v E n~.creep of polycrystalline zinc and TITLE tfeet,-of. programmed hardening o d~rlng cyclic heaftreatment C 1964, 904-908 S OUR &-Fizika. metallov I metallovedeniye, v. 18, no.' 60 TOPiC TAGS: -polyvrystalline zinc, creep, programmed hardening, beat treat- ment,,:cy -heat treatment clic ABSTRA.CT: ~The effect of ptigrammed hardening (hardeningby controlled appli- 0 cation7of skre6s at slow rate -on the creep of polycrystalline zinc at ro M tern perat'U're''and oW its resistance to forming during cyclic heat treatment wan stud- ied, The. ftiear deformation anneale d- polycrys-talliru- z1fic-and- of Samples sub. e (I 6XIO-4 kg/rnn12jmIn). and to- loading beyond ih jected t6 16ading e yield point 2 2 5 kg/mtn /min) was compared, The elongation of the programmed samples. ACCESSION NR- "5002348 wad less- than -In Ahe annealed and rapidly stressed samples; was reduced two 4 kg/ rr, times as the programmed rate was decreased from 5 to 1.5 x 10 km2 normal treatment were less resistant to heating- cooling,cy-" cles than programmed samples. The hardening - increased as the maximum t. r )re of the cyc e -was riduced. The maximum temperature approached 06 tempd atu e melting tOmperature (0. 9TM_K)~ The creep in progra:rjhar4enbd samples was less than In those otherwise deformed. Metallographi Wnalysis showed slip bandit and the formation of substructures in a small nimber of the grains. Small migration of the boundaries occurred in samples after programmed and after or- dinary haHening prior to thermal cycling; after that the migration In the progrsm-~.-* med samples -was rauch less noticeable. Thus programmed hardening ofpolycry-~ stalline zinc increased its creep strength and Its resistance to forming during CYC E A 11; 111. -1g. i to has-. 3 figures-an,44-tablo_-_ CY6 -AN-- 1kjrSM (P cal- technical. Insti-, tut i t1de 1LJ*W -CODE- MM.-;:- I E NCL: -00 SU11 olM SUBMITTM_ gog NR REP Sow -000 OTHER.- 001- Card- 2/2 L 1c, I T ir. In. n, ~,c Vlecyleryclyp NTCSkv-a- C"". , /' ~' / /,-,// / -, / 1~ , . ~ A , ,, " // SHUKIKOVSKIY,N.N.; M1KHAYbWSK1Y,V.H. On selecting the channel and medium of cousunications In measuring the "depth parametereg In oil wells. fauch.zap. IKA L'viv.f1l AN URSR no.1:5-26 '53. (KLRA 8ill) (Oil well logging, Blectric) /!, /I, " - / -) 1~ /I" ( '. 1~ /Ii; '?., I MIKHAYUNSKIY,V.N.; DUB.Ya.T. _-..Woo ------ aw"K.-P40%t3~ Selectlon of the optimal size of reflector markers In sounding methods. Nauch.tap. IKA Llviv.fil. AN URSR no.1:27-34 153. (Oil well logging) (MLRA 8:11) TE KRAVLOVSKIY, V. N. "The Influence of the Lateral Magnetic Field on a Permanent Magnet," Nauch. zap. In-ta mashinoved, i avtomatikA, 2, No 2, 1953, pp 53-57 The influence of a lateral magnetic field on the longitudinal revidual indi-tion of a ferronickel-aluminuin allay of noerrive forre of (HC : 45 oersteds) and residual induction before demagnetization (Br = 5000 gauss) is studied. Me lateral field affects a decrease of Br approximately pro- portional to it,.; strength* A preliminary demagnetization by a laterad field up to 200 oersteds does not influence the effect of the lonvitiidinal field. R7hFiz, No 3, 1955 MIKHAVCVSVIY. V. N.0 SMIWVSKIYO N. M. and ANDRTY-EVSKIY, A. 1. "Temperature Measurements in the -SoU and in Drilled Wells" Nauch Zap. in-ta 14ashinoved. i Avtomatili M Ukr SSR, 3, 1954, 31-38 kttsmpl is msdo to rind the location and temperature or the heat co ~f the temperature varies periodically. A special' formula is 4rouived for computIng the amplitude and period or temperature variation, the thermal conduativity,, and other values. The history of geothermal studies in the WSR Is briefly described. (RZhFiz, No lo, 1955) KURSIN, SA., kandidat tekhnichebkikh nauk; MIKHAYLOVSKIY, V.N., kandidat tekhnicheakikh uauk; SIGORSKIY, V.P.,- Ga,ndidat tekhhT6heskikh nauk. Water measurement problem of irrigation canals. G11r. i mel. 6 nc. 12:33-W D 154. (M1,RA 8. 1 (Irrigation canals and flumes) (Ylow meters) KARPI 0,G.V., dektor takhnichookikh nauk, professor. redaktor; SAY19,0A. rodaktor; LOPATINSM.TA.B., rodaktor- LE(NOW,N.Ta., doktor fiviko- matenatichaskikh nauk. redaktor; kandidAt takhni- cheskikh usak, rodALktor; PARASTUIL,0.3., RAW--% r1suro-satematiche- skikh nauk, rodaktor; PANASYUK,V.V., kandidat fisik9-matemeticheskilch nauk. rodaktor; ZILIBAN.M.S., redaktor; RAKHLINA.U.P., takhnicheskiy redaktor [Some problems in the fatigue of steel with calculation of the iaflu- once of active agents]Mekotorys voprosy ustalostnol prochnostl stAll o uohatom vliiaaiia aktivnol areo. Kiev, Izd-vo Akademli nauk USSR. 1955. 48 p. (MIRA 90) 1. Ak&Asniya nauk URSR. XLyev. Ins%Ltut mash~noznavstva i axtomatilki. 2. Doyetvitollnyy chlon AN USSR (for Sayin) 3. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Lopatinskly) (Steel-ratigus) ZAXWIYA. 1.A.; MIKKAYIDTSKIT. T.N. - Problems of time-pulse conversion. IKA AN URSR. Ser. aytom. I Ism. takh. 5:171-183 '55. (NLRA 9:10) (Talemotering) /T..7,,,'\ -I1 -1 1 -,/-'I. ,I".\ USSR/Automatics and telemechanics - Frrors FD-0,3 Card 1/1 Pub. 10 - 6/8 Author Mikhaylovskiy, V. N.; Malets, L. 0. (L'vov) Title Method for decreasing errors of telemetering in time separation of channels Periodical Avtom. i telem., Vol. 16, Nov-Dec 1955, 548-553 Abstract The authors point to the possibility of decreasing the errors of measurement of multi-channel telemetering systems with time sepa- ration of channels by means of the utilization on the receiver side of transmitted control (sample) signals which correspond to zero and -xim)xn value of measured uniciphered quantities. Ex- perimental verification under laboratory conditions showed that errors of multi-channel telemetering systems with time separation of channels can be decreased by use of automatic stabilization (correction) of null displacement and deviation of transfer charac- teristics by five and higher times. Three references: Molchanov, Authorship certificate No 3-x)66, 1933; G. M. Zhdanov, Teleizmer- eniye (Telemetering], State Energy Press) 195,--,- J. Chisholm, E. Buckley, G. Fornell, Proc. IRE, j'.), No 1, 19'.1. Submitted JulY 15, 1954 HIKW,Y1A)VSJd'T, V.N. : SHKURCHENKO, V. L Thermal logging nf wells. Nauch. fap. IRA AN URSR. Ser. aTtor- t I zm. tqj-~ . 4 ~ 12 0- 12 5 ' ~ ~. (WLRA 10- 8) (Borl V, 8) (Oil well lcfxlv,) LIIK&YWVSKIY__V 1. ~. now control and viog anerint of water In ca-ruLls of irrljatir,~, 97ste-ir Nauch. zap. ryA AN uRfr. Sar. awtor. I Ism. tek~. 4 12~,-135 '55. (Irrigittion canals and flu-seo) (KLRA Ir. ~ ) (Alitomatin control) im ~ 41r- On, I ~ wa q - .1,42 N,43-1 ,L V'K &LeO ftill p At 1h I I I *m of I chrmApfl, of -(fA Ru St -1 J. s tw), Hajuch. iap. fi-fa vd. i u4,,A uk,. ssi~ 4, Cep, Awamolikii ixmmii, iA.Ut. c6-.3 '126-235, 1P~5;,Ref, ZA, Mehh. 1956. Rev. 3105. ~Ylqwz Old Alven frivilng to the 41rccrIca 444 a ;w0grito ~f !W*. an %X49441198 and *to OW01 mm c 0 Siltation VY*11111131,2014% *011- t16 Is also's It to of the lifst Paint of thl a ~Wogram thA08,*jh* iX~ chcace 01 tht degisn vieruent% 0( the ma=A08 blitrument and c quatkti cy Q( "gtv in rr.0418 and exAmInation of irm &31go g4i r7 ot Trimdatiov.* ~omrrjpsy Ministry of Swpp~v, bwla~d 15-57-4-5503 Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 4, p 196 (USSRT AUTHOR: Mikhaylovskiy, V. N. TITLE: Telemetry of Depth Parameters (Teleizmereniye glubinnykh parametrov) PERIODICAL: V sb: Telemekhaniz. v nar. kh-ve, Moscow, AN 353R1 1956, pp )34-)45 ABSTRACT: Exploration and extraction of minerals require ex- tensive use of equipment with automatic and remote controls. Basic requirements of measuring and drilling equipment are set forth, with a special consideration for the equipment located in the body of the drill itself. 6olutions for some design problems of such equipment are suggested. A table of depth parameters subject to control in drilling Card 1/2 process is presented. The table gives data on the 15-57-4-5503 Telemetry of Depth Parameters (Cont.) following factors: 1) axial pressure on the well bottom; 2) rate of revolution of the drill motor; 3) torque on the well bottom; 4) zenithal and azimuthal angles of the well axis; 5) tortional stress on the column. Another table shows possible methods of signal trans- mission in drilling wells. Telemetric methods are described. The extent of telemetric measurements and of geophysical investigations in drilling and operating wells is examined. Telemetric equipment and possible mode of operation are indicated for various parameters. Methods of decreasing the error of telemetric measurements, of increasing resistance to interference and reliability of the equipment are outlined. The following. factors should be considered in designing equipment for telemetric measurement of depth para- meters: 1) the necessity of using parts of high resistance to high temperature; 2) the use of high-speed, high-precision multi-channel automatic recorders, 3) the use of high-efficiency stable radio- activity detectors. Serious attention should be devoted to other problems of the design and use of automatic and telemetric equipment. Card 2/2 1. A. K. / I I I / i I DICUMIKIT. Ta.Tu.; HIKWLOVSIKIT, V.H.; SVENSON. O.H. Circuit solution of muli "-channel com=tation. Avtomstyka no.4:54-61 '56. (WRA 10:2) 1. Institut mehinoenavstva ta aytomtiki AM URSR. (19lectronic circuits) KURSIN. S.A., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk-. IGLHAXIDY~KIT. W.N.. kaodtd*t tekhnichookikh nauk. Use of radioactive substances to measure the flow of a liquid. Mr. I mol. 8 no.6:33-36 Ja 156. KRA 9:9) nowasters) (Radioactive tracers) r of yxcjl~r- pow -1 0 1:40- MIK di-OV $JOB$ 110 5, 190 Ito, JSSTL Pur O'n 16bS JoUr -lust Title S jawl-I 3.0-joidy tars 6 Of ?AdJos.0 I;ot F'J'IGA Of 31. 8, j%-ZA?'1 tJO%L PA4110 tixe 'ale ire&'Aot~14ao- f96 T 'b ?u (YrILT, ottsot 16b of ti.W& A. MstkLo (I f0 so 161toU,06. to rtur, 91 tele'Ae .16rWIG t gad, 000 j~rxe f GOV 46 ropo%0 Use 4 for Lots 0 obtetao rate tbPrs 0610'tUa Vlothod 00"I A to rIS' 9 9 j:jj d6SJ'so Tba 9A saa SO Tho tLze VI uce WJ Otrua dj ttOTL* . t ~qwe r1s.1 5 0 or To' a W1 '~j Juto I 'or Juto 060t'le f 9 ujoes tndiO8pL6t0r uxgo~o V06 0 T the a of SA V* tpu% 0 thO Ou 1~xltLvl or b6"Geu 1 1/2 Card 62 1.37" 62 13".43 Ll Vol. 17, No. 9, pp. M-fHfl: IU pro"Ift Sri owuldered of a new "em of uvralocap. tog thf voltage amplitude of r~ttnnplsr pubcs Into time Intervah, be-wvm the leading cdgts of palm of WSher frc~ucncy. Incluciel's vAode-cou td pf mi"brator ckcwt;. opplim"s in tatmebi �r 0 St-N! ~,-,m---vi NIMTLOVIKIY, T.N.: SV ON, A. V. *W. - 4- ", Ut - T Arrors of pulse-width and pulse-time telemetering s7stem. Avton. Icont. I lzatakh. no.1:54-61 157. (KIRA lit6) (Telemetering) MIKUTWVSKIY, V.N.; TSYMUN. A.I. Iffect of statio stresses on the propagation of elastic waves in metals. Avtoz, kont. I Isne fakh. no.1970-73 157, (mm li:6) (Sound-Transmission) UMIN, A.Ae I KlKffAYWVS13TO T*IF*; SVMMM~ A.N* Of errors In ovie type of pul" telemetering svatems. Avtau. loont. I Ism, takh, no,lsl29-136 15?, OUR& 11W (Telameterlog) (Pbl" techniques (Ilectronloa)) 141KIIATL40VSKIY, V.N.(L'yov); TSY'KfIAN A.I.(Llvov) 1. -.-It.I--. Xffect of static tension on sound conductivity and spAed in metals. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.tekh.nalak no.1:139-140 Ja '57. (MLRA 10: 1) (Sound waves) (Ketals) AUTHOR: J,1IKHAYLOVSKIY,V.K., SPEXTOR,Yu-I. Pi - 3578 TITLE: Vn Co-ordination of the Second Harmonic Magnetic Amplifier Effected by a Load. (K voprosu soglasovaniya nagnitr4kh usiliteley tip& 11vtoroy garmoniki" a nagruzkoy, Russian) PERIODICALa Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 1957, Vol 18, Nr 6, PP 551 - 559 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: This problem was solved for the first time by M.A.ROZENBLAT. Here the experiment of a further investigation of the problem is under- taken, starting from the condition of obtaining a maximum sensi- tivity of output. Output sensitivity of the amplifier is investi- gated for low initial signals, in which case the amplifier is assumed to be linear. Such a mode of operation is characteristic for the work of the amplifier in a scheme with an automatic compensation of' the signal to be measured. The effect of the load type on the magnetic amplifier stability is determined and the area of instable performance is ascertained. The expressions obtained make it possible to co-ordinate the active load magnetic amplifier on the basis of finding the maximum power Bensitivity under predetermined conditions Gf generation. The dependence of the power sensitivity of the active load magnetic amplifier on the amplitude of the generating field in the case of optimum co-ordination is defined. Card 1/2