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IIV,IO VA , N. Some rogularities in the embryonal development of ran. j~rir i znardo 1~ no.4:10-14 Ap t6,2. .W. DAMOVA, N. -Now methods for the study of cytology, histology,, and .4mbryology. Biol i khin 4 no.4:3-9 162. DAMOVA, N. Regeneration and its connection with s8exual reproduction and embryonic development in organisme. Prir i znanle 15 no.'.:llwl2 Ja 162. DAMOVA Reflexes in tLe n-nIi cinve-lopmen., 0.' the vartabrates and mnn. frii , zna:-it- It, vy Ii , KHAD'L'fIIOWV, Asen I.; DAI-!CVA, 11. Histogenesis of sexual tissue and its ovopoietic organoids in the ovary of a newborn human. Izv Inst Tiorf BAN 8 25-3F 163. 1. Chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia i otgovoren redaklor, " Izvestiia na Instituta po morfologiia" ( for khakiz,.IoI,: v I. X- DAMOVA, N., d-r Soviet evolution histology. Prir i znanie 16 no.1:3-7 3 163. DAMOVA., 14dezIhdu,,,d-r Evolutive development of teoth in animals. Priroda Bulg 12 no. 43 47-53 Jl-Ag 163. DAMOVA, N., d-r Origin of I ife on the Pqrtt;. in ! -,,-.!3.gir i ; - -,:' . i I- - .- r;pr- plqnets, Prir i znanip 1- n,,.,. : t__r, Ap " .. . P KHADZHIOLOV. A. I.. DAMOVA. N. D.. POPOV, N. I. Hemopoiesis In lungs of the human embryo. Izv. med. inst., Sofia 1:143-150 1951. (CIML 21:3) 1. Morphology Section (Head - Corresponding Member A. KhRdzhIo1ov) of the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Academy of Sciences (Director -- Academician D. Oralchovate) arA the Department of Hist- ology and Embryoloff of V. Chervenkov Medical Academ7 (Head -- Ae Khadzhiolov). . I ." , ? I .f) -'hu ti ~ -,ontr-l -,r;.9 t, I *.1 0- ! (-I- I h Or, MV5 .9 a r~c : is, o'-pr F.!: ; .9 , :' 1: '. -w.: 9 T *' ~r. fe ~.Ilirar Erribryo." p. 7 ( I-,-V-.gtiil, *,',j. .1, 1-~C,79 ,iof'li~t, ',I i i:1 ~'onthl.v im ->. , '" --art, kri-f-.ssi IIS ~ - '_ I - . *, 1 . ' , ' r, . 1 1 , !,:,-)V. lq~'~' KHADZHIOWV, Asen lvanov, akad., 1903-(Sofiia); POPOT, M- (SOftia); DA140VAO N.D. (Soffla); PMOV, F.B. (Soma) Contribution to the biology of the nerve tissue and the nervous system. 1. Morphogenesis of the brain hemisphere of the human fetus. Ixv.Inst.uorf.W 3:55-73 '59. OMAI 90) 1. Zavezhdasht, ratedra po khtstologlia i embriologila pri Tivehils, anditalunki Institut. Direktor Institut po worfologiia pri Bulgarsimta akademila us, naukite, Soflia. (for Khadzhiolov). (ITMS) (MMVOUS STSTM) (NOPYHOGRESSIS) (BRAIN) -DAMOVI, N.D. Hewpoiesis in the oral mucus of the human embryos measuring froa 1 to 52 an, in length, Izv InBt morf BAN no.6:29-38 t6P-. KIIAD,7;'IGLk)V, Assn I.; DAjIC)VA, N. D.; i-GPOV, N. I.; i-. F. biology of the nervous tissue and system. i't. 2. lzv inat morf BAN 7 3,-59 163. 1. Chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia i otgovoren redaktor, "Izvestiia n& instituta po morfologiia" (for Khadzhiolov). '~*. 1. 1 .-, I - -l, '!.u ~ - - - t, - - 1,I!( - - - .* I.,-.,I,r, - . . . : " t-I 1 - ." 1:) - " .: : - ~': , " . , , ~ - , USMANOV, Kh.U.1 KAIABANOVSKAYA, Ye.I;-DAYC,VSKIY, R.B. Effect of f -rays on the structure of cellulose fibers. Vysakom. ooed,3 no.2:223-227 F 161. (KIRA 140) 1. Sredneaziatakiy gosudarstvenn universitet imeni V. L. Lanina. (Cellulose) (Rayon7 (Gamma rays) I -J~ , ". 1* :. j .11 :'. 'A J("Aus ~,f f,- -,-. --~ --~ `~ .- , 1, , - - ink]. '.':. . . .-. ( .., -,, - a .., - , . J 1 ~4~ . :)A~ E. " ~ ~. .1 ". /A Z !,-c.-, ;,ad 'L-e.,,, 'r- . .;.. C: .'-l-.-.C,-het." JOK. '.~. -,luk 61, .0. c,,, 1948. 9 . . , . , * I. ..:. , 11 , 1, . . .. - I. - - I f-- ; ", j,, !,c. I -. . I .I t- - r - c -c , c-sr, - .11 1 1 1 .. III,-' *.L.. Ln'l. zrkl . ~l :~ , I , . General Biology. Individual ::evel3pment. B-4 Regeneration. .~hs Jour: Bef Zhur-binl., No 19, 1959, uthor : Iris t : W196 Titli- ; Regeneration of the 3keletal "uscular Tissue of' ,anphibians (Frogs) . Orig 1ub: Pokl. ~Ln SSSR, IV56, lC8, No 4, 74Z-74~. I.lbstract: in the middle part of the sartorius :-:uscle in 10C frogs, Rana teoporaria small inci-3ions were made. In half of the animals (the experimental group), the wound was Infected by 7,rumposilivc and Gramnega- tive bacilli (Z billion microbe bodie3 t0 I MM Of physiol. solution), which w9re r(-.ceived from animals that had b,-come ill spontaneously. Witt tne ,on- trolled anioals, the regeneration process took a typical course and terminated on the 111th day by Y Card 1/2 16 UISSR / General Biology. Tndividual Devqlopbient. B-4 Regeneration. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-B-iol., No 181 1958, DIC68. Abstract: filling in of' UP damage in the muscular tissue with thin layers of connective tls3ue. In the experimentalize-i animals, a sharp retardation of regeneration and its atypical course were observed: (1) Tte muse-ilar fibers, after tce trauma, were straightened out and were transformed into sarco- lemma tubes packed with bacteria; -,'Z) the prooesses of the resorptiDn of the decay prciucts slowed iown to 111 days instead of 25 In t~e cortrol, so that the activity of pLagocytes were bent in the direc- tion of freeing the wound from bacteria; 3) the formatior. of the c-~nn~L-ctive 1-13sue tegan :~n the 20- 25th day instead of t.'-.e 12-14t!~ day in tr.,~ cont-rol; (4" the damage was filled in w.'th in-ature rind -)or- ous connective tissue. Cari 2/2 LITVM, G.14. (Leningrad, 22, Aptakarskiy pr,, d.8a, kv.25); DAMM', Ii.y. (Leningrad. 136. Bol'shoy pr., d.70/72, kv.4) Possible restoration of whole muscles In rate from transplanted ground muscle tissue. Arkh.anat.gist.i embT, 37 no.9*54-66 S 159. NMA 13: 1) 1. Kafedra obahchey biologii (saveduvushchly - prof. G.M. Lltvar) I Leuingradekogo meditainskogo instituta imeni akad. 1.P. PkvloveL. (MUSGLES tranopl.) 17 ( ' 14 ) AUTH(j'RS: Lit7er, Cv, M, DampF-l N. N. TITLE: On *.he Py- )b1,3m ~f Hsgene-.O.' -n of W"~ I e M.~a Fr -m Trar-Rplan,-.ed D,ese .,-. i, I MliL; -- 1 ;t-- T Unie r ! , -:-. - r, ~ -,f Thcir To*~%l Rem-,~&! \K zn,. '.ka-nf ~,r-' .1(h PERIODICAL: D-kl0y &Kad-im,i SSSR, -9"~ N (USSRI ABSTRACT: Tnq ri,j h --:-a wan* ~.4 t,. A - t -&'c, A u, -ti - 1 - ;~ i u -3 -, r - :, R ase f a am Dved in. ga& c 4i',,,,z . Th~ : a 1- 1 7Ma 1 ll~~ -, f f7-cu. I ir-& rrq-t~- i , v ,v - i n a E- ths-n e,,pp~sed to f,,rm the mus le R-?f ompa-ed tc, Ref 2 ). The a u th r 6 11 -:~ a - r *~ b 9 4 o .3 ( p 1r, Qr, I T f t b k e r ~. r rr. 1 -.y- wai : p 4 r,) a : - - -,v f r,-f,~ren,-? 5 arM th- ~-nilma t t! a j t 0 was -.7-- -r v -a ll,)-, t a trawo- p Card 1 P On the Problem of Rogeneration of dhc.9 Mui, A~- Fr(-,m .307/20- 2c -1 -65/67 Transplanted Disse!:ted Ml-s,-ular Tiss-i~. Undei of Their Tctal Remcval in Hats ends of the T_ gastY-,---iem-_us v .rza ::~irefull.y a-mputed until the beginning Df the sinues. No 'minred m,,s`_es% V, Like IV, only with "mir-,~ed mlisr-les". The animals were killed in an interval of between !Q and ;,!' days after the operation. Figures I and 2 shDw pintureq ~,f regenerati-n after 7 and 145 days. The f ol I c.wing - ~n,7. Ub 1,)ri9 can be ctrawn f rom the authors, observations., 1. The ako'eton-mus.-.1-es of rat (,~, 3 pe -- 1- a I I y _ f m. ga r t r~ ric-m i.,. z i ?cave i n ,: - ri t ras ' -a 1 th mo 8 t -f thi. vert~oratRe nv, a -e-y remarkable re3ezwrative p-we-. 2. -h- d,_ q s e - -~ i ml, 3 c e t a -i slie takes practically nn paTt in 'h~ rc~genErRtlon PT,)CRaS Of M. gaetrocnemius. c:.n,.,(,ptl()n that th- m,e .~ :q ~rozenerat-d b3 the excl- matter" firnm th~ t7-ansp'.anted dissected muscular tisF;li-~, dres n-t ~rr-~-5p-nd -al L 'y. Ther,: f - -e i t i e not P --ss I b-c I j,- th~ 1,~ M - t. -f att- new r - ~ 1 t neor., to ba- k this tnaory by th.~ 7-1mr-n-t- m~nt-ned as .t is f t ~!.Q j -np T'le iHp Ln;. a*_qsecte~. mus,:u'Aar T''i 1 4 Card 21", -.n prACtI. 1, - VTAMr,-.7p ~Lni d4mands r0diti-na: it -,n-.. On the Prit-'em t R - Transplanted t of 1--ta- in I(at- wt,i.~i A-e ASSOCIATIT11 PRESENTED A rp 117 -3 .1 SUBMITTED A Card 3/3 Dynamics of gl~rcogen distr;b,,.~iori in r,~. "uring the period of early po3terl rro-ril unat. List. i ernbr. 40 no.6:54-59 Ju- k 1. Kafedra obshc'iey biologii (zav. neditsinskoCo instituta im ni axa,ead:~~:o I.i Leningraa, ul. LIvn Tolstogo, 6/8, 1 ins~.itut ixicni &kaie:-,dka Pav'u,.q. k. -~-. ~ - " - , - k - ~ ~ LlTvk;it I G.M.; DAI"U'LL', SA44LISON, I.B.; KCSTK-B, V.b. Organic regeneration of skeletal muscles in rats. Biul ekep. biol. i med. 52 no.8:101-105 Ag 161. N"A 15:1) 1. Iz kafedry obshchey biologii (zav. - prof. G.M.Litver) I Lenin- gradskogo meditsinskogo instituta immi I.F.Pavlova. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom AMN Sj6h N.A.Krayevskim. (RXGENI~~ATION (blOLOGT)) (MIJS(;Li-',) i)AMPELIP N,N. Dif3tribution of -,u(.Iei. acl-is In sAP.-i-ai :;.jr F- Ussue during j)5Lembry ni,- devoloijmon,~ of ratei. Arrn. ana.., grist. I embr. 49 n,,729,-49 JI 16~. (mlRA Istlo) I (% 1 - prof. ,vt)r~. 1-r,. 1~- j Kafedra b, -ogil (L&V. meditsinskogo inatit;lt-a !~.ien ji&~idemllr,-4 ;tv, DAW IN, A. 1. , vOllFNEV",MYA, C. ',., I-- I a *- ; c,.. ', e * -wc-e:. "Ff'ft ct of* Veratrine on Isolatt7d T( ~anl - "ca'.' ;, :.. . re. h, : ir, rnormal Phase and Isolated Te~an' ~ - r.trq-,tlo r., .w Pfdti.- nw imeni m. V.V. 1. 1 e,., 1:,v. - c) k: I I I R-ull Fksper Biol I Med Vc:,i . -) , , "1( . , , ~ 'I", . DAMRIN, V.I., inzh., WBAK. B.I. Position transducer by hydraulic jet. Stall 20 no.2:189-191 r l6o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Tuvmetallurgavtomatiku. (Rolling mille) (Hydraulic control) ---- -------- Ir 8-10 4.. -5 3 --3.5 3--4 I AQCESSION NR: AR4028476 S/0275/64/000/002/8027/BO27 SOURCE: Referativny*y zhurnal. Elektronik i yeye primeneniye. Svodny*y tom, Abs. 2B176 AUTHORBs Gurnitakiy, M. F.1 Damrina, V. M. TITLE: TechnQlogy of manufag-tuxe of high-power semiconductor thermoresistances CITED SOURCE: Sb. nauchn. tr. Rostovsk.-n/D. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp., vy*p. 38, 1963, 15-26 TOPIC TAGS: thermoresistance, semiconductor thermoresistance. high power thermoresistance, production technology, copper oxide, man- ganese oxide, molded thermoresistance. binder, wetting agent TRANSLATION: The high-power thermoresistance (TR) comprises a rec-. tangular parallelpiped measuring 31 x 31 x 10 mm, with 143 holes Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AR4028476 of 1.5 mm diameter arranged in checkerboard fashion on its large face. The material is a composition consisting of 70% Cuo2 and 30% Mn304" Its advantages are low cost and the fact that there is,no need for crushing the material, since both oxides come in the form of fine powders; in addition, they can be easily wetted by different liquids, easily compressed, and sintered. The molding of the TR is by dry pressing. Proper preparation of the mixture of the initial: materials so as to ensure chemical and granulometric homogeneity of the material is of great importance. For this purpose, a special mixer has been developed. The binding liquid may be water, kerosene,' paraffin, starch, glycerine, and particularly polyvinyl alcohol and oleinic acid, which have properties of surface-active substances.. The use of oleinic acid has led to a 10% reduction in the porosity of the TR without increasing the molding pressure. The drying con- ditions depend on the composition of the charge and on the amount of binder. For a composition of 30% Mn304 and 70% Cu20 to which 2.S% Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AR4028476 oleinic acid by weight is added, the drying,time is 48 hours at 1050C followed by 16 hours at 1900C. The tpuperature is increased at a rate of 206C per hour. Annealing is at 10701C; to improve this process, 1% of Cu(ND3)2 and 20% of crushed,, scrapped specimens are added to the initial mixture. Bibliography, 10 titles. ff. S. DATE ACQs 3li4ar"64 SUB CODEs SD ENCLs 00 Card 3/3 WWI a is .0 a v At 1) A n m A re & it 3 it v i: O'A a Q 9D U 00 viscosity of dmgs at Ural copper Smellefs t \1 1'04ulov An4 5. 1, Painsuva 00 1), it! 0 Th, '00 ^wivrritt, water wket owl 00 41 4alt.. an't 'if %ii'le 1.g. lurna- -lagg war,,d 1'.." 1 - I i %-iff dags are th,~ n mt th;1.1 1-h, -00 18 l') and ~'l Irs. al Sit 1,. .1th iri-i-x ( 1. and /,,(I ... I- . ,.0 L 1. 11. 0.1t :0 if lh~ .4,1 .-1 H N I i L Ila. ti, I it a (t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 066090 000 000 o 03 1 1 1 d fill 14FROU a 1 6 1 1 1 .. It 11 4 "f SUS *pit I., u" Wer -ATA 4 -y-X a -L--kA A-11L a 11~4 I j-& .00 -00 affulcono of tin from I"d-Its-aim BWA& aft. A A -00 0 T 141". Wasn't A~ 11 Antaryars I Inri. e - -00 111h... th, "'hot ... M a M"tu.1 of -00 zn .11.1 111. (I.,n) ,"1110, 1 1-11-14'n-Zn mc- too vzn , k- -I t. tint ~,1 -00 ih,~ p~ p"", I 11- 4.- *vI, u - -00 -i3", 1-1, -4 Li - 1:--, .4 h, I'" The fronsin.t~~ 0: ' -, - - 1- L" - heo mi.kVIM is, .4 1 hi, k., I h, -00 : then and cr-ecamistord Al 'Slid -11MI11-1 -,,h _U q, low 11, -00 0 toNG., Vv she S,4 the Curiventrat, I. u-4 isfi., 'I'I q 1, trolls. ,I t'. I 'Ps I., with :mIV 3 to 011 Ism .4 PI) an, ~Nimjij 1. 31- off skor 1., 1- -fil. 11 1, si" .,a 'Is", owch .I h SOO ked and Plairtweliv 1- I(m 11 'so ., t Its The hand-pic I ~ . , 4 c , _J~i ~ssj Is 1, 1w 00 I; I And Inell"I Ina wairr mart with 411410 0)."If "Il W- ~Itd toy Th'. Bit 1, 'MI114C 11t.. - : 11, ., .14111 Psi-, -kC. 4174 the -Wenftlkir lht' "Su" 11-1 '-1 co-t-InI --, ..I roe -th I , ~'., "Is, .",1 4-,- So r-1, -Irram-l .4 '1.&. 1; S I j twit. thor 1,41-mg ,in -4 its, ruet.l~ int. Ctw va. k-I 0 - ~;`;. In, 140 and Ait lam (I 1,- I-No to, 1, ~ .......... -I - I - I 1~, I , I -`s, 1".. 4IIJ 1 q. - I.d, .4 1-1&1 -jt~nl f ch. .or- A I "JAIIIIS-1 is' Inwim, ool ch 413 1,, -,,s- In itict Ing o3f the pu hr I shr torso Lif thor Zvi was ~ -*- Piosml in ch, L.,C I ci , t I the in. romost II ?.~ . ...... -" I, sidd-I C. ch, IN tcr c 0 , e I Clowri a -1, 'twu 4n. -N, I.-. and to "hot. In I,. I,.- ~.. -w Pit 1. Vi 13 to 15, to "I Ow 0, and 9 V., St 9-, oll 1 rxtn. d ths, .1. .." .1', 1. '"w bv the Use is .14 it *9T--r(,4(4L 7j1 IN No Is , ; I? is a 0 0 0 0 0 * of of -Tar to so 1 0 a 1) a a 3 6 9 I IN, It a a 00 0 0 * 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 100 -00 -00 cjOO W** 0 900000000000000000100000000000 * 0000toosoo i :o ooooooooooooooooolo00 000000odb 0 0000066180606 1 a T6 AV a Ad A: 0 w r a A, Addv $Idd too 0 oil , , 000 00 : .11,111juido act I" it will *Aid A S'a'S'N I 1 441 [full 1 -111, KI A A Will or a1v ',I,, .,, 1 -1,, A--- 0*4 " 1,,:1 1.11* 4q 1 '.6 VI , ., )A.uj 4110 prp 11" W1.1 I ",.I I.,j ON *08: At- AII-IA I'll '-1111-41 1-1' "i, ptir YrM,(r- got )A, UNIIV *b NUMMAS Oil III d, I,, I" (ji.1-V ' 71 "J.4 "6 it 0 t .-I (Pl.'I GI sn*l 4 ()$r.\ 1411- , 1 MeV) neuGron currents in the active zone and in experimental channels of the IRT-1000 reactor in Sofia. Measurements were made on irradiated plates of gold and indium, and for fast neutrons by means of threshold detectors (S32, p31, vg24, Na24 k , A127) by the 2-pi method, using apparatus calibrated accord- ing to a 4-pi device constructed by the coauthors, yielding accuracy in excess of %. Control measurements were made by the method of beta-gamma coincidences, with ap-paratus Consisting of scintillation counter (gamma channel) with MST-17 (beta C.-lannel) and-type counter. Consistently good results were obtained on repetition. Cord 1/p--7 ACCESSION NR: AT4017783 Absolute and relative measurements of doses of mixed neutron-gamma field were made at different points of the reactor by means of Grey chambers designed and construct- ed by the coauthors (polystyrene with acetylene and graphite vith argon), which measured the absolute doses of the gamma field with the reactor in a state of res. fo.lowing previous operation under various regimes. Recorded by means of an auto- matic recording device was the distribution of slow neutrons in the active zone of t.-.e reactor along the irradiated copper wires in it, and determination was made of the coefficient of volume variability of the distribution F., = 0.47. Likewise made were relative measurements of the distribution of Fthl Fres' Pf and Dr)( in several experimental channels of the reactor, and these will be further extended in the next stage when the spectrum of fast neutrons and the gamma field at all points important for the experiments are made. Results of the experiments are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 of the Enclosure. A number of devices were coastructedp making it possible to carry on successful radiobiological investigatiQns. The results of the measurements are necessary in practice for groups of experimenters using the reactor and have, as well, theoretical interest for certain computations in the domain of reactor physics. "Throughout the entire period of time that we were con- ducting measurements, aid and cooperation were extended to us by a number of com- rades from the reactor collective, and to them we express our gratitude." Orig. Card 24 -1 ACCESSION NTR: AT4oi7783 art. has: 14 figures, 16 equations, and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITIED: 00 DATE ACQ: O4MsA4 ENCL: 02 SUB COLE: INS, PH NO REF SOV: 007 aim: 010 Card 34 1 - - - STLIAI 011, S. , inzh.; DAMYA: CV9 K. t inzh. Aml~~ing causec Of LLCCidr3lltS in L! Lar&round haulai;e in -"Idg rian mine a . Bezop. truda v prom. 5 no. 2:32-33 F 161. (:.1 . 14:2: 1 . NaL c hn o-.: s s le d ov& te 11 skiy i: b t i tt t okhr ax:y '. r, c a - . , o-* o nal I - nykh zabolevardy. (Bulgaira-Mine haulage-Safet.- meE~zLrer, "0v KIRILLOVA, L.F.- NIKITIN. VA.; PANTUYEV, KIiV,HAT11RYAN, M.N.j KHRISTOV, L.C.; DAX:~&&,S.-, ZLATEVA, A,~ ZLATANOV, KANAZIRSKI, Kh.; MARKOV, P.j TODOROV. TMENDORM, D. V.S-~ SVIRIDOV, V.A.,- STRUNOV, L.N.; SHAFRANOVA, M.-j., KORLIEL, Z.; ROB,L.1 Z., ~M,ANOV, V. [Iordnnov,V.3; T., CC11FRW-V, Kh., DALKHAZHAV, N.; Elasttc pp and pd-scattering at small angleg In 'h,, energy range 2 - 10 Bev. IM. fiz. I nc.3s51-,3-5Y-, Mr (MA 18%5) 1. Ob"ycdinennyy institut yAiernykh i.93ie,lo-innly. Vyssheyn takhnichesko ye uchlllshche~ FragA Jfor Urbel, Rct). 3. Flzicheskiy institut, Bolgarskoy Akaderril nauk, i-fllya (for Dotmyanov, Zia*.Pva, Zlatancv, Yordanov, Kanazirski MArk,~v, --Aorov, Chernev). 4. Institut khtmii i fiztki, Tar.-Bator, Morig.,"~iaraya Narodnaya Respublika ("or Dalkhazhav, Tuvdendorzh' . 36324-~07-- -Zffl~ UR/0281 /6 Sof i AUTHOR NOW o machine. aWchronouis diriet,curr-e 4 edtiicaj . . . . . . . . . A 2'4 www '~-S--? ;an ax ctirren 1-0 a ngr~.Mag =U a or z'2 loplo- UGS. t ti" 61i i nt t ed r 0"ro a qi~ pme ng,,--equ pm par ;JL bii:ii4~4~~tin- an functioval.~rLna t 'f ~A as 0 t-v~tkwh t w-a-c hla '&'I-:-. -t ldliimic- ventad. y'tbo.:author~" -Tht chLn% full4tiona- L MMS.- Mch on.the I i~tsci' ciLoAvE. ~a --rot, ating itk~.fteld droated'by.tripbAso AG. in A stator, p iti- thenw-fieldil in: the conductors, of 6, rot Or 0141ne tit Mad Lv.~ p br di* to, t Cect current I (or..-Gtatipr) 9. 'howeverf, i Coduc" -,4um tat -tba,- anof set: - ift M -'SIC ec 4#'. ilia ~ ~ ' t~' Md po b' I v Lndelied - L11 s stator a- *It# t~ t `U d6iiid::.-illi itut bw a-t w- 7 7 C Z'7 1 ~4 13 w Y: %7 1E.Ah9C "At a a cmatut b 4 t -lit ~n-,,ain_ oubUta or':., the .,4t sov totated Main oin~; 7A tral- yt:; ~Iwo. &Ym hr9nou'al rotating can. T magnatEc~,fte a: re t6tit tort '-and ree. fLeld created To, es~..k. nd.a tranave -A-iotatGi'magnst .ie,,f iel.d,A creat.ed bY -the armature.whan ::~Ovh _001 _p make tile- her Ii ioiaiea re -cap remove the olesp Ind o -tck &ALrP_a)vottmjga_ by man& of ti* ~commtjltor .~siiitoniiry ~d At. L nar~~ coumittator the ir-matili Etta t d Lit -sai U1,0`41 _Caiqt"~: tic-Ciald'whasslaxis dt:cot&tLon coincLdeir 'with. t qwkiqklh~'~ cusho-a-Aft.. b Lhatisad of -ths external, A 777~7 p, A.MjOr+j3: 7'.' 6" l 4? AM-.1 1 r -6f ip~ i in ~'t lated -withLn regu itdi tt, tj do ~c cta t of the saitumachina'or frow 4ft " n:~Ai46ft--Of thii attakt.-` ~O SO Or Auliti ry ark iitiAid:Awd: - (Aulitt'd -160-pperAin Sc;7 The cosawtatcor air' , a ind~iij be C,:Cyl 46CU, 96;~Jd ~bt cw usua rush I Id J~i 0- eator. i-, ring bCua ., re w f l 61a, O'cl 0 P, 0 mad. use at , k few". AC, :cut A"t' t 'n catot 091-Y- ;"I I,, I toot- ff to - - ff "tk - OUZU thc 10 or. 77- ;viA_ 9---, I.- r-' ,:t;., o I.- . ~;~; . I 4MITti i ml- IIA -,A DO'll, Nauch. V 9,; n mpei , i n i- 1 . -ha i r 'c s r-f- hair r rc, r.,- v L 20794A am of SMI&I too lw-fmkw,'s a a&ja Imc nos U61446 -@=It glmd'o b~ 6~661069 ire duatmi Magi" ANIMCIES babdi". a"* of a 14-74" OU itth septi" am dw4muat:,.4=wtle Vr"W7 ---- - am adtwoamwmUso or patimi, *waepvo. Grig. art* hm 2 flamm =A 2'pupM. p Adobe bidleops VW9 Vwm (OSPW*Mt or Glowel "its" 9102off of TM)l Katimkops l bdmU* VWj son& (bepw%mt or 00 as am$ III so mw awl a02 030 24 YANEVA, T.; NAM, :'.; DA14YANOVA, TS. Sinobronch-itis in childhood. Pediatriia 4 no.7:24-26 J1'63 (MIRA 16tU ) 1. Tz kafedry d6tskikh (nikovoditell - prof. L.Racher) Vysshego ineditsinskogo ;,-:3tituta, Sof'ya. L 2079-46 me Ar"JA Av~l 21IMM. 4blove, lbs Vmwuwme IN6 ~~~&W IS Men 0% dia-lamweON spulMs awtailwo swe 10 Igo* a9-32 iSVIC nos %lGlqAq sometisa* ~9 lWasat b~ guntl"* bla"046 of a 16-yaw *U SIA idth ~wakll am Anguall blatacm- of a MAW p*My -1 6 ad wdlAplo MMUNd"ll waVA4.uo*s 4lideal owwwA~6 1PIMt 1POP of pAjMtjj dardiffnkU6 "'AssoMIM.S. ratsba to Oishas blassumv VNI v4MI or Via) sop& MM# 00 Become is 02=11 010 SA TH m Y A N (7 H K c- H N H h Category YUGOSIAVIA/Radiophysics General Problems 1-1 AbB JOUr Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957, No 4413 Author :_Damyanovich, klqksandar B. -.- _ t._ _ - -- --- Title On a Parameter for Measuring Nonlinear Distortion Orig Pub Zb. Yelektrotekhn. fak. Tekhn. velika sh-kola Beogradu, 1952-1953, 173-176 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 e 7.(!a a' 4 -:-rw ......I rm r DAI'YE, N. G. ITPrinciplas of Pediatric Trqwaetolorry. " Silb '? Arr 5' , -,econd 1.1r).9cow State Nfedical inst Iment 1. V. Stalin. Dissertations Preqented for sctence and enzineerint? degrees in '4oscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 %tay 5, 1:1 - .. i 1"" 1). :X~l . I L I ". PWROV, B.A.. professor, nrednedatell; DUBZYKL)VSKAYA. E.G.' sekretarl; BUY- TSEV, N.I., kandidat yeditsinskikh nauk; TFMJOVSKIT. 8.D.. profestor; MIX-ARUTTUNOV, A.I. kandidat meditainskikh nauk; PATSIORA, M.D., kan- didat meditainakikh nauk; YJaANSKIY, N.N.. professor; D^K~YE, N.G.; TA- vONILTS, K.H.; GULYATEV. A.V., professor-, KAZANSKIY, V.I., professor; LIROZDOV, D.Ye., professor; DOROFEYEV, V.I.; LINDFXjN, V.I.; MAKHOV. N.I., autgent. Minutes of the session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow Pro- vince of September 12, 1952. Khirurglia no.):R8-92 Mr 15). (KT-RA 6:6) 1. Khirurgichesl:oye obshchestvo Moskvy i Moskovskoy oblasti. (Spleen-Surgery) DAMITIC. 9.G. Nonspecific weenteric lymphadenitin in children. 19 no.5:40-50 My '55. (KT-RA 8:8) 1. Is detskay goradskoy boltnitsy no.20 imeal Timiryuseva (glavVy vrach S.T.Yesayan) (Kookwa) (LYKPRADUITIS . in Inf. and child mesenteric, non-specific) DAN Tz. M.G. Ileostomy an a method for treating early intestinal obstruction following appendectomy In children. Sov.zed. 20 no-8:50-56 Ag '56. (NIJkA 9: 10) 1. Is detairoy gorodskey bollnitay No.20 ineat Timiryaseva (gl&TW vrach S.T.Yesayan) Moskvy. (A.PPMMICLTIS. in inf. and child appendectomy. causing intestinal obstruct.. Ilaostomr) (IMSTIUL OBORUCTIO1. stiol. and pathogen in inf. and child caused by appendectomy. ileastony as ther.) surg. ileostomy in intestinal obstruct. following appendectomy in child.) - DAKITX,,M.G.. kaadldat maditainakikh nauk ... . ... , ., -1--.- Traits's hernia. Khirurgiis 13 ao.2:113-115 7 '57. (NLRA 10:6) 1. Ls Moskovskoy gerodskoy detskoy bollaltsy go. 20 Imeal Tisirynxeya (glsvnyy vrach S.T.Tessyma) (HMU. case reports Traits hornis (Rua)) DAMIYE, Nikolay Grigorlyevich (Principles of traumtology in childhood) Oanovy travmstologii det- skogo vozrasta. Izd.2.p ispr. i dop. Moskva, Medgiz, 1960. 291 p. (KIRA 14;8) (CHILDRO-ACCIDENTS) DAMIYE, F.G. (Moskva, u1, Chayiovi~~wa, d.4-a, kv.3) Wov,rds of the hebrt and pericardium ir. children. Vest.khire no.5:27-34 162~ WRA 15:11) 1. Iz bazi dets!.oy trav-patologii TSentrallnogo irstituta trav- matologli i ortopedii (dir. - doktor med.nauk M.V. Volkov) I-Iii isterstva zdn,vockhrarenlya SSSR pri Moskovskoy gorodskoy datolcoy bollriLge Vo.20 im. Timlryazeva (dl. vrach - S.T. Yesayan). (HEART-WOUEDS AYD 11JURIES) (PERICARDIUK-WOUDS VD 1"'JIURIES) DAMIYE, N,_q, (Moskva G-99, u1. Chaykovskogo, d.4a, kv.3) Skin grafting in injuries of the lower extremities in children. Ortop., travm. i protez. 25 no.5:17-22 W 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Iz Detskoy gorodskoy bollnitay No.20 imeni Timiryazova (glavnyy vrach - M.K.Bukhrashvill), Moak,.-a. DAPPYE, N.G., kand. med. nauk; LYUBOSHITS, N.A. Fractures of the pelvic bones in children. Vent. khIr. no.10: 102-106 164. " K! F'I 114: 1 1. Iz TSentrallnogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. - prof. M.V. Volkov) i travmatologicheskogo otdeleniya 'zav. - k&nd. med. nauk N.G. D&mlye) Moskovskoy gorodskoy detskoy bol'nitsy No.20 imeni Timiryazeva.