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ACCESSION NR: AT4023777 Fig. I - Corrosion losses of steel ShKhl5 in relation to time in 3% sodium chloride: k, I - steel from a usual smelt (melt No. 314822), perlite-ferrite; 2 - steel after electroslag smelting (melts No. 18, 28, 33), perlite- ferrite; 3 - steel from a usual smelt (melt No. 314822), martensite; 4 - steel after electro-* slag smelting (melts No. 46, 48,53), martensite. E NC LOS ~;R r,: 0 1 3/3 Card time in days _MINWLOV, Pavel Aleksand ovIch; LEBEDEV, G - P. , red.; SOBOIEVA, Ye.M.p tekhn. red. (itepair of electrical measuring devices] Remont elektro- izmeritellnykh priborov. Moskva, Izd-vo "Energiia," 1964. 413 P. (MIRA 17:2) -- ~~e' I - ~ ":. ~ , . - -, . -_' 1- -, - I - . I.. ~ I SHUL11E., Yuoh.0 doktor tekhn.nauk; PARASYUK, PJ., inzh,; SHERSTYUK, A.A.# inzh.; ~J%Ar,,Oyj P.A., inzb.; KURBATOV, M.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; BEERKUN, M.N., imbo incmasing the durability of high--m&nganese steel castings. Mashinostroenie no.4:57-58 J.,-Ag 165o (MIRA 18:8) GABUYEV, G.Kh.; YELITSOV, K.S.; SHULITE, Yu.A.; M;~& )VO P.A.; GAREVSKIKE, I.A.; LEYBENZON, S.A.; TSIVIRKO, E.I.; MEDOVAR, B.I.; LATISTr, Yu.V.; FRANTSOV, V.P.; PAKHCMOV, A.I.; KAGANGVSKIT, G.F.; VOINOV, S.G.; SH41,1NOV, A.G.; KALINNIKOV, Ye.0,; SMOLYAKOV, V.P.; KOSOY. L.F. Improving the quality of electric-slag-refined bearing steel. Stall 24 no.7t640-642 Jl '64. (MIRA 1811) 1. Zavod "Diieprospetss tall", Zaporo:-hakiy mashinost-oitelinyv 1natitut, Institut elektroevarki im. Ye.O.Patona i TSentrallny7 nauchno-issledo- vatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii imeni T.P.Bardina. A(-(- NKi A116035216 SOURCE CODE: UR/0274/66/000/o0a/A078/A078 AUTHOR: Krivoguzov, A. S. ; Mikhaylov, P. A. ; Masharakiy, Ye. I. TITLE: Frequency meter SOURCE: Ref. zh. Radiotekhnika i elektrosvyazI, Abs. 8A577 REF SOURCE: Tr. Novosib. elektrotekhn. in-t avyazi, vyp. 1, 1965, 90-100 TOPIC TAGS: frequency meter, frequency band, frequency measurement, frequency spectrum ABSTRACT: A device has been developed for frequency measurement with an - .0-6 accuracy of + I - , in the 3-10 Mc frequency band. It is based on producing spectra of frequencies multiple of the frequency of a basic quartz-crystal oscillator of 100 kc. The measured frequency is read using a decade scaler. A block diagrams of the system, the basic circuits of the essential junctions and the results of experimental tests are presented. A number of advantages of this device as compared to the PICh-3 precision frequency ineter are mentioned. [Translation of abstract) JNT] SUB CODE; 17 :crd 1 UDC: 621. 317. 76:621. 317. 36 ~~ BI'l, W-V, V - V - ; :~ I ~HA y If)V - ~ ": , ~ . i'~ . ; ~'-V . Y '.' , . 2: . ; .' "? ! : ~ ~. V! 'l, - -- ------ - J. 1,,A.; i -ij i ine thodo i , f '- ~, ii !, ~ n ;, : o r, l : . n . 2 , r .. - , t. : 2 0 P 9 . % r, : ~~- ~". . - mal, r! a Is. Fiz.-khim. mat. , r~, I , , . ,M:!,A '. 1, : ', .. !,lash inostrot tel Iny-y ' rripn~ . ; - P-*r I I FC-,.NKr, V. '. ; DAB 7, Y- ~ I ' - , Y J. ~' " -, MILJU~-J~Ln;, F'. "'. . . !, t -p r. L! - 6. , , i_, - 5 1 C,' In -I r,~qi s Lunr3 and rf. t ~ gu, . , (. ~ Ei 1"; e r % ' !-,-, e d _ f try t h,3 e le ~ '. r '. ~ .9 j a g m e ', h ~- j . V ~ ' I i t i; . r ~i b. r - ~, - J n 5 -1,., , I s , mia !. . r, a . 2 - ~)~.-76 163. ,MIR-A ~7.-C, ,, ACCESSION NR: AP4041869 S/0133/64/000/007/0640/0642 AUTHOR: Gabuyev. G. Kh.; Yel'tsov, K. S.; Shul'te, Yu. A.; Mikhaylov, P. A.; Garevskikh, I. A.; Leybenzon, S. A.; Tsivirko, E. I.; Hedovar. B. I.; Latash, Yu. V.1 Frantsov. V. P.; Pakhomov, A. I.; Kastanovskiy, G. P.; Voinov, S. G.; Shalimov, A. G.; Kalinnikov, Ye. S.; Smolyskov, V. P.1 Kosoy. L. F. TITLE: Improvement of the quality of alectroolag-malted ball-bearing. steel SOURCE: Stal', no. 7, 1964, 640-642 TOPIC TAGSi ball bearing steel, electroalag melted steel. high purity steel, steel electroslag melting ABSTRACT: Several variants of electroslag melting have been tested in an attempt to improve the quality of ball-bearing steel. The analysis of electroolag-melted steel showed that nitrides and car- bonitrides constitute the greatest part (up to 75%) of the nonmetallic inclusions present in the steel. These nitrides derive from the initial material. The electroslag process eliminates large nitrides Dver 20P in diameter. but does not eliminate the smaller ones. :ord 1 / 3 tCCESSION NR: AP4041869 rherefore, the nitrogen and titanium contents of the initial metal nuat be reduced to aminLmum. This can be done, for example, by refining the metal in the ladle with synthetic slag. Electroslag neltinp of open-hearth steel refined with synthetic slag eliminated ill the inclusions larger than 10p and reduced the number of smaller Lnclusions by more than 50% and the nitrogen and oxygen contents :o 0.0053 and 0.0020%. respectively. To produce ultra-high purity )all-bearing steel,the double electroslag melting waR applied with i combination of various fluxes. The use of ANF-6-ANF-6 fluxes in louble electroslag melting or of AN-29-ANF-6 fluxes produced beat results. Ultra-high purity steel, fully satisfying requirements .or critical ball bearings. was obtained. Orig. art. hast 2 figures. kSSOCIATfON: Dneprospetestal' (Dneprospetestal' plant); Zaporozh- skiy mashinostraitellny*y inatitut (Zaporozh Hachiae-Building Insti- tute); Inatitut alaktroevarki Lm Ye. 0. Paton& (Electric Welding EnstLtute); TaNXIChM ard 2/3 . I~ ~ ~c : I k kCCESSION NR: AP4041869 ;UBMITTED: 00 ATD PRESS: 3068 ENCL3 00 iUB CODEj NN NO REF SOVt 007 OTHER: 000 :ard 3/3 I I MIKFAYLOV. P.D.. student IV kiLrsa. Automatic scales for weighing out powders. Apt.delo 5 ao.2:,26-27 Xr-AP 156. (MIRA 9:7) 1. 1z nauohnogo kruzhka po organizataii farmatoevtlcheekogo dela (nauchnyy rukovoditell A.Bo3reva) pri farmatsevticheakom fak-ulltete Meditainskoy akademit imeni V.Chervenkova. Soviya. (SCAIJS (WEIGHING INSTRUMENTS)) 17,~ULOTI, P. D. atilentrdi plan lrrczl,no.,,o khoziaistva- SSSR. The r1lan for rf)ad- ef e LIS SR7. S'oredisl. L. P. Serehriakova. HasCa, Transpechat', 1930. ~). clTagrs. DLC: TER5.?15 t-li Soviet Transportaim and Copruriications, A F4V)IiCgrRjJy, Library of Gurigre-in, Refpl. n-ce IApartment,-Va-shington, 195r, U;classlfied. Fch~ . t , ,-' . il -, -. t, '. "" ( tj- , I. , . , 1 . , . . r . - 1. "1 1 1 , i I . f!, - '. . I - - Z~ . ,-., '- - - ---a ':-.c1 r t :'! ~,, +r . . , . . I I . f , - - .- . .-1 r, , . 4 .11t. , .;I , o, ~i I I I . 14IKELATLOV, Petr Davydovich; KTITITITSKIT, L.A., rvd.; MORSKOT, K.L., red.lzd-va; BOROVN3V, N.K.. (Drawing up contracts and settling accounts for capitRI construction] Do-ovory i raschety v kapitgllnom stroitell- 0 stve. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhIt. i stroit. materialam. 1959. 354 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Building--Contracts and specifications) (Construction industry-Accounting) MITIN, Sergey Andreyevich; GOEERMAII, M.D.; j1IM1A;OV,_F.D. - RUs,#,KOV, A.N.; 3124IBRATOV, V.N.; TORGONENKO, Ye.A.; GIROVSKIY, V.F., glav. red.; USPMISKIY, V.V., zam. glav. red.; BASHIRSKIY, S.V., red.; GORBUSNIN, F.B., :f64' 10HO H.S., red.j LEYKIN, B.P., red.; FAMUN, V.I.) ~~:-"BOGINA, S.L., red. izd-va; NATIMOVA, G.D., tekhn. red. (Manual on labor and wages in construction] Spravoohnik po trudu i zarabotnoi plate v stroitellstve. Pod red. S.A.Ritina. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 581 P. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Naucbno- issledovatel*Wy institut ekonomiki stroitellstva. (Wages-Construction industry) fAA',h0'v' V Vl~, KT,,~ARVINA V44, YIHAY A 11 [ A, V 5, lir V M.ALKOV, V.M.; V1KULOV, S.V.,red.; DRUGOV, V.I., red.; LOGINOV, V.I., red.; M ANNO" ~HOHOKHOU'#LA,N., red.; _jp'! 0 red. I f FARAMONOV, red.; NPI ANOV, A.A. , red.; NEVZORC~ , V.T. , red.; KHMELINITSKIY, A.S., red.; . - [Volga-Baltic Sea Waterway] Volgo-balt. Vologda, Severo- Zapadnoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 196". 3F1 p. (MIRA 18:10) 411 1- ( Sub.jec t USSR/Electricity AID P - 3410 Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 25/30 Author Mikhaylov, P. G., Eng. Title Electric warming up of frozen water.mains Periodical Energetik, 10, 33, 0 1955 Abstract The author describes the methods applied for warming up water mains which froze during the very cold winter of 1954. One table. Institution None Submitted No date AL'PKR, M.G.; RIKHATWV, P.G. Iecquaring overshoes In a high-tension electric field. Kauch. I rez. 113 no.1:39-43 Mr '59. (KIRA 12:5) 1. Zavod "KragEVy bogatyr'.11 (Bonts and ahoes, Rubber) HAYLOV, P. G., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Experimental research into umatic gob assemblies with small-size loadinv :iiachines." Vo--cow, 0. 1-7 pr; (Academy of Scierces Inst of' Einir.~T Affairs~; 2C.~, u ' les; r-rice not given; (KL 154) 141KUYLOV, P.G., kand.tekhn.nauk Jet feeds for pneumatic fi.1lers. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no.8:133-139 161. OCRA 15:5) 1. Kuznetekiy nauchno-insledovatellskiy ugolInyy inBtitut. Rekomendovana Kuznetskim nauchno-issledovatellskim ugollnym institutom. (Coal-handling machinery) MIKHAYLOV, P.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; CHUCHUSHKOV, M.K., insh.; KUZIKIN, V.A., inch. Increasing theqfficiency of the system of working inclined layers with filling. Sbor. KusNIUI no.9s20-42 161. (MIRA 160) (Kuznetsk Basin--Coal min4U-iind mining) (Mine filling) MIKHAYLOV, P.G. DuBt control in mine filling. Vop. borl a oil. v Sib. 75-81 161 (MIRAa6sl2) MIKHAYLOV, P.G., kand.tekhn.nauk Small pneumatic filling machines. Sbor. XuzNIUI 161. (Mine filling-Equipment and supplies) no.9t5l-67 (WRA 160) MIKHAYWV, P.I. M7 experience in the use of radar. Rech.transp. 18 no.11:44-45 11 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Kapitan teplokhmda "Pskin". (Radar in navigation) mjKHAnov, P. J. i SKOBLO, A. 1. T .Lnvestigating the hydrodynwn-c mods of operation of Nreboxes in pipe-still models. Trudy MINKILIGI? 7,0.3'1.11,1-156 '62. (MIRA 170) Ml KHA YLOV, P.J.; SKOBLO, A.I. Organizing the movement of gases in tubestill heater3. Tr--dy MINKHiGP no.44:278-284 163. (141P1. 18.5, -MSE I BOOK*EXPLOITATION 889 .khaylov,-Pave-1 Mikhavlovich. Hero of the Soviet Union )skva--N'yu-York--Moskva (Moscow--New York--Moscow) Moscow, Izdatel'st4 DOSAAF, 1958, 71 pp. 40,000 copies printed. I.: Filimonov, I.M.; Tech. Ed.: Blazhenkova, G.I. JRPOSE: The book is intended for the'general reader interested in Soviet aviatioti. )VERAGE: The author, a Hero of the Soviet Union, and one of the foremost flyers of the USSR, describes in detail the events pre- ceding the transatlantic flight of the TU-104A, the first Soviet truboJet passenger plane to fly the Atlantic. He gives an hour- ly account of the Moscow--New York flight made under his command. The TU-104A took off on September 4, 1957 from Vnukovo airfield with stops scheduled for London, Keflavik (Iceland), Goose Bay (Labrador). The plane landed at MacGuire Airfield in New Jersey. ird 1/3 3stow--New York--Moscow 889 The round trip of 18,000 km. took 24 hours and 36 minutes. on board were: Alexey Ivanovich Semenkov, Chief of the Administra- tion of Aoroflot Transport Aviation, who was in charge of the flight, and a crew of 19, which included a double crew of pilots, copilots, navigators, flight engineers, and radio operators. Brief characteristics and-biographical data on the leading mem- bers of the crew are given. There are no bibliographic refer- ences. kBLE OF CONTENTS: Twanty Years Later A New Stage Charting the Flight Those Who Piloted the Plane ird 2/3 3 9 17 21 Moscow--New York--Moscow 889 Preparations Continue 25 Moscow--London 32 The First Delay 38 London--Keflavik 40 Keflavik--Goose Bay 45 Course for New York 51 Return Trip 60 Across the Ocean 64 Onward, Ever Onward! 69 AVA'iiAtt: Library of Congress Card 3/3 IS/sfm 11-25-58 ILI_ KIKHATT, , Petr Kikhailovich [Financial planning in v lasozagotovitellnoi 89 P. (Lumbering-Pinance) the lumber indUBtr-Y] finansovoe planirovanie promyshlonnosti. Moskva, Goefinizdat. 1957. (MIRA 12:4) YUDEITICH, V. V.; MIKHAYLOV, P. Me Two cases of loiociyoma of the esophagus. Grud. khir. 4 no.3:114 M7-Je 162o (MIRA 15:7) (ESOPHAGUS-TUMORS) KIKUYLOV, VBMCHKO. O-Ch. . - ~ - 4'. ".-' Spectral determination of nickel, copper. iron, manganese and silicon in metallic cobalt. Zav.lab.22 no. 11:1307-1310 '56. (MLRL 10-2) 1. Xombin&t "Severonikel'." (Cobalt--Analyals) (Silicon--Spectra) (Metals--Spectra) MIKHATIDV. P.M. Thermal conditions of heat exchange in boiler-unit furnaces [with summary in English]. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. 1 no.8:8-15 Ag '58. (KIRA 11:8) 1.Politekhnicheskiy institut im. K.I. Kalinina, Leningrad. (Boilers) (Heat--Radiation and absorption) ZYSIN, V.A.; 14IKHAYLDV _P.M, - __ __8 - --- Efficient operation of the gas-turbine unit in a thermal network. Nauch.-tekh. inform. biul. LPI no.10!3-7 158. (MIRA 14:3) Electric power plants) Gas turbines) ~ MIKHAYIDV, P.M. Effective degree of the blackening of shielded surfaces. Nauch.- tekh. inform. biul. LPI n0,10:8-13 158. (MIRA 14:3) (Boilers) 0 c0 . ~; r: A & ~ 0g .C. 0 0 c - .0 IS 11 0 AA, E 1 0 4 c v 'o ov 01, 0 c Av H a L",- ~o C, 0 9 0 4. Cc A gig u c a 0 , 3 " *' . I OF" 0 0 -0 o 0~~ c 41 j ol So w~ P 1. .46 "c vo cc w Ll olI c so ,0 o o1 u 2811, 33*0 'A jo 9 le; "A'pf~ lh- papff tha - atitth6rs'46w-~ riemiiiit -jifth: Ciorilientil, A k- dAta! can, bi~! ~. Iiiiiiid. Gf 14~.T an i 00 W REY 000 KRL,'YMF,rt, S.Ye.; MIKilAYLOV, P.M., STOGOVA, A.V.; ITiMEOU, A-F. Chemlco-spe,,-,ral me,.hrd a' annlyei--i of' jure rilckel and cct,-ult. Zhur. anal.khim. 19 no.9:1117-1121 164. (M:RA 17:10) 1. "Severonickel" Combinn, Mon-mogrorsk. SMIHMV, P.A.; WBANOT, V.I.; MIKHATLOV, P.M. - NEVEMMSKAYA, A.T. Vetting rav materials in flax and homp mills. Tekst.pres.16 no.4: 20-22 Ap'56. (Hemp) (Flax) (KWA 9:7) MIKHAYWV, r.M.; TLASOV, S.G., inzhener-metedist. Replacement of blade beaters by needle boards. Tekst.prow.16 ne.4-51-52 Ap 156. (KEaA 9:7) 1.Zarnestitall saveduyushego pr7adilInym preizvodstvom Krasno- volxhakego kembinata (for Mikhaylov) (Spinning machinery) (Cotton spinning) KIK14AI(Lk)V, P.M.; YREYSHTiLDT. L.G. ~~w Types of driers for flax and hemp mills. TekBt.prom. 16 no.9:4"7 S 156. (KLRA 0:12) (Drying apparatus) (Fibers) MIKHATLOV, P.14.;,,ANIDAWV. I.P. , , . Correctly calculate losses of raw material at flax factories. Taket. prom. 18 no.9:61 S '58. (~GHA 11:10) (Flax) ANUCHKIN, U.N.; GAMUZOV. Z.Te.; RIKKATLOV. P.N. The 9-155 universal building excavator. Bjul.tekh.-ekon.imforn. nr).11:48-50 159. (MIRh 13:4) (Sxcavating machinery) AITUCHM, N.N., inzh.j GARBUZOV, Z.Ye., inzh.; ZAYTSEV, L.V., inzh.; KULIKOV, A.P., insh.; MIKHAYLOV-,-P.M., inan. 3-155 and E-156 building excavators with caterpillar drive or with pneumatio'tires. Stroi. i dor. mashinostr. 5 no-5:5-9 MY '60. (MIRA 14:4) (Excavating machinery) ANUCHKIII, N*N.t inzh.; GAk8UZOV, Z-Ye., inzh., 'Ajya,~YLOV, P.M., lazh. The K-2,5-1E motor critne with a 2.5 ton calyucity. Stroi.i dor.JmLah. 6 no-4:7-10 Ap 161. (A,-ai~A 14:3) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) L 27368-66 EWT(l)1E Wp(R 10 )A -~&XA L) Wig '77 43/65/M/01 1/* 53; j4CC:NR:'_' 'UP6612115. SOURCE CODE, UR/01' AUTHORS: Shtvm. ks N. (Engineer); P. M. (Pandidate of technical ocienceaq Docent) W! 7-7-, ORM ad Politeabni -a' Institute-imeni M. 1. KalinjpALeningradskiy politaklinichookiy inetitut) TITLEj On the aerodynanics of whirling flow in cyclone -vortex chambers [SOURCE: MZ. Fnergetikaj no. il, 1965, 50-53 -TA~ TOPIC T&GSz aerodynamics, vortex flowl Wrbulent flow, ABSTRKCT.- The whirling flow in oyclone-yortex chambers is investigated by using the governing turbXe-nt flow equa!~tion WOWA p ---L7.-WL+2 where the turbulent stress is expressed as 7110 ~Card 533 i' 601 1 klIKFLAvT,OV, P.N., Inzhener. . Ii Mobile bar of a roll and its operation. Bum. prom. 31 no.7: 13-15 JI Is6. NLRA 9:10) 1. Laningradskaya bumazhwya fabrika "Goznak." (Papermaking machinery) ,~,'I:iiAYL(.N, ?. ~i. N. A. Afonchi-kov, 6. V. Kolobava, t . ii. Milchaylov, andki. U. ',orunkov, "I .heir Application for ulueing laper." Aeport present,,d at the SeconI All-L~i "on 6onfervnc(,, (in Lhe -hep''.str-Y ar i J~ractical ApTlicati-on of ~`il~con-Ors-.anlc cmp )undo; ht~ld n Leni-nj,,ra J `r m 21~-27 September 195P. Zhurnal pr~kladnoy kh-Lmii, 1955, Nr 1, ;,p :3'-e)4) ~*V5-,Q SOV/80-32-2-42/56 kUTHCRS: Afonchikov, N.A., Kolobova, G.V., Ylkhaylov, P.N., Voronkov, 1W.G. HTLE: The Application of Silicon-Organic Compounds for the Gluing of Paper (Primeneniye kremneorganicheskikh soyedineniy dlya prokleyki bumagi) PERIODICALs Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1?59, Vol XXXII, Nr 2, PP 445-446 (USSR) kBSTRACT: Silicon-organic compounds were used a) for treating the finished paper with vapors of rpethyltrichlorosilane; b) for impregnating the paper by these compounds; c) for gluing the paper mass by such substances. The lasto5rocedure shows the best results. The compound KN-1 (CH3SiH n is most ef- ficient. Thermal processing of the finished paper is neces- sary, however, in order to obtain a great depth of gluing. If certain catalysts are used, e.g. lead or zinc acetate, triethanolamine, etc, thermal procesaing ia not necessary. The catalyst is also added to the paper mass where it has the best effect. Professor B.N. Dolgov is mentioned in the article. :ard 112 There is 1 table. SOV/80-32-2-42/56 The Application of Silicon-Organic Compounds for the Gluing of Paper ASSOCIATIOR: Fabrika "Goznak" i inatitut khimii silikatov AR SSSR (Factory "Goznak" and the Institute of the Chemistry of Silicates of the USSR Academy of Sciences) SUBMITTED3 April 22, 1958 Card 2/2 S/6 61/61/000/006/07 6/081 D287/D302 a .,T;;ORS: Al'onchikov, N. A., Kolobova, G. V., Mikh ylov, P. N. and Voronkov, M. G. TITLE: The use of organosilicon compounds in paper-sizing 30'JRCE: Khimiya i prakticheskoye primeneniye kremneorganicheakikh soyedineniy; trudy konferentaii, no. 6: Doklady, diakus- sii, rer3heniye. II Vse8. konfer. pq khimii i prakt. prim. kremneorg. soyed., Len. 1958, Leningrad, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1961, 336 TEXT: The LeninGradskaya bumazhnaya fabrika 'Gosnak' (Leningrad Pa- per Factory 'Goznakf) carried out, in conjunction with the Institut khimii silikatov AN SSSR (Institute for Silicate ChemiBtry, AS USSR', experiments on the use of organosilicon compounds in the pa- per industry. The paper should possess hydrophobic properties which prevent the soaking in of ink. Organosilicon compounds do not show ti-e same disadvantages as colophony (which is generally used for this purpose). The authors used the substance MH-4 (MN-1) (which 'Jard 112 The use of organosilicon ... was most satisfactory) and tested The latter was, however, unstable. suitable sizing properties, but it type of processing in the machine ganosilicon compounds has improved do not affect the other properties S/6 6 1/6 1 /000/006 /07 6/081 D287/D302 the material rk,)~--J~(GKZh-94). Thermal treatment gave paper of is difficult to carry out this itself. Paper treated with or- printvreceptivity. The compounds of the paper. Card 212 AUTHORS: Balygin, I. Ye., Mikhaylov, i. S. TITLE: On Ionization Processes in Pores of Ceramic Dielectrics ((-'b ionizateionnykh protsessakh v porakh keramicheakikh dielektrikov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1)58, Nr 8, pp. 1684 - 1691 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a study of normal, and for the sake of co.:-,'-~arison aij- of porous samples of ultraporcelairLe ( U F-46) of steatite STs-4 and of tikond T-150. The dielectric losses were measur(~d, the samples were tested in long-tiierm ex,,eri,:,e..t9 ir. i- lip, item! state and in high-frequency circuits with 2.1c5c and tl-.e discharCe in the &as pores of the sample were recurded. T-.- evidence resented permits to draw the followi.,.E conclusio!1C. 1)Ionization processes in t:as pores of cera~i.ic s---tm~les occur only rarely at a d.c. voltu.,.7e and thus hardly beco~!ie manif-: ;t They jain importance ap,-arently only in cases til.ere ti,e c~n- luctivity of the pore walls is considerably incredsed. ) DischarL;es in Eas pores with a diameter of a few liu:i 1r, It: 8 of a millimeter proceed sith a saall heat transfer. Ti.e mLw-nit,de Card 112 of the applied field strength plays an important ro-e in this On Ionization i,rocesses in Pores of Ceramic SCV/57-58-6-12/37 Dielectrics process. If the field strenCth is raised above a certain value the heating of the samples is considerably increased- 3) It is possible to 3ieasLLre the bet,;inning of t;,e iinization in the gas pores and the beginning of t. lie incomplete break- down in general by means of a special amplifier equil.ent Such measureme:As with an alternating volta6e perm.~t to estimate the qualification of the product for equipment. There are 10 figures, 3 tables, and 5 re- c--, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: November 26, 1~56 Card 2/2 MIKHAYLOV.-P.S.; ROMBERG, B.A. Xlectrical properties of some solid solutions of alobates and tanta- lates of bivalent metals. Izv. Ali SSSR Ser. fis. 24 no.10:1282-1284 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Yerroslectric substances) MIKHAYLOV. P.V- Continuous method of deaerating a copper-ammonia spinning solution. Tekst.prom. 17 no.lOtl8-21 0 '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Rayon spinning) 379V/8: -5.)-',- ~717-, ilation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimlya, 1959, Nr iO, p ~)j_i (USSB) )RS: Mikhaylov, P.V., Okunev, L.Ye. Regeneration of Copper and Ammonia In the Productton -.f Copper-Ammunia Stoplff--Fiber 'S )DICAL: Vestn. tekhn. I ekon. inform. Mezhotrasl labor. tekrin.-ekon Issle'd I nauchno-tekhn. inform. N.-i. fiz.-khim. In-ta Im. L,Ya Karpova, Nr 5 (10), pp 34-37 1ACT: The regeneration of Cu (I) and NH 3 (11) In the production of copper-ammonia staple fiber is carried out by two method5. In the firg'. melh(.~d the spin- ning bath is boiled under vacuum; in this case the oxide of I Is pre~'Iplta- ted in the form of a slime and II is distilled with the water steam The slime then passes into an installation for the regeneration of I -,nd tne steam containing 1.1 g/1 of II passes into a cooling condenser and proceeds to rectification. Up to 80% 11 contained In trie spinning bath returns to production. The gas-air mixture passes through an Installation with horl- zontal and vertical absorbers, where II Is absorbed by softened water to a concentration of 250 - 260 g/1 which makes It possible lo ro-durp the sper-1- 1/2 fic standard of the consumption of ammonia wa*.er in the prAuctlon by 12 - 30V/81-59-Iri-37176 aration of Copper and Ammorlia In the Production of Copper-Amoria Staple Fiber . The diagrams of the installations for regeneration of I from slime, for recti- Lon and collection of II are cited. For regeneration from waste waters containing 0.9 g/1 of I the most suitable method Is the use of H-lonites The dlagrsim of ~rtaining installation and the description of its arrangement, operation, purifica- )f quartz filters and regeneration of ionite filters are given; for the latter Lt R is used. The data compiled In a table on the operating condition of the lon- Uters show the expediency of a step-wise system of cationite regeneration R. Neyman V2 MIKHAYLOV, P.V.; VARESHINO I.A.; LUKIYANOV, N.P. Use of polyacrylamide for yarn sizing. Tekst. prom. 23 no.7t 45-47 J11 163. (MIRA 1638) 1. Nachallnik nauchno-tekhnichookogo otdela Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issl4dovatellskogo instituta sinteticheskogo V61okna (VNIISV), g. Kalinin (for Pftkhaylov). 2. Nachallnik tkatskogo proizvodetva fabriki imeni Vagzhanova (for Vareshin). 3. Glavnyy inzh. Kalininakoy tkatakoy fabrik.1 Ifor Luklyanov) (Sizing (Textile)) (Acrylamide) LUK 'Y ikh ac: a, ov f -4 :3~3 e 1 I Li i r, s, ~,r. ~ (,.. ; rol~.~ T, :j ~ w 1 iM2. 3ADOV, F.I.; MIKHAYLOVA p V - GLAZKOV.;KlY, YU.V. ~ --, -I.&;_* ) ana' 3 U r, using the cheTdcal und sper-trftl -,yFis rnethods in t, (W .9 the drocess of allcall :j[j,;cn,fjca,~jcn of polyucr-jionitrile. Izv. vyo. ucheb. zav.; Lukh. tekat. prom. no.4-91-971 165. (MaA 18:9) 1. Moskovskiy teksti-l'ryy irstitut. MIKHAYLOV, P.V,, nauchnyy sotrudnix, GRIBINA, 'r.K , nnuchnyy notrudnik; SADOV, F.J., nrof. ,Jae of the productg of alkali saponilf".-atlor. cf p..olyacrilon'rIll.- In the sizing of yarn, Tekst, prom 2~ no.9:4.2-44 3 '65, (MIRA 18:1C) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nnurnn,) 1,q8lPd,)vit,,''sk1y 11r.0,1 t, -it vnl,)kna ~,'.Dr Mikhayl,,-~v, ;rb~na .2. Morx-)V.-,K!y ins,.;tut (for Sadov . VAFISHIIN, I A.; MIKHAYLOV., F.V. ; GH 11h: NA , T. K. , miadohiy nauchnyy so I~rudnl K Size manufactured from the froducto -~f the peroxide destr,-:rtior, polyacrylamide. TFkst. r1r-2:40-42 5 '65. ( M: FA 19: 1 1. Nachallnik tkatskogo proizvodstva fabriki imeni Vagzhanova (for Vareshin). 2. Predsedatell Naur-hrio-tekhnicheskogo obBhchestva Vsecoyuznogo nauchno-issleaovatel'skogo institilta sintetichoskogc. v o, 'okna, g. Kalinin (for Mikhayllov~. 3. Vf3efioyuznyy nauchno-issle- dovatellskly institut sintetiches~rjgr, volekna, g. Kalinin (frr Gribina'). :1. - .' 7 1. e~' t-j n a, -nc. ; LLkhajlov, ' . Ya. UssR (60u) AFric';l'uurai Mac inery Soving apparatua arid plows-,are-z3 for J, 6e1Ik:,.oz,--uLq ;-na 1110. 11 1952 .1 donthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ebruary -1953. Unclassified. 1 4 JI . ,INA, ',". Eng.: yp~.-- l6cO) Jutp- 3owina apparatun and plowsharps for jute. 3ellkhoz:.,z~sh--na, No. 11, 1952. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Fphymar3r -1953, Uncl. FETGPIA, R.S.; IMMYLO!, P.Ya. TTF'STZ (600) Aoricultural Mach~np 17 7 ~,dustry Problem of decreasinp machine weicht, Enrs. R.S. Feirina, P. Ya. Mikhailov, Sallkhozmashina no. 5, 19'~3- Ionthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A?RTL 1953. Unclassified. A. ye. ; KG-KORFV, D.T . ; SIP IS [IPA ifn,,~, i~. i . ; MIKHAYU.V, ; Ye. ; I BABYT;K, A.G. Irclarxil-ilcn or aqueous 30111t'ons of a~lyl ch-iorlde ~n a ?.ydrc,- acoustic f'eld. -r-idy YlKHM. I ~.,. . I - I * EA 1 ~:. r L"' V c 50) MAU I mm EMLOJUTICO SM/1435 Ak&4mUys *&A gM. C-c-ti-skly Lmtlt,.. T*VLo` I ~-O't"s`s ' p....... kb "Ps"soll- (1-4t- WA KUG-Tm"for to cIvWmtlau P~4~666) 160s~, 1&4-ve AM I=, L958. 2% V. 5.000 OV1.8 prtt.4. R.Sp. 94;1 LACT, A.T.p Ac4dmLIcIma, DW je~40W of Soleftse, &U. or POUM 1004 Ull, A.A. a" emirsow, v.A. 1.4 r."ClEM3 MU bOCk Is t&tssdad f~ s1s,sU.,s .4 ~491- IA h44,t -CLss,srIA, tb~lcal "=Ica K" for -tmd=t. said t.,Ar. of ki&lw, O_Um" I"%,%, u- In Imes riel". CQVZRA~31 Tbla follactlam "atalm Lm,j.. Lavtotl4vatift. t iwt ft"Um to -A'Alml M4 Priw U%osfO~tIOsS. A ave mathod of ~.ats.,*.Qwu- of Pb-- =d chwml y-ot&tg b*.t-flm Vbj~ I@ GmtOd- KQtb*tm Of d*Umlalag hasit - WA ama~trawfer coaMclmts JarLag tba h-&UMS Md AF7144 Of a CoMpoelte sqlbatm~e Lm gLwn. Nw silp.Maestal MrL=Ipl.. of ""a" be"- and ssws-%~srer is ~ asum 9--sss - --Vl.La" si&A C.4 1/5 P To Boss coss'. Vtth mispl. U.'s], 91--tr-kissru. 222 &M., ad jp.*. jmAhwSw. UO ftmu~m or Ordawim I I - ftuwvw ju 0 - / i,! "), '/,-- " i~', YTINV 0 V- -- - Kolecular mechanism of heating of dielectric materials in high- frequency fields. Trudy KTEPP no.8:125-132 157. (KIRA 10:12) (7hermodynamice) (Dielectric heating) _~qmnovt P.Ye.. IGOSHIII. M.G., redaktor; ZHURAVLEV. A.S., takhnichaskiy d- realff", [Self-propelled ship models] SamokhodrVe modeli korablei. Moskva. Izd-vo DOSAAF. 1954. 31 P., illus. (KLRA 8:6) (Ships--Models) JIMIAYLOV, Petr Yevgenlyevich; IGOSHIN, M.G., red.; KCBZAtt', V.14., (Si.,bagrino modol with a machanlcnl ervinel Modol' nolvodnol lodki a mokhanichaskim dvil,,Petelem. Hoatccva, Izd-vo DO&W. 1959. 78 T). (MIJL% 12:12) (50mrine boat 9--Hodlele) YIDUAYLOV 11 Ye ~ - -0 Method of calibration and c:i,ecking of hyFrometerfs based rz, *- e saturation deficit in a trxe--chambar hygrothermostat. Inz"..-fiz. zhur. 6 no.7:9f,-ICC JI 163. (IMII-J 16:9) 1. Institut khlmic,,:c~,kogo maBliinostroyeniya, - o.,jkva. (Meteoi,oloi-ical inqtrir-itjr.ts--TevtInj,,) UM/Itadlo - Tubes, Ballsmt Aug 49 Radio Receivers "Ballast Tubes and Their Use," R. Mikhaylov, 4 pp *Padio" No 8 Reccmends the use of ballast tubes which saintain constant filamut current for considerable fluctuations or supply voltage In AC-DC receivers. Gives obaracterlatics of ballast tubes 0.3 B 17-35 (120-1227 v) and 0.3 B 65-135 (220 V) and instructions, disgrom and values of additional resistames for In- stalling ballast tubes In the 'Rekord-460 and *Bekord-47" receivers. Swr 66A" PA 66/1,91'99 PA 1/50T89 tep/mdio - Pwwairiers,, Raaio Sep 49 Frequency Rectifiers, Half-Wave "A Two-Tube Amplifier," R. Klkhaylov, kpp "Radio" No 9 Schematic diagram and building Instructions for a one-watt amplifier, consisting of a 6J7 as a preliminary amplifier and the 3OPlK beam tetrode as the output amplifier. The 30TslM half-vave rectifier to used in this AC-DC tinit. 1/5m9 LYLOV, R. 23"IT58 USM/Electronics - Racelvers Oct 52 Vacuum Tubes "Operation of Heptode Frequency Converters on Short Waves," R. Mikhaylov "Radio" No 10, PP 52-54 Discusses factors making for poor operation of heptode converters at high frequencies and measures to improve operation. The newer 6A7, 6AlOS, and 6A2P heptodee are much less sus- ceptible to frequency drift than the 6A8 and SB-242. 235T58 ~ H Pt -f L- a v , P~ - USSR/Electronics - Capacitors "Fixed Ceramic Capacitors," R. Mikhaylov /Ra4io No 12, PP 52-54 Dec 1112 Author commends Stalin prize winners N. P. Bogoroditskiy and I. D. Fridberg for I their work on capacitors. Describes advttntages of ceramic capacitors, methods of manufac*.ure, types and characteristics, and gives tabular data on KDK, ICK, KIT, and T(VKT ceramic capacitors. TIT- KIKHATLOV, R. - -.- Metal and paper condeneers. Radio no.10:31-32 '56. (KLRA 9:11) (Condensere (Electricity)) 107-57-1-50/60 THOR: Mikhnylcrv R. TLE: Choice of Capacitors for a Radio Receiver. For Beginners kVybor kondensatorov dlya rad-iopriyemnikA. Dlya nachinayushchikh) !RIODICA.L: Radio, 1957, Nr 1, pp 51-54 (USSR) ISTRACT: Specifications and descriptions of over 65 types of Soviet fixed capacitors are presented. Capacitors for RF circuits, AY circuits, coupling, blocking, etc., are discussed. Working, testing, and breakdown voltages, tolerancies, materials, construc- tion details, applications, and recommendations for choice are given in the article, Working voltages,rated capacitances, and accuracy classifications for various types of fixed capacitors are given in the table on page 54. There are 30 construction sketches, I 3oviet reference, and 1 table in the article. fAILABLE: Library of CongTess ird 1/1 107-57-3-58/64 AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, R. TITLE: f;;i;_0tF$_f_7F xed Resistors for a Radio Receiver (Vybor postoyannykh soprotivieniy dlya radiopriyernnika) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 3, pp 54-57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Fixed resistors for radio equipment are classified according to type, rated dissipating power . nominal resistance, and accuracy or tolerance. Soviet-make fixed resistors have three classes of precision: class I with a tolerance + 5%; class 11, a tolerance + 10%; and class III, a tolerance + 20%. A table of standard nominal resistances is presented. Symbols of resistors on Soviet radio schematics are explained; also, a table of designations of car- bon resistors with all technital characteristics is given. Criteria for choosing resistors for various radio circuits are indicated,'and the dissipating pa"i, and tolerances of resistors to be used in the following circuits are given: con- trol grids, a heterodyne grid of a frequency converter, a diode detector load, a discrix-ninator load, self-bias cathode circuits, screen grids, a common cir- cuit of two screen grids, and an RF amplifier anode in the primary of an output Card I /Z 107-57-b-46/57 AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, R. TITLE: Variable Resistors in Radio Receivers (Peremennyye soprotivleniya v radiopriyen-mikakh) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 6, pp 54-56 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Carbon-film resistors and carbon -composition resistors used in radio receivers are classified by their rated resistance, by dissipation capacity, by their rate of change of resistance with the movable-contact angle, and by other factors. A table presents the ratings of the following brands of resistors: VK, TK, SP, SPO-Z and SPO-0. 5. Only small resistances are represented; their dissipating power ranges from 0. 2 to two watts. Construction details are also given and applications explained. There are three figures and one table. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress :;ard 1/1 UTHOR: SOV/107-59-1-41/'~~l ITLE: The Increase of the Lower Frequencies at the Low Loudness Level (Pod"yem nizhnik h chastot pri malykh urovnyakh gromkosti) ERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 1, p 51 (U,-,SR) BSTRACT: A device for the automati c control of the frequency character- istic by varying the sign al level at the low frequencies is described. The device is connected b etween two stages (,f an a.f. amplifier. There is one circuit . ard 1/1 aKRAYLOV, R. A., ANNAYEV, R. G., MAMUEV, M., MYNDAYEV, V., and BUIATOV, B., (Ashkhabad) "The Investigation of Even and Odd LWecta In the Alloy System Ni-Cu," i pal*r submitted at the International Conference on Physics of Magnetic )benomens, Sverdlovsk, 23-31 May 56. MIKBZWVp R.A.; KALYSM9 P.R.; DUPLENKOv Yu.V. High-speed screw press for processing polyamideo. PIALStoMf3ey nool: 49-52 f6l, (MIRA 14:2) (Polyamides) (Power presses) ) f F ft ',o n : ar. Achlevenerf..) 9 no.3,,-19..19 165. 04 1. Zamestitell nachoii I r. I ke oldel-,i put qtmn to I yti Tfi 1! 1 Pribel tiyskr)y dorog~ KIRCHEVA, S.; IVAMOVA, Ye.; MDOROV, T.1 Jff=jL4X,,jt L GUDZHEVA, V.; POPOVP R.; FEMUNOV, V.; ILIMA, P. (Bolgarial Effect of nivaline electrophoresis in some diseases of the nervoup system. Vop.kur., fizioter.1 lech.fis.kullt. 28 no.1:36-330 163. (MIRA l6s4) 1. Iz Nauchno-iseledovateliskogo instituts, kurortologii i fizioterapii v Sofii - Oveha Kupel (dir. - dotsent K.Kirchev). (NERVOUS'SYSTEM-DISMES) (ELECTROPHORESIS) (GALANTHAMINE) I S/137/62/000/005/038/150 A006/A101 AUTHORS: Bratchik, A. V., Burdakov, Yu. M., Polupanov, G. G., fj~khaylov, S. A. TITLE: Continuous cadmium casting into rods PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 21, abstract 50128 ("Metallurg. i khim. prom-st' Kazakhstana. Nauchno-tekhn. sb". 1961, no. 5 (15) 113 - 118) TEXT: To eliminate Cd losses and facilitate labor conditions during its casting, a unit for the continuous casting of Cd into rods was assimilated at the Ust!-Kamenogorsk Lead-Zinc Combine. The unit is equipped with a refining boiler, connected with the crystallizer. At such a connection the metal is supplied to the cy-ystallizer and the malten Cd, having no contact with air, is not oxidized. The crystallizer is made of grade CT.45 (St-45) steel. For cut- ting the rod after its extrusion, shears are mounted; to extrude the rod from the crystallizer, a horizontal two-roll machine is used; grooves for the pas- sage of the rod are cut in the rolls. For Initial extrusion (starting the machine) a Cd or other metal primer is placed into the crystallizer. The primer has the same diameter as the rod. To draw the rod out of the aryat&llizer, as Card 1/2 S/137/62/000/605/038/150 Continuous cadmium casting Into rods A006^101 it is formed in the unit, the principle of periodical extrusion Is employed: the rod formed is drawn out of the crystallizer and is replaced by molten metal, and the extrusion operation is repeated.. The rod length depends on the crys- tallizer length (in the given case, the rod length was 230 mm at a crystallizer length, of 300 mm). To ensure continuous operation of rolls, a ratchet with a duplicating device was used. The unit for the continuous casting of Cd Into rods ca-n operate on an electric circuit with both manual and automatic control. The efficiency of the unit with one crystallizer is 25 kg/hour. The extrusion speed is I MM/sec; duration of the extrusion cycle and the formation of the rod is 5 sec; the rod diameter is 6.5 mm; optimum Cd temperature in the boiler during casting Is 3500CJ the dimensions of the unit ate 1,500 x 1,500 x 800 mm. 0. Svodtseva' [Abstracter's notes Complete translation] Card 2/2 KIKHAIUV, 60; Inzhener. - A - N' -, - --A.- Graphic system of ealculating heat losses and heating apparatuses in sys- tems of central heating. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 3 ao-3;22-25 Kr '53. (KLRA 6:5 (Heating from central etations) NTYRAM" ; BOGUSLAVSKrT. L.D., rodkator; IOSELEVICH, L.Te.. &AO red~nr; PETROVSKAYA,-Ye., takhnichaskiy redaktor (Graphic method for calculs,ting elements of water heating systems] Grafichaskly raschat slementov sistem vodianogo otoplentia. Moskva, Izd-vo Ministerstva. kommunallnogo khoziaistva RSFSR, 1954. 8 p. (Hot water heating) (MLRA 8:3) - MIKII-hYIPOV., S.. tekhnik-mokhanik Welded water-heating boiler with the annual capacity of 25000 - 30000 large calories. Sill.bud. 10 no.8sl8 Ag 16o. (MIRA 13:8) (Boilers) AGAFONOVA, L.I., itzh.; BRODSKIY, V.N., inzh.; MIKIIAYLOV, S.A., inzh. Controlling the "dew-point" temperature in double-w.-ntilator air-conditioning units. Vod. I san. tekh. no.11:20-22 N 164. (MIRA 1812) MlKfiAYLOV, S.1 TIERENTIYEV, L.; SHIRYAYEV, G. The GAZ-53B dump truck. Av-L. transP. 43 no.]2z42-45 D 165. (MIRA 18t12) AKH!-I---,'O':, K.T.; PCYF.'~'IIIKill, 1.V.; -~K':AYIXV, o.A.; A.- Effort of mf),.-kian. zat ! on am, ailtoMW. J -~ri ;!' Trjrl ta, ; ~ f-;'i ',' a 11 1 41-017Q13 :~,- I; and e,julyrient- on tho wori, c x+rjoll.1-m r)f' r, nrr~,rC)U." work~,rj. -Cv,~'.. 3 3 0 - mot. 37 nc,.tD:, .'e 'r)4. ("! - 1 , :,-)