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MLXRAYLOV, H.I., doktor tekhn. nauk
Work of tho International &Joint Cormianion. glaktrichostvo
no. 5:87 Ify '58. (MIRA 11M
(Electric engineering)
r D o c t o r n f S ~71
Techn i,-, al So i ces R z--inov L . D Car-' i -lat e of Techn cal
S c c e s (M
TITLE: T:. ~ I vjr. 4 cEffect of Alterr.ating-Current El(:ctrified
I a ay.,i on S i t,, r C i r c u i t a (Gal I v-~ n i c:, e sk- oya
V.iyaniy,,! el -.ri."itSirov~inrykh zheleznYkh dorog peremennogo
toga na -)dnor vodnyye tsei.i)
PERID'L--,AL: Elektri,-~.-;-tvo, Nr lo, pp 2o - 24 1\7~=R)
A-~,STRACT: T,.e i-i .ctive influence of ~t.c. traction ui~on singi,~-
c:).,.d.-tor tnat is to say on telegraph
circuits and remote amplifier feeding cir(.-ui*B has
already ~;een t:.:).--i~7hly irivestit,7ated. Little effort,
however, '-as hitlerto been made to study the galvanic
effbet -. It is demonstrated that in the protection of
cirouits t,,ainst di.9turbances the
maximum a.2.pot,.r.ti%1 drop between the ground ioints
of the telleg-r-iph or feedir.E circuits is tne essential
fact-jr. This potential dr-)p is primarily dependent upon
the l-)cation of t~-.e round p-)i.,~ts with respect to the
C a rd 1 traf~k )f t..E- 31-ctrifivd railrr)ad. T,.is paper covers
T,' gf%'L v c Effect )f ~Itern-ting-C-irrent SOY/' 'o-4/ 28
El' R-il - o.,. 3: r,~, I e-~or I . - - -~r CI rcui t a
0I_nMdMj*V "
sev,~r-il -~a.ien- 1r, t,.o. let~.r-i:~ation of the
st i pul -it ed c I ear~i,.-e , etwt!,an tiintrle-con -to r circui t a
and a. (- . ri ` e(I r A lw.,~-.- tr-v7ks t.-.e .---Ivqr,'Ic
and t:lp maiietIc affect muot be ttken izAo ac,our,t.
A di-Lgram t,.- results of the comput,~tion
of the att-iinable volt:it~es and potential drops
caused by ma !.etic OffSCU and galvaric effects,
respective1y, in a sintrlQ-coriductor circuit of a cable
with dif.erent shieldin.-r factors of the envelore
and of tne -irmor of the c,ihle . Tt appet,rB t-~_t the
potential drop ca!~:~ed by -alvunic AMOU iay reacri
considerable val,ies _f t.e r. sistance of the gro,.Ind iL~
A cneck of t-.e formula presented carri~_-d o-It ft the tept
track Ozherellye-P.rivelets in t'he v_icinity of the Vilen~:,i
stop exhilited dev'utio~.s from the computed values
keepi!,g t:.ii !''Ato of expori:ror.tal error. There
-ire 4 2 tat,le!t, and 6 ref,.,rer.ces, 4 of wqir:h
'L: ~ 3"v: ~. t .
April 28, 1958
MIMYWV. M.I., doktor tekhn. nauk; RAZUKOV, L.D., kacd. takhn. nauk.
Do we need overhead back voltage wireb on ftIlroade using alternating
current? Zhel. dor. transp. 40 no.12:51-54 D '58. (MIRA 12:3)
(Ilectric railroads--Wires and viring)
a cy.-
a I
lsl~, n
4, 10 16
tW U& C*MoMU" N-Slft 't UW 4610"ItIS f*GMMlfttftl GWfAtl It
ftstawtom WA luawtma commamloiIiiii Mom).
N.D. ; SMMIT, S.A. ; KMMA,
SHINA. N.M.. red.; KARA ILOVA, S.F..
[Recommendations of international consultative committees on
telephony and telegraphy] Rakomandstaii mozhdunarodnykh konoul'-
tativnykh komitetoy po telefonii i telegrafti. Koskva Gos.isd-vo
lit-ry po voprosam eviazi I radio. 1959. 335 P. NIRA 13:3)
1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatellakiy inatitut avyazi Kini-
sterstva svyazi SSSR (for all except Kondrashina. Karabilova).
(Telephone) (Telegraph)
Mikhaylov, Mikhail Ivanovich, Doctor of Technical Scienceb
Vliyaniye v-neshnikh elektromagnitnykh poley aa tsepi provoclnuy iivyazi i
zashchitnyye meropriyatiya (Effect of External Electromagnetic Fields on
Wire Communication Circuits and Protection Measures) Moscow, Svyaz'izdat,
1959. 582 p. Errata slip inserted. 4,500 copieb printed.
Resp. Ed.: I.S. Grachev; Ed.: B.S. Belikov; Tech. Ed.: K.G. Markoch.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and technicians employed by organi-
zations designing, building and operating transmission lines and equipment.
COVERAGE: The author presents a generalized and unified theory of interaction
between circuits of various electrical systems with unifonaly distributed con-
stants. He discusses the effect of high-voltage lines on communication lines
and describes protective measures against it. He also discusses the effect of
lightnitv, on overhead and cable communication lines and explains protective
measures. The material is based largely on results of a study conducted by the
author at the laboratory of TsNIIS The author thanks L.D. Razumov, who wrote
some sections of the book. He also thanks I.I. Grodnev for reviewing the manu-
script and I.S. Grachev for editing the text. There are 126 references; 91
Effect of External Electromagnetic Fields (C-)nt.) SOV/29()e
Soviet (Including I tranulation), 2) gnglli3h, 6 (,k)rmn and 4 French. Rel'Prence.13
appear at the end of chapters.
Ch. 1. Brief Information on thi- Development of Electrification ana
Wire-communication Equipment in the USSR
A. Development of electrifical.lon 7
1. 'Die development of' production and distribution of electric power 7
2. Development of railroad electrification
B. Development of wire r~oumunlcatluri
C. Brief information on constru-tion o" transmission lines and high-voltage
networks 15
1. Power transmission lir.~; 15
2. Contact circuits of ele-trir railroads 19
Card 2/ir
15(7)16(7) Plikst I BOOK Ex7W1'rATION SOV/2246
Zagbablt& podia kh aet&lllchesklkh socrujinenly ot korroglij
of Underground Metal 3tructures Prom
greasionj R&nu&l) Moscow, led-To "-we konwaml*nogo show.
PSR. 1959. 743 p. Irrata slip inserted. 6.000 copies printed.
21.1 R.I. R"btsowl Rd. of Publishing Housei 1.0. Ak&tovas Tech.
Ad.3 To. S. Petrovskaya.
PURP=8 This collection of articles Is intended an a manual oe
"Or"Oe'an' protection of underground metal structures.
.12AGS. The book to divided into fou, parts. T'he first part
glv2s LaforsatIon on the Characteristic* of underground metal
truatures and souro:s of,,otr currents. The second part d*&Is
1th the theory of a , r'0421 an of metals and the theory of
corrosion of metals by stray current. -he third part deals with
the problem of combating leakage f'ros sources of stray zuxT zt,
methods and devices for laveattgatLag corrosion and tho ruda-
mentals of planning corrosion prevention. The rourth part OR-
Plains measures for preventing corrosion of underground asta,
OtrUctures and gives the baste opers-ItS vrLnolplea of G,;u'1;n*=t
Involved. No pereacalittoo ars mention". References rQuow
Gsr~d 1/26
Protection of Underground Metal (Cont.) SOV/2246
3. Characteristics of traction load
4. Characteristics of track
Potential zones of track 84
III. Subway track network(L.B. Krotov Engineer) 8t
1. General data 88
2. Causes of 'Leakage from traction load 89
3. Characteristics of traction load 89
4. Characteristics of track 90
5. Potential zones of track 92
IV. Cathodic installations ( M.I. Mikhaylov, Doctor of Tech-
nical Sciences, Professor)'---- 9 -j
V, D-c transmission lines (K.K. Nikollskiy) 93
Ch. IV. Theory of Soil Corrosion of Metals (N.D. Tomashov,
Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor) 95
I. Corrosion element 95
11. Factor controlling corrosion 100
bard 6/26
7-, . : !-j:; I - 1 9 T-, .; ~ ( d M 0E. " b 1 ~~ C,
A.-) s e m'-,y e r o ri J e v
n t r 4 r r (,r T;!-c,
-.-ctect or
~-.r, r 9 a!.;
n s
de 4
u p n
T r-, , ', A F
S c rr,- e x r I m,! n a da t a
:1 r
r,,, .7, r97
M Y,; Tj
F, v 9 T
v "i
K K N 5k -in i L D Raziamc v
,Is J,;lt n bcxc- q or,
LIP 5k rl,;:j 1,Ating 'un-t.lon b( x F,
9 rlz. ~ r) 4 ii ,i n '~l ri, n
v FT d,j r n a r .- i n F'g
j ? 4
13GV/ l0tj-~-,9-2 -9/11
AUTHORS; Mikhaviov, M.I. a I Nikoi'sKiy, K.K.
TITLE: ~se of Graphitised Rods for Earthing of Equipment
(PrimeneniZe grafitirovannykh sterztney dlya -istroystva
PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyaz , 195q.. Nr 2. pp '12 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Assuming that the loss 3f* material from an earthinE rod
is proDortionall to the quantity of electricity which has
flcwed through it, then calcuiations show that for steel
rods the loss due to electrolytic action may amount to 9 kg
or more per year per ampere, depending on the nature of
the surrounding earth. This reduces the protection and
increases the energy ioss The authors therefore inveEti-
gated the possibilities of usirW, materials other than steel,
in parti,:ular, carbon and graphite.. Cylindrical samples,
19 mm diameter and 94 mm long, were placed in damp, NaCl-
salted sand in a metali,.c tanK. wh-Lcl. acted as the cati~ude
Current was passed th-rough ti.e electrode for 9 hours pei lay,
the meart :urrent (,hnsity beink, 0.62 mA/cm 2. Ti,e lo-ses in
weight (per ampere per hour and per ampere per year) are
tabulated in Table 1. Table 1 shows that the loss from
Cardl/2 graphitlised rods is 31 times less than from steel and from
Use of Graphitised Rods for Earthing of EquiPment
a carbon ele:,I.rode - 13 times lless.
Experience with com.,.erciaii,7 produced graphitised rods
showed that reinforcement was necess,%ry and this was
incorporated with the iead-in contact (Figures 1 and 2).
The effectiveness of the electrodes is very much increasea
by a layer of activator. T~,e resuits of the lauoratDry
trials usirt~ activators, ;-round coke, gypsum, wood carbon,
etc. are given in Table 1
The author ti.en Eives formulae (Eqs 1 and 2) for cdcuiation
of the earth reb~.,tajace inwiter and ground, respectiveiy.
9he zonstruc-.ion of earthing apparatus for remotely
suppiied ampLifiers and cathodic protection is described
and, finally, the e,:onomics of using graphitised electrodes
instead of sll-eel unes are discussed. Graph.illised e c-
trodes are zonside:,ed E~ - 9 times more economical than steel..
There are f1gures and 2 tables.
SUBMITTED: September 6 , 1958
Card 212
----- - Me
?CKRATIA)V, M.I., doktor tekhn. nauk; RAZ131DV, L.D.. kand. tekhn. nauk
Operation of overhead communication lines along a.c. electric
railroad tracks. Zhel. dor. transp. 41 no.10:41-44 0 '59.
(MIRA 13:2)
(Railroads--Communication s7stems)
(Illectric railroads)
Corrosion protection of metals is an important objective of the
national economy. Biul.tekho.-okofi,inform. no-5:65-66 160.
(MIRA 140)
(Cortosion and anti-corrosives)
MIKHATLOV, M.I., dolctor.takh.nauk; RAZUMOV, L.D., kand.tekhn.nauk
Protecting telephone lines enterti.-,!' a district of high voittge
substations from dangerous voltages. Elsk-ata. 31 no.717l-76
ii 16o. (KIRA 13:8)
(Telephone) (Shielding (Blectricity))
MIKHMWV, Mikhail Ivanovich.- RAZUKOT, Alek*oandr Sergeyevich; KHCROV,
Leonid DavydovIcF*,_'_BALAKIM, A.F., red.; ROMANOTA, S.F.,
t ekhn. r ad.
[Protection of wire communications lines from the electro-
magnetic effect of high-voltage power transmission lines]
Zashchits, ustroiapv provodnot aviazi ot alektromagnitnogo
vliianlia linli v~eokogo napriasheniia. Keskva, Gos.izd-vo
lit-ry po voprosam aviazi I radio, 1961. 70 P.
(KiRA 14:12)
1. TSentral'un nirn huo-looledovatellskiy Institut svyazi
Kinisteretva evy zi SSSR (for Kikhaylov, Razumov, Kharov).
(Telephone lines--Overhead) (Shielding (Ilectricity))
(Telegraph lines)
S. ", 10,'6 i/ooo/o12,/oo8/oio
7600 A055/A 127
ORS t ?41 _C_~ Rm r 17.m~.
E~ C, a c1 f
-..'.,,:~ferances in com-
A~ 7 a '.t - Y 4r
*%ken into con-
T a
i n t _aaa of double
V f --hs k-th har-
I w im, rti i,~)W,=Gation Cir-
Af tar reproducing
f.7 rmul a& _'nes respectively,
:A --r ~~,mponent of the
-1 14201~
A -, " -, A 12"
1A x- j of ca I.cnj lat I on,
j~rant at 800 cps
-iire as the working
r vi r. 's 1. 1 --rOtInded by the In-
n,~ c al cula t I on of
"!i q :I - ;-3,,pt._,metr1c .. Lie of
h:~ x 5 1'4 because it
en'~,r Into the
Ila .4k of sensitiv-
6~r - wu tua I I ndu c t I on
* magnitudes
by a cor-
na r,-n
U Bw
S/ 1%/6 1/000/012,/008/0 10
A,01~,;-.,/A 127
I WT (10)
j.% C' 13 j
3M %, "t ix.,~C,ex For- overnead communication
ike, aLl 'fle rA-ze-ni- (~ompon,,:wta ni_A- te ',eLk._qr) lrilr) in the (zalculation.
-a r~_e i1ne-A, f tj) Lo~ CtA:tDr varies but' slight
'15 M.A 0 -q 1,7~ - _,~y from uni,
ty. In an
)z rr r V k!
-~%d 1.2. When the distanc
3 w y ;Lr d i c o -1 -7,, tp.-w ~~OCI meters, k0orr can be
f -,r dla"~%rtcea 500 meter-,3, k,,-, - 1. 'I"Ite Importance of
n~j --f r -.Af L-rt of the line to inter-
~~.e g-f~a'.Or Id ~.tfl !re.:jLJ-rity-.dPpAr,,dano^ of the senal-
V 1-n T"aare are 4 fig-
1 1 S,, :-a:' t r --4.
MIKHAYLOVI M.I., doktor tekhn.nauk; SOKOLOVY S.A.
Methods for lowering the cost of the protection of underground
communication cables from overvoltage caused by lightning.
Vest. sviazi 21 no.5:11-12 My 161. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Nachallnik laboratorii TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo
instituta evyazi (for Mikhaylov). 2. Starshiy inzhener laboratorii
TSentralinogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo institita svyazi (for
(Electric lines--Underground)
(Lightning protection)
MIKHAYLOV, M.I., doktor tekhn.nauk; RAZUMOV, L.D., kand.tekhn.nauk
Overvoltage protection of main cable lines. Vest. sviazi 21
no.12:9-11 D 161. (YLLA 1-:12)
(Telephone lines) (Electric protection)
MIKHAYLOV, M.I., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; RAZOMOV, L.D., kand.
tekhn. nauk
Electromagnetic effect of hIgh-tenoion lines on metal
pipelines and methods of protecting them. Trudy MIST
no.1306-198 162. (WRA 16:11)
__ MIKHAYLOV, M.I,, doktor tekhn.nauk; SOKOLOV, S.A., imih.
Damage of a telephone cable network residting due to single-phase
short-circuiting of a 110 kv. power transmission line. Usk. stA.
33 no.8358-59 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8)
(Telephone lines) (Electric power distribution)
(Electric 1-ines--Underground)
andl(late_:or --tec=cai Sciences
Tl$*. XL6ctmc:- Parameters of und
_orgmund vetal pij)slines
URC.E.. _-,&ektilcliGstvq*'rlO4l 60-W.
"TAGS: vndergr electric
ie. aun4; P.10-ur* -par ore
.-Dangarcius.vp ages-can- - up -in Ue jdpe ~6 .a-
3TRACT: It- run ralong
Qi the.-'qtbor, this pipelines
r war. a *d- hand,,
on- iffillgices.. 1010021ae 61ectric,~ t
it Paraw ors
As atanaei~ ddotav d xknce, o polinso are
of roulas -The pipq-
dM alT,
I- Stan,c6AS :409d dAW. ft Immyt~ allo,wimi'i for 'tho' offi*' t
to or 109 pro OC-
As. stated; thaflhis -resistance. in,
r lide~wdeit *f _treoincil, (within;
6ti6ail 56-m~ !-.PPS) tance of
~mln _u zq4 ~ so for. new',!4. Wd~ Apes'. and
Ps 0 oq- 'A WVP iA. has:'.5'fij~Lien and. 23'
'a to2 pool, .**
: "F ~ :
ok tc, r
MIKHAr.nv, M.I. (Moskva); RAZ,!,M('V, 1 _% (Mogkvri)
Inct-Paso in the frp,vler-j -.' -oamrr-lal n .,: . and 1- rm' n~tl '. -1~r. -,- , - ,
- -.
~rt 'mnl val .,- in -fAP. :~' ',,.e 1) .1
n.( . .. R~'-~14 Ap '64 . rp:P~
J~C. Q
, JAY LOI,-, 11, 7 ,
.o Prml!3al ble voltage and curren *. m5gni. rudeB I - the human
b(-dy touching commur.1, cation Ines gub'ect n inductive
ccuplfng with elec-*.rlc power transmission lines. Elektroavaial
IP no.q~56-62 S '64. (KIRA 17~12)
ive ~no
f r the slimvA+t~
.td the effect.'-:
3iang." I ~o~
-.*as using
-0 ensation.- ir6uitsi-
ed U the I Offect 'and
he circidto ~exposed
f6i.-re -odiplini betweiin th*:Iatter' and the compensation
thi IRA ~aiteriiate'doeign~4ses~ybaod-abitt~aircuit
hdat' I dia
.1S.MTATIONs none
Lowrring-of the costs of the p7,;I-;-ction systpms of cable llnes
from direct lightning sLrokss. ~Ipktrosriazl 19 no.6;66-69
Je 165. (MIRA 28:6)
TROFIMOV, S.S., kand. sellkhoz.nauk, st. nauchn. sotr.; LRYLEV,
V.K.; KOCHERGIN, A.Ye., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; KUZNETSOVA,
L.Z.; KORLYAKOV , I.I., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, st. nauchn.
(Soils of the Kuznetsk Basin, a map as the face of a field,
laboratory of fertility, vitamins of the earth, protectors
of crops, enrichment of feed] Pochvy Kuzhassa, karta -
litso polei, laboratoriia plodorodiia, vitamirq zemli, za-
shchitniki posevov, obogashchenie korma. Kemerovo, Keme-
rovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo,, 1964. 92 p. (MIRA 18:5)
1. Blologicheekty institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR
(for Trofimov). 2. Zaveduyushchiy labol-atoriyey zashchity
rasteniy Kemerovskoy sellskokhozyaystvennoy opytnoy atantsii
(for Kostromitin). 3. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom zhivotnavod-
stva Kemerovskoy sellskokhozyaystvennoy opytnoy stantsil
(for Mikha-ylov). 4. Zavedu;yushchiy agrokhiimichaskoy labo-
rntoriyey Sibirskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta
so-0,ekogo khozyaystva (for Kochergin). 5. Zaveduyushchaya
agroknimicheskoy laboratoriyey Kemerovskoy sellskokhozyay-
stvennoy opytnoy stantaii. (for Kuznetsova). 6. Kemerov-
skaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantsiya (for
Korlyakov) .
~iKEAY L 0, -J
Au wi, t Ian c) f te c~ riu, ~r v ; c:Fi r,-:c, :,s e r. r,y F
~lnnts; mater~Fti:- a!' FA se:71nar on excl-rge of
experlences kv-toj-,iit ;, zat ~ i a tekhrc;:cj7icnt-4skl kn L
nm pidr(,Iizn,,rvz-i za,--)(ipxr,; rrjitpr!a'..,. L--; (-j.:t eru o,,v-
tcr-,,. I-oskva, 17 1..
1. Moscow. I 1~entral I nyy wtuchno- ir!i Irkiv rii-1.111,ut
i n 1'o rim t. s I I1 1, e k hr, I k o-P k n r. (,r;, i C 1108 K 1 d OV11 111 Y [,0
noi , t s e 11.,- u ' r zr, o- bumn z hr i oy , () (I r e V, J 0[1 H I y v it.' uc ~ 1e.;
m.ysQ(.rnoE:tl i lesnomu khozyaystvu.
1 4 6 4 1 1 1 Is it a 11 W -all union busy a 41 41 0 Id 4 to
-it' I
" $is -4.
A46 -M -li*d ARdW k0ii 411 peffwmkL &L MUMA&,w. Mai-
I*Wmv zhom"s IWO to". Na 11. 04; Maie & $ad
ect (d tramp. (a the OR content tic tIW Icav" of UfWAN pipfr~ 1. .
ii~a( a i. ef
hot it is s disec Isaction ad the mmem trop. during tib. th kA -e0
jr~ adat kuv"ted In July eantained 2% td oil, tkat karvet" in =, Z"O'SM. -00
Tb. av. yk4b 1. year to yea follow tbt man tcap. of the growing measm. The .04
*a of the ktv" AM the 4ram of dis Inmiation do that wea to eirtt mmh ladmence
.4 tke am "..Great. A. PAnPW&AU-CtIUTUUS
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thornsid resiximloov ,,uIll III, I)WAIllell joy Ill,milipm# Lift
t-OVAtitUMS 4d PC--- IF J1UjjfUICJUQkMI. 11 IS "IWWtI
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obt &dlwlivv 1*1411111- Of
cAlukers, IttittA, 111twIrl I'll'Aphdir'. mortmr. 1WRA,
aod al t sts" Mt tn,,jol uttt&A," rtw tlao-
J. a.. The orkstirls ImI&M-Y. %h-td 1- km (tv 190INt
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Development of the rycorhiza of pine trees. Navik-a i Dered. op
v sel'khoz 9 no.5:59-6o my '59. (MIRA 12:9)
l.Moskovsko7e otdalenlye Vaesoywnogo nauchno-isaledovatel'skogo
instituta eel 'skokhozvaystvennoy milcrobiologii.
(Mycorhiza) (Fine)
Conference on the luprovement of production of alcohol sul-
fonatnd lignin. and fodder yeasts from sulfite liquors.
Gidroliz.i lesokhim.prom. 12 no.6:11 '59. 04IRA 13:2)
1. Gosudarstvannyy nauchno-tekhnichoakiy Iconitet Soveta
Ministrov RSFSR.
(Wood-uoing industries-Congrosens)
(Sulfite liquor)
Basic trends in the development of nev techniques in the hydrolysis
and alcohol Industries using sulfite liquor@. Gidrolls.1 lesokbim.
prom. 12 no.8:1-4 '59. (MIRA 13:4)
1. Gosudaretvennyy nauchno-takhnicheekly komitet Soveta ministrov
(Hydrolysis) (Alcohol) (Sulfite liquor)
--M-IKHAYIDVt Mikhail Ivanovich; 'YASINSKIYj Boris Nikolayevich; KMWV, A.N.,
re-d.-;--m-A-WrXAq L.-O.9 red. izd-vaj PARAKHIVAg N.L., tekbn. red.
[Prospects for the groVtb of the hydrolysis mg wood chemistry industry]
Perspektivy razvItiia lesokhimicheskoi i gidrollsmi prozVshlennosti.
Moskva, Goslosbumizdat, 1960. 54 p. (KIRA 14:7)
(Waod~Chemintry) (HydrolyAv)
14IKILkTL,OV. & L - -
Interfactory school for the exchange of modern methods.
Gidrolis.i Ifsookhim.prom. 13 no.1:29 160.
(MIRA 13:5)
1. GoeudaretvanW nauchno-takbnicheBkly komitat Soveta
Ministrov RSFSR.
(Wood-usine Industries-Study and teaching)
ftpand In every way the production of sulfite distilling wash
concentrates. Gidroliz I lesokhim.prom. 13 no.2:1-4 160.
(MIRA 13:6)
1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchnko-takhnicheakiy komitat Soveta ministrov
(Woodpalp industry-By-products)
Efficient utilization of hydroly-tic lignin. Gidroliz. i lesokbim.
prom. 14 no. 1:1-2 161. (MIRA 14:1)
1. Gosud4wetvennyy nauchno-tekhnichoskiy komitet Soveta
Mini stroir RSFSR.
Refining of hydro3,vzates for yeast productiors. Gldroliz. i
lesokhim.prom. 16 no.3:4-7 163. (MIRA 160)
1. Gosudarstvennyy komitet po lesnoy, tsellyulozno-bumazhnoy,
derevoobrabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti i leenomu Idiozyzystvu pri
Gooplane SSSR.
(Yeast) (Hydrolysis)
K'-EB;-"IOVt O.B.; M!KliAYI~OV,.-.M,..; BAL','OV, R.
Flotation reagents by S.V.Dudenkov. TlSveL. met. 3P --
165. ( ,.I, :wj, I P,: , . ,
SAPOTNITSKIY, Solomon Abramovicb,-. MIKHAYLOV, M.I.J. red.
[Use of sulfite liquors] IspolIzovanie sul'fitnykh
shchelokov. Moskva, Lesnaia promyshlennost', 1965. 282 p.
(MIRA 18:1-2)
-1 - i: kE;J , 1,2LLL1 hL2 r~i~
. V -, ~2 ~-. ~ ~ ., . . . I I -,
, - , - . '.. I-- .- I . - .
USSR/Forestry Forest Economy.
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 25 Aug 1957, 69092
Author ?4ikhailov, M.M.
Title Distribution of Self-Sown Oaks Under the Canopy of Wood
Or"g Pub Sb. tr. Povolzhsk. lesotekhn. tn-ta, 1956, No 51, 23-29
Abstract Experiments conducted :n September 1953, in Kazan moun-
tain groves (Chuvash ASSR) proved that in the projections
of oak treetops of both the older (220-250 years old) and
of younger (120-140) generations there isa sufficient
amount for oak selfseedin~~ for a successful renewal of
feilings of the main species. Beyond the limits of pro-
jections a satisfactory a unt of acorns is present only
on the first and second meters. One oak at the age of
140-250 years provides renewal on an area of 284 m2;
therefore 35 trees to he-tare are sufficient when they
Card 1/2 - 20
USSR/Forestry - Forest Economy. J-3
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - B oio(._,iya, No ~6, 25 Aug 1957, 69092
are equaiiy distributed ''n the area. in, be au-
se these trees are unequally distributed in a iarlre p-)r-
t"on of a felling, the renewal is not attained.
To create fully valuable young oaks, ;t ts necessary el-
ther to sow or plant an oak in windows exceedin(~ a ~iame-
ter of i0 m. In ripe and overripe oak forests it is ne-
cessary to account for the ~Ioseness Df the first t'.er.
the area of windows (with diameters ex;,eedint' 10 m) in
per-entages of the tota- area of development.
Card 2/2 - 2i -
-7.7 USSR
Foreptry. Format hanaramf-rit
livaluatioll 0
1,14 u" Trees Eui~' Stmadek
,.p bn. c I, - v I Z-1
c,, treen ajil stAndc, 1r, r r,
N r, t pe o ut .TLA Iraz:tizu, neceem.
~3 Allt,~ nr tremA Iv :Aoted Jr. old %ne(' cp.- a t ail., R
% r~.,r ';hu--,eLfth ASSR. -, tn~-- am',a of -.9i -, , I ~,v
ti,,! .-'arpo sadoi -Ay T'-reA Fax!ii . I I v t~ r- I ti,,, i- n -ey,fk chr 7,%n t,-
it - 1A, the conaltion (;f *.ee?p b-,, t~.f, r,:z,Iurrt! 8~,
-je,,,,rec of' t,rewLpq~e aj,
zicl,.e sf cj I tat I un ,Af t I.e r-.-c wn prese Lt.-p ot !yX-
fwgue dipt3asF,9, Uswrioom c,f tlmo fr,-,- lepv~ rig t r e f-,
ax e j,. coed W1.1ch depend cir, wt.',cr c-aso trey
V. N~Mameloy
J, L i I r I
LESIP / Forestry. Forest Economy. K
Abs Jour :Ref Zhux - Biologiya, No 22, 1958, No. IOC160
Author :Mikhaylov, M. M.
Ins t :RA given
Titl.e :The Most Favarable A3es and Sizes for the Felling of
Trees In Mountainous Deep Loafy F,)reFtq of the Forbidden
Zone of the Volga River in ChuvashsKaya ASS13
CriS Pub :Izv. vyash. uchebr- zavedeniy. Leon. zh., 1958, No 1,
Abetract :No abstract given
Card 1/1
KIM -YIDV-,-M.M., allonom
Corn is a good crop to precede winter wheat. ZemleAelie 8 no.7:
58 Jl 160. (MIRA 1):9)
1. Kolkhoz "Krasnoye zaamyn", Kraenogorodakogo rayona, Pskovskoy
(Corn (Maize)) (Wheat)
MIKHAYLOV M.M. dots., red. ; KATINA, A.M., kand. med. nauk,
rea-.'-;-f6POVA, L.I., kand. med. nauk, red.;
PKI OPOLISKAYA, O.A., red.; OitWVA, N.I., tekhn. red.
[Materials of the Pourth Voronezh Province Scientific
Conference of Roentgenologists and Radiologists] Mate-
rialy Voronezhskoi oblastnoi nauchnai konferentsii rent-
genologov I radiologov. 4th, 1963. Voronezh, Voronezhskoe
knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 71 p. (MIRA 17:4)
1. Voronezhska;ya oblastnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya rentge-
nologov i radiologov. 4th, 1963. 2. Kafedra rentgenologii
s meditsinskoy radiologiyey Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo in-
stituta (for Mikhaylov, Katina, Popova).
Changes in the bronchial tree in chronic nonspecific
pneumonia in children; clinicobronchographic comparisonB.
Sov. mad. 26 no-4:91-94 Ap 163. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Iz kafedry ospitalinoy pediatrii (zav. - kand. med. nauk
V.P. Sitnikova~ i kafedry rentgenologil s meditsinskoy radio-
logiyey (zav. - dotsent M.M. Mikhaylav) Voronezhakogo medi-
tainskogo instituta.
KOZLCVA, E.Z.; TRETIYAKOV, 1:.T. (Ka'D.inirad); "-4J,1ED0V, E.Sh.
(Poselok Martuni, AzerSSR); BOROV71Y, Ye.M.; DULAYEV, S.G. (Grodno);
GERASMOV, B.A. (Lugansk); 'MIIJK, L.A. (Chernovtsy) ; MIGALI,L.A.;
G[JBANOV, A.G.; GOROVENKO, G.G. (Kiyev); SHAROV, B.K. (Chelyabinsk);
SHUVALOVAJ, Z.A. (Sverdlovsk) TIE71MARK, I.I.; ARYAYEV, L.N. (Odessa);
KABANOV, MI.; KLwrjVAIDV, Yu.S.; ZAK, V.I. (Orenburg); MIKHAYLOV, M.M.;
SEZIKO, A.D. (Voronezh); SHALAYEV, M.I.; DMIN, V.I. (Saga o.v).
Abstracts. Grudn. khir. 5 no.3:110-126 My-Je'63 (MIRA 17:1)
1. 1, kafedry normallnoy anatomil Ryazar.skogo meditsirskogo ir.-
stituta imeni akademika I.P.Pavlova (for Shevtsov). 2. 1z Sochin-
skogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta kurortologii i fizio-
terapii Ministerstva zdra,iookhraner!iya RSFSR ( for Timofeyeva).
3. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya Ternopollskoy klinicheskoy
gorodskoy bollnitsy ( for Koval'). 4. Iz kafedry tr ofrrafichoskoy
anatomii A operativnoy khlrurgAl ( zav. - prof. A.P. Sokolov).
Permskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Koz1ova). 5. Iz khirur-
gicheskogo otdeleniya ( zav. - Ye. M. Borov,
yy) Rovenskoy oblast-
noy bollnitsy (glavnyy vracli - UkrSSR V.M. Vollskiy) (for Borovy-Y).
(Continued on next card)
BAYANDIN, P.A.- (continued) Card 2.
6.Lz fakul I tetskoy khi r-#rgi cheskoy klir-ii, 4-( d4r. - Prof. I.M.
Popovlyan) i gospital noy terapevticheskoy kliniki ( dir. -
prof. L.S.Shvarts) lechebnogo fFLkullteta Saratovskogo meditsin-
skogo instituta ( for Migall). 7. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy khi-
rurgii zav. - prof. I.I.Neymnrk) Altayqkogo meditsirskogo In-
stituta for Neymark). 8. Iz Novosibluskogo gorodskogo protivo-
tuberkuleznogo dispansera ( for Kabanov). 9. Iz kafedry fakull-
tetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. I.A.Tvanov) Permskogo meditsirsko-
go instituta ( for Shalayev).
3/123/59/000 /0 10 /Cw~`6 /'16~
[ranslation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, 11.)60, No. 10,
?2, # 37347
WTHORS: Mikha Aleksandrova. L.I., Erlikh, I.
VITLE- The Effects of Moisture on the t2arties\of Some Plastics
?MIODICAL-. Radiotekhn. proiz-vo, 1957, No. 10, pp. 31-33
rm~ The authors desc ibe changes in properties of plastics, which are
ised as insulation materials,\Ounder the effect of moistu , particularly during
Dperation in the open air. Polyethylene\9and pollystyrenezbsorb only an extreme-
Ly small quantity of moisture. Specimens of 100 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness
absorbed 0.002-0.003 grams of moisture during 5 months in a medium of 98% rela!ive
atmospheric humidity. Such a quantity of molpture shows practically no effec'.
:)n the electric properties of the material. Polymethy line thac ry I ate absorbed ', ' 'i-
).4 grams of moisture. k1so this deteriorated the electric characteristi (~nIy
insignificantly. The properties of thermosetting phenolaldehyde plastics liepend
3n the fillers ard also on the pressing conditions (temperature, holding, pres-
"lard 1/2
S/123/59/000/0 10/ --Jr /~)68
rhe Effects of Moisture on the Properties of Some Plastics
iure)- With a quartz and micaceous powder fillar K~he specimen absorbed within
LOO days only 0.091vams and its volumetric resistivity decreased only by one
)rder, from 1 - 10 ohm-cm to 1 * IoI3 ohm_ cm, DurIng the same period, a
5pecimen with a wood-dust filler absorbed 1.9 ram of moisture agd its volumetric
7esistivity decreased by 6 orders from 4 - jol& ohm-cm to 5 - 0 ohm-cm. The
Laminated dielectrics Tekstolit and Getinaks lose their dielectric prcper-~Ies
even quicker. Besides, moisture absorption causes intolerable changes of the
~eometrlc dimensions and mechanical properties of these materials. Thus, de-
.inaks components change their dimensions up to 6%. There are c, figures a:-.d 2
'ranslator's note This is the full translation of the original Rus6lan kib-
'ard 212
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnall, Mashinostreyerilye, 191-~, No
AUTHORS~ Mikhaylov, M. M., Usp--nskly, Ya. V_ Frolov, N. P
rITLE. Obtaining High-Spe d_S~.,qel by tre Method of Powder-Metall'urgy
PERIODICAL; Tekhnol. avtomobilestroy-n-'ya, 19r-)8, No, 1, pp 25-26
The processes are tnvestIgatAd Df obtaining high-sp,?ed steel fr--,-
powde-s of its individual components. The best homogerplty of the alloy was
Attained when preparing the charge not frnm. metallic powders but f-Om fine-dis-
persed, easily reducible m9tal oxides. The oomponents of the powder charge were
subjected to pulverizatior in the ball mill Ir a liquid medium, Scale, ferro-
chrome, ferr-ovanad-lum, and t7ingsten reducsd by hydrngen were taker, ir- such a
measure 'Aiat the follcwlng composition (in%) WdS ottained af'ter the reductlori of
the alloy scalp,. W 17-19; V 1-1.5, -'r 4-5; C 0 7-0,8; Pe the rest The
charge was reduced by a hydrogen nitrogen mixture at 650-900 0' The spongy light-
gray loosely sintered substance obtained was ground in the ball m1l' 1--i ga--.!Iln~.
The powder formed having a high dispersion degree (the size of t1," parti-les was
Card 0
8 51 1'~
Hlgn-Spex~d StAiel by the Mpth.As :,f Powder-Mptallur&v
lg-rg,?r than !-3 mlroD) was prAss-d at, 1,2r~O kg/, -m t.) b-iquet's C'! 9 x 1) mm
cross se:~tlon. Ca.rbcr- In the alloy t-.a",r:rg the hnmogenaous srlid solLtlcn .51.ruc-
re of : -,mpos I t I on ( In %) -, W 18, V I, Cr 4j "' 0. 12, Pe th-,~ rest, burnt out
at -.r-~her zirtering of the trIquets In tha hydri-,ger-nltrogoan Mlxtura! a*moE:phP-
at 1,360 :, The Intermediate prrIlLcLs wc-re suDject-?d to add-Itlar-al slnt,~rlng In
a caroonizing medium in order to oblain the ne~,Pssary quantl%y rf -arbor (th-
same quantity as in the steel of the t-rand P'18 (RIB), (th,, spe-llmeas wp-~ pa,ked
ln-o a -'artoniz~,r cr~nslstlng of actlvat.,A -arbon and 5% .Lnd-r
fo; :.~,wlna ,!ondit-lons., heatLng 'tip to 91~0 soaking I hci_-, heating up ",o
1$ 280C-:, ~qcakllr~ 2 hovrs. ::, ixo ~;ne f"7~raa.p ~ccjer Taq-P-?%dently ol, tnp,
-mp!'-!~~sloT. d_'-4ct't:_n, thp microstru,",- stee, ~,bta!n
ed J It':
a Fma- Of Mr~~9TtSlt,A al-~! -I-r_A45 -T ro P(-,,:*.-,r -f it- ,z-.-e:
In wV amo-art~d -., abo,:n 3 - 4%. Th-? of tr_-~
:rfquets a". sLn-r.-?rlr_g was uniform axr.d dlj -x-,?ed on tr? a-raq- 25%
c-na-mal wa~, psrf,-rmi:d %Lnd-r- '-.iow_lns -oncl".1lonE oll
a-t- a L S 1111 r. 1g1-.
3112 3/ 5 9/0(,()/()0 6/0 11 Ir, 2
)btilrilng HIgh-Speed Steel by the Methods of Powder-Metallurtr),
z The m-?-n&n.-a,- propertie
,~~Pd steel subjected to hardening and annealing
Lne p--wder metallurgic&i steel were as follows. spa71f,_-- gravll,'
Y 8.16 )&/ :m
,iard-r9ss after sintering R r-4 - 56; hazndness after thermal treatment R,, 61
-,,ending strength 240 kg/m~~.' The iuttlng properties dP,,RrmInAd on turmiiig-aiong
:!utters with tips of powder-metallurgical steel were as follows. when machining
t&e! of thp brand 45 wit 1.5
z - th -mm depth of --ut, 0.2 mm per revolution feed, and
56 m/min outting speed, the c,.Atters had stood for one hour. Mo---:'v'~r, procpsses
,i-re lnvx~_qtigated of obtaining steels from a chargq -:f an other 2omposition. As
5, reslil~ of tap. Investigations performed, the production t-?,hnique of powder
r-tadlurgical high-speed steels was de,*elop-3d- Ther- a-r- figure and 4
-ef erem2es.
'_ansla'orts no;e: This :a the f,,1 translat-'or) of '~h,? crIgInal Pjssl&n a,-stra-
ard 3/3
A(;1 -//A(~
--ir~ ;i o, I r~ m P -a vnYY zn . --n,j i -k pit in
A~ M.khaylov, M, M , Renrs~,,
T P-In.- 1pal D'Ir-cii-lonE ar.1 1
nsu: a: : or- tr.~] 1: 1. 1 1 t~,
`.he 3re a*
-A- Nau~,!ino-khr- inform i -khri In - T- r
pp 3
T FY, A revimw of the devElopm- sir-- of s--*.,-n* -.f
-n~~ -f *he Deparlmen, Is presentAd; i srh-~me cf .ne gradual r-xpanstcr.
cf resear-hes a-rid !heir lr*~r-onnc-e t ,on is giv,~n. rhe E re
develcrs In thre- '.!I- -jdy -no'. F'. ~ r - -
-Sis, ar ~-a*-resstance and ~.-,rAr- a-'.:,Dn ,f -.E-7~rjr fjr;,J)
F-Ie,~ric Insilattion wl,h the appl.,:vion of t.h,- -,-s-.i1*.s of -ps--ar-r
-ond,-,-,td to the fields of te~~rinllq.&, Tapa---.- erigln-erlng -ind
machines. 'there arz ~4 r~fa-en(r-s,
7-ir a*or's n,-,* e 7n;5 is 'he ful. -ansla-,.~n of ~,-Iginal F~.5~s'ari
7i ro
It 606e 4 ?-9~
sAlation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 22, p 10 (USSR)
16 6 00 15-53.00
ORS: Mikhaylov, M.M., Vazhnova, G.S.
E- The Inf]
.,aence of Temperature on Moisture Characteristics (P, D and h)
of Filmy-Materials
DDICAL: Nauchno-tekhn. inform. buyl. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1958, Nr 7,
pp 22 -'30
RACT: Evaluation of the behavior of a material in a moist surrounding from
an increase in the weight of samples during 24 - 48 hours is obsolete.
A correct choice of moisture protecting materials, as well as a choice
of the electric insulation itself is possible only when the three main
moisture characteristics of the material are known: moisture perme-
ability constant of the material P (g/cm - mm Hg * hour). which
characterizes the total amount of moisturg passing through the given
material; solubility coefficient h (g/cm-3 - mm Hg) which determines the
amount of moisture absorbed by the material in the saturation state, and
the diffusion coefficient D (cm2/hour.) These coefficients are connected
1/3 by the relation P - hD. Therefore for a complete characteristic of the
-""2. 4~ 961d'?
Influence of Temperature on Moisture Characteristics (P, D and h) of Film Materials
vior of a material in a moist medium, it is sufficient to know any two of them. The
acteristics P. D and h of various films were determined by the method of the pressure
ge. Also was studied the Influence of temperature on characteristics of various
rials. The dependence of P on the absolute temperature according to the law-
PO . exp (- E/RT), where E is activation energy; R is a gas constant. When E is
a, the change of P with the change of temperature can be determined. Values of E
the tested films (aceto-butyrate and triacetate of cellulose, polystyrene, escapone,
ishes 13 and 47, polymethylmethacrylate, light varnish fabrib) are given. All these
rials have not high moisture protective properties. The minimum P have polystyrene,
ishes 13 and 47. The maximum P has triacetate of cellulose, which is probably ex-
aed by its higher polarity as compared with the other tested materials. The change
amperature has practically no influence on the value of P; only for triacetate of
alose and varnish fabric an insignificant decrease in P wiTh an increase in temperature
:)bserved. At the same time the change of temperature in each individual case led to
:!hange in the speed of the moisture permeability through the same material. The
Dr the temperature, the quicker the state of equilibrium is reached. The value of h
the tested materials is reduced by a half order or even by an order of magnitude at
change of temperature from 200C to 600C. The decrease in h with the temperatu- '--3
6"ft- 6 9J'JI.2
Influence of Temperature on Moisture Characteristics (P, D and h) of Film Materials
eat practical importance for the calculation of the service time or of the time of
ctiveness of moisture protection of an object. This time is determined by the formula
hVd ln (1 - Pklpo)'
e V is volume of insulation protected against moisture; d is thickness of the
ture protecting layer; S is area of Insulation exposed to moisture; pk is the
ical pressure of water vapors. Thus, 'r, other conditions being equal, is pro-
ional to 4/p; the greater this relation the longer the lifetime of the object.
temperature will strongly influence the changes of T , as with an increase in the
erature P practically does not change, but h decreases sharply. The knowledge of
es of P and h and their temperature relations is necessary for the correct solution
he problem of the choice of a proper moisture protecting materia.1 and of the field
ts application. 3 references.
Mikhaylov, Mikhail Mikhaylovich
-_~_--heakikh dielektrikov (Moisture Penetra-
VlagopronitsayemoSt' organic
bility of Organic Dielectrics) Moscow, Gosenegoizdat, ig6o.
162 p. Errata slip Inserted. 5,000 copies printed.
Ed.: V. T. Renne, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Tech.
Ed.: 0. S. Zhitnikova.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel in cable
and radio engineering industries, and also for persons concerned
with research in the field of dielectrics.
COVERAGE: The book briefly reviews modern theoretical concepts on
the mechanism of moisture absorption and moisture penetration of
organic insulating materials and studies the effect of various
forms of moisture distribution In a dielectric on Its electri-
cal characteristics. Methods of measuring moisture character-
istics are described. The book Is based on the work carried on
in recent years at the laboratory of dielectric testing of the
Card 1/5
Moisture Penetrability (Cont.)
Leningradskiy p9litekhnicheskiy institut im. M. I. Kalinina
(Leningrad Polytechnical Institute imeni M. I. Kalinin) under
the direction of M. M. Mikhaylov. The book was written, under
the supervision and with the direct participation of
M. M. Mikhaylov, by a group of his collaborators. The co-
authors and the chapters on which each worked are as follows;
L. I. Aleksandrova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Ch. III;
A. V. Tolvinskaya, Candidate of Techr,ical Sciences, Ch. II;
S. A. Ivashchenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chs. I,
III, and IV; N. N. Melentlyeva, Engineer, Ch. I;
N. A. Radionova, Engineer, Ch. II; and Ye. V. Fogellgezang,
Engineer, Chs. I, III, and IV. There are 39 references: 24
Soviet (including 2 translations) and 15 English.
Ch. 1. Modern Concepts on the Mechanism of Moisture Ab-
sorption and Moisture Penetration in Insulating
Materials 11
Card 2/5
Moisture Penetrability (Cont.)
1. Air moisture 11
2. Moisture absorption (hygroscopicity) of materials 14
3. Adsorption of moisture by insulating materials 16
4. Sorption of moisture by insulating materials 19
5. Penetrability of organic materials to water vapors 26
6. Basic factors influencing the values of P, D) h 27
Ch. II. Effect of the Absorbed Moisture on Dielectric
Losses and Electrical Conductivity of Organic
Insulating Materials 39
1 . General remarks 39
2. Possible form of absorbed-moisture distribution
within an organic material and methods of computing
the properties of an heterogeneous dielectric with
aqueous occlusions 41
3. Effect of absorbed moisture on the electrical
properties of nonpolar and low-polarity polymers 49
4. Effect of absorbed moisture on the electrical
properties of polar polymers 56
Card 3/~
Moisture Penetrability (Cont.) SOV/5006
5. Effect of moisture on the surface resistance of solid
dielectrics 61
Ch. III. Methods of Determining Moisture Characteristics 73
1. Weight methods of determining P 73
2. Method of measuring pressure 75
3. Use of the method of radioactive indicators for
the investigation of water-vapor diffusion and
penetrability through polymers 101
4. Methods of determining D and h 107
5. Dynamic sorption method 116
6. Sorption method 123
7. Pakshver's method 132
Ch. IV. Computation of Effective Moisture-Protection
Time for Capacitors and Cables 133
1. General remarks 133
2. Computation of moisture-protectlon time for paper
capacitors of plastic bodies 134
Card 4/5
Moisture Penetrability (Cont.) SOV/5006
3. Computation of moisture-protection time for paper
capacitors enclosed in metal with rubber sealing 140
4. Computation of moisture-protection time for a
clamped mica capacitor 143
5. Computation of the effective time of moisture
protection for cables 146
6. Experimental investigation of the moisture-
protection properties of cable she athinge 153
Bibliography 162
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TK3401.M48)
Card 5/5 4/21/61
AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, Mikh.--
TITLE: IIaStiC3 in machine construction
PERIODICALs Referativ-nyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. .-,, 1~j6,, 571, abstract
2P75 (Kozhi, obuvki, kauchuk, plastmasi, v. 1, no.
20 - 23)
TEXT: The basic operational properties of plastics based on phenol f,-=
aldehyde-, carbamide-, polyester epoxy resins, polyamides, poljurethanes,
polycarbonates, polyethylene and polypropylene, f luorine- containing resins
polystyrene, polyacrylates, PVC, -and silicates used in machine constructiDr.
have been investigated. (9 references.) [Abstracter's notet Complete
AUTHORS: Mukhamedov, A.A.; Mlkhaylov, M.M.
TITLE: Selecting an expedient sulfid1zation method
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademil nauk. UzSSR. Serlya tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 1,
1961, 67 - 73
TE(T: The authors reviewing investigations carried out on this problem
cite Ref. I (V.V. Kostkin, P.I. Gorezko, P.A. Mishin and Ya.S. Buraya. "Sulfidi-
zation of Friction Surfaces", ITEIN AS USSR, 13, M., 1954); Reference 2 (A.G.
Liv'shits, F.Z. Skvortsov and k,V. Tiratsuyan, "Sel'khozmashinostroyeniye", 195,-~,
7); Reference 4 (D.A. Draygor, "Vestnik mashinostroyeniya", 1958, 2); and Ref-
erence 5 (L.Yu. Pruzhanskiy, "Vestnik mashinostroyeniya", 1958, 9) according to
which sulfidization Increases mainly the antifriction properties of the friction
surfaces, whereas according co Reference 3 [S"I.I. Preygerzon, N.Y. Yanchenko and
A.P. Voytikova, "Mashinostroitel' Belorussil, 1 (2), Minsk, 19561, the wear-re-
sistance remains the same or decreases according to Reference 9 (Ye.P. Nadein-
skaya, "Machines and Instruments". 1955, 2), The purpose of this study is to In-
vestigate the wear-resistance and antifrlction properties of sulfidized surfaces
by elucidating their properties and the effoct of acids on the basic material
Card 1/5
Selecting an expedient sulfidization method Alo4/A133
Tests of sulfide coatings carried out with pure ferrous sulfide or mixed with 10%
potassium ferrocyanide at 8000C showed high antifriction properties, whereas the
wear-resistance did not increase. Sulfidization of steels and cast Irons of
pearlitic structure showed a higher wear-resistance and sulfidization In cyanide
media Increased the strength of the sulfide coatings and the antifriction char-
acteristics. Tests were performed by V.A. Mirbayev on sintered and calibrated
carbide specimens of 40 mm In diameter and 23.8 - 24.6% porosity. One group was
sulfidized as described above and the second group was annealed in the same fu
in cast iron shavings. The annealed specimens were used to eliminate the effect
of structural changes at 8000C on the test results. The second part of the fric-
tion couple was a bush made 05 if 50 If steel subjected to low hardening (R. = 55 -
57) at a pressure of 10 kg/cm and a sliding velocity of 0.608 m/sec. The tests
showed that the abrasion of sulfidized carbide surfaces, caused by dry friction,
Is analogous to that of calibrated and annealed surfaces. This is a proof that
sulfide coatings show antifriction properties only If the basic material has anti-
friction properties, e.g., In the case of ferro-graphite ceramets. For some tests
kerosene was used as lubricant and the sliding velocity was increased to 0.985
m/sec. The abrasion of sulfidized and non-sulfidited surfaces proved almost Iden-
tical. As most media contain a considerable quantity of cyanide components, the
Card 2/5
Selecting an ... AIC4/ A133
process should oe appropriately called sulfocyaniding. It has been stated oy
Urshall and S. 1. Mansell (Ref. Ill, "Reduction of Friction and Wear rf Steels ty
Surface Sulfidization", Mashinostroyeniye, Collection of translation and revl~w.--
of foreign news, 1957, 1) that the effectiveness of this method Js based )n th-
dual character of the coating. This theory was investigated in the courFe of'
developing sulfocyaniding condLt'Lons in solid media. Specimens of 454(4'-) IQ-,)
steel were processed for 4 hours In a mixture of 4o% ferrous sulfide, 36,9 carbu-
rizer, and 24% potasstum ferrocyanide at 8500C. Control specimens were proces;f-~
in a mixture of 60% carburizer and 4()% potassium ferrocyanide, at the same prr-
sure and sliding velocity as In previous test. The carburizer contained
charcoal and 29Z barium carbonate. Specimens of pearlitic structure showfJ go-i
results. Sulfur possesses a very low solubility in iron and produces brit!1f, P-
and FeS2 compounds. Sulfur saturated carbon steel shows a reduced amount -,f
carbon along the periphery. Tests with these or other carbon compounds wer- (-ir-
ried out at 80G, 930 and 1,0000C for 3 - 4 hours. Sulfocementatlon proved Im-
possible because sulfur pInches the r-zone which reduces the solubility of rart,(,r.
in the iron and explains its displacement at h1gh temperatures. For trieFe reafor-
substances containing nitrogen are added. Compounds .)f 4(-)% ferrous sulf1de, ')N
aarburizer and 10% potassium'ferrccyanide revealed at 600 - 9001C a hypr)eu*er-,'1I
-ard 3/5
electing an ... A 104/ A
arbonitride layer. Another compound consisting of 4N ferrous sulfide, 30-t car-
urizer and 24% potassium ferrocyanide developed an eutectoid layer of consldc-r,
hickness. Despite the high temperature and lorig processing none of these to!~-
)roduced a cyanized layer with carbc -nitride Inclusions. Most sulfld~za* .1-n
.baths and media contair nitrogen and carbon components, !.e. French SATS Bata.,
,.aining 55% NaCN. The authors' conclusion Is that sulf-de surfaces possess
-unning-in proper-ties and resistance to galling but have a low wear-resls~anr~_
Che high antifriction properties of sulfid.-,ed surfaces are due to the solid C-Ui_
aide coating, which however, is quickly worn away by friction. SimultanpouZ sal-
iration of steel with carbon and sulfur ar,d the formation of strong sulffqiz4~-d
ind sintered layers proved impossible because of the reduced solubility of -art.,-r.
zn 4ron in the presence of sulfur. The addl"lon of substances containing -A-cW-.
.,roduce strong sulfidized and cyanized layers. in this case the solid libri-~c!'-'r~
)f the sulfide layer on a strong cyanide sub-layer Increases the running-1r, at,11.11-
resistance to galling and wear-resistance. Medium temperature sulfocyanilinv
ensures an adequate saturation of steel and cast iron by nitrogen and cartcn and
~he formation of a sulfide film on the surfa-e and Is therefore considered 'n~
nost suitable method. In ttis case the sulfide coating is reinforced by carbor.i-
tride inclusions without undue Increase of brittleness. Cyanide ,ontaining com-
'ard 4/5
Selecting an ...
~ 2J27
sl 167/6 1 /DOG/
ponents prevent oxidation and accelerate thp sulfIdIzation but do not Incrensf-
the wear-resistance. There are 4 figures and 12 SOVIeL-b~oc references.
Card 5/5
V, M. M., UZpPnsk".Y, Ya. V., Fr,j'lova, N. "P.
T, the structure of s,7,me cermet carbides
107 3, .96, 1 , al--, r, - ', 1 "
DICAL: .irferati-inyy zl-,urnal, Met;i~'urZlya, no t a ~c
Ir. Sredneaz. politekl'ui. '.n-ta", 1961, rin. 15, 711 77)
T=: The authQrs stu~l.(:d ~-f htatn1nj7, multl-component 'erTnet
carbides with a homogeneous structure from high-disper,;Ity (:1 - powdor.-;
t"he Sepavate c,~)mponcnts. The ~~omposition of the carbides Investigated Is (in
,.i 18 - 2(-f~,'; Cr 4 - 4 .5; C C-12 - 1.3; V 1 1.5; the rost Fe. The
--;ere sintered for 2 - 2 mixture and in
hours at 1,280 - 1,36011C in a 1~and H
:_~'id carbonizer; some of them were subjected to case hardening, oll' quenrhInr,
-n,l tempering at 5500C. All the carbides had after sintering a porosity -~f ab',11t
4%. The high uniformIty of the structure of the carbides formed is explained by
the use of fine powders; and the low porosity by the possible formation (on ac-
count of the non-uniform distribution of components) of carbide areas witin a melt-
ing, point below the sintering temperature. As an example the authors present the
Card 1/2
V: 37/6;)/DC,(- -i-,I:
In the structure of some cerme' carbides
is,..therm.ic section (1,2000C) of the constitution diaCram for Fe W - Fe-?C car-
bides; according to this diagram the liquid phase is foimed at a contend of 1%
and 5%
A. Epik
'~-bstractpr's note: CDmplete tra- I
f the s a n'- t,.~ z;
-.eta! ja, nc . -7 a,
--'eru--Lv7.y-j &,urna'
Sredneaz. poliltekhn. l9Cj:,
'd 'es -s a
of -ael inZ sta-;r,- stec- -~ r, -.C'S
ec-irini; -.-t y h-'Gh mechanfcal properties 3f ~,Ints, b~'-
cD-r3s~cx,. A' - -t; L* th
test pieci:s were
A?+,' B '%rIAX, ,.-1+3B) torch. The experiments tne
--.e dilfflculties durinF, the In 1;2 a
I-. inj, e ' ni Zh c c, i-. sum. p tn
bb. - of the bat. seam porcsity an'
-2--e6, are n:.t caused by the disintegrati--ri of -,-,s-,ab--e ',-;-nitriaes, -u-. ,I-
I In ' '; I il , "
'f (,, in the arc burnin8 zone. 2' Trie N, ~ i'_:
a normal co~,.~rse and secures a hi6r,-qualilty 5ea;r, cas,,,
du r i r.6 tne
con-~a nmire ti-.a-n 0.2% 02. 3) waste of C is noted d
,:&rd '-/'2
is a do c I s I've f ar fDr dec reas
n e c c, r-, r, zi I
e v:-. c ycf t~-.e prc y 10% and decr-eaL;rjs Labor c-..~i3ts
'ding. The arc-eie."dIng N dries not
ar.3:-, a-,.,-;-we- 2
of t~.e products.
V. Tarizova
~tztracter's ncte: Complete translations
High-temperature treatmeht as a means for Increasing the
productivity of thermal And chemical heat treatment processes.
Izv.AN Uz.SSR.Ser.tekh.nauk 7 no,205-63 163. (MIRA 16:4)
1. Taohkentskiy politekhnicheakty institut.
(Steel--Beat treatment)
GOBIAN, IrIna Petrc,wnn~ !IIKHkYLqV
I , M.M., ot-v. red.; KOqOTKOV;.. A.V.,
[I'echnology of metals and structural materieds. Program
~on *he basis of an 8- ana 11-year secondary schr;-A of 95
hours): MethodologIcal instructions and test a3slgrrunpnts
for students] Tekhnologiia 8 1 11 klassov 5rednei slikoly, ob"em
95 chasov). Metodicheskie ukazaniia i kontrollnyp zadaniia dlia
u~~hashchikhsla mfitaIlurgicheskikh spotzialli.of7t,E~I za,.)-.inykh
srednikh spetsiallrqkh uchobnykh zavedorill. Vysshaia
ahkola, -1964. ?1 p. (MLU 18-5)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.ii.) Mirlisterstvu vysshegn i srednego
spetsiadIn%:g.) obrazovanlya. TI.A-ntra.1Inyy metodichlaskiy kahine-L
p~; srednerri spetsialln6im. obrazovaniy-u.
kCC NRs AT7005781 SOURCE CODEi BU/2506/66/009/000/0127/0134
;'IIIOR: Ilev, Nikola; Mikhaylov, Mikhail
ZG: none
[7LE:. An instrument for discrete measurements of elastic body wave propagation
X;RCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite. Geofizichniya institut. Izvestlya, v. 9,
966, 127-134
3PIC TAGS: seismic mooetirr&, elastic wave p=;in=I earth crust, earthquake,
PA~OP"(5tj-poAr, 40A.1G17'oI)IA1II91- GO--)VC , Q)EI'31"0`0(~,C
Z, r
BSTRACT: Schematic diagrams and a description of an instrument designed to rwasure
ongitudinal elastic wave velocities are given. Discrete measurements are made ti.dt
ount the number of pulses leaving one generator with a constant repetition frequency
Rd ?ass through a counter in the time that the elastic wave covers the distance betw2en
wo observation points. This velocity can be measured with the necessary precision
y selecting a suitable base between the observation points and a suitable generator
requency. Owing to its small-size and portability, the instrument is well suited for
apidly determining soil layer thickness, investigating low-velocity zones in seismic
rospecting and rock pressure in mining operation, geologic mapping, and monitoring
~aiiges in the state of the earth's layers in connection with earthquake -forecasting.
UB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 02Dec65 ORIG REF: 006/ IWA-79-67-41
Card 1/1 UDC; none
MIMYLOV, M.N... prof -
Natural slate is the best roofing material. Trudy, Zap.-,Sib.
fil.ASiA no-3:72-80 160. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury
SSSR. (hoofing, Slate)
TSYDZIK, Petr Vladimirovich; MIKHAYLOV, V.D., dots., retsenzent;
MJKHAYLOV~ M.N.,, retsenzent; RYALaSEVA, I.L., red.;
BVAII0AfkiYA, K.P., tekhn. red.
(Contact stresses) Kontaktnye napriazheniia; uchebnoe po-
sobie. Moskva, Mosk. aviatsionnyi in-t im. Sergo Ordzhoni-
kidze, 1962. 15 P. (MIRA 17:4)
oll: c 11-ic 179"1.. 7 . , ~ . '!.. :., .
-- ',(",iC T'l V. :. , AlKiLtTLCV, :,',. ','
I - -I.
'!or-,p -!r(-Pdimr
- -)r ..r-- n,-~e of h, e t, i n -atr, -,. K(-,nnvr*iq tv-
I , , 9
.r. 1, !or?.
'.Icntrily Li~zt r-f ?u3siLin AccPs-Cems, Li:,r,ir, r ;' Iijne ' " 1, . , ' ' .
MAYLOV, M. 11.
"Eaperiences Pertaining t,) '.IDjlor Repoirs of Petrcleum Lines
and Water Lines." page 55 of the book Petroleum Bases and PiE2 Lines,
Gostoptekhizdat, 1956.
1,~1KHELCi, '-ikhuil Nikolayevicl., ,.as!. ue,,*-,tc;,' nuuxi i tekhi.iki
:-~-SFSR, ~rof.; CHERKIMSKAYA, red.
[Oypsurr. linders and wall products "rop, "Ikrj g-ypsurr, of the
Dz!.Arimik (iopo~;it anri their tioe In i,ouL;in, ccnstruct! n 1r.
the Ku'unca Stejpf~ u~ the Altn~ ".errjtory~ Gip~jovye viazb,
~;~.chle i --t,,:~novye lAe'LiFi iz
'ki. v zl.i~i.,~hchnorr. s-ol.-ell-
stva v Ku.undirsko~ si-pi A.!~:i:-k(,,,o k-na. No.-.kvap Str,)i-
iz,iat, 19(v.. 56 p. (P.IRA 17:12)
KALIN IN , Vladimir Konstantinovich, kun(i. tekhri. rviuk- T-11KHAYLOV
Nikolay_ Mik~Mlovich, kand. *-ekhr.. nauk, DURANDIN, G.i~.,
re senzen ; GOVA, Ye.N., 4.nzh., retsenzent;
KRASKOVSKAYA, S.N., inzh., retsenzent; MiROVSKIY, Z.M.,
inzh., retnonzent; KALIKHOVICH, VA., 1rzh., retf3enzent;
RAKOV, V.A., red.
[Rolling stock of electric railroads] Eiektro-podvizhnoi
sootav zheleznykh dorog. lzu..~., X,~~3kva, Trans-
port, 1964. 498 p. ~MMA 18:1)
ArLU1.1j, ,i.
,y of irri[,,ated crops in the tra--is-;ol,, a ret. ion. Xoskva, Sel I khozf-iz,
cultural teclinolog-
. 115 r, -
5613 -1'45
ILuv, ~- 7.
Lvation of irrigation crops in the VolCa Valley. 2. izd. perr-r. i dop. :~',oskva, GOS.
ro sellkhoz. Lit-i-/, 1952. 161 p. (5h-22226)
! ..,,,5 1952
)z -~elyvan t, r-,> a er y1r: 1. 'K a I I tur
v P.) vol z I-,' e ~C,.il vL 11 i D n o f i r- r i e, I c r), L; . n e
P-)volzhle). 2 iz!. -03k-V;,, --)e' 'l-hoz.-iz,
3-): List if' 'Russian Accebsi).-,.s,
) M. N.
USSR (600)
irrigation Farming - Rostov rrovince
-Aan,lards and periods for irrigatin,', far,,:, crops -Ir ~4.osto%, ~'ruvince
\reco-Lr,end tions L)r 19')2). Dost. seI'K,'iOZ- No. ~,
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jarwziry -1953. Unclassified.
BITYUKOV, Konstantin Xuzlmich, starshty nauchnyy sotrudnik; MI LOT X.Hj
otarohLy nauchUy sotrudnik; PMVA, V.Ta.. starshiy lna-ac
sotrud.nik; KORETSHO, Ye.G.. rodaktor; PNVZNER, V.I., tekhnicheskiy
[The accumulation and the retention of moisture by soils] Nakoplenie
i ookhranenie vlagi v pochys. Izd. 2-oe, ispr. i dop. Moskva. Goo.
izd-vo solkhoz. lit-ry. 1956. 173 P. (MLRA 9:8)
1. Taeso"nyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy inotitut gidrotakhniki
i meliorataii (for Bityukov. Mikhaylov. Popova)
(Soil moisture)
MIKHAYLOvt M.N., prof.; TATIKl, L.N., inzh.
Synthetic and facade paints and their use. Stral. mat. 10
no.2j6-7 F 164. (MIRA 17:6)
MMIAYLII.., M. N., Cand Mod Sci -- (diss) "Clinical Picturf,- of
.,.. Y
Sialolithic Disease." Lon, 1957. 10 PP (Lon State Order of
Lenin Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians im S. M.
Ydrov) M, 50-57, 120)
- 36 -
UV -00,
Chemical composition of salivary calaull. Stomatologiia 36 ao.3:
43-46 My-Je '57. (KI,RA 10:9)
1. 1z Wadry khirurgichaskoy stomatolog$i (zav. - doteant P.T.
Neumov) Kslininskogo maditainakogo instituts (dir. - prof. R.I.
HiraYLOV. M.N.
lete results of treating salivary calculi. Stowtologiia )7 no.l:
48-49 Ja-y '58. (mw 11.,))
1. 1z kafodry khirurgicheakoy stometologii (zav. - dotsent P.V-Haumov)
Xlaininskogo meditainakogo Instituta (dir. - prof. R.I.Gavrilov)