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SC)ViI37-:@@i Changes in thc Prope rties of Chromic in gs k ont. ) mic rophotographs taken with laboratory - type and metallographit niik scopes. Phase ( ontents and the rnai4niturl( s of interna I st rt,s sus )I ( ( -,k c r, determined by X- ray analysis, photographing in an Ivensen - Ku rd@ @.inov cam- era with a 5-hour exposure and an inverse-exposure photographv %k:th rotj - tion of specimen and filmholder and an exposure of 3 hours. It is v-,lablishf-d that a deterioration of the surfa( e finish before chrorrie plating leads to j dv crease in M and an increase in porosit@ of CC. The parent substan( v of the article and its heat treatment ha%v no influent i- on tht- qkiahl@ ot . Polish- ing of CC produces an in( rease it Its P and a de( rease in M It sh,%kr. that a decrease in the intcrnal strussi-, m, ( ,C o( t u rs o ri po: I s h 11, (-,)1. - A v r a b I e s t r e s s v s oc c u r o n t h e s u r fa ( (- ki , t - r o f t h v in v t;j I I, r; ! h i - z o i: t - , I ! @, ( ontac t with the abras,,, e, wlij, h Ivjds to a fI S Su ring of CC ']nd trj n, rv,i in its P, Fissuring of CC rvsults ;r) a rvlease of internal stressf-s and f sequent decrease in M. At) in( rease in P and de( rease in M df-per-A to a greater extent on the temperatuiv of ( hrome plating, arriwint of thr @urplus removed, amount of cooling fluid, and the properties of the polishir-, d:sk and to a smaller extent on the t athode ( d during ( hrome piat..nv and thc method of machining. It is -,hov.-n that on polishing of ( hrome -plated Ind( h- ine parts the formation of polishing fissures is often observvd ur rit-, (,(,- Ori tempered and nitrated steel artIL IVS. It is noted that %kith a ,Tr@@ Card 2/3 S(A' I 1 7 Changes in the Propert.v-, ()f Chrornc Ort. obs(-rvan( e of j swl,tbli- jj,-Ii@h;r V p,m f-(I,,rt !I po,@:blc ation of SmAl fis-ur, Opt'lli'li pr-, parlS drv quotc(l. % r 7.. Card 3/ 3 KAK9M. N.A.; MIE21ATWV. A.A. Investigating the breaking of parts due to cracks caused by the grinding of chrome-plated surfaces. Trudy Sem.po kach.poverkh. no.4:204-210 159. (MIRA 13:9) (Grinding and polishing) AMr-., A M L ,I lo: IT14 @')Pl 7 - , . . . r.,- .., ri . a r '- @. c) r. I ,@, , . . .. I I D . - I 29867 u i,,) n i P.. e (- K i r. the el 1'e(IL On honin, Tr),. a.; 1 as *'hop- i:; 3 H(I Pit: mitteria, ); tion(-!; va.; '1@ :;o i rionir-@-, head `@as no effect on @'ini,-,h, I %ho i, h --or-ener-I zi@Ien a ---er@ain s, eed is r e e,-, -7@e C' C: roca'@ ln,@. mo@ ion al fectq t ?@r- a I *@y r) i n u r ".3 c e- r o u @,.: h ri e --i 6 t t: -7 i r f - s, V U oi. era -Lon The examina I on@; I i-ove(" r i 'n t M. I'; t '1. 1 -Lon @10M,'orlen"S 13 JL"'' 'L f, "V 4@ @ r! i.i ntc ltu-iinal iisl jl' tr@- tione 1/1() to I/L,. a r, rl.e f inish of c ro m I i m j, -j r o c) n n I @i. 0 A head in r, i rc M, bes t resij I., S @r@ 4 n. i n, r- v s r: 1'4- as !@o n i nl- a I i ov s t i nm - re i P7,u re s I S/C)8 62/C;C)C)/006/029/1 17 B 17 iyi,101 AUTHCRS: :@ikhayiov, A. A., TeKster, Ye. N. T:TLE: Trie uti.'izatior, of sod.',.;= h@pop.,._-spKate for the separation of thorium fzom cerium PERNDICAL: Referativn no. 6, @ yy zhurna.. i(himiya, ,962, ',24, abstract 6D52 (Tr. Le.-.'-ngr. tekhnol. in-ta im. Lensoveta, no. 55, 1961, 167-169) -7XT: -he d'stribution of Ce between solid and Iiqu@d phases has been 4- 1 1 1 investigated with the help of Ce144, in react-ons where a 1;) mixture of Th and Ce was precipitated from sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid solutions by Na2ii2P20,, used v:ith an excess of 150 Ce4+ was reduced to Ce ero I 2+ by hydrogen po xide before and after precipitation by the hypophosphate. It has been establis-ed that, if Ce 4+ s reduced before tre aadition of the precipitant, practically all Ce remains in sulfuric Card 1/2 3/06 1 /62/@OC,/006/029/11 7 The utilization of sodium ... B171/3101 acid solution, for concentrLtions of H2SID4rangin4S from 1.5 to 3.5 N, and in hydrochloric acid soluti:;n, for concentrations of HC1 oetween 2-5 and 4 N. Proceeding from the knowledLe of solubility of ThP 206 in acids, the authors assume that practica-ly all Th is in the solid phase. blethods have been worked out for the preparation of pure Na2H2P 206from red P. -Abstracter's note: Complete translation..' Car,, 212 GRUSHIFSKY, Nikolay -JKILLLfj'V) A.A., ret!-'erizent; BROVAh, V.V. , nauchn. re@' . ; ; LIKHACITVA L.V. , teyhn. red. (Theory of the figure of the uarth] Teoriia ficury Zer-i. Vo-;kva, Fizmatriz, --. 4,46 F. (MIRA 16:1@) (Earth--Fl jure) MIKIIAYLOV, A-4. - , z, I" ra -@ nc:n', I@curclj .-@j - -@, .1 E, , ce tf ttF, cf 'he Wes r In imTrcving Lh" u,,l--@za-,il-).-j ,f -( -ied sr,t-e*-q. t,c 7 ,, I J, Go s,nau ch. -iss --. ing L.r I nc, . . 3 j 1 1)4. @ miIA 37--iC) 1) 13 og 10, In irl,9t. naunh. I :_ " IV .4 1 . - -- - ACC NRI AP6028764 SOURCE CODE: UR/0033/66/043/004/0705/0707 AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, A. A. ORG: Main Astronomical Observatory, Academy of Sciences SSSF (Glavnaya astronomiches- kaya observatoriya Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: The total solar eclipse band of 22 September 1968 SOURCE: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, v. 43, no. 4, 1966, 705-707 TOPIC TAGS: eclipse, solar eclipse -ABSTRACT: Data are presented on the central line and the band of total solar eclipse which will take place on 22 September 1960. The lunar shadow will enter the earth near Severnaya Zemlya and then move across the Kara Sea slightly to the north of the Yamal Peninsula entering the mainland at the Yugorsk Peninsula. Here, the band of the total eclipse will have a width of 90 km. The town of Vorkuta will remain within the band at its extreme eastern boundary. The lunar shadow will move south almost along the 62- -640 meridians of eastern longitude. The height of the sun at the moment of the cen- .tral eclipse will increase as will the duration of the total phase. The maximum height of 180.7 and a duration of 42.7 sec will be achieved at a latitude of 55-500 in the Kurgan region. Moving to the southeast the shadow will pass over the Kazakh SSR, in- tersect the southwest tip of the Balkash Lake and pass to the north of Alma-Ata. Then UDC: 521.82 Card 1/2- ACC NRj AP6028784 it will bear to the east and enter northern China where it will leave th3 earth slight- ly to the north of Lake Lobnor. This entire path with a length of approximately 6150 km will be traveled by the lunar shadow during a period of 69 min with an average ve- locity of 1.48 km/sec. A table is presented showing railroad stations close to the line of central eclipse. A second table shows the geographical coordinates and other data for the central line computed on the basis of information contained in the USSR Astronomy Yearbook for 1968. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. *SUB CODE: 03/ SUBM DATE: 24Feb66 Cord "'VICC M AP602BIL95 SOURCE CODES UiVOOM661032/006/UM10738 AMM Mikharlovo A. A. OROS None TITLEs Accelerated determination of endurance Unit of calvagized steel SOURCE: Zavedskaya laboratoriya, v. 32, no. 6, 1966, 7%-738 TOPIC TAGSs mechanical fatigue, fatigue strength. fatigue testfalloy steel 3MQM%# 3MG%, 2MhN3A, 40DOM, 65141, 3MM alloy steel opiaT SrMA. A" SAW -4",4 3 r6f A. 3fffeC ABSTRACTs An expeditious method of testing various galvanized specimens of alloy steel f6r a mechanical fatigue in described. The method is baced on the construction of S-Z1 curves from data obtained by testing 2 sets of samples for ultimate strength. The first.. set (2 or 3 samples) is submitted to rupture at the number of cycles hirher than 200,000 cycles, while the rupture for the second set takes place at the number lover than 200,000 cydles. The test data are plotted on a diagram and -,;hoir upper and lover limits ars codnected by a straight line. By using this line, it in easy to determine the ultimate strength for 200,000 cycles. The fatigue or endu:Lmme 11-It can be calculated by sub- tracting 6 kgf/oq mm from the value of ultimate strength given In the diagram. The can- Btruction of curves for 3MGSAP 3CKhGSUl 650, 2OKhN3A and 400M steels in Wwwn in a diagram. The use of this diagram and the calculation of the endurance limit is explained4- Card 112 UWs 620.178.3 ACC NRs AP6026195 The difference in values obtained by this method and by regular toots does not exceed .6.3%, as it is shown in a table. Thin table also shows the endurance Units and the data on electrolytes and coatings for the tested ateelse A 3MA steel is also Inobided 'in the table*. Orige qwt. bass 1 diagiamt I tableo ' ' CODE$ SUB IV . S= DMs None/ OBM-MW8 002/ . _ @x 6 Cad R/2, MIKHAYLOV, A.A. Jubilee seBs1cm dedicated to the 400th ar-,riversary -.f aaiilec Galilei's birth. Vest. AN SSSR 34 nr).601 Je 164 (MIRA l7tP) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR. :-1 19363-66 XWTM OW ACCESSION f, AP50256il MR UR/0033/65/642/00/1062/1066, 523,30 to AUT11OR1 Mikkayloy. A. A TITLE: Gravity'and the aims of the moon SOURCE: Astronomicheekly zhurnal, v. 42, no. 5, 1965, 1062-1066 TOPIC TAGS: 'planetary astronomy, lunar gravity, lunar motion, lunar topog raphy. planetary satellite, moon, libration ABSTRACr: Since the shape of the moon is not in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium corresponding to its present speed of rotation, ClaLraut*s theorem cannot be applitd. .A :for. deriving, the normal gravity on the lunar surface. Owing to its low density of 3.34 g/cM3. the moon.MaY, howeverP be regarded as fairly homogeneous. Consequently-a@' it is possible to use formulas for determining the attraction of a 6womeous d#qcid pi of small eccentricity having the constants GH - 4902866 x 106, mean radius 1738.'0 ka.. and difference of semiaxes as derived-from physical-libration. Three solutions fo,-,-- -.-.,different values of the libration constant f,are obtained, and the formulas for ..%@normal, gravity on the surface. 6 f the @'correspondlng ellipsoid are derived. The _@oflle of the lunar u disk to domp ted by madi M_i 6f AdudAs equation representing' t@i face of the moon to the. fourth harmonic. @,-The oroblen concerning the, mn @epsarudirl x 19363-66 APS025621 the outer gravitational field of the moon could be solved very exactly by putting an artificial satellite around the.moon, which would have-sufficiently stable motio ta d uld be observed from the earth.. Oi-ig. art. has:; 2 formulas i and I figure. an co ASSOCIATION: Glavnaya astronomicheakaya observatoriji-4kademil iiauk SSSR (Hain Astronomical Observatogg Acads!ji,of,,Sclencft@j SUBMITTRD: O&jun65 --.Rkmr -'00 SUB OODE: No ItSF Sovi- D PRESS41f/0 AT p - F: 2/1 YIKHAYLOV, Aliqksandr Danilovich polkovnik; YEMELIYANOV, V.T., polkovnik, j@__ _A--1 red. , KRA8AVIS , A-, tekhn. red. [Airborne troops; based on materials in the foreign press]Voz- dushnye desanty; po materialam inostrannoi pechati. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1962. 138 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Airborne troops) (United States--Army) HI, /,111 A ", . Vibrating closing device for trench conveyers. Ayt. dor. 21 no.l: ?7-28 Ja '58. (MIRA 11*1) (Conveying machinery) MIKHAYLOV, A.D., inzh. Mechanizing the digging of drainage ditches. Mekh.stroi. 19 no-3-21-22 Kr '62. (MIRA 15:3) (Excavating machinery) MIKRAYLOV, A.D., lnzh. Automatic batcher wIth dlBcharge conveyor. Avt.dor. 25 no.12:25 D 162. (MIRA 1612) (Proportioning equipment) G,j;, I-: I" ; K, 'i , A. A. ; , V, " . @', ; @' I r,@! ',Yi,(;V ,!@ I . ;I -@. @-' E; f ;:, " , I . r . Mold 'e a.,: i t-@- ri r@', i A v@. - - n, . , J, @ I '--r' .'i ', .. i'l.;,A 118:4) REKUNCV, N.A.; @ffKHAYLOV, A.D.; DOMOKURCV, I.A.; NAZMUTDINOV, R.Sh.; IGTISHMN, I.A. SKS-8-59K seismic velority logging station. Geofiz. razved. no.3:104- 101) 161. (MIRA P12) SHISHLYAKOV, A.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; MIKHAYLOV, A.F., insh.; KRAMOV, lu.A., insh. Schematic of a pulse track circuit usIng rails with concrete ties. Avtom, telem. i sviazl ? no.2:5-7 F 163. (14IRA 1613) (Rallroado--Signaling) MIKHAIWVP A.F., kapitan meditsinskoy sluzhby Some gastroscopic data on patients with functional disorders of the stomach and chronic gastritis. Voen.-med. zhur. no.6:76 Je ,61. (MIRA 14:8) (GASTROSCOPY) (S T014ACH-D IS EASES) 14%MYLOV, A.F., kapitan meditaingkoy aluzhby Etiology and course of chronic gaBtritis. Voen.-med, zhur, no.11:70 N 161. (miRA 15-6'. (STOMACII-INKAMATIO14) i.-Y Y -rya@. up: a., d lased Q,r. r'li j ir I Ay F. 't- 3 163 (WHA NIIIHATWV, A. F. New legislation on inventions. Avtom.teleta.1 eviaz' I no-10: 14-15 0 159. (MIRA 1):2) 1. Spetsialist %uchno-tekhnicheskogo soveta Ministorstva putay soobahchenlya. (Patent laws and legislation) MIKHAYWV, A.F. How to aprply for a cert if icate of invention. Avtom., telem.i sviaz' 4 no.4:15-18 AP 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Spetsialiet Sauchno-telchnicheekogo soveta Hinistererva putey a oobshc hen iya. (Patent law) MIKHAYLOV, A.F. Premiums and bonus payments to inventors and efficiency experts. Avtom., telem.i sviazl 6 no.8:22-23 Ag 162. (MM 15-8) 1. Spetsialist Nauchno-takhnichaskogo soveta Miniaterstva putey soobehohenlya. (Tookinological innovations) I r - - - I I . . I SHISELYAKOV, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; MIKHAYWVI.,IkF., inzh.; KRAVTSOV, Yu.A., ',nzh.; OKORKOV, V.A., inzh.; REMESH, V.V., inzh. Operation of pulge-ty-pe track circuits on tracks with reinforced concrete ties. Avtom., telem. i sviazl 7 no.7.-4-7 Jj 163. (MIRA 16:10) "I r I , 'T:1 . @@7 'k . V. , kPird I o4,hn rim A , :1 F , in7h. ; KRAVTS( V, Y .. A . , & S -, i :- q ' t I f,. a 1 -1 .9 J q -, f11,ow -,- .I -:-LLI t In -i-i- cf n lainaged rail. Vs!rit. 1, 1 I 11111 141") -.2 n-,. 7 '-, ..-! (@URA 1-@ R r.a,lyr., nlrdasti). H @'EF ':j 'CAL: Dnklarly V1 `hl _-MACT: 711t. mal I'li -it- v -t ly -,prPad ir 't.e afnre- .gaid rpg',on, as well as 1: ',i L- M F-!t.!,ry 'If Kc.ryak. Ty.elr stratit:ra,-@ y, hnw-ft-r, @ -1t,ir i. -Ay in recer t years. @,ach new is tv re t' '.; i , r'. a, it- t, T, I f3 c- c r) nd a,j t r.r r jin -3 t,l, j t j - f' tj f,qe 7,(- 1 irl)# e Po nto ne ic ric, j r t a @ T,.,7 ;t rif I p t a - x -!ar t q , ar t y (- f f ns s i I--. . ','hf- lat wcrp , ' i f i rq t. a . t.t ,r -, 1 t,-;at i,,r) ., I' 1@i.t. ;if,)rt._.sll id r@, i T -@ *,.a i r 1: :1 @1- .f, 11 6, r rt x# is r,@t!.ur rDmplica- t, devon-, carb-n-, and p-@rm gediyperts. Thpy f-r- a ar.f. 1I. I r, ri i-- t,: -EcLs i,x ',e n,@ inr.. Tl,f: cre- 1,!i 1" 1 ank@, -i:-; y a wrapper ,f aln,,gt )r i z, L r i,irj c, i mo, r ts 1A - _Lan t f'Lank tl,(- pa '?, I- , ,',!i I:*,- , , , - i,y Apt,_'l 11 . 111 (! ipper r@ta(@e, .,i 1@-j s itt. It @, ,ur-;Neet @fflylediate- lly -n th,@ f-arl,-,r a-(! :Jr. ;prm r,.rKs, wit@, a vast discc-r- .ar-i !ar, r, - a r lia-e rl: _E-as% aT rl OL-'-)3 +he StratiL;ra;@iiy @'rj-r '_'reta-- J-,rectll-@@r,. j,--r 3 per" I L t n s L:-j,p. -f -@f- if F '@e entrance -C area @i rIVI-r A-ytin, a:.r@ I r t, -)f tI;e ?-ntene ic mr, i r t, a i rp r, rr. F @J, i i a r fa,: a! r .7t: ,. 6irai c-)nd`tJors it may @,C- r, r LI Fj t, .9 el e - @.s f ec@ ,ther, orcur i ia"t 1@ W11", @r,, -I + 1, "ir, -1yani-.41 I te Thf, seqi.i2nce nf r -c k,; / f r-.rr. w r t,r 11 Ls : I -4&,g a I c-rg_'nm,,-raIF@s wi tli -rart-b- a.kl! r'LO.-,@ -to-IUS fr-,:p 6ra,i@d' -rites, paj(--rjr ar[VlIIt.Ps, i. .-. (Z-7), ', ) .9ma.11 layers sar,-iFtx-.-, w,@t@ art;yLlit,- -_r:xt- limp c,rit rpt,.-ns, c-jrtai- ning rr c f . s p i ni Tr I.C,.-!da ex gr iutnvalis , Lopa- -71 IR, 77a-r, t ly tinia karrts'.a+,4 c a, @(.i 1 r@T_Va 3 1@ - I TI-agerep,7ei ar-e@-Ilil.eq wi@'- ' I i ri7 r r r@ 1@ a j r i r 3r ah ma i te 9 brahma, i-mp "w pecips -f ',n.:cer;%77u3) !jy a C, I' ; 1 . 0 . 717 M_ 17 7- Iayerq -rtaining Ir,r)cerarr,,.- .-w 9,,;r-r4eq@, -j-L@ rl@,i 11"'- Fecter, (Entolium) Sp. and Gastropoden. (LL@() M). Liel-ridstones -mItI. siIgiitIy--RTage_ne_s_I-z_eff_ i,,.tcrt,E.!ded arallites and _,rar-jrailes cf. visnnu, a-- well as contai- Card 2/4 ning several new Innceramus species 7'j5o). The total tnickness of On the Stratigraphy of' the Upper I@retaceous @)I* the Kamcl,atka-,inadyr 20-3--`3A6 Region. tt,.e suite is determined wiLr, 3oc, m. The lcwer part Df the saite can be ciassi-fied witt, Cognaciae and Santoniae. In connection with the stratigraphically close vicinity of Kosmaticeras and irahmaites, a correction of' the evolution scheme of the famjiy Kossmaticeridae (according to Matsumoto) shall t)e necessary. Tile layers with Kossman ticeras are apparentiy younger and those containing Brahmaites are Yf_)parently older tf,an this author assumen. The fauna-7-7EFe-sedi, ments of the Pontoneic mountains is curious in spite of its correla- tion with the neighboured mountains (except Trigonien, some Inoce- ramen and Paraileiodon). The Tikhlyavayam suite is supposed to belong to the Orochen series of Sakhalin synchron. 2 conglomerate masses were found in the sediments of the Last shore of the bay of Penzhins, kaya Guba. The considerable thickness of the Dasaltic conglomerates of the siite concerned and the existence of large rolling stones and blocks points out that Lne Pontoneic mountains in the Senon Age have formed a part of the archipelagos to which the sea pushed forward. Thus the Upper Cretaceous transL;ression began in trie 3enoman, in- creased t.-radually and attained its vatest expansion in the '@'enon. Tt asstimed triat tre penetration of granodiorit-Intrusiorls; is Card 3/ may oe On the Stratigraphy of the Uprwr Sretaceous of t,@.e 2o-3-33/L6 Kamcnatka--Anadyr Region. correlated with the pre-cretaceous-phase of th,, fold (of strata). ASSOC IAT ION.' All-Union Scleeific Research InatIttrte forGeology.North-Sastern G,gdogicalAzhtdatmtim(Vsesoy-uznyy nauchno-issiedovatellskiy geolom gicheakiy inst itut . Severo-vostochnoye geologicheskoye upravleniye). PRESENTED: February 2, 1957, by D. V. NaliTkiA Academician. SUBMITTED: December 19, 1956. AVATLABLE: Library of Con@:ress. Card 4/4 MIKFAYLOV, ii.F._ Ct.romium spine"lid! of Ptnzhina Lsi5trict. Trudy VSEGEI 60: 1 ' J -I f", 1@1. (MII(A 15:-) (Pen7hina District-Spinel group) MIKHAYDOV, A.F. Geologicai and pel.rologif-al characteristics of ultrabasites and ultrabasite breccia in the eouthwestern part of the Penzhina Range. Trudy VSEGEI 73:111-13-@ 162@ (MIRA 15:9) (Penzhina Range--Ultrabasite) (Penzhina Range-Ereccia) I-KHATLOVO A.F., inzh.j KRAVSTSOV, Yu.A. Xnalyzing the c-3rtrol operations in the circuit track. 7est. TRIll MPS 21 n(-,.8t46-1.? 164 4HRA 1812) MIKRAYLOV: A.GJ@deceasedj; MIKHAYLOV, S.S. (Leningrad, K-9v 149noy pr.9 4 kv. Distribution of the myelinated nerve fibers in the roota of the lumbar and saoral segments of the spinal cord. Arkh. anat. gist.i embr. 38 no.1:75-82 Ja '60. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Kafedra operativnoy khirurgil(nachallnik - chlen-korreepondent AMN SSSR prof.A.N.Maksimenkov) Voyenno-meditsinfikoy ordena Leninn akademii im. S.M.Kirova. (SPINAL CORD) MUCH LOV, A. G. Lowering pipelines to the bottom of the ocean. Strot. truboprov. 5 no.901 3 160. (MIRA 13:9) (United 3tutes-Pipelinco) I MIKHAYLOVI A.Giq Gluing pipes instead of welding. Stroi. truboprov. 6 no. 1:32 3 of cover Ja 161. (MIRA 14:2) (United States-Pipelines) BUYANOV, Yu.D,, kand.tekhn.nauk; Prin_@mali uchastiyet A G., prof doktor tekhn.nauk; URALISKIY,JB.P., kand.geo .-miner na ; URENKO$,4', I.N. , gornry tekhnik Using lacrustine-glacial (sub-Burface) clays and clayey soils at the quarry of the Odintsovo brick plant. Sbor. trqd. 41I%Helezobetona no.7tl64-177 162. F (MRA 161l) (Odintsovo rpgIon (Moscow Provinco)--Clay) "L ir f JiAYU'V, A.@. Foreign @ecnn-,.ck@y; !.t@ at-ni75 -, :- ". e3 . . . -- :- . . r - . : 33 JI .I*$ i4ose 90*0 00 0 - - H i It 0 0 "t 0 1 WL 00 A 01, 11 0. 0. " Q a) fj@ a CL-" a -A it-" IL A- 1 -0 so 00 Rectification fiad coaciratratiOG Of IIIIIAOILK gcfl If 00 %IJ6jfw4vv. / fpidems.-i -00 0 1 @' .' k 111, .44 l) If@ Udtll,,.OU bility 01 rUgI4431.111111 its V410-Al- ft9A VUL11- allage thtwid. (IiAk-1pit. :0 -ligh. it) iidts ut .... fflr ..w my. ,, 6atille I'll .1", pruirlif of ppill &fill 4 5% allmolan 1, k-I e ARKIl"ll'. kmi. to k-. A 32-65/'D will 1-1, k. I. o by .*'hu.6 ch@ pi'l 6 M k zoo 00 r go .401 v Joe of V k, 41TALLIAGIC.1, (IT11#01,411 CL&IIWKAI#ag. @U4 T-u o 0 'o I, I It op a a a R Is R It 49 11 1 1. S. it 0 0 r: o o 0 o o * o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o", - JL .0 * 040000 go* 0 o 0 * I 0 00 of 0 0 * 0 O.R,p # 0-1" -0 A 0 ANDZHAPARrDZE. O.G.; DURASOVA. M.N., MMOVA, Z.F.; KIKHATWV,A.I.. MOSKVICMWA. N.V.; PONOMARWA.N.A. Investigations of the concentration andpietfication of serum against encephalitis. Zhur.nikrobiol.opid. i imimn. no.5:20-23. MY 155. (KIRA 8:7) 1. Is Gosudarstvennogo kontrollnogo inst."uta isteni Turaaevicha (dir. S.I. Didenko) I Moskovskogo Institut& vaktsin I aryorotak Iment Mechnikova (dir. A.P. Mazychanko) (WEPRALITIS, XPIDWrC, prevention &M control. imnine serums. concentration& pmrification) (IMMUNE SZRM, anti-ecephalitis, concentration & purification) KDIHATLOV, A.I.; ROGOZINA. Te.N. Iffect of phenol and temerature in thermal denaturation on the purification and concentration of antitoxic sera using the method of enzymatic hydrolysis. Zhur.mikrobiol.. epid. i immun. 27 no.8: 83-87 Ag 156. (14LRA 9:10) 1. Iz Moskovaicogo Inatituta vaktain i eyvorotok Imeni I.I.Nachnikova. DGfM SSRU145. off. of phenol & of temperature in thermal denaturation on purification & antitoxic properties in fermentative hydrolysis (Rua)) (PHENOLS. effects, on immun serum antitoxic properties in fermentative hydrolysis (Rua)) MIKRATIA)V, A.I.-. -liABORDINA, D.A. [deceased] Methods for the purification and conr!-ntration of antitoxic 9ei-ime; on the 50th anniversary of Russian investigations. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid.1 imnmn. 30 no.10i85-90 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz Koskovsk-ogo institute, vaktsln i syvorotok Imeni Mechnikova. (IMMM SERU14S chem. ) V MOIII OV G. S.; @4RAYLOV ASTAKHOIA, L.Ye. Effect of chlortetracycline and c(.rtiro,-.e cr- w,e c*,.olesterol level of the blood serum in patients with acute bacillary dysentery. Antibiotiki 7 no.7:636-638 J1162. (1-',IRA 16:10) 1. Kafedra infektsionnykh boleznoy (nachallrik - prof. P.A. Alisov) Voyenno-neditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademil imeni S.M.Kiro-a. (GHT.CRTETRACYCLUIE) (CORTISOI'.E) (CHOIESTEROL) (DYSETITM) I A I'n-At. AWTUVE112(m) tin) o(&=W/ZFF!sQ-*1EWG(-) ZPWJ A160- JD/ft- It- - 0600302 -ftsi -- @ uA/oitd-766, AUTHOR: MikhUlovo A* I*; Kalinin,, No No; Drayteerp Go Ae ORG& Aviation Institute Ime Serxo Ordzhoulkidmi-Mbscow (Avistalonnyy inshtut) 2-), Y9 rr TITLE: Investigation of heat transferin alongitudinal flow of air around a staggered tube b9& SOURCE: Inshenerno-fizicbeskly zhurnal, v, 10, no, 1. 19660 22 TOPIC TAGS: oonvWive beat transfer, gas flow, boundary layer theory, heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer ABSTRACT: The article gives the results of an Investigation of beat transfer In alongitudinal flow of air around a staggered tube bank with a relative' tube spacing of s/d equal to 102, with beating and cooling of the air# Experimental Section No* I (boating) consisted of 19 tubes 11 * 0*01 mm In diameter and with a wall thickness of o.65 t o.oi mm. Haot-transfar coefficients were measured In a previoualy determined section.with a stabilized flow of air; length of the section was 800 The temperature of the tube wall& was measured at the beginning. In the @middle, and at the and of the experimental seotione The amount-of heat Acc Nits AP6003582 0 evolved In'the experimental section was determined from the change In the beat content of the air* Construction of the cooling section (No,2) was snalogoui to that of the beating'seationo The'experimental sections were placed vertically, In Section 1. the air flowed upwards,, and In Section 2. domwards, so that In both cases the direction of free and roroad convection ooincidedo It was found that in the turbulent region the experixental data are, on the average, 12% higber.then according to the formula of Mikheyev for tubost Nu. -- 0.0 1 ORO.". (3), rmatnent of the experimental data with respect to the mean temperature of the boundary layer shows that the data are, on the average, 11%. higher than according to the Weisman formula: 06 1/3 Nuj=(0.026s/d-0.006)ReP Pri taking Into account the dependence or heat transfer In staggered tube )anks' on the spacing. The experimental data for cooling# with Ron )' 3 x 10% can be correlated by the formula: INU. 0.0206Re,;' (5) 2% higher than the data for beatInge OrIgo and-are, on the average, art* has: 5 formulas and 2 f1gurese (061 SUB COM 20 SM DATE: 29ftr65/ ORIG RV-. 004/ OTH REFt 005 KAZtd4SKIY, G.S.; MIKFAYLOVg A.I.; MYZNIKOV, K.P.; TSAHJMKOV, A.P. [Methods for changing the duration of the imteraction between the beam and the target in a synchrophasotron at 10 Bev] Metody lzmeneniia dlitellnosti vzairodeistviia puchka s mishenliu v sinkhrofazotrone na 10 Bev. Dubna, ObOedinennyi in-t iadernykh issl., 1961. 17 p. (MIRA .15:1) (S"chrotron) (Protons) S/12o/62/000/005/002/036 E032/E314 AUTHORS: Kazanskiy, G.S., Mikhaylov1jk.X,.. Myznikov, K.P. and Tsar enkov, A. P. TITLE: Methods of varying the time of interaction of the beam with the target in the 10 GeV proton synchrotron PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 5. 1962, 19 - 24 TEXT: Experiments designed for the proton synchrotron at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Studies require the availability of secondary-particle pulses of different lengths. Secondary particles are produced by bombarding an interna 'I target and the time of interaction of the beam with the target determines the length of the secondary-particle puls'e. The authors give in this paper a brief summary of the various methods used to al@er the beam-target time of interaction. The methods for increasing the time of interaction are as follows: 1) resonance build-up of oscillations in which the resonance is excited artificially by modulating the accelerating voltage in such a way that the particles leave the phase-stability region. Particles leaving Card 1/3 1 S/120/62/000/005/002/036 Methods of varying .... EO 3 2/ E3 14 the acceleration process are deflected by the variable magnetic field onto the target and the time of interaction with the target is adjusted by adjusting the modulation amplitude. In this way, the length of the secondary-particle pulses can be increased to 250 ms. 2) Slow reduction in the amplitude of the accelerating voltage. This method is also based on the removal of the accelerated particles from synchronism by reducing the region of phase stability. The method has been discussed theoretically by V.I. Kotov and L.L. Sabsovich (PTE, 1957, no. 6, ig). However, an empirical approach was found to be more suitable. 3) Slow variation in the frequency of the accelerating voltage. A change in this frequency produces a change in the radius of the equilibrium orbit. This effect has been considered theoretically by M.S. Rabinovich (Tr. FIAN SSSR. 1958, 10, 23). The rate at which the beam is displaced onto the target is proportional to the rate of change in the frequency. Linear variation in the frequency was found to be inadequate and a special feedback system which controls the relation between the frequency and the magnetic field was developed, using the radial beam- position indicator reported by F.A. Vodoplyanov et al Card 2/3 s/i2o/62/000/005/002/036 Methods of varying .... F,032/E314 (Proceedings of the International Conference on High Energy Accelerators and Instrumentation, CERN, Geneva, 1959). The methods used to reduce the beam-target interaction time were as follows: a) reduction in the radial dimensions of the beam during the acceleration process. In this method the width of the beam was reduced by slowly varying the froquency of the accelera- ting voltage; b) instantaneous change in the phase of the accelerating voltage. Here, the time of interaction was reduced by increasing the rate of displacement of instantaneous equilibrium orbits; c) rapid variation in the frequency of the accelerating voltage. This method has the considerable advantage that it gives rise to very little change in the output intensity (low particle losses). With a frequency variation of 1.8 Mc/s/s, the time of interaction can be reduced to 2 jis. This corresponds to the interception of 70% of the original beam by the target. There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: Ob4yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute for Nuclear Studies) 5UBMITTED: December 9, 1961 Card 3/3 S/05 62/043/003/039/063 BlOBYB102 AUTHORS's Gorshkov, V. G., Mikhaylov, A. 1. TITLz,s Angular distribution of photoelectrons from the K shell PLRIODICALt Zhurnal ekbperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 45, no. 5(9), 1962, 991 - 1004 TOXTi The K shell photoelectron angular distrioution is calculated using a'power ex pansion in uZ as the electron wave function in the Coulomb field (V. G. Gorshkoy, ZhETF, 40, 1481, 1961). Further, the matrix el@ment is expanded i'ri terins of @ - maZ. The effect of screening on the K @Iectron wave function can be taken into account by substituting z eff , Z - 0.3 for Z. This is not done here since the correction would be beyond the accuracy of measurement. The angular cistribution is 1 (0, Cos' (p) = aaldQ = (aZ)2 M (F + naZG + (aZ)Iffj, @,27@ M = (29)1 apE 2 N'bN', 1@�o-)IC12 8PImk 4nmpI MbNsp (a)IE is, (28) A -d bo (M)i - ' EIV I bo Cos 0 = yk Coe (P (PC), , 'VI 2ne Card 1/3 Pk e sin' 0 P - e-JAC . S/05 62/043/00/039/06@ Angular distribution of ... JlOBYB102 n@/21,( 1 2 2r+1 2 where N - e Nb (2,j) ( 1+ )1bRV(2r-t 1)t ( 1 .,1 P2 2 112 2 2 2 2 (1-a z ) , a - 1 -)-. so q + i, , b 0 k P. i 'd , q - k (a 0/ /b 0) if 7*1.a0/b0)" exp(-J@paZ/k)exp(-Pn). The expression for the second correction of the orcer (CZ) 2 in Sauter's formula cannot be represented in analjtical form unless it is expanded in a series of a new parameter. For forward scattering, expansion of the matrix element with respect to-r, yields 1(0)= 'I = (,Z)' MR (F, + %.ZG, + nat"G.), (50) dfl __, F, = x, -L)' + 4 (1 - J11 In q2 2k P 2kp q 'n' G, = 2 Re (-r, + -r.) v; (I - -i)[I +.-L Re -r, -2 (1 In ' )Im -r,j (52) 2k P 2kp q 97 'n' 2 Re r,v', = 1.47 (1 - q ) * (53) t2t -P Card 2/5 S/05 62/043/003/039/063 Ar.gular distribution of ... BIOBV02 where R - 2k5 E4/m5p2q4, h - P+k. The -i's are the expansion 'coefficients. The quantity usaally measured is the ratio 4 (k,Z,Q max) . 1(0)/1 max . The calculated ratio is in good agreement with experimental data. This is due partly to the fact that the errors in Eq. (27) and in @,q. (50) cancel out. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATIONi Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. loffe Akademii nauk SSSR (Phyaicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. loffe of the Acadev of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDs April 2, 1962 Card 3/5 45137 5/089/63/014/002/003/019 J B102/B186 AUTHORSt Kazanskiy, G. S., Kuznetsov, A. B.,-Mikhaylov, A. I., Rubin, N. B., Tearenkov, A. P. TITLEt Investigation of the beam formation of accelerated particles in the proton-synchrotron by means of induction electrodes PERIODICALz Atomnaya energiya, v. 14, no. 2, 1963, 153 - 158 TEXTt The beam formation process in the first stage of acceleration at the proton-synchrotron of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh iseledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Reaearch) in Dubna was studied with the help of electrostatic signal electrodes (Vodoplya"nov, Kuzmin, et al., Proc. Intern. Conf. High-Energy Accelerators and Instrumentation, CERN,.Geneva 1959, P. 470, 4771 Kazanskiy et al., Preprint Mal, B-50-819, Dubna, 19@0- These electrodes are broad copper plates arranged tq form two systems on either side of the beam. The plates of one system are arranged symmetri- cally to the mid-plane of the ma@net (vertical electrodes), and those of the other perpendicular thereto radial electrodes). The signal V(T) in- duced in the vertical electrodes is proportional to the change in the #4 Card 1/4 J 5/089/63/014/002/003/019 Investigation of the beam ... B102/B186 azimuthal charge density in the flying buncho V(y)=-, iLL I 2n, where 1 is C n the electric length of the electrodes, C the capacitance of the plates relative to the earth, and R the perimeter of tne equilibrium orbit. V(;) is led to an integrator which yields V mean . L,/nC, , being the charge pf the accelerated bunch. For the proton-synchrotron of the OIYaI the sensi- tivity of the vertical electrodes, a - C/el' was 1-10 12 protons/v; n - 208 M, I - 0.5 m, C - 400@-@@f- If the output voltarge V out (cf. Fig. 1) is measured and the amplification factor K is known, the number of protons in the bunch, N - V out a/K, is determined. The signal U(;) of the radial electrodes records the horizontal deviation of the beam from the equi- librium radius; the radial sensitivity is 2@/cm. The electrode installa- tion has a pass band of 0.1 - 3 Mc which allows a distortion-free recording of V(P) and U(q) and their amplitude modulation. A consideration of the motion of thE p3rticles along the phase trajeatories taking account of the free oscillations shows that the amplitude structure of the beam must be ob- served during 1CO - 150 ,sec after the switching-on of the accelerating voltage; the beam formation takes place during the first 1 - 1.5 mseo. The Card 2/4 5/089/63/014/002/003/019 Investigation of the beam... B102/B186 rsidial phase oscillations of the beam are accompanied by the oscill3tions of the azimuthal density with the frequencies i@ and 2L., where S1 is the angular frequency of the phase oacillotiona. The amplitudes of these oscillations depend ont,11/b, t,14 being the initial energy spread and b the radial separatrix half-dimension. If AlAlb - 1, the oacill.tion with the frequency ?-I' vanishes; if tM/b4