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L 2'V130-66 EWP(k)/EWTW/T/EWP[t)/EY ACC NR- AP6012266 Q4) SOURCE CODE: UR/0114/65/000/011/0007/0009 AUTHOR: Kuznotsovp Ye. Fo (Engineer); Mash R. I.jEngineer); Shakhno-vlch, is Ye, (Engineer) ORG: none ITITLE: Oil coolerktmade of tubes with low spiral fins F SOURCE: Energomasbinostroyenlyesi/noo 11, 1965, 7-9 TOPIC TAGS: beat transfer, hydraulic resistance, cooling ABSTRACT: The article reports the results of an investigation of beat transfer and hydraulic resistance in experimental and industrial oil coolers with tubes equipped with low spiral fins. The experimental-oil cooler had a cooling surface of 2-465 square meters. It was arranged for transverse flow past the oil tubes, and consisted of 72 steel tubes with a diameter of 22 X 3 and a length of 250 mm. The tubes had outside spiral fins, turned on a latheo 16 rows of tubes were located in a housing with a rectangular cross section; the spacing against the flow was 24 mm, and with the flow 20 mm. The Industrial oil cooler had a cooling surface of 10-4 square meters and was made of brass tubes with a diameter of 14 x 1.5; the tubes also bad outside spiral fins. card 1/2 UDC: 62-71:621.892.098 L 29730-66 ACC NR- AP6012266 Measurements were made of the temperature and the pressure of the heat transfer medium at the inlet and the outlet of the oil cooler, as well as of the flow rate of the host transfer medium. Experimental results are exhibited in a series of curves which include diagrammatic sketches of the equipment. The overall results of tests on finned tubes and comparison with tests on smooth tubes indicated that tubes with low spiral fins permit a considerable increase in the compactness of the equipment and a significant decrease in the use of metal in their fabrication& Origo art6 has: 3 figures and 1 table. 3U13 CODEtt3,20/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 001 2 6C, 14ESH 1 YA. YE. "A Case of Electrotrau-pn C-su-Sinp- th- Deeth of the Fetusll, Akueher i Gintol, No. 2, 1949. Women's Consulation, I&kBehevo, -clg4g-. 157SH, Ya. Ye - Ghorion - Tixiors Case of ecto dc c*-o?---o--:,,uit-el ioma, Ak-is*- . _i . F .~ n . 17,0 . I -, !::2. I s. SO: Monlhly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, !arch 194, Uncl. I MESH, _YAJO. Abortion and labor through a uterovaginal fistula. Akush. i gin. 35 no-3:113-114 MY-Je '59. (MM 12: 8) 1. Iz akushersko-ginekologicheakogo otdeleniya Dorozhnoy bol'nitsy L'vovskoy zheleznoy dorogi. (ABORTION expulsion of uterine contents through uterine- vaginal fistula (Run)) (DNLIVMiY of fetus throngb uterine-vaginal fistula (Rue)') (UTERUS. fistula uterine-vaginal. abortion & delivery through fistula (Rue)) (VILGINA, f istula same) MESIUKIII'S. Speed up construction of grain storages in Krasnoyarsk Territory~ 14Uk.-elOV.Drom.21 no.8:29-30 Jl EA91 155. (mLRA 8;12) 1. Ministerstvo zagotovok (Krasnoyarsk Territory--Granaries) MESHAKIN, S. Ya . [Manual or, problems of labor and wages for workers in the system of the Ministry of Grain Products) Spravochnik po voproaam truda I zarabotnoi platy dlia rabotnikov sistemy Kinisteratva khlebcqjroduktov. K3akva, Khleboizdat. 1956. 259 p. (HLRA 10-4) (Iabor and laboring classes) (Wages) KESHAKIN. S. i 1-1 ._- For the further improvement of la4r protection and lafety engineering. Kuke-elevepromeU ne.5ill-12 my 156. (HLRA 9:9) 1.1achallaik otdela truda L carplaty Hinisteretva zagotovsk. (Grain elevators--Safety measures)(Flour mills--Safetr measures) MESHAKIN, S. i Ifew conditions ?2 no.11:3-5 11 in All-Union nociRlitt comnetition. Muk.-elev.~)ro-. '56. (14IRA 1o-1) (GraLin alevRtors) KESHAKIN, S. Raise -the banner of socialist competition in honor of the 40th anniversar.v of the Great October Revolution. Vaik.-elev. prom. 23 no.6:3-5 Je 157. (KLHA 100) 1. Otdel truda i zarplaty Hinisterstva khleboproduktov SSSR. (Grain trade) - . ~ , . - nsv,yill, S. ,'- - I-.-",'' -- It is the government's job to work for easier and nore hygienic working, conditions. ?Aak.-elv. vrom. 24 no.9:23-29 S 156- (KRA 11:10) 1. Otdel truda t zarabotnoy platy Ministe-stva kh nbooro(iuktov SSSR. (Grain milling-Safet- measures) KMZHKO, Y.G., inzhener; HESHALINA, N.N.. inzhener. Rsequipping locomotive sheds to service and repair diesel loco- motives. glek. i tepl. tiaga no.6r2l-23 Ja 157. (KLRA 10:8) (Locomotives--Kaintenance and renair) - ~~ i -_ ~ I I . 7 z ~ - - Z_ _--_ ~ - POMIAMA, --.1K.; ZOLOTAM, V.L.; MESHALKIN, A.I. Determination of cesiu--,-137 in open bod-ies rf wat -. Tr%dy Ural. otd. ILOIP no.2:201-205 159. 04 - 14-11) (Water-Analysis) (Cesiur---Isotopes) MESHAIKIN, I.N. - - - , - i Tumors o the round lio-acent of the uterus. Akush.1 gin. no.1:67-68 Ja-F 154. NLRA 7:6) 1. Iz fakulltatakoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki im. S.I.Spasokukotskogo (direktor - professor A.M.Bakulov) II Moskovskago maditainskoge inatituta im. I.T.Stalina. (Uterus--Tumors) For the Degree of Candidate in Medical Sciences BAKULEV, A.U..professor; HESHALKIN, I.N.. Artificial pneumothorax in thoracic surger7. Vest.Ichir-76 no.9:20-29 0 '55. MaA 9:1) 1. 1z fakul8tetskoy kh1rurgicheskoy kliniki im. S.I.Spasokukotakogo (Zav.-Prof. A.N.Bakulev) lache'qnogo fakul'teta 2-go MoskovBkogo meditsinskogo instituta im. I.V.Stalina. 2. Deystvitellayy chlem AMR SSSR (for Bakalev). (PMMOTHORAI, ARTIFICIAL d1ag.& ther.value) The Committee on Staiin Prizes (aff the Counell of KIntaters USSR) in the fields of science and Inventions =no;m so that the follcwlng scientific vorks, popilar aclen- tific b*oks, and textbooks have been submitted for competition for SW in Prizes fo-r the years 1952 and 1953. (Sovetskaya Kultura., Moscow, No. 22-40, -30 Feb - 3 A?r 1954," Llama Bekulev, A. 1.1. Gu-I.,rayev, A. V. Kochen~iri, I. G. BusFLlov, A. A. Meshalkin, Ye. 1"' Zhmur, V. A. Gerp,siaiova, A. V. Vlasovp, Ye. F. i4eehalkin, 1. 14 Rakosuyev, S. G. Title of Work "Notes oi) 'Glinicpl Onerative Sur6eryll runLumted by Secoad !,wscow ~'Ledical 1;.mtItute V. btP111, Sri: W-3o6o4, 7 July 1954 MES9AIM, Ye.N. prof.; MWHALkIV,,I.I.; SM, H.L. Studies an pulmonary circulation in patients with mitral defects of the heart. Terap.arkh, 33 n0-4:18-26 161. (MW- 1415) 'I 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologii (zav. - V.S. Gurfinkell) i khirurgicheskogo otdolaniya serdechno-sosu- distay patologii vzroalykh (zave - I.N. Neshalkin) Instituta eksperimentalluoy biologii i meditsiny Sibirsko o oteeleniya Akademil uk SSSR. &DOD-CIRCULATI019) MITRAL VALVE-DISHMES) MESHALKIN, Ye.N., prof.; MESRALKIN I.N starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KELIN, Ye.P., kan( nauk; LEVINSON, Yu.M., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Emergency mitral commissurotomy as a therapeutic method in acute pulmonary edema in patients with mitral stenosis. Kardiologlia 2 no.5:11-15 S-0 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Iz Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (dir. - prof. Ye.N.Meshalkin). (MITRAL VALVE--SURGERY) (PULMDNARY EDEMA) MESHALKIN, Ye.N.; MWHALKIN, I.N.; LEVINSON, YU.M.; KELIPI, Ye.F. Mitral commissurotomy by extra-auricular approaches in left thoracotomy. Zdrav, Mzakh. 22 no.9:7-11 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny Sibirskogo otdelenlya 0 SSSR (dir. - laureat LenLnskoy premii, prof. Ye.N. Meshalkin). MHALKIN, Ye. N., prof.; IggHAIM II N.; MAZOICH, B. I.; KMN, Ye. P.; ILTUMMM, L. B.; SMENOV, A. A. Diagnostic value of curves of the pulmonary-capillary pressure and left auricular pressure in mitral defeat and the means for their evaluation. Terap. arkh. 34 no.5:Z5-31 '62. (KM 15: 6) 1. Iz mardechno-scaudistogo otdaleniya Etlya vzkoslykh (zav. I. N. Mashalkin) i laboratorii finiologii (zav. T. S. Vinogradova) Instituta, eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny (dir. - laureyat Lerxinskoy premii prof. Ye. N. Meshalkin) Sibirskago otdeleniya AN SSSR. (MITRAL VALS-DISEASES) (MUM-EMINATION) (GATHRTERS) MESHALKIN, Ye.N., prof.; MIHALKIN I.N.; KELIN, Ye.P.,; SEMENOV A.A.; YAG-17iii&i~~(Novosibirsk) P 9 Changes in the hemodynamics of the lesser circulation during mitral commissurotomy. 40 no.10:36-42 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Iz Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (dir. - prof. Ye.N.Meshalkin). (MITRAL VALVF--SURGERY) (PULMONARY CIRCUIATION) MHALKIN, YejJ KE' IN, omparativEt f-v a n o*- m-, tral 7. the finger ar accord:nj I.-. ~a,a on -.he cocre--ise of .he dia3tolic grad-leni-, du.ring ar oreral-'-n. Tri-Ily --7~s-r eksp, SSR ITZHAIKIN, Ye.N., prof, (Nlovo5ibirsk, u-1. Pot-an-*na, d-23,k-v.1); MSBAL4DI, I.N-; LEVINSON, Yli.,',I~ ; VAYINBAU14, Ya-S. , SFI-IBOV, A.A. Surgical Lreatment --j-' mitra.1 s~,--.lusis. Vest,ichir.90 no.2. 70-75 F'63- (MIRA 16-7) 1. Iz Instituta eksperimentall Inoy bioloL,ii i meditsiny (dir. prof, YFAN.Mashalkin) Sibirskogo otdeleniya Al; SSSR. (MIThAl VALU-SURGERY) MESHALKIN, I.N.; GORODETSKAYA, N.M. Examination of the blood coagulation system in patients with rheumatic sclerosis of the mitral valve before and after mitral commissurotomy. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 9 no.3:41-45 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Otdeleniye serdechno-soaudistoy khirurgii (zav.- I.N. Meshalkin) i klinicheskaya laboratoriya (zav.- I.I. Yevnina) Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny (dir, prof. Ye.N. Meshalkin) Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. MESHALKINI I.N.; POLYANSKIY, B.A. -'' Surgical treatment of mitral stenosis. Vop. pat. i reg. org. krov, I dykh. no.1:251-256 161. (MIRA 18:7) MFSHALKINP~ ... I.N.; MIFAYELYAN, A.L.; IEVINSON, Yu.M. Ruptures of the left auricular appendage and atrium of the heart during mitral commissurotomies. Vop. pat. i reg. org. krov. i dykh. no.1:257- 263 161. (MIRA 18:7) SOV/52-3-4-1/11 AUTHOR: s c ow) TITLE: Limit Theorems for Markov Chains With a Finite Number of States (Predellnyye teoremy dlya tsepey Markova s konechn,ym chislom sostoyan4i PERIODICAL; Teoriya Veroyatnostey i Yeye Primeneniya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 4, PP 361 - 385 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author considers a sequence of series of n trials linked in a simple homogeneous Markov chain with a tran itional probability matrix which is a fun tion of n The states of the system are denoted by B The number of occurrences of the first state in the H-;h sequence of trials is denoted by A (as-mming that initially the system is in the first state). The distribution to which sequences of probability distributions of the normalised quantity A can converge as n -~~ oc is of interest. The case of a system of two states was fully investigated by Dobrushin (Ref 1),. Il'yashenko (Ref 4) generalised some of Dobrushin's results to an arbitrary number of states but he omitted to give an exhaustive description of all possible limit distribution laws. The present paper Cardl/3 rectifies this omission. The principal result of this SOV/52-3-4-1/11 Limit Theorems for Markov Chains With a Finite Aumber of States paper is the following theorem: for anj cx = cx(n) and E) = o(n) ~with the condition that there is an z> 0 such that for any n : min (nlul 11 + 'q e ujv '~2 Uliv V~u U/V where TIU,V is the conditional probability of the system being at least once in the n-th series of trials in the state 3 v when the system was originally in the state EU), the distribution of the normalised quantity cx(IL - nO) converges weakly to a particular distribution only in the case when that distribution is a linear transformation of one of the distributions in theorems 1-5. Theorem 6 su plements Theorem 7 which states that if the condition (x3 does not hold, the distribution of a(g - nQ) convergee weakly only to a distribution which can be obtained as a limit in the case of r K, s - 1 possible states ~s is the Card2/3 total number of states). Proof Qf Theorem 6 condsts in SOV/52-3-4-1/11 Limit Theorem for Markov Chains with a Finite number of States establishing the existence of a sub-sequence nk 00 for which the conditions of any of the Theorems l-q are satisfied. Ln Theorems 3-5 only weak convergence is asserted. The problem of carrying over to the case of states Dobrushin's results on the uniform approximation to distributions for p as n a-o and on the arbitrary dependence of the matrix on n is not considered. In the last section of the paper an example is constructed which shows that the simplest uniform localisation of Theorems 3-5 is impossible. There are 11 references, 10 of which are Soviet and 1 French. SUBMITTED: February 21, 1958 Card 3/3 16(l) MON I BUCK RIPWITATION SOV/24660 VfiOGCrU1nTY MateMatichookly Orogd. 3r4, Moscow, 1956 Trudy. t. at Krnt$wyo sodar-tioniye ocktaiannyiCh dakladow. Dokla4y In strannylal ucncnykn (Transactions or the 3rd All-Union Hathema ~ .. 0 1 Conference In Hocow. ~ol. 4z Summ=7 of Sectt-Al Repo' tic. ,imports of Foreign Scientists Moscow. I=d-vo AN 51311, lq~)V. 24T P. 2.200 coplan printed. Sponsoring Agency- AkAdomiy,4 adUbC MR. R&t*MAtIChtbklY LMOtItUt. T*dh. Id.; 0.11. Shavchanko; ZditorlAl Boardi A.A. Abr~v, V.Q. BoLtyanskly, A.M. Vaotl-yo,. B.V. nadvedev, A.D. llyhkI3, S.R. Olkallakly (Roop. 9d.), A.0. Poatnl~wv, To. V. Frokh-rov. X.k. fttnilkov, F. L. Ultyanov, V.A. trapenakirt H.O. CrIetayev. 0. Ye. Shilov, and A.I. Shirmhow. PURPOSIS This bo6k to intended for mathematicians " physicists. COVIRAMs The book to Volume TV or the Transaction& of the Third All- Union Ratheinatical Conference. held In June and July 1956. ?he b_0O1k'J:i_4RAded into two main parco. The first Par t 4onLa%no aum- ftaLrI a of the paper& prtbentod by Soviet aclentists at the Con- rer=e that NAPO not Included in the firat two vol=-. The second part contalno the text or reports submitte,1 tO the editor by non-Soviot sclentlatb. In thome caDes when the non-Sovict ci- entist did not submit a copy of his paper to the editor, the title of the paper to cited and, If the paper was printel In A previous voluw, refe"nce to made to the appropriaza volume. The papers. both Soviet and non-Saviat. cover vartouO topics In n=bdr theory, algebra, differential and Integral equations, runctlan theory, fun tIonal analysis, probability theory, topology. =-nemattema problems of mechanics and pnyalca, computational Mathematics. Mathematical logic and the foundation& of mathe-tic.. and the history of mathematics. Bob -A-'!-0dO5Aa)- The Method of arbitrary functions in -n9 fOunddtiona for limit 41&tpibutlans 61 naltl4iftenolonal, limit theorem -TOV IlArkov chains with Countable number of states 63 D11674v, A.M. (Tashkent). Essentially complete claaaes of the determination or the probability a the stAtO Of *homogeneous stochafitic procamn 63 r ' 1-1- Kinetic equation for naut "'" ';' 06 ~ff rooz tAkIng :Oc ; In , f oh . d . i l. the Movement of the nuclei 64 ftenalkin, L.D. 00ficOw). One-dimensions.1 integral th.crema - M. Of & B-PI64 Of experiments C-nn-Oted In 6 hamodoneoun PlarkOv chain 65 -fttrov, V'V' (Lonlng"d). L*Oal IlWt theorem for densities 65 rug"he". V.3. (Noac")- ft"Obabillty methods In the theory or CArd--T37_34 --ut-tic 64 100) AUTITOR: Meshalkin, TITL2- A Case of Isomorphism of Bernoulli .'ichemGs PERIODICAL: Doklady A,-ad(!mii nauk 128,Nr 1,pp 41-44, ABSTRACT: Let 1.1 be the space of the sequences xn~ (X n= 1, -,k; n=O,� 1, 1 2 .... For arbitrary 1> 0, nu) iU (u - n n for u u u ul ul) let i = ) Ix where A I x = 1 1 n nu n nu t C1. Le ~x x It is known Z Re' 3 7 n, n+j_. that T is an isomor-phism o -f The author derotes Ir with the automorphism T defined on it as a (ql,..,q k Bprnouili scheme.. ror a riven 1,q V..q 1) - scheme he constructs dis- joint sets Bi , whereby each of these sets is the sum of Card 1/3 0 A Case of Iswlaorvhism of Bernoulli .'5*chemes A V/ 20-1, 28 M 1. sets A with equal measure and BC) p 0 Purthermcre -let. mj~-(B The factor space of tho (q,4 .#q ac-hono wi ti-, ro.,;.~ect to i i ~7 i the decomposition with the base T B - B' ; n-o, 0 n is denoted as 'p,k)--,actor space of (notatiors see Ref 3 7), Theorem 1 : All P, at)-factor space-3 1.1 are a.) Themselves Bernoulli schemes with the entropy hp - h - -'f" 10 b.) for equal D,,e- isomorphic modulo 0 . Theorem 2 t All (q.,-) - schemes with equal entropy and L qi where p and k i are integer, are 4somorphic Card 213 P I A Case of Isomorphism of 2ernoulli -jch-,2mcs modulc 0 - A.N. L'olmoF7orov io mentioned 1;y tha nutimr. There are 4 Soviet refprcrces. ASSOCIATIOIN: Mlas!-ovskiy z-osudarstvenny universitet imeni ",V.Lomonosova "Moscor Stat,-- University imeni Loinorosov) PRESEMD: 15,1999, by A.,:. Yolmofyorov, Acudr~mician SUBMITTED: way 12,195f) Card 3/3 MESHALKIN, L. D., Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Approximation of sums of independent, similarly distributed random values according to in- finitely divisible laws." Moscow, 1960. 7 pp; (Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner State Univ im M. V. Lomonosov, r~jechanics- Mathematics Faculty); 165 copies; price not given; (KL, 25-60, lcbj "OV/42 Araoild, V. 1'. , tJ-1(:-01j,.i11,1J-1i, L. 1). T FTI'E I A. 14. Kolmogorc),,- Is Seminar on S(~:Ie--Aod in Analysis (1958/1959) P,~HIODICAL: Uspelchi matematIchesiclIch natik, Ill. -1, P (USSR) AL'S'I'MIM The sendnar waa duk,'nted t,o the prdblemsi LIncorrectly posed problems in analy,-Is and mechanics, i.e., problems whose solutions depend dl~~- continuously on a parameter. II.Matherriatical i-niodels of turbulent motion of an Incompressible viscol,s fltiid. The first group dealt mainly with the Tjoundar,-! 17,allue problem for the vibrating string. Th.-- papers ty N. Vakhaniya, B. V. Boyarskiy, V. I. Arnol'd and A. N. Kolmogorov presented a survey of this topic. In t-r second group, Kolmogorov pointed out two factji (1) In decreasing the viscGsity V the laminar solution of stationary problenis becomes unstable, or stable in a very small region, both of which are riot observed A . N .Kolinogorov's ~)imrilnar on S e Problems In Analysis (1958/1959) the SOI~Iti0r~2 irej!-,E~ periodic :~!Lfjl D Tr C- respectl,:ely, arid sa~lsfyir,!'~ He stated the hypothr-~,~;J-s that CC?' ~31T!1-11-) 1/ solution shotild appear, (Ln ti-ie snse (-f non,,-rivIal invariant mea3i 'i v e 4, Jn the (u,v) ItIv --> ~L ( I/ --J"O' Th,,-is far ti-,Ie hYpothesis not be verified on any mathematical 'There a.-e 25 references, 6 U."~., 12 Soviet, 3 1 2 Dutch, 1 Chine3e. 5 Re~-ent U.S. ref'e----z: Asymptotic Solution of the Dif fererl. Hydrodynamic Stability in a Domain a tion Point, Ann. Math, , 58 (1953) 22:2-252; W. One Small Disturbance of Plane Coutte Flo-,~:, Jo,;rn. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand., 51 (1953) 195-202; E. Hopf, c;'tatisti- Card 3/4 cai Hydrornechanics and Functional Calculus, JG,-irn. Raft. N. Kolmolgorov Is Semir,.3i, o.,~ Self--c ted ProbleITIS in Analysis (1'958/1959) Mech. Iterations of Analytic Fumctions, of Mafl~,.. (1a42), 6o7; F. John, The Dirl-hiet 'o,-,a Hyperbolic Equation, Amer. Journ. Math- 14 1 - i Card 4/4 MESHALKIN, L.D. (Moscow) Approximation of polynomial distributions by infinitely diviQible laws. Teor. veroiat. i ee Prim- 5 no.1:114-12-4 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Distribution (Probability theory)) 16 , I j o S/020/60/132/04/09/064 AUTHOR: Meshal~in,L.D- TITLE: The Lower Estimate of the Rate at Which the Distribution of Sums Ipproaches a Set of Infinitely Divisible Laws PERIODICkLi Doklady 1kademii nauk SSSR,1960,Vol. 132,No- 4,pp, 766-768 TEXT: Let 4 be the set of infinitely divisible; let 4L be the set of such G E- G~that the logarithm of its characteristic function admits the representation L lng(t) + (e itu- 1-itu ) dK(u) S u2 -L where t,2->,0, K(u) is a non-deoreaBing function of bounded Yariation Let F(X)*- *F(x) be the distribution function of the sum of n n times independent random variables which have the distribution function F(x) 3(11,(;) - supIF(x)-(,(x)l ; S(F,6~) - inf 3(P,G); F (X) 0 for X.~-Z-O, 1-T, "'~r x G 6 G~, p sup ~ (,n, 0 n0 it holds 2 1 11(n) > n- 3 (in n)- 3-2:- u(n). - 2 -4, C (n~ n 3 (in n) const- Theorem 2, , > C6 6 - The author thanks A,N,Kolmogorov and Yu.V.Prokhorov There are 5 Soviet references. PRESENTED., February 10, 1960, by A.N.Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTED: February 9, 1960 Card 2/2 S/040/61/025/006/020/021 D299/D304 AUTHORS: Meshalkin, L.Do.p and Sinaryo Ya.G. (Moscow) TITLE: Investigating the stability of the stationary Bolu- tion of a system of equations of plane flow of an in- compre8sibible viscous fluid PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanikat v. 25, no. 6, 1961, 1140 - 1143 TEXT: The subject was proposed by A.N. Kolmogorov at a seminar un- der his direction. The System au- ." P +Fl+vAu j-+u +U"V=_~L t ax 8V ap +F,+v6v T- + v.u + vu -j- ux + V, 72'11~~ is considered. Idealized boundary conditions are set up which makes it possible to carry through the solution of the problem; instead of the ordinary boundary conditions, the solution is sought in the Card 1/4 9/040/61/025/006/020/021 Investigating the stability ... D299/D304 form of functions of y with period 2.7c. System (1.1) has the statio- nary solution u sin y, v = Or p = const. (1.2) V The velocity profile, corresponding to this solution, has an inflec- tion point. Hence it should be expected that at large Reynolds num- bers the flow is unstable. The stability of the solution (1.2) is investigated by the method of infinitesimal perturbations. The stream function cp of infinitesimal perturbations, satiefies the equa- tion AT + 1- sin Y -~- (T + AT) = VA~v (1-3) V az The function (f is sought in t-he -form 1-1 W T (., Y. t) thereupon one obtains for the coefficients c the system of equa- tions 2,~ (a2 +n 2) [V (a2 +n 2)+d +c -1+(n-1)21-C [M2_1+ (n+l )2]=O. IC n+1 ya n n-11a Card 2/4 (1.4) S/040/61/025/006/020/021 Investigating the stability ... D299/D304 The sign is investigated of the real parts of those values of at for which a non-trivial solution of system (1.4) exists? which approaches zero with /n/--.>oo. The following conclusions are arri- ved at: 1) With a _-~- 1, the real part of o' is always negative; hence the solution to (1.2) is stable . 2) The quantities d which have non- negative real parts, are necessarily real. 3) A graph shows that with increasing Reynolds numbers, instability occurs with small a. Further, the equation for (~ is derived. The notations 2v (as + 0) [v (0 + n') + a) a. a,, (v, 3) - 7a (ml - I + n3) dn d,, (v, i) = an (as - i + n') are introduced; thereupon system (1.4) becomes and n + dn-1 - dn+l = 0. (2.1) After computations, one arrives at the conclusion that in order that system (2. 1) have a solution approaching zero with /n/ co it is necessary and sufficient that o satisfy equation 0 1 1 (2.6) -2 = -a + - Card 3/4 1 a2 + 9/04 61/025/006/020/021 Investigating the stability ... D299%304 An analysis of Eq. (2.6) leads to the conclusion that with small a and large ReynoldB numbers, the solution (1.2) is unstable. There is 1 figure and 2 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: March 15P 1961 Card 4/4 /I MESHALKINt L.D kalfiz,mat.nauk vj:~ Discussing bo A on mathematical statistics. Zav.lab. 27 no.10:1279- 1280 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Kafedra teorii veroyatnostey Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo urdversiteta im. Lomonosova. (Bibliography-Mathematical statistics) AYVAZYAB. S.A.; MESHALKINP L.D.; PISAREW, V.F. 'Mathematical statistics in technology' by A.M. Dlin. Reviewed by S.A. Aivatian., L. D. Meshalkin, V. F. Pisarenko. Zav.lab. 27. no.10:1280-1281 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Matematicheakly inatitut AN SSSR (for Ayvazyan). 2. Kafedra teorii veroyatnostey Moskovskogo gosudarstvenn9go universiteta (for Meshalkin, Fisarenko). (Mathematical statistics) (Dlin, A.M.) AYVAZYAN, S.A.; KO!1,IOGCROV, A.N., IESHALKIN, L.D.; PISARENKO, V,F. wMathematical statistics in technics" by A.Y. Dlin. ',.eviewed by S.A. Aivazian and others. Teor. veroiat. i ce nrim. 7 no~2: 1 21J-24.8 162. I,,l:ipjl 15:5~ (Mathematleal statistics) (Dlin, A.M.) ACCESSION NR: AT4039218 S/0000/63/000/000/0049/0055 i AUTHOR: Meshalkin, L. 0.; Rogozin, B. A. I TITLE: Estimate of the distance between distribution functions according to the closeness of their characteristic functions, and its application to the central limit theorem SOURCE: AN UzSSR- Institut matematiki. Predel'ny*ye teoremy* teorii veroyatnostay (Limit theorems for the theory*of probability). Tashkent, lzd-vo AN UzSSR, 1963, 49-55 TOPIC TAGS: statistics, probability, distribution function, statistical functi6n.! I probability function, characteristic function, probability theory, limit theorem ABSTRACT: The existing estimates of the distance between distribution funct-ons i in accordance with the behavior of their characteristic functions impose str4ugent' restrictions on this behavior. Recently (1958) the second author obtained an' es- timate for the closeness of distribution functions without presuming the existence, of JE(t)-S(tj /tIdt, where f (t) and g(t) are the charac- Card- I ACCESSION NR: AT4039218 teristic functions. The present paper is devoted to the extension and refinement of the results obtained in this earlier paper. If F(x) and G(x) are the corres- ponding probability distributions, the authors state and prove five theorems on estimates of I F(x)-G(x)l, and, in conclusion, give an application of these theo- rems to obtain an estimate of the remainder term In the central limit theorem. Orig. art. has; 32 formulas." ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki UzSSR (institute of Mathematics AN UzSSR) SJOHITTED: 29Apr63 OATE ACQ: O6Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MA NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 001 2/2. 'F' -6 WdN _f~K ACCMSION NRP- ~'AP3001461 8/00521631000002/MRIPM 4U=OR::.-:Mesh&Wq, L D. ~(Koq _ * - : a; -Spe=ar thaor~= on hit t -numbei. of:sub0a a 6f ., GeneraUted ~fiait6 set T=: 'SOURCZ _~.Teorlyav vero*taostey I': yeye,713F no.2*. 3963, M-M iwziezdy~#~ v. TOPIC TAW I a raer. theoreii::~,':_. :*rtitioai 8~_"tem: UD"r. of elAMIMLtS S,'De -ABSEWT:6' lidt R be:a f ititte, Bet A which Ore. disjoint azid-whose- union. is R.- ld:(003ed,an~ r-partition- Oivim two 6 ri~-&rtitibns, they are4aid to be -conneated if~at leaat~ orie . R element'Of one oirtitioa 'is, contafted1h.the corresponding element of,:the other.-':- .~~ A:Lt:L Ifodch. e3piteiit.6:r, one pa eMdr cantaims or is coate e I . :th t f th A t th i ti& h l a d t ~ . e : a - 0 r emen o a I corre en It Is are e spoad i ai a ng e hey e Stroil~. 06=edted.,- If a dollectioa. of r partitions. satisfied tl~e - condition tha no 'two elements in'this~6611gct on,are co atedi.the_calleatioa s daid, The author-finds an expiesdion. for _tba numbdt- of r a4yateea. Orig. art., I;as: formulfts. tione ]MAIM AdQi,- 17ji=63 -NO S C Td a , 1 ~ - '-' ~', i 1; , ': " - I ,;; . ~ . I LONTSIM, S.V.; MESHALKIN, L.D. Appraisal of the results of sem-'q-,iantitative spectrum --nalysis. Zav. lab. 10 no.7:851-857 164. (MIFA 18:3) 1. Irkutskiy gosudarstvenny-y nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut redkikh metallov t Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. MFSHALKIN, L.D. Selecting a scale for representating the results of semiquanti- tative spectrum analysis. Zav. lab. 30 no.7:857-860 164. (MrRA 18:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. \~ ') ---, ~ /'-/ -'I,/- /"' ) I') I , ~' ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ t:~ , NESTERTSEV. V.N.-, MESHALKO, N.M., telchnoruk What our exDerience shm/s. Zashch. rnst. ot -.--ed. i bol. 3 no.1:26-27 Ja-F 158. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Nnchal'nik Rostovskogo otryndn zashchity rpsteniy (for Nestertsev). (Rostov Province-Susliks) ACC NR. A.116014869 SOURCE COLE: UR/0372/65/OOO/CIi/3OW/G0O? AUTHORS: 2deksandrovskiy, IN. I.I.; Yegorov, S. V.; I-Ifeshalkin, V. F. .-I TITLE: Forecasting systems of autom--tic control using dyTAL-aic models for one class of objects SOURCE: Ref. zh. Kiberneti~,a, Abs. 11G47 SOURCE; Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, vyP. 59, 1965, 85-102 702IC TAGS: optimal automatic control, model, boundary value problem, inetallurgic -orocess "ST, m e D in o view of The control of objects with "ummeasurable" (fro th 'o t f opo.ational control) output is accomplished in most cases by the compensation of ~ur' low accuracy. For oPtilwl (in the griven sense) c ol~ f is' bances, which has _ontr d objects with "unmeasurable" output, it is PoS77ble To use forecasting control systemsI with the use of a high-speed model as a sensing element of the dynamic state of the 1 object. A number of difficulties arises in the creation of systems with forecasting:1 problems of sreating the modol--tho sensing element of the dynamic state of the ob- ject and assigning the boundary conditions in the model; the problem of seeking the optimal (in the given sense) solution under the given boundary conditions. Even with; rough solutions of these problems, however, such systems with forecasting ensure qualitative control of objects. Some problems connected with these problems, which Card 1/2 UDC: 62-509 L - - -~ E e_e I - ACC NRs AR6014869 are illustrated by the example of the construction of an automatic control system by a metallurgical process which is an object of control with an "unmeasurable" output, are examined. 9 illustrations. Bibliography of 6 citations. V. M. ZTrans- lation of abstract7 SUB CODE; 13, 44%, 14 card 2/2 117 ~,2 Lal BRISDWI, AJI.; MASHAIJUN, Ya.j. (Cherkassy) Treatment of 1=bosacral r~~diculitis with antireticular C?~Otoxic serum. Vrach. delo no.1:149-150 Ja 162. (M-L LA 15; 2) 1. Ilevrologicheako otdeleniye oblastnoy bollnitsy, Cherkassy. (SPIUL NFJtVE-I.IaLtJd4ATIOIQ (ANTIRLTICULAh GfrOTOXIC SERUM) BRISKMAN, A.M.; KOBZAHNKO, M.P.; MESEALK1N, Ya.l. Treatment of multiple sclerosis with endolumbar introduction of vitamin 612- Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 64 no.6:854-857 '64o (KIRA 17:12) 1. Nevrologicheskoye otdoleniye (zaveduy-ushchiy A.M. Briskman) Cherkasskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach S.Ya. Yevehenko). ~BSHIMN, Ye. N., Physicixm C;..nd. Mod. Sidi. Dissertation: "Intubation Narcosis." 1515150 5econd Moscow State Medical Inst. imeni I. V. StUin 80 Vecheryaya Mo-3!,cva Sum 71 BAWIEV, A. N.; MESHALKIN. Yo. N. ;~-' t t Results of applicaii'on o con ras angiocardiography in thoracic surgery. Vest. khir. Grekova, Lenin&T. 71 no.5:3-14 1951. (GIML 21:1) 1. Prof. Bakulev, Active Member AMS USSR; Candidate Medical Sciences Meshalkin. 2. Of the Faculty Surgical Clinic of the Therapeutic Faculty, Second Moscow Medical Institute imeni I. V. Stalin. MrSHAIKIN, Ye. 9. Centralization of gas and energy suppLy in operating rooms. Xhirmrgita, Mookwa no. 9:63-67 Sept 1952. (GIKL 23-3) 1. Candidate Msdical Sciences. 2. Of the Faculty Surgical Clinic of the Therapeutic Faculty (Director - Prof. A. N. Bakalev), Second Moscow Medical Institute Imeni 1. T. Stalin,, msfauim, F..M. ....... (Technique of intratracheal anesthesia] Tekhnika intubatsionnogo narkoza. Koskva, Kedgis, 1953. 166 p. (141-RA 6:11) (Intratracheal anesthesia) ~lAni;iocr~r c ..c 3e, 4-1 TIKHONOVA, Z.I.; STEPANOVA, M.N., kandidat meditsinakikh nauk; KESHALKIN. U.N., kandidat neditainakikh nauk; RAKMV. -.N., professor; YEV, A.V.. pfO- fessor; VOMESBUSKIY, V.P., professor; DKITRIYEV. I.P.. professor; OGNEV. B.V., professor; VAZA, D.L., professor; PWROY, B.A., professor. predseda- tell-, DOROFMV, V.I., sekretarl. Minutes of the session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow Province of June 27, 1952. Khirurgiia no.3:PA-M tir 153. (m7pk 4161 1. Kh1rurgicheskoye obahchestvo Moskvy i Moskovskoy Oblasti. (Heart--surgery) (Cardiovascular system--surgery) KUMPRIYANOT. P.A.. professor; GRIGOR'YEV, M.S., professor [reviewers]; MHAT IN, Ye.N. [author). "Techniques of intubation narcosis.' E.N.Meshalkin. Reviewed by P.A. Kuprilanov. M.S.Grigor'ev. Vest.khir. 73 no.5:78-79 5-0 '53. (KLRA 6:11) (Anesthesia) (Meshalkin, E.g.) BABS IY, Ye.B.;VINOGRAWVA. T.S.;GURYIML'. V.S.;MSHAIKIN, Te.M. Physiological analysis of cardiohemodynamagram. Doklady Akad. nmn =R. 88 no. 2:365-368 11 Jan 1953. (CLKL 24:1) 1, Active Kember of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR for Babskiy. HISHAL119f Tsygenly Nikolayevich; ZAKHARITAII, S.T., radaktor; SMUCHILO, y rodaktor (Cathaterization and contrast study of the heart and main vessels] Tandirovania i kontrastnoe isaledovanle sardtas, i magistralln7kh sosudov. Moskva, goo. izd-vo mad. lit-ry, 1954. 355 P. (KLRA 7:11) (CARDIOVASOLUR STSTZK--RADIOGRAPHY) N&SHALKIR. U.N., doktor maditsinskikh nauk. -~- Result of surgery of congenital heart disease. Khirurgiia no.1:26-42 Ja 054. (MLRA 7:5) 1. Iz faktil'tetakoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki im. S.I.Spasokukotskogo (saveduyushchiy - professor A.M.Baimlav) II Moskovskogo maditainskogo inatituta im. I.Y.Stalina. (Heart -Abnormt t to a and deformities) (Heart --Surgory) MESHAMN, Ye-.N- The Technique of Angiocardiography. E. N. Meshalkin (Klin. Mod. (Mosk.) 32, 21-30, Feb., 1954. 2 figs. In the surgical treatment of heart disease accuracy in diagnosis is essential, and for this an exact knowledge of the anatomical structure and function of the heart and great vessels is of prime importance. This necessitates investigation of the pressure, oxygen content, saturation, and course of the blood, both in the chambers of the heart and in the great vessels, and this involves the use of the cardiac cathather and of contrast media. The effect of these methods on the function of the heart and on the patient as a whole requires careful investigation. The author describes his technique, which resembles that generally used except that he has frequently employed retrograde catheterization, 49 were performed intra- venously and 11 intra-arterially. In 42 of the former and all 1-1 of the latter, no serious disturbances of cardiac rhythm resulted, although of 39 other cases examined by the intravenous route with simultaneous alectrocardiographyp 22 showed some disturbance of action, extrasystoles occurring In 7 cases as the catheter passed into one or other of the heart cavities. There were no disturbances of arterial pressuire, pulse, or respiratory rate. Complications, which occurred in 9 cases examined intravenously, included 4 cases of transverse rupture of the vein, one of detachment of the directing nozzle of the catheter, one of diffi- culty in withdrawal, and 3 of blood clot in the catheter; among the patients examined intra-arterially there were 2 cases of transverse rupture of the artery, in both of which, however, the artery was successfully sutured and circulation in the arm fully res tored. (Continued) The Technique of Angiocardlography. A total of 185 injections of contrast material (120 of Ocardiotrast" and 65 of upyelosll" (diodone)) were given, 163 by the intravenous route (50 by catheter, and 113 directly int* the vain) and 22 by the arterial routs, all by cathetab. The reactions produced by the introduction of contrast material into the circulation depended not only on the amount of contrast material per kg. body weight of the patient, but also on the rate of injection, and the author suggests a "Weight-tim coefficient" based on the formula: Weight-time coefficient = weight of dry medium in g. weight of patient In kg. x duration of injection In seconds The author found that if this coefficient exceeded 0.3, reactions were liable to be severe, and if above 0.7, very severe. Symptoms included a feeling of oppression in the chest, nausea, vomiting, pallor, cyanosis, In most cases hyperaemia of the skin, and in 24 cases urticaria. Children with congenital heart disease were especially susceptible if the weight-time coefficient exceeded 0.4. In tests on experimental animals,. a severe fall in the arterial pressure occurred when the coefficient was higher than 0.45. The introduction of the cardiac catheter and also the avoidance of severe reactions to contrast material is much facilitated by preliminary intravenous injection of procaine. In the author's experience angiocardiography is dangerous in patients with disturbances of conduction, hypoxia of the myocardium or general hypoxia adsNA&ted with congenital morbus cordis, or renal insufficiency, and In (Continued) The Technique of Angiocardiography. patients sensitive to iodine. L. Firman-Edwards SO: ABSTRACTS OF WORLD MEDICINE Vol. 16 No. 5 HISHA IN. Ta.M.. professor (14oscow) Use of angiocardiograpby in clinical practice. Report 2: Angioc&rlio- graphic picture of normal cardiovascular system. Klin. mod. 32 no.6: Je 154. (MLRA 7:8) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy khtrurgichaskoy kliniki (zav.-prof. A-G.Bakulav) i kafedry rontganologii (z".-prof. V.A.Dlyachenko) 11 Moskovskogo neditainakogo instituta Iment I.T.Stallaa. (GARDIOVASGULAR STSTEM. radiograpbq Oangiocs,rdiography) (ANGIOGRAM *angics,rdiograpby of cardiovascular system) t~ ~4 awwarlas of papers Presented at the XM conams of SugmM Of thei umv Noscov, 20 - 27 Ja=ry :L955,, s=iuffA& Surgical Treatment of Congenital Cardiac Lesions. E. N. 14ESHALKIN SC=l I --- lw---rW"A*A-k60l3 (Cfn*W PublIcat1m) Mselanalfted. Ye.N.,,prcfessor. Imndiclat meditainskikh nauk: RYNNY-SKIY, S.Y.; - , V.I. Double transpleural techn).que for the sun-Ical treatment of gAhosivo pericarditis. Khirurgiia no.8:26.-33 Ag. '55. (KIRA 9:2) 1. 1z fakulltetskov khirir-gichealcol kliniki imeni S.I. Span okuk ot a kot- o ( d ix - -,deyo tv i t o I I qyy chlen A1Q1 SSSR pr of . A. N Bukulev) lechobnogo fakulltotii II Hookovskogo maditainakogo instituta Imeni X.V. Stalina. (PBRICARDITIS, ADIINSIV3, surg. traw3pleural approach) KMHALKIN, Te.N., professor. "Congenital defects of the hoart and largo vessels" Imro Littmann, Rene' Fono. Reviewed by B.H. Neshaklin. Vo9t.kh1r.?6 no.9:142-143 0 '55. (KrRA 9:1) (HAW-ARNOTtITIES AND DICYORMITIMS) (3 WOD V ESSMS- ABNOR?LkLITIES AND DEFURMITIES) (LITTMAN, Imre) Voi.11/12 '-ar:,ery Dec 6494. MESHALKIN E. N. Surg. Chn., S. I.Spasokukotskii Fac., Second M ed. Inst., oscow, *Side-to-side anastomOSLs between aorta and pulmonary artery in congenital heart diseases with in- adequate blood supply to the pulmonary circulation (Rus- sian text) EKSPER.KHIR. 1956, 2 (3-12) Tables 3 Illus. 7 An experiment was carried out in 80 cases by performing side-to-side anatotnosls between the aorta and pulmonary artery for stenosis of the right veno -icle and for stenosis of the right division of the heart bulbus. The survival technique, its possible complications and their prevention, are detailed. The results of th-~s operative intervention show that side-to-side anastomosis between the aorta and the left branch of the pulmonary artery, constitutes an expedient operation in congenital stenosis of the right division of the heart bulbus (moderate and extreme degree). The technique suggested by Potts in performing the anastomosis can be somewhat improved by using a Dogliotti clamp, placed on the left branch of the pulmonary artery at an angle of 45' and longitudinally on the anterior part oi the aorta. With this operative intervention the clinical effect of this operation was excellent in 58 patients, as in all these cases cyanosis and clubbing of the fingers disappeared, the haernoglobin reading came down to normal, the aptitude for physical exertion approached the normal level and the exchange of gases also im- proved. In 2 cases the results were only moderately satisfactory, as simultaneous- ly with the general improvement, signs of constant overfilling of the pulmonary CoNr- circulation appeared (due to over-extensive anaston)oSLS). Twenty deaths cccurred from these operations and hypoxia was presumed to be responsible. The danger to life is in direct proportion to the duration of the operation. References 30. Mishura - Leningrad F.XC4RPTA KELICA Sec 9 Vol 1312 Surgery Feb 59 1086. ANASTOMOSIs OF THE SUPERIOR VENA CAVA WITH TIIE PULMONARY ARTERY IN PATIENTS WITH CONGENITAL HEART DISEASES AND IN- SUFFICIENT RLOOD FLOW IN THE LESSER CIRCULATIO%' (Russiantext)- M e a h a I k i n E. N. Inst. for Thorac. Surg., USSR Acad. of j%led. scis, 1956, 6 (3-12) Illus. 6 The results of 226 operations for cYanOtic congenital heart disease (interartertal anastomosis, infundibulectomy, vaivulotomy) are discussed. An end-to-end anasto- mosis between the superior vena cava and the right pulmonary artery was perform- ed in 24 children (23 of Fallot's tetralogy and I of atresia of t.he right ventricle). The operative technique is described in detail. The superior vena cava was com- pressed for 12-25 min. There were 4 deaths. 3 being from poqtoperative haemor- rhage and I from a brain lesion caused by severe hypoxia. The clinical result in 20 cases was evaluated as good: disappearance Of cyanosis, dyspnoea and symptoms of chronic oxygen hunger. References: 5. Stasiunas Leningrad (S) VISENAVSKIY, A.A., professor; SYZGAROV, A.N., professor; MRAIKIN, Ye.H.. professor I... m%- Twelfth Gongreas of the Surgical Society of India. Vast. AMU SSSR ii no.2:66-,?i 156. (MIRA 9:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Vishnovskiy) 2. Deystvitall- a" chlan Kazakhakoy SSR (for Byzgzaov) (INDIA--SURGZRY--C0NGRE3SXS) USSR/M,orphology Of Man and Animals (Normal and Pathologic). S-3 Vascular System. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol-., No 4, 1958, 17048 Author Reshalkinp Ye.N., amirp Ye.A. Inst Title Arterio-Venous Rilmonary Fistulas. orig pub Vestn. khirurgii, 1956, 77, No 3P 3-10 Abstract A study of 300 patients with congenital malformations of the heart and large vessels revealed 2 cases of arterio- venous pulm nary fistulas in which blood runs from the pul nary vein into the pulmonary artery. In 500 Pa- tients with lung diseases these fistulas were not found. On the basic of their own data and data from the litera- ture, the authors believe that the most outstanding and frequent symptom of the disease is chronic hypoxia with pronounced cyanosis with dyspnea developing later. Not infrequently patients have angiomas and telangiectasias Card 1/2 "C" ~ _/ - A A YL-_- 41/ i"L i~ I Al "Contemporary Problems of Vescular:Surgery," by A. go Bakulev, Active 1,14mber of the Academy of Medical Sciences'U8911--ind ~rof Ye. N. Meshalkin, Institute of Thoracic Surgery (director, prof N. Bakulev), Academy of Medical Sciences USSR and Facu_Lty Surgical Clinic imeni S. I. Spasokukotskiy (head, Prof A. N. Bakulev), of the Second Moscow Medical Institute imeni I. V. Stalin, Vestnik Khirurgii imeni Grekova, Vol 77, No 11, Nov 56, pp 43-51 This article discusses general problems of vascular surgery, including successes in the diagnosis of blood-iressel diseases, modern techniques of surgical operations for the connection and terminal closure of vessels, and modern technique for vascula suturing. Diagram illustrate the method of su-~uring. Another major part of the article covers essential groups of operation5 on blood vessels, which includes operations for rerouting of arteries, operations for th(., restoration of normal anatomic structures of the vascular bed,, operations for creating collateral circulation, operations for "hemodynamic redistribution," and finally operations for the replace- ment of blood vessels. Plastic vascular surgery is progressing fast due to improve anti- coagulant drugs, the application of stored homografts, and especially vasculax prosthesis. Large plastic correction of vascular dema e is pos- sible and.results in both perfect anatomic outcome and physiological fam- tions. (U) ,5 L4m. M3SHALKIN. ye.ff [Artificial Prieumothorax in surgery of the PA?Vmotorake v grudnot khirurgit. 1408kva. 13? p. Maodl'gei"zt.] IBL-usetvennyi 1957. (F-IMUMOTHORA.Y) (KLRA 10:4) r~ r,:. NEDICA ec.1S Vol.1110 Cardiovascular Oct 57 2823. MESHALKIN E. N. and DENAISHVILI B. E. Operation of ligature of tile injeridir vetia-cava-rtt-Teco-itipe)isaled ;nityal heart deficiencies (Russian text) Khirurgija 1957, 4 (36#--~#5) Graphs 3 Tables I The authors report their personal experience of ligation of the inferior vena cava in those patients with mitral deficiencV, in whom radical surgical intervention is contra- indicated due to their grave condition connected with. decompensation. Seventy patients were operated - with 20 deaths. In order to decreme the danger of opera- tion and to have more precise judgement of indications an([ contraindications, a physiological test with the aid of a pair of cuffs was carried out before the operation. T hese cuffs were applied to both thighs and interrupted the venous return for differ- ent periods of time, gradually brinqing the venous stasis to 2 hours (during one week). The operation is contraindicated in patients whose condition becomes worse, when the cuffs are applied with decrease of arterial pressure, increase of dyspnoea and changes for the worse in the cardiohaemodynogram. The patients were operated under local anaesthesia by extraabdominal approach with the patient lying on his left side. Out of 20 lethal cases It are included in the nuffiber (14) of patients who were in the late stages of disease - in irreversible decompensation. Fifteen patients could not be radicafly operated due to their grave condition. But in 3-8 months after the operation of ligation of inferior vena cava, radical operation (commissuro- tomy) was performed in them with 3 lethal outcomes. The authors consider the operation of ligation of the inferior vena cava as a palliative measure which is per- formed in those patients in whom the radical operation is contraindicated. In those patients it is undoubtedly of benefit. since it brings about improvement of circula- tion. (XVIII. 9-) Human and Animal Pl.ysiology. .-3lood Circu- T lation. ,kbs Jour: Ref Zhur-'--,iol., No 5, 1956, 221-~44, Author rotChal 9 I,ie3halkin, E. N. Inst Not given. Title Basic Principles of New ,pparatus for Func- tional Investigaticn of the Organs Df Circu- lation and Pe9piration. Crir, Pub: IMed. prom-st 1957, Nlo 6, 4-5-47. C~ Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 Ye. N. VOTCHAL, B.Ye.; MISHALKIN, Yo.M. Basic requirements from new apparatus for functional examination of the organs of blood circulation and respiration. Med.prom. 11 no.6: 15-19 Je '57- (141RA 10:8) 1. TSentrallnyy institut usovershenstvoyani7a vrachey (PHYSIOLOGICAL APPARATUS) (BIM-CIRCULATION) (RESPIRATION) Neshalkins Fie If., Viedvedev, I.. A.p and Fufin, V. ie ItA nev method for the closure of a patent ductus arteriosus with a mechanical c3:Ip auture.19 Novye khirur&lchaskie anDaraty i instrumenty i opyt ikh primeneniya 11b. 2, hW, p. 13. / ?r~- '-L Cent. Inst. Advanced Mraining of Fbyaicians HASHALKIN. Ye.11.; DAHIR. Ye.A. Surgical closure of regurgitation in mitral instifficiency [with all ry in English]. Zksoer.khir. 3 no.1:18025 Ja-F '58. (HIRA 11:2) 1. Iz kliniki grudnoy khtrargit i anesteziologii (zav. - prof. Ye.H.Meshalkin) TSentrallnogo instittits tisovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. V-P.Lebedeva) (HITRAL VALVE, dis. regurgitation. surg. technics (RUB)) mzsHALK=, Yex., OMUTA, A.D. (14oskva) Uhusual case of cardine diverticulm in a 6-year-old girl. [with sun ary in English]. Arkh.pat. 20 n0-9:74-78 S'58 MRA 11:10) 1. Iz patologoanato-icheakoy laboratorii (zav. - prof.I.K, Yesipova)o Instituta oy Idiirurgii A149 SSSR (dir. - akademik A.S. Bakulev) H? .ART , diverticula, case in child (Rus)) MESHALKni Ye H., prof ae-nernl principles of surgery of the henrt nnd the grept veaspla. Khirurgiin 34 lo.1:69-78 Ja '59. (MmA 11:3) 1. Iz kafedry grudnoy khirurgil i Anesteziologii (zav.-prof. Ye. Meahnlkin) TSentral'nogo instituts uso7ershenstvovpni:vA vrpchey (dir. V.P.1-ebedeva) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTI',M, surgery, (Rua) EXCERPTA YEDICA Sec 18 Vol 3/4 Cardiovascular Dis. Apr 59 115(1. The operation of narrowing arteria pulmonalis lumen as a method of Eisen- menger complex treatment (Russian text) E'. N. vid V. 1. Vesin. Kisir. 195-1;, SI, 7 (29-34) Graphs 2 Two types of the Eisenmenger complez wcrt- found to he pr,--, tit: a pah. and a ganotic one, depending on the degree of Pulmonary artery wall changes and on tht. c aracter of Wood output. During the onset of cyanoslk an intrivention narrou-Ing the pulmonary arterN, lumen, with the aim of reditributing thc I+)od circulation and preventing irreduci6le pulmonary changes, may be carried ont. The operation suggested by the authors does not require an opening either of the heart cavitv or of the pulmonary artery. A nylon strap around the pulmonarv arterv is secured with clips by theapparatuse-, OAIIJ or U Kit of the Surgical Instrunienti a- nd Apparatuses Scientific Research Institute. Postoperative findings and a follow-u o f I _5 v r. yielded favourable results in 4 operations. Will, 7,-9) KRUALKIN. U.N., prof., red.; OSTROVSKIT, V.Yu., red. (Problems in anesthesiology and the pathophystology of surgery] Vopromy anesteziologii I oporatsionnol patofiziologli. Pod red. N.N.Reshalkine. Moskva, 1959. 274 p. (HIR-A 13:12) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy institut usovershenstvovaniye vracbey. 2. Is Imfedry grudnoy khirurgii i anesteziologil (zoveduyushchly prof Je.N.*bshalkin) TSantrallnogo inatituts unovershenstvovaniva vrachey (for ReBhalkin). (A"WEIESIA) (OPERATION5, SnGICAL) KESHALKIN. Yevgeniy flikoleyevich; SMOLINIKOV, Tiktor Prokoflyevich [Modern inhalation anesthesia] Sovremannyi ingalistsionnyi narkoz. Moskva. Medgiz, 1959. 354 p. (MIRA 13:7) (ANZSPH3SIA)