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'ACCESSION XR: AP4017130 applied, One or two days later the cortex was uncovered without anesthesia and'alectric stimuli were applied before and after callosum dissection. In the third experiment under chronic.. conditions, respiratory center activity of animals was observed 24 hrs after partial removal of the right or left hemisphere cortex under anesthesia, In all three experiments, respiration activity was recorded by a multiple pneumograph. Respiration movements were recorded by a piezopickup. An induction coil and an ES-4 stimulator served-as electric stimuli aAd were applied with var7ing intensities to symmotric cortex sections, Findings indicate that asp=etria respiratory activity is conditioned by the functional state of the cerebral cortex, Asymmtria respiratory activity may be expressed in respi4-ation-doiDthj, respiratory muscle tonal and type of respiration. Findings do not confirm the concept of specific respiratory centers existing in the cortex which control the natWre and degree of respiratory change in the right or left side of the thorax. The right' and left sides of the respiratory center may be affected in entirely different ways by the cortex of each cerebral hemisphere depending on degree of injury and degree of deoussation and cortiaoretioular fibor development, Orig. art. has: 4 figures, COM 2/3 ASSOCIATION: Kafedra no allnoy fiziologii maditainakogo instituta# Ku7brwshev (Normal Ph7siology Department of the Modioal Institute# Kuib7shev) SUBMITTED: -130ot62 DATE ACQ: 18Mar64 ENOL: 00. Sun CODE: NR REP SOV: 015 OTHER: 003 Card 3/3 . - 1E.-COLOVA, N.D. Use of a cationite -f'or the remnoval of zinc from waste waters. rxhir- volok. no.1:53-56 161. (IMI'A 14:2) 1. Mogilevskiy zavod. (.rayon) (Soi-mce-Purif ication) I ..--. I I . . I p . .... . 11 1 . . - I I . . - . !~ :!i - - . 11 :1, t~ ) KMIKUWVA, N.M. Histor7 of experimental aerod7namic reeearch at the Moscow Higher Technical School. Trud7 Inst. tat. eat. i tekh. 21:299-327 '59. 1 (MIRA 13:3) (Moscow-Aerod7namics--Rasearch) NIMICOLOVA, N. M., Cpnd T-ch Sci (dIss) -- "The dcvelopment of experimental aero- dynamic of airplane win!7s". moscow, 1960, published by the Acad Sci USSIR, 21 pp (Acad Sci 'JSSR, Tnst of th- History of Nat--tral Sci and Tech), 175 copies ( n, flo 14, 1960, 1P) MERKULOVA, N.M. Begi-in of systematic airfoils (1910-1917). (Airfoils) (Airplanes-Wings) !61. 14:5) investigations of airplane wings and Trudy tekh. 38:250-280 OBA BAL&SHOVA, N.A.; MERKUDDVA, N.S. ' -'g '47, - ~- , , - Tagged atom technique used for structural study of electric double layer and adsorption of ions on metals. Trudy Inst. fiz. khim. no.6:12-19 '57. 041RA 11:10) (Tracers (Chemistry)) (Electrochemistry) 24087 S/186/60/002/006/012/026 21 Ll 2-0-0 A051/A129 AUTHORS: Balashova, N. A., Merkulova, N. S. TITLE: The a(i-,orption-electroohemical method of separating radioactive zircoii.Lum anc niobium PERIODICAL: Radiokhimiya, v. 2" no. 6, 1960, 699 - 703 TEXT: The authors,investigated in 1953 a method for separating radio- active zirconium and niobium in aqueous solutions containing in many cases low concentrations of stable Isotopes of these elements. The method is based on the use of the difference between the adsorption properties of the zircon- ium and nioblum ions under specially chosen experimental conditions. These conditions are determined by the different state ofthe ions of these elements in the electrolyte solutions. Nitrate and fluoride solutions of zirconium and niobium salts were used in the experiments. It was noted that in strong ca- thode polarization pure rdobium is deposited on platinum or stainless steel from nitrate or fluoride solutions of a mixture of zirconium and niobium sAlts, whereas zirconium remains in solution. The hydrogen deposit potential on pla- Card 1/3 s/186/6o/oo2/oo6/012/o26 The adsorption-electrochemical method .... A051/A129 tinum from the acid solution of potassium fluoride was 0.03 M containing nio- blum and zirconium in concentrations of the order of 10-10 M. Tests showed that the greatest quantity of n1obium passes to the electrode at the lowest positive value of the potential. Experiments on separation of niobium from solutions where zirconium Is present showed that pure niobium or niobium with various contents of zirconium can be produced.depending on the potential and concentration of these elements In the solution. The deposition of zirconium and niobium in several stages shows the best results. Attention is drawn to the tact that niobium95 is produced in the solution due to the radioactive de- cay of zirconi=95 thus causing impurities in zirconium. If oxalate ions are present in solution the method mentioned cannot be applied. It is suggested that first the oxalate ion be destroyed by oxidation on the anode, then to continue the electrolysis with deposition of niobium. The results obtained led to the conclusion that complete separation of zirconium and niobium is possible by the method suggested. This method is also recommended for a rVid qualita- tive radiochemical analysis of the isotope mixture of Zr95 and Nb~Q at low con- centrations of the latter In the solution. In this case it is suggested depo- siting niobium, on the cathode and carrying out a separate analysis of cathode Card 2/ 3 24087 3/186/60/002/006/012/026 The adsorption-electrochemical method .... A051/Al2a, and solution. Various method2 are considered for the removal of niobium from the platinum or steel cathodes. One of these Is the use of the action of nitric acid to transfer niobium to the solution. it is pointed out that an incomplete transfer of pure nioblum Is achieved here with onlY 70 - 90 % of the initial ariounr remcyt-d in on,:- hour. There are 4 figures and 20 refer- ences: 12 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the most re- cent English language publications read as follows: R. E. Connick, W. H. Reas, J. Am. Chem. Soo., 73, 3, 1171, 1951; B. A. J. Lister, L. A. Mac-Donald J. Chem. Soc., 4315, 191i2; E. M. Larsen, A. Gammil, J. Am. Chem. Soo., 72, 8, 3615, 1950; M. E. Hcit, J. Ei~ctroch. 9cc., 98, 1, 33, 1951. SUBMITTED: JELnuary 11, 196"0. Card 3/3 s/i86/60/002./oo6/o13/o26 ~2 A .4 1;20 0 A051 A129 AUTFORS: Balshrva, N. A.; M~_rk-u1ava, N. S. TITLE: seL~ira-,Ion of radiloactive cerium ,%nd pr%,;~ ~- i,) u ~ uT PERIODICA.I.: Radiols-himly%i, v. 2. no. E., 19,SO, 704 - 7j~) TEXT: The prln3lpl~z fcr ripid 3-~rpa-.tLtllon cf c~erium and praseodymium were developed in 1955-3 bAser: on a 2-1.i,irl of ~r~ ajAorbability of their Ions on me- tals at, various pottmr_tL&!~. A 1~ for s~paza,~Ing ml --rocrianti ties of cerium and praz*ody-nium. frcTi th"Ir !r_1.x-ur- in a2iilo nitrate- solutions or on a metal surface. It 1~ 81-nrwr, from the solution onto the t~lectrodes made of pl.!it'num- -r at potentia!2 of over 1.5 v (as against the iiia prtLsec-~yz_L,.~Tr; rerr-_ins in the solu- tion. Fraseodymt-xv Is: tr-vn~if,~r-d t!~S, aL:'.11 HCaUTI07, frOM th~- MiXtUr~?O Of Ce- rium and pra=-e:,dy-_i,.Am ~~n t.hL, unjar 1.h~w- Zaor~ and ceri!jm remains on the metal. :n= ALw,~-7! work on -.r,-:, tn~or-j tljt the differ- ence in the pot-3ntials Cf ',n~ C~_rlum ani Praseodymium .:-d by 'Liff~rart adscrbability ions to the eno,_,Ia b~ Card 1/3 210 8 3/186/60/002/006/013/oM Adsorption-electroahemi?~ki !,zpar&-,!on 9f .... ACt- I IA129 of these ions on the arirfaop :L th& mv-~,a'L a-, varl.~ut3 p:Pten*.a1s. 7ha experiments 1, , rtuzri aont%.In- were conaucted. with a-,ldt-2 nltr-ils: :erlum 9fd praj-~r-,.,Y 1. , Ing '.11,11y the rELdloa--tllv~ C~14+ a,,j Frl!L'+, r raAl cberrdcal c~onoentrat;on-o~. A11 cf '~h~ -f 'tra energy of the beta-pELrtl les were .onai.~2t 1 on ty ab:-~crp-lon methcJ of radiation ir, aluminum. Th- tnat ~-erium zaij prase- 0 a. ~--i4een that of thr, 1.jy1rog-2:n dymium ay,6 adsorbed or tn~~ formation tind ip -.c p-i.,2 -.t in ~;~Lrr:z ra!~Ilc, In wrJoh 1~hey are found In th-~- so~uticn aC---1-or%i-'--1LZ LG r-ial~ -,qem! ~-s-l eiuilltrluT. An Increase in the and ~Ln i--tivity de~area- se of the sclutl.on du~ t- of 7t-,j~, -erluT. r~medns on -.h-A eleo~,r.-~de.and prasx~o~,vqiiuff, W.,e increas4i in +fte ~-r- ircP In t]7e activity cf the solutl:n is nr~'.ed ordy wt9n lhc- elt-2troae is takFn ou-. under a pc- larizing current without changing ite pot!~ntial (cver 1.6 v). The separation ooef- ficient. of cerium and praseorlymium according to the given data is 1.4 for thL single separation and 15.1 for !,hi four-fold separation. The cond"ttonz- of weshing cerium to remove the mother liquor from it is Eald to be an important fdctor for obtain- Card 2/3 24088 s/i86/6o/oo2/oo6/o13/o26 Adsorption-electroche-mical separation of A051/Al2q ing pure cerium on the electrode. It should always take place under anode polari- zation at a potential less than 1.6 v in diluted HNO The desorption of praseo- dymium from platinum and steel takes place in pure, Eluted acid (HNO 31 "004' HG104, HC1, etc.) or directly in the solution froV which the adsorption took place, at a potential not lower than that of the Ce3+/ce4+ conversion in the given solu- tion. The method based on the given principle of separation is rapid and simple. The purity of the separated products could be elevated by the aulirtion of a strongly acidified gaseous melium during the accumulation of Pr I on the elec- trode from the adsorbed C-'(IV . There are 4 ftgures, 5 tables and 5 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English language pub- lications read as follows: J. Belloni, M., Halssinsky, a. Halim N. Salama, J. Physe Chem., 6~, 6, 881, 1959; G. F. Smith, C. A. Getz, Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal., 10, 191, 1938. SUB14ITTED: January 11, 1960 Card 3/3 MRASIN, A.Z.; MERKULOVAO N.S.; KASHChEYEV, V.D. Square pulse generator forr electrochemical investigation3. F,Uktrokhimiia 1 no,9:1142-1145 S 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1, Institut elaktrokhimii AN SSSR. WEREMOVA, ~ N.'V Treatment of multiple myeloma with sarkolysine. Vop. oak. 10 no.3:51-57 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Iz khimioterapevticheakogo otdo'-,niya (zav. - doktor med. nauk V.I. Astrakhan) Instituta eksperimentallnoy i klini- cheakoy onkologii AMN SSSR (direktor i zaveduyushchiy klini- cheskim otdelom - daystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSM prof. N.N. Blakhin). Adres av-tora: Moskva, D-367, Volokolamskoye shosse, d.30. Institut eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy onkologii A?4N SSSR. TAGER, I.L., prof.; MERKULOVA, N.V.; TSESHKOVSKIY, M.S. Nature of reparative processes in the bones of patients with m3relama treated with sarcolysine. Vest. rent, I rad. 40 no.2413-'17 Mr-Ap 165. OURA 18:6) 1. Rentgeno-radiologicheskiy otdel (zav.- prof. I.L. Tager), otdeleniye khimioterapii (zav.- doktor med. nauk V.I. Astrakhan) Instituta eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy onkologii AMU SSSR, Moskva. IPATIYBV. V.V.; MERKMVA. O.P.; TFMCROVICH, V.P. Investigation of the rate of the removal of carbon from 301hM steel pipes in a hydrogen atmos~phere. Zhur.prikl.khim. 31 no.12: 1891-1894 D 158. (MIERA 12:2) 1. Leningradskiy institut po pererabotke nefti i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. (Hydrogen) (Pipe, Steel) IPATOW, T*V. [deceased]; TWDORGUGH,V.Pe,; GIEMFAGVA, I.D.;.bSRKUUIVA, q.Pe Co=Qsion of metals in hydrogen sulfide at high temperaturea. Kbjx. sere.4 azotorg,soed.sodv meft.i nofteprod. N419-43-0 .160. (MM 14%6) 1. Tbasoyusnyy nauobvio-issledovatel'skiy institut neftekaimichaskikh . protsessovo- (Metals -Corrosion). (Uldrogen sulfide) MRKMVA, O.P.; NEMIROVSKIY, A.N.; PREYS, M.O.; TEODOROVICH, V.P. L I Some considerations on the corrosion of equipment of pressure dis- tillation units used for processing shale tar. Min. i tekh. gor. slan. i prod. ikh perer. no.9tll4-131 160. (MIRA 15:6) (Oil-shale industry-Equipment and supplies) (Distillation apparatus--Corrosion) S/064/61/000/003/008/009 B101/B203 AUTHORS: Mayorov, D. M., Merkulova, O..--P., Mushenko, D. V., Teodorovich, V. P. TITLE: Selection of material for the apparatus of direct hydro- genation of higher fatty acids PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', no. 3, 1961, 62-64 TEXT: In connection with the development of the production process of higher aliphatic alcohols by direct hydrogenation of fatty acids, the problem of selecting suitable corrosion-resisting material for the ap- paratus arose. The present paper reports on corrosion tests. Two methods were applied: 1) To select the material for the hydrogenation vessel and the separator, metal specimens were tested directly in the reaction vessel of the hydrogenation plant at 3400C, 300 atm, or in the separator. After testing for 1978 hr, the following corrosion rates (mm, Der year) were found: C-T -20 (St-20) steel 7.0; 1X13 (1Kh13) steel 0-4; 1x18HqT (1Kh16NqT) steel 0.002; 1)(16H12M2T (1Kh18N12M2T) 0.01; 3q-435 (EI-435) 0; industrial aluminum 0.08. 2) The material for the heat exchangers was Card 1/5 S/064/61/000/003/008/009 Selection of material for B101/B203 tested by heating the specimens with the fatty acids (C 7 - C20 ) in an autoclave at 5 atm hydrogen pressure up to 1500C. For less important parts, they were heated in a thermostat to 500C. Table 5 gives the ex- perimental data (mm. per year). Testing of the electrically welded seams (analysis of electrodes, Table 4) by method 2 showed that the seams were also resistant. In a test plant, various metals were tested for cor- rosion resistance during hydrogenation of C 7 - C9 and C10 - C 16 acids at 2300C and 300 atm. It was found that steels with 18-2W. Cr were suf- ficiently resistant. Test results of metals and welding seams at 100 and 1500C in an autoclave are given in Table 8. The widely used 1Kh18NqT steel proved to be suitable. Testing for intergranular corrosion (t = 2300C, P = 300 atm) of untreated and thermally treated specimens of this steel showed corrosion rates of 0.001 mm/year in both cases. A hydrogenation apparatus made of this steel has been operating 4 years now. Low-alloy steels (EI-579) are suited for temperatures up to 500C. For temperatures between 70 and 1500c, the steel must contain at least 13% of chromium. Aero-fireclay bricks proved to be stable in tests during 200 hr at 100 and 1500C in the presence of C 10 - C16 acids. There are 9 tables Card 2/5 Selection of material for ... and 1 Soviet-bloc reference. 3106416 110u0 'Ou 3 'C, --- B101/B203 ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inst-itut neftekhimi- cheskikh protsessov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Petrochemical Processes) Ta6maja 4 XHUH4ecKMA COMM mamaajeHHoro HeTaMa 961eKTPOAGM. HCROAMOBaNHUX AAS MPKII CTaAert 1X18H9T H 1X18H12M2T (%) 4Tatn tanicas- I i MUM UeTlam C l S1 Ain M. V I N1, I S P Lj)w 1 0 12 0 95 1 90 19 7 9 40 - 0.9 0080.02 0 HTY-3 ~ 2 0: 1 04 : 58 : 19 3 0 1 :33 1 .87 - - 0,01,' :0(4 0 KTH-5 0 08 0.36 3,80 21.0 ~ 1 1.15 1.99 0,55 - ~ 0 01 0,011, ~ IAT-15 0:09 0,27 1.731 1.9,5 9,70 0,9 0:0070.011 Legend to Table 4: 1) 4) KTI-5- 5) TsT-15- Table 4 Type of metal welded-on. 2) TsL-11- 3) ENTU-3- Card 3/5 5/064/61/000/003/00e/009 Selection of material for ... B101/B203 CK-3POCTE. KOPPOI(iff MeT3AA3 f,Ttm-patype - ijemneporypa 4 M-1 1 ~ f Me"niv 3LT-Al . 0.35 4,0 M-943. 0.002 0,001 V3H-579. . 0.0007 1.9 WMI(IfIta f IX13 . . . . . ~ 0.001 - 41CCKIIA 0,002 0,025 (,IX18fi9T . . 0.002 0,07 fCnaaa Afi-Mg 0, &2 0.0.1 t I XWHIMT. 0.001 0.002 eAl . . . . . . AM - 0.03 M-432 0. 0006 0,001 jAwrpft. . . . . . - 0,02 Ta ble 5 Legend to Table 5: 1) tletal. 2) Temperature. 3) St-20- 4) EI-579- 5) IKhI3. 6) M1,09T. 7) lKhlBN12M2T. 8) EI-432 9) EI-943- 10) Industr~al aluminum. 11) Alloy. 12) Copper. ;3) Brano. Card.4/5 Selection of material for 31064161.1000100310v,- 8/0-0 B101IB203 CKOPOCTh XOPP03111f AleMMO (aaracian S 11 ARIIIIUX KIMAOTa c vewsmwg) Ta6Amp 8 x CIO-Ca w0pom -P- IOIr MR, lop IWI 3 MeAh . . . . . 0.02 0,012 9Amomiuml Texim- V AaTyllh . . . . 0,01 U. 03 RecHOI . . . . . 0.01 0,03 r CT- 20 . . . . 0,:j 1 5 IX18H9Tftc 9.ttK- AI-578 (H-S) 0,3 0:8 TPOM1111 314-579 (H-10) 0.3 0.9 4fLUI-11 0.04 I IX13 . . . . . 0.3 2,4 14 3HTY-3 0.04 4 1 X 18H9T 0.09- 0,07 T4 KTPI-5 . . . . 0,08 i~ I X I SH I MiT ,14 91,1432 . . . . 0,01 0, M 0 u OXIMIM21' '(I KT p.4,IjwII -9,13 . . . . 0,006 () a. j 11 1 . .1 0,003 4 L 3HTY-3 . . . - 0 0 KTH-5 . . . . - 0.001 Leigend to Table 8: 1) 3~ Copper. 4) Brass- 8 1Kh13- 9) M18119T. dustrial'aluminum. 14) Card 5/5 Table 8 Type of metal. 2) Corrosion rate, mm/year. 5) St-20. 6) EI-578(N-8). 7) EI-579(N-10 10) 1Kh18N1OI2T- 11) EI-432. 12 EI-943- 13 In- With electrodes. 15) TsL-11. 16~ ENTU-3- 17~*KTI-5- MAJOROV, D.M.; HERKULOVAt O.P.; MUSMKO, D.V.; TBODOROVICHt V.P. Selection of materials for the umits performing the direct hy- drogenation of higher fatty acids. Khim.prom. no-3:210-212 Mr 161. (KEHA 140) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut neftekhimi- c.beskikh protsessov. (Acids, Fatty) (Hydrogenation) I . E RK UL OVA, 0'.9) H"KMTA, O.S. Interoceptors and skeletal musculature; reflexes of antagonistic muscles of the extremity in mechanical and chemical stimulation of the interoceptors. Fiziol-zh-SSSR 36 no.4:470-479 JuIY-Aug 50. (CLML 20:4) 1. Physiological Institute of Leningrad State University. 8 4 li 4 F 1 0 Ill 64 Is Is If 4 to x to m it So a to a V 0 0 0 I I if it 2o, Lit it 41 0 41 to a - r- t a &I a Lt-A-A-L-m is (r 0 M a 1 4 it q I a 4, : C, 0 st t j am & wW w ali& W. ~d 00 Uom d dkzukdm Im Um fA - 0 to 00 4A S, Alakuluva l/. P uwkm (rum tm irtiecitt hYAW im, CJLn K %W-~444), smal, ., VSSM.-ISSAf. ULWi(Y the MdCJL ["Ptldft Of Sket""' ir"9114 antcle discuwv i 00 ww4w to asifto Ma p ttwI -0 44's Tom midemd it"OutiAla cWtial OWA, MO. .0 11, 14. K"Troll 10 to a 000 see coo 8 zoo goo too ame a -A 0 SL4 "14I.tVAIGICAl. LITIF94VURI CILAIIIIJIFICAIWO CIO 0 L - -e-w, 0 tL tolulli .19 04. jet g T 8 F 1r to III al -0 a to to to 0 41 a d 4 a it cl it of l I tw a 4 1 IS, IN % do 'I Ito a 1 '14 to , 4 a .04 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 : IF) : : : 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a, : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 L- -0 0 * 0 00 o 606.4 0 0 0 1 # sees* so 0 60 00 a RMULOVA, O.S. - I Zffect of stiandation of interoceptors on skeletal --usclas in conditions of motor and sensory domination. Fiziol. zh. SSSR 37 no-5:614-620 Sept- Oct 51. (CLML 21:4) 1. Laboratory of the Physioloa of Receptors, Institute of the Physio- logy of the Central Nervous System, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Leningrad. KMWWVA,__q.,.S.; CHMIGOVSKIY, V.U., professor, deystvitellnvy chlen Akademii me-ditsinskikh nank SSSR, zaveduyushchiy; BYKOV, K.M., akademik, direktor. Interoceptors and skeletal muscles. First report: General description of the effect of stinulation of the interoceptors upon skeletal muscles. Vop.fiziol. int. n0-1:323-339 '52. (MI-RA 6:B)' 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii retseptorov Inatituta fiziologii im. I.P.ftvlova Akademii nauk SSSR (for Chernigovskiy). 2. Institut fiziolcigii Im. I.P. Pavlova Ak-ademii nauk SSSR (for Bykov). 3. Akademiyu medits.inskikh nauk SSSR (for Chernigovskiy). (Nervous system) (Musculockeletal system) MZBKMVA. 0.S.; CHMUTIGOVSKIT, V.N., deyntvitel'nyy chlen Akudemii meditsinakikh . .: -mzA, zavedu.-mohchiy; BYKOV, K.M., al-cademik, direktor. Interoce,otors and skeletal mascles. Second report: Role of conditioas of stim.lation in the mechfLnigM Of interocentive effects upon the skeletal amecles. no.1:339-352 152. MHA 6:8) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii retseptorov Instituta fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova Akademli nauk SSSR (for Chernigo'vskiy). 2. Institut fiziologii im. I.P.Pav- lbva Alkademii auuk SSSR (for Bykov). 3. Ak-ademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Chernigovskiy). (Nervous system) (Musculoskeletal system) IVRKULOVA, O.S.; CIMMIIGOVSKIY. V.N.. professor. deystvitel'nyy chlen Akademii iii'!r6kikh nank SSSR, zavediViiahchiy; BYKOV, K.M., akade-iik, direktor. Interoceptore and skeletal musclen. Third report: Role of the afferent iopulnes in interoceptor Ostarting*) effects upon the skeletal miscles. VOT) no.1:353-358 '52. (MMA 6:8 ) 1. Laboratoriya fisiologil retseptorov Institutu fiziologii im. I.P.Puviova Akademil uuuk SSSR (for Cherni4ovskiy). 2. Institut fiziologii im. I.P. PavInva akadenii nauk SSSR (for Bykov). 3. Akademil!a meditsinakikh aauk SSSR (for Cliernigovskiy). (Misculoskeletal system) (Nervous system) IUMMWVA. O.S.; CEMMIIGOVSKIY. V.H.. professor. deyetvitellnyy chlen Ak-ademii nauk SSSR, zaveduyushchiy; BYKOV. K.M., akademik, direktor. Interoceptors and skeletal muscles. Fourth report. Interoceptor effects upon the skeletal muscles in hyDoglycemia. no.1:359-368 '52. (MLRA 6:8) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii retseptorov Akademii nauk SSSR (for Chernigovskiy). Pavlova Akademii nauk SSSR (for Bykov). SSSR (for Cheruigovskiy). Instituta fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova 2. Institut fiziologii im. I.P. 3. Akademiya nauk meditsinskikh nauk (Musculoakeletal system) (Nervous system) (Blood--Diseases) M VA. 0.S.; CHERNIGOVSKIY. V.N.. professor, deystvitellnyy chlen iikademii me- nauk SSSR. zaveduyushchiy; BYKOV, K.M., akademik, direktor. Interoceptors and skeletal miscles. Fifth report: Role of different sectors of the nervous system in the realization of interoceptive effects upon the skeletal musclea. no.1:369-381 1-42. (W-RA 6:8) 1. Laboratoriya, fiziologii retseptorov Instituta, fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova Akademit nex* SSSR (for Chernigovskiy). 2. Institut fiziologii im. I.P.Pav- lova Akademii nauk SSSR (for Byk-ov ). 3. Akademiya meditainskikh nauk SSSR (for Ghernigovskiy). (Nervous system) (Musculookeletal system) MMULOVA. O.S.; CHONIGOMIY, V.N., professor, deystvitelInyy chlea Akademli meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. 7avedayushchiy; BYKOV, K.H., akademik, direktor. InteroceT)tors and skeletal muscles. Sixth report: Interoce-ptive effect upon the skeleta-7 muscles under the conditions of shifts of the acid-baBe equilibrium toward alkalosis and acidosis. no.l-.382-389 152. (MLRA 6:8) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii retseptorov Instituta fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova Akademii nauk SLZR (for Cheruigovskiy). 2. Institut fiziologii Im. I.P.Pav- lova ikademil nauk SSSR (for Bykov). 3. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Chernogovokiy). (Nervous system) (Musculoskeletal system) (Physiological chemistry) HERKUWVA, O.S.; CHFMIGOVSKIY. V.H., professor, deyetvitelluyy chlen Akademii Lue- nauk SSSR, zaveduyuahchiy; BIMOV, K.H., akadeuik. direktor. Interoceptors und skeletal muscles. Seventh report., Certain considerations on interoceptive effects on skeletal muscles. VGP.fiziol-int- no-1:390-395 152. (01-RA 6:8) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii, retseptorov Institute, fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova Akademii nauk SSSR (for Chernipovskiy). 2. Institut fiziologii im. I.P.Pav- lova Akftdemii nauk SSSR (for Bykov). 3. Akademiya meditsinakikh nunk SSSR (for Chemigovnkif). (Nervous system) (Musculookeletal system) M F-A'A 0 1- 6 ~- H' C', J - -0 USSR/Medicine Pathophysiology FD-250 Card 1/ 1 Pub. 17-13/23 Author 1-terkulova, 0. S.; Ratner, M. Ya. Title On the mechanism of action of renin. Report I: Action of renin on the chemoceptors of the Iddney and the small intestine Periodicai Byui. eksp. bioi. i med. 5, 45-5D, May i955 Abstract Investi-ated the reflex action of renin on the :~hemoceptors of the 0 kidney and small intestine by conducting pz!rfusion experiments on '.he isolated kidney and a portion of the small intestine of cats. Graphs. Five references, one of them USSR (1954). Institution Laboratory of Physiology of Receptors (Head - Prof. V. N. Cherni- govskiy, Member of the Academy of Med-ical Ociences USSR), La:bora- tory of Pathophysiology (Head - Prof V. S. Galkin), and the Therapy Department (Head - P-rof M. V. Chernorutskiy, Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR) of the Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov (Director-Ac-qdemician K. M. Bykov) of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Leningrad Submitted November 18, !~)54 by V. N. Ghern-igovskiy, Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR i -, - ~ / ,, I, , / i - ~, f"'1 I,-- f [/" iL L -,C, 1) KARAM, Abdulla Ismail-ogly; KKMLOVA, 0.�,,, red.; ODZHAKHVERDIZADI. S.R.. red.; VASILZVSKIY, Ta.B..4 POWSOV. V.A.. (Interoreceptors end metabolism] Interoreteeptor7 i obnen vashchastv. Baku. Izd-vo Akad.nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR, 1957. 379 P. (MIRA 11:4) (Hetabolism) (Receptors (Physiology)) I KOKMTA, O.S. Bffect of epileptogenic stimulation, coaDhorated oil and py'ramidon, on chemorecaptors of the small intestine (with summar7 In lInclish]. Biul.eksp.biol. I Red. 43 no.4.?3-77 AP 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Is laboratorii patologichasko7 firiologii (zav. - prof. V.S.Galkin) Instituta fisiologii imeni I.P.Pavlova (dir. - akademik K.H.Bykov) AN SSSR. Laningrad. Predstavlena daystvitel'Mm chlenom AMY SSSR prof. T.B.Chernigovskim. (BLOOD MSSURI, @ff. of stimulation of small intestine with aminopyrine & camphorated oil) (INftSTINN. SKALL, physiol. eff. of stimulation with aminopyrine & comphorated oil on blood pressure) (AMINM2YRINH, eff. on stimulation of small intestine in cat, eff. on blood pressure) (GAMPHOR. eff. dame) KUEMVA6, 0*50 Reflex mechanism of camphor- and pyraml4one-induced exportzental epilepsy. Dokl. AN SM 112 no.5:96&971 7 157. (NM 10:4) 1. Institut ficiologti in. I.P. Pavlava Akadamit nank SM. Pro&- staviena akadeaticam K.K. B &-D--v=. (1p, KRZOLOVA,-011ga. Sargeyavna; CHRR IGOVSKIY, V.H.,; BIANKI. VX-.,re-d-.ft6-~ARASOV, G.A., red.izd-va; KRUGLIKOVA. N.A., [Interoceptore and skeletal musculature] Interotseptory i skeletuaia maekalatura. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 238 P. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SM (for Gharnigovakly)o (MVOUS SYSTEM) (MUSCULOSKEISM SYSTEM) G&MINA, I.Te.; ZIKOVAYA, N.G.; WINSKIT. 0.B.; LZBEMA, V.A.; NUTINYUK, KMRTL0 MUSUSHCHINOTA, S.S.; KrAGUU, I.P.; ONITC-HIT. L.I.; POPOVA, T.T.; SEMRMIKOT. I.S.; TTUTEMUMV1, Z.I.; CEUMNICHMO, V.A.; TAROSMSM, A.Ta. Interoceptive component in the development of certain pathological states. Trudy rnot.fiziol. 8:240-253 159. (KIRA 13:5) 1. Laboratoriya patologichookov fiziologii (zaveduyushchty - V.S. Galkin [deceased]) Instituta fiziologii im. I.P. Favlova AN SSSR. (SWSMS AND SENSATION) (PATHOLOGT) n ernel-i rona a v I ova BA7ANOVA, 1. S.; IONTOV, A. S.; MERKULOVA, 0. S.; FEDOSOVA, T. V. Relationship between the diameter of the synapses of neurons of the anterior horns of the spinal cord in the cat and the functional state of the central nervous system. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 2:474-477 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut fiziologii im. 1. P. Pavlova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V. N. Chernigovskim. L 25,803-66- ACC NRt AP SOME CODE: UR/0239/657651F66370309IG317 IM5931 AUTHOM, S.; Yovdokimov, S. A.,- KNTrov -V..-N4 qi ~s M Ch4rrdFovs14,;, V ski Vo 14. ~--ORGi.,:, Laborato~y_'of General Pborsioloel - Institute OPTb7i 616 im, It P. PAY16v, Ler"O~ Uboratbrl4a _-p~s4qhay~ fizidlagg -Institata. fiziol6gii, AN SSSR) ,TlTlg:'-,. -li~rl~~-~le~irophyiio3.,z4wl'iri,.-~stigation~~of the* interneuron qnapse on a. fro living.pre tion of the pirasympathetio 9ang4an of - the urinazy bladde of the par& 010 v SOURCE: Fizi gich6sldy zhurnal SSMv 510 no 31, 1965, 369-~317 %-TOPIC TAGS electropbysiology, autonomic nervaus system experiment Janimal gl6al itudr-_ -ABSTRACT: Pirillel.. mo;pholodi cali and. eleetrop yalolo- _,v of a lor'intdrneuron-synapse the parasympathetic ganglion of:th urinary:.-Pladder of the.,frog was carried out on living histological:: -It-was established. that~ in the process Of prepAratlom'at- +2 .'Irritation of.. &.synapse with eleotric,cuirente of various tre ..quenoies, a grad.~,citj'vater), and a so ~hypotonlo solution Itanin -.:lutidn of methylene blue,.morphologlcal~and functional. changes k I 's ondf.nerve impulses through,, too. p Ace n -.t a- ynapse. . Cdnduati ! itha,~_Gympse Was,:retained In-all stages of,morphological-changep although - It vas -altered: i~~ type. logical' pAtude-and The,_Fq:rp~d .6rd 1 UM BAZANOVA, I.S.; YEVWKDIDV, S.A.; MAYDROV, V.N.; I-T.RKULOVA, O.S.; ChIRNIGOVSKIY,, VA. Mlorphological and bioplnctricnl changes in the synapsis during thp transmission of rhythmical imlyi2sps. Fiz'ol. zhur. 51 no.i+:457-462 Ap 165. (MiRA 19:6) 1. Laboratoriya obshchpy fiziologii InstitUtn fiZ4--!~:gll Pavlova AN SSSR, Lpningr~)d. KARASIK, Z.S.: MMULOVA. 0.V. The VPH machine for rumpling flat parts of shoe bottoms. Biul.tekb.- '59. (KIRA 12:3) (Shoe machinery) TARALSIK. Z.S.; L~ ~AO. ~V. The M machine for splitting and straightening parts of shoe bottoms. Biul.takhn.-ekon.inform. uo.12:38~39 160. (HMA 13:22) (Shoe machinery) IMUOLOVA, P.G. "A Collection of Printed iiork-s on the Selection and Growinz of Sorts of Grapes for Central Povolozhlye"; dissertatim for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural 3ciences (avarded by the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, 1962) (Izvestiya Tindryazovskoy Sellskokhozyaystvennoy Akadadi,, Moscow, No. 2, 1963s pp 232-236) TELYUTIN, V.P., professor, doktor takhaichaskikh aank; PAVIOV, ru.A., dotsent, kandidat takhmichookikh nauk; MERMLOV4. R.7., iazhaxer. Determiaing the starting temperature of reactions involving reduction of oxides by carbon. Sbor.Inst.stall 34:48-52 155. (HLRA 9:7) l.Kafedra metallurgii redkikh metallov. (Chemical reaction. Rate of) (Reduction, Chemical) (Radioactive tracers- - - . . I . Industrial applicational/', ,i~ F, if,: IVA 'it .. . , Ginr: I,, ~ri xi -- (ril s-; i(! ~ nI' t;;, , of ztte red.--ir[dor. 1 11 oxide- of ci:rtain met, -ills tv t -ar~,wl. J( "O,,~ , I 9 !)1 ( ~lil: o1, i:-~ os ;r i - r i,aber Inner 0" iteel kl~ - V.~lt al i I) ]pt AUTHORS: Yelyut in, V. P. , ;,,er'Kul ova, R. F. SCV/1 c- 2-2/49 Pavlov, Yu. A. TITLE: InvestiCatinE the Reduction Reactions of 1.1etal Oxides With Carbon (Issledovaniye rez-,':'tsiy vosstanovleniya okislov metallov uglerodom) PERIODICAL: Ilauchnyye doicludy vygg','Iey 3likoly. 1,Iet al lur~7,iya, 1950, Nr 3, pp 10 - 1"~ (USISR) _'3STRACT: T,-.e influ~_nce of the temoeratures on t-e reaction veloci-.y of the reduction of medal oxides with carbon was in- vesti.-ated. Activated and non-activated charcoal were used as reducing aCent; it had been obtained by the inter- action of the gas mixture CO 2+ c4o 2 with me'allic magnesium. The initi;;.l temperaLure of the interaction between carbon and m(tal oxides, as for instance ~IoO 3p Fe2032 V 2O~:, Nb205 and TiO2 ivas determined. The redl-iction 0 Of V 205 was investi.-ated at 600, 700, 800, 900 P-nd 1000 C, Card 1/3 the reduction of "."roO3at 500, 590, 600, 61/0 and '7000 C, Investi-ating the Red--.iction Reactions of Metal Oxides S')V/1 63-58- ~!-2 '49 With Carbon th--- reduction of Fe 20 3 at 500, 600, 700, and aOO 0 C, and 0 the reduction of WO, at 900, 1000, 1100 and 1200 C. T*,,,e reduction processes take place at the same t,-'.,Pe .7i'h the increase of the reaction velocity tI ey reach t:ieir maximum at t-e correspondin.- temperature and then sloviij decrease a~7ain. The increase in temp-~,rature effects an increase of the rate of t-e reduction process. The kinetic c,.zrves obtained .-.-ow t~.--t t-e reduction processes L of t~-.e oxides have a,: autocatal .-t4-C mechanism.~ased on the results obtainied the apparent activation ener~~jr of t',Ie reduction processes of the oxides with metals was calculated. 'Llie following v,.,lues aere found for t'-.e activation en,~r,7j: kcal/mol: V 2 C. 5 - 2,3,MoO, - 14,3, Fe 2 03 - 11,7 and WO 3 - 18,0. The linear dependence between the initial tem,,eratures of the reduction and the activation energy of the correspond in,,, processes was fou.-A. There are 4 fijures, 1 table, and 9 rr-,fe:-ences, 3 of which C F- rd 2, 3 are So~,iet. Investigating the Reductior Reactions of Metal Oxides With Carbon AS SOC IAT 101 IT: Moskovskiy institut stali 'Lloscovi Steel Instituzte S UBMI T Ti ED February 26, 19::~8 Card 313 YSLYUTINt VoP., prof., doktor takhn. naik; H~B&MOVA, R.F.. inzh.; PAVIDY. TUIA., dote., kand. tekhn. nauk. - - Temperatures at the start of metal oxide reduction b7 solid cez-bon. Sbor. lust. stali no.38:79-87 '58. 1 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Kafedra metallurgii rodkhikh metallov Moskovsko'go instituta stali Im. Stalina. (ftdation-roductiou reaction) (Therm=etry) (Radioisotopes-Industrial applications) GULYAYEV, A.P.; ULIYANIN, Ye.A.; BOGOLYUBOV, V.A.; MERKULOVA, R.F. Behavior of rare-earth metals in liquid steel. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.1:56-61 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellekly institut chernoy metallurgii. TfSOKOVSKIY S.N.,e P"TEYT-:V, MIRKULDVA R.M,- FYBTN' O.N~. L,M. LOGVINOV EETTR-13, VV.; POTAPOV, V.P. Efficient roll!ng conditions and rhe lintrcduc~lon rf sori-.'n gauges for controlling metal pressure on rolls. Blul, tekh.- ekon. info-m. Gos. nauch.-isel. inst. nauch. I tekh. inform. 17 no..12-7-9 D 164. (M:RA RANNFV, G.G.; VYSOKOV-,KTY, SJ!.; -IMIRKULOVA, E.M. I- WNT'JOV, L.M. ; F,O,r"--Gv v. - . - - 7-s , v. V. I , - Using Pontinuous operating Aynorriom,~iterzs on :,tr4lP mlill.:n. Mettallurg 10 no.6:25-2" ule- 165. (MIRA 1. Nauchno-iss I edovat;~l'skiy ~ ns I. i tut mota~ lc-iri~; Ji 1 As~.: ~!,,k I v metallurgi--heakiy zav-A. L 47167-66 EViT(d)/EiqT(m)/EYiP(v)/E-WFP(t)/~E-TI/EY;P(k)/EWP(h)/EKP(I kCe-NT' -AR6000437 SOURCE CODE: UR/0137/ JD/W AUTHORS: Vysokovskiy, S. N.; Rannevy 0. G.; Sokolov, V. A.; Andreyukj L. V.; -Merkulova, R. 9. TITLE: Energy and temperature parameters for rolling of thin sheets from different steels and alloys on stand "1500" SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abe. 9D33 REF SOURCE: Sb. Teoriya i praktika metallurgii- VYP- 7- Chelya 64,~20-;;00 ,Wyk, I -ce-It- TOPIC TAGS: metal rolling, metallurgic machinery, sheet metal;~~fanr/ 1500 stand ( f sheet^1f ABSTRACT: The energy and temperature parameters during hot rolling o a were investigated on a reversible 4-roller stand 1500-, qThe metal pressure on the rollers, armature current, excitation current, mean square current of the motor, velocity of revolution of rollers, displacements of pressure bolts, thickness of sheets, and thetr temperature wer4 determined. The results of the measurements are tabulated. Calcu-' lated results are compared with experimental data. Investigations have shown that it is possible in some cases to decrease the number of rolling operations without exceeding the maximum permissible pressure. In other cases, the redistribution of compressions between passages permitted a more uniform stand loading without exceeding the imum permissible metal pressure an the rollers. 10 illustrations, I table. Bibliography of 5 citations. L. Kochenova Oranslation of abstraci7 SUB CODE: 13, 11 CWd 1/1 4"A" UDC: 621-771-001 17(15) AUTHORS: Vanag, K.A. and Merkulova, S.T. SOV/16-59-6-31/46 TITLE., On Atypical Forms of Street Rabies in Man. Author's Summary. PERIODICAL: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, 1959,dNr 6,. p 124 (USSR) ABSTRACT-. Differences of opinion exist on the etiology of postvaccina-1 complications which sometimes develop after antirabies vaccination. Some researchers hold that they are caused by the fixed, others by the street, form of Formido inexorabilis. To help solve this problem the author adduces two case histories of persons who developed postvaccinal complications after antirabies vaccinations. Study of these case histories revealed that the "complications" were, in fact, atypic&1 paralytic forms of rabies caused by the street virus. In the absence of conclusive proof, the authors advise doctors to refrain from diagnoses, in cases of this kind, Card 1/2 which could discredit antirabies vaccination. On Atypical Forms of Street Rabies in Man. Author's Summary. scv/i&59-6-31/L~6 ASSOCIATION: Institut virusologii imeni Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR (Institute of Virology imeni Ivanovskiy of the AMN, USSR) SUWITTED~ October 6, 1958 Card 2/2 U DOKTOROV, N. -, At the new frontier. Sov. profsoiuzY 7 no.7:30-32 AP '59. (KIRA 12:7) l..Direktor Voskresenskogo khimichaskogo, kombinat imeni V.V. Kuybraheva (for Doktorov). 2.Prodoadatell zavadskago komitsta (for Merkalova). (Voolmesenak-Chemical industries) LAVROVA, AL., Icand.takhu.nauk; VOLOVINSKATA, T., kand.takhn.nauk-; DYKWP, V., kand.blol.nauk; KRYIDVA, V.; MMMWVA, V. Comminuting meat. Mias. ind. SSSR 29 no.1:11-14 '58. 04IRA 11:3) l.Vaesoyuzny7 nauchno-issledovatellski7 institut myasnoy promysh- lennosti. (Sausages) VOLOVIRSKAYA, V., kand. takhn. nauk; RUBASHKIIU. S.; POLETAYEV, T.; KNLIMAR, B.; YZRK=VA, V. Improving the qualit7 of hams during salting with the use of phosphates and sodium ascorbates and glutamates. Mias. ind. SSSR. 30 no.4:4-8-50 '59- (MIRA 12:12) I.Vaesoruzny7 nauchno-iseledovatellakly institut myaanoy promyahlen- nosti. (Meat, Salt) - it ~%an bY 010 ,1tv"s,d lob-I the -113-0, :Aw it mak U! it'd r,,11 ills I fj VOLDVINSKAYA , V. ~ . 1,;, i!o ',,khn. nauk; R11BASHFINA, S.6h., starshiy i,wi,:i,nyy sotn-dnik, L)JT,-,L'NnVA, 'll'A. , starshiy naucKnyy sotrudnik; SHCHFM- 'Jl-'VA O.P., w1adshly rzichn'r/ sotrudnik; I~WILOVI, V..K.1 tekhnik; PAVIIOVI D.V.J. kand. tekhn. nauk; MATROZOV.t., S.I., kand. khim. nauk Use of ascorbic ac d, sodium ascorbinate and glutaminate in Lhe production of sausages. Trudy VIIII14P no.11:76-86 162. (HIRA IS:,-,) 1. Vsesoyuznvy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut myasnoy promy- shlennosti (for Volovinskaya, Ruba-lkina, Dergunova, Shchegoleva, Merkulova). 2. Moskovskiy tekhnologichaskiy A'.nstitut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti (for Pavlov, Matrozova). KUKHUMOVA# L.L., starshiy nawbun sotrudnik; LAVROVA,, L.P., kand, tekbn. nauk; SOLOVIYEV, V.I.,v kand. khim. nauk; FREYDLIN,, Y~).M... kand. voter. nauk; MROVA, P.V., kand. veter. nauk; SADIKC17A.. I.A., kand. biol. zmuk; KMOVA, VS... starshi-y -auohnyy sotrudnik; BUSHKOVAt L.Ao, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnikl RYNDIKA, V.P., starshly nauabnyy sotrudnik; TRUDOLYUBOVA, G.B.,, starshiy nauahrqy aotrudnik; KARGALITSEV,, I.I.j, assistent; MIXMYLOVA, A.Ye.; mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KARPOVA, V.I,, mladshiy naucbnn sotrudnik; POLETATEV, T.N.j, mladshiy nauchn-yy sotrudnik,, jTnjUI~At,V.'.K.j mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Directed usa of microorganisms for the improvement of the uaUty of sausage products, Report No. I, Trudy VNIW no.16: 75 164- (MIRA 18:2.1) M t Kafedra takhnologii Moskovskogo takhnologiaheskogo instituta ;~asAoy i molochnoy promphlennosti (for Kargal I tsev). SOLOVIYEV, V.Ip 1,~anj. khim. nauk, TAUCIVA,, kprd. taklm'. Tvlu'k , SADIKOVA, I.A.,, kand. biol. muk; Y-RYLOVA.; V.V., starshfy nauchrq,w sotrudnik; BUSHKGI~;, L.A., ete-rsUy m-u,-.h-riyy ~,,~trudzjLk., _~~VWVA, V.K,,, mladshiy naucbnn- s~)trudnik; POLETAT-rN,,, mladshiy nau,-Iinyy sotrud-ni-k-, KARi'()-VAc V.P., imib.-If-himik; WMAYEVAO S.A., tekhwk Studying szim conditiom prrviding for eclor Inttrisity and stability in the production of smijked and cooked sausage. Trudy VNIIMF no,36zl83-201 964- IMIPA~ 18-111-) ACC NR. t11L,oOl6274 SO'URCE CODE oo58/6 10 EOL W000/011/1 AUTHOR: -Lierkulova V. 14. TIM: Absorption of ultrasoiind in Rochelle salts near the melting point SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. lizh43.5 REF SOURCE: Sb. Primeneniye ul'traakust. k issled. veshchestva. Vyp. 20. M., 1964, .73-76 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasound absorption, absorption coefficient, milting point, relaxationi process, physical diffusion 1~ i ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the absorption of ul4asound near the melting! point of single-crystal Rochelle salt, whicE decomposes at 56C int7tartraten of Ila d K whi h are dissolved in the water of crystallization. The absorption of. longi- diZ1 ul~crasound waves was measured along the Y axis at frequencies 16 and 75 'Mcs ,y the pul;ed echo method, in samples measuring 20 x 40 x 30 mm with faces pernen dicular to the principal crystallographic axes. No amplitude dependence of the ab- sorption coefficient was observed. The low rate of heating of the sample ensured complete thermal relaxation. The absorption coefficient (z is equal to 8 x 10-10 (cpa-cm)'l for 75 Men and 2-5 X 10"o (cps-cm)-3- for 16 Mes. Below 52C, m is inde- I pendent of the temperature. Plots of m,~f against the temperature were plotted uzing the average results of measurements of 4 samples. Near the melting point, in a nar- row temperature interval, a sharp increase of cz, was observed. The excess absorption L 33181-66 ACC NR.- A1016274 0 (relative to 52C), calculated from the m/-L curves, is plotted on a logarithmic scale. The excess absorption near the melting point varies with temperature in accordance with the formula La = A exp(-B/T), where A and B are constants which are practically equal for both frequencies. This corresponds to the relaxation process to >> a)R (a)R - relaxation frequency). The molecular mechanism producing the sharp increase in the absorption near the melting point is self-diffusion. The sharp rise in self- diffusion increases by several orders of magnitude to relaxation frequency of the diffusion process and leads to an increase of the absorption. I. Nikolayeva. [Translation of abstract) I SUB CODE: 20 I-S Card 2/2 3~22 66 ACC NRi AP5017792 SOURCE CODE: UR/0387/65/000/005/0075/0081 AUTHOR: Herkulova, V. M. ORG: Leningrad Hinigg Institj" (Leningradskiy gornyy institut) TITLE: Velocity measurements of ultrasonic waves in certain rocks SOURCE: AH SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika Zemli, no. 5, 1965, 75-81 TWIC TAGS: ultrasonic wave propagation, elastic modulus, pulse generator mm--'-F-vo9 ABSTRACT: The measurement of the velocity of propagation of ultrasonic waves of vari- ous frequencies and the effect of structural factors on the elastic properties of various rocks are investigated. Measurements were made using a pulse-phase method and ultrasonic frequencies of 105 cps and higher. The apparatus comprises a high fre- quency pulse generator, a synchronizer, a scanning unit, an electron ray tube, an am- plifier, the metal and standard liquid lines, and radiating and radiation detecting piezoelectric crystal oscillators. The measurements utilizing the low frequency ultrasonic waves were made using the resonance method where the moment of resonance coincides with the maximum value of a signal. The data show that the velocities of propagation of ultrasonic waves in 14 samples vary from 2120 M./sec for carbonaceous shale to 7100 m/sec for peridotite and depend to some extent on the type of grain strucxure in the sample. The decrease in the velocity of propagation with increase in Card L 36220-66 ACC NR: AP5017792 e!) grain size, results from an increase in ultrasonic wave scattering. The quenching coefficients increase with an increase in density and phase compo3ition. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 2 tables, and 10 formulas. SUB CODE: 089V/SUBM DATE: l8Hay64/ ORIG REF: 0051 OTH MF: 002 Ca-d 2 .L 43037r66 V M11 A'~r NR: A P 6 fl 9 61~-Y SOURCE CODE -.~-0-it-f-0-3~8-7-1-WrO-00-10'081004 710060 AUTHORs Markulova, V. M. ------------- ORGi Left ingrad Order of Lenin and Order of the-Red Banner of Labor Hining Institute Lment G._V_._VFe_khanov (LenLngradskiy ordena Lenin& i ordena trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Gornyy institut) TITLEt Frequoucy dependence of ultrasonic attenuation in rocks for the, megacycle field SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. FLzika Zemli, no. 8, 1966, 47-60 TOPIC TAGSs ultrasonic field, ultrasonicesMa=;"WMT.' geoacousricgo acoustic wame propagation ABSTRACT: The frequency dependence of the attenuation factors of longi- tudinal and shear ultrasonic waves has been investigated for several typos of rocks (gabbro-diabase, gabbro-porphyry, gabbro-gneiss, quartzite, granite, slate, and sandstone) in the 0.6-6-Hc range by the putse-echo method. The electronic equipment used consisted of a high- frequency square-pulse generator of 100-1000-v signals of 1-10-msee duration, a wide-band amplifier with a cathode follower at the input and the output, a 0-61-db attenuator, and aa'oscilloscope. Piezoelec- tric quartz transducers were used to generate and receive the signals. Card.- 1/2 UDC: 534.22t552 L 0037-0505 A~C NRt AP6029667 Experiments have shown that the attenuation factor of ultrasonic waves in rocks is equal to the sum of losses due to scatteringcP and dissi- pative absorption me. In the tic range scattering by grains predominates even though ultrasonic attenuation depends on both the operating fre- quency and rock granularity. For f a B (A is the wavelength and 3 is the average grain size), 02 ^. f2 and scattering by polycrystalline samples is greater than by microcrystalline samples. When X < 5 the frequency dependence is weaker than parabolic, and microcrylt;lline samples cause greater scattering of sound waves. When X 31, D Huntipgton's stochastic theory developed for polycrystalline metals applies to acoustic scattering in rocks, and wave attenuation results from phase fluctuations. The dissipative absorption can be expressed by the fol- lowing relationship:m a/f - constant. For many rock samples a (a) t/a (a) 1 Z 3vi3/4vt3, which indicates the importance of shear de- formation in the absorption process. Orig. art. has: 15 formulas, 9 figures, and 2 tables. (DMI SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 2TJan66/ ORIG REF: oo6/ OTH REF: oo4 AT D PR E.55 6 7 MF,RKUIA)VA, V. N. Dissertation: 'Utilization of Lean Curds for the Production of Melted Cheese., Cand Agr Scl, Moscow Acad of Agriculture. Moscow 1953 W-30298 SO: Referatkynyy Zhurnal, No. 5, Dee 1953, 1-foccow, AN USSR (XXXI,0W) Ml-,TLO-lu I vi r'.~ itrs C) f r,~. r uLtrnhiph freauen,-i,-:3. Air-u-,O. IP:4) Le r. : r: 7 ~-Jy g -,rnyy i n,- t, L. L 19346-63--- -_..._EWT(l)JEWT(m)/3WjSS4_j_) ACCESSION NR: AR3005191 S/0272/63/0r-'0/007/0168/0168 45 SOURCE: RZh. Metrologiya i izmer. tekhnika. Otd. vy*p., Abe. 7.32.11 AUTHOR: Kozlov, V. F., Mierkulova, V. S. TITLE: Improving the sensitivity of the IFK-3 method and the determination of measurement accuracy with this method CITED SOURCE: Sb. rabot po nekotory*m vopr. dozimetrii i radiometrii ionizir. izlucheniy. Vy*D. 2. M., Gosatomizdat, 1961, 23-31 TOPIC TAGS: radiometric sensitivity, individual photodosimetry, dosimetry, quinonethiosulfate sensitizer TRANSLATION: To determine the measurement accuracy and lower sensitivity limit of the IFK individual Pbotodosimetry technique,pthe authors obtained 30 runs of ,_.standardized x-ray films of the "XX" type (with 10 films in each run) in the ;_d=A-ange from 0.05 to 3.00 roentgens. The results are tabulated. The IFK-3 method affords reliable meusurements of Y-irradiation starting with an 0.02 roentgen dose, with a 22% error in the determination of such a dose. The use of Card 1/2 L 19546-m6~- ACCESSION NR: AR3005191 P- quinonethiosulfate sensitizer vith the IM-3 method improves sensitivity 600--% In the 0.02-0.20 roentgen small close region. G. Milyukova. 'DATE ACQ: 24,Tul63 SUB CODE: GEJP 99 ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 SHIW-IEI,IKO,, A. 1. ~ rU'JiULOVA, Ye,M. Effectiveness of com-,--3u-q-A 7ad4othe-ra~P7 C~ canc=-~ :f r- L T !a- :!,OrTpu--? uteri. Ucb. zap. KRROl 7.48~5~ 161. '. IEkA 16s8) (tY.'EftZ-rl'AVr,ER) (RADIGfMUH) !C- MULGVA, Ye. M. Telecobalt and compound radiotherapy of vulval cancer. Uch.zav. KMOI 7:80-83161. (MIiA 16:8) (VULU--wCANC MR) (COBALT ISOTOFFS--THERAPEUTIC USE) et-z- -v a#w PA&,e,. /,2 A- CW L. N. 1411-9KISUIVA Chrm. A 11146. 40, ust). Itentyl cyanide is condenw(I " ill tht plewnce (A 1.41imll CIL A IV, FrArtl1in 111"MUCP it Pillified by (11%tt IIAI' 11 In 111, wil. Chlitravift LghdAlltaw , li and I J. Gz. 55-W Mi '-At ~i 9.) in . g. Ccl, was treated with stir- ring amd ice-Cooling With CL Stream of Cill! concurrently with stow addn. kit 60 g. AtCls over I hr. The addn. of CXii w3s stopped after 11-12 firs. after which the mixt. was treatrd with ice-wateraud w-m extd. with UtD to yield l3g. the productslowly loses HC1 and changes into a _rk viscous mass; senticar6ownc, nt. 1 15-W. PhNH2 (V-g.) in5O% 1340soln., treated with 12.5g.oftlicketmic in LtjO and allowed to stand overnight, yielded 13.5 g. JfeC(:iVF1s)C11:CMV1'[Ph, m, 1.90-0.5* (from TAM- M,O); pyridinitins'sair (by mixhig the reagents in EtIO), in. 168*. Use of CICII~COCI in the above reaction gave -chloronj6hyl 2-chforovinyl kamie, bil 71-2.5', d' * On' 1.5079; sendc4rbazene, in. 121-5'. llOCl1,Cfl.-CN (37 g.) was added slowly to 69 g. SOCII in 33.3 g. CHCII and baited for 0.5 hr. to yield 3070 j3-cliteroprqpianitrile, b,% 713% which was heated with cutiett. I [CI in a streatit of TICI for 3.51irs. to yield jl-chlarabropianic arid, 1)-~ tn. 3t-O*, which was heated at 100-10' with PCk to yield the carrespoiWing chlari,le (1), b~ 79'. 1 (17.8 g.) in 30 g. CCIftrcatedwith ~, cicribed,,above in I lie prewnce of 18.34 g.'AtC1, yieldc,t .2-chlooubtyl 2-chb,roelhyl kelone, hj~;_gs 100-10 (6 g.), d1' 1_11~~J,2, III' 1.50Y~1; se'nsicarba- in. 160-70* (decoLiftu.). G. M. Kn-iola"Off, IVEMLOVA, YE. N. USSR/Chemistry - Cyanobydrins Chemistry - Acetylatiors F sb, 1748 aftetylization of Alpha-Gyanchydrina,," A. Ya. Yakubovich,, V. A. Rubanko, Ye. It". IvIerkulova, 5 PP "Zhur Prik Mim" Vol XXI, No 2 Studies of acetylization of alpha-c7anophdrins of acetic acid with acetyl chloride and ketone. Determined that acetylization was better with ketone as the output of acetate was 73% of the computed x4ount. Submitted 27 Oct 1946 PA 64T14 IEl t I m- MumIlAs No 51 Chemical Abet. Vol. 48 No--9 may - 100, 1954 Ormic Chadstry ajnth~d- hatKo&vLnfc ids of Alto aliphat(c "ties b tho 'o 0 , the' dLm amG of cam- iv comp=do.' do #14mmem oca=7--~r~l M4 v V-1 t.-WAAW, M- End yri F& - J. GwGbowr 3-at.-la, 211P17(lm) undatt"I.-&C C.A. 470 m7k. H. L. (E 5. (2) AUTHORS: Kli-mova, V. A,, Merkulova, Ye. N. TITLE: On the Simultaneous Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Halogens (0b odnovremennom opredelenii ugleroda, vodorcda galoidov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Ikademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh 1959, Ur 5, pp 781 - 786 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the simultaneous determination of carbQn, hydrogen, L,~a logens, halogens were so far determined in a quartz +IubH with silver foil or a silver grid (absorption of the halogen by silver) (Refs 2,3). There was, however, always an to + 0.6~.. The error was attributed to the heavy quartz ratus: which rendered the weighing inaccurate. Moreo7,~,r, tl:e authors noticed that the silver halide being formed melt-2 al- ready at the applied temperatures of 500-550 0 and affects the quartz of the apparatus. They attributed a part of the error of the determination of the halogen to this fact. In order tc prevent a contact between silver halide and quartz and to re- duce the weight of the absorption apparatus metal shuttleshaa Card 1/3 been used already by others (Denstedt (Ref 4) and others (Ref Gn the Simultaneous Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, SOV/62-59-5-4/4.c and Halogens 5)). The authors used platinum shuttles lined with silver foil. The measuring error observed with this method was only 1 0.3%. The determination values obtained are summarized in tables 1 and 2. However, also this method shows some deficiencies. The authora decided to precipitate the silver used in the absorF- tion of the halogens electrolytically in the shuttle-9 and to work at lower temperatures (410-4400). This method showed good results and could also be used in the simultaneous determina- tion of four different elements, e.g. of silicon and bozon- -organic compounds. Corresponding data are shown in table 3. The experimental part shows the scheme for obtaining the elec- trolytical silver precipitate in fiGure 1, the devices for tho simultaneous and express determination of the elements ed in figures 2 and 3. There are 3 ficures, 3 tables, and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 On the Simultaneous Determination of Carbon, H~-droEen, and Halogens ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. TT. D. Zelinskoi-,-~ 17, - nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N.. D. of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: July 16, 1959 Card 3/3 KLIPIOVA, V.A.; MERRULOVA, Ye.N., Preparation of finely dispersed silver for the microchemical analy- sis of elements. Zhur.anal.khim. 17 no.1:142 Ja-F '62. (MIRA 1- % .5:2) 1. N.D.Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Soiences U.S.S.R., Moscow. (Chemistry, Analytical) (Silver) MIERKULOVA, Ye. P., Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Task of optimizing an automatic regulating system containing essentially non-linear ele- ments." Moscow, 1960. 6 pp; (Moscow State Order of Lenin and of Labor Red Banner Univ im M. V. Lomonosov, Physics Faculty): 120 copies; price not given; bibliography at end of text; (KL, 1~-60, 139) F090HAREV, P.U.; VALITSEV, A. H.; 1US011OV, M.A.; MEWLJWVA. Ye. S.; SAVCHENKC, A.S.; DUKHANIN. A.S.; AKHTYRSKIY, V.I. Rolling of square blanks made by continuous castiM. Biul. TSHIIGEH no. 6:43 159. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Kramatarskiy metal'.urgichaskiy zavod in. Kuybysheva(for Ponomarev, Valttsev. Hasonov, Herkulovs, Savchank* 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno- iseledova tell skiy institut charnoy motallurgit(for Dukhanin, Akhtyrakiy). (Rolling(Metabiork)) 1.5(2) AUTHORS: Kaynarskiy, I. S., Crlova, I. G., SOV/131-59-4-9/16 Merkulova Ye, V. TITLE: The Pressing of Refractories Containing Graphite and Carborundum in Thermoplastic State (Pressovaniye grafit- i karborundsoderzhashchikh ogneuporov v termoplastichnom sostoyanii) PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1959, Nr 4, pp 173-180 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the results of pressing graphite- and carborundum-containing masses are described which were made thermoplastic by means of additior-, of fireproof clay. The blanks were pressed by means of a w,it which is presented in figure 1. Experiments with graphite KLZ-2 showed that it is possible to obtain first-rate products by pressing graphite- clay-containing masses in thermoplastic state (Table 1), especially when using ground graphite the structure was improved (Table 2). At an amount of pressure applied of 75 kh/cm2 products of different density and porosity, depending on graph- ite content and pressure temperature, are obtained from graphitic-argillaceous masses (Table 3), The influence Card 1/3 exerted by the graphite content of the masses upon the The Pressing of Refractories Containing GraDhite SOV/131-59-4-9/16 and Carborundum in Thermoplastic State apparent porosity of the samples is presented in figures 2 and 3. The dependence of the breaking strength under pressure of the graphitic-argillaceous samples on the graphite content within the mass is demonstrated in figure 4. The interrelation between the breaking strength under pressure and the apparent porosity of graphitic-argillaceous samples are given in figure 5. The properties of graphitic-argillaceous refractories pressed in thermoplastic state at a temperature of 1300 0 are listed in table 4; fig-ure 6 gives the model of a graphitic- argillaceous stopper for steel casting. Further carborundum- argillaceous refractories were investigated which were pressed in thermoplastic state at a temperature of 1300 0 and an amount of 100 kg/cm of pressing applied (Table 5). The density and deformation of graphite-carborundum-argillaceous pressed refractories are presented in table 6 and their properties in table 7. Finally the authors of this article state that this pressing method has conaiderable advantages as compared with the method of hot pressing, which are based on various physico- chemical processes, There are 6 figures, 7 tables, and 1 Card 2/3 Soviet reference. The Pressing of Refractories Containiag Graphite SOV/131-59-4-9/116 and Carborundum in Thermoplastic State ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut ogneuporov (Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Refractories) Card 3/3 WATHARMY., L3,; OEUVAp I.G.; MEMIDVAI -Y-e--Q.T. Propertica of hoto-pressed refractories on a basis of cl~ty and kaolin. Sbor.nauch.trud. UNIIO no. &79-91 t61. (MM 15,32) (Firebi ;i KAYNARSKIYv I.S.; ORWVAP I.G.; Lff-,Wu Thermoplastic pressing of co=on clay and kaoline bricks. Ogneupory 26 no. ;2:71-80 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut ogneuporov. (Firebrick) TKACHENKO, N.O.,- LARIGNOVA, Z.K.,, MERKULOVA, Z.11..-, GORDIYCHUK, [Hordiichuk, M.I.] - Deresination of felt con-BL3. Linth. prom. nr..ic 29-30 ;.-Ap--Jo 164~ ~64IRA 17-a-7) 5 (3) AUTHORS: Shevchenko, V. I., Merkulova, Zh. V. 30'1/79-25-71-54/61 TITLE: Phenyl-dichloro-phosphazo-sulfonaryls (Fenildikhlorfosfazo- sullfonarily) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr '), pp 1005-1008 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Kirsanov, A. V. (Ref 1) succeeded in synthesizing phosphazo- acyls according to the scheme AcNH + PC1 > 2HC'l -p- AcN=PCI,(I). 2 5 He and his assistants made use of the reaction (I) (Ref 2) and obtained a series of new phosphoric acid derivatives of various kind. This reaction was, however, not exploited for the synthe- sis of organophosphorous compounds in which the phosphorus atom is linked with the carbon atom. The assumption that the phosphazo reaction is bound to proceed not only with PCI 51 but as well with tetrachloro-aikyl- and tetrachloro-aryl-phosphorus compounds, trichloro-dialkyl- and trichloro-diaryl-phosphorus compounds and dichloro-trialkyl- and dichloro-triaryl-phosphorus compounds was confirmed experimentally. The authors succeeded in obtaining the Phenyl-dichloro-phosphazo-sulfonaryls ac- Card 1/3 cording to the scheme Phenyl-dichloro-phosphazo-sulfonaryls SCV/79 -29-3 -54/06 1 .ArS02 NH2+ C6H5PC14 3P. 2HC1 + ArSO 2N=P(C6H5)C12 (II) in the case of the reaction of the phenyl-phosphorus-tetrachlorides with the sulfo acid amides of the aromatic series. The obtained compounds are either crjstalline or dense viscous liquids which decompose also during the vacuum distillation. They react easily with amines, alcohols, phenolates, and hydrolyze with water to aryl-sulfonamido-phenyl-phosphinic acids according to the scheme (III). The phenyl-dichloro-phosphazo-sulfonaryls may be synthesized as well according to the second phosphazo reaction (IV) (Refs 3,4). With and without solvent not quite pure, crystalline products (by-products) are obtained. The phenyl-dichloro-phosphazo-sulfonphen,yI could be obtained ac-- cording to scheme (IV) (yield 75%) and identified. The phenyl- dichloro-phosphazo-sulfonaryls of the type ArSQ2 N=P(C6 H5)C12 which were obtained according to scheme (I) are given in the table. There are 1 table and 4 references, of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 Phenyl-dichloro-phosphazo-sulfonaryls SOV/79-29-3-54/61 ASSOCILATIOJ: Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk lletallurgical Institute) SUBMITTED: January 29, 1958 Card 3/5