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KAAZIK, Paul' Xuliusovichv kandetakhnonauk,, dotxent;.IMSGOVOROVAI Yelena~ .P!d~" _~And,takhn.nauk,, dateent, Analysis of tL,-- stability and linearity of the mechanical characteristic of controlled asynchronous m, tars. rAv.vys.uahsb. zav,; Olektrowkhe 7 nosI1t13%-1359 164. (MIRA 18:3) L Kafedra alektricheakikh mashin Inningradskogo poUtakhaichaskago wtitutao NgSGOVOROVAP YO.D. - Single-phase operation,of two-phase ragulatmd Inductfon motors. Trudy LPI no.241:%-67 164. Start time and electromechanical time constant nf tvG-Phaae regulated asynchronous motors. Ibid.:68-75 (MIRA 18W KAASIK,Paull Yuliusovich;,.NES -A~-.;-Yelena Dq1trwevne; US= --4.S.. kandi~ takha.. naukV (Regulated squirrel-cage induction motors in automatic control systems] Upravliaenqe asinkt-nTWe dvigateli a belichlei kletkoi na rotore v sistemakh avtomatiki. Moskva# Energiial 1965. 198 P. (MIRA 18:6) jj,~PGOVORO~~A_,_Yelfina Dmitriyevna, kand.te-khn.nauk, dotsent; KAAZIK, Paull dotsent; SHARAKHIH, Vladiair Hlko2ayeiich, ausistent; ZABOROVSKIY, Sergey Alaksandrovichg, USistent; BOKSOV, Allbart Petrovicho assistant; TOKOV. Mikhail Ivanovich, assistont Frequency svstem for re-guAating the angular velocity of an a--ynchronous motor with fan load and auxiliary power supply, Izv.vys.ucheb zav*; elektromakh. 8 no.9?966-975 '65. iMTRA l&.10) 1. Kafedra elektrichepkikh mashin TAningradukago PclItekhrich-3skcgc instituta (for flesgovorova, Kaa-zik, Porisnv, Tokov). 2. Kafedra elektrooborudovar,jya promyrhlennykb predpriyatiy leningrads1rog', polifieklmicheskogo instituta (for Sharakbin. ZaborovsIdy). NESF-ATAYFV, A.A., Aspirant - "Possible Desigm 7ffects on Linens with ~ochelle-Splnner Base-4-leaving Machines.(' Cond Tech Sci,, Moscow Textile Inst, 11 Nov 54. (VM, 29 Oct 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical DisEertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (10) SO: Sum. ITo. 481, 5 May 55 INSEUTAINT, A.A., *........ - . ~,&~ MUTATW. A.A., kand.tekhn.nank: SAVANOT. T-A- ObtainIng complicatod patterns in warp knitted fabrics on ralchol =chinos. Leg.prom. 18 no.9:38-W S 158. WFA 11:10) (Knitting, Nachlue) NCSHATAMVj &.A.,, kand.tekhn.nauk, prepodavatel, rn types of pattArns for warp-knit plaited cloth. Tekst.prom. flo*9:69-73 S 162, (KM 15:9/% 1. IC&fodra spetakampositsil Mbskcvskago tekstillmogo Instituta. (KnittInce machine) 19W]UT.&M, A,Ao, propodavatell; LATYSHEV, I.V., master Nov tM of patterno for the mawfacture, of warp.-knit fabrics. Tokstiprom. 23 noel:60-63 -Ta 163o (MA 16:2) 1. Kafedra. spetakompozitaii Mookovskogo takatillnogo instituta (MTI)*tfw Resbatayov). 2, Ivanteyevskaya trikotazbno,ya fabrika. imeni, ftershinskogo (for Latyahav). (Knitting, Mac'-hl-nej) NESHATAYEV A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent ._j_ -- flew type of warp-knit cloth for the manufacture of outerwear. Tekst.prom. 25 no.l.'52-54 Ja 165. (MIRA 19:4) 1. Moskovskiy tokstillnyy institut. MMTAYMI, IM. X- Dissertationt frCoW2vdty of the Plant Cover Significanco for For"t raprovownt of Si State Up radwads 2953* (Roforatimy Aug 54) of the Western Kar&Kum and Its ndy Arease" Card MI Sci, Lemingrad zbumal-cloologlye/Geograflop Moscow# 80t SUH 393s 28 Feb 1955 GORYSHIM, TeK*:-JOWATAT1ff, Th.l. Microclimatic characteristidsof oak forests and their significance for.Plant life. Test ZaU 15 no.15:5-22 1660 (MIRA 13:8) (Belgorad A?ovInce-7orest ecology) (Nicroalimatology) (Oak) contribution to the study of the microclimate of oak forests. Dokl-AX SSSR 133 n0-5:123%4242 Ag '60. (MIR& 13:8) 1. Laniagradakly goaadaratvaany7 univeraitat In. A.A.Zhdanova. Predstavlano akademikom T.S. SW=bevym. (Kicroolimtology) (Foreat ecology) (Oak) NDSHATArEY, ru. M. . Complexity of the vegetative cover and vegetation complems In the Kara K=. Uch. za;. WU no.290:226-155 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Kara Kum-Plant communities) IC /U - 5/7 t4 7R- y E: P "L',S, YUJI. or*ositm at the Tell, u-,anovzkoya Forest 11-:;st. L'jT,, 16 no. 3:153-154 161* C'. =D--. 14:2) (Voronezh frcunince-Forestry reseexch) UAUTAIAV,. ru.L; STAROSTIMA,, X.F. Studying the dynamics of the grass cover in various types of the Oles na Torskleg wooded steppe oak forest, Probl. bot. 6:283-296t62. (MRk 16:5) (Yorokla Valley-Oak) (Torskla Valley-Forest ecolo6) NFSHATAY"'Vi ~9,~r , " V - ~ , r, g aa ;f~q, zc)n,',r..g in too - M"y'al F-arf- ?;l ' - ,~, t7j,3 ! 5 c,.,, 7(-rbc tp -- . _rj k I 164. IM'i':, I'l, 1, ~ - r o-q Im ^,r- -Vest. 1611 "? 11 ."Itl N Y fi ZAV,AYHOV,;ym, I-ov Isid orl, iT - ~ F, -! 1~ -17 nauk, I-Ii.-I-if". t .... J,- I nj nogD A 2/,7 VTNOMRADOV, Yuriy Fergoyc-,deh; *-~'W0,"'r'Y,'NOV, A.G.0 prof., retsenzent; :1 NESSHAT011"NA, N.M., redt . . . ......... . [MathematicaI -,tatlstics and its appli(mt-ion in the textile industry to rescar~' -hI 1~'Iat.f~miaticheskala statistika i ee pri- menente k i.,3";IedGvanUam v tc-kottl1not provqshlenno3ti. 2. izd., parer. I dip. 1'oskva, Legkaia Irdustriia, 1964. 319 p. (MIRA 17-10) .-~ - I - - I I L " dokxor tekhn. f-MOV, ~1;~ksfvlqr ". ;3"!"v ed . . , ~ ,~f . p I .P r--.- pr retfjarzerl-,~ 1IFSHATAYIEVA-, iMcdarn dr-aw".yig fria-es] 3.-jvreiroru*re lent0chTWe 6 legkaia industriia., 1965. ii i rW dl-la klillopka. Moskva~,- (141RA 18%5) kl ~, Q . POZDNYAKOV,, Boris flavlovi-h; KOTELINIKOVA, V.F.,. ml. nauchn. sotr.; %!M,'OV, N.V.. prof. retneweTe..; NIESFAT&EVA, N.-U'Lop redo [Sampling methods in spinning] Motody otbora prob v pr I#A- denil. Moskva, Legkaia Industril.a. 1.965. 226 p. (MIRA 18tio) 1. Matematicheskly Institut AN SSSR (for Koteltnikova). NPSHATAYEVA, YE. V.. and TAKIMICV, ?-. YA. (IISSR) "Potato as q Stimulator of the Biosynthesis of Tetracycline Antibiotics and Vitamin B12. Report presented at thp 5th Internationsl Biochemistry Congress. Moscow. 10-16 Aug 1961 NWHATAYEVA, TA3.V. A32-Hussian conference of student phammacautical societies. Zdr&w. Roo. Fadar.-5 no.9:f S 161 (KM .14:9) r1jL;6I 4ACjUTICAL SOCIETOS) YLMOV, P.A.; NESULTAYEIIA L Yev, Use of potatoes in nutrient culture media for the fermentation af tatracyaline. IntIbiot:Ud,6 no,10:991-894 0 161. (Mlik 1402) 1. LeningradqUy khimi o-farmatsevti--heakiy institut. (TETRALUGLIM) (FOUTCES) (BACTF.RIOWGY-CULTUaS AND GULTUa WDIA) DANIWVA, K.S.; MHATAYEVA.-Xe-V~4 FETROVA, E.g.; PODMOSTKOVA, V.A.; TAKIN3V,, P.A. Use of cotton or sunflover seed cake extracts In the blasynthesis- of pe;11cillin and tetracyclines. TraV Lemskhfik-fam,inst. . bOASSROP 162. , I WRA 15: 11) (PENIGALIN) (TETRACYCLINE) (BACTERIOWGY-CULTUM AND CULTURE MEDIA) NESHATAYEVA, Ye.V. Fermentation of tetracy lines and vltamdn B12 on potato media. TZMdy Lan.161u.,farn.Inst. no.15SU3~152 f62,, ~ , WPA 15:11) (TEIVA(AW,106) -- (GYAmjwtmLAMINE) (BACTERIOLOGY-CULTURES AND CULTURE MEDIA) MHATAYEVA, YS.V,; YAKIM3V, PA.; BALDINA, L.V. ------- Formatlon of chlortetraWMe NO vltandn BTI, by the producer, Actinarjoes aureoficlens, with various sourcH of carbohydrate nutrition. TrudY Len-khim.-farm-Inat. no.158153-159 162. - (MIRA 15: U) (GHWRTETUCYCLIKE) (ffANOGOBALAMIKE) (ACTINOWCES) (BACTERIOWGY-OMTURES AND CULTURE MEDIA) ANDREMAt S.M.; YAKIWVO P.A,,;-NF9UTAYEVAl' Ye.V.; SHARY~Mt N.G. LTge of zal+, gem extract In the blocynthesis Of cblartetrw-TCUnew TAM.lddZ,-f9~w,,ldfit. no.25tl69-175 162., ~ (MA 15.-U) lAboratorly& bloirbimii-nUmblich raateniy HotanicheBkogo institutit imni V,L,Konmva AN SSSR i kafedrs tekhwiogli antibiotikov Leningrddekogo ithimi -farmuntichaskaga inatituta (sav. - prof. P.A.Yakimov). ..-:(CHLORTETRACYCLIXE) (BACTERIOLOGY.-MTUM AND CULTURE MEDIA) KRUSSER, O.V.; YAKMVg P.A.; NT~HATATEVA,, Ye.V.; KRAO-SHI-DZENI; L03HKAREVA, Ye.A. Vegetative reproduction of the mycellum of Actinowlaes aureofaciens, Trv4~r.lsn.khls.-ft=Anst. zzo.15MUM 162o 1 (MIRA 15:11) (ANTINOMYCE6) SHILIN, P.A., inshensri KMOHLDEK A G. intheaer. -!L Pi-xeigsivg soybeans. Mal. -xhir. prom. 21 no-3:34-35 056.(IffJA 9:8) 1. Slavyanakly masloxhirkmbluat. (Soybean oll) NssoffarM. A.G. in the ceasing sunflower aseds with a high coutent of hiisL olleake. Vaal.-xhir. prom. 24 no.10:10-12 158. (KMA 11:10) 1. Tsesoyusnyy nauchno-issledovatellakly inatitut shirov. (Sunflower aeod) BMA 0 G.A.;, IL5RCHL=,,*.G.; PAVLOTA, N.A.; GILIDSMYN. M.3. Processing of wwflower needs by individual suppliers, Okol.-%Mr. pros. 25 no.1:22-24 '59. (KIM 12: 1) 2. TsaooyuzW nauchno-Imeledovatel'skly Institut zhirov (for Belan Neshchadim, Pavlova). 2. Soynxglavpishcheprodayrlys (for ailldshtsyn) (SWlower seed) 19SHCMIK. A.G.0 inzh,; LMNET, B.I., Insh.; HOOAREM. P-re. --------- - Using the "Titan T" screw press for processing sunflower seed. HasI.-thir.prom. 25 no.4:7-8 159. (MM 12:6) 1. VessoymcM7 nauchna-Iseledovatel'skly Institut sbirov (for Mashchadto). P. Rostovskir maslochirovor kombinat "Rebachly" (for Ledenev, Bondarenk-0. (Rostov-on-Don--Oil Industries--Jquipment and supplies) BEUGLOT, I*Te,; UMMOV, T.H., insh.; T rabote, prinimali uchalittyat GAMILMMO, I.V... GRLBOVSKIT. 1, 1.; BILOBORODOV, V.T.; VrSM;ML'SrATA, ?,A.; -K&TSM, 'fu*P*; GATTSIROXI, Nol.; USHM, A.S.; AIMM, N.Y. -, RUffAWSWA, A.G.; W6HnW. A.P.; GRIGOR.IYET, F.L.; IMSHF-VICH, I.M.; ST!rAZMIFA, A.G.; MIIffA7WTrM. A.S.; YED124SXIY, P.M.; MASUM, P.T.; EUMMASHWA. Z.P.; PROSKUSHKI11, R.N.; SEPALIBMG, T.A.; ISOTTSOV. H.r. Operational experience with a newly introduced oil-extraction line eqtdpp,3d with the DO-70 belt-conveyer extractor. Fee I.-shir *prom. z6 ho-3:29-31 Hr 16o. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Vassoyuznyy nauchno-issledavatellskiy institut zhirov (for Betuglov, Gabrilanko, Grabovskiy, Xeshchadim. Heloboradov, Vishnapol'skaya, Mateuk and %qtakhok0o 2. Leningradskiy xhirovoy kombinat (for Mwdyuzov, %achav, , Mina, Rumyantseya, Kashelem. Grigorlyev. lukashevich, Styazbk-Ana, Hikha7lovich. 'redemakiy, Haslov, Ktdryasheva, Prommushkin). 3. leningradskoye, otdeleniye tresta *Prodmontash" (for Shtallberg and Boyteov). (leningrad-olls apd fate) (Xctraction apparatus) MOWN. A.G..- insh. Yatractioa in the German Assiocratio Republic, and its cha.racteristics. Nasle-zhireproso 26 ao.9:11-13 3 060. (MIRA 13:8) 1. foroneshokiy takhnologicheskiy institat. Lealngradskoys otdolenlys. 11 (Germany, last-4ktractioa (Chemistry)) V __K&jHQHAD1R7-AX1..r inzh.; KURDYUROV, V.N.,, inzh,,*- Prinimali uchastiye: IZEMKIY P.M.; FADLIEU K.M.; SOKDWV, A.Z.; PETROVA,, A.I.; I 1W.H.; ~~, Z.F. MiiFucyi& # I I Influence of temperature an the extraction of prepressed sunf-jawer cakea in the DS-70 extractor, 14aal,-zhir. prom; 27 no,6:35-38 j6 161. (KM.. 24:6) 1. Toronezhakiy tekhnologicheakiy Institut, laningradekoys otdeleniye (for ffeshcWtm). 2. Laningradskiy toaslabiravoy kombinat (for Kurdytmov,, Yedemakiy., Fadayevat Sokolov Petrovs,, ffikhay1ma,, Sorgeyeva). (Sunflower oil; BELOBORCOOV, V.V.; NESHGHADIM, A.G. The twiperature factor in the kinetics-of the extraction process of vegetable alls. Izw.vys.ucbeb.k&v.; pishch.tekh. -,o.4:133-139 162. (MIRA 15: 1. Vaesoyttznyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut zhiroy L Vaeso.vuznyy saocbnyy Lnstitut, pishchevoy prwWshlennosti. (Oils and fats) (Liquids, Kinetic tbeory of) NLIPLA ~IM ~G inzh. Destruction of the cellular str-,cture occurring in the prepamtLon of oil deeds for extraction. Masl.-zMr.prom. 28 no-4t17-19 An 162. (MBA 15: 0 1. Vaesoyusnyy xaachnyy inatitut pishchevoy proqrshlannosti. (Oil seeds) MATSUK, YU.P., inzb.; NESHCHADIM, A.G., inzh.; ZAMORU7EVA, T.A., inzh. CharaeterISUCB of the moveMent of the solvent in the screw extractor. Kazl.-zhir.prom. 28 no.9t6-9 S 162. (KMA 15:9) 1. Vaesoyuwyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut zhirov (for Hatsuk). 2. Vessoyusnyy zaachM inatitat pighchavoy prodyeblennosti (for Reshchadim). 3. LemingradskLy khimiko-famatsevticheakiy institut (for Zamoruyeva). (Extraction apparatus) (Oils and fats) MLSHCHADDI A.G. lnzh.; Prft4-34 uchastiyes 10ADLIMA, K.M.,, insh.; ffiEW P P.M.9, insh.; MIKUYUNICEI, k.N.,. :Enzh.; YEMMITAIMAp Z.I.p Insh. Moulsotherml step extraction with the y1eld of high concentra- tlou micelles. Wsl.-zhir.prom, 2$ no.120-13 D 162. (KIRA 16td 1. Vassoyuxnyy zaocbn" institut pisbahavoy proiVshlemosti (for Neshchadim). 2. LenUgradskiy molozhimvoy kmblnat (for Fadaym,, Yedemokly, MIkhaylovich). 3. LealWadskays otdolealye Vor-onechskago tektmologlabeskogo lustitutAL (for Temell and fate) (Extractlok (Chemistry)) NESHCHADIMs A.G. I Zffl8ct Of tGmP6mture On the extraction of oil-contalulng mterials. Izv. vys. achob. sav.; pishch. takh. nO-4153-57 163, (HIRA 16M) 1. Veesaywrgry zaochnyy institut pishchavoy praqshlemosti. BELOBORODGV, V.V.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; IVANOVAt N.A.; ALIBINSKAYAp 0.1.# id Izh.; MUCHADIMP A#G~v kandetplainonauk Behavior of sunflower seed proteins during the process of extraction and solvent removal from oil cakes. Kasl.-zhir.prom. 30 no.2-.5-7 F 64. (MIRA 17:3) 1, Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zhirov (for Beloborodov, Ivanova, kllbdLnskaya). 2. VseEioyuzW- zaachnyy tekhnologicheskiy-institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti (for Neshchadim). 25(l); 8(0) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3152 Neshchadim, Yakov Ivanovich Electric Welder, Stalingrad Hydro- elect-ric-Power Plant Blektroshlakovaya avarka; opyt ruchnoy elektroshiakovoy svarki armatury (Electroslag Welding;,Experience Acquired in Manual Electroslag Welding of Concrete-reinforcing Bars) [Moscow] lzd-,.,o MRS Profizdat, 1957. 108 p. (Series: Rasskazy novatorov) 9,000 copies printed. Ed.: V ..M. Pankova; Tech. Ed.:, Z.N. Nalek; Consultant: A. Vellmin, Engineer, PURPOSE: This booklet is intended to acquaint the reader with the electroslag welding prOcess. COVERAGE: The booklet deals with the essentials of the electroslag welding progress made in,the Improvement of electroslag technique, and thY equipment used In the process. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. Card 1/3 Sleotroslag Welding (Coat*) SOV/3152 TAB19 OF CONTMS: 3 At thw'Site Where Coherete-rainforaing Bare are Welded 6 The~gxsentftla-of,Zleetroslag Welding 10 WhaV St4mulatiA Ke -to BecciRe an Blectroalag Welder 17 32 The.Search Continues Welding-Mith &.Gang of Blectrqdes 35 .~Xaxterjng of Smiautomatic Welding With the Use of a Plex:Lbll Condult 38 Frien dIly Help 56 More About the Oharacteristic Fea~ures and Advantages of Electroslag Weldtng 75 Card 2/ 3 W it N 0 Aua Ara "'~agjx u U-be 0 It V, t If jrd~ "WIS ..u 4f. . 41 1 r ~ Tio aut se cdewa aft ft do 0614w4mcd-l ~;v j Kamm. AN(. Z"r. St. oknaft dmul MOAC a Fb ft fk . a ev da" M p ft t &cdft ce CA execW a bmeOcid clva -1y t d (j i di m m e n caws the CK hsd 4" b t hil I _G* e n PA acu e to dcute satumbim, w undt*xbk actim; ia gvs"d to the tam-photogy of 4he cc*(Aam Wd k"Milad of the mthf-y-. 140d, (be b" l th id hk a . e t* a g cbekstt" & c thr sugar. M. G. #4 a Zoo go 0 go OL 00, 0 zoo LITCRATWC CUUMCATOW 'low '9144" 440 Vv 444 41plAll OK 4-1 496 v malwaidgG seem 4 It a It a 19 K It it K a 0 0 - ' I t o. I t v Is It v ii it t5 Is It kwl it Av 11 all lza us leg MPG so a a a it 0 OL I & r4 Tkt Wood mu=,4wc (qqdWc. 1~ (1, Ne-fichada. 4*4 Ad"mo. 44-K#. J4. IM 4.7w,-Afice bc* (Od w4my (wd 444 d(teir m-tvQhaKk- or odd faimi the caukhraw vAlue of tbo bkond d CAWtm 4tuOtwd Oftet OdY tit "Ittl - ~ it tvACW 4 mks. Af(tr W min, 4ml W mat tctwntd 146 its txl4i"l t i vdbw4ftcr3hq--~ ltw til'.twdefivitir'.1 the l4witt t4wd lwm*~j ltuko On, f4ma wtntot~e alifortaw f "due h4twvd mfdrtvtl~ challev. AU is. Rome 00 a .00 go 'S a ~V " deMIAMCCA& UMAT4ffle CLSISWOCAMN 9 4 Its OXON $etc& ICK (k f ft Am 4 S0 ad a 0 0 It it is I a a I 0 *10 0 q 0 0 0 0. o o if 0 a 40i0 0 0 so 0 0 41 410 171- * 'I -.- " '!* ", -1 y . 1;' . 4 . - Ip- Medicine (Vitardne and health) Smolenskoe obl. gos. izd-vo, 1948. MonthjX List of Itassian Accessions., Library of Congress-, July, 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. N:-SHCHADI,%:ZNKO, I. r--. Neshchadimenko, 1. P. - "The -;orpholo,-y oi tnb blood and aOL ir, oc:ntAr&ti.,.-, of the thomx". Trudy 14edinstituta (Izhev. gos. ined. in-L), Vol. 1'111, 19113, p . 37-43. qn: U-4110, 17 JulY 53, (Letopis '?,hurnal Inykii Statey, No. 19, 1)49). . T , - , ~ . ~. .-. , . 1 , i ,I II I ; , .. - , . ,. . I j Medicine (Ifelminthic diseases and measures against them) Smolenskoe abl. Gos. izd-vo, 1950. Monthly List of Russian Accessions.L Library of Congress, July. 1952. Ul"CLASSIFIED. Q .1 9ADYKUKO . , . form of the blood elownts and erythrocyte sedimentation rate In Cancer. gedych.shur. 22 no.4:80-83 152. (=A 6:101 1. Smolens'skyy nedychuyy Instytmt. 2. Smolens'skyy oblastn7y onkodispanser. (cancer) (Blood) USSR.iHuma and Aninal Physiology - Effect of Physical Factors. R-14 Abs Jour : Referat 2hur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 71263 Author : Kostenko, H.S., Nqshq4 I.P. Shkapina, B.A. last Titl3 : The Influence of Non-Ionizing Radiation on the Catalase and Hematological Indices in the Blood, in Animal and Novocaine Anaesthesia. Orig Pub : Pub: Zdravookhr. Belorussii, 1956, No 1l, 51-52 Abstract : The general clinical picture, activity of catalase and blood morphology of irradiated animals, subject to ami- tal or novocaine anasthesia of the skin, of the back or belly, is the same as in irradiated control ani-Is. In the development of radiation syndrome, at first there occured changes in the white (reduction of leucocytea began with lymphocytic decrease) and then red bloodoells. The earlier and stronger the leuco-neutro-, lymphocyte-, monocyte-, erythro- and reticulocytopenia, and also the lowering of catalase activity accured, the larger was the Card 1/1 - 160 - degree of radiation damage. pOLAND/HIMM and Animal physiology - Effect of Physical Factors. R-14 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, IWO 16, 1957, 71271 Author : I&Jewska-Nyrkova, I. Inst Title : Changes in the Houth Region Under the Influeace.of Ionising Irradiations. Orig Pub : Pub: Czasop. stomatol- 1956, 9, No 12, 653-066 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 - 161 - ~, MROHADMV, L,4.*, assistant Wact of rounding-off errors on the value of the Ust m*nowu lu the solution of normal equatIoum. Izv. v1s. uchebe xav.; good. I asrof. no.4:51,-58 160* (NIU 13:11) 1. Omakly se1'akokhozyaystvenn37 inatitut. (rquations) (Triangulation) LI-3948 1/000/006/04 S103516 -3/o44 0 0 (//:Lj/ 1/4 A001/A101 AUMORI Neshchadimov, L.S. . ...................., TITLE: Factors affecting the magnitudes of angular corrections in adjust- ment MIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya I 6eodeziya, no. 6, 1961, 35-36 abstract 60286 ("Tr. Omakogo a.-kh. in-&', ig6o, v.38, no.2, 89-i12) TEXT: The author analyzes the accuracy of adjusted angles in small net- works and subsidiary triangulation of the 3rd and 4th order. The root-mean-square error of adjusted angle + 2 + M2 M + M2 1 2 Mi 4 where M, is the error of measured angle, M2 is the effect of geometric construc- tion of the network, K is the effect of non-rigorous adjustment M Is the effect and systematic errors. of error in initial da The magnitudes ;f Individual er- rms are Investigated. For M, the auth,)r reacmmends estimates by Ferrero's formula with application of other estimates for the control and analysis of various ef- fects, namely: M2= lvv]/r. Card 113 23948 S/035/61/000/006/043/044 Factors affecting the magnitudes ... A001/A101 where r is number of conditions and M2 - ~(4[vvj - 2 [vv]. + r I xt) (rdir ang) where 1"let. is the sum pertaining to external directions r (r ie the num- ber of conditions in adjusting the network by directions ("Jeir).'Jf .2 _[vv]/n is adopted and "index of accuracy of network geometrical construction" r v= r/n is introduced, then Mi = MVIV7 . -ihe effect eometrical construction of the net- work is expressed by the fofmula M_o - MI U ually 0 -5M1 -4- M2 0 .7M, - V 71- S The affect of non-rigorous adjustment was'deteAnined on a model by comparing ad- Justment by angles (according to Urmayev) and by directions using the method of conditional and indirect measurements. The divergence in corrections of directions was less than 0"11, angles - less than 0.4 - o".8; ax-tgular error in adjustment of directions was, as a rule, less by 0.15 - 0175, however, adjustment of directions yields not always better results. According to K.L. Provorov's investigations for second-order networks (on which networks of the 3rd and 4th orders are based), q = n/(n - r) = 3, hence /P - 2/,3 and at M, = 0"7M2 = 0"40. This value of M2 was adopted In studying the effect of errors in initial data on the model. The average effect of errors of the second-order network on an individual angle of the 3rd and 4th-order networks proved to be from the results of Investigations 0.05 - 0120, and Card 2/3 23948 S/035/61/000/006/043/044 Factors affecting the magnitudes ... AOOI/AIOJ magnitudes of M and M2 correspondingly tc 0.5 - 1114 and 0 - O~6 (no reliable es- timate was obtained for M3). The tetal error M of an adjusted angle in networks of the 3rd and 4th orders is adopted to be not less than 0.5 and 017 respectively. A. Butkevich [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 313 YUHNEVICH, Grigoriy Vasillyevichp doti.; RYAZANOV, Viktor. Favlovich, dots.; SIBIRYAKOVA, Aleksandra DmitrlyeNmap dots. Prinimali uchastiyet BATRAKOV, Yu.G., dots.; VITMANt A.I., dots.; YUNOSHEV, L.S.# aspirant; KOROBOCHKIN, M.Lp assistent; NEKHCROSHEV, M.Ye., retsenzent; BOGOLYUBOVA, N.S., retsenzent; NIKOLWO, 1;.F., retsenzent; CHERNUKHINp L.S., retsenzentl NESECHADIIIQV,. 4,q,j,,retsenzent; LARCHENKOp Ye.G., prof.,, red. (Surveying] Geodeziia. Moskva, Nedra. Pt.2., 1964. 338 p. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika U)ravleniya seltakokhozyaystvan- nykh aerofotos"yemok (for Nekhoroshev). 2. Kafedra vysshey peodezii Omskogo sellskokliozyaystvemogo instituta (for Bcgolyubova, Nikolenko, Chernukhin, Neshchadimov). 311113 '~"4/058/058 3, 1006 (xv. I, A001 rA10 AWHOR: Neahi TITLE: On accuracy of coefficients An normal equations PERIODICAL: Ret'erativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no.4, i961, 38, ab- stract 4G242 ("Tr. Omskago s.-kh. in-ta", 1960, v. 38, no. 2, 113- 126) TEXT: Coefficient accuracy Is considered in adjustment of triangulation by the two-group mothod of Krueger-Umayev and the indirect measurement method. 1) The values of root-mean-square errors'in coefficients of condition equations and free terms, obtaired as a result of investigations, are tabulated (Seven-digit logarithm tables were used in calculationsP sine condition equations were divided by 10 and coor&nate equations by 1,000). (Errors in coefficients of coordinate equations must depend on the lengths of network sides. Editorial). 2) It is suf- ficiGnt to perform transformation of coefficients of condition equations with an accuracy of up to 0.01. Goofficients of normal equations have an error amounting to 0.01 - 0.10, and their calculation can be therefore performed up to 0.01 -0.001. 3) The accuracy of coefficients of normal reduced equations in the case of in- Card 112 on accuracy of coefficients in normal equations direct measurements is approximately the same. Names of elements T a b 1 e S)b3 1/5bl 004A58/058 AIC AOO Root-mean-square, errors Non-transformed coefficients of sine condition equations o.oo4 Non-transformed coefficients of coordinate condition equations 0.000 - 0.003 Transformed coefficients respectively at m--0.00_3 and 0.0003 of sine conditions o oo4 and 0.002-0.00_3 of coordinate conditions 0.003 and 0.001-0.002 Free terms of sine conditions 0.1 - 0.2 Free terms of coordinate conditions 0.10 - 0.15 V..Bol'shakov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 .3 4 604 14.1's-00 S/044/62/000/001/oc$6/061 C111/C222 AUTHOR8 Nes TITLE: The influence of the error of the coefficients and the free terms of normal equations on the correlates PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 1, 1962, 39, abstract IV184- ("Tr. OmskoC;o s.-kh: in-tal,' 1960, 42, no. 2, 41-44) TEXTt The author examines the influence of the error resulting from the inexactness of the coefficients and free terms of well-condi- tioned normal systems of ec,~uations upon the exactness of the correlates, The correlates of a system of ten normal equations with various errors, which is solved in three different ways, are compared and the results are entered in a table. For systems where there is no large difference in the magnitudes of the coefficients, a formula for the mean quadratic error of the correlate is derived. Further, an approximation formula iu uerivcd for ayutems, the coefficients of which differ considerably in magnitudo, On the basis of a comparison of errors found in the correlates derived by various methods, the author concludes that the errors are quantities which come close to the mean quadratic error of Card 112 S/044/62/000/001/056/061 The influence of the error of the ... C111/C222 the coefficients of the normal equations for the given system. ~bstracterls notes Complete translation,-) Card 2/2 JI.I.S00 _111605 I I S/044/62/COO/001/057/06! CIII/C222 AUTHOR: Neshchadimov L. S. TITLE: The estimation of the exactness of the first unknown in the solving of a normal equation PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no, !, 1962~ 39-40. abstract 1V165. ("Tr. Omsko-o s.-kh, in-tall, 1960t 42 no. 2, 45-48) TEXT- The error of the first unknown 4s expressed by the quant'- ty of the unknowns and the error of the last unknown which, in derivation, is equated to the error of the last transformed quadi_~,ir. ,coefficient. Hereby the errors of the transformed free terms are deter- mined by the formula for the error of the last correlate, while the errors of the coefficients of the elimination equations and the free terms in one and the same row are equated. Further, it is assumed tha* all other unknowns participate in the calculation of the last unknown, so that the final formula gives a somewhat excessive estimate. It is mentioned that the suggested formulas allow for conclusions on the exactness of the solutions of normal equations and on the errors of tiie unknowns, which originate from rounding-off during the solution EAbstracter's note: Complete translation.3 Card 1/1 NESHCHADMOV, L.S. --L- Determination of sow iroefficients of normal equations. Geode 1. kart, noo7c29-31 JI 161* (mnu 14:7) (Triangu2at.1011) BER it 1.1.1 NESHCH&DIMOV, N.M. Tanlar IDshusappe Garlbetildl.' Mha. t4kh.--ekoa. Leam Takh, upr. Kin. mor. flota 7 no,4z12-18 162. (MIRA 16:4) 2. Kapitan tankers, wNbuzappe GariballdiN (for Bebell). 2. Starahiy mekbanik tankera "Dshusappe Gariballdi" (for leshchadizov). (Tank vessels-Design and construction) NESEC DINAL_LM,- W-.hanical, devIcs for the waanrement of cargo lwmls. Biul. tokh.-aton. Inform. Tekh. t~pr. Min. nor. flota, 7 no.8:52-55 t62,9 (KERA 1615) 1. StarshLy mkhan:Lk tankera "Dahusappe Gariballdiw. (Tank vetwels) (Liquid level Indicatops) 101-58-3-5/12 Chemical Control of Cement Production by Photoelectrocolorimetric-and complex Volumetric Methods the fastest method for detecting calcium is the complex volumetric titration of calcium salt solutions with tri- ,Ion B by adding chromatic indicators. The above methods are especially suited for analyzing the raw mixtures and clinkers of the cement industry. There are 3 tables, 1 graph and I Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONs An&Utich"4", laboratoriya Giprotsementa (Analytical ..uaboratory of Giprotsement) 1. Cement--Production 2. Silicates--Chemical analysis 3. Titration-Applications Card 2/2 15(6) L-OV/101-59-2-4/lx AUTHORS: Bogdanova, I.V., Malamud, M.M. and Neshchadimova, N.M. TITLE: A Method of Chemical Control of Cement Slime Composition, Based on Compound Volumetric Analysis PERIODICAL: Tsement, 1959t Nr 2, pp 12-17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors state that many cement plants have to adjust and modify the composition of the cement slime. Bearing in mind the essential properties of the slime, such as its saturation and one of its functional moduli, the usual analytical methods may be replaced by more up-to-date ones. The proposed scheme intends to accelerate the analysis of the slime and clinker by means of a quick reckoning of and CaO. The basic components, such as SJ02, A1203p Fe203 result may be obtained in 2 hours with an accuracy very near to that obtainable with a classical analytical method of a silicate analysis; by a combined titration of the Card 1/3 aluminum, iron and calcium in the filtrate of the silicon SOV/101-59-2-4/13 A Method of Chemical Control of Cement Slime Composition, Based on Compound Volumetric Analysis diooxide. Then the filtrate is divided for a further analysis. Thus, for a volumetric detormination of iron and aluminum, a 100 milliliter dose, equal to 0.4 grams, and 25 ml of calcium, equal to 0.1 g, should be taken from the entire volume. Giprotsement (State Planning Institute for Cement Industry Enterprises) has based its research upon the work of Soviet and foreign researchers. The "Sukholozhskiy tsementnyy zavod (Sukholozhskiy Cement Plant), anxious to accelerate and simultaneously to obtain the correct results of the slime analysis, has consulted the analytical laboratory of the State Planning Institute for Cement Industry Enterprises and the department of general chemistry of the Ural'skiy 'politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polyteehnical Institute). The authors describe, in detail, various ways of analytical perform- ances and results.obtained with the accelerated methods, Card 2/3 and, for comparative reasons, figures resulting from the SOV/101-59-2-4/13 A Method of Chemical Control of Cement Slime Composition, Based on Compound Volumentric Analysis classical analytic methods of Si021 A'20,, Fe203 and CaO for the raw material mixtures and clinkers at Volkhovskiy, Leningradskiy and Pikalevskiy zavody (Volkhov, Leningrad and Pikalevo Plants), table 1. Table 2 shows comparative results obtained at the Sukholozhskiy Cement Plant for Al203and Fe2o 3* The authors conclude that the methods of the accelerated analysis of the raw material mixture guarantee satisfactory results of the vol'umetric defini- tions of the slime components. There are 2 tables and 8 references, of which are Soviet, 1 English, I German and 1 Hungarian. Card 3/3 MIKHHEV, A.L.1 KHOMAZIUK, A-I-; KOCHEMASOVAI, N.G., KUVM-!NSF'.Y, N.P.; SMIRMOVA, N.S.; IESHCHFRET, A.P. Disorders in circulatory regulation in experimental atherosclerosis In logo. Trudy Inst, Kin. I eknper. kar , AN Gruz. SSR 8il8l 186 163. (141RA 17/0) 1. Ukrainskiy institut klinicheskoy meiitainy imert akademika N.D.Strazhasko, Kiyev. 1q; Pulmonary -'r1 the tiruL,~ perio~2 of myooardlal irifare' ,n dogr, with an Jntart ti,corax. 5-cul. eksp. biol. j. med. 60 m~.;',,21-24 Ag 165. (YIRA 18g9) pro-C. nstil- a (riir.-, zailuzhenyy rlallk~ -'rj. Fiyev. NZSBDMWO 1. 1. F lumbe 34MVINC the flxsd lining of a cone-type crasher by press- Lug. Gor.xhur. nq~.8:77 AC 160. (Jau 13: 8) to ftchallvAk remoutnogo k=ta Gornogo uprawlenlys %4PdtO9OrGkv9O metallurgiobesk-ago komblusta. (Crunblvg mabinery-4kintemmce, and repair) nsffmmmr, X,r sTa, Tulesaiser for electric power cAblas, Gor. zhur. no. 11:74-75 m 6o. (MMA 13:10) 1. hkehallatic reacatnago kusta Gornago, uprarlaniya Kagnitogorskogo, ustallurgichestcogo, kombitats. (1180tricity In saining) (Taloantzattea) IlarInn JjjArlnnnvlAl4-_TALOTr NeAst red&; SIDOROTt Toffee red..Isd-va,- -TAYNPUZM, U.S., tokl=.rad,. (Asobanical equipment of viaterju pUnts] Nakhanichaskoe aborudovanis aglomerat5ionnykh fibrik....Kaskva. Goo.nanchno-takha. Lzd-va lit-ry pa chernoL I tavetnoi wtalluraii, 1961. 386 p. (mm 14:3) (Ore dressing-SquLpmat and aWpliss) (Sint5ring) RMCHERE;Tv 1.1.9 inzh. - I tion f=uace for smelting zinc. Gor. shur. no.3:79 Kr t61. - . - I ~ (MB~L 14:3) 1, 1, Kapitagaroldy. met&l1ukgioheokiy'kombIn&t* 0561ting.furnances-) (zinG--zK*tan,4r9y) RESHCHERST9 1*1*9 irmhe Gbanging and splicing of rubber convoyer beltse Gore zhure no.602.73 Jo 061* (MRA 14:6) 1. Naebaltnik remontnogo kusta aornago upravlentya Kagnitogorskago metallurgicheskago kombinata. (Conveying maahinery.-Maintonance and repair) NZSICMMW, I.I., inzh. -- I HoistIM device for obwging pipes for middli lines. Gor. zhur. no.7:69-7o n 163. WRA 16: 8) 1, Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. -NMHCHFBYT,, I.I., gornyy inzh. Automation of autogenous operations for the repair of equipment. Gor. zhur. no.5:74-75 tt,- 964. (MM 17:6) 1. Yagnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheski.y institute NESHCMMT, I.I., gornyy inzh. Centralized lubrication of excavators, Gor. zhur. no.Uz 6"9 N 163. (KMA l7t6) 1. Ifignitagorskiy gornometallurgicheakiy institut. NESHCHKM,,,T.I. -.-. - 1, 1-- -.. -1- " Operating rotary screens for sinter. Metal-lurg 9 no.lt4..i/ Ja 164 (MIR& 18:1) 1. Magnitogorskiy metaUurgicheskiy kombinat. VA) USSR/Cultivated Plants.- Technical Oleaceaep Sugar Plants 14-7 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - B:Lol.,, No 1,, 1958j, Ro 1660 Author : D.S. Neshcheret Inst : -Ndt-aven , Title :Types of Variety Populations of the Sunflower Orig Fub :V Ob.: KMtkly GtChet o nauch. issled. rAlbote Vises. a.-i. in-ta maslich. I efiromaslich bv2lur VASIOWL W za 1955, Krasnodar, 1956,. m-lA Abstract : As a-zesult of experiments on the effect of a short day on various varieties of the sunflower conducted during 1953- 1955 by the Institute's Physiology Division, it has been es- tablished that varieties of the sunflower have complex pop- ulations which indlude long day as well as short day forms. According to the reaction to the length of the day, the varitty populations have beea divided by the author Into three types: 1) composed of the long day forms only; 2) dompbsed of late long day and early short day forms; 3) composed of early long day and late short day foms. Each grouping within a variety also presents complex population. Card 1/1 NESHCHERKNii SA, ClIniftl aspects and treatment of tubmulads Of file generative organs. Zdrav. Tadxh.6 10 no-5-.34-38 -163. . AKM 17.-2) L, Tz tuberkuUznogo akusbersko-gimkologicbeakogo, otdoleniya Gorodakay klinlobaskay bollnitay ImenlOictyabrIskoy revolyutsii "va. NESHCBMQVAp S.V. (Kiyev) VAGhaniM Of I the action of lidass, Vracho delo no- 12 t25-26 0 D 163., (MIRA 17:2) 1. Mroblologicheskaya laboratoriya (zav. - prof. R.0. Drabkina) Ukminakogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo Lustituta tubarkuleza i grudnoy khirurgii im. akad. F.G. Yanovskogo i tubarku2esnoys akushersko-ginakologichaskoye otdeleniye (samo - Ye.M. Kasurovskaya) gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitay Ia. Wyabrfskoy-revolyutaii. AUTHORt Neshcheretf D. 20-119-2-55/60 TITLE: Types of Varietal Populations in Helianthus Annuus as Established by the Changing Photoperio4.icLty(Tiiy-sortovykh populyatsiy podoolnechnika, ustanoylennjkye putem izmeneniya fotoperiodicheakogo rezhima)) . PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii Hauk SSSR, 1958, Vol; 119, Nr 2, PPi 386-386 (USSR) I ABSTRAM The said populations are characterized by heterogenity of growth and development of their plants. The complexity of the populations has more than once been observed (refs. 1-5). Among others it has become known that among the species Belozernyy Gigant,vsm,and MINK 1646,there are forms of the short and of the long dV. The author has studied the following species with regard to the reaction of their components to the length of the day: VNIBM 6540 and 8833, Saratovskiy 169 and Saratovskiy ranniy, Pioner Sibiri, Karlilf stepnoy, Gigant, 549, Armyanskiy gryzovoy, Helianthum lent"icularis and Gibrid F15- For that purpose the method elaborated in ref. 1 was used somewhat modified Card 1/4 by the author. The populations were cultivated under Types of Varietal Populations in Helianthus Annuus as 20-119-2-55/60 Established by the Changing Photoperiodicity conditions of the changing day (after the coming A of the seed 25-35 short 9-hour days; later - ordinary day . The heterogenity of the population was increased under the influence of the short days the period of bud formation and of floreacenoe.was greatly delayed: the forms of the short day accelerated their development, the forms of the long day protracted it. The seeds of some families (especially the earliest and the latest, under condition of the short day) were sown the next year and cultivated in families in 2 variantst a) in changing day and b) during unchanged ordinary day (control). JLccording to the experiments all examined species can be divided into four types according to the reaction of the biotypes, forming them, to the length of the day: I. Saratovskiy 169, MINK 6883, Armyanskiy Gryzovoy, H. lenticularis and Gibrid 1?.,,, they consist only of forms of the long day. The r 'j development is accelerated in the variant of the unchanged ordinary day (as compared with the variants of the changing day).(tab. 1). VNIINK 6540 and 1646 as well as Pioner Sibiri belong to type II.,,'which consist of Card 2/4 relatively premature forms of the short day and of later- Types of Varietal Populations in Helianthus Annuus as 20-119-2-55/60 Established by the Changing Photoperiodicity -ripening forms of the long day. Under type III the author has placed the species Gigant 549, specially manifold with regard to its composition, and consisting of relatively late-ripening biotypes. From them the premature forms of the long day and the late-ripe forms of the short day (approaching the neutral) were separated. Populations of such species have a very complicated com- position and the plants of which they are composed are still more haterozygous. To type IV belong Saratovskiy ranniy and Karlik stepnoy, consisting of forms of the long day and of the neutral. The majority of the said species, which are mostly of northern origin (Saratovskiy 169 and ranniy, Karlik stepnoy)o consist of forms of the long day and of the neutrall both very similar, Species of southern origin (nim 1646 and 6540, Gigant 549) are complex populations and offer great possibilities as regards selection. The short day is a factor which "splits" the variety population of the Helianthus annuus. It facilitates the selection of biotypes, which are discernible by a number of biological Card 3/4 and economical properties. From a crossing of these bio- Types of Varietal Populations in Helianthus Annuus as 20-119-2-55/60 Established by the Changing Photoperiodic:Lty types in pairs or in groups hybrides originate with a varying viability and productivity. The genetic-physiological study of the composition of the populations is necessary for the elaboration of a correct selection method. There are I table and 5 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-is3ledo,!atellskiy institut maslichnykh i ef iro-maslichnykh kul 0 tur(AlAhion: Zutitute of SclentLfle Research In . Oil- and Volatile Oil- - CultureO PRESENTED& December, 20, 1357, by A. L. Kursanov, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED-. April 10, 1357 Card 4/4 Cl- ~. , fV7,jC)I 1,10 cc), 11'r') AWE r pp C, I C- I ~LSFGIIERL -i~ff AY A NEMGH:Z1,ET,YfkYA, L. 1. - "Determining the n.rst rational s--stesai a-4 outt-.-- a nuWber of varieties of grapes imder conditions prevailing in the Lower Don watershed". Voronezil, 1955. 14-lin Higher Education UBSR-. Voronezh Agricultural Tnst. (Dissertall-ioit for the Degree of Candidate of Agricultural Science.) -00: Knizbnaya Letopis', flo. h1l, 22 Uctober 1955. IIoscow NESHCHERETMYY.9 P.M.; GLITCIIEUKOI P.I. Crane manufacture at the Novo-Kramatorsk Plant. Sbor.govo-Kram. mashinostroi.zav, no.1:125-131 159. (KM 16:22) UFSHFIO/s. V. ~, Functional roentgat ray diagiosis of chronic pulmomry emptWeema, KIIn. imed.,, Moskva 28:7. July 50. p. 504 1. Of the Facidty Thempeutic Clinic (Director-Honored worker J-1 Sciences, prar. G. F. Lang# Active Member of the AcadmW of Medical Sciences USSR# deceased . First Lsnlngmd Kodiul rhatituts Imeal 16 P. Pavlov, cum 190 59 NOV.6 1950 USSR~2werileine Roeqtgenology, FD-709 Card 1/1 Pub. 132,'P-0/22 Author Neshelit Ye. V. Candidate Medical Sciences ''Title Dextral aorta Periodical Vest- Rent- i Rad. 85-88, M&Y/June 1954 Abstract Owing to the lack of any complaints an the patient-'s part, a,dextrally located aorta is usually not detected until a person h-t reached middle- age., This condition can be detected in younger peop1c only by means of.X-rays. Three drawings. No references. Ti2stitution Chair of Faculty Therapy (Acting,Chief - Profes'sor T. S. Istemanova) and Chair of Roeatgenology (Chief - Professor D. G. Rokhlin) I Lenin- grad Medical Institute imeni Academician 1. F. Pavlov (Director A. 1.-Ivanov). Submitted I I - MOW -r- rejt RUMVA, re.A. Fmbldw of adeumatoois of the lungoo &rrzod. 24 na,4~vjol- 104S 960. (MM 13tnl 1. rz kafedry fakulltetskoy terapii (zav. - prof. To& ratmnova) r Zeningradskogo maditalukogo iwtitut4 imeni akad, rp, ftrjova, (WNGS-TUKOBI) $Z NESHELtt ~Ke T ~HAS IN, N.N. On the Romen-Rich syndrcme. 25 no.8:104,-110 Ag 1600 (KEFA 13:9) lo Is kafedry fakulltatakoy terapii (sav. - prof. T.S.laatamanova) I LeniWadekogo meditBinakago inatituta Im, I.P. Pavlove. (PMMMU FIBMSIS) C~xe of disphragmtio hwida of tramt1c, origin. rm. 35 no. 1:6"5 -Ta-r '64 (KIU 13:10) 10 rz kafedry reutganologii ( prof. DqG. Rokhlin) J klLfedry fakulltetako.r teral4i (sav, - prof# T.Platamanova) I Leuiumadskago, meditainskogo, Luxtitmta fmwd akadehike r.,#.Pavlova (dir. JL.]:.Ivanov). GASTEVA, Zinaida Ale se qvna;,,NESHELl* 'Yoll Veronika Genmllyevna; LURIYE, iiiSKAYA, V.A.) red. (Pneumofibrosis and pulmonary emphysemal Pnevmofibrozy emfizema legkikh. Leningrad, Meditsirta., 1965. 206 p. (MIRA 18:9) PIMMTA, X.; KAMA, A.; HIKKOVA, M.; ~Isovv - q, fterapautic resmIts in tuberenlaus meningitis, Suvrea. md., Soft& 9 no.5:46-56 1958. 1. rx Iratedrata po detski boleati pri YK 1. P. Pavlov - Plovdiv (Zav. katedmta*. prof. Iv. Andreav) (TUBMMTAC615, KBINGIAL, therapys drug ther. (Bul)) KMW-&~G ~ -- . A -- Relationehip between gongilon-blocking agenta and cytig:lne. N&uah,,ofii& a no-W-14 t63 1e Iz krushoka po farmakologiia; nauchen rukovoditelt prof. dr. DoPpAkov. [BULGARIA B. TASKOV, Cr. NESH and St. IOCHEV, Department of Infectious Diseases, Medical College (Katedra po infektsiozni bolesti pri VMI) "T.P. Pavlov," Head (Rukovoditel na katedrata) Prof Iv. ANDREEV, Plovdiv. "Therapeutic EEfect of Some Antibiotics In Dysentery and Typhold Fever.11 Sofia, Suvremenna Meditsina, Vol 14, No 5, 1963, pp 21-24. Abstract : Data on 708 patients with dysentery and 145 with typhoid fever, treated with various antibiotics of the chloramphenicol, streptomycin and tetracycline groups; chloramphenicol was most effective, streptomycin least. Sulfathiazole was used in conjunction. In vitro tests were not always reliable predictors of clinical response. Effects generally good but recurrences may be even more frequent with antibiotictreatment - thus 13% of 145 antibiotic-treated patients had recurrences but none of 30 patients with typhoid fever treate4 without antibiotics. Ll /I