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a Start i.,.KXp r- 161- t t -Mr. - P?~'a nf7,: r t i e si t t t i,~ !it o Ii rI t r r. n 1:- 1 ti -" 7-.. - -L~A e,-- r.I:-e Soviet references. The publication of this artiele vas reccaimended by the Kafedra elektricheskogo transporta Moskovskogo energeticheskogo instituta (Chair of Electric Transportation at the Moscow ImUtute of Power Engineering). ASSOCLAMON: Kafedrm elektricheakogo transportia MDskovskogo energaticheakogo institute. (Chair of Electe-a Tramportation at the Moscow Institute of Power &mdn ering)l Kafedra elektratekbalid Homk.7mkj:V) vyssbeg~ tekhnichesk f.) u,!h1_3 imbilA is. Baumans. (Chair of Elit.,Aria&l Engireer- ing at the Mumeov Righer Gnhoml of Twbanloa Immi Bk.,qan) SUHUMD: .:a--luaxy 21, 1958 NF,MS('V, Oleg Alok-VRvIO). lcand.t#vkhn.wuk, fltars~17 culklch"Yy - Frequency regii1fition f)f asyncbrnmus driving motr.ra. Irv. 77s. urheb. zav.: elaktrnrr.,,Rkh. I no.6:7'1-19 '5 9. C-fIRA 11-9) 1. Knfodra ql-ktrirhof3kn#-r, trbn,.grjorta MnqkovRkor(, InRtituta. (Moctric bwnmr~lvl-n) (FInctric rnnt,~rF, 'in( . , 8(6) AUTHOR: ffekrranov, Ols-g Al,?kseypvich, C ~rrt id,, I o- ,f 3 N, 11, 1 -,;1-2-2 71, 5o -Fe--c-h-r-Tc--aT--97(T-er. ~ea ~,e`ni or- 3~ i r, r t i f i cNnr%pr, 7-, 1r --if Electric TritnsporLation, Mo- - Power Bngineering Institute TITLE On the Ci):-rvnt 3u ' j,ly of Trar, pUrtition r '-r Coridey.ser El,ctric Eneineu (Ob el, ~tronnabzhenii ridni,~hnoy otkitki pri kon,lensatornykh e, --tr,)vo:-. L~,h) PERIODICAL: Nauchnvye doklady vyss.Ney shl~oly. Elektromekh.inik,,: i 'ivtor.Ltika, !Tr 2, PP 217 - 222 (T'39.11) ABSTR,',CT: The er--r.j-.qiij)ply system of thc trarisporl.~'tion wit ph;,se current av~l conderser loc motiven q,.c):,-s some .~erulirLrities which con!iist of an asym:~etric load. on thF, trrtin-transf --rs and in incr,~ased ll;ffi~ijltieB to protect the system ;i,-ainst short-circuit c-irrer to T-,ese qliestionf- Ire now ti-,--it(-,d briefly, i v . on t~.e basis of the author' s ela~or:,ti-)n:, and prFtctical axperience jr,tined in t.Ae transportation 1) '- :.'leans of electric vrgir-es KE-2. The ci:culations wore -~jlied to t.,ere i,coraotives (fief 1~ T-e re!t,ltn of t!,e~-e calc-.,1:.tioris rtre e:,ivf-r here. AdmirL;lL-lo tr-,7.sfc) are invel;ti.-ited Card 1, 2 ar.J c;l:c1j'1 tiori.,i )f , ,i item for minimtim Vojtt.#re Lt th- On the Current Sup, Ij of '.!i-.e Tr-,- , p -;-t~;l ior. lle;lrs ' r --V Condenser ElectTic col ',e,-t;)r arp performed. The qystem f r s .,,)rt-rircui t cur, ent!! is cal 'cuiuted; tne reactaice protection of a Ehrt-cirr,it current is inveqti,-,itpl And it is demon r trat ed t at it is the befit -neans of nimplifyi~ig awl relhicing ~--onts of the current- nu ~,'. y sy 8 t --I Th~!ro orv 2 fiiirps %.r.d4 .1 Sovi4~t r- f-rei.cev. ASS; Ir I ATI '-)N . Kii *-Ora el,~tr i -tv-~akogo tr~~.-s~-rta M,,nkov.9~.ogro er.eror-t icnes- k figo I r q t i t ta ( Chair of E'.P,-tric Transportati,)n i-it tr.e Il- p , w Priver EW-neerlj3g Inetlt-,utp) S U i!tl I :,,"Ell V r n 1 1 , 1 0, 6 Card / 2 80), 120) AUTHOM 9 Nekrasov Oleg Lleks~pv-ich, Candilate of FZV/161- 58-4- 1~/28 11ces# jf? -I' I fAS Sf,('! ~!'V of tho Chai r, Rokus, Grigoriy Gavrilovich, Assistant T11M On the Conderisor-auxiliary-machinen of k1temating Current locomotkves With Rectifiers (0 kondensatornykh vapoymogatelonykh manhinakh elektrovozov peramem.ogo toka s vyprynnitelyami) FEBIOMCAL: Nauchnyye doklady vys.,ihey shkoly. ElektromeLnnnika i nvtomRtika, 1958, Wr 4, PP 150 - 160 (USSR) LBSTRAOTt Tn e1ectro-1-.)camotive constructisi. In the U33R, asynchronous cond(maer-motors and three phase induction motors (fed from a phase splitter (Ref 3)) are U3ed for driving the auxiliary units of <ernating current locomotives with the industrial frequency, 3ome rosy--Its are river. here of the examii.ation of auxiliary condenser motors, In order to determine the =nst economic&l, rel.iable, and simple circuit d-inerary. The following units belong to these mudliary machines: Uotor-ventilators, motor-compressors, motor-cooling water pumps and trot or- gener ato ro of the control circuits. The worki-ng conditioni of these auxiliary motors of the sir,gle-phase direct-current locomotives are very lifficult. Or. the Card 1/3 current take-off devioes of the locomotives, voltage fluctuations Or. the Condense r-auxi li ary-mach I ne s of klternatiig Current MY/16A.- 58- 1. - ' -,/28 Locomotives With Roctifiers of the nominal valup are allowed idthin the limit of fror. C,75-1.1, and the range of outside te-aperature is Li7~itel between +4CP - -50, Celsius. The examination carried out hPre showel that the installed power of the nondpisers requires a system rf Fr';xiliary condenser-motors and a hydraulic drive of the com;res3c,rs for starting fzrom the cold, since no switched-off condensers are available if all motors are workiriE. Applied to thp Plee-tro- locomotive of the NCtype, tt is shown in table I that this allows ro(luctng the total capacity by 2.2 times, at simultaneoas improving the starting properties of all mowrs. At the --me time, the compressors are protected against increased weir durii,g strLrting at voltages coming close to the nominal voltat-es, The circuit diagram developed here is illustrated and described on an examl,le in fiepre 2. The exAminaticn sbowed that with tLe mentioned circuit diagram and drive respectively, any motor car. be stax-ted ard stopped, indepenimt of the oondJtior. of the other motors Ihen starting 9.11 motoors in successton, all contactors clotwo with the exception of one. With the circuit diagram for the condenser-motors of the alantro-locomotive of the IiO-type, 8 contactors must be G&M Z/3 witoohed-off by 8 relays,for starting all auxiliary motorFi The On the Condensor-auxiliary-machines of Llternating Current SOV/161-58-4-19/28 Locomotives With Rectifiers circuit is simple and reliable. The control circuit car, also be simple and reliable, especially in the case of contactless relays being used. There are 5 fi&res, 1 table, and 9 Soviet references. ASSMATUL 1) Kafedra elaktrichookogo transporta Moskovskogo energeticheakogo Instituta (Chair for Electrical Transportation at the Moscow Institute of Power &igineering), 21 Kafedra teplovogo kontrolya i avtomatiki Mookovskogo enerasticheskogo instituta (Chair for Heat Control and Automation at the Moscow Institute of Power Engineering) 0. Nekraso,,; ~. Rekus) SUIVITTEDt lugust 2, 1958 Card 3/3 --4u9 8 ( 5) 2 121, AUTHORS: Nekrasov, 0. A Engineer -,ani.iaiu of Trchn,~a. I~Iences, _n1khin, A. Ya, TITLE: Self-regulation of Dieoel Lccomc'.ive Generatore Using Magnetic Amplifiers (0 samore!rullrovan,.i -.eplo voznykn gener,itorov s iepol'zovanlyem magnitnykh u31,!'.teley ' PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvc, 1959. Rr 5, pp 3 36 (U:;ZR) ABSTRACT: In connection witn the productlor of now heavy Dleae! 13como- tives in the USSR, grea* iAt*,#4n'.,r 1.,i 'he jrcblem of sell'-regulation of pene,;itor., *,,r t.- dire " magnetic am,liflers On DieFit&i ' -~mo' v- ger,,--~.tnr o~~x-itat~on is produced by direct curr,~~nt ex, -, -:-~ !, - , here triat the use of a aynohronous ex-iter 1re-il - -he direct current ex- citer greatly reiur,~rj *he tiprf-ill-w f f - r-~pu si '.or , tind of fern a possibi I I ty e~f rpd!i : i r. oira r i inw. ~ , -? i I --nt and tne cipacity uf I ,lie, " . , n,, toviati - -Jij . 4 - nn of the capacity of the eng. -i-e tri(I f t?)e generat_.r But the stability of the ai,-,wa*) - a* 1,).1 1 1 a' -_ a! f -- ted by other Card 1/3 f actors. The pr3tlem oll it,ibi i - , w'. - n .~- e use uf a synchr,,noua 5()V''Cc 5Q ;-8 29 Self-regulation of Diesel Goenera-._r, Vagn~~t, ~ Am~,-,fir-rs exr, I ter Is I nves t I g~, 1,-1 h~. 7e. L.'! I III A V- 11~ correlations betwern the pr,- pe,- eii (-.f 5- i:~d tne, pr~,pertles of the ini,,vidu--' v,r-n. are letermined in a general iir,-. Tr._, s r- -- --i, o rt 13 lBcertained by means of ;~n wxRmpif- *-- a ~lp, a,t) . nri* or, of -!er tain bu i , d ! n g g r o u pq A m e . 1 1 r I t ',1 r, I a b u t nc,t qi ven herq The i - . " ; C, P. ra _~ Ized - On the bfi6is of *t,) gF , A -, m- n j- ; t, , w i rings and cr.mtinati)n,3 f t),,j i i r. ;r :1 - r~w, ~ItIPL7 BySte~MS for the g%~nerator5 -. ' 1, -, ~., .; W-171 -v-tigated theoretir;illy and ir, r a I gil the system at a redu7ed numbp 4~ 11 1 the 'alcu- iati~)i~ rf thp I i nV groups. were i . ri- -ir. i i~ I ~i. 6r,~ i~ - ra i : ) r - relatione given ht!rp The x p -i r- r,. t, n t, t I --ntr(,l i.~~ th- laboratory te described Thp 17- r - r , ' - rr,e1i-1,rr,i g i v o r, f', ~ r u, a t-~,ns -)f a e I f- r,- vu I a t i - r, - f p.. re r r c it ok I tr v,.3 With the u s e o f m a gn e t. i - atr z m t 1nv*~atjW,,%*o wirimr,B, t,nd t~ ri, i I, w: t iti ns :,f itFL-iontry Card 2,3 operating -orl, , i rn 'he -all , I a ) b e SOV/105-59-5-8/29 Self-reg-ulation of Diesel Locomotive Generators Using Magnetic Amplifiers used for other drives in a generator-d.a.motor system. There are 6 figures and 3 references, 1 of which Is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energeticheakiy institut (Moscow Power Engineering Institute) SUBMITTED: January 31, 1959 Card 3/3 -ni S/271 63/000/001/01.7/047 D413 309 "j, -for Automatic C"Culaft 'an' 6C ran -opent ft I P ""l-u- electric trane- t eye telemakhanika I o,7 63 45 abatractl AL Lt"49," Y? praphic-~wlytical m-eth-1 SM vari;4 if atixLng force Fm 3.4viet diesel locomotIve split.-ipolA wiciter ~us6d, on 44 ant diesel power. i SO f -To on'-for-const At to eoa-~ 'At .0 Ut _0 tiaing foree is rAcessary ton top, a in self-regulation characteristics, pro t*~= automatic control of power &M cur- as &I data of the machinen, based an - the tedude f Milies of 111611:11ii"tive, Md S/2n 1/017/047 D415 ~3 8000/00 iUh cilft'A's t LOW 6:/ V; emiter'. load 'curves Theo* curves. are obt ained with the generator ieit6iter 4indings, both bot,sW,,coid~' far,.,&-n%=ber of independent current livith one'fixed value.,-of shunt exciter "iwiriding viumiInt .1 Using the exciter'-lbad, curves a plot of U, 0 -AwGiter voltage itainst magnetizing f to constructed given value of I &M generator Lr Uinding impedance). -.841f.-T.14gulation characteristic As ~. derived graLhically kry*; fi#Aft the4ntersection pointi:of -curve of exciter voltage hatizing force (constructed frdwthe e3:citer load curves), and th4 curve,-of magzietizing'force.:.againat 4miter volts obtained--I W,160t~ideriug the exciter, circdit, d An 'exaWle of the "Calculatio'n La given.; Self-regulation characteristics obtained in. 1!-practic6 are stated to have agreed,with the calculated one to an a once, , geurpey of-about 3% .4 figtwes..r..1 refer' 1 -Abs~riactar anilation2,~ a Mte Complete tr ~C ard NHYJWUVP Uleg Alukoeyevich, 4aTki.t6khb.naLL4 starshly nauchnyy so- trudnik; ~jvhlN, Likulay hikulayevicb, Inzh. UtUization *f the power of asynchronous short,-circuited ma- chines operating inLle:- conaltioria aeviating from nominal. Izv. vyso ucheb, zav.; elektrt~mekh. 6 no.80,.6-951 163. (AIt%A lu:9) 1. Meatrallny-j inAtit,.+ Atnister- Stva iLjt,e:( goo t,5.',C yd. TIFHKFNFV, P.N , doktor tekhn.nauk, IZOSIM1, A.7 , kind.okonom.nAUk, riErRA3OV, 0. A., knnd.t.#)khn.naijk ; LAP IN, ' 6 , In zh. Technical and econrAnir comparison of methods !*or Joining R.r . pinr -- - . electrified rn11r,)ad llstrictq. Trudy TSNII MPS no.256t108-122 , () -j. (MIRA 1b:6) (Elw-tric rstilroads) NEKRASOV, 0. A., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHEVCHFNKO, V. V. , kand tekhn nauk; REKUS, G. ',. , kand. tekhn. nauk Calculation of the heating of asynchronous machines using a thermal parameter method. Izv vyz ucheb zav; energ 7 no. 1:40-46 .'a 16.4. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Moakovskly khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut. Predstavlena kafedroy elektrotekhniki i elektroniki. IIEKRASOV, O.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; NOVIKOV, V.Ye., Inzh. m.. Results of the trantion and rawer*.s of the experimental InA P- electric locomotive. Trudy TSHII MPS no.28k,:5-34 165. (114IRA 18s8) NEKUSOV, O.A., kand.tekhn.Tiauk Ccmparing tho traction and power ~-,riv!terlstl-m ~f a.r. :;;ljjtlPlA- unit trains with coller!*.Dr motor-3 " with recttfier Lype trattlon. Tr-ucly TSNII MPS nc.286:71-82 165, (MIRA IM) NEYaASOV, O.A., lmnd.teklin.nauk; GORIN, N.N., kand.takhn.nauk Auxiliary a.c. motors. Trudy T:-,11lll ?*~' 80. OCRA 18:8) kan!. 'pkhr. nRuk, ANDERS, Vitally 1winovich, Compensation of ~hf- urrent. -,f' an 1,1)e three-phRep maRnp-tlc wplllfier, I zv Irls. -ir~het. zav~ ploKI --me-kti. P nc,.51573-5'?,) 165. (YTRA 18t-) scstava TSentrall-,,7C, nau - h n r). + n ;I r. ! s Le rn t v R pu to~ y 9 o n bs ~, c he r.,. Y 01 or Mr, i( - -,I -v k f,g r) ~ r ci r..q pn r 1. a Mos k ov s k og c KALYSFMV, V.S.. gornyy inthener.;UMMOV, O.P., gornyy inzhener.-.RYTIEDV. K.N., " gornyy inshener. ~ . z, - .~' '. - , Sygtess of mining thin. flat skarik 4eposits. Gor. zhur. no.2:14-18 7 157. (MLIA 10:4) 1. Dzhenichkinskoye rudoupravlontya. (Mining engineering) (Silicates) . , I -!.(, it V, , PI . : * .;r~ n I T . .. , ; , , 1 1. 1A. ~. -1., .~ ojw: . V K I - z r, . I . f 11 . r, , - . 1 3 7. .1 11.1 . - - . . , r . 1. 1 rl I ~i - v t r. o% m.- - -. - : . :-e I '. .. . LV / , , ; """ ,, 't V , " ., .~ f ., -' . . r , " .", 41 . V". I " W- P., 1".. - . I . - o . I , . , *F , '. I I rp-- r. " - v i r.;i r I I , , - 'i - I L - ! . . p - fl!, . . , 4! .- . . .,I '. A, - ~t.. a my), h NEKRAS,DV, F,A., Aademik [deceasedi; MTYLNNIK-)V, ^.I. Experience In using T.S.Mal'tsev's method for 8hallow t".129t leavy loan -31.1s. 1ridy nLMESKH 4 nc).2;3-)5 '59. (MIRA 1,:,-) (Tillage) (Mal'tsev, T.S.) owl 4- , \ )11 :A 00 jql fldgo doMql of 1.1.9,1fis MIt, cqA,, OW - --! )- p%/ = = .m4ma&"- wo afteloolve p 64M3 owl WWN" P" vel"Welowd p am" Ott, it ;-ocd UILIM., P. :"1- 6%4 r. J- It q., W -h' t., $Lapum, * ' MOM -141 1--- ...... 1 0 .4"n "let ,q I ~Wlol- .. i, ,9 1 00 1.4 iLoshe, ea, 'Ma.lixis 1-411. q All I ...... .4-- 1-011.f 1'.0im .1 .9,44 Ili-, -4- -4 ll.%& ."I p *,I I-dm",S P1,09C." 4ias Pilowtvito juiss,isjun qvi% vs.1%I p,mali 01 No 1 00 oq.l -"M.j 19110U, .41 ym, .81-1- 11 I'm () will (I pus 1 4 I'm (I Inm (It It lot I fair 1.11.1 F, No 44A jazatill MAIrs J41 it, PM11111,11 . . "llillow $"Milo* sitil" flipm o) jx~~A "I pw 00 I-W1.11 M"AJI, .4 P. waispiculis XqA uo pingilyl 4as vuel..1 A%&m J101N.I. 0 4., ...$1 J.'s ", Joao. lieup., '6- 4W, -ff If 9 IIA WI., I AIVDFAW p Ww*l I." . q 41). #*.1.. -11*1 "SEW Nos" Our Ofteeff p 64mg &OP ON" Sam OWS 6 .oil p, loui Idg, . -.*I -j n 11-11 .,"ptlitut 1~060, III* Full 1111111101111111old p one- NU I Ofsevore, poeft"In Iv".0 8q I I-RAM .&-# a . -2 JI;~A jQj -.~ OW so" eviell; Nowsm pug WRO16"d p vtoove do I 00- -411% 0 JP4ft I"#& Allau, MIl - I . 9.1 ft..~ 0 00 III r. W-li ,1 1946 641tell (It, q, 00 A.. . If I', bu-Ice. A.1 1W.IJ.'sa .1 1"#, ti,.. y of 00, .41 bd- .1 .@map S. k.,j..j4 Millie) P. 00 -46 A'A 4.." . 6..W .44L -AvaP,- IWI- JNI3 IN, 1,.") -511,11 a& ASLAISJP 11 for1 7 f a 0 It V I I IfW , Ak Ali All 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e see * 4:r if. Cis Nmt sea. enoup"vel m KCN-4r*ofro P-pne mauim 4uf,jrctr4 1. an cistre'twid with Obt, tearl = 14 -- I "An. a KCN. In the qHs "Im dw-v t Innudislaw. marnial aimil rumrsorif mum ke store emmilmord I he lic,luninary ttirstumma with KCN n.i ml, lid -vt 'hinumh tow igm fer"a wpm its, movtv-slimislatell unworl, so Imi mkimmily kwirrimmid Ifirm r1w Inner rkmarlet, and 00 t-bawma d Ow eforts cd Untilt boa -itimmim I for saw a. in 1 be national 180domm! Emmlift I thost the womil &-W 00 00 in writ"Ity 1. muskiramly lerhum This trimmud ph*. . as "mirvilT foliated W OW GSWmttvt pititrafte- in I he mnwia 00 IbrKissid CoodWtam" thirdwortif t1imultifird unsinal. 00, 00 ..m "Im%ord. ummb ago in It'"evol 41w memo as n;.. *0 -eive --moved-odd mumdrs. In the turartmed Wim-1 00 90 thr ollb"s two dileftai Ca** pwod,m-l . iuwk :. 00 ., , now . "mow daminutfum 'd as bk-h then gradumP, iitworu. - that It. miinph-h -w 00 0 it. .-Iffurfam" emmrfsr~ that 4d the .,uniffW 1.. 00 0 he K * unit" [he sanic cumdubsev po-have is. umial 00 :apb"w rdlect ul initial stanulmillim luduor"I liv drim~m- 00 (d tlw "mitirwitums. Tin chanictov ad tin cwv" 44 the 00 of unfstLgtwd wwwrice is its gearful the atur as cliat troth 0* the lationeil porlme . valy tin ceircto we wrisheir aml 00 00 ,ripu- Ingim ~. ud tbir two kins and rume 4.4med C 00 U. thewr Th, K -I'valiml mu.-Ic l" us. 1.- 00 -.k and as Neu" 46"v Islizu,,ti them fb~ -1f.4. sh't. 00 he muscir tsmied witb Ca even twfm. be mmorl .4 i as 00 siverds at ", ;stnuir. compares vivill or"Is ;lor "mt$4A ur 00 1Is" Ffspic Tlwwr data me cuimlefed with t6, hjuman 00 PhTwil comic A K * NW Cis - wpm lumbramir I" 00 00 ."14blv m.I 1-181.141Y anti Arnna.m *-1 00 id k upain vivensity and ul inumba 00 00 A I*dswerid 00 00 00 a: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 049 0 I 00 so 00 -00 Analysis a# the action of the ~Y=Pstbttlc nvrvOum Gystvm 00 and of potaftum and EOICIUVII awts on tkv skeletal muscle. 00 00 1 Th. ctiemi 4 the ----I Ov-p-th-t-, 00 postassium and taklum Galt@ 00"Gioduacets. acid 1, % it 10. 1, 1 ; 27, 1 %&V' le 1-twe",j 06 ........... 00 410 00 00 0 00 0* 00 .00 00 .00 4 00 o 0 o 0~0 7 il, 0 9 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 A 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 * ' 0 0 0 o o 0 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 9 0 0 9 A L A L I k A A L P A 0 4 of as a* of I 00 11 rb. 410 o -.6coWd"Cotit ac Ib of1m,dog tr 00 4 13. It Of 00 00 of 0 id .M 00 so 0 mom allA' .4-1 Unjol th. o 0 0 0 0 to o 0* 0' 0 0 4W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 oooeoeoeeoooo:eo:o:oo0004060000000000:00000 1110 0 94 -L 4 tf I M"~ "Orre" sys"s m 4110111 .8 tw obsiaw A "it. rtt.eel.. P.-.-, " 00 C."ditwns .,f 490 th- .. . ... .... *0 00 It 1-111 1 00 00 -00 00 -00 00 .00 00 .00 00 00 00 0 0 0 w w w o 0 a a A 6 L & -1 -A JL-A -A -A, A A 1 6 lk I b" 1-1 AT Changes a the gose-" -etah, a an -dicatim ad fatigue in long toutisu*d physical vowk I Ch&agws in Me ffoov..$ motabolmm -b,le in-ag of st"diall with a load ~ 11 1 " I ~.-Nvill- 14 1-4 oo ('hanfe% m (be 11sevous inetaboliam dimag the lifting of goo list., .0.1 the pimhm-d f. woo 00 t. %11 goo 00 1:0411 00 woo voo tree IMP It OR- o 00000000 00citim #A 0 Q 0 0 :0 A 00 & 0o A 00 wboa a( Wood "fum an totgued mWes I %,k 4.1v 41A % % N,kI4" I Pll " z"~ -f 0 1.4 11 , 21. .11ti-Avil . l 00 . If L A 33, VAKP -A ben m lcw dr-ps of 14-1 .00 0o 41 f,-,m t h* 1,.s -w- p9sced an a fai tau-1 mu. I, , . d P- -00 00 scilliftwmy mlixalm W Contraction apprarr P--m .... 1 : -00 j muwle with LCN mA& The effn I imar P-mmm-l 06 1 1. .PLMIW.j -al., 1" lb. -06 in lhr rt,, o. I-00 0 ~J- k-g 4 a : 00 : ov 1 00 00 goo *0 moo 00 ago 00 600 goo woo tr** ~ - D H :2 f 0000000 .&-9L-& 00 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 oleo go 0 goo 0 0 004 4 0 0 00 agog -Ooooooo 0e0000000 goo 0o 00004 9060600009 It V one l."Ore Th* Th* *Mae W Wnwoo, ffm daefest somaw to 4-d smak whes apo*d to dillerest me" 16 N'hjs,iI,vs and)',, A.,Ntksavn J Pity," - I'll!, Mt lif7h -, C" 7rift, 1939. 1. P-1 7. C 4 jj. J4, Th, & viv, acrat,4 III, iIrrum wbwb r,.i,- th. (atigurd muscle c-ms in dififfmt cutsen w the 11.9. M2,611. 01. dq mind man ttw Wfuns a mww, P.If-tivii than b? caterval ":' 4, .,ill minjim. in wMm inn I i, . . I FS "s pl h. h It- h- ...... 1 1 4A. .. '. ha( tkrwgb whwh IN ha. W- It. I !. 4 bm ~ .-I im that wbwb bje,, '.'" t~wdv - -, al IjIghtly ajk do Ading 00 f I!. min .-pl- 1, 4-frv" tho -1- I.,int-ilAr Of M 6 M-S. 00 00 00 '00 # e o $ '00 , 7 ...... 4iit- "IfeOwl ('41VIRKSI-cp It U40 0 4.6.0, I I It j a I I I It , u I T n , u it 4D 0 a a a " if III 0 0 0 111 111 0 ro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 OR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 tr it 9 d, lip 4 to -at 10 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 a III; hu'l XPRIO at A L-J & A- -A A A. A P 'A A U 00 The sebou of blood wre on fst*wd must,18111 III Tb~ odoct of tbo Orin of vesome mod attensl blood. mad 60 OfIvowe of Imbw us the orrum oftcl V It 'it 00 pm- 00 Of -00 00 j It 1. MAK..-i 00 It,, .,la-mm 41, d 00 00 09 .00 0 41' -90 00 -*e to 00 041 -00 60 '00 too 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 'r 0 * 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 e .- 1- 'r . . .. - - .- I '- I ., - , - - - I I .., . . . . . I I t . - . - . . I . .., , I . - f I I I I . . . I -N1KRAS0F,_P.A.q prot.1 ZEMKAU, 14.1.9 asaistent Influences frow the receptors of the nerve trunks on the spinal s~!Iroflexes. Sbor. turd, Kurwk. goo. mod. inst. no.. 13:280-286 M. (MIRA 14: 3) 1. Is Mologil (sav. - prof. P.A.Nekrasowi Kwokogo gosudar=96nnotneditsinskogo institute. 9 (RECEPTORS ( NMROLOGY)) (REFLEXES) '1LK1%ASC)V P.A. Phys.oio-,y of the receFtorn of the poripheral ne.--,r-- trunkz. Fiziol. zhur. 47 no.9:1105-1113 3 16:. (IC A 14:9) . From ~i.e Depaxtmen- of Ph:fu''~,'ogy, Medical Institute, Kursk. (fa;~;LFT-Z (NiXt&LOGY)) P.Th. (KVeva 74, ul. Verbovsta, d. 2b.) A can@ of amvl-)sar~.-om of the 3edinatinum. Nol. chlr. arkh. 5:12)-124 S-0 '58. (MIRA 12: 1 ) 1. Kafe4ra oril-olopil (sav. - n-of. I.T. ')hevchenk) Kkvevakogo irifltitUta ua,)verqhenstvovanlya vrachey. (~qDUST I IMW--TMIC LISFCIBWO, ?.I. (Kiyev, lil. Vorovskooro, d.14. kv.14); UEUUSOV, P.Ta. Diagnosis nnd treatment of melanomas of the rectum. Hov.1chir.arkh. no.505-97 S-0 159. (MIRA V:)) 1. Kafedra onknlogii (sav9diWuhohly - prof. 1.T. Shevchenko) Kiyov- altWo Inatituta usover she nstvavanlya YTarhey. (MMLANOKA) (RWUN-rMS) POIUIIOVSKIY, S.A. (Kiyev, ul. Tolatogo, d.7, kv.1); SRUIOVA, A.M.; NEKRASOV,_P. Y,. RadiotharaFy in malignant bone tumors. Nov. f-hir. &rkh. no.2: 89-96 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 14111) 1. Kiyevskiy nauchno-ioaledovatellskiy rentgeno-radiologicheskiy i oniologichaskiy institut. (WIES-CANCLA) (r,-UlCy7HziAFY) C-V. A L of,, I'l. A~ X-rl-y, radic. argi ziuyl:.~,u. fcr t:(-at.rj, r.*,rut. V I -X- r-na: : y 1, ocil ca r~- (.- r, n. k1l. 1 r . no. 3 I Rad ic-kh m; r rle!z y 1 ot, j, ?1%V. - 711.5 L.''.4 - I,I.V' Vit Ki Prof. I T.St,( v(,%L,,rjkc K y-vsk, naijO~nci- i f. v fi rad 1,)l 0l! I r i,i!:; i.r.,,( i onku' , I" c I n.,: f ' Lji UKRASOVA Roman Mlkh#ylovich; ALYABI YEW, V.I. , red.; M'DAYD)VA, 1- G , BOVINA, V.M.P tekhri. red. (Rigging of skidding and loading equipment IMontszh troslevochno- pogruzoohnogo obDrudovanlia; praktichoskoo rukovodstvo, Moskva, Goslestamizdat, 1961. 130 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Lumbering) ; 7 J " - - I f "', ,v . I . ,k -n- . . .. I~rl . L ILI . ;I.. . .. .v , . . 9 - . . . I ui .I i . t - I 1 .3 f- . : I - , , :)Lj J C"! i I () - . I I ": 'Ll la,r-~- I , : . . I . -1. . - I I . .1, . - , -lc . , - '. - , - , I ", . ( , 't ; ') . ~ ~ ;- r:-y) PERFILOV, M. 4. ; ALYAB'TEV, V. I.; GRECHISHRIOV, V. V. ; MAMIN, G.K.; FEWFOV, N.S., otv. red.; KLLININA, L.M., red. lzl-va; SHIBKOVA. R.U., tekhn. red. (kibum of auxiliary skidding and loading equipmentlAl'bum vaponogatellnogo trolevochno-pogruzochnogo oborudovanita. Mo- SICV8, Goslesbumizdat, 1962. 119 p. (MIRA 16:4) 'Lumber-Transportation) J. NEf if A.3f'V, 1~ fir an k~~.nv I ov I,! I.; Al.- A Assrimbly of ;!~'.pmpn' i,-. -,j! :)ve.- a z n mr.' ;t an l'o j I - sose kakh. t I(v jU,YABIYKV, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, MASHINp G.K., inzh.9 NKKWOVp R.N., inzh., TDiOFEYKV, L.G., inzh. The nev TPU-4 Yaniime ski'dding and loading equipment. Mekh.i avtom. proiz-v. 14 no.502-35 My 1609 (MIRA 14:2) (Lumber ing--Machinery) -1 a. A** dowlew THU pre.%wUms wltbftt oWdus a OW vw*. Ma. 309 mat lbrA90 W-1 qMUStan AS 19tamAid for 41"0t aw"Oubw or drewimp WiSIMBUg.tair fhGtQV%fblC COWUS WlthOUt Ch"149 tb* sssUo, mi ter modmimA abode" eoWns of ArGAUP. Nwb t1w If Dnvlnp. KE3ASOT. Seresy Alf I KUZ33TSOVA. N.I.. red.; OLLICHINKOVA. ~~~ w1ch; - -*,="q#wT.-- r-qr.~ (wipmal for Inspection comissione of the plant-factor7 and local comittesel T pomshchl revistomyo koviestim nMK. [Moskva] Is&- vo TTOM Profisdat, 1957. 47 P. (miju 1119) (Wade unions) -7 -7 7 ;~_z 1 Ly. Ara 44, 66" filli rag gy # JWA=l :w 7 , Al; t,,7 SHURAIJV, M.T., inzhenelo*,NXKRASOV, S.G. Rolling of square bnr stmel with sharp ed,~es. Stal 1 16 no.ll:M- 999 V 056, (KLRA 1011) 1. Zlatoustovskiy metallurgichasiriy zavod. (Rolling (Metalwork)) 130-9-13/')l .',,TEORS: SLUT Y. V . (Ei,,~: Nekrlisov, 3 (C a I i brat ~on TITLE: Trat-r. o" 'i ~00 Yill accr-rd--rq Nye-Pg~MeiLe. (Ra ota star-a 6DO jo novocri -rafiku) PEHI3DICj',L-. Metallurg, 19157, Nr J, 11.17-1P (JSSR) ABSTRACT: The 600 mm roll diametpr mill At the Zlatoustovsk metall- ureical works rolls ro,~nds of' rar~-r. iti-r-1 allcy steel 90 to 15 min ir di~i;np':er fr=, 170 x 170 ,-Lied 190 x 1)0 mm square billets 77eighir4-, 5'10 to 7110 k~_ .The mill rprrists of fcur three-hiF_t- stands with --wr) cor.t~ii.'Icus f~,rnw-es. The rolling sche(b.le and desi,--.s wero recently revised, leading to higher productivity or, -tccount Df' more uniform loudin'E; of the stands anC. worl-ink: vriV~ overla,- .The settin"', and control of the mill wt-s facilitated b.-,- +hp use of ~;elaxate stands for rrodiicirw- the starti~.,- Ejuure billetF, and Eeparate furnaces re also used for ditferei.t sizes. An aiinual economy of abm~t 5009000 ro'~bles h~-.s bppr-. erf-(-ted. Palss designB and rollirC or?hedule-- for 't~p o'r! %re- revised systems are 6iven. There are 3 fiz-jres. AS~'-30CIATI'ON: Zlatoust Metaliurf;irul Worl~s (Zlatoustovskiy Metallurgicheskiy Zavod) AVA JLJB Car ?: Library of "'ongress. AU-- FORS: Shuralev, M-V-) a.,.d ,-icrasov, S.G., Ej,,~-.ineers. TITLE: Determin,itioi, -)',' Spread durirt~ R,,D11JAr,w ushireniya j,ri ~,roKatke) PZRIODICAL: Stall, lq5a, N0.1, P-. -)0 (US6R)- LBSTRACT: Four me-,Lods of calc~-iiatin~, s,-read n rol,ifig (Rs-fs. 1, 2, 3 and 5) were checKed by com-;arinp- the calculated res,,ilts ~&ith those aclualiy ~-)~,f.ained on rolling or, ti-ree different mills. Charact,~ris*,ic 4ata )n m.,11s arp Ki-ion i., Tat,le I . The experiments were carried j;it as follows: a) ter?; iet;, were cut of." fromnriDas StrLrs aft-r :as-es at t".e -san.e sPtt;.nE the rolls; b) tl.e temD-raturp if t:,e str--6 wat; dpt-rz-ned ty an optimal py 'ome ter; : ) t:,inLiverse dimen-sijn if cold templets, per-meter.. ~f' tf-a,- i,-ts and ti.eir areas were measured and d) ti.e s rpad was aisc, caic,lated by the above fO.I,- L,etl,ods --And tLe de,ermined and (-Filcuiated results compared. The coapnrison ,s Eiven n Ta~'Ie 2. T).P rf~.,;Jlts obtained by the calc~i~a"..,uns diff-c-red fru:,~ ti,e ex erimer.tal res~,jlts, so tLat al~ r:~ethods if calcalatir~~ reqjire soms? exieri- meLtally determined cJr ectir,, coefficieits. T:.eref,)re, t Would be advantageous Lo use for practical most simple formulae, IntrAliciiiF into ti,en, ti.(- :,jrres;.o:id.n, experi- mental coefficients. Such formilla wab o,tair~ed 1-.y *~!~P ai'-ors Determination of' Spread R,-,1i'.nF : " - - I - , /,~4 (Formula 6) bas,,,-. cr, S.N. Petrov's f:,rm;1a (Ref.t). -, -e formula Troposed -is sLlitat,-e for determinine~ spread ir~ roll passes and on a Emoiti. roll. A comparison f reslt:- calc,j:-ted jsinj~ the above formtiia wi'.1. ti,e actial sl~read (TEilt.le 2) -di- cFited that a go,,d a~,rs-ewent waEi ol,tained. It s s~,*ited in the editorial n,tt, Uat Uc bi, )f Ue Tro;),,i;ed itider conditioas of other rorks re.j,-iires Li prPl1i:1.,-,ir.-/ e x- P,-, i:i.,- r, 1~ a I check of correctint: coefficient m for vario ,L; ; a-.,,Ps. Tl,e~-e are 2 tables , I f 1, 1 rp and 6 Rissian ref Pre.,xes. ASSOCIATION: Ziatoust M. tal, U1,P.iczj1 Nork-s (Z,;,t., me tal, u1 ~r, i c-,.eFK ly zit vod) AVAILABLE; Lil-rary ct~,- , -'/" SoV/l 3 V 5~!-9-17/;-l') AUTHORS: ShLiralev, M. 7., (En brine err,) and B. S. (Cand.Tech.3clence~ MLE: Review of the Boor, of A. A. Protasov and 1'. P. 7, Vev, "Calibratim of Rolls for Roilin (:- I'ligh Speed ~uttin, 3Le.,1" Retacnzipt Tia Kni,,u A. A. Prota3ova 1 1'. F. Zuyeva, "Kalibrovka vallcov dlya ~,rokatki bystrorezhushchey jt,3W') -t- FERIJD1,A11; 3~ul'l 1),56, Nr -), D- ~-5-827 (U33R) A.B STRACT The b,)ok mas -;,,ib1i3hj,d by b.-tall~jxgizdnt. J,, L'I n, review i.3 ft-ioura'ble. AS,;OCIATIDIN: Zlatou,3tovskt.1 zavod, ir% Bauman& (Zlato-i.,c 1 JUri 1 ,ard 1/1 HRKRASOV, S.G.. Inzii. 1-iprnvn4 rrn,,vi r4, fn r Irw, die shapqa n!- . "~. Izy v7o uchnb.zav . : -hern.mftt. N '59. (KIRA 1211) 1. Zlstoiinotsl-ty nntpAll-irri-hoskty zavod. Rokomendt-vano kafndrny nhrn'hotki notallov rinvIenlyon Siblrskogn nntallurgi-hnskogn irptituts. M-111D (Irnn mills)) SOV/133-59-1-13/23 AUTHORS: Shuralev, M.V. ax-d Nekrasov, S.G. TITIM: Roll-pass Designing and Rolling of Shaped Profiles from Alloy Steels (Kalibrovka i prokatka fasonnykh Frofiley iz legirovannoy Etali) PERIODICAL: Stal', 1959, Nr 1, PP 58 - 63 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Rolling of shaped economical profiles (channel beams PS-1029 PS-103 and PS-120) from alloy steels (1.Kh18149T, 30KhGSA and KbLl7N2) (Figure 1, Table 1) which aLre supplied to consumers instead of strip resulted in a 20-30% economy iri the consumption of metal and simplified the manufacturiaE of finished parts. The rolling is done on a three-stand mill 400. Billets are heated in a two- zone continuous furnace with bottom heatinp. The dimensions of roll passes are given in Tables 2 and 3 and Figures 2 and 4. Some special features of' rolling alloy steels are discussed. It is p.inted out that 0for steel lKhl8N9T the permissible angles of grip are 2-3 lower than for carbon steels which is explained by a higher resiEtance to deformation of this steel at the rolling temperature. Steels lKhl8N9T and Khl'IN2 are strongly spreading during rolling. Therefore, in designing roll passes for these Cardl/2 steels, tne limitati3n of spread should be smaller than SOV/ 15 3--,9- 1 - 1 V2 3 Roli-pass Designing and Rollinw, f Shaped 1-rofiles from Alloy Stee.'LB for carbon steels. In designing finisLdn~w passes an increased sh-rinkage of alloy steel (particuiaily IKhl8N9T) shouid be taKen into consideration. There a-t-,~- 6 figures ani 4 tables. Card2/2 25(l) 50V AUTHOR& Nekrasov, 5.1;., Engineer TITLE: Computation of Height Deformation in Non-Urifcrm RollinF C raschfte vysotnoy Jeformateli pri neravnomernom, obzhatii, PERIODICALt Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - ~-nernaya metal.ureiya, 1959, Nr 1, pp 121-126 (USSR) ABSTRAM Iverage reduction for computing deformation of metal in groove rolling was determined b the method of shifted volume suggest- ed by I.Ya. Tarnovskiy :'IRef 1, 2_7. Complicated calculation was the basic deficiency of this method. The author iresents a formulat h0 W o , where i is t1le average neigtt hi W I coefficient of deformation I h and hI are the Initial an,' fina, average heiChts of the strip, and Wo and (v i are the ini t1al and final crosa-secticn surfaces of the strip. T~.!s formula serves to compute height deformation In non-unlfcrm atsrl ite and relative reducticn by the width of the deformed Btrip, w1thout preliminary equalization of absclite re-~uctlon. ::%t Card 1/2 proposed method car. he used to corpute heip~.t lefcraatl~.n In 50V ' 4 ~- - t, ', - '. - : , : Z- Computation of Height reforTat,~,r, In Non-UnIform RolIlng rolling vilt.-i Jif f#-r, -~ t-,~naped grccves . There arf! ' ' ' - 3 viet r-:er~,nces ASSOCIATIONi ZlatOust;),8r('.y irwi- .- 1~ ,z a v - d ("tcus t, , ro :cal I'l an t ) SUBMITITDi August 2-.,, 1~58 Card 212 S/ 1 37/tO/O()O/'O 11/0 18/rj4 3 Aoo6/Aooi Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1960, No. 11, P. 117, 0 26144 A M ORi Nekrasov, 3.0. TrIU Rolling of High-Speed Steel at the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant PERIODICALi Tr, Mezhvuz. nauchno-takhn. konferentsil na temu. "Sovrom.dostizh. prokatn. proiz-va", Vol. 2, Leningrad, 1959, pp. 220 - 227 TEM An ingot, weighing with the riser 200 kg, Is rolled to a blank of 78 x 78 mm on a 620 mm three-high mill after heating for 10 hours up to 1,170 1,2000C (grade P-18 (R-18)) or to 1,150 - 1,1800C (grade V k) (R9)) with twice preheating. Grooving of the rolls includes 9 box-, 8 rhombic- and 2 square grooves. R18 steel is rolled in 19 passes with a mean coefficient of extension equal to 1.15. R9 steel In rolled in 15 passes with a mean coefficient of ex- tension equal to 1.19. The effective yield is 76.5 - 77.5%. The blank Is rolled to a fininhed shape after preheating to the same temperature, for 2 hours Card 1/2 S/137/60/000/011/t18/043 Aoo6/Aooi Rolling of High-Speed Steel at the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant 30 minutes in the case of 78 x 78 mm sections and ror I hour 50 minutes at x 30 mm sections with an extension coefficient up to 1.63 in oval grooves and 1.41) in square grooves. The temperature at the end of rolling process Is A00C. P.O. Translator's notes This is the full translation or the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 SHMM, N-V- : MIMASOT. S-G,, kn1lbrovehrhik Charge in the grooving of no.4 stanp strips. Netallurg 4 n0-3:26-27 Kr 159. (KrRA 12:4) 1. Zamestitel, glavnogo Inzhenera Zlatonstovskogo ustallurgicheskogo savod (for Shuralev). 2. Zlatoustavokiy MetAllurgicheskiy zavod (for Nokrasov). (Rolling mills) A',JM ~ P PF.P*, ):j.' 'A,,. w type' ek:. e g 1 v d. r f rM passpF from s w I- A -he oE- f f ler 7 7 r. .7 1 re )f c rig 98C K... 7ne grocv- Ing fcr pr-)f..E,,j Shaped Prof,.,f._~ "!'OT r t. iE, ',hc- c ne ~Agher -nL* i. va, ~e ~' z-n!r. Ahs--~ra ~-_er %e .4*- t: 'a--d I / J, D,E (7 A L M. 3 9 r. e ,.n J 3 3 a re In itr Ci rd R I 1 1. . - - ~. - KKRASOV, S.G. Calculating the borlson'.al projection of the contact area in oval groove rolling. I3V.VTG.MCh~b.x&v.; chern.cwt. no.6:8"4 '60. (MIRA 13:7) 1. ZIatoustovskly metal ItLrgichookiy savod. (Ro 111 ag (Me talw ork) ) S I I ~i , ' (" 0(ic 0 Ali' A` A'j -.'.q 0 R i NeKrascv, S. G. TITLE: The grocving of straighteninw mach,,rie r, I I'!, ' r r j.; ?7-RIODICALt Izvestiya vyushikh uchebnykh zav&rier..~,. Ch~rnqyl. fz~.'7j. r,c-., 12, 1960, 77 - 9~ T---X't Rap ii ~inl ricr-ini f orm weKr f s 1 cart. r. e;:, 7 wr,j mos t me tal . -irgl ~a. plants ~~se grcrve.,, wi *~~ a r r, ~r. tar steel. Three k ,roove are i ii3 - uqsei r ..a, f - rcle s h a p e t I ,v,i rger. - a 2 C r d,- a t the t.,. s t r a , gh t e tase alor., 1) TW 4 . 7:.e art icle i r.,: I a6 n a I a t I D Y-, f a f If, f o rma t , r. ,3 ~.ven )r, r ~i. ,. vu~i u '. I ,~ rgi c al P1 an t ( F i ~-nd *her fea .. r,.i 1:mer ti n ranre -f *hu o~r-ves is cletermnt-i ty '%Pr i r~'. n shes w-. '-h . i.,:rea6 '. ng t t spa e he t wt!t- ,- 7Le ! a l ir,i ,r r ,) s a - r i t , r Fil v a e D fr. ;. F. 2 Ti ., I Fin. t K v6f-;d ;It r I - Th-i .1 C v r r. t! q r,i e f e -3 '1 ,r,:7 :7. Af W :3 a 4e r ... Al Al. FIX r it for r O-C 01 3 Z-c -LC31: C) ~n .2x f for t 3 i-. -3r.. r. 2 2 ,12 ~c- (H-r- ZC7, Grc o 0 . 7r. -7 1 + 72 7 Therc art. 6 f ~~,u r r~ 3 . C zl': ~.' , I/5 c r c,.; E.:- it NF? rW~OV, a o JEJOWOVY S.G,, inzh. Design of rectaneular grooves for the rolling of carbon iu.d alloyed steel. Stall no.6:541-W Je l61. (MIRA 14-5) 1. Zlatoustovskiy wtaj,,rg:L.%heskiy zavod. (Rolle (Iron mills)) 0 Shuralev, M,V., Chle: Engineer D#-pijt.-/, Npeva, Economical Alloyed Steel Sectloris Meta ~ lurg, 196 1, Na. 4, pp. ',I New economical sections are now being ? a* the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant (Fig-ire 1' T~-? L 12OfGi3MV?) and 30 , - (3OKhGSA)' all-yed s,~ee! Ea, -1 passeE - passes I - 1) -in stand No. 1; pass ~ r, s*and III (Figure L)). A rectangular strip Is jse~ a~, 'Ing of shaped sections obtained from a ribbed 4r-.rv,, 41*~ 3' . so that the initial strip width can be alter-! J , -w -,!rg over 1'rom one section to another one, arid Ine 1; ,ritro, I ed Each o I the ' see t I ons showr ~ - F I iz z.rqves Jesigned for rolling wi th I Imi ted wlde,~ 1 4! - Y~ the volls of stand III it was taken Into -Ilr '.ng the strip . ams in the closed pass and i t Insed passes of' the pre- In I sh I ng gr,:,~,~v~ A - - ar-, E-nom'. a, A. loyed Steel Sect1().r,!-. A I a7,A *hose ,I' finishing gro--s -n t~.e 1,)wer rn- !! jr qj ringt-rnent mirikes the strip bend downwaris Fr('V-; -ged Into the r:-sed pAr,-;e~~ ,' sreel wires are placed t T .1 'he described arrangement o" Fr,O(,Vfs -)* ro , I s nniy 1, or stand i I I . and the borl Tg ~t 1 r - W, r. ".9 of '3tand III Hull c~.anging Is on,y ::7 ~-- sw! --aver !,c) the method of economical rolling .5-' F,!, --e A s*-rip deformation and the I'll.Ing o1 groovp!. i,iri,qz i templets were taken from strips of tr.,e Inte!-Tr,~d-t- pfts~p-' W. ?I gure I ) o f ~DKh3MW stee I tne s t.r- I p the r I bbed groove The bulging was n, gr oo)ve . Wrier, roi L Ing a --c t aniru , at, i. reduction in length o! the peaks ti- w-i' f--,r-m ~- -;mpressiur )vpr- the wirith ,I the gro-vP L-al mm, Fil the edges . Thp ! Inal shapirg ,i j7'1t"-V1' When r-,Iling sections a) and b) (Figjr, I - Q, wl *Y, ttle metal Is In agreement W! *t ' 't. I 1: R "~!P i Ing -1 economical sect ions a --e pr ,s-:i - - Jes, ri bed sections yields 229; sav Iigb ! -x r /'j Y "/X4 /ry .conomical Al.oyed Steel Sectiona Aoo6/fv.)i ,,educes labor-consuming machining operations when manufacturing machine partn. -~Irure 1: Economical sections; a- -01 (GY-01); b GK-Oc4; SK-014 14, 73 ffE-~t= 80 85 M f:::li: 77 --4 Card S/ ~ Economical Alloyed Steel Sections AX)6/AC)C : Flipire P: Schematic diagram of rolling sections; a - GK-01; b - OK-09; c - OK-014 %0 %a Card 4/8 3/1,~ /~ 1I)r- :--'conomical Alloyed Steel Sections Aoo6/toc, 71,-,ure ~: Design of a ribbed groove I I I p11) "i F II,- I~j )0--j - 35 ---~ L Card 5/8 Economical Alloyed Steel Sections ?Igure 4: Design of v,r,-)ove3 for sections a - 3K-01; b - GK-09; c - GK-014; 1) pass pann - "I --. - 14.9 if it to. 9 P 6.5 86 81 r S11 30/6 1/t,00/ool,/or,31/,Y)~ A006/AOO, to 15, 4F A7.5 I T 87 "6 ---+-271 Card 6/8 ~onomica-. A.,-yed ible: ;,-,a:ynls of' calibrating Oecti-ins GK-,r--,l and qK_)14 gions .,trip dimen. 1,) lij,le ot' nquare ,~) Cross sectional surface of* strip In mm ,i) -r)erriclent of' reduction in length :~rviare ,Tnc)oth g) Rib ,iiaped Card 7/8 AVk /A)(, a V) Q. > C, 00- bio blank 3,ItOTOBXa (y) Ip Kn-IAPST, 'k -.4 V) 1 10 1 2 To me - 1 492F) 11; '4 - S, , 3 7U 41,*,1 C5,- 11, * v 4MMIKMA i5O 78i 360 28 ;') -20 T,) me 130 891 2 5.1x )1 418- 45! Cp; Pe6po 177 30~ ~ywi I I . GK-- - 7h(baco". 1 25 79 [M) I . r I "up I ' 8 To mce 2:. 5; 001 JfOO;j 171 7 - 45 5 riaAKIIA 30 89, 25,50 ! 4319-4,~ . 6 Provo 81 301 N8n- I . P3 I I (D acnti- M. 5, 86, 8-V, 1 .35 4 - 45 rK To me :22.5, 87 mini 1 .2 8-20 1 s rimAKIIA ;30 84 2550~ 41:8-41~ ! - IGK-014 11 G Pe6PO 183 301 24,901 031 1 111 7 Oacoii- 25 85~ 90,W) 1 2?, "1 rK 014 muA To we 121.51 86- 170011,19i 7 -45. S/ I 301f) 1 lw)10014 /00 Vry,)~, Fcoqomlcal Alloyed Steel Sectiona AOC)6/Aj() I .~,.ere are 4 Cigures and I table. ,',330CIATIO113: Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheskJy zavod (Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant) (Shuralev); Sibirskiy metallurgicheskly instItut (31berlan Metallurgical Inf3titute) (Nei~rpsov) Ca rd ~,I~ V 1 3(,/~ ~ I'f A,-;()i,1A !: i Ail'MORS: Sihuraev, M, V, ; Nekrasov, i. 7,~ ; laiega, G. r:'Ti.F: The new e c a iorr, I , aF K -1 )~ - G"t'. - t,) shape, i !i 0 C-ri i FR _' ODTCAL: Meta' lurg, no. s, If, i-d4 A T~J(T: A new ec-onomica ("sK-06) shaped section made -f a' oye,l ~~:415) and 10 X Fr, A ( 1OKhG~3~) s tee Iwas assimi , ated at the ZI "tOUSt MetR~ 1 ~irgl - a! Plant. The section Is rol.pd (in a medium-grad,- "14-, Nr.,)" mi- ', whl~h cns1s1_,3 of four three-h1gh stands arranged In a line. The 8~ mm sq,,iare tlanxs are heated In a continuous furmace and rolled into finished sections In ;,aSSe3: the first four passes on stand -, ~.hree )n stanu !I and the finishing ;ass )n s*.an,J 1:1. The section Is shaped In one semi-closed groove with large cutting edges and 3 closed beam-tyj~e grooves wlUi constant pn.91tion ')f joints. A': section grooves were iesigned for )peration with reduced spread thus promoting the ~reclse formation -)f the shaped se-tion. The closed grooves ar- plared on the iower rolls since due to the reduced spread the strip may jam the clised grooves and bind wll~h the roll. The dImension-, of the roiling ame~ar are equal In )rder to prevent exr~psslve increase of the lower r(-).- : a! ind woaxenlng Card 112 ';'/I , V The new economical , k-,,6 (1-W-06) shaped section AoO6/A I C. I of the upper roll. Binding of the lower roll Is avoided by the use of forged steel guide fixtures placed Into the closed grooves. Experimental and rolling of the GK-06 shape has shown %hat If the stands are corre-t~y satisfactiry filling of the grr)~)ves with meta, Is assured. the f1r.1she! qc- )7~s possess the dimensions rpq~ilred and a satisfa-torl surface 1-ia.Ity. ~~se 3Y.-06 se~~tlons Instead f ro-ed strips In ma~,ninebullllng saved; f ailoyed metal and reduces abor -onsuming me,.nanlcit. operati,ins wher. -,~Lr;,fa-t,jr- Ing machine parts. rhere are -~ figures and I tab:e. A55-),-1AT1' '-'N: Zia1Djst,)vsx,4y metallurgicheskly zavL>d (,:atoust Meta P, melail-irgi-heskly institit (Siberiari Meta:.,irgi- Card 212 xuawav, S.G. Resistances In rolling with standard grooves. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; chern.mwt. 5 no.4:91-101 062. (MIRA 150) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy inatitut. (Rolling (Metalwork)) NEKRASOV, S-. G.- Galculating the horizontal projecU~,n of the contact area In rolling with plain grooves. Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; chern. met. b no.088-W 163. (14LA 16:5) 1. Sibirskly met&llurgichoskiy institut. (Rolling (Witalvork)-Gral.hic methodB) N ~X WSC~ V -) 3.0. Do sign! nj~ %he np),* *,, *,.r- -,it I 9r.! r-,r '- 7- rolling round i3tpf-1. 17V. .1y I. zAiv. , , me *,. V I 0~, -, . ml: A . - '. I 1. Sit'.rale-ly ',n,,i. tu--. !" !" rl~- ;, . ( ; , . . , , . . .. . . I . " I 1 7 ~ ""' t"" f~ ~,fl ; " ~ - ' - ', " ! f' '* L, r:;. it '- 1, 1 I -r. t f , '" : r'i- : - 1 r,#' I r, ~ It 'n J7 r, OV f).q . I Z'/. vy~-, , , " ~.- b . z8v . ; r'.~ r- r ~170 1, , '! n (, . '. : " . ~`: - " 164. 1 "'.. :": L I . . t' I r- " ~ : ~ - '- , :- r : - #, s x , :,- ~ n-9 1, ! ti, t. S,G.; SACj:V, 'I. .; qEKRASOVV.-.--.-- I I ".."YCO", I-K t., av. ; c re . " -! - : -, - - I -. P.-.,-.1: 1"~. - - . . . - I 'I- ~ . , - J " I L. , , Y mi- 'A . '. I~gt, , -,, Lnn- i , " . s --'K , ' . I. . M, V~i , I I . . . - - 5 lkit, *-:$I 7v 5 ~~ : q ' -I,* - - . . .I 1~ - li ' t . - - -- I , T,r) , - ' : I I . . ?1,1, 1~:. . *. f -7 A n . - - ' ", ; V-' RA 1 " - ' ~ L 1291:ft EWT(d)/EED-2/EWP(1) IJP(c) 13B/GG ACCESSION NR: ARS007329 UR /0271/65/000/001/BO44/BO4,1 661.142.6Z SOURCE: Ref. sh. Avtomatika, telemakhanika i vychislitel'naya tekhnika. Sv. t., Abs. IBZ53 AUTHOR., Yeiremov, V. 0 Nekraeov, S. P. TITLE: Code converter based on a current -distribution principle &C '/V CITED SOURCE,. Uch. sap'. aspirantov i soiskateley. Leningr. politekh. in-t. Elektroismerit. tekh. i avtomattka. L., 1963, 7Z-78 TOPIC TAGS: code converter, binary decimal converter TRANSLATION: Several code converters constructed on a current -distribution principle wid using square-loop ferrite@ are described. A circuit for converting binary code into "I out of 2" code is presented. In the binary system of coding, the signal in the trunk corresponds to 1, the absence of a signal, to 0. In the "I out of 2" code, a signal in one trunk means 1, in another trunk, it means 0. The circuit operation is described. A circuit for converting three digits of the "I out Card 1/2 L 1294-66 ACCESSION NR: ARS007329 of 2" code into a "I out of 8" code is explained. The above circuits permit deeigning the converters of a binary number into any number system having base 2n. A conversion circuit of one digit of a "Z out of 5" code into a "I out of 1011 code is considered, as is a circuit for conversion of the cyclic Gray code into a "I out of Z" code. The conversion algorithm is presented, and operation is explained. Also, a binary-decimal converter is considered which includes a control device that coordinates the operation of various components, a c0unter that checks the moment of finishing the conversion. and decimal and binary resisteral the converter operation Is described. A circuit is given of one digit of. the decimal register which permits doubling of the stored number. A structural diagram of a decimal-binary converter is presented. A circuit of one digit of the decimal register which permits division of the stored wmnbor by 2 is presented. Bibl. 2. file. 8. SUN COOZ., DP ZNGL: 00 Cold LFRA:Z1 , P . V ra I ng t T .) riew MatnIl Ir 2-7- I . :*,&,ne skvn-)ec -t ounto-iskogo met q zavodA @v ~ . Z *1 --pop 0 T h ' . . L I w 00 '-f-lk-, 14 "A .-1 00 00 ILA 00 Joe a n n 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 o::: so ooooooo*o*oooe V. 3. and Tochna'a ot.-Ivva r-zr.,u5,,.cn (V,: Stn. Mash. , I - 5( , n( - 11 -C- I mcl 9i -n c,,-gtl tie f -u*~t~nsr to 1,9 by mooel T,-thr-dd. :,:: , - T. SC : "~,nuf act-ir'. rig r,d ni- ! n th,;~ 3- v',~t ' r.1 Cr,nvress, ](45?. z'i w a.. re 9 :3 P 1. KMASOV, I.S. 2. JSSR 4. Pipe, Steel 7. Workpl-11i ty of -ol-l-rol !,--- ni-s mad- of gt.-nl ShKh 1, r . Pod nh( ~ T.1 , 111, . 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ianj..ary .1953. Unclassified. t ro 1. MMASOV, S. g. 2. USSP (600 4. Plastics - Tables, Calculaticna, Etc. 7. Determination of cuttIng atress from the elongat*on diagram in machining plastic moterlals. Podshlpnik No. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accesi3lons, Lthrary r,f i-ongr,as, -- Arril I J~ I, ''t'-. .