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SO SHAPOSHNIKOV , V. N. ; SUAYEV, A. B - ; NEFEWVA, M. V. ; ORLOVA, T. 1. ; ~.IJZNETE' VA, V. ' MIRONDVA, I. B. ; ZIWM, 0. V. -, . - "Directed biosynthesis of aurantLn and investigation Gf rlo.Lowl &~ ani -,#--ml-a- properties of rew aurantIn frm,tions." I report submitt-j--d for kitibioticLi 1,ong, Prague, Jun 64. Lai) of Antibiotirs, Faculty of Soil bioiogj, Moscow State UnIv. .".. "1 1.1 .: , ... f, . . ,(,7" ~ Vl .7 . , 114 11-,~ i,-, L .)I- k i r, I.. ~, . ': , j - , , - , -.;,i: '' 1. . . : , . . . . . - i t : '. V - . I . . ~; , V, '. , , I : v ~-; *, 1. " I , o . . . , , .,-.ri i . SHAPOSHNIKOV, V.N.; NEFELOJA, ORLOVA, T.I.j Lll"iYEV, A-1. Effect of ~evurrj .-etin cin tne de-i-lopmen, and -f, rmatlon mcl,lvity In origgnisms produrlnr nlirFtnt.n. i~ nc,.! 13-P Ja 165. ; Mll U ~ P:,. 1. BiOAOgO-pQ,r.,(ir1ry-~, -rIv,~r,it-tA I'men' Lotononova. SlLAYF,V, A.B.; ORilIVA, T.I.; NEFELUA, X.V. Freo amino acida Ir. ft(-tlro,,nyc#io prr)~Iurli,g aurawtilri. 1) no.9:7P8-79;' ", 164, (M:RA :4: : 1. Biologo-pochvennyy foiki~ i I Lot Wjiknvakrgc i,nlvprslT.eta 1,-nr-n', Lomonoaova. /' i I F~j , OLCETSUA. R.Ta.; OWNUMA, N.Y. Rffect of liner rings on the productivity of gas pipeline*. Trmdy VNII noo5:205-207 154, (V1JA 9:1) (Gas. Naturs.1-Pipel Ines) S C) 1 -4 - ) 8 - 7 - 7 ~; -1 3 Tr.inslation from Referatl%T~%\ i. hu r, t .M - K h,t r . e 2 ( USS R A UIT 110 R3 Khodanovi(h, I.Ye., F I I'l, E On the Pressurc Cordit,(,us in a a-, Con&iil is It Fil)s up With Gas (0 r v z h i m -, da,. I v n ii4a i_ ~, 1) r o % t) d v 1) r . z a po 11, v i ~ i i , v go t~a zorn) P E- R 10 DIC, A L rr. Vses. n.-i. in-t prirodii. gazov, 1 0;,7, '4'r W)1, pp 10- Ih ABSTRACT It is pointed out that in i gas main in The pro( vss of being filled with gas the pressure in it in, reascs as a f in( tion of the quantity (if gas Q beirig purnped in. the length arid diameter of the (onduit, and the tirne I. It is stated that thvrv are twu pos- h the i4as Is fed sible ways of filling a gas , onduit with gas into an empty ( onduit or into oric in whit h almosp;.-rit pressure prevails, 2) the gas is fed into a ( onduit *,%hit h s already filled %vith gas and in whit h thv prevailing pressurv iii greater than that of the atmospherv, The firs, ( ase has beer) theorf-t)( ally examined by Ribaud Mif,aud, G.. (.-r. At ad. scl.. 19S1, Vol 23 1. 1952, Vol 234), Aho from the equations of motion and con- tinuity obtained the follo%king formulae for the prt ssure Px and the gas flow rate Qx along the , Or"duit durinv_ Th,- fillinj4 C a rd I I OPe rat ion SOV 12-1-~H-7-7r)43 On flit, Pressure Conditions in a (Ja-i ;1'4 It F'111% jp ("i" P x I P ,t F (axt Ux Q T (axt whervin x is thc distant v from the starting point to thc t onduit sek tion under s t is the time elapsed, P, and P are- the presmurrs. Q, and 0 arv the study. gas flow rates, a is a (-oef(t( icrit, and F and 19 are ( k-rtain fun(lions. When simplifying assumptions are made with respet. t to flit- furi( tionti F and F - and when certain other assumptions art- adoptcd engymev ring f(irtntilae are- evolved which determine the quaritity of Lias passing through ariv set lion of flit, ( onduit at a given moment and flit, prvsSL1rV it anv point in flit- iondilit. Examples of cal(ulations are examined. I'lie Iti(t is inentioned thil an exper- innental test Madc ir. the Koklitlii-Yiir,.,t~-to-"Fitlliii ( ondmi shov.,vi-I a satis- fa(tory agreement between calt ulated and obser%ed pressurt-, A similar (Ompariscin of the observed gas volurrics Traversirij, gi,.(,r,, Sc( tions of the k0l-duit with the 1-alCV1latVd VOlUrnes was not made. (I.Ye. Khudyakov C a r d 2 KHODANOVICH, I.Yo.; MAKAYEV, V.A.; REFFLOVA, N.V.; GANCHIKVA, G.P. Pressure ct&W in a pipeline during the unsteady gas flow. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.8:24-26 160. (KIRA 15:5) (Gas, Natural-Pipelines) XHODANOVICII, I.Ye.j K~FILLOVA, N.V.; OLISHARIYA, G.E.; M1,VWEV, V,A.; GANCHEVA, G.".; M, j6T(v.-- Study of regtylw-ities of pressure change and (;as movement along a gas pipeline In unsteady flow. Trudy V1111(ttiL no.13:3-~6 161. (M IRA 14: L' ) (Gas, Natural--Pipelines) KHODANOVICH, I.Yo.; MAHAYEV, V,A. ; ODISIU%RIYA, G.E. ; !!KF~:! OV; , ',! Moth(xl of hydrriulic m1culation of pipalines for trarxport~r.g a gao-liquid mixture. Tmdy V1,11CL-1Z no.13:73-81 61. 14-12 (GiLL;, latural-Pipalines) 191CDANOVICH, I.Ye.; UEFYWVA, N.V.; KRIVOSHEIN, B.L. Effect of the hydrt.ulic resistances of pipeline stopclockB on the flcyd-through capacity of gas pipelines. Trudy VNIJGAZ no.21/29:72-77 164. (KMA 17;9) , t .1 SHMOUIRA--, 1.; 1. " -, ),;A, ~ . Ar th r e-,x I n t ~. f, T. - -j I..- ~ . :- . , -?- -- - , . -D" -: - . - I I ''. ( ",ofila) : 5 no. NEFTIJ,WVA, El.; KUNEV, P. Infectiousness to people of th* strain of Bmcollosis suis spread in Buc.-ImLria. Izv Vet Inst zaraz parazit 7 57-60 '(,3. ITE,';ADAYEV-IJlK0N0',', K.N.; ARAPM', A.A. Torraces uf Lhe Prut V&I-Imy i--j '-he 7erlLra~ j,lirL Of MOIJaVla. Izv. ko Mold.3SR no.7:'t-11 '64. 1 ",IRA let 14 ( NEGADAYST-NIXONOV, JK.N.j AJY~POV, A.A.1 ClfE4"A!YGA, A.I. Quaternary terraces of the Rout barln. Izv.--'; Yc:d.S' FF no,7sl2-21 164, (Ylij~ a,~111.- I 1; DA IV us.,--Odne. al .9 ~;eoloo- Uct ll;"-t "tiostov Scientifir Jicolo~ical Societyp" 1. ~). iedletskiyp Pr. s of )c; rt, ~i. Negadayev, .3ecy of -')oc, ~- p 2 "Zapiski 1.,wroasiy hint alu U6snciieiX' -~er,,ev, cart ~UVI, :.u Reports firfit ;vt ting of ~ ,;tov Icientil'ic jeological ocietj m,i.vee ,j at jta!lc- ' nlvt r- sity irm-ni ~,tolotuv, I',-"? Aijr I' i4l. llaim i3 mcmt~er.,; of the oo-lr,i, and .VCs ro,-,ter of menbki-ti. 6om 2tY, iremb(.r ai-lttAtd. Asserts prine f ty t' qocllf~ty Is t(, assi-st State ir~ rievelomi-i-it )f w. ra~ r nerai res,jirces of PA ' ?T75 11 ~LA DAY EV-111KONOV, K. 11. Hegadayev-flikonovt K. N. "Stratigraphy of the lower 3urrassic volcanogenic fomations In the r-!RiOn Of the "asnallijkly altes of E-hot -Igorlya," - In table of contents: Negadayev-Nikonov K.N. --- Uch n. zapiski (Rest. n/L gos. un-t Im. Molotova), Vol. XI, 1948, p. 85-95 -Bibliog: 17 lt~ms SO: U-3566, 15 "arch, 53 (ketopis 'Zhural Inykh Statey, No. 14, 1949). ~IAG#AmW or Selfteeg J%d/AXSAWp 68 Gooloff 'AOtJLvltF Of the RdGtoT Gsologloal amloty,N K. lp. legoWer-Nikmov, sai awy, 2 pp "Z*Ploki V-8 Inneral Obabohm Part 77, 490 3 DrIstf mrO lmPmtsnt worl; of the SocieV since its romiding 16 Apr 1947. Lloits ambarg. ~w aAQT2 A 8/4qV I E ;A,,ATr-'V-I;;KOI;l V , K . 1; . , k ar, ( ' - I If' (-~ ~ - - M nf' - - - T . R . 11. ?alleo-tolcglzal' finds Ir Ven' - A,'~ - ~~ I . n,~ ... : - , -..- ~ C 16,4. M., ". I I 15-1957-12-16980 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 195?, Nr 12, p 41 (USSR) AUTHOR: Negadayev-Nikonov, K. N. TITLE: Ostracod Fauna of Quaternary Deposits In the Regions of the Volga-Don Irrigation System. (Fauna ontrd-kodA chet- vartichnykh otlozhenly rayonov Volgo-Donskoy orositell- noy sistemy) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap, Kishinevsk. an-ta, 1955, vol 10, pp 145-156 ABSTRACT- Bibliographical entry Card 1/1 NEGADAYU-NIXOROV, K.N. Methods for handling spooLmns in microfaunistic research. Vop. mikropaleont. no.6:149-153 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Inatitut geologii AN Holdav koy ;SR. (Micropal:ontology) BOBRINSKIY , V.M. ; BUKATCPUK, I . D. , iUF TLI A, N. K. ; DRUI-I'A, A. V. KAY"SANP V.Kh.; !,.AYX-,,ESK',l', V.3 1', EGAILAYEV-14 IKOLM TH.ES. ;iLlk'!C-','# L.F.; -kh SAF s na-- kCV, E. 1 ..- L4YRIL', , V.'~. ; SO zlMSKIY .9 V.A. ; TKACHUK, V.A. ; Klflj:iKA, A. 1, -, EDEPSMI -,,Yli, A.Ya. LUTOKIIIN, I. F red . [I'aleogeography of Moldlivlliql la~p,~j~qoj,rafiia Xrldavll. Kartia, rnol-iove,laske, (XIRA IF:9) 1. Otdel palenotolorli i AT.' F.olaavskoy ~,S;-. (for Negadayev-Nikr)ncj itoctka: ~--caarov, Sobetskiy, Khubka). 2. Institut geolorli 1, 1 Fol(-,zrqkr, iskcp,yernykh ~o.-udarstvprnowo geologicheskopo kornlteta SSSh (for iolbrinskly, i~urgelya, Nevr anskiy, Tknenuk. Opomaya seysmostar,tslya Y AVI ~'oldavskoy S:2i (fcr Drurmia), i.. 71o:-~uarstvenmly prolzvoc- stve-inyy geologicheskiy Komltet Molcavrkoy SSR (for ~Tukntrhuk, Kapt:3an, Sufarov) . NFGADAY EV-N I KONOV, K.N. s SAFARi'V, 11: ~ : , Act:, ViLieO Cf th" Geo I rg! ~!,i ' Sts - t.. ~,ri -f '-fie Ann. 1" .1 ~A . :1 of -,he Academy of Sciences rif '.ne Mc, S.S.h. S- - - " '! 1146, (IbRI :R ~- n o.. -149 F 165. BOBRINSKAYAY O.G.; BOBPINSKlY, V.M.; BUKATCHUK, P.D.; DANICH, M.M.; KAPTSAN, V.Kh.; NEGADAYEV-NIKONOV, POPOVA, T.V.; ROSIMA, V.Kh.; SAFAROV, E.I.; 9()BETSKIY, V.A.; FDEL'Sff7EYN,, A.Ya.; BURGELYA, N.K., red.; DhtMYA, A.V., red.; 1WHETSOVA, E.,red. [Stratigraphy of sedimentary formations in Moldav-ia] Strati- graflia osadochnykb obrazovanil Moldavii. Kishinev, Kartia moldoveniaske, 1964. 129 p. (14IRA 19: 1) 1. Otdol paleontologli I stratigrafii AN Moldavskoy SSR (for Bobrinskaya, Danich, Negadayev-Nikonov, Popova, Roshka, Sobetskiy). 2. Institut geologii i poleznykh iskopayemykh, gorod Kishi-nev (for Bobri-nakiy, Fdellshteyn). 3. Upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Moldavskoy SSR (for Bukatchuk, Kaptsan, Safarov). A, USSR/Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydroch,~-mistry. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - KhImiya, '1,). 19~)71 )6~0~ Author Neganov, A.F. Inst Sar-a-Uo-v-Un-I--ver s I ty . Title Some Peculiarities of Geochemi5try of -'oII5 In Regions of Natur,-,l 'Ia5 and Xineral Oil Occurrences. Orig. Pub Uch. zap. Saratovsk. un-ta, 1956, 16. Abstract The following elements were folind disper!-ed in states soluble in water: B - in all rocks (wIth the exception of dolomites) in micro- quantities, Br - 0.00018% in Carboniferous clays, 0.0018 to 0.0022% I-n Devonian clays and sandstones, and none ir. dolomites anI limt- stones. I a-nd Ba were not detected in ri,cks traces of cir were found in clays. Card 1/1 UGANOV, A-I-; CRIOUTAYBVA, A-A- Faloogeography of the loses plateau of QUA* Uche &ape Sare uns 6409-44 '59. (MIRA 1)19) (Shenst Prowince--ftloobotany. Stratigraphic) L 127~3-66 lip(c) JD ACC NRI A16020197 SOURCE CODE: UBD056/66/o5O/OO6/i445/l457 AUTHOR: ~j /' -1-ma-nov" _k. ; Borisov, fi. ; Liburg, K. J I ORG: [Neg&novl Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (Ob"YedlwfuW institut y Liburgj Mosc adermykh issledovaniy); (Borisov, ow Rite Uiffie-rilty In. N. V. lAmonosov (mos- kovskiy goaudaretvennyy universitet) TITLE: Method of obtaining infralow temperatures, hased on the dissolution of He3 in He4 SOURCE: Zh eksper i tear fiz, v. 5o, no. 6, 1966, 1445-1457 TOPIC TAGS: liquid helimm, low temperature phenomenon, cryogenic liquid cooling, cryogenic refrigerator ABSTRACT: The method described was originally proposed by toondon, Clarke, and Mendoza (Phye. Rev. v. 128, 1992, 1962 and earlier) and is based on the use of the latent heat of dissolution of liquid He3 in W. The refrigeration cycle is produced by continuously separatir4; the two components at a higher temperature. The heat- transfer circuit is shown in Fig. 1 and the mechanics of separating and recirculating the He3 Is shown in Fig. 2. The authors review the theory of the method, describe the continuous dissolutlon and circulation, present thermodynamic calculations of the cooling capacity of the equipment, and present a description of the complete apparat- us and of the results. A temperature of O.IK can be maintained with a heat supply of 18W erg/sec and with HO circulation of 1.84 x 10-4 mole/sec. In the absence of ex- ternal heat supply the temperature of the solution can be maintained at -0.056K. If L Card- 1/2 - L 3~7_2_3-6_6_ ACC NRI AT6020197 the ambient conditions do not change, the temperature can be maintained constant within -0.001K. later experiments, J, ubil- based on data on the solubil T ity of )[e3 at --0.01K (A. C. 1J.H" Anderson et al. Phye. Rev. Lett. V. 16, No. 7. 1966), stimulated the construction of a larger beat exchanger, Fig. 1. Diagram of experi- 4yielded temperaturea down to 0.025K. and made possible a temp;z~ture of O.IK to be maintained at 1300 erg/sec supply. The authors thank Professor V. P. Dzhelepov ment on heat transfer be- tween baths A and B by continuoua solution of H*3 in HO . 1 - Nester, 2 - phase separation boundary, 3 - superfluid filter, 4 - for an opporTu-n-Ity--t-o -per- capillary to fill the system Hes .. HqI 6 A r 4 _J~ Fig. 2. Schematic dia- gram of apparatus form the work, I(. B. Perfe- nev for participating in the first experiments, N. 1. Kvitkov and F. A. Nikolayev for preparing the vital units of the apparatus, and the a of the cryogenic a--Uo-ratory of OIY&I for continuously supplying liquid helium under difficult conditions. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 8 formul". [02] SUB CODE: 20/ Sum DAm loDec65/ OIRIG RIF: 002/ OTK RIF: 009 / ATD PRES' Card 212 JS 150 :2 Z_~j InAitisto, of Nutlear Problsvs~ of the Acmd.of Ses. of the MU bd .XT 99*-ION ELIO, ll~ Nr NESHCHERYAKOV. M.G.; BOGACHXV, N.P.; UEGANOV, B.S. Investigation of proton-proton interactions at high altitudes. Isv.AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 19 ne.5:548-560 S--O '55. (K1_qA 9:4) I.Institut yaderuykh problen Akademli nauk SSSR. (Cosmic rajrs) (Nuclear physics) I I I W- . - ., -.- . , - I . 1. . I . . I . I I . . I . . . . . I A . . . I " i , - . . I I . - I I.. . I. . . , 1, . . ~; ~.". ..., -1. ~ '' . I . .1 :-::2 ~ " -17, -'-d.- --.- - I . , k I . . -, , L .. . , - .-'- ') , , ,m . , . ,. , . I - I '. , . I 1~ . I . . I . . . , . : . , . -:~Z- . . .. . .. 11 .. . I- . . - 1 .1 ! .1 .& I - ARKS"" 41- _6 -A P Uf; rONUTM OIP 1* MARV tH MLLMONS IN 464 TO "s U" UfFam". jj,&*u4QpLw Q LA=b"ka. _ 'SOW botiftge ot ftd"T AmstA 1!112m"rw af JhLL_ d woro 4*"Utd 14 at Itak[W pratm bam or owtv an wv. 7m Ima onu ordim kr tu resi. UN 0 4 P.0 I a 4 p sopos U) ab with ow up- IW SOWWdke PWWkII Id to 0.64 4. 14) 2% w" b The sowly rnqp M go 4W Nov. w" de"Iqwd rA*g ft appnWaSka of p-oww'depondmove 441 P so ab. VAWTS pa"If km mxkAuat meow POM QqMeod k wAtd is$ a. or-a") UPISR/Nuc,ear Physics C-3 Abs Jour Referat Zhur Ftzika, No 5, ~95f, 1093 Author Meshcheryakov, M.G., Zre,ov, V.P., Nef~anov, B.S., Vzorov, I.K., Shab,idin, A.F. Inst Institute of Nuclear Prob~'ems, Academy if Sciences,USSR Title Knergy Spe,!tra of Positive Pi-.)n!3 In the Dp n-.) Reaction at 556 an(I 657 Mev, Crri~, Pub Zh. eksperim. I tez)r. fizjki, 1956, 3~, No ~, 45-54 Abstract The magnetic analysis method was used at an ant_-,le of 240 relative to the proton beam to measure the spectra of the positive pions of the p:' np reaction at co.lision energies c)f 556 anc! 65) Hev. For an an;~ie of 450, in the -enter )f mass system, the ratio if the d"fferentiai cross sections Df the reaction pp np amounts to (d */Id *)657: (d */d *)556 2.2:1. At both Card 1/2 USSR/Nuciear Physics Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 9~1', 1109"' collision energies, an averal,e of " -,f the ac-essible energy Is consumed In the formation of a positive pion in one elementary act of the pp ~-np reaction. Comparison of the measured spectra with the energy dis- tributions corresponding -.o the statistical weights of the final states, calculated under the assumption that the formation of mesons takes place directly, has shown that in the lov-energy portion of the positive-pion spec- tra the mtrix element that connects the initial and fi- nal states of the pp ) np _ I reaction increases line- arly with the momentum of the meson and for equal values of momentum It has approximately the same magnitude for both collision energies. Card 2/2 USSR/Nuclear Physics C-3 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 110,94 Author Meshcheryakov, M.G., Vzorov, I.K., ZreIov, V.P., Neganov, B.S.. Shabudin, A.F. Inst Not given Title Formation of Charged Mesons on BeryiLium and Carbon by Protons with 660 Mev Energy. Orig Pub Zh. eksperim. i teor. Ciziki, 1956, 31, No 1, 55-62 Abstract The method of magnetic analysis was used to measure the energy spectra of positive and negative pions, emitted in the p - Be and p C coilisions at an angle of 240 re- lative to the beam of the 660 Mev protons. The spectra of the positive pions have clearly pronounced maximum at 210 Mev in the laboratory system, while the number of nega- tive pions changes insiGmificantly in the range from Card 1/2 r USSR/Hucle&r Physics Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5p 1094 60 to 250 Mev- It was observed that the probability of formation of positive pions In co.lision of protons with the protons bound in Lhe beryllium and carbon nuclei, is at least one third the probabiiity of formt1on on free protons. The maximum in the spectrum of the positive pions in the center of mass system Is located near 1.00 Nev. The ratio of the positive and negative pion yields for berylli= and carbon was determined over the entire extent of the spectra. The ratio total y-ields of the positive and negative pions for these elements is 5.3 - 0.6 and ',?.0 0.8 respective- ly Card 2/2 NEGANOV, ~- ~ . 3`7 3 J -- C T'!ScR ' MSICS Z0 PA 7-~JCV. K TITLE The ~IaEnetic iknh,j Ii If t-,-- Ro,rictl,~r.9 rind [ p dTx ' ILI 1 ' at ax, Er- -C, Y-7 PERIODICAL Dokl . Akad . Nau.( , 1 09 , f as 3, Issued : 9 rf-vi -w-d For t~,p t lirpogp of the if-t"rm.'. ri~tti t. f,,rt,.t: r !~t r f t prodll,~ t i on proceq-;#-s c f ~oti I t i v~ on-3 ,,ri IS authors 'lleul'r19' r.' r, 9 tud i el t 1:o z-.nme rt 3: ec t r~, ccndary protons emi tted r~r. tt.,e if 1hp re~,.t F 1!. -0 V r~ d.eit d ent1n t e r e stF%q c w, ~ie dtoFii r~ t io,3 eo ff asubsequent d e t e rr-. i n a t io nfirI e,- re c-fza! r ~ro+icpl -n the occusior. -,f -.r, ".1 fr m t - 'a x ti -' -?9. In connect I or. '&I. * ~fr ~r- P q sr -,7.z c"Mi i," nom e n r)i a' s r P f i c rn tr r D, "he Axnsiri -,-rtq w(!r,-r 1,'13tl tUt(! for Nucleir Pr- cf t., i* -r~orC,; f th~- I rotoris w;,~, r. r"t f A; f g f, V . T h -? s c h ~-m e ,i... r! ' , Akad N au~ 109, f;ior - ' - 4",9- ')5k CAP -- - I ~- ?A 7~%~ re1 a tiv e -, om entum F3-c,7', r-i; j 17 '1 4 T m a n - t i cf i ~ I d3 t r f., r. eof tile y1f,119 of r,f sil,c~ ndary protons arA ie!iter~ t:. r l- The most inten.- [-e~tk at H, 42(>O.'O- ?Iltsticallj s,~atterel ,r, r r, t~~r f f sy-ltem~ The Peaks at E, C to t~ic- d4~uterons of reicti ir Il t ma s!i s~ a t ~,ti, reap(,(, t i vely . -t," ~!Xpft -I mo- t ;1', 10,1 t r" tercri 1;eaks with respect to. tii#- i.Iia~ of i. ti -,,t 4r- d f - by legs than 1% The cont inaous spectvial 1)el on63 7, f : 1 . I t 9 ipper 11 mi t 1 9 , n Rf, r,,0 & 1~ rffFict i oni) 03 an 1 3' ?0. 1 t~-' q) I q 'I . I-S. 'I, E: V secondary pqrticles prnd ic,,,! r, t.~., t;i i ned at ;in anel e )f 1 2. 2" t rn,tr Iii i 'n trj irlkll I i 7 Ifi, - ~220. 10, C ;,ol tam qj,e,-- t r-im nf t).,, n- -nd,,r r -t S -f. r i) n . Th - r ro t ons w A t I r r- t ho~ r " ar bil t p r "t 0 n t 1 N' S71' -, T T'T I ON :I n a t i t i t t t! F ~j ri rrPrc!~-, -!r,; 19 %1A " M.O., nml' II.P., "Zortov, T.Y . 0 V' PITTIN, ' . F. "'t. - - 9 "Energy Spectra of 71"" Mesons In the p-,>--MP7C* Reaction at 556 and 657 MeVq* paper presented at CERN Symnoslum, Ic)56, appearing in Nuclear Instruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30, 1957 =am. B.S., MMCITERYAKOV, MI., VZOROV, T."., ZR5WV, 7.P., StIAM-OTq, A.F. *~%gnetlc Analysis of the Reactions pp-mpe M., po-opp7gal (TT) and p"dT%4(111) at an Energy of 660 M~V,w paper presented at CM; Symposium, 1956, appearinp in Nuclear Instruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30, 1957 HMANOV ME.-HCRMYAYOV, M.r. BOGAC141',V, N.F., LI-ESTN, G.A., PISKARFV, F.V. ~ .-- . 0- *Scattering of Protons with Energies of 460 and 660 MeV by Protons and Deuterons," paw presented 44 OW Symposium, 1956, appearinr in Nuclear Instruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30, 1957 RM-ANOY, ~Ag.? MMIMAYAKO-7, M.O., VZO101.1, T.X.. ZR=v, v.p., A.F. "Charged Pion Production by 660 MeV Protons on Beryllium nn,4 Carbon," paper presented at CFRq Symposium, 1956, appearing in Nuclear Instruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30, 1957 AZHGIROV1 L.) VZOROVP I.1 MLWv) V.) IE31!C1L;?YAY,()V, M.) IT5UMV B., and 'JIMUDDi, A. "Forcing Deuterons from Nuclei of L!, Be, C, and 0 by t,75 Mev Protons," (Vybivaniye Detronov Iz Yader Li, Be, C, J. 0, Protonami s Energiyev v (75 14ev), USSR, 1957. Reported 17 May 1957 at the Second iessior. of the icientifi. Council of the United Institute of Muclear Research. Translation U-3,055,5(~3, 22 Jar, 5~ submusk OIZNR=NL Tim- At _~I ~ Ift ny Jew ftm, Alt EiRl;l 2* CIAMWIM on Uw WPA40M StSUCIN"t p 1141 t4* sew par, - Yi~ "Zoo $unlace tw irsastalod; _Tfit trVA40M via be ww9w;a %A= j2 pp .44 .41 as AND 03- M": &Y-4 tPtys. JrTP 4. -1 IA IMRI, Opktrum tor the r4acliqu pp t bombv~4tag energies, of $14 Od f-6, Mov. py mapeUc 'Uv~q;sls M on a4le, of 2V " %6 prttcfi beam. The rRilo cj' t~.dlftvireuUal eras soctloa at 0' immured in the tyst4ml (or lbf two attergic-a pv-V(4 to be . swoOmaWly #01 of the avUlable c"rCy is spm formllion of IM 0 motAxt Ina str40 eienw-gary act, A...Ompi r4aa of the weasured a"ram w c"'VEY "the "cildrUotion carresponakti; tc thr 4tA446(kal weights of the f 'i "bmpuled iuvdor lbi iwai' pUm that tho me* an dIr farMad ~64~~ the matrix w Inittat 2*1 tint Ats for the raldfibi'v#Mve Linearly with ;~csom nu Mentum an A has ApprOXIM klabi lit "Sue V41UG XL ldc%u- ;mki,inowasta for bdb bcmWiiikat ervrslm, (lam) 57 Z cAnamin WON& _L. r4r, a xmsi~,A&I-apuvv PAO" Co- -pit 14"Ised id E~- Am c 140dissalk was awasurca *mh A ~Al in WWc 2 boom. Ifta V, fneson "wet ~~ni M42 tit-it ly d.-fintd noxl~ 4~rges['Ihp tp"VOm MOO it' mriovs varit-d voly i'llittikly 60 to tz 0 mev Tbclprkt4llfty of p"JUVI4 -were, a msc from, t 10-tr~ when pr praLms bouw in r4clikild was aljw`oovrp~ U,ts $1 k# proton, ~*j on t Tbl~ MR)dmun thi + etr" A*! ctiet-cf-mvs cootdifisto dOYMJRW lot Be 2ad C aver 4,0 -'M deftletit 'a eqa4, 0.0 Jiwl 7.0 .................. . . ....... USSR/Nuclear Physics - Ele ntary Particles. C-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No , 1958, 368 Author Weganov, 4,5., Savchenko, O.V. Inot Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Title Production or It" Kesons in p-p, Collisions at 480 -- 660 Nev - Orig Pub Zh. eksperim. i teor. fisiki, 1957, 32, xo 6, 1265-1275 Abstract Using an external be" of 660 Nev protosm, a study is made of the energy spectra of ITI moons produced in the reac- tions p + p --.* 'r, '+ + n -t- p and p + p -+ 77, + + d, for four angles in the laboratory system. Also determined are the differential cross sections for meson productions for ei*t angles in the saw system. The total cross section of the first reaction is (10.9 ::t1.1 millibarns, and the anCvlar distribution is proportional to (o.66 :t oa4 Card 1/2 Card 2/2 UGAKOV. B.S. low On the structure nf micleons. Zhur. skap. i tenr. fig. 33 no.l: 260-262 JI 157. (KLRA 10tg) 1. GbOyedlnennyy inatitut yadernykh Iseledovanly. (Nucleons) A AUTHOR: Azhgirey, L.3 . Vzorcv, I.K. . Zrtlov, V.E. 19 :'t' bleshcheryiLkov, M.G. , Neganov, B.S. . Shab~jlir.. A.?. JITLE: The Knocking Out of Devteron from the Nu~,Iel Ll~ Be. I aad 0 by 675 MeV Protons (Vybivaniye deytronov 1z yader Li, Be. C 1 0 protonami s energlyey 675 MeV) PERIODICAL, Zhurnal Ekisperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr pp. 1185-1195 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Nith the help of the maguetioal analysis below 7,60. vith respect to the primar-i proton ray. the momentum spectrum of the zharged partiole was recorded nhich Is produoed when deuteriLm), llthium. beryllium, carbon and oVgen arv bombarded 'ty 675 Mev protons. The ocaurrence of deuteron gmups with an energy of -- 600 MeV was ob- served for all five elements. In the case of deuterium the fast deuterons result from the elastic scattering of the protons by deuterons. In all ether cAaes the production mechanism of the reac- tion must be ascribed to p + (Z,A) d + p + (Z - 1, A - 2). These reactions. the"fort, _--rreapond to the scattering of thi protons by the quaai-deuteron groups withir. the target nucle,.Ls. The following differential cross sections ",re measured: Card 1/2 56-5 -19/46 The Knocking Out of Deuteror from the Nuclei Li Be, C and 0 by 675 Rev Prvtons d r~ in mb/ster. d 0.55 +0.1" Ll _9 +0.~ Be + 2.~ + C 3 7 t 0 + ),6 t 1.G For the nuclei Li Be. C and 0 the avera~~m motional energy of the qua,sideuteron groups couli be as timated at 8, 11 , ii+ MeV. I rk % ho~ highly energe-.ic nart of the spectra no oc-~urrence of trit.Lum ~,f importance co,..Id be observed. From the dixta obtained by exTtrirr.,?rj! the conclusion m.V be drawn that interaction processei cf three par-tio4ies ocour, Nhich art (;onnected with a great transfer of momenta. Ther- ar-- 6 figures, 3 tables. and Z3 refemnce-j. 4 of which &re Slavic. ASSOCIATION: UnAted Nuclear Re,5eAr~h 1,~qtitut-~ (Wyecunennyy institut yp-de.-nykh issledo-,raniy) SUBMITTEDi JUD-3 1 , f9r7 AVAILABM Library of Con8rei~-; Card V 2 AUTHOR NEGLNOVp B. S. 56-7-38/66 ?I TLC of the Struature of the Nucleon. (K voprosu o stroyenii nuklona.- Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Rksperim. i Tooret. Fixiki 1957, Vol 33, Nr 7, pp 26o-262 (USSR) ABOTRACT If the nucleon to considered to be & system of particles, the particles of which are closely ooupled with one another by a meson field, the resonance Interaotion of the plone with nucleons can be interpreted as a result of the existence of an excited state of the nucleon. The simultaneous forming of hyperons and K-mesons can than be looked upon as a dissociation of the nucleon into i*s oomponents. The author here assumes as fundamental particle & K-meson and & cascade hyperon (':') . The strong attraction between the KO+- and ~ 0 -particles and the antipartioles fO- &ndln 0* may load to a bound state with a very Urge mass defect. The particles KO+ and r--10* oan form four bound state@ (given here) with the'rootopio spin T a 0 and T - 1, which can be identified with the charged and the neutral hyperons. When forming a system consisting of -particles and 2 K-assons, two groups of state* with T - 1/2 and one CARD 1/2 group with T - 3/2 are obtained. According to the On the Probl*m of the Structure of the Nucleon. 56-7-38/66 opinion of the author the nucleons must have the following structural scheme; + + + K+ 0 + Ko),n-jF+T0. L--j L-j +10'F=~ IE 0 + (r--~-+K+) "Strangeness" may then be interpreted as a mesonic charge of th K-xd,'-~ -partiol*s caused by Inter- action of th:00 rt oysis &Mong themselves. Next, the dissool4tion of the nucleon is discussed In short. The system oonstruated here to absolutely stable with respect to the decay into light particle@, if in this respect the rV-partioles Is absolutely stable. (With 1 Table) ASSOCIATION: United Institute for Nuclear Research. (0b "y*dinennyy Institut yadernykh iesled&v&niy.- Russian) P213ENTED BY: - SUBMITTED: 3.11. 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 2/2 . 'r I .. - A , -1. , -Ttr-"-x - . I I. f -*Wk- -%dq t . - I - ~ ,z LIJTHOESi 4- Neganov, B. S. , Parfenov, L. B. TITLEs The Investigation of the Reaction Jr4' +d -4 2 p In the Range of Energies of the Positive Fions From 174 to 307 McV (I sledovaniye reaktaii e + d--#Zp v oblasti ener,~ii ~,_mezonov 0t 174 do 307 1AeV) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoi i Teoretiohe3koj Fiziki, "PY; Vol. 34, fir 3. Pp. 767 - -169 (1.133R) ABSTRAM The authors investigated by means cf tht~ method ofat- ed telescopes (which cunsi3ted of scintillation- the reaction 1P + d -+2p with the pion energies 1741 '001 2271 26'11; 307 MO. Phe beam of positive pions was produced by irradiation of an hydrogen-contnining tar,-et with a pro- ton-beam of the syrchrocyclotron of the United Institute :'or Nuclear Research (Ob"Yedinennyy institut yadernykh issle- dovani_v). The yield of the above-mentioned reactiorotas de termined from the difference of the countinp-velocities of Card 1/4 the twofold coincidences at the tarr-ets consisting of D20 SOV/34-56 3-46/5'_1 The Investigation of the Reaction e + d -* 12p In the Range of Enerries of the Positive Pions From 174 to 307 MeV Card 214 and H 0. The results obtained tt( the measurements of t~e fereniial cross sections for 4 nngles in the certer-of-jr'a vity system are summarized in a table. The angular J113tri butions 2of the jrotona can be represented in the form A + cos 01 the coefficients belor--inf., to this, determined bi the method of the smallest 3quarea, are written d,,wr, I'll e total cross jections for the reaction p + p-.*d 4. ir we ro.~ calculated on the baoia of the principle of detailed Plui libriun and in the case of amount to 1; 3 3; 690; 7431 812 and 903 UeV 3.05) + 0. !3; 0 + 0 . * 8 .9 '4 , 1,33 + 0,12; O.BO + D-n8 millibar. he depenlence Tf the total cross section of the reaction p + I -ood - It )r. tl~e of the pions in the center-of-gravity system as de monstrated in a diagram. The data obtained here confirm O~e conclusions by Mesheryakov and Neganav (Reference 1) on the resonance-like character of the afore-mentioned reaction. The maximum of the excitation function is at E - 13') MeV. These results aeree with the theory bj Mandellahtam (',Jir mingliam, private communication, 1957). '.he arq.-ular distri bution changes obviouslj on account of tUl Increase 0.' tl,e relative influence of the transitionsi + SOV/ 56-34 -'1 -'6 / 1)5 + -e ne r~, i e s The Investigation of the Reaction Ir d --* 2p In t he R ar-, of E of the Positive Pions From 174 to 3C7 MeV 3P 1,2 __* 351 and 3F2,3--* 3si, with the energies exceeding resonance-energy. These transitions lead to the production of mesons in d-state. fhis assumption can be verified by polari- zation tests, viz. by a more extensive ana)pis and more a curate determination of the angular distribution with ar. L-jergy af the pion of 23C MeV in the laboratory system. Then a tem proportional to cos4 9 appearB. This, from the point of the resonance-model of the production of pions with the nucleon-nucleon-collisione,,gignifies that the p-state cf the system (which occurs prior to the irradiation of ttie meson in d-state) begins to play a part. The amplitude of the transition 1 3 __+ 3S1 must be small in this ~ase- There are I fiCure, I table, and 7 references, 1 of Yrnict. is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Ob"yedinennyy inditut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Institute for Nuclear Research) Card 3/4 210) set.... P-t- bed &t..1. 2-1.1 t torsrss" r Shol.- 'The .. a PIS .... ell I but, '"I I C, l. Zb--l 1 1. tlb-kay 1. 1 ". v 164 , (;;;It) LOTUCT. this -7 &.t."1.4 1. A,-, free t4-11-1 &Lee I*- 1111b.tiss, is %"at-bleall. ;I 's s :L1:4 ase-1a; f I.. ezv..~.%. "r,l.; set ell he amemA, *Z "I. the Ir tLot,lbeittelems ."d a .....ery I.Ij pr.t- .1 - 12.2. Is. 24 _I 60 It.) 7' s' - is, . she, ..A ". b f r t. ta. ad,, 4" .- C-4 eeb-d ro, a differ..& bal-L.. .d1ob # %.I.... 7 he'd AD.. 4 rc,r T*. 04).0.05) res, : tOL'O.C.A.0~0CA). 0 S ... &I... plamr. I h... Lb- Ib. S....03 f Is 1. f~d Lh.1 1: Abst-emes. , t T-. the rl4- mAdles. :14 -r 660 ve~ej 0 t the raje,btel is hge- -4 is pr%jj ble,Lbbbb . the ..4 bA .1. .4 -,r f !--~ %M. 50C M- &I bet. - till f < GM a-, C&rt 2. 4 400 a". &I J40 the br-ad me,41" ("Pectalij &a %6e sh,ho of ..-t 50C 1-. &h. 'lalbee ... 41.1L.-ay b.-bl. 1" 1 ,be 7 -- -dims, , " I.- " : : 1 z ;:. 00 t :. .: :-1- t 0 It 50 this 1 - ': ! -.1 40C %. . C. .t a 4 h t I , : tee I . ....... .. .... ... _eb" b:", be. -:-1 be I ..... A. ...... -P-r. fee -S h C-4 1, be -I-) (Fig. ..4 9' 1. c r -4 t."b.r J.. S C'., zo, C-4 4.14 foo (1138'1 )/f/j B006YB070 AUTHORS: tleganov, B. Phrf-n L. 1yaj.K11-., A- A, TI'LE. Measuremen' f thp R,,'.ativ- Nu-lear A-z'-*-i'j f ~,.)n9 t-Yp Vi nily ,f thH Produ i ,r, PERIODICAL: Zhirna: aksperimenlal n t i~ t~ k. Z . K Vc " . 38, Nr. A , pp. TEXT: Irish r-s,~ar-h work~#rq (Rpf.1 d -1 avir-,d an .31.r, viral cusly arg- *.Ar I ng , rose se- t, -~r. , n ~ . in a ~ r )d1j, 4d . nK,2 4-~-ay~. The va'kia was T three *.imes that i:,f the ger-mpl.ri -al -ross Ee-tion. '!. waFi assumed by M that either the pioris produced by K-de~ay were differen,. from the -rdinar-, ,,nes, or the nuelear actIll:ty wa-9 an-ma:-)us.y large in the r~ei-)n if p-r produ.-tion. Thes, assumpti:,ns are dla-u6sed in the lnlr,,da '-. r. f t.t.~ present. papqr, fo!!--wed by a brief rek-,r' .-f tn,~! -xper-.M.'3n'.al The nucle%r a-;t1vitiee -f mesons were compared al~ dis'ar,-7es --)f 2' 23, and 105-111) ~m from the point -,f produ-ti -~n .he mpziors bei-,#:, ted at 900 by 660 Mpv Protons in-idpn* )n -vtr~,n nu-1-. T h p m -~ fi:~ j S 0/0~8 /-,,CW-A ~ I ~,4 A! Card 1.12 F ( -1~ M-,aqur-?mer,'~ of t-ne Relative 111-1-ar Ac 'if Pions in the VI-inity ,f the P,,irl. BC)06 YBO 7 C Produ-tion were made by mean 3 -, f Two t 9,, 9 f s r. -,)un te re . The re I a t i ve -han,-p- i r. t-h q our. inr r a t. e n I r,.? aus ed ty brao a f 11 te rs o f a th 1 ~,kne f vl m? was mea-;~ire ; 1 terg were pl aced e i ther . n f r r, '. f I-h- f*. ret - n t., r9 r ~ 0. nd se cond i n the te I es I opF, ~ I r, t-A 1 9 marms, r t (- r,,,i,- , Pri r ~tb,4 ri n m.- whose ene rgy changed f r om 1 C)C t, 70 MC- n pa ss i n6 t h r - *.tl- , I t,,-- ,~e'-rminedj (this energy inler.,a~ -rrz,,P-,nii to I,hc- rr,~Fi,n -n,rci,a& K de~!ay). Only an insignifi-an*, lowering -!f the r.,j lpa, a-*.ivi!,v ''U Tt 9 be observed in *,he 9x peri men ts , Fird wat; y robab, y due to ~rrl, rm in mpas~,r- ment. TherH is ! non-S,--,Yie~ r-f-rpr-v, AS SOC I AT I ON 0 b y e d i n q nn y y i n s t. ', '. u t y ad -- r r. yi ii sa r. i n I n I. I t. u te o f N u r~ ; e ri r P e n oa r SUDMITTED; April 19, 1960 Card ?/2 2,1 Y4 00 33161 s/12o/61/000/006/035/o4i E194/E485 AUTHORS: Goncharov, I.N., Gromova, I.I., Neganov, B.S., Parfonov, L.B. TITLE: An electromagnet with super conducting winding PERIODICAL: Pribory i tokhnika eksperimenta, no.6, 1961, 142-143 TEXT: The magnet described was required to control the "thermal keys" in a cyclic refrigerator equipment used to produce extremely low temperatures by the adiabatic dowagnotization of a para- magnetic salt. The coil was made of lead, which has a critical field of about 500 oersteds at a temperature of 4.20K and 800 oersteds at 1.50K, the critical current for the wire of section 0.5 x 1.5 mm; was not less than 10 A at 4.2*K. The turns we e insulated with capacitor paper treated with adhesive grade 9 V2 (BF-2). For convenience of accommodating the "thermal key" between the poles, the magnet was made cylindrical, the pole diameter was 8 mm and the polo tip diameter 14 mm, the gap length was 3.2 mm. For example, with 700 turns the field strength at which super-conductivity broke down to give a p.d. of 0.05 mV was 2800 oersteds at 1.5*K with a critical current of 1.2 A. As the Card 1/2 3 3141 9/120/6i/000/006/035/o4i An electromagnet with super ... 9194/9485 current is required to flow for several hours, heat evolved in the connections is troublesome and so a circuit was devised to maintain the gap field constant with supply disconnected. The coil was shorted by turns of lead, wound on a metal core in contact with liquid helium, on which a heating coil was also wound. Until the heater was switched on, the lead turns were superconducting and current continued to flow through the magnet coil even with supply switched off. If it is required to connect the supply, it is first switched on then, as the heater current is increased, the lead coil becomes progressively less super-conducting and ampply voltage is applied to the magnet coil. Acknowledgments are expressed to V.M.Drobin for assistance. There are 3 figures and 3 references: I Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The two references to English language publications read as follows: Ref.l: S.H.Autler, Rev. Scient. Instrum. v-31, 1960, 369; Ref,2; D,.R.Young, Progress in Cryogenics, v.1, 1959, 3. ASSOCIATION! Olr"yodinennyy inatitut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED% April 3. 1961 Card 2/2 lm~fil SMAW(i)/zwp(q)Awr(iit)/=/BPF(n)-2 OM/ASV/rJP(C)/Sg) lai C M 3/0056/63/GL5/OM/0394/0396 Si LO Takaft, Yu T. at -'45* no* 2,9 M3s 394-396 awro '410"r~. 1, tsaft%,~: ns Ca $PID lattice relaxation*2 electron r to a' uwcei~ Imt 40p: 0011A IMPAMY 1_"~ haam dwAbls rAtIr AM= ted, of Prelgain reverimil6ts on dynuda proton polix-i us an ;ID PP)'in crystals ct: LftUg3(")j2,AH20 idth, per sine tic ceriua concen- I ti (reutive to, the lwth -"wdmatoly OJOK; the experiments!, tration of ANUM lore an i Antended -to increase tlw porVRTrVKWW olteckthe dependence of the prot polarbm~Aim *WUftcatian coefficient. an the *ztArnal nagnatle flold at nzad eloctron proton nwonince, (SPR) frequoncyO tbo dependence of the applification co- effidelA on the micro Psi vpmw und to saturate tbs. ZPR,, and t1w temperatur a do- pendeum of tho' PMten spin-lAtice relazatf an tims. Tho maximun positive valm -*AAA --AA - of the soffIcLaft,was M 4- 10,p correspoadiag in a field of 3300 1 6:10.5%., It was towd that 2^4 of microwave pover priAen vein DRAGICIIESKU P P. (DraglAce5cu, I . j ; DRAGICHESKU, M. (Draghiceseu , I... ] ; LUSHIKOV, V.I.; I"EUNOV, B.S.; PAPMENUV, L.b.; 'AARAI;, Yu.~. (Dynamic polarization of protons in lantluinum-na,maslum nitrate cryat;ds containing neodymium] Dinamicheskala Po- liarizatBiia protonov v kr'.stalle lantan-magnievogo nitrata B primealiu noodimfl. Dubna, Ob"edinenrqi iri-t ladernykh Issl. 1964. 16 p. (KIRA 17:5) )1T1EWP(t'F1EWP(b)_ 1JP(01 'L-44956-65 ACCESSION URt .'.ATS009474 Z/O 0/64 /000/000/0266/626q~!I, -,AUTE1OR9s Luschykov, V. I.; U22anoxt B.' S.;,Parfeno-;, L. B. 1 Tavan# J, v TITLEt' The*dynamic polarization of protons in a rotating crystiLl of.lanthanuu-magn6sium nitrA-te t ~~Jtritel'ence' on Low Temperature Phy a and Techniques, 3d, SOURck lic I : ' 0 Prague, 63, Physive and techniques of law tcrq)eraturesj proceed -7-ings of the conference. Prague, Publ. House of the Czechosl. AcadeW of Sciences, 1964, 266-266 :TOPIC TAGS: proton polarization, lantbanum compound, nuclear spin AWTMCTs -I-The dynamic polarization method first described by lbra- -(Cryogi -,gram anics 3 (1963)# 42) and C. D. aeffries (Cryogenics 3 (l963)4-4l)_w" used in the exppriments, which were performed Ln Card rl f" 7 ACCESSION MRs ATS009474 -saturation frequencies from 60 to 17 fields from 2 to,5AOe at a Mc, and for,uniform.rotation of the crystal in the range of 30 to 550 rpm. The experiments were carried out at -1.3K. The results showed that the polarization increases when the cerium content decreaDea from 2 to 0.2%. The temperature dependence-of the amplification coefficient of the polarization is similar to that observed for the sinple -effect-solid.e. The. amplification coefficient increasev rapidly.As the speed of.the crystal rises from 30 to '100 rpm, and then decreasets slowly. The polarization amplification coeffii:ient _dbtained-~-in -individual --experiments- reachad - -70 for an irradiat,kon time of 30--40 min. Higher values are expected to be obtaina:ale by a more suitable-cboice of parameterna A disadvantage of the math-; od' it the need for precise adjuntment of:the crystal and the elim- ination-;of vibration-during rotation in the magnetic field. An ad- ;.vantage of the method is relatively low demand for homogeneity and -stability-of the magnetic field and the use of meter waves k-stead of very'high-frequencie-s. ',orig. art, hast 3 f igurea. Cord 2 1 MINN= L 64956-65 ACCESSION URs AT5009474 !ASSOCIATIONt ObOyedinannyy institut yadernykh. insledovaniy (joint ji stitote of Nuclear Research) ENCL: 00 SUR CODE GP SUBMITTEDs 00064 0 THEFt 004 NR gni.: GOV,, 006 im 1, 5331-66 ZW(I)/ZW(N)/ZW/rA(N)/r/LVP(t)/EW(b)/VdA(m)-2 IJP(C) Accmm Arjamm vWw%/65/ohq/oo2/oW/0" YV11,901 ' Y'liqr ~~169-j Term% Tv. Vo TITIXt Dyomde polarization of protons i~ rotating 2Autbumil-mognmalum nitrate errata 50 SQUMS" japarm" -Inn"I'mw I tearetlawshw ftsucis T. 490 no. '41, 1965# TaM WM: proton polarizaticing flantbamm a ------ spin relmstion 2.6 y i0l CC' AD87RACTt A now ustbod of polarizing to proposed, consisting of rotatirg the crystals In a stationary magnetic flsJA md a weak radla; frequom field, 7be mKJ" lxbaW m the theoretical predlatimm of AO Abragen (cryagades. Y. 30 Wj 463) ad C. D. Jeffries (Cryagadca v. 3p 41# 203), viberaln, the spla twWastuxe Is rApiCy decreased via splib-spin relamtIon accomVemiled by rapid cooling of Us mysteme Me authors verified tide matbod with simsit crystal (Log 80# end d4almd, an appreciable Increase, In polarixatlon. The no a wers made In flelAs from, 2 to 6 koe at saturiation nwismies rcm 60 tO 170 NO vltb Vw =79ta rOUtIDS mifumdr at 30-4W nw- SO QxPwiNluts "a no" at 143L 0091161644 up to, -W Were dA&Imd. sw aovu-,. NEGANOV, P. ......... --- - Skilled workers In :rklj~av. 'U?' 6 no.IjO-44 Ja 164. OERA :7.~) 1. Direktar irkutspogo oblaotnogo Doma tekhrilki Na,irhn(>-- tek hr. t (-he skikh obshchestv. NEGANOV, P. I Introduce new eqi;ipment for cyaniding. NTO ) no.8:11-12 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Direktor Irkutskogo Dona tekliniki Vaesoyuznogo soveta nauchno- tekhnicheskikh obshchestv. (Cyanide process--Equipment and supplies) M NFLABO f F. Innovators' radio school Is speaking. NTU 5 no.1:25 Ja 10. (MIRA 16-51) 1. Dtrektor Lrkutskogo Doumi tekhniki oblustnogo soveLa nauchno-takhnicheakogo obahchestva. (Iricutsk Province-Technological innovations) NEGANOV, V.I.,-Geroy Sotsialistichoskoeo Truda; GMESIN, B-Ya., laureat -----Ii;nin-ql,oy nrnmii Atomic Icebre2ker "Lenin" in the hretic. Sudostroenie 27 no.F: 2-7 Av '61. (KiRA 14.9) (Arctic regionm-Navigation) (Lenin (Atomic ship)) P I NAYFVS KA YA , Ye.N. ; A NTC)SIJK INA, N.L. ; NL~' A N('VA , L. A. (:jnversi-)n of sodium chromate to using a=Onia and Carbon dioxide at atmonphpr~- prmssure, :`nur. prlkl. khim. 3" rio. 1.~ :255 3-l' ',17 1 1 ~". . (~CRA IP:3~ -L 34888-66 "If (11t~ - JX AM SOURCE CODE: UR/0240/66/000/003/0090/0093 AUTHOR: Abr inovich, G. A. (Candidate of biological aciencea); Neyanova. 5. 7. (Candidate of' biological ncionces)j.~jWD. Yo A. (Candidate of tecNiMil aciencoo); -Lombardoo. N. D. (Candidate of technical aciencea ORG: Sarato%, Scientific Research Institute of Rural Hygiene (Saratovskiy nauchno- issledovateliskiy institut sellskoy gigJ~--ny); All Ua.Lon 5cieLitific 42,9Qqrch Institute of Hydraullco Engineering and Soil Imyr,vement im. Kostyakov,.Moscow (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isslfidovatellskiy institut gidrcitekhniki i melioratsii) TITLF - Hygifinic evn1untion of an insta)1ation for _puriry-ing and decontaminating -wate;24ithout the use of reagents SOURCv,: Gigiyena i sanitariya, no. 3, 3-966p 90-93 TOPZC TAGS: water purification equipment, water purification ABS7RACT: The authors designed and successfully tested an apparatus for purifying va-tor that doos not use chemical reagents. Intended for farming areas, the apparatus consists of a slow filtar with a sedimentation area that permits tho filter to handle water with up to 500 mg/1 of suspended matter. an electric coalrulator. and a bubblb-g-type aerator. If the coagulator is piacod bofora tho sixiimontation area of the slow filter, water with more than 300 mg/1 of suspandod matter and a color index of more thin 500 can be treated. Reagent- free coagu2Ation consists essentially of anode dissolving of aluminum (or Iron) in a flow-ty- ,go olectralyzor through which the watoz to be treated flows. The bubbling-typs aerator removes odors and aftertasts chiefly of biological origin. It also holds to eliminate some tMa of Impurities mich as Iron. A bActjg1j 4 1' decontaminates the water. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1Wle. I a11T IMS 3 SUB CODES SUBM DATE: 120et65 6 10 - _77-12628-16 CarJ 1 /1. UD'i 63k-7 CUPICY V,; STOJIKIROVIC, 9-; DJUINIC, V.; NEG-ANOVICL_R._ rcliqathle pulmonary hemosiderosis. ruberirulosa 15 no.l: .123-130 Ja-Mr 163. 1. Pedijatrisks klinika Med-Icinskog fakulteta, Beograd Upravniks dr B. Tasovac. (HEMOSIDEROSIS) (LUNG DISEASW) (THORACIC RDIOGRAPHY) BMUNgto I.# profol SORup Ye. [Sorut 3.1,p d-ri HINKU, Tu. (Mincu 1.1; IMNYUK A V [Nogsescup VjO kazd.m*4*nauk; KHOAJIKA, 0. [%&imics-o C~h d-r (Bukharest) mmajmu% In chronic hopatItis and chirrhosis of the liver. ac..7s27-39 161s (MIRA 14:0 (LIUS.-DISNASES) (BNZDM) IJSSR/SGil Science. Tillage. Melioration. Er-.9ion J-5 i~bs AAw Rei Mur - Bi, I*, N-) 1.00 1)58, ru, 43876 Author fieZibin Ya.D., Mikhmudov R. rrst TacTff-1F_,-q7-icultura1 InstItute Title Several Results In the Two-Year Experimento Studyin6, tae Effect ~f T.S. Milltsev's &Al Working Systen -)n the Dcvel, Lient if Yicld -)f Cotton Orig Pub 9. kh. TrA,1zhikistam, 1957) No 3, 1o-16 Abstract The tw) year c)qertmental results are described -f _rjw'_n_ c:)ttoti on irtlL~p.teed alerozem sell plarited in equare ,,.)cket3 un the fielris of' the experimental training form -)f tlie zJiik AL;ricultuml 1natitute. Dcc,-. njn-terraced plowir.L; ',)wn to 42-43 cm. provided a yiclfll Incrcaac of 3-4 centDors ~cr ha. us c,)m~,ared t, crdInary tililnC -f 24-25 cri. The inc ~t s-;Il chiscdine, In the r;ecom,' Y=- t~ a depth f 8-17) -%. provided a cott)n yield bo-Dat )1, 6-5-11.7 centrers i_,er iia. in comparison with the ordinary banking methoO :~f pl,)wir,~. The cotton also ripened earlier, -- S~A, rlikitln Clirl 1/1 POP, E., dr.; III CIJLESCU,M., dr. ; ZAMFIRESCII, Elen a; , 3t. I r. Ca=erts on 2 casea of severe allergic react'-.r. ', c! ! . f~ : - aminosallcylate. Ked. intem. (Docur.) 1~, no.1-':1.4 1-',4 t T, I ~. I . Lucrare of oc tut~ta Ir. Sanator 1 u, do Tube r-i, 1 z;i, "`~i: - , ~ *.' ". Worsening of work conditions In France as the result of capitalis- tic "rationalizations." Sots.trud 8 no.4zlO2-llO Ap 163. (MIRA 16s4) (Fmice-Labor and la1