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NEDIN, V.V., doktc,,, tekhn.nauk; ',UKGV,, O.D.,, kwA.tekhn.nauk; 130SHMAKOV, U.N. Controlllng duot in LLe ke,usingo of crusbere with a cascade arrp-Ag-e- sont of equipment. borloa o oil. 5.218-249 162. (KIRA 16;5) 1. Krivorozhakiy filial InBtituta gornogo dela AN Ukr56R. (Crush.'a4 machinery) (Dust--Prevention) doktor tekhn.nauk; NEYKOV, O.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; DANCHENKO, F.I. 9 inah. Removing dust from the air around underground receivin twikers. Gor. shur. no.9s68-71 S 162. IPURA 150) 1. Krovoroshakiy filial Instituta, gornogo dela AN UkrSSR. (Mine dusta-Ramoval) IIEDIN, VaJentin Vasil I yevi~,h INWIK~jV, CIgg D~rnianvvJ (-r,. K71LIKOV,V.V., ~ IT,," -4--e - .0 re senzon., SThA61. b.p, ,*7. 1-E-1. 'Ili [Dis t c )rjtro- I n mines J' iicr I 1,n 3 F-i! I I u na zrudn.Lkp.,~h. , ')8 J-. I L-va, Nedral 1965. ~,ALtA ig;P. MWITA4A; IWAR. D; SPICM. F. 1pidesic nf t)rphoid favor in the hospital in finknvci during 1952-53. Higijena, Beogr. 6 no.3-4:261-272 '54. 1. Higijenski zavod, Osije, Opca bolnica, Vinkovcl. (TYPHOID Y1M. epidemiology. epidemic in hoop.) L 27108-66 T JK ACC NR1 AP6027716 SOURCE CODE: GE/0038A6/020/002/0323/032ro AUTHOR: NedJ kov, Stanckt_L_~Doctor; Sofia)j__I~ri anov Kirtscho (Doctor; Sofia); Pej schev, Box-io tDoctor; Sofia) ORG: Institute of Veterinary Immunology, 5ofia, D1_14aria TITLE: Guinea pig disease caused by CL perfringens type A SOURCE: Archiv fur experimentelle Veterinarmedizin, v. 20, no. 2, 1966, 323-325 TOPIC TAGS: animal dinease, epidemiology, pathology, animkl disease therapoutica, drug treatment, clostridium ABSTRACT: Epizootological, clinical, pathological-anatomical# and bacterio- logical data were presented for cases of guinea pig dise&se caused by Cl. perfringens type A. This disease occurred on an epidamic scale with a h1o mar- tality rate. Treatments with intramuscular injection of 3000 uafts &ntiper- fringens serum type A per 500 8. weight provided effective remedy. With adequate diet following this treatment, the guinea pigs reg&ined perfect health in a short time. 1JPRS: 36,5991 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: OlKar6r, / ORIG REF: 004 / OTH REF 002 CJd- 917' GEORGIEV, Iv.; NEDKOV, G,; IORDAITOV, B. A typical form of "serous' meningitis and maningoencephalitis vith Coxsackie rirus an a possible etiologic fact~or. Surrem med, -Sofia no.7:69-73 161. 1. Katedra po nervni bolesti pri Visshiia meditsinski institut, SoMa, Rakov. n8 katedrata prof, 5. Bozhinof. 2, Katedra po epidemo- logiia i Infektainni bolesti prl VM, Sofila Rukov. na kntedrnta prof. P. Berberev. (14MINGOENCEPHALITIS virol) (KF?JT4GJTIS virol) (COXSACKIE VIRUSES infnr.~ DIMITROV, M.; !IEDYJ)V. H. tye injuries and inemction of cataract by Ionizing radiations. Dtrureiia. Snfia 11 no.AMR-715 1958. 1. Sofiiski -)kTwhen onkologichon dispe6naer G. Lakar: K. Dimitrov. (RADIATIONS. inj. eff. cataract & other eye inj. (.4ul)) (IT31, off. of medintiono. ionizing (Ihil)) (GATARACT, otiol. & pathogan. radiation InJ. (Bul)) NIDKOT. V. -~%- - - Now method of formation of Filatair's tubul&r fl&p with tn%nspo- eltion of both sutures in opposite direction. Kh1r. 4 ortop- 3 n0-3:158-163 1950. (CIPKL 2035) 1. Golonal.Kedical Corps, spocle,list in plastic-rostorative our- gory. So%&. ;,r,:~Q'.nm41v va, Val 1~. Igo 2. reoruar-y i-~ I . _Preli~mtl.. Le Metter ..a ta Iv.. -=: fare, in the vi of Loll-147 iv_Vot* ."'d P- 3-6. 2. *be. OreamitatLon of Lmrx-r to Ll,ootaex MA 3" 1. IF ors in SLr4 i4la. LAUCIV -I lao.doleat CVZ.%,;V; po -I.- 3. -TVA "14at&6vG.A",vbVIo- fm- "0 1 1. Oat I ,-per Lire mdor "^ 6 a 1. 1. hRt~ P~"Plf'-;13_ Ccmc-m%rsL_cz L~ Hog RA.&IrC Va"o.' ir all L&Laro- pp Joint vottecung psi-= Of %no ccc;or.1.11. Fore. to =1v-A OXr".' MDPIKI*T SAVV; PV 21-.,. *The ftealbilittes for Frod4oj=,E Y.Ord L~Q.- aralx~ N=EDV or %no $%.%o 14vostc:~,~ plo.(Uv; pp T. quc4%4*ute Sector Zoologist. tre povp~*'. :awm,~ rAsarad; pp 30-131. S. ~Pctaw*a- &a immartact. ft*""o ter Str~matboelna a- 11 `= -atlO&1e% Un lr*dd*r ;".C KD~t&, 0 A~._ - ~ ~ - v ~, %A 91460o'r ad ~L ",a the OW-4.14' tarZY) -4 =.1L- JrA-D_-n2v; VP 32 fo J.1ne F.!I.r -To;.:,' 5'.f" ! I . ~ro LOT Lbo rogi onk-, Mtd r 3v on -I ri a C~1~ rsoft~~ '.ft4.-l..4t* In st~ra Zee a. L11 OL DFJMV, B. Achievements of the Plant 12 in the economy of mat&ls. Hashincetroene 11 no,9g4,2-43 S 062, 116 ,11 S ") Distri 4E2c(j)/4E3d/4E3b . OLI ad Mae' 0 094" ad ftladm= mew (di- = ) V how" amm its GesiveUT". A. itsewam rmtr==~ reaction (CA. 43, a# dWkyl pbosphites with carbonyl omp&. was studied aming furfut" (1). To equinsolas state. ol twice- Amid. I and ffaMy distd. (RONPOH was added dropwise a catalyst =iperldine (U) or N&OUe-UeOll soin. catj (12111 owfl adft. imb catalrd did not cause a temp. rise. hw memitims yeWW smimu. g"Aumny Wcum pak. The diallio -hyd-Yfl thus prepd. wtse remysid. finam 8W !~ diets. temp. kept below 160 to avoid decompa. The prepd- (R. I L mt' a% M.P. or 0. temp./mm': Id W * given): Me 47-S' 38 U. -; Ht 1~-i 2 U , 1.4823; Rt, 148'/0.6. U b 14933- 140~VOQ.?85, Ul, 1.4760; be-Pr, W.P1.54, ii. 1h, Iso-Bu, 143'/0.2, 09, 111. DlkWjL- Iola*' NU WIT _F . ; v~)Z A, .~-V, ',. ; K4 11, ,-( ~, , -~, . ~- j , '; . Pf,-%t od of pr r! .- 1 nF. T. !a or . r. ! :- ,r, F , 9 -,,-n ',a. ri- 1'- 7 - ; : , . , , - pu rrr,.9e H. rjrk 1 . Bollg . Flkarl . nPt.;i( I- r. - . i. t i.( -'-4r ' 11,4 . I . .`i brri t tx,~ ITy A -ad Prr.: - '. Fin. A , .; ~ asq v . ~ lllo'l A: T, ,y Kni i ir ., ~l M. ,1,F.)~; !, , . ...2'~ !, ~ ; t !F, , . , . ~ f : . . ,z *.. r, - -, ltry , ".1 ~k,ir ,i - A. 'I '... .,,I ., "?, , , , I ', -,II- f] * . , r I "I- . , . T."t, 1, .,. -. ,, j', , , , .1 .I I I - .r 91~ ~ 1- 11 " -. I I es. : ~ 7 '' TASH17. T. A.. prof.; NUEDVA-BRATANDTA Y.; SHARANKOV. Nn.. dots. Determination of the higher nervous syst#m In peptic ulcer. Nauch. tr. ISUL, Softa 2 no.1:3-21 1953- 1. Katedra po rutreshni bolesti sus stonashao-chrevni sabollave,ntis, I lechobno khranane t katedra po nevrologita polkhiatrlia. Zav. katedrata: prof. T. A. Tashev. (PIIPTIC ULCXR, physiology, higher nervous funct.) (CENTRAL NERVOUS STST114, In various dls*ases. peptic ulcer. higher nervous funct.) TASHN, T. A., prof.; IMEDVA-BRATANDVA. M. Sloop therapy of peptic ulcer Nauch. tr. ISUL. Sofia 2 no.l: 23-35 1953. 1. Katedra po vutreshat bolmett cue atomashno-chrevni i chemodrobnt saboliavantia i lachobno khranone. Say. katedrata: prof. T. A. Tashav. (PEPTIC ULCER, therapy. sloop tber.) (SLNW, therapeutic use, peptic ulcer.) IMOVA, L; GACHIVA. lord.; BRAILS11. Khr.; TSOKOVA. D. Combined therapy of peptic ulcer with sleep therapy associated with ultraviolet block of the cervical and paravertabral autonomic ganglia. Suvr%2. ned.. Sofia 5 no-5179-89 1954. 1. In Klinikata po gsatroantorologils. s lachabno khranene (saw. Wedrata: prof. T.T"hev i Katedrata po fisisteraptia (saw. katedrata: dots. S.Kircheva) pri ISUL. (PMPTIC ULM, therapy, sloop ther. with ultraviolet block of autonomic ganglia) (ULITATIOLIT RATS. therapeutic us*. peptic ulcer, ultraviolet block of autonomic ganglia with sloop ther.) (STAY . therapeutic. use. peptic ulcer, with ultraviolet block of autonomic ganglia) (GAVOLIA. AUTONOMZC, ultraviolet block in peptic ulcer. with sloop ther.) NIMOTA V.1 TOGHKOV, As.; MINN. R.; GEROV. V. :=:;;-, U Etiology of chronic colitts; prelimidnary comunication. Suvrem. med.. Sofia 5 no-9:85-91 1954. 1. In KlinikmLta po gastro-oterologtia pri ISUL. Direktor: prof. T.Tamhev. RUN. Direirtor: TI.K&I&Idzhiev i RIMP. Direktor: Dreiski. (COLITIS, etiology and pathogenesis.) Bilio-hapatic form of labli&sis. Suvrem. sod.. Sofia 5 no-9:99- 103 1954. 1. Is Tutreshnats klinika, sa stou&shno-chrevni t chernodrobni bolesti I lechobno khranene pri ISUL (direktor: prof. T.Tashev) (LIVIR. diseases. gla.rdl&sis) (BILIART TRACT. diseases. giardiasts) (GIARDIASIS, biliary tract & liver) 93,DKOVA-BRATAKOVA, Ii. ; BAL&WOV, G. Atiolof7, clinical aspecto and treatment of chronic ulcerative colitis. Snvrem. med. Sofia 8 no.7:67-75 1957. 1. Is Katedrato na pantroenterologii I deltatibm pri BSUL. Zav. Icntedrata: prof. T. Tashev. (COLITIS, ULCV4TIVE otiol. ek ther. of chronic ences) IMMEOVA-BRATA NOVA, W. ; MnWA-.RAj)KOVA, V. Etiology, clinical aspects and treatmont of chronic infectim- colitis. Suv,rem. -ied., 30fla 8 no.?:74-84 1957. 1, Is Kntedrata n& atonuohno-chrevTki zaboliavanlia I dietetika - ISUL Zmv. lzntedrata: prof. T. Taiihey. Kotedrata po 9,)demio1ojvii& i sikrobio- logiin pri ISUI - Sofila Uv katedrata: prof. D. Khadzhidimova. (COLITIS, infect.g atiole & ther. In chronic cases) rBULGARIA N. J;BDrQYA-BRATANOVA, Departnent of Nutrition at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Institut po khranene pri BAN) Director Prof T. TASHEV, [Sof ia. I "Dysbacterioses in Chronic Fnterocolitis." Sofia, Suvremenna Meditsina. Vol 14, %o 5, 1963; pp 29-33. Abstract: Data on 32 men at~d 5E womcn wich enterocolitis 1961-1962, most following antibiotic treaLmenL. Therapy was symptomatic in 25, chemo- therapeutic in 23 (long-acting suifonamides, nitrofurantoin, analgesic combinations.) Some of the cases were ascribed to corticosteroid treatment for infectious disea,5es without concomitant antibiotic ,umbrella., Three patients succu:mbed despite complex, energetic therapy. Comprehensive bacteriologic data are given. Two tables. 21 I; ". , , I - I - I I I :.! I i r. ~ F, - , ~ ; r . ; . . ~ 'r '? ;', . . . I -. . - ~. ; . , . . r. , . I : - C. j , I .,. MlWlD. M., Acedemiclan St.; MIMR# W. Reactive dyethyrecals in acute rheumstlan sed Its therap7. Probl. reuznt. Ducur. no-5r4l-43 1958. (RH3MTIC HURT DISMS2. co=11catione thyroid funct. disord.. ovoluti,)n & ther.) (THTWID GIAND, diseases funct. aisord. in rheum. heart die., %her.) 00 oil. i 046 los so age a a a a a I- -00 two) as Vo 40 low ad Mo. 40-1474).- , 8n V P. T. , 0000 9000000 000**oe *00 too "'O~ lee was 00000 'oil M~-M- a min 41 0 A 1-1 U-1 saw. 060010P.11 OdwubMbm d PkViimi md 1111 AW~"W is 011106 Shom m4 Sod IV 6ped146MO&I IbUM& V. V. N-f0f OrAwfust 'ge no aawyew is carrim out by amlarind 16tAi all) thi, line Intefolly U: It the knwnta emmisiA for IN with Ib&6 4 thr 041111ani (Agi. NY "Irlwima for 41tvirsillain of Shp Wn" rd"t Ivy n"m "I Is KIM A4m14r4 an avarwy of f NrIft. jo 4tuitwd. 4 ~imparwn wit Is chrinwal mWydW ahriw"J an aviino dive lp twe,4 mt n%- thon t V., Tlism medw-d So islon appliraW A. gee 00,21, Goo 0o'. see .00 '09 gee 000 goo [see 204 !No it 'W "'1, 0 %d 0 lot :Td: Ze o o 0 0 0*goo 0 o o 0 0 0 010 0000 0 0 0 0 0 a gee 0 611 0 0 **sees a 10 (A W U 4 a 4 1% 43~ Ply- 11 S 14 0 U V . W 6W . 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IA lbr Paiveamowt.f Itit.m. (.o ob. Am J-~ rhw O~Werw ot t1or I do 0 goo Mee C-SWO'K."Ce Des " .4 0' 30 o Vo 4 f 0 w I v 0 D 1 OC 4 0 0 0 O's 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 00 o * 111110 00 *6 0 goo 0*0*461119 *00 000 004' 1~ The Influence nX umWo comrw~flcn on Ngij1CV,- V, Irsty In tho arej. v V~ N~Ijlcr. 4" ;Ill :1~1, Srr.-rl-r 11 111- 114; Rel. --Mtr, Rhim., IM'd, I i t 70FjI.--VAli%U!0 ?,65MV-:4~ticYa Of UMPIM ;ip-.ificant changes in tho relativa I thO lir',M than Can bil Crealed by dij- 1#4 coliLo'tling 111), NV, (:d ~n Rnd Fi), j!)1 43 diflriii d 201 rwr lent. NaCI to illo ca:npl~s, UWrrl a mn3i&r,1I)!6 rf tLl rs,tl,,-(l NaQ wl t1to viecd of %"Ivp,63.16~n of th"ry ill Wh'n tt, vapQr1cation vrkt~l tha j,:op:.,rVpn of t~letnvnt4 ln~tm t;13 ht the Pp~il of OvN Ctwinel C', tbl ax., 0jR13F" iq On snrtd. 'apilt imm. tut. a-mpiz 44mpkilritz. xr-, ( h al%pnq j"M i ti ',)Il 0! VI ti 7r go 41-3 1 Al 1*~ea -1 X, Ct-.. TO thillinA10 er.-C)TS 11.1 alWyti3 With this it is to 1(-,0k R. 4, aample. -------------------- ILI U'. vvi diAt "t ~ft' With I I V6 ia Ow"!,-1 K,ur In 3r.1 .1-04-4 with vt llp 09 - - - ~ j v f b Wt 4 -r s ~ e -! -k 1 Ifl P~T - 7, od ~-fw. ",.upon 4k~IW4, z~d L'-.--i ere Afjl~ "I- ell, ---------- 747 44 et Mn. T.To Sp9etroscepic ana.1791s of or* mid setallosetric emp.'.69. Z&v.lab.21 ne.9:1056-1059 '55. (KLItA i : I) 1.Gsologorasiodechnaya eke editelys tresta Sibtsystastrasvodka (Orev-4oc -,a,ses )f "Taere' Accuracy 'Ir. P r ~a Sa mp1e.9 ,ar, iMea r: 3 f '71 r-VM z i, r, .o:,, r,,-) s s p ek ~ra ul ria i, ..esAkt~. ~rol 1. pitl K yeye V -7 A -,7: f,-', ertry of' t%e autr~cr'3 fir e -P-i;7 ree D p r-J I da te o f Tec c a3c I e ~~c es pr e s r-, -, t el to t -,e 'is es . I n- t ::.'- cer& r~ .3:., rya A. T r-, r r3 n 3 t I t,-i t eMo 3 c ovi -4 A--.f7:7A-: V:3 .9 1r:i-- re n . s ,,r Iv a r a r No T.T.; MMKOV. V.V. fenth conference on spectroscopy. GookhImlia no.B;RO-82 '56. (spectrum analysis) MU 10:2) AUTWR: Nedler, V.T. 32-11-26/60 TITLE: The Speotrographioal Determination of Low, Niobium Content in Ores and in Products Manufactured From Them (Spektrokhimicheakoye upredeleniye m&1*knlichestY niobiya v rudakh i produkt&kh ikh pererabotki) PW.ODMALs Zavadsksys, Laboratorlya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr I I. pp. 1336-1337 (USSR) AB'jTBACT% In the introduction to this paper it is said that the problem of the universal application of spectral analysis with respect to geological lee in a raw-material state has as yet not been finally solved. This s boviever, according to what is said here, be possible if a atand- = ard1sation of such samples were introduced, which can be attained by suitable preparation of the samples. A small dose of the sample no dis- sol"d in horofluorio acid with an addition of oulphurio acid. Kidbim was precipitated by the addition of "titanine". The precipitation to- gether with the filtrate was dried and annealed at 10000. In this my standardization of the @ample and an increame of the niabium ocnoentra- tion was attained. The finely ground precipitation was then mixed with the W-fold volume of the fine quartz sand with 1% ThD2 Owt4nt (inner standard), and by means of a special device, which is provided with a vibrator. This mixture Is conveyed in a thin current (through a f~mnel, Card 1/2 to the aro of the lamp where it is burnt. In the analysis the opeatrv- 32-11-26/6o The Spectrographloal Determination of Low Niobi= Content In Ores and in Prvducts Kanufactund From Them graph "Bilger-Z-384" and the aro generator "pr_j" were used. The am- porage me 16 A, distanos between the electrodes 5 mn. The determina- tion of niabium me carried out according to 6 spactral standards. Graduation diagraze imrs set up aooording to ooordinates 6 S-lg 0. Photasetrization of the lines Nb 3163-40-Th 3154.73 (oonoontration 0.02-0.J$) and Nb 2927-81-Th 2942.86 (o.08-o.iS) we oarried out on the miorophotometer "MIO-2". Possible error 1 4.5%. In the case of an ordinary burning of the sample in the aro (powder sample mixed with carbon powder) the possible error amounted to + 11.4~. The final pos- sible error in spectrochemical analysis amount;d in this case to + 17.1%. There am 4 Slavic references. ABSOCIATIM "Nigrisoloto" Institute ( Institut "Nigrisoloto" AVAILABLEj Library of Congress Card V2 AUTHORS: Na, '~IT'CA' V , and N~-' " P:- TITLE: Tenth Conferpnrp on Spectrc-i-cpy X sove.;r -r~a%~ye j,- SPP-K * r C)SK up PERIODICAL: ?.-I v (-K ,I k It.-ol La h () ra t , r I Y, " " , - , 721 . N(, 1 . p~, . Ii - ! k;. ( U . S. 3. R. A,B,')MACT: The - orl-r"nro- v(ai ~ej-j n I f-v 'rorn the ~t!~ I u tl- ,4!,h of juiy, 1956 1 t wa 6 or gar, - --A J ', he Spec t ro 3r: opy CcArzasgion of the 3ec- tion cf .13clence.,i of th(~ Ar-idemy o' 3(lo-ncea of the USSR. P-ut leegat-s attended and there were 329 reports. 'P)e worx was divide,j Into two section on moleculinr sp-tros --)V)y an,i 3ektior, on au-)rr~i~- spectron-opy. The nwes of the pririr,pall per~i ri,,3 rr~tki.-jr report,-, ire gi.-Cn aiong with the sul ect,5 -~vvr,~d !.v ~,hf-m T~P auther-, ro more :tppear- ances without r-.cwrl.5 or urgirp), %~.e ~,st, cf -onferences to .3olv" organizational -r(-hlvmq and for the fc,rmation of scienti- fjC .9rhoQ13. ASSOCIATION: PRESENTFI) BY, SUM TTED: AVAILABlF - Card 1/1 AUTHORSt KcjrltSKIY, 'm Rusancv, A.i(. F. r, V L. N. T IT LE A 3hort 3urvey t.,,e De v e m er. Analyj~n iri 0.., KrAtK,.l spektral 'n,.,~( a I , z a v PE Rl \,,' I C A L 7 a p e k h , F i z . Nn u K , I , ' t Em I a 2 1 ur 3 Pe c t ra I hi~ rK r s i i t y a e n i s 3 1 0 r, n A36TRACTi A v, --im i r) - q r v r. v !,I r Ly D. K 2%,? t ~4 p v e r e s, t n K q v q v t., re a r.. r 3 ;,e t r,.z. r 1 r. I t F, i e q !3 o m e 7 j - r') t s p .3 -A t~. e .3f, t jun I tit t l .r~. c ha r;~ , t r -.i t it t .9 r~ i; e n t 7.,- J v v :'n . ~n e!j. Lar. ~i ~,e t, rT~ C~ 1 1 T_. L 1? T- e It t 'M t r'l ,inft. :y 3 ii., oi -3 3ystem- t i r c; s e c t r,t 1 :3 1 j were ;,ul~ 3 e ; ri t e t i r7 % Sr v e t Un i c r. Card n J t ~ i a nu:-',er t - the -,rp,~Pr A I'-hort Survey of the D(,,va r. t n t r~t i1, 3 2 r. t r. q US:;R ve ry w i ! e r r.e t.-, e rp 3e:l r. :i n I t r t:. 1 .3 3u C- ma o r I ty ) f t 1a ~,o r 3 we rt- i, e,,.i rn rt Z P~ v n FLy it I it I ., r ~t Lo r, P '.,t r t La rit t T- f t W I z ve i t lyri Aka d em i ",'it L) k 3 SSR ry i i i . o ,i Y, ay N w n in -i,i r- v e c :3 T r. at t ~; i r t, e i Li. ~ ly ii t~ In '.!,e machine-hiii LA r, r i t r e - n,i 1 5 1 ~i p r tr'.e c ) n t r - I t t. e~!~ti n,, i r . n r, I n o r, fo~ r rN. ) -i mp t~L' 3 3 we Rl fOr th(-, q-% i i r. i t~j ~; in;, I p pt r t 9 an d j t e t, I ii d (f ', i v e r - e,J t,. the tr.t3 L r k"tJ~ n t r,. j e t r~~ :t ys i R w -is "Z I L e-j~,byed r i r,,n e t r, - .11 yt he .3 .: .2, - r j s- 3 s,- re 5 3 - t nii y 3 -1 it?f~1 1r in,~ *. t 3 ~ * - r: n ; I' ,r tle r. a fir. q - I y .9 s t h e ~i r Y. i n ~v 'A I Y ,i F,j r t Pr P I ~ : 1 t: e 5 i r or ;:io ra r, ne -j e t;i -i r tne r iJ tan" t-M r. I I f. r. t 3 7, !t 1 n - -n r.,- r1, . ~j --a t L r,, re ~l . t G ~i C a r I I - ,~--- re r- 3 A -~ i t ., , :- -v j, i t q I I L I . . 11 "j.;R A7A ILA D:.Ps L. !~ T-., r : Ir 1 ~, I MLIR. V.V. -, YRISIIBWW. A.A. Reasons for the improvement af reproducibility in spect, analysis by sprinkling and bloving the sample through the are. Fiz.sbor. no.4:105-109 '58. (MMA 12:5) 1. Vanrhno-issledovatellskiy inatitut "VieTizoloto." (Spectrum analysis) 5 civ i,,-v 7 V -'!.-ri V TITL..: t raz :"lc All! 1 '1 f P- it; S c r~'3 re,;,41 It,! t uv U t o PLRIOL13AL; Zhurnal inftliticht;.9ko., &:iiiaii, 19-8, Vul. 1,, Nr ,p. 379-557 (JSSR) ,,,kCT: en~-ra 1 1,1 Lic. rs a i t i; i.i ~r(; 3 . -M F(:,,,r h~.,re it cti, j~ t c ~P.s of the anaiji fill nur,;,11 "auss dis trl~.It loll. If tri, !a-.% trioation ~: rrors, Iicjw,, vQr, is not .: r. c, v. n ,~t ble to -nj refinitt; .9 t - t c r. c n t -, c n c .- r,-. i r. , t of oc-.,urren,;4L of one or the otat:r ceviekticn ~f, a-ve rr(-,r. In -!"C-d-incc ~.itri V *- . ~ -. Xi . 71- " I :.or i~i t lic j I, C L t r) I t L t r1 -) . t cc at r v,~ :'.ML- A',. .9 1 COr,L t1-, t I) j 'le r of th.-, r,,:; t of t:. ri t i t T a r c f o t -I r r a V I d e t.1 t 1~ r. C, 1 1 tr!L),At 0;-, !).AtIL,VS :. -!I tc t.~ r 1 C; L'I -t r. u C) t n t ra.:. L n t a n -s -i t:i c t i - i, tl 9 ro :. d c . r, t . - ~a n t i t t t I. is t 1 tj) 'I r 'I t i - 11 ifj JU& r U '1:. ThL ()' , -- f i C v -% 1 a u Y. t o b e 7:1 . P-. i a r t!,erci ore "-t,-tcr ed i c r ~ i. i:~. i. r 3 10 .1 1 t r 1 r r (, t .! :. r A, i u r n c e u r, L , JL, I ri 0 SUV/75-15--l. , , ii.stimation of the Hesults of the Semi- unntitative Spectr praph ic Ar.-I y by Means of Poisson's Distribution This inf luence is the preponderating factor. A s.,-, tt error enters the unordered normal distribution, and the uls- tribution btoomes ensentially discrete. Thue the coauiti,,Mi for a normal distribution arv not nPitiryf 14,d - In thla -L - % Poisson distribution can be expected, which enn b# rewir;ku as a special case of the normal distribution (Ref 7). Poisson's theorem readst m _7L JAL.e P& (m) ml whereA denotes the average number of the points fal,ine, to the ringe t, m - 0,1,2..., and I)L (m) the probabilitj thtt m points fall into the messuri% ringe t. If Poismon's dis- 2 tribution is satisfied with accuracy a holds. In the course of the investigations known quantities of 9 (;i!f~rcr.t olements wtre nemi-quintit%tively dettrminud. It becime evi- dent that the frequency of the distribution or tht (,x;,,ri- mental results agreed well with the vslues to be exp- ct, d C%rd 3/4 according to Poisaonle aistribution. It wnr intcrst~r.,~ t!'.nt SOV/75-15-1 ',) ,6stimation of the ReBJItS of the Semi-twintitstive S~"ctrogr!i~ti c Art ... s is by Means of Poisson's Distribition the frequency of 1&rgL errors (m.2, ms5) - in..vitable ri semi-quantitative determinitions - correo.onded well to the frequenciee computed after Poinson. In oroi,r tc, ',P P%bl, tj Judge objectively the probability of deviations of tne ex- perimental frequencies from the comput(d ones, criteria w~i-e set up for the conformity. This paper is a detailed accc,nt of the whole coQplex of problems. There are I figure, tables, and 12 references, 8 of whick, are Soviet. ASSOCIATIUNs Institut nauchnoy informataii AN SSSR, TsNIGRI, Moskv% 'in- stitute of Scientific Information AS U~iSR and Moscow Central Scientific aesearch Institute of Geological Pros[,L-_tirg, SUBMITTi.D& February 18, 1957 1. Spectrographio analyais-Errore 2. Data-Analysis 3. Flumtjuu, distribution 4. Mathematics Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Nedler, V.V. , Ginzburg, V.L. 32-2,4-4-t~t/67 TITLE: The Third Conference of Spectroscopy Analysts of Nonferrous 11stallurgy (Tr-Wye soveshohaniye spektroskopiatov-analitiko'v tsvetnoy metallurgii) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya labomtoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 4, pp. 507-508 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The abova mentioned confereum took place at Moscow from November 4.5 to November 20, 1957; It was oallel by the Scientifio-Technical Society of Nonferrous Metallurgy, and was attended by 255 re- presentatives of 175 organizations. The contributions made by I.E. Britake (Gintsvetmet, Moscow) and N.S. Poluektova (Ukrgiredm-3t, Odessa) dealt with cpastions of flame photometr7. The report do- livered by L.I. Kononenk-o dealt with the method of determining zirconium, hafnium, molybderv= and vanadium. An interesting con- tribution w" madt by 'Ka.D. RVkhbaum, le.S.Kostyukova, and V.D. Malykh (Irgir--dmet, Irkutsk) under the title "On some Causes of the Influence Exercizel by Chemical Composition on the Results of Ore Jtna2,yses". A detailed rt b N.A. Halmlovs, 0 y dealt with inTestigations of the (Giprots-vetmetobrabotka, Mosco7w Card 41/ 3 rule garerning the trunsition of test material to the emission The Third Conference of Spectroscopy Analjmtm 32-24-4-W67 of Nonfermus Metallurgy alo-d. A.A.Prishberg and V.V. Nedler (Nigrizoloto, Moscow) spoke abmt problems of the phyaioal-cnemioal theory in connection with chemical reactior-ug during the formation of volatile compour0a in the electric arc. V.L. rjinzburg (Norillskly Cmthine) gave a r--- poe; on thA developmont of a method of determining the temperature Iniinsity of ellectrolet. The following contributions dealing with al,ecial methods of mpectr%l amalysia deser-o mentioning: The re- orts by D.U. ShvurLq, L.N. Kaporskiy and V.V. Portmora ryipronikel' , Leningrad) sM I.S. Nilo-,vL (SeveronUe'.1 Jdonchegorsk) t which deal with the analysis of zinj, thallium " antimorq; tLe reports by S.M. Solo4or-.rAi-k (Giredmet, Moscow) &M others on the analysis of sill-con, sillcon dioxid" and siliofo acil: the reporta by V.P. Khmpay and G.M. Gtaev on the increase of sensitivity in do term2-4na t ions of micro&dmIxtureA in Bil7er; the contributions made by N.A. Sin'kov and D.K. Livahits (Nor.421sk Combf-nel dea: with the ar-lysis of solutions containing platinum metals. The r--- port delivered by V.0. Khandroa and L.N.Filimono-w (Giprotsvet- metobrabotka) deals with the problems of the application of qtanto- meters. A.G. Krestlyaninov, Tu.1. Stakheyev and Ta.D.Raykbbaum 'Ard 2V3 (Irgiredmet) vmre the first to use photoelectric apparat-ii- for the The Third C-,afer-..-,e off Spe:trv3T!apy Ana Iya ts 32 - of Nonf"rruus Metallurgy I rect am2.ya is uf ore.3 f cr 1i t)7j--=. The c3ntribu4-lon made ty 'I.V.N,3.ler dealt w-Ith attempts made at using the horizontal el----tric ar,-, sl%tilized by an air current. The r--pomis Corl- cerning atan~aris publish ~d the institutes Gintsvetwet, Giprots ~~aIl at Koscow) , TaNlIolovr, (Novot-l" Irloitsk) , Gipronikel' ( Leningrnl) VNIItsve';met (Ust'-Kam,~nogorak) , Ukrgiredmet (Odessa) confirm t4e rorlk 1-y theie institutei 3aring recent years. The nece-~:-ty of the pu%lishflng of stanrla.-~~3s mas atr,~5:,e~, wrt~ tIP .?7dw5trial production of high-quality sF-ctr~-' ine an In7ro.-azed C.stribu,.`on of ordinary epectnil 2. --,pec*.roscopy--US.~R Cal' 24(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLO l'!'A t i 3()V Lontsitch, Samuil Vladimirovich, Vsevoiod Vas,_~',jevjcr, NeJler, anJ Yakov Davidivicti Raykhbaum Spektrallnyy analiz metallometricheskikh prob (Specti,um Analysis of Metallometric Sanples) Moscow, Gosgeoltekhlzdat, 1959. 117 P. Errata slip Inserte6. 4,500 copies printei. General Ed.: A.K. Rusanov, Professor; Ed. of Fublishiag House: N.B. Nekrasova; Tech. Ed.: V.V. Bykova. PURPOSE: This handbook is intended for geological prospectors and laboratory personnel engaged in spectrum analysis of metals. COVERAGE: The handbook deals with methods of spectrum analysis and apparatus for metallometric samples. It describes labora- tory procedures, semiquantitative spectrum analysis of geological samples, and spectrum analysis based on evaporation of samples from the electrode crater as well as on air jet Inj_ctIon of samples into the are discharge. It also describes methods of sampling and the Interpretation of analytical results. The Card 1/3 Spectrum of Ketallometric (Cont.) SOV/3348 data were provided by varijus scientific Institutes and organi- zations, Including trie Irgiredmet, TsNIGRI, Slbtsvetmetrazvedka, VIMS, and VSEGEI. The authors thank M.M. Kler, A.P. Solovov, Ye.A. Sergeyev, A.F. Li, I.S. Vakhromeyev, Ye.S. Kostyukov, P.A. Stepanov, Ye.M. KvyatkovsKly, V.M. Khokhlov, S.M. Solodovnik, S.M. Melamed, M.S. Leshchinskly, and I.I. Smolyak. T;~ere are 41 references: 34 Soviet, 6 English, and I German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Introduction 3 5 Ch. I. Laboratory Procedure In Spectrum Analysin 7 Ch. II. Equipment for Spectrum Analysis and Power Supply for the Arc 12 Card 2/3 Spectrum of Metallometric (cont.) SOV 314e Ch. III. Preparation of Samples anA Select')n Firti PreparatiDn of Standards 23 Ch. IV. Photographing Spectra 32 Ch. V. Interpretation of Spectrograms 36 Ch. VI. Methods of Semiquantitative "Spectrum Analysis 40 Ch. VII. Semiquantitative Spectrum Analysis by Evaporation of the Sample From the Electrode Crater 52 Ch. VIII. Semiquantitative Analysis by Air Jet Injection of the Samples Into the Arc Discharge 97 Supplements 108 Bibliography 116 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TN 560 L6) TM/jb Card 3/3 4-5-60 ' 307 21(0).24(0) PHASI I BOOK EXPLOITATIO Akadamlya naux 3=. Filichoskly tnstltut lmal&dov&Aiya pa skspwrimontal-noy I t**rotjcnemxoV CIZI-. 14b.ML (Studies an Uperimetal ~l Th-reti,%, Phl.t'.; of 42-ticloo) Moscow, Izd-vo 0 SS.SR, 1954. 304 P, Rr-ats sl%P inserted. 2.300 copies printed. L. Fabollh3ktY, Doctor of Phyal- ~d Ratn*tmatt-~ S,I. 14, Sd.. of Publishing It A.: A. L. C-.rnya~ and Y. 0. B-kg- ?*ch Rd.. 'U. V. Rykina; C.=I.slon r~r the C 1-1- 1C, L. "r7 C arlariy. LAndse.rg: z. To. r 1 (Chkir"n), Ac&4ONACLSA; M. A. P. a. Bathulin, Doctor of Physical ard Rltn-tlca. 3ctoncem, LMandel'sht", Doctor of- Physical ~d Na-n-ti-I 5`11- 1 Lfab*ltnskly. Doctor if Pnymlca. -1 144th-~I~al : F. 3 L&ndaborg-Baryonanskaya, Canallato if Pnystcn~ ~4 KitN- .mtLc4LX Sciences; anda. P. xotql*vlOh if Myst.&I and acloh-. FURY=? This book Is lnt*nJ&d for phystelats and resea. -re god in the study of el*ctrooaf;hs-.l- rallatt-s -4 -.-Ir v IA.Wvoatlgatlrtg the Tmctur* snJ c-,,-ItIon f mo~tvr~&;*. COVURACM. The collection 0--t-t- 30 Ln"Atiga LiQns in qp*~tm-vy. -1-. s- '~A. -t-" -I. anductor physics. nucloa~ Physics. and jtM*r nr--m I physics. rho introductory -hapt*r gi- a bl-_r-~I 'a, or,rt of 0. S. Lsndvb*r4. Professor and H*&j ar the - r optics or the of PbJ.1-1 m'1 es"Ity. an4 revises Al& -4 Ln %: %t *"*, Xctl I analyst. of metal.. t. . Ni P.-.-It'... Ent Z..4 4--pany 3 Kinetics of the Actlo, of ~ld- %no absorption Spectra of Vappars or A-tl~ -',. poundo 149 obratsov, r. v Th.0 Realsta-0 at size ' . I .. t I t19 3. a. The Correlation Theory of maywan ;-24~t 3zst tor Div- 175 "c"nLc. 7~**ry of t`* Intom&ItY sobollsom l. 1. The Q"sht"` : - a" Coo nod'-s"tterind Line 142 il 3~vshchinskIZ, N. A. Depend ! of the on feattering LInoo of the Aniso o al' I- tr p3 e Petarizability Tonsor 211 ?a., I , U, Present State of the Tne-7 of .... Lnt.rocil- of Ilesentery Particle* 218 T n, k. ~~ . and B. A. Choy&"., . rho of = '10, trice in high Voltage s-c gloctrj~ piolde Ukhallb. 3. A~sad X. 2. tramirj. I-stigation or :omrihej in ,20-njo -3 mZO2-Zjom&,e L. rho Thin 3tructu~ or Lines or Asy;#Lg~ Light-ScatterUig Ln cases rrs~ I .f the Gro~p 3,00oI of LIAlt 1, Irrall. R ZhO Rol: tl;. ormctl modl- i. e . " Fri ". 3. 9 ? . K- it.% Ih 1- k 1. 1 r 1 - - -n winat [on tl -. of a ;A$ . 1 ,,: rrt-.',ber'L -A a.J if ' Imrsa;,"n s ttz. sensitivity or the S ctml rmto,wl- *r scom al.-ts ShPQI .skU~ K- -7 - The Interrrotatt- --f ~~v,tre of Ar-it, M76rocarbons 1. Proton , . - i - J'.'o MANDELISHTAM, S.L.; NEDLER, Vj. Sensitivity of emission spectr= analysis. Opt.i spektr. 10 no.3:390-397 Mr 161. (Spec.,rum analysis) ()UhA 14:6) IVANOV, N.P.; NEDLER, V.V.; ANDRIKANIS, E.N. Use _)f i ~ot h-311,ow cat~,)de in the analysis of tit.niujx oxide. Zav.lab. 27 no.?-836-838 161. (?O,.ERA 14:7) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchn,.)-Issledovatel'skiy i prpyektnyy institut redkimetallicheskoy proiVahlennosti. (Titanium oxide--Spectra) NALIMOV, V.V.; NEDLER, V.V.-, MEN'SHCVA, N.P. Metr-3logical evaluatim during the detecti-.n if sma.11 concentrations by emission spectral analysis. Zav.lab. 27 no.7:861-865 '61. (KIRA 14:7) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy i proyektnyy institut redk-Aetallichesk W Promyshlennosti. (Spectrum analysis) NALIMOV, V.V.; KEDLER, V.V.; ARA:/,EL"fAN, N.A. Increase In -he sensitivity f emission Bpectr-,m analisis Information 7n '.Ie line conto,ir. Zav.lnr,. 23 no.3:3,~4-3119 '62. (VIRA 1~:4) 1. Gosudarstvennjj nauchnc-ismledovatel'skly I proyektnj., insti',it red1--,me.a11ich,-.skuf pronVatilennosti. (Spectrin analysis) -,'O '2,1 .... . .. 'i .r ak e a n -r,:-a- 3 c'; 3 C a 1 Ef c 6 v v r. n 1- c n C, arc c~ris--'durcd. ra'. --.zi 5 1 *',.01~19 a~' c 6 r..,; 1 of a el: ct vc. exc4 ti ti3n 3f t-e -n *..e s-,uctr-... lxci,u.,-Dn z c, r, e an -'vorease of rA t 3: : o. f rcz~ ', s c exc I t- 4 on zone or, vard 1 111 NrMrP, V. V. and RTIRATSTP,)V, M. P. ,is n reps~r~,- S-..---*7 S Rr-p rt at Fi sy- p ~B z- I 'r.f- Fi s T.,.. Y* -a, oa'~a das he 1 1, 1. Ma r,: Al. ~:T;o! .! a t,rj , A ad . ; . U.;Llb ta firt(~ arit i ns %i j tn(i s r NOLER, V.V., kan.l.teo tint,ik Alvrincps ,,* emi %i.' )n t3pi -, ra ~ -tnii -,~ 9 1 s. :;, ,-. . -,, . - : 156-162 1 tz,. 'MIRA BUFNISTROV, M.P.; NEDLER, V.V.; POLYAKOVA, S.P. Certain means used for inareaalng the sensitivity cf spectrum analysis durIng photoffraphic i jnrding of the spectrum. Inv. lab. 30 no.61694-696 164 (MIRA 17W) 1. Gosudarstvannyy nauchno-isaledovateliskiy i proyektnyy in- stJtut redkometallicheekoy promyBhIRnnosti. 24(3) 11707/156 - 17 7 -2 - A UTHO' 115: Bychkov, Tu. A., Gurevich, L. E. , TITLE: ThermoeleLtric Phenomena in Strong Magnetic Fieldo in Udtala With Different Fermi Surfaces PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalln,)y i teoreticheekoy fiziki, Vol 37, fir 2(8), pp 534-539 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is an accurate investigation of several thei-moeie,;tr,,-. phenomena on the basis of the quaaiclaasic&l the~,ry of the kinetic phenomena in metals placed in strong magnetic fields developed by I. M. Lifshita, M. Ya. Azbel' and K. 1. Kaganoi. If an electric field and a temperature gradient exist in the metal, the distribution frotion f of thaj!jticlas is no longer given by f. - ~exp (~ - )/kT ] + , but it Jifferb from f0 by a certain quantity f,9 i.e. f - f 0 + f1 is a solution of the corresponding kinotic equation. The existence of the additional term f 1causes the current density vector I and the thermal flux vector -q* to differ from zero. They are Card 1/4 related to fI by t?,e following expressions: I 3OV/56-37-2-30/r.6 Thermoelectric Phenomena in Strong Magnetic Fields in Ketals With Different Fermi Surfaces 29 2 -0 (2nh)3 vf1dy, q (F_ - ~)Vfidp- In the general oase i and q may be written as follows: a1k Ek + b --L (I-) , qi - Oik Ji ' T ik ax k T T Ek + dik Oxk T In the presence of a magnetig field the kinetic coefficients are functions of the vector H. The asymptotic behavior of a thermoeleotromotive force in a strIng magnetic field isstudied. If the dependence of the a ik upon '" ii known, it 13 OaGy to obtain the asymptotic characteristics 0 ik and pik by applying the symmetry relations. Actually, the asymptotic charLcteristica of the Peltier-coefficients are everywhere determined first. In the first section of this article the case of a closed Fermi surface iz discussed. In order to determine the depen- Card 2/4 dence of the tensor 0 ik upon the magnetic field streneth the BOV/56-37-2-30/56 Thermoelectric Phenomena in Strong Magnetic Fields in Metals With Different Fermi Surfaces behavior of the quantities aik and cik must be known, The author* make recourse extensively to the results of the papers by I. M. Lifshit- and V. G. Peachanskly (Ref 2). In this section the following two possibiliths are investigated; a) The number of particles and holes is not equal. b) These numbers are equal. Kxplicit expressions for the teneor 0 ik are derived for both casea. In the second section the case Of a Cl0b9d Fermi surface is investigated. The behavior of the thermoe~eotric coefficients near the following special direc- tions cf the magnetic field is studied: a) The magnetic field iz so directed that a layer of open trajectories exiBts forming a unidimensional set; b) The directions of the magnetic field forming open trajectories constitute a two-dimensional domaizU o) The vector has a distinguished direction in the domain of the open trajectories, if the trajectories are closed. The tensors aik' cik and Pik are written down explicit- ly. By this method the character of the asymptotic behavior Card 3/4 of the thermoelectric coefficients near all three kinds of SOV/56-37-2-30/56 Thermoelectric Phenomena in Stroust Kagnsti Fields in Metals With Different Fermi Surfaces ei.gularities have been deter ined. TbA au-thors express their grititude to Academician L. . Lau4sju-foz discussing the wjrk, Yu A. Bychkov also exprosse him.gratitude to I. M Khalatnikov an( I. M. Lifshits for valus a,discussions. There are 4 loviet references. ASSOCIATION: Inttitut fizicheskikh problem ArAusaii nauk SSSR (Itititute of Physical Prdbleme of to Academy of Sciences, USSR) LerLngradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy imstitut Akademil nauk SSSR (Lt iingrad Fhysical and TeabnicALL.Inatitute of the Academy of 3cienoes, USSR) SUBMITTED: March 19, 1959 Card 4/4 SOV/ 56- 37 - 3- 27/ 62 A i,' i'HO h S Gurevich, L. E. , _jjdl.1n,. . 44 The Thermoelectric Coefficients of Metals in Strong Magnetic Fields and the Effect of Elentron-Entrainment by Phonons Pzit~ODICAL. Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 30), PP 765-775 (USSR) A.'._)"ITACT: The present paper aims at investigating the behavior of the thermoelectric tensor in strong magnetic fields if the electron Larmor frequency is greater than the collision frequency; for this purpose the authors make use of the methods suggested by Lifahits, Azbell, and Kaganov. Lifshito and Peschanskiy (Ref 3) already investigated the aaymptotic behavior of the thermo- electric tensor In strong magnetic fields, without, however, taking the effect of electron entrairment, by phonons into account. This is now done in the present paper. Considerations apply to the range of low temperatures, where T