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" !. , i , , I . . , ," .11 ~-r q , ,..: % p .." . .-I . k, , ", . ? r, . , , '. . . , .- . . , -1 f . I 1 11 . , -Ynv fr,&"' , -, . .. ;, . - . . . . I - . r, dy I ~'i 'Ki~ Pf ;, 4 . -,i ., V - ,4. 1, "-v. . 1~ . A - . .. p ) HOGDAbUIN. A.S.; DOWRODbKIY, A.A.; VINGARIfl, H.B.; GORBUNOV, V.I.-. LKWUHUY. V.R.; UNUT. T.K.; TKRKAKOV, A.L.: ITANOT, A.A.; WAHAVOYA, N.I.; KOBYLTAXOT, L.K.; KOZLOVSKIT. N.I.; KARAKHTANOT, K.P.; MIRLYNTAY, U.S.; 110TIKOV, A.G.; CL'KHOTLXIT. K.1.; PASTHTAKOT, A.I.; PCLAPANOT, A.T.; SnTAFUNSKATA, TeAh.; SCLDATANKOV, S.I.; SORUKIN. Te.M.; TRUSHINA. Z.V.; FEDC110T, P.P.; FADOSAYET, A.M.; YRUG, N.P.; SRAKAT3T. G.P.; TANOVSKIT. T.Ta.-. UIUKHOT, A.D., apetared.; IETZVA, T.K., (Handbook on now agriculturril machinery) Sprnvockinik po novoi takhnike v sel'nkom khozinistva. Moskyn, Gos.isd-vo sol'khoz. lit-ry. 1959. 364 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Agricultural machinery) GOR13UNOVY V.I., lnzh.; MIUMAE, G.F., inzh.; YAl.'CVSYJY, V.Ya., inzh.; VZOV, A.A., inzh.; YERYAKCV, A.L., inzh.; FEDC..C,.', P.i., inzh.; LAPYLIMI11"A, G.G., 1nzh.;-:,EChETO'V, G.F,, Int..; NOVIROV, A.G., inzh.; M(CV, V.K., inzh.; DKISUMV, A.F.1 red.; PECIMIKITI, I.V., tekhr. red. [New tractors and agricultural machiner,; tect re:rultn of P f)7] Novye traktory i sellskokhozinistveruVe mashiny; rezullt~--ty ispytanii 1957 goda. Moskva, MI-vo sell khoz..1zSi-. No.3. c)9). 35C P. (XIRA 15i 10) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Glavnaye upravleniye mckhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sellskogo khozyayvtva. (Agricultural machinery) AUTHOR: Sharov, N. A. , Enrineer TITLE: Confereice or, Iroblems of Crop IrriGation zatior. in the UZSR F:~RIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i melioratsiya, 1959, Nr lp -Y+ , (USSR) ABSTiUCT: The article describes the Conferer.ce or, Iroblom.; if Crops Irrigation Mechanization in tl.e c-illed by t'e Vsesoyuznyy nauclino-issledovatellskiy inzti- tut mekhanizatsii sellskogo khozyaystva (All-~nion Research Institute of AGriculture Mec!.anizatior,) and held in Loscow from March 18 to 21, 11)59. The conferei,ce was dedicated to problems of sprinkling. The following organizations were represented ir. it; research institutes, water economy corporations, institutions of higher learning, special desiFn offices, planning organizations, industrial enter- Card 1/4 prises from the Uzbek, Ukrainian, Azerbaydzhan, Conference on Iroblems of Cror Irrigation 1%'Iechariz~ition in t-.,e USSR Georgian, Kirgiz, Kazakh, Turkmen, and the 11.'oldavian SSR, the RSF3R, as well as the 'Josildarstvennyy Nauch- rio-tekb.nicheskiy komitet pri Sovete Ylinistrov 31-)Z;R (State Scientific and Tecl,nical Committee Attached to the Ministers Council of the USSR), the Giprovodk- hoz, and the Ministerstvo sellskoCo khozyaystva 1533R (Ministry of Agriculture of the U3,5R). In all, the conference was attended by more than IOC slecialists and representatives of at least 53 organizat.Jons. The conference had its past developm~--nts su=.-~d up and made several decisions to promote irrigation mechanization. The following reports we,e 'Ielivered there; A.7. Krasnichenko, Dir, ctor o" t!.e VL~KhGM, made an introductory sl.eecri, ~.!. 114echetov, .3enior EiiEineer of t"lie Upravleniye n6-v-o-y V!-R-2inlki i ispy- Card 2/4 taniya mashin MSKh (New Equipment and Machinery Conference or. Iroblems of Crop lrriE-~tion Mechanization in ?.e USSR TestinG Administration of the L6Kh U~303i~), iect-~;red on "Present-Day Condition ar.i *.'vork C,itlook for I~he Creation of New Spr`rLk1,,r,-"; C,indiliat,~ -~f -ec~.- nical Sc~e..ces Lebelev, V17KhOM, tute's laboratory work; Candidate of Tpc'-ric3l Sciences 3.Kh.Guseyn-Zade, Repre:3-rt--.`,e of 'he L z.NIIGit', - or. s1rinklinG in the A Cin-lidate of -.eclmical 3c'ences "i.I. S.-uz!;IIGiY, - o:. sirinklinE in t'-e _;ecreiar- -,,ft; r, r 'he Irri,:~j- neer' nE; I. Pyc`.kov, o f 4 0. Section of t~~e ..oskovskaya opytro-iss1eI-_-,,,_,'eI 'sk,--ya dozhdeval Inaya ot:j,,;t_-;iya (IYoscow 6t,i'. ~ o,, fc:- ar.d 3prinkl 1ng Re~3- -.,rch) o,. s; r4 nkl '. nj~ ~ r: ' ~.e " T :..o.-kovskaya Cl_ 1,-I--t Bo.,,--l- -inovich, ~*(--nior, ;c i (:n- tif,.'c -,orker of the on .-I -ir;kling -,n Card 3/4 t;.,-. Ukr-iine; V.~. _onior Confr~,r-nce on I roblems of Crop Irr1,--it ' on Lechaniz-i~,J'Lo.-. in *.?~e USSR ai.j r sentative of the YuzhVIIGiM, - on s~rink- ling mechanization; A.". KoryaGin, 3ci,,-rtific 'ho:-ker of the Institut sel'skogo khozyaystva imeni Doku- chayeva (Institute of Africulture imeni Dokuchayev), -on a mobile sprinkling system in the Central C'Y,,~r- nozem Zone; D.I. Sazonov, Chief ACronomist of the Magnitogorskiy molocbLno-ovoshchnZ,-j sovk-hoz (Yagni- togorsk Milk and Vegetable-Growing 3ovkhoz), - or. on sprinkling ve6etables and potatoes in ~cu~!_,,rn Ural; EnGineer-Hydrotechnician F.N. Yur'~-ev - on sprinkling cotton at the Sovkhoz "Pak-hta-Aral", an expe,11ition of the SAIIIIRI doinc ajpraioal work. ASSOCIATION: Glavodkhoz L13Kh SSSR Card 4/4 UiCObib,-DC-61,002 N' -I , A Y k I :,~:C-~~FMYAYA, urn -,~r i ' Pr r.c PI a:-ue. *( ~1, q I r. Science - n,: ,i 4 n:- ::.~ Yner 'x.r i '.i ~nq !r- Mir. nf Pr,,-r*.-r- '-'11-'~, i-I -a r, -q lrqt Of Vlcroblolovv qn~ ---id-l -v7y r 3 ../r) )0 t Kn i z hrn vq L,- IL o - 'I qNO. 0 .- )r .1 .r-o -). I - , .-, NECHETSKAYA,R."I.; KOI-T-Sr'-SKAYA, N.I. Relation betveen the ar-d the j*-air-'.',,-, - - - miarobes in dry antiplague vfi,!ctnm. DoK1. Irk. grq. -,; -, . - Isal. protivochum. inst. no-5s4-1-42 163 ( I I U ;~ . NECHMKAYAp R.M.; ZAITSEVA, L.D.; GOLUBIWSKTY, Yo.P.; KOLESINSMA, N.I. Viability of aerated bouillm cultures. Dokl. Irks goo. nouche- isol. protivochume InBt. noo5t43-44 163 (MM 1821) k]ZHETSKAYA, R.M.; KOLESIVSKAYA, N.I.; KAIMOVA, A.P.1 GOLUBINSKIY, Ye.P. NYTMM-, L. D. Dynamics of the mult1plicatJon of strain Z3 of the plague microbe in an aerated fluid medium. Dok1. Irk. goo. nauch.-Issl. protivochum. insto noe5&45-47 163 (KIRA 18:1.) MIKILA'-EVA , V. YlL. ', If OLE31NZ~KAY A, 11. 1.; NECHVT~K A Y A. R-M. I P.9 -fl* ; rn ~f m I --Ote 1-1 a b! , " ty ~r, !Lgile %-- - r a k go of the platsd &*rated DrK~- . Irk. gos . nauc~h.- '. P-4-. . Pr0tj70,jhUM. Jnat. nOO5136-40 163 (V, P-A : p 2 ~ ) NECHaKha, V.IL --- - Ptmpellyit,e and pu=pellyiL,---bearing rocks fro& the Stbay deposit region (Southern UrE~ls). Zap.VseOl,=in.ob-va 92 no.1:103-1(Y7 163. (MIRA 16.4) 1. Gorno-guu~ogiciieaki~ .'r,otitut Ura.11skogo filiala AN SS..)R, Sverdlovsk. (baymak DiBtrict,.-P=pellyite) IV ANOV, S.N.; V M. T , 'rip , f -:p th .14 1. n ~.e ~e n e -rn r e of 12,) Oral AN -)7 no. 3 -5 596 J I ' P, -' 0 ( v 11A 17z 71 '-i:jtl Lit 13 - rt, J-s *.ar,'.3 n- Ojidsmikum -OCEaIV, A.D. Plod of oalclum fluoride gel In the gl&vyaaka deposit of the Bulgarian People'@ Republin. 8m . gaol. 3 no. 11:156 5 160. (MIRA 13112) (Bulgaria-Galot= fluoride) "?,ldiorictive F lio;jt wid . ti _*fects or, 'iie -,erierai iiaclioactivity Bamrround" I Sof ia, '~entgenolo *1*,,,i i.~~idiologiya, '101 5, '10 ~or), -.-,1 40-44 Abu tptct : "11(! f3ubjec t of rudioanti ve fai lou, In consequence of nuclear explosions 1,,j disciviaocd, malnq on tl;~., uwji5 of data given in the !its-rature. 'I i ti; resnec t t~) .,rJO, It io s ta ted that ab- sorpt~on of this isotoDe r)v ::~~i; coeings is to 5' from water and to j', ' from food pr,)ducti. :n cow.tries -nitn a large milx can- sumPtion, ,'r90 is absorbed mainly from milk and dairy p r,) a u c ts. In japan this isotope is ntroduced into the art,; k~ I ,4n i sm iarpr through the consumpt2.on ul' rice. In the IJ,;,i:i jrJO is absorbed to 70'%' on the avera~-,e (50 to jO-'O') from uread and to lo-, from mil.K (from 5',' im UzbeKistan to "I' in the ',aitin region). 'Nith respect to Bulgaria, it is stated that jr9O is absorbed mainly from uread (the source for this is not given). '2able, 12 references(7 TUS31R, 5 Nestem). lWesian and ?.nglish su=aries. Manuscript received April 64. SOV/~6 - 56 _.- '' Ic Or, th- Structure of the Core and the Central Regions of Extensive Atmospherl Shcjw-r--q at Spa Level showers were recorded, with partI,:ILP nimbers of rii-meor, '0' aria 16, - ch were at a distance of ip tc ~O m from 'he 10 and axes vhic system of ionization chambers. From the manifold materia: tained by these investigations the spatia: ~btainej for individual showers or groups cf showers (classificati;n according to particle number N) are analyzed. For spatial particle flux dpnsity it holds that Q ( r) - 2. 10- 3N,'r for r 1, '0 m for the energy flux density: Q E(r)-r-r-. For shower gr-;~_= -f different sizes (,aN from ',.0.*,0 .0.110 up I') '.~O ;).'0 table I shows how many of the total of 82 investigated showers zorresp,:)nd to certain n-values (from