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BIBIXP A.Ye.j DMTTI, A.A.; ZIMINA, A.H.j LAXTIOVOTA, F.I.; KAM:MOV, N.A.; MOROSHKINA, 0.1.; HYABISHCHEVA, B.I.; ERDMI, T.G.; WXHATETA, Tu.A.; PADEZHNOT, A.I.1 PRKOBWHINSKIT, &.1.1 WIWI, CA.; RYNDIN, A.A.; SAUSHKIN, ru.G.; SKMNOVA, W.P.; STRO!rETV K.F.; TOPORKOV, I.D.1 FRMIX, Z.G. Fedor Paylovich Kalinin; obituary. Geov. v shkole 26 no.2:85 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Kalinin, Fedor Pavlovich, 1"-1962) liv KRIVOSHICIEV, A.Ye.; RUDNITSKIY, L.S.j BELAY, G.Ys.; NIKOLAYEV, N.A.; Prininali uchastlyei PARSHIN,AA.I.; KN-YAZHANSKIY, M.U.; BELTY, W.I.; CHERKUH, N.A.; NECHATEVA, Z.A.; LEV, I.Ye.; BUNINA, Yu.K. Iron allA.rolls of cerium cast iron. Stall 23 no-31278-282 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskly metallurgicheakiy institut (for grivosheyev, Rudnitakiy, Belay, Nikolayev, Lev, Bunina). 2. Dnepropetrovokly chuganovalltiftelatellnyy savod (for Parshin, Knyazhanakiy, Belyy, Cherkun, NeWayeva). II (Rolls (Iron mills)) 4* APTERI-IJII, I.Z.; A.FTAS'YF'VA, A.A. ; BUK-'I!'.E'Y!:, &.I.; SPOR"KEP-A, ;,,.A.; CHUDNOV.SiM, D.P..; SEAFU~~, I.L.; kand. ekon. nauk, nauchn. r,,-d.; NECHAYEVA, Z.K., red. [Development of the production of precast reinforced concre'e and its cost] Hazvitle F,:-oizvodstva soornogo zhelezobetona i ego sebe3toiro.;t'. !-oskvvi, G033trOiiZd~tj 1963. 12 5 1, . (V 17: r ) P. NWHAYNYA. Z.?.; U0VZ M. I. Report on the &ctivit7 Of the Soclsty of Orthopedists. Traumatologiats. and Prouthatists in Moscow and Moscow Province for Jarmar7 - June 1954. Mdrurglia n0-11:94-95 N 154. (MLRA 9:3) (KOSCOW PH0VIV0--.0RTH0WIA--S0CIW INS) HICHA YIIVA P.. referent Minutes of session no.209 of the Society of Trau-tologists and Orthopedists of Moscow and Moscow Province. Ixtrected by Z.P. Sechaeva. Ortop.traym. i protes. 17 no.6:77-78 V-D '56. (KLRA 10:2) (WIHOPNDIA) N N3CILiLYYlz%., Z.P.. referent Himitea of sessions Nos. 222-22) of Province Society of Traumatolo,-Ists travyi. i protez. 18 no-5:100-102 (ORTIICPIMIA) the Moscow and Moscow and Orthapediste. Orton, 3-0 157. (MI3A 12: Q) // ,, /.r /. ',,/ ~ , "- .,, - ZATSIPIN. S.T.. kand.ned.nouk. referent: NECHAY17A. Z.P.. referent , - Minute@ of sessions No@. 2240225 of the Soriety of Traumtologists 8nd Orthopedists of Moscow and Moscow Province. Ortop.travo. I protes. 18 no.6173-77 H-D '57. (HERA 11:4) (ORTHOMIA) FAMOVI, M.L. refereot; OXHAYFVA, Z.P.. referent Minutes of sessions floo.726-227 of the Society of Traum tologints and Orthopedists of Moscow and Moscow Province. Ortop.. trevm. protes. 19 no.1:86-88 Ja-l? 158. (MIRA 11 :4) (ORTHOPIDIA) VZCHAT.-EVA,_,Z.P.4_referent Minutes of session 509231 of the Yoscow and Knecow Province Society of Traumatolorista pnd Orthopedists* Ortopetrnvmo I protez 19 no.4%84-85 JI-Ag 158 (XIRJ4 11:11) (ORTHOMICS) 91CHAYNVA. Z.P., referent ..... .I- -r ince Minutes of session 50-232 of the Moscow &M Moscow Pro Society of Traumntologisto and Orthopedists. i protes. 19 no-3:101-103 S-0 158 (MrRA 11:12) (ORTHOPEDICS) YNCHAYEVA, Z.P.. referent Minutes of meetings of societies of braumatolorists and orthopedista. Ortap.travm. I protes. 20 no.1:88 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:3) (TRAUKATISM) NWRATIVA, Z.P.: KWKiMNKO. G.N..; USTSTN. G.Ta.. prof.: MrLO. A.A.; PRI]MOD-KO, A.; MUNINA, To.?., Reports on meetings of societies of traumtologists and ortho- pedists. Ortop.traym.1 protes. 20 no.4-85-91 Ap 159. (KIRA 13:4) (ORTHOPEDIC SOCDrIzS) KHAMARENK0. G.N..; 1 1. TKA6CWAITKO. S.S.,; ~-K IIODgCLIWJI. V.S.; AlICIMMd CH, Y.D., prof.; KIMILO. A.A.; EaMH, I.T.,; PRIKHODIKO. A.K.; MR&MI11A. Te.P., imnd.ned.nauk- Reports on meetings of societies of tralumitoloo-ists and orthopedists. Ortop.travm. i protez. 20 no.7:7o-q5 Jl '59. (HIM 12: 10) (ULTHOPEDLA) NICHATIVA, Z.P.; TRACHMO, B.S.,; SINADSKIT. H.Te., dotsent; OSNA. A.I., dotsent; MIW, A.A.; PRMOD'KO. A.K.; MAMIM, Te.P.. Reports on session of societies of traumtologisto and orthopedists. Ortop.travm.i protez. 20 no.8:81-90 Ag 159. (MIRA 121l1) (oRviomic socirrims) KRAMAREKO. G.N., lcand.sod.nauk; ]WHATIVA, Z.P.; TKACHZNKO. S.S.; OSRA. A.I., dotsent; KMW, A.A.; KEZMINIXA, Te.P.,; rLRTUK. A.S.. lmud.sed.nauk; FRIM, B., prof, R"orts on usetings of socletits of traumtologists and ortbopedists. Ortop.travu.t protes. 20 no.900-93 5 159. (KIRA 13:2) (01UROPOIC socurils) referent; TKAGII~;NW, S.S., referent, kand.meditsinskikh nauk; OSILA, r' I., referent, dotsent; S---'.-,DYUK, 1P.P. , referent; KOSTRIKOVi V.S.o rellerent, kand.meditsinskikh referent; 3,-.G,6iAYA, Ye.I., referent; TY,--kCHEVA, S.G.P raierert GALICH--TKO, V.Ye., referant; K~~TK, A.S., referent, kand.medl'-siriskikh muk Reports on meetings of aociatl-~o op trai-rztoloCl'sts t,nd orthopediBts. Ortop. traw. I piotez, 21 no. 7:118-95 -'l 16C. 13:10) (OaTlifiFlIr 30CIETIEL5) KRAMARMIC0, G.11.1 NECHAMA Z,-P ,; TKACHEIIKO, S.S., dotsent; FLOUNSOV, A.A.#; ilwo I.A.; VARFOLCMYEVA, S.N.; KOSTIUKOV, V.S., Reports on meetings of societies of traumatologists and orthopedists. Ortop., travm. i protez. 21 no.8:82-94 Ag '60. (MI,-A 13:11) (ORTHOPEDIC SOCIETIiS) KRAHARCHENK0, G.N.; RECHAYEVA, Z.F. Report on the Z73rd Z74th sessions of the Moscow and Moecov Province Society of Traunatologista and Ortopedlata. Ortop.,trm. i protes. 22 no-418446 Ap 161. (KIRA 14tll) (MOSCOW PROVINCE-ORTHOPEDIC SOCIETIES) KOZ:JOVA, Z.".; ".A A Experi ence w,* 4 n in t'le trria -V) s Ka -na n~rri-~% ,na r Ar 2-- 1., ARAVIYSKIY, A. U., prof.; SIZOVA, A. V.1 N=HAYEVA-PUGACHF-VA, To. V. Practical importance of the phenomenon of luminescence in the diagnosia of favus of the hair. Vest. derm. i van. 16 no.71. 37-38 JI 162. (MIRA 15:7) (FAVUS) (LUMINWCENCE) . I . 1. 1. 1 v 'I I I'll., . . .~ LOA 1.: 11 . . .1 0 ;)rji-i w. t.% u tie oe,)! v n if cier.matomycoo 13 of' t.-.e u j, in a &rma to NOS pi ta ves V-11 i. dotskaya k, J~ . ,~ . ;, r a j ~ Y:3 " %. , t " NECHAMA-1,UGACH~'Vi~, Yo.V. (Leninf,rad) "IJ11trRovet" devicp '-r funrescent knalysIm. 7est. derm. i ven 3P no.I~Cl T 1 F4. (M'MA lAtAi 'T~ II., . - I ]KA*:A, "1. 1. "(x th,~ Diffus: r. F,,!t,,r In ~naarj,,jc Dplo ..". " I r,T, 1).'-151,,, 19"1. 11,7A I UM/Nedicine - Gas Gangrene Feb 53 "The Pigment -Forming Anaerobic Microbe B. anaerobius pigmentosus," M. R. Nechayevskays, Ukmini&n Inst of Epidemiology and Microbiology Imeni I. I - Mechnikov "Zhur Mikrobiol, Spideniol, i T-2n iol" No 2, pp 54-57 Describes the properties of B. anaerobius pigmen- tosus, which was Isolated from two patients with gunshot osteomyelitts that waA not susceptible to treatment. The microorganism proved to be patho- genic to animals. None of the known antigangrene sera could protect the infected animals against ws gangrene, which culminated in death. 246112 USSR/Mledicine - Cl. perfringeno FD 145 Card 1/1 Author *Nechayevskaya, M. R. and Fetrenxo, M. D. Title Anaerobic Infections in hibernatini, animals Periodical Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. I immun. 5, ~-ll, I&iy 1 Abstract A state of hibernation was produced In susliks (CiteLlus citellu3) by maintaining them at a temperature of ;-;'()C. 17 ,;usI1k_s, -1 serving as control animals, were administered a predeterminei lethal dose of Cl. perfringens. Only I of the 14 hibernatin.~ anima Lr iled. The control animals all died within le_~O hours fror, gaj t~angrene. No Infection developed In three of the hibernatino., aninnals that survlve,3. The others developed only limited local infectionz-, at 1-21le injection site. These results, according to the authors, were attributable to the inhibition o' the central nervous system luri,,,~ -~iber,at.ion. No references are cited. Institution Anaerobic Division (11cad-flAt. R_ Necnayevs,,.aya) of" 'he 'r-_-,a-'r~ov Insti- tute of Vaccines and Serums imeni 1. 1. Mechnikov (Dir,~-~or - Candidate of Medical ~3ciences G. F. Cher,,a-q) Submitted August 1,2, I'J53 VICHATIVSIAYA. K.R. lkportmental amerobic osteocqelitte. Zhur.alk-robiol.opid.1 lm=mn. no.7:100 Jl '54. (KLRA 7:9) 1. Is Kharlkovskogo inotitut& spidemiologil i mikrobiologti is. Machnikova. (OSTIIOKYELITIS) Abstract U-7920P 8 mar 56 7 ~2,-Fv A. it. R. 2=911krM 1A vnisriV2. Am X D. j!CutrfW - Trid,- KA.Ww 11t.11, Va Aittis, 193!- 21. 0-14; A4forms, ZA, VW- 145M, AbsW No. R4M.-A Atudy of toxin formatum in Cle4fridimis rns on varictis nutrient media showed th4t Me Icut iitiftWe pitfr g vr" T e bauilhm and the b"t wete tryptic digest madis. 7b* optiaw Vantity u( ainfito nitrogen for toxin fannatiott is 260-M h., -K,%. ritax. of toxin formation occurred ois ILAtingees ' bouillon aftwr &-7 4r. rultivallou, ar,4 an Martia s botidlor attrr j 8hr. TuxinscibWrx4 - ' I ,vc -t 0,Ln toxin-s Akt luit frum inifirpa) ofgans r6ire tin tryptiz 1~ form-A an medhim frofil Mtri4s^ tislua. Ynr the wicin varm4ti4ii of C1. po~fpiiip"t ttyptic Uwill.-iij from I~crf tofilaining 270 -290 ing-04 of ammo nitropriv. 1-5-2 6':,~ of peptr.ik- with tht addition ofiltiffin is sugge-itcd 3nd, by way of a buffur. chemicaily plire chalk A d&iiiled description is gi~-n of Pit: met6A of prqarin~ the inedium, tom intoulitiou an to 611 inedivirn tif a strain of Cl. perfrisiteiss thtrswA3()btamed x Wxhi contafoing 200--230 U)j, jx~r ml, (Ru"iAnj 04 ""W-MOW 1VEC~VeY,E1V,~-K,1Y,t to Ckwk%m pw- '0 P-Glietkas. edAtVAILia, N. IL DC41WOVIA. &R4 X 0 11iferas.ZA. Vio!., 19M. Abair. No, 849M.-A istudytif thaconditioas under which it is pcmibt6 in obtain Cf. $w1viplaus toxin of l ation tweeitapof uniform- activity, Thwe appeared to be no i e inigiial cWtine vW uniftumity of A relawn was Wei foun4 bdvm titib of tuirin In We initial culturt ArA Ou Imut toxiii-ftmution; the Idjuer the activity of taxin in the Initial i bo illon On in t*d c ]t r th hi ha th tit th l l ocu- u t e n e u j"u a u e, to , e g biting & nutrient m4dinus with a cultuct. ptaviously dT" -in A v-.wuum apparatus, thft strejoh. of the toxin forwd flactuAt,~d r MI n il il to hi ulU 100 125 DI Extre nd ithi ) - s . . w n i c . pe cg g ( y allective was the amployincitt as Use larlitial &Y cultilre of ("In ' f S i w-4w a axk E~Vlotusly 14 ugftl throngh p1go"It with ty o VROK i thi l l 1 t h W h . " fol tara ith s t ere was reju ai per in (tot t e rs). -1 Y i= ob train VR61C Cf- p"fritspast toxin with a stmagth of A s 300-400 LVjq per mi. (Rnwitan) CAL Metbaevskeis Sbom, Trud. Kkerkov Ind. F&ALsix, 1W, 9L 4 Wat. ZJ. 1955 -Ahw No. 9493Z - fk;n d R o1 40W.f t -An InyWip hyalut(midam acti 6 JaWratory and in 14 ftesWy isolated 1 tNit w detection of layalwunO"e was effected species of anatru l :by testing Irr the proyetition of the sm-AgpiLation of wurin. A PVt:jjMjUjfy teStijig of tfIC, hUt4WXjt %a4 UILTW peptanea enteAng into the wmptmitifin of bouillems inay givii 4 A) id l W i i l f i h a es o ve react afoh ratory spec on to age. po4t ya l aus rubek 'Wth virulent and aviruleAt, praduced hyalusaakUse.! IOU Thegreatestactivit ivas slunvu by Cloonds ism 1-gifriniswi, all I h, t i en l1 l i1 n tho 11.4 I r Wi t f b A l ue. s nt e l no wm umn mo a ya a.g g y y 4 biolawd sjx~cits byaluronkhoa was fcund in 8 out of 14, th,-ugh not - ' stia"no of one vpccks p,(AQc4kt it: no xreatrst trlwtonklivo C C h f. priringnt and . act rity vks Mutsd W jualria of robras. A iy, fuun,l ~)Tly id Cl I ffr1ftrf?t!. r CI C ,,1tMAx9 USSR/Morphology of Man and Animals - (Normal and Pathologic) 9-5 Pathologic Anatomy. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., So 3, 1958, 12482 Author Nechayevakays) M.P.) Toropova, M.N., Petrenko, N.D. Inst ? - Title Changes in Tissues and Or~%ns Caused by Cl. gLngreenae rubrae Orig Pub Ob. tr. KharIkovsk. n.-i in-ta vaktsin I syvorotok, 1955, 21, 109-112 Abstract A study was made of the tissues and orouu; of 25 guinea pigs that died after an intramuscular injection of a Cl. ONF!9!! rubrae culture. The site of injection was bright red. We-macles# that were a rich red in color, h&4 a soLU amunt of fluid between their fibers. 7he liver we -1- gel and brown on cut surface. Degenerati- ye changes characterized by swollen pnglion cells, suDot- hod out contours and chrountolysis were found in the brain. Card 1/2 Card 2/2 USSR/Morphology of Han and Ani-Is - (Normal wid Fathologic) S-5 Pathologic Anatomy. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, 12483 Author WebayevAiRL11%. M.P., Denisova, X.Ya., SegLl', K.S., arlY4, P.A. Inst Title Zxperlsental. Changes in the Tissues and Orgens caused by M. sordelli Orig Pub 5b. tr. KbarIkovsk. n.-i. in-ta vaktsin I eyworotok, 1955, 21, 113-u6 Abstract A study was made of the orgLns of 32 guinea Pigs that died 2-3 " after an intravenous injection of a Closordellii culture. There vas a glassy edema in a section of the iwv- The muscles were flabby and could be easily torn. A micros- copic study of soft tissues from the thigb at the site of injection revealed a Sao phlegnon. Among the viscera, the most essential changes occured in the cardiac muscle and U"R/Gcn3ral Probloms of Pathology - Shook Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Bid.9 No. 18,v 1958,, 84815 Author i Petrenko, M. Do Inst i Khartkov Scientific Research Institute of Vaccineo and Sera Title s The Significance of Shook in the Development of Gas Gangrene Oriz Pub Tr. Khartkovsk. n,-i, In-ta vaktain i eyvorotok,, 1957, Vol. 24p 31-33 Abstract i Rabbits were given sublethal doses of cultures of Clostridium perfringens, and within an hour were led into shock by the Injection subcutaneously of six to eight units of Insulin. In prolonged shock lasting 13-15 minutes, all ton animals died of gas gangrene. With shock lasting six to seven minutes (following the subcutaneous injection of 0.5 ml adrenalin in a WOOO solution and the intravenous injection of 15- Card 1/2 25 ml of a 40 percent solution of glucose J.e. to 17 NE0HAlff3XAYA-.M-.-R.- ZHIDGVTSEV, V.M.; CHERKAS, G.P.; MUNA, 0.1.; ULINiCHUY,60 N.F. Effect of 1-irradiation on im=unity to the pathogens of gas gangrene and tetanus. Zbur.mikrobiol.epid.idm=m- 32 no.I:U3-117 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:6) (CLOSTRIDIUM) (I RAYS--PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) ACC NRi 1137 AP603 SOURCE CODE- TIR/0,138/66/028/004 0080/0083 AUT14011, Nech evs'ka M. R. -- Necha evskaya, M. R.; Kalyn nko M. F. - - __yche_' Kalinichenkd, N. F. ; Bergol'tseva, L A, --Ber.holltseva, L. A. ; Biryu "Oa~ S, V ; Berezhkivelka, L. Ya. --1Te_re_z_TiR`ovskaya, L.-Ya. ORG: Xharlkov Institute of Vaccines and Serums im. Mechnikov (Kharkivalkyy inotttut vaktoih i alrovatok) TrrL.E: Fillers for casein nutrient media used in the study of toxin formation by gas SOURCE: Mikrobiolohichnyy zhurnal, v. 28, no. 4, 1966, 80-83 TOPIC TAGS: toxin, anatoxin, gas gangrene, experimental nutrient media, toxin formation/ porolon ABSTRACT: New standard fillers- -porolon, fibi-in, and sawdust, proved them- selves good substitutes for the ground meat and i6illet usually used in the culture and production of gas gangrene toxins. The toxins and toxoids of CL oedematte" CL _perfringerw,-and CL septicum showed a high degree of activity in casein hydrolysate nutrient media containing porolon, fibrin. or sawdust fillers. The C,,,j 1 / 2 AP6031137 toxoids obtained were harmless to laboratory animals. Orig. art. has: 2 t~lels., EW- -4. Gal (GCI SUB CODE! 06/ SUBM DATE: 05Nov65/ 11-~crd 2 / 2 - ----- ---- ------- 'V 4 -7c) L 05134-6/ EW 1'( 1) JK ~CC NR- AP6031134 SOURCE CODE- UR/043B/66/028/004/0056/0061 A UT HOR: PlegDejegy'ka M. ft. - - Nech evs k4ya, M. R1. ; aeghil. , Go I&C" Cherkeo, G. P' f Ka-lihidhenko, M. F'. - - fKalinTwenK0, N. S. V. Berezhkivelka, L Ya. --Berezhkovskaya, L. Y . ; Pidgorna, L- G. --Podgornaya__, L. G. ; Mukhina, A. 0. - - Mukhina. A, A. ; Polchenko-, -a. T. ; Leybova 1. M, Konik, V. Ya. ORG: Khar1kov Institute of Vaccines and Sera im. Mechnikov (Kharkivolkyy instttut vaktstn i ~trovetok) TITLE: Formation conditions of anatoxins of Clostridium perfringens~. Cl. Oedematieno and Cl. spepticum from toxins obtained in meatless media SOURCE: Mikrobiolohichnyy zhurnal, v. 28, no. 4, 1966, 56-61 TOPIC TAGS: toxotd, toxin, clostridium perfringens, Clostridium oedematiens, Clostridium septicum, bacteria toxin ABSTRACT: Detoxification conditions for Clostridium perfringens, Cl. oedematielIE4 and Cl. septicum toxins were studied. Cl. perfringens is best denatured by adding two doses of 0. 3 and 0. 2% formaline at 24-hr- intervals, while maintaining the pH ard 1/2 kCC Nit, AP6031134 of the medium between 7. 2-7. 4, and the temperature at 38C. Detoxification takes seven to ten days under these conditions. The antitoxin- fixing activity of the toxiod obtained fluctuates between 4 and 8 EC with the native toxin titer being 400-800 Dlm/ml. The best procedure for denaturation of Cl. oedematiens toxin is addition of 0. 4% Formalin. A temperature of 38C is maintained for two days, followed by storage at room temperature for 5-7 days. Toxoids with antitoxin- fixing activities of 70-120 EC and a native toxin activity of 15, 000-22,000 Dlm/ml were obtained. The Cl. septicum was denatured with minimum loss of antitoxin- fixing properties by the addition of two consecutive doses of 0. 15 and 0. 1% Formalin, at 38C for two days with subsequent storage at room temperature for 5-7 days. The resulting toxoids have an activity of 2--4 EC with native toxin titers of 200-400 Dlm/ml. (Based on authors' abstract) &V. q. S;;;,] [GCI SUB CODE: 06, 13/ SUBM DATE: 07Apr65/ Card 2 / 2 LRVIN, F.I.; 1EVASTIVI!, -'! P.; f'FCIIAYFVZIY, G.S.; KRIMENSYlY, V M., V-FUR. P,A., KOBRINFZIY, G.S. Large-psinel buildings of standardized autocinve-I Transp. strol. 15 no.5:23-26 My 165. 1MIRA JIR -) 1. Odesstransstroy (for frizhevskiy). 2. NFiilr-hno-is.,3)ednvsil.el'sk.y in stitut betons. I zhelezobptnnn GoistroyA SSSq kfor Kohrin.-,x~v . ~:V~~K "Y' A. I kan,l. I n/ r rnaki-v "n smil: I Transp.strol. ~5!:,~4-26 0 165. 1. Odef-3traniqstr-y (for NacKay,~vskiy). 2. I'l ~; 1-, ', A ~ 1, t hp +, i, ria i z i,-1 I e z o he t( r1i, Gos v, tr, yii.c7i A TYT L!(-)R: T T T I F "P'/icP for r v or . T,C) P v T , DT r:',. - : I Vr r P + 4' A P A (T kv po-er 77.- re cn. Po I,, r Iv, cm d i v e r, C 7 "1 r, P Pe C i x-,.1 'oped for cl~,r,,il- ~n~- -.F e 1 o n ev i c net -ork f -,r cl i-~' i n,~ t u u r r I p:. c onr, ! F? t q 0 f F1 co) lp 9'rrup ir, r~onr Iy p~.--~trrnplv ri,;tl-nr dprcri~ - r t %~ e of 't,is I-v4 ce i r lp+nj . I , . " S t + 7ete7 f)7 P '.- , I r v i - . 7 - Ft -j ~n out " - I I- ,:-. inu t r It r(l rf~ q i ir(, I 'or r7ard P I ~-, f r) f 1 r M - - 0 ?,C I i4 ,k . ) - r: , r. 1 A Device for Climfting on -teel '?einforce~ 'o-crP+P bole- those for grapplers user] on wooden pol,,-. -1-e lev-, is sufflclpntly sqfe and reliR~le. T+ s 4,9,f-I rin[7 tl~p construction of t',P 11" kv line 7~1 rv,l- Kaunas during the pp-ind from 'pr! I "o .',inr- 'P~-ere are I pl~otograrhs Card ~,12 LYUBOV, V.Ya., inzh.; UECHAYEVSLa,- X.A., inzh.; .4USHKOV, F. I., inzh., red.; MELIKKOV, V.Ye., red.; VOROBIYEVA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Repair of locomotives on hoistH; experience of the Donetsk Railroad] Pod"emochriyi remont parovozov; opyt Donetskoi dorogi. Moskva, Transzheldorizdht, 1963. 53 P. WIRA 17:2) UCMTUSMT, M. 1. - - - Schoolito deposits In Central Asia. Sov.gool. no.14-15,58-89 047. (Seviet Coatral Agl&-Schoolits) (NLRA 8:8) NECHELYUSTOV, N.V.; POPOTA, N.N.; MINTSER, E.F. Distribution of admixture elements in the process of hypogm Ic mineral formation in tin-sine and copper-molybdenum deposits of the Kara-Mssar Mountains. Trudy INGRE no-50-42 161. (MIRA 15:7) (Kara,Masar Mountains-Ore deposits) 4 P ACCESSION XR: AT4028288 S/2677/63/000/010/017.5/0135 AUTHOR. N Popova, N. N.; Mintser, E. F.; Belevitin, V. V.; Razina, 1. S. =E: Selenium and tellurium in lead-zinc deposits of the Alty*n-Topkan ore field MjRCE: AN SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh ele.mentov. Trudy*, No. 10, 1963. Redkiye elemienty* v sul'fidny*wKh mestorozhdeniyakh (rare earth elements in sulfide deposits) IZ5-135 TOPIC TAGS: selenium, tellurium, galenite, lead-zinc deposits, skarn, sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sulfide, effusion ABSTRACT: Certain regularities in the distribution of selenium and tellurium in the deposits of the Alty*n-Topkan ore fields in the Karamaza area Of the USSR, as well as probable conditions and the method of entry of these elements into the crystal lattice of galenite are examined. The authors describe the types of minerals and composition of the separate ore fields in that area. The selenium and tellurium content of sulfides of the various fields are listed in tableL.. 7he primary minerals of the various ore fields are galenite, pyrite. chalcopyrite, sphalerite. Samples used in the tests were taken from six different ore fields in Cordl/2 ACCESSION hl: AT4028288 the area. The selenium and tellurium distribution in galenite in the various fields are listed in graphs. The authors also describe the influence of impurities on the distribution of selenium and tellurium as well as the influence of the depth of formation of their distribution. In the high temperature stage of the process of ore formation, selenium and tellurium accumulated toward the end of the stage and ware fundamentally concentrated in galenite. The selenium and tellurium content and the Se:Te ratio in galenite differs sharply in specific samples of the same deposit and corresponds to a known degree to the content and ratio of these elements in other sulfides of the same samples and in the deposit as a whole. Some influence of a number of cations of the admixture olements (bismuth and silver, to a lesser degree antimony and thallium) in galenite is noted, which seems to facilitate the isomorphic entrance into its lattice of the anions, selenium and tellurium. The authors point out the undoubtedly practical value of selenium and tellurium in galenite of the skarn-ore deposits of the Alty*n-Topkan ore fields. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut minerologii, geokhimii.i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov, AN SSSR (Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and the Chemistry of Crystals) 3U`3M1--ZD: 00 DATE ACQ., 16Apr84 ZXCLi Oo SUB CODE: ~2., ZL '40 REF SOV: 30'/ OTHFR: O~O cc;ru Ul? y -3 rl ~l lu, f-3 !Air -)I;ff. -Und,n 3,;1 Rr"M 3 .~e o- r-lh -Insti tLV) of 31,31 V(3m- is* It"I -',Lyt ow,)r. v,.i Kritkij ) naic r,ibo-,e ;3pa. ne-!~ I a- --ui . 'I of i :7.~ln . k--l ' tur &a -1-66 zxPort-mai-'Ll -~arrltjd c;u*. 1., 195, tLr-, 05i' In yms:~'Aar fmowed 'Vat )-.i 1~,m w4sterl-l loaalied-o,-xt chornozama Uils .0 ~;IJUaSIS, M.--alJ:'U tllJ ft MiAl Off'Jt in VIO yle.d Lanum-ri~. i-ind fnrtlLlzer ux! Us,, the dth '4111'~~:~ i-L 't.1-e a' i-i c-f --7r-'nnrL,.' mixtir-j "gir! -1 , izers -i~!,)r -zl-) pr~-' -j,i- tLlr,.~ L~,.,r aW not iu --:,y ,I-.rvrt -I" vor '-,,-3 ba-aU fortiliza'- l. as tho rj,; f-'-:'- and 46'~Bat-!al ~Jtl rlano. Krasn.)d!tr, "-~,v. -Kaban~~1957, 23 'A r, 7, 1. , I.., D,-,c C y.1 11 r, C 4 , 1'. f t 1 .:c-d, tri c n: tN C. IMLINSKIY. N.A.. prof.; TMOVSKAYA. K.1. Ummiul observation of aplania of the lung in eurger7 related to congenital diaphraerAtic hernia. 23 no.6:131-13) je 159. (MIRA 12:q) 1. 1z kliniki goapital'noy khirurgil (zav. - prof.K.A. Kholinakiy) Khabarovskogo maditainakogo Inetitnta (dlr. dotaent S-K-Ilecheipayey). (HIUUIIA. DIAPHRAM3401C conpl.) (LUNG abnorm.) i I , - , I BARS6cV','G.F. Late result of auto-oateoplasty in osteomyelitis of the u1=. Ortrop.travm.i protez. 21 no.3:56-57 Mr 160. (MIFIA 14:3) 1. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy khJrungii (zav. - prof.M.A.Kheliwkiy) Khabarovskogo meditainskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent S.K.Nechepayev). (ULN"URGERY) (C)STECM=TIS) (BONY, GRAOT11105) I 4PNIrp'n,'A.M.; ZHDANOV, I.S.; KIREYEVA, R.Ya. Data fr(m a stWy of tick-borne typlaw in KhgLbcLrcrvak Texrito--7. Sov.rAed. 25 no.1:39.,44 J& 161. (AURA 1413) 1. Is Khabirovskogo instituta op'idemiologii i milcrobiologii (direktor A M.Krupnikova) i kUniki infektsionnykh bolesney (%&v. - dot*ent S:le.Shapiro) Khabamakogo meditainakogo instituta (direktor - prof. S.K.Nechopayev). (MURMSK TEMTOla-TYPHUS) SIPUKHIN, Ya.M. Tcmograph7 in tumoro of the hn)ophysiB &nd the hypoph7seal region. Vop. paikh. i nevr. no.9001-108 162 (;aRA 17:1) 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolezney (zav. kafedro7 - dotsent V.M. VAnter) Khabarovskogo meditainakogo instituta (dir. - prof. S.K. Nechapa3rev) i rentgenologicheskoys otdeleniye 3-y g'o~;AAO*TcUnlcheskoy bollnitsy g. KhabarovskEL (glavnyy vrach - A.S. Zuyeva, nauchnyy konsulltant - prof. M.D. Gallperin). NECHEPAM, Yu.?,,.(Moskva) School for young methematicians. Mht.v shkole no.5s56-58 S-0 #62, (KIRA l5sl2) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) 1AULIT, AoX., lush.; MCCEWOREM, N.A., 1nzh. Selecting refractories for building Malo gas retorts. Ogneupory 19 no.2M-83 154. (NINA 11:8) (Refractory materials) (Gas retorts) (Oil shale@) ZAGZHDA,, V.P.; TIKHOMOVA.L.A.g SOKUOV. V.1.: KARANTS. A.G.; RYBNIKOV. V.A.; KAZAOVICH. S.S.; SARMIN. A.?.& GAVRILOV. A.Z.; NOVIKOV, A.Y.; 10015"W'yn- M-A-; KALIKOTA. Y**&~; MOROY. G.6.. rodaktor.- FB-L-#DGAXDU-R. G.G-., redaktor; ROZEWSYXYG, T&A, redektor Isdatell- stval MIKHAY14VA. W.V., takhnicheskly reduktor (Handbook on refractory elements and materials] Sprevochnik an ognsuporuys izdallis, mterialy i syrfe. Sostavlan po gosudarstven- Wu standartan i tekbatchesim uslovilan. Koekva, Go&. amuchno- tekhn. Izd-vo lit-ry po ohernot i tovetnoi metellurgil, 1956. 195 p. (KLRA 10:2) 1, Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Mintaterstvo chernoy astallurgil. 29 laningradskly istitut ognsuporov. (for Zmgzhda, Tikhonove, Sokolov, Narants, Rybn1kcv, gazaksvich~ Sarmin. Gerrilov, Novikov, Ischeporeako. 9211gove. (Refractory materials) 17 i 1) L~ 7 Wf,t, r.tri '.,tion I roro- kelf- r-tts% nyy 7 N r h S It A UT H OR 7 Nei heporen TIT L E: An Experimenta I Fat. to ry for Nod,j I iiing L.t,.jn Con( vn!r,,!v f Opy I rt,i~ t fa b r ik.t d] v-i o~ornko% A r-va to ti~ kti ~ .nt ~cw, PER IODICAI-- rr. N - i. i provektr). in I., (,hr ilj(,t~ pu~ez-iv~h ~~kcipetvvmykh, t9~7, Nr 100 pp 101 10tj A B STR A r' I P! ,, n ~ w v r e d c ~, v - pe a . t , t. v M v, k h , ri c, h r I nj t -- 1, rxp,- . vnenl,il crrik indu-tri~: p:ant whiL h %ctild nn enul ., itirc pe- trom the L (~n( Unt TdtC S of the KYu(-,OK end %kt--t t-. -A- ;,(I '- (it A d.silv witpu! of I ~O ?00 (on-, of tLn,Nhed pt: ~,ci The p huilding-~ int ludc the nudulizing bui'dirig. the r~~j, tinp p, erl the ection for the sc reening of the firev~hcd produt t. S- 1,ir ne(e,sary the Lonienlrate jrri%;ng trom the ( on( cnir , I '. ~r T), or tr,,-m tor.,ge- i, dried in i dri,m drier The dr~ ( t tit cri, rit i~ thcri duli%ert-d to the di,jtitegr,.t,jr or d,rv( tly nt, the , h e-r m j,- t, hopper wh i ( h , I , o t ontt i n ~ the re (. o ~ c r vthe ;ime,1()nv end the binder r-noiterial. The mixture of the (h..rge may be pertormed n 4 mixing drum. When nodulizing Wkth,)til the sddit,on (,f Jim(- G ird 1 2 or binding ingredient, the (ontentratt, m ~ he rwilvd di'rl 0~ In- ,An Ex pe r, trif ri, , F r . f , r Nod r, ,he dr,im (,r -he d, h Ivpt, no dii; ai t, r t Pf- ni a V b v i ( I PTTI 1) : i , hud i ti is n v A # fit- f r f t I r. 1" hv , h ., I t I u r ri ., c c t - n , fic - , rk t v Ii g h I n (i n r T f - ' ri r ~t f) o t 11 n g I " V C r W hvl~ fit- I t~t .- r IT) g (I '-TIIP. '~vd -ho. Poo t., hI : d 1) c d 1, ' , v (f %k;'h p (j % (I ( - r v du c ' . R . I v (4, pt - . c ,, , - t h c vr c X , te d . ii I r , (i v , 1) r, I p I 0 IlIrTl 1 11 d i t i i ic * cr i r v I fit- I ri lied pr~ (I i h 'h'' fl 1 1 n ~11 i di i vy i v * v r I10 () mm ,rc rcie( led .,,,d f,- yh v d I ( ,I he (i #- ~ r t ii (Iim o, n - ir. r, j * w r ( ; " r r Av the -, e ! co. t (or, ot th e r-ri, () ~ I r a L L on s V pov , t r V t"I I I. r t Or ( pI rl ti . I. (I ~ I i ppe d A i th - I t , h a i f - i r v a c (1 0 x t, 0 0 ri r-n ', re (if- igned and ~horrv n e d K - 18 1 n t e r L ii s~ r T,. r c 'j 8. 10 x 14 0 () 0 M rTl r ,-, i r ,I ~j r ri a ( c .t ri d i f . r r, s o t, i w t( , , :: n ill i t ~ e r F h v f~ i cv r-Y i p' L. - v e d ! r.I r I I " , K . T c I fT, x ~ rc )~ pe r L v n I o I b'. ., - * t ., r r. tv g ,L ~ ~ ri cl i pe r ( e -. , - I - - t, c vr. ~i a n I i s to v r v I I a n c x pe r i m e n t,i o) kL nul , t , o i t E r I h, prin v P, t o f h v e ( h n () I og y (, I n 4 jd,j I j z i t i )), ., ri of I , , rt hc ir fIrrien' trid rc,il Lori ()f riv,A tvpc c(i .prTic C a r d 17 1') i - ~ 24 Translation from Rcferativnvv zhir,~a:, Meta:llurgiya p .'j -5SR) AUTHOR Ne(hepurvnku. MA TITLE- A-7c-rFnr,-u-lc-,gy for the Pr((cs,~ ut Agglumeratir:g hy ''Pellet:zing ind Su~)5equent Roasting ( Te rminulogi~ i pr~tsessa ukruprien.ya kont5entrato,. -)komk(,,.,dnivv posleduyushchim c)hzhigcjrn'') PERIODICAL Trudy Nauchr,o-!ssIedc'vatel'skc)go proyektnugi., ilittituta nickh,ir.-chEskoy ubrahutlti p(-)ieZrykh skupavvmvkh. 1'4"7 Nr ii)() pp 107- 1 14 A BSTRACT - Fhe prme-is (A crildi-ging ( on(entrates by -pel!etizing dnd .110,,(quent roating ' has hitherto not acquired ar, c5labltshud The mcarii-iglvi~, termr, hithert(, ad%an( ed- graw.lcs . ' ''ball t~ri ik;ettes' ,I rolinds' 1, 1, (1(, ,,,1 ,-Iler Inv Ilea of the qijalil~vs of the prodlit t and ( annot vr~v '11, a hasi~ f(.r , urisir,icling ;j r~il.or.,ji numen( lature for the pr,j( The Russia-, language does pctsses~ a prec Ise term pro~idirig the [),,,t ipproxirnat on fer the produ( t of this prod v,,% It is 'pellul, Illf .1ning 't SIT),l I I r(,kifid It I in p'' re ski It I III,) I r k,m I he r I I! I It) g ~, I ',()Tllt- Card I ~, i, f t t. I I b., ta r) ( cIn ( unnec t ion the the f(-I I-k ing prinia r,, A Terminology for the Process of Agglomerating Concentr.,es terms are proposed- 1. Pellet - a ball rolled from (.oncentrate 2. Pelletizing - the process of producing raw and roasted pellets 3. Heat hardening increasing the hardness of pellets by roasting 4. Finished pellet the commercial product of pelletizing, ready for blast furnace smelting. S. Raw pellet - the raw product before heating. 6. Drum - the pelletizer or pelletizing drum - the equip- ment for producing pellets. 7. Disk pelletizer - the same. Pelletizing mill: pelletizing plant. The article is submitted for purposes of discussion. B.S 1. Ores-Processing 2. hillets-Productim 3.0res,""rocessing -Nomenclature Card 2 SOV / 137-58-7-14062 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 12 (USSR) AUTHOR: Necheporenko, M. A. TIT LE: On the Briquetting of Cupro-nickel Concentrates (K voprosu o briketirovanii medno-nikelevykh kontsetitratov) PERIODICAL: [ Tr. j Vses. n. -t. i proyektn. in-ta mekhan. obrabotki poler- nykh iskopayemykh, 1957, Nr 102, pp 191-197 ABSTRACT: A flow-sheet developed by Giritsvetmet for the concentrates of the Severonikel' Kombinat is the basis used for the design of a briquetting plant. BriquettinR is done with a binder of spent sulfite-alcohol wash or with sulfite causttc. The wet concen- trate is dried in a rotating furnace to 1. 5-010moisture content. To the dried and lumpy concentrate, 10% spent wash is added (S-L=I :1) in a mixer. The mixture is heated with stirring to 70-800C to evaporate the moisture, the content of which during briquettLng should not exceed 3- 3. 5%. The briquetsk (0) are pressed on a roll-type press at a pressure of 800-1000 kg/cm In an effort to produce B without added btriders it was found that the strength of B made with water alone is greater than Card 1/2 that of B with added spent wash, provided the moisture content SOV/137-58-7-14062 On the Briquetting of Cupro-nickel Concentrates .is properly chosen. However, B of this type are not stable to water and . saturate rapidly. It was found by experiment that addition of 5% lime to the concentrate results in the produ(tion of B completely imi-Titine to Saturation in water over a period of many weeks. ~. )rfs--F'ro(-eq.'31ng 2 Ores-WAsture 1'a,,tors A. S h. Card 2/2 NFICIIEPORENROP M.A. Pelletizing of fine concentrates. Trudy Makhanobr. no. 122:3c"--,'-'14 '59. ~ m: ?,A 11.: 1. (Ore dressine) (Briquets) , m. 1. 4668 Rechopurenko, M. 1. nash plodovyy ead(kodkhotim. molotova, nakhllnov. rayotla) rostov n/d, kh Isd, 1954. 45s. s ill. 20 W. 4,000 Eks. 55k. (55-817)P 634.1/7 et (47:892) USSR Kathematics Functionals Card 1/1 Author Nechepurenko, M. I. Title Chebyshev's method for functional equations Periodical Usp. mat. nauk, -1, No 2(60), 1~3-170, 1954 Abstract Generalizes to the case of nonlinear functional equa*i ns P. 1- Chebyshev's method of expansion in rapidly converging series. ,e the most effective methods for the solution of algebraic and equations. Acknowledges the helpful camments of aspirant Yu. P. Krivenkov. Latest (1953) reference: M. A. Mertvetsova, "AnalnR ~' the process ~f tangent hyperbolas for general functional equatiuns," D klady 'kN SSSR, 88, No 4, 611-614. Subm'tted October 15, 1'453 C- tj j q SUBJECT USP/MATHEMATICS/Theory of approximations CARD 112 PG - 337 AUTHOR NE EPURENKO Z3.1. TITLE On the question of the convergence of approximative methods. PERIODICAL Doklady Akad, Rauk 109, 704-706 k'1956) reviewed 10/1956 Let the non-linear equation (1) 0 be solved approximatively by tfe(xi)teration (2) 1n+1 0 X n A(X n). The author investigates the convergence of the iteration process (2) by solving another equation (3) 1V(X) - 0 with Newton's method n+1 - xn' (Xn') (4) The function V (x) shall stand thus that the roots of (1) are also the roots of (3). Besides from x1 a x there shall follow the relation x ' a X .1,2,..). 0 0 n n (n Thus the convergence investigation for (2) to reduced to an investigation of (4). Now the author uses the results of Kantorovig (Doklady Akad.llauk.~2, 1237 (1948)) and obtains the theorems Let tfl(x) be differentiable as often as Doklady kkad. Nauk 109. 704-706 (1956) CARD 212 FG - 337 it is demanded by the form A'(x) and let the following conditions be satis- fiedt 1) x0 satisfies approximatively the equation (xO)l :!!E 2) in the region defined by (6) holds ho 0 2 Iteration (2), where (6) x - x 0 0 0 x Al(x)]. exp[f APTX7 4, K (X) X0 2 K . ~< j_ Then (1) has a solution which can be found by the 3) , and the velocity of convergence is determined by n ixn n 1 (2h 0)2 0 2 The solution is unique in x 1+ fl- -2h0 '110 if there (5) is satisfied. I ho 7~ :3',,jc.' 1 e a Df Me a r~ J Ap pl, I ed C -)n*, t.,,o E3 c, !'J~tilef-Pt LCS, ~-r ar )i it. '. z ~ed 1,D 4 ki -;a f, ri r u - re f"-,? ~ t e! ,' w a v Nemor,lnc-v. 1,V. Certair. Fr).lle~ms of klas Dynaml,s Taklr~!, Intc, A t? :unt Dl,-s, z1atic-,ri acl L-):ilzatlon of Air. 173 A 'I-rara' lzatlr:,ri (.,C T.-iylrlr ' s Serl~.-s T, - a I - a ln~i t ho~ C,-~ I 1,)w I nw, sec 1-mm'a I ,2 L,-mma _i; Ab-l' s A ' bo .9 4 e,, , n d thiaoreln; 6 Taub- r; s th,?(_,i em. Ne ~De,-4 05 a Irl 197 M I I- A v v 4p 1 v i, t he Me * h(jd f ~y 7-''-r- I 1~ f - N, 'r~ I noar. e-Ir'l nal Fq~~ar lons Urniler lon3 if Ty-pp 2'j 4 Bab;_-v'r.. B.A A-i,nmetical Operatl,)ns or) Dlgl',al C,)-aputerfi [ Para ! i e i Type ) 214 AVAILABLE: Library or Congre3s Card 6/6 L K/m f'd 2 - 2 - t) J IMCIMPURMIM, M. 1. wommum Lagrange's aeries in Pk spaces. Trjdy M I ar-1:197-203 , rg. (MIRA 12-11) (Series. lagrange'a) MCCECPMNKO, R.I. Implicit functions. Uch. sap. LOU no.271:32-36 158. (KM 12:5) U'unctional analysis) HWHVURMO, M. 1. Matrix devices in the theory of structures and their app'ic,---t!onB. Trudy MITI no.3:264-275 '59. (KIRA 11:1)) (Katrics,s) NECHEPURENKO, M. I. Cand Phys-Math Sci - (disB) "Parabolic approximationa for solu- tionB of non-linear functional equations." Moscow, 1961. 9 pp; (Inst of Precision Mechanics and Computing Techniques of the Academy of Sciences USSR); 120 copies; price not given; biblio- graphy on p 9 (11 entries); (KL, 6-61 sup, 194) 3/658/62/000/009/009/013 A059/A126 AUTHOIRi -ftch#p4w*oO Candidate of ftelcal and Kathematical Sciences TTTIEs On the exact estimation of the convergence rate of Newton's method SOURCEt Moscow. Flziko-tekhnicheekly Institut. Trudy. no. 9, 1962. Is- sledovanlya po makhanike I prikladnoy matematike. 101 - 104 TWs The equation P (x) - 0 odiere P Is a non-11near operator of the B-area X in the B-area Y. If It Is as- sumed that the approximate solution xO of equation (1) is known, and Is made mom accurate according to Newton's method xj - xn - r n P (xn) (2) Wwro rn in an operator reoiprocal to P1 (xn). If, according to L.V. Kantoro- vich, It In assumed that P Is fixed and has a steady second derivative in the rftlm I x - x01 4 r (3) thens 1) t1w linear operator r0 - [P' (x0)]-' exists; 2) r0 P (xo)o 4 Cara 1/2 s/658/6z/ooo/oo9/oo9/ol3 On Uw exact est1matlon of the convergence .... A059/A126 3) Oro P" W 1 4 K in the region (3); 4) h - K YL 4 5) r >v. 2 h It. momover, P W satisfies these conditions, them XnP 2 VI --2h -F (10) (2h)2n h (I +-~l - 2h)2n+l _ 'ftla estirate is exact in the category of equations considered. 6krd W2 3/658/62/00QAWOhWO13 A059/A126 AUTHORSi fiegb1purenko. N.I., Candidate of Physical wid NmAhmatlml OelewM Khaylov, I.K. TITIEt One service problem SOURCE t Moscow. Flziko-tekhnichaskly institut. Triudy. no. 9, 190. IS- sledovaiiiya po mekhanike I prikladnoy matematike. 105 - 110 TFXri The problem of the speed of service rendered to aubecribem an dw mand without delay has been fomulated. Two methods of servicing am oxmmdmd The first is the so-called successive questioning method Q1, In which the vice pulses are considered to pass N channels, the pulses in the k-th oh~l being intended foil subscriber Ak (who has the questioning period Tk) mid Mo- ceeding one another with the period N-C and the phase (k - 1) -9 ., (k - 1. a, ...' N). The second Is the Ro-called direct-preferenas questioning wOod44W which asnumes that T, 4 T2 4 ... 4 7~1 - FAch service serves, in the Pres. Ot the subnorlbare All, A 12' .. .. Al,, ntit yet mfinipulated, the subscriber Al. with minimuin I., namely la 4 lt (t - 1. 2, m). Although Q2 hag bm MUD. Card 1/2 One service problem ,,/658/62/000/009/014ft3 A059/A126 erto considered to yield rma~f (T,), It is 2;hown that this contention Is baal- cally wrong. An example is g1ven in which tmL, (Q2, TO ~