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SHCHERBINA, V.V.; INEAFOLITAUSKAYAIK--~~-- V.I.Vernadakii's contribution to the development of geology and geQ- chemistry. Sov.geol, 6 no.3:3-17 Mr 163. (MDA 16-3) 1. Institut geokhinii i analitichaskoy khimii imeni V.I.Vermadakogo. (Geology) (Geochemistry) NEkPOLITANSKAYA, V.4. Stateasnts &*Ao by V.I.Vernadakil. Oah.po ist.geol.anan. no.Ilt 81-" 163. (KIRA 16:7) (Vernadakii, Vladlair Ivanovich, 1863-1945) NEAFOLITAUSKIY, Yuriy Ivnnovich; MEDVEDEVA, L.V., red.; MiOLUVA, N.D.p tekha. red. (Integrated brigades in construction) Komplekanye brigit(ly v stroitelletva. MockvnO Profizdat, 1962. 78 p. (HEU 15:7) (Construction Indut3try-Froduction methods) (Trade unions) VAYNSHTt:TN, G.I., kAndidat neditsinskikh muk (Moscow)., REaONuv.,%. K.G. (Moscow). Diagnosis of prim&ry cancer of the tftyroid gland. 'I no.12:65-68 D '5). (MLRA ?:1) 1. Iz propedayticheakoy terareytichaskoy kliniki (direktor - r7hlen- korrespondent Akademil maditainakikh nauk SSSR professor V.Kh. Vssilenko) I Moakovskogo ordena Lanina maditsinskogo instit,-t%. (Thyroid glqnd--Cancer) ACC 11R' AP7004499 SOURCE CODE: RU/0017/66/000/009/0508/0510 AUTHOR: Firotu, C. (Doctor of engineering); Neata-Balescu, M. (Engineer) ORG: Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej Polytechnic Institute, Bucharest (Institutul politehnic) TITLE: Method of obtaining a hard gold-nickel alloy electrolytically SOURCE: Metalurgia, no. 9, 1966, 508-510 TOPIC TAGS: electrolysis, electroplating, electrolyte. alloy, gold base alloy, microhardness, gold nickel alloy, aurocyanite, nickel sulfate ABSTRACT: Preliminary experimentation to obtain a hard gold-nickel al-loy followed procedures described in 9 foreign patents. The purpose of the experi-I ments was to study gloss, hardness, deposit adhesion properties, and electric I current yield. After a number of tests. a new electrolyte of good quality was I-- developed with the following composition and operational characteristics: gold in the form of K(Au(CN)21 -aurocyanide. 4 g1l; nickel, as nickel sulfate (NiS04). 3 g11; disodium phosphate, 40 g11; sodium (potassium) citrate, C-d 1/2 UDC: -669. 215134:621357. 9 AP7004499 40 g11; citric acid, 20 g11; pH, 4-5. 5; cathode current density 1-1. 5 ampere/dm; and working temperature 18-24 C. Electrolysis takes place at 40-50 C, with an anode current density of 1-1. 65 ampere/dm2. The gold-nickel deposit with a 2-2. 5 percent nickel content has a high gloss, obtained after one hour of electrolysis, good adhesion, and a higher hardness than that in similar alloys. Microhardneas amounts to 160-180 kgf/mm2. as compared with the 90-100 kgf/mm2 in pure gold achieved electrochemically. Advantages of the ne%pethod, which is already being used in an electroplating; ship at the "ElectrorEignetica" Plant in Bucharest, are operation at room temperature; relatively high current densities; high gloss of deposits even after prolonged electroplating; little change in deposit composition and quality due to electrolyte variation; and use of inexpensive and easily available nickel sulfate. Orij, art. has: I figure. (DR) SUB CODE: 11, 13/SUBM DATE: none/ Card 2 / 2 MMIAKHOVP N.I.1 ILIINSKIY, M.F., KRIVOSHETEV, N.I.; YEU'OR-FIIKO, B.F.; KUDMOV S.A.; NEBABA, P.S. Concerning M.K. Zaltsev's artiale ORetablIsbing expenditure norms for the procurement and storage of drilling equipmentO ("Neftianoe khozialetvopl No.3, 1962). Heft. khoz. 40 no.11i 34-35 N 162o (MIRA 16:7) (Oil well drilling-EquIpment and Supplies) KIMANOVAt Z.V.; HLITMAN, A.M.; NEBARAKOV, Yu.S. Rubber for footwear. Standartizataila 27 no.4147-48 Ap 163. (MIRA l6s4) (Boots and shoes, Rubber-Standards) KIRSANOU, Z.V.; BI.ITMA,'l, A.M.; NEBARAKOV, Yu.S. Shoe carton. Standartizat.slia 28 no.2150 F '64. (MIRA 17:3) 0000 0000 00000000004 1 1 a a 0 0 A 1 3 00 A - 00 o l 00 rho pteparstwo of fislasei in imnitation 0( wool - 0 4. 1,ft Im :"t h~ma th, f,di-ma 0 00 In I I't). 4, til, - hing 1,1.. 00 Noling in I(,() fm 4 hr, 6AW-i I,V . oo 8. 5: -MrIns in 11.50. (3 4 1 J, then wr.4~hjns go -C 4; .1. hrj-hkws(, W~- bins f I g I ., j- I ,;v .,-ss in OPP TI. fin,I enusk-, i-m- aw-u" 00 00 m A OV ale 11 0000,110 I -40 -0 i(hout -0: -1. 0 IQ -, -00 11.0. 0 ,.-1 400 =00 co Ce 0 coo 0 %30* too 0 A I d L 4 -f 1-1. ~IWC-& t-11-01-1 11-11-f-C-1-C- boo to 0 Z-W; a 0 3 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 * * 0 0 0 4 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :,: 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NEBAA*,', *". . "Audy of the Influercp of 7repbrAT.icr. ir. -IIFIyi&Ir,7 ~,'Anufnctijred Prom I'Achino I-Itim-Aed otton arid low ~rndo (, t I or. "", I ( P ,ar 51, '-'oscow 7extile Inst D!ssertations prespnte,l Cor 7clerct- rind,rinv n '~'o n - . cow lurlrp, 10~1 (: S'l-9. ' o. 40C, c 5r, -.. ! k .- . . .7. s 0 -a')~ v i ..'~ -ntj.~ - i s r, 1 -1, - - . K'~ , . . -. I . . ) , / 9. Monthly List 2_f Russian Accesslona, Library of Congrf-ss, - , : 'Jncl. YEBAROV, TladInIr Hikolayevich; ARKHARMISKIT. S.S.. redaktor; KOZLOW. M.P.. rifion'z" It :-- IMV=WA. L.A., tekhnicheskly redaktor. (Bleaching and mercerization of cotton fabric) Belenie I cerserizatella khlopchatebumashnykh tkanei. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo Minister- stva taketillnot promyshlennocti SSSR, 1955-345 P- (KLRA 9:4) (Cotton manufacture) VIBAROT T gj; ROKABOV. U.N.; SIHIGIN, P.A.; TSVITKOV, H.S., retsenzent; ==*ftItHOUOV. S.N., reteenzent; PLIKYANNIKOV. M.N.. redBktor; KRDT=V, L.Ta., takhnicheokiy redaktor [Iftnual on equipment of cotton finishing plants] Spravochnik po oborudovanitu otdolochnykh fabrik khlopchatobumashnoi procyahlon- nosti. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-wo Ministeretva legkoi pronyahl, 38SR. 1956. 467 p. (KIRA 100 1. Moscow. ?Sectrallnyy nauchno-I soledova tell skiy Inatitut khlopchatobumazhnoy promyehlonnosti. (Cotton mschinery) ZAIM RZON. U.S.; ZZLKNSrATA. G.G.; REBAROV, V.N-. Designing an automatic bleaching department. Tekst. prom. 18 no.8:43-45 Ag '58. (Kru 11: 10) l.Rukoyoditall mkhaniko-energatichookoy laboratorti Ivanovskogo nauchno-looledovatellsk6go taketillnogo Institute (for Zalmanson). 2.Zaveduyushchiy laboratorlye7 otdolochnykh mashin Veasoyuzuogo nauchno-inaledovatellskogo institut& takstillnogo I legkogo mehinostroyenlys (for 291anskays). I.Rukoyoditall khImIko- tokhnologichookoy laboratorit TSentrallnogo, nauchno-looledovatellskogo institute khlopchatobumastmoy prom7ohlonnosti (for Nebarov). (Bleaching) (Textile factories) SIBAWV, tokhn. rauk; USTIIIDVA, To.T., Inzh. Nonwoven fabrics for household and technical use. Taket. prom. 19 ne.5.-73-77 vV 159. (KRA 12:10) (Synthetic fabrics) USTINUVAp Ye.T., stareldy nauckinyy sotrudnik; PEMM, V.N.; RYBAKUV, V~.V.p starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Nonwoven gluod filtor materials. Takat.prozp. no.2.65-69 F 163. (MIRA 16-4) 1. lAboratoriya netkanykh materialov 116entra.11",o nauctwo-isslado- vatellskogo instituta khlopchatobumazhnoy promyshlennosti (TSNIKhBI) (for Ustinova). 2. Khimiko-tekhnicheakaya laboratoriya TSentrallnogo nauchno-iseledovatellokogo instituta khlopchatobumazhnoy promyshlennosti (TSNIKhB1) (for Nebarov). (Nonwoven fabrics) (Filters and filtration) NEBAhOV V. 1~. k1jr,'j. tt-Kial. na A Y.). F. III z:.. I t1zh. K LA, i NA , N. : . Use of tne i -imii, (,r-, !.t- K. rLur n p: Insoluble azo iy-i; irl r,1 v'k ~u, i 1 i r,,~-. 62-64 F ',;4. Sotru,ir, i A , TSU [it ra i , nur L) ru"I I ,;C)V,i khlop(- hi, tobirrili ztino I, omy~; rim,:-, I- NO. b;~. rov Star3:.,y liaK,.-aro. is.j.", Tilt U'-. rn(~ instituta rdT(l VENVM) IZEC (0 /T/Z1_T (t)IZWP (b) /Z~A (h) PZ-6/ eb I AT F ACCESS10N NR: Aj?5007124 G/0030/65/008/003/0881/0896 AUTHOR: Nehauer E., Jahne C. 0 1 TIM: Nonlinear current-voltage characteristics of thermal origin SOURCE: PbLysica status solidi, v. 8, no. 3, 1965, 881-896 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor, photoconductivity, dielectric material, thermoelectric prnVe_r_~v,,__c_4rr_ent voltage diagram, cadmium sulfide crystal, et9j1horus doped sili con ABSTRAM Studies were undertaken to establish the conditions under which thermal- ly initiated, negative, differential N- or S- type resistances (tension- or cur- rent-controlled) develop in semiconductors, photoconducturs, or dielectric sub- stancas, and to establish under vhatconditions such resistances of the N-S type occur uader conditions of nonlinear temperatute-dependence. These studies involved the theoretical calculation and experimental determination of the current-voltage -fi,3raototriiitics of various types nf nubstances while theft temperature was in- creaseb by Joule heating. in the crines where tho- temperatiire-depend'ence of the electrical conductivity was nonltnear, N-9 type negatlvp differenciai resistancea occurred, Typical nonliaear curves, show1mg the temperature vs. resistance be- C.,-d 1/4 L 34558-65 AWESSION NR: AP5007124 havior of a US crystal and of phosphorus-doped silicon, respectively, are pre- Dented in Figures I and 2 of the Enclosure. It was indicated that spontaneous changes in current during the determination of the current-voltage characteristics without the use of a stabilizing resistance would represent thermally initiated phenowena. Thermally induced, negative, differential resistances of the N-S type may also develop under conditions of homogeneolia field strength and current dertalty. The thermally induced dU/dl Z_ 0 (where U represents voltage and I repre- seats intensity) zone is surrounded on both aldeo by zones of positt-P differen- tial renistance in case of the H-type but not in case of the S-type. "We thank Dr. E. Oxtsche for valuable discussions and for a critical review of the ffmnu- r1c,~i-PiT anti Dr. U, Kummel for considerable advice." Orig. art. haa: 20 formulas and 8 filtures. ASSOCIAIT019: Physikalisch-TechniRches Institut der Deutachen Akademic der Wtssen- X Grhaften ztj Berlin, Beretch Elektrischer Durchschlag (Electrical filter sectton, r-L~iica apd technulopy inrtitute German academy (if sciences nt Berlin) ; TV I QI 5 .10 t~ de rii.- T _T,1-V-P -1 -1;1, 4, ntmaWldt university) Ofijan65 ENCL: OZ M CODE: SS 002 OTHER: 017 CA, "4 Fv` .F1 1 31. 5r'f~-1~5 AccESSION NJ AP5007124 ENCIDME: 01 C) ffAl Mltiple-nwUnear resistanca Too reciprocal temperature behavior of a virgin M crystal (aut-hor's mnsurements). resi.stance Card 3/k ---------- L 34558-65 ACCESSION NRi AP5001124 ENCLOSURE* 02 fir, Pig. 2 Resistivity Ys. reciVmc&l tenereture behavior of pho~00rum9doped Biliam lagendt stas. Wiederstand a specific resistivity Cbird GAYSIN, B.M.; KAGIIEV, N.V.; NEBPAYLO, G.N. Inroving water-cooling systems for the DSP-1.5 electric arc furnaces. Lit. proizv. no.809-40 Ag 162. (KRA 15tll) (Electric furnaces-Cooling) letvan Hungarian experiences with the use of heavy ox hides. Bor cipo, 10 no.6:176-179 N 160. 1. Bor- as Cipoipari Igazgatosag. IEMM, Istvan Checking the quality of sole leati-,ers. ----o.- cipc 1~ n(j.--: 149-152 3 '63- 1. Boripai~i Kutato Int zot. MAROSH, Tibor ~Maros, Tihor); ?4'r:f3F'.l, la!-,Io '~Nebejy, Laszlol; LAKARIAS' H, 7,oltsin 'Zakariaq, Wazaro.1, Plantic substl*~ution of urp-~f,rq wj~r, a fall,-)ptqn -ibp.. khIr. I anes'.. '? no.4: 41-44 JI-Ag '6, 1. Iz kafedry anw~omil J operativnoi khirurgli (Lav. Tioor Marosh 'Tibor YaroF') 1*,rll~:;l,nqkovo Tyrw,i-."irpsK, RU.".1tNIA / Pharmacolo7j, Eozicolo-y, lranqulllz,~rf~. V Abr3 Jour :~,.;f Zhur - -M~A. , 20, 1)58, No 94160 f.uthora N cbu 1, Laazl,~P, Kap It any , Ajidurr-, a; at or, T ibor. Inst 70-~F v k- n Titlo Thc Inf lu,-,'c- '- t--)f '11burnation on tho Procooo(,s ObscrvA Durlag Expcr,,.~,~-tal Aff -etion of Ti,-,- su 0. 1 . Tlio Ch-~n6on on Tinouc of tho Affc-ctd Inteotino Loop Undar the :-;ffoct of LarFrictil. OrIg Pub : Ruv. morl. (RP.R), 1957, 3, ':o. 4, 17-22 A bo t rac t : on.) ml of 0 , I 'q h 1,3 t am Inu s o I u t I o n wi,; I -, i.1 (~ c Into tno art.~jry of tho loop of tho ai:iall Int-)j- t1cv-3 of do-.3. DurliS Uc 5-7 Ia./.I bofor,~ -in,1 ,!ft,.~r th,j opuration, the ani..r.-lo r-icciv,.-I ~ ..!,I/ k,-, of largactil (1) daily. :)Iffu2,,i p,-ritml- tis, h~-purc-,Ii, onl roddiih-~-r~7,,m colourlru~ of I,it(,,,3tIn-, loop w~rij 1/2 KAIROS, T.; IMMML, L.; IM-U. T.; KAPITANY. A.: SZEIITKMkI;fl, A. Iffoote of decortication and deconnection (largactil treatment) on the entrita cycle of white rats. Kiserletes orvostud. 10 no.4:405-410 Aug 58. 1. Orvoatudomanyl ea Wogyszereezetu Yelsooklatasi Inetzet Anatomial so Sebezett Hatettant Tanozeke. Maroavasarhely (Targm-Murea) Romnia. (ASTRUS CYGIJI. nhysiol. off. of decortication & nrolonged chlorpro.nazine admin. in rate Otan)) (GUIBML CORTEX, physiol. eff. of decortication on estrus cycle in rats (Hun)) (CHWRPRO14AZINIC. eff. prolonged admin. on estrus cycle in rate (Hun)) HAM59 Tel - 1 9 L.1 ZAKIMAS, S.; HMARW,, 1. Plastic replacement of the ureter vitb a fallopiat tube; experimental Investigation* Urologiia 25 no.237-1-1 Mr-Ap 1600 (KM 13s12) (URETWS-SURGEM) (FALWPIAN TUB&O,-TRABSPLWATION) Io- '- r". c x "os! YXKM. Zoltan. dr..; LAZAROVITS. IALjos. dr..,L. ree,lasslo. dr.,; OR AN . Tanas. dr. Now aspects of the clarification of non-anannestic soro-positive cases of syphilis. with special regard to cardiolipin reactions. Orv. hetil. 96 no.49:1351-1355 4 Dec. 55. 1 As Orstagoe Bor-Hemikortani Intezet (igazgato: Foldvarl Yerenc dr. egyet. tanar) as a Budapest Fovarosi Bor-lecibeteggondoto Intesetek (igazgato: Karolyi Istvan dr.) kozleaenys. (SYPHILIS, diag. serodiag., comparative study on false-positive reactions in various tests (Iban)) VIBIVUHM. IAszIo. dr. --- ', ~.11 Prof. Dr. Jossof %asmans 80th birthday. Borgyogy. vener. &seals 10 no.1:1-3 Jan 56. (BIOGRAPHIAS Ouszown, Joxoef) I= ;R# Ussio, dr. On Mandor's disease. Borgrogy. vener. szonle 37 no.2:73-76 Ap'61. 1. A Budapestl Bor- el Yealbeteggondozo halozat lcosponti Zgarga- tosaga (Igasgato: Somogyl Zslgmond dr. egyeteml tanar. foorvos) kozlemanye. (THORAX dis) (THROMBOPHLEBITIS case reports) I . N'~~ 'R' F I " 7, Y A , A . 2. JSS~~ (6rP) 4. Windbreaks, ShelterbpIti:. --tc. 7. Traces of youth. Les.khoz. 9 no.1', Iq52. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, january -1953. Unclassified. NEL3Eti%, 3. V. , Cand of ;%ed Set -- (dis,;) "Conditi,)n of tho -'~iv!to-v!1s(.-,J1qr 6ystem LrarinR hronic 3rucellogi.,i rind the Influence on It or :ntervelnal Vaccination," Omsic, 1959, 16 pp (Oinsic Xledical iristltut,) 1-i .,jlin,n) kKL, ~-60, 130) NEBERA, G.V., assistent Effect of intravenous vaccination on the cardlovasc dar syjte7 of brucellosis patients. Report No.2. Trudy (YMI no.21:123-130 159. 041--~A 14: 10) 1. Iz 'Kafedry gospitallnoy terapii Omskogo meditsinskogo im-stituta imeni Kalinina, 7,av, kafedroy prof. M.E.Vinnikov. (VAC(; INATION) (BRUCEU40S IS) (CAIWIOVASC,UlA.1% SYSTM-DISaSIZ) ComparstfAvf, Eva I uation of "Pctiv,~nrcr, IT - ation.11 "Ind ssranin Im Tmatlnr Patil!nt ~- vil : k ~Jl! inian . S", .. Lnepropot rrvsk State X d! c-.,' ;.oalth .kra 0. P I ~~- '~,' .( ~, 1 s s c rt a - i :. n2, rf, c o f C an (I Jl d, i f n in Yo (I a'. So: lWo iss', 27, 2 Ju I 'I ' : hn mcs of dYak-cwA9aWM Rd 'Sr - Al. =11pnNut, 1~71':Eli H Z-P,4:o 1953. No. 25. 33-41; Refer rZio., Uri, IVA, Mi. 2-iMi.-A tmalc devka was uftd to mewwo the et- colld of a urie-i ul rolmal,% btatttl to ICO-1313! aric, thc:~ ovkd. The cood. of nl!neml3 is chatigrid mroi4!t!niMv by uratnwnt wr~ll rVAS-1%, e.g., the ri'll(l. M UnIt"I'sd qLutfll 1-1 10 1. dri,d qubxtz 10-11. of quarts tmited wali 11F 7.2 X lo rt tm ted with Na 'Ar-ate 10-l'. OUW of quarli Ir-O"i r a n s , q t I o rif ri I R r- i t i , r L, S R S A U T 110 RS Ktiz'kir, S F Ne,!,v V I' T ; -1* L E F~,)t 1 ij, Oin,! Susp-Tidl-d N1,014-r 5~. Mum)b (A I A g r v g, t s I v,i s ki s pc ti i I vpol I v 14- k I r k)l I I t ITI I 11 L R 10 L) I C A L, C t I 19 N i~ iis r R A C F c c d i~(l o' pc b ! f. If rIj po rt i T.f '.A. ,I t.v c ro I I rig t ti I, K c ri i t~ g s I r ow g nc " I (,T) I. ne Pkl p L ht' 11-11( 1 1 S ~ I i) S I ~ I I( f' S I I PAb I V Of I I ml Iat - " :, I I' c S( )I i d III I', ppa r1 I tC 5 Mo s I c ft e i %x v r v p() 1 v III e r S of ( v I r; S pt. 'i c 'i t v (I ( ()I n,iniviv t t. S 13 ~ 1) 11 ()L~ r Li pj~ - v I t. - I. fit I. s A Sv 1. Gompounds-Polymerization 2. Polymers-Test methods 3. ~01~r-c-:, --Tost results (--,I r d KUZ'KIN, S.F.; Imm, V.P. Stud7ing tne effect of high-molecular reagerte on the -,rccesr, of thickining. 4xv. v7G. ixcheb. za,7.; tevet. met. 2 nn.1-4-4-1-~ 159. (MIRA l.Krasno7arsk17 Inetitut tevetnykh metallov, Kafedra obopash-ionlyn rud rodkikh i radioaktivn7kh metallov. (Ore dre8sing-4quipment and supplies) 1. ~.-, . , .." : - .. .. "; , r . I _,-~o ~ - , . , q - )l A'A po T-,(i~, pro,-, T) ~ C_ T T-. ,j tol ~; o v r o -.a 'To AUTHOPS: Ku Z' k 111 a till Ma I TITLE Aill I I c a t I-I o I vat. I I LIM I i it It i it., S( t 10. 6' t o (C) I IF. it ~5 l-'ER 101) 1 (,A L Tsve t riyv f, IT, t- t f, i I v I A 13 STR A C T t lit C()111 11111111 II)TI 'lf- wor It, iv I I t 'i t till, It,., ,N4jn-Fc-rrwj 9 Mv t a Is ( P c- f, h 7 `1 h- a 1- 1 ) t I h- pr e s en t pa p, T ha V v c, 1 11 li-d ct F, If it s rIe s ) Inif I)I i ni 1, r o v i ng I h o e f f 1 , ii-ric v, , f t t I v t : 1 1 r: (c c n i ri v, o 1, 11 1 it s w I t h t I 1 4, a I d o f I (, I v fi r ia III i I o- ,wh I.- 1, 1- q " 11 (- r I, r f, I r ll c d i o v i- r e v)~ - I I f,L c u Ia t 1 it a, c- it I u -4 d I ri t h e x I f- I ,In I I th'IA I -- v it I I. I I I, I a rl I /I I tI Iv I) I it I: rn d~" I, t n I tz I I' I -itI tj 1 11 h v po I yrn 4. r I ?a i-1,)- t -I " -fl T, ~-- -;r i , (- r( ,I , I , ,f a c r )n I t r v I ' wi t 1i ~ij I plio ti( it tI(I t ~Iv tit 1, - 7VTT-a-T 1-11 ous ma~-' ('htilirlf-d III t it 1 ma!)[It-I It t '% I it I. a c t i v 1, 1 rn r)t W #_ I - 1, C) I y a r '1111 1 d .. ) . It h P n e f I c I a Ipri pr (-I ti ~ t aI r) -d a t t!je I I 1 1, 1% 1 r I s 11 I d rk t , t lie ri- i t r -a t o Ifat I hi s p Ia ri a t Ill. I n) present i n v e s ti lr a t it ri .c on t a I rip if 0 t t) it Wu ~, I Cal r (I 1 1) form of ~ c h (- -, II t f. I Ill. I v'I I " I. (- r 's i,- I it j N T Xor', /I I- /; V~ Applicat Ion of J'o I ~i( r .I tin ITh I ~ k n I ti,, Concentratps C a r '1 21 1) rjvrc)xpnf- iza rne, kai ri,. atil lij, 1~) 15. f 1 ( v r. a I I I t p alld I I nit -, t 'Bile 1 4. "! . w it vr ,w contain t(, t)iY;u of I h -- 7 4 rrim ' r , i ii.,tiIi. h py eseric u (),Jiijm c arb,,nat,- lapprox.riijTei i kc/1 Jill of t11 r- 1,11 1 1, 1, P Ir I V, in.-] 1 11 ta1r) f"I I t ') .-" t- ,I, 1'r I or t ofIo t "I tI -,It t h( I'll11) W.) s t z f-,i t t-I wItn s I I Ic at(-iI ,5kv/ I ~ , ii,I tvy wh i t h t, I (, i it - i1 7 It in i xed w1t hF!i1tatiIquarit i i,vo f k v r (, ~enp waii, J - I . F1, r ou gh i n u, I() t 3 t) it % i I A i-i L )nc ent i at rl !,I I fit du 11) ( 2-~ o.24"' 41, 11 Is ) , '~rl I I Iri ill s -, t It 'd w 1! 1 w ,I I U f! dt rl t'~ -t rlmth I . th(l s I ir,I i v f r rAm th r- t h 1c k if itrt ur I i i L 1! wo .9 d i ( a r 6 C' (c4 r: I i d -, --r I it r- -tkf~ wo, s n V, t -I ri z 0.1 0 h I it aI, I I ') it Ah -" -I ,'~ t. ~ (i I '~ 01 1 t t. I il I,: Itrn it I k( ,h ick4-1:r1,~ - i T in o, t j in r atIoI Ifli acI IIr Ii,t11 1 -it h(- W( v Fl I I A, L 41 f~ '4 1 rf., ir.. ~'-j Iow 1 11 V. t h I I, k,it can tv11 ( f~ '4fu I I I ') I t4, I"rl I I L() 11 11 1 tII IF I- I1~ Itt A I ~ i t I o n f it , I 1 1 ilm I .it I It Cor-Irefit Fitt c I 0t ab 1 1 1t v.~i 11--e I I t , j I( Ime 11 't '1,1 1,% of - - I fl %Y 1111. 0, 1 1 1 1 Ir (1111t11 1, itt I 11~1 T t11 o I I-,I I111 - a, I ", f. Io I 'II ( t - (I Iv I , IrI d I ~, charg ii i t ! if - !1v cI k I "tic 111 r11t I- t is ri III r rl. III I x I I p II I 'I L 5tit )o IA t f~ it I I-I I , ,f I it111 j t W 0 o,"', d t h ta n 14,i aI r 0 2 M toI v I Ij Ili ,I ini f- It intI i os ai tk n t i i r~ I I, z 0g/I tl to IZ 5. W()3 f it r I 1 11 it tt ri tit I.k II. I ii I ptt IIr) w1 ari Io t I I - f. a 12Ili - 10 Wf, V0r 1, C`10 qwa vr City .1 1/1) so 1 lutt In (.;1( 11 1 -) M, ()f the I ino .1 (~;I: ~1 I 0 1 ItI A I ~: it t 3 o n o i Conc e ri t a -i i t I rit .t in I m I I yin f-rI I 'I I I itr lic r ri, ri (I, 0 , , [I 11, q I ad r , It f-rni I riri v, I II ir T r I It- w a !pr tIfth ~I%I" I I It. ". f W'1 11ta 1 11 111 Y, in or ni IIj II I I 1 11 1 9 ~-j IE- a'IdT t Tit-I I r ic )n I-)I'I I -IITn -r, , ~ r .. " qk1UI'I I" .-*rI; I ITI i dwit :~ 0-1 11t 11t f 1 1 po vilt Iw1 11C''I'k 11 (,:1 t liQ IIfI~; ,Ii )" ,I) , f IjI t1,-s,r i r Ati ~ , d In'r -I I I I-I I II--II f I 1~'I W111 LE itII i9 t tin it iin 4, in, tIii i,; ; II, -II, , .Itt ,,, IrII - - , ItI 10' I, II wIr) Ia11 t rlf II'l a r, oI]tI t1 ri krlIN 11,I I j IV ito~1 11 AI I f r~ ri f) n i -, I; Iw k C()ti( -nt l'itf, tj I ra I I I I I 1 4 1 1r I t h I, t, M) It I t v 1, 1 1] frt11 f t ~l (. #. , II I i , T I. I, I ;I t i i Iri t t r ti I "Ip t It t t II I I I it 11 it rl in 7 1 L 6 i It IIMe w it r t~- t [Id1 11 ~z I I t :1 ~. f I jit it t 1, 1! It A oti( #~n t ra f t h I ;i w I r t fl tI t r j I In, i , 7 to f71 .1 t 0, r 1 a d I II r it t i I r r L I L I t KUZIKIN, S.F.; NEBERAI V.P. Mechanism of polyserylamide floculator action. Sbo:-. ra,.;c--. GINTSVETMET no.33:202-216 160. (YJRA I" ~, (Flotation-Equipment and suppllea) (Acrylamide) KUZZIN, S. F. ; NEBMA, V, J~..; WLIN, S. N. "On some points of the theory of susFxmBlons flocculation bj poljar-r~lamlder-,." report submitted for 7th Inti Mineral Processing Cong, New York, 20-L,, Sep 614. ~ ". F. IN ; -, , -, , " NF W R , , V ~ - . -)~Isntl fic researct. 1natitutem and ur.-- vorn-. t -.,a -,n -n-1: ft Tzv. vyo. uchob. zav.,, ta'ret, met. 8 ' t~'~ , i 0-'~ ~ ; p -: 21559 91'020~ 61/1 37,'0W, 30-. 03C -'?'Ofoo (103r,107c,1163''VO) B1041IB'214 AUTHORS: Galkin, 1. A. and Noberozhnykh, V. P. TITLE: Paramagnetic resonance on conduction electrons of copper PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadomii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 3, 1961, 549-550 TEXT: Thi;ipaper was read at the XIII Vsosoyusnoye soveshchanly* po spektrosko I (XIII ill-Union Conference on Spectroscopy) hold In June, 1960. Experiments are described of studying the surface resi 818 nc* of copper in a magnetic field H for frequencies up to v a 3.6-1 0 ops. The purpose of the experiments was to observe the paramagnetic resonance. The specimen was a copper resonator (wave guide) made of-rre electrolytic copper2having the ratio B 4.20K /R 3000K lose than 10 This value rose to 10 duo to Cu deformation during the construction of the resonator The surface of the resonator was polished electrolytically. Fig. I shows graphically the values R(H)/R(g) as a function of the magnetic field strength at temperatures of 77 K and 4.2 0K. From the value of h,- field strength for the maximum, the value of the g factor !a determined Card 1/4 71559 Paramagnetic resonance ... S/020/61, ','C)G!,'O _- 7 , 0 1,0 B104/B214 to be about 2.1. It Is found that the form of the absorption line depends essentially on the temporaturel that the Intensity of the line with the g-factor 2. 1 Increases with a decrease in temperature, the blurred lines broadening simultaneously and di9appidaring completely at the temperature of helium. To clarify the nature of observed lines the temperature de- pendence of the intensity of these lines and the absorption lines of the radical were studied. The experiments showed that the line intensity of the radica-I decreas:a,tooa quarter of its value as the temperature was increased from 77 t 00 K, while that of the absorption line of the resonator remains practically constant. kith the help of Dyson's theory the authors conclude that the lines with g - 2.1 are related to the spin relaxation of the conduction electrons. The contraction of these lines on change of t11 mperature is relateg to the Increase of th spin relaxation time: 1.7,10-10 seconds at 300 Ki 2.1-10-10 seconds :t 77 0KI 4.2-10- 10 seconds at 4.20K. The broadening of the second absorption line is caused by the decrease of the electron diffusion time from the skin layer into the metal. Furthermore, the experiment showed By-mmetric ab- sorption lines which fact is in contraffletion with the results of the Card 2/4 Paramagnetic resonance 21559 S/02 61/1'7/003/007/030 BI04YI1214 theory. This is because the conditions in the experiment are- different from those assumed in the derivation of the theoretical law. Professor D. P. Zoeimovich is thanked for making available a very pure copper foil prepared in the laboratory of the Inetitut neorganicheskoy kh1mii AN USSR (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR). There are I figure and 10 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-goviet-bloo. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut nizk1kh temperatur Akademil nauk USSR (Institute of Physics and Technology of Low Temperatures of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR) PRESENTED- September 24, 1960, by 1. K. Kikoin, Academician SUBMITTED: September 23, 1960 Card 3/4 21559 Paramagnetic resonance ... 3102 61/137/003/007/030 B104YB214 Wg Vr ........... 4.17 El .. ...... U2 0 Z 1u 1" /.,-/Uljfcm Card 4/4 UMMIRNM IsvVyll z r. Ell- 11F Sl FIE Machining of Mets.'r, U71AY 6. Life a ,pd"speed 50 7- Discontinuous cutting 55 8. Vibration 5~ 9. Selecting economic cutting conditions 60 Ch. 3. Macro-and Kicrogemetry of the Surface I. Macrogeometry of the surface 2. Surface variness 3. Microgeometry of the surface 4. Methods of measuring roughness Ch. 4. Manual Working I., Chiseling 2. ling 3. Sc ping ping E Ch. 5. 13~lank and Their Preliminary Treatment 1. Selectint\the [type of) blank 73 75 77 77 30 55 86 89 )2 92 Ca.rd 5110 4A Machining of Metals SLOVAK/4838 Ch. 15. Threading 318 1. External thread cutting 318 2. Internal thread cutting 326 3. Thread rollIng 531 Ch. 16. Manufacture of Toothed Gears 533 1. KanufactlAre of spur gears 333 2. Generation of spur gears by shaping 342 3- Valuation of various methods for manufacture of spur gears 346 4. Modern methods of manufacturing spur gears 547 5. Manufacture of bevel gears ~47 6. Antialpated trends in development of bevel gears 558 7. Flaishing operations of spur gears 358 Ch. 17. $lectroerosion and Supersonic Machining Methods 304 Ch. 18. Machines and Equipment for Kass Production 370 1. Machines for mass prodaction 370 2. Equipment for ma s production 376 Cb.,Ia. Inspection of Machine Toole 385 1. F~0!11eaal inspection of a machine tool 3,85 Card 8/10 Machining of Metals SUNAK/4838 1. Types of al./awances 425 2. Condition for the magnitude of allowances 425 3. Magnitud ~,, of allowances for blank 427 4 Kfgnit7e of allowances for single operations 430 5: Econ cal, significance of allowances 431 C Ch. 23. M ufacturability of Constructions 433 K uf 1 Ge ral principles of manufacturability of a construction 434 Ge E 7=1 2: neral criteria of the manufacturability of a construction 437 Ch. 24. Manufacture 441 1. Manufacturing process 441 2. Manufacturing operation 441 3. Operator's instruction sheet 442 4. Sample operator's instruction sheets 445 BiVl-iography 450 Index 455 AVAIWIZ: Library of Congress (TJ1185.H28) VK/wrc/~;mp Card 10/10 3-2-61 ItIFLSKI, Jaroslav, inz.; FUKA, 14iroslav, inz. ConDtruction of a prestreased concrote tawer. Inz .9tayin- 6 no.3:119-la, Mr '58. MBESKYj J., inz. Prestressing of ceiling slabs trf electroheating of re.'nforcewnt. Stavivo /+0 no.12:406-409 D 162. 1. Prefa, np., Praha. ME KY, Jaros.Lav, inz. Pressureless thermal treatment of building panels. Foz stavby 11 no.5:246-247 163. 1. Prefe. Praha. 6-J, V!IC.'UV 7.-,t,-.v i 9 ',,)r I our' fippa if ,r rt~m; : I f : 1, r W: * n Fj F -' ! ,t Sd e 'I ' F-'~ ~~ I -' 'I ' . i - .- . A , ,BF,t,KY, Vaclav, Ar. %I F A ~,3 p r . l - ' - ~,, . ls!rr. ;3ri,si 16 r, . t,: 4 'mi im '~~ . NEBESNOV, K.P. Laying of diesel engine cranknhafts. Sudostroen4p ~f Ja 164- ~M.:RA .-' 1. I - ~ . -." , I . 42581. mousUnovivaheye Iya Drighenlye Sudovogo Dvigatelya. Rauch. Trudy ( Odes. I&-? Inzh. Xor. not&), vyp. 7. 1948, S. 123-37 Oct Ships - Propilvica Zagines, Diesel "Factors Acting an the kinimas Notber of Rotations of a Ship's Diesels* Doosat Ve Nabegaor, 31 Pp "Morskoy FlotO No 10 Discusses dynamic, thermodynamic.. hydrodynamics and alsodynamio factors. IM 23/49%2 L I. I ". . . :% t.~ -, r i . ;~ ~j -, K a ' ~ ~ -1 -,j K : , - : - V .1' r' - I , -~ " ~ t:. , . '. . t - I " " : - z . , " - ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ , n ~-, r 7 ; ,, j r . , I -) t,,7, ) , v y p . I t '.. j , 3 . , - ~ I . 1 -14 - z,7- I - 608 Translation from Referativnv,, znurnil . Nlej