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UTINAv I.A.; IIECHAYEVA, N.V.; MDSKIY, V.Ya. Ribonucleic acid In ganglionic cells of the retina of a frog in darkness and in constant or flickering light. Biofizika 5 no. 6:749-750 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (RETIRA) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) (LIGHT-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFnCT) NECHAYEVAF N.V. Study of ribonucleic acid In the cytoplasm of aciniform cells of the parotid gland in the secretory cycle. Dokl.AN SSSR 1.48 no.4029-932 P 063. (MIRA 1614) 1. Institut morfologil zhivotnykh im. A.N.Severtsova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom Yu.A.Orlovym. (Nucleic acids) (Parotid glands) NECHAYEVA, N.V. QuanLitative c J-t - - n ead -. ;~ ~ - . e t ~ rT. . r. ~j *, I -, ". (,:, 1 r. , :.~ flL, - -,- ~ -f acinic col.s during '~ rie n I r7La . I : ., :3 ! -, . I - It , , - , - - j f '- !.#- i ~-, I -, *- . I gland In rfi*n. : ., ~,, r , 1: 1 1 -1.. 4 . I - 11 - .- .. I . I . L a b(-, r i i ', L. r- ~ j` i - ~ ' ' I : . , , , , I., r : . I . " * , , ; N 'I , . .,.j Y. '.. 'i . KWHATEVA, N.V. Study of the total protein content In the cytoplaim and the nuclei of aciniform cells during the process of the secretory cycle of the parotid gland. Dokl. AN SSSR 148 no.5ill92-1195 F 163. OCRA 160) 1. Predstavleno akademikom Yu.A.Orlovym. (PAROTID GLANDS) (PROTEINS IN THE BODY) fir NHHAYEVA, N.V. ,e a8p#jr,.8 (f ttfj si,-rp~,jry pro ~F,? .,. Cytochemic&I study of B()v, the elements of the utru,.-tura' and functional unit ,f ttA phr(t".1 gland. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 49 no.11:11-18 N W~. ( M' , RA 1'4 '. , 1. LAborhtrriya tatto:oVii zav. - kand. bIG'. nwLk V.Ya. Rr:,d&Y.'.v - 7 SAve T- t, ,n.sf."uta mor!*olo~,il hiv(!rykh imt~n! , c)-.-8 AN Mcskxa NFCHAEVA, N. E., Broude, V. A., Medvedev, V. S., Nechaeva, N. F., PrikhodIko, A. E. and KharJtonova, 0. P. Fxperience during a wide investigation of spectra of crystals or -)rganic substances at low temperatures. Pages h88 - h92. Tnst. of Physics Acad. of Sci. UrKr, SSR. SO: bulletin of the Academy of Sciences, Izvestia, (USSR) Vol. ", No. L. .(1950) Series on Physics. i:,~ till Ye. J~-~ w--v F. AVL~~ mom dik dkw Mu pa w"o at oft. PIA441~ 9. ol , )40 1 7 a 0 d WA:-d vt~ as ""M% it== a- W. ~'6 vk~ IL IWO " -ap gw'.LLit~v= W. SM ft a V 19-12M. a W- mr w 40"" =-vn 'f:%r an am ="art &. L WAIMAV /"'r (': .' ~'/) ~ , _-~ : " / , , , I X I - , ~ "I . USSR/ Physical Chemistry Klectrochemistry B-12 Abs Jour Referat Zhur Electrochemistry Nc, 4, 1957, -1348 Author Zosimovich D.P., Nechay"a M.Yt, Inst Academy of Sciences Title Separation of Zinc and Rydrogocx from Acid E1#Lctroiy-t-L-s fil Ni-kai and Cob< Cathodes Grig Pub Dorl. AN SSSR, 1956, 109, No 3, 569-~72 Abstract Study of coucurr~nt separation of H and Zn from solutious ct 1 85 N ZUS04+ H2SO ( 10'I - 2 K) at Ni and 6o cathodes. It is abovn ttLat (I , E) curves are ~f complex nature vith break and maximum of tho& cu-rves corres- ponding to changes In process taking place at cathode. With Ni-cathode the maximum is at 0 67 v for al-1 concentrations of H2S04. The basic fac- tor determining the cathodic process on change In E is the gradual alte- ration of the condition of cathode surface due to deposition of Zn. Pro- perties of resulting surface alloys and magnitude of H2 ovtrvoltage at them determine magnitude of m&ximtp on (I, F) curves. .~~V121 -51;- 1)-1 :,12 AUTHORSt Zosimovich, D.i, and "Iechayeva, N.Ye. TITLE: The Simultaneous Disc-arpe of Cadmium and %icke! ions 13ov- Me8tnyy razryad ionov kRdmiya i nikel.-,a PERIODICALi Dopovodi Akademii nauk Ukrainalkoi 10511, *;r 10, pp 1075 - 1078 ABSTRACT: According to existent classical iiea. t6e bnsic condition for the simultaneous disc-arge of ions is t~-e equalit of poter.- tial8 for the discharging of ions. [:.A. Y,sin Z Ref 22 Je- metal veloped the concept on the simultaneous discharge of r and hydrogen ions. A.L. Rotinyan and V.I.. Kheyfets Ref 32 _ studied conditions for the simultaneous discl,.arge of ions in refining nickel and cobalt. An investigation into the simul- taneous discharge of cadmium and nickel ions represents an important theoretical problem which was studied by the au- thors by employing the method of polarization curves taken during the process of electrolytic isolation of cadmium from the electrolyte. The polarization curves obtained are shown in graphs I and 2. It turned out that the equality of the deposition potentials of metals and the concentration of ions in the electrolyte does not always lead to the simul- Card 1/2 taneous discharge of ions. Such was the case with the Ions The Simultaneous Discharge of Cadmium and Nickel Ions S-)V/21-58-10-11/'27 of nickel and cadmium. The investigation shoAed that ~)nly cadmium is deposited on the cathode, in spite of the approx- imate equality of their potentials. The concentration of Ni in Cd varied from 0.0001 to 0.01 per cent in the presence of I-n Niso in the electrolyte. There are 2 rrapls, I table and 5 Soviet references. A930CIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheakoy khimli Ali Ukr.,.',R fInati- tute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the AS 'Ikr.;'P) PRESENTED: By Member of the AS Ukr:,.-7,R, Yu.K. Delimarskiy SUBMITTED: April 13, 1958 NOTEj Russian title and Russian names of individuals and institu- tions appearing in this article have been used in the trans- literation 1. Niokel--Purlfication 2. Cad-: -un--Pi~r ' !-ation 3. Electrolytes--Performanne 4. ',)nB--i :rnlanci-, Card 212 ci /at pas* ps, I,baj q III& sp-So J80,4j"A :1 1, 1 at: :V3 Put Pa., -0211"20010 To ONUS awl j0 SO cl.,Zed$* ,*IS1jAwI "o0a;,I Inuo: IOU -4 ..Ijz_dwT -ITT" .0=j ej 0 fit %w-w jo "a P."tx-d anu,4 agotTo 4m,; -d -.. * % Pus ojl :,Oaud Va., =4 94% 91 "NOT% % pe.4.07ft asqz jo 1JOI.W ..... Is:" ... 14*.44 sul %Nut 0 "OTS 0 Pu l.-0-I I re-A-P... -W 1-211 6004 1 as v,.r-T::&jsv w,wel shojej 0"tievun% Put WI-OW1.6 altUMOVIS sv~ qll:~: ollworovoupoid Joi P~T`nbojjm ISTOWWOO -ir 1 4, 1 104, J. . =Moo a" 2.ojjv 1:4 In. .11L.02 ul doap 0.:1 I _uv_,rT_: u a., :p 001 x7jowu 111susp 1.64_ u1 as bj I uv 910414 $1 %wu% cim. 'Lid-wo wagoojam "it sm-4 ul usleftn'4 "116161 *141 ZIA-W*JJTP 690TIS j0 ~2.sjjq ~jwsdmaj 91 eel sed'(1 0.1 OW2 j~ uejjjpj~. wqj vOZOT R" 420q "1 9 qgmoJV2 ad 2nd -- f21 - - .1 O..QD a q% 71:0t00 -.4 3, . "Z u. %'. I "1: 103, VT --a% 69u,,.4 30os:c am' "'s i-M. 'J, u1 01,04WI .0 01 Vwvl amisjod Ij v "-d3.6 mi -1 d-JO "OV-V2jnqv a P" Summmo TONOTU eawwamr; us ul. .%Ina" uotl'j, Sup"Oo W7.0wo Ul o9vw9 -u7 us aZ.-IT9 jo $0413 U'Aoq UT ,wa~_* jo . 4"d1no 04.& V1 d~p a t ~) put - : Oj .1 'in jo qs~_-&~Odws% I* %"* 9014j" Ozv 4%.O."Jodys ,;:I v: vjAojdt'Xojj; OUI ul WOUSOD MATIVIZ JIV413 U1. 7) o OVWS je~VTU jo UoTS%j%UqMoo uopqzl" ;o ..1,38jiusooof out in us.,. 67-J'n , ex-uT a jv..j_v baI _16%.TT put W1 al vZolty voloOK& TowT"Tasue &'9s (,S-Dj poq-4sU put o.bjtnj.a4 I"amnamdrs 'olue1m: jo Met "a '02"o-o '91t;T'lownb Tou o1 (9 Pw U20.0'd (; - -IJIDedl &"a -44 Put 8=284 al:111aQ bj'nd is is jazlefud so sawad jo olio-lw put .3jA-:.4vv Twuxpoftjou3 (I 16%jad wTV 02ul P&PIATP al "*dad otjjiusTas jo OJOVU6 0 wo jej popu4nwT WT xooq OINQ samiew polquImna ;a 1sqv..7.S 92, jaqmv 3puTpuDdwa4j*z lmjourov 'N'T I*vx 'deal tel"a DOCIZ WAIRpol rload w1mocoo wT2rvsqq ,tjwjj od u7salimall nes, .4n.A.%q 'VSVS Wnsu UXTS""m 'd 6JU 'wM 6V -acovot, 4*M S, is wpQ;mzpua gont-TUXIon Tw3upw1jadrx a* oausispago wtn J~ umlil.ruma4 Is 2~84*64 UVIN zo uoj%wvj3q*AuT jo ;.q.AgW V" osnbjuumw~ ISla"Wadvi) sATuvw*uv*^os tpnj3 jtr4~f,%Vjod -"2 VWTXoVtA jjd ITv"coejvw-. Zvo-Asm I wxr-4,q.,4 996T 'I'lulopolowl trxZU.M.4 od &A`TUwqqo~,oC OMIZUTO-i" Tom I Swu ZOSIMOVICH . D. P. ; HECIMYEVA , N. Ye. Electrochemleal investigation of a simultaneous diach&rge of cadmium and zinc Ions using the tagged atom method. Radiokhimila 3 no.6:743-748 t6l. (MIRA 14:12) (Zino-Isotopes) (Cadmium) (Electrochemistry) STENDMI, V.V.8 oty. red.; ZOSIMOVICH, D.P., zam. otv. red.; . DELI)LWKIY, Yu.K., red.; WSHKAREV, M.A., red.; '_Y,XQ.0 red.; NIKIFOROV, A.F., red.; TfGHKCVA, R.I., red. [Hydroelectrometallurgy of chlorides; reports] Gidroelek-tro- metallurglia khlorldov; doklady. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1964. 178 p. (MIRA 17: 1-1) 1. Vsesoyu=yy seminar po priklBdnoy e]eKtrokhimii. 5th, Dnepropetrovsk, 1962. 2. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko- tekhnologicheskiy institut (for Stender). ZOSTNDVIcii) D. P. ; -11lVi'di, N. A. ; GRISINI(All A. N. ; ro-ii,~YEwi, N. Yo. ; U,VVITSKAYA, K. B. Ki(!v "D ie e I c kt ro - ~ hemi. r, :3 ew inr. i,~n R e in s tme t a~ 1-1,, . m ,,. , " report submitted for 2nd Inti on llyp~-rpure Mlat,~,rRLis i:, ' "on : ui-, T, tz;c- ogy, Dresden, GDR, 2t Sep- L, C-t ~ . . Iastitut obsh,-hey i neorw~ani--hesec)*, ktlinii Aeademii %ai.y. I'kJA~, ?:" - MBCHATIVA O.M.,kandidat neditainakikh nauk. I vr- Pothological and anatomical modifications of the small Intestine in sicuts intestinal obstruction rAused by thrombosis and embolism of the mesenteric vessels. Vest. khir. 77 no.1:60-71 Ja 156 (KIRA 9:5) 1. Is Wedry patologichaskoy anatosLi (gav.-prof. P.P. Terofeyev) Ivanovskogo meditainskogo institut&. (19MMMUS. blood supply embolism & thrombosis. causing intestinal obstruction, pathol. of mall intestine) (THRONBOGIS. mesenteric, causing intestinal obstruct., pathol. of small intestine) IMMINAL OBSTMJCTIOKS stIol. wA pathogen. assenteric embolien & thrombosis, pathol. of small intestine) (AGOLISM assenteric, causing intestinal obstruct., pathol. of small intestine) A ~T ". C E S z Nechayeva, C. N. , ll.;shkar-va, .'. *;. 3-.' -',: I TI Inve 9 t i ga ti on -, f tne lie *p rccyc c ;- x F! 1 ssled,.)variye ~e tero tsi,- I sk 'I' ic~. i sey VI. I,olarograp~.ic ieduction Some ',xides Phenacine and Acriiine Series ',Polyarco~raf4:.,~~K,~~ vosstanov'eniye nextcryk~. i akridir, ryalr,,., PEhl'-~ICAL: Zhurnal obshch.~ y tn i m i i , 1 7- 1 2~i , N r 1 ( , " S I.J. ~ " A BS 7 R A C T he 11-o x ide.9 c. f t he ni t rc,. K- r- c - r, ta,~ ni r..- r E. are of spe-cial i rtp :-es I as ~hysi -a, a- ve -~M~ (,ief s 1-~ "'nli 1 now ttt N- x, lc-.E! o* 4-_np qu.4 no 1. 1 ne se: 'I e s :-ef t,~er. n n previ ous pa pe rs t,.e Ftu ho rs n Fi I jv s tema c a .ve s the N-oxiies cf ~~.e he*,,!r -n F jui noxal i re , p~.e naz '.c a-:'S succeeded in !'.niinir *:.~- s'r--;-* r. easiness witt. tLe ~N' k,, 'rGn-,' -.s 'c r~ i r.,, r,.z these investika*i(-)ns the aulhcrs s-,A.,ectel- the -Lmi Ur.~-z- Card 1/1 (IV)-"Xl'), in tt.p series (,.' phonazine, an~ 4r, 'he I nves ti gat ion of' the he te rocyc I i c N-Oxide s . 3, ", - , - - - - 1 - ~ ~: f, V1. Polarographic Reduction u." Some ies Phenazine and Acriline Series series -jf acriline, to a polarr,,~rap~'.,: B,me them were ther, tr) he inv,!st~Kated with. r-sf,(,ct ,, t r, - I r physiolowical act1vity. In the phonazine derivri*1ven tt,r, effect of' various substituents on the stability of' tLe N---~O, bond as related to the redu-tion un the droppinr mercury oloctrode, tit) well its with roiti-ect ti) tho r-edu('11,1;11y ~)' '1-t hpterocycli~. oyatom itsc~l C wan th-sorips of acridine the N-oxides (,!' t~.P ')-amino an,i 9-hydraz..r.(-- derivatives '';XV1 as well as *t.o N- Y. s of' the 9-phenoxy derivativps synt~.,?si zell -o, authors were 4-atpd `or the !'irst ris -irr, investio specia: Interest as interme.i4at- ir. th- sY r. ' he.; . .3 the 9-amino and 9-hydrazilne derivatives. 'hus, 20 r. o~- ' P r ~ - y ~- L. compounds werr~ polarogra~hdcally invest4gated. It was [.-ur.! tna' the introduction (it' qu~,qtitupnts (," di!",~r-n~ the molecule o: the N-)x1des r,!' acridire arA ;nenazlnp -xPr!s an important influence ~,n th.? ma,~nitude o." tn- !zemi-wav~ potentiai of' tr.P ''N-03, 1:,-,n~ and i_ r. the Card 2 e~ectrr.ahsorbing NO 2 i~r(JUP a Investigation of the Heterocyclic N-Oxides. VI. Polarographic Reduction of Some N-OxideB of the Phenazine and Acridine Series potential to the positive values. The nuclerphilic groups (Nk,OH), however, displace the semi-wave potential to thi, negative side. There are 20 figures, 2 tables, and 9 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIO11i Urallskiv politekhnicheskiy institut TTft*1 PoWWV#haio&1.4 R",;'~Ute SUBMITTED: August 8, 1957 Card 3/3 e r 9 1 K p o K K N - f. 3 y e :, s o r enr. 3 t; i K a z a f r I d I na PERIJDICALs rn~ 1 o 31 c r, r~ 1 m 1 i -2 '- -2" 3.~ R 2 ,,3 7.~A-Ti F i e r n e r e 1 3 e x de _q f ~r var c - 9 33 Mj -e ~f I e m c ns t r ie~- L- n d e n ' '; ~- ,,. t.: t r ; c* ~re e r a I e ir,'er- w -j e r~ e e w :.-I - r re r. ~3 n -3 r~ e r.7 ~-,4 e c Li C, x ie r. r 1 r ~aAi S, y .1y ::,,ref Ar. IV a 1 v - :AJ .13 Investit,,ations of the Heterocyclic N-Oxides. SOV/79-28-ic-15/6C VII. Dipole Momenta and Chemical Characteristic FeatureEof Some Derivatives of the N-Oxidea of Phenazine and Acridine ASSOCIATION: Urallakiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: August 8, 1957 Card 3/3 MUM, 0. 1. 1 NMH"EVAP- -0. -11. (Ivanovo) Clinical and morphological characteriatics of complicationE following subcutaneous injections in children. Arkh. pat. no.9: 50-53 '61. (?CMA 15:6) 1. Is kafed khirurgii detskogo vozrasta (save - prof, T. F. Ganzhulevic7h i keLfedr7 patologichaskay anatomli (zav. - prof. P. P. Yerofe7ev) Ivanovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditainskogo inatituta (dir. - doteent Ya. M. Romanov) (INJMTIONS, HYPODEWIC) (SKINTUBERCULOL918) 1,ECHAYEVA, 0.1;., k-Y ', Parl-tni strF,rirl~ t!,-)np T th- smill intest!ne sis .- f-,Y-- of acute intestinbl obstruction. Khlrurgiia no. 3124-30 ',,). (MIRA 16 15) 1. Iz kr~fAdry patologlChAskoy az~ntomli (zav.-prof. F.P.Ymr(fmye-. [Jec,~ased))Ivni~ovokogo meditairskogo instituta. ( OTEST IN FS-OBSTRUCTI 011) (HMUA) VAFYUKRINA, L.V, ; NflHAYRA, O.N.j :,.V. N.-oicide J 2-melu.(7 , Tr,' - r . khim. reajL. I prepLix . no. I I ~ EV-87 164. (~rl RA i A; I; ~ 1. Lira) ''mk',V pniltuklin rhetivy Ingtitut. I t-e, Arri I . 4,4. 4h270 5/190/63/005/001/013/020 B1O1/B186 ALITHORSt Tager, A. A., Tailipotkina, M. V., Drevall, V. fe., Nechayeva, 0. V. TITLEi Conc,ntrutod poljmor nolkitions. J1. Thc-raodynamic study of polyisobutylene solutions in various solvents PERIODICNLi Vysokorrolekaly,3rnyye 3oyedineniya, v. 5, no. 1, 1963, 94 - 99 TEXTt The 250C isotherras were plotted for the sorption of CCIP toluene, cyclohexanc!, butyl propionate, and methanol vapors by poly isobuty I ene having the molecular weight 1.99-10 6. Intense adsorption was found for CCI V tolaene. and cyclohexane vapors, weaker Rdsorption for butyl propionate vqpor, and no adsorption Rt all for methanol vapor. The properties of polymer solutions can be compgred only if the concentration is givpn in molar parts or parts by volume, not if it is in parts by weight. The curve 61~, ver3us concentr-itlon in molar parts also confirmed that toluene, and cyclohexsne were b(-t4-er solvents for polyisobutylene than butyl pro- Picnate. ttj is the differ,~nce of chemical potentials; it was calle-alated Card 1/5 ' / 1 9~-1/6' /C,05/'CC, 1 /~ I 3/r 2 r, ConcentrRted polyner. 3 1011/B 186 f rom: ')03K I cj; P where P.13 1 athe 33tur~itior. pressure. 7he curves for the mixing entro.W, Tt~!:, v~-r3ua conceniration, ~2- in p:irtq b.; volume, were plotted for polyisobatylene dissolved in toluene, C,'l 41 cyc:c,- hexane, and isooctane. 'he equ-ition f,-),,-ni 'by 1.11iller 'G. 'Ice, ChemiAtry -,f Large Molecules) shows optimum Rgreement with the experimental values only in the case of the poIjisobitylene - iiooctane system, which is in iacord- ance with the Flory-Hugeins thecry, hclding for &thermal systems rnly. :n othEr solvents, however, a different value of '16 5 is observed for ~he same 720 i.e., the polyisobutylene chains have varying configuration numbers. T63, 6H, and AG were calculated according to laibbs-Duhem, 3nd the curves T65 were plotted. They show tte following f(f2)' 6C ' f(~2'' tH ' f(~2) I maxima ~in cal/mole): in toluene with - ~ 0- 7, T 6 S 2 2 C~, L H 12 max max AG max , -120; in CCI4 with - 2 -, C.6, T& 5max " 150, LH max 4G, LG max', 1DG; in cycloheX3ne with ;2AJ U-5, T6'max ^j'CC, &Hmax"j 0' LGmax- -80. The po3itive values of 4,H show that polyisobutylene is dissolved with groat Card 2/3 S/19 63/005/001/013/020 Conoentrated polymer ... BIOIVa6 variation of entropri. The low affinity of polyisobutylene to benzene, and the poor affinity tv butyl propionate, may be due to the fact that T /'~3 t,H, or T 6 S), -u Du ~Ivanovo -ta-,, ..c- .Lrl-, . .1*~e, '%'KL, 1-1y) N E G i fAYEV Kand. Med. rittilA Sufff! c1 i ril efil fin I all- , N %Uf of bot.tin 'a 11 satian n crilidren. Stior. txud. lvur.. j:os. aod. InaL. nc.,5:13C)- 135 1612. 0-1, hA 17: 1 . " z Kil fe .1 it) 3 K,. 'lrXoKt.i,j Oby(AZaTalostl zavoduyushct;ago kari,,i. mf-d. riauk l.ii. Applonova) lvanovbKogo gonudarstverinugo !uAiLsinskogo itistituLa (roktor - dotsent. Ia.Y_ Romanov); nauc~injy rioLsant V.". Suktiarev. I --x 0 as a- goodt f charge varlatlon in the dew ASMInliXl-;'AkfAi:Mft'k "AAcadoW a Sole*444,8"; lMd. nafsk VsSSR(AcadmW " . solimosit was- (TaoWmnt State Of WI Tashkoatoldy gamlveraltot In, V., 1. Lenlna Ar), IMLI 00 goi: 001 000 CM'i:; 00 !T-T- (f r 5, 1 n nn,- L P, h i T-- i C tAS T RA C T "h i s t he 1 r 1 .7 in the t h., t t Fiber-, h f IV '3' t Ju c t I on f y p r of tf)e hisynif v 1 7 u q [.19, 9o .,jb tJ s pun c n r -n 0 pre,ant beiniv. 1,1 c. -a,i s 'i r.auc?,r.o- 1 ;9 1 ~Il ,ik I,,, i n All Union I,- n t I ~~ I tic Asir !. T t o I I n ad v,t n t age ~l t~ re ii r e i f f i r-u I t I e o- c r. le~ c t 9 k ri ti t n e i (i m t 3 a I r: t ne rmo- I a.9 t I j e t 4 t t - t .arl I mit r1 a- , wh ,. n ~41 :1 '~' t --- I .. . of n H t I t e f ripinnerl-te he f I- c, il~ir I,, t I ~ir x i rr. T t Iorri r i f f c r ru nr x e rteIb t I L ,At h rIT n ronts-3. Spinning of Fol plastic jtQte 4 tlr,n Fl' becor.,.e,.3 ~)^Pt r,:iu : - -, ae r - L'. -,n--?d ty mean,3 of a 5 - ICY~ anorphau.,3 rr,i-ti-n The -ff-:t -r-Auced by an addition -)f - 19,,, I,ol, it-)buzyAne i e Lhown In to,blas ~ and 4 3pinnin.- c, f !'Y r e I u I rm ii o n u I i m r n a i r a w I n oz , an spinnerets with n I x, r ge n pa ri I r, , 11 I ) - 1 , ~ Tho rute rf thread formatinn I -i oyivan I I n,, t h j -i an t ,t-1 of the ad led ,-)iFtqtIf--r ar :nrjin,7 t nom :, ."C % : -? i wht -)f the PF as being ' 'i, M T, I ri iqr 9: ti Vj i r~ '. te exrerimentq h a i o~ a- r f w~ i r - re, of whl~h ar- A37,~CIATIDN YTI I t a Kj t WO s Cow - 0 x t I I - I 'ard AL'THORSo voch!zova, S. A., Rogovin, Z. A. 3/183/60/000/01/003/031 ........ 0" - B004/BO14 TITLEi Investigation of the Processes of Strengthening and Thermal Relaxation as Well as of Sons Properties of the Polypropylene Fiber%6 FZRIODICALI Khtnichaddys volokna, 1960, Nr 1, pp 10-12 (USSR) TZX?s This is the 14th oommunication about the series of Investigations of now fibers with aliphatic hydrocarbon chains. The authors studied the additional drawing In a glycerin bath at 130-1400, which to necessary for the production of strong polypropylene fibers. However, they believe that It would be sore effective to carry out the drawing process in inert gas or steam. Table 1 indicates that an Increase in drawing from 400 to TOO per cent duplicates the breaking length without a considerable reduction in elongation. The authors studied thermal relaxation in loose fibers and fibers wound on bobbins. Table 2 shown the influence of the hosting time. Relaxation at 1000 comes to an and after 30 minutes, and the shrinkage remains constant after this tine. Table 3 shows the influence of temperature. Theraoozidative destruction sets in above 1000, so that it is necessary to work in on Inert sodium. Table 4 contains experimental data on thermal relaxation an bobbin@ (1000, 1200). Ln increase in Card 1/2 16c/c' Or,/ 0'~, r, cc'- B020~B'054 AUTHORSi N e t, hdy-i vd, 1 no TITLE- Investigation of the Possibility of Increasing Thermal I Stability~:cf Polyolefin Fibers by the Action of Ionizing RadiationO PERIODICALi Khimicheakiye volokna, 1960, no. 5, pp. 7-9 TEM It is known that the polyolefin fib*rs hitherto used in the Industry have a low thermal stability. These fibers and the products made of them have the following disadvantages% a) Irreversible atzink- ing at Increased temperatures, and b) considerable decrease in strength with increase in temperature. To increase the thermal stability of polymeric materials, mainly fibers, various methods have been used; one of the most efficient methods is the formation of chemical bonds between the macromolecules of the polymer which is, however, rendered difficult by the fact that these polymers do not contain reactive functional groups by which a reticulation could occur. It was the object of the investigation under review, the results of which are briefly outlined, Card 1/3 Iiivestigation of the Possibility of Increasing S/18 60/000/0-,/o5/'007 Thermal Stability of Polyolefin Fibern by the B020 YB054 Action of Ionizing Radiation 8206,) to study the possibility of an !ncrease in thermal st~tbility of poly- olefin fibers by radioactive radiation; the behavior of pol ropylene- U-p- - an,' polyethylene fiberal5obtAined by shaping In a thermoplastic state was studied by a method described previously (Hof 1). The shaped and additionally drawn fiber was irradiated in the vacuum with ~-raya of Cc 60 in a device described in Hof. 3 (K - 20000) with a dosage of 0.7-0.8 Mrad/h. The increase in thermal stability of the fiber after irradiation was mainly determined by the change in shrinking at 0 different temperatures between 50 and 100 , Besides, the authors investi gated the change in strength and elongation at increased temperatures of not irradiated fibers and of polyethylene fibers irradiated with dif- ferent doses of r-rays. Figs. I and 2 illustrate data on the change in the shrinking degree of polypropylene fibers Irradiated with different doses of [-rays, at increased temperatures Polypropylene with a con- tent in amorphous phase of 10% and a yarn number of 730 was used in the irradiation. Table 1 lists data on the influence of the radiation dose on the change in mechanical properties of polypropylene fiber Card 2/3 ; r. -i -- i . ~ - - )r~ , I-. ., I I - /' 1 e A 60/c, D." c' Thermal Stability of 2iberm ty t~." B02-/P~54 Action of Ionizing Ra.diation Figs. 3 and 4 show the curves of the change !n tv,trin~, atrungth and breaking dilation of irradiated and not Irradiated polyethylene fibers at increased temperatures. The reeults obtained show that the shrinking of polypropylene fiber at increased temperatures is considerably reduced by irradiation with a simultaneous considerable deterioration of the mechanical properties. In the polyethylene fiber, an Irradiation under the conditions mentioned reduces the flowing of the fiber at increased temperatures but cannot reduce the losses of strength at such tempera- tures. This publication is the 15th of the series "Invegtigati3na in the Field of Production of New Types of Synthetic Fibers". There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 4 referencest 3 Soviet and I British ASSOCIATIONs MTI (Moscow Textile Institute) Card 3/3 NECHAYEVA, S. A. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Studies in the field of the production of polypropene fiber." Leningrad, 1961. 14 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Leninvrnl Tex- tile Inst); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, ZZ2) UR/0329/66/000/007/0009/0010 ACCEMION NR. AP5019484 661. 728:678. 542. 32 AUTIM. Shishkina, I. V.; Stromakaya, E. (I.; Nechayeva, S. A. Ora" TITLEt-Mercerizatiow ce SOMME: Bum zhuays promyshlennost', no. 7, 1965t 9-10 TOPIC TAGS.- mercerization, cellulose, paper industry --ABSTRACT:: -The-effect oftemperature~-mercedzattowtime' dcaustic - -4 - oda- on-the c Ition of undried alkaline cellulose (70% moisture oombnq W" studied. orapos The, ineToerization was carried out in 40 win with an 18% NaOH soluttan, MA the amount Of N&OA present In the alkali collulose was determined. It was found that mWer the game Conditions, the amount of alkali fixed by the undried cellulose to somewhat greater than the amount bound by dried cellulose (with a 7% moisture content). The reactivity of undried collulose Is higher than that of dried cellulose during the NaOll treatment. It to postulated- that thib high reactivity Is due to the greater specific surface of undried cellulose, and hene-e to it greater accessibility of the hydroxyl grotips which take part in the reaction. art. has: 3 figures and I table. cc 1 3 7 -8 - t) - I ~ 2 A 3 Trar,slation from Refcrativrivv zriurnal, N1 eta !I u r gi Ya, Nr P 2-1 "'-S.Si~, AUTHORS Kirillov. Ye A.. Necha - A~ TIT1,E Investigation of the Opti(al Mechanics of the AppearlAnki, of a Complex Strutture in the Absorption Spectrurn of Thin Cr~stal L,ayers (Issledovaniye opti( heskogo mekhanizma vavleniva slozlinov struktury v spektre poglosh( heniya tonkikh kristalh- (-heskikh sloyev) PERIODICAL, Nau(hn.yezh(-godnik. Odessk. un-t, 19~6, Odessa. 1'4~7 p 145 ABSTRACT Investigation of the nature of fine'' strut-ture (FS) of the spe(trum of light passing through a thin layer of metal on glass or quartz. The FS could be attributed to the phenomenon of absorption as well as to the phenomenon of light diffusion in the thin layer of dispersed metal. Experiments were carried out with thin layers of Ag on quartz and exposure of photosensi- tive layers. The apparatus permitted increasing or weakening the action of the diffused light. However. FS was ak%ays equally distinct. The results of the experiment corroborate Card I/ I the hypothesis that FS is clue to a(tual absorption I D t iw) N/ e ~ A A V r L; r~ r /~ UCHAYIVA T.A.; KIRILWV, Te.A. ?he optical mechanism of fine structure in the spectrum of thin layers of silver. Zhur.nauch.1 prikl.fot.1 kin. 2 no.6:404-407 N-D 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Hauchno-issladovatel'siciy institut fisiki Odeaskogo gosudaretvennogo univeratteta Im. I.I.Nechnikova. (Silver halides--Spectra) NICHATIVA, T.A. Some features of the absorption spectrum of a ohotochemically colored silver halide. Pratel Od. un. sbir. mol. vchen. un. 148 no-3:57-61 '58 (" 13:3) 1. Nauchnyy rukovoditall - saaluzhannyy deyatell nauki LISSR, prof. Yo. A. Kirilov [LB.A.Kyrylov] (Silver halidef;--Spectra) NESTEROVSKAYA., Ye.A.; JECHAMM, T.A. Problem of the aboorption opectrum of pho toche mica! ly ayed halidea in connection with the nature of the centers forr&,,d ~n them. Zhtur.nauch.l prikl.fot.i kin. 7 no.4-252-256 JI-Ag (I-UFA lr"8) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatel Oak iy inBtitut fiziki Gosudarstvennogo universitata imeni I.I.Mechnikova, Odessa. (Photographic emulsions) (Silver h&lides--Spectra) NECHAYEVA ~.,T-A.; LATYSHEV, A.M.; GONCHAROVA, I.F. -1--- 1 -.- - - - Spectra of light attenuation by small colloidal particles of silver and gold. Zhur. nauch. I prikl. fot. I kin. 9 no.3003-205 My-Je 164. (MIRA 18ill) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy tnatitut fiziki Odesskogo gogu- darstvennogo universiteta i Voroneshokly gosudarstvennyy universitet. Submitted November 18, 1963. - - --------------------------- L 60151-65:,; '-zWT(1)/FCG Po-h/Pi-4 aw 77- UR/ojo7/65/0~0/006,(003,1/0042-- 550.384.32 ALITHOR, AurlatsUa a, S. HechUeva,, T. B. Petrova, G. N. TITLE:, Evaluation,of the wes"tward-drift of the secular path of the inclination and :changes in.the magnetic moment of the earth, from archeamagnetic data iSOURCE: -AN SSSR. Izve6tiya. rizika zemli,,no 6, 1965,.31-42 -TOPIC TAM- --geomagnetism, geomagnetie field, magnetic field measurement presented on.the variation of inclination and intensity o ABSTRACT: New data are f ~,!the geomagnetic field, obtained with the aid of the archeomagnetic method. Results 10f,measurements are presented in tabular form for 21 samples collected in Central ; -ia and ll*samplea colle A. ated in Bulgaria. The results are comparcd with earlier -Idata.:for the Caucausus and Novgorod, and'with,other well-known data, both from do- C .meatio and- foreign sources. A omparison of the rariation of inclination of the geom4petlc field for different points on the earths.surface shows that it ia pos- :Sibbb to study'the westwaW drift using the archeomagnetic method. A comparison of !values of the-intensity of the goomagnetic field at various points on the surface Card 1/2 601521,65 :!ACCESSION YR: AP5018287 __iverxfie~ the~globalcbaracter of the;change in intensity of the magnetic field of 'the earth.:as a:flmetion of time. "For help' in selection of the samples and for ar- their deep thanks to scientists of .cheologictl consultation, the authors express -.Bulgaria: the Director of the Archeological Museum of the City of Varna 14, 1. :mi,rchev, and to coworkers at the Museum: D. 1. Dimitrov, and I. Hodzharov'a,to worK~- 5 -6f7tb4~ Archeological Museum of the City'of $6fta-S. H. Bobthe-V and P_.` G. Gakeva :.and -to collaborator of the Museum of History of- the City"Of'r6fii'M. Mi Stanch e..v-,I. -We also thank the scientific workdrs of the institute Of HIStOL-1 Of Sciences of the UzbSSR: H. S. Grazhdankin, b.' V. Obellchenko, and.architect S. R. " Yure-nev.11 Orig,Iart.,has: 7 figures, 3 tables, I formula. ASSO-CtATTON: Institut fiziki zemli Akademii nauk SSSR (institute of Physics of the Xart"g4deML SUBMITTED: May64 ENCL, 00 SUB CODE: ES ;110 REr Sovi, 069 011TER: -'008 Card V2 ACC NRI AP6027541 SOURCE CODE: UR/0304/66/000/003/0042/0050 AUTHOR: Burlatskaya, S. P. (Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences); Nechayeva, T. B.; Petrova, G. N. (Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences) ORG: none TITLE: What is archaeomagnetism? SOURCE: Zemlya i vselennaya, no. 3, 1966. 42-50 TOPIC TAGS: earth magnetism, magnetization, earth magnetic field, earth core ABSTRACT: n.e authors describe how ancient bricks and other fired clay objects are us- ed to deternine the past intensity of the earth's magnetic field, its direction and in- clination for tho purpose of establishing the structure of the earth's core. Objects made of fired clay have the unusual capacity to retain an "imprint" of the geomagnetic field which was in existence at the time of their firing. This effect is due to fer- ronagnetic minorals which are always contained in clay in some combination. These mine- rals are magnetized in the earth's magnetic field when they are heated in firing fur- naces above the Curie point and then cooled to normal atmospheric temperature. The re-- sidual thermal magnetization formed in this manner is proportional to the intensity of the geomagnetic field and coincides with it In direction. This magnetization is very ,stable and therefore has been retained in ancient ample* almost In Its initial form. ,Orig. art. has: U figures. I ,SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DAM none Card 1/1 ~ CHOGOSHVILI. N.Ye. [deceased). 11ECHATEVA. T. I., ISHCHIMM. Z.G.. kand.aod.nauk, Status of the bone marrow and peripheral blood in radiotherapy of aftlie- nant tumors. I red. 31 no.4:84-86 Jl-Ag 158 (KIRA 11:8) 1. Is radiologichookogo otdole (env. - prof. A.T. Koslova) I Ismatolo- gichookoy laborstorti (sav. - kand.sed.nauk N.Te. Chogoshvill deceased] Oosudaretvonnogo nauchno-inaledovptollekogo Institute rentgonologil I radiologll Kinlaterstva sdravookhranenlya RSFSR (dir. - dots. I.G. Lagunava). (11OPLASKS, tber. radiother.. off. on bone marrow & peripheral blood (Rua)) (RADIOTHERAPY. in various die. cancer, off. on bon* marrow & peripheral blood (Rum)) (BM3 KARROV. off. of radiations on radlother. in cancer (Rue)) (31 M , off. of radiations on radlother. on peripheral blood In cancer (Rue)) &M=yAyp.,, yeovo 04cdm) & I=IAT-VAI T.I* Olook-ra) Wt brittlanow of blood Lmxxwytoo I the o0act of pmtmtbg Umsdiation. Trudy Tsentr. Imt- route. i rad. 1.1 nceld-u 16" 14wpbolqW sud ampUtim of blood in radlogampy at W110MU* neopimm. IbW.W-22 0MU is 1] 1) I ' ' ' a~ .1~ I,' YU DYSF, M.V aki ml~ b -i V ye AA I-!' 'I'll 11 '-1 FOK L ~i ~L, Ye Sj- TT',.. Yi. IV atipm.1), S' :'y I" "I F J-L.' )V tor , iz . -matvm.n;iu~ vrof.; 0 A*Gpr f i 11 L . ru,' . -V L: pr2; F-t .(..; Bj~ Art 11 1 . I"rJ. :' ;,., -111 jv I I ~1 y Eli ". NEE- D Ldol r; Ladl.!~Iav, Audemi~-' J., Y')Zvt'; A v : Y. E14 I jxor. (L'vov); J, V 'i Yu VD3 . L'/ ,it. ; 'k~ ~J. r ,f F iLt- Li :y V .~'A'A I cyqa' I , v 4 'A,-r1l ; 1-1-C lil '-D iV ."~a:xi naull '~ASPIN, p.J., ;i~ademik "Priruda" is ~r Y, art all. P r i rod -.iIri).] ~-I~ ( 1. Frezidpnt J4 (for felu,,O). ~. -I'1rjvny:. rrezidlum;t Ma S!S', or Fpd,rov). itkadem'4~-sc+ret,,r' ito-:4-Ap , I ( r '04 "S"R (for -i. 4,ad-ii-Serrot r-' Otdelenlya Ili: -1;"J6 rJ.' (for Sisakj~r,~. . Z~Ien- korre-pD-dp-it J, 3LER, zanptti*.e1' akaderciia-spvr-a,-:,:~ (continued an -i-)rt NECHAYEVA, Tatlyana Oleg6wm; YEROMEV, I.A., red.; KOVALENNO, V.L., takhn. --- -- - [Studying the tbame OGeograp* of the heavy industry of the U.S.S.R." in the ninth grade of the school for vorking youth] Izuchenie temy "Geografils tiasbelel pronVahlennesti SSSR" v IX klasse shkoly rabo- obei molodeshi. Moskva, Goo. uchabno-podagog. izd-vo M-va proov. RSFSR, 1961. 159 p. (MIRA 14:10) (Industries, Iocation of) AMGILOV, I.I.; NICHATNTAIJ-.I------ Preparation of high-purity lithium fluoride. Trudy IMA no.23S14-18 '59. (KM 13s7) (Idthium fluoride) 6/081/62/000/013/003/054 B156/BI44 AUTi~(,."(S i Belyayov, L. 0,., i~oehuashvili, M. V., Chernyshev, K. 3., Gorshteyn, G. I., Ueohayeva, V._.�j- ,ITLFi ~;rowing crystnIs of lead fluoride and chloride ?ERILDI,ALi Referativnyy zhurnal. Khiniya, no. 13, 1962, 44, Abstract 133252 (5b. "Rost kristallov. -.,. 3". M., AN 5SiR, 1)61, 338 - 341) Tl-.XTt -ry tals of PbF 2 with a diameter of several am are obtained in an 11 1.2atmo6phere using 5tockbnrrer's method. Special measures are taken for complete removal of moisture from the apparatus and rea-ents. In tree crystallization process, Ar was Dassed through the furnace at a pressure of 0.1 atm. Best results were obtained when the crucible vas lowered at a speed of 6 mm/hr. From varioua'crucibles tooted the best were found to be of Fraphite. 5ingle crystals of PbCl 2 were obtained by Obreimov and Shuhnikov's method. The crystals are grown in sealed glass ampoules, which Card 1/2 6, C~jl/62/000/01 5/ -,( 3/'-, A GrowinL7 cryst~tls of lead ... B15a/B144 are lowered into a ceramic tube with a nickel-chrome heating jacket. The best ro~eijlts are obtained when the crucible is lowered at a sp#-(-d of 0.5 mr,/hr and is rotated at 2 r.p.m. Methods for preparing and the startinr materials are described. Curves of optical density of PbCl 2 and PbF2 are obtained whioh agree with published data. IAbstracter's nitet Complete translation.] Card 212 i I :) " - - - ~'. ERT " M j -~ ;./ --'!I I,, P, rl j J D,,"' I ACC NR, AP60216O7 3 OU i C C 'J:VC020/66/168/OOr/'076/j07q AUTHOR: Kordssarova, L. N.; Pokrovskiy, 3. 1.; :!ec hayev a, Moscou StAto University i". X. V. IAmonosov (:!oskovskly gosudarstyannyy u-niver- ~dM& VUh tAtAM '41=ddo -7 tj .1"PrAw NOW $A (Mf **pro tOMA fr-ft 3020 ';VLO2 Aij* - and, 't"Wital ftsjqvss~ by usd%g iso "a *G%twu 00' 'by 14nK. Ni phase &agram a th* N~Stad (up W 50 C2 laoft A4 4" BousUse TiC~ 10BOD Oxyges at high t4orerstwess t G 601 is not t binary, but since the decomosition of TiO2 takes place vwmy alose o the wlting polAt, ,the system may be considered binary. Unstable compounds of the co-noosi-i tion 2SC2 3TIO~ and 3302C~-2TI02 with a distorted fluorite structure are formed in i this ~rystet;* above 1150 and 13500, resneatively, -these compouMs undergo an order-dis- ; order type transformation. Therein 11as the main difference between the system studiS4 jand s1milar phase dlagrams consisting of rare earth oxides and characterized by the formation of the compounds 1"82034MC.> and '/A2C3-TIiO2, having the struoture of pyro- -Owm, Now, 021d0 FA chlors, aM norAQU-4 A%M.UV distorted fluorite resroective4. The, p.&Der was presented byl hl Abadeadd4A SlAtm, 9 (kt 65. Orig. art. hast 3 figures &M 2 tables. d d, Fig. 1. Phase dia- gram of the So? 03- Ti% system COAL & 4 in c3mf '07.///SUEM WEI 243o05/ MM R.E?: 001/ OM WW: ()05 MSR / Human and Animal Physiology (Nomal and Fat~alogicai). T Digoation. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biologlya, No 13, 1958, No. 6o45i Author Leporskly, N. I. ; 11_2~eva, Ye. A. Inst Leningrad San1tarj-Uyg16rffC 101 Ins t I t -'A t"' Titljo Nouro-Humoral 3'timuli Effect on Gnstric 3ocrotir)n Juring Sloop in Pationta with Ulcers Orig Pub Tr- Leningr- gFin.-gigiyon. mod. in-tn, 19-17, 34, 9-66 Ab3tract Gastric socrotion was examined In patients with ulcort3 with a double tubo. The Y-)lume of secretion after the administration of 200 u1. of % alcohol during fj nocturnal sloop was 4.7% higher than during the 4ay, and the maximal mMnitudos of HC1 In nocturnal gastric juice (GJ) voro 33% higher than In the daytime. After treatment with MdAnal and chloral hydrato, the W volume during the oloop In a fasting atomac h decreased, Card 1/2 84 USSR / Human and Animl PhyulaloT Digostlin. I (NorLwil ,,d P-itholo,-;Icn 1) . Abu Jour Rof Zhur - Biologlyn, No 13, 19~8, No. 604',l and tho froo hC1 concentrution in the J lncm,~qrA. Trontmont with NaDr Incroatiod tho nocturnal v(-jluzu,. of GJ and docroaaed tho HCl contunt. In proacribing oodation for pationta with ulcora, It Ij nocoaariry to oxaminu thoir offoct on th(. Ign-atriC 3ocrotion, partIculfirl'y in 3loop thorapy. -- V. A. 3haternikov card 2/2 UDINTS11V. G.N.; ANANIINA, Z.N.-. ANDRMVA. A.G.; BUM. V.B.; GATLAN. Ta.j.; TMGORIKOVA, A.S.; ZUBUITSKIT, Tu.Y.; IVIRA, N.D.: KAY2AZ. 1.T.; KARRO. L.W.; KIROTIVSKATA. Z.Ye.; WHAT317A., Te.A.; P)MM, 3.3. Influenza in 1957 from data of the hospital therape-itic clinic of the Leningrad Institute of Sanittition and E~rgiene. 23 no.10:67-70 0 '59. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Iz gospital'noy torapevtichaskoy kliniki (zaveduyushchiy - chlen- u:orrespondent AM SSSR prof. G.N. Udintsev) Leningradakopo Bxnitrirno- figi.venicheakoeo maditRinekogo institute. (rxFL4mZA statistics) Translation from Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, Nr ~p 5USS k A UTHORS Nechayeva. Ye. A. , Lapidus, E. S. TITLED Photocolorimetric Determination of Phosphoru, i% Rclri, 'or,, Steels (Fotokolorimetricheskoye opredeleniye losfora % zharou- pornykh stalyakh) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhri. o-va chernoy metallurgii. Ulr. resp. pravi. , 1956, Vol 4, pp 108-109. Comments ;) 1 10 ABSTRACT Bibliographt( eTltry. Ref. Rzhklet, 19~t,. Nr to, ~b,,tra, 1 1436 Card 1,; 1 Translation from Referati%,nyy zhurn- I Me*e1iurV,;y4 1 4 -,, ~1 AUTHORS Ne(hayev. Ye.A Shebano-.-i L V TITLE Determination of Iror, :n 1ron Ores and S-i-cr- 10p-rdult-,-, zhele7a % zheleznvkh rud, kh i dgloT-nvr.-- ~.h I PERIODICAL Tr. Neuihno *vkhn o-a ( herrjoy r7nV~-1:1LIrg r 1 1, prd,, 1 19';f) Vol 4 pp .60 1 6 2 CO M ri i - r-, 1) 1) 1f, i t~m ABSTRACT When Us,7oenkci s rytethod 'or de,errn F t, , -- - - id at he laboratory o, Ve plant in.,~vrl~iy wp~ of lilration is no, d- n, * Thus 'he resu:1, 't same sample may 11u( -up~,u Ai-h-n a ronge W 0 there'ore is no uper:or lo the bi(hrorY,,,,v inwhod 'A h termining 'he Fe h~ i1r,,-ng A th s sulki-.on w I ore i-i di s%olved in 15 t ( of HC I ~ spet , I!i gr., the solution is diluted wilh water lo a volume o, 120- 1 ~0 is allowed -o cool 2 ( ( of 10'/. solu-ion of NH4SCN o ru -dot-d it and the resul-ing solution is -:,rated -A 1h a oxide sulfate until the inditalor lo,,vs ;is to:or I Card I/I IT6, 310- Phatoc'016AMDWO deteratization ot phtq P~mo In heal-reslatlas steels. E.'A. Nechnova arm L44us P tall- I method Is suitable for deter inin 1. the presence of Cr. Tho 0%,memelof 3f 1 ( 2 g) U dissolved to 0 JIM and wl f C. fir added and I are the sola. is evaporatz furni'l After the addl. r tion of .40 ml of hot wat r the is filtered, the residue Is washed with hot water aml the fifUatc. diluted to 250 inl. Is boiled and treated %itb B nil of 0.6 per cent CoSO or Co(NOO, scin. and 20 ml of 210 per vxnK (Nff,jA0' "n' 11cating is cuG. tIrj%wd to giv6 a pink colour, d" to* hfuO I which Is desu red by addition of two dtops ol'diL JICI (1 +7). and aq. Nil$ iq added to piecipitite Fe 84 hydtoxido &ad I-,h0spbA!8. 'rhQ PPL is filitt0d Off and after being washvd Is riaxed back Into the original beaker, 'rzaccs of ppt. on t1io paptr are I --dissolved in 2 to 3 ml of hot (111, HCI (I + 1) and wzLibcd into Vic bei)wr. The w1n.-Is evaporated if necestary and 11ilute.4 to 09 tnl In &,calibrated Misk. 'fhe -normal pl for 11 in :T~ watricalotImatric motind steel is then appiled to to ml of this roln. AUTHORS: Nechayeva, Ye.A. , Fz-idiaa,,, M.S. 7/-' TITLE: Correctioa (Fr,,,,rFivka). PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laborator-iya, Vol. Nr 12, (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors refer tc their Nurk shich tas nublished In issue Nr Z of "Zavodskaya Laborntorlya" ('957) )n page 174. In this mork a method for the trilonometric determination of the calcium and magnesium content ii, 11,e magriesites and chroudw.. magnesites mas dc-- scribed. It -was, ho.,,(;ver, negle::ted to meation the disturbing in- fluence of magriesiurn nydrates in the titrntior- of calciWri. The authors here additional1y raention that before aJditior-, of the lye to the solution, the remainder of the titrated "complexon" solution should in this ame be added. Ir. this vrv it is avc-ided that calCiMi might get 1o.3t, in ,~rP7'.~it,-itJon and the condition is -r-vided triat also a loa Ca-cont-ent c.:in -fz deter:.ined ( vith a LX-9'7~ i.-,a,~nes iur.. content.)Thf; time taker, for Ar. Lnr-:'itd out by this meth&~ is 6--6 hours less than in the ::ase ~,f tti3t -hich had Leen previo,'As."Y suggested. AVAILABLE: Library of Congres!, Card 1/1 1. Calcium-Trilonometric ~eterrrination 2. YaTe9iizr-Trilorome1.ric deterviir;,tion So 0 PW a s T W go! Ig. Oft a III oak 1111we peeodoai*o, 4 is & t- - L - A- I - 6 A A t I IT a a a IS lot AW 4!p cleptell 0. 4~1 awe -to Oms.)IM11,13 MMAVIIIIAJI 19309"ITW so" fit elf IC 000 It 00 ge awl W I PJ"IL%jp Sim n"Illn- WqtjOuOW uf J. 00.1 pa-Apv"j-VmLL vN p-,X tq q9M puirsar" qj- vp paw fS in aq ajw w3jaw mjqs iwqi ino pampad sl a I j.PWdJp A&V P) INEWPIRIAD) P) S" 2R] 0) 92)�Pj al C"i rVU"fU jqj r -010111W 'M393 JU 411"3") PUV go. i -myserpArp P- 4i *-14-As pre "Iflusis *Ikj qj Ir Im"Ns"ist p- &"-1 841 --39P - N - (1-01: .114 A 2,040,4M~-:M0 v 'm IDS '11APPIPON *v WOW- 4 ("Oev worn to of 04-1 a00 1- 4" r00 T T r W .7 --ITS .0 'Oat Iwo 00 0 0 0 1 0 a a 0 0 0 IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A A a V I V 1 9 0 reo ~ ;:7,12M, ~o o o a a 0o & o q o 00 00 0 of o ff go* 0 oe**Ooooooo 'ttlil - I b I ***e F % l 0 1" 0 w a lag , " . Ill V III . . " Qk S t m I L I t! 'A a a w cg 4 IF ~ " . . , 00 A [ - oq ego 00 09 ceirealls f"111114 of *"strew* so 44P14 , 44jewtof of -*9 00 the Mi4C* Citimbrian to the Trans-Ample r1*7 ' -00 1 . \,clwva. C,,Wpf FIrad Q,dj -.6 1 H, 4 - 09 1045Wn Pniri4j) A cr,4 h-raplp- 1- 61- 1- 1 00 00 a of 1.00 00 so .00 00 coo 00 so, 0 111 -.00 10 to* Tl,,Ii Wf, u 5 40 400 a 11 if now 1 a Nd a a 0 so Gig 0 see 0009000 0 41 0 0 0 0 o1: so Is4 d" -W 0-010 00 see* so 0 0 4 0 0 C) c j-'r r o ri .;jri .r1, ! Ak '- ( , -~ C( o V51. V F 4 vN 14 1 , :Gdg7z U mna ~Xoaw-; 'Its dw Ooor sub.. dwy P VA ,e low ii,,Wwy~v~fm duo^ in %tea 0 im4 - r-kh =!t~ Ch itputift. 044 Iire=, and lo Awised etA tom"Ifti'ulto aftft ar to, alk- =Porp! gr a a ~ ud..Atic Intercalations art Intimately d. vritb gtanalar la whkh brillvAitt owm atv-vd. WIM pymeu4 aphiltrile,, cbak-opyrite, stpliml, sad dapersed rare earth miatmIx (not defirted;. The Wick anilraditic prut It kuterntIng bo-11 camit of Its coatent of 2.73 .C*)A It -,IM, 4, SAA), And OS4% VA, be rxi 1.27% Pao+. In thh, Mr.-t Cal+ tvWetitly rtptues Cal*; the spectral azzlysia I J shows the prwnee(g Y. Ccjoa, Md. ft, Vb, Sc, On, and ?n.' T)7~e wime -hrithiAlte loim prbanalk Uezagoaal cryguls i 0.1-0-11 turn, in tearb, brbwnisb or gramish yelkm' 7 1, ualaxUl. 4 - 1.774,v- - JIM, often *I I 4~ 4=2 th i4m Anxture aud ruare or lem chmapd to a Me. smIr ujincral Atgrept;. AnAlysk: (Y.Cc)A M.96, ItA 2A). C40 .1 1.61; :Nko 1.5o; Fo% XF11, $A 17~2il, )[10 +OD4; UP -0-30%, wi P. Tim rare taths, Md. by %-(*I spectrography, are Ce 20: La JO; Y 7; M41 M; Pt I - Y Tracts 44 TI, V, Ile, and M Were dA by, Awe I ntrugmph Appinx. tomitga of Litbolife: Categcry: 12j6li A b s _'o, r NO -~I' Aiutric r Arsenyev, A. A. an~.' ';e_-raye-.-a, e. Ins', Ti tie Jome '~eochemicai Pek:7u I- I ar I t'es of ~.he Lcwt-r Pa. e, zi :.)e Along the Riddle Basin of the Vily,,i River (Y&ASSR,' Orig Pub: Dok-1. AV SSSR, 195r, '101 ~", NO ',, _!Dq-~112 Abstract: Ninety-nine spectorscopic analyses haie been made ~)n from a normal stratigraphic section including four formatonz the Ust'kutB],. bed--Sl (dolomAtea, f3andy and c:ayey dult,m' 5ands tones, and conglomerate a); ( 2) the Krivollu to bed --3? 1 mites, sandy-clayey dclomites,and 11-me-sandstone dolomitesi; (-4) the Melk bed--SVI-S! (limestones, dolomitic limestones, an' sandstone dolomilesi, Ld (') the *1' bed__S2 ~rrar:s. k 5 clayey limestones, and Fb and Ga are ~0'.= _n :-ea. concentrations Lhrough"t the se-ct-=; the fc!.1cw'_n6 elemen_s 'we- found in greater concentrat.orB 1r. Ire varous aeds: Card 1. 2 --)C,- "a A L:; und z;r,- 2) anc 'f L LA, an: ,,(,Le(J that Lhe J,r~',r ji Lix ratograph' ind. ceii fir" n, t the a :t -i ~,o, nd tr, play an rttint -,ar--~ n ~n- ns . 3(5), 15(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/1644 Ginzbwg, A.I., Ye.A. Nechereve, yu.B. lAvremev, and L.K. Po&bAwltskV& Geologiya aestorozhdenly rodkikh elementov. vyp. 1: Redkmet&llrne k&Aonatity (Geoloa of Rare Element Deposit&. no. 1: Ram Metal Cwtonatltes) Moscov, Goagooltakhlzdat, 1958. 126 p. 5,000 copies printed. SPonsoring Agency: VsesqymzrWy muchno-iseledovatellskly institut miners.11nogo, syrlya Ede.., A.I. Ginzburg, and S.V. Orchinnikova; Tech. Ed.: T.A. Averklyeva; Editorial Board: A.I. Ginzburg (Chaimm), 1.1. Malyshey, G.G. Rodionov, F.P. rMatov, N.,A. Kruahchov, Yu.t. Chemosvitow, I.V. Shomenkov, M. Shcherbina, and N.A.EMIes. PURPOSEI This booklet Is intended primarily ror geologists. It may, however, because or its non-technical nature be of interest to the gewral reader. COVERAGE: The introductory chapters of this booklet give a short history of the explo- ration and study of carbonatities. Approximately half of the contents are devoted to a description or the geological and geochestical properties of acne ram ainerals, mainly niobim. These descriptions are aided by the use of tables and charts. The second half of the book gives a physical description and the geogra*lcal local tion of a=* of the well immn deposits or the vorld. There am 131 references of vhich 16 an Soviet. Card 1/2 Geology of Ham Element Deposits. SUV/1644 TABIZ OF C Fran the Editor Foreword The Geological, Kineralogical md Geochmical Characteristics of Carbonite Deposits (L.K. Pozhafttskas, and A.I. Glusburg) A Brief Description of Won-Soviet Caftouatlte Depcolts Carbonatite deposits of Europe Deposits of Alno Islmd (Ye.A. Nechoyeva) Deposits of the Fen Region (Yu.B. lAvrenev) Carbonatite deposits of Africa (L.K. Poxharitsksam) Caftonatite deposits of America (L.K. Pollharltskays) Basic Characteristics of the Alkaline Group of Kinerals (Te.A. Mechayev%) Bibliography (D.B. Tegorov) AVAIIABLE: Libraz7 of Congress Card 2/2 NK/hcr 5-,11-59 5(2) AUTHORSo Nechayeva, Ye. A., Lapidus, E. S. SOV/32-25-5-5/56 TITLEx Complexometric Determination of the Sum of Titanium and Aluminum in ClV and Chamotte (Kompleksometricheskoye opredeleniye sumay titans, i alyuminiya v glinakh ! Bhamotakh) PERIODICALs Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 5, pP 544-545 (USSR) ABSTRACTo An accelerated trilonometric method, in which a prior separation of silicic acid is no more required, was worked out for the determination of the sum TiO 2 - Al 203in clay and chamotte. Publications give the descrilt on of several variants of volumetric determinations of Fe, Al and Ti, on the basis of complex compounds forming with Trilon B at PH - 5 - 6.7. In this connection, excess Trilon B is titrated with zinc acetate, and the amount of Trilon B required fcr the complex formation is thus determined. The end of titration is determined by an oxidation of benzidine with potassium ferricyanide under formation of benzidine blue. Alkaline-earth metals do not react with Card 1/2 Trilon B at PH a 5 - 6.7, while the addition of sodium Complexometric Determination of the Sum of Titanium SC7/32-2 Ir -7 - 5/51, and Aluminum in Clay and Chamotte fluoride to the solution of Fe-, Al- and TI complexes effects the precipitation of the two last mentioned substances. The Trilon B amount freed in this connection is equivalent as to the content of Al and Ti, and may be titrated with zinc acetate. The method was tested on salt solutions of the abovementioned metals (Table 1). When determining the sum Al 2 03 + TIO2 in chamotte the results obtained are somewhat lower, but still within admissible error limits, as may be seen from the analytical reslilts given for a few such samples (Table 2,. Moreover, mcre than 50 clay and chamotte samples supplied evidence of the greater accuracy of the analytical method described, as compared with the gravioetric method according to GOST. The course of the analysis is described. There are 2 tables and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONj Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheakiy zavod im. Petrovskogo (Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Works imeni Petrovskiy) Card 212 SHETNUM, Yu.M.; APELITSIN, F.R.;_NBCHAYEVA, Ye.A,; GINZBURG, A.I., red.; HLLYSHEV, I.I., red.; POLYAKUT,- N.V., red.j RODIONOV, G.G., red.; STEPANOVt I.S., red.; TROKHACHEV, P.A., red.; FAGUTOV, V.P., red.; KHRUSHCHOV, N.A., red.; CHERNOSVITOV, Yu.L., red.; SHM&NENKOV, I.V., red.; SHCHERBINA, V.V., red.; EYGELES, M.A., red.; ROZHKOVA, L.G., red.izd-va; BYKOVA, V.V., [Alk-line Intrusions their distribution, aad the mineralization associated with theml Shchelochnye intruzii, ikh ra-shchenie i eviaswumia a aiml mineralizatelia. Moskva, Goa.nauchno-tekhn. iad-vo lit-ry po geol.i okhrane nedr, 1961. 176 p. (Geologiia mestorozhdenii redkikh elementov, no.12/13). (MIRA 15:8) (Rocks, I6neous) (ore deposits) A,~j7R,VISEN, N.F., a karlemik, red.; N-.~ H AY~ll A, Ye.G. , red. t ~ ru bl er.!: o f ve ter i nar-j ny ~~ 4 a ne F:anitari i . ! (mi red. ji., v D ~ K-v a v,-- "Kc,los," ""i.. 31t, i. Voosoyanava axacienlyit ,eni V, I -4,riina rA, zyaystvenny~h nauk lr.end If.r . BORSUK, ii.A., red. (Mrsi-va); &CHkJ';, Y,4.:,. r-d. A.S. r--d. YiZ A.Li., I'A MAWEEVEN , B.S., re4,j 1--O[jDUi'-'NAYA-",CL','jl, V.A., re'i PQ'1~2,KINA, B.A., red.; D.A., red.; NECHAYEVA, Yo.G., r~-'!. (Fr~-.blems in mciern emcu"Iupy, F- tjemy logi i . Mc, ~;kva, I 7d-vo M( .-k . UTI'l A 3A~AIN, N. Y,j . ; 1].,' -1 :y,~-*,, ?, i , . .. I . ~ ".. ; .. . . . . . -, ... - . -,. 1 1. ~ 1. 1 1 , . . , '. , . , p I . . ; - .. .". : -. 1. j--' .1 V * -. . 11 , rip , , st ,,4 '. -f -_ : - , .. ,- , . ;, . - , I I .- , - '; I , - . . . - a h 1! * . ,rlf- -JA I - ~ ~K , , " 1. 1. : . -4 - - I. ..1 1 , .. . 1 .1 Ew s 4 Pr4j I's Pt P -4/ -7 ACULGION RR: AP5015562 uR/o286/65/O%/Oo8/0iiq/Vjq 666.189.211 M'76 11 ~ S) 1, ol' nt~., -Y, P. K j ~)iYa- JA__:_; Polik B M.i Karakhanidi, N. G. i I vano j len kin. A. T-4 HMovs, N, M.. Sinalov. D. P.J Shc -_ I - - M I r __R , jYefimovit, M. I-j Nechayevs, YtAL& Yest_41n& I V -1,1L, rt j,-J,j Dayn -1 Novoyevskeya, Ye. A.1 K4i 64". -1 -L ; Yo. 'Ii_.1".hov' V. N. i Gn-mun, L. 0. TITLF: Glass for ginno fibers. Class 32, No. 170369 SOMICE: Dyulleten' izobretenly I tovarnykh znakov. no. B. 1965. 119 TOPIC TAGG: glass. g1nas fiber AWTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a glass suitable for making glama fibers. To Increnae chem1cal durability% to prevent corrosion of aucys of a.l=dnum and other light metals$ and to Improve processabilAty, the glass to for- mulnted to containi 58-631 Si02 '2-4% B203. 6-8% Al,o,. 0.5-1-50 Fj0j, "% ZrOZ, 6-8% C&O, 12-13% N&2O, and 1-5-2% K20- IBM) ASSOCIATIONs none Card NICE[AYNYA. YO.T. .1 houdo-lues populosa. Test.ves. L dorm. no.4:57 JI-Ag 15U. (KMA 7:8) 1. In Roopubllkanskogo nanchno-ionlodowatellskogo koshno-yonorologi- chookogo lastituta Ninisterstva sdravookhromenlya RSFSR (TRIGROMLASIS) (TMnff3AL DISMSS) SHTE)DILUKHT, L.A.; NECHAYEVA, Te.T. Complications caused by *-he po antibiot. 13383-386 '58. (ANTIBIOTICS) use of antibiotics. (ALLERGY) -ksF. i klin. issl. (AURA 15:5) DONET-11, A.A.; ZIMINA, A.M.; FALININ, F.P.; LAYTIONOVA, P.I.: IN;.., ~J.I.; KYASISPCFE71A, Yp.l.; 'JECHAYEVA, Yu.A.; , .:.; V.A.; RYNDIN, A A . ; SkUCPFTif, Y-u .-G . ; STRC fh7w, , f~ P . ; 71-1L t - *; , P . J.I [deceased]; FRFYY,114, Z.G.: SIIESTA,-OV, V.11i. NikOl2i Nikolapvich Baranskit's 80t~ t~irthday. Gpov. v F~k-)lf, 24 no.11:7-P Jl-As7 '(1. ~ "I RA '. i: (Baranskii, Nikola- Nikilapvic~, '8P-1) ABRAMOVICHO YU.M.; NECHAYEV, Yu. A. Iktive copper in Upper Permian sediments of the Ural Mountain region In Perm Province. Min. abor. no.16s416-418 162. (KIRA 16:10) 1. Gosudarstyennyy universitet Imeni A.M. Gor1kogo, Perm' I Permskiy geologorazvedochnyy treat. (Perm PS ,ovince-Copper ores) I