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Device for Autom;.tic Flame :,xtiii~,ydshjn- Durin,, Flashback
flashback. T, c i~iciiin ~. Yu. Ni -heyev participate ' irl
the ~;tudy. Therc xe -- diag;-ams, I table a;., -- grap..s.
Card 2/2
RICHATIV. !.D., imnd.tektm.n&uk
InvestigatIng the balanced-pressure cutting torch. ?rudy
TNIIAvtogen no-7:87-103 160. (KUU 13: 7)
(Gas welding and cuttlW-Aquipment and supplies)
1~ MXMTEV, V.D., kand.tekhn.nauk
Oxyacetylene burnere with external mizin of gues. Svar. proizv.
no.1822-24 Ja 161. (M-IRA 1411)
1. Voeaoyuznyy naucyno-isolodavatellakiy Inotitut artogennoy obrabotki
(Gas welding and cutting-Fquipment and oupplies)
KECHA1TV V,D -kand.tekhn.nauk
Linear beating burners operating on premixed,, acetylene-
substitute., gaves. Svaz-. proizv. no.7:28-31 J, 16le
(MIRA 34:6)
1. Voesoyusnyy nauchno-losledovatellskiy institut avtogennoy
obrabotki metallov.
(Gas welding and cutting-Equipment and supplies)
AUTHOR: Nechayev, V. D., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLEi New equipment with gas mixing In the nozzle
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodatvo, no. 12, 1961, 24-26
TEXT: To develop new torches with internal gas mixing. or gas mixing in
the outlet nozzle, for operation on all gas fuels and all types of gas flame
treatment of metals, including gas welding, the author studied basic structural
parameters, and thermophysical properties of the flame. The following optimum
parameters were establishedt diameter of the outlet nozzle 1.2 - 1.5 mm; length
of outlet nozzle I - (8-10) dlength of the dosage channels: 3 - 4 diameters;
distance between the dosage channels (2 - 4) d; longitudinal distance between
the nozzle burners (2-5 - 3) d. The thermophysical properties of the flame for
torches with internal gas mixing are the same as for conventiona.1 torches. As a
result of the experimental investigation the following experimental torches were
designedi 1) single-flame welding torch, not recommended for industrial use;
2) multi-flame netted preheating torch; 3) cutting torch for separating oxygen
cutting of steel, which is only suitable for particular cases when the stability
Card 112
VECHAYEV, V.D., kand, tekhn. nauk
Pbthods of calculating equal-preasure type torches. 5var.
proizv. no.601-34 Je 163. (MIRA 16:12/
1, Voeooyuznyy nauchno-inaledovateliskly inatitut avtogennoy
obrabotid wtallov.
NECHAYFV, V.D., kand. tekhn. nauk
Calculating proportioning channels and nozzles for the f1ane
cutting equipment operating on acetylene and substitute gases.
Trudy VNIIAvtogen no.9-.33-56 163. (MIRA 16:12)
--, ~' ,-A
t,L~,HAYEVT_~~4,1&-~Arxls tekhne rvaux
Prof wis-butan&-ox7gan GZU-2-62 knd QZM,2-~2 we-C'rq tarcl'es.
Svoirs proizv* no*3129-31 Mr 164. !:,"--;.A 1FI4
1. If-,%moyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatallakly lwtit*L;t avLriger.n( t
obrabr,tki mfgtailov,
IIEClig , D.
_U,-:L -, kan,;.tekhn.nau~
Us ing a -,roT-ftre-bu *-qnt-i - ty ll,onf, -. - .-., fGr cl
met4tis. S,;rtr.iro!zv. no.l.:11-33 A ' , .'. .
, "~ ~,,A '. F : '. )
~ . V3e r.(rrlz nyy nau: i v , lo - vst ,. , I , 4.v ~ ns I,.' ', , *- ;t ' v- f. 0y
onrfl~)O*-~l ~met-al'lov.
kand. tekhn. nauk, red.
[Using acetylene substitute gases for flame metalworking.1
Primenenie gazov-zamenitelei atsetAlena pri gazoplamennoll
obrabotke metallov. Moskva, Mashinostroonle, 1964. 150p.
(Moscow. Vsesoluznyi nauchno-isnledovatellskii Inotitut avto-
gennoi obrabotke metallov. Spravochnye materialy po gazopla-
mennol obrabotke metallov, no.23). (MIRA 17:9)
NTCHAYEV, V. D. , k,. nd. te J--r . rai i,.
. , - 71
Inver, t -,A*, ni, , 'L-P + a --. f- ~ .. d'. . : . - . e !,:~ - . - . :e - , :-~- -
NOZZ le T ', . n g 1, . ?ri-d-,- j!iAv!-t;er. .., . .1, : -, I
(MIRA 17:1C)
Ir--CIIAYEVI V.D., kand. tokhn. %aul'
--- .. I
The :AG-:-63 gran 7i~ -r fc:- gas--- e ~-' - r~g af~~ " --
of metals. 3var. Zv. r~( . ):4-'-" - 1 1-,., 1 P: .
1. V!3e~Scly~UZTIYY MI.- IF/-V llns*.~ -,-*, ~
,mush I nostroyen'. y7t.
WCHAYE"is, V.D., land. tekhn. nauk
Investigating the officiency of using a propane-butane-
acetylene mixture for the flaw machining of metals. Trudy
V N1 IAVTOG.7, NAAS If no.12:146-175 165. (M111" ls:ll)
Vasiliy Petrovich; -i-IMIYEV, Gennadiy Andreyevich;
FIIATOV, VikJaail Ilikoleyevich; SAFOYHI!,, Mikhail S=sonovich;
GUIDBT-iG, L-,onid Abrainovich; Yariya Yladirl.-ovria;
HUME'., Vadim Ivar.Qvich; KOLCILUOV, 7'.tali7 Dr-ltriyrrvic~.;
--dE=T70V-,-YO-v eniy Aleknandrovich; GbW'-a.IY, Ivan Yefirovich;
KCRADM', A.A., otv. rod.; ABUMGV, V.I., red. izd-va;
FROZO-OVSKAYA, '~ L, tekhn. red.
tAutomation in the corl rinin imiustry AvtciatizatEiin v
ugol I no i P.-oi , shl(tnnosti. [ b~ V. F.Ylurav I !v i dr. 14oskvt,,
Cos ortekhizont, 1962. 258 P. (MlhA lc:10)
~Coal "Tinev azid mining) (Automntion)
UM)IPAthemstlcs -- Number Theory Jan 49
"Upresentation of Integral Numbers as a Sum of
Pictorial Terms of the Form 4 1
V. 1. Nechayev, 4 pp
"Dok Ak Nauk .1 Vol =0 NO 2
Generalizes Vin--gradov-s solution forf (X)=3[U
extending it to any nth degree polynomial.
Vinogradov found G(in) to be lose than 3n log n
4 lln, vhore G(f) denotes the least r so that
there exIsts a aertain c for u-hlnb any integer
N greater than, or equal to, I- "M . I expressed
1.4 the form X=Auli ......+ Sly ..........P
--4w- 4j. '
Mr are > 0, who" d Is the greatest common
c&1vIso-- of the quantitism f(x).
ternihied with a-, poisriibl~ eirtir '~i
wNelter, -j r.:-W."esproblawforpolynazilab. Trudy- ninnVA-r Pgfj
A.i ~_t
pp, 19=r"" Mal, Akad
dclincd bY Congruentikil considerations. Ixt e(f, f,#j (jerjoic
Nauk 1951, (Russian) ','0 ruIjlv!;- the least F for which (ilk, C
III this ntGnograph Vinogradov's tnethodo and restOts, - - +d-'f(x,) (ni(A M
(inchiding, his estisnate for Weyl sums) are apjAied to is fioluble for every integer N
Let d' Im- ,h
it r' F
,'Waring'ti prubltm (,)r polynomials. Let J(x) be a poly
h .
then re i4 th~ Rremc,, vat,,, of e(f. po) for aft p6mv j
~'Is' T
11nolial of degrC41 is with integral COCIEC'e
. p
of d' (ind all 1)(35itive- irltcgrrs 0. inequalities for C(f) Wh
sorl, A riol~rnontial is derined to be the greati.,st integer
ides all atuts of f(s) %rising (mm integral x, Let
xh;ch divi v. I '11
P'4(f) (**)17,
EtZ--061: !ft -,'AC14MS. Wq- Ip "T--
"q, = tIZ106
& T
4 "m V JO." V
-md AxwL*:Imp AvadoA mp Ipt^ A IMM
immuAlod, mp
iot ptre
BUKHSHTAB, A.A., prof. *. DITSW, A~P., dote.; UCHAM, T-I,, dote.;
KRXY3. 1.G.. takhn. red.
(Programs of pedagogical institutes; advanced algebra] ProgramW
pedagoglohemkikh institutov; vysshaia algebra. Moskva. Goo. uchobno-
pedagog. izd--yo M-ya prosy. RSM, 1957. 6 p. (KIM 11:9)
1. Rmesta, (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glaynoye uprawleniye yysshikh I
arednikh pedagogichookikh uohobnykh savedonly.
(Algebr%--Stu4y and teaching)
Measures for raising the level of the pret)aratlon of students In
mathematics. Met. v shkole no.6:77-82 N-D '59. (MIRA 13:3 )
(Mathemstics-Study and teaching)
MIKHEILVICH, Sheftell Khenekhovich; ANDRCNOV, I.K., prof.,retsenzent;
BIJKHSHTAV A A prof. reteenzent; JiFCHAYEVV.1.,dots.,ret6enzent;
TAL1SKIY,6.i.',9d.. KRDKHOVAPS.S.-P--fS-k-h~-.Fqi&.
(Theory of numbers] Toorita chisel. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo
"Vysshaia shkola," 1962. 259 p. (MIRA l6t7)
(Numbers, Theory of)
Group of nonsingular matrices over a finite field, and
recurrent sequences. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.2:275-277 S 163.
(MIRA 161ll)
1. Predstavleno akademikom I.M. Vinogradovyn.
Independent systems of "xirmB letarmining integers. T7h. 7~aP-
MGPI no.188sl25-130 162. (MIRA lt,,:'-o)
(Numbers, Theory of) (A-XiOMS)
Exact value of G(f, a) for sequences of poly-nomials of the 2d
degree. Uch. zap. MGPI no.188sl3l-138 162. (KIRA 16:9)
r I
or. I,ij r o r 'at
Kn f i)il ru + P, 7-
Distribution of non-residues and primitive roots in recursive
sequences over a field of algebraic numbers. Unp. mat. nauk
20 no.3:1TI-203 My-Je 165- (MIRA 18s6)
Lo W.;.#V44~4
ACC Nit- AR6033777 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/007/GO14/GO14
1AUTHOR: Kunin. F ; Nechayev . 1. r3
TITLE: Relationship between current and reaction in point discharge
SOURCE: Re(. zh. Fizika, Abs. 7G106
REF SOURCE: Tr. Chelyab. in-ta mekhaniz. i elektrifik. a. kh., vyp. 22. 1965,
TOPIC TAGS: ionized gas,, current. reactive force, point discharge space. ionized
gas now, electric current, twist angle, momentum
ABSTRACT:,~,A study was made of the reactive force as a function of current in a
point discharg in gas. A pair of points was mounted on a rigidly fixed axis and the
angle of twist produced by the reactive force of the momentum was measured. The
experiments were conducted by varying the pressure, the type of gas used. the
intensity, and the geometric configuration of the points. The relationship between
the reactive force and the current in all cases was found to be close to linear. The
ratio was found to depend on the conditions of the experiment: according to the
authors. this relatiowhip may be qualitatively explained within the framework of thel
L 09384-67
ACC Nits ARS033777
simple model of ionized gas tkow in a discharge space. A. Kadynow. [Trowlation,
of a1betract)
Cmd 2 2
Unimprovable e0timate of trigorome-i- su=a rcr rec-,rs~'V-
functions with nonconstant coerficients. Dokl. Ali :;~."P . :, -
520-522 J& 164. (141RA 17-4
1. Matematicheskiy Institut im. V.A. SLeklova Ali S,~SR.
Predstavlano Oademikom I.M.Vinogradovym.
l C, Vi c zeT LY A-
-,ekhr.. nilut",
SOV 124-;-, 1- W!
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika. 1957, Nr ii, p 122 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Nechayev, V. K.
TITLE: On the "Rigid" and "Elastic" Nonuniformity of the Rotation of a Crank-
shaft (0 "zhestkoy" i "uprugoy" neravnomernosti * rashchen!va
kolenchatogo vala)
PERIODICAL: Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, 1954, Vol 75, pp 25 ~- 264
ABSTRACT: A study is conducted on the forced torsional oscillations of an engine
shaft under the action of an external sinusoidal torque Ynoment where.n
the "rigid" oscillations corresponding to the motions of the whole
system as a unit are set apart. Similar oscillations would take place
with absolute torsional rigidity of the shaft. The oscillations indicated
represent the so-called zero solution wh;ch occurs during the
ordinary investigation of torsional oscillations of free, i- e. , rion
fastened systems.
F. M_ Dinientberg
Card 1/1
SOV/ I Z-1-r,8-7-Hl1)7
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika. 195~, Nr 7, P 12Z (~:SSR)
AUTHOR Nechayev, V,K.
TITLE On the Relationships of the Forsional-vibration Darliping
Chara( teristics to Certain of the Parameters of an Engine
Installation(O -svyazyakh kharakteristik zatukhaniya krutil -
nykh kolebaniy s nekotorymi parametrami rnotornoy ustano,,~,)
PERIODICAL: Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, 19')7, Vol 85, pp 20- i'~
ABSTRACT The problem of the reduced damping coefficients of the
shafts of internal-combustion engines is discussed. Taken into
account are the viscous resistance of the mechanisms of each
of the engine cylinders and the hysteresis of the shaft material.
The area of the hysteresis loop is assumed to be proportional to
a certain power of the amplitude of the vibrations, the import-
ance of designating the correct exponent is noted.
Ya.G. Panovko
Interna. r, eng*res Sha_s Dra
Card 1/1
SOV 124-58-7-8190
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mckhanika, 1958. Nr 7 pp IZZ' (USSR)
AUTHOR: Nechayev, V. K.
TIT LE: On Some of the Peculiarities of Resonant Torsional Vibrations in the
Shafts of Engine Installations (0 nekotorykh osobennostyakh rezonans-
nykh krutil'nykh kolebaniy valov motornykh ustanovok)
PERIODICAL: Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. Ln-ta, 1957, Vol 85, pp 16-48
ABSTRACT: The point is stressed that during the action of perturbation moments
on the shaft of an internal-combustion engine the elastic torsional
vibrations in the shaft are accompanied by "rigid" vibrations on the
part of the shaft in its capacity as a solid body. The author states
that these rigid vibrations must be taken into account in the interpre-
tations of experimental "torSLograms" depicting the total vibration
process. He points out that disregarding these rigid vibrations can
cause sizable errors in the estimates arrived at, based on the torsio-
grams, of the amount of damping required. Included are examples of
simplified diagrams showing up the importance of allowing for the
rigid vibrations.
Card I /I Ya. G. Panovko
1. Shafts - -Vibration 2. Internal combustion engines- - Design
Using the method of changeable flywheels in analysing da=ping
forces in motor units. Izv.TPI 85:55-60 '57. (MIRA 10:12)
(Shafts and shafting-Vibration)
124-58-9 10~~l
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanikj 1958 Nr I ~ 8 t USSR I
AUTHORS: Nechaye% V K. Bolgov, A T
TITLE: On the Determination of Energy Losses n. Shaft, Due lo H-,stvreis
(K opredeleniyu Risterezisnykh poter energii ~
PERIODICAL: lz%, Tomskogo politekhn. in ta, 1957 Vol 8'~ pp 61 68
ABSTRACT: The methodology proposed is based on in analv~,-; ot , Jiro
grams'', recorded with the aid of inductive transdu(ers (it f ree
vibrations. The vibrations were excited by a pair ot ele(tro-
magnets which acted upon protuberances an a flywhee) riu~-perided
to the lowe r ext remity of a shaf t, the uppe r end of wh i ( h had bee n
rigidly clamped. The electromagnets received their power from
a synchronous A-C generator In determining the hvsferesis- lo~,;
parameters s and q the authors based their reasoning on the
following exprcs,,ion for the elementary "hysteresis work d Ah
done in an elementary volume:
dAh Tcl d V
Card I /Z
124 - 58 () 105 ~ I
On the Determination of Energ,, Losses in Shdft,, Due tc, Hv,teres.s
where C is the value of the arnpl,lude ol the sheiring slrv,,~ 11 the g~ (.n olume
element dV.
G S P.sarct,.k(,
, - ~',hn Per fcrm,,.in(-e1 7:. 1. H
Card 2/2
Nt. WHAT I&A, A.
Characteristics of ball governors. Izv.TPI 85:83-88 157.
(MnU 10: 12)
(Governors (Machinery))
11,z C1 W. " /Z-7L
111CHATIV.- V..-K. -
Problems of resistances in controllinr diesel enginen. 1zv.7FI
85t89-92 '57. (MIRA 10:12)
(Diesel enrine)
Accy-SSION Nji: A134041559 S/0274/64/000/004/B005/11005
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Radlotekhnika I clektroavyazl. Svodny*y tom, Aba. 41323
AUTHOR: Nechayev, V. K.
TITIJ,~ Use of directional frequency-tuned microphones for inveEltigation of
enrin,- noiHe
CITED SOUPCE, Izv. Tornskogo pollLivkhn. in-ta, v, 107, 1963, 100-10")
)III(' TA(;S: ITI ici-ophorw, diro-ctional fi-qm-ricy tuned microphonv. rngmr noinf,
~nvcstif,,atlon, noiHv spectrum
i'li A NS [ATI ON: Expurimental invi,stigrationH (at Tomsk PolytrChnic fnstit'ItO
(,' nowinuss created by n divael vniline show that in spe(trurn of noisr, 0wri, arl,
d-finite peaks, position of which an spectrograms remainn constant under all
speed and load conditions. These peaks are the result of forced oscillations
of some units of engine. For detecting of sources of acoustic peaks there is
Card 1/2
used a receiving -amplifying device. tube -microphone. The installinr, on the
microphone, of a cylindrical tube -microphone. The installing, on thf, mlrrophon-,
of a cylindrical tube-cape, the internril surface of which is rovvred by a highly
absorbent material, increases the dirf~ctivitv of microphone. For tuning of tubc-
cap to given frequency it Is necessary to change its length. Changing angle
of directivity of axis of microphone and taking reading of indicator 4 output,
it is possible to construct a graph from which is determined the location of
principle source of sonic oscillations in enjiine. There is given a description
and diagram of tube -microphone, Eight illustrations.
Card 2/2
IVANOV, Alokeaudr Ivanovichl KRIVORUCHENKOp VlMimir Vladimirovich;
ILIICHEV, Vasilly Andreyevich; WZHXO, I.S.,, retoenzent;
3=BAIZt,JL.x, retsenzent; IRTEGOV, U.N., retsenzent;
TAYTS, A.Yu., red.; ARKHAI[GEL'SKATA, H.S., red. izd-va;
DOBUZE114SKANA, L.V., tekhn.redo
(Electrolytic production of magnesium] Proizvodstvo mag-
niia elektrolizom. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekbn. iad-vo lit-
ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgil, 1962. 254 p.
(MIU 15:2)
FftrBrLr-!Vv V.F.; MPAM, V.M.
------ - --.1, -
Fixing ths nimber of rvomnios on duty# Ymbinostroitell no.6t
40-41 Js 165. (MIRA 180)
ACC NR; AF7005632 SOIMCE CODE: UR/01,13/67/000/002/(,(,~',A,/Do~,6
11NVKT;T1 1)[i :Baymakov, Yu. V. ; Loebedev, 0. A. ; TataXin, A. N. -, Nechayev. V. V_
P3)risty-uk, G. P.
ORG: None
TITLE: A method for complex reprocesoing of magnesium alloy rrrap anci witwe. rLS 6
40, No. 190573 the Sollkamnk Magnenium Plant (Solikanskiy mllw ri ~Yfl-'-Ty
(announced by t
SOURCE: Izobreterilya, promyshlenny-ye obiaztry, tovarny-ye znaki, no.
TOPIC TAGS: magnesium alloy, electrolytic refining
ABSTRACT: This Author'5 Certificate introducer: 1. A method for c(~mj io/. r-1 r --rning
of magnesium alloy [;crnp and waifte. The pr,.cv6wr(,- involves sorting, romo,, I
standa.rd alloys, remelting in ralt bathG, vlectrolytic refining Tirol vw- -fr, it- M:t! 0'r-
T t7
ihe quality of the resultant maFnesium alloys is improved y uzirq, ,t 4irl
secondary metal ubta.ned from the salt baths for the ckutrge in L;melt :r.~,.
nesium alloyr and subj,_-cting a part or this ,secondary mvtlli t- "-.j:
the three-layer nif-thchJ witr, Butsequent extraction. 7riv Filroll,'! n-1-jx! ti
Icuum sublimation. 2. A modification of thiij Method ~n which '.ne
.residue is used as an aluminwD-copper baue for making aluminum idlrrfo whi'le *Jw -~r,deri-
sate (magnesium-zinc) is used for making an anode alloy.
SUB CODE: Il/ SUB14 DATE: 03Jul6h
1 UDC:
IMCH.AYEV. V.N. (Irbabarovsk)
Operating steam locomotives an longer hauls. thel.-der.tran6p.
41 no.9:73-74 5 '59- WRA 11.2)
1. Glavnyy inshener slushby lokomotirnogo JKhozyftyqtv& Dall-
nevostochnoy dorogi.
J~L'- 3.
oil El a:21
o -
01- lit.
toll -
V 3
$3 1.1
v oil
A '-N
1, sit
1i f
01 t.-I ~.j
Operation of a blast furance with the use of mazut. Vatallurg
8 no.7t8-9 Jl 163. (MIERA 16t8)
1. Chusovskoy metallurgicheakly zavod.
(Blast furnaces) (mazut)
Determining bacterial concentration by the fluorescent method.
Zhur. milcrobiol. epid. i immun 28 no-2:59-63 F 157 (KLRA 10:4)
1. 1z kafedV fialki i mikrobiolopli Chitinsicogo meditsinaltogo
(BACTIRIA, determ.
concentration determ. by luminescent method)
luminescent method in determ. of bact. concentration)
, E : :; , ; - 11 -
~.q : c ~ . i . t-,e-* ~), - i v-tr - ,, ' ; * ~ - - ~ ', - - - " ": ' , I . I I I ~
- '. -- '. r - . I z ~ - o') - - - . r
S? , : - . . - . - .I I
tv~L- c 'Yi9y"4 ~-' V V.
OCKAYST, V,Y.; PRIX, A.O., rodaktor.
--- ------
[Blectrical equipment for river boats] Blektrooboradoyanis recluVich
sudov. 2.1&d. LKosk-wal Vodtransisdat, 1953. 283 P. (MMA 7-4)
(Blectricity on ships)
Shipboard Electrical Equipment (Sudovoye Elektrooborudovaniye). River Transport
Press (RechIzdat). Moscow 1954. 264 pp. IUustr. Review questions at the end of
each chapter.
Book D 198267, 24 Jan 55
INCHATIV Tyacheslav Vasillyevich; 3EMOVA, N.M.. redaktor; YRIK, A.O.,
retwenzent; XHOVTA.XOV. N.V.. r*t nt.
redaktor; genze
TOLKOVA, Te.D.. tekhnicheskiy redALktor.
(Ship's electrical equipment; with the principles of electrical
engineering] 3udovos alektroobomdovanis; a oanoyami elektrotekh-
alki. Moskva, Izd-vo, "Rachnol transport," 1954. 263 p. [Microfilm]
(KI-RA 8 - 2 )
(Ilectricity on ships) (Ilectric engineering)
SUKHOW. Dultriy Konstantinovich; RICUM, W.V., retsensent; KONSUNTINOV,
T.P., retsenzent; TIYUNO'. rsdikktot; CAN. ?.M.. redairtor
Isdatel'stra; KWMATA, A.K., takhaicheskly rodaktor
(Alectric ensineering and telecommunication] Alsictrotekhnilm I
elektrosvias'. Isd. 2-os, dop. i Ispr. Koskva, Isd-vo dUchnot
transparrt,f 1956. 466 p. (KIRA 9:8)
(Blectric engineering) (Telecomunication)
UNGHAYlV,.Vyocheslev fasillyevtgh SABAnTIV, I.A., retsenzent; 111KOlAYEV.
S.A., retsonzent; BCOMD. B.1.. kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; SHISUNIKOVA,
Z.V., red.izd-ve; KRASIIAYA. A-K..
[Ilectric motors] Blaktrichgskie mashirq. Pod red. B.I.Bogoreds.
Moskys. Isd-vo "Rechnoi transport,* 1958. 285 P. (MIRA 11:3)
(Blectric motors)
)MCHAYXW. Tye bpslay-Tasillyevich; TAKOVM. G.S.i ratmenzentl'CHICHKIN.
T.N.. rateensent.- I=. A.0.. lnzk6. YoUl SUMnMOVA, Z.B..
redoled-val PORUMU, K,I,, tokhm.r*4-
EXIectric equipmont of shlpe used In Inland-vater transportation)
Blektrisheskoe oborudovanlo mudoy vnutr*nmgo plavenills. Moskva,
lad-vj blechmi transport," 1960,, 341 Ve
(*IRA 14t4)
1. Isiballnik otdola slektroredlooboradavonlys I avtomAtikl
fSentrallnogo takhniko-konstruktorskago byuro (for Ys&lev).
(Inland water transportation)
(Ships-Blectria equipment)
NSCHLYEVj Vpxqheslav Vasillyevich; STUKUSHIN, V.I., inah.,rotgazzent;
KNORM, G.P., elaktromoklumik, retsonzent; FRIK, A.O., red.;
KAN, P.M., red. izd-va; RWIEVA, T.T., takhn. red.
(Blectrie equipmut of ddps]9lektroa1wrWovanie sudov. Moskva,
Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1962. 208 p. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Rechnoy Registr RSFSP (for Stul-ushin). 2. iiechnoy teplokhod
"Sovetakiy Sayuzff (for Khokhlov).
(Electricity on ships)
TKS 0 A . V. ; N H,' Y v 11 V, I
2 32-133 3
K I ye rs Kava pyn r Q vl~ e Y, 6
ACC NRs AT70031333 SOURCE CODE: UR/316g/66/000/018/0042/oo45
AUTHOR: Nechayev, V. V.; Teslenko, A. V.
ORG: Ukrainian Geophysical Exploration Trust ( Treat "Ukrgeofizrazvedka")
TITLE: Belt of subcrustal faults along the border of the Paleozoic folded region and
the alpine geosyncline in the south of the European part of the US~R
SOURCE: AN UkrS5R. Geofizicheakiy sbornik, no. 18, 1966. Geofizicheskiye isoledo-
vaniya stroyeniya zemnoy kory (Geophysical investigations of the structure of the
earth's crust), 42-45
TOPIC TAGS: magne tome te r , s,
T=09-3+ geologic exploration, geologic survey, aczd=== physical geology, maqnetic
anomaly, ground magnetic detection, --277.1 ! it Or At. A4 11 ,, magnetic domain
boundary, magnetic field j C,9RroV 7-ee 10411e- "
AILSTILAM Ground and air magnotonmtric invontigationx Ari) currnntly In proilralts In
Bulgaria and Rumania And in the Ukraine and the Ciscaucasus. General ILaL Ion of
the results of all magnetometric investigations of the territory stretching from the
Caspian Sea to Rumania and Bulgaria vill greatly expand and refine information
available on the geologic structure, particularly the deep structure, in the south
lof the European part of the USSR. The belt of large-scale, linear magnetic anomalies
Cord 1/2
ACC NRi AT7003833
located near the northern border of the alpine megaanticlinoria in the Balkans,
Crimea, and Caucasus is described and interpreted geologically. Characteristics of
the structure of the magnetic field make it possible to conclude that intrusive
activity predominates and that the intrusions are in the form of isolated
masses up to 30 meters wide. The faulting in also the result of the extreme
tectonic activity (mobility) along the southern edge of the Paleozoic platform,
which controls the location of the alpine foredeeps, with the possible exception of
the Balkan. Orig. art. has: I figure. [29]
suB coDE, W/sunm DATz, iioct64/om REF: 007
AUTHORSt Kuznetsov. M.I. and Nechayew, V.Ye.
TITLE: Oscillations of the Rotating-Wave Type in a Non-Split
Anode Magnetron (Kolebaniya tip& vrashchayushcheysya
volny v nerazreznom magnetrone)
PERIODTCALi Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyj Radiofizika,
1958, Nr 4, pp 126-130 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt It is known that in a cylindrical non-split anode
magnetron the space charge can produce oscillations not
only in the presence of a resonant tank in the anode-
cathode circuit but also when the electrodes of the
tube are short-circuited for the high frequencies.
(Ref 1-3)- Since the mechanism of such oscillations
has not been adequately studied, the problem was
investigated in the work described. The measurements
were conducted on a specially constructed tube (Fig 1)
whose anode cylinder had three circular apertures;
small discs were placed into these apertures (Fig 2).
The anode and cathode of the tube were short-circuited
for the high frequency by means of special cylindrical
Card 1/4 mica condensers (Fig 2). The angular distances between
Oscillations of the Rotating-Wave Type in a Non-Split Anode Magnetrori
the centres of the discs were 750. 105* and 180*.
The currents induced in the measuring discs were led
by means of coaxial lines of equal lengths to the
inputs of a phase metering device. The input
impedances of the phase metering device were equal to
the characteristic impedances of the lines,P (75 A).
The voltages at the phase-meter input had the same
phase difference as the currents induced in the discs.
Another pair of these voltages were applied to an
electric switch which successively connected them to
the input of a superheterodyne receiver; the switching
frequency was 50 c/o and the receiver was fitted with
three frequency changers. Block schematic of the
phase meter is show-n in Fig 3. The receiver was
provided with an automatic frequency control in order
to make the phase measurements independent of the
frequency and phase variations in the magnetron. The
phase measurements were recorded photographically by
Card 2/4 means of an oscillograph; some of the resulting
Oscillations of the Rotating-Wave Type in a Mon-Split Anode Magn"tr
oscillograms are shown in Fig 4. Errors of
measurements were less than 150. During the
experiments the authors were unable to observe any
axially symmetrical motion of the space charge in the
magnetron. All the oscillations observed were in the
form of a rotating wave, the most common and the most
stable oscillation occurring for n a 2. The results of
the experiments are shown in Table 1, while Table 2
contains the calculated phase differences for various
values of n. It is concluded that in the above magnetron,
with a cathode-anode short, only the space charge
oscillations of the rotating-wave type can exist. The
authors expross their gratitude to T.Ya.Savicheva and
A.P.Sedov for their great help in designing the phase-
meter. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 3 Soviet
references, I of the references is translated from Engli-ir,
Card 1/4
Oscillations of the Rotating-Wave Type in a Non-Split Anode Magnetror,
ASSOCIATION: Inaledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri
Gorlkovskom universitete (Radiophysics Research
Institute of the Gorlkiy University)
SUBMITTED: 23rd March 1958
Card 4/4
0 C-
42 10 E192/E582
AUTHORS: Berbasov, V.A , Kuznetsov, M.I. and NechaXev, V_Ye,
TITLE: Investigation of the Fluctuations in Magnetrons.
1. Amplitude Fluctuations
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika
1960, Vol 3, Nr 1, pp 102-109 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The fluctuation spectra of the anode current in five
specially designed magnetrons with various ratios of the
anode-cathode diameters were investigated. The magnetrons
operated in the metre wave range. A specially designed
spectrum analyser was employea which permitted the
spectrum to be observed directly on the screen of a
cathode ray oscillograph over a bandwidth of 20 to
180 Mc/s (Ref 7), in all the investigated tubes the
internal diameter of the anode was 35 mm. The cathodes
of all tile tubon, excopt Ono which 1111d is tolligrAttill
filament with a diameter of' 0.18 mm, werf, of Identical
construction and differed only in size. The cathodes
consisted of nickel cylinders coated with a layer of
Card 1/4 the double carbonate and contained heaters inside. The
I,9L-i ~
Investigation of the Fluctuations in Magnetrons. I. Amplitude
diameters of the cathode cylinders were 4, 11 and 17 mm.
The centering of the cathodes was done with an error
of 0.5 to I mm. In order to determine the effect of
the cathode position inside the tube, the cathode
having the diameter of 17 mm had two designs; in the
second design, the cathode could be centred with an
error of 0.1 mm with respect to the anode by means of
ceramic washers. The tubes were activated and abed,
and were sealed at a pressure lower than 5 x 10- mm Hg.
In order to eliminate the possibility of obtaining the
oscillations of the resonant type the anode and cathode
of the experimental tubes were shorted by means of a
special screen. The diagrams of two experimental
tubes fitted with the screens are shown in Figs I and 2.
The results obtained from the investigation of the
fluctuations of the anode ctirrent in the magnetron
Card 2/4 having a cathode of 11 mm diameter are shown in Fig 3 41
Investigation of the Fluctuations in Magnetrons I. Amplitude
The vertical coordinate denotes the frequency while
the horizontal coordinate gives the magnetic field
H in Oe-units, The "dots" in the figure denote the
maxima which are due to symmetrical fluctuations while
the "crosses" show the maxima which are caused by
azimuthal fluctuations, Similar results were observed
in all the remaining t1ibes. From the experiments it
is concluded that a comparatively broad maximum is
observed at a frequency which is lower than the
cyclotron frequency When the magnetic field intensity
is near to the critical values, the maximum of the
fluctuations occurs at it frequency which is about 30%
lower than the cyclotron frequency However, as the
intensity of the magnetic field is Increased the maximum
is shifted nearer to the cyclotron frequency Other
peaks of the fluctuation spectrum have narrower
Card 3/4 bandwidths (5-10 Mc/s) The maximitm of the spectral
" ~Y" 9
Investigation of the Fluctuations in Magnetrons I. Amplitude
density of the fluctuations whose frequency increases
with the increase of the magnetic field cannot be
explaiiied by the non-coherent oscillations of the
rotating-wave type, since such a maximum is not
observed in the azimuthal current spectrum It 1%
therefore necessary to assume that the maximum is a
result of the natural osciilations of the synwietrical
type which are excited by the fluctuation currents
The experiments showed that it is possiblP to excite
the harmonic forced oscillations in the vicinity of
the natural frequency the oscillations being of the
resonant type.
Card There are If figures, 1 table and 8 references. 6 of
which are Soviet and 2 English.(One of the Soviet
references is translated from English)
ASSOCIATION: Natichno-issledovatel'5kiy radiofizickieskly institut
pri Gor1kovskom universitete (Scientific Research
RadioDhysics Institute of Gor'kiy University)
SUBMITTED: August 5, 1959
9,4210 S/141/60/003/02/01
4"MpU, V.Y
AUTHORS: Qerbasov, V.A.,,Kuznetsov, M.I. andEARC2 r
ev _e.
TITLE: Investigation of the Fluctuations in a Magnetro Il
Fluctuations of/k"Zfmuthal Current
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysahikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika,
1960, Vol 3, Nr 2, pp 290 - 298 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The fluctuation spectrum in the pre-oscillation regime
in a magnetron was investigated. In the pre-oscillation
regime the resonator fystem of the magnetron is not
excited and all the segments of the anode are practically
equipotential. The state of the space charge and its
fluctuations should not differ substantially from the
corresponding states and fluctuations in a magnetron with
a non-split anode. Consequently, the fluctuations of
the space charge were studied on laboratory models with
non-split anodes. The measurements were carried out at
decimetre and metre waves, so that they can be conducted
comparatively easily and accurately. The experimental
tubes (shown in Figures I and 2) were constructed in
such a way that at the frequencies of interest
Cardl/5 the aimod6 and the cathode of the tubes could be
Investigation of the Fluctuations in a MAAWFOW' II Fluctuations
of the Azimuthal Current
regarded as being short-circuited at high frequencies.
Small apertures, whose diameter was much smaller than
the length of the rotating wave of the space charge, were
cut in the anode cylinders of the tubes. Measuring probe-
discs were inserted into the apertures. The discs were
connected to lines having the wave impedance P = 75 A
The signals were conducted by means of the lines to a
receiver. The construction of one of the tubes was such
as to permit the observation of the current received by
the disc as well as the cathode current. The experiment
showed that the spectrum of the anode current contains
only one comparatively wide maximum in the vicinity of
the cyclotron frequency, while the spectrum of the
zimuthal current consiats of a number of narrow maxima,
hose position is determined with an accuracy of 10-20?,
by the Hartree formula. The fluctuation spectrum of the
azimuthal current obtained by means of a spectrum analyser
is shown in Figure 3. The Hartree curves obtained by means
Card2/5 of Eq (4) are also plotted in Figure 3. It is seen that
Investigation of the Fluctuations in a hl~n'/Weon'. 11 Fluctuationn
of the Azimuthal Current
the regions of maximum intensity correspond to the
Hartree lines. The fluctuations of the azimuthal current
could be studied more accurately by employing the second
tub~e whose geometry and operation conditions were nearer to
the actual magnetron (Figure 2). Results of the measure-
ments are shown in Figure 4. The maxima of the fluctuatioji5
follow the Hartree lines with an accuracy of 10%. By_
employing a comparatively high anode voltage, the obser-
vations could be affected over a wide frequency band and
for n up to 7. From the graphs of Figure If it is seen
that the maximum fluctuations of the azimuthal current
are almost independent of the magnitude of the magnetic
field. The intensity of the fluctuations is principally
dependent on the anode voltage. It is interesting to
compare the spectrum of the fluctuations with the spectrum
of the natural oscillations in the magnetron. For this
purpose, the measurements were carried out on the tube
shown in Figure 1. The oscillations were excited by an
Card3/5 external signal applied to one of the measuring discs 11~
Investigation of the Fluctuations in a 9 ro'n. II Fluctuations
of the Azimuthal Current
through a distributed amplifier. In this way, it was
possible to excite non-symmetrical oscillations in the
form of rotating waves. The reaction of the space charge
to the applied signal was observed on the screen of a
spectrum analyser. The signal from the second measuring
disc was also applied to the input of the analyser. In
this way, it was possible to observe simultaneously the
spectrum of the non-coherent oscillations and the reaction
of the system to the external excitation. It was found
that the reaction has a clearly resonant character and
that the resonant frequencies coincide with the frequencies
at which the maximum fluctuation amplitudes are observed.
The results of this experiment are indicated in the
oscillograms of Figure 5. It is interesting to compare
the above experimental results with certain theoretical
data. Thus, according to Harris (Ref 11), the natural
frequencies of space-charge oscillations in a cylindrical
Card4/5 magnetron can be expressed by Eqs (7), where r e is theX
Investigation of the Fluctuations n a gn,tron. II Fluctuations
of the Azimuthal Current
external radius of the space-charge cloud and wH is
the cyclotron frequency. From this formula it follows
that the natural frequencies do not coincide with the
flartree lines. This is in contradiction to the experimej,tal
results. Consequently, it is concluded that the Brillouin
state is not reali8ed in a magnetron. There are 5 figures
and 13 refere9ces, 12 of which are English and I is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy radiofizicheskiy institut
pri Gor1kovskom universitete (Scientific-research Radio-
physics Institute of Gor'kiy University)
SUBMITTED: July 6, 1959
C!ird 5/5
2 5
A'-~-, :: C 2: Nechayev, V.YC.
-17'E: 'Approximate analysis of the processes in a multi-
cavity i,.iaZnetron (plane iiiodr3l)
P--:1CDICAL: 1:westiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy,
Radiotelaini'LlLa, v- 5, no. 3, 1962, 534 - 548
of the paper waft re~-(!
A lar-c portion of the results I A
at t:ic session of Cie Nauchno-teichnicheskr)ye obshchestvO radio-
telz.'iniki i olelctrosvyazi im. A.S. Popova (Scientific Tec:inical
for Radio-qp-ineerin7, and Electrical Con,;iunications
1,.,. A.S. Popov) in ~;ay, ig6o.
A., approximate mothep of evaluating the induced 'current and tie
q)-ter i;i a plane model of a multicavity ma-netron is r es c:it e(~. V,
4c analysis is based on the consideration or Cie motio'n of t *~10
in the field of the system and does iiot contuin ai-.
dependinZ on the hiZh-frequency voltazes- T;ic effect
of the s:)ace-charge fields and the relativistic effects are
-e-lected, so that the motion of the electrons for the plane
.--.odol (Fig. 1) can be described by:
Card 1/3
A-) )rozi.- E192/E382
iate analysis ....
m d y "U dx
e dt. 2 ay dt.
2 '%U
m (I X y
0 dt, ax dt
ore e/111 is the charZa-to-mass of an electron,
3 is the t-.ia_,rnetic induction, and
U is the scalar electric potential.
consj~lerin-r only the fundamental space harmonic of t!ie
(1) and (la) can bo represented as-
Ap.)roximate analysis ....
X + Y = a 1 sh Y cos X
Y + X = a - a ch Y sin X
H 0 1
,II =eB/m i!; the cyclotron frequency and normaI;.zr-U'
paraneters and variables are defined by:
U d sin Oa 1 U0 - U
-1 - - CEO = - - (4)
U0- D Oa sh Od U0
Card 3/3
S/141/62/0('5 '0C,71/007/311
A,-,.,-)roxinate analysis .... E192/E332
i e r cU is Lhe lii~;h-froquency field amplitude
nc3iZIibourin_- se--monts of the resonator L)IuL:~,
U is the voltage between the anode and cathotia,
U Y= py and X = ~x -
difforentiation of X and Y in Eqs. (3) aac! (-a~ i.-
rQs.-jact to T = wt Eqs. (3) and (3a) can be representc6 a-,,;
d2 z dZ w
2 + j - = j -(a a1 sin Z) (6)
d d w H
introducin--, new variables Z X + JY and Ht
I.' it is axsvui~ied tliat the r15lithand-side is sziall i;i
.oit~l A/k,;j I the equation cail be solved api,roximately and
this case the differential equation for the avoraLe
".-a,ectory is:
Cal-d 11/8
A.,.)roxii-,icite analysis .... E192/E382
dX a aI ch Y sin X
- -
dy a 811 Y Cos X
th~,L t!ie avora,ro trajectory itself, found by inteL;ration
:i Sc.- (10) is T;iven by:
a Y - ar;,.sh Y sin A w const.
I,ic! avcra~;e electrola trajectory is thus determincd by the ra io
1~0 /aI~see Eq. 10-And the choice of' the initial point. if
tile hi,~h-frequency field is absent, which corresponds to
aI= 0, the trajectory is cycloidal. The initial coordi.iate
Y0 for the average trajectory in the presence of the hi~;h-
fV1!(.Ueftcy field is chosen as Yo = (W/W Ii )(I + a0
Card 5/8
5/ 1 Ik
analysis E192/E382
11) is used to ::et ermine the traj ectorics of' tic
c, ectrov-j for a "spolzc" of t:ip s )ace char,-c and the t ra oct -)r*,'
(X 0) Tile CoT-,(;itiO;.
If ',:ie averaZe electron
rAectrons a~jpcar at t:ic aiiode of the rzia~;nctron can 0 (~ c~ e r..; cc'
c ).isiderinZ tae singular points of Eqs. (10). Asingulzr point
01~i6ts if OL / OL1 1 for YI = arc;i OL / CLi E(~~. ( I ~- ')
-1-;o used t,-3 finL: the number of perio(~s off :10 cyciotro~,
luring; which the electron reaches t,ic anode;
.-oncy L,
;-.Uzil~er of periodsn is given by:
1 wH , th Y /2
n - - in -
2 CLI Li th Y /2
k 17
-n t:ic basis of the above approach it is possible to evaluate
the average power per period for cases wacn the sing-ular point
is absent and when it is present but Y I ,-~ Y0 and for the Cabo
ell Y, Y0 and the 5incular point is present. A-11 0 a 110
Card G/13
Ap,,roxii;iate analysis .... E192/E382
cu~-rent )roduced by the electrons of a sin:;le "spoke" is also
evialunted for these cases. An expression for the efficiency of tl,c
~Azk~ that this can be a,3-)lied to
_;netron is derived and it is shown
a cylindrical model by introducinZ the folloivinZ substitutions:
d = ra - rK D (-(ra + r K)/,N; Y a = (r a - rK a + rI:
U = (r2 r2) wB/N Pa = Ny/2
0 a K
%-":10 r 0raand r are t;ie radii of the anode a nd t:ie cat:iodc, V)(
N is the number of resonators in ',.ic 'IIoc,~!
is the angular half-width of t:.e reL;onator
T:.,, rebultiiiZ formula for the efficiency is in
,i_.reci.iont with the experimental data obtained for severz-.1
cyliiidr~cal riagnetrons. The induced current of tae ma~;netron
is ev.-.Iuated on the basis of the Shockley-Ramo theorein and it
is found that the formulae are identical with the results
Card 7/8
A:).,ro;-:im,-ite analysis ....
E192/E332 ap )roximate method. The theory presente(~ in the article
:-)e Use(! in analyzing; t:ie oscillations in ma-nntro:-. -~;ci,'I'aLor-,;
t:i e s Z. C
.-it it 1.s first necessary to find Cie dependence ol
C..,Ir,;e para;~.Cter L,0 representiaZ the average s~)ace c:-,ar--e
,.~e vicinity of Cie catli:)(,'o on the electrical operatin_
':. 1 . I' adin:; t:,o L-..anuscrijt
e aut:ijr t.ianks uznetsov for re,
for vaiuable re;-.)ar,cs and L.V. Rody_rin for ii:,efu.' J1i3cUs.1i.1D._..
.,.cro a:-e 5 fizures.
ASZ, C, C 1 AT I GN auchno-issledovatel'sliiy
institut )ri Gorlkovskom universitete (3c"ontific
Research Radiophysics Institute of Gor'lciy
S U:3:. 1 T`T "M October 26, 1961
), 31, rL
AUTIMR, Nechayev, V.Ye.
TITI-Et on the adiabatic approximation in the analysin of
magnetron type devices
PERIODICALi Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenty, Radiotizika,
v-5, no.j, 1962, 1035-1037
TEXT: It is shown that if the force due to the electric field
is small with respect to that due to the magnetic field, it is not
necessary to impose quasthomogeneity of the magnetic field, in the
representation of electron motion in the form of drift and
revolution. To calculate the power and induced current the
trochoidal motion may be replaced by an average motion.
ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno-issiedovatellskiy radiofizicheakiy institut
pri Gor1kovskom universitete
(Scientific flesearch Radiophysical institute at
Gor'kiy University)
SUBMITTEDt APril 17, 1962
Card 1/1,
AV.kW, SOV, V. T. ; 14ART IROSVVA, A 0. i
New labora--)ry resist',vity depp-m-tir for loetermininz the c'l-wa*pr
sat,,jratlon of r,~.-3er-/uirn. Nefteprorc. lml-~
OCRA 1-:i.)
1. Azerbaydzhanak,ly nauchno-issledovat,31'skty lns*.itut po
dobyche nefti.
ACCESSION NR: AP4024475 S/014l/64/007/()~),/)i,;ti/J159
AUTHOR: Nechayev, V. Yo.
TITLE: Contributioi, to the analysis of processes in a mul~i
SOURCE: IVUZ. Radinfizika, v. 7, no. 1, 1964, 146-159
TOPIC TAGS: magrwLron, multicaviLy magnetron, electron mot..1,)n, in-
duced current, electron trajectory, bunched beam, beam and field
interaction, electronic efficiency
ABSTRACT: A calculation method previously used by the auLhor to
investigate a planar model of the j,~,,z~gnetron (IVUZ. Rad.1ofizika v.
5, 534, and 1035, 1962) is used to analyze the motion of an indi-
vidual electron in the specified field of the interelectrode space
of a multicavity magnetron. A closed system of equations is written
down, in which the power given up by the electrons to the high fre-
Card 1/3
quency field, or the induced current, is expressed explicitly in
terms of the high frequency voltage for a specified magnetic induc-
tion and for a constant anode voltage. Asymptotic expressions are
obtained for the velocities and trajectories up to the second ap-
proximation inclusive. Space cliarrje is neglected. The average tra-
jectories are qualitatively analyzed and the interaction between a
bunched beam and the high-frequen,-y field (or its synchronous har-
monic) is given. A formula is derived for the electronic efficiency.
The results are compared with some published data on magnetrons.
It is pointed out that the experimental material is still noL 13uf-
ficient to be able to write down a closed system of equations in
which the power is expressed in terms of the high frequency voltage.
"The author is grateful to R. A. Dudnik and L. V. Rody*gin for a
discussion and for useful remarks." Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 34
formulas, and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno isoledovatellskiy radiofizicheakiy institut
Card 2/3
ACCESSION NR: A1,40244,'-)
pri Gor'kovskom univorsitete (Scientific Research Radiophyri ~r In-
stitute at the Gor'kiy University)
SUMMED: 02Apt-63 DATE ACQ: 15Apr64 ENC,,
Cord 3/3
L 584 (1-)/EEC(b)-'2/ 1~ ;P;!-!~ Pn4 -41 14/PJ-4 in
ACCESAWN NIRI. 0501417 uR/oihi/65/008/002/04l3/o4i6
AMIM. Gros.hkov# L.M.; Nech!Zeyo V.-Ye. 4Y
ITITLE:: Experimental.invertigation of electron motion in Pmagnetron oscillator
F, OUR CT IVUZ. Tladiofftika, v. 8, no. 2, 1965, 413-416
'TOPIC TAGS:'; multicavity magnetron, electron motion, self oscillating mode, elec-
itron beam probing
ABSTRACV~__A_study har-been made of the motion of-electrons in the.course of the
Initial orbits-in the.near-cathode region*.of a multicavity imagnetron under conditions
of steady self-oscillation. A method of longitudinal*probing by a narrow elec-
tron beam was employed in which the transverse plane motions of both the magnetron
electrons and the probing beam electrons are governed by the.same laws. The beam
electrons- f4tj* at--the-- fluorescent- screen in the base- of the -t-iibe-yield -informatio6q..
on the character of the electron motion in the magnetron. The experimental setup
comprised EL coat, inuous -wave magnetron (similar to the US LCW magnetron with a 16-CaV-"
iity anode block) and the electron probing iquipment. It was found that at voltages
below the threshold voltage, electron trajectories have a loop-like form. As the
'ACCESSION HR:~ Ap5ol4517
lanode volts
gq--gpprqaches the,threshold,.the-size of-the fluorescent spot on the.
'screen incraasee, elds in the interaction re-
indicating a growth of fluctuating fi
' gion. In-the presence-of strong- coherent' be, ci Ilat ions ~ (h a-26.7 cm)-f the-electron
,beam path~on the screen is drawn into a small azimuthal are. By photographing suc-
icessive positions' of the probing-beam on' the screen at various transit:times,, i.e.,':
,at various -.elocities of the beam electrons
an image of electron motion in the
,second trajectory loop is obtained as shown in Fig. I of the Enclosure. Fig, 2
'show-s the positions of electrons moving neox the tip of the se)cond trajectory loop
,~as the plate current and oscillation intensity are increased. The results indicate
ithat the matbematical models most closely approaching actual electron motion are
Ithose based onLanalytical'methods-and according to which electrons move from the
'Lteginning,along perturbed epicyclic paths. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. (JR!
:-ASSOCIATION.4 Itauchno-Looledovatellskiy radiotizicheakiy institut pri Go'r1kovskom
univergitete (scientific Research Institute of Radio VaLsics at Gorky University)
NO REF SOV: 003 0TUR:1 003 ATD PMW 4024
M114f. i~
Card, Rk
HEK, P.Yij.; Kl,'[)PYAVr,FV, N.T.; 14?.7hAYFV, Ye.A.
,a thod I c Tc I rtri za,.:nr ' n *.tie els-!etrndeposl ti or e~ ' F, '. 1-, 0- - 'm
ferrocy-an'lle ele-trolyten. !~hi-r. fiz. khim. 3r)
2 cO8 N 162 . (Mlli;, p. ,
1. Moskovskiy xhlmlxn-tekhnologichssxty institut im--ri
1).l. Mendeleyevii.
_L 29925-66 EWT(m)/DP(t)/ET1 lip(c) jD
ACC NR-AR6olo65o-
AUTHORi Gnusin, N.P.; Nechayev, Ye. A.; Kutyukov, 0. T.; Lavrova, T.A.
TITLE: Comparative evaluation of the existing methods of cadmium
plating rom non-eyanidesolutions
SOURCE:~ Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyonlya, Aba. 1OBjpjO
REF SOURCEt Sb. dokl. k Novosib. nauchno-tekhn. konferentail po
maehinoetr, Ch, 1, Novosibirsk, 1964, 129-134
TOPIC TAGSt metal plating, cadmium compoundo electrolyte, ammonium
A13STRACT: Results are given of studying basic electrolytes for
cadmium plating and the technological parameters of their work are
compared. It Is noted that good results are obtained from complex
ammoniate salts. The outlook for further Improvement of electrolites
based on amino compounds is stressed.
N ~rllk Y FV ~Y,~ A . . BFK, 1( ~Y . , K11rif Y, N. T.
F I oc t,-,)dppo!i It'. on o! a! I ver r r-, a com;,, (Yx P pr -.rr 'y'.f- I. Pq -~ : ,
MmU,.A r:f s tudy Ing the k 1. ne t~ ~- f arampters and capa~- 1, tv )' ',hp
6-nble Plertrical layer in the prc-eqs -f silver r .1ep-9 it ~nn.
F I -ktrokhm! I a I ne).1' . 1325. 1 331 N 16~. (M-LA 19111
1. Mnskovakly 0Im1kr,-t(fxh.-o1og)c))esk1y :nst!t,jL im"-'
Mendeleyevi I lntiLltut khlm'chvsk~kh ognov pv:-n-fi Its" k ,
minernI 'noge syr 'yb " ' h! I MvOgO OtA1#,:Pniyfi A'J .
Process of silver elpctr-,,,Ipr,-)sl t1on f ror, complex electrolytes .
Part 21 Relation beWeen the structure of the deposit Find
the capacity )f the elactr!c double layer in the electr-)Iytic
fillve!r plntlng from cyan!rin Filw-trolyt.4,.q. E1Pktrokh1m!111 I
no.12rl443-144FI D 165. (MIRA Igal)
1. Moskavak!y khimiko-tf-khno1oF1~hPsk!y lln~ltut Imen', D.I.
Mendeleyeva I Info.itut f!z1ko-kh!micho.4k1kh o.4nov pprernbotki
minerallnogo syriya Siblrf;kogo otodeloniya AN SS,)R. Su bm ta d
January 21;, 1q65.
SOURCE CODE: UR/0364/SS/001/012/1450/1461
AUTHORs ffecheyevy Ye# A., Bak Ro Tuo. Kudrinytimove No T. 15-
ORGO. Noscow Chemical EmineariM Institute imeni D. 1. Mmdeloywy (Moskovskly khi-
mdko-~UeMnologlcheskly Institut)
TITLCs Some,charecteristics of the process of electrMlating silver on platinum
SOUACEt ElaktrakhImLya, v. 1, no. 12, 1955, 1450-1461
TOPIC TAGS: silver, platinum,, motel platingg. electrolysis
ABSTRACTt The authors study the prawns of silverplating platinum to detetuine the
cause for unsatisfactory quality In silver coatings on this metal and to find condi-
tions far producing dense silver film at high current densities. The experiments
were done in electrolyte@ with the following composition: Ag--O.25 N9 N&CN--0.25-1.0
.Nj Ka CO -0.5 N at t; x 25-309C and i a 0.1-0.5 a/dM2 without the application of al-
ternating current, and i a 0.1-I.S a/dm2 with the application of alternating culz at
with a frequency of 50 cps and ia/idc a 2.5. Plativig quality was studied under a
microscopeo' on the basis of the experimental data, the following plating conditions
.am recommonded for producing high quality silver ZoLtIng an platiums electrolyte
Ltion: Ag--0.25 N, X&M-04 N, MaIC03-0.5 N. c 1.5 a/dol t a 20-250; can-
UDCt 621.357.*7
Cora 2/2
B"t R.Tu.; W-CHAYFV, Ts.A,,j KU1)RrAVTSFV, N.T.
Cathodic alectrodeposition of silver. Zhur- fis. Min. 39 noJ1628-630
w 065, (WRA Igo?)
1. Khlmlko~takhnologicheskiy inntitut inerd Mendeleyova, Moskva.