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NAZAROVt V.V* Pressure in the central retinal arter-y in certain general diseases. Veat. oft. 73 no. 14,14-35 J&-F I W. (YIRA 1i,:1,' (RETINA-BLOOD SUPPLY) tiAZ4,WV,O-.Va,IQAUU.X~lentinovich, kand. med. nauk; DUBOV. NikoIny bl-ncv- - - Sergey"Ic ; UKIN, Gavrlil Pavlo-vich [Shchakin, H.T.'p- SIW.IK, Aleksandr Luklch (Shupyk, G.L. ,~ ; KRQMA'RF;Si "" V.O.[Kramarevs,kyl, V.0.1, red. j - I [Virus diseases of the human conjuctival Virusni zakbvo- riuvannia konliunkt-yvy ochei liudyny. Kylv, Zdoravlia, . 44 p. (YIRA lcj:ll SA.USTE've V.S.; N " "'~ ~ ov V.,V,0 n1J, 0 iPire JUICCX(ID Of ELC'3taideh7do cjcl&Lldor In tbo pro"-Ot~-O" '~ c,cotic Acl". i nool.:6 t-W 16F)e (mr 11, 19: 1) r r.o T r f, i r lrr7 Vol v 1. HAZAROVt V. V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Earthwork 7. Simplified method of calculating the stability of earth slopes. Gidr. strol. 21 no. 11: 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1953, ~jncl. NAZAROV, V.T. (Novosibirsk) Simplified methods for cale,-lating the settlement of foundations. Oan., fund.i mekh.griin. 2 no.3-.23-24 160. (YIRA (Foundations) 86-11-29/31 AUTHOR: None given TITIE: To Be Published ... (Vykhodyst iz pechati ... PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vozdushnogo Flota, 1957, Nr 11, p. 90 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is announced that in the near future the following books will be published by tho Military Publishing House of the Ministry of Defense of USSR: 1. Some Problems on the Theory of Autoi.,atic Aircraft Control (Nekotoryye voprosy teorii avtomaticheskogo upravleniya samoleta) by V. P. Dmitriyev; 2. The Fundamentals of the Theory of kircraft Turbojet Engines (Oanovy teorii aviatsionnykh turboreaktivnykh dvigateley) by M. I. Vlasenko; 3. The Treatment and Storage of Aircraft Armament (Obrabotka I konservatsiya aviatsionnogo vooruzheniya) by 0. V. Artemenko, V. V. Nazarov, F.D. Pilipenko, under the editorship of -Krotov, Engr Lt Col. AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 i_ r~ r. - -7 - fI/ v 6 A r I T 110 R S:1 A z a r r) f * c,~ n p - C. n ~ -, v , V . " . TTI,F i ')n the --cien t if ii'r(-, I jion of 'hn I rn of )I it i c A I 'con oiry ( '- n n uh r. oy T, r r, ~ ~j :i i I k. r) ff- I r no I i t I c h e A P oy pn om i P T.- R 10 1~ I C , IV e q t n i k vy s s ~ e y ,j :y ,: -,' - , 'i r, p r - ' - ' :' ' -- ABSTqACT: ?he Authors review vnrio,is 'riviet Rr~irles or politicpl ec')nor,-.y printpd in p,~rioiicpls. -~iey find thnt An Analysis of Articles pu b 11 F" h e 0 ty d i f f P r P r~ t v ~; 7. -n e x pos p s q h o r t c om i ngs i n t h P scientific reseqr~r -mork cf t,~e lifferert c,~Pirs. -~)ere 9r;? r7nrd 1 '1 r2(l) X"', ~-, --I I., AUTHORSo Bobkov, F.I., and Nazarov, Sciences ------ T ITLE i To Develop Reoearc~', ii-. t, I o: : o, ca PERIODICALt Vestnik vyi3shey s",,:oly, I AB3TRACTi Econo ic sciences as ,,ne o' t t of Socialist economy -All as u r incre;-.. r. the 7-Year Plan., o~ will have to tLke an lcti*/e -;~rt i:-. c, -j.~ works t7eneralizinp tn,, r(,(- :a r t t processes and of thr~ prt.cti e T~ie author quotes a nu: !~,,r o: examp:es c I-r7'..'~ ful scientific activity of "-,,e ai, ~ - : -' in.'' rict- oro of political economy. Hoaevr?r, *-~e -ii c o r t',, a t in a 7,roat number o:' vuz -zi t s c i rt 7 r-~ '/a t confor-, to the incrp,, o' b; t :r e future. :n this con-ect i on creasi;q- 'h-~~ -c. ;.t~.'ic Card 1/4 in~, out .-:,at onl-- vcr:; ow r .,~ j r r r" 03 Develop Research in the FielIJ o: Fol ical for a Doctor's degree. In Vazai~ 1, e.g., Tr, rc~ higher educational institutions, ~ncl;_~ the University and the Finansovo-e~ono-.c-~sk,~y (Finance-Ecoromic :nstitute), not a si r of -o- 11 ti cal economy is workin,- on 1~ tir e.; . s -or c! o r s 1 e ree. In Kuybyshev I havin 7 vuzes inc'C_1;i7q- t.,,e _'~_nrv -.-y .ns1it-;t (Planning inatitute~, which tu,ns ou* f - r v,~ -,. s branches of national econor.y, or,:.- or,.- th.-S 5 ir, in pre- pared. '.'.oreovp-r, the t~,e7es -If t~,,- i s s - r t n , r..3 , bear a much t4= general character. e a u t ~;: c this themes originatini- frm itud, nts 3f Y~ rv::k.,,, -7 e i t ski.7 institj&t (Kiev In.-1t-.'_-11e;, :.e',!%t-- : ,] " : gogicheskiy institut (Lenini,ra Fe-!-j-c Ir:i*. ' te an, t:.e Saratovskiy s~~,,llskokhozyayntv. ar t - ural Institute). Sp-akinr: of the d 4 5 ~erta' themes, the author mentions docent V.:,~. c) ~r.-nin,-rad University and :n.-tructor I.K. Ale~--j-,r.;rov r t 1. yn a -ni shkola (Party School), a~.o --iorr:e_ o:. @Ord 2/4 connection the author 3tat. j a nu.:.(-,,r aT r-;-1:_-:., 'v go Develop Research in the Fiel,-' of I , 11 t i csil econimics , whose develop ment !,i_- c(x-,ei~, mere enumeratio.-, of t.-.r t,. economists snow3 'J) broii . pr,)o;,ect~i r )r are open befor(~ the c~ a~. ra of po' itic;,I eco.,.--) or emrhasizes the neces~,.it.,j to imi,rov- thf, jc....',t. i rk of 'lie Chairs and to int,)nsify thr,, ourervisior~ on trip of t',,n vuz directors and the Upravleniye pre iya o~s.-.c-ect- vennykh nauk (Administration for Referring to the remuneration paiJ ~)y the the author is at a loss to und(,r.-;t,nJ why on:,,, wc.!-~. is not provided for by the plan is ',,-ini- pai.!, work out in accordance wit~~ indliviluril plans is beL:.. -i-i i ~'or. lie suggests that work rvrfor-~,~,' ac!'(~~-~In' , , " ~. f, - ~r ~ " .." over and above the establishell :-.inim,im bt, 1 . .. . , connection reference is made tu the ac '4 ~ i, ti 1~ ".*;r 14 .;3.;11 (Inst . 0:.-I i c B Institut ekonomiki Al itute of* Dealing with the tho:ip:i for Dontors' t. prepared in the Lenini-,rii, vuz,~o t~,i:: (-ir, ~i, I Cald 3/4 Docent N.D. Koleoov of Lenin. ral T..v, r. Develop Research in the Field of Fol i t i cal ---cor. ~:--Y Denisenko of the Leninpradskiy tekstilln.,-y grad Textile Institute), o c e n t K u ~.' rv - ow,, o. ningradskiy (Leningrad Institute of RR '-nrine,-rs). e ,; t ~'~r e r ment ions the Pe rms kiy un iv (! r,-- i t - t (P r- rm i v (. r.iL n- 6radaki mekhanicheskiy in3titUt (Lpnir,~--L ' ::.- stitute~ I jaratovskiy universitet ~3aratov Univer,-.ty, "rall- skiy universitet (Urals University) , Frof-s- or of Moscow University, Professor A. F. Ya,,-v' Q%, ~' '~~p Cosudarstvennyy ekono,. icheskiy inoti ~ut os r,,r J. tut* of Economics;' , Doctor of E'cono- ic '~cir,nc- s 'q of the Muskovskiy finansovyy ins ti tut ( o3 - 'w t i- tute), Professor N.K. Karatayev of 'h- on om i c s A3 U33R, and Rostov 'Iniv-rsily. in5titut inz',-.enerov -iiel~!~,nooroz-,n-- o r a ford 4/4 IjAZAAOl,-Y.,V.; M-FEROVA, Z,V-; dots., kanr,. ekor. nauk , retsenzent; ;~'-'AZAINKB; , V.1;. , prof ranu. tekhr.. nauk, red. rogra=inil ecunoml - ~-o%lemt; on from practices In usln,, tw "-Eral' c~-)Y;+uter ~n I-rv~ Likhachov Automobile Iltintl I-ro,m-rir-iroviiiiR ekonoriche- skikh zadach na rmshinakh; iz opyta ekspluaws~i r.ashirry na ~,%tozavoce im. DONSKOY, G.V.; NAZAROV, V.V.; VERESHCHAGINA, V.Ya., red. fVetho,,jological imtructions on -writirg tem papers and teBts In economics) 'Xetodlchenkle ukamnlia dlia napina- n1la kursovykh I kontrollnykh rabot po politicheskoi eko- nomil. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 29 p. (MIRA 1817) NAZAROVI V.Y5. Multiple machislog and RdoptIo2 rf new productions. Mashinost-roitell no.ltl~,13 Ja '64. OGRA 17:2) ACC N R: A 1-i00 I , - I , -1, AurnOR: Laoo, 11. F. ; Nazarov, V. Yo. ORG: None I OUNCE COUK: TITLE: Modern fis;h searching apparatus and technical developmental prospects in the USSR I SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnicheakaya konferentsiya po razvitiyu flota rybnoy promy- shlennosti stran-chlenov SEV. 2d laningrad, 19ralt. Rybolovnyy flot kFishing fleet); abornik trudov konferentsil, Y. 1, Leningrad, Izd-vo Sudostroyeniye, 1965, 484-494 TOPIC TAGS: sonar, sonar equipment, marine equipment, acoustic equipment, detection equipment, recording equipment, electronic equipment, underwater sound equipment, food, fishing ship, research facility ABSTRACT: The development of hydroacoustic search apparatus for installation in Soviet fishing vessels in discussed. The Okun', Dellfin-1, Sudak, KAI'mar, and Yaz' fish searching fathometers are described and their technical characteristics tabu- lated. P&Itum-'14; a modernized version of the Paltus sonar equipment use's to locate fish, and now in production in the Soviet Union, is described in detail, and its technical data listed. Soviet efforts to develop the paper used in the recorders supplied with the equipments are discussed, and the ETa-3 electrothermal paper in Sard f ACC NRI A77001361 i described as having shown itself to have a high degree of sensitivity and contrast I when tested in the Polar Institute for the Fishing Industry. Complex automation, . and the use of electronic computers to assist in finding fish and in navigation, . in contemplated. Orig. art. hast 10 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: l3,o6,oq,i7/suam DATE: 15oct65 _~:qnd 2.12- WAROT T . nachallnik svyazI podruz4olonlya; ILLIN. M.. nachal'aik radio- Otantsii. More about unsystesetic working nethads in serving aerial photogra- phic subdivisions. Grazhd.av-13 no.11:30 N 156. (MLRA 10:2) (Meteorology in aeromutics) UAZAROVj Te.A,---_ Problem of the circle of strmsees. Trudy Lon. khim.-farm. inst. no.4:112-114 158. (~aRA 12-L-1. (Strains and strmspne) IIALIEU-1, Fclt-s acting ,in the vcrm shafto of red,,~t,)ra. Trudy IRn. kte~m. fnm. Jnnt. nt,.14:231-233 162 (KIRA ]7b2) Frict-ion of thf~, p&vt3 of :~nmlcal ermirment with acrew threads. TbId. t234,118 FRIDANTSTV, M.I.I., 7.1., NAZAROV, Prodlict4on and investlFation of rorrnctorles on the Fe-NI-Or brislq. SPIMAL STEELS OT ALIDYS (SPETSMINM STALI I SPUYT),, CoUsation of Studies# Issue 77v 240 pages,, publishee by the State Sclentifla and Teewcal Publiehing llouas for ferrous and Rom-Forrous Metanurgy, Mosoew, IMR, 1962. BELIKOVA, E.I., k"id.teklin.natk; IAZAROV, Ye.G., inzh. Ufect of secondary ftarcening o:. t.,.e atmeture amd prcpert.'es of the IN135VT11b alloy. Notal oved. i term. obr. met. no.7:38-42 il I(,,* (Ml IV, 15: 6) 1. TSentrallivi nauchno-itinledovatoll.;kly inutitit chur-nny metallurgii. (Nickel-chromium-iron alloys-liardening) mmAima, ma.; hELiKon, E. i.; wmiov, re.G. Investigation of heat-resistant &1loys on an lron-nick~l- chromium base. Sbor.trud.TSNIICliM no.27:93-138 162. (141hA 15:8) (IronF-nickel-chromium &Iloys--Thermal properties) t -'~ 1 .0- 6 416 ~WT W/L;,;A(4)/6-WP 0/FC3 W KJW/JD flit: AR5000733 S/OP-7'7/64/000/009/0008/0008 .,OURCE: Rof. zh. Mashinostroitellny*ye materialy* konstruktsii. 1 46 raschet detaley mashin, Gidroprivod, Otdo vy*p,# Abs* 9*48*51 AUTHOR: Belikov~,, E. I.,; Nazarov, Yo, G.; Putimtsevay 0. 1. TITLE; J;ffoct of alloying elements on the heat resictance of Fo-Ni-Cr . lloys -90 )---- *-Legirdvaniye-atalej. -Kij- --st6khizdat 1963V,115-1 TOPIC TAGS: alloyingr iron base 110 junickel containing alloy# --t-a1n1hg--a1D- - T--Rl chr o-miura - c o n -787 W, -7MO1.117 'IT i TRANSLATION: A study has been made of the effect of W All and B~$n the hardness, -phase composiziono, microstrucf2u-re,-h"qa!t:V resf-zEance, and industrial properties of alloys based on 15% Cr 35% N1$ and also the effect of Mno Sip and C on alloys with the composition (%)t !5 cr,, 25 Nit 3-Ti, 3 W, and 1 Al, Based on results of the investigation# alloys N1786# BI787o and SIO12 are Ccrd 1/2 al KWA 1 6 j ~-,-'CP:SION NT?.- AP50f)29-11 S, f)1 11"Corl, ~Ioj Q AITTROR: Nazarov. Ye. G. TITLE: Formation of excess phases in the 1Ch-N35VTYu alloy SOURCE: Memllovedenlyo i terinichesiu-Ya obrabot,ka meudlov, no. 1, 1965, 16-18, botlow bulf of )nsert facing p. 24, and Insert facing p. 25 TOPIC TACS: alloy plixel, nxvt~ss phqse., interTnet-allide ph ag, nickel steel, dispersive v I -Yu ,.,)I 'dificaNorL/Meel KhN"5V'l T" N CT~ -f ifloViz; it f-crt:lin t,etitpnraturt~s and holding n T) I htr IV FY F 1 t "'j I lj !dl, rcT~wW-)rn) Ti Ac qlo.N Nn-, AP5002,941 C p~,4r A (j,-j-qptjty of ffie, primar-i Putf-ccle T 1, orig. art, ASSOCIATION: TaNUChERMFIT SUBMATTED: 00 r~ 14CL: 00 SIM 11 1, r, 90%, i 0 121 21' 2 L 12639-62 BDS/EWP(q)/KWTW AFFTC/ASD ACCMION XRt 91003470 S/0133/63/=/005/0,453/0458 Pridantsev, X# R#(Dr..of technical sciencest Professor);i,ffazaror. T&,~ Phfaniert. (Candidate of technical sciences) -TITLEt Structural transformatio in Ife-Ki-Cr-TI. alldy E1787 SOURMS Stall@ no* 5# 1963g-f#531458 TOPIC T Me ro, N1 Cr, Tit All,'Alloy IL767t heat troatmentp temparIngp aoaldu& Solia'scautioul, plastic deformation -net L~CT t Tho ~tat resistinlia'lloy IM787 with a oheadoal compositAon of up to OAS% as -up to 0-66A sit up to 0,6% Kwi 22-16% Cre 13-37% lUg 2-4% Vs 2,4-3.2% Tit 9#7-1.5% Al and up to 0.03% Be was at~dled at TaXIIGhK. Mcpariments Included hiat ;treatinc and tempering in air and water at temperature up to H80C and soaldrig times up to 20M hours, It is, concludad. that the process of hamening consiste of Uree, phases, 1) The trateformation at 500-6500 characterized by the Increase In I :Alectrical resistance of alloy. 2) The development of aging processes at 650-900C; this phase- represents a solid solution. of Ifi# Fat and Al with the compound III Tj The formation of a stable lamllar.or acicular phase of the type (KijFa)-j(T1pji) 'at 90"W, The formation of this phase at 1150400C to possible only aft6r a long card-Wo INMISIC-Irlml -sammyolmom L IM50-65 EWP(q)/1~Cr(K)/BDS AFFTC/ASD Pad ACCESSION NR: AP3001691 �/0126/63/015/005/0658/0663 AUMbRS: -.2fazarov, Ye. Yegorshitta, T. V. TITMI'~';~ Matids. of Acicular phase: formation in B178, alloy ~:S 01~RCE: viztka metallov L metallovedeniye, v. 15, no. 5, 1963, 658-663 TOPIC TAGS: acicular phase, E1787 alloy kinetics 7 i'ABSTRACT.-. Chang -of the m~tastable phase into t ea. he stable ones in alloy E1787 were'Linvestigated. 'This alloy has A N r se, and hardens because of the metastable phase -formation during the p ess. This T'-phase to of the type Ni I(Ti, Al) and has a face-centered cubic lattice. Under certaia conditions the -phase is:transformed into the stable r "-phase which has an acicular structure, the same rarystalline lattijeXud a different chemical composition. The formation of these two phases at different temperatures and aging periods has been studied. The acicular phase Appeared at-950C after 15-20 hours,at 900C after 75 hours, at ;'850C~after 750 hours. and at 800C after 6,000 hours of aging. The chemical heterogeneity of the alloy speads up the appearance of the ?ill-phase. In a rolled sample it a2peared at 950C after 10-16 hours. The cast samples showed s=mll Card FRIDANTSEV, M.V.; NAZAROV, Ye,G, . I.- I Effect of cold, plastic deformation an the properties of the KhN35VTIU alloy. Ketalloved. I term. obr. met. no.11:52- 53 N 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskly Institut chernoy metallurgil. NAZAROV, Ye.Cs.; PRIDANTSEV, M.V. Trftnsformation characteristics of the in'ermotallidpy-phnsa Into the acicularf, hase in the KhN35VTlU alloy. Sbor. trud TSM11CHM no.35:24-30 6~. (J~jTjjj 17:2) L-13061-a EWT(W)/EWA(d)/EWP(t)/EWP(b) ASD(f)-2/AFMDC/&9D(m)-3 MJW1 ACCESSION MR: AT404W3 wooo/641000/00/0204/0208 AUTHORt Pridantsev, M. V.; Sell~aa' I.; Nazarov,,Ye. G. _ TITLEt PhaIso transformations In the KhN35VTYu EI-787) I Cry _TISOURCEI AN USR. Hauchnyky sovet Ro problemi zharoprochny*kh sploycY. lifladava'Frys staleg I splavov k5tudles on steels and alloysy. Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka,, 1964, 204-2 1< TOPIC TAGS: all2y phase transformatlJ stainless steel, nIckel chromium steel, Iron alloy, heat resistant steel, 2a 1 -787, KhN35VTYu steel ."n / alloy El yl ABSTRACT: The heat resistant alloy EI-787, having an Fe-Ni- base, isstrengthen- ed during aging (650-8300 by formation of an intermetallic ~_ phase of the type 1113(TI, At). Hetallographic analysis shows that In the stre-.sed EI-787 alloy, the. needielikel" ph-Asa appears after 15-20 hours at 950C, 75 hours at 900C, 750 hours at 850C and 6000 hours at 800C. The activation energy of -the I('->r' phase transformation Is 104-106 kcal./mole. Chemical analysis of anode coatings shows thn't as the aging temperature increases, the iron content In the Y' phase rises, ospecially at-830-900C. The results of X-ray analysis coincide with those of chemical analysis of theS11 phase. This phase contains: 67% N1 , 20% TI , 9.5% Fe, and- a~L6%-sf~---t-nceeastn-g--th-"_gLng- temperature leads to separation 1-ACCESSI.0N NR; AT046843 of larger particles of the phase and then to the appearance of particles of the -new %I' phase. , In alloys on a NJ base (EI-4370, El-"5), the appearance of a nandlelike tjphase with a hexagonal lattice (NJ TI) causes lowering of the plasti- city and Impact toughness, since the new phase Aas a lattice differing from that of the solid solution. The tabulated results of tests on alloy EI-787 show that the appearance'of the needielike phase In the coarse grain structure does not lower the plasticity'and Impact toughness, since the crystal lattice Is unchanged. The stress-rupture strength Is about 33% lower at 750C, but the time to failure at 750C and 30 kg/mm2 Is 84-369 hours, while the yield point drops slightly. The authnrs conclude that transformation of th3 metastable phase Into a stable phase In the EI-787 alloy depends on the temperature and duration of heating, Both _gamma phases have a similar crystal lattl phase has a needle- laminated structure and contains an Increased quantity of Iron (about 9%); Its chemical composition does not depend on the temperature of formation and duration of heating. OrIg. art. has: 4 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: none suBmiTTEo-, 16jun64 ENCLi 00 SUB CODEt MM NO REF SOViv W7 OTHER: 000 L 19%2-65 FWWAVA (d)/FWP(0/FWP(b) ACCESSION NR: APhOh7167 Pad I-YP(c)/A3D(m)-3 ?fYWIJDIIUIJG AUTHO OV. Ye. 01. (Candidate of-technical 'sciences); Pridants i. I&jv%.,..or of technical iciences, llrofeoror) TITLE: Catathermal aginr of' allays SOURCE: 6tall, no. 10, 1964, 9P2-9P5 TOPIC TAUS., irar. nickel chromium alloy, bent reviStUnt alloy, titn- nium containing alloy, aluminum containing alloy, alloy iging, crtta- tberifl-al aging., E17.87 alloy, tungste n containinp. alloy ABSTRACT: A new-aginp-proced-ure-Is nurgested for iron-nicke'-cliromium- bAse alloys in vhich decompositlon of the solid solution and precipi- tation of the strenrthening phane. Iroceeds at w ni r,'.Icr rate than in __Rlloys In some iron~-nickel-qjlr It'Lloyr the ojmj nickel-bajR A. strengthening y'-phase precipitriten during air coc',, from anni-aling temperatures. For sucn alloys, catather,,ral aging i.e., aFjrfr, by ~Yer the unual la-thermai aginr,. For cooling offers-some 6dvantages c , instance, the hardness pX-J.LW_7Z.1 alloy (0.88 max Cr, 33-37% Ni, 2.4-3.2% Ti, 2.8-3.5% Wo, 0-7-1-11%. Al, max B, balance Card /2 L 1900-65 ACCESSIOU HR: Ap4o4716T iro n) annealed at 1180C, air cooled to TOOC (catathermal aging), and water quenched amounts to 270 JIV To achieve the sume hardnes3 with alloy quenched from 1180C, isodermal aging at 700-750C for 15-18 hr is required. The effect or catathermal aging becomes more pronounced with low annealing temperatureu, e.g., 1050C for E1787 alloy and low cooling rates as in furnace cooling. The method appears to be cape- ---cially--effective for large parts(whose cooling rates are rather low even with water quenching) which can be aged immediately after hot p.lastic deformation. A forged disc 700 nm in diameter and 85 mm thick, air cooled immediately after forging, had high mechanical properties, satisi'actory heat-reuistaneci and low notch' sensitivity. The disc structure and hardness were uniform throughout the whole volume. Ad- ditioncl isothermal aging at 750C for 16 hr bad little or no effect on the amount and composition of the strengthening phase. Orig. art. -_has --A-f i&ures_. NAZAROV, Yo.(,. F~rma ti on ,;,f ~;, --e In tr.,,~ ~f.-'13 "1".7:11 a I ry. Xc- *~;i .' . -, . ' t-irm.cbr.n.t. n0.1:11-18 Ja 1(" . IF. I. Men tra I I nri nau-whno.-io: 1,~(jov I t.,31 is kiy Lnr#,,; -ut '-'h-.-nov motallurg,li Im. I.?.bardina. L 59271-*6 EWP(k)/W(SUDIA(C)/&7(m)/WP(t)/T/D(A(d)/WP(t) Pf-VFad JJF(c) Y.75i ID trigi ACCESSION NR: AT5016063 UR/2776/65/000/039/0139/0147 ,AUTHOR., --flazaroy.-Le. G. Pridantsev, M. V. TITLE: Katathermal aging of KhN35VTYu 5-rrloy SOURCE: Hoscaw. Teentralln nauchno-isaledovatellskiy,institut chernoy metj!LUArji." Isbornik trudov,_95. 39, 1965, Spetsiall_nyve stali i splavy (Special steels and al.- !loys), 139-147 1OPIC TAGS: -alloy steel, metal mechanical property, dispersion strengthening, chemical -analysis--, .1!recipitation hardening,-- heat treatment, metallographic. examina- .1tion al a in Itfor high N iABSTRACT: Strenerthening effects of cooling after isotherm _~ji n 4 _',YhN35VT1Yu_ alloy were studied, along with the effects of hot plastic A ~~Series of heat treatments were used: annealing at 1050 or 11800C, followed by ~quanchlng either in air or water-, subsequent reheating at 7500C, and finally ccn- prior hot plastic deformation with annealing at 10500C and/or aging at 7500C. Mechanlc,31 propertien are tabulated for the above treatments, and the re-sults am ex- ~Plained In terms of atructural observatims made during metallographic amination Card 1/2 r -L 59271-65 i :ACCESSIM IiRv. AT5016063 iand after x-ray analysia. In general. air cooling and aging are effective in rals- 1ng the hardness compared to water quenching. while the use of hot plastic deforma- tion is also effective, especially when combined with aging. Microstructures show .the structural effects of some of the above treatments on grain size and precipitate I idistribution. Equiaxed grains were displayed by samples after hot working and air ,cooling, while the water quenched samples showed a distribution of grain shapes, ~along with the appearance of twins. A chemical analysis on the amount of the inter- metallic phase present after processing indicated the effectiveness of hot working in stimnilating the precipitation process. After air cooling From 10500C, the amount, ,of y'-phase vas 3.05%, while aging increased this to 5%. X-ray analysis of the yl- phase indicated that it is fcc N13(Ti, Al). Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 6 tables. i ASSOCIATIONs note SUBMITTM 00 EkL: 00 SUB CODE: KH ko REr $011- 006 OTHEM 002 -Card 2 2 L 59272-65 EWP(k)/tWP(z)/EWA(c)/EW(m)/EWP(b)/T/EWA(d)/EWP(w)/EdP(t) Pf-4 JD70- 7 'SION NA. ATS01606-4 UR/2776/65/000/039/011&8/0154 IZS ,AC, i IALITHORt Pridantsevo H. V.; Hazarovo Ye. G., fTITLEt Effect of plastic deformatfarvon tie of KhN.15VTYu steel 4SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiLy Institut chernoy metallurgii. ,'K trudov, no-739, -1965. Spetsial'ny-ye 9tall-i splavy (Special steels and al- iloys), 148-154 i ';TOPIC TAGS, alloy steel, metal mechanical property, heat treatment, cold deforma- :tion, metal-lographic examination, heat resistant steed, grain size 4WTRACT: In-this study, KhN35VTYu steel was processed by combining different beat ~treatments with room temperature tenuile deformation (to 15%). This steel cnntained: ~C.08% C- 6% Hn- 0.6% Si; 12-16% Cr; 33-37% Hi; 2-4% W; 2.14-3.2% Ti; 0.7-1.5% Al; and bo;~n`yldditlolns to 0.015%. Mechanical properties (strength and,41~uctility) are tabui-ai-Wf-6r the various trbatmente. These were: (a) hot workin 14(b) hot work- ~ing pluj./ tensile deformation at room temperature (always b---, an 10%), and (c) an- nealingtlt 10800C (8 bra) with air cooling plus tensile deLrmation with subsequent __ I- ag nj__Wt 7500C (16 hre). The strength for these cases always increases with cold I Cord -1 /2 L 59272-65 'ACCESSION NR: ATS016064 Iwork, even after aging, although the aging treatment results In slight loss in )strength ovsr the non-aged condition. Microstructures show this to be due to larg rain growth after aging. Tensile tests were also made at higher temperatures rang-~ ling frm, 550-7500C. The steek/maintains its strength up to about 6500C, whereupon it drops 1101 at 7500C. Cre ttesto on both notched and unnotchod samples were also "in for all of the above treatments. The time to faill1re was do rmined at 550, 700, and 7500C. only in a few in3tances did the cold work aid n increasing creep resistance. Generally, it lowered it. Microstructural studieXf this effect con- firm the presence of Inhomogeneous preCfP_fta_t_F6_N__a_t_&0__th twin and grain boundaries. 7t wan concluded that this roducea creep resistance and totch sensitivity In KhN35Mu steel. Orig. art. heat 2 figures, 4 tabjeS. ASSOCIATTONi none SUTMITTED- 00 tNCL- 00 SUB CODE: MH NO REF SOVt 005 Card OTHER: 000 r V A AUTIMP. i tinzarov, (Moscow) 7: TLF A q~j a r. im ture of .:e rp,39 tes 'A e. var',umr.6y a k jt~irrl rrT - - s t e s a 6 A BS7RA Thp a.~ 1. hc r teR )w to rul, t , va te the ., Di; tY~ and :er. t ra Amp - rican or Vyrlopyllum proserplna-o,,Ie9 ; r-serpira-a palusIrIs plant for usq in aq,lariums Fird -)per-Fi,.r -rlg i~ Card 1,11 30(l) SOV/26-59-4-34/43 AUTHOR: Nazarov,-Ye.G. (Moscow) TITLE: Nymphoides Peltata in the Moscow Oblast (Nimfeynik v Moskovskoy oblasti) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 4, PP 115-116 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The autnor gives a detailed description of the plant Nymphoides peltata growing in running waters. Bloom- ing in July-August, this plant is very seldom found in the Moscow Oblast ; practically only in two places, in the Setun' river and the pond at the Pla- nernaya otation of the Oktyabrlskaya zheleznaya do- roga (October Railroad Line) The growth of this plant requires a silty, argiiiceous and sandy ground and an open habitat. There is 1 photo. Card 1/1 VAUROV, Ys.G.(Mosk") Tropical plants In aquariums. Pr1roda 49 no-7:118-119 J1 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Tropical plants) (Aquariums) WAY-A V, TO.G.; SOMMOVA, P.S. lattice leaf plant. Priroda 49 no.8slOg Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Gluvw botanlohookly mad A-Ademil nauk SSSR, Koakva. (Lattice leat' plant) ~JIAZAROV, Te.G. (Moskva) Desmodium p_rrans. Pr1roda 49 no.9:102-103 S 160. (HIPA 13:10) (Desnodlum) NAZAROV, Ye.G. - - - Nature. of si4ntaneous movements of plant leaves. Fixtol. rast. 9 no.5: 551-50 162. (MIRA 15s10) (Iaavqs) (Plan ts-- Irri tabili ty and movements) 141 wpil--ra-G: Kschanlgm and cha.-acteristice of spontaneous movements of leaves in Desmodium gyrans. DDkl. AN SSSR 1/.7 no.3s738-7/.l N 162. (MIRA 15,12) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.L. Kursanovym. (Plants-Irritability and movements) 1-w7W/r/FVPW/FTT/ --I,TP(c) jr/jrj ACC NRi AP6oloo95 SOURCE COM UR/0129/66/000/003/0045/0048' AUTHM Nazarovj Ye. G. ORG: TeNIIChERW 4: TITLE'. Th~ influence of various factors on the strengthening of alloy KhN35mu ~E ~767) K SOULCE- Metallovedeniye i termicheakaya obrabotka metallov, no. 3, 1966, 45-48 Pu A,4 d /., / rp I TOPIC TAGS: Anickel alloy, titanium alloy, metal aging, nonfer-rous metal alloy XIuN35VTYu rnc t=%a;= alloy AB3"IRACT: The factors which cause a strengthening of alloy KhN35VTYu were investi- gated. The study supplements the results of Ye. G. Nazarov, snd M. V. Prid%ntsev ~Stall 1964, No, 10.. The work was carried out on hot-forged0compressor fins a~ specimens which were subjected to different thermal treatments and annealing pro- cedures. Some specimens were cooled slowly from an initial temperature of 1000C and were subsequently annealed in air, others were cooled more rapidly and were quenched in water. The usual mechanical properties of the specimens were determined as func- tions of the different cooling and quenching treatments. The experimental results are tabulated. A microstructural analysis of the specimens was also carried out.,~Me following scheme for the strengthening of alloy KhN35VTYu is propoeedi qa~nching In water from 1000C - 34%; hot deformation followed by cold working - 5%; hot deformation' followed by intensified catathernic (slow cooling) aging - 1504; catathermic aging 26P/o; and isothermic aging - 10%. Orig. art. hass 2 tables and 2 grapho. -/4 Card 1/1 SUB COM 11/ SUBM DATFi none/ mr. REF, om UDCt 669.14-018-45t621-785-74 NAZAROT. Ye.P. (g.Ponsa) ,11omewdo Instrwmat for the determination of the meahmaical equivalent of heat. Its. v shkole 15 no.6170-72 5-D 155. (Eleat, Kechanical equivalent of) (KMA 9s 2) NAZKROV T P Revolution counter made from an alarm clock. !it. v shkole 19 no.l: 107-108 Ja-F '59. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Pedagngicbeskly institut, g.Penza. (Mot io n-l-loasuremant ) DORSKOT, K.V.; DROBYSMSKIY, E.M.; HAZAROV, YO.V. Ion wind effect on the rotation of a plasma in mutually opposed fields. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 33 no.11:1328-1332 N 163. (KIRA 16:12) 1. Fi,-,Iko-tekhnichoskly institut imeni A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad. *IAZAROV, Yu. E~f means of perso,~&l example. Pozh. r4e!-, 9 S 1~ '. (MIRA 16110) (Fl remen ) ol p I.; I.AZAIIA I... utijiz&tj ii f was,~ei crea, . -,: :iei wa:,,e products. Pozh.delo 7 ri().7:7-8 161. (M:1.-4 NAZAROVP Yu. What is "Afretan?" Pozh. delo 8 no.901 S 162. (KIPA 16:11) NIZAROT, ru. Cowads from the Putilov Plant. Fosh.delo 9 no.7ill-12 n 163. (WRA 16110) I AN '9'YtAL r Ft #'fM-SJVlIrl 7, 7-OU" WE F L 9 ki ENTS G, NoiA2, NAZAROV, G., Cand 'I'och Sci -- (disn) "(Phase -3ors It ivo Scheme as an organ of Direction of Power in Scherws of Relay Protection." Mos, 1957. 19 pp (Min of IfIghor Educntlon TISSR, Mos Ordor of Lenin nst), 100 copies (YL, 47-57, 58) T :7 E ve, n -ut - r i x I r V I,- r 7- r - i Z e x t t 7 7 BERKOVIC11, Mikhail Arnolldovichi VAVIN, Viktor Nikolayevich; GOLUBEV, Mikhail Llvoyicb; NAZARCV, Turiy Grigorlyevich; RIPEL', Normund Tevgenlyevich; SAW2T"'Y-'A*ROV, Alekaey Tinno'vich; SEMEW 7, Vladimir Alak5androvich; DOROFEYEV, V.I., inzh., retsenzent; PESDCHIN, M.I., inzh., rat.5enzent; PEFTSHIN, V.I., inzh., ret8enzent; AnSISHhV'-'YI'f, I.A., red.; GEM , A.D., red.; R RIK V, N. 1. , tekhn red. (Manual on relay protection systems) SprAvochnik po, reielnol zRshchite. [By) M.A.Berkovich t dr. Moskva, Gosenergoizdnt, 1963. 512 p. (MIRA 16.9) (Electric relays) (Electric protection) JN AZ A R) "Tij. P V _ ~~, s._X-qaj. 1m. nauk D,-,31gn cf phaal? s,--rsittve circuits with diodes. Elp)-trct--kk=ik9 36 ro.3rlB-22 IIC- 165. (MJRA Igs6il /' / , t , f. PETROVA. A.Ye.; HAZAROV. Yu.G. Effect of vitamins on acidity and secretion of gastric juice. Klin. mad., Moskva 29 no.12:83 Doc 51. (CU4L 21:4) 1. Owididate Medical Sciences for Petrov&. 2. Of the Therapeutic Clinic (Director-Prof. A.M. Kryukov, Active Member AMS USSR). Moscow Municipal Scientific-Research Institute of Ytrat Aid iment Sklifo- movskly. BELIKU. S.P.. polknrnik ffm)(11teinskoy aluYliby; NAZAROV, Tu.G.. myro madl- tolnekoy olizhby; KABANOT, L.Yn., po4polkovnik mdltelnekoy oluzhby Results of dispensary observations on a group of patients with coronary inaufficiancy. Voon.-rmid.zhur. no.10:21"27 0 159. (MIRA 13:3) (COROHART DISAASE. diagnosis) --%,I'.AROVjL Yu.G. Data from a radioGraphic atudy of cluingea in !h,' bone system in workers using pneumtic tools. Trudy "41 53:299-315 '59. (14IRA 13:10) 1. Ufodra rontgonologii i mudltalmkoy radiologii Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinakago instituta - (zav. kafedroy - prof. - B.M. Shtern) i kafedra gigiyeny truda s klinikoy professionallnykh zabolevaniy Leningradakogo sanitarna-gigiyenicho- skogo meditsinskogo instituts, (zav. kafedroy - prof. Ye. TS.Andreyeva- BONEIS) (VIBRATIOM-PHYSIOLOGICAL LfkFCT) NAZAWV,,.__Yu._G. (Leningrad, 67, ul. Kurakina, d.1/3, korp.25, kv.1o) X-ray obeervationB of osseouB changes in the ungual phlanges of the hands in metal workers under the influence of vibration. Vest. rent. i rad. 36 no.5s43-46 S-0 161. (IGRA 15sl) 1. Is kafedry rentgenologii (zav. - prof. B.M.Shtern) i kafedry gigiyeny truda a kJAnikoy profzabolevaniy (zav. - prof. Ye.TS. Andreyeva-Galanina) Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigi enicheskogo meditainskogo Instituta (dir. - prof. A.Ya.Ivan%. (FINGERS-RADIOGAAPHY) (VIBRATIOfi--PHYSIOLOGICAL EMU) (METALWOitKE11S__DISWES AND HYGIME) ,- N -6"w m - dwO""Wla;:- - . - I I 7c' ldl. ) "7r' campos-tor, c0 or-ri ,Vt7,V~M, T-i. -.., Cand lEs -- anl coriditlonn of formation of t.,,. !-hrjnw;jlskIy (lepogit". '~- I I In I , I '~ i. if-, pp (Order of 7,nhor `-] Tlnn:,(~r ,orrlan Foly*.ec~i :nst Im ',. '. ',,nin, , o1 Admin of tho ro,mcll of MlnWrara 4-or~,,lnn VO r-op!vrj 'Y", ;o ](, 12-7)1 MAZAROT, TU.1. Dejiaioz of barite@ and nonferrous metal sulfides in the Madneull deposit. Geol.rud.nestoroxb. no.6:90-101 X-D '59. (KI" 13:7) 1. Geologichaskoye upravlonlye prt Sovete Ministroy GrusSM. ThIllsi. (Kadnaull regign--Barite) (Xadneuli region,--Sulf Ides) NAZAHOV, YU.I. Prospecting indications to hidden copper-sulfile and lead-3inc ore bodies in the southeastern part of ~;PorKia. Trudl Geol.inst.AN Gruz.SSR. Min. i petr. ser. 6il9,9-211 161. (MIRA 15io) (Georgia--Ore deposits) NADDUM, V.R.; HAWOV, Tu.I. Conditions of formation and regularitted in the location of eadogeatts deposits in southeastern Georgia. Zakonan. razm. poleza. iskop. 51 267-282 162, (MIRA 15:12) 1e Gedlogicheiskiy institut AN Grusinskoy SSR i Geol4gichaskoys upravleniye pri Sovete Hinistrov Grusinskiy SS14 (Georgia-Ore deposits) 11y1q 27. 3/011/63/000/001/0(,2./002 A006/A1Ol AUTHORi Azlzbekov, Sh. A. T=e The Third hll-Union Conference on regularities In the formation and distribution of endogenous mineral resource deposits PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akademil n&uk SWR, Serlya geologicheskaya, no. 1, 1963, 126 - 128 TEXTi The Conference was held In Baku from September 18 to 23, 1962; It was attended by 455 representatives from scientific and industrial geological organizations including 24 Academicians and Corresponding Members of AS USSR and AS of various republic, 49 Doctors-Profeesors and 164 Candidates of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences. The Conference was opened by Academician D. r. f Shcherbakov, seorstary of OOON, AS USSR. The progms of the Conference was di- vided into three main groupas a) r9gularlties in the formation and dIstrIbution of andogenous deposits in the Caucasuej b) regularities in the formation and distribution of andogenous deposits of other folding regime of the Alpine cy- cl*j o) general problems of mtallogeny. In group a) reports an baslo features card 1A)_ 5/011/63/000/001/002/002 The Third All-Union Conference On_ A006/A101 Of metallogeny WO models of detailed metallogento charts of the Caucasus were delivered by Sh. A. Azlzbekov and H. N. Abdullayev (in Aterbaydthan), S. 5, Mkrtychya.n (in Armenia). 0. A. Tvalchrelldze and Georgia) and V. 1. Orobey (In the Northern Caucasus)j V. 1. SAYrnov reported on pecullarltl*o in msgmattam snd metallogeny of the geosyn-cTin. NZ-plateau stage In the evolu- t1on of the Western section of Northern Caucasus. Reports were delivered on mag- matlam and metallogeny In the Dashkesan ore region (M. A. Kashkay. M. A.Mustafa- beyll) Southern Georgia Q~_. R._N&djrA4zs) the Sevan-Ake-razone (S. Sulm-s-0-1 a llaverdy-Bolina Ore region (T, Sh, 02glahvill) and In the imail Caucasimn- Intrusives. G_,__&_Azq&*en1jke reported on "Paleogenous volcanism In the Caucasus and metallogeny related to it"I V. N. Kotlyar on *Deposit types related to paleo- volcanism*j papers were delivered on pyrite the Somkhlto-Karabakh and the Bevan-Akers zone (P F So I ) Morthern'Caucasum (N S. Skripchenko. _P40 1 r ore region (S. 3h. Sarki - --Reports vere Madze) the Chubukhlu-Tanzuts --(I. SEk oaanT. read on polymetalla deposits in Northern Caucasus -K.-Krann-o-i-Mova) , morth- -West Caucasus (0 P Korneyl " the Mekhmany ore I'teld other reports dealt wfik-g-lid (N. Ye. 0 khouLn' D 0 ftliya) mercury (D. V. Abuyev) &M rare metal OP. V. T-Min's !~~L ~_ roup 2 Inoluded-R-06"', Mustafabeyll r lI-;tiZ_N_ an card NAZAROV. Y,j.A'. F'r I nc i F, le s It nrl 'EP ", :/'. -~ -, ! ' - ~, I " , ~. 17 . 1:, 'p, - I : z : 7~-o 1~ ,~ - I, -,~ . A ;r+j Iri I : oge n A - f - re , ri c3 '- Ino -rA 1, .3 n , - ~ vc, t - r ' 1 11 , i -- " I I." ~ -, 3 . , " ,, -1 4 * ;,., -. - , , , M: T4,*, , , , " I ,( irplfi. ~ak . ri mr. . ,,, : . ~, . I -1k - ,. , 1. . , I . 1. . i . ~jr, o1 n~~,Lr- t)e ~7k jy ~ m: * ! *,li ~ A~. ~ - , : , ~ n, i ~. , i y -'). ',T,. I V~! IT SKI LAM 0 1' mr, nac,,,ert., ri( 3".1 !.R,,V, iv. 1. F(,,,m,sti nn )f - .,- - d, a,- ' , re i !- 1. --7. a.~, I. Ct, va Gr- z . , I ri, .1 .3- 1- ' -- ' - , 2,48, GVAKHARIYA, G.V.1 NAZAROV, Yu.1. FarroalunlLe from th6 I-Oadnaull deposit (Ge(.rgiar, Srrb, Ali rina, SSR 32 no.2:381-387 163. (MI:P-A 18,J) 1. Geologicheskiy institut All Gruzinskuy SSFI. Submi t te J .22, 1962. NAZARLIJ, Yu. 1. Rolict bedd'nt, in 'ho Jurrit .,. - rmlvs of tw, Lt,-(, ink, ~ - Belokar.:., zone. Soob. A:; ~r,,7 . "Sil, 38 "0. 1: 1 - !-,'I "4 1 "r, . ~ - -~ I.18: 1. 'i 1. Geo 1 n -. -r P!4 iy 4 .., '_' 'ut A:. (;ruzSSR. S~vr_,' * -led D,,,-. . 10 19(,1.. WAROV, Yu.1. I--. "Imb data rin tbp Tjartz di-r"..- int7-.,z!rn cf Kar--.t' E--,3 txict, Georgian S.S.R. 1, Sorb. AN Gruz. SSR 39 nc. 1 .119-113 TI. '65. (,LIRA 18tio) 1. Geologiche!.kly institut AN 0--bz.,ZR, Subrtl-tt9d Fetr-tarY 5, 'Q65, 6U907-65 Pe b ACCESSION PIP: AP5019009 UP/02F'/,/~` /000 1012 /00 37 /00 37 621.318.5 ALF-1HOR: Orloy. P. S., Hazarov. Yu.- C'n ;TITLE: Transistorized time-delny- r-elay Class 21, N'o. 171921 ;SOURCR: Byulleten' izobreteniy I tovarnykh znak'ov, no. 12, 1965, 37 TOPIC TAGS- transistorited time delV, relay, time delay refay ~ABMACT: To improve the accuracy of the time delay. the load resistance of the I ~proposed relay Is connected between the twn shaping capReitors and in aeries with the PC charging circuit (gee Fig. 1 of Enclosure). Orig. art. has! I figure. [TS) ASSOCIATION- tions.- SUBMITTED: o8ju16i. ENCL: 01 SUB CODE:Eqc OTHER! 000 ATD PRESS: 4o59 ENCIDSME: 01 - iLt hg. 1. Trannistorized time-delay relay 1 - Load resistance; 2, 3 - capacitors; 4 - cbarging PC circuit. Card MAZAROV, Z., Candidate Med 3cl Wise) -- "Me hygienic characteristics and amino-acid composition of the proteins of goat's milk and lactic-acid products". Leningrad, 1959. 18 pp (Kin Health RSFSR, Leningrad Sanitary-Hygiene Med Inst), 250 copies (KI., No 25, 1959, 141) NAYMOV, Z.A., and GROSMATI, Yu. S. "On the Effect of Vitamins C, PP, and B2 on the Course of Acute Intoxication by Orthonitrochlnrobenzene~', Paper read at the First Ural Conference of Physiologists, BiocIve-mists, and eharmocologiats, Sierdlcrvsk, 5--E June Iq~56. Chair of Phnkmacology Molotov Wedicol InstitT~te. Sum. 1305 HAZAROV, Z.Y. Relation of amino acid composition to the hyri-,!nlc characteris- tics of goat milk and certain of its products. Trud7 LSrAfI no.47:201-223 '59. (KIRA 12:9) 1. Kafedra gigiyany pitantya Leningradskogo sanitarno-giglyeniche- ekogo meditsinskogo Instituta (stiv. kafedroy - dotsent Z.H.Agranov- skiy) I Kafedra biologichaskoy khimii Laningradskogo vanitarno- giglyanichaskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav. kafedroy - professor 5-Y-Hedzvetakly). (MILK) (DAIRT PRODUCTS) (A111110 ILCIDS) NAZAROVp Z.F.1 ARSLIJ.-OVA, 6.6. Vit4mvIn C content in the vegetahles, fruits, bemles and vine crops growing in Tashkent Province. Trudy Inst*kraev. eksper. med. no.42108-113162. (MIRA 16t6) (TASIMT PROVT14CE-ASCORBIC ACID) (TAS11MM4T PROVOCE-PL41TS-XMICAL AEALYSIS) NAZAhOVS-Z.F. I~arotene content in vegotable food products of Tashkent Provin-o. uzbo biol. zhur. 7 no.3:50-53 163. (MRA 16:9) 1. Institut Icrayevoy eksperimentallnoy maditsiny k1l UzSSR. NAZAROV, Z.F.; GULYAMOVA, M.; ARSLAMOVA, S.S.; RAMMATULLAYEV, M. Content of vitamin C and carotene in vegetabl- food produc*A of Bukhara Province. Uzb. biol. zhur. 7 no.5:2~-28 '63. (MIPA Mll) 1. Institut krayevoy eksperimentallnoy weditsiny AN UzSSR. a '3 r -,v 17 T r,iri'llsc a-;ca c ,ilirl. 2 All )ur BAZHENOV, A.M. (Ulan-Ulde, ul. Pavlova, d.9, kv.U); HAZARM-RYGDYWN, V.E. Tw or of trachea causing asphyxia in thyroidectomy. Veat. kbir. 92 no.D104-105 Ja 164. (ICRA 1",U) 1. Is otorinolaringologicheakogo (zav. - A.M. Bazh,-nov) i kbirurgi- cheskogo otdoloniya (zav. - V.V. Baldynov) Respubllkanakoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach - taolushennyy wrach RSFSR Z.B. Badmayeva) Buryatskoy ASSSR, Ulan-Uds. -V 23584-66 EWT (1) /T JK A 05172 SOURCE CODE: UR/0348/65/000/011/0053/00531 AUTHOR: Nazarova, A. _(Senior research associate) ORG: VITINt Krasnodar TITLE: Montarl In tobacco SOURCE: Zashchita rasteniy ot vrediteley I bolezney, no. 11, 1965, 53 TOPIC TAGS: plant disease, plant injury ABSTRACT: Tobacco rlants affected with bacterial montar ~ one af the most injurious tobacco diseases, produce virtually no seeds. The disease becomes apparent late in July and early August when the leaves are maturing. The Trapezond, Ostrolist, and Amerikan varieties suffer most; the Kolovata, Dyubek 8, and Varatik varieties are less affected. Plants set out early develop the greatest resistance: In experiments with Dyubek 44, Ostrolist 2747, and Trepezond 1857 set out on 13 May and again on 25 May, the disease rates were I and 41%, 20 and 63%. and U and 36%. respectively. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. I SUB CODE: 06/' SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 000 UDC: 632.931.1 : 633.71 ACC NRs' t AUTHORSt ~vkelvsonp to lot Garmonovo V* 1-1 Mass rQT_AaAAA*1'- A Koleanikovas 0* wo ORGs Varonexh Institute of Technolog (Voconesh~kLy takhaolog4heekLy Institl4t) I*# .TITLEt Uve-010AU'am' of the Volycondess4tion of dl hanyl with 41- ch oreeiihilk im the 0resenco of aluminum trLeblorzo a an the structure of the-,jpcaAuAte obtained SOURCNs Vysokauolekulyarayye soyedLneniya, v. S. no. 3. 1966. 461-485 TOPIC TAGSt 41phenylanine, aluminum chloride, polycondennation, polymer, molecular weight, catalyst, chemical reaction kinetics ABSTRACTo The reaction of diphenyl with dichlaroethane In the presence of the AM3 results In the formation of polydiphenylenethyl, It was found that the molecular weight of polydiphonylenothyl Increases with the decrease of the 41phanyl-to-dlchloroothase ratio, with the excess of the former resulting In the formation of a foan-like crosslinked polymer* With the catalyst amount is increased, the molecular weight first rises and then drops so that there to an optimum catalyst con- centration for every diphemyl-to-dichlaroothans ratio. For the ratio 1/2 UDCt S41.64+678.01M+678.71 ACC NRs '4-'-- of 1.5:1*09 the molecular weight of 4000 Is reached at 23Z of catalyst concentrations The kinetics of the reaction are satisfactorily de- scribed by the equation P a t . where P Is the conversion 19+1,665 t and t is the time from the beginning of the reaction in minutes. It follows from the IR spectrum that the polydiphanylemethyl molecules possens a linear structure with ortho-positions of substituents, Orige art. has: 3 figures, I tarsal&. and I table, (Based an author's . abstract) INT) SUB COm 07/ BUSH DAM 02Apr65/ ORIG RZFs 007/ OTH REFt 004/ 2/20 _#AZAROV~4t Anna Ylllppqym~ (*Dsarsva. H.P.). Geroy SotsislistichOskOgO DCKASHITICEI. 0. [Dawshovich. 0. J. red. ; KOLECHITS, G. (Kalacbwts. H.). [Progressive cnrch of the seven-year plan] Xrnksimi sianihodkl. Litersturny sepia I fots P.IA.Utsianava. Kinsk, Dziersh. vyd-va B=. Red.sellskahaspadarchal lit-ry, 1960. 31 P. (Kim 14:3) 1. Stershynys Imlhasa Tershaye meys'O, Mialudotaksho rsiona (for Mazarovs). (Zholudoic District--Agriculture) '~j L 'i I I a r n I -C h 1 r ~)o- I ;i t f )r r z -I i, a a , ~ " I ( V 1, , . . I . --Av- . ~!, -. the S-!'mert In fruit and berry juices. innrA rIv. *~.r or I 1~ rr . ': 1 7 1. )". (~,, " 1( - - ) I , .'i;. , Yovi-hnc-i-i lodovntol'okly Inotitut kr,i!!-e;-vr,, " I ' ' cy i- - -)lonnontl . ( 7`r!~l t 'I'ii ces ) NAZAROVA, A.I. Method for deterotaLng colloids in grape juice. Loas.1 ov.?rom. 12 no.6:42-" Ja 157. (KLRA 10:7) 1. Vseaoy-uznvy rLauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut konservnoy i ovoshcheoushilluoy promyshlonnosti. (Fruit Juices) (Colloids) ILAZAROVA, A.I.; KOSTROVA. Te.I. Preserving and packaging semiprocessed vegetables to be .;sed in coals. Kons.i ov.prom. 15 no.5il6-17 MY 160. (MIRA 1):9) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut konservnoy i ovoshcheaushillnoy prom7ohlennosti. (Vegetables-Preservation) NAZAROVAt A.I. Testing machines for slicing vegetables and meat into s&%U cubes. Kona. i cyv. prom. 15 no. 12:12-15 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. TSentr&lfnyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut konserynoy i ovoshchesushillnoy promyshlennosti. (Canning industry-Equipment and supplies)