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, , , t . I " Orl 'J ~ '-, , : ~ i 11 1 , , v, I ". I _1~ . ~ 0 ." ,I . I, . , C. 1.-~d .~' I, I c 3c 1 - - (' i I '~ '; ) ,'%. - v I '~' -m! ,-, I' , - -11 -.. ,-) " c o a 3 a , " : ~ (" '_ ./-!.; :Uz- , :. 1, . - r, . '.., 9 '1 . -J , '- ., , .9 19') i C, "O~j C'-~)'i ,, -I- , - 11', -- I vc, ---: I - i".. A. - i -:, ' r, ; ~- v ) , '_ 1 - ~, -7 _' - 3 ( i-J, 0 'j, i, - "3,1 ,loc ) USSIR/Farm MiL nio - Lir:,,e Horneu Catt-c . -.-~? Abe Jour Iu! Zhur - B1,jl., No 1.8, 155t'j', 83376 Author Nazarov, V.K. Inst Moscow .,cadmy of itgriculturc izicni K.A. Tizalr~razcv. litle Thc rroblen of FeedinC, Optir,;Pl r)uantities of Vitrui.L ') ., uc Dry Cows with Calves Aurinj, -Uio Period of Their 13LJ;.L K~:pt wicle~- Stall ConditiO:.5. Orig Pub Dold. Mosk. a.-kh. ii... K.,',. TiLAryazeva, 1957, -.ryp. 30, ch- 2, 34-39. Abstract It is recourterided that f:ir c-iiis with calves whose liv- weiglit mounts to 600-700 kg and whose nilk pro(2uct"vity equals 5,000 kg, daily norms of carotene be augi,.:ntt~d to 60-70 r43 per 100 kg of live weiJit. This prmytL:~~ satiation of the organiSLI With vitariin Jk and bett(~r and davelopnent of the Cctu5, au well as aasurcs~ f,.*i.~% Card 1/1 productivity o: the cawo after calving. POLYANINOV, V.D.; KIIA"SAREVICE, TS.M.; NA7.AHG'Vj, V.r- Semla--itoranatic line for the production of hide glue fiakes. Kozh.-obuv. prom. 7 no.4:29-33 Ap lt~5- RA I P ; #-, ~ 1. flachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela Taganrogskogo kozhevPnnoj,o zavoda (for Polyaninov). 2. Starshiy inzh. tekhnicheskogo otdela Taganrogskogo kozhevennogo za-roda (for natsarevich). 3. 7ameatitell nachallnika konstruktorskogo byuro TaFanrogBkogo kozhevennoflo zavoda (for Nazarov). ACC NR,AP6022031 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/003/0196/G202 'UT, _tsen o M.; Yovlanov, Y H01: Nikollskiy, A. P.; qe'. I Pr2 Nazarov V. K.; Varenov, B. N.; Shmelev, V. I.; Kordor,5kiy, G. A. ORG: GLntral Laboratory of Automatics. GK,ChT-svF-T., Mosc-ow (Tseritralinaya laboratoriya av-Lomatiki) TITLE: Automatic fluorescent x-ray spectrometer SOURCE: Pribory I tokhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1966, 198-202 TOPIC TAGS: automatic spectrometer, x ray spectrometer ABSTRACT: A newly developed all-wave vacuum fluorescent automatic x-ray '3poctrometer Is briefly described; intended for both qualitative and quantitative analy3es, the two-beam spectrometer permi ts programing of 24 lines. The p ro gramin gunit has sLura,.es for these parameters- the Wulf-Bragg angle, discrimination threshold, discrtmination-window width, standard or timer pulses, collimator type, sequence of interrogation of lines. These units are mentioned or described: x-ray optical system; primary and secondary colliriatorsi crystal analysers (_TiF and 1411 radiation detectors (proportional and Nal'71) 4 '~ P04 scintUlation counters); amplifiers, supply packs, etc. Thc BKhV-6 x-ray tube (50 kv, 100 ma) permits exciting the K-serics of elements with Z = 12--60 and the L-series with Z > 60. Data regarding counting rates of pure elements Is supplied. Orig. art. has: 1 [03 _fjZurjs and 1 table. SUB CODE-.20,L2J9SUEM, DATE:14Apr65/ORIG RU :006 / OTH RM001 Cardl/1 543,426-- DALMATOV, Vsevolod Yukovlevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; iELnUSOV, Yevgeniy Dmitriyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; NAZAROV, Valeriy Mikha7lovich, inzh.; EYDII.QV, Tu.S., inzh., red. (Floors of particle board tileo in apar-trrent houses and public builuings; practice!j of the Moscow Woodworking Combine NO-3, the Vitebsk Housing, Gonotruction Combinf-P and the Main Adminiotrntion for Hou;ilng anii Civilian Construction In Moocowl Poly iz dr()vesnc-:jtruzhechnjkh plit v zhilykh A obshchestvennykh zdanliakh; opyt Mo- skovskogo DOK No.3, Vitebskogo DA I Glavrrioo3troia. Mo- skva, Stroilzdat, 1964. 35 v. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-ionledovatellokiy institut organiza- tsil, mekhanizat3ii I tekhriiehe3kay 1,ov.oshchi stroltell- stvu. 2. Ruko-/oditell .9ektorn polov To"entrallnogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta prom-yshlennykh zdaniv i so- oruzheniy Gosstroya SSSR (for Dal=tov). 3. Rukovoditall gruppy polov Nauchno-'ssiedovatellskogo instituta Glavnc)go otdeleniya po zhilishchnomu I grazhdanskomu stroitellotvu v gorode Moskve (for Belousov). NAZAROV, T.M. Method of arranging microscopme in a vertical position. Sbor. et. po good. no.4:57-60 153. (KLRA 9-6) (SurvmyIzW,--Inmtriimmnts) (Microscopy) NAZLROT, I.M. -- -- ---- - Geodetic po geod. metrolog7 and the light wave as a unit of length. no-5:17-26 153. (KzaA 9:7) (Iength moasurement) NPIZ11. OVP V. I . "An Analysi3 of the Accurocy of the Line of I ic 0 n fo!- r, ")Tr- Inter f'or cmtial Compuratore an(-, the Choict, of a Rnt lc,, al I c ij- paralor." C&M Tech Sci, Xoscow Inat of Engineers of G-~,-c-ay, A~,risl Photography, rnd Cartcf-raj,hy, 1t bec 54. M', " I)ec 54) Survey of Scientific am! Ts~!chnicnl 1 1,99orttillons ~':nfm(lecl At U3.1-1 Higher ~klucatl-)nal Inatituflons (12) SO: S=. No. 556, 2J. Jun 55 IJAZA,ROV , V . W. A aource of errors in the Interference comparntor. no.7:65-66 154. (KLRA 8.U ) (Interferometry) , - - I -,N NAZAROT TX,, kandidat takhatchosirtkh nauk: GENIKE, A.A.; PRILIPIV, M.T.; LAZAROT, P.Te. Now apparatus for measuring distAnces to geodesy. Geod.1 kart. no.7:42-41 ii '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Televieter) 3W AUTHOR3: Nazarov V M Candidate of Technical SOV/6-58-11-2/15 Sciences, Prilepin, M. T., Candidate of TechnIcal Sciences, Genike, A. A., Mikhaylov, V. S. TITLEi Results of Field Tents of the Test Model of theLarge Optical Range Meter of the TsNIIGAiK (Rezulltaty polevyk), ispvtaniy opytnogo obraztsa Bol'shogo avetodallnomera TsNIIGAiK) PERIODICALs Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1958, Nr 11, pp 12-15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The results of tentative tests of this range meter car-ied out in 1956 w,?re published in Geodeziya i kartograftya. In 1957 the design of the range meter was somewhat modified and it was subsequently tested on the base not. The block scheme of the range meter is given here. A quartz generator nro~uces high-frequency oscillations (10 Mcy.) which are mixed with the oscillation3 from the second generator. The resulting high-frequency oscillations are applied to a Kerr-cell after being multiplied and amplified. These oscillations are used as supporting oscillations for the phase-detecting. Two frequency measuring methods vere tested& One according to the calibrated scale of the generator (using calibration Card 1/2 points), the other with a converuion device. The second Results of Field Tests of the Test Model of the Lt_rge SOV/6-5B-"-2P5 Optical Range Meter of the T9!111GAIK method wan preferred, as it proved to be morr? simple, con- venient, exact, and fastpr. The test runs were carried out in t he C I an the Sarata base net from Septembpr v to Novemner 1, 1957. From the results presented in this paper it Is to he geen thFit thin optir~al range meter of the Ts11IIGAiK complies with the requirements placed upon big range meters. At present the design Is somewhnt Rltprel and the principal electronic scheme is improved. It is Intend,?d to reduce the weight and the size of the Ievi,:P. There are 2 flKurpa, 2 tables, and I Soviet reference Card 212 3(4) AUTHOR: Fazarov_ V. 11. , C.-indidato r)f I - S ~-, -en c e a TITLE; Scientific Work for the Buildin,, of Optical Range Finlers of High Accuracy and Experioncei in Using Them (0 nauchnykh rabotakh po sozd-iniyu ovetodallnomerov vy9okoy tochnosti i opyte ikh primeneniya) PERIODICAL: .Avootlyn vysnhikh uchobnykh zavoloniy Geodp-i.1ya i fierof0too"- y-mka, 1959 Nr ' pp 59 48 (U.").~H) ABSTRACT: A clannification of ran,7e finders and c 3urvef of them in the form of tables are at firct given here. The indivilual ele- ments of optical ran,-e finders are aloo shown in the table. These elements are descrilel in 3hort Auionj, the optical range finders, of which a producti-3n model in already available only the geodimeter by Ber~~strnnd is actually prr-aent. The geodimeter bought in 19~7 by the U.-,*SR (in the Ts'171GAiK) showed a systenitic error in the measuremento. The constant of the apparatus haa t, br, checked. - The TsNITG~~'iY hap, bf!en working at a large r-ir.,~e finder since 11154. It" prototype was completed in riutumr 1956. On acc-junt of Card 112 - ran-(-, finder investigations at this prototype, an optic-' 11 Scientific *-'Vork for the r-,f '.pt1ca" Sr V /15,, - 55- 5,' Ruinge Finders of Mjrh ;~ccur-icv and '-,'xperiences in Using -,-'hc,n with variable modul~ition frequency was deni,-ned in ',Its dineram is triven and described in short. The tests were carried out at the base network of Saratov in autumn 1957. The results of the mea.iurementa (of the survey) are given here in the form of tables. The tests showed that this optical rant~e finder fulfilled the requirements put to large optical range findefs- The construction is bein,3 improved at present. It is pointed out that it would be in,!onvenient to develop prin-ipallj new range finder-,. The available schemes have to be lmpr.--,~d and prei,ared f-)r p~.Dduction. There are 3 figures. 2 tahlas, and I Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Tsentral~nyy r~nLAchnr)-is!-,Ie,lovatel'.3kiy institut Jeodezil. aerofotos"yemki i kirto,-rafii (Central Scientific Research Institute of Geodesy, A-ri~,l Surveying and Carto~-,rnphy) Card 2/2 J. I ... 4.1-4 Ws J. ;.,%3 -f- 1' 2 1*2* .... .. _M 'A ---I ' . 1. '~ t-1 T 1 P.. -T I Nf-'F -IT * " --I I-T 411. 2 1s WIC _V16 rw- 1. .WIT A.4 c I. t2'. S.-, .11 fti-C I V-1:1 "I am. _rqD ...... ad .1ve-p-D 1. P-qs-16 -11 S.."t-M I __T-9 1-1 T .0000CKZ 1. 'T" _TQ_4 -%&. ftlg'""O '111-9 -s.,m,gj= .w"Wo J.Txz IWTTvwr-T--l :.= -q1 J. s.jj.jVd..:1. -%I . W"q U...; t.j..V A.j fwd~v "d. -f-1IT 1 91-1 C.-T .,I J. t'j, 1 Jr. .%"TV I.-- -T * 114 v W " 1 U" -- . . vi n s j 4 T"W j "is "--I ITIOU11", J. -T..w *I "Is"T1611 Jj; A_jtj m L%:Q I =qa .1% -ad . j s -.2ti.4 -IS-116"d J. %3%6 t.1 1-tv -vt 'awy 4~1 1. VS 11.9 -d-T .Z.. WIT. %!"v : I _S.js . "971 o W -C6 9 Z.~Ppv in 30 : wz.. -) 2"9'19 A ; J-1-m jj~-T it - n ftwl-V"T MT-4 -41 ;- wj-rjt~ a i .3-PIP-wo t_ P.-Z = - x"Tvj-n mis : , , --I J. ws.t. re"llay" 'A IT -.3 ilmv f" .T~S_T- .1 7-9 M - 011.11-1-3m j. =V92n o to .,. X~ 0 00; J. -is md W,I. "6, ("..Mftv Pz is P-.6 J. T.; qa Lmawl (plc-- t, - tt, 60 'S -9 '6", go, Iz. IF q4 - V-1--d" 't-SO10-1 als Tjoad., .:c, L -rv. zv. 14 q% V.Wup P.qj.. q. -1-SeT.&T Tru M '"TI.Pom .1 17-81M vj P-of ... J, .-.q Id-T. .43 J. Us.- ftisd- ----- qj TV-1 tit A.,.Aiodw" V..v Wq% *1 t-Ttj t..q, Ts-r-M J. --rr- -1z; ..j .,rvrz *.$&---o I's j-TT-V -13 -*T-a Rd. --II J... S-V- fts 2z &-. w0 zW---M-3 -Y --.In-m M ire &.jTjI"mg ::Tq..u R% I%. Am Jw q. Twiftj -2 stidoz jkz.. j9 IlrownZda 0" T "Id AV.Z: a S"z Vol 00"09 ez" -c -~l -Tit%-OT-6 L-tvAo -irs V- j-.q-6nTs"I -W) 1. 1, -j ."- Mi 1.41%:: , ".03M.11 -M S, Am *-Tj-ts-v--R 1 -T-Tw~v VA o"a I V/1 px" .43vigam iiviaarlow ru= 3W AUTHORS: Larin, B. A., Candid,,,te of Technical sov/6-59-10-1/21 Sciences Nazarov._Y___A_-,,Candidate of I re' Technical Sc nces, Genik,, A. A., Mikhaylov, V. S., Felldman, G. A. TITLE: A Large Optical Range Finder of the Central Scientific Redearch Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Surveying, and Cartography PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartogTafiya, 1959, Ur 10, pp 3-11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At the end of 1958,the TsNIIGAiK (Central Scientific Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Surveying, and Cartography) con- structed a test model of a large optical range finder which is intended for the measurement of distances of up to 25 km with a relative error of 1 :3509000.A.acheme of alternating modula- tion frequency of light was used for the test 71odel. Further, two narrow frequency ranges with 30 megacycles each were uBed, which were distant from each other by 800 megacycles approx- imately. This scheme permits reliable frequency measurement and precise determination of dintances over 6-30 km. The block diagram of the instrument is ahown in figure 1. the instrument Card 112 itself in figures 2 and 5. Ito mode of operation and dosign A Large Optical Range Finder of the Central Scientific SOV/6-59-10-1/V Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Surveying, and Cartography are then illustrated. Preliminary work and the course of measurement on this instrument are described. The model was tested in the open air near Moscow in March 1959 and near Kirzhak town (Vladimir oblast') in May and June, 1959. The results obtained are tabulated. Herefrom it follows that the differences arising from the distances measured do not exceed the root mean square error of the aides measured by the method of triangulation. Tests have shown that the large optical range finder guarantees great accuracy it linear surveying. It In recommended to use the instrument for measuring tho line of departure in triangulation and for measuring the aides of polygonal traverses that are laid instead of the triangulation of first order. Ther? are 4 figures and 4 tables. Card 2/2 3(2) SOV/6-59-10-16/21 A TJTTIOR Nazarov, V. N. TITLE: Method of the Continuous Collation Maps PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1959, Nr 10, PP 57-61 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author first mentions the disadvantages of a collation map: application of a graduated scale which leads to insuf- ficient differentiation, and difficult reading of the maps. These disadvantages can be eliminated to a certain extent by applying the method of a contimxua collation map. It is based on the shading or marking of the maps to be drawn. The method is illustrated in figure 1, and formulas are given for calculating the density of signs and shading. Further, it is shown that this method has numerous advantages over the conventional one, an for example continuity of the scale, comprehensive oartographical representation taking into account the qualitative and quantitative characteristic features of the cartographed phenomena. In addition, further data can be entered in the map by means of hues, which ensures wide application of the continuous collation map for the compilation of agricultural and soil maps. The maps Card 1/2 are to be marked with the usual topographical signs. Thtre Method of the Continuous Collation Maps SOV/6-59-10-16/21 are 2 figures an4 1 table. Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Larin, B. A., Candidate of Technical 3/006 60/000/04/018/019 Sciences, PAgAr-ax.-A! V --, Candidate of B007YB005 Technical Sciences, Prilepin, M. T.v Candidate of Technic-al-3-olences, Entin, 1. 1., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Genike, A. A-Tra-zanov, P. Ye., Kikhaylov. Shevelev, A. P. YV TITLEs On the Book by A. V. Kondrashkov,"Electrooptical Range Finders" PERIODICALi Geodeziya I kartografiya, 1960, Nr 4, pp 73-76 (USSR) TEXT: This is a review of the book by A. V. Kondrashkoy (Ref, Footnote on p 73) published in 1959. It in thoroughly discussed as far as it first tries to generalize and systematize the data re uired for optical range finders. The book consists of two parts. The first part NO% of the volume) gives data from physics, radio engineering, electrical engineering, and electronics. The second part deals with problems directly connected with optical range finders. The incoherent data of varying level on the fields mentioned In the first part are too extensive and inconvenient. The division and mode of representation of these chapters is also iailure. The theory of optical range finders is not well explained. Several concrete mistakes of the book are pointed out. The great number of such mistakes Card 1/2 On the Book by A. V. Kondrashkov, "Electrooptical 3/006/60/000/04/010/019 Range Finders" BO07/B0O5 reduces the value of the book considerably. It is regretted that the esitor of the book Tu. V. POIDOV paid his principal attention to the title, not to the contents of the book, as can be seen from the introduction. There to I Soviet ' reference. Car4 2/2 NAZAROV. V.M.l MIKHATWVP V.S.; LAZANOV, P.Ye. lArge ECD-l goodiseter. Good.i kart. no.4t8-16 Ap ,62. (MIRA 15&12) (Geodimeter-Testing) S/006/63/000/00VO02/003 ANTHIMt Naz TITIM. Symposiun on use of new techniques in geodetic measurments IMMICALs.- Owdexin i kartografiyap no& 28 19630, 74-75 TZXT.- The symposium' (Simpozium. poi LsWlzovaniyu novoi, teladlq ve geodezicheskikh ismereayakh) was held in Petsern., Czechoslovakia on 20-23 August 1962f with delegates Hungaryp-the GDH, Poland, Ru=arda a-nd the USSR* Purpose was to compare techniques: and use bf t;c&nical equipment,, and to demonstrate some items of equipmente Fartiqg~ organizationst Tsentraltnoys Upravlwdys geadezil. L Kartografii Czecho- . (Gantra.L Administration for Geodesy and Cartography of CzachoslovaIda) Geo lti dezicheska~u Observatoriya, Petany (Petsen Geodetic Observatory) "'4.1articipan# s . D. Delong, Bo - Sokoliks Oe VaLka Vo Sagae :Aftperlence of the Geodatio.Service, of Czechoslavalda in the Field ~7 a of paperst use of Light- and Radio-.-Rangefinders;" uVathematical Calculation of Re- sults of Ueasurements Irf Light- and Radio-Rangefinding; "Establishment of Electro- optical Rangetinding in Czechoslovakia; It "Use of ths Automatic Goordinatograph of ,Czech Manufacture by the ftechoslovakian Geodetic Service;lt "Use of Reducing Range- findw Cross-haira in Surveys by' the Orthogonal Methadj". "Mechanization of Geodetic: Card -1 of 2 I j ACC NRjAP6021829 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/012/0151/0151 IWZI--LOR: Nazarov, V. 14. 0'.13: nono TITLE: A training gyrothoodolito. Clain 62, No. 183086 SOURCE: izobrotoniya, pronVshlonnyie obraztsy, tovarnylo maki, no. 12, 1966, 151 70P-~C TAGS: training equipmont, training aid, gyr03COPO aimponsion, thoodolito, yrosox-tant ABSTRILT: This Atithor Certificate proson,r, a training gyrothoodolito raproducingr, tho azimuthal iiotinn of a t-,yroscopic indicator that 5hoic; the direction of a true L. yrothoodolito con~ainr, a driving mechanism, a levered morldian. -he troining f- sinusoidal mechanism with a mirror, a tachogonorator, and a recording dovico (noo Fig. 1). To imitato the damping of oscillations , the head of tho driving shaft of the levered sinusoidal mechanism is provided with an inclined cylindrical or con- toured eccentric. This eccentric moves along a thread of a rovoroiblo half nut, altering tho amplitudo of oacil-lationn in accordanco with tho givon magnitudo of tho angle of friction or with a given docromont. .Card 1/2 UDC: 528-521:5). ACC NR, AP6021829 Fig. 1. 1 - houd of tho driving ahaft; 2 occontric; 3 - half nut j Orig. art. has: I figuro. SUB CODE: 17/ SUB14 DATE: 241lov64 [_Card_ 2/2 PCMADCHINP 1. V.; NAZAROV, V. N. RAZIKOV, R. K* -~!j Automatic epindleless remover of linens from scutchers. Biul. takh.-skon.infam.Goo.nauch.-isal.inst.nauch. i tekh.inform. no.10352-53 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Textile machinery) NAZAROV, V. 11. Convfgrtinf,, steam cranoga to motor cranam. Tranap.atrot. 9 no.12:6 D 159. (KIRA 13:5) 1. Glavnyy mokhanlir Gartransetroys. (Cranes. derricks. ate.) Subject Card 1/1 Authors Title USSR/81ectricity Pub. 26 - 5/36 AID P - 1509 Bugrinov, Ye. A., Eng., Matyushin, M. V., Eng. and Nazarov, V. N., Eng. Design of 110-kv indoor switching substation (Discussion of an article by L. I. Dvoskin in Elek. sta., 1954,No.1) Periodical Abstract Institution: Elek. sta., 3, 18-21, Mr 1955 The authors discuss the details of 110 kv indoor switching substation designed by L. I. Dvoskin. They attempt to prove the superiority of outdoor substation. They also criticize some of the technical solutions proposed by L. I. Dvoskin. None Submitted : No date waaoy, T.N. The ATSI vibrator should he modernized. 2ransp.sty-1. 10 no-3:56 Mr 160. (KIRA 13:6) (Tibrators) (PillAg (Civil engineering)) NAZAROV. V..3- (g.Perm') Using econonic caps In geographical excursions conducted by the school. Geog.v shkole 22 no-5:47-53 3-0 159. 04IR& 13:2) (Goography-Study and teaching) (Agri cu iture-Haps) NAZAROV.. Vladimir Ilikolayevich; KOLDAYEV, P.K., red.; KWARIKOVA, L.M., red. izd-va; RCHMOVA, V.V., tekbn. zed. [Methods and symbols employed in cartograpby] Metody i izobrazitell- r7e aredstva v kartografii. Moskva, Geodezizdat, 1962. 86 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Maps--Symbols) 44-1., NAMOT, T.O., Prof. Kethed of quantitative hydrometeorologIcal analogies and Its appli- cation In loWrangs hydrological forecastingso Sauk gape Xylve uuo 17 no.1%33-47 158. (MIRA 13%11) (Hydrosetearolog7) 37800 S/12o/62/000/002/025/047 E039/E435 AUTHORS: Kolbasov, V.A., Mukhina, M.M., Nazarov V.P. -- I-- - TITLE: A spectrometer for electron paramagnetic resonance absorption with a high frequency modulated magnetic field PZliIUDICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no.2, 1962, 107-110 TZX-1: This spectrometer can record electron paramagnetic resonance (E.P.R.) absorption in a sample containing paramagnetic centres at room temperature and at 770K for wavelengths --0 3 cm. The E.P.R. absorption signal is displayed on a long afterglow cathode ray tube or recorded on tape. A block diagram of the apparatus is given and also a circuit diagram of the recording apparatus. An adjustable rectangular resonator containing the sample is situated between the poles of an electromagnet, the field of which is modulated at a frequency of 465 Kc/s. The constant component of the magnetic field can be varied in the range 50 to 5000 oersteds and is stabilized to 0.01%. The recording apparatus consists essentially of a preamplifier which simultaneously amplifies the E.P.R. signal and the klystron Card 1/2 S/120/62/000/002/025/o47 A spectrometer for electron E039/E435 frequency (465 Kc/s and 295 Kc/s respectively); an indicator circuit for the amplification and recording of the E.P.R. signal and a high frequency gonerator. Those circuits are described in detail. By simultaneously amplifying the E.P.R. signal and klystron frequency the number of tubes and other components is decreased, thereby increasing the reliability of the apparatus. In addition, the separation of the pro-amplifier and indicating circuits simplifies the problem of screening. The apparatus has been used for recording E.P.R. spectra of differen classes of organic compounds. Its sensitivity is about 10 mole for the free radical of diphenylpicrylhydrazyl. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorga.iicheskilch soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental-Organic Compounds, AS USSR) I T -, Z Djuly 6, 1961 Card 2/2 IULZAROV, V~?-- In the Tochnical and Economir. Gc=itVjf) of' the Uonomic Counni) . Blul at~ft..- okon, Iriform. no, 1: P3. Pv. (x :I U.- I r (Chelyabinsk - Fconomic counc i 'iu I NAZARPY,_V.P. In the Technical-Economic Committee of the Chelyabinsk Province Economic Council. Diul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Gos.nauch.-isel.inst. nauch.1 takh.inform. no.5:89-90 162. (14IRA 151?) (Chelyabinsk Province-Economic councils) MAZAPOV, V.P. Principle of control and schematic realization of automated systems of heat supply. Avtomatiz. otop. kot. no.307-114 163. (KMA 161lo) 1. Imningradskly nauchno-iseledovatellbkiy institut Akademii kommunallnogo Idiozya stva Imeni K.D. Pamfilova. (Heating~ (Automation) T,,~63VM-65 ACCMWIGN 1KRf AP5016280 94A(M,-2/FWP P Pf -[~/Pi - 0023 0025 5yrg,.~ / j A J AM AUTHORt Livehits, B. I., azaroy, V. P.; 8idoreako, I. K.; Tsikunar, V. 1. - - WP__ - - -7 TITLZI Depen4ance of spectral composition of stimulated emission on the velocityi Of motion of the SCMEt Zhurnal *ksperisentallnoy I teoretichaskay fisiki. Kelm. v redLktalyu. Prilozbaniy*p v. I no, 5.. 1965, 23-25p 7d insert between pages 24 and 25 TopIc TSMS-,-Iaser stimulated emission, glass laser, crystal laser, line narrawing~ population invernion AWTTWTj The authors rerort on an effect prevIously predicted by them (WX 833]R,, j inpress) in which the Inhwogensity of the inverse population In stimulated emis- sion frm solid sedia, (crystals, glasses, etc.) becomes moothed out when the Ma- tal moves relative to the resonator. Because of this,, the nvoiber of modeq decreases and the stimulated-ewdasion spectrwa beconves narrower, but the W-Q- tLl intensilky remains unchanged, so that the spectral density of Us stimulated e- misnion increases. In the tests, a ruby crystal 12 an long was made to execute re- cipt-woeiting notJon with aaximm velocity - 35 ev/sec inside a plane resonator vith [cold- ~L q3652-65: I Acmaxon ims Am1628o distance 90 cm between mirrors. I If eat phajes of crystal notion, C The light-pmip pulse could be turned on at differ" Tesponding to reciprocating velo"Aty relative to 04 -Memiure-mmts -vote -mads-at - different air gaps -between mirrors - --- comii~ikson of the interference patterns (3 = gap) of emission, rrom the stationary and moving (- 35 tm/sec) crystal near thi lasing threshold (V a 1800 V) shows that when the crystal moves a vhole series of side modea ceases to generate, the inten- sity of the central modes increasing. This means that as the crystal moves the central modes draw energy from the large volume occupied by the active centers (Com- pared vith the stati anary cxyutaJ therete xxina the meaker -odes. -Tm- the 1-CaWor 7-9-3w- -same T i -'-w the Increased spectral density Is less pronounced. This means that In or- fedt of the der to approach sirgle-mode generation it is necessary to increase the TelOCIty Of the crystalb In generalpthe motion of the crystal makes It possible to eliminate the Inhomogenelty of the transition responsiblo0for generation of the active centers 7he atrthors are grateful to Arademiclan 1, V. 2brvimQv for interest and conAnuouB attont ton to the vork , Ch. K. Mukhtp-rov for fruitn_a discussion of the Drobl em-,, S. K Card 2/3, L 6?652-65 ACCMIM Ims AP~01628o M & V-. rator ev-11h relp econs c n t e- --vith-- moving-crystali- Orig. arti-R'aa,- -2 figuresi - - --102]r ASSOCIATIONt Inatitut obahchay i neonauicho!koy -khWi in. N. 0. Kmmakoya Akadwii- D&Akk BOOR - (Inirtituts -Pic muidm Acedow loolencemp BOOR) I "aTMI MPT65 MICLt 00 MID =I -1c, up_ ND Ra 0011 ooh ATD PRESrJi Card L 21429-46 EC(k)-2/T/rwP(k)/E1.1A(h) rip(e) 11G/YtH - F13D/E,~T(1)Awp(e)AYfT(m)/F ACC MR s AP60U491 SOURCE CODE: MV/03W/661003 AUTHOR: Livehits'e-D. L.; ftzarov, V. P.; Sidorenkop Lo X.; Turrinovp A., To; _TGILM~nov V. N. ORG: Institute of General and inorganic gh No ~qt Acad of Sciences SSSR In- stitut obahchey I neorgan0ifi-ewsci-AW-H Akadadi nauk 836R) ITLE% Features of the time behavior of the generation In a laaer with moving ruby crystal _01 I GOPME: Zhurnal eksiaerimentaltnoy I teareticheekoy fittki. Pla'as v redaktalyu. Prilozhenlye, v. 3# 6. 70 19669 279-281 ~ TOPIC TAGS: ruby laser, laser emission, laser pulsation, laser r and d ABSTRACT: This Is a continuation of earlier work (Pialma ZhHTF Y. 1,, no. 5~ 35j. 1965) where it was shown that a laser with a ruby crystal moving along the axis of a planar resonator with speed v - 30 cm1sec radiates energy in a narrower spectral interval than a laser with statio"ry crystal., and that this Increases the spectral density of the stimulated emission. To check whether ccntinuous generation can be realized in a laser with moving crystal, and to investigate the influence of crys- tal motion on the time behavior of the laser generation modej, the authors used high- ,!peed photography partially supplemented with aseMograw pertaining to the gtaxt ~Cdrd 1/2 L 21429-66 ACC NRs AP6011491 .42-- ,of generation. All measurements were made at'room taVerature. it was obsemed ifirst that in a wide range of above-threahold pmpingo even at speeds v - 40 CV/sec, i& sharp Increase takes place In the frequency of the lasing spikesp until they merge into continuous regions which are short compared with the generation duration. PArther Increase In the %wed# at -1.1 of threshold pmop, resulted In a gradual ex- pension of the continuous regions. At speeds v - So cWsea the generation becomes continuous in a number of cases practically from start to end# but the intensity oscillations still disclose traces of the spike regime. The transforration of spike l ,generation into continuous generation to greatly Improved by Introducing Into the resonator a round dlapbrW of I m diameter,# which Increases the diffraction losses end prevents by the same token the generation by modes with high tranverse Indices. The level of the continuous generation then becomes appraximately stationary. De- tailed Investigations of the conditions necessary to ensure continuoua generation in a laser with moving crystal should make It possible In the future# an the one ihandp to form2ste the pr1wiples of coutimicus operation or a solid-atate laser !with a mw1AC a7stalp andj, an the otbarp aWlsin the opfln ebarseter of the gemms- ition of most Weree ..TM suUwra thu* At"mlclan 14-Y. OMImav Cw lAwmet In the wark and for useful 4120"sion of the ;results. OVIC. art. ham I flaireo 102) 03 can 8 20/ BM MWj OSAw661 OW UVI 003/ OU MM 001/ ATD PMM Cmd via - 1 04 ... IVVU j ;Wc,"AB(N) 11. 1. (Crind . t)1* Ve~ . )-I.) "M61CF, (it' io~13 . !~ tio. ;.'u";lA-- " i ", ;i.' 'Fict"o. : .1-~; . 7(-- Vf, 1 1, ~ t . ? , ~ " '. , I - 52 , i - -. N FA I- I I f-'O V, \f - ('- USSR/Kedicine Veterinary FD-1310 Card 1/1 Pub 137-10/22 Author Mazaraw,, V. P., Candidate of Veterinary Sciences Title SignUicance of microflors in the pathogenesis of plague Periodical Veterinarlya, 9, 38-41, SeP 1954 Abstract Results of examinations of dogs that died of plague revealed that some of the microorganisms isolated from then play a definite role in the pathogenesis of that disease and cause development of various secondary complications. The forecast of these microorganisms are those of para- typhoid group,, Alcaligenes, and Streptococci. Biology of the causative organism, the character of Its development in the morbid organism, and differentiated diagnosis of plague have not yet been determined. No specific prophylaxis against plague has as yet been discovered. It is necessary to find a vaccine that would he effective both against plague and against microbial types of infectiou that complicate the situation. Tables. Institution Submitted LTURASESUKO. S.Ta.. doktor watertnarnykh aaak. professor; PSTROT, A.M., professor, doletor vsterinarnylth nauk; PANJOV, v.A. 0 kan4idat votorluarafth nauk; RAZAROT, I.P., kandidat votarinaraylkh nauk; DUBVITSKIT, A.A., i~~&WlFiit-eifftmrnykh nauk; KffTAZITSKIT, A.I.; DIKOW4 P.I., rodaktor-, IFIDOTOTA. A.?.. tekhnicheskiy rodaktor (Infections and parasitic infestations of dogs] Infektatonnyo I invaziomWe bolesni sobsk. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo salkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 242 p. (MLRA 9-12) (Dogs-aimeases and posts) (Perasites-Docs) SEINN, R.H.; ORIDTA. N.N.; TUREVICH, S.T.; LIMACHICT, N.V.; NAZAROV, V.P. The dry formol rables vaccine applied with a sticulant. Veterinexiia 33 no.1:30-32 Ja 156. (KLRA 9:4) l.Institut virusologil imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo AZIN SSSR (for Shen, Orlova, Turevich).2.Gosudaretvannyy nauchno-kontrolInyy Institut veterinarnykh preparatev Ministerstva sovetakikh khozyaystv SSSR (for Likhachev).3.TSentrallnaya shkola voyennogo sobakovodstva (for Nazarov). (RLBIES--MVENTIVE INOCULATION) NAZAROT V p Motho4s for titering rabies vaccines. Vaterinartia 33 no.12: 75-76 D '56. (XLRA 9:12) 1. TS@ntrallnaya shkola voyennogo sobakowodstva. (Rabies--Prevention inoculation) (Titration) IIAZAROV, Tiktor Petrovicb (Diseases of Digeons] Bolezni golubei. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo selkhoz lit-ry. 1958. 55 P. (MIRA 11:11) (Pigeons-Diseasee and oeats) GERD. M.A.; INIKOV. N.M.; M&ZOVER, A.P.; NAZAROV, V.P.; ORLOT, A.P.; i SAKHAROV, N.A.; BABKIIIA. H.Qw.. r~d.-, GOR-TWA-.--Z.D.. talchn.rad. [Principles of the ralsine, of worklqg dogs] Oswvy aluchobnogo mobakoyodstva. 14balma. Gos.lzd-vo sollkhos. lit-ry. 1958. 367 p. (MIRA 11:12) (Dogs) NAWOV-j--v-.-P. Infe,otioua dissaaes of pigeons. Ptitsevodetvo 8 no.11135-)7 9 158. (MMA llill) (Pigeans--DiSeAR68 and pests) ZAVOL)CHIKOW, Pbtr Aleksayevich; KURHATOT, Tolerlion VIndimirovich; KAZOVAR, Aleksandr Pav1ovIch;_AAA&JQV,,,VI. -k'tor Petrovich; BOLOGOV. G.M., red.; BARAUOVA, L.G.. [manual on dog breeding] Spravochnala knigD po sobak(wodstvu. Koskva. Gos.izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 317 P. (14IRA 1):12) (Dog breeding) IIAZAHOLV ~%'i ~ot~rovlch; USACHEVA, I.G., red.; II(OKOPYIN, L.D., - I P- RL EA 0.11., tokhn. red. tekhn. red.. T (Rabies in animals] beshenstvo zhivotnykh. Foskva, Sel'*~:':.Oz- giz, 1961. 159 P. (mill ,5:7) (Rabies) (Veterinary redicine) LUZHKOV, F. M. ; NAZAPOV, V. P. ; NEWSCV, K. Ye. ; ORIBV, A. P. ; POLTAVETS, I.S.; SHAR, Yu.I.; KANEVSKAYA, M.D., red.; MIKELINA, L.T., tekhn. red. (Keeping and training working dogs] Sodershanie I dressi- rovka sluzhebnykh sobak. Moskvn, lzd-vo DOSAAF, 1963. 227 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Dogs--Training) LIKHACHFV, N.V.; TrJR111, V,11.; TSION, LA.; SHCHERBATYKH, P.Ya.; ZOTOV, A.F.; SYOIIC?OKFOV, A.L.; PIROG, P.P.; PD;US, A.A.; BAZYLEV, P.P.; NAZ "' V, V.P.; 0;,W;, F.M., dote.; USACHEVA, I.G., red.; YARNYKH, A.M., red.; BALLOD, A.I., tekhn. red.; PROKOFIYEVA, L.Ii., tekhn. red. (Virus diseases of animals] Virusriye bolozni zhivotnykh. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 564 P. (MIRA 17-1) i nik V.P., daktor veterin.nauk) AGEYEVA, L.S., mladordy nauchnyy zotrud NAZAROV, Cultivation of Newcastel disease virus in tissue cLture am tt3 Ufe for chicken im-unization. Veterinariia '40 noe9j]312-33 ~ ',3. (141RA 1'7: 1 ) 1. Gosudari3t,vennyy nalichno-konstralInyy insLitut veterinarnyk~ propa- ratove IVANOVSKIY, E.V., nauchnyy sotrudnik; NAZAIDV, V.P., nauchnyy sotrudnik Virus vaccine against African horse sickness. Veterinariis 40 no.10:70-72 ')16). (MIRA 0;5~ 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno kontr-ollnyy institut veterinarnykh preparatov. , I If- 0., . ; jjAa I ~, I . , i ot.~ t,,r oi,,~k: , - I . - - p . I . ", I J. . - , 5 A " 'f , I . I - - . I I ,_~ * . C), - G '; . [J- - -, ; . . I I . . . , - I I ") I 111,11 11 a " , . , '. - ,'- - I ( : . ~ " ! sl~ t.y. V,!, . - , 1 11 b:,(., :,. .1- , (!-! J:-~A 11 ': I '! j a '' .. fjook ri-: I Pas urA L ~',J~f-Ftj, 7- r a ITAZAROV, V.P., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; SHISHKOV, V. Ye. Rabies and the prophylactIc Immmization of animals. Yeterinarla 39 no.508-61 Fv 162 (MIn 18:1) 1. Gasudarstvennyy nauchno-kontrolinyy institut veterinarnykh proparatov (for Pazarov). 2. Zamestitell nachallnika Upravleniyn veterinarli Kinisterutva sel'skogo khozyaystva RSFSR (for Shishkov). NAZAWV, V. S. Trassa Severnogo morskogo puti. ff~e Worth Sea Routej (Sovetakais Arktika, 1938, no. 6, p. 33-40P iUua.,maP, tables). DLC: 0600.36 SD.- Soviet Transportation and Communications A Blbllo~rae~y, Library of Congress 'Rererence V"rtment, Washington, fiti~Kclasaiflsd. "A '-d%' - -.11 V. ' . 7.- -.., . . - .:~ ZF - r. f . .-I - .,j . ~ ... . . 11 ~ I I . . . I . -7 . - I .. .1 . -.. ~-.- -- ~ I I . ~ ! c 11 1~ I- ", .. - , " - - - , '. (,. , : : p D " ~-, ~-- * - * .: 1. 'f .. . : " .- . I - . . . -. , .. . . I . , ( I , - : , C~.,Ir- --, , -I ~' , VI I , .. . I t . V. 1~ '11"fi C;, Vftr;:At.'r, If 'Ii~".,. :.:, ~:. ":." rI R~I, let ~ r- rf ti,(, A~ 1 -!*1, : f. i, 1 - ( ~,.ct~ , 'f~HF , 1 ". , , , , NAZAROVV Ve S. PA 30T1 =I/&-*tic sual" i1a 1*7 ZOO wFluctuation of the Us In the Northern Boas," V. 6. Hazarov, CandIdate In Cleograpbloal Solonoss, 3 pp "Nau" I Zh1ra" No T Short description of the boundaries of too In the northern sew and theIr rluctuatlon from year to roar, Discussee-In Vart-imlar eras of heavy and light too comdittcas and the Intervals Tihich have been cbserve& between these two phomomens. N*v/fte 47 TAing Zoo Formation ORIstorloal Trend of Irars Sea lolng Conditions," I. S. Sataron, 2t In 'vl:t v-s Geograf Obahch" Vol U:X , No 6 Analysis of records reveals 100-year periodicity Is Icing of Um Sea, 1.9.1 1620-16290 i7n-i7290 1820-1829, and 1920-1929. Tabulates and plots data. qw 23/49,501 UM/Oceanology - Icize-$;q zui/Aug 48 "Fluctuaticns cf Icinego ir- North Atlaxtic Pe- gionis." V. S. Nvs7~wrcv ,.,jr I D "Keterol I G'.dr q* 'PP 6-65 Ceeplilea and ansayzf-s rato-br!&l. frzm t*.-, Azt-rican, tvo G-e--man, and rvt Dani3h ~c-twce. Ccncludows iciness has bcen isar-blairg I= N=t!: Atl&Ltic regions since 1900. :I.-re of iciness &.=omalles f.~T Ntwf~ -undland ext'ibith fairly clear 24-2r jr, perloa. Des.pite gengrs~-phi- Ca" differencos :f ard i6x=w t%W/Oces6nolc&v - Iciness (Ccutd) Jul/Aug 4.8 ic:Lness maxims OccL= in May and minim In OctolAr in b-,th regions. S-jbmitte;i 3 Jul 47. 16mloo RAUROV,--V.I. --- Pluctuations In the formation of lea In region@ of the Scrth Atlantic. Keteor. I gidrol. no.4:60-65 '48. (KWA 8z2) (Atlantic Ocean--Ice) RAZAROT,'lasilly Stratomikovich. KUROMP. Alsksoy Mikhayloyloh; DUL- x1jr, 17.57; reUktor; UN, P.M., redAktor; XWNAYA. A.K., tekhat- chookly rodaktor. Coc*anographyl Okeanogreflia. Koskva. lzd-vo OKorskol transport, 1954. 165 P. (KLR& 7:12) (oceanography) fit .0 1. 1.33t 01 -01 pq 04 .40 a. I E.';l a 1-. 0 Jill IIt op, Ai ck ov 01 JEP 0 is to is WAZAROV, V.S. - _... Snow spout in Anllarctlca. Inforic. biul. Sov. antark. ekRp. 64-65 '59. (MIU 12:10) (Antaratic regions--Snow) 30), 3(9) 3- V,," --- ;-2- 1-17,, 2: AUTHOR. Nazarov, V. S. TITLE;: for the Observation of Icebergs (Sh!~ala dlya nablyu- deniya nad aysborgami) PHIODICAL: Meteorologiya i f~idrol,giya, 1")59, 11r 29 pp 54 - 55 ABSTRACT: Mention j s made of the fLL,-:t tI,at with the exception of Soviet and Japanese vessels Bome expedition vessels J,ist note dowt, iceberEs tut do not make statements concerning tk,eir number, shape, size, etc. The important role of icebergs in the freshwater and cold transport is pointed out. The Polar waters of the southern hemisphere are estimated to receive two to throe tiaf.,ri more freshwater than the northern Folar sea re- ,3oiveti from rivurs. Experionce has ~ihown that the shapi iii.d i)ize at' ii-obcrgu allow a determination of the 11aco wh-ro they detachod from the ice coast. A scale of 11 gralen which was already used in the Antarkticheskaya ekspeflitsiya A4iossr (Antarctic Expedition of the AS US~,R) is describe!. As to their _ihape iceberis are clas.-.ed as follows: plate-like, pyra- mide shaped, dome-ihaped, rounded-off (mostly overturned), in- clined, and dissolving icebergs. There is 1 table. Card 1/1 KLEPIKOV,, V.V.,p kand. geogr. nauk; XOROMIN, K.V.; BOGOYAVIDISKIY, A.N.j NAZAROV, V.S.; KAKSIMCV, B.A.; ZHIVAGOO A.V.; BRODSKIY, K.A.; KOLTUV,, V.M.; ANDRIYASM, A.P.; PAKHAREVA, M.M.,, red.; KOTILYAKOVA, O.Lp tekhn. red. (Transactions of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition) Trudy Sovetskoi antarkticheskoi ekspeditaii, 1955. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Morskoi ransport." V . . ol 22. [Third Sea Expedition ol the diesel-electric ship t Obip 1957-1958; observational data) Tretlia morokaia ekspeditsila na d/9 "ObIN 1957-1958 99.; materialy nabliudenii. Pod red. V.V.Klopiko- va. 1961. 233 p. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Sovetskaya antarktic heskaya ekspeditsiya, 1955. (Antarctic regions-Oceanographic research) _jlA7AaOVj_VagJLlly .5trataj74kovjCbl TSURIKOV, V.L.p,otv. -red.;-fKWQWV, I.M., otv. r;~d.; ZHITNIKOVA, S.A., red.; SUSIYOUT L.A., tok-hn. red. (Papers]Sbornik statei. Yoqkv; , lzd-vo Akad. nau)r SSSE. (Ro- zulltaty isBledovanil po progrnrim VezlAunarodnogo geolliziche- skogo goda). No.6. [Ice of the Antarctic waters]L'dy untarkti- cheskikh vod. 1962. 72 p. (MIRl 15:10) 1. Akadorlya nauk SSSR. Fezhduvedo=tvemi5y geofizicheskiy ko- ritet. X razdol progrnmy MGG. Okefinologiya. (Antarctic ()cean-Sfa ice) NAZAROVP V.31 I- Aikmt of ice In the P&cifle Ocean end variations In It, I Ohanologlia 3 no.3 no.21243-249 163. (MM 164) 1. Gosudaretvennyy o~eanograflchsskly institut. (Pacift" Ocean--Sea ice) I ACC A IT-'ECII? ;Vi,Ljil'yvv, A. S.; Nazarov, V. S. ORG: None T -~l U "'or lletecting anchor---i SOj2CF.: A:; UlkrS,~,P. Morciltoy Trudy, v. i pribo,-1 dlya it:.-,ludovaniya fizicho~;,-1:. v 040ane (Methods and inatrumenta for otudyin6 p"yGical proceoaoo in t,.u, ocean), TOPIC TAGS: occ7in current, oc-anogra:-,h--c &ceanograph--c si-4p, occanoFraphy, electror-'c enl---rccring, radar equipment, 7-.a,-.n, electronic eqmp.-.ent, acoust.,c equipment, ~ndividu,.,- float;l,.- C."jipment, h-rdrolop;c ABSTRI~C;T: The Hydrounysilcal To,-5K~-7 the Academy of Scdcnci~o of the Ukranian -as been u!-i,~ [,elf- contained, buoya to mt~auuro current ,F, wit.-I the expeditiono embarked in the scientific ~~,krlfl4l Howe-jur, the buoyo are dl.~ficult to find, partic'.alarly -~hQy are 1jet out In ocea-n anywhere from 4 .o 100 miles and more apL-rt. "',e Lac be,3a mado cf 31..;)boart~ lbuoy refle--tora and radio transmitter be,~,conr., la-i lig:its, unl:-.Ily of t~,,j flashing ty-pe. 74hooo u-voloped by the ;n3t;.tutfj are do3cribed, and testa of t.-Ij= Card 1/2 ACC NR, AT60235(`)2 y to be re'lalle and thu opr.,rutlmg made by !,-,monosov have proved the ranger, sat_6,actory for the purposet~ f-fX-pre5Ger, _~5 --o his coworkers 'n the Marine Instrunentr, Laborat,:- ~ (, . G. Sukhoveya. and Dobruskina, who were of considerable %ulp in de3igAing and toating the eqUiPMr'AIt6 described. Orio. art. has: 3 figure6. SUB COD--- DATZ; Nono/OR::G RIY: 003 Cord 2 2 ACC NRi AT6023563 !AUTHORt Sukhovey, A. G.1 Nazarov, V. S. JORG: None rLrLE: Transistorized radio buoys SOURCE CODE: wV3095/66/036/000/0168/0172 SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Morskoy gidrofizicheukiy inatitut. Trudy, v. 36, 1966. Metody ~i pribory dlya isoledoyaniya fizichonkikh protoest3ov v okeane (Methods and instruments, ifor studying physical processes in the ocean), 168-172 ,TOPIC TAGS: ooeanographic equipment, oceanographic instrument, oceanography, ger- Imanium transistor, transistorized circuit, radio equipment,-r*dac==zi",i-ntz==I=c r 1 71-4 I'm I jrr7 1 121, hydrologi c instrument, hydr4rgmphp o9P010 4-~'71M.55/0AJ 7 ABSTRACT: While conventional radar reflectors and fla6hing beacons are adequate for jinding self-contained buoys used in hydrologic work at close range in the oceans, Ithat is, within 8 to 10 miles, the same is not true in fog, precipitation or when a isea is running, and it is particularly difficult to pick up the buoys at long range. iThe result is probable loss of the station and its valuable information. This diffi- iculty has reaulted in the recent use of radio transmitters ir. hydrologic buoys, but those m-gnufactured by Soviet industry have serious faults, many of which are described, LCord 112 ACC NRAT6023563 faultb which led the Marine Hydrophyaical Institute (morskoy gidrofizichenkiy institut) of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukranian SSR to develop a transceiver free of many of the faults indicated. The principle feature, and major improvement over previous models, is the use of the type P6W germanium triGde. The unit is described and its advantages depicted as =all size and weight, economy, long self- contained life, reliability, use of trannintor, ability to monitor the buoy and determino its position at any moment in tine at considerable ranges. The trans- ceiver can be used to take long-range bearings on the buoys, and to tran"it in- formation from buoy to ship. Orig. art. hast I figure. SUB CODEt 08,17/SUBM DATEt None/ORIG MWt 005 ACC NRt AT6023563 SOURCE COM UR/3095/66/036/000/0168/0172 AUTHOR: Sukhovey, A. G.; Nazarov, V. S. 'ORG: None TITLE: Transistorized radio buoys i SOURCE. &1j_UkrSA1R. o drc~fiziiL skly institut. trudy, Y. 36s 1966. Metody i _Mqrg~ay_A~__ _ ke_ i pribory dlya iosladovaLniya fizicheskikh p teeaeov v okesne (Methods and instruments ;for studying physical processes in the oce:W' W-in ITOPIC TAGS: oceanographic equipment. oceanographic instrument, oceanography, ger- I manium transistor, transistorized circuit, radio equipment, zrt!=o=MU= a! it 01- hydrologic instrument, 1;ydv*g4vqApI Pq 0 to iABSTRACT:' While conventional radar reflectors and flashing beacons are adequate for finding self-contained buoys used in hydrologic uork at close range in the oceans, that is, within 8 to 10 miles, the same is not true in fog. precipitation or when a sea is running, and it Is particularly difficult to pick up the buoys at long range The result is probable loss of the station and its valuable information. This diffi- culty has resulted in the recent use of radio transmitters in hydrologic buoys, but those -nufactured by Soviet Indu try have serious faults, saay of %hich are described,~"_ ~-~ro 112 [ FACC _NA.AT6W3563 faults which led the Marine Hydrophysical Institute [morskoy gidrofizlcheakiy institut] of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukranian SSR to develop a transceiver l free of many of the faults indicated. The principle features and major improvement over previous models, is the use of the type P602 germanium triode. The unit is idescribed and its advantages depicted as small size and weight, economy, long self- ;contained life, reliability, use of transistor, ability to monitor the buoy and determine its position at any moment in time at considerable ranges. The trans- ~ceiver can be used to take long-range bearings an the buoy@, and to tranmit in- Iformation from buoy to ship. Orig. art. has: I figure. SUB CODE: 08,17/SUBM DATEs None/ORIQ REY: 005 iL-Card 212 STADRICHENKO. N.V.. dots; NAZAROV, V.T.-, gornyy Inch. Kost advantageous borehole diameter. Ugoll 34 no.10:2G-22 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) l.-Yovocharkassicly politokhnicheekly Instttut (for StadnIchanko). 2.Nachallnlk stroltelletva shakhty 11o,1 "Gukovskaya" (for Hazarov). (Blasting) (Boring) sTADVIcsKo, Y.Y. , uAuR Y, Y. T. Advantageous borehole diameters. Ugoll 35 no.1101-32 3 160. (Boring) (BlastIM) (HIPA 13t12) I /v /) --~ /;" A ( I ~ i i VVITSOT, I.K.. kand. takhn. nauk; HAUROW, T.W. Inzh. ---, - , , Preparing eism1slons to now cord-stationary units. Avt. dor. 21 9-11 A '58. (KZRA lltl) (Bitumen) (Mixing machinery) FITEIROV, T.A.; AW11POVA, A.P.; WAMT, T.T. Use of eachtnmry In propartne, black top mixtures trnat"d with "ilsions. Avt.Inr. ?? no.7:12-11 JI '59. (IGRA 12:9) (BituvAnoun materials) EVENTAP I.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; -NAZAR-OV.. V.V., inzh. Iayaut of e=jlsion plants, Avt.dor. 24 no.6:15-17 Je 161. (KIRA 14:7) (Road materiala) (Bituminous materials) NIKISHIMAP M.F.; NAZAROV, V.V.- PROKHODA F.A. -.- 0 Preparing bituminous eoalslonB In the Khotuntsev-Pushkin's disperser. Av-t. dor. 26 no.6:10-11 Je 163. (M11RA 16:8) (Bitumen) p 9 1 . I I. , . . . . . . T . .,.I I. I : - , I " . . I. . K'V ,,j ; TO ~, I . P. . - I. 't _i, .~ - V , '. . - . ; .... - : . I , . I - - , ;."L :~ 1 .1, . - a I ~ : -.!: -- '., , r~ .1, r -,i , I ! 1". * : , , . . -! , , , . ~ -.- ~ , -.. - t . :3 r. 1 rn . i a *,,an vk' . , -~~ Wi) " - I . , NIKISJIINA, Mariya Filippov-na; EVEPTOV, losif Markovich; ARKHIPOVA, A.leksandra Favlovna; BEGIP,.'KCVA, Ninell Ivanovna; BORODINA, Lyubov' Alekseyevna; IGGNIY114, GalinA Serg-:iyevna; NAZAROV, Vladimir Vladimirovich; ALEKSEYEV, A.P., red. [&.7ulsiona used in road construction] Dorozhnye emullaii. (By] M.F.Ilikishina i dr. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 171 p. (MIRA 17:12) 1, , 7 1, ~ 1. , i ~ i 'i , V . ~ . 0 - .-!. . XU., - '. . . ~ I '. ~. - : I I ~ i (4, , - . :: D , . , , , . , I k,-. . v : *~, A LESHKEVICH, Andrey Ivanovich; VOYEVODA, Dmitriy Kondratlyevich; IIAZAROV, Viktor Vasj,~~- VILIKE, G.A., retsenxmst; YEREMA, F.S. I retsen-z-e`n-t-,-3O=tM, H.S., red.1 PITEW , Te.L.,,iqWL. izd-va; KUMSOVA, A.I., tekkn. rod. [Equipment and work mechanization at log dumps] Oboru6wanie i me- khanizataiia rabot na 1esrWkh skladakh. Moskva, Gool"bumizdat, 1960. 369 P. (KIRA 14:9) (Umbering-Equipment and supplies) PLADTNIKOV, M.A.; YEVSTIFEYEVA, T.V.; TAUBER, B.A.; PETICV, V.Ye.; ZAVIYALOV, M.A.; NAZAROV V.Vj AIIOPOLISKIY, M.G.; OBRAZ7SOV S.A.; -GATIMICH, V.A.; CF:KVAZHEV-5FI-v, A.P.; DRANISHNIKOV, L.G., retsenzent; ALKSTEV, N.F., otv. red.; SLIJ-SKER, M.Z., red. izd-va; VIX-NINA, V.Y., tekhn. red. [Lumbering camps; mechanization of work at lower timber landings. A handbook) Lesozngotovki; mekhanizatsila rabot n& nizhnikh skladakh. Spravochnik. Moskva, 6oslesbumizdat 1962. "l P. (MIRA 16:6~ (Lumbering) I AZAROV, 7. V. A, i t, rx,-, a t i c- i r , ~, , 7-a % Ir.- f -r 5 A -*Lr at!! --,~tt 4 r..- .1 pri n r ~ p q i i Ft 11 t y I -) q , . Y? I i i I , t, o- k h .o n. i n f o rri . Gr, s . n riu c ri ~ - I s c 1 . i n s t . nonicY. I t,,~kh. ir'nrn li, r, .-) ' i 1-4~, ' ec 3 - (MI 11 1 ~ . 7 ) r7~ * ' " r~ ir'- iii ~r saw,- , Y,.. Poltava) __ % .;WX I ~;~ . ~ - PhyctemLlur e7e diseasea and their treatment. no.7:117-118 158. (NY-A--DISUb3S AND DMCr,-.,,) Prob 1. tub. 36 (KZ-?A 12:8) K&WOV, V.V., polkovnik maditsinskoy sluzhby; K&LIKYAdJ, A.A.. polkovnik Intergarrison medical conference in Poltava. Voen.-med.shir. no-7:95 JI '59. (MIRA 12:11) (MEDICINN. MLLITART-CONGRE56ES)