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BELUEEKYM, A.I.; lJ'A7"lr(L.1, S. Kh. Afiphy:cLa and birth Injury In tho !* - , I no-4born infnunt,3 and proph'laxis. Azerb. med. "hur. nc. , - '? 1 "!,2 (IORA 18:1) NAZAIU-1APEDOV) 0. Reaults of piezomtric studies on open hcrizontal drainnge In lower course of the &-m Daryn Valley. Izv,A11 Turk. SSE. Ser. bio-, . nauk no.4:85-89 165. is-.9) 1. Turkmenskiy nauchno-is3ledovatellskiy institut vodnykh problem i gidrotekhniki. IWAIU-11UMMEMV, F.Kl)~~ 4pivint Protein -fractions in the blood serum in norral children a6ed 4 to 15. Med. zJnw. Uzb. no.5:51-54 MY 160. (MRA 15:3) 1, Iz kafedry propedev-tiki detakikh bolezney (zav. prof. S.Sh. Shamsiyev) Tashkentakogo gosudarstvennogo maditinskogo instituta. (BIkOD PRMIIS) :jUZARKUKRAMFJWv F.Kh,q aspirant Significance of serological reactions in the detection of typhoid fever In children. FWd. zhur. Uzb. no. 2:18-21 F 161. (RIRA 14:2) 1. Is kafedry propedevtiki detakikh bolezney (zav, - profs S,Sh,, Shamalyev) Tashkentskogo, gosuAaistvennogo wditainakogo instituta, (TYPHOID FEVER) (BERUM DIAGNOSIS) RAZARMUMAMEDOV, F.Kh.p aspirant Dynamics of the blood protein fmctions in typhoil fever in children. Mod. zhur. Uzb. no-307-42 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki detskikh boleznoy (zav. - prof. S.Sh. Shameiyev) Tashkentakogo gosudarstvennogo moditsinakogo institute. (BLOOD PROTEINS) (TYPHOID MER) UAZA44WKH&iMVv F-Kh., aspirant L-111-ran ar---; ~ -, Protein fractions in th~e blood ser= in healthy cY, days to 4 years. Mad. thur. Uzb. no.9:41-43 3 1610 N,~A I-Ii2) 1. 1z kafedry propedevtiki detskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. S.Sh. Shamsiyev) Tasl&entakog o udarstvernogo, meditaim-kogo instituta. Wo Plimi-ma) NAZARMUKHAMEJ)OV F Kh arpi,&UIt . -, ~ -, =" - Protein fractions of th6 blood serum In healtV chtlanr-n au---) 15 clAys to 15 years. o'bor.nauch.trud.TashCUMI 223300--3c,9 '62. (KITU ~B!10) 1. K-,'edra pro devtiki detskikh bolezney (zav. kafedroy - v.r()[. S.U.ShamniyevrUshkentakogo gosudaretvennogo med1ts1nEk,),7n 3-rastituth. I - __ D" ". lt , I - -11 f - -_T5j. 11cur'na arid Disease Fathogvns. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No. 8, 1958, No 34oc6 Author :_jqzarmuk1=.,,edov, N. A. Inst Not T'Itle Development of Larvae From Cattle Grubs on Largo Forned Cattle. -- K voprosu o raz%,itii lichinok pod.?ozhnylh ovodov k-rupnogo rogatogo s~ota. Orig Pub Dokl. Ali UzSSR, 1957, No. 2, 59-62. Abstract In the Uzbek SSR, by.investigation at the Ta3hker;t r3cat-1 combine, 70% of gullet grubs and 30% of stroki were found subcutaneously on large horned cattle. The cravling of both species of gadflies under the skin of the spine begins in October. Larvnu of the gullet grub develop more rapidly and, as a result, thc;y comprise 821~ by Novembur-rccenbcr and 62% of the total niziber by January-February. The gullet grub larvae fall out from mid-February to mid-VAny, stroki fron the end of February to mid-June. Card 1/1 25 NAZARKUNHAICKDOV, M*Ao. )mnd. biol. nauk. Ox warble fly In the Uzbek S.S.R. Vbtarinartle, 35 no.4:82 Ap 158. (KIRA MY) 1, Institut voologit I parazitologli AN UcSSR. (Uzboklutan-Varblo flies) NAZAIUMMANDOV, N.A. .- toparasitRe of w114 mammals In Kentmakh District, Uzbekistan. Ush.biol.chur. no.1:65-71 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Inatitut toologit I paraxitologil AN UzSSR. (Kentuakh District-Insects, Iniu--Ious ead beneficial) (Parasites-Rodentia) (Parasites-Insectivora) NAZARMUT]WK]MV, H.A. Gray flesh flies of 159. the Angren Valley. Dokl. AN Uz.SSR no.2:51-53 (KIRA 12:4) 1. Inatitut zoologii i parazitologii All UzSSR. Predstarleno akademi- kom AN UrSSR T.Z. Zakhidovym. (Angren Valley-Fleah flies) 2934. DEfER4111ATION OF WAINTING SIPPM-Is OF .0 Tj Ile UIC, COAL AMU_G S BY 1113TI op =RT 'TC S.A. (Ugol (COU), Mar. 1953, 32 1U). A series of - Fuel Abstracts in an experimental mine in 11951 with a vien to cnplo)iru; 6it voi. 14 110- 4 micro-ceisvdo instruments for determining warning sytTpto-_zs of October 1953 sudden outbursts of coal and gas are described. It vias found Natural Solid that the nuxber of micro-selpic irq)Uses recorded per rrdnute Fuels: Winaing increased radically as nich as 2 hours before an outturstj moreoverp the impulses become more prvlonged, and 3114ght noizes -are heard. In many cases, the outburst can then be prevaited by an interruption of winning. Hicro-seismic instrumeniz can be used not only for prevention of sudden outbursts but also for the ftu-ther study of their nature and mechanism. (L). Nocopo S/169j/62/000/012//024/095 D223P307 Nazarnyy, TITL'E: Al)plying -the seismic method in engincering-geology Surveyr. I G D I C., L 11wferativnyy zhu.. -tl, Gcofiziha, no. 12, 1962, 33-34, a:)str,ict 12.L284 (1n collection: Novoyc v metodihi i te', geolo[;orazvcd. rabot, 5, L., 1962, L14-130) T~=: The withor considers the feasibility of applying. seismic cK,)1oration in cagincering-geology surveys in order to study the -eneral structurc of loose dcposits and to determine the elastic constants of naturally occurring roc:ts. It is concluded that the cor.1.1.)Ositc use of lcaClin" purcly longitudinal w mes and ,S.~-typc waves corresponding to he samc intcrface is e,,.pedient. The compo- site use of these waws allows data to ~)c obtain--d about nonuniform- itics in the medium coverin[; the rcZraction boundary. Vertically polarized SV waves d-istinguishable on ZX seismogr,,ms can also be used in the coq)lex. They can be generated by mechanical impacts Card 1/n '>/169/62/000/012-/(124/095 -~)Aying the seismic method ... D228/D307 or e:qplosions. 1-ictho(Ir, of the selection of -waves accore-in,- to their types have great significance in the execution of enr,inccrinE; survcyc. The corrc5ponding Gunis and differences of: seismic rocordings may be uacd for thirj purpoac, ,n~bstracter's note: Complete tralnsiation2 Card 212 N~, NAZAMYY, S.A. Graphiii anallysis ztethcd for dotnml-ri-ni lfta velz:ity :air hodographs of foruard waves. Raviodo I p-,c=o geof1to ro*492 39-50 063 (MTRA I!.," ) .--l.lIAZANIYY, S.A. 0, ~f ;Ilvv-~j. : .: ~b 1L.Irvedo A prom. I (~ ". ( ~ 1. , LZ vt. tv I k 1 1 no tu met d'~ki teyhn~ I. v,! dl, J., L t; i~ u du r-l. V0 o I L ll,~. f, k c i7 c k cm e "r. L 33255-66 FUT(l) GW NR3 AT6012.786 /V) SOURCE CODE: UR/3175/66/000/027/0059/0068 AUT11OR: Nazarnyy, S.A. ORG: VITR TITLE: Design of seismic apparat-9 for the exploration of low depths SOURCE: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy geologicheskiy komitet. Osoboye konstruktorskoye,byuro.1 Geofizic6e-sk-aya a-pparatura, no, TOPIC TAGS: mining engineering, prospecting, seismologic instrument, seismologic station/ ASH-1 seismologic station, '7S-24P oeismologic station 'V40 ko 150 11 -?0-1 ASS711ACT: The author discusses scismi -~Oavc&.tina- e nv i r omen t s, specific areas per- tinent to shallow depth exploration and the various field uses of seitmic instrumenta- tion. Requirementsfor efficient field operation are reviewed and general specifica- tions proposed. Motivation for this paper is rooted in the reported technical and ex- ploitational drawbacks of the existing instrumentation. Requiremetris for adequate sys tems must include capability for easy operation in bad weather, quick evaluation of results, low weight, operation with limited number of personnel and quick readiness. For very shallow depth work (microseismic apparatus, for 5 - 10 meters), a limited number of chaviorls and cathode rAy or tiltrelviolet light recocding is desired, To is%- prove the resolving potmr, and secure other advantages, - exciting hequencies up to 300 - 500 cycles/sec are necessary. A magnetic tape buffer for playback into an oscil- Card L 33255-66 ACC NRt AT6012786 loscope for signal inspection and later transfer to final storage in form of photogra- phs is desired. For explorations at 50 - 100 meters, the current equipment is repre- sented by the ponderous and heavy (300 kg) SS-24P seismic station. A recent, more eff~ cient development is the seismic station AS14-1, with 6 channels, magnetic tape regi- I stration buffer and ascillographic recording. A general view of the apparatus is Shown, in Fig. 1. - 4 . I - - , I a Fig. 1. Seismic apparatus ASM-1. I Record/reprodtice amplifier box 2 Power supply. 3 - Magnetic tape recorder with visual control. 4 - Oscillog :,.ph N700. 5. Filter box. Orig. art. has 2 figures SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REPt 004/ OTH REN 002 Discussing Epecial meth,,>ds of teaching geography. e 25 no.2':E6-87 Kr-Ap 162. M-T.R;% and eall -nzl 7 f.- A -ew I ILI "Ov NAZAROV, A. Soviot =%zh-Ine-jr in :he I~Ixt-light. Vne&h. 111, 1 ~ I .~CFA :7:2) 1'rtp^re i r da,.,4 t It" r :- t'" s m o-- '-yv" mi * c -t 1.6 1 In~ 53SH 35 iio.1-14-li, '64. (MIRA I-P:4- 1. Vsoqly-uzVy pr coy sh lo nnost SOKOI-OV, Yu., sudlyR respblikayiskoy kategoril; NAZAR-07 A 1, d 1 va rosFublikan-skoy ka#.egorii - At Moscow In the fall..* Fxyl. rodo 15 no.22s26 D 164. (ViRl. Igo) L 14133-66 EWT(l)/EWT(M)/T/WP(t-)/E7dP(b) jjp(c) jD/W ACC NR*' AP6000875 SOURCE CODE.- UR/0181/6-5/007/01,2/36c;5/3657 AUTHORS: ~Galayanov, V. V.; Gorygnova.,. N. A.; Korshak, K. K.; M-amayev,:S 1 Nazarov, A. ~.QRGt Phyaicotect!hical Inatitute im. A. P. lof fe AN SSSR Leningrad (Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut A -SSSR) ..TITLEt Some properties of p-CdSnAs, BOOM Plaikh tvtMeg'o telfto V 'It no~ Wj 190to 3 6 5'1G TOPIC TAM cadmium compound, arsenic compound, tin compound, eloatric comttctiviLy, wai coorrisoctnt, thermo- Ingle electrta.power, temperature dependence ;ABSTRACT: Although the propertica 'of n-type-M-SnAs have been doo- J_- cribed. in the literature, there is no pub IiMectl' Inf Anatl.on on the p-type compound. The authors have produced by single erlatals of p-type CdSvAs zone malting and measured the temperature, dependence or the specific: electric conductlvitycF,, the Hall coefficient R, and f Card in -9- L 14133-66 ACC NR:' -AP60,008-15, Ithe thermoelectric power a on two sample-s measuring 11.4 x 3. 2 x 2.4 and 6.4 x 1.45 x 1.1 mm with hole densiUes 2.6 and 3 x 10 cm-3 re-t spectively at 100K. With increasing temperature the IL,11 constant s like T-0-575 ign near room temperature, and a varie with inareasinF U temperature from 100K to rooin temperature, after which it 'Increases.sharply in the~region or the tranoltion to IntrInsLe con- ductivity. The differential thermal emf is positive at low teimera- tures at 180 pv/deg. At 380K It reverses sign and incteases in, r-b- solute magnitude to 240 4y/deg. The width of the forbidden band at 'OOK was found to be 0.254 ev. The differences between the n-type and' p-type samples is attributed to the differencetin the-carrIer mobil- !ties. -The effective mass of the carriers is found to he 0.4 m0. is concluded that CdSnAs., like its isceleatronid analogs InAs and TDrAI by Inv(!O rixwLtIlity raLLO Itful a largo OMOLLVO MfT" MUO, OPL9. Urt. h4ff-f 1*JEW-ep:,* 14011 0 NO r I 114_05R Nk ~t i RE '01 M r 6 0, Z xS,*F4 N5 L 47401=~6 IJPk-) JD ACC Mi AIMP.5763 SCMCE CODE-. AU7110FI: 1-8 ; NUZUrov, A.* Vaus - - .- - I - Y-7 TITLE: p-type"~dSA62kand its electric properties SOUXE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 4A639 REF SOURCE: Sb. Simpqzium. Protsessy sinteza I rosta hristallov i plenok polupro- vodnik. mater alov, 5 I Tezisy dokl. TOPIC TAGS: cadmium compound, Gtoichiometry, single crystal growiY43, temperature de-i pendence, semiconductor conductivity, electron mobility, hole mobilLty, Hall mobility,, carrier density ABSTRACT: Polycryattudine homogeneous samples of n-type CdSnAs2 were synthesized by the method oi njWogether stoichiometric batches in evacuated and sealed quartz ampoules, using vibi~ti n mixing during the synthesis and cooling. The p-type CdSnAS2 single crystalskere obtained by zone recrystallization of n-type polycrystal line samples. The Width of the molten zone was 5 - 10 um, the nurber of passages ! through the zone 20 - 25, the speed of motion of the molten zone 37.5 and 6 =/hr. + 2 Single crystals 6 - 7 cm long with transverse cro-ss section 0.25 crW were obtained.-- Measurements were made of the temperature dependence of the electric conductivity and of the Hall effect In a temperature interval 90 - 8OOK. The HaU mobility at "OOK is 2 nj -- 316 cm2/v-sec, and the carrier density is 2 x 102-7 czC:3. The ratio oC electro o hole mobility is b w 36. (Translation of abstract] SU-13 CODE: 20 cur(i- .,I/). h3 Par K_. I I n a r 1L~ 'I n c ~:ex ! n" , , -1, -. . I . , % . . , . ~I . ,.. k . Nazarov, A. P . " 'et ~.ods c.." obtain'r,,~ rf~eus f t..e ', :-_- , ar,-~:7 . --::c- -, ::- . . . _, - ~ * -.:-. sad a (Ak 11 . t,'. i ",it ~: i (J*J)~(f o I. I, I ~~i4d , P. Y-37 , -")i b]. i0c, : ~, 4 t( ;",!-) . - - : 'I*-' -`L2, 11 - ~ , ~ :,r, -); ; ,: I -~ykh ~' ), a , I , I , \ . i. -1 NAZAROV. A.A,---- Su r day in the Xyzyl Kum,, Priroda 50 no*7:124 il 161. (KERA 1/+ t 6) 1. Institut geogra-fii. AN SSSRP Moskwa. (Uzyl hum.-Sw=er) KU"V. A.A. Rare complications of ureteral calculus. Azsrb.u*d.zbnr. no-3s 64-66 Kr 060. (KIRA 13t6) 1. Iz Wedry urologit (jav. - prof. N.B, Lblyev) Axerbaydzhan- skogo Cosudarstvannago Instituta usaverthenstymatya vrachey (direktor - prof. A.M. Allyev). (CALGULT, URIMY) UAZJWOV , A.A. Formation of the penis and urethra in perineal hIppospedia si=ULlaU:l,-7 hermaphrodil,3m. Azerb. mad. zhur. no.8:65-70 N 161. (KI-qA 15:2) PLN I A UWILM) (U&MWA-SURGE 1) NAZAROV, A.A. (Moskvu) Shrews and forest predators. Friro,-;a 52 no.11:211 163. (KTP A 17: 1) - ---------- - . .... NAZARDVF A.A.; SHULII-6, M.H.; 3TOFONKIN, A.V. Thermodynamic properties of the Part 2: Activities and activity of a system for the solid phase Test. ILIT. 18 no.16t94-102 163. system AgC1 - NaCl - FbC'2' coefficients of components of variable composition. (MIRA 16:11) zmv- W 'g! pt~'Zj; own rv Tw. I-= and al, cu'w~ tares, Tne Shru i3 ted told is expre-swd 'zill"jil "n IT!l Tjj)jj', Ul 4P or C. -Akil. w 'of r 'nify I rl III slanting shtlB ano wor uppliuMion. Ak:,A Nau~- -A T;rtf:-F!., Aff, 01.."ni fir SOV/124- 57-3-3406 Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal . Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 3, p I I I (USSR) AUTHOR: Nazarov, A - A - TITLE: The Method of Successive Approximations in the Theory of Shallow Shells (Metod posledovatel'nykh priblizheniy v teorii pologikh obolochek) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Saratovsk. un-t, 1956, Vol 52, pp 33-39 ABSTRACT: The paper gives an account of the method of successive approxima- tions for the solution of linear problems of the theory of shallow shells. In a first version the stress function and the deflection function are assumed in the form of an expansion according to powers of small parameters, for which purpose the shell-curvature parameters are used. The problem is reduced to the solution of a recurrent system of differential equations wherein it is necessary at each stage of the approximation to solve the problem of the plane- stress distribution as well as the problem of the bending of the plate onto which the shell is projected in the plan view. The formu- lation of the problems of the theory of shallow shells in terms of Card I /Z complex variables is submitted in the paper. It is pointed out that SOV/124- 57- 3- 3406 the Method of Successive Approximations in the Theory of Shallow Shells the small-parameter method is of practical value only for shells having a small rise. In the second version the shell thickness is assumed as the small parame- ter. while the stress functions and deflection functions are assumed in the form of an expansion according to the powers of that parameter. Some numerical examples are analyzed. The paper fails to cite any bibliographic references. M. S. Kornishin Card 2/2 SOV/1 24-57-4-4605 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 105 (USSR) AUTHOR: Nazarov, A. A TITLE: Differential Equations for Large Deflections of Shallow Shells (Diffe- rentsial'nyye uravneniya pologoy obolochki pri bol'shikh progibakh) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Saratovsk. un-t, 1956, Vol 52, pp 41-50 ABSTRACT: A derivation of a system of two differential equations of equilibrium of shallow shells relative to large displacements. These equations were derived prior to the appearance of a paper by D. Yu. Panov and V. I. Feodos'yev (Prikl. matem. i mekhanika, 1948, Vol IZ, Nr 4) in which analogous equations were developed. The author's version uf the theory of shallow shells differs from the form commonly accepted in technical literature [Vlasov, V. Z., Obshchaya teoriya obolochek (General Theory of Shells), Gostekhizdat, 19491 in that his equation for the projection of forc,~s onto a plane normal to the middle surface contains an additional, nonlinear, member the magnitude of which is a function of the deflection W. According to the author's computations, the effect of this additional member is insignificant. Thus, in the Card I /Z case of shells that are rectangular in plan view the effect of this Differential Equations for Large Deflections of Shallow Shells SOV/1 Z4-57-4-4605 member may be disregarded if the minitnum-span length excecds the thickness of the shell by a factor of seven or eiRht. 'rite solution for a symmetrical problem dealing with large deflections in a shallow spherical membrane having a fixed con- tour and being subjected to the action of a unifotm external pressure is given in the first approximation. A comparison is made between the experimental and theoretical results. The case of a rectangulat (in plan views shallow shell sup- ported freely at the edges and subjected to a uniformly distributed surface pres- sure is analyzed. The strain-compatibility equation is integrated rigorously with the aid of trigonometric series. It is suggestc-d that the other equation be soived with the aid of the Bubnov method [Comments on the work of proiessor S. P. Timo- shenko "On the Stability of Elastic Systems". Sb. In-ta inzh. put. -joobshch., 1913, Nr 31; lzbrannyye trudy (Selected Works), Sudpromgiz, 1956, pp 136-1391. The method of solution adopted makes it possible to satisfy all boundary conditions. A. V. Sache"nkov Card Z/Z -V/rl 7 4; 'tifferential, 3quatious for a Shallow Shell Under Extreme Bendingg" by &A. Wassroy, Veh. m. Saratovsk. un- , 1956, 52P Vp 41-5o, (from Referatiynyy ZhurnaL -- Yekhanika, No 4, Apr 57, Abstract No 46o~5_, by A.V. Sachyenokov) "This article develops a system of two differential equations of eVIlibrium for a shallow shell during extreme deformation. These eqvatlins were obtained prior to the appearance of the work of D.Tu. Fanov and V.I. T410doelyev (Prikl. matem. i mekhanika, No 4 1948,) In which similar equa- tions are introduced. The variation of the theory of shallov shells pre- sented by the author differs from that contained in the literature (Vlasov, VA. Cbshchaya theor&2 obolochek (General Theory of Shellt. Gostekhizdat, 19k9$ by the presence, in the equation of projected forces on a center normal to the surface, of an additional nonlinear value which depends an the bending W. In accordance with the author's calculations, the effect of tbat additional value is of little significance. For eyample, In the care of rectangular shells, the effect of that value can be discarded, if the length nf the smallest span exceeds a seven-or eight-fold thickness of the shell. The first approx1ration provides the solution of a probiem dealing with extreme bending in the contour of a shallow spherical shell subjected to toMwo eicteroal pressure. The theoretical results are comparvi with the experimental. The article also analyzes the case of a shallow rectangular shell,, freely supported at the sides and loaded with uniformly distributed pressure. . "Me equation of ec"Iez deformation Is precisely integrated in a trig- onometric series. Bubnow's method to recoamnded for the other equation a report on the work of S.P. Tbaoshenko, Ob Ustoychlypatt uPrMlkh 51sten Covaernlag the Stability of EUstIc Sys " Sb. in-ta, Inth. soobahch., ~ 1913P No 31; Isbrann--;ye trtd (Collected Works), Sudproxglz, 1956, PP 136- a 139). The developed ;;M7 of solution xaMs it possible ta solve all closely related problems." (U) S t4 k" . ' "j / y S / S/124/60/OW/006/025/OY) A005/A001 Translation from.- Referativnyy zhurnal, Mckhanika, 1960, No. 6, P. 1141, 0 7769 AUTHOR: Nazarov, A.A. TITLE: The Application of the B.G. Galerkin Method to the Calculation of Sloping Shells PERIODICAL: Nauk. zap..Kiye sk, un-t. 1957, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 63-67 TEXT: The author considers a sloping shell, rectangular in horizontal projection,subjected to the action of a uniformly distributed load normal to the medium surface. The deflection is represented by a double series in cosines; then a non-homogeneous biharmonic equation is obtained for the stress flanction. The coefficients in the expression of the deflection are determined by the Bubnov-Galerkln method from the second equation connecting the deflection and the stress function. S.A. Shesterikov Translator's note: This ~~s the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 6 67066 t444192) 16, 11,600 SOY/44-59-9-9161 Translation fromt Referativnyy zhurnal.Matematika,1959,Nr 9,pp 103-104 (USSR) AUTHORt.Nazarov.0.0 TITIZ: The Solution of the Differential Equations for the Equilibrium of a Flat Shell With a Given Plan With the Aid of Ordinary Trigonometric Series PERIODICALt Nauk.zap.Kyyivalk.un-t,1957,16,lir 16,135-147 ABSTRACT: The author considers the equilibrium oquationn of a flat shell with respect to the shifts (1) I-V I+V 1 C, xx 2 -yy' 2 xy 4x v 1 --.p 1+V + ?-- . 0; yy+ 2 vxx+ -2 ux.- R 'by 2 1) - (2) 17 4w+ + 2 + W- I -L(u + %)v )+ I-(V + Vu 0, D R1 1) RI x y 72 V X)l - D (R112 2 1 The author introduces a function t of the shifts with the aid of which (1) is replaced by the relations bl~ Card 1/3 a 6(1)j16(2) 67066 "0 4 '7/44-59-9-9161 The Solution of the Differential Equations for the Equilibrium of a Flat Shell With a Given Plan With the Aid of OrdinRry Trigonometric 3eries (3) u 1 +.V 2 -~L- 4- (R1 7 + 1 -:~!A . R2 hxDY2 / 1 4. 1 - \ R, JL R2) v -L -0X-6 Y 2 2 (RI t -~L) R2 1 ?!I ; 'B-f 3 I+V 2 -a , 1 3 -L a~L + 2-a Y 'b x \ -~L R -, 3 1 A>- + R2 3 T I IL_ (4) For the function from (2) one obtainn: (5) V'++ 11(1-%P2) ( I A 2 D R22'bX4 ' RiR2 bx ~'_~Y2 Ri2 lay4j D If the shell is rectangular in the plan, then (~ of (5) is sought with the hypothesis x + = f4~k(x) Sir' Card 2/3 k-1 67066 16(1),16(2) 507/44-59-9-.9161 The Solution of the Differential Equations for the Equilibrium of a Flat Shell With a Given Plan With the Aid of Ordinary Trigonometric Series where ~k (x) has to satisfy an equation of 8th order by the solution of which the author obtains eight arbitrary constnrts. Furthermore the author considers deformed states being symmetrical with respect to the y-axis,so that for the satisfaction of the boundary conditions there remain four constants. Tho author considers a univernally flexibly clamped shell, where he succeeds in satisfying rigorously tho boundary conditions of the flexible clamping. The boundary conditions of the tangential 3tate of tension are satisfied only on the sides x . + -2, Two types of such con- ditions are considered 2 a) Txlx.+a' 1(y); S1 X= +a- %f(y) b) uIx.1a = S1 X-+a-0. The author gives results of numerical calculations for different aspect ratios of the rectangular plan and for different thinknot3s of tbe 0('11. Remark of the reviewer: In the case of a spherical shell (R R2) the re- presentation (3) (4) can be usod only for the description olmsome states of tension. if R;~ R2, then (3)-(4) can be used for the desciption of arbitrary states of tension. I.I.Vorovich Card 3/3 k DMOT, " (ru'r). $~ M~ " ~ , . , '. . Basla aygtom of equatIons for ths equIlIbrlum of MmInian with swusrism In Russl= and ftgllshl. U03980-" 158. sloyIng ghells [In ftkl. mkh. 4 (KIRA lit4) 10' Kilvalkly derzhavnly unlyersitat. (11astle plates and ahells) 66205 16,6900 SOV/146-58-6-6/16 AUTHORS: Nazarov, A.A., Aspirant, and Petrov, Yu.P., Senior Engineer TITLE: Electrochemical V&A= C a U PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroy- eniye, 1958, Nr 6, PP 50-53 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Development of computing technics requires designing of different devices which could record information received from arithmetical nodes of a calculating ma- chine, keep this information, and give it out when need- ed. There are different requirements set before these devices. Some of them are supposed to operate at high- speeds when recording and reading; others do not re- quire a high operational speed, but their sizet sim- pleness of design and low cost come to the forefront. This article deals with a "I ry device construct- ed on the principle of chemical processes. The cell described in this article is based on the speed of metal precipitation on the electrcdes; the last de- Card 113 pends, in its turn, on the change of electrode potenti 1 66205 Electrochemical Memory Cell SOV/146-58-6-6/16 Card 2/3 As is well known, a metal being immersed into electro- lyte has, at a certain electrolyte concentration, a sharply defined electrode potential value which can be expressed by formulae E E0 + Una, where E is metal electrode potential, E standard electrode poten- tial; a - cation activ?ty in electrolyte; k - con- stant (at T = const.). With the flowing of DC through electrolyte, the metal is taken from one electrode precipitated on the other, thus changing the working electrode potential. The device consists of a cell provided with three electrodes: one of them is made of zinc and the other two - the working and the stand- ard - of amalgamated copper. Zinc is precipitated on the working electrode while the standard electrode potential remains unchanged. The working and the zinc electrode are placed in one receptacle, the atandard - in another (Figure 1); both receptacles are electro- lytically connected. The zinc electrode is connected to +, the working, to - of the source of electric energy. The precipitation process runs according to formula Zn~'+ 2e --,o Zn. Zinc amalgam is formed, and q1_1000, Electrochemical Memory Cell 66205 SOV/146-58-6-6/16 electromotive force between the working and the stand- ard electrode appears; its value is 1.1 v. The pro- cese of registration is determined by the time during which the precipitation takes place; should it be desired to obliterate the information, reverse polari- ty current is applied which entails returning of pre- cipitated metal into solution in the form of ions. The electrochemical cells can be used in relay-comput- ing machines and in other devices which do not require high operating speeds. There are 1 graph and 1 dia- gram, ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.A. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A.A. Zhda- nov) SUBMITTED: September 18, 1958 Card 3/3 206) 31016 S/573/61/000/005/006/023 D201/D305 AUTHORS: Nazarov, A.A., and Petrov, Yu.P. TITLE: An electrochemical device for simulating a condi- tioned reflex SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. InstitiA elektromekhaniki. Sbornik rabot po voprosam elektromekhaniki. no. 5, Moscow, 1961. Avtomatizatsiyal telemekhanizatsiya i priborostroyeniye, 65 - 69 TEXT: The authors give the results of their experimental investi- gations into the possibility of obtaining a conditioned reflex unit as based on an earlier datigned electro-chemical memory unit. The circuit (Fig.) consists of two partes A and C. There are two inputs: Unconditioned UC and conditioned ON. There is one output to the output stage. D6pending on its setting, the device either operates the output stage when a pulse is applied to ON or not. When a pulse is applied to input ON it operates the relay ON and completes the circuit for charging capacitor C by closing the re- Card 1/~,' 31o16 8/'573/61/00()/005/006/023 An electrochemical device for D201/D305 lay P. When the voltage at C reaches the firing voltage of the neon bulb MH-3 (MN-3)p the capacitor dischargest operates the re- iay 0 cutting off the supply of relay P. The system relay P and 0, the rC and the neon bulb form the "time memory" of the device-If soon after the pulse at CN has been applied, there is a pulse apIL- lied to UCp one pulse (positive) Is applied to counter C, thus ef- fecti.,_g one step of the "tra4ning". If in the wake of the signal A, at CN there is a pulse appli ed to UC, the counter, after having counted n positive pulses, sends a pulse to the "reflex relay" R. After the relay R operates, the pulse applied to the conditioned input through the contacts of R operates the output stage: the de- vice in in the "trained condition". If now the conditioned stimu- lator is stopped to be reinforced by the unconditioned, i.e. if there is no pulse at UC following the pulse at CN, the relay CN after operating, remains holding the relay SB and may be opened on- ly by opening the normally closed contacts of the relay UC, i.e. only after the application of a pulse to the input of UC. If this pulse is not appiied with relay 0 operating, a negative pulse is applied to the counter. After a few of these the counter returns to Card OV 310 6 8/573 61/U00/005/006/023 An electrochemical device for D201 D305 its iiiitial condition, the relay R has no supply and the output stage will not respond to the pulse at the input of CN: the circuit has "forgotten" the cooled conditioned reflex. Thus the above cir- cuit corresponds to the so-calledp in biology, "classic saliva re- flex". Variants of the circuit are discussed as achieved by chang- ing the components of part A of the device, including the applica- tion of thermistors according to,.M. Dzh, Maglin and I. Suzerlend (Ref. 3: Kiberneticheskiy sb., no. 1, 1960). The use of counters and difficulties in their applications in the cct are discussed.A circuit of conditioned reflex is considered, in which -- to avoid the inherent complications resulting from the use of counters -- an electrochemical counter is used. This counter being very simple makes it possible to form the process of initiating and stopping the conditioned reflex largely similar to that of living animals , The electrochemical element consists of a hermetically sealed ves- eel with three j*ectrodes: one zinc electrode and two similar stan- dard and working eleotrodee made of copper plates, covered with the amalgam of mercury. When a voltage pulse 18 applied to the zinc and working electrodes then chle to electrolysls# zinc is deposited at Card 3/~, 31016 S/573/61/000/005/006/023 An ele,~torochemical device for ... D201/D305 the working electrode and a potential difference arises between the latter and the standard electrode. This potential difference may operate the relay R. With a pulse of reversed polarity the zinc from the working electrode goes into solution and the potential lif- ference disappears. This electrochemical process may be used as a memory device for storing one bit of binary information and is used in the conditioned reflex simulator as the counter for stimulating pulses. Its use makes the des,.ribed circuit behave extremely simi- larly to that of ilving organisms, where the stability of the evol- ved reflex depends on the number of stimulators and the reflex as evolved in the past may be reinstated even after being seemingly completely lost. There are 1 figure and 3 Soviet-bloc references. Card 44'/ ARANZON, M.A.; NAZAROVV A.A. (Prcdaction machining of heat resistant steels] Proizvo- ditelInala. obrabotka zharoprochnykh stalei rezaniem. Kuibyshev, Kuibyshevskoe knizbnoe izd-vo, 1965. 74 p. (MIRA 18:7) NAZAROV, A.A. Thermodynamic properties of the solid solutions AgC1 - NaCl. Zhur. fiz. kbim. 39 no.6:1451-1457 Je 165. (MIRA 18M) 1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskly institut. Submitted March 25, 1964. ACC NR, .A.M7003445 Monograph UR/ Nazarov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Principles of theory and methods of design computation of shallow shells (Osnovy teorii i metody rascheta pologikh obolochek) Leningrad, Stroyizdat, 66. 0302 p. Rids. , biblio. 7, 000 copies printed t TOPIC TAGS: shell, shell design, shallow shell, spheric shell, reinforced shell structure, differential geometry, finite difference PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book gives an account of the general theory of shells of arbitrary shape and presents the fundamental principles of the theory of shallow shells. A detailed analysis is made of shallow spherical shells and of shells rectangular in plane, both smooth and reinforced with ribs. The calculatio.-m are illustrated by numerical examples. The book is intended for engineers, designers, and scientific workers. TABLE OF CONTENT (abridged): Foreword- 3 card 1 / 2 UDC: 624.074. 4 ACC NR; Ai~~03445 Ch. 1. Some data from differential geometry -- 4 Ch. 2. General theory of elastic thin shells of arbitrary shape -- 34 Ch. 3. Theory of shallow shells 77 Ch. 4. Shallow spherical shells 105 Ch. 5. Shallow shells, rectangular in plane -- 137 Ch. 6. Shallow shells rectangular in plane and reinforced with rigid ribs -7 212 Ch. 7. Method of finite difference and its application to calculations of shallow shells -- 233 Literature -- 299 SUB CODE: 13, 12/ SUBM DATE: 14Jun66/ ORIG REF: 0261 OTH REF: 002 2/2 YEM079 I.A.1 Friftlza.U uchastiyet KOBM'Vg V.V.; NAZAROV9 A.D. 1 WV- CHENKOVAq R.N. [Study of the remapstization tim of farromaguetic film-type elements] Issledovanie, vremeni peremagnichivaniia forromagnit!- zWkh planoobrqkh slementov. Moskva, In-t tochnoi mekhanikJ i vyohislitellaoi tokbalki Akad. n=k SMs, 1961. 23 p. (HIM 140) (Forrates) Orerrwagnetism) RAZAROV, A.D., starshiy prapodavatell Slwp for procesOng corncobs. Z[2ivotwvo"tvo 24 no.9s23 3 162. (KERA 1502) 1, Kiohinevokly BellskokhozyzyotvenM institut. (Corncobs as food) 17, KOCHURGV~ Aleksay Stepanovich; q44AR T. Alsksty-dayrilovich; ZASTPKIN. Aleksay Goorgiyevich; GIXKRL'KAM. Mikolay Robartovich; TOrZWT, Andrey redorovich; MESTHROV. Boris Arkadlyevich; TWANOT, Andray Konstantinovich; F11-IPPOT, A.S., kand.takhnnauk, retsenzent; RTAZAMOV, K,I,g Inch., reteenzent; ZAKHAROT. B.P., inch.. red.; WIMOT. M.P.. (Manuel for modeluakers] Spravcchnik rabochago-model'shchika. Komkva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.1zd-vo mashinostroit.lit-rys 1959. 379 P. (KIRA 13:3) (Models and modelmaking) W.Zkr,OVO A.G. Mechanical airdlaritics of nolicis and their tippl-'cation to the flti0y of structural elemento and neis.,ric reiiiqtance of buildings. -1 Arm. SSR. Ser. tekh. naA 16 ro.40-14 163. Report Ho.8. Izv. k! (.'URA 16:10) 1. Institut Coeliziki i inzhenernoy aey5mnlogii AN Arm- ran3koy SSR. bLLL~~ , A-C-f. Cold welding process of cast-iron with combined electrodes Mo3kva, Goo. Pransp. thel-dor. Izd-vo, 1951o 37 p. (51-39WS) TK466o.N3 !"A!'A!X-V' A. t3r. Welding Coli melding of iron,, Ntuka I zhi-,-,nl .. No. 2, 195-2. y rry .)' --arch IK2. ITT, L.-, ' - 7: 1 7,D . .c,r,t~jj~ LL11 .2f Rupainn Augglic..i.9, Utr, ..' - I 11AZAROV, A. G. RTMIN, Q.T., nodal'-ehchlk; XUZIN. R.P., Inchener, redaktor; MAZAROT, A.G., Inzhener. rotgengent. Cliff talent use of elootrIc tools In patterazaking sh4psl Ratolonal nos prImenenle elaktrifitstroyannogo Inotrumuta v modelluou teekhm. Pod red. R.P.Euslua. S"rdlovak, Go@. naucha.-takhn. IKd-v* xanhlno- strait. I sudostroit. lit-ry. (Uralo-Sibirskoe otd-nle] 1953 20 7:73* (Power tools) (Patternmaking) RAWOT, Alskmandr Gavrilovich, slektroevarshchik; POSPRLOW. V.5., ~e~, MY1,'S. 1. ' tekhnicheekly r edaktor [Iron's ssoond life] Wtorais zhisn' chuguna. [KosL-val Izd-vo VTvWS proftedat, 1954. 92 p. (Raeskazy novatorov) (KLRA 8:8) (Cast iron--Voldivg) MAZAROT !L*'"Z.9:',OrEtayavich: OBUKHOT. Alaictandr Wasillyevich: V-EL,412k, Ale"ar AlSkSOYSTICh; BRAYLOVSKIY. M.a.. inzhaner. radaktor; YUD2DN. D.H., takhnicheekly rodaktor. (Cold welding of cast-iron with an electrode bundle) Kholodnaia, avarka chugmna kodhintrovanr7m puchkom slaktrodav. Izd.3-a. Darer. I dop. kozkva. aas.trancv.zhei-dor. izd-wo. 1955. 123 P. (Cast-iron-Welding) KOCHUOV, A S.; NAZAROV, A.G.; ZASYPKIII, A.G.j GIMMELIMAN, N.R. ideceasddjfTCf.wMV, A.F.; NESTMOVA.A.; FILIPPOV, A.S., kand. tekhn. naukj, retsenzent; RIAZPWOV, K.I., inzh., retsenzent; ZAKMOV, B.P., inzh., nauchn. red.; YERYAKOV, W.P., tekhn. red. (Handbook for mold makers] Spravochnik rabochego-modell- shchika. Izd.2.p perer. i.dop. Moskva, Mashgiz 1 1963. 360 p. (MIRA 17:2) DLZAROV. A.G. ,.Cd. ---- Instrummmtal determ1nation of solftle forces for structural designing (with summary in Niglish]. Izv.AN Arm.SMAst.nauki mo.301-50 '47. (Km 9-8) 1. Chlen-L-orrempandent AN AnWangkoy M. (Earthquakes wA building) VAZLROV. A.G. am-- Fundamental relations of operational calculus and impulse functions. Izv.AV Arm.6M.Est.nauki no.9:3-11 147. (MM 9: 8) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN Aru.M.; 2. Institut Stroymaterialov i Soorushenty AN Arm. 3M. (Calculus. Operational) MAZAROV. A. G. StIoltJos Integr&I &ad Impulse functions. 1zv.AV Ars.SM.Zst. nauki no.9:13-18 147. (KLRA 9:8) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN Arm. M.; 2. Institut Stroymaterialov I Sooruzheniy AN Arm. SSEL. (integrals) MA !EO.V p I A.G. Linear differential equation with constant coefficients In contour derivatives. Izv.AN Arm.SM.Smr.1M nauk I no.4:283-288 148. (Km 9:8) 1. Institut strottellvjkh matertalov I sooruchenly Akademit nauk Arm nskoy SSR. (Differential equations. Linear) UZAROT. A. G. `4,~ ?~ Separating Wpulse functions into orthogonal series. I%v.AJI Arm. SM.Ser.IM nauk I ito.6:447-459 '48. (nu 9 i 3) 1. Terevanskly politakholchookly Institut Iment X. Karksa. (Series. Orthogonal) NAM3W, A.G. ---0- =4 =Ontact problems In the theory of shall@. :)oL-l.AN Arm. SO 9 noatk-66 048. (KERA 9slO) I* ChUn-korrespondent Akademil nauk Arwyanskay SSR. 2. Institut stroltellnykh uaterlalov I aoorushaniy Akadealt nauk Aroyanskor SSR. Yerevan. (Mastic plates and ghelle) IIAZIULOV, A.G.. doktor natj;c. - I to probleis )f structural n2pszhaalcs. Appl7ing 4'~,nCtj,)nS Imal. PC teor. soorlah. "0. (KLRA Ir,: 1) (I~mctiorn, 3i"ontinuous) (Structures, Theory of) lk'Altijlp A. ~,. - - pl"Atu ~,;itjj placed p:i!,;illf!I ." ::i Naz.afloll j a. ~. nA I Doklady (Ak-i"'. :La:i"- Ar:-i. 33:1), J'~i. f., ."-). 1, p. P-!Ij, (Resi-me in krneri~an). SO: 71-306, -'1 AzV 1~3,(D-,topi:-, 'Z'hur;,al On,k.,i 3tatej, .~o. i9 i)0). " ~ 7 ") '-.r , I I ..;Lzarov,, A. G.- - 1,, t~,o rr-- 7klzdy (Tk-2d. nauk Arra. SS It.) f 2h, (pesume in Armcni2n) . Sr. :: U-4631"', 16 Sept. 53, "'LeAr, 23, 1,A)). - f *, -.," - t 1' 1 ~ ; ~- ': 'i, rz~'T , I ~, 7n r, - ',- -ioi. .,,, No. 3, 1~,,, :.~. 121- i5 '": lny'~ ~tlt~*Y, *~G- !fAROV, A-G. .00~~ -GONOWM-- Biharmonic equation In contour derivatives. DoklJl Am. SSR. 11 uool:7-8 149* (MA 9: 10) 1. Chlau-korrespondent Akademli nauk Artyanskoy SSR. 2. Institut stroltallrqkh materialov 1 soormthenly Akadazil nauk Arwyanskoy SSR, Yerevan, (Differential mquations) Calculation of hysteresis In elastic vibratiou. 1".AH Arm.M.Ser. FM nauk 6 no.4:21-33 J1-A6 053. (KraA 9:9) l.1nstItut stroitallnyth materialov I sooruzhenly All Armyanskoy SS3. (Vibration) ZVI. I NAMOT, A.G. Principles of earthquake-resistant construction. DbkI. All Arm. SSR 17 rLo.2:47-49 153. (K= 8.2) 1. Ohlea-korreepondent Akadesit nauk Arnyanskoy M. 2. Inatitut stroltellnylkh materialoy i gooruhanty Akadanti nauk Arm:anskoy SSR. (Zarth(pakes and building) ~1' vAr"To A.G6 I r:~' - Smisalc districtluge Irr. All Arm. 3M. Ssr. FM nauk 7 nO-1:87-0 A-F 054, (HLRA 6:2) 1. Institut stroitelInyth materialov i sooeuzhaniy AkMemii nauk Armyanskoy SM. (Smismoloi7) Ifev satanic scale. Izv. AN Arm. HSR Bar. MT nauk 7 no.3t 53-65 KYI-Je 154. (WJA 8: 3 A,- .1 26A-,, !, I g-- " 1 J7 U IjA Rk=()Tl AeGe Nowasomft Equations related to the theory of earthquake resistance arcounting for energy dissipation. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 18 no.3:69-74 154. (MIRA 8:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademit nauk Armyansko7 SSR. 2.Inatitut stroltal'Dykh materialov i sooruzheniy Akademil, nauk Armyanskoy SSR. (Earthquakes and building) ALITNT, G.A.; SMHOV, P.G.; BUIAHZHS, Tu.D.; ROZOVA. Te.A.; DUBROVSKIT. V.G. -, ARMUMNLISKIT, Y.M.; TSMUIAYA, AeD.; NAZA T. A,O, --- Comments of participants of the meeting. Biul.Sov.po velga. n0.1-.85-92 155. (Seismology) (KZRA 9:9) MAZAR ZjjA4ggp,.q$,%;ifovich; ZATRUTY. 9.S., akadermik, retsenzeat; Qnftmu Z'.."6fvetstvsnnyy radaktor; KAPIANTAV, N.A., toich- atchaskly radaktor (An engineering nethod of analyzing selevic forces] Ketod insho- nernogo analiza setactchookikh oil. Zrevan. Izd-vo Alm4amit naak Arnianskot $SR. 1956. 186 p. (MLYA 9:11) 1. Akadenlya strottel'stva i arkhttaktury SSSR (for Zavriyov) (Setemometry) 15-57-10-14719 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 225 (USSR) AUTHORS: Idedvedev, S. V. ,Nazarov, A. G. TITLE: The Chief Trend of Investigating Earthquake-Proof Structures (Osnovnyye napravleniya issledovanly seysmostoykosti sooruzheniy) PERIODICAL: Tr. koordinats, soveshchaniya po seysmostoyk. str-vu, 1954, Yerevan, AN ArmSSR, 1956, pp 103-115 ABSTRACT: The authors.give a general survey on the state of the question of studying earthquake-proof construction; and principal problems are pointed out applicable to defining the course of further study. They note,. in particular, the necessity of continuing the work of seismic classification of the territory of the USSR on the basis of profound study of the structures, the rate of seismic waves through geologic formations, and the evaluation of soil condition to danger from earth- Card 1/2 quakes. Work should also be continued on developing The Chief Trend of Investigating (Cont.) 15-57-10-14 719 the problems of earthquake-proof dams, bulkheads, and earthen dams, the principle3 of model construction, the effects of explosions, the study of seismic movements in the soil, and the impro vement of a seismic scale. Card 2/2 N. V. Ornatskiy Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 1 1, p 122 (USSR) AUTHOR: Nazarov, A.G. TITLE: Investigation of Internal Friction During Elastic Vibrations. (Issledovaniya vnutrennego treniya pri uprugikh kolebaniyakh) PERIODICAL: Tr. koordinats. soveshchaniva po seysmostoyk. str-vu, 1954, Yerevan (Engl. - Erivan), A N ArmSSR, 1956, pp 131-148 ABSTRACT- A condensed presentation of results obtained by the Author in his study of the energy dissipation during non-stationary vibrations and also in complex stressed conditions. The possibility of applying the relationships obtained therein to the formulation of a seismic- stability theory and to the design of seismic simulators for the investigation of earthquake - indLICed vibrations in structures is outlined. (D. M. Vasifyev) Card 1/1 IIAUROT, A. G. I Stuple method for designtag structures constdoring seismic stablitty. lzv. AN Arm. SM. Ser, IM &auk 9 zo*10155-63 156. (MMA 10:4) 1. lastitut strottellalkh matortalev t scoruzheity AN Arrq"- sker M. (larthqu^kes a&4 Trit1ding) MAZAROT, A.G. On a possible technique for studying the earthquake-realstant properties of structures by means of models. Dokl.Aff Are.= 22 n9-2:55-57 156. (KWA 9:7) 1.Chlen~korrospondext AN Armyanskoy SSM. 2.1astitut stroltallnykh naterialov t sooruzhanir Akadenii nauk Armyauskoy SM. (Sarthquakee and building) IL KLUROV. A.0. j. -, StWIYIII,- She effect of seismic waves on testing models. Dokl. As Ara. SiM no.1:9-11 '57. (KLR& 10:4) 1. Chlon-korrespoudant AN Arm7anskoy SSR. 2. Institut stroitalInyTch materialoy I soormzhanly Akadamll nauk Arcyanskoy SSR, (larthquakes and building)