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-VArDMO, I.S.2 kand.tekhn.nauk Retermining the static safety of the brakes of mine dr= boists. Uroll.36 no.5s5l-55 Hy 161. (MIRA 14SO (Hoisting machinerp-Brakes) I NAYDE14FOO I-S-, Evaluating the braking characteristics of minp drum hoists. Ugol' 16 no.8:45-49 Ag '61. WRA 14:9) 1. Kashinostroitel'nyy zavod im. 15-letlya Leninskogo kommunisti- cheskogo soyuza molodeehi Ukrainy. (Hoisting machinery--Brakes) KALISH, Seirwil Ior-.ovich; 110IF/11111KC, ;Varl Konstantin lvanovie'li; :TFRTA;V~' Vitjiliy CHAYKA, boric NikoltiyevIch; FE'TRAY&V, Alc-kL3andr DOI Ali.,;KIY , Yuzof GilyitrlyevAch; NALAKHOV, 3.1'. I'e, [Assemul- . oper-ition, aijo :-epal' r uf lioisitirir 1.~untazh, 3~siluatnt.-i~a i naladkj poallerxqkh [b)rl S.I.Kalish i dr. Moskva, NedrA, 19(;4. 4~1. 6 (m 111. It .1 L 6 7~ ACC Nlt~ 1066if~dEF___' AUTHCR: Pr Krayz. A. G�_; Itchuk, V. V.; KazhUk1I9_vLJ_#K- az Ntro Raii~qviqh, S_ ~Iq NaLa hk ORG: norle TITLZ tE. A4; Manckins on his.60th birthday:- SOURCE: Slaktrichastvot,no.. U, 1965o 8"1 -Topic TAGSt elactria enginserini personnel. synchrotron ABSTRAM Emmanull Abramovich MANOXIM, who after35 years of i-selentifia-4nSineering work ranks as one of the senior wark-ers I in th a transformer-building field, was 60 years old on 28 May,: 1965. After graduating in IqZ7 from the electrical machine build- in institute in Mossow he beoame an engi7neer or thi Ro if V~i;aii&-r-m7eF-Faetorr (presentir Maskorskly elektrozavod; Koffoov Electric Factory).. He oonstrueted and headed until,19,34 the transformer teMng station. During the 1935-1942 period he was head of the bureau for the design of apecial transformers* and during these years-carried out numerous theoretical Inveati- gations concerning electromagiietio tranafGrmer calculations. His methods for the oaloulation of :transformer leakage earned UDC: 621.314.21 caro L 224L2-66 ACC N& AP601,3619 -him the degree of candidate of engineering salences. 3etween L942 and 1947 he,was deputy head of~the engineering department of tha factory,. and since 1947, while heading the Bureau of Electro-'. magnetic,Design or the Spetslallnyy konstruktorokly byuro (Special Construetion Bureau) he has been one of the.main designers of the worldIs first 280 HeV synohrotran. From 1955 to 1758 E. A. MANIKIN :headed the group of designers working on the 400 W transformer -equipment of the Volgograd-Donbass power line. Since 1960 hebas ,been head of the transformer laboratory of the Vaesoyuznyy elektro"." tekhnicheskly Institut (All-Union Eleatroteohnioal 1 Lenin. In the same yea,3~_heobtained the degree or Do*tor of En- ng Sciences for his works "Electromagnetic design or trans-'' formcrat roaotora, and charged particle accelerators." in-the.'' _courae of his engineering and research aotivity he published mo;l,.A than 30 papers. Orig. art. has: , I figure. r~PRSJ SUB CODE't, 09# 20 SUBM DATE: none cc, ~2L2 SOURCE CODES AUTHORs Al*kMenko, Go Vol Borimen1m, He lot Voyevvdin, Is Del Droadov, No Got Krays. A, Gel Man0kin. 19. Aol Mayorsts, A. Iol Kokrasov. As Hog MW*ah so Oavlenko, A. So; RokM7&n, So So; Sobolev, As AsS syromatidim, r,-jrT!aPod;avW, A. Vol Sarldmov. Me Ass Chernichkin, Do Set Chertin, As Me -4p ORG: none TITIE: So I@ Rabinovich (on the occasion of his 60th birthday) souRcs, Elektrichestva, no. 6, 1965. go TOPIC TAGSt electric angimering yersonnel. electric transformer. hydroolectrie pcn.or plant ABSTRACTt The chief specialist of transfoine, building of the Gosplan (State Planning Coirdsmion) USSR, Samd' Isaakovich Rabinovich was born in 1905 in the town of Bortmoglebsk of the Voronezh obisso. rrom his student years at the Gosudarstvennyy elaktroodshinostroitellnyy I"stitut (State Machine-Build- ing Institute) Im already showed interest for poimr transto"Mrs. In the early thirties he designed the first types of domatic Soviet 110 and 220 kV transformarej In 1939 he became the chief dosigneir of the Moskovskiy trans- formstaTm saved 00mocow Trensfor"T factory). In 1%69 be conducted the dosillp end congtrwtion of littktntr4oresistant transformarst during 1949-1934, li 225 -66 ACC M AP6012999 the volabskaye he h44444 the design of the 460 W tcOn9gr IITAI his subesqu"t Work on the hydroelectric pawr station . Moscow PON 1%09 he be* been morklm Soo kol avlogmt sar"A blim this Lentm inig 14 Irv" itertal boo" at the at the Cosplalk QW. Its is all. jouvol glebtridwetva ~91.44trldty)*"" Oride arte heal I flag"41 so cost in, 09 so* DMI Woe CH&MV, N.I., inch.; WDINKO, K.S., inch. Brussels Vorld hir, Racb.transp. 17 no-11:53-3 of cover N '58. (KIRA 11112) (Brussels-Uhibitions) hYIENKO. K. Preparetv fleet for navlgation &bead of time. Reeb.transpe 19 no.30-6 kr 160. (MM Ut 5) 1. Nachallnik Glavnogo uprayleniya sudavogo kh*%Motva i sudor- montnyM predpriyatiy Kinisterstva rechnogo flota. (Ships-44aintenance and repair) MAZDZMO X*Q* Voks vAsIgmed for the winter repair period. Bach. transp. 19 oolOl5-8 0 160. (IMU 13: ILI) 7 lboballnik upravlonip sudovogo khosysystya I sudoremontnykh -odpriyatly PlInleterstva rechnogo flota. (Ships--ftintenance and repair) NAYDENKO K inzh.; CHERNOV, H.0 tnzh. -..!: Objectives in ship repairing for 196-1162. Mech. tranap. 20 no.9: 11-12 S 061. (MIRA 14:9) (Ships--Kaintenance and repair) HAIDERKO, K. Quicker removal of shortcomings in the tec!udcal operation of the Meet. Rech. tranap. 20 no.12sl9-21 D 161. (MM 14:12) 1. Ilachallnik Glavnogo upravloniya sudovogo khozyaystva i sudoremontnykh predpriyatiy. (Ships-44ainteriance and repair) --UbFMO# K, Vaccessful completion of fleet preparation for the navigation season. Rech. transp. 22 no-3s23 Mr 163. (MIRA 104) Is Nachallnik Glaynogo uprayleniya eudovogo khosyayetva L mAorewatufth Wedpriyatiy Ministeretva, rechnogo flots, RSFSRs (T-1-nd navigation) (Ships-Maintenance and repair) NAYDENKO, X. Prepare for the winter overhaul in an exe"lary mannero Roche transp. 22 nr,80-4 Ag 163. (WA 16: 10) 1. Nachaltnik Glavnogo upravleniya mWovogo khozysystva. I sudoremontnykh prodpriyatiy Ministerstva rechnago flota MFSR. (Ships-Maintenance and r%wir) NAYDENKO, K. The vyntom arii metbuiz of the t,~,ciinl-ril ~~rilriterjricf~ -,, fleet should b9 irnproved. Rech, trarxf). 24 no.6:4-5 165 18 ( i41 R A-8) 1. 14achallnik Glavnogo upravleniyu sudovogo khozy7-iy-qtva I sudoreinontnykh predfirlyatiy Ministerstva rechnogo flota FCF-"R. NkTIZNXO# X.A- Testing U-5 and M-7 rotary hose pumps. Trudy MW 30:35-39 156. (NLHA 9:11) (Kine pumps) KURITS,, Aleksandr Ariyevich; VODOIAZHCHENKOp Vitaliy Vasillyevich; CHINSBERGO FjIIpp GrigorlyevIch; ROZENBLIT, Gennadly Borisovich; SIMSOW, Allfred Eduardovichi NAYDENKO,,_Q.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; RADOVSKIY, VX.,".--i-nzh.# retsenzent; VOLKOVICII, G.F., retsenzent; ZAKHAMKO, B.A.# kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; NINITINA, R.D., red.; SHISHKOVA, L.M.0 tekhn. red. [Diesel engines on ships with electric propulsion) Dizeli na sudakh s elektrodvizheniem. [ByA.A.Kurits i dr. Leningrad, SWpromgizo 1963. 276 p. (MIRA 17:1) NAYDEHKO, Oleg Konstantinovich; FETROVO Pavel Petrovich; IVANCWMO, N.N.9 w0. tam. fwa, -fbitwinzent; LVRIYEj I.A.9 kand. tekho. naukt retsenzent; UYUKIN, I.I.,p naucbvyy red.; RIKITINA,, R.D.# red.; KOROVMKO9 Yu.N.9 tekhn. red. (Amortization of marine engines and mechanims]Amortizatsita. sudavykh dvigatelei i rekhaniamov. Leningrad# Sudpromgiz# 1962. 287 p. (KIRA 15: 11) (Marine engines) (Amortization) ISTOMIN, Pavel Alekoar-drovich. Priniral utAa~;tdyil kand. tekYn. nauk; NEEES,C", , '-'-'AP prof., retsenzent;_E PjKQ, kni.d. tekKn. riL--~,,, dots.p retsenzent; KRASOVSKIY, O.G., naucIm. rod.; GOLUBEVA, V.F.# red.; SIUURAK, red. [Diruunics of m&rIne interml comiui;-tion en0n~!Sj ~Ir.Rir'Alcri sudovykh (Ivigatelei sgcranil%. "_,- dostroenie, 29L4. 2F7 p. P:" KUSHULI, VeDiaMin Moiseyevich; NAYDENKO 0,K., kand. tekhn. nauk, ...... -4~ - retsenzent; KAZAKOV, L.M. , inz . , re.senzentj ZAKHA??TJXG, B.A., nauchn. red.; VARKOVETSKAYA, A.I.) red. [Now type of Intomal combustion engine] Novyi tl~ dviga-- tella vnutrennego sgoraniia. Leningrad, Sudostmenie, 1965. 211 p. (14IRA lg14) NZBMOV,, Viktor Ivanovich, prof.; KVANTALIMI.. H.To.p inabot .EWKOt,OJ,# kwd* tekbne vAuk# prof*# KOSFEW1UdV*,'-'S~H.O nauchn. red.1 NIKITINAp R*D*p redo (Problems in the joint operation of ship engines, propellers and the hullj studies with electronic anaUS computers] Vapro- By doweatnoi raboty dvigatelsiv vintov I korpusa mideft; is- sledovenlia. na RMID. TAningrad, Sudostroonlep 1965o 246 pe (MIRA 1819) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN Ukr.SM (far Koshemikov). i- I-_ I U.-I. -, .) t 1 -1. . 11, 0 UAYEMO, ra.A., Inshener. Use of waste foundry @and In construction work. Strol.prom. 32 no-8: 31 Ag 154. (KUM 7:8) (Ce=nt) (Sand. Foundry) ITKINAq Z.B., inzh.; NAYDEMOV, M.T., inzh.; SPIVAKOVSKIY, A.L., inSh. Redesigning or four-axle box cars. Zhel.dor.transp. 44 no.4; 74-75 Ap 062. (KMA 15:4) (Railroads--Freight cars) ITKINAO E.B.t lnsh,; MAYDENKOVt M#T., inzh. Ybdernizatlon of four-asU gondola cars and an Increase of their carrying capacity. Zhel, dore transp, 45 no.Ut67- 68 N $63. (MIRA 16%12) 4 QT w . I I Increase the role of trMa-union caumils. Saw. profsolusy 5 so,/#: 20-22 Ap 157. (KrAA 10s6) 1. Was presidium Jktoaskago reapdWIlkanskago sovota profsoyuow* (ProAs tot ono) 3/130/61/000/006/'003/004 A006/AlOl AMRS: Trishevskiy, 1, S,, Soroko, L. N., A. A. TITIEs The production of cold-bent economical sections PERIODICAL: Metallurg. no. 6, 1961, 20 - 23 TEXT: Information 13 given on experiences gathered in the manufacture of shaped sections at the "Laporozhatall" Plant. Two fully mechanized proftle- bending units are now operating at the Plant, consisting of a set of machines for the preparation of blanks, shaping of bent sections, transportation and packing of finished products. The blanks are supplied in rolls to a defolder, straighten- ed and cut with flying shears to gauged length. They are shaped between the rolls of the profile-bending machines, greased and packed. The sections are shaped by cold deforeation In roll grooves, by gradual bending. The bent sections are pro- duced.from etched and non-etched hot and cold rolled strips with trimmed edges of the following steel grades: ~T (St.) 0,1?~ 08, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, (riming and killed steels) Oqr2 (0902) 1,3r2 (lOG2) rc (14has) 15Y (15Kh) 2oxrC (2oKhos) HJ1 -1 (NL-l) and HJI-2 (NL-2). One of the profile bending machines is intende4 for the manufacture of diverse shaped sections from.2 - 8 mm thick and 80 - 500 Card 1/4 S/130/61/000/006/1003/004 The production of cold-bent economical sections A006/A101 mm wide blanks, at a maximum height of the sections up to 160 mm. The strips to be shaped may be 3 to 12 m long. The machine is composed of 14 stands with common drive from two 480 kw motors; the shaping rate is up to 2.5 m/6ec. The other machine is Intended for the nhaping of larger sections from ribbed plates, corril- gated sheets, lining plates,large size squares, C_ and trough-shaped profiles. They are produced from 1 - 6 on thick low-carbon steels at a width of the initial blank from 400 ito J,500 mm; from 1 - 5 own thick" steels at 400 - 1, 100. mm blank width and 50 kg/mm ultimate strength; and f rom 1 - 5 mm thick steels at 400 - 90D mm blank width and 60 k&/mm2 ultimate strength. The maximum height of shaped sec- tions may be 2D0 mm at a leni;th of strips to be shaped from .3 to 11 m. The machine consists of 2D stands driven by two 300 kw motors; the shaping rate is 3 m/nec. When introducing the production of shaped sections at Zaporozhstal', a series of deficiencies were revealed in the planning of shops, the design and performance of equipment and the technology projected-. So the problem of manufacturing shaped disks for working rolls is not solved due to the lack of a roll-lathe department and shops for heat treating and hardfacing the disks. lArger storage space is needed for finished products. The set-up of flying shears Is unsatisfactory. Cut- ting of rolls to gauged length is deficient. The vertical rolls used to main- tain the strips between the stands of the machine do; not prevent displacement of Card 2/4 s/i3o/6 I/OOo/006,Ar3/1004 -rhe production of cold-bent ec2nomical sections Aoo6/Aioi the strips, so entailing deviations from prescribed dimensiops. Special guide fixtures have now been designot (Pigure 1) to prevent sidq displacement of the strips during shaping process. A difference In the width*of section shelves will be eliminated by the use of new guide fixtures, which a4n will become operative. Production by the piece of shaped sections Is lose efficient and qualified than continuous production. However, the latter method can presently not be employed on the described profile-bending machines due to the lack of devices which cut the -finished sections in the line at a rate of 3 m/sec. In manufacturing by the piece, beat results will be obtained by using small angles of bending the section compo- nents during the Initial passe3, which will then be increased and decrease again during the subsequent passes. Composite working rolls are employed at the Plant consisting of a shaft, bearing disks whose surfaces form the grooves (Figure 2). This design will make it possilble to develop grooves for the manufacture of severaL groups of sections with one set of rolls. This is achieved by placing backing rings in the joints of disks of the upper and lower rolls. The use of Multi-pur- pose groove systems is however, only possible at an equal transition radius of section dimensions of the same group. Presently, 17 types of sections are being manufactured at Zapo~ozhztal'. There are 3 figures-. ASSOCIATIONs Ukrainskly institut metallov (Ukrainian Institute of Metals) zavod "Zaporozhstal"' (Zaporozhatal' Plart). Ca rd 3/4 31130A11100011"1130311004 The production of cold-bent economical sections A006/A101 Figure it Guide fixture for strips Pigwe 2: Iofangle Iron A system of composits rolls for the ahap.~. Q ing of U-sections 45 6ard 4/4 Nr .wi PUC. 2. Clems P82ft apos"ve vaux "as U-04"MM "was VrOASKOIX8 OF, 0 Pw. 1. Henpannawase "mioga Ana no- AW 27930 3/133/61/000/009/004/011 Ao54/A127 AVIMRSs Trishevskly, 1. S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Soroko, L. N., Klepanda, V. V., Naydenov, A. A., Skokov, P. I., Oamershteyn, V. A., Kaluzhakly, V. B., Hnglneers T=t Orooving of ro,12s for the shaping of corrugated sheets PERIODICAL: Stalt, no. 9, 1961, 817 - 824 TE(Ts According to the withors the best way of producing corrugated sheets is rolling them from sheet metal on shaping mills instead of producing them by stamping. The groove designs of the rolls for this process were made to suit the pilot industrial-soale shaping mill of the b1crainakly Inatitut metallov (Ukrainian Institute of Metals). The tests were carried out with 081en (08kp) steel on 15 stands (scale 1:1).- To.ensure strip stability and a good quality,corrugation, the design provides fQr t%ie successive profiling of sectors, starting from the central rib towards strip edges, The ribs are shaped by the work rolls; before the first and second stand vertical %txiliary rolls are used as guides. One of the features of the new grooving system is the application of varying radii with a constant distance between the bending arc centers. The shaping radii are determined in suah Card 1/3 1 27930 3/133,/61/000/009/OOVO I I Grooving of rolls for the shaping of corrugated *heats A054/A127 a way that the length of the corrOgations of the upper mid lower roundings re- mains constant, whereas the dimansions of the transient shapes of the profile are determined in such a way that the perimeter of the ribs being formed remains con- stant in all passes. To support the peripheral sectors of the strip being shaped and to enable the metal to be displaced freely to the bending spot backing disks are used whose distance from the roll axis depends on the shape corrugation of the corresponding profile sections. This made it possible not to overlap the whole profile by the rolls to shorten the roll barrel. The rolls are assembled from horizontal parts on both ends. They are easily mounted and the gaps between the rolls can be adjusted accurately. When rolling corrugated sheets with this type of grooved rolls the height of the section deviated from the standard value (32 mm) by 0.6 - 1.0 mm, the corrugations varied between 1.7 - 2.5 mm in length and between 2.25 wd 2.8 mm In width; the angle of inclination of the lateral external edges of the outer rits varied between 69 - 70P instead of the required 720300. Moreover the sheet thickness was not uniform over its entire length and width: the sheet thickness at the bending spots is smaller at the front edge of the sheet than at the rear end. The relative thinning at the front end of the strip is 4.6% greater than at the rear. Based on the test results, the first batch of corrugated sheets was rolled on an 18 stand mill - (4) x (400-1,500) - Card Z/3 27930 3/133,/61/OW/009/004/011 Grooving of rolls for the shaping of corrugated sheets A054/A127 of the "Zaporozhstall" Plant urider the following conditions: I - feeding stand with cylindrical rolls; II-VI-1 - stands: shaping the central rib with bending angles of 120-280-460-620-7203C"-72030'; VIII-XI - stands: shaping the Intermal. lateral edges of the small outer ribs with berAlxig angles of 180-400-600-72030'j XII-XV - stands I shaping the lateral edges of the small outer ribs with bending angles of 180-400-600-730; XVI-XVII - standst shaping the longitudinal nick with bending angles of 350-710; XV111 - stand: doubling stand XVII. The authors con- clude by stating that the grooyjxkg of shaping mill rolls for the production of corrugated sheets, based on a constant distance between the bending arc centers and on a variable magnitude of radii makes it possible to obtain shapes without cracks in the bending spots and without surface defects. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONI Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut metallov (Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Metals) mid "Zaporozhstall" Plant Card 3/3 NAr W OVP A.A., insh.; GAN M HTETH, T.A.v insh.; IXrVIM M Oy T.G.t insh. 010~1=creaMlm the prodkoUan of col&bent shapes ror the mmm- factmv or aVicultural machinery. Not. i gornorad. prcm mo,108-4 Ja-F 262. (KIRA l616i 1. Zavod Ouporeshotailm. l8baet-ostal work) tAgricultural machiner7) HAYMOV A.A. inzh.; KAIZZHSKIY, V.B.0 lush, RoU grooving for maltiple stwA. continuous piece productioa shape.r, beimling mills. Stall 23 no.IsW72 A 063o OMPA l6s2) 1. Zavvd gZaporoahatallmo (Halls (Iron &Uls)) NAYDUOVp A.A.j GAMERSHTEM, V.A., inzh. - . Expanding the proluction of cold-bent rolled shapes. Metallurg 8 nopll s25-27 N '63e (MIRA 16t12) :, ~7 , ~ , Z ~: .- L , 7 7 . f'~ ~ Y : - ~ - ~ - - I ~-1.1 - - ~ - NAYDENOV# A.A.; GAHERSHTEYN, V.A.; KALUZHSKIY, V.B, Modernization of the roll stand of a bax-bending machine. Met. i gornorud. pr=, no.3s66-67 IIqk-Jo 164. (MIRA 17;10) ~jffpjLMOY AA, V.A,; SILAPOVAL, V.N. MaterJzg the prodtialon of cold-bent corrugated sectiors of 1.8 mm. thick, Mez. i gornorildo prmoo no*4:79 JI-A-g 164. (MIRA 28s7) k LAIM O/W60AYA(d) 6,:WP A(c 6p Ev. Sf( NJR.- AP.5017420 J)M 1,-AQ.,V UR/0137/66/000/0"/Mog/ IRMO- Pj~ 4065 AMPTOOR4,1; v ve, kvd~NW" a metal In the production of bent profflos of the corraga rnwt: -ftwaias of ted eta*+. -10. 1904- 250-263 M.-L In-t tM 0 .A T-Ond shoot asetaL -=etal Wag. moUl thinninz, ropig MM /08 kp 1v --me de - t*4- M-t1floa of ft wrrugated aboot type aMpad by thre(A Systems of v r 19 ftirting mA UeAb for formbig vmzve whvets o1jillitp-ateal 3 aism Wfioh, 469 mm t~ - . Ri --- - -T: -47 MAS -of malang =4 dix&Ung stando. Tho amomt ot UlUm 9 - - - .- -- ~ - A- - r- -7--w jjj~.VM MIA W-am A00149301 AR3017426 the rudd- At,: Alhe forward end of the sheet iz -40- .3% greater than at -the luck due -to! thp-pre"ince-at a hard-erid and-to-the -stress-during f6ra0mg of the strip, The,atwmt, of thinning depends on We distance between the_ supporting disks and ths axig~A~ AefonuaUm; At -do O*mW-abm-,mAhe-length-oUthe- finished- shape - 4 ACCESSION Milt AT4042310 9/0000/63/003/000/0327/0337 AUTHOR: KILydenov, A. F. 27TLE.- The problem of increasing the amount of a heavy conductive liquid retained in an electromagnetic crucible SOURCE: Boveshchaniye po teoretichaskoy I prikladnoy magnitnoy gidrodinamike. 3d, Riga, 1962. Voprosy* magnitnoy gidrodinamiki (Problems in magnetic hydrodynamics); i doklady* soveshchanlya, v. 3. Riga, lzd-vo AN LatSSR, 1963, 327-337 TOPIC TAGS: crucible, electromagnetic crucible, heavy conductivie liquid. high melting I metal, hardening principle, hovering, potential well i ABSTRACT: no article Is a broad review of the problem of the retention of liquids In the! suRpended state. This problem, it is pointed out, has arisen in connection with the re- quirements of metallurgy: melting In the existing crucibles does not permit preservation of the original purity of chemically active high-melting materials. Ime hypothesis Is considered that the maximum weight of the melt Is determined, In the main, by the capill- ary constant of the material or by the presence of an oxide film. The hardening principle is considered, and it to shown that, according to this principle, necessary but not sufficient conditions for the equilibrium of a changeable system an the conditio" of egallibrium .4/4 1, .Card' . ..... ACCESSION UR: AT4042310 of an absolutely solid body derived from the changeable system by means of hardening (substitution of non-rigid bonds by rigid). IMe author shows that, In a general case, a non-ferromagnetic conductor Introduced :Atoan alternating magnetic Held is acted upon by a force of extrusion, which seeks to displace the conductor from the region with a higher field intensity to one with a lower field intensity. On the basis of this circum- stance, the author claims that it is possible for a solid conducting body of given form to find the configuration of a magnetic field capable of compensating for the weight by electromagnetic forces and of retaining the conductor, in a stable manner, In the suspeuded state (this phenomenon is called "hovering"). Ile presence of a potential weU in the external magnetic field is of itself Insufficient to ensure hovering of a conductor located entirely within the well; rather. the possibility of hovering is shown to be a function not only of the relative size of the conductor and the potential well, but also their reciprocal topography. Attention is called to the fact that one cause of the occurrence of instability and the departure of the conductor from the equilibrium state may be the auto-oacUlations caus~ed by the presence of feedback between the conductor. hovering in the potential pit of the inductor's magnetic field and the Inductor's electrical circuit. The relation of the relative dimensions and symmetry of the body and potential well to the effect of the current unplitude on the stability of a solid conducting body ho"ring in such a 1--2/4 Card ACCESSION NR: Avomio -;t, well In analysed. Particular Isterest Is directed st limited potential wells, the necessary NW sufficient condition for the existmems of which Is the existence of a natural minimum in the square of the magnetic field strength, and It is shown that lq many cases the concept of the potential well of the external magnetic field to of considerable use in malting ;ii a preliminary estimate of the behavior of a body of finite dimensions in the suspended state. The author tries to demonstrate that the difficulties encountered In studying the behavior of a conducting liquid hovering in an alternating magnetic field are caused by the fact that the conditions for the hovering of a solid body are the necessary, but not the sufficient, conditions for the equilibrium of the liquid. Experiments Involving the immersion of a rectilinear or circular current in a vat of molten metal showed that magnetic field configurations do in fact exist which are capable of withstanding elevated hydrostatic pressures. The dominance of the effect of Laplace pressure over that of electromagnetic forces on hovering liquid metal in existing inductor types for the melting of globules is explained, as well as the phenomenon of the pulsation of a superheated drop of liquid metal. The author shows that a conducting liquid may be completely retained in the sus- pended state by a magnetic field, provided the sufficient conditions of stability are satisfied. An analysis of the configuration of the magnetic field from the point of view of this Mficiency Is made, and It is shown that an inductor, designed on this principle, permits the retention In the liquid state of cylindrical samples 10 mm in diameter, 100 mm in length and up to 100 g in weight. At a current frequency of 70-200 kc samples of -3/4 Card- _7 ACCESSION NR: AT4042310 aluminum, copper, pressed titanium, chromium, bronze, iron and tin were melted mW greatly heated In a vacuum or In air, with success In their retention at 2500 cycles. The advantages of the two-frequency inductor kth rever'sible rotation of the magnetic field are analyzed. Me device in a combination of two single inductors, connected to sources of current with frequencies of f and f A, "The experiments were carried out with the cooperation of Yu. S. Nedzlvets;g~ and V. 1. Kirlyanov at the 14117VCh ins. V. P. VologdIna. " Orig. art. bass 4 figures. ASSOCIATIOM none SU13MITTED: 04DecG3 ENCL- 00 SUB CODE: MM, EM ~,NOREFSOVi 0*7 OTHER: 000 4/4 CJd ...... :Liz 6 36943-66 EWT(M)/EWP(t ACC Mo AP6021443 k) IJP(0) JD SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/011/0050/0050 INVENTOR: Pagel', A. A-; Kaydenov, A. F. ORG: none TITLE: A method of lev#ating a conducting liquid in an electromagnetic crucible. Class 21, No. 182263 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 11, 1966, 50 TOPIC TAGS: levitation condition. 1, ,, Z electromagnetic field, electro- magnetic crucible, constrained condition 7 ecIA-PO 0C riaAF. J&0/0 ) ovemee- ABSTRACT: Thia Author Certificate introduces a method of levitating a conducting liquid in an "electromagnetic crucible." To increase the amount of the liquid, it is constrained by surfaces of negative curvature formed by the action of a non- homogeneous electromagnetic field which is asymmetric in relation to a geometric line along which the field intensity is zero, and is maintained at a required height above the stationary positions of the surfaces having a positive curvature. [WW1 SUB CIDDE: ?&I / SUBM DATE: 25Oct62/ ATD PRESS:,5,03:~ 1, J14 f U=/ Elcetrollica -Rocard playem cam pub.,89 - m/26 Authors i Raydenov, A.; Korbut, A.; and Noncidnyan, Go ~Title "I"hi "UP-211 tadversal r,.coml player periodiceLl t, Wio 1-219 26-27, Doc 1954 .,Abstract, I A -record playcr manufactured b,,,,. the ItElpha" D~,ctory in the city, of. Vilna (Uthuinmla) iu dezcribod. Desigi and technical detaiAs',are given toLpther iritha circidt diaLram. Di-avtines; circuit diaLyame lzi~;titutiort 06267 6(5) SOV/107-59-6-31/50 AUTHORS: Naydenov, A., Vorontsov, N., Girshovichus, S, TITLE: Tape Recorder "Ellfa-10" PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 6l pp 27-29 (USSR) ABSTILICT: The Elektrotekhnicheskiy zavod "El*fa" (Electrical Equip- ment Plant "Ellfa") developed the tape recorder "Ellfa- 10" ("Spalis") which is now in production. The elec- trical parameters of the tape recorder are in accordance with GOST 8088-56 for group "19". The tape winding mechanism is explained in three diagrams, Figures 1-3. The principal circuit diagram is shown in Figure 4. The tape recorder is designed for a tape speed of 190.5 mm/sec and for 360-m spools; recording or play-back on one track lasts 30 minutes. The oecond track is used by changing the spools. The recording level is controlled by a "magic eye", tube 6Ye5S. A keyboard-type switch is used. The three-stage preamplifier consists of one Card 1/2 06267 SOV/107-59-6-31/50 Tape Recorder "Ellfa-10" 6N2P and one triode of tube 61UP. The other triode of the 6NlP works in the magnetizing and erasing generator. The generator consists of a tapped-coil circuit and works on 25 ke. The magnetizing current is 1.2 milli- amps, the erasing current 45 milliamps. The LF output stage consists of one 6P14P tube. A full-wave rectifier is used, consisting of one 6Ts4F# For reducing back- ground noise, the heating filament of tube 6N2P is fed by de fromi a rectifier consisting of diodes DG-Ts,24. The tone color control provides a steep slope of the fre- quency response curve at a frequency of 8,000 cycles of not less than 1Odb. At a frequency of 1,,000 cycles, the voltage change does not exceed 3 db. Power consumption is 75 watts from 127- or 220-volt mains, Dynamic micro- phone MD-41 is used. The tape recorder is delivered with three spools, two of which hold tape. One of the spools is fastened inside of the cover. There are 1 circuit Card 2/2 diagram, 3 diagrams, 1 sketch, and 2 tables. COW go, 9 rl'o - 8/14 61/004/002/003/011 B124YB206 to, rjo 0 IDTHOR: Naydonov, A. 1. TITM Universal functional generator PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh uohobnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroy*niye, V6 4, no. 2, 1961, 14-19 TEXT: The author developed a now application for magnetic recording, i.9., for the generation of electric signals of arbitrary form. Since magnetic rooordinj can be used with these now generators for the repeated reproduc- tion of signals and repeated recording on the same carrier, for the produo- tion of the necessary delays of electric signals, etc., they are in many respects preferable to the generator types used so far. The operating principle of the functional generator is based on the fact that the generated functional time dependence is given in graphic form and the transformation to an electric signal of the same form is made by means of magnetic recording. The entire length of the magnetic tape must have a magnetic intensity which changes in the course of the given curve. The schematic diagram of a device for the practical conduction of this process Card 1/6 22550 3/146j6l/OO4/002/003/011 Universal functional generator B124/B2o6 is given in Fig. 1. On a rotating drum 1 there is a sheet of paper on which the given curve is recorded, as well as a section of the magnetic tape 2. The magnetic tape is in contact with the recording magnetic head 4. When turning the drum, the operator must follow the outline of the recorded curve by means of pointer 3. For improved linearity of the amplitude characteristic, in ultrasonic displacement is also led to the head. The magnetic tape rotating synchronously with the recorded curve is magnetisod over its length with an intensity which is proportional to the ordinate value of the given curve at the given moment. The nature of the geonstria modulation is based on the fact that the magnetic tape in magmtived up to saturation, the width of the magnetized part in each point being proportional to the momentary value of the recorded signal in the given moment (,Fig. 2). The functional generator based on geometric modula- tion operates according to the following principle: A sheet of paper with the rooorded given curve or a template out out in aooordanas with the form of this curve is fixed on a drum. A loop of the magnetic tape is placed in the slot of a drum of smaller diameter having a joint shaft with the first drum and being rigidly connected with it. When turning the two drums by means of a crank and spiral, the tape turns. During the Card 2/6 C4.7,7u S/146J61/004/M/003/011 Universal functional generator B124/B206 horizontal displacement of the pointer, the erasing magnetic head which is fed by batteries is also displaced, but this displacement is smaller because of the system of levers. The carrier frequency is recorded on the rotating tape loop before the tape is placed on the drum. By feeding the electric motor of the reproduction device with various frequencies, the tape speed can be changed by about eight times, as well as the t4 e of the electric signals. The carrier frequency of the generator invest-4ated was 10 kops. With a length of the tape loop of about 300 mm, its rotary speed changes from 5 to 40 rpel the duration of the generated pulses at a dura- tion of their fronts of some tenths of milliseconds liee therefore in the range of some milliseconds to some tenths of seconds. The carrier frequency and the slot width of the erasing head have the strongest effect on the duration of the front. The front duration decreases with increasing carrier frequency, decreasing slot width of the erasing- and reproduction heads, and decreasing blotting field. Fundamentally, the "true" dynamic range during magnetic tone recording A - 20 log Us/Un (where U a is the voltage of %he maximum signal which can be recorded on the tape without distortion and Vn the noise voltage during reproduction of the empty tape) Card 3/6 22550 5/146/61/004/002/003/011 Universal functional generator B124/B2o6 can be increased by widening the magnetic tape. The minimum width of the magnetic tape, at which the given curve can practically still be recorded accurately, is 0.15 mm. When using a standard magnetic tape of 18 mm widtht the true dynamic range is greater than 40 db. Since the tape is magnetized up to saturation, it is less liable to modulation miss, which is caused by the magnetic inhomogeneity of its surface and interrupted contact with the heads during recording. During geometric modulation, the curve does not participate in the magnetization of the magnetic tape, in contrast to intensive recording. This improves the linearity of the amplitude characteristic for small and great signals, which strongly deteriorates during intensive recording near the zero point and inflection point of the residual-magnetization curve. During geometric modulation, the high-frequenoy displacement for linearization of the amplitude charac- teristic is eliminated. In this respect, geometric modulation is similar to transversal recording (Ref. 1: Parfentlyev A. I., Pusset L. A., Fizicheskiye o9novy magnitnoy zapisi zvuka (Physical principles of magnetic tone recording). Gosizdat tekhniko-teoreticheakoy literatury, M., 1957). This study was recommended by the Department of Radio Receiving- and Radio Transmitting Devices. There are 3 figures and 1 Soviet-bloo reference. Card 4/6 S/146/61/004/002/003/011 Inivereal functional.gonerator B124/B206 ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy zaoohnyy onergeticheakiy institut (All-Union Correspondence Institute ofPower Engineering) SUBMITTEV: July 30, 1960 Legend to Fig. 1: Schematio diagram of the functional generator based on the principle of "intensive" magnetic recording. Fa 4 Card'5/6 S/142/61/004/005/007/014 E140/E135 AUTHORj Nay4enov, A.I. TITIE: Magnetic recording in the generation of complex electric waveforms PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, v.4, no.5, 1961, 586-591 TEXTi The author presents a calculation demonstrating that the information capacity of a magnetic tape with variable width saturation recording is greater than for the same tape used with variable intensity linear recording. on this basis he describes a function generator in which the recording is accomplished by a laterally movable head controlled by a pantograph whose pick-up stylus rides on a cut-out model of the waveform to be reproduced. In a suggested improved model it will be the magnetic tape itself which is cut out. The signals are recorded on a carrier of the order of 10 kc/s since it is desired to go down to infra-audio frequencies. There are 2 figures and 5 referencesi 2 Soviet-bloc, 1 Russian Card 1/2 Magnetic recording in the generation... S/142/61/004/005/007/014 E140/E135 translation from non-Soviet publication, and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATIONt Kafedra radiopriyemnykh i radioperedayushchikh ustroystv Vsesoyuznogo zaochnogo energeticheskogo instituta (Department for Radio Receiving and Transmitting Equipment, All Union Correspondence Power Engineering Institute) SUBMITTEDt June 2,1960 initially, and after revision February 8, 1961 Card 2/2 36948 C/, AUMOR: Naydonov, A.I. S/142/61/004/OC)6/013/017 E192/E382 TITLE: P-redistortion of electrical signals in linear systems PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshilrh uchobny1ch zavedeniy, Radiotelzhnilta, v. 4, no. 6, 1961, 721 - 723 TEXT: Distortionless transmittion of electrical signals can be achieved by adding to them a certain amount of distortion (predistortion), which compensates the distortion produced by the transmission of the signal through a given system. Since anelytical expressions for the signal and the transfer function of the system are not always knovni, determination of the necessary predistortion by experimental methods is of considerable practical interest. Tho method proposed for this purpose is as follows. A given input signal (pulse) is applied to the input of the investigated,quadripole. The input and output pulses are then successively observed on the screen of an oscillograph. The output pulse is then 11normalized" by making its maximum point coincide vrith the corrennding point of the input pulse. The pulsen are then Card S/l42/6i/oo4/oo6/oI3/017 Predistortion of .... E192/E382 graphically subtracted and the difference rapresentis the first predistortion. Consequently, the sum of the original input pulse and the first predistortion gives the seconda;ry input pulse. A secondary output pulse corresponds to the secondary input pulse at the output of the investigated quadripole. The second predistortion is then given by the geometric difference between the original input and secondary output pulses and the sum of the secondary input pulses and the second distortion represents the input pulse of the next approximation. Manipulation aiming at further approximations is continued until the output pulse is identical in shape with the input pulse. The overall predistortion function in operatorial form is described analytically by: 1 - aMp) ~O(P) UBX(p) (4) C a r d 2/3 s/l42/61/oo4/oo6/ol3/Ol7 Predistortion of .... E192/F,382 where K(p) is the transfer function of the qudripole, UBX (p) is the original input pulse and a is a scaling factor. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy energeticheskiy institut (All-Union Correspondence Power-engineering Institute) SUBMITTED: October 6, 1960 (initially) February 10, 1961 (after revision) Card 3/3 5/146/62/003/(701/005/011 D2UI/1)302 AUTHOR: Naydenov, A-1- TITLE: New possible applications of magnetic tape recording in instrument design PZJUODIC'U~: Izvestiya vysshiIrh uchobnykh zavedeniy. llriborostroyeniye, v. 5, no. 1, 1962, 31-39 I'LXT: The following applications, not in common use as yet, are given: Generation (simulation) of electric signals having im arbitrary shape based on the principle of tape magnetization following the shape of a given signal; multiplication of signals based on a combined longitudinal and transverse recording; reproduction from the tape of ultra-low rre- quency signals using special recording and reading heads; harmonic analyzer of c4rves given in the form of graphs, using the Hall effect reading headi oscillograms of curves and their electric reproduction from ferromagiletic sheets, on which the curves are drawn by a sharp-pointed permanent magnet; graphical reproduction of curves in the form of electric pulses (digital Card 1/2 New possible applications of S/146/62/005/001/005/011 0201/D302 method). It is concluded that there is a variety of possiblo combimit ions of the above applications and that the use of magnetic tape recording can substantially increase the possibilities of inbtrument design. There are 4 figures and 7 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-boviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy energeticlieskiy institut (All-Union Correspondence institute of Power r.;ngineering) SUBMITTEU; May 23, 1961 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4033598 S/0119/64/000/004/0009/0010 AUTHOR: Naydenov. A. I. (Candidate of technical sciences) TITLE: Reproduction of infralow-frequency electric signals by a magnetic tape SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye. no. 4. 1964, 9-10 TOPIC TAGS: tape recorder, magnetic tape recording, magnetic tape reproduction, industrial process tape recording ABSTRACT: An electric signal is recorded on magnetic tape by conventional means; its reproduction modulates a high frequency. The resulting h-f voltage modulated by the inf ralow -frequency signal is, in turn, reproduced by electro- magnet heads and then is detected. Infralow-frequency modulation may be mechanical or electrical; moving the erasure or playback head across the tape may effect the mechanical modulation. Experiments includelboth types of modulation and reproduction of I -cps taped sinudoidal signals. The use of only card I /Z ACCESSION NR: AP4033598 slightly modified tape recorders is seen as an advantage of the method. Orig. !art. has: 3 formulas. 'ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 11May64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ZO , IE NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 Z/z NAYDENOV.,~,J, Precision of the simulation of electric signals by means of nagnetic recording* 1svqvys*ucheb.zav.;prib. 7 no*505-0 164, (MIRA 17:12) 1. Villnyusakiy filial Kaunaaskogo politekhnichaskogo inatituta. Rokomendovano kafedroy elektrotakhniki,, L 5439-66 EIVT(d) GG ACCESSION NR: APS025584 UR/0115/65/000/009/0033/003S 621.317.TST.020.33 I AUTHOR: Maydemy, A. 1. TITLE: Harmonto attalyffis of Infralow freguencyaLgaals and of plotted curves I SOURCE: rZmeriteltuaya teMmfka- no. Ot 1965j, 33-3~ TOPIC TAGO::, ~ lairalow f requency, .. frequency avAlyFrr, harmonic analysis. Hall, effecti magnetid tape, signal frequency signal analysis ABSTMCTr Th the harmonto analysis of electrics! signals below 10 cps, difficulties are encountered im the design of selective elements with large resolving power. This can be 1 circumvented by transforming the spectrum upward by means of magnetic tape recording played b 11 ack-at Increased speed. The present author proposes the use of the Hall converteri located within the gap of the playback magnetic head, for carrying out the appropriate Fourier transformation. A description is gLvetL of-the operatiou of a device patented by tho author (Author's certificate, Mm 13276T, Byull. izobr. 1960, no. 201. It is known that the cutput emf of the Hall converter fis proportional to the current It carries as welt as to the magnetic field within which it Isr located. By applying, through the Hall converterp a sinusoldal cwment of a smooft varying frequency and constant amplitude, the readings of 6a ea ea'"a aa 16 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 a 6 0 Al L a 0 0 ft 6 S T W A a M 040 JWP Wlls No 4-0 At" "Diss awa ear. Oak eop *as 00101 96. a*_ 0 0. RPVWM PRA"Pi"If "I Nits A-"JW)Pa immw*m-,in#l)it-tjls:*ox,*?*-LIJ04-on moops-111 Aw P" as n" p"m *9;,L old" w#44,6i 0, "W, IP as roe 00 t r 00 111 JP a& gas T". too I tgot 00 00 foe ,,.,.r ~ ... .'. ~ ~ , . ('. 111 Agriculture Practical manual on bagasBe drying. PishcheproTaizdat, 1951. . 1y List of Russian Accessigns p Library of Congress, November, 1952. UNCLASSUM-D. Month a w q w P#111111011141" 00 all 0 0 Q 00 0 01 J f 7 46 A 4 A 11 W 14 0 4'A 94 UW *C* 0 61 A 6 41 , 01 A 1 o 41f 4==-y (A pulp dry- me dwKumd. zoo f see pj zoo lidi 1 WOO woo 0 A 4 1 9 GO a 19 00 it 1 * Ka 01 1 t 0 ) o a It to it0of *Isom plan If 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O's 4 0 0 0 0 ,w ~, V .4.4. c I /~ . NOW- v - 5 - Drift W sW- I ... - - 95 - ll,;WLidoll" of ibe isn- "Ps Pit= n N. shetcb" of drW" pogtame ;i ;;6 d,*I. F V. R. fwik" am dwwa - M11Y M, 7C VI ." . V, 0 Dissertation: lllnmi~ig&f ir of the Trocess of Dry~ng & 1'res5ed Cake." Cpnd Tech :;ci, Voscow Technological Inst of the Food Indunty-.(, 14 APT 514. (Vechernyaye Voskvri, V0.9cow, 2 AFr 54) X: 3UY; 243, 19 Oct 1954 : - - : . ir~~ , . ~ ~t r - a ~ - ,~~ , - , - , r f - - - - --.- - TAPASIMT, T.T.; TWISHIM, A.S.; SHMN. A.U.; SILIN, P.M.; ZE11MV, A.A.1 KULNKMTI K.Z.; SEMKTAKIX. P.N.; ROVINOT, V.A.; POPOV, V.D.; =SIN, G.S.; KURBATOVA, V.S,; KARTASEDT, A.K.; TARMINSUT. A*K*; MW - 1U.; TATSKAN. M.L.; ZAM=VSKff, V.A.: STYATIM, M.N. MU Markovich Zhvirblianakii; obituary. Sakh.prome29 no*6:48 155o (Zhvirblianakli. IV111 Karkovich. 1894-1955) (KIRA 9: 1) NAYMOT. A.K. Ifficleat utlllz&tloz of bapasoo SOM.prom. 30 no.10:26-31 0 #36 0 (KIRA 10t1) 1, fSentrallWy nauchno-losledovatellakly institut makharnoy promyshlennosti. (&gasse) (Feeding and feeding stuff*) IM f PE A/0 V~ ~, ~- SEMOT, N.N.; RATMINOT. A4K t,_ Selecting the type of puln prees. Sakh.pron.31 no.9:21-24 S '57. (NIRA 10:12) (Sugar Industry-Fiquivuent and supplies) waymove 4901. r ~-.- - DWng smor beets@ 20th.prow, 32 no.10:29-34 0 058. (MINA lltll) 1. Tftutrallnvy nauchno-looledoystallekly Institut sokbarmoy pow blesso"U. (Omber boots-Drying) NATMOT, A. K. Drying best Vilp 1.7 boiler flue gas@@. Sakh. prow. 32 no.12:12-15 D 158. (NINA 12:12) LMntralInyy naxichno-Imeledovatol'skiy Institut takharnoy promyshlennosti. (Sugar Industry-By-products) (Waste heat) HAYDENOI,,A.-X.; SHMAYDER, Ye.Ye.; SHPUNMVA, N.Ye. Dryer for callolignin obtained from corncobs, Gidrollz, I lesokbimi-prom. 16 no.6:7-10 163. (MIRA 16t10) 1. Moskovskoye Welenlye Vaeooyuznogo nauchno-insledovatell- skogo instituta galurgii. SMUCKWO VoAL.; ~T-Mwe A*K* Regulation of the ovmtrIfWl VwV capacity by the admission at Air into tbs saction pipeq ftkb. prom. 34 no. 12:57-60 V 060. (NMU 13M) 1. leeknow4kir matfavyy k0abivat. (Beelau-Starch Industry) (cientrifugol pomps) KONASTYRMT, M.D.. Insh.. Prinimali uchastiye: FRAIM. G.A.. inzh.; WNS. V.A., Lush.; KAWZHUIT. M.Ye., insh.; RATMOT. A.?., insh.; POLUBUTA. V.I.. Lush.. red. (Large-panel house built of foamed cinder concrete hardened without us ng autoolaves; practices of the OBasstroil Sverdlovsk a .1.U 51 Xrupno-panalinyi don is neavtoklavnogo solopenobstona; opyt treats OBasatrol* Sverdlovskogo soynarkhoza. Koskya, 1959. 15 P. (MIRA 1):6) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva I arkhitaktury SOR. Institut organt- zatall. makhanizatsli i tokhnichaskoy pososhchl stroitolletvu. Byuro tokhnichaskoy Informataii. 2. Upravlyayushchly treston OB*sstroy* Sverdlovskogo sovnarkhosa (for Nonastyrski,y)e 3. Na- chalinik teentralluoy laborstorti treats "BasetroyO (for Frank). 4, lachallnik otdols proizvodstvannykh predpriyatiy treats OBas- stroy" (for Foss)* 5. lachallulk proizyodetyannogo Wale treata 91asstroy" (for Kaluzhakiy), 6, Glavnyy takhnolog treat& OHaz- stroyO (for Waydenov), (Sverdlovsk Province--Apartment houses) (Lightweight concrete) .ACCESSION NR: AM0156" s/ooel/63/000/021/0340/0340 SOURCE: RZh- Ithinlys. Abs. 2114% AUTHOR: Ty*kacfinskly, 1. a.; Maydenov, A. Fe TItLE: Studies of the vitrification range and the crystallizability of glass from the system S101-A1103-I&O i CITED SOURCES Staklo. inform. mterialy* Cos. n.4.1in-to stokle. qw. 1 (118). 1963, 47-57 TOPIC TAGS: glass softening point. glass crystallization. vitrification range, 'heat resistant glass, glass boiling point. silica-alumina-barlum oxide system ABSTRACT: Vitrification ranges were established for the two-component system silica-barium oxide and silica-alumina and the three-coWanent system silica- alumina-barium oxide. The study of'the crystallization characteristics of glass from these systW&(Indicated the existence of a large number of kinds of glass characterized by very low crystallization levels; this determines the excellent technical quall~jop of those ma~orlals. Types of glass which do not crystallize at various temperatures were also found In the silica-4lumina-barlum oxide a stem. These materialsarp of scientific qpd Industrial Importance as materials wItK d"I 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AA4ol56& special properties. Results of studios an the crystallization characteristics of glass made It possible to evolve.Isetherms for peak rates of crystallization* Ex- perimental determination of the softening points-for two.. asod throo-componant glass from the alumina-sillco-barlum oxide system has show their high thermal. stability. Glass materials with boiling points up to 1600C. a high soften Ing point (above 9500'and Insignificant crystallizability are of major practical value. The prosen;o of Infusible tavpo~ltlons In the silica-alumina-barium oxide system Is of malar, interest forthe, development of now heat-rosistent glass .materi Is and crystalline glass.;,wlth a softening point above 1500C. 111bl. tolth !14 ref:rences. 'Authors' suUMOrye :DATE-AM: 090"3. Sul CODE: "A EXCLs 00 ~Y- Card ITAYM, TOV, AT. Prol-ressivo Methods In tto Coal ',!ininf, Production. Minnn Delo 'MtnV)p #6:351 Nov-Dee 55 riml r; TUCHEY. Georgi; RUSSMY, 1.1.(Rarodnays Y&I Using reinforced concrete supports to Bulgarlan Foople's Republic coal mines. Ugoll 33 no.8:42-" Ag ',*-3- (XIM 12: 1) (Bulgarla-Mine I~Awuerlng) (Reinforced concrete construction) ROMOV9 A iwWh. :~u Pftducticu of ~mont:-sand tile, Sol'. stroi. 15 noJ123 mr 16o. (Tiles) (KIRA 16s2) NATUMV9 A.* Insh.; ROZOV# N*, Who Nized briodes ar* the bighest form of work orgWsatlom. Avt.dor. 23 no.7t4-6 ii #6o. (KM 13s?) (Emd construction) 11 jl-, -- ... 'T, p . f NATMOT A.,q insh.; ROWV,, N. 0 insh. -====L=4 Berate achieved by integrated ormw of AMilUtration during 1960o Ayt. dor. I (Road conatruction) the R.S.F.S.H. Haft Amd 24 no.3:5-6 Mr 161. (KM 14:5) ,$knENovl-A2v.i ROZOV, Ht, 4 of the Humbw Avtodors 24 uo~4t2-4 Fedmtion =at bm of exc*Uout quallty. Ap 161, (KEU 1,45) (R"&) XWENOV A. - insh. - T~l kiln without a fr~, Sellstrol. noo$:13-U AS 162. (KCRA 15 ill) (ILIM) (Brjclr~kj ) NAYD.gW,,,-S., kand. tokbn. nauk-,- PORMIX, B., inzh.; PRGIIN, V., Jnens; ,ZHEREBNOY, P., lnzh* Examiner and o-,aob. Radio no.3921-22 Krt64 WIRA 170) CHUDAKOV. Te.A.. akadenik; VILLUNOV. D.P.; NATMOT. B.r.- Conference on exchange of experience In the us@ of automobiles in the con- struction of large-scale hydraulic structures. IsY.AX SSSR Otd.tekh.nauk no.7:1076-1077 J1 153. (MLVA 6:8) (Hydraulic engineering) (Automobiles) t HAYDrw -t 8. P. IUTMOTO Bore I [Sandbook of volumstria weWe of loads carried by motor trawport. ftraTodmik p0 obo-mq Too" amsov, porovosilqft 4vtotrawartam. Moskva, Isd-vo Nialsterstva kommuAllnogo Idwstalstva ]~' 1954. 95 P. (Mm 7:8) (Wel&ts and messures-Tables, *to.) (Motor trucks-Frel0t) NATMOT. Borls Iredorovich; LIVITART. Ya.A.. red,; GAICA IOUOVA, Te*N.o [Handbook of weights by volume and of specific volumes of loads carried by motor transport] Spravochnik po oblemnym vesam i udelInym oblemsm gruzov, perevosivWkh nytonobilinyu trensporton. Isdi2e. ispr.i dop. Noskva, Nauchno-takhn.isd-vo N-va avtonobill- nogo trasp. I shossainykh doroj RSPSR, 1959. 135 P. (MIRA 12:4) (Transportation, Automotive) (Freight and freightage-Tables and ready-reckoners) MDROZOV. B.I., kand.takhn.nauk; NAYDXMV, SKERDZHXY, A.I. V Automobile train# fo~'passengar-car transportation* Ayt.pron, no,1:42-45 Ja 159. (MIRA 1211) 1. GosudaretypniVy soyuxWy ordenit Trudovogo Krasnogo ZnamevA nauchno-issledovatellskly avtonobil'uyy i avtomotorzWy Institut. (Automobiles--Transwrtation) BROUSNAN, L.A.. dotsent; AFAU SIM. L.L., dotsento HASH. K.S., doteent; TLASKO, Th.U.. Lash.; ZWSXOV, P.Jr.. Lash.; KRAKARMO. G.T.. dotsent; LaYDXRM. S.R., dotsent; LIVITART. Ta.A.. lspoln.obystan- nostl dotsenta; LYUBINSI[Ir. NX. insh.; NATMOT __B~ insh.; o' Ms .; CHUD" JrI1M#SE1T=. A.L.. Inxh.; IMMOT, A*A* - a !! CKUDINOV. A.A.. lush.; QWZHKAX, 1A., red,; GALAKTIONOTA. U.N.,; DOMWAYA. G.D.. [Centralized automotive freight haulagel TSentralizovannye pere- voskl Smsov sytomobilInym transporton. Pod obahchol red. I.K. Gobermana. Moskva. Nauchno-takhn.lud-vo M-ya svtonobillnogo transpor- ts I shossainykh dorog RfirSR, 1960. 2o6 p. (KIRA 13:9) 1. Moscow. Aytonobillno-dorozhW 1notitut. (Transportation, Automotive) BRMSUZU, L.A., kand.takhn.nauk; ERUSYARTSET, N.V., Imnd.tekhn.nauk; GRWHINWATA. L.T., Insh.; GROZOTSKIY, T.S., kand.tekhn.nsuk; IRAKARMIXO, G.T.. kazid.takhn.nauk; KRICHZVSKIY, Z.I.. inxh.; LETIN, D.N., kand,tekhn.nank (deoessedli Prinimill lacbmatlys: NIGTIM. G.N.. kand.takhn.nouk; SEUMIN, A.M., k9nd.tekhn.nauk; MUM, I.S., Iwud.tekhn.nauk; NAYMOV. B.C. insh. ArANASIUT, L.L., kand,takhn.nouk, red.; VASM*IWAj--'I.A.. red.lzd-ve-, UTAROYAO A.P., (Handbook for automotive transportation] Avtotransportnyi spro- vochnik. IsdA. ispr. I dop. Pod obahchat rode LaL.Afenes'eva. Moskva. Goo.nauchno-takhn.isd-vo usehinostrolt.lit-ry, 1960. 819 p. (KIRA 13:12) (Transportation. Autosotive--Handbooks. manuals, etc.) - VAEMM P ". PONIZOVKINt A.1 SHLIPPE9 I. Soviet sconomy neede motor vableles with special r"rJaw bodies, Avt, trampe 38 no 5840-Vi my 160. (KMA 14:2) iMotor trucks) ( j r ~ ) 1 t I" 1 1, ' ' 7 k th :;(;i-- nooitioll IF ull J-1 rov 0 v AUTHORS: Kaydenov, B.M. . Cherdyntsev, V,V. 11-58-5-4/16 TITLE: Change in the Isotopic Lead Composition During the Pre- cipitation of Natural Minerals (Izmeneniye izotopno 0 so- stave, evintoa pri vydelenii iz prirodnykh mineralov~ PERIODICAL: Izveatiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 195a, Nr 5, PP 40-49 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors studied the possibility of changes in the re- lation between the radioactive and the resistant lead iso- topea during the transition of this element into liquid solutions of natural minerals. Three resistant isotopes of lead are the final product of the d13inteeration of the radioactive series, and the correlation of the lead i9o- topes is important for determining the absolute age of geo- logic formations. The lead method is the most reliable for this purpose, although it often gives different results in the calculation of the geologic age on the basis of the correlation of different isotopes. Latest research has been concerned with determining the see of secondary miner- als which - during their formation - trapped the lead from primary radio-active minerlae. Based on the study of the Card 1/3 isotopic composition of the lead, they do not tuke into 11-59-5-4/16 Change in the Isotopic Lead Composition Durirg the Precipitation of Natural Minerals Card 213 consideration the possibility of the variation of this com- position during the isolation of the lead from the mineralu. The authors studied the variation of the relative content of radioactive isotopes of the lead as follows: the pro- duct of uranium deDintegration - W and the product of the thorium desintegration - ThB during their isolation from natural minerals, that is the specific activity of RaD/Pb and ThB/Pb, where Pb is the total lead of the mineral, The authors describe in details their procedure and cal- culations and come to the following conclusions: 1) the ore lead is able to Isolate from primary minerals in a larger quantity than its radiogenous and radio-active iso- topes; 2) RaD is extracted from the uraninite in a larger degree than the radiogenouB resistant lead isotopes; 3) ThB is lixiviated. more than RaD 4) due to the degree of capacity of transition into a liquid phase from primary minerals, the foll ing series cf isotopes is seti Ore lead and ThB> RaD~ radiogenoun Pb; 5) Pb is found in lesser quantities in comparison with radioactive elements in most minerals. 11-58-5-4/16 Change in the Isotopic Lead Composition During the Precipitation of Natural Minerals There are 4 tables, 2 figures, and 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet, 1 German and 3 American. ASSOCIATION: Alma-Atinskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (The Alma-Ata State University) SUBMITTED: 19 December 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 1. Geology 2. Kinerals-Development 3. Lead isotopes-Effects