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1% rj 2.00 104S-, 1413, AOO6/AOO1
AUTHOR: Navrotskiy, D. I., Candidate of Technical Sciences
--- -.9"WN00MM
TITLE: Distribution of Stresses Between Transverse Seams
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1960, No. 10, pp. 10-12
TEXT: When calculating overlap weld-join-t-adwith two transverse seams it is
usually assumed that the stresses between the Individual seams are uniformly
distributed. This is, however, only correct In the case of joining parts of
equal cross section loaded under certain conditions. If the rated cross sectlon
of the components to be welded are unequal or if the loading conditions are
different, the aforementioned assumption may lead to serious errors. Methods
are given to calculate weld joints with transverse seams permitting a more
corrfict estimation of their operational conditions. Basic formulae are derived
to determine the stresses in individual transverse seams for 3 different %raria--its
of weld joints and loading conditions:
I) P P 1 - 91 ak
1 2 Ir 1 ak + d 2
Card 1/2
Distribution or Stresses Between Transverse Seams A006/AOOI
where P1 and P are the stresses on the transverse seamsK is a constant coeffl-
oient whose vla depend3 on the ratio of tho weld joint dimen5lors; k And
are the dimensions of cross sections of the parts to be welded. 1 ~2
2) P P 2 + 1 ak
1 2 1 + 2
3) P P [1 ak
1 2 1 ak + 2 iF2
Deformations in the seam zone are det rmined by dividing the weld joint into
Individual parts loaded by stresses which are applied to the dis3ected surfaces
of the weld joints. The formulae obtained are analyzed and reoommendations are
given as to their use. There are 6 figures, I table and 2 references, 1 English
and 1 Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONs Leningradskiy politakhnichaskly inatitut Imeni M. I. Kallninh
(Leningra,! Polytechnic Institute imeni M. I. Kalinin)
Navrotskly, Dmitrly Ivanovich
Prochnost' evarnykh sa~e-d-:L-n-eiily (Str4ingth of Welded Joints) Moscow, Kasbgiz,,
1961. 174 p. 10,000 copies prIlUted,
Reviewer: V.I. KryzhaDovskiy,, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Zd..,
V.I. Savellyev,, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Id. of Pmblishing loose:
N.Z. Slmwvski7; Tech. Ed.: O.T. Speranskays; Movaidn Ed. for Literature
on the Desl4m and Operation of MachbAs (Leningrad Departiment,, Kashgiz):
F.I. Fetib i ugineer.
PMU?OU: This L, . .-% intended for technical personnel concerned with the design
and maml, actum of welded structures. It may also be used by students at
schools of higher technical education and tekbnlk~ .
COWEUU: Characteristics of welded Joints are presented and their special
features and advantages outlined. Attention Is given to a consideration of
the strength of welded Joints ander various operating condltionsw mtbods
of calculating the strength =4 endumme of welded Jointsv and exazqgAs
of the use or welded Joints in various weldiments. No persortslities are
mntioned. There am 43 references: 42 Soviet, and 1 IngUsh.
C 'k
AUTHORS: Navrotskiy, D. I., Savel'yc,,, V.N., Candidates of Technical Sci-:!nces,
ChiYheyekLy, 5-V., Engincor.
TITLE: The strength of welded joints I)f tl~C a1L11_.'..nL1,-:. 6 (A "lig - 6).
SOURCE: Leningrad. Nauchno-is5leoovatel'skiy institut rno6tov- S'Ouri',ik trudov,
no. 6,, 1961. Soyedineniya elementov konstruktsi), iz a.yurr1inyevyk-h
splavov. pp. 163-171.
TEXT: The paper reports strength and endurance tests of the A:Mv a:.oy AMg-6
and AMg-6'r, made on specimens 10 and 16 mn-i thick. The Dasi
C C' nq i tnat the
alloy is significantly more susceptible to variable loads than :ow-carbon stecl. In
weldments of AMg-6 alloy the static strength is primarily determined by tne strength
of the heat-affected zone. In high-temperature-welded specimens the welcirrent
strength was from 80.5 to 92% that of the parent metal. The vibrational strength of
the weldment was affected even more severely: In corner-weld specimens it was
reduced to 52 to 5776, in butt-welded joints to 841/a. Local maclhimng of a jo~rit, to
provide a faired transition from parent metal to weld, increases tile vibratiorlai
strength of the weldment considerably. The specimens tested in this series com-
prised: (1) Plain sheets, (2) sheets with welded-on stiffening ribs (with and witho~.t
machined smooth fairings from parent metal to weld); (3) Tee-jointed pieces (wit .
and without machining); and (4) butt joints. The stiffening rilos were welded by ria:,d
Card 1 /2
The strength of welded joints of the alurninum alioy ... S/758/61,'u00,'0061/002/00_'
with argon-shielded arc welding, with a W ~-.lectrode and a 4-rnrr,. diarr, AIM.-6
.ng rod, at an I of 300-340 a. The details of the single-pass consurnable-cectroce
automatic welding of the unrilachined Tee joints and the aaalogous three-pass pro-
cedure for the subsequently machined Tee joint is described, and cross- sectional
views of the specimens are shown. Similarly weldue- consu:-,iable- electrode weld-
merits with double-V butt joints were also prepared. Tetit: n 7 was done Oil the
pulsation tester UU.,M-100 (TsDM-100). The mechanical properties of Gagarm
specimens cut along and across the direction of rolling are shown in a full-page
table. All mechanical characteristics are in excess of those required by Technical
Specs TU15-57. The appreciable scatter of the test data is noted. Large-scale
specimens were tested separately to investigate the effect --- rolling surface scale
and cladding. Tabulated data show that the yield limit of the parent metal oil the
flat specimens is somewhat higher than that of the Gagarin specimens, e%en t1lough
the tensile strength of both is practically the same. The static strength of specirnen
weldnients of the various types is interpreted in terms of the heating undurgulle. by
them in the course of the welding process. The I'(!SUltB of the vibrational tests are
summarized in a table. The vibiational strength of the specimens is interpreted in
terms of both the heating undergone and the notch effect represented by the change
in cross-section from the unaffected parent metal to the weld. There are 4 figures
and 3 tables. No references.
ASSOCIATION: None given.
Card 2 /2
Stress distribution In longitudinal joints In various conditions
of load transfer. Aytow. ever. 14 no.2tl5-23 7 161.
FFI.t%-,- 11
(KMA 141l)
1. Leningradsidy politakhnicheekly institut imeni N.I. TallAins.
(Welding) (Stralas and stresses)
Strength dalculation of lap-welded joints considering the
difference of the deformation of elownts. Trui:~r LPI no.216:
:L96-3.1 161. (MM 14:11)
3/12 62/000/006/021/023
,WThORS: liavrotskiy, D. I. and Savellyev, V. N.
TiTLE: Investigating the influence of residual stresses on
the vibrational strength of apecimenij with t3mall
stress concentration
PE"RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, "Iekhanika, no. 6, 1962, 50', ab-
stract 6V494 (Tr. Laningr. politekhn. in-ta, 1961,
no. 216, 48-55)
T---'XT: The authors tested three seriee of specimens cut from
(St.3) steel for welded bridges and having rourrd cuts on lateral
edges, owing to which there was a non-uniform distribution of
stre3sep in the design section. The effective concentration coef-
ficient for the above specimens was 2 --1.2. All specimens were
previously subjected to thermal treatment to remove possible re-
sidual stresses due to rolling or gas cutting. One series wan
tested in the initial state, thn second series after heating their
middle parts by gas heater in order to cause compression stresses
Card 1/2
S11 24/62/000/006/021/0:21~-*"';*'-
fluence 1j234/D308
Investigating the in
on their lateral edges, the third oeries after stamping of t~.eir
middle parts in order to cause tensile stresses on their lateral
edges. The results of vibrational teats, re-calculated for a oym-
metrical cycle, showed an increase of durable strength by 41,'o in
the specimens of the second series in comparbon with the 'L'-irst
and a decrease by 5.5% in the specimens of the third series. It Js
pointed out that all specimens of the second ueries started fail-
ing at the lateral edges in spite of the fact that the stresses in
the middle of the design section amounted to approximately 2500
kg/cm2 at the beginning of the tests and maintained a value of
approximately 930 kg/cm2 after first cycles. This is due to the
fact that the negative influence of residual tensile stresses in
the middle of the section was fully compensated by mechanical cha-
racteristics of the specimen's metal, increased owing to harden-
ing. Zilbstracter's note: Complete translation.-7
Card 212
167 _6Y __W(k AMCASD n-4
711ITUS: A study of the inffluence of residual stresses on vibration strength in
,,elements vrith sharp outs
PERIODICAL: Peferativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 1963,, 63., abstract 4V524 -
(3b. Proyektir. i prochnostl svarn. konstruktsiy. V1, -L., 1959, 172-184)
TEXT: Me authors present the results. of a test, of the vibra-edg3s, under the fol-
lo-Lig initia.1 corditioms: condition at st-art; condition follo-iring heating of the
Q,-44 an of the width of the sa_=Dle to ob4-ai-L stretching stresses vt the root of the
cold hiwdening of the metal at the root of the cuts and size :Ui an increase in the
randius of the cut; folloyring heating of the edges at the points cf cut, this,reGulte.;
i_- n;- in stretching stress within Ue cuts. The sot of sanples was subjected. to ther-
, " processing, follovdng which it underwent a test for vibration load. To vxclud,3
the influence of tber-mal processing on the prop ties of the basin mtal, the sheets
from rihdch Une samples were prepared thenselves subjected to processing,
so that the subsequent thermall operation could vary only those proparties and stress-
es Td--,ien zare brought about by the heatirig, plastic compression or stretching of the
sam-oles. 'L%e character of the distribution and the magnitude of" the residual stressm.
card 1/2-.,
A atudy of
procesaiug Of- -the -frW41". -Were determinect t-r the method of
-on-., Y' *"W~. o a recistometer. The~vibration -atrangth of the samplw vrith
rnsidual~.cozprestion stresses turned out to be higher than that of..the initial (Yrith-
out residual stresses); that of samples vrith- residual stretching stresses - lower.
The stretchin~r of samples increased their vibration strength, Repeated t1lermal pro--~.
cessing trought the samples into a condition in which their vibration strength rras
abTat the st'Irle as that of the initial, except for sanples subjectsd to stretchirle.0
TI,,e vibraf,4-on strengfn of these samples, as the result of repeated thermal 'process-
i,ng, wa_q so.-ewhat lvaered (by cold hardening and,compression stresses), but never-
Itheless remained harder than in the initial state, since the increased radius.of
Cu,twas nerserved f olloving the repeated heatin g.
The~ s udi4s~mada enabled-the investigators to make a more precise estimAti n
o f., t.11 eirsluence of stresses" Pi"tic deformationsi,Kold hardLming and variations
in the sharpness of cut, on the vibration strength of samples. N. 0. Okerblom.
[Abstracterts.note: CompleteAransiation.]
SAVELIYEVp VWImir Nikolayevich.. kand. tekhn. nauk,- CHIZIIEVSKIY,
Svyatoslav Valoriyevlch,, Inzh.;-&WiOTMI,--DMItv4y--
Ivanovicb, kand. tekhn. nmLk; RAZWY, F.I., red.;
[Technology of welding processes and the strength of welded
joints of aluminum-magnesium alloys) Tekhnologiia avarki i
prochmoat* svarnykh soedinenil iz aliuminievo-magnievykh
splavov. Leningradj, 1963. 28 p, (Laningradskii dor, nauchno-
tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen )vredovym opytom. Serila:
Svarka, palka i rezka, metallov, no.5) (MI&A 17:4)
Stress concentration In uelded joints made by transverse seam welding.
Trudy LPI no.2291l6-24 163. (MIRA 17t9)
OXERBLa4, V.O.; NAVROTSKIY, D.I., kand. tekhn. nauk.. retsenzent;
(3mcineering and technological design of welded structures)
KonstruktivTLo-tekhnologichoskoe proektirovanie sv&Mkh
konstruktail. Moakvaq Izd-vo qiashinostroenie " 1964. 416 P.
MIFLA 17 6)
NAVROTSKIY, D.I., kand. t9khn. nauk
Methods of calculating welded joints, taking inw accoun, ccneen#rationg
of stresses. [Trudy]UC no.1109-51 '64. (MIRA 17:12)
Determining tangential atresses along the foot of inclined
projeotions in weldnent transitions. Trudy LFI no.245i24-
31 165. (P7PA 18,8;
ACC NR# AR6000443 60(ftE -Wft: '--(JR/0137/65/000/009/K0J1[901l
AUMAt Wavrotekly, D* 1* 33
Mwftla. 49
TME.- Determining local elastic deformatiow In svat~-Wvm~ Joints
SOM=: Ref. zh. MetaLlurglys,, Abe.
TOPIC TAGS: metal. velftng,, spot -#vMInS,0 elastic deformation
ABSTRACT: Zquatlono are given for use In the solution of statletIcauy undefinable
problents connected with the calculation of apat-welded joints sed #14*01611se. The
use of spot-welded joints with moz them three spots In a linear raw Is vat prectl-
cal because a greater number of spot welds does not contribute to the supportive
power of the joint. This to explaizod by the fwt tbot the mIG0* VIVA* carry the
least load. It to recommended that the d1smeter or qat welds. be Increased rather
than their mnber In linear row In order to Increase the supportive power of Spot-
welded joints, V. Famenko. (Translation) NO
MM CODE: U/ SM DW: none
N011111SKAYA, J.:'l.
Fmergency aid In hcut.r. '7rronor
y Initiff".clency. K r0c ,Ir
nn.lj8'!4,8 Jra-F '(,5. (Mll'A 180's
1. TSentrallnayu suintsiva skorjy meditninskcy (pla-my, vrarl,
N.K. Gavr1lova; i!iuct)r,.jy rukovcxiltell - p-,,;f.
g, Kuyby,,3hov.
NAVROTSKIY, D.V., unsiat,ent
Relations between the accessori n.:!7-%,e and th,, r-oc-l q of' *,hq 2L 4 r~ ~
nerves in man. Trudy KGMI no.10.)25-328 163.
(M: H, 1 p -.- 1,
1. Iz kafedi-y normillnoy anttt.nmLl (7,av. knfodroy - prof. !.'~ ,
Kudrin) Kalininskogo gosudarstvevri~~Fo troJIUaInskcp,,c,
05theosynthesis combinaii with boas grafitin g of a preserved rib
for treating a nonknitting fracture of the mandible complicated
by chronic ostoomyslitim. Stometologiia 36 n0-3:34-35 VlY-Je 157.
(NIM 10:9)
1. Is klialki oWlymatno-1tteevoy khtrurgil i stonstalogil
Toye nna-wdits inskoy ordew lanics almdemit iment S.K.Ktrove
NORM) I. G. A.
Kholodnovysadochnye avtcmaty,- konstruktstia I rasehet. Moskva. 191#4.
131 P.
Oaitomat.~c upsetting maebines; design and calculation.)
DLC: Unclass.
30; Namfacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union,
Lib'.-ary of Congress, 1953.
NAV WTSKITO GtA6, kandidat takhaicheskikh nauk.
The A-110 au0satic one-blow cold upsetter with & one piece
matrix for the production of workplaces fron 3 to 25 m.
Vest.mwh*27 no*3:73-74 147. (NM 9:4)
(]Power presses)
ilAvwrSKIY, G. A.
Par*ovozdushnyi 1000-kg kovocbnyi molot. (Vestn. Mash., 1948, no. 2, p. 40-5C)
Refers to Voron*%h Kalinin machine-building plant.
(1000-kg. air-steam forging hamer.)
SO: Manufa.-Auring and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union,
Library of Congress. 1953.
nvRarad, c;. A.
Vysadocbnyo i obreznyo pressy-avtomaty. Moskva, Vaasbgim. 1949. 253 P. illus.
"Nastoisabchaia rabota lavllaetsia prodolzheniam knigi avtora 'Kholodnrvysadochnye
Bibliography: p. 250-(251).
(Automatic upBetting and trimming presses.)
DLG: TJ1450-N3
SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union,
Libraz7 of Congress. 1953.
NAVBMXIY. (I.A., kandt"t tekhnicheakikh immk.
Noevismising w"Is by tke latro*wtiem of cold upsetting. (In;
F#shkov. D.A.. s4L Ab~11& mistallarv v kusneduto-aktampovocham
P"Ivmdstvo. mookwa, 2953., 'P.176-193.) (am 7a)
(Per") (Fawhing mohlaery)
NAVIto 'I I &I kmandrovich, kandtlat takhatchask1kh muk; RUSUVICH,
-- -- A . -h; SHInIN, S.M., n&uchzWy rodaktor; MKOVA. I.T..
rodaktor; ACMT, A.P., tokhoicheakly rodator
(Autamatic cold upootting aschimery] Kholodnovysailochoyo avtomatro
Moskva, Too*. achobno-podagog. is&-vo Tradres*rvisdat. 1956. 68 9.
(Metal working machiciery) (NINA 9:7)
,Navrotskiy, Georgly Aleksandroviuh, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Pressy-avtomaty dlya kholodnoy ohtampovki (Automatic Presses for Cold
Working) Moscow, MashgIz, 1956. 350 P. 8,000 coplen printed.
Ed.: I.S. Pobedin, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing
House: V.A. Mezhova; Tecb. Eel.: S.L. Shmellkina; Managing Ed. for
IAterature on Heavy Machine Building (Mashgiz): S.Ya. Golovin, En-
PURPOSE: The book is intended for the engineering staff of forging and
stamping plants and may be useful to students In mechanical engineer-
Ing vtuzes.
COVERAOE: The book presents a classification system for automatic forg-
Ing and stamping presses, methods of kinematic and kinetostatic de-
sign for basic mechaniama, a description of constructions of commonly
used types of automatic presses for stamping and die forgIng, and a
description of universal automatic bending machines. The book useS
investigations conducted by TaBKM (The Central Bureau for Building
Card 1/5
-Automatic Presses (Cont.)
Forging and Pressing Machines) and other design bureaus, and by plants
building and using machinery of this kind. This book is a continua-
tion and development of books written earlier by the same author:
Kholodno-vysadochn.vye avtomaty (Automatic Machines for Cold-upsetting),
Mashgiz, 1945; VyMdochnyye i obreznyye preasy-avtomaty, Mashgiz, 1949.
The author used theoretiial principles developed in the works of I.I.
Avtobolevskiy, S.I. Artobolevskiy, G.A. Shaumyan, A.I. Zimin., A.I
Tselikov, S.I. Gubkin, A.D. Tomlenov, E.P. Unksov, L.A. Shofman, i.v.
Storozhev. There are 42 references, all Soviet.
Foreword 3
Ch. 1. Classification and Principles for Operating Automatic
Presses 5
Card 2/5
*Automatic Presses (Cont.) SOV/1422
Ch. 2. Classification of Automatic Press Mechanisms 23
Ch. 3.
Ch. 4.
Ch. 5.
Ch. 6,
Ch. 7.
Ch. 8.
Developing Kinematic Schemes; Principle of Constructing
Cyclic Diagrams
Kinematic Design
Kinematic Design
Kinetostatic Design
Cam Mechanisms
of Slider-crank and Scotch-yoke-type
of Special Purpose Slider-crank Mechanisms 50
of Basic Mechanisms 62
Determination of Pressure on Quides
Ch. 9. Automatic Sheet Metal Forming Presses
Card 3/5
Automatic Presses (Cont.) SOV/1422
Ch. 10. Automatic Nut Punching Machine 172
Ch. 11. Automatic Universal Bending Machine 190
Ch. 12.' Speed and Force Regimes in the Operation of Automatic
Cold-upsetting and Cutting-off Presses 235
Ch. 13. Automatic Cold-upsetting (Single-action, Double-action
and Triple-action) Presses With a Solid Die 251
Ch. 14. Automatic Cold-upsetting Presses for Making Balls 273
Ch. 15. Automatic Cold-upsetting Presses With a Split Die 288
Ch. 16. Automatic Multistation Presses 3o4
Ch. 17. Main Sliders of Automatic Cold-upsetting Presses 319
Card 4/5
.Automatic Pressee (Cont.) SOV/1422
Ch. 18. Basic Processing and Construction Trends in the Design
of Automatic Presses for Cold Die-forging and Upsetting 341
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 5/5
~ I-. I- - - " .
lorty yawn of the Soviet forging and pressing machinery Industry.
Stan, I Instra 28 no.11:1-4 1 157. (KM 10:12)
(forging machinery)
(Power presses)
iv 9
!Mf v
1 tuil 1 0.1
as 9 2-41 1
1', HIN
S/02 60/000/011/003/007
AUTHORS: Yegorov, N. A., -NavrotukiX, G. A.
TITLE: Grouping and Standardization in thei Construction of Forging
Presses N6
PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1960, No. 11, pp. 16-23
TEXT: The standardized units and parts assembled and tested before the
assembly of the entire machine are the basis of forging presses. The
various types of forging press units are schematically shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 2 shows a grouping scheme of forging press units, which shows more
clearly the correlation between the various units and deals better with
problems of standardization of units and parts. All units are divided into
classes A (installations with tranalatory motion) and B (installations
with rotary motion), which are subdivided into types I, II and III, IV.
Units consisthig of individually assembled units mounted on a machine
frame belong to types I and III, while units consisting of different
machines belong to types II and IV. Each type of class A machines is
divided into those with one and those with several croseheads; moreover,
all units and installations are divided into types. Some examples for the
Card 1/3
Grouping and Standardization in tLe Cunati-jtion S/028j6O/OQQ/OI1//003/007
of Forging Presses B020/BO58
grouping of forging-press units are pre!3ented. Fig. 3 shows an open, in-
clined press unit from the British firm of Johns, Fig. 4 a 6-ton open hy-
draulic press unit from the firm of Denison, Fig. 5 the power head of a
press unit from the firm of Clearing, mounted on various frames similar
to metal machining units. Fig. 6 samples for the assembly of special
presses using power heads from the fi.-m of Clearing, Fig. 7 a single
crank power head designed by the TsentralInyy byuro kuznechno-pressovogo
mashinostroyeniya (Central Office for Forging-preas Construction) (TsBKM
Figs. 6 and 9 examples for its mounting on presses of various types, and
Fig. 10 a variant of using the same frame combined with mechanical and
hydraulio power heads. Power heads with a capacity from 4 to 250 t (Table
1) enable the combination of 63 standard types of universal crank machines
and 37 hydraulio machines. The average increase of the number of these
highly important press parts which are most difficult to manufacture,
amounts to 4 to 12 in series production. The simplification in the design
of a 63-ton single-crank press unit is shown in Table 2. Fig. 11 shove
that the number of joint parts for four types of single-crank presses
amounts to about 70-75%. Fig. 12 shows that work expenditure for the
open 63-ton presses, manufactured by the Taganrogskiy zavod kuznechno-
pressovogo oborudovaniya (Taganrog Plant for Forging-press Installations),
Card 2/3
Grouping and Standardization in th Consti'uction S/026/60/000/011/00.11/0C,
of Forging Presses B0207BO56
can be reduced by using a joint power head. Finally, it io pointed out
that the TsBKM and Eksperimentallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut
kuznechno-pressovogo mashinostroyen:Lya (Experimental Scientific Research
-Institute of Forging-press Constru'ction) uhould elaborate standards and
type samples for the individual type units and parts of the machines.
There are 12 figures and 2 ta-les.
Card 3/5
T=MV* N.A.; IFAM%Xffs
Wficatlas and a Ml~w"tton In manufacturing forging mchlum7.
stand tizatalls 24~ 26-23 N 160o (KM 13:U)
(Forcing mchin4ry)
Uaksoy, Ye*Po, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Ed&
Boyremennoye soetaymiye kuznechno-shtempovochnogo proltyodstys (Present Pts6te
of the Prexxworking of Metals) (Moscow) Wbgis, 1961. 454 9. 5000 copies
Ed. of Publiablag House- A.I. Sirotinj Tech. Ed.: B.I. KodoIO; Kanaging Ed. for
Uteratare on the Hot Working of Hotalat S.Ta. Golovia, Engineer.
Title: Kuznechno-shtempovochnoys prolsvodatvo v GOOR (The rroaGvarkins or Iletals
in the USSR) byt A.V. Altykis, D.X. Berozhko-takly, V.P. Volkovitakly, I.I.
Girsh (deceased), L.D. Oollmon, S.P. Graaovakly, N.S. Dobrinakly, A.I..UzLin,
S. L. ZlottLikov, A.I. Kagalo7skly, P.V. Lobdchov, V.N. Hartynov, Ye.N. Roob-
nin, G.A. Navrotakly. Ya.M. Okhrimenko, O.N. Rovinskly, Ye.A. Stouba, Yu.L.
Ro!hdwttvanzkiy, 3.V. Tlkhouiray, Ye.P. Unksov, V.F. Shcheglow, and L.A. Sbof-
man; Us: Te.P. Unksov, Doctor of Technical Selene*#, Professor, and B.V. Roza.
T-Itle: Kutudmo-ghteimpovochnoye proizvodatvo v CbSSR (The Pres,working of Metals
in the CzechoaLwak sR) by& s. aurd^, r. aresda, r. Drest1k, r. zistahurek
Card 1/6
Present State of the (Cont.) Sal;5799
Z. Y*4val, V. Kra=, 7. Ka;i~, F. "aJer, K. )~&rvza, J. lrar& J. (W-chnal,
K. Paul, B. Sc=cr, M. Hozz, J. ~&tLa, V. iUndcla, and J. tole; Zdx.%
A. llejepsa and M. Vlk.
FLYRFOCZ: This book is intended for engineers end scientific personnel concerned
vith the presavorking of m*tala.
COVZR=: Published jointly by llaabglz mad W-LL, the book discuseca the present
state of the preauvorkiag of metals in the UZZIc and the Czechoalovak Socialist
Re~ublic. Chapters vcre vrittcn by both Soviet and Czechoslovak vritera. No
personalities are inentioned. There are 129 referanceat 9a Soviet, 16.Engllah,
8 German, 5 Czech, and 2 French,
P=42=0 L7 TEE USSR
Ch. I. The Characteristics of Forging Shops In U30 Plants (A.Z. Zizin =1
Ye.P. Unksov) 1 5
(h. 11. Methods of Calculating the Precaure for Forging in the PrearworkIng
Card 2/8
Present Statm of the (Cont.) S(W/5799
of Metals (Ye.P. Uaksov) 13
Ch. III- Die Forging cm Forging Prebsco [V#7- VO1kOvItJk1Y) 22
Ch. IV. Die Forging on Horizontal Upettere II.I. Girah, decewed) 31
Ch. V. Die Forging on Drop 9"-ora and (Pm.-or-8crcvj Percunsion Preaces
IU. 14. Okhrimeako and V.P. Shchonlov) 41
Ch. V1. The Halcing of Forgings and Ghm2d& Dlrnk in Forging Rolls (Vile
martymov] 58
Ch. Vn. Die-Siting In ftieeze-Pormiag Prer;ooz (V.F. Volkovitakiy) T7
Ch. vin. RoUlag-Out Annular Blen1w (Yu.L. Rozhdastvouskly) 82
Ch. IX. The Manufactm-e of Metal Hardvare on Presww")dng Autmatica
(0.A. Ravrotakly) 93
Card 3/(j
Present State of the (Cont.) Sal/5799
Ch. X. Bending end Straightening of Gbeats, Shapos, and Tubes (Ye.N.
ch. n., Otmmping From Ghetto wd Stripa (S.L. Zlotnikov and G.S.
Ch. XII. Automutic PrenswarUng Unes (S.L. Zlotalkov)
Ch. XIII. The EquIlmant of B3=k-Produclng Sho;a and Sections in
Preammrking (P.V. Lobachov]
Ch. XIV. Tho Production of Blrnk for Parts by Helical
Cross Rolling [S.P. Granov3kiy A.- Stoshal
Ch. XV. Metal rxtrvfiion on Hydraulic 'I'mum (A.I. Kag&lovskiy. and
L.A. Shofcum)
Ch. XVI. Parts Forging From Light-Iletal Alloya on Large Hydraulic
Presses (L.Di Gollman and L.A. Shofznn)
Card 4/8
Present State of the (coat.) sail5799
Ch. XVIL Mane Production of Parts (Golid 1rAc,31s and Tires) by
forging With Subecquant RoLlina (A.V. Altyk1s, 9M L.D.
Ch. XVIII. forging end Banding of Platoo (Ye.11. Ho3holml
Ch. X11. MWng L&rge For,,Inrs on Hydi-aulic Presses [N.D.
Dabricakly. and N.V. Tikhrmirov]
Ch. XX. Drop-H-or and Crank-Preos Forging ID.I. Borethkovskiy.
and V.P. ghcheglov)
33 T74 Cb5.qR
Ch. 1. The Develoj=cat of Hotal Prcozvor-Ung Proccones in the
Czachoslovaki= Socialist Rcimblic [7o Dra*tfk, Railroad
Engineering Institute, Prague] 261
Card 518
Present State of the (coat.) 307/5799
Ch. 11. Making Large For,-,insx (B. Kmua, Uc:',r Natall=gical Plant irmai
Xlc=nt Gottwald, Kunlieu)
Ch. In. The Forging of notorz for Tmeoc,-tnormtors (J. nov&, getal-
lurgical Plant imani Leninp Plzc~ij
ch. m The Forging of Largo Cran!.31iafts IB. BuTda, K. Paul, and
M. Hont, Metallurgical Plant imal Irn1n,
Ch. V. Techniques U4cd in 7or,-inf,? Larce Rotors 17. Zl--tcbL&vck,
Vitkovice Metallurzical Plant i=zi fa=--nt Gottwald, Oatrayaj
Ch. V1. The Forging of Forked Pipas for Gas Pir,-311nms (J. Vatka,
Vitkovice Hatallurgical Pl=t 1--oni Xl=oat Gottwald, Oatraya)
Ch. VIZ. The Forging of Lmrgo Strengthening Riaga for the Rumnor3 a.,
Mixed-Flov Turbines CF. Ku~tajl Vitkarice Metallurgical Pimt
Imenl Klement Guttvald, Ostrava]
Card 610
Present State of the (Coat.) SOV/5799
Ch. VIn. Scientific Besearch Work In the Field of Cold r--,act
Forging of Metals (Fe Hrlzdilp Plant imeni Smcml, Brno) 355
Ch. IX. Ex2eriouce in the Cold Imp=t ForCing of 11onforroun Vatals
(K. Karvan. and J. Odohnal Plaut Tc3luj National Enterprise,
HloubMn, =d V. gindalD, Dclentific Rtsearch Institute of
Vacu= Rlectrical Esiginooring, Fraguo) 581
Ch. X. The Manufacturing Process and OrCnadzzatir= In the Gtv=Pin6 of
Bodies at the Autmobile Plrzt "17aticmml Enterprise (A=P)
Ula" BolsslavO [Zv X&jmlv "M7. MadA Doloolsv) 397
Ch. 11. The Rechanlzatica of Obsolete rat rise as a He=$ of In-
creasing Labor Productivity JB.27or, Vhkovico Xetallurgl-
cal Plant imeni Klc=ut Gottwald, Oetraval 42J0
Ch. Xn. 7ne Initial Prosavorking of F&U Alloys caA Large YeCrA1
Castlnxro V. Majer and J. dole, Scientific Research Insti-
,A te.
r T. roh
Card 7/8
N,qvRor.SKW 6-M
'Tachoological -use of. mltipls-ot4go proamom for cdd upsetting.
Rus.-Phtsm.proisv. 5 no.711,-8 Jl 1634 (KatA 16%19)
PDPOVj V.A.,p kand. tekhn. naukj KFSOZIINIKOV, V.M.# kand. toklm.
r4auko,retsenzent; HAI . j, kand. tekhn. nauk,
retsenzent; GIVOY(M., Ye.A.v izabay Me
[F,quipment for automated cold upsetting processes] Oanastka
avtomatizirovannogo kholodnovyeadochnogo proizvodstvas 14o-
skva, Mashinostroodej 1965. 174 p. (MIRA 1M)
VAVROTMYP,. 0. Yo. (zogimer)
U99 of gtO&%-jqt compresson for hmabW. Z& SkOne UP* 9# NO* 5p 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aufust 1952 _W4, Uncl.
/VCk V L5 T, L'f
AUTHORS: Kurmanov, R.I., Kavrotskiy, I.V., 32-1-40/55
TITLE., A Device for the Investigation of the Damping of Oscillations
in Metals (Ustanovka dlya issledovaniya zatukhamya kolebaniy
v metallakh).
PERIODICAL: ZavodakAyn Lnboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr I , pp. 101-103 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In this paper the construction of such a device is described and
examples for the computation of the logarithmic damping decrement
of oscillations are given. The principal part of this device con-
sists of a firmly welded frame which is suspended from the ceiling
by means of a rope. In the upper part of the frame there is a
clamp, by means of whiah the sample is fastened, which has the
form of a metal strip, and on whioh oscillations are measured. At
the edge of the sample a magnet is mounted in a mettl setting.
Under the magnet, an a table, there is a coil with 600 windings.
By means of a screw it is possible to adjust the distance between
the magnet and the coil. By the micrometer screw the initial
Card 1/2 bend-through of the sample is fixed by the magnet. When switching
A Device for the Investigation of the Damping 32-1-40/55
of Oscillations in Metals
off the magnet the sample begins to oscillate; oscillations slowly
die down while the current formed in the coil is led to the oscil-
lograph, and a vibrographio recording 5.3 made. The logarithmic
damping decrement is then coutputed according to the following
formula: 6r= 1n 2
n - 1
where ndenotes the nwrber of vibmtions. There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATIMI: Ukminian Scientific Research Institute for Metals (Ukminiskiy
nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallov).
AVAILABLE: Libmry of Congress
Card V2 1. OscillAtions-Control systems
i --1- 1965 A00-40Y
TOPIC - TAM31 a tool i/~012 vtoel M.L4 ptoel, St-ajOnel
A FIS-M-A,,"r -- Tento were canduoted to clarify the f eanibility of uaing the, mothod of
N, il~ Da'ddonco'r (Probletay, udara v met611o-,ed(m-ti. Izd. MI SSSM (1938)) to deteTmine
tsri7,irsb.!rn- orf brittlan"!vi ;vIth tm-,-ict ntren;,rth t~,nt:-nj. It rma foLmd
T u I
to detnrmtwi thp M!,lbi4adi a.-,, ti--,fj aooffic~-ert rplating tha
'Itt-fm-mntion to P ii t j7 - A
h tnmparmbur-3 ~vhcn tho acy(Aiazi of tho diafpmm
'e-C i0 co=latoix absent) to the total. wor1r, of deformation at ita highfiat
ct r-orke - 10 Wed-in AhOL O=UXt 40fiVad--Iqr
't t) end G- 'V~ UzUk ~Proclwmqtl J-
B. ohn. Hur~;~ 35-36, 03o 1",
me-otall pri ni-itcuch Tzi. Al a Tho luil
of ira,3 dihtermLziad for stools 04)~G2 cTO 0902 with IV, mm-niop ','17-hl,4, (m4 St-3
ear-J 1/5
-'-- -- .---40, - - --- - - - - - - - - - -
vaxiov,B ohmpon, sizes, and preparation prooedurea of which were utind. Results of
tho plotted tout mnm--~n=emcuntu are Fjhowr in Figurqe 1, 2, and 3 on the Enclonures,
figmrea awl 3 tables.
A.SZOOTATION: 13cmiimkJjv rmuc-hno-inuledovatelskiy itatitat ret%llov M=Rwan
Inotitate of Metalo
00 ENCLt 03 m CODEI LN
NO RV -110V0 -~--003
OT=f 002
Card 3/3
Fig. 2. graph of the relation bet-vton
"mpaot atrength and temperature.
a vtval A In hot-rolled canditiong tjrps I
&ac,,-,rdJmS to COST -9454-60.
b Staul B in bot rolled conditiont speoi-
mmmnn With clot radi" 0,025 mm
-kV. 4V _160 0 Av
Test TwWabwe 00
1. 24150wW
b9! .100
tuos G
Test Tempera
Fig. Oraph of the temmorature r9lationship or
LVaot strength of cpacimeno -w~lth- OX25.=
from ateel artor --0011MUC&I aeasoning
AUTHORS: Tomenko, Yu. S., Navrotakly, I. V., Volchek, F. R.
TITLE: The Computation of Impact Energy in Multiple Impact Tests
(Rasohet energii udara pri ispytaniyakh na po-,tcrnyy ular)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratorlya, 1958, Vol 24, Nr 9, pp 1122-1125 (USSR)
ABSTRACT, The latest ram impact machine models for multiple impact tnstb
, DSVO 150) possess several construction details that have an
essential influence on the impact energy. A diagram cf the
operatinn of the machine, and of the connection of an oscillc--
graph IM 2 in given. The oacillograph reveals the movement of
the ram from the initial poeltion to the impact. Tho oporatlon
of the machine is described, and the calc-.Llation methods by
L. T. Timoshuk (Ref 1) is mentioned. From the analysis of the
oac'.1lograms it was found that, in principle, the machine may
work in different ways, which fact is of signifi,7ance for th,~?
computation of impact energy. There may be three different cal3ps,
a desr~rlptlon of which in given. Graphs and calculation formulae
are presented. The investigations of the operation of the ram
at different sp--ing tensions showed "he separation factor of
Card 1.12 tho rcll from the ram to depend only on the clearancp of tho
The C-;mp-taI:'Pn of Impact Energy 'In Ml:tiple Impact Tr-sts
spring, and rot cn tho degrpp Of itS t0n3l~n.
The7e are 4 fig-;rrq and 1 refPrence, vh.'f-,h Is 3cviet,
ASSOCIATION: Ukrc0 nsk~ ,, rau~~hn,-- ' aedc-,,qt~,l ' sk'Y " nst I V1, mr~ I. a! I - ;
(Ukr;3.- - iar Sciert 41' - Iris' of s)
Card 2/2
KMANOT, R.I., kand.tektin.nauk; NAVROTSKIr, 1.7., lnzh.; FUIPPOVA,
T.Y. . lash.
Effect of arsenic on the properties of M16C steel (state
standard 6713-53)- Trudy Mr.nauch.-Imel.inst.met. no-5:
187-200 159. OU" 13, 1)
(Steel-Testing) (Arsenic)
SAIMSM, LT, Insho; TOISHKO, TueS,, insh.; GOUK, T.R., insh.;
T.Ao, lush.
Investigating the occurrence and spreading of cracks under
the effect of ropeated Impact *tress. Trudy Ukr. nauch. -tool.
Inst.usto no.5:237-248 1-59. WU 1391)
(Metals-MIgue) (crystal lattices)
MVROTSIff. 1.V..- Insh.: TONBUKO. U.S., Insh.; BROVINA N.Ye.; YESIKOW.
- A* I*
Investigating the procass of ImWt fatigue by a DSTO-150
testing sachins. Trudy Mr.nauch.-IsslAnst.wat. U0.5:
287-301 159. (KIRA 13:1)
Ntale-Paticus) (Testing mchlnee)
31"auation of the cold brittleness of structural *~--t steel. Zav.
lab. no.11:1370-13?2 159. (KIRA 13:4)
I.Ukrainsldy nauchno-tseledovatellskiy Institut metallov.
(Steel --Brittleness)
if i
. ; ~
It ;I:
AUTHCRS Navrotakly, I.V., Yu.S.
2 A5; 5 8
TITISs On the mWituas of maximal loAdine fox, b.,!W." fraiture
PMUWICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Matallurgiya, no.9, 1~61, 38, abstract qZh232
("Sb, tr, Ukr. n.-i, In-t, matallov", 196C, no. 6, X-6 - 216)
TMITS Investigations were carried out cn bu,jbtrw spbalmais trade of' lcjw-
alloy structural steelis 10)~CJA ICYMNA, 1-It-AIOT ~1---YIIOIND, 1C.,K%-j31J),
low-oarbon steel M16C ari CT-3 %M.63 &nd St.") w'4*1-. A& i~.lP
The speoimens were out o*it in thq trax;av,?v:3o ~3-frft~-.-C.10", t-) tl,u :-,.)Illrg from Lhe~~t&
12 mm thick. The value of the aritloal 1(jad at, stltli rapti-re ard at a i4cw or',
tk,e stressed specimen wan dstermined. a ware carried o-A at 20,0,
-2o, -4o and -60C. The m&jrImum value of the ztat!c Bt-rnngth of t~,~a metal under
brittle fracture in the presence of a suffioitntlV rIj;It oonoentlra'zor drperdik -)ri
the off-the-center position oC the ap?lied load, tn,~ I-ivel and ortartatior of
the residual stresses and the gradient of the norral str"sses ovar the spej~Im4L
cross section. In the absenoa of these faalors the britz1a a,:rePg-.t of mclta!
Card 1/2 X
On the magnitude of maximal loadlng ...
C2 P 558
A0.1 k)/A I - , '4
cannot be lower than the valu6a .)f e in amoitr. Ti.-:! (,' tYe
variation in (fb as a fwinticon of teMj5)ora',;--ir6 tl~ptfi nqfid 1,-.t t7) -.hFi
variation in the ductility prnpartlas.
M. MfttVe:iOVa
[Abstracter's note: ComplAts tran3lati.:w]
Card 2/2
--- -
Structural strength of cartaln higb-yreolstance low-enay
stools. Trudy Ukr. nauch.-Issio Inst. wt. no.6t2l7-229 160.
(MIRA 140)
(Steel alloys-Testing)
Q /137/6Z/000/005/0&V150
AUTHORS: Navrotskiy, 1. V., Tomenko, Yu. S.
TITLE: The effect of elastic-energy storage upon the mechanical properties
of pipe steel
P0110DICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 33, abstract 51188
("Sb. tr. Ukr. n.-i. in-t metallov", 1961, no. 7, 245 - 257)
TEXT- The authors studied the mechanical properties of 19 1' (19G), 16r 2-DT
(i6G2r.r) and 16r 2 (16G2) steel pipe specimens with different V content and pos-
sessing different elastic-energy stores in tensile and static bending tests.
In a non-insulated system, an increase in the elastic-energy storage does not af-
fect the mechanical properties of the metal in uniaxi&l elongation. Crack forma-
tion etrean does not depend on the elastic energy storage. The development of
cracks decreases with a greater elastic-energy storage. As regards the possibil-
ity of crack formation and development in a system with a higher elastic energy
storage, type 1602 steel alloyed with 0.05% 7, Is preferable to steel 1602 and
to steel with 0.1% V. There are 6 references. T. Fedorova
(Abstracter's a0te3 Complete translation]
Card 1/1
Effect of baMed structure in structural stools on the anisotrop7
of their meohanieal properties and the limit of cold brittleness.
Stall 21 ho. 1+050-35.4 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskilinatitut maitallov.
(steel., Struot~ral-Ketallography) (Strength of naterials)
AUTEORSs Tomenkot Yu. 5., and.Navrotskiy, 1. V.
TITLts Effect of the rosary* in elastic energy on the magnitude of
true tensile strength
PMtIODICALt Zavodsksys, laboratoriya, v. 27, no. 7t 1961, 883-887
TZXTs It is known that the rosary* in elastic energy and the flexibility
of the loading Asyloo affect considerably the destruction kinetics. The
authors studied the effect of the reserve in elastic energy on the
magnitude Sk of the true tensile strength in tho loaded system. Since
the deformation range is considered with dropping tensile strength of the
saapl* (after P...). the results obtained should follow the laws of the
unloaded system. The authors studied the stools (i) 1021T (16G27T)
developed at the Ukrainskiy nauchno-isoledov&tollski Institut notallov
(Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Metals) ~O 18% C; 1 58% Ung
0 27 Si; 0.00 V1 0.025% Til 0.016% S1 0 020% P) , and ill) 19P i 190) (0. 23%
0; 0.99% Mnj 0.27% 51; 0-040% 3; and 0.0;1~ P) after rolling and mechanical
Card 1/ 7
Zffect of the reserve in elastic energy ... B110/B201
aging (10% elongation and I-hr tampering at 25000- For (I)q6'T-50-9kC/am 21
6'B-70-Skg/am 21 110-15.5%, and Yk-44%i for (11), TTw32.6kg/m2 I
V1-50k6/mm2j ilow 18.0%p and Tk-42.3%. Cylindrical octuple samples with 4.5
an diameter wore tested on &UIIM-4P (IM-IR~ machine with different
flexibility of the loading device (A) 1,
B 5.5, and (C) 17.2mm/t (A)
resulted from the initial rigidity of the toot machinso (B) and (Ci were
obtained by introduction of elastic elements. With great flexibilityg the
rupture load .(719. 2t Pk) could not be determined with ordinary inertion
machines due to the high deformation rate preceding rupture. An inor*aoo
in the r*oorv* of elastic energy effects on Increase of the load P x of the
instantaneous beginniqg of destruction, as well as a decrease in
oncontrated deformation between P x and Pmax* For determining the true
*nail* strengthl the absolute elongation 4tk is plotted on the deformation
axis (Fig. 2). From here, a straight line is drawn parallel to the
Card 2/7
Meat of the reserve in elastic energy ... 3110/B203
elastic &*formation section, the intersection of which with the
perpendicular of P x give* the load P k (7i#. 2). According to V. G.
Ulogin (Ref. 51 Zavodskaya laboratoriya# XV, 10 (1959))# Sk increases
linearly with increasing reserve of elastic energy, which is explain*d by
a delayed retrogression of the load toward P x. T. K. Move, *t al.
(Zeyodakeys laboratoriyal XXV# 1, (1959)) showed that retrogression of the
outer load is the slowero the higher the flexibility and the reserve in
elastic energy of the system# and the lower the plasticity of the metal.
A slower decrease of the outer load as compared with the load on the
sample was fourA osaillosoopioally. This difference grows with time up
to destruction. With the maxim- accumulated reserve in elastic energy,
Ae 2-3 k.-m, at the end points of the osoillogram, it is 5-15 kg, with A Y
10-12 kgm, it is 90-100 kg. In this connection# PX tends toward P salt
but theoretically it never attains It. Now, the effect of the reserve
in elastic energy on the total ovarm* of the curve for true tensile
strength was to be established. kuc calculating the sample oroas section
Card 3/7
Zffeat of the reserve in elastic energy ... silo/3203
at every instant after P,,,l the following is written downt
F]1lnockO(ln*ok+al)(FB-dY)O where F., is the seational area corresponding
to dj (Fig. 5&)l P the ~*otion&l area corresponding to d (Fig. 56)1
dF-(i,-Y)/21 and 'neck the length of the neck formed under load. According
to V. 1. Zgis (Ref. 61 Zavodskaya laboratoriyal XXV, 12 (1959)), the
error is 42%. **on in stools with Yk -65%. inook/(lnook +dl) -(FB -dP )/FB-
For the arrom section (F) of the nookp the following holds at any test
I FB(I-A neak)] /("nock ) (3), where Anockadl/l neck (4). The
distanoes 1-2; 1-31 1-4 (Fig- 56) are the increase In length dl of the
neek,inbotituted in k4). P is determined In every point according to (3).
The following reduction of sectional area is obtainedo * (?O-F)/r0. The
5 values are obt&insl by dividing the load by the area. The curves of Fig.
6 at* the true tonsil* strength of both hot-rollod stools. For curve 1,
the test was zade without elastic el*aont. It was plotted for the points
4* by means of a diagras, and for the points Oby means of ordinary cross-
Card 4/7
Effect of the rea*rve in elastic energy ..311013203
section measurement. The curvature begins with inoreasing reserve in
elastic energy. This can only be explained by an increase in the
deformation rate in the section of concentrated deformation after point
P The increase, Igi turnj -is connected w1th t4e delayed r*trogrossioq
of the outer load(aiter P and the increase' of the elastic
energy. There are 6 figures and 6 Soviet_~Aoc-refersnoes
ASSOCIATIONs Ukrainakiy nauchno-losledovatellskiy institut metallov
(Ukrainian Scientific Reseazch Institute of Metals)
Fig. 2. Slongation diagram with a
yieldingneso Y of the loading system
of Legendt A -deformation
work'in the section between maximum
load and beginning of "instantaneous"
destruction (P.). (1) deformation,
(2) load.
Card 5/7
AUTHORSs Navrotakiy, I. V., and Tomenko Yu. S.
TITLEs Influence of the strain gradient on tensile strength in
brittleness tests
PERIODICALs Zavodakaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no. 12, 1961, 1520 - 1522
TEXTs The mean and actual strains in samples of varying diameter
occurring in brittleness tests, were studied. CT 3(St, 3) steel samples
were cooled with liquid oxygen before the test. The hot junctions of
two thermocouples were placed in the incision of the samples, and strain
gauges were fixed parallel to the horizontal axis, at distancesof 2 mm.
During the test, strains were recorded by an MTrO-2,MPO-2) oscilloscope.
The tests were ciLrried out with a 200-t press at -700C. It is inferred
from graphs of the results that the decrease in the mean tensile strengths
is connected with an increase in the sample diameter and with a variation
in the strain gradient. For a sample diameter between 175 and 1000 mm
tensile stress is between 44 and 11 kg/MM2, This is attributed to the
Card 1/2
Influence of the strain gradient B104/B102
increase in strain gradient with increasing sample diameter. The tensile
stress of 1i kg/mm2 obtained In brittleness tests is much lower than the
creep strength, and is close to the value obtained for previously cracked
samples. Strain around the incision was independent of the sample
diameter and. consequently, of the strain gradient. F. Fili et al,
(3b. "IV Mezhdunarodnyy neftyanoy kongress" (IV International Petroleum
Congressi, v. VIII, p. 68, Gostekhizdat (1956)) is mentioned. There are
4 figures and 8 references, 4 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet, The three
references to English-language publications read as followsi A. B. Bagsar.
Welding J., v, 26, no. 10, P. 484 - 3 (1949h H. E. Boodberg, H. E. Davis,
E. R. Parker, G. E. Troxell. Welding J., v,, 27, no. 4, p. 186 - S (1948)1
N. A. Kahn, E. A. Imbembo. Welding J., v. 27, no. 4, p. 169 - 3 (1948).
ASSOCIATIONj Ukrainakiy inatitut metallov (Ukrainian Institute of Uetals)
Card 212
Investigating the contact strength of steel for railroad mils.
Stall 22 no.9:838-842 S 162. (AURA 1511l)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy Institut metallov.
Invest1gation of the contact strength of rail stools
Zav.lab. 28 no.M12344245 162. (MIRA 15:10)
lo Ukraniskiy nauchno-imaledovatelskiv institut metallov.
(Railroads-Ra.i1s) (heel-Testing)
AUTHORS; -NavrQtakiy, I.-V.p and Tomenkol Yu. S.
TITLEt Effect'of the margin of energy on the destruction of steels
having different plasticity in impact tearing teats
PERIODICALz Zavodakaya laboratoriya, v. 29, no. 1, 1963, 87 - 90
TEXTs It is conclude 'd from u, paper by T. K. Zilova et al. (Zavodakaya
laboratorlya, 25, 1, 1959, 76) that metals of high plasticity show a
greater rate of doformution under the same overload than those which have
low plasticity. It may therefore happen that the destruction time of a
more plastic metal with high rate of deformation becomes equal to the
destruction time of a less plastic metal. With great margins of elastic
energy, in a series of steel types the se4uence of destruction ti as may
be different from the sequence as regards plasticity. The authors studied
this problem by making impact tearing teats with a drop weight on cylindri-
cal specimens of-low-alloy steels, of 5 mm diameterp with a plasticity
modulus of 0.818 - 1.272, a Brinell hardness of 48-5 - 92.0, and different
margins of pot6ntial energy of the load. With increasing margin of energy,
the curve for destruction time versus potential energy was,found to
Card 1/2
Effect of the margin of energy on B101/B186
approach the sane value for all specimens, namely about'200 kgm and
3 '.1
0.6*10 sec. This might result from a less intinsive strengthening of
plastic steels at high deforination rates. If the test bars were notched,
the margin of energy at which 3teels of different plasticity had the same
destruction time decreased to 2u-40 kgm. A greater margin of enerey
increases considerably the sensitivity of strength to notching but does
not affect the sensitivity to deformation. There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATIONt Ukrainskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut metallov
(Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Vetals)
Card 2/2
.-.1-7. - I ~ .. . , - I I
Effect of certain factors on the impact strength of %raricus
types of spe,,~imens, Zav. iab. 30 no.., . &--8~ 64,
1. Ukralnskiy nauHinr.Y-is!jl(,dOvate! ',,i?iy irstitut metallov.
Phase distribution of vanadl,.m, turipttm, and niib.-c:r ~'n
low-alloy steals. Sbor. tvud. 'IINIIMnc.9049--%356
,F',IRA 18%1)
lm~f. 7,h. IAashtn-I-jtr,_,Jte! 'ry-yo uvILfjriajV. I,-vr,-3truIuFlt I viechet detalay
_qlI_ Ot ~_Vyo 'S
, ..,
---------- --
--- - ----- - --
V V.; Torrenke, Yu. S. Kurmanov, M. 1.
The .1 'mixtttri,rs
elfact of mitor
of V. W and TIb rin the utructur tre ti
a ng 1
"'TED 3OURCE: Sb tr.- Mr. n. - i. in-t rietallov vyp' 1 9, 1964, 357-376
yin& niobium
strm;.tut-al strength t~angrmese content
-vie 1011 cal characLertatics were selected as. factor
owino mechar~
.-t e__.s
gOWIrning; xe-.5 cr~
_: . - ~7~ _ d.
;ing-to-tensile-strength:- Pj,,_x* e si to- ttress con-
t r.
Centration; t stress- conct-ntr-ation.
V. 4 at -Iqb had a benefic-tal effect on thu struntural vreiigth only in terms of
prmed dRfarmatlori re:3tat-.-mcc. the
cv Lo c-ald brittleness dc!p:andod un I~he contei-.t 470ic.. rig elc-ment
ni~ I~y addin?,
:,nd tFo contcnt of "Hn, Alloying, n~ a steal wiLh i high 'In
e est
of a licro 1j,., C(.nimojit stt!,F~It I
by nddivg 0.55% V. producep th b
or-matfiv,55 z~- ---I- --
0-b-- 60-()5 arc, obtaired- L,-Y alloyin;~
in WILP-rialo with
steel witb 0-087, N11 ~jr 0 (15-7 v. Bit)' . with 27 titles.
fill FTC V, -00
(Y:) A I/8WP(z PIb A
P,*--,!,(m)Avjp An VA(C-)
G E. S f1 (3 11 'an An5ooo593
P C s/Oi37/64/000/'~)08/1044-/*rDl '"
IsDUMCE: - Rof -zh. MetallurjiYa. Iv.' t.,, Abs, - 812060"
f jI.:.,'-'II0,~-i: 114avrotskiy., 1, V. -, Sandier. W. 1. Kurrasmovx IN. 1.
T zi; Tha as' '-ard-wLnjg of Iw- ljoy -uanaaneao a-,-eels b!
VC10.7Jium., nfobium and tung
tv - _U I Iov 9-- -19-6-4~,
TOPT'a TAGS: Vanadium containlruf ~'.1110 nioblwri containing alloy.,
all oy, matganoso
5t;-," -0 -hardening -~:~
LU-mixr. The- Vaysical naturo of thi) hcxdonin- Of rlanormne:~C-
allo-yad with ama"I n6d-~tiom of vanadlukrip ni blw;~. and nasten
1c, -3 o -n Invostig, tod. F "t-U,IY of "--o cff6c~. of mn"gr.noso Or. tao
c"f 10"T Alloy S-11 o C"'! -,wc, w 1-6 n
[I,! cr~,,Itents 0 -f t h 0 ',nr t--)o C', 1 0 ZD t a v; f f e I - C-, r
1 QtJl
L 4133!~~55 ,
mnmssla TIR:, AR5000593
meltva were mado -iith r~,Ifferent man-anose contents, but
ad o n
t Lft 5uppi-montary alloying. A study waS msdo of ~,~G mec,"cai
It too of the steel, tho l'o
1-." r 1-h
of '(-ray interferonco 71f, :3
TI .3 P,
o 3n rm a i it a v)n
(I on e " 0 C) .4 i r q m c~
~a"Lon latt-ice (with alloyin6 by omail aadjt4 QnZj U V "r, ZE,
k, ut e and c'
in Vae solld .;c)lu4-' on lp--t -ic r. A -,,g ein tfio
on a I o y I n S i ~1 t1-f r o r fo C , c tho 0 L del
-f of n o
atoms in the so' id sol,,~-clon -attice (on aljo-yJng
niobi=, .19 literature titles.
BUD- OQU., Mt--- MICL~- -00-
BAGU711'61 V.I.; NAVP.CTSKly, 1.11.
Mothod for determining tl~i-c-itictd tempierrAlre of brittleress
in impact strength tests. 7av. lav. 31 no.l:lw-103 165.
(:-,[ RA 18: 3)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut nctallov.
Pierforsawo of turbobIts on heavy clay Wads. Neftlanik
5 no.5sl4-15 NY 060. (MIRA i3s6)
I* SheUlinskays kontors bureniya treats, Kharburneftegu.
14(6) SOV/98-59-6- 21-20
AUTHORS: Strokov, G.I., and Navrotskiy, P.A., Engineers
TITILE., A Wide--Seam Cyclopic Stonework
PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroite'Llstvo, 1959, Nr 6, pp 9
12 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The method of wide-seam cyclopic stonework wa!~ prc-
posed by the authors in collaboration -with engineer..:3
I.T. Novikov, V.Ya. Sherskov and N.V. Khvoshchinskly,
and was tried out during the construction of the left
bank pier of the Kremenchu GES from July to 11ovember
volume 2 cu m and more)
1958. Large stone blocks
were cut out from a near-by quarry. The already
cleared foundation was covered by a layer of vibratea
concrete, 20 to 30 cm thir~k, and the rock's were ther.,
placed on it by cranes at 20 cm intervals, 20 (-.m from
the edge of the lining. Intervals between the ro!-.ks
are necessary so that the concrete which fills tte
intervals or seams can be thoroughly vibrated. The
Card 112 first layer thus obtained is &Gain covered witn ron
A Wide-Seam Cyclopic Stonework
crete, and the operation is continued until the needed
height is reached. The authors describe different
tests made to ascertain the strength of such struc-
tures. All operations were timed, and it was found
that consi-derable savings in material, time and money
could be achieved, provided, a sufficient number of
blocks are prepared in advance. There are 4 photo-
Card 212
FANADIADIO A.D.2 kand. sellkhoz. nauk.- VOLOVSKIY, S.F., kand.
sellkhos, nauk; )i*VWSKZYjj., kand. sallkhoz, nauk;
PANADIADIO To.A.# insh.; SPIRIDMOVp A.L.v kwW. sell-
khas. nsukj TMOMEW, A,F.9 kand, selfhhos. naukj
. LAPIDOVSKrf,, X.I., red.
(Agricultural melioration] Sellskokhozialatvemala me-
liorataiias Moskvap Kolosq 1965. 502 p. (MIRA 18:7)
b if a IN 1P At 4't
1111.1 J
fit . - $1%-4
geRfak.- - 1 0 1.
so A so 4*r* a-
-w==11141 a I G"
go Owe a" rVapim"m 60" wuwww Ow"
PaImembig am a' - , ", I ' S. V. laliner
am V. K. Nsirrtmkiw. J. 11bri". 11. S .5, 0 21, No. 1.
0o al. Im"vwUnd
004r.- --After pt*wwdng imh CW.11,%*I%
birinatim up in w! 1111' 9A- C11-113hite and fc-pumilimm
4 d
t ittk- I
I b
I* I
lmn t
q rwwntA
Intut of th
sy m
e swu
al t
vy o
h OUN7
brniftlrhohi wao ehk- ,y tiamilwn-aicil law an itu trx-r in the
00 Pialear fair, 1"Ith Ifuring rr%4 metal Artivitv %1 41. %1
URN" -4 1
60000 9690090409609
I ad- 04-00
=a/lbdicuW - listoloa. MWOM 1947
Chemistry -- Aniline
"The Distribution of Aniline in the Animal Tissues,"
V. 1. Navrotzklyp I, M. Orlik, 3 PP
"Farmakol I Thkolkol" Vol 10 No 3
Results of a study of the distribution of aniline
as representative of a large group of amino dad
nitro derivatives of banzol, Injected into the
femoral vein of dogs. It Is c(xi eluded, enang other
points, that the aniline content In the blood at
a later stage of the poisoning is an average index
of the aniline content In the whole organism.
~'-',":R: 7-YT7, '.'. 1'o
K. Nnl2chno PC Glj~ione
'I T'rol In,-n- T
txnal ?:o
111,111, .. . I
"j- K'"ITTY 11. K.
25F('6 V. K. - I., r I oi(iov~ifo I f:i~~ v e Prot)! ety I ~() C, I i i r,r- I-,
TI-I'An It 17rol li-wY tA . . ~ #!rx. T S.w~i , I". *?p
f- - 1-37-Y,
SC -
S , . Lotopis' 7 tjx,n.,i] 'l'f.;Afy, No. 3~ , I'Al"
51531 Voprooy tigiyany truds v upollnoypranyahlannonti v poslevoyennoye, vrexva,
V SbiXil vsesoyuL. ~Pjezd titlyanistov, 6pidemiolo)ov, LnikroLiolorov i infaktai
-5tov- 1-1-g-,1949, 134-3/9
SO: Letopla'Zhurnallnykh otatey, Vol- 37,1949
Navrotskiy, V. K. "The basic tasks of labor hyt~iene In the Industry of the Ukraine in
the immediate future.0 Vracheb. delo, 194), No. 3, paragrap." 253-A.
301 U-3736t 21 MW 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 18, 1949).
""04'4'~ov: IMN'14A problems of tWgieno In the light of I*P.Paylov's
phrefologic teaching. GIC.sanlt.,Xoskv& No,21)-B Fob 51,
(CLUL 20s6)
1. Professor, Corresponding Member of the AcadsvW of Medical
Sciences USSR.
MO/aAialne - Tbuiedov Aug 51
"Iffeet of Industrial Pbiwm an the OrMalemof
AnImIs at RiXt Tom . i , I" PW V. K. xw_
retskly, CorrAm. Aced Had Sci UM. S. M.
buboblukWa, Ukrainian Con,Sej-Reb Inst or'
Latar Iftie'ne and Oecupational- Diseases. Marltow
"Gig I W go 8, py 22-28
By e3qpsing vhite nice, thite rats, dogs, MA
rabbits to the effects of gasoline, benzene,
aniline, or carbon monoxide at 20, 25, 30, 35,
MM/fledLeine' - Toxicology (Contd) Ang 51
40," 45, and,560 found that the letbality of
due to the effect of the poison in
obwPly Increased at acme temp above 350. Mien
tko aalm3 bave been adapted to higb t4wW, the
letbalityat these twps frcs poison is r.odwed-
2be arms, of inftstrtal toxicology as an "pact of Pavlov neurology. Giclona
I Sant$, 153, No.4, 3 .it. (KM 6:4)
(CA 47 no.22M536 153)
A detailed d1aftesion on the varied effects of oo lal poisom
on the ow$rml nerwous systm. Describes experiments on admals, Uste several
laboratories concerned with toxicologye 261T4k
-T'-.AS:tm M-71-1, 50 &&,f 4,