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4TRATIL, Josef. KlDr. Gunshot wound of the trachea with a key fragment. Cook. otolar. 6 no.1:54-55 Feb 57. 1. Otolaryagologicka klinika FU v Olomouci, prednosts, prof. KlDr. Frantisek Ledl. (TRACMIA, wounds and Injuries, key f ragnent tnj. (Cs)) k 6, .11A Bilateral Daral"Is of recurrent nerve caused by chronic foreign bodies In the pharynx. Cook. otolar. 6 no-N142-143 June 57. J* IN cW Irlinilke, PU v OlowmWI. prodnoste, prof. NUDr 1prAlit t47- 1; dh. (PRARM. foreign bodies nail causing bilateral paralysis of recur. nerve (cs)) (,MV= TAGUS, paralysis ;Ilateral of recur. norve caused by nall in pharynx (Cz)) HAVRATIL, Josef, KUDr. Jacksonian epilepsy caused by anesthesia prior to tonsillectom7. Cesk. otolar. 6 no.3:151-153 June 57. 1. Otolaryngologicka klinika PU v Olomouct. prednosts. prof. KUDr Frant took Ledl. (ANMTHESIA. inj. off. focal epilepsy in proop. anesth. for tonsillectooW (Cz)) (VIIVST, stiol. & uathogen. focal caused by proop. anseth. for tonsillectomy (Cs)) )FAgAIMM - '- -KUDr. 0-10- New theraventio possibilities in *Goohfteal strictures in children. COM6,0441ate 12 04"6000-706 5 Axg#379-. - 1. Otolaryngologicka klintim FU v Olomouci, prednosta prof. Mr. IN Ledl. (31SOPH&GUS. stenosis caustic in child,, ther., penicillin (Gs)) (PNNICILLIN. ther. use caustic stenomis of asopho4gus in child. (Cs)) z"'XCS%PT;% 'CIM-)ICA Sec.9 VoLU/10', Siwgery Oct 5700 5323. NAVRATI'L~ J. Otolaryngol. Min. P'J. Olomouc. *L49s*_enf poleptAid jfcnu INX Gondaze - peniciunem. The treatment of oesophagus corro- sions with penicillin without bouginage BRATISLAVSK9 LEKARS.LISTY 1957, 37/1 (29-35) Tables I Within 5 yr. a total of 21 patients were treated with penicillin. Of these there were 19.06% very severe, 42.85% severe and 38.09% slight cases. All of them are now free from complaint and without signs of oesont-gus stenosis. Three patients who came late for treatment were treated with both penicillin and bouginage at the same time. Those so far are also fret from symptoms. Special emphasis is laid upon the early and continuous treatment with penicillin for as long as Is necessary in order to ward off the secondary infection, which, according to Methe and Krey, is the cause of the formation of granulations. which. fit turn. brings about the clea- tricial stanosis. VVIRIPTA 11-MIM See 11 'Vol 12/P I.T?.I.. Alurust 50, 11181,LOCALJZCD AUYLOIDOSIS OF THE LARYNX - L4kAlnf amyloid brtanu - AllivrAtil J. and Pukal J. Olorhinalaryagol, Min. Palackfho Univ., ORWOW - WATISL, LICK. USTY I"ll, 38 fIt)/I% 733-7111) Illus, 2 A-cam of primary tumorous amyloidoets of the larynx 9 a 32-year-old man, with a poll- ~at" course lastift at yr., Is described. After 9 months! treatment with cortisone. aittibioacs and vitamins C. combined with several excisions from the larps. dw ks6m was almost totally heated and breathing anti awsch were normal- (XI. 5) YAVRATIL, J.; ?RUM, J. A dangerous complication following resection of the processum styloides proloWtus b1lateralls. Cook. otolAr 8 no.U105-107 APr 59. 1, OJM klInIka Falacksho university v Olomoucls predmosta prof. Mr. rr. .ledl a neurologlcks. klinilm PalAckelw university v Olonouci, prednosta prof. NUI)r, J. Rrbsk. (TAWOUL Bon, surgery, stylold process resection, postapl. thrombosis & conpl.(Cz)) (CXREML XKMLISK AND TRROKBOSIS. case reports# postop. after resection of styloid process (Cz)) NAVVATIL, J. Warthints tumor of the parotid gland. Cook. otol&r. 8 no.3:138-139 ittas 59. 1, Otorinolaryugologicka klinikEL'M v Olonoucl, prednosta prof. NUDr. FMnt. Lodi. "HOLUMM, SALIVARY, in aged Warthin's tumor of parot1d gland, case report (Cz)) (PAROTID GTAMD, neopliLens - Warthin's tumor In aged, case report Wx)) WHATIL. Je; HGVANOVA, 9. Bronchitis fibrinosa in bronchoseople picture. Ceek.pediat. 14 no.9$795-798 S 159. 1. OtorhinoLLryngologicks klinikeL PU v Olonouci. Prednoeta: Prof. XUDr. Frant. Lodl. DstskA kliniks PU v Olowouci. Prednosts: Wo. MUDr. Ant. Korea. BRONCHITIS in WA child.) MUNNU in inf.& child.) M NAVRATIL.Josof Taborculosis of the nasal bones and Its therapy. Cesk. otobw. 9 no.1:56-59 1 160. 1. Otolaryagologicka klialks PU v Olonouel, prednosta prof. KURr. Ir. 18 dl. (10611 die. ) (TUBUCU=IS 067"RTIGUIAR ther.) NAVUTIL,J. A review of steroid and ACTR therapy In otorhinolaryagology. Ceske otolar. 9 no.3:182-18? je !60. 1. Otorinolaryngologicka klin9a FU T Olomouc i9prednosta prof. dr, 7, ledl. (r,osTIGOTROPIN there) (STIROIM there ) (OTORHINOTARYNOLOGY there) MATRATIL,J,; BARBORIK,K.; YJMLIU,L, lesions of the upper respiratory trac% Caused by fluorine during the production of superphosphate. Cook. otolar. 9 no.14:199-201 Ag 160. 1. OtortnolaryngologlakR klinikR PU v Olomanal; Ordinartat nomocl s povolani pri 1. interni klinice PU v Olomouci; Xr&jskm, hygiontaka- opidesiologloba 9tanice v Olomouci. (MOPIMTOU WSTM die.) (OCCUPATIONAL DISMSES 0WOR11M toxicol.) NAVRATIL, Josef; SIROKY, Jan Spontaneous ty"noplasty after redical surgery. Cook. otolar. 10 no.2&73-76 Ap 161. 1. Otorinolaryngologicks, klinikR lak. fak. FU v Olomoual. WR KWDLZ surg) SIROKr, -Tan; NAVRATILO Josef Result@ of andialogical *zudmtion in vorkers in a testing roes for pumps. Pmcovni lak. 13 no.61291-294 Ac 161o 1, KUnike chorob usnich, noanich a kranich PU v Olomouci,, prednosta prof. Mr. Pmut. Wl. (AUDICH3THr) XAVRATIL.. Josef; Z=Np Bronigl&v Clinical significance of gr-aphle registration of the left ventricle in the esopbagua (seophagoatriograx). Prellminary, report. Cas.1sk, cask 100 no-35:1096-1100 1 S 161. I. I vnitrni oddelani Ustredni vojenske namocnioe, Pmhav nacelnik docent MUDr. Vladimir Dufek. (MITRAL VALVE diseases) (ZMTROcARDIOGRApiff) NAVRATIL,v Josef Hadiastinal. emphysema - complication of tracheotomy. Cook. otolaryng. 11 no.200-95 AP 162. 2. ORL katedra pri lekarske fakulte Falackeho university v Olomouci, vedouci doe. MUDr. J. Ghvojka. (FIEUMOMDIASTINUM etiol) (TRAMIA surgery) SIROKY9 Jan; HAVRATIL, Josef Audiologic findings falowing radical surgery. Gesk. otolaryn. 11 noe4s218-223 Ag 162. 1. Otolaryugalogicka Irlinika lekarske fakulty Pblackehoo university v Olamoud, prednosta doo. dr. J. Chvojka. ( HEARIM TESTS) (SMWF= OPERATIVE) V NAVIRATIL, J. Chondroma of the larynx. Gesk. otolar. 11 no.5:266-269 162. 1. Otolaryngologicka klinika lekarske fakiLlty Palackoho univer3ity v Olcrwuci,, prednosta doe. dr. J. Chvojka. (LAREIGUL NEOPLMS) (CHOND;-OIA) C ZECROSLOVAKIA Major Bronfslav ZU9,N. graduate phypiclan (promovank lekar), Lt Col. Josef! MAVRATIL-M-10 CoL Arcur FI,Arr4 '41), qij,)r Jlrt MITUT ?1D, Cc! b0cent Vladf.mir DUPEK JID; Firac Deparment of Internal Med!cfiie and J4diolcg! Department of Central Military Uospital (I. vnitmi oddejenf a rentgenologicke oddalcnL Uscrodni voj,inske nazacnice.) P;ir),v of Diegnoting Mitral Insufficiency.,' Progu#, Yjoenska Zdravocni-~kp Lfxtz, Vot 31. No 3, Jun 621 Abstz,A^.t [English sun",ry modiftedl. ~,wtrw of publishod 11triature and oT-dil-i-In 39 pati-EMS: M^4, phonoc'4rdtoSr3m, history-taking. X~roy, eIec1;zok)-m&grac'-,vj u-sophagoatriographys heart catheter ivition and angLr,c.i-J1a.%.raphy t-nly whon mitral surgqvy In Tf~n Hoe or ot.her fo-ictional er)3Ph3. witb -;,ai-co- firaving, 10 Czech and 13 Westam reLP~rencet. NAVRATIL, J., UDI SIROKY, J., MD. Otolaryn (,tgological Clinic of th3 Medical Faoul-~y PU ole'ryngologicka klinika lekarske fakulty PU), Olomouc (for all) Prague, Praktioky l9kar, No 4, 1963, pp 140-141 OLoss of Hearing from Whooping Cough." NAVRATILI J., MD. cz", 7-C Prat~ua, Prakticky lek-.r, I-Io 13-14, 1J63, p 555 "Results of Mastoidectomy of MastoldJtis of Yaskcl Intt- biotics in Children." is NAVRATIL, J. Formation of personal homes as a topical problem in mental hygiene. Ac-tiv. nerv. inip. 6 no.1t106-107 164 . 1, N!~~Til~ J. , Congenital hemangloma of the laz7=e Cook. otolamgo 13 noo31 175-178 J064 1. Otolaryngologicka klinika 3ekarske fakulty FU EPalackeho imiyerolty] v Momouci; prednoBta : prof* dr, J*Chvojka. NAVRATIL. J.; KOTRLE, M. Morphological changes in the ear oasicles in otitis medla. Cesk. otolaryng. 13 no.5:305-308 0 164. , 1. Otolaryngologicka klinika (prednosta prof. dr. J. Chvojka), katedra histologie a embryologie (vedouct doc. dr. M. Obrucnik, GSc.), lekarske'fakulty Palackeho university v Olomotci. ,11A Vill, A T 11.J IPG 9 il. Congenital stridor and of tno bronchial tree. rejk. T klinIk!i fuki;Ity UnJversity v Cloi-iin,:oi (pr-h; -i,-. ". a Oddolf"nl :,r.() t1j1j'j:'V~i1()7k1 It C110"(11Y i .:I,n~ nemocnice- v Olomuucl (vedo!icl Inc. 7. RP,!i Z/059/62/OGO/003/002/007 D406/ri)301 i.-AUTHOR: Navr6til, Karel, Engineer ------------------------ TITIZ: Strain-gage bolances for high-speed aerodynamic tunnels ZRIODICAL: Z,,)ravodaj VZO, no. 3, 1962, 91-93 -MXT: Uind-tunnel balances can be divided into (A) ~in7 type balances, inotalled inside the tunnel, ir.-Ither directly,within. the model, or behind the mdel vinich is s-jpportr;,d by thc 'pin' and (3) wall-type balances, located outside of the test chamber," The VZI~J (Aeronautical Research atid Test institute) developer; various types of three-component ntrain-tagc balances for 6mall. high-speed %.diid tunnela which caa rieaiurc t~o drav, (N) and the lift (T) comnon~ cnt of aerodynamic force,' and the pitching moments (u). The 11V ill -merics includes balances of older Kei-n,owith a fixed pin, intended U for open-circuit wind tunnels, The teec model is mounted on the pin _wh~,a loads a spiral m--asurirq by-.the influence.of-axial.forces, All measurin points. arq equipped irith 'Troud H 12011 Strain 7 i1rd 7. 7~71 Oa7_ Z/0.59/62/OC*/0G3/002/ S-train--age balances ... D406/DMI Lfages. Balances of this series are destined f or 1~. 5.5 kg and Tmay a 5.1cg. The 11TV series includes strut-type balances"for supersonic wind tumels, with ricasui-ing springs, exchangeable for 2 forces ot t 6 to t 23 1%. "Strain gz.ges "Proud 2 60011 are u.-ed with cfficient thermal compensation. , Thc 'IV 411 series includes balances for closed-circuit supersonic wind tulimls. Thc pin 6-: thic:balance ty.'pti its not fftedi but: ru-j)j)ortcc! by balls and a mcabrane, and I)cr- jxitahirq~--wiomant&. - _Itraiza ga.-ca ~~o "11roud -B 0'00" arre used, andthc spring is destined for 14, t y I ,sx i- io ~'.o calibrate the ctraiu-wgage 'bal-'aaces, a contactlas~ potQntioincter has IL-c-ma designed r-ildell map-'Aied a Pignal of t 1.5 10--:1 VIV and has a racan scruare 'error o' 2.5 - 10-'* of its raage. .11alancas for wind tunnels are still beIng developed, and this arti-- cle is of- an informative character only. There are 11 figures-and 2 references. Card 2/2* NORATIL, K.IRYBACXK, L. WOMMM Addendum to the Czechoslovak Pharmscopela. Cook. fars. 2 no.2:61-66 Yeb 1953. (CLKL 24:4) VATRATIL, 9. wftwwm~ Considerations on methods of extraction; tinctures and extracts. Cook. farm. 2 no-10-11:3431-3M lov 1953. (CIML 25:5) MATUT IL, K. -ri- Notes on organivation wA activities of the Central technical control laboratory. Cook. fam. 4 no.4:206-210 Kay 55. (DRUG MUSTRY In Czecho, state control of drugs. Central technical control laboratory) L~j Kit ri2il t. Or tk,. tm, -1 Cf A.M"Ll L'I A. Fooe et, 71, c I t--. -U~ 21 hat., C. th. cl, -zv wt 73- ZL CZEC:I-OSLOVAKIA NAVRAT'IL t K. Bn~uislava, Farmaceuticky obzor, I-To 2t 1963, pp 76-32 "New Drugs and Fonms of Info-mation.11 C.> t CZECHOSLOVAKIA NAVRATIL9 K., Dr. PhMr. ------------- SPOPA (Sdruzeni podniku pro zdravotnickou vyrobu), Prague Prague, Prakticky_lekar, No 6, 1963, pp224-226 "Introduction of New Medicinea and Information to Doctors in Our Socialistic Health Program and That of Other Countries." = C..OS __OV.Az:IA NAVRATILL* K., Dr. PhMr. SPOFA (Sdruzeni podniku pro zdravotnickou vyrobu), Pralte 8 Prague, Prakticky lekar, No 7, 1963, pp 259-261 "Information on the New Czeche Pharmaceutical Pre- parations." -'ZEC - U V .1, 0 S 1 0 " AKI A J ITAVILUIL, K. 'B-ratislavao Farmaceuticky obzor, No 8, 1~163, PP 347-356 "Diuretics, Their Development and Mechanism." z T C 1 '10 r5 I () V.11K I A .DL Karpkj-.AV`RAT1L Probable efilliat4m; Comission for Toporr-ation of Drtt7s, 4inistry of Health (Konise Pro d wr Leciv M"Zd) !ragusul ~ ew ';xznissier, fci~ Fvaluatfor, of Foreign C-ugs." r-rsp~-, Ceskoslavc-nska i7amacI!,, Vol 12, ~:o 2, Fab 63; p 114. ".ostract, Brief c~mrnar-, of r~-,vrganizatiort and reas3igvnent, Of Lrxe ,ii - t 4 r - I arrrovi,,g th. tn-artation ni foreign drugs, liGting all 'al and other offices Involved, and describing the Geu ro individuz.; nemes are given. I fer,!nces arc t, articlo- IT' 3 rc. 11~62 In the intromural house o a r o r a , " F r, rr--n k o t c r dt I ~~l c,- _~pS~f a ;C Z E C 1110 SLO VAKI A Dr Phlir Karel NAMMIL noL ~;iven,"rra,-,Uc. Drugs. Prague, Ceskoslovens:~a Fa --.- c " L, Vo 1 12, : o 4, 63; -p 222- 224. A!)SLz-aCt : Data or, Clky,,. 5 Ir I- % 5: it i:x (eLlicrea I of Is - anL i~actcr -r I S