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December 31, 1967
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NAUIAOV, Sergey Pavlovich
"Mafertal on the Fixed Distribution of Fabbits (Lepus fimiduo L)" Uchenye zt~piski
Mosk. gos. ped. In-ta tm V. I. Lenina, Vol. 24, NQ.2, 1941.
NAUMOV, Sergey Pavlovich
"Material on the Dynamics of Parasite Fauna for Mannalis" Zool. Zhurn. Vol. XXIII,
No. 4, 1944.
NAUMOV, Sergey Favlovich
"Best Methods of Trapping Rabbits" Zagotizdat, 1945.
HAUMOV, Sergey Pavlovich
"Material on the GeOgraphic and Fixed Distribution of Yarmots in the Central
Tyan-Shan" ByLal. MIP, No. 5-6, 1945.
NAUMOV, Sergey Pavlovich
"Game Fauna of West Siberian Forests and Perspectives for Ito Eccnomic Uitlization"
Tr. Konferents. AN SSSR po izuch. proizb. sil Irkutsk6y Obl. 1947.
HAUM(4 Bergey Pavlovich
"Problem of Acclimatizing Squirrels to the Pine Forests of Tyan-Shaw', Uch. zap.
Moak. Goo. ped in-ta, im V. I. Lobina, Vol. 2, No- 3, 1947.
IMMSOV, Sergey Pavlovich
"Ecology of the Rabbit (Theoreticall FundairentlAs for Forecasting pcpulation)"
VNITO lesa, 1948.
NAUMV, Gergey Flavlovich
"Lumber Management Dictionary and Manual (number of article son Zoology)" ",IM lesa,
---- llfl~
KAUMOV, Bergey Pavlovich
"Systematics aM Biology of Game Animals and Birds in the USSR" Zagotizdat 1948.
NAUMV, Sergey Pavlovich
"Reconstruction of the Fauna of Care Animals in the USSR During the Stalin Five
Year Plan" Byull. MOIP Vol. 4, No. 6, 1949.
NAUMOV, Sergey Pavlovich
"Zoology of Vertebrate" UchpedgLz 1951.
NAUMV, Sergey Pavlovich
"The Hare" Article for 2nd Ed. of Lumber Management Handbook, 1952.
NAUMOV, Sergey Pavlovich
"Zoology of Mountain RAnges" Radyans'ka ohkols (Revised and supplemented edition of
a text for pedagogical Higher schools)1953.
NAUMOV, Sergey Pavlovich
"Reasons for and Regularities In the Dynamics of RRbbit Population in Yakutsk"
Thesis Report 3rd Ecological Conference, Vol. IV, 1954.
NAUMOV, Sergey Pavlovich
"Zoology for Mountain Ranges" Panstwowe vjdawrictwo naucowe, Warsaw, 1954.
NAUMV, Sergey Pavlovich
"Course in Zoology. (for Ce-oaraphy Fsculties)" Part II, Uchpedgiz, 1955.
SMIUN, A.G., prof., daktor blol. nank; MMOT& S*Pa, prof., doktor blol.
nauk; FORMARWA, ", tekhn. red,
Cnwxam of pedagogloal Institutes; soognograpby for geographr
facultleal ProgromW pedagogIchask1kh lastItutay; geograflia
zhlvotm7l& d1la geogrefichoWd1h fakalltstov. Noskra, Gov,
uobabno-padMog. lzd-va N-va prosy. RS=, 1955. 13 P.(Ru U29)
1. ihavia (1917- I.S.F.S.R.) Glavvae uprawlenlys yrsahlkh
I sradnIl& peft4ogicheakikh nahebmW swedenly.
(Zoageography-ftudy and towhlvg)
XAMW,Ijwv-p"f.: GILUM, N-S-, Prof.; BMIKOT, A.Ge, prof.; ROGOW.
,me, r4d*: NZIONIMMI. Kole, tekhn. rod.
[PIrogrem of pedecodeal Institutes; zoology for natuml science
famaltleal Nagrawm tabasiduh InAltutow., soologils, 4116
faktdotstow GrAestTosuantia. [Moskm] Uchepedes. IL955 32 P.
WIL 11:9)
1. Imsta (1917- 01"noys upravlenlys vysxkhlbh I
orsdalkh podagogldwddktk naltsbueft savadenly.
(Zoology-ftU4 CA teaching)
ZEKOVICH, Lev AlsksandrovIch; MAUROW, Sorgey Povlovich; RAMTUDOTA, A.S.,
redaktor; KAMOVA, N.V. 7 TM~fWdiffWY-lidaktor.
[BrI*f couroo In soology: manual for the geography dep*rtmonts of
podagoglcal Institutesj Xr&tk1I kurs soologil: uchobsos posoble dlia
geograficheckikh fakullti-tev podagogichookikh iustituttv. Koskva,
Goo. nch*b%*-Vv?1s*,isX. Isd-vo Kinisterstva preaveshchosita RSM,19!.5.
427 P. (zoology) (KLRA 9:4)
ZATRCN, Hikolay Petrovioh:. RAUMV, Gergel Paylovich; ZOLOWO AONO 0
prof., red.; BVAXLO, L.S., red.izd-va; FOUTCHWe P.M.0,
[Biology of game animals and birds in the u.s.s.R.] Bioiogua
,proorolovykh sveral i ptits SM, Pad obshchal red* AeK.Kolosovile
Moskva. lad-vo ftntrosolutat 1960. 236 p. (nu 14:2)
(Gem and am birds)
j 31
a loci ~f ac
j .
Inn !m u a
jaX5~ -
Og iv
A 0 HO a
9- 531A 0 8-.
a -1 :A --;-
3 1 a
la'.42 5 1
J, 4161s-1 ~j iI "i I IL I
lilt 1,11t, I j 11
101MOV9 A.M.; LkVWyv N.pq V=T&
XXWVAq 0.9.9 red. lnd-Val WRAWVAq V.A.9 tekhn. red.
[Biology of somaereial asinals in the U-SeSsRel Biologiia or*-
nvlovfth mrsi, &MR* Keekwav Goo. W-avc 'V~vnhaia IhkoI&O6
2961. 379 P. (Gow and gamw birds) (MIRA 1416)
Materials on the bird fauna of the Verkhoyansk folded region. Report
11o,li Composition of the bird fauna and some characteristic& of species
distribution in the western part of the Verkhoymnsk area. Biul.
NO (MIRA 14:12)
IF. Otd. biol.66 no.6:116-125 N-D 161.
KOLOSOV, Aleksey Mikhaylovich, prof.; LAVROV, Nikolay Petrovich,
prof.; NAUMOV, Sergey Pavlovich, prof.; FETROVSKAYA, L.P.,
red. - '-
(Biology of commercial animals of the U,1S.S.R.1 Biologlia
promyslovykh zverei SSSR. Perer. I znachitellno dop. izd.
Moskva# Vyoshaia shkolap 1965. 508 p. (MIRA 18:6)
NOVIKOV, Pavel A2eksandrovich, prof.; NAUMOV Sergey Pav2ovich,
prof.; PETROVSXIJA, L.P., red. ~L~
[Zoology) Zoologiia. Moskyap Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 458 p.
(WRA 18:7)
~A '.0V, S,ersoy Ilavlovic-11, Prof.; KifuNl','KARI-YA, Ye.N.p red.
(Zoolog uf the wrtebrateal Zoologiis ;4zvonocbzqkh-
Mook,va, Prosveshchonle; 190. 462 p. (MIRA 18j12)
-,�Lyjioh; SERMO, A.S.. (deceased]; KHAZAV. G.A*9
-AU= PA944ftmi
otv. red. 7-Y2TATSKATA, Te.K., red.lzd-va; ANDRIM, S.P.,
[Improvownt of sanitary condition@ at work, and safety engineering
In the by-product coke industry] Osdorovlonle uslovii trade i
takhalka, bezopasnosti v koksokhImichemkom prolmdetys. KhArIkov.
Goo.nouchno-takhn.isd-vo lit-ry po ohernoi I tevetnoi metallurgil,
1959. 359 P. (KIRA 12:4)
(Coke industry--Safety measures)
AUTHORS i Gorasimov, F.M., Telltevskiy, IA., Nuumov, B.S., Spizharsidy, S.N.
and Womelov, S.V.
TITLZs Diffraction Gratings from the State Optical Institute (Difraktsioanyy*
reshatki amudaretvannogo Optichaskogo Instituts)
PNRIODICAL i Optlim I Spektrookoplys, 1958, Vol IV, Wr 6, pp 779-790 (USSR)
AWTRkCTs The present paper describes briefly the technique of preparation of
optical diffraction gratings at the State Optical Institute imeni
3.1. Vavilov and discusses in detail the optical characteristics of
these gratings in the ~ Itraviolot, visible and near infrared spectral
regions. The technique of preparation of gratings was fully desoribed
in References 1, 2. Ichalotte gratings for the wavelengthe
2.5-600 r were described in a paper presented at the Ith All-Union
Conference on Spectroscopy kRef 3). The gratings are prepared by
means of a screw-motion ruling machine (Fig 1) which can produce
gratings of 160 x 150 mm area with 1200, 600, 300 and 200 lines/=.
This alachins, does not differ from the majority of machines decribod
in literature. Figs 2 and 3 show certain details of the carriago of
the ruling machias at the Institute. A typical profile of a diffraction
Ca rd 1/2 &rating Is shown in Fig 4. The lower part of the figure shows
Diffraction Gratings from the State Optical Institute
an electron microscope Image of a grating with 1200 lines/=. The
optical characteristics of the gratings produced are discussed as irell
an the sources of certain error#. 'rho resolvizg power of better
gratings reaches 600 000. The relative intensity of RcmlLrdls O&hoo+A*
in the first order of gratings with 60D lines/mm in about 0.1%, and in
better gratings it may be only 0.01%. The gratings of the State
Optical Institute produce a high concentration of light in a given
direction. 'nus gratings with a step-like profilewith a slope
of the working edge of 5-100,concentrato in the maxio= up to 85%
of the total reflected light, which in near the theoretical limit.
A characteristic chanS3 In the polarization properties of gratings
was observed in the region of the maxialm light concentration. On
the short-wavolongth side of the maxi== the component with electric
vector vibrations parallel to the grating lines Is the more intense,
and on the long-wavolength side of the maxi-2- the component with
electric vector vibrations perpendicular to the lintm is stronger
(Fig 10). There are 10 figures and 17 references, 8 of which are Soviet,
C;ard 2/2 4 English, 3 American, 1 German and I translation of a Western work
into Russian.
ASSOCIATION i Gasudarstvannyy Opticheskiy Institut im. S.1. Vavilova (State
Optical Institute Imeni 3.1. Vavilov)
SUBMITIM)s January 17, 1968
Gorasimov, FX. &W Naumov, S.S.
,TITIS: An interferometer with a Concave Diffraction Graticg (Interfarometr
avognutoy difr&kUionnoy resheticoy)
PBRIODICAL.- Optilm I Spoictrosiropiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 6, pp 682-685 tUSSR)
AMTRACTs Light beems diffracted by a grating may interfere with one another
provided they are coherent. xho authors observed interference between
boom diffracted by a plane or a concave grating. The apparatus used
in experiments with plans gratings is shown schematically in Fig 1.
Two diffracted bows k1 and 2 In Fig 1) wore reversed by plane mirrors
and after second diffraction at thet grating they wero focused by an
objective, as shown in Pig 1. When the mirrors are placed at certain
angles interference ban4a are obsorvod at the focus. -rho opticall
systes of an interftrcmater with a concave grating is shown in Fig 2.
A light beam from a lamp 1 passes through an aperture 2 and after
reflection from a half-silvered glass plate 3 fall@ on a concave
grating 4. Diffracted beams of the first order are r3yersed by plane
mirrors 5 and after a second refraction convergo at a point 6 at which
interference may be obsorved visuaily. xho systom can b6 up-A for
Card 1/2 observation of interference in monochromatic light only. 'I%0 concave
An Interferometer with a Concave Diffraction Grating
SOV/51 -5-6-7/19
grating usedhad a radius of curvature of 6 a and 200 lines/mm. The
grating width was 50 imn and the length of ruled lines was 130 ira,t.
Photographs of interferonco bands obtained with the concave gratinf;
are shown in Fig 3. ihe error along tho field does not exu%ed 0.1 bands.
A wide central spot me due to light reflected from a grnting as If
from a concave mirror (zero-order beem). -rhe weaker spots are duo to
multiple diffraction of strong lines 4mitted by the source. Ikis
interferometer was successfully applied to testing of reflecting surfaces
and of plane diffraction gratings. :there are 3 figures and
5 references, 4 of which are American and I Soviet.
SUMMED; January 17, 1958
Card 2/2
ALM101t: GOrasimov, F.M.; Naumov, S.S.; Denisov, L.14.
TITIX: Diffraction gratings concentrating radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet and
x-ray regions
SOURCE: Optika I spektrookopiya, v.16, no.1, 1064, 133-138
TOPIC TAGS: diffraction grating, coneavo diffraction grating, diffraction grating
ruling, ultraviolet spectroscopy, x-ray spectroscopy
A13STRACT: The characteristics of concave diffraction gratings with step profile rul-
ings are discussed. Conventional gratings co=only employed in spectroscopy, parti-
cularly in t1w wavelength region below 1000 X, are characteri.;ed by V.,shaped lines
separated by flats (a in the figure - see Enclosure). Such gratings in the short
wavelength-region.are abaracterized by low efficiency as regptdo concentration of
light: about 20% In one of the first orders. In practice, owing to unavoidable ir-,
regularities, the actual profile has the appearance shown In b, so that the effict-
ancy Is further reduced. In the present paper there are discussed aanrAv* gratings
with a line profile of tbi* type ~bMn In c. Theoretically such grating$ MbAuld be
Acc.m AM11405
more officient.,The angle'Of inclination atmust be of the order 30. Gratings of We
type have been:ruled an a 'luninum and have proved capable of concentrativig up to 83%
of the reflecteo radiation in one,order. Ultorto, such gratings have not been ruled
on glass owing go the meoPanical Officultles involved. These difficulties stem
from the fact tPat the grooves muqt be very shallow In view of the small value of
the angle C1 and the fact :that the, angle Ct must be maintained constant over the
curved surfacciof the gratings. Too authors have ruled and tested concave gratings
of this step type on aluminum coated on glass (1200 lines/=) and on F1 glass with
300 600 and IgOO lines/on and angles 09 from 301 to 40. A special set-up was devel-
opc~'for visual determination of the location of maximum concentration. The experi-
mental gratings, were tested In n number of short wavelength spectrographs and
yielded satisfactory results, i.e., resulted in a significant reduction of the ex-
posure time. Pis results of measurement of the efficiency of the gratings In the
1100 to 2500 A-region are described elsewhere (S.A.Kulikov and W.G.Kikitin, Opt.-
mokhanich.prmyshlonnost!,12,2,1962). A number of the experimental gratings are now
being tested further In oblique incidence spectrograpbs Intended for the 100 to
Iwo 9 regiom., I formula and 4 figures.
Coun'4ry : USSR
,cry: soil scio~,,cc.. Cativnti(jn. L-provczx;nt
Erosion .
Abs Jour- =Dicl., M. lit, 1958, mo 63143
Author ~~Unoy 'S - V
Title Class iZi cat.,-.n of the Fmv of Erosion FormtIons.
Orir, Pub. Pochvovedeniyu 1956, No 9, 71-82
Abstract: The autbor distinbuishes betwow cresi-on form-
tion types -if ancient and prescnt-~Lny ori(;in.
To tba first bolonG hollows, ravines, Lulches
and valleys. Present-day erosion formations are
divided into the form prcduced by the ,,rccaeses
of sheet and volmic erosion. To the first belone
surface and striated run-off. Tc the scccnd, bank
Card 1/2
U..S.S.R., / Human and Animal Physiology. Nervous System. T
Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 22616.
Author-: Naumov, To So
Inat : Not
Title : Changes of Electrical Activity of the Caudate
Nucleus Produced~by Temporary Coupling Circuits
of Auditory and Motor Analyzers.
Orig Pub: riziol zh SSSRI 1959, 43, No 1, 14-21.
Abstract: Mo'vem6nts or the foot occurring in response
to sound, the dominating racus aroused by pol-
ariiation of the~cortex being located In the
motor area, wake associated with lowering of
the amplitude and*inorease of the frequency
or the potentials of the caudate nucleus. Sim-
ilar changes in-eleotrical activity occurred
-in response to sound also prior to polarization.
Card 1/s
If A- "- 0/,' g)
rs-eta. Vod..l =*-ut$t=1cj 2.
=1 * orl .1 A"Taf A :OC121VO At'$C9 C',
=Daewoo. 3-9.
*..ttyjjc&1 ~Ma retat-4srt af T-i.
San usssve*;-~'V. j1wjzj---4ftIQf
a"& Ad .0 o%jMLMrR--- ijll--Muzi-xt&A"LL~!~
(Zoshoo-renerolocichen I
3~0%jon 2kief (ZLT4z", shaq t
-Wir-scPhy 3LO ,404,14 ~t. In
ca. glib QWIftv- POILKIL'u") .
Soria; "
3. -ZonaernIng ftptaro of rho womb in a
110;ftritlf. Y4. . canjkla.0 In VIL"l
'C1612466 at the-4;iIA-2v
:i..Mor US
"3lnL%ATy-H7fI-3n$ ROQ"rOzsu*s 10 'M. prod--;10r. L34
WIDtowcoe or LO&S BoL- tortes. " X. :!%4 qf ;f
I-oboe 47619=6 (za71sh4.s!1d-% "CUPIeca A%
4 = EF ot INZ116 ~
nnl~sz*rlvo ~11: cArb1A`obtaz4r&vM%1
Srj,lbL)j Vp 24-,12.
'Ccnoordlng tile Hols rreatmOnt or
A 0. NZIP (*10%. 1 0111.1fiel). P;
OLW St rLs 00 4th I=$ q=.
4I 2-21T -.00 (-4-sx. C-19tor-' v) :f ta' FLr:7
.K 3
-valet* in .0tassoire, -:%-.0
prallient (prolseutel) 3.
(SLVG* no, assaZzastIto) . Sofia.
First results. Fin. SSSR 37 no.11:55-57 11163. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Nachallnik otdola kontrolya za finuntsovo-khozyayetvennoy
deyatellnostly-u Predpriyatiy soveta narodnogo khozyaystva
I,Ivoyakogo promyshlennogo oblastnogo finansovogo otdela (for
Naumov). 2. Starshiy ekonomis-u otdola kontrolya za
finansovo-khozyaystvennoy deyatellnootlyu predpriyatiy Boveta
narodnogo kbozyaystva Llvovskogo promyshlennogo oblastnogo
finansovogo otdola (for Bevzyuk).
STOW-07p St.,v gl.lekgL-; KAUVOV, V.
X-ray treatment of apithelioma at tna enrichment of skin
with oxygen. Dermato vener Sofia 2 no.3tlO3-107163.
1. 1z Gradskila kozhno-venerologichen ispanser - Sofiia
(gle lakar St.Stoianov).
2. Chlen ra Rodaktsionen suvet, *Dermatologiia i venerologlia
(for Stoianov).
Kr. BAIABANOV, Al. KONSTANTINOV and Ves. NAUMOY. Department of
Dermatology of Medical College (Katedra po kozhni bolesti pri V,41) Head
(rukovoditel na katedrata) Prof Kr. BALABANOV, Sofia.
"Eccrine Spiradenoma."
Sofia, Suvremenna Meditsina, Vol 14, No 4, 1963; pp 64-69.
Abstract (English summary modified]: Description of first case reported
in Bulgaria: small extremely painful tumor on shoulder of 28-year-old
woodcutter. Very detailed histological data and discussioni speculation
about origin from either ecerine or perhaps adjacent apocrine
glands. Six photomicrographs, 10 Western references.
STOTANOVO ST# [Stoianovo Stoll IIAUMOV,, Veil.
Vas of liquid nitrogen in dermatology. Vest. dorm* i ven. 38
no.3?47-50 Mr 164. (MIRA 28s4)
1, SGfI7%xiy gorodskoy kozhno-vansrologicheskiy dispenser (glavW
vftch ;- doktor Sto Stoyanov), Bolgariya.
2 IcEffluffli 06.12jaku
" -,1--
. ~ i =-*~ ~- --
` .7
1. 7 -~ I - '',.-
HAUMVO V. A. 0 Prof
Kirow Avicultural lust,
OftWar*fAca of patJw1ago-matcodcal pmWatiam in PlaidgLus-0
sot let. 25 (ILO) 1948 p. 28
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 Of 0 0 0 0~
WATT, fr-f I V. A. , Prof.
Kirov Agric, Institute
."Abortions and mortality 7f colts frcm rVohemoglobinuria."
SO: Vet. 26(1), 1949p p 214
NAUMV, V*A., professor.
eVblto w4clea &Isom*. Toterizarlis. 32 n@,1:29-34 Ja
155. (TNMINARY NIDICIU) (WAA 296-31s)
V. A. and T, 71 T,. (1)0(.tc,-s of c-F
t I te
prof c)rs I"j,rrv t'.
ljcojj~ InL -ju cl
IILCII!~Oplal~ia of
'.T -ter; nar_'va I V cl 3' 12, Dcccm~;cr
USSM/Diseases of Farm Animals . Diseases of Unknown Etiology.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12 , 1958, 54967.
Author Naumov V A Palevich, G. A.
Title To the Problem of Albinomyosis in Lwnbs and Calves.
Orig Pub: Civtsevodstvo, 1957, No 7, 37-39.
Abstract: It has been observed that albinomyosis (AM) is a
apecific disease of lambs, calves and piglets.
Clinical characteristics and pathemorphclogical
dqta are described. Some data are given cn the
differentiation between AM and poisonings. Penicil-
lin is recomriended for the treatment of animals
afflicted with AM in combination with the antidiplococt.,us
serum and(-Y- -topopherol which should be adminintered
3 times daily internally in a 3-4 ml dose. Prophylactle
Card 1/2
d q
ussn/Diseases of Fam Animals. Diseases of Unknown Etiology. /" -7
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54967.
measures consist in supplying pregnant ewes witb
sufficient amounts of micrcelements and vitamins
and in following zoological and veterinary rules
of keeping young anivals.
Card : 2/2
HAUKOV. V.A.. prof.;PAUWICR. G.A.. asaistent
White muscular disease. Yeterinarlia 36 no.11:37-42 8 059 (NDA 13:3)
1. girovskly sell skokhosyaystvamVy Institut.
(Veterinary medicine) (Muscular dystrophy)
USSR / General Biology. lenetIca. Plant Genetics. B
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Bloloelya, No 4, 1959, No. 14443
Author : NaumoVa__V,_A_-_
Inst 'AIT-0i
nion Academy of Agricultural JcIences
Iment. Lenin
Title : The Heredita-y Characteristics of Parental
Properties In Hybrid Seedlings of an Apple
Orig Pub : Dokl. VASKhNIL, 1958, No 5, 20-24
Abstract : The fission of hjbrids, obtained by hybridl-
zation of Renet bergamot x Yellow Belle Fleur
was studied by the author. The high morpholo-
gical variety of the progeny was recorded,
as well as good heredity of the Renet berga-
mot's Indices. -- S. Ya. Krayevoy
Card 1/1
--:-,-- I Vegetative segregation In hybrid apple seedlings. Agrobiologlia
no.6s66-74 1~-D 158.' (KM 12: 1)
loPledeve-ovoshchnoy Institut iment I.T. Michurina, g, Michurinsk.
I (Apple brooding)
VAUKOW, Taim i 0 -.-
Nature of the iaheritence of parent characteristics in bybrid
apple soodilag. Bokl. Akade mollkhos. 23 no. 5:20-24 058.
(KIRA 11:8)
Is Flodoovoshcbnoy tne4itut luent I,V.gtchmrtnq. Predstawleno
ska4anikom P,N.TakcvI*vyuEdece8a*a].
(Apple breeding)
Mature of the inheritance of oareat characteristics to hybrid
apple seedling. Doklo Akmd* sellkhos. 23 no. 5:20-24 158.
(MIRA 11:8)
1. Flodoovoehcbnoy institat Iment I.T.Michurime. Prodstayleno
skad4mikoin P. 9,YakowlevyuC deceased] .
(Apple brooding)
Cand Bi o 1 Sc i - ( d J. im, ) " V ew e t a t i ve f i s c u re I n hy h r i d a -, F, I C f., I I pn. . "
Voronezh, 1961. 18 pp; (Min'istry of' Higher and Secondary 6pecinl-
ist Education RSFSR, Voronezh State Univ); 200 conies; price not
given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 228)
rzp.= I rz7wlTU%TIC3 M-,/5742
-,tya n---A M-M-1. ?~-zhe-w-(k~-,!Avcrmyy im-dV!t po provedpAnlyu
?rcC.varLtal1nyyc mzulltat7 i3ciledrraniy kolcbmnly chlrot L drizli-crilya pal~m~ov
zc.,1i; stornik atat-L7 (P"14-r-Inari Data of Latitude Variationa vzl K![,,--Uons
ol" Me Zarth's Doles; Collcete,1 Articles. !to. 1) Z:,')3c(rj, 1zd-vQ AV C.;ZZ,
1550. 97 p. Errata 914p inported. 1,000 copies printed.
Thin colloction of articles in intended for aztrono-mra, ecop! v-zic lots,
cn& otl%!r ackkLtiata concerned vith the problem of latitude vdriationa and
tl:j ;:~rration of the Earth'a poles.
Car--.A"7.: rtwt I of the Collection containa prolirInary remata of
obccx-.,ntioit3 frozi 1957-5 tljrcv~~h 1959.0 mda at JG*j statiom in t1:--
wtwo-,%, Ji cludinC-, nov atatiom in Silx!ria. Fart r1 concibta of articles
C,4acribina nev inL;trurjLnta, ob.-ervational prOX:= =4 =theds, and pro-
codurco of proceanine the latitula obaorvational Cate. With the larLor m2z.~
of atations and the uze of nov inatn=-nta It Is anticipated that the final
reDults viU pro-Ads a more comprahensiYa study of anomalies and Instrumontal
Data of Latltudo VarIctic:,,3 (Cont.) [~:-W/5742
MCA'= in lntituan obccrvationj tl,~--i I.-.n b,,!cn rczaiblo p-mvicuoly. 47o por-
zo-,ialitlcs aro zzntio=d. Ln,;l1ah rbotrarto and ri~rcrczcc3 follov each article.
~:=, 07 CL71z'i-L3:
llrz!racc 5
S. V., L. D. !~c~ittnnv nrA 12. R. ArAreyonYo. lAtitu?ID
at U-,! !'%In A:Arc,-.~--Acr-.1 Olbnervntor-7 of tl~m Acadcm~
or ScIcixes
r.-i-I 0. V. C., 4ova.
'.to. I.,
c: Tvdcott ralru rt tI,j -&altwra Grnvi:7~3trical
of t.:) IXXraW&n Acr,~cmj of Sciences (zeica
zc le cc 0;,-3
V. A. Obcarvations of rrl~:ht Zenith Stars at tho Poltava
r.:"L.'rir-ArIca1 Crucar7atory of tba Ulkrminian Acadn=7 of Ociencem
(Zclap zonith-Tolaccopo)
Card 2/5
r:ita of Latitu-17 Varintirr-i (C~~ntj LW/5742
V. I, aml 1. 7. roilut. T);,3 of a,.*U-.r;-io
Variation!) Tron rartLual With Two Z~,nitt Toleccor-,5 34
A. !!. Pmll-rdr,:,a-j Peoultzi Of Co, - -Xin~ Cb:clr7.-ltIOrJ VI I T-,
JC-i Tclozco;,~s of the Kitab Latita&-- Otation Du-.-.tnZ tha r~!rlol 1957.5-
T. 1., 0. N. V. V. and Yu. 1.
ii -'L-Ancry of Uac~rratlcnj With the 1:,;.:co-i Zenith
.:J-ccopa Darlr3 1953 47
Mi. I., and V. A. rinn-w. rnd ";Ahol of Frocc*alrG 56
)t-D--rc-,~Ac Zanlth'04~,M~.ccr7atlloaa
N. It., wnd Kh. 1. Potter. Mat of Stara on the Palkm
;;-A-_-vtrhic Zenith Tabo [74ZT) rz-ojr-^z 68
!:--asl4vukiy, A. A., and Ye. P. FcCnrc,*r. On tha queation of EYaluatina
tt3 Accurrcy of Latitud-a Obeervationa 75
AUTHOR: Naumov, V. A.
TITLE; Automation of observations with the Pulkovo photographic zenith
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya. no. 6, 1962, 19,
abstract 6AI61 ("Izv. G1. astron. observ. v Pulkove", 1961, v. 22,
no. 1. 98-112)
TEXT% The author describes controlling devices, developed in the Main
Astronomical Observatory% A3 USSR. for the complete aut"tion of observations
with a photographic zenith telescope. Its automation system consists of the
mechanism of automatic cycle for observation of one star by the four-exposure
method and the programming mechanism. The automatic cycle mechanism controls
the movements of the carriage with the photoplate, the functioning of the shutteV
time recording, turns of the objective (rotor) with the photoplate through 180c,
and the operation of the printing chronograph. Symmetric distribution of
ex-.~_=,.;re -'ristants with respect to meridian is thereby ensured. Two step view
fL-_�ers. set into motion by second pulses of the quartz clock, are used as
Card 112
S/O 3
Automation of observations ... A001/A101
controlling elements in the automatic cycle mechanism. A corresponding connec-
tion of these view finders forms a switch for 156 positions which ensures the
working cycle in 156 sec. At prescribed instants and in a definite sequence,
relay control circuits and servomechanism of the photographic zenith telescope
are switched on by means of this switch. Exposure duration can be act at 10.
2C and 30 sec. Diagrams are presented which Illustrate the fluictioning of the
automatic cycle mechanism. Time is recorded by the optical and mechanical
methods. The switching-on of this mechanism at determined time instants and
selection of necessary exposure are accomplished by the programming mechanism
which consists of the tire counter. formed by two view finders, memory in the
form of a commutation board. and star counter constructed on four view finders.
The latter picks up necessary commutation out of the memory. The programming
mechanism ensures automatic observation of no less than 100 stars. Diagrams
of the prograrining mechanism are given and its operation is described. Control
and checking are exerted from the main panel of the photographic zenith tele-
scope which Is located in the observatory building, 110 m from the pavillion.
There are 5 references.
Yu. Belyayev
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 212
Determining time and latitude with Pulkovo photographic senity tube.
Astron.tair. w,.2324p(l) 162. (WRA 16:4)
1. Glaknaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya AN SSSH.
(Astronomy,, Spherical aW pratical)
PPTY~R YA!o- - - --
Instrumental offors of a photographic zenith tube wW their
Investigation, Astron,zhur. 39 no.2s335-344 Mr-Ap 162.
(MIRA 15:3)
1. Glavnaya astronomicheskays. observatorlys. All SSSR.
(Telescope, Unith-Testing)
NXIMOV, V.A., prof.
Problems of irLc:-a:LsIng '.1-A 7-33-:CL'~y Of ---- 'ne
reduction of the breeLkableness of threads. Magy textIl "'
no.lil-3 Ja 165.
The repsir of thl jew-forming nnd working mechanism of a loom k!oskvp, Goa,
nnuchnotekhn. izd-vo le&kc! pr-ml-shl., 1950. ~4 F- (Yinisterstwo
rromyshlerrosti SSSR.
Cbman --reiovym (~l -27r'52)
Flight of the shuttle on tl-.e
tarstva promyshl. tova-rcyv
loom. Voskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. i7d-vo Minis-
shiro~op) -jr-.trebIenila !-;7*2, IQ54. 1~2 p.
RAUNOV,T.A.. kandIdat okhulcheakM nauk
Consi"rable Increase in the speed of loocs. Taks-Prom. 15
no.6:26-27 Je 055. (KIRA 8:7)
RAUXOT.-TvIerien Alakwndrovich- T ISFMV. YlIctor Kikhaylovich;
- --- P-.-
ITAWT, P.P.. red.; PAIMRATM, A.I..
[High capacity locus) Tysokoproisvoditallnys tkntakie stanki.
Ivanovo, Ivenavokoe knishnoe isd-yo. 1959. 115 p.
(KERA 14:1)
~kUKPV,-Vvk-.-i-Tmnd. takhao nauk; IGNISHIEDU. N.D., starshly nauchnyy
ftbrics mdo of a mixture of capron dbers with cotton. Takst.
prom. 19 no.905-38 8 159. (KMi 12 112)
I.Rukovofttell tiatekoy laboratoril Ivanevoicogo newhao-Issledo-
vatellskogo InstItuts takatillnoy promyshlonnostl (IvIRTI) (for Reumov)
(Textile fabrics)
NAUMOV Y-4&o.-,kQnd*t0khn*VAuk
Using the method of rounds of loon inspection for the study
of thread breakage in weavinge Teksteprom. 21 no.3:9-12 Itr
061, OIRA 140)
1, Rukowditell tkatikoy laboratoril Ivanovskogo nauchno-issledova-
tellskogo tekstillnogo instituta.
NAUMDV. V.A~; SKACHKOV, V.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; TYULYALIN, V.G. ,
starahly nauchnyy sotrudnik
Causes of warp breakage on looms. Tekst. prom. 24 no.9:24-28
S 16/4- Omipj~ r?:11)
1. Rukavoditell tkatskoy laboratorii Ivanovskogo nauct-no-
iseledovatellskogo instituta (for Naumov). 2. Ivanoiskiy
nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut (for Skachkov, Tyulyalin).
UM/ Chemist ry - Structure of mole'cules
Card 1/1 Pub. 147 - 18135
Authois ~s Akl:shlnl 11. A.; Spiridonov,, V.-P.; and Rambidi., N. G.
Title Electronographic investigation of molecular structures. Part 3. Cadmium
, :halidoe
Periodin4l I Zhur. fiz. khim. .30/1, 155-1603. Jan 1956
Abstract I The geometrical parameters of molecules of all cadmium halides were estab-
- lished through electronographic investigation. The moleculcs investigated
were found to have a linear confiLzuration. It was observed that the. space
Cd - F does not correspond with the experimental law gwierning the linear
changes in the interatomic metal-~halide spaces in many halogen derivatives
depending upon the atomic number of the given halide. Thirteen references:
4 USSR,, 3 Gem., 5'USA and 1 indian (1889-1955). Tables; graphs.
Institution Moscow State University im. M. V. Lcmonozov
Submitted May 26p 1955
""77, 1i
Rectron diffraction study of the structure of the ZnF2 moIsculs.
Zhur.fis.khtm. 30 no.4:951-953 Apr. 156. (MLRA 9:9)
1. Woskevi*ly gaeudaretvqnvqy univereltet Inent N.Y. Loisonomova.
(Zinc fluortdo)
u 0;-10
US&Y Ical Chemist-4 - Molecule, Chemical Bond. B-4
I .
Abs Jour: Rererat. Zhurnal Xhimiya, Ito 3, 1958, 69m .
Author V - P.A. Akishin, V.P. Spiridoncrz, G.A. Sobolev, V.A. Raumov;
VI - P.A. Akishin, V.P. Spiridonov, G.A.Sobolev.
Title Electronographic InvestigAtion of Molecular Structure. V.
b1agnium Halides. VI. Calcium Halides.
Orig Pub: Zh. fiz. kbimodi, 1957, 31, Ito 2, 461-466; No 3, 64-8-65;2.
Abstract: V. The structure of MgF M, M9C12 (II) &n1 KOz2 (III) in
gaseous state was invesiigated by the electron diffraction
method. Peaks of 1-78 and 3-512 A referred to the distances
Ng - F and F - F correspondingly were mrealed on thes c-arve
of radial distribution ror 1; 2.18 Kg - Cl) and 4-36 (cl -
Cl) were revealed for II, and 2.34 ~mg - Pr) and 4.36 (Br - Br)
were revealed for III. Tx all these cases the beat Weemrmt
between the theoretical and visual intensity curves (with the
Card 1/2 -5-
U1S4WPbysic&l Chemistry - Molecr.Lle, Chemical Bond. B-4
Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Khiziya, No 3, 1958, 69oo.
adjustment for the temperature) is observed at the angle X -
Mg - X (where X is either F, or, cl, or Br) - 1800. It was
finally found (the first mmber is Mg - X in A, the second is
the angle X - Mg - X): I - 1.77 + 0.02, l8oO + 300; 11 - 2.18
+ 0.02, 18o0 + loo; III - 2.34 +-0.03, 1800 +_100-
VI. Tke electronographic investigation. of W2 (TV), CaCl-~
M, CQBr2 (VI) and Ca12 (VII) in gaseous state was carried
out similarly to the above. The following data were obtained
(the first figure is Ca - X lu A, tba uacmA figure in tke
angle X-Ca-X): TV - 2.10 + 0.03, 1800; V - 2.51 + 0.03, 1800
+ 3001- VI - 2.67 + 0,03, BOO + 10', &:A VII - ~_-88 + 0.03,
1800 + 100. See -report TV in RULMim, 1936, 70926.
Card 2/2 -6-
z r'A/'
Studying the structure of moleculas bf -meansof electron
diffraction. Part 7: Strontium halides [with sumnry in Inglishl. no.B*.1871-1874 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:12)
1. Moakovskiy gosudaretyennyy universistet im. H.V.Loronosovs.
(Blectron diffrnction examination) (Stereochomistry)
(Strontium compounds)
V. A. r4rant,~r Chcm So" (bloc) of
the structure of thn molncul,)a of tho hallAon of Millum, yttrium, lpnthrimirr.,
IIT I.j.
and noodmium". Moscar, 1758. 1 V L-nn-nc
COV ' 1.56 - 513 -2 - '148
AUTHORS: Akishin, P A Raumov. V A Tatevskiy, 7 M
TITLEs Electron-Diffraction-Inve,-itigatic.-s of the, Molecular Strucr-
tare of Gall ium-11al idee (Elektronurraficheskoye iseledovanije
stroyenija moleku). galooenilov galliyay'
PERIOD,ICAL% Nauchnyye duklady vjssh-3y shkoly Khi m i khimicheskaya
tekhnologJya,1958, Nr 2, pp 205 -~09 (UL~35R I
ABSTRACT. The task of the present paper is the determination of the con-
figuration and of the geometrical parameters of the !olecules
of the gallium-fluoride, ch;oride,and bromide by the
diffraction-method with fast electrons, with a vapor-jet of
the substance to be investigated Because no data have beei.
found so far in this field (except Ref 1) the authors planned
to apply a thomighly worked-out experimental method as well
as a deciphering method For this reason a new tape of elec-
tron-aiffraction camera vas employed (Ref 2) -ind the ampulla
was filled in a drying room The elaboration of a vapor-elec-
tron-diffraction-pattern was carried out visuallj and photo-
metrically (Rf?f 3) The procPss of decoding was carried out
Card 1/3 by means of: a) construction uf curves of the radial distri-
SOV / 156 -58-2 -1/46
i~leotron-Dlf f raction-Investieit ions ~)f the roieciiar Str,;ct_r~ ,~f lallium-
butlon (Ref 4) and b", tht ~.iethod of successive approximation
(Ref 5). Thes,~, investigations disclosed a new insight into
the molecular structure of' ealli,um-halides The electron-
diffraction-mc-thol proved the pre-ience of monomer -iao I ec ales
in vapor M-reover the configuration was determined as well
as the geometrical parameter of the CaF -Laolecule The di-
merisa*ion of molerales was proved in v~zjoroLzs gallium-chlor-
ides and ga',liuyan-bromides, and more reliable data were ob-
tained from their structure ard their geometrical parameters
klaee table 21 ThLre exist good reasons to assume an,ilugy be-
tween structure of the crystalline gallium-halides and alu-
minium-halides. Data on the confiylaratioL of gas moleciles
of Ga2c.16 and Ga2Br6 agree with data of s,.>Iid aluminium, gall-Jum,
aM indlim halides (Ref 9) a.5 wel-I ris solid trimethyl-aluminiam.
There are 3 figares, 2 tiblcn, an~, 9 references, 2 of whi3h
are So,.,ie+
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra fizicheskoy .,hia.3i ~',ot3kovskogo gosudarstvennogo
univer~;iteta im. 11 V. Lomonosovi (Chair of Physical Chemis-
Card 2/3 try of the State Unive-gity imcni M V Lomonooov IMoscow)
Electron-Diffraction-Investigations of the Molecular Structure of Gallium-
AUTHORS: Akishin, P. A., Spiridonov, 7. P. , 7 6- 1 2
Sobolev, G. A., Naumov, V. A.
TITLE: Studies of Molecular Stiucture by Zlectron Diffraction.
VIII. Barium Halides (Elektronoj:raficheskoye Inoledovaniye
atroyeniya molekul. VIII. Galot.enidj bariia).
P',-,RIODICAL: Zhurnal FizicheBkoy Khinii, 1950, Vol. 172, lir 1, q). 56-61
ABSTRACT: For the firat tine the hitherto in literature lackiN. drita
on the confiCuration and the t,cometric parameters of the
molecules of all vaporous h"licles of barium are obt~-Lined.
That is to say of barium fluoride, barium chloride iind barium
iodide. The takinL of electronoLra,~u-, wuri carriol out b:/ mi!rIna
of an apparatus with an uva,,,orator for h1iji tump(!ratures
accordinG to the nethod used by the authorn of earlier ~.,orks
(ref. 1 to 6). The OValUiLtion of electrono~,racia carried
out accordinL to two muthods: the radial -1i,tribution iiccordinc
to the variant of' Uoltor-Dich and that of consecutive
approximations. With tha ,rialuation accordillL to the second
method the authors established thut the dintribution of the
intensit,y of otray oluctrons of the barium !~-lide v,-inors,
Card 1/3 observed experimentally is r(II,re,3entej by the theoretical
Studies of Uolecular Structura ')j Zlo--c~ror- Diff"r;iCt4 cn. ?g- 1 ,72
VIII. Barium Halides
intensity curves I(n) (~,hiuh had been calculated on the
coudition of a linear confiCuration of tho birium halide
molccules). The asymmetry of the rin6s on the electronOLrwas
of barium halide vapors in le,)n 7,!!rkf!d 'han ;itli thoie of the
correspondini, hLli,'11!.'J of ntilciun ;Lnd ~;trontium (ruf. 5,6).
Because of the Lreater char.--- value of th~ ',.),arium nucluus
compared with the char,ej of calciuir- and 3trontium nuclui,
the valence an le in the rnolocules of barium halidon
according to thu mothod of connc~cutivu c:,ri b,-t
determined onl;, lono exact than with the nolt.-culen of
halides Of CtLICiUll and atrontium.- In 1.1w, case of i,11
compounds invent ltr-,,tted a linear moleciilar 3tructur,~ tjls
stated and the values of the intermolecular di.9tancos viere
found. The error in the determination of these dint:.-ncas
13a- X is 11- 1,5 *'.-he withors .3tated that the interatomic
/Q I
distance Ba-X in chloride-, 'bromide- i--nd iodide :.ioleculcs
changes approximatively accordinL to the linuar law in
dependence on the ordinal number of the halide, whilu the
Card 2/3 distance Ba-F deviater~ 3truzi~jy from this reGularitj.
Studies of Molecular Structure by Electron Diffraction. 76-1-6/32
VIII. Barium Halides
There are 2 filures, 5 tables, and 7 references, 6 of which
are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Moscow State Univernity imeni Lt. V. Lomonosov
(Moskov:ki~ Cosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V.
Lomonos va .
September 13, 1956
Library of ConCre8s
Card 3/3
A ot
myoftugovol &-mow" U-ty Nor 1"9
. KI A U iric, U U,
5(2) Sil- V/1 56-5 /54
AUT11c"Lls: &%ishin, P. A., Naumov V A
TITLE: Electronot;raphic InvostiCation of the Yolecular St.-,-cture of
Lanthanum Haliden (Eloktronograficl.eskoyc iorledovaidye
atroyeniya molookul gr~loeenidov la-tana)
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysrhey sh'coly. Khimi,,a i khimic'-cc':~~ya
~'okhnoloC;iyaq 1959, Nr i, Pp* 5 - 7
ADSTRACT: Five to seven series of olactronoz;rams rere plottel from each
lanthanum halide compound with and witi.out th,:: use c-f V-' e
32 sector at 40, 60, and 80 kv. The evaluation was carried
out accordin(, to the methods of successive ap:-roximations and
radial distribution. All curvea of the radial di3tribution
(see diaLram) ahorr two pea!:c. The first aid hi one io
inturn-ted as r(La-x), the necond and flat one as
interatomic X - Fq Cl, Dr, J). A flat trianr-tilar
modol of the compounda Lay- iB formod by the curvoo of radial
dist.,ibution. The rooults are in food ai~roomont with Uo data
on yttri,im halo-cri compound3. Tho interatomic cliot,%.iceS La-X
Gard 1/2 in the serioc of Cl, Dr, a%id J compounds cha~._,-o accordii-,,,- to
Elect:-ono,-raphic Investi--ation of the Yol,-~cular Struct,;re SCV/11'6-119-1-1/54
of Halides
tho atomic number of tle halo,,r-:)n following a law
(see dia-ram). The dintance La-F does not follow thio 1---,71
but shows a conciderably reduced value. The restiltz; of V~c
approximate computations for fluoride, chloride,
bromide, aLd iodide are au-.%:-,ar-jzcd in a table. A second table
sho,;.,s the determin-~d int,ratomic distances of the compounds
mentioned. There are 2 fiGiires, 2 tables, nnd 5 rofcre:.ces,
1 of which is Soviet.
A.SSOCIAMN: Kafedra fizicl;cokoy khimii Yloskovckogo gosudarstvennoGo uni-
vor~-.,.I-ta im. M. V. Lomononova ( Chair of rh~~ 4cal Chcmi ~ry
of hlocc:)i T7niv,-3rcity inoni Lt. V. Lomonoccv)
SUBMITCLID: April "5, 1958
Card 21/2
24(7) SOV/156-59-2-1/48
AUTHORS: Akishin, P. A., Naumov,j,*_,4-;, Tatevskiy, V. U.
TITLE: -1 ~
The Electronographical Investigation of the Structure of the
Molecules of the Neodymium Halogen Compounds (Elaktronografi-
cheskoye issledeveniye stroyeniya molekul galogenidov neodima)
PERIODICAL.: Nauchnyye doklady vyushey shkoly. Khimiya i khimicheakaya
tekhnologiyaq 1959, Nr 2) pp 229-232 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In a previous inve a tigation it was found (Ref 1) that the
molecules of LaX 3 (X - halogen) have a plane configuration
with the lanthanum atom in the center of an equilateral tri-
angle. Because of the similar structure of the outer electron
shells a similar configuration was to be expected in the case
of neodymium. The measurements carried out by means of an
electronograph of the Chemical Department of the MGU Moskovskiy
gosularetvennyy universitet - Moscow State University~ confirm
this* The electronograms were read according to the method of
radial distribution and according to the method of successive
approximation. Figure I shows the curves of radial distribu-
t4on. The t Wo peaks of the curve are interpreted as r(Nd - X)
and r(X - X). They were in agreement with the expected plane
Card 1/2 configuration. The RMS oscillation amplitudes were uomputed
The gloctronographical Investigation of the Structure of the Molecules of
the Neodymius Halogen Compounds
and the theoretical curves of the scattering intensity were
plotted (Fig 2) which are in good agreement with the experi-
mentally found curves. Table 2 shows the RKS oscillation
amplitudes for ff4F 31 Rdel 39 NdBr3and W 3 and the geometrical
parameter. The experi ntally found symmetrical configuration
(Ref 1), YX
of LaX3 3 of 7) and now also NdX 3 confirm the
quantum chemical assumptions (Ref 8). In the series chlorine -
bromine - iodine, neodymium - halogen follow approximately
a linear lawt whereas the distance neodymium - fluorine in
considerably reduced, as it is the case with a number of
fluorine compounds. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, atd 10
references, 5 of which are Soviet.
PRESEMD BYt Kafedra fizioheekoy khimii Moskovskogo goeudare~vennogo uni-
versiteta im, X. V. Lomonosova (Chair of Physical Chemistry,
Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED: October 13, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Akishin, P*A., Naumov, V.A. and Tatevs ly, . .
TITLIC: An Electronographic Investigation of tho Structure of
Molecules of the Halides of Gallium and Yttriurt
(Blektronograficheakoye issladovaniye stroyeniya molokul
galogenidov galliya i ittriya)
PERIODICAL% Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp 194-2oo (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Investigations were made, as in the previous paper.
using the sector-photometric method and the new electrono-
graph at the MGU. The results were analysed by
successive approximations and the method of radial
distributions. Theoretical and experimental distribution
curves are reproduced. Ga 2cl6 and Ga2 Br 6were dimeric
with Ga-Ga distances of 3.28'and 3.41 2, respectively,
and angles X 3-Ga 2_X4 of 112 0 + 3 and 110 0 +-3 and
Ga 1_X 5-Ga2of 910 + 3 and 930+- 3. All other distances are
tabulated. The other compounds GeV 3, Gal 39 YF 31 YCI 31
YBr3 and YI 3 were plane triangular molecules with Me-X
An Electronographic investigation of the Structure of Moloculos
of the Halidos of Gallium and Yttrium
distances of 1.88, 2.44, 2.04, 2.47, 2.63, 2.80 + 0.03 A,
respectively. These observations contradict soa;~ by
Brode (Ref 3). Ga2F 6 mole---ules were present (as shown
by mass spectrometry) to an extent ofl(l% and Ga 216
molecules were present to about 850' in Gal at the m.p.
There are 5 figures, 3 tables and 13 references, 3 of
which are Soviet, 10 English.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gasudarstvennyy universitet imoni
M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow state University imeni
M.V. Lomonosov )
SUBMITTED: July 15, 1958
Card 2/2
Electron diffraction investigation of the structure of molecules
of vaporous gallium, yttrtum, lanthanum, and neodymium halides.
Vent.Mosic.un.Ser.mat., aekh., astron., fts., khim. 14 no.l:
229-236 159. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Kafedra ftsicheakoy 1rhimit Koskovskogo universitet&.
( Erai idea )
Electron diffraction study of the atructurs of the ScF3 molecule
in vapors and evaluatIon of the scandlum - halogen Intiratomic
distances in ScCl md ScI3 solacules. Mwe strukt. khim. 2
no* 10-6 Js~-F 012*0 (MM W2)
1, Maskovskiy Caeudarstvencyy universitet in* M,V. Lomonceova.
(Scandiv- halides)
Determination of bond energies of the reacting &to= of organic
molecules with the Ko&2 catalyst surface using a kinetic method.
Izv*AN SUR-OtA.khim.nauk no,7:U50-1254 J3. 162. (KERA 15:7)
1. Mb3kovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeroitet im. M.Lomonosova.
(Chemical bonds) (Wlybdemm oxide) (Chemical reaction, Rate of)
AYMOR: Naumov. V.'I.
TITLE: X-ray diffraction investigation of scandium, yttrium,
cerium, neodymium and gadolinium, orthovanadates
Z~UODICAL: Zhurnal strulturnoy Ithimii, v. 21, no. 5, 1962, 603-'
This research was carried out to obtain more accu-
rate values of the cell parameters of these orthovanadates, which,
according to 1,11illigan et al. (J. phys. coLl. Chem., v. 53, 1949,
227; J. Vhys. Chem., v. 56, 1952 1 145) crystall-ize in the tetra-
gonal Gysten and have the rpace group DO '- 14/amd, with four 'IcV04
units in the elementary cell. The opecimcna were obtained by Erin-
tering V20.5 irith the metal oxides (in the care of Ce heating to
-3500C was used instead of sintering). No lines attributable to the
reactants used could be detected. 'IU tabula?d results provide the
f ollowihg information: hkl, I, d (in kX), I/d (both measured and
calculated). The obtained data coincide within t 0.01 - 0.03 R with
Card 1/2 -e
(X-ray diffraction ... D267/D308
those of Milligan et al. There are 2 figiirca and 6 tables.
ASSOCIMION: Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isoledovatel'skiy i proy- /*
ektnyy in-stitut azotnoy promyshlennosti i produlctov
organicheskogo sinteza, Lisichanskiy filial (State
Scientific Research and Planning Institute of Nitro-
gen Industry and of the Organic Synthesis Products,
Lisichansk Branch)
SUBMITTED: February 15, 1962
Card 2/2
4~9 61199e, V
AUTHORS: Broder, D. L., Kondrashov, A. P., Kutuzov, A. A Naumov,
!_I ~.ergeyov, Yu. A., Turueov, A. -V .
TITLE: Multigroup methods of calculating biological shielding
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 12, no. 2, 1962, 129 - 139
TEXT: The spatial energy distribution for bi3logical shields is
calculated for a source at a distance of 40 cm. Seven- and ten-group
methods are used and the calculationg are made in diffusion-age and
diffusion approximations, respectively. As the lower limits of the
groups the following energies were chosen for the 3even-group method:
1.5-106 , 9-106, 4.5-105, 3-103, 3.3 him and 0 ev, and for the ten-group V~
6 6 6 5 5 4 3
method: 4,10 , 2.5-10 1 1.5-10 0 7-;0 , 3.10 , 4-10 , 1.10 , 6.7, Elim
and 0 ev. Spectrum and group constants are calculated for both grou 'no
and the results are compared graphically with experimental ones. The
experiments were made with the critical assembly of a water moderated
Card 1/3
313 234
Mu It igroiip moth of] n of ca I cu I atinp. . .B102/D136
reactor with a water aide reflector. The shield investigated formrd tfP
bottom reflector. Three types of shields were investirated, consisting
of several layers of various kinds of steel, lead, boron carbide and
polyethylene. The neutron flux in the assembly was measured with a
copper foil, the thermal-neutron flux in the core with a copper indicator
and an U235 fission chamber, and, in the experimental assemblies, with a
copper indicator in a Cd container. Comparison between theoretical and
experimental results permits the folloring conclusions: 1) Both the
multigroup methods, and the group-conntantn chosen, are suitable fnr
calculating the spatial distribution of neutron energy in shields
containing Fe, Pb and H, 2) For shielding systems containing P the
agreement with experiment is within 20~- error limits. 5) The seven-rroti-~
method can also be used to determine the spatial distribution of fast
neutrons which is characteristic of delayed-neutron fl;ix distribution
For a source emitting 4-Mev neutrons and with large shield thickneGaes,
the ten-group results differ from the experimental ones by not more tnan
3(Y~10. 11. A. Gushchina, L. V. Marchenko, Z. P. Sokolova, Z. S Blistanova
and A. 14. Astakhova took part in the calculations, N. A. Alesnin and R
Card 213
Multigroup methods of calculating ... B102/BI38
G. Bulychova in the experiments.
Ye. 1. Inyutin, V. K. Labuzov and
There are 4 figures, 1 table, and
The reference to the English-language
Hughes, L. Harvey, Neutron cross
SUB"I'PTED ,April 17, 1961
The reactor team members 1. C. Morozov,
N. G. Uvarov are thanked for their work.
12 references: 7 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet
publication reads as followa~ D
section, 1958.
Card 5/5
AUTHDRO I Toy tel t baum 36 YA. 0 Oubanoy I Z* and Naumov, V. A.
TITLL Crystallization c~f natural rubber
PERIODICAM Akademiya nauk $83R, Doklady, v. 1450 no- 5, 1962, 1077-1060
TEM The crystallization in natural.rubber was studied by ~hermomeohanlcal
and X-ray diffraction analyses. In the range from -80 to 60 C and undor
alternating loads of 0,64 aud 3.2 kg/om# a sharp increasq of de9ormability
occurs at 00C, due to fubion of the crystallites. From-35 to 0 C, the
deformability ie,smaller owing'to an additional crystallization 8nd solidi-
fication of rubber near,optimum crystallization temperature (-25 0). When
rubbor is cooled from room temperature to below vitrification temperature
within I hr, practically no crystallites are formed except at the optimum
rys allization temperature, since crystallization taken longer at other
temperatureel it can be completely prevented by quickly freezing the rubber
with liquid nitrogen. The melting point of the crystallites depen 9a on
their temperature of formation. - In 'Itnnned" rubber melting at A45 0, the
deformability in 1he highly elastic state is much lower than in rubbers
00d 1/3
Crystallization of natural rubber, M6/B144
crystallizing'at low temperatures, tut rises suddenly at 45 - 400C.
Heating the "tanned" rubber to >50 C destroys the crygtallin;ty. Such
samples do not show any jump in the ddformability at 0 or 4~ C, but their
deformability on transition to the highly elastic state ~-60 C) is much
higher, than in the initial rubber. When a rubber heated prev~oualy to
5g C is kept at -25 C for 1-5 hre, crystallites are formed which melt Fit
0 C. When "tanned" rubber*is being cooled to low temperatures, crystalli-
zation occurs without the temperature needing to be kept constant for Ion&
The aryatalline phase, formed at room temperature, therefore initiates
orystallization at low temperatures. X-ray analyses showed that the
crystalline phdses formed at different temperatures were independent of
their melting points. This is explained by the fact that at -250C the
cryatallites are formed no quickly that no equilibrium is attained. The
lovi melting point may be due to strong internal stresses and/or tr, the
small size of quickly formed crystalliten . The reaul to of the thermomochani-
cal and the X-ray analyses are complementary and this combination may be
uneful for studies of othor polymorB aloo. There are 4 fi~njres. The most
Important Englinh-lsinVuaee references arcs C. 4. Bunn, Proo. 110~: OOP.,
A, E. Fischer, Proc. Phys. Soo., 60, )9 (In
180, 40 (1942)1 D. 46
C nrd 2/3
Oryetallization of natural rubber B106/B144
AbSOCtATIONe Xhimicheskly inatitut im# As Ye. Arbuzova Akadei6ii nauk USSR
(Chemical Institutemimeni Ao Yes Arbusov of the Academy of I
Sciences USSR). Institut organicheekoy khimii Akademii nauk
SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Aondemy of
Baiencee U83R)
PPE,-, 17, P TLD April 9, 1)62, by B. A. Arbuinv, Academicinn
,-;Ur111TTEDt April 5, 1962
Ca~rd -5/3
47,4. W,
KinerAc method used in the determination of bond energies of
the reacting atoms of organic molecules having a blue - enum
oxide surface. Izv.AN =R.Otd.khim.nauk no.3&Q.3-4n Mr %3.
... (MIRA 16W
1. Pbskovskly gosudarstvennyy uaiversitst im. M.Lomonosovas
(Chemical bonds) (Molybdenum oxides) (Organic compounds)
Bond energies of interaction between organogens and the surface
of oxide catalysts. Dokl.AN SSW 20 no.Ie&5428 T 163.
(KIRA 16 g4)
1. lbskovskly gasudaretvannyy untversitat In, KV,14monosova,
(Chemical bonds) (Chemical elements) (catalysts)