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45208 S/251/62/028/004/003/003 1015/1215 AUTHORS: Member-Corre6ondent of Academy of Science;, Georgi SSR, and Kadzhaya, D.V. TITLE: The cortical regulation of propag'ating impulses to the thalamic nucleus. ~PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. Soobshcheniya, v.28, no-4, 1962, 461-468 ''TEXT: Experiments were carried out on,Lts. The animals were not anesthesized but treated with curare'(tobocurarin) prior t.o. the experiment.. The lst and 2nd zoYies of the visual cortex were :.opened and the response potentials to intermittent light were re- corded: by bipolar leads from the disclosed surfaces and by a uni- polar lead from the lateral geniculate body and from the optic tract. The indifferent electrode was located dither in the neck Card, 1/3 B/251/62/028/004/003/003 1015/1215 -The cortical.reaulation... muscles or in the frontal bone'. Various cortical regions were sti- mulated during.the stimulation vrith light with square impulses of :varying frequency and for various periods of time. The reticular 'formation was stimulated at the same time on the level of the corpora quadrigemina, either directly or by afferent impulses (by electrical ~stimulation of the paw's skin).' Both eyes'were atropinizod and stimulated with light during 1m,sec. The potentials were recorded with Alvar's BEG aDDaratus. Weak stimulations of the cortex, not resultin- in convulsions, as well as-the-ptimWation of the reticular ,formation brought about a prolonged iiihibition in the response of the optic system to.intermittent light of low frequency. The cerebral cortex had,a permanent regulatory (inhibitory) effect on the ropa- p gation of afferent*=*p4ses to the thalamic nucleus. This effect could be either increased or abolished by the stimula ionor inhi- 'Card,2/3- . . . . . ...... B/251/62/028/004/003/003 1015/1215 The corical regulation... of the cortical activity, tesp., The cortical stimulation had alsoa facilitating effect on the pro"Pa-gatibn of afferent'impulsos. This was revealed byincreased excitability ot'both the co'rtical, and thalamic neurons, immediately after interruption of cortical stimulation, as well as after the arrest of short lasting convulsions. 'here are 4 figures. -ASSOCIATION:' Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut fiziologii, Tbilisi (Kcademy of Sciencesj Georgian SSA, Institute of Physiology. Tbilisi) SUBMITTED: December 27, 1961 :Card 3/3 KADZHAYA, D.V.;,.NARIKASHVIL1j._S.P. Effect of the depression of "spontaneous" cerebral cortex activity on the response poteniials of the visual system. Soob. 0 Gruz. SSR 29 no.6:745-752 D 162. (MIRA 18-3) 1- Institut fizlologii tdl Gr-uzSSR, Tbilisi. 2. Chlon-1correspondent A; GruzSSR (for Narikashvili). KR MV NARIKASHVILI, S.P.; KADZHAYA, D.V.; MONIAVA, E.S. - -~' - - - i~'. 1 11 Role of the cerebral cortex in reticular facilitation of visi;al system responses. Fiziol. zhur. 49 no.5:548-557 11,~y 163. (MIRA 17: 11) 1. From the Institute of Physiology, Georgian SSR Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi. NIARIKASMV ILI, S.P.; ARUTTUNOV, V.S.; t.;GNIAVA, E.S. ActJvity of individual neurons of the cerebral cortex durinz the recruitin,a reactlon. Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat. 1-11 no.2: 238-248 Mr-Ap 165. WIRA 18: 5) 1. Institut fiziologii AN GruzSSR, Tbilisi. NARIKASHVILI, S.P.t MCNIATA, E.S. Effect of reticular stimulation m cortical responses arising during simultaneous peripheral stimulation of three afferent systems, Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat. 13 no.5MO-881 S-0163 (MIRA 16M) 1. Institute of Physiology, Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi. KARIKASHVILI. S.P.,- MONIAVAIV E.S. Effect of the,stimulation of the reticular formation on the response activity of the cerebellum. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 30 no. 5:651-656, My '63, (WRA 16:11) 1. Institut fiziologii AN GruzSSR Thilisi. 2. Chlen-korrespon- dent AN GruzSSR (for Narikashvilil. NARIKASHVILIp S.P.; KOSTYUK, P.G., prof. Conference on Physiology in Yjexicd. Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.9:71-L-72 S 163. jjaIU 16:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Gruzinskoy SSR (for Narikashvili). (Physiology) NARIKASHVILI, ~.F.; BUTKHUZI, S.M.; KADZHAYA, D.V.; MONIAVA, E.S. Some characteristics of the reticular facilitation of responses of the vioual system. Trudy Inst. fiziol. All Gruz. SSR 13:15-33 163. (MIRA l7t6) ;PROWAV?~M P M ON WRTIUM KOSTYUK, P.G. [Kostiuk, F.H.1; NARIKASHVILI,-SP.- Conference on inverse connections in the nervous system. Fiziol. zhar. [Ukr.,l 9 no.5:695-698 S-0163 (MM 17:4) 3: Me IV-, V, AIM-N r- IIIARIKAMVIL JJV S.P~ (TbIli:,i) ---------------- Cortical and subcortlical Int/eraction during anal-sor a~~Uvity; some research results. Fiziol. zhur. 49 no.ll.*1303-1309 H 163. OURA 17:8) ACC NRa ATS024226 SOURCE CODE: UR/3167/65/014/000/0039/0065 AUTHOR: Narika!~Vi~i,'S. P.; Butkhuzi, S. M.; Moniava, E. S. ORG:; .~TITLE:- The synchrohizing.mechanism of the brain stem'reticular formation SOURCE: AN GruzM. institut fiziologii. Trudy, v. 14, 1965. Sovremennyye problemy 'deyatel'no y 6istemy (Present problems of the sti. i stroyeniya tsentrallnoy nervno :,..-activity 'and structure of the central nervaus.system)'.:39-65 TOPIC TAGS.. synchronization,-CNS.synchr,)nization, reticular formation, bulbar reti- culgir-formation, mesence'phalic reticular formation, cortical synchronization ~ABSTRACT:. To clarify the role of the-upper and.lower brain stem in the formation of* . in duced. sy nchronous-cortical-activity.(recru iting response),'the effects of electrical .stimulation of the-bulbar an&mesencephalic reticular formations on the development :and course of recruiting reactions induced by stimulation of nonspecific nuclei in the thalamus were,studied in unanesthetized curarized cats and disencephalized cats. It'was found that frequent stimulation of various parts of the bulbar reticular forma- ..tion (BRF) which has aninitial inhibitory effect on s'inal activity, and of the p mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF), which has an initial potentiating effect on ~Spinal activity,suppresses the recruiting response to almost an equal degree. Stimu- lation of BRF and HRF.with widely spaced pulses elicits slow waves of similar form. Card 1/2 - - -------- The combination of slow BRF or MRF stimulation with slow stimulation of nonspecific .-tha.lamic nuclefis equally unfavorable to formation of the recruiting response. The only,type of stimul4tion found to favor the development of thalamically-induced re- 'cruiting response was stimulition of the solitary tract.nucleus (STN). Fast stimula- tion ofthe STN increases the potentials of an.already established weak recruiting response, unlike'MRF stimulation, which suppresses the recruiting response. STN .-stimuLation preceding thalamic stimualtion inhibits the development of the recruiting -respoiiseinduced by.1he latter much less than MRF stimulation preceding thalamic~ sti- mulation. If potentiation or inhibition of the recruiting response is an adi~quate index'6f the effect of sychronizing oidesychronizing'machanisms on the cortex, then of the structures~-studied herd, only the solitary tract nucleus has a synchronizing :-effect the BRF and MRF'being almost identical in their desynchronizing, effects. JDPJ ~SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ OTIt/REF; 017/ SOV REP: 001/ est.." COrd 2/2 MUMS ARUTYUNOV., V.S.; 14011M.A., E.3. Effect of reticular impulses on the activity of single nsurons of the visual cortex. 7hur. vys. nerv. deiat. 15 no.6:2004-1013 N-D 165. WRA 19:1) 1. Institut fiziologii AN GruzSSR, Tbilisi. Submitted June 16, 1965. KADZHAYAP D.V.;-NA~~ASHVILI, S.P. Interrelationship I>etween the cerebral cortAx and thalardc trans- mLssion nuclei. Soob. All Gruz. SSR 37 no.3009-716 M.- 165. (I/JRA 18:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent All GruzSSR (for Narika3hVrj3Ij)' MAMM~ ww-~ R IWAP9429~p TI, M NARW-I~ 14 V ; ft'.WIVA, E.31%-, ARTMMOV, V.S. Origin of pari-nAfIc-al oscillations in the amplitude of al potentials. Flziol. zhur. 51 no.1:9-18 J& 165. 1. Institut fiziologii AN Gruzinskoy SSR, Tbilisi. ICKHTIYEV, S.D.; MAMEDOV, Z.F. RYABINA, L.V. Cyanoethylation of acetaldehyde in the presence of strongly basic ion exchanges. Azerb. khim. 'zhur. no.307-43 165. (RIRA IC:1) 10 1. Institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov AN AzerSSR i Azer- baydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimil im. M. Azizbekova. MEKHTIYEV, S.D.; NARIIQMUOVr O.A. Vapor phase reduciion of carbonyl compounds with alcohols. Dokl* AN Azerb. SSR 20 noi4:33-38 164* (MIRA 17:7) 1. Institut nefti i khimii AzSSR. MFKHTIYEV, S.D.; NARIMANBFKOV,,_.O.A. Mechanism of the vapor reduction of allyl alcohol to - n-propyl alcohol. Azerb. k-him. zhur. no.1:31-35 164. (14MA 17: 5) MEKHTIYEV, S.D.; NARIMANBFKOV, O.A. Vapor phase recovery of acrolein. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz 7 no. 109-60 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Azerbaidzhanskiy instittlut nefti i khimii imeni M. Azizbekova. --USSR-/ -Ultivabed P1antff--Gra-kns-.-------- I Abs Jour : Ref Zhur.- Biol., No 4) 1958, 15558 Author : N. Narimanbeyli Inat :1-4- 1 " Title : Corn Cultivation in the Green Conveyor System. (Vozdelyvaniye kukuruzy v sisteme zelenogo konveyyera). Orig Pub : Sots, s. kh. Azerbaydzhana, 1957, No 3, 34-38. Abstract I No abstract. IIARIMANBMI,, N. A.: Master Agric sci (diss) -- "The development of basic agri- cultural procedures for growing annual fodder crops for the 'green conveyers under the irrigated conditions of the Kirovabad-Kazakh zone Of the Azerbaydzhan SER". Kirovabad, 1959. 16 pp (Min Agric Azerb SfcM~ Azerb Sci-Res Inst of Animal Husbandry). 150 Copies (KL., No. 17,, 1959., 110) HARIKANOV. A.A. Simplifying the design and construction of gas 4MU'll-ties lines. Gas, 0 .156. CG2A 9:10) (Gas distribution) IW X I NAIUMANOV t A. A. System of a gas distribution station should be compact and flexible in operation. Gaz. prom. 8 no.11:30--32 163. (AURA 17.11) NARIMANOT, A.A. (ks industry of Azerbaijan. Gaz.prom. no.11:25-27 M 158. (Azerbaijan--Gas manufacture and works) (KIRA 11M) VARIMANOV, A,A. Recover.r of casing-head games in Aserbaijan and prospects for its development. Gaz. prqm. 4 ;o.12:10-11 D '59. (MIRA 130) (Azerbaijan-Gas, Natural) NARIRANOV. A.A.,inzh. (Baku) Z.- Leakd;*,ection tubes are not needed. Stroi. truboprov. 5 no.10:19 ol6o. (HIRA 13:10) (Gas,Natural-Pipellnes) - NARIMANOV A.A. Gasification of cities based on liquefied petro'eun gazes. Gaz. .A. prom. 6 no,2:2&-30 f61. (MM 14:4) I (Azerbaija&--Liquefied petroleum gas) --.NARIMANOV, A.A.9 inzh. Let's lower the cost of gas -in construetion by decreasing the depth oflaying. Stroi. traboprov. 6 no-3:26 ~~ 161. (IKM 14:3) 1. Institut Gipromorneftly Bakuo (Gaspipes) AEDULIAYE79 A.M.), NARIMANOV9 A.A. Dmlopment of the gas irdustry of the Aserbsi an S.S.R. in 1959-1961, Gas. prom. r#.10129-31 0 161. imiu U:3-1) (AzerbaiJan--,&as industrY) NARDIANOV AeA. Expediency of installing-additional gas-distribating substations. Stroi. truboprov. .8 no.WI-22 Am 163. CMA 16M) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy dlya dobyehi nefti a morskogo dna, Baku. 0 NARIPLUNOV, A.A. Mcdernizing ga--- di--ttributlon networks. Gaz. pro=. 9 nu.2:21 164. - 17:12) NARIMANOV. A.A. Advantages of the single-stage system of gas saupply. Stroi. truboprov. 9 no.3:23-25 Mr 164- (MIRA 18:2) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniy-u predpriyatiy dlya dobychi, nefti s morskogo dna, Baku. NARIMANOV,-,?~--A--.-,, YRans for the efficient supply of liquefied gas to populated areas. Gaz.prom. 10 no.2:21-23 165. (MI RA 18: 12) _Y,~VR%41 - - - - - - - - - - N&OW ~~.MQEAIIWV NARIMANOV, A.A. Planning a gas-distribution station without an operator's house. Stroi. truboprov. 10 no.2:30-31 F f65. Off?A 18:5) 1. Gosudarstvennyy instituL po prryektirovaniyu predpriyatiy dlyft dob,phi nefti s morskogo dna, Baku. VARIXLNOV, G.S. (Moskva) Motion of a solid with a cavity partially filled with a liquid. Prikl.mat.i r9kh.20 no.1:21-38 Ja-F 156. (K6RA 9:5) (Motion) (fluid mechanics) '-7C Aii id a___0 W.~ es 95C--WiW- L* -gateaa-tika------ AUTHORs TITLE: PERIOIDICALs ABSTRACTs SUBMITTEDi AVAILABLEs NARIMANOVt G.S.-(Moscow) 40-4-9/24 On the Motions of a Receptacle Partially Filled With Liquid; Consideration of the Finite Motion of the Liquid (0 dvizhenii sosuda, chastichno zeLp-ojne=og0 zhidkost I yu;. uchet nemalosti dvizheniya posledney). Prikladnaya Mat.i Mekh.9 19579 Vol.21, Hr 49 PP*513-524 (USSR) The author extends his preceding results which were obtained by linearizations (Priklad#Matoi Makh. 20,10956), and tries to improve them by carrying out an approximative consideration of the finite motion of the liquid. In the general case of a cylindrical hollow space he sets up an uncontrollable system of equations of motion which then under numerous assumptions in special cases is simplified. Proposals for a method of solution are not made* July 2, 1956 Library of Congress -T A, T v J. Fj 17 '. R: Narimanov, G. AUTIIQA S. (Moscow). 24-10-11/26 TITU,':.- On.osciiiations of a f luid in mobile cavities. (0-kblebaniyakh.zhidkosti.v podvizhnykh polostyakh) PERIO ,DICAL:' Izve-stiya Akad emii Nauk SSSR Otdeleniye*Tekhnicheskikh Nauk- 1957 NO-109 PP-71-74 ABSTRA'CT:.Results relating:to the,mov,ement,of a liqu .id which A.p tly fills the cavity of a solid body in the case of ar .:.oscillatory movement-of the solid body indicate the ,possibility of resonance oscillations of the, liquid. N. Mikishev made available to the author the results of -.his~'experiments-on.determining the possibility of applying linear equations for.describing,the movement in the range bf resonance excitation of oscillations of the liquid; iie foimd,that there is a change in the frequency of thp iesonance oscillations depending-on.the relative magnitude of the-amplitude of~theforced.oscillations, the change in profile of-the resonance wave and-the limited character amplitude of the resonance oscillations. The aim of this paper is to theoretically analyse the above ,-mentioned phenomena on the basis of earlier deriTed _(Ref,l) general equations of the movement of a solid body Cbood 1/2 which is partly fil led by a liquid, taking into A- R-1 01 A YY L AUTHORs ITARIM"OV, G..S. (Moscow) 40-5,12/20 11-TITLEs On the Motion of a Symmetric Gyroscope, the Cavities of Which are Partially Filled With Liquids-(O dvizhenii simmetrichnogo gi-roskopa,.polosti.kotorogo-..chastichno zapolnena zhidkostlyu) PERIODICALs Prikladnaya Mat. i Mekh.0957jol'~21-,Nr 5,pp.696-700 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The equations of motion for the rotation of a symmetric gy- roscope-are derived. The.gyroscope:is assumed to possess a circular..cylindric aperture in the interior partially filled with an ideal, frictionless liquids The linearized perturba-. tion,equations which the author derives can be applied for- the investigation of the stability of the s*tationa:!y motions and-for the investigation of the influence of the various Da- rameteirs-of the system.. In the set up the axis of symmetr$ of the-gyroscope is assumed to be vertical in the normal position. Also the axis of symmetry of the cylindrical cavity is to be verticaltv Under:'stationary rotation of the gyroscope also the suiface.of the liquid in the interior forms,a surfacet the axis~of.symmetry of which is vertioal..The varia,tions of mo- tion,comp4red with the stationary case are assumed to be small, so that the equations can be linea:rized with respect to these disturbances. It is supposed that the rotation of the gyros- Card 1/2 cope is so quick that the component of gravity can be neglect- On the Notion of a Symmetric Gyroscope, the Cavities of Which 40-5-12/20 arejartially Filled With Liquids the.palculation of the liquid mo,tion compared with the centriTugal fo'rce;.Starting from the well-known impulse theo- rehis',"the author sets up the equa:tions of motion of the system and by application of complex magnitudes he brings them into the form of,a system of ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients in which infinite series occur. A solu- tion of the system is neither tried nor indicated. Only it is emphasized that well-known methods can be applied for this. There are no figures, no tables, and no references. SUBMITTED: February 4, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 SELIMKHANOV, I.R. Use of first metals by the population of eastern Transcaucasia. Dokl. All Azerb. SSR 21 no.4:76-79 165. (MIRE 18:7) HLRIMAITOV. Z.H. Report on first scientific conference of *Larmologists of Transcaucasia (Armenia, Georgia, an& Azerb9ijan)-Vest.oto-rin. 18 no-3:88-90 W-Je 056. (MLRA 9:8) (TRLNSCAUCASIA--OTORHINOIARYNGOLOGY--CONGRUS]IS) ;47, SHUXURYAN, K.G.; NARDWOV Z.H. Professor Ammisk Avskovich Arutiunov; 50th birthday and 30 anniversary of his scientific pedagogical and social work. Yest.oto-rin. 19 no.4: 114-115 J1-Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Nauchneye-obahchestvo oto-laryngologov Armenii. (BIOGRAPHIRS Arutiunov. Ausiak A.) NA-DZHARYAN, N.A., dotsent; NARIMANOV Z.M. Thermal resEctivity of.the'mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity as an extra-labyrinthine peripheral factor of the caloric reaction of the vestibular apparatus. Trudy no.3.lt361-367 160. .(MIRA 15:11) (TYMPANIC MEMERANE) (IABYRINTH (EAR)) SHUKURYAN, K.G., doteent; NARIMANOV$ Z.M., assistent Resalts of IManoplasty operations from materials of an ear, nose and throat clinic. Trudy no.1-1:369-371 160. (KCRA 15:U) 1. Iz Otorinolaringologicheskoy kliniki Yerevanskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav. klinikoy - dotsent Nadzharyan; N.A.). (TYMPANAL ORGAN--SURGERY) HARIMNOV Z M.j- FARSADANUN) R.S., kand.mod.nauk (Yerevan) Public helath in Soviet Armenia during the past 40 years. Sov. zdrav. 20 no.6:52-58 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Ministr zdravookhr;aneniya Armyansk SSR (for Narimanov). OT (ARMIA--PUBLIC HEALTH NARIM ZHANYANY G.I.; CHILINGARM, R.A.; ;DZHAIIZHUTOVA, H.S.; --M~~W~Ovylmm~,Tt~ -V.; MKRTCHYAN, b.K. Professor A.A.Akopian; obituary. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't 26 no.2:94-95 161. (KM 14: 5) 1,',MWstr z dravookhraneniya Armyanskoy SSR (for Narimanov). 2.,Direktor In.stituta, kurortologii i fizicheskikh metodov lecheniya, Yerevan (for Agadzhanyan).. 3. Z.amestitell direktora Instituta kurortologii i fiiicheskikh metodov lecheniya po nauchnoy chasti, Yerevan (for Chiligaryan). 4 , Rukovoditell otdela izueheniya kurortnylkh resursov Instituta kurortologii i fizichookikh metodov lecheniya, Yerevan (for.Dzbanzhutava). 5. Rukovoclitell fizioterapevticheskogo otdeleniya Instituta karortologii i fizicheskikh metodov lecheniya, Yerbvan (for Kwmts'eva). 6. Sekretarl Obshchestva kurortologov I fiz-iot'erapevtov Armenii (for Mkriohyan). , (AKOPIAN, ARSHAK AIWETOVICH, 1886-1960) GUIAMV, M.-K. X.; RARDA IL ; ATPZIIANOV, M.A.; PYIMSIKHODMAYEV, T. aOL JL New cotton forms produced by ionizing radiation. Genetika no.5; 127-134 N 165. (MIRA 19: 1) 1. Sredneaziatakiy filial Voesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo in8tituta po aelektsii, genetike I semenovodstvu khlopchatnika. Sibmitted April 28, 1965. _NAHjMU,_W[htOm;~_=ONOVA, I., red.;.SALAKHUTDINOVA, A., tekhn. red. (ways to reduce the expenditure of labor in cotton production] Puti sokrashcheniia zatrat truda na proizvodstvd-khlopka. Tashkent, Gosizdat UzSSR, 1962. 49 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Fergana-Cotton growing--Labor productivity) v- NARIN, Slobodan, dr, Carcinoma of bronchi and pulmonary tuberoulos Is. ftborhaosa, Beogr. 8 no.6:385-390 Nov-Doe 136. 1. Bolnica sa tuborkulosn pluca, 1clot (ravnatelj: prim. dr G. Ostotc). (TUBNWUUNIS. PUIXONART. compl. 4- carcinoma of bronchi (Ser)) (BRCKCRr. neoplasms In pulm. tuberc. (Ser)) 011,1111 WIN NO WI NAR IN V. (Angarsk, Irkutskoy obl.) Our doctor. Okhr. truda. i.sots. strakh. 6 no.10:26 0 163. (WRA 16:11) L Neshtatnyy korrespondent, zhuniala "Okhrana truda i sotsiall- noye strakhovaniye.11' ~W%M Mr ZWWIS 2 w MISUI 1! z4 -1p=--M MOVvTF1 Z~ie WAHINA# Roentgenological pioture.of lesions of the aortic valves in rheumatic fever in children. Pediatriia 38 no.9:Z7-33 S t6o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Ix rentgenovskogo otdela (nauchnyy rukovoditel, - prof. N.A. Panov) Gosudarst7ennogo nauchno-iosledavatel Iskogo pediatricheskogo instituta Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RMR, (dir; - dcktor med.nauk A.P.-Chernikova) na baze 1-y Detokoy klinlebeskoy boltnitsy (glavnyy-7rach - zasluzhenn7y vrach RSFSR Ye.V. Prokhorovich). (RHEM'-PIC HKART DISEME) W 137-58-2-4360 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, p 295 (USSR) AUTHORS: Darbinyan, M.V., Narindzhyan, A.Ye. TITLE: Iodometric Determination of Sulfidic Sulfur (0 iodometricheskom metode opredeleniya sullfidnoy sery) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN ArmSSR, ser. khim. n., 1957, Vol 10, Nr.2, pp 117-123 ABSTRACT: In the iodometric determination of sulfidic sulfur in minerals, ores, and metals, after the sulfur is distilled off in the form of H2S and absorbed by a Zn-Cd-acetate solution, lower analytical results are obtained because of the incomplete oxidation of'the H 2S in a single, a:b'sorption vessel, and because the sulfides be- come coated with liberated S, which forms into lumps --- all of which prevents the sulfides from reacting with the 12. The newly developed way of determining S involves using as absorbent either a Pb(CH3COO)Z solution acidified by CH3COOH or an aqueous solution of Na plumbite., NaZPbOZ+H S =PbS+2NaOH. The use of these absorbents renders more precise the iodometric deter- mination of S. Better results are obtained with the Na2PbO?. sol- Card 1/2 ution, because the H2S is more rapidly absorbed, and the S 137-58-2-4360 Iodometric.Determination of Sulfidic Sulfur. liberated during 'oxidation does not form. into lumps. V-N. 1. Minerale-Sulfidle sulfur-Deterrdnation Ca rd Z/? WIN I NN 42nm NARIWOVIC, Vladeta, ing. Importance of mutual inductance in the cmpensation of the high freque'ncy in wide-band amplifiers. Telekowunikacije 9 no.3:8-9 Jl 16o. (EKAI 10:1) (Amplifiers) (Mutual inductance) A R - PIURMO, A.P. i~--~-n. 711lere and plasticizers for latex coating used in the manufacture of oilcloth. I&g. prom. 18 no,2:24-26 7 138. (KIRA 11:2) (Oilcloth) (Iatex) -T-~MSM?yl- NA.RINSKAYA, A.R.; PISARENW, A.P.; ALEKSMIIKO, V.I. Improving the properties of pol3ramides used as finisbing coatlr%,P" 0Kozh*'-obixvspron~ no.2:17-20 1? '59- (MM 12:6) (Resins, Synthetic) (Leather, Artificial) ACCEMON MR: kRsoC56so SOURCE: Ref. zh. FChJm I y1a. Abs. 228459 A UTHUH; Narftwka-m. A P Isarenka, A. P, TITLE: A study of the structure of butadienc-a~rene latex filled with chalk MTED SOURCE! Nalu(,hfto.~ i S-S'led. tr. Wes. a. -1. in-t plenok, I Iskusstv. kozhi, ab. 110, 1959, 74-79 CWX rob h6rOdZX_AU=h we _i1=Mte_X MEWM latex wedaliffity, labi~ar_ Mar, obalk Mer, arnmonimn caseinate. calcium case1nate, latex swelling, vulcanized latex filin, lamp biack,,"SKS- 30 latex ~RANSTATMN- The str~c"_,re crif films of SM-30 latex was studied by detf-m-ninntg thc kinetics of wetting and the e' - ractiLaiity of thp water-soluble substances. Fdns lia -. ul~; thickness of 0. 35-0. 37 mm were prepared by drying at 20C and, in individual eaRes. were R.' malute.13 at 130C. ~-or filrrs -nta-,nirig lo" (liased on thc. ~k,,izht rif hp polymer) ammonium carvdnate, equilibrium swe-Hing wa-- achieved after 192 houxa, Com- pared to 120 hourr, for viJeanized films containing a-mmonJurn casetnate, chalk, a C-3rd 1/2 I::AC0E9ff014' ARS005650 NR anff~nlhnd von't and a vWcmffzMg group, and I" hours for z1oa-vulcanized films. The abPoilite wettabilitv -)f fil-rns containing chalk was significantly lower than that of those n stability of the iatex stabdized wwh calcium ca-seinaLe. r or iuma n-.- caseinate, q%y"Hing wa~-- ivhlf-,~t~d aft,~r 24 hours. The absolute wettabilitv 'A ~i:q -i,,mif!t-qndv In%pr than tliat -4 1 t,:~ closed film structure. vii rnenSIILtfVLJ FIN C L: 00 SUB CODE: NfT c.,d 2/2 -IMOROSHARS Y2-.S.; KOVRIGM9 G.I.j HXRINSKLYA, A.R.,- PISARENKO, A.P. rapid sulfite micromethod for dkbrmining.the d6gree of lateoc film vulcanization, Kmch. i rez. 20 no.12:40-42 D 161, (MIRA, 15--1) I..Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatelldiky, institut ple#o'chnykh materialov--i I-In, st*ennoZ kmmbi (Vubi~nization) NARINSKAYA1, A. R. Cand Tech Sci - (dis's) "Study of latex systems with the purpose of using them in the production of glue." Moscow, 1961. 17 PP; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Moscow Technology Inst of Light Industry); 130 copies; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 242) NARINSKAYA.. A.R.; SHAPKINA, 9~S.j YAKOVLEVA, M.G.; PUSHKIN, P.S. Economic advantages of manufacturing oilcloth with a ]Atex coating. Kozh.-obuv,prom. 3 no.lrl3-15 Ja 161. (MIRA 140) Oilcloth) (Latex) SARINSKAYA. A.R.v kand. toMm. nauk; PISARE:NKO,, A.P,,, daktor XhIm. nauk Chamges In the coloring of latex coatings In the Interaction of saw ingredlents of latex compounds& Mauch.-LwI6 trudy VNIVIN no.W69-75 063, (KM 18 s 12) WSR Htz~ and Animal Morphologyp. Normal and.Pathological. S Lymphatic System.. As- Jour Rec Zhur - Biol.,.No 8, 1958,. NO 36D22 Author Timofoyev, S. I.; Narinskaya, Mi. I. Inst Irkutak Universiiy-,-!Mo--Te--~grapnte-a-Z-Teientific, and Research Institute. Title Me Reflection in the Structure and Ontogenesis of t%M=18 Bones of Their Philogenesis. Orig Pub Izv.~ Biol.-geognn.-i.-in-ta pri Irkut. in-to, 1956, 16, iio. 1-4, 279-299. Abstract Me aim of this work Is to develop an understandina of tho bones' structure, based upon conditions of the evolution of animals. - A study was mcide of the structure and development of certain bones of the sLull 'in man and, partly in a macaque, and also of the tubular bones in representatives of carnivora, unLulates and primates. In the composition of bones, there Card. 1/2 NARINSKAYA, Kh. I. (Irktitsk) Condition of the sensor;r nerve endings of ulcerated and health7 are" of the fingertips In endartoritis obliterans. Arkh.pat. 21 no.3:34- 38 159. (MDU 12:12) 1. Iz Irkutskogo gosudaretvonnogo nauchno-lealedovatellskogo inatituta travmatologii I ortopedil (dir. - prof. Z.V* Bazilevskaya). (THROMBOANNITIS OBLITERANS, phyeiol. sensory nerve endings, cond. In skin of fingertips in ulcerated & healthy areas (Rue)) (NKRVE MMINGS, In vqrious diB. andarteritis obliterans, cond. In skin of fingertips in ulcerated and healthy areas (Ras)) (YINGXRS, innerv. sensory nerve endings in endarteritis obliterans. cond. in skin of fingertips in ulcerated ed healthy areas (Ras)) KRUGWVp V.I.# dots.; g~g~SJU~-,-A.St-ataKqhiy prepodavatell; RUBINOVs, M.L., dots.; TSVETKOVA, Ye.M.,, prepod#vatell; MAZURKEVICH, M.., red. izd-va; TELEGINA.. T.,, tekhn. red. [Collected problems in accounting]Sbornik zadach po bukbgalterskomu ucheta. Moskva$, Goofinizdat,, 1962. 262 p. (KIRA 15:9) 1, Leningradskiy finimeovo-ekonomicheskiy institut (for Kruglov, Narinskiy, TSvetkova). (Accounting-Problems, exercises, etc*) ATABEKOV., G.l.; BEIMSOV, 14.M.; BULGAKOV, K.V.; WSILIYEV, D.V.; YEGIZAROVp LV.; ZAKHAROVj S.N.; 7,EYI,IDZON, Ye.D.; KOSTENKO, M.P.; MANOYWV, V.Ye.; ~.I.; RYZHOV, P.I.; SOLOVIYEEV, 1.1.; SYROMYATNIKOV, I.A.; FABRIKAN"r,, V.L.; CHERNIN, A.B.; UfF,-RNOBRU-77~,V, N.V.; FEDOSEYEV, A.M.; SHABADASH, B.I.; SHCHEDRIN, N.N.; FATEYEVI A.V. Viktor Ivanovich Ivanov, 1900-1964; an obituary. Elektrichestvo no.11:89 N f64. (KIRA IS: 2) MIA,- C, RMOOT, A ABADZHI. K.I.,- BOYTSOV, A.R.; VOLOSEVICH, F.P.; GOBLUUN, P.R.; KWAY, A.K.; WA12TjJrT& ; WING, G.A.; RUBINOV, A.D,; SIVYMR, G.A.; BRZHIZINS 0-M.L., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, reteenzent; 1WHOY, V.I., inzhener, retsenzent; KWINSKIY, M.M., inzhener, redaktor; LEYKINA, T.L.. redaktor izdatel'stva; POLISKAYA.-R.G., tekhniaheskiy redaktor [Reference manual for production control in machine building] Spravoch- nik po proizvodstvennomu kontroliu v mashinostroanii. Pod obshchei red. A.K.lutai. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956, 67o p,. (HIRA 9:12) (Xachinery industry) NARINSKIY, F.I Imnd.tekhn.neuk; SHIJLIGA. I.Y., red.; ZAGRAMICHINY, B.V., (Equipment for prestressing reinforced concrete; a survey] Gborudovanie dlia napriazhennogo armirovaniia zhelezobetonnykh konatruktoii; informatsionnyi obzor. Leningrad, Biuro tekhn. informstaii,.1957..41 p. (MMA 11:5) (Prestressed concrete) T-P-,inzbe-ner, retsenzent; Z!Y~SKIYO 'F.I. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. redaktor;SOKOIA)VA, L.V. "~Chn7ic desk 3r, rodaktor Idontr,ok'an'd measuring instruments in the shop]-TSekhovoi kontrolino- isseritel,Vi.instru"ut. Moolcia, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mushinostroit. lit-ry, 1957. 203 P. (KLRA 10:5) (Keasuring instril nts) i . I. nicheskikb nank; POTAFOV. N.V., inzhenor: .- - Ila-mi, L. kandidat tolch ULLO xZ"X-17Avv. A.A, Squipaerat w;ed ir mkirt rainforce4 concrete tubirrr. Strol. t dor. mathinostr. 2 no-5:18-21 IV '57. (VILRA V): 5) (Cn~-~rete, Reinforced) (leningrad-Tunnaling) BERZON, X., kand.tekhn.nauk: DOLITSKIY. L. kand.tekhn.nauk*- NARINSKIY. I., kand.tekhn.nauk Conveying equipment of the Kolpino Housing Construction Combine. Zhil. stroi. no.9:13;-15.S 160. (MIRL 13:9) (Ioningrad-Precact concrete construction) (Conveying machinery) BERZON, E.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; DOLITSKIY, I.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; NARINSKIY, ------F-.I-.-,-k-And.tekhn-.nauk Conveyer-line manufacture of elements of large-panel apartment houses. Trudy NIIZHB no.21:163-173 161. 04IRA 14:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut po mashinam d1ya promyshlennosti stroltellnykh materialov. (Concrete slabs) ABADZBI, K.I.; BOYTSOV, A.N.; VOLOSEVICH, F.P.; GOBERHAN, PAL; KEMPINSKIY, M.M.; KUTAY, A.K.; 14ARINSKIY F.I.; ODIRGO G.A.; TAYTS, B.A.; RUBINOV, A.' BRZHEZINSKIY, M.L., kand. tekhn. nauki retsenzent; SIIALAYEVSKIY, ON., red.; LEYNINA, T.L., red.izd-va; SPERANSKAYA, O.V., tekhn. red. [Handbook on production control in the machinery industry] Spravochnik po proizvodstvennomu kontroliu v mashinostro- enil. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1964. 748 p. (MIRA 17:3) IT )---SO U It CE -CODL'-i-'UR/0413/66/000/015/0,31/0132 iNVENTWS: Failkov, L. G.; Rutskiy, V. V.; ITIS:ln Yo. L.; Rubin, A. Ya.; Narinskiy, Y. I.; Bocol Shakhovninal G.,V.; Chalov, V. S.; Rabinov~ A. Py 77--pM-MI.; lv,a,n,o-,v,-,-X**--V,.--- ORG none HTLE: Movable apparatus. Class 49 No- 184564 O'U S 'RCE: Izobrct prom obraz tov zno no. 15, 19660 131-132 TOPIC Tj',.GS. metalworking, gas welding, metal weldingp welding equipment, welding technology, milling machine ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents 'a movable apparatus for machining the I . ralTs contains a mil ing head ed&es prior to welding two large objects. The appa 1 mountedon self-propelled carriages. The head is fed axially along the outline of a detail by a pantographic copying mechanism. To increase the efficiency bnd the accuracy in milling the odgeo located on any plane upon an immovable structure the self-propelled carriages are placed on the ourfacoo being machined (see Fig. 1~. Tho apparatus itself in provided with an auxiliary milling head for machining the opposite edge facing the first one. The edges are separated by gas cutting torches placed in front of the moving apparatus. Card 1 2 TJDC: 621-914-37-182-3:621-791-945,P21 _11809257-67--. ~~CC -4R, Ap6029953 2 6a U. oi,~ Fig. I . 1 - self-propelled carriages; 2 - milling heads; IA 3 - 90:8 cutting torches; 4 running rollers; 5 coupling L-_A device 5\ .4 Z;;L Orig. art. hass I figure. DATE- 20Nayu-54 ITARINSKIYI 0. B. "Investigation of'the liquid-vapor equilibrium in an oxygen-argon system between 9C.5 and 120 degrees Absolute." Min Higher Education. Moscow Order of Lenin Chemicotechnological Inst -imeni D. 1. Mendeleyev. Moscow, 1956 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Science) M-MM r~ RARINEKIY, G.B., kand. tekhn. nauk. investigating the equilibrium liquid-vapor in the nyvten oxygen- argon. Kislorod 10 n0'.3-:9-16 157. (KM lotil) (Phase rule and equilibrium) (Oxygen) (Argon) MINSK~!~ -kaud e tekhn. nauk. W---Wwlr4, An apparatus for the determination of oxrgen. Kislorod 10 no-3: 25-26 '57. (HLRA 10:11) I (Oxygen-Analysis) M URINSKIY, G.B. -, VAGIN, Ye.V. balance. Zav. lab. 23 no.3:371 4jectrommgqetlc Ca -374 157. (NM 10t6), 1. Institut kislorodnogo mashinostroyentya. (Balance) (Games-Neasuresent) AUTHMs Isseswuhays., L*I.,, Dykhaot N.M., Narinskiy, G.B. 3 2 -11 4s,61 60 the AnLlysis of Ox7gOn-Kitr*gen-A7rS_c=m Rixtures (Usta- TITIM A Device for nofts, dVa analiza smesey kinlorod-asot-mlon) PRIWICAL: Zavadskays, Laboriatoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 11 * pp. 1387-1388 (USSR) ABSTRACTO In order to be able to carry out the analysis mentioned accurately, a dodo* Is recomanWed, which is based upon the principle of the ab- sorption of w7gen by copper and of nitrogen by calcium with inter- mediate measuresents of the pressure of the remaining Vs. The content of argon azO nitrogen can in this cue be attained with an accuracy of UP to 0.02-0. 03% at a concentration of < 5%. Though beyond that Walpis up to a content of 80% is possible, accuracy is then reduced. The following are the basic parts of such a device: A burette with a oapills,17 0"1 a U-shaped glass tube with copper wA calcium.- the burette (of 30 ml content) consists of now cylindrical reservoirs I pillaries between them.. The glass tubes are sealed by mercury with a ammeter tube. The burette Is in a glass vessel, which Is filled with water and in provided with a thermanater. Gan pressure in here measured according to the mercury oolum, for which purpose a Oard 1/2 vessel is provided in which mercury is able to rise wvJer pressure. A Device for the Analysis of 02Wgen-Nitrogen-Argon Mixtures 32-li-W6o It is provided with two faucets,. one leading to the air, the other +.a the pro-vacum pwV,' Absorption of o3Wgen In carried out In a Jem glass tube by asane of grwulated caner. Absorption of the ni- trogen me brought about in a quarts tube which In filled with cialclum. shavings. The gas mixture in conveyed by means of a mero=7 pump. The process of analysis is described w0 examples of oomputa- tione carried out an given. There In I figure. AMOCIATICK: AL14NO Scientific Research Institute for the Building of 037S*n Machines (Va*e?yufnyy nauchno-issledavatellskly institut kislorodnop ~hlnostrqyenUa) AVAILOLM Library of Congress Card 2/2 4.Ve AUTHOR: _~.,_Candidate of Technical SOV/67-56-4-21/29 Sciences TITLE: Reply to Readers (4) (Otvety chitatelyam) FMIODICAL: Kislored, 1958, ir 4, pp. 43-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To: V. N. Zobnov of Zhdanovs Stalins4aya Cbl&st'. Question: During production of the primary krypton concentrate in the KT-3~00 plant it happens that the liquid vanishes from the krypton separator although, at the same time, a liquid containing krypton is still found in the tubes of the lower condenser. The question arises as to whether it is possible, instead of this condenser, to use another type of apparatus with the boiling oxygen f rom which the krypton concentrate can be extracted ? Answer. This must not happen because explosive substancco might be formed at certain points of the device. It is therefore of essential importance that the level of the liquid in the krypton separator be maintained. This can be brcught about by an addition- al load brought to bear upon the upper condenser or by an increase of the level of the liquid in the space between the tubes. There- Card 1/2 fore, the use of another type of apparatus in replacement of the Reply to Readers (4) sov/67-58-4-21/29 bottom condemer cannot be recomended. Question:71here is there a higher content of krypton: in th-- liquid of the krypton separator or in the liquid of the lower condenser of the primaxy krypton block ? Answer: The liquid in the condenser is subjected to evaporation and tHe~mfore containz more krypton whcn passing into the separator which is conveyed to the tubee of the condenser. 1. Krypton-Production 2. Industrial equipment-Performance Card 2 50) sov/67-5a-6-4/22 AUTHORS: Aksellrod, L. S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Dillman, V. V. , t;andidate of Technical Sciences, 1arinskjy_,_L___B__q Candidate of Technical Sciences, Migalinskayal L. N,)Engineer TITLE: Air-Cooling by Scrubber-Water Evaporation (Skrubbernoye vo(loi- sparitellnoye okhlazhdeniye vozdukha) PERIODICAL: Kislorod, 1958, 1Tr 6, PP 15 - 22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In many areas of the country climantic conditions in suumer cause a rapid heating of the circulating cooling-water for the air to be compressed in compressors. Moreover, the in- crease of air temperature on the way to the fractionating block causes power consumption for the compression and fractionation of air to be considerably increased. An atteript had been made to use the nitrogen coming from the fractionating block for water cooling and to use the latter for air coolin.- in the compressors. Experiments have shown, however, that this way allows only an additional cooling of air. The additional cooling scheme is as follows: 2 scrubbers are Card 1/3 connected in series. In scrubber I, nitrogen is directed Air-Cooling by Scrubber-Water Evaporation' 30,1/67--'e-6-4/22 through as a countercurrent to%%,ards the water, and the latter is cooled. Thisq in turn, cools the air in scrubber II. This scheme is not sufficient for additional cooling in high- pressure maits. There, scrubber I is replaced by a nitrogen- water cooler of the KGN-30T type. The calculation given by Professor L. D. Berman (Ref 2) of the heat exchange taking place is here replaced by a simplified procedure. It takes place by the aid of the enthalpy temperature diagram, of nitrogen or air at 100% relative humidity, For the pressure of 1 atm. the values of enthalpy may be found in the psychro- metric tables (Refs 2 and 3). From the enthalpy temperatu're diagram and the load lines, that are theoretically calculated from the heat balnnce of the individual scrubbers, or from the values of entropy and temperature recorded at the outlet and inlet points of the scrubbers, the number of theoretical plates in the scrubber nthlcan be determined by the gradient method. (Fig 3). The number of required plates in apparatus n can be determined from the number of theoretical plates and from the useful effect of the plates according to the formula: nth Card 2/3 - 14 Air-Co-Aing by Scrubber-Water Evaporation SOV/67-56-6-4/22 Investigations conducted by VNIIJKD(ASh on the useful effect of individual plates were carried out with an industrial model of nitrogen-water coolerfor the KGN-30T. The mean value of the useful effect % amounted to 0.5. It was also found that on diminishing tHe water consumption for coolin.- the cooling performance of the scrubber can be maintained only by increasing the number of plates. The nitrogen-water cooler of the above type effects a cooling of from 50 to 5-1 00 by a simple control of the water quantity supplied. There are 5 figures and 8 referpnces, 2 of which are Soviet. Card 3/3 5/081/62/000/005/058/112 B156/bioa AUTHOR: Narinskiy_,__a__B. TITLE: A method'of calculating the process of rectification of a ternary oxygen-argon-nitrogen mixture PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 5, 1962, 06, abstract 5X90 (Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta kislorodn. mashino3tr., no. 2, 1959, 111 - 128) TEXT: A method of calculating the rectification of 0 2-Ar-N2 mixtures, applicable to conditions in air separation columns, by graphical analysis is p--oposed. The calculation employs the equilibrium diagram for the ternary system, including the equilibrium diagrams (compositions of the liquid and the vapor in equilibrium with it) for the binary systems; L/ allowiince is also made for variation in the heat of evaporation up the column. bstracter's note: -Complete translation-i Card 1/1 0\5- AUTHOR: TITLE-. PERIODICAL: 83695 S/076/60/034/008/009/014 B015/BO54 Warinskiy, G. B. (Moscow) Thermodynamic Evaluationrof Experimental Da 'ta on the Equilibrium Liquid - la-For in the system Oxygen - I:Egon vi Zhurnal tizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 349 No. 89 pp. 1778-1787 .TEXT: In the present paper, the author checks the experimental data on the equilibrium liquid - vapor in the system oxygen - argon at 90-50 10009 1100, and 1200K (Ref. 1) by subjecting them to a thermodynamic analysis. He proceeds from Van der Waals equation for coexisting phases of binary two-phase systems with the use of the second virial its precise form for the vapor phase. The equation derived (12) represents a special case of the Gibbs-Duham equation, and directly combines the total pressure of the system with the composition of the liquid and vapor phases coexisting in equilibrium at constant temperature. The values of the volumes of liquid oxygen and argon Card 1/2 AI Thermodynamic Evaluation of Experimental S/07 60/034/000/009/014 ,Data on the Equilibrium Liquid - Vapor BOINBO54 in the System Oxygen - Argon required for the application of the equation were obtained by -interpolation from published data (Ref. 5) (Table 1). Comparisons of the calculated values with the corresponding experimental data (Tables 2-6) show that deviations lie within the range of errors of measurement of temperature, pressure, and the difference in composition of the vapor - liquid phases in equilibrium. With the use of the equations given by I. R. Krichevskiy (Ref. 3), it was found on the basis of the experimental data that the oxygen-argon solution approaches the regular solutions. There are 4 figures, 6 tables, and 11 references. 7 Soviet,. I US, and I British. ASSOCIATION: Institut kislorodnogo mashinostroyeniya (To_eLitute of Oxygen Machine ConstnLqtiq SUBMITTED: November 19, 1958 Card 2/2 GCROKHOV, V.S., inzh.; CHERNYSHOV,!B.A., inzh.; NARINSKIY, G.B., kand.tekhn.nauk "VNIIK.IMASh M-6" nitrogen-oxygen separation unit. Khim.mashinuatr. no.44-7, Jl-Ag 163. (Gases-Separation) (WRA 16:9) MDROZf A.I., kand. teklin. nauk.; NARDISHlY, G.B., kand. takhn. nauk ThermodynamIc analysis of the oystems of aAr rectification units. Trudy 1,1111KIIIAS11 no.8:40-89 t64. (MIRA 17 -. 10)