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US8R / Microbiology - Microbes Pathogenic to Humans F-4 and Animals Abs Jour: Referat. Zh. Biol., No. 1, 1958, 745 tuberculous culture of mouse type 0-7 584 -- 4 times. Individual ranges of weight In animal omentum within each group were more pronounced the higher the level of the 541-ain'13 residual virulence. Card 2A USSR / Microbiology -; Microorganisms Photogenic to F-4 Humans and Animals. Abs Jour: Itef,Zhur-Biol., NO,9, 1956, 38478, Author : Nakhimson L I., Gnevysheva) E. F. Inst : 1rOT-gIv-6?i ;_ - Title : Repeated Lesensitizing BCO Vaccinations Against Tubereulo8is. Orig Pub: Zh. mWobiol., epidemiol. i immunobiologii, 1957, No 7, 23-28.1 Abstract: A cutaneous Weekly vaccination of guinea pigs for a period of 44 weeks by a fresh liquid culture of BCG) containing 20 mg microorganisms/mi., retar- ded development of lethal generalized infection, Card 1/2 N13HIMSON, L.I.j ROZENBERG, A.M. I.. Increme In the effectiveneBB of enteral BCG vacelm-tion, Zhur, mikrobiol, epid. I immun. 29 no.9:58-64 S158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Iz Gosudarstvenngo kontrollnogo imtituta imeni Taranevicha. (BOG VACCIRATIONs enterAl, increased effectivenece (Rua)) RaHIMSON, jj!~I:.,~ Prof.; GNEVYSHEVA, Ye.F. Comparative studies of various BOG strains. Probl.tub. 37 no-61 91-98 159. (XIRAI 13 t 2 1. Iz laboratorii protivotuberkuleznykh preparatov (Zavedl~i~sh-Aty, L.I. Nakhimoon) Gosudarstvennogo kontroltnago Instituta. eyvorotok i vaktain, imeni, Taraaevich (direktor L.S. Ogloblina). (XTCOBACTERIUX BOVIS) NAKHIYSOI,'[, L.I.; KOZHE-VNIKOVA, T.F. Differentiated evaluation of the immunogenicity of BCG vaccine under experimental conditions. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i imrun. 33 no.5:35-41 My 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz Gosudarstvennogo kontrollnogo instituta meditsinakikh biologicheskikh preparatov imeni Tarasevicha. (BCG VACCINEATION) NAKH12MSEON, L.I.; R(TENBERG, A.Ml- I S6mr1roabillity feric,!i of the dry YG vai-cirie. "Vak. 1 sy-i. ri.-.1:1T~- 184 163. ~,m-Tpu 18.8) 1. Godudari3tvennyy im. TarasevIcha. NAKIRMS011, L.I.p doktor med. nauk; ROZENIBERG, A.M., kand. med. naulc n,thivazid resistant BCG strain and itis chameteriatics, Probl. tub. 41 no.9 t 61-67 163 (MIRA 17:4) 1. 1z laboratorii protivotuberkulemiykh preparatov (zav. - doktor med. nauk L.I.Nakbimson) Gosudarstvenziogo konmollnogo instituta meditsinskikh biologiche6ktkh prepELratov Imeni L.A. Tarasevicha (dir. L.S. Ogloblina), Moskva. 4 NAIGHMSON, L.I., doktor med.nauk; ROZENBERG, A.M.) k,-md.m(.,d.nEwk Effect of tuberculin desensitization on tuberculosis resistance in KG- vaccinated guinea pigs. Probl. tub. no.2184-87 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. KontrolInyy institut meditsinskikh biologicheskikh preparatov imeni L.A,Tarasevicha, Moskva. NARRIMSON, L.I.; KOZIIEVIIIKOVA, T.P.; YABLOKOVA, T.B. - ------- ~'. I-,- I Effect of lasting s4orage ; yophilized state an the ba,5-lc propertieo of the ECG vaccill strain. Z*r. milk.-oblol., erid. i immun- 42 no-1:52-57 Ja 165. (MITIA 18:6) 1. Gosudarstvennyy kontrollnyj institut meditsinskildh biollogi- cheskikh preparatov im. L.A. Tarasevicha. LENIN, I.M., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; MALASHKIR, O.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; SAMOLI, G.I., kand. tek-hn. nauk; MEL'KW4GVo T.M., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; NAKIII14SONI, V.A., red. izd-va; YEGORKINAj L.I., red.izd-va,_RM11~, V.D., tekhn. red. [Fuel feed systems of motor-vehicle and tractor engines] Sistemy toplivopodachi. aytorobil'rWkh i traktornykh dvi- gatelei. Moskva, Mashgiz~ 1963. 312 p. (mRA 16:12) (Motor vehicles-Fuel systems) (Tractors-Fuel systems) _Oskar~Emzi-ch4_ZOBCaV3KIY, V.I., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.1 MANOLE, M.G., red.; TYAGUNOVA, Z.I.; red.; PLAKSHE, L.Yu., tekhn. rod. (Dictionary of mineralogical terms in five languages]Piatiiazych- nyi slovarl mineralogichaskikh natvanii. Pod red.Sobolevskogo, V.I. Moskva, nauchno-tekhn.slovarei Fizmatgiza, 196-2. 347 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Dictionaries, Polyglot) (Mineralogy-Dictionaries) 84-9-)7/47 AUTHOR: Nakhin. B. TITLE: An Unselfish Deed (Samootverzhennyy postupok) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanakaya Aviatsiya, 1957, Nr 9, P. 35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Aircraft commanders Mozhayev and Taarev and acting chief engineer of the airport, comrade Teneshev, are commended for their devotion to duty: they saved the hydroplane which was torn away from the mooring in the sea-plane base of the Salekhard airport. This was caused by wind blowing with a velocity of 20 meters per second. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress C ard: 1A NMIHSON. I.M.; IJCV, A.S. Rapid method of determining bacteriological pollution of water by means of impressions of midrocoionies. labidelo 5 no.2143-44 Mr-Ap '59. (MIRA 12:5) (WATER--BACTICRIOLOGY) --ACC-NR'-AP602l55F,--- AUTHOR.# Nakbinsonj 1. M.; DobrWa, T. Ye.; Yasbek, Kb. N. ORG: Virology Laboratory, Kharkov Regional Epiderdological Station (Virusologiche- skaya laboratoriya Khar'khovokoy oblastnoy oanepidatantoiya) TITLE: Influenza viruses identified at the Virolop;y Laboratory of the Kharkov Regional Epidemiological Station in 1965 SOURCE: Voprosy virueologii, no. 3, 1966, 372 TOPIC TAGS: virolo6y, influenza virus A2 virus, B virus ABSTRACT: Eleven ntrains of influenza virus were isolated from living ~nd dead tiosuea. Ten of these were type A2 and one, type Dyirasee, TheV were succeesfu-Uy freed from the ticaue culture cello Ly bypohiizationt while use of hydrocortisone was ineffective for isolating virueeo. [W.A- 50; ME No. 101 SUB com o6/ Sum DATE: none/ Card III NMLAS, S. M. Consultation. Tekst,prom. 20 no.1:95 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:5) 94 1. Glavnyy mekhanik fabriki imeni F.I.Dzorzhinskogo. (Textile macbinery) TIA191LIK, B. Nakhlik, B. "Investigation of the vapor-stream injector." Min Higher Education USM. Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner Higher Technical School imemi Bauman. Moscow, 1956, (Dinsertation for the Degree of Gandidate in Technical Sciences). Knizhnaya letopist 116. 21 1956. Moscow. ` a 11 ' .-T. State Institute of Voterinary Dermutolon-r "On nocrobacillosis of lower parts of the e7tromities of Eheep." ~ SO: Veterini,~riiu 25( 12) , 1946 1 p. 13 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 9 0 9 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TV, --- J~ lpgm- 0 '.'~ Hoof Diseases of Sheep, Moscow, State Agricuitural Press, 1950, 80 pages with illustrations, I ruble 40 kopeks, Copies -- 15 000. SO: JAIM Report, U-4724, Sept. 310.. 1953t IiiijiM (Veterinax-yiyal No. 4, Apr. 1951, pp. 60-61, moscow.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 OA --A --C;. -- - - -- ---- ---- -- - - --- --- 1 1 - - MAIGMUMA 0 2. LISM (600) 4. Leghorns (Poultry) 7, Kuchino leghormse Ptitsevodstvo no* 2 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, _Eggbrijary 953. Unclassified. USSR/Farm Animals - Domestic Fowls. n._4 Abs JOur : Ref Zhur - Biol.) No 7)' 1958) 30977 Author : Volkov D.I.) Gorodkova N.Ye.) Nakhlupina A.G., Shapovalov Ya. Ya. Inst Title A New Breed Group of Chickens of an All-Purpose Type - Kuchinskiye Yub1leynyye. (Novaya porodnaya gmppa kur obshchepollzovatellnogo tipa - kuchinskiye yubileynyye). CrIg Pub ; Ptitsevodstvo, 1957, No 6, 19-23 Abstract : The methods of raising tile breed and the characteristics of its exterior, meat quality, egg-laying capacity (about 175 eggs a year), and area of occurrence are des- cribed. Card 1/1 PENIOITZHKEVICH, B.B., prof., doktor biologic haskikh nauk; SAVILIYEV. I.K., kand. eel I skokhazy--.vE tvennykh nauk; T'RETITAKOV, U.P., pro,-@, doktor ss~l'skokbozyaystvHnnyIkh nauk; I&XHLUPI-1-U. A.G., ka-.4. salIskokhozyaystvennykh muk. I - Zagorsk group of chicken breeds. Ptiteevodstvo 8 no.8:23-29 Ag 158. (141RIL 11:10) (Poultry breads) 14Y,__ TJ8SR Farm Animals. Poultry., 0-4 Abs Sour'. Ref Zhur-Biol,, No 23, 1958, 105749. kuthor : Nagb3AWjaa, N. Yo., Shapovalov, Ya. Ya. Inst :Not given. Title :Experience in tho Breading of All-Purposo Fowl Broods at the Kuchinsk Fowl-Sovkhoz. Orig Pub: Ptitsevodstvo, 1956, No 8, 15-19. Abstract: Data concerning live %,joight, ogg production and weight of eggs of the hons of the following broods are given: Now Hampshircs, Avstralorps, and White Plymouth Rocks, whioh aro boinb raised on the Kuchinsk Poultry Sovkhoz since 1945. Tho conditions of their management and fooding arc likewise describod. As a conclusion it is point- ed out that on the other farms those broods of chickens did not develop as might be expected GRIGORESKU, L.; HAMUN, H. Reflection of Cu-Sn alloys produced by the simultaneo" condensation of vapors of the components on a backing. Fis,tver.tela 1 no-5: 808-813 My 159- (MIRA 12:4) (Copper-tin alloys-Optical properties) -- ---- NAKHMAN, inzh. FXfect of wet steam on the efficiency of a turbine stage. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 6 no.3.:109-LU Mr 163, (MIRA 16-35) 1. TSentrallnyy kotloturbinnyy ingtitut imeni I.I.Polzunova. (ateam'turbines) NAIUMNP YU,V,, inzh. ,Z~~--Ii -~;I - -- -!3 Equations for analyzing the flow of wet steam. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ; 6 no.9:59-65 8 163. (MIRA 16M) 1. TSentralInyy kotloturbinnyy institut imeni I.I. Folzunova. AN PAVWVSK*IY, G.I.; BRATUTA, B.G.; ~AK~~,-,.Yu.v. Rixte of a aubsonic moist-stsam flow through caseades of nozzles. rn2i,,--fiz. zhura 7 no.320-42 D 164 (M1RA 18 s2) 1. Polit~akhnlcheaky institut immi IAnina, Khartkov. BAWEL' p ZTT.15SR) T.!-I.p inzh.; K"Y"YAK, YU.F., In7h.; UGUINOV, r..% 9 irizh.; NAKHM'.41112 Yu,ve, ~,o" ran-alto of th'i ,,~AABUra!tent Of LY,3 degree af B,,Pam Mr,131.1ire u3lng aii experliment9.1 low-pressum BLean vvbLne, Energomashinostment! :10 no.807--~9 Ag 164. ITA-1) KC.r,YAK, Yu.F., Jnzh.; NAKJMN, iu.11.2 Inzh.; ZILIBER, T.M., inzh.; YUDIN, A.K., i.nzh. Study of the moisture collectors cf low-pressure turbine stages, Energomashinostroenle 11 no,9&10-12 S 165, (MIFLA 18 110) BAKMANOVICH) A.L.; P011CRAREVA, Ferti.Uzing syatem based delia 25 no.9:42-46 9 A.T., kand.sel'Bkokhoz. nauk on agrochemical mapping of soils. Zemle- 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Kazakhskiy institut zemledeliya. 2. Predsedatell kolkhoza ineni XXII o,'yezda Kamunisticheakoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza, Dzhambul- skoy oblasti (for Nakbmamovich). (Kazakhstan-Soils--Composition) (Kazakhstan-Fertilizers and manures) VERESHCHAGIN, L.I.; VASILIYEV, Te.K.;_ NAKHMANOVICH, A.S.; KOTLYAREVSKIY, I.L. Catalytic production method and some physical characteristics of 2,4- and 2,6-dimethylpyridine and 2,4,6-trimethylpyridine. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.6;89-94 159. (MITIA 12:12) I.Vostochno-Sibirskly filial Sibirskogo otdaleniya AN SSSR. (Pyridine) KALABIKAY A.V..; dISIYAKOVA, G.G.; KARAVAYEVA, V.M.; SIEFOTIKO, O.F.; NAKHHANOVICH.,-A.S. I Synthesis and transformations of vinyl aryl, ethers. Report Afo.9.- Preparation of vinyl ethers from phenols of tar obtained in the semocoking of Chermkhovo Cots. Izv. Fiz.-khim. nauch.-issl, inst. Irk. un. 4 no.2sl53-166 159. (MM 16:8) (Ethers) (Phenols) jC6al Tar) 24(7) S 011/51-6-6-17/34 AUTHORSs Shergina, N.I., KuznotBova, V.P., Nakhmanovich, A.S. and Kalechits, I.V. TITLEs Absorption Spectra of Phenals in the Ultraviolet Region (Spoktry pogloshchaniya fenolov v ul'trafioletovey oblaati ) PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, 1959, Vol 6- Nr 6. pp 803-806 (USSR) P ABSIMICTs Absorption spectra of 22 phenols have already been reported (Refs 5, 6). In the authors, laboratory a technique of quantitative determination of the composition of phenol mixtures 06-08 (Ref 7) was developed and certain C9 and higher phenols were prepared and studied (measurements were made using a quartz spectrophotometer SF-4 and pure iso-octans was used as the solvent). In this way experimental material on absorptien spectra of 31 phenols was assembled. Fig 1 shows positions of the absorption maxima in all these phenolm. In the majority of them the absorption maxima occur at 271, 27Z, Z78, 279, 284 and 285 m1,. Zhe table on p 805 shows the displacements of the wavelength of the fund amenta I miximun when varioua substituents are introduced at ortho-, mota- and para-positions. Introduction of methyl, ethyl, propyl and allyl at the ortho-position of the phenol hydroxyl group leads to a small bathodromic effect 'which is practically the same in all Card 1/2 cases. Introduction to similar alkyl substituents at the meta-position Absorption Spoctra of Phonola in the Ultraviolet Rogion 5011/51-6-6-17/34 increases aGmewhat the bathochromic displacrment. The greatest bathochromin, effect is observed on introduction of alkyl oubstituents at the para-position. Tho sumo displacomont in observed on introduction of allcyl substit-zents Into ortho-, mata- and jara-cresolm. This rhovin that the length of the side chain of the substituent or presence of a double bond in it do not affect, to any great extent, the absorption curve, while the type of the substituent changes both the fonn and the position of the absorption bands. The authors discuss also other effi~%-~t~q which can be deduced from the data of Fig 1 and relato them to molec.-alar structure. There are 3 figures, 1 table and 8 refergncea, 2 of which are Soviet, 4 EngliEh and 2 German. Ca rd 2/2 7. r~. A. S. 1. 2te-L.3 on ntm-dol^t Sixetm ... ?.-LIC Th!. 0. -,~t,l L". jnta t~~, :'S-01-1. t.~- I .7-trs or -)--U. to e!--l t 1 1 tt-t f -i V. -e.3 1-4. 0.5~ ~ 1.35 ~la L, .~-, -d kith a of I T,~ 7. 0: V~l is .!Q~t t b eti- =I tv-r'! V~, t Ith t1i *L a ff.zt th.1 tht L, t'. -th. r po3itUn. P.L..I-. or yll ~!"d %,-,th or vat. rsl.tol car;--ds - I~ tq t." e c?etm -thod. Tsbl. I a'~-S t. t - d. c- -Od. = a Of 11 r?,~-Ua , L, t e r7tica rir-~L~ rie piak hair,4it of t~e ZI p?m-Uc coz- abac pounds. TWO 3 Muzirstos th. dI--?lL--- ..'T.zt ef Vl~ abwrpti= tand pr-.,4-wd V7 introtb=L-tt, ~r!-s v-belt=.d Thl. 4 ths &msl,-ti--s3L -.=It. or d.t,m--iin,; t -C -As. wrptia3 C"VfUjMt* Of SMG ph~li= -y -- TStlo 5 a-,- ti.. wai7ti..l -mats of r-ixt-s. rIAl are 12 M-m absorptle., v~ms of -mlove ph.".L14 c-w~c!3 =T~s of varims artlfict-l r-Lxt~rvs. TI-Am iuu El mrer=zas (4 &-ri-%, U R=sl=, 3 Gr-aa, ChLmse). Cud 2A OKIADNIKOVA, Z.A.; R&KHK&NO7ICH,_A.S., SMMGINA, N.I. Tnfrared spectroscopic investigation of the chemical mechanism governing the transformations of the high molecular fraction of eemicoke tar under conditions of destructive hydrogenation. Trudy Vost.-Sib.fl.AN SSSR no.26:39-44 159. (MrM 13:6) (Coal tar--Spectra) (Hydrogenation) - s/678/61/000/038/004/009 A057/A126 AUTHORS: Sidorov, R.I., Trotsenko, Z.P., Nakhmanovich, A.S. TITLE: Investigation of the composition of industrial liquid-phase hydrogenation products. Report 5. Investigations of the com- position of mixtures of aromatic hydrocarbons of the liquid- phase hydrogenation products obtained from heavy oil of medium- temperature tar of Cheremkovo coal PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial. Trudy. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 38, Moscow, 1961. Prevrashcheniya aromati- cheskikh uglevodorodov v protsesse destruktivnoy gidrogenizat- sii., 68 - 76 TEXT: Mixtures of aromatic hydrocarbons were investigated, separated from an industrial liquid-phaBe hydrogenation product of a heavy oil of medium- temperature coal tar from Cheremkovo, which was studied already in an earlier paper [Ref. 1: Trudy Vostochno-Bbirskogo filiala SO AN SSSR, Seriya khimiches- kaya, 18, 5 (1959)]. The purpose was to determine the homologous series of Card 1/3 3/678/61/000/038/004/009 Investigation of the composition ...... A057/A126 aromatic hydrocarbons and their quantity in these mixtures. The mixtures were distilled on laboratory rectification colums, and the fractions obtained were specified by refraction indices, specific and molecular weight, by ultra- violet absorption spectra, and qualitative Pieria acid tests. Some fractions were identified by the n-d-M method (Van Nes - Van Westen's method). Tetralin was determined by N.D. Zelinskiyls dehydrogenation method. Tabulated results of 56 fractions of samples I - 3 show a content (in relation to the total neutral part of the product) of homologous series of: 7.7% benzene, 7.4% in- dane, 14.6% tetralin, and naphthalene. No compounds of the homologous series of diphenyl and cyclohexylbenzene could be observed. The fractions of sample 4 (boiling at 210 - 3200C) show a considerable complex composition. They con- tain a small amount (0.3%) of compounds of the benzene series, compounds with one-aromatic and one naphthenic ring, compounds with two aromatic rings (among these naphthalene), and some with simultaneous two aromatic and one naphthenic ring (probably acenaphthenes, and possibly fluorenes). Fractions boiling above 3200C contain neutral oxygen compounds of a homologous series repreeented by the formula CnH2n-180. By chromatographic separation of a fraction boiling at 4200 - 5200C, an oxygen compound containing C - 87.6%, H - 6.26%, and 0 - 6.i4% Card 2/3 S/678/61/000/038/004/009 Investigation of the composition ...... A057/A126 was isolated. Assuming also a single oxygen atom in the molecule, the authors suggest the formula CnH2n-240 for the homologous series. Thus, apparently, the latter belongs-to the aforementioned type of oxygen compounds, but con- tains a fourth benzene ring. There are Ifigure and 3 tables. Card 3/3 33607 S/678/61/000/038/007/009 Is-. 1? 13 0 0 A057/A126 AUTHORS: Sidorov, R.I., Yhvostikova, A.A., Nakhmanovich, A.S., Shergina, N.I. TITLE: Investigation of the composition of industrial liquid-phase hydrogenation products. Report 8. Composition of highly con- densed aromatic hydrocarbons PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vostochno-81birskiy filial. Trudy. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 38, Moscow, 1961. Prevrashcheniya aromati- cheskikh uglevodorodov v protsesse destruktivnoy gidrogenizat- sii., 95 - 102 TEXT: The composition of high-molecular aromatic hydrocarbons, pres- ent in a liquid-phase hydrogenation product obtained from medium-temperature Vr semicoke tar, is investigated and the content of hydrocarbon "types I' determined in the present paper, which is part of a series of reports. The investigation concerns a liquid-phase hydrogenation product obtained under industrial conditions from a heavy oil of medium-temperature tar of Cheremkovo coal. The product con- tained 4.6% water, 10.9% phenols, 2.4% bases and loss, and 82.1% neutral oil. Card 1/2 33607 S/678/61/000/038/007/009 Investigation ......... A057/A126 The latter was separated by fractional distillation, Initially at atmospheric pressure uP-to 3200C (69.7%) and then the fraction in vacuum at 360 - 4200C (20,0%). This fraction was then chromatographically separated into four con- centrates and thoroughly investigated. A total amount of 0.55% pyrenes, 2.48% phenanthrenes, and 0.56% anthracenes was found. The latter two were determined by means of the Van Nes - Van Westen n-d-M method. Ultraviolet Bpeotra of the liquid fraction indicate that compounds with condensed aromatic rings are pre- vailing. According to the n-d-M method they are chiefly of the 2A1N type, con taining apparently homologues of tetrahydroanthracene, tetrahydrophenanthrene, and acenaphthene, i.e., compounds with two condensed aromatic rings. Also smaller amounts of the phenyltetralin, and fluorene type may be present. The study proved that the graphical method for the determination of composition has to be com- pleted by data of ultraviolet spectra for high boiling hydrocarbon mixtures. The composition of the concentrate shows that compounds with two, or three naphthenic rings are absent, andthe types 2AIN, 3A, 3A1N, and 4A are prevailing. There are 3 figures and 5 tables. Card 2/2 KAIXCHITS., IVo; NAKHMANOVIGH, A.S.; MANTSEVA, V.M. Influence of the bond maltiplicity on the hydrogenation kinetics of polycyclic hydrocarbons. Kin. i kat. 4 no.3: 395-403 My-Je 163. (MMA 16:7) 1. Institut nefte- i uglakhimicheakogo sinteza Sibirskogo otdalaniya AN SSSR. (Hydrocarbon yrogenation) (Chemical)bond KALECHITS, I.V.; RAMANOVICH, A.S. Hydrogenation kinetics of polycyclic bydrocarbons. Dokl.AN SSSR 148 no.41835-838 F 163. (KIRA 1634) 1. Institut nefte- i uglekhimicheskogo sintez& Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.A.Balandinym. (Hydrocarbons) (Hydrogenation) ACCESSION NR: AT4010611 S/3051/63/000/000/0166/0170 AUTHOR., NakhmanovIch, A. S.; Kalachits, 1. V. TITLE: Hydrogenation of polycyclic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds over a platinum catalysts in the liquid phase SOURCE: Kataliticheskiye reaktsii v zhidkoy faze. Trudyle Vsesoyuznoy konferentsil.' Alma-Ata, 1963, 166-170 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogenation, catalytic hydrogenation, polycycilc hydrocarbon hydro- genation, heterocyclic ring hydrogenation, Adams platinum, catalytic hydrogenation solvent effect ABSTRACT: In a continuation of earlier work, the authors studied the catalytic hydrogenation of benzene, biphenyl, tetracene, anthracene, naphthalene, 2,7-di- methyinaphthalene, 2,6-dimethyinaphthalene, 1,2-benzanthracene, pyrene, chrysene, phenanthrene, pyridine, quinoline, dipyridyl and quinaldine using Adams platinum in glacial acetic acId. The results at a hydrogen pressure of 2.5 atm. (abs.) showed that all o~ the reactions were first order with respect to hydrogen and 0 order with respect to the hydrogen acceptor. Figures for the rate constants, acti- vation energies and bond multiplicities are giyen, and the relationship between etrutre and rate of hydrogenation is discussed. In another series of experiments, ard 2 ACCESSION NR: AT4010611 hydrogenation in glacial acetic acid and decalin was compared and the latter was found to be stropgly Inhibitory, especially for the hydrogenation of naphthalene, anthracene and biphenyl. This Is due to the fact that the decalln takes up a signi- ficqnt proportion of the active surface of the catalyst. OrIg. art. has: 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut nefte- I uglekhimicheskogo sinteza Sibirskogo otdelenlya AN S~SR (Institute of Petrojeum and Organic Chemical Synthesis, Siberian Section, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 25Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOV: oo4 OTHER: 001 Card 2/2'. tinitmintAbilkly of rAMOD*o DY Y*41111 ot the fACO "Y& durtag the manufacture at alcohol (font molasses. If. ItI. NAkhmA_pQyj.OLxnif L. V. Kochkina (Liquut limit.. Kiev). 16. 6-20'-7(IQ5I).-Thc "Ya" yeasts decoulp. r-Afflnow in aq. solo. to form fructose and melibiose. The fructose Is refluented A51 completely "mI as rapidly as sucrose. N miplo. fit do swt aff-t the rAte sum) complete- nes,& of the 1"InentAthms. H, 111m,31111-Y X7 P; rl ~', // 4 Al ~4 /V U V / C /7' ) 06 , -'L I , BZFSNSHMM, A.F.; RAKENANOVICEI, B.M. Effects of sizing on fermentation activity of yeast calls, Saccharwqces cerevimiae. strain Ta, In nutrient molasses mash, Kikrobiologiya Z2, 179- 84 '53. W.R1 6;3) (CA 47 no.22:12750 153) 19 All-Soviet Research Isto Alcohol Ind.9 May, A e e'n 3 wa The reco h In the Urmentatloft In the V "t k t_b t B. NI. Naklifflanovich h du . aton . u Y aloui It Ain I" On SPOIVE-393 . (A ctonc-butX1 Pirt.-DOF 21, No. 4, %vere Mudt! %iitlt 41sent wash which showed the usual analysis for (fry mattet, re-, ducii 4 matwr, pentosans, 13ctic and act, it neld, 3nd N-contg. maZ. it was found tint in 2-367o cultures any uddn. beyond 25% spent wash would act deleterious, bat fit 20% oltures up to -400/0'could be adtled. The findingi were applied for several months in actual plant Operations, vi no untoward results, for mashes both based on wheat j"~ d rye, as brought out by the final analyses for. aceto NMI. and REOH. Wercer Jacobson p ~~n ICH B. - Partial substitution of food stuffs in the acetone-butyl industry. Spirt. prom. 23 no.4:10-14 '57, (NLRA 10:5) 1. Doksbukinskly atestonovyy-uvod. (Rav meorials) (Acetone) (Bmtyl alcohol) NAHRIANOVICH B.M.1 RALINKIN, S.G.~$' KOOKINA, L.V. Causes-for diffe,rent-yields OL---solvente--Trom rye and wheat starch in S~etone-wtyl production. Tmdy TSNIISF no.6:82-89 '~B. (MIRA 14:12) (Starch) (Acetone) (Butyl alcohol) NAMIMANOMI!, B.M.; SHCIMLYKINA, N.A, Quantitative determination or acetane, butyl and ethyl alcohols in their co-existence. Trudy TSNIISP no.6:90-97 158. (MIRA 1-;-1Z) (Acetone) (Butyl alcohol) (Ethyl alcohol) YAROVENKO, SHCHEBLYKINA, N.A.; SHCHEBLYKIN, N.P. Analysis of the battery method of fermenting in the manufacture of butyl alcohol and acetone. Spirt. prom. 24 no-5:5-11 158. (Butyl alcohol) (Acetone) (MIRA 11:9) NAKEMMVICH, B.M. Pentose h7drol7sin of cornbobs. Zhur. prikl. kbLim- 31 no.10:15?2-1577 0 '5 8. (KM 12.- 1) l.Rauchno-isolodavateltakaya laboratoriya Dokshukinivkogo ateatonovoge zavoda. (Pentooes) (corncobs) (Hydrolysis) NAMANUTCH., B.M.; SHMMBLIrKIffl. N.1. I Fermentation of pentoses from corncob hydro3jyeates b7 Clostridium aceto .butylicum [with summax7 in English]. Mik-robiologlia 28 no.l: 99-104 Ja-F 159- (MIRA32:3) 1. Dokshukinskiy atsetonovyy 2avod, Nauchno-isaledovateltakaya la- boratoriya. (CIOSTRIDIUM AGETOBUTTLICUM) (PENTOSE) - HAKHMOVICH, B., kand.tekhnonauk Corn instead of flour. NTO 2 no.7:22 JI 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Corn (Maize)) (Synthetic products) NAKHMANOVIGHpB. (Riga); SHGHEBLYKINA,N. (Riga); KALNINA,V. (Riga); PEWIS,D.(Riga) Ace-tb~n- tyl fermentation of cornstalk hydro'lyzates obtained by the Riga method. In Russian. Vestis Latv ak no.3:135-140 160, (EM IOS7) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyokoy SSR9 problem i kbimii dreveoiny. (Acetone) (Butyl alcohol) Institut lesokhozyayotvennykh (Fermentation) (Gorn(Maize)) 4 --- HAKHMANOVICH,B.(Riga); SHCHEBLYKINA,N.(Riga) --- Study of hydrolyzates of agricultural plant refuse in acetone- butanol fementation. In Russian. Vestis Latv ak no.5:125-128 160. (EFAI 10:7) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyskoy SSR, Institut. lesokhozyaystvennykh problem i khimii drevesiny. (Fermentation) (Plants) (Acetone) (Butyl alcohol) FAKHMANOVICH. B.M.; SHCHEBLYKINA, N.A. Use of raw vegetable wastes in the production of solvents. Spirt.prom. 26 no-1:31-33 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Tegetables) (DokBhukino-- Solvents) I.,. UROVMMD, V.L.- HAXNANOVICH, B.H.; SEITMICH, V.V. Theor7 of the continuouB acetone - but;rl alcohol fermentation. Spirt.prom. 26 no.6-.6-9 160. (MM 13:11) (Fermentation) HAUDWOVICH, B.M.; SHCHIBLMNA, N.A. Fermentatiou of calcium salts of acetic and butyric acids by Clostridium acotdbutrlicum. Mikrobiologila 29 no.l.,67-72 jarip-16o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Dokshuklullkiy zavod, Nauchno-imeledovatellskaya laboratoriya. OLOSTRIDIUM metab. (ACETATES metab. ) (BUTTRAVIS metab.) YAROVENKOp V.L.,- UKIIM~~~ SHCHEBLYKINp N.F.; SENKETICH, V.V. Study of continuous acetone-butyl fermentation caused by Clostridium acetobutylicum. Mikrobiologiia 29 no. 42581-586 n-Ag l6o. (MIRA 13:10) 1, Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut spirtovoy promyshlennosti. (CLOSTRIDIUM ACETOBUTYLIGUM) , 5.3500 AUTHORS: Nakhm.--inovLch, B. M., Shcheblykina, 1-1. A. TITLE; Brief' Comitainle-ation.,i. The 8tudy of' Chemical Compooition of' Cobs of' S)eveval '34)ecle,3 of' Covii., as Pentosan Containing Raw Matevial PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prlkladnoy Ichimli, l()60, Vol Mr- ;~Y pp 482-11811 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present work the chemical compoGition of' 15 differcnt npecies oC corn cob, cultivated un(ler the same soil and climatic conditiono, was -itudie(t. Corn cobs containing a great amount of hydvolyzed polyssachavide are valuable Industrial raw There are 2 tables; an(i 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Sc ientif ic -Research Laboratory of Doksliukinsk Acet-one Plant (Natichno-issledovatellskaya laboratovi,llra. Dokshukinskogo atsetonovogo zavoda) SUBMITTED-. July 29, 1959 Card 1/3 Brief Communications. The Study of' 77667 110v/~3 0 - 3 2 -42/-~,2 Chemical CompmAtion of' Cobc of' Several Species of Corn, a3 Pentosan Containing Ctird 2/3 Raw Material Toble 1 6 d L CL VI 11.11 44.1 32.8 76.9 40.1 45.8 29.5 1.27 1AU - 0 t2.30 44.1 :12.2 76.3 39.3 45.0 1-1 q. 0 1.12 L65 - P 13.51 112.6 29.4 72.0 39.0 44.7 26.5 1.48 2.30 - J-2A 22.5 13.82 44.1 30.7 74.8 40.6 46.6 27.6 2.34 2.8U - +2.5 23A 12.21 44.1 28.7 72.8 40A 45.9 25.8 2.38 2.37 - +1.8 2:1.0 11.57 43.3 35.6 78.9 39.8. 45.6 32.0 1.59 - - +2.3 23.0 t 11.81 43.3 28.7 72.0 41.9 48.0 25.8 11.32 2.70 2.79 -H.7 22.5 0.06 44.6 28.1 72.7 38.5 411.1 25.3 2.16 260 - -0.5 25.0 v f3.3i 43.3 29.4 72.7 40.4 40.3 26.5 1.59 2 8U - +3.0 25.0 W 13.08 44.2 32.7' 76.9 38.8 44.5 29A 1.56 2.10 4.82 +0.3 2V) x J3. 12 43.3 29.4 72.7 39.4 45.1 26.5 1.90 2.0t + 1.8 25.0 Y 14.(,1 4:1.0 12.2 7M 40.4 46.3 29.0 1.73 2.66 -1.3.3 21.0 Z 11.63 42.6 31.6 7 4. %1 i 2. F) U.7 28.4 LOS 2.,',() 1.:11) +6.1 24.o tLek. 11.64 41.1 29.2 73.3 40.9 ifl.9 20.3 L26 3.60 +2.8 27.0 bb I t.52 44.6 31.1 75.7 -11.8 17.8 1.73 2.10 -J-3.2 25.0 Brief Communication.s. The Stud4y of Chemical Compooition of Colbz7~ of Several f C01-11, ;1,; till', Raw M".-tterial Table 1. Analysis of several ---pecle~3 of* ~- -o:,n col'., a) T,,Pe of corn; (h) 11101i3ture, kased on glucose); (d) difficultly hyd,~,o)y:~ed 011 glucosfl; ~e~ tot-aijeasil, and (lifficii1t1y hy f pento anes; pent-osnneo on ponto:,,e) h cellulosc: total 1-111,1.0io-en content. ., (J) ".1oh content; Oc uvoill.c. -IcId".,; (1) difference betweon pentoses and hydi-olyzai,Ie material; (m) amount of cobo (in % ba2ed on corn ears); (n) Local white ,eed co*rn; (o) cabar-(Iine white "zubovidnaya"; (p) VIR-25; (q) rxaGnociav 1/4'7,; (r) Cabardine 5/56; (s) CabardIne Y/56; (t) Cabardine 81/56; (v) K2zhF2; (w) Drieprovsk 3; (Y.) Dneprovsk -5/%; (y) Dnaprovsk 56; (z) Uspekh; (aa) Collective, (bb) Sterling-Dneprovsk. Card 313 -NAMIfffl_OJUM#-,ILM..;~-SENKEVICH v V.V. j YAROVENKO p V*L. Use of butyl bacteria for the fermentation of nonodible raw materW. Spirtoprome 27 no,2:22-25 161, (MIRA 14t2) (Fermentation) LIPS11ITSj V.V-j NAlqU4ANOVICH. B.M.: SENKYWICH, V.V.; MLINICHENKO, L.A. Fermentation of peaose-hezose hydrolysates of vegetable wastes in a mixture with molasses by butylic bacteria. Mikrobiologiia 3(~ no.2:323-327 MrAp 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Institut, mikrobiologii AN USSRy 'Kiyev 1,11ahchno-issledavatell- skaya laboratoriya Dokshukinskogo atsetonovogo zavoda. (ACETONE) (BACTERIA) YAROVENIKO, V.L.; NAKHMANOVICH, B.M.; SEWEVICH, V.V.; SHCHEBLYKIN, N.P. Continuous acetone-butyl fermentation with an extended b~atterj charging cycle. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. 2:98-104 162. (KRA 15:5) 1. TSentrallnvy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut spirtovoy i likerovodochnoy promyshlennosti. (Fermentation) (Acetone) (Butil) NAKHMA.N,OVICHP Boris Markovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; PETUKHOVA, I.T., red.; BARGI, T.M., tekhn. red. (Preparation of solvents from corncobs) Poluchenie rastvo- ritelei iz kukuruznoi kocheryzhki. Nallchik, Kabardino- Balkarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 53 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Solvents) (Corncobs) -AAMMOVIIH) B.11. Determining fermenting sugars in beet-sugar Molasses- SPirt-Proz. 29 no.2:29-31 163. (KW 16:3) J.' Dokshukinskiy atsetonoMyy 2avad. (molasses) (Sugars-Analysis) SHCHEBLYKIN, N.P.; NAKHMANOVIGHp B.M. Complete utilization of raw materialn in the Doksbuk-ino Acetone Plant. Spirt. prom. 29 no.7:27-31 163. (MIPA 16;12) 1, Dokshukinskiy atsetonovyy zavod, NAKHMANOVICH, B.M.; LIPSHITS, V.V.; PAVLOVICH, L.A. Fermentation of vegetable waste hydrolyaates mixed with molasses by Glostridium acetobuflicum. Prikl. biokhim. i -i obiol. 1-no.-,6,.,635-639 N-D-165. (MIRA 18:.U) 1. Institut mikrobiologii i virusologii AN UkrSSR. Submitted July lit 1965. NAKIDIANOVICIIJ. YAN'TE1110) V.I.-, N.P. Maintaning sterile- i", ccnLlnuouss fem.entation. Ferm. i rpirt.-yrcri. 31, '65. (IMMA 18:8) 1. Vsesoyuznry lnstLtuL fermentrioy i sp-irto-%roy promyshlennesti- I,for Naknmanovich,, Yarovenko). 2. Dokshukinskiy atsetcric-butd--lovy-y zFAvod (f6i, Shcheblyl-in). --,Vft I-y4:Q - "I -~ I- " `.- 7- IF-- -., / w-I GERLSIMOV, A.; ILMMNOVIOR, M, 4uceassfully complete bond paymanta. Fin.SSSR 16 no.4:41-43 Ap 155. (Bonds) (MLRA 8:3) SHINEV, I.S., kand.ekonomichaskikh nauk; NAKHMANOVICH, M.B., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik I- ---------- Efficient administration of forestry and lumbering in the sparsely wooded regions of the country. Trudy TSNIIM no.32:3-38 162. (NIRA 15:5) (Forests and forestry) r ...... 6 0 Ab a 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4111 9 a 0 4 000 - - - - - - - 0 j a 5 61100111113WIS 16 10 W " x 21 ISV-21 A A C, a -L-J-1 N A A L a 0 P 9 A L-T V AA if M PC U I 00 A 00 . ~ Methods for the clarlilcation of supt solutions for our a of duty" M. 1. ---NMMUAXU - PW vicu-AnAs-& - L. BxxxAN. AfoxoCraph 134 pp.(m Russian. with Fattish summary).-This liumphlet reviews the previous tersture concerning the effect of various clarifying agents an the rotation of the c,,nstltucnts of beet and rodw~~ and on the detn.of the polarization at of the suffow content. ThtrrsgcnUC=,1d.l 041 l1b salts (neutral. bacc and dry Pb acetate, basic nitrate), ardinal chat mild titcolorizing carbons. compds. of Al. %is. Its and W, oxidizing and reducing agents and acids; 00 Wicchrrann's electrolytic method is given A bibliography of 3.17 references is appended. 17~ W. URBAN eel ez~ ago no 0 A LITINA1169t CLASSIFKAVC- '00 t 'A t '1 1 two -.1 1 W-m s ji a 1 4 V U a 49 POP A 14 K a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 4 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 4 6 0 0 : 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 0 0 0 0 4,0 * 0 0 4 0 4 6 0-4 9 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 go 0-6 90 *04 0 0 - 1 0 0 goill 4p 0 .011 Uumb Istim pc 41 1617111)1 42 al H oo s IL a L-1 r. .2- 4 'A k a A A Y I 4A 14 CA IV tt 4f j0 o 00 00 00 .90 00 ANDIlmaimme,.S.L., Methods of Clarifying Sugar Solutions NAKHMANOVIC11, M. 1.. - - -00 &Fo-f"Or-fttlrltlngThtm( Kiev, U.S.N. U.: Imt.lorSultar W 00 if P" Induitry. Reviewed In loolern. Siotar J. 31, 622(1". 00 *0 '09 00 .00 00 ago 04 j =09 00 a ':o 0 00 ZOO 00 so 00 00 00 00 "O0 go 0o I 00 if 00 7'D U wif ifit $to $tuft 1f01 V4 ~4 fA --I --- 1- 0 04 0 It I IW so I All a 3 1, WA its * & 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 4 * 4 9 0 0 Is a 4 0 o 0 a 0 0 0 Gi Iz I d 1 4 r 1 9 x is It (I w it It it it it b sit 0 in is a it V M be a is If xjr4i it ait 4face f I K L -11 1 "1 1.7 ? i M I a ABf-AL It --.A- r- Q AL 1-1-A -1 4, 0 S .1 GO .11 ..b 0.0 Gaines ..7, ..V P1.% M #&,cgM% ..a -14. -Ifffsoputo of dw icadflifts for bacreasiag tbo "I"Ity of crystsmatiast go .64 WGIFft" 114, li'NAXKMANCMC" ANI, 1. P. zat.11114AN Vdu#, 74poski reuk A rom Prow 9j 4A~Q2(IWN)).-A no. 4 e%pf~ in differrnt rvIntries Its Ruwa shnard .00 so C that velocity of crystn. In sugar loaves smily increases with a sharp dres w of th~ - temp. The neet eDnvvnknt temp. In the ow,flulmoma Is +5"-+10*. Insumm"the .Of low temp. can he inaintained with the stdol ventilating lane. The Increased rate of Ow enoting does not affect the quality of the wined sular. llu hardInest and the color of the latter remain Prwtkally the samee at during the MrAing of the sugar loaves at 0a= thehiShertemps. The b"chingof the sugar is normal. A tim of tattles and diagram% art- Jnouded. %, :0 &", I 00 so 00,3 coo 00 j coo 00 goo 06 !Zoo .900 0 0 00 tso 0 AIx.ILA tTALLUFGKAL UU110"t-CLASUPKATION It I 06 use too '60 fk 6 r-. IT It It it 11 it U It It It It M ,,fo us ,0, "00 0 111 4111 0 * 411 111 a 00 0 0 0 a 00 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 Is 41, 0 0 0 * 0 0 00 411411 0 so 6 6 6 a 9 0 4 0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 00 00 00 0 0 011A 0 0 go * 00 0 o 0 - - - 0 0 0 o- 0 -0 0-0- 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 * 0 a - 0 0 * 1110-1--i A S I A I f -9 10 - 1; 11 $A m is I& t? is t9 a i n n jA n - j4 t7 m ju ii v tj j4- n k 11 It It 46 11 U 41 U IJ r 0 To- 14 1 1 L A it tv U 1, 00 I.I(IMI AW, qu&Llty a, tat sweet twasm water from the base-bLack filters, M. MAJER' MA"!fjYJPLAN9w 1. P. 19LIRMAN. Nawk. idpol rojoire" Pipm. 10. Al 74(101),---: i *00 00 f _ffrQ5 no, (J exp1q. the foll.1wil"s ctmidu4mAcia" tw dr4wil: 00 city, the priiptirtkin 44 nimi.stilars Imraws. Tlm swert Water w4fJIr% IxIt f"n tht Waiihing fillrAtkia s 4 th l U b W i -00 . e tar n t y A ar ed chats the adming mattm sJuic ibmM be Mpped wbm We umt watcrdo=axs tO2.5 MIX inism). -00 go V. R. DAMOW 00 : 'a l o l zoo JS.jL A otIALLVOLiL UICIAT01 CtASPFICATIOm it Ric- !,-~ ". - - . I It;, LOS - Y-71 -A, - -1 0 64-1 U Is AT N3 As; or A( so It of a It 'nil ix fin 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 :; ; " of 00 0 6 6 0 'So is 0 0 o a so & 4 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 .* 0 0 00 0 0 * 0 0-00 0-0 0 0 1 0 6 0 4 1 0e 0 0 0 * 0 4 0 4 a 4400 0 Soso* 00 00 'Ope 40 0 0 6~ 0000 0 4 4***$Soso 0 'i. 1 JjU Ms b1? not 41 Uaj .4're 2 I P A if i I I A A A-C A X_.I,- -_ v -I T X M A i-P~CRL4-% I I ~ #(CMIS .-0 Oveplat it ..of Study al the bont-black Altration procesm, h11.-I.-XMU1KAXAIVlCU,A1416 K. K~ go I.Yvattmi, Nesk. rapt5i rishrowt Prows. 14, 127-71KHMI)--The attialk-t graim 0ir C/O-*' Aft" (NO hr%. n( filtrallinn the dmi4wiring linvirr ~I( targe-sise graim of boov Islack drerrawd 077. nout sinall-Ost grains 4213 Th 8 stualler graini mpiltv Ir." waith water. I'll* (11retili sing I.I.Ret q1vCfqxW4 With Filerrok:2 90 I The advirptitut 4 the c4* Flom highly cvvkvvil lloluof4 1% -niall" 00 a thms hoon holutari with Ir" colitu Thm1mr, highly v4igrd 111, 44 limirf 141%, Tlw Icnip III the luppirs h" little effect upm t".liviant6vi Ftimit 1W III M 60 the decohirWas effect inerrawsocily by *XA%. The pm ig the acM li(pson incrraws altvr .00 ir filtratkms. The fitiat pil of the liquurs sGer filtratkirt is generally very ck~ tqs 7.5 'E Thr acil traction of the liquon inctra" tlw reducing stil,stancrt; with alit tracti-in *0 0 they art divrrawd. 'rhe Nine Muck silawls the mlucing sulo-tancro better Irms the =6* 00 a Who liflipsr. I k1110k. fill ratkin gives a xrratrr whril2o"11wrtril filter, am MA with twoly rrgrarratril chat. thr doishle fittrallim rivr- 11417. nowr dr- 0 o : 10, ci,lorWskm than The single one. V. It. IIAIKOW 0 00 :t '09 boo .11.014, *0 go 41111V dM d- 111 0 -Us -0 is 171 Aj a !* " 11014 Krl Its[ Iturt It V1KWM INA 10, 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 00 40 of I : 0 0 0 410 0 0 a : 0 : : : 0 0 0 'v 0 0 * o 0 0 0 6 0 a 0 0 it is lzau ism um "S"'Vajoll; 4171 a a 6 L It L A. 'A. p Q J-1 v YI A I I AA of CC 9 A st of -00 9 all slose too 041 too 00,00,60 it U 4 1 1 4 0 1 The j0dostneuic method f" the deteminatim of 6-0114- Sf - I I "MIC M Ki(fldf S. L. 113RUAN AND 11. ()- LYUBIX- A'*Uk- Z403" 7"MAPOW1 pron' - 'W The itmilmlictric rurth(ml was improved lyy re0wing the buflrf 1041. 012 -V Nallcor N&Ph) with 25 cc, of 03 N N&011- [,he complete metligid of asurlytis and a no. of tables allowing the fraults Of elpts. arr given. V. H, lJAJXQW -40 zoo -00 zo 0 I =00 IA 0 A S 0 - I t AMfTALklV(,KAL 1.111RAT4,81 t;O 41 049 9 la~ 1-. 6'.. 0 .0 --i-14 3 1 W pr 0 cy It :0 or wit Rect "Intt trot mill It 1 94 of 64 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a dnI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 A 00 91 0 1 4 1 aII 1, 0 it is 14 is 16 It is if As Ila bx*'b All"A. 1 6 It U 33 As Is 1$ 1) a is 4; 41 U As ad 4 E 0 'L L ! v P 4 - - J--L-iu I A-A--t-.L-vLK-%X'PQ'12~2 -i-A A - -- - . - - -;-- --. r2cclsill, 4.D "11coltUts ..;I. 00 The ection of *Mu in the dwmPosiltiou of -11-1106 1-00 111011111ing of riall". "% is. S. L. Ek-r- man, M. S. Ptalshotnik k. IMIKI. Zdpiski -04 Toukravi Prow. 10, No. 32, 1-24(19M); cf. C. A. 29. -00 672P.-COl-flirc air, blown, through 1517. Into. of 3 of %ir decom "Mc 1 d 19 2 f f T fined sugar heated with 0.4% C&O up to 90 during f c i d T i " . . sucrose a ter 24 hn. % o he p ! Puy Ar ROOL Of C&O In soln Increased the amt of sucrose -06 e s irsa accompest le of sucrose h b . decoraps. 4 b7 Inr formation of .6 W% Cls valits'and decrease In alkY. to . . GCcQmPd- Without ft6tAblishintent. Of initill! allry. the see ii! o.27% CAU. Un;~~ II, dticomps. a wn&Uer &mt. of decompil. of sucrose is much Vlowmr. The effect Of the =00 i~ sucrose. The control expl. (with no air blown through (be D air on mom on". owns. (3cs-M%) Is much wrok". 40' With increase Of th IW* t f d h e- wAn.) showed very little decoInpits. of the sussr. f i e row emp. un e up to er t same witilitions decom ts Of sucros t 44 I d f 1 file t. o ns a greater am Compa. is petticr wben the *otts. conta C&O. Heating of the win. under the same conditim . ncreir e e rom , , p , : to 4,17v and the CA, salts tticreaved from 0.015 to 0.445%. - for 2. 4. 8. 10 and 24 bell. with periodic juldn. of Ca(011). The color Increased. During manuf. the prt*rxe a( the ovess for rebtablishirwct of Initial talky. showed that the P air during beating of the Llk. volits. of sucrose may be the g o(oxidation (a most intensive during the [it 4 hm. the source of undetd. chem. losses. in order to dMrxIe, theme lows It I i U 2 d 1 ol h 4 Isit hr. 0.6-0.11% of stscrow was decomild. During 2 40 l s a v ss ) to contr e satri. ca-4 e: ( t and check the amt f t i d 0 th h (2 Z:O* 7 ., hr*. of oxi&tl= 10.6% of the sucrose was decompi % = . o con a ne aust ) to ex e am ; - u th ti b l Of Ca stilts were formed and the color of the soln. sit e car so, to can. otua c I Process, and a p I =,= a~d re 0 1 5 SuLmmict units. Maoist rebtabUshment of do Initial durl the dclecom-bonation; (3) in a of only 8.76 cd sucroft was decompd. asul 1.1% alky. process 0( to replece the stir by M. , Casaltsformcidluring:14has. ThecdorincreAwdonly V. R. Balkow A! up to 1.1 Stammer unit. 7U heating o( a voln. in lb- At ILA NITALLUP61CAL LITERATURE CLASSIFKATIG* It 9 Cleo 0.9 It, 'i _j-M-040 0 WIN " 5 40 0 6--Wxo AV 00 is All A 400 v" 0 tv IP to a 1 11 1 K a If it it 40 1 'U', , d44 ' 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :1 0 a a 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 *~ A 0 q 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 01 008 00, 00, 00, 09- 00- 1 u 161 13 34 AIF v x 39 do 41 SIC DtFonxtom OPQRS TuRvy"ZA It ~a d . I. & I It .i-L-A- ,4 If 01 AT 0 n 'k -lit, A40 )ND litIIt IND 440 Oy" ('1101% 1 - -2 3 IND111,21,11MI) 11111L.&AM 101 1.. r iv"jipjI,Aqj. i.Au.f% .91 p. ftm" "t-oppi " ",13!qs ul u!)."1 -" 'itip(JI) 10 bmupyU03 au" NJ A.".'j 'aqwd 14ppi lit tsiqw1mun3m uw it! sqrmaj j)(11 tit S;~# C, um,J) -41tu3i lip aimaAMI %&s!i3jdaiujd lip s!%AI;pjpAq ju )LnIL16WI Jj(IW$jF W" U11 (j~(W JnO((W) 3jnl%RIU JM)tU '1111(13 of b3jI.*#kXD.') 'laRJUJI111111 JUIMpnid-joinjinj lo *jum pru * 0 -!2m Ni vk".3ul Jim Lv)p.4jj is fullaN.'Liq Z u3A3 puv al(I"I" -in ainis"i %V,fj 'fit"m sm- AI(I 'Allqfils of A,,.% OL-VAS.Mit tql--d -f- p-a - -p ' - - -1 1 , oxjv r 0. M.1 _ Or-LE v.?XvAj_ jj!u 11 Jd ! pqPz_ vfvs !? Imite iniumvil -I G 'q_,wmppujjx1pN 1 0o am"I mililtilame in olqnlwtq av w94 up"d atin IFORUM at xygns Sallip Itt TimpIpwosm, go emnim 30o ft it pollinic w" Uff Its *I1111-000-0 000-0_066 9 as *as ooooooo:::-o 00 o 00 1411060 all 0.1 111 00 -T A -I-f-v a -j-" W AT au Of am lit, 'IfInti I't it G f I I, I I I II 4;' 00 * 00-000 0-0 0g0 go 0,000 44 41 j4io_~4 ~6_009_0 0 0-0--e-6-6-0 0-9 0-0 * 0-0 0; 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 1 3 6 1 6 7 1 9 is it u 11 u is 16 it W ',A 2--e is A ISO 0 00 60 64 Wll",~lq 0 * a 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 W- a a A 31 32 jj 34 * 16 0 a 10 4 it a 0 a 440 J- A.I i-I L-1 _q A-* 05 .6; at. -d 00 Mkht=hb&W S. L. 4nVa!N='h-Z't -Al P" ' lj= - It -:r Toth. S*,. No 00 t/2. it it /Ai,!ebtan, estd. with 70% &k. from hydropeeJu. is not 00 j hydrolyzed by heads# 3 hr$. at W)" AM PW UZI. It remains Intact after heating roe I hr. at W In the p 00 of OJ-0.3% CsO. All arabou prodwed durtil deleirs- 00 tion and carbonation passes Into the final mol V. E. Ba&W 9 00 a 00 41 ILA ACTALLUJIGICAL LI 0 !'. sli"Aliv. - -- , - - - ..-- -- It OT U A, "I it ; I i i 11 . 9 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 so 00 1 *0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r I AA A S 1 04 0 IS 4 1 IN 14 9 a 0 3 1 IF a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 * a .00 -044 .00 .00 to 11 A0 40411, -00 .00 Cow 03 1 1 1 9 IIIIIIII)MISIP Fit# I N & A MY F-A 0 Iti - UL-09 --sid- IL IS V~ All to 411 Al also In sugar boats duAnt tbf flotation Oburyod cha I 0 rW. N-44 q a 0 h $CF.. 13. Ol 7(lim). Sak)6jisol-Pram.. Tec r "" durin l ( 7 % "c" xT g Rapiki increspe of PutitY in sugar Active --WRY of the Juice 'the unit. of t1ital 11141k K10,111- ally lomitan while the mail. inailt and 1,ectin sillAtalu- Z sharply decrease, as rilmening pnigirsten. The sint. W t hk-ted4WS unit t i h l h e a t albundrioids varl" d y, t g l : nistuv. ~,Ikiids de"tome during this prikxl. R"Incing mi 0 ItmCamr mpild"Ohly at the titne a fit.-ning of flare the 0 0 14dal ash content. Na.0 ilectrawt %hilr CM). NIslo. , 11611,pip AI-06 -1 P-' L t 00 0 0 IW~ 461-11 aAjr' 90 IT of 1-00 :; I I-SO 7. -C-W 409111 0 ~i*,, t U 09 Is n n It it it a I a 04 a* a 0 1 j- Too 0,141, to 0 Vo 0 00 0 0 0 00 o o 0 0 0 t@ o 0 * C 0 9~ is 0 9 0 0 400000 : : : : : : 0i -00 see see 4641 do* NO* see 4:00 Joe i I. -L-j b IL -A I a M r A I Y v i -4 1 1, A& IN sr 8 Ti- 4-6 -4- 1 1 low Khmtka of d ecompooltion reactions Of l tlco#o and fruc. g lose In elsence, of Unto. vkh 4rtd 11, Nak 'Ma"OVICh. JV4UtA .7apar 1 ,11 ra"r. 4, -'2('LQ7) '-Tht VVIOCIIY Oi decompa a (glucose chang" according to th 6 e law of unimol. reac ot' "shille fruct' decOmps- ii "c"'din t jl~ Ll 00 g o a reaction of, t F-Iffts- show difference, I, be Second crder. ' ' ' d ty Of d-mlm. of fructose , d glucose at 20 * .other con ( , jt j s being exactly th F % - e fame. 0, decomPs abo 3 . ut 5 coeff- for glucose . times haster The temp. is slightly gmt,r t *at an a tem twe"n 20- s p Ind 30 V. -00 .00 =00 roe roe S I L A -ITALLV40CAL 1.111RATLAE CLAWFICAIICI~ N Is i- a, -3 IT IN 6C K a Is 0 -j a I t 0 0000 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 41 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 e 0 0 0 o 0 ilia 0 * Zia U100 0 0000 0 0 0 0 * 0 o 0 0 00 0 0 a 0 o 0 o! a 0 as 660000 too" Of somit Wts and sagats an crystalUsauan ot ryioal, situps. %t.A-.N*khmAn-)%-kh, H. 0. LpOiin. liml 1). M. K1141. All r - P, ikbid. KA'i,4TVAt,ph"( Chern. 123, 1 .111 -.*- (19:m). -Cry'lo. of xyl,- -imp i. CMAIIV lov Q( CWOAI'4~- the mr-i muir" it tinmit *hkh liek-mr. 111l"r mlefOr "N 111.94"1 .1'"Ietiq Ill Ifle s,git. CA fAvIllhitr .1 .1millf 01clt. bill C4.%;A), hill-im thr 6111~66..Ii 'll ft'lo . 1"It m,v '14ftnt the Imil, r- i* mete ii4j," Man m Me-A). bow, no el. Ill I, hr-'ur if ..11wi micAr, ~Aslj O'ClAtlill ,ft%llt ' AfAlkill'iW 11"IXItAlly jiltf"Il~ N111140441% CAUW A -Itll*K-11111 rdVVI All') IIA001 lilt Ify1fil, IR flit- firXIIIIIIII4, Init fruf4i it ill 14II-r htiigt!- 41. ht, KIM161.111 -1-1 -7 USSR/ Organic Chemistry - Naturally occuring substances E-3 and their synthetic analogs Ab~ Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 1l814 Author Nakhmanovich M.I., Bermnn S.L. Inst _V6i&ida-iWi~_Y_iii;t'itute Title Enolization of Lactose in the Presence of Alkali (Communication 3)- Orig Pub Tr. Vologod. molochn. in-ta, 1955, No 13, 193-201 Abstract For a comparison of the capacity of different sugars to yield the eno- lie form, which may serve aa a characteristic of their relative stabi- lity, experiments were carried out on heating lactose (I) in the pre- sence of alkali, at temperatures close to 1000, and for lenghts of ti- me iip to one minute. It was found that I has a high capacity for eno- lization which is..probably connected with a more ready transition of I to the oxo-form, and consequently a higher reactivity, as well as :kith its biological significance and conversion to lactulose. To 10 ml of 0.25 M solution of I is added dry CaO torLJO-5 N concentration, and the slurry is placed Into a glycerol bath (16fl. Within 3o-4o seconds the temperature of the solution reaches 95-980, and heating Card 1/3 USSR/ Organic Chemistry - Naturally occuring substances E-3 and their synthetic analogs Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 11814 I at 5PO with NaOff, as a result of neutralization the % of enols is Tecreased from 41.2 to 11.7 within 1 hour, and from 28.4 to 5.9% within 2 hours. Card 3/3 KAKHKANOVICH Mark Illich, prof., doktor; MMrKOTA, L.S., . red.; FIREMIT, . .so (Reactions of monosaccharideal Reaktaii monosakharidoy. KoBkva, Pishchepr=i2dst. 1960. 168 p. (mim 14:3) (Monosaacharides) 33488 S/195/61/002/005/013/027 67 // go Elli/E485 AUTHORS: Temkin, M.I., Nakhmanovich, M.L., Morozov, N.M. TITLEt Kinetics and mechanism of isotope exchange and'gas reacting on the surface of solids PERIODICALt Kinetika i kataliz, v.2, no-5, 1961, 722-726 TEXTt Use~of isotopes as tracer atoms permits direct observation of the different stages in a catalysed reaction. The objeet of the present work was to illustrate, with simple examplesi the relation between the kinetics of reactions on the surface of solids and the kinetics of isotope-exchange processes. The simplest heterogeneous catalysed'reaction can be written as 1. A + X + (I) 2. B + (I) ---)Y + (2) where A and' B are reactants, X and Y reactIon products, ( ) is a vacant site on the surface ar.d (]:) a chemisorbed intermediate particle. Addition gives the overall reaction Card l/ 5 A + BTIX + y (3) 33468 S/19 YE61/002/005/013/027 Elll 485 Kinetics and mechanism The cases considered are those of the reaction of water-gas, on a magnetite catalyst at 400 'to 500*C9 the reaction of carbon with C02, the Isotope exchange by oxygen or carbon between carbon mono- and dioxide, the exchange of deuterium between water vapours and hydrogen, All these reactions can be considered particular cases of a general equation. If the adsorbed intermediate obeys the Langmuir isotherm this equation is KIPAH2PB "' m-IPXx-2PY X1PA ' '-lpX ' '2PB ' H-2py (19) 14V where w is the rate of the reaction, xl the rate constant of the first stage in the forwar-d direction, )t-j that in the reverse direction (x2 and R-2 .- same for the se-rond stage),, PA the partial presnure of A (or the product of their partial pressures if several substances participate, and so on), If the intermediate compound adsorption follows a logarithmi,: isotherm, then Card 2/ 5 33488 S/195/61/002/005/013/027 Kinetics and mechanism ... Eln/E485 n "01PAPR X*_ tp'(""02PY sinom (X*1PA+XL1PY)'(XL1PX+X*1P1S)' (20) xo Here I is the value of Ul at the greatest adsorption energy of the intermediate compound, and so on; a is the proportionality coefficient between the change in the adsorption energy and the activation energy; f is the ratio of the adsorption-6nergy change range to RT. Both equations correspond to steady-state conditions. Eq.(20) is supported by some experimental data at medium degrees of surface coverage by the,intermediate compound (e.g. Ref.4: V.A.Yevropin, N.V.Kullkova, DI.I.Temkin, Zh. fiz. khirnii, V-30, 1956, 348). The allthors report unpublished work on the reaction HDO + H2 Zt 11D + 1120 in a flow system with water containing 2.2 or 2.5 atomic % deuterium. Since PHDO