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NAGY, Laszlo, cir. Modification of Lhr- Lijr;or f;rjd--. Mmk;-i 9 Ja 165. 1 M,P.I:LK, lot-van, dr.; &P.GY, 14810-1-V, Jr. y ; zeal -,,- .: -- sterlic 1up"I-0 Pr:Tt- with - , --- - ". S node enlargement. Oi-.r. hWl. IC5 no.42:1988--'11990 0 18 '14. 1. hudapasti o,-7oat,,dmj-,c-r,yI Ef~yel,ir., IT. Korb:,lic-t~a-0 Tr~,-zzel' (igazgato: haranghy (Ir.) . NAGY., Laszlo; MDGY-IISI, Gyorgy, dr. Clinical effect of oral pancreatic ext-racts containing elaat~--3e in essential hyperlipemia. Orv. hetil. 103 no.31:1451-1452 5 Ag 162. 1. Allami Szanatorium, Sopron. (PANCREAS extracts) (LIPIDS blood) (PROTUSES.Pharmacol) bIRO, Tibor, dr.1 NAGY,, LaJov., dr. Sterile necrosis of the carpel bones secondary to occupational injuries. Omhetil. 102 no.35:1648-1651 27 Ag 161. 1. Bu&,.pesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Orthopaediai Klinika. (WRIST die) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) MD "'ACY, Laszlo, chr.; TAIJAY, Istvan, dr.; " GMSI, Gyorgy, dr. Clinical experiences with a new methc~d to deteraine the ssna:: jjip-44- i(yjin-- number. Orv. kietil. 103 no.43:2026-2027 28 0 162. 1. Soproni Allami Szanatoritm, Gyor-Sopror, raegyei Tanacs Gyogyzzurtarl Kospont. (BLOOD LIPIDS) (BLOOD CIUMICAL A'IIA4)ZB (AATERIoscizuosis) (DIABLTES MELLITUS) (LIVER DISEAS'.-S') CSENGODY, Jozsef., dr.; HORVATH, Margit, dr.; NAGY, Lajos, dr. On surgical problems in Schoenlein-Henoch purpura. Orv. hetil. 105 no.11:507-510 15 Mr.164 1. Didapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem III. Sebeszeti Klinika (tanszekvezeto: Stefanics Janos dr.~ es Tatvan Korhaz II,- Belgyogyasnati Csztaly (foorvos: Molnar Istvan dr.) ~A~Y,,_kjkqo dr.; RIEDERMULLER, Ferenc., dr.; CSENGODY., Jozaef, dr. Actinomycosis of the large intestine. Or7. heti-I. 105 no.2t 78-80 12 Ja'64 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, III. Sebeazati Klinika es a Gyongyosi, Varosi Korham Sebeszeti Oaztaly. 4. TOTH, M. Gaborp dr.;_YjkqT,..Laszlo,,dr. KEREKES, LasvIo., dr. Reticulum call sarcoma of the thyroid gland. Ory. betil. 105 no./,tl898-19C)O Iv 0 1 6A. N 1. Radapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetemg 1. Sabeszoti, Klinika es IL Korbonctani Intezet.. HMNY, Pal, d .; LORAND, Zsuzsa., dr.; NAGY, Laszlo, dr.; TAPAY) Dcra, dr. Ulconative-noorotising enterocolitia in premature, newborn and older infanta. Orv.hetil. 105 no.7:318-322 16 F 164- 1. XIII.ker.Tanacs VB., Madarasz-u. Csecse66 es Gyermekkorhaz es Budapesti Orvostudofnanyi Egyetem, 11. Korbonctani Intezet. DROHII, Sandor, dr.; IIAGY, Laszlo, dr.; DICZE, Ferenc, &*. Recurrent rectal ne-arinoma. Or,% hetil. 105 no.25tllgg-1-190 21 J9 16.1, 1. Pmdapeati Oivostudcnanyi Egyetem, I. Sebeszeti Klinika es II. Korbonotani Intezet. ,NAGY,. Lasz-lq,, dr., erdomernok Role of induBtrial economics in the inc-reane of productivity in forestry.~.Erdo 14 no.2:49-58 F t65, 1. Szombathely State Foi,.estry.- HUNGARY BANKI, Dr Ferenc; BARDOSI, Dr Zoltan; and Surgical Clir-c No 3 (111. sz. Sebeszeti Rlinika) of the College of Medicine (Orvostudomanyi Egyeten), Budapest. "Late Case History of Patients with Benign Polyp of the Stomach" Budapest, Magyar-Onkologia, Vol 10, INb 4, Doc 1966; pp 249-2,c6. Abstract [Authors' English st=ary, modified]: In 3 out of 13 cases of patients treated for polyp of the stomach tho initial synptoms of malignancy wore observed 'in the polyp. In authorst cases, as well as in the development of stomach cancer, polypoid hypertrophy and metaplastic transformation of the chronic gastritic mucous membrane had a decisive role in the development of the polyp. Because of the precancorous character of the alteration and of the relapses, the most important task is to follow up the patient's progress. since any histological problems which have not been settled are resolved by clinical obser- vation# 38 Reforences, mostly Western.. ACC NRa YP 0 7053 SOU-iZC-E-C-OD:--:--,Ia/60~6-/66/073~/603/0r:)7/0195~-~ AUTHOR: Nagy, Lajos. ORG: Department of International Relations /headed by Lajos Nagy/, WA (Nozrzotkozi Kaposolatok Onzatalya) TITIL: Fourth convention of socialist acadoridos SOURCEt Magyar tudorvuV, v- 73, no- 3, 1966, 197-199 TOPIC TAGS: scientific conference, scientific program ABSTRACT: The convention was held 1-6 Dec 1965, in Moscow, with participation by the Eastern European-socialist states and Cuba. TUdcussions contored on three problems: a) report on the many sidod cooperation_ Voon socialist acadondos, b) the organization of research activities in the field of natural and social scionco and the coordination of these activities in the USSR, and a) certain timely probleas of the international scientific activities. The essential points made irith regard to these throe topics are summarized briefly in the present report. fj_Pq_S7 SUB CODEi 05 SUM DATE: none Card 1/1 KZTrt,tl 0.9 BARKA I.s MOY L. A pyrimmAdon hatasa patkarZrok Ob-fog7asotanarao faract Of pyrmddan on 0 iimsimption ort-he iag Kinerletes orvostido 323 1951. po h~:9. 1,, PrthopbVsiqlot#cnl Institut-a# Face UnbroralWo Wil, 202 102 Oct. 51 NAGY., L, 1951 (Pathophysiol. In5t. , U. of Fees) "Effects of Some Sulphonamides on Body Temperature and Oyygen Conswnption J-r, Rats." Klin. Wschr., 195-1 29/29(512-5'14) Abst: Exc. Med. ( No Abstract given. ) Adrenal ascorbic a4d content of normal, tbYroldectornised 1/a/11111thylthiour"a tre rats expov.,d to high and low enifton- mental Itemperatures. Gy. Me3tydn arid L JN X Acia ph 1W. 0, 403--407 fFatlit nst., Med. niv. Acad. Sci. hung., 104, I'des, flungary),-AdrenoJ ascorbic a.64 S1Is~m.'1kcdIy In rats at. i 38*,- while their rectal temp-rises to about tile same value. - 11:1 thyroldectomised and methylMiouracil, treated rats the nortnal, ascorbic acid content Is reduced to about Urat In normal rats exposed toheat. When these rats are kept at .10" there Is no further reduction In their adrewd ascorbic acid content, although their body temp. rises to 39'. , The diminution In ascorbic acid to cold exposure takes -1 place in normal, thyroidectoinig-d awd thinuracil tre. ted Animah alike. It is concluded that the me-hanitm Is at suprahypophVtal IN X. level. A. 1). L MESTTAN, Gyula;-NAAT,. L%ozlo mompps&f..* 1scorbic acid content of adrenal glands in normal. thyroldectomized and mothvlthiouracil-treated rats in low and high environmental temperature. Kiserletes oryostud. 6 no.6:534-537 Nor 54. 1. Pecsi Orvostudomanyi 1"eten Korelettant Intesete. (VITAMIN 0, metab.' adrenal glands, off. of low & high environmental temperature In normal, thyroldectonized & methylthlouracil-treated rats) (THRYROID GIAND, off. of excle. on vitamin 0 content of adrenal glands, off. of low & high envitonmental temperature in rate) (TIMPIRATURS. off. on vitamin G In adrenal glands in normal, thyroldectomized & mothylthiouracil-treated rate) (TH'IOURAGIL, deriv. siothylthiouracil, off. on vitamin 0 in adrenal glands in rats in low or high environmental temperature) (ADRENAL GLANDS, metab. vitamin 0, off. of low or high temperature in normal, th7roldectomized & mothylthiouraell-treated rain) ANDIK, Istvan,; NAGY, Laozlo,; TOTH, Irma. Inergy exchange in thyrotox1cosis in rate in various temperatures of the environment. Kiserletes orvostud. 7 no.2:141-144 Her 55. 1. Pecei Orvostudomanyi Iffetem Korelettani Intezete. (METABOLISH,,TISSU, in exper. hyperthyroidism, off. of temperature) (TEKPSRATUU, offecto, on metab. in exper. hyperthyroidism) (HYMMYROIDISH, experimental, off. of temperature on metab.) EXCERPTA I-EDICA Sec.2 Vol.10/4 PhYsiologY.Otc-AP07 1586,2LAGY L. Orvostud. Egyetem. Korelettani Int. 136csi. *Anyagc9eremdrd k szo Wkis laboratdriumi glatok szdmdra Ulonbazo barometrikus nyo- mdson Lds hOmdrsdkleten. Apparatus for determination of basal metabolism in small animals at different atmospheric pressures and temperatures KlSgRL.ORVOSTUD. 1956. 8/4(401- 403) Illus. I The apparatus car, be used for mepsurement of oxygen consumption in rats and guinea-pigs at different temperatures, at normal and reduced atmospheric pres- sure and at normal or reduced oxygen tension. The oxygen consumption Is measured precisely, so that exact figures for energy metabolism can be obtained even with a short experimental period. KILAR, Sarolta NA ___PGT L Mechanism of energy exchange and decrease In body te=n3erature in anoxia in rats. Kiserletes orvostud. 8 no.4:403-406 Julr 56. 1. Pecei Orvostudomanyi Ft7etem Korelettani Intezete. (ANOXIA, expers off. on body temperature & oxygen consumption in rate (Hun)) (BODY TLMPPM7= off. of exper. anoxia in rate (Hun)) (MMABOLISM oxygen consumption, off. of expe(r. anoxia in rats (Hun)) HMIGAEY Farm Animals Cattle Abs Jour i Ref Zhur BiologiYa, No 5, 1959, NO- 21228 Author .0_4Na"_ Ozio, Inst Not given Til,le Crossing the Hungarian Simmenthalized and Hungarian Prawn Cattle with the Kastromakaya Breed or Pub Agrartudomany, 1958, 10 No 1 43-51 L9 Ab~3tract The goal of incroas ingmilk yields by 35 - 40 percent while ;reserving beefiness and the existing feeding level is envisaged. The vork is eatizatod to last 10 years and more A summary of work carried out for :2 years is given -In 300 days of lactation, the milk yields average 4532 kg in half-breeds of the first generation (Kostromskaya breed X Si=onthalized cattle), the milk yield average 4532 kg, the milk's fat content averages 3-93 percent; as compared to Simmenthalized Card 1/3 11AGY L.; KIIAR, S. Effects of changes in thyroid gland function, adaptation to low mole=lar- oxygen tension and polyglobulia on hypoxic metabolism and decrease In body temperature. Kioarletee orvostud. 10 no.4:430-432 Aug 58. 1. Peasi Orvostudomanyi Zgyetem Korelettani Intezete. (ANOXIA, exper. eff. of adaptation to low oxygen tension, polycythemia vera & changes in thyroid funct. on metab. & body temperature In anoxic rate (Efan)) (METhBOLISK same) (BODT TMUMATURIC same) (THYROID GIAND, physiol. eff. of changes in thyroid funct. on metab. & body tempera- ture in anoxic rate (Hun)) (POLYCYTHEMIA VICHA, exper. eff. on metab. & Body temperature in anoxic rats (Hun)) FOLDES, Janos, dr.; KRASZNAI, Istvan; MEGYESI, Klara, dr.; .EAZ, Laszlo, dr. The effect of metothyrin treatment on the radiosenoitivity of the thyroid, following administration of 1131. Magy belorv. arch. 16 no.3:124-129 Je 163, 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I Belklinika es Il Korbonctani Intezet. (THYROID ANTAGONISTS) (IODINE ISOTOPES) (THYROID FUNCTION TESTS) (PATHOLOGY) (THYROID GLAND) KERPEL- FRONIUS, Cdon, dr.; NAGY, Iaszlo, dr.; MAGYARKA, Borbala Comparative study on water distribution in the myocardium. and skeletal muscles of newborn animals in various phases of development. Gyermekgyogyaszat 15 no.3:65-rj2 Mr164 1. Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Gyerm Kklinikajanak kozle- menye. 4- HUNGARY ZSIGMOND, Klara, 4,g,_~aszlo, KAPUSZ, Nandor, BEKES1, Istvan, CSOZIGOR, Jozsef, CSABA, Bela; Medical University of Debrecen, Institutes of Foren- sic Medicine, Pharmacology and Pathophysiology (Debreceni Orvostudomanyi, Egyetem, Igazsagugyi Orvostani, Gyogyszertani es Korelettand. Intezet). "Study of the Distribution and Excretional Relations of 5-Ethyl-5-Isoamyl- Barbiturate-6-14C (Dorlotyn)." Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol XVIII, No 2, Apr 66, pages 163-168. ractt (Authors' Hungarian summary modified] The distribution of Abst Dorlotyn and Amytal (henceforth either: D) and their excretion in the body fluids was studied in dogs and rats as well as in cases of human poisoning. Labelled D (Dx) and Na-isoamyl-ethyl-barbituricum (NaDx) were used for the experiments. The possibilities of direct extraction with chloroform from the individual organs were also studied. In the course of the ex- periments, it was established that D is very rapidly decomposed in the organism and itri decomposition products are mostly found In the urine. Since the decomposition products will give no, or only an uncertain Zwicker- Bodendorf reaction, paper chromatographic tests must also be carried out in cases of poisoning since the decomposition products have known Rf values. Decomposition products of D were determined successfully in human urine samples as well by moans of the paper chromatographic test. The aim of further experiments will be to study the changes in D level as a func- tion of time in the various body fluids. All 8 references are Western. NAGY, Laszlo Land reclar-ation possibilities in the "Sand FeKion" of Cscngrad County. Foldrajzi ert 12 no.2:213-215 '64. NAGY, Laszlo Great tasks before the sugar inclustry. Cukor 12 no.9:233-234 8 159. NAGY, Laszlo Sweden's sugar industry. Cukoripar 15 n0-5:129-134 MY 162. _~,~qyj..-Laszlo . , Some problems of technicians. Cukor U no.7tl69-170 J1158 1. Cukoripari Igazgatosag vezi3toje.. DESI, Sandor; NAGY, Lasz'Ao; MAGY, Tibor Drift velocity of electrons in argon, nitrogen, and gas mixtures. Koz fiz koz1 MTA 8 no.1:11-22 160. (EEIA 10:1) 1. Magfizikai Laboratorium. II. A magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kozponti Fizikai Kutato, Intezete. (Argon) (Electrons) (Nitrogen) (oases) (Mixtures) (Carbon dioxide) (Methane) (Ionization chambers) Distri Me 2 cys/4E3d Investigation of the Rossi curve using thick lead absorbers. z 0 Magyar Fiz. Folyoirat 3, 307-16(1955).--The Rossi curve (cf.C..A.2619 1 was examd. 2 4n coincidence were arranged'at the corners of a pentagon.. Pb absorbers 3 Geijjj~ tube's' of varied thiItkness were placed above the Geiger tubes, Counting was carried out for 3271 hrS.I only 1 max. was found in the curve counts vs. Pb thickness, at a thtckriess of 1.5-2.0 cm- (Retyped clipped abstract) Card NAGY L; PAL, L. ; PALLAGI, 1). NIAGY, L.; PAL, L.: ?ALLAGI, D. Frequency dependability of riagnatite in electrom,:~gnatic microwave fields. p. 359 Vol, 4, no. 4, 1956 Mut--yar Fisikai 'O'olyoirat 3GI-.-,'NCE Budaimst, hurg,,ry So: East Eiiroparn Accession, Vol. 6. Ho. 3, March 1957 21(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Im/1911 International Conference on Cosmic Radiation. Budapest, 1956. International Conference on Cosmic Radiation Organized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Budapest, 1957. 187 p. 200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Eds.: E. Fenyves, and A. Somogyi PURPOSE: This report Is intended for geophysicists concerned with cosmic radiation, the papers read at COVERAGE: This report contains/the six plenary sessions of the conference. Some of the problems dealt with include nuclear emulsions, extensive air showers and the program of cosmic ray measurements planned for the Inbernational. Geophysical Year. Most of the reports are followed by references. Soviet scientists in the field of cosmic radiation who attended the conference are: E.L. Andronikashvili, N.A. Dobrotin, I.I. Gurevich, S.I. Nikolskiy and S.N. Vernov. The articles are written in English, German and Russimi without parallel trans- Caria~~nsf International Conference (Cont.) IriN11911 TABLE OF CONTENTS: FIRST SESSION SHOWERS AND INTENS1TY MEASUREMENTS 1. -!~ Experiments on the Rossi Cilrve Janossy, L., and V 10 2. Mitrani, L. Measurements of the Rossi Clurve at Great Absorber Thicknesses 11 3. Messerachmidt, W, New Apparatus for the Evalualt-lion of Cosmic Radiation Measurements in Halle and i ts Initial Results 17, 4. Bartels, G. New Concepts in the Correction of Meteorologi- edl Effects in Cosmic Radiation 19 SECOND SESSION EXTENSIVE AIR SHOWERS 1. Dobrotin, N.A. The Study of Nuclear Irteraction In Ultra- high Energies 24 2. Nikol'skiy, S.I., and G.B. Khristiansen. Thte Spatial Dispersion of Electrons in Extensive Atmospheric Showers Producing Primary Particles of Various Energies 4o International Conference (Cont.) HUN/1911 3. Nikollskiy, S.I. The Study of Nucleaz, Active Components of Extensive Atmospheric Showers of Cosmic Rays 50 4. Vernov, S.I.j and Zatsepin, G.T. Height Dependence and the Problem of the Core of Extensive Atmospheric Showers (not incl.) 5. Chudakov, A.Ye. Cherenkov Radiation of F--ctensive Atmos- pheric Showers of Cosmic Rays 57 6. Andronikashvili, E.L., and M.P. Bibilashvili. The Study of the Spatial- Dispersion of Penetrating Particles of Ex- tensive Atmospheric Showers 63 THIRD SESSION EXTENSIVE AIR SHOWERS 1. Babecki, J.L. Jurkiewicz, and J,M. Massalski. The Transi- tion Curve of the Electron-Photon Component of Extensive Air Showers in Lead Absorbers of Thicknesses Between 0 and 25 cm. 73 2, Janossy, L., T. Sandor, and A. Somogyi, Investigation of Extensive Air Showers 230 M-Above Sea Level 96 Card 3/6 International Conference (Cont.) miligil 3. Zawadski, A. The Density Spectrum of EAtensive Air S,howers 230 m,Above,Sea Level 96 4. Chaploupka, P. A Few Remarks on the Geomagrietic Effect of Extensive Air Showers 110 FOURTH SESSION E14ULSIONS 1. Janossy, L. On the Determination of the Energy of a Particle From Its Track in an Em.1sion 113 2, Alp*er, S,-'J, Auslander, C, Bercea, and E.M.Friedlander. On Mass Estimation of Singly C'narged Par-It-lieles in Einulsions by Scattering Measurements 12-( 3. Gurevich, I.I. Study of Elementary Processes of Nuclear Interaction by Photo Emulsion Methods (not incl) 4. Miesowicz, M.; 0. Stanisz and W. Wolter, Investigation of an Electromagnetic Cascade of Very 11igh Energy in the First Stage of its Development 128 card 4/6 International Conference (cont.) HUN/1911 5. Friedlander, E.M. A High Energy Meson Shower With an Anomalous Angular Spread 144 FIFTH SESSION 1. Filipkowski, A.; J. Gierulaxx, and P. Zielinski. Survey of the Experimental Hyperfragment Data 145 2. Hsiao, C., J.C. Cheng, M. Lu, and K.C. Wang, Some Heavy Unstable Particle Events Observed With a Multiplate Cloud Chamber 172 3. Friedlander, E,M., and M,R. Mayer. Some Remarks on the Possible-Casoade Decay of ther-Meson 177 4. Petrzilka, V. New Measurements of the Life Time of .A4,-Mesons Prom Anomal Absorption Using a Graphite Absorier and Nuclear Emulsions 178 5. Kiss, D. Measurements of the Life Time of." -Mesons 184 6. Mayer, M.E., and C. Eftimiu. On Fermion Pair Creatibn by Charged Particles of Spin 1/2 and 0 in an External Field 185 Card 5/6 International Conference (Contj SIXTH SESSION HUN/1911 NUCLEAR COLLISIONS AT MODERATE MWGIE3 1. VernoX, S.1 12 The Interaction of Nucleons With Energies of M, - 10 of Light Element Atomic Nuclei (not incl.) 20 Friedlander, E.M, and E Ruckenstein. On a Possible Model for the Nucleon Cascade in Air at Moderate Energies 186 3. Bozoki, G., E. Fenyves and L. Janossy. On the Penetrating Non-Ionizing Component of Cosmic Rays 187 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (Q085-i45 1956) ~4M/lsb 6-22-59 Card 6/6 1: 7A H AG Y j I I i ) o - i i , i " ! ~ i , , " - V. , I " Z, j ~ 11; , i, 1, ;*- ! , : ,L, I- ~ !,; F. n;z rf I. . .1 .. I - - - I- , r , I ..,z ~y t ~ ~ - r , c 1 1 t '! n i i me:a - 1 z r e ! ~jf' ;'r;ii,!. - ., I I - - , , ) U-235 ar.1 Pu-2Y) nuclel . Kcz f'i z krzi. 1,7A 1 -1 1 r I " ! NASY, Laszlo Lluestions of eaucational psycho', - r;,r. 47,1a:~y 1--,szichol .?! no '- I: 2?0-276 1. Cludr of. I bjc'!,ology, Lorand :~,)tvou University, Budapest. PAVLESEK., Istvan; NAGY, Tibor; NAGY, Laszlo Investigations relating to the transmission function of neutron selectors with straight slots. Koz fiz kozl MTA 10 no-3:189- 202 162. hl6h6 S/058/62/000/0 110/035/093 A0611A101 AUTHORS: D6si, Shndor, Lajtai, Albert, NagyUsz1o TITM: Time distribution of gamma radiation in U235 fission PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 10, 1962, 50, abstract 10B375 ("Magyar tud. akad. K8zp..fiz. kutatb int. k6zl.", 1961, v. 9, no. 5 - 6, 283 - 291, 111, IX, Hungarian; summarlez In Rtfzsian and English) TT-"/,T; The time distribution of gamma radiation forming with U235 fission, i.e., emerging from fission fragments, was measured.up to some millimicroseconds with the aid of a high-resolution time amplitude converter. The time distribu- tion of gamma radiation varied as a function of.the emission energy; more pre- cisely, a greater time lag was obtained with respect to the moment of fission in the case of low energies. I [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 It 2 9 "'? S/058/62/000/011/011/061 Ao6z/Aio, AUTHORS: Dbsi, Sbndor, Lajtai, Albert, Nagy, Lhszlb TIME: Velocity distribution of U235 fission products PMUODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 11, i962, 116, abstract 11B346 ("MaE;yar tud. akad. K6zp. fiz. kutat6 Int. Kbzl", 1962, v. 10, no. 1, 15 - 20, 111, IX, Hungarian; summaries In Russian' and Eng- lish) TEXT: By means of a nanosecond converier, which converts time intervals Into pulse amplitudes, and of a multichannel amplitude analyzer, the speed dis- tribution of fission products of U235 nuclei under the action of slow neutrons was measured. For the groups of heavy and light products, the value of the most probable speeds was found to be equal to 0.960-10-9 (? probabli misprint) dnd 1.455-109 cm/sec., respectively. * (Abstracterts note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 MkGY, L. Collecting rock samples for pollen analysis. P. 99, (Foldtani KozlorDr) Vol. 67, no. 1, Jan./Mar. 1957, Vadapest, Hunganf SO: Monthly Ind,x of Bao,~ European Acessions (EEAI) VoI. 6, No. 11 November 1957 ,N;Ac;-t ,Iii . Pollen i~,ve--Airation of t1h- U Fclnnl~niah ')i - wn c ;,!i EcJ',j.,.e-nts r,,.- t.!-.e MaLra Mountains. P. )20, (F ..:DTI;tNI BULiLTTI~1-7 C.F T~ 6 -IC;.,L 5; Vcl. ~7, nc. Ju-~//Sert. '55:7 Bu,cL,-.e,A, lium.-iry SC: ,~onth-iy ln.~e.-~ ok' East European Accessions- (Eal) '-L. 1101. 7, r.,-. 3 "NAT[ LA, S Z W- ",7E Z-~~ Geography & Geology A ratraaljai felso-parinontai Kori barankossen palinolo~-ia] vizgalat-la. 3udaFest, .1 Muszaki Konyvkiado, 1953. 352 p. (Hunat.ry. Foldtvni Intezet. A Foldtani Intezet evkonyve, 47. kot., i. fuzet) Monthly List of '-Sast Luiopean Accc-s:-.ions (EFAI), LG. Vol. 81 -0- 4, Apr4.1. 1~59 7JI40LjiS.'J.q::D NAGY, L FOLDTANI KOZLONY. BULLETIN OF THE HUNGARIAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. (Magyar Foldtani Tarsulat) Budapest. New application of paleobotanic methods in stratigraphy. P. 350 Vol. 88- No- 3, JulY/SePt. 1958 Monthly List of East European Acessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No- 3, Mari-h 1959 Unclass. KRIVAR, Pal, dr.; NAGY, Lasalone, dr. Separation of spectra containin Tertiary and Quaternary spore- pollen sediments with the view of recognizing the area of derrudation and stratigraphic uti-lization, Foldt kozl 93 no.1:82-96 Ja-Mr 263. 1. *Foldtani Kozlony" szerkeazto bizotteagi tagja (for Krivan). NAGY, Lafizlene dr, P Falynology., the study of plant spereSand pollen grains. KI*- vilag 8 no.5:33-37 S-0 163. NAGY, Iaszlone Pa~eobotanic--' study trip to Ch:,--ia. Ebtan kozl 50 no-4: 2.2'5-22.9 D163, 1. MIngyni, AXIami Foliltmil. lntezotp Ridnpootp XIV., Napntfidion ut 14. KEMZTFM, Bela; NAGY, Lobel: Istvan lwmetigation of organic wlybdonum conterAto in oom eoila. Wokem talaJtan 9 n0-4:495-500 160. 1. 14azogazdasagi Akademia, Xomia-Talajtan Tanazek, Mosonmagyar- Ovar a - NAGY, Ludovic. Develcipment of geology under t)~,e people's der-OCrdtiC regirne in the light of documents of the Furcaniarl Workers' Party. Studia Univ B-B S. Geol-Geog 7 no.1-.7-16 162. NAGY, Magda, Dr.; BANHEGYI, Jozsef, Dr. Healed case of severe laryngo-pharyngeal injury due to cut neck. Ful orr gegegyogy. 4 no.1:43-44 Mar 58. 1. A BekaBmegyei Tanacs Korhaza Ful-orr-gagcoaztalyanak (FoorvoB! Kantor Jozaef dr.) as Sebeezati osztalyanak (Foorvas: Frohlich Otto dr.) kozlemenye. (NICK. wds. & inj. cutting of neck in attempted suicide, healing of severe laryngo-phnr M eal inj. (Hun)) (SUICIDS attempted by cutting neck, healing of severe laryngo-pharyngeal inj. (Ilun)) SZENAS, Gyorgy, dr.; NAGY, Magdolna Specific geophysical structure of the Hungarian basin. Geofiz kozl 13 no.2:231-240 164. 1. Editor, "Geofizikai Kozlemenyek" (for Szenas). . I XAGT, Margit,.,Dr.; AIZCY, Miklos, W., (Szombathely); KOVATS, Medard:, Dr., ~'-~'(tegyfaiu) Hepatitis and tuberculosis. Tuberkulozis 10 no.10-12:279-282 Oct-Dec 57. 1. A Vas Megyet Tanacs Markusovszky Korhaza (Igazgato-foorvoo: Szvoboda Jeno dr.) Hepatitis Osztalya (Foorvos: Nagy Margit dr.) es a hegyfalui Tudoozanatorium. (Igazgato-foorvoo: Fauazt Imre dr.) kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS, PUIXOWY, compl. hepatitis, infect. (Hun)) (HIPATITIS, IN7WTIOUS in pulm~. tuberc. (Hun)) dr.; ZSAMBEKY, Pal.. dr., PINTERt 0yorgyne, dr. Our experiences with epidemic ornithoein. Orv. hatil. 104 no.48:2271-2274 I D 163. 1. Vaamegyei Tanace "Markusovszky" Korhitz, Fortozo, I Belgyo- g3ranzati as Tudobolgyogyauzati Onstaly, ORNITHOSIS) (POULTRY DISEASES) ~FIMMNIAI VIRAI,) (THORACIC RADIOGRAPHY j WXYTETRACYCLIKE) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE8 KOVACS, Zoltan, dr.; E. NAGY, Maria, dr.; H.-ne ECK, Erna Treatment of premature infants with anabolic steroids. The effect of domestically~-produced Nerobol compared with foraign prciducts. Oyermekgyogyaszat 14 ne.10:307-311 0 163. 1. A Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Oyamelcklinikajanak (Igazgato: Boda Domokos dr. egyet. tanar) Icozlemenye. (INFANT PREMATURE) (BIRTH WEIGHT) (GROWTHS (ANABOLIC STEROIDS) (MROMETHYLTESTOSTERONE) ILAGY, Maria, dr. Role of the caul in the evolution of species and individual evolution of man. Elovilag 6 no.1:26-31 Ja-F 161. Nagy, Statistical investigation of egp_ variations in the rat pl-scenta. p. 323 A MAGWt 70014MIYOS AYA.T)F,-IA 14. OXZT~jxk POICGIAI rSOPOI>TJA!ILK KOSIPMEME1 . Budapest, Hungazy. Vol. 2, No. 3, 195t- I Monthly Uet of East European Accessions (IEAI). LC, Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan 1960 Uncl. RAGY, Maria Fungus infection of frogs kept in laboratories. Kiserletes orvostud. 10 no.2-3:313-316 Apr-June 58. 1. %dapesti Orvostudom-Mi 13aetem Szovettani. so Fejlodestani Intezete. (CEPHALOSPORIUM, infect. in laboratory frogs (Han)) (FROGS AND TOADS, dis. Cephalosporium infect. in laboratory frogs (Han)) NAGY, Maria; BERBER, Margaretej KISZELY, Gy, On the effect of an amphomimetic agent on -the organs of aged female rats. Acts, morph. acad. sci. hung. 11 no.,/+:393-402 162. 1. Inatitut fur Hiatologie and Embryologie'(Vc-rotand: Prof. I.Toro) der Medizinischen Universitatp Budapest und Inatitut f'ur arztlicbe Fortbildung, Budapest. (AGING) (CATECHOL) KOLATY, Miklos, dr.; BACKHO(JSZ, Richard,, dr.; SZABO, Lajos, dr.; BATORY, Gabriela, dr.; NAGY, Maria, dr, Isolated beta-2-,alpha-globulin deficiency in a case of par- tial antibody deficiency. Orvs hetil. 105 no.2lt989-990 24 My'64 1. Szegedi Ornostudomanyi. Egyetem, Oyemrkklinika es Human Oltoanyagtermelo es Kutato Intezet. SZAD.)l L.; DURKO, Iren; NAGY Maria Ep; OBAL) F. Biochemical and EEG investigation ii, a pp-ir of monrzygc'Lir- Wins oufforing froran phenylkotcmurla, Acta paeditit. 6 nc-.2: 11 227-244 165. 1. Kinderklinik, Nervenklinik und Fhyslolcgische3 Instit,,:t der 'Medizinischen Universitat, S~,egad. Subclitto~ February 23, 1965. Cytology HUNGARY NAGY,j'~4r,i4.; University of Veterinar- Sciences. Institute of Anatomy and Hi3tolo6y (director: KOVACS, Gy.) (Allatorvostudomanyi Egyetem, Anatomiai c 3zovettani Intezat), Budapest. 5 L "Examination of Upofuscin in Ganglion Cells." Budapest, Acta Veterinaria Acadeniae Scientiarum Hunffaricae, 1101 XVI. Nlo 3. 1966, pages 247-250. Abstract: rEnZlish article] Some earlier findin,gs are summarized the present article. This is followed by a report of experiments involving ganglion cells from shells of dIfferent age which led to the following con- clusions. As in mammals, the gan`,`or, cells of shells can be considcred fixed postmitotic cells. The nazure of nucle3c acids in small and large motor -cells is markedly different. In the large motor cells, the nucleus _J5 rat'ner large, its very loosely arranged chromatin is indicative of a low 2NA content which is stained blue with methyl green and gives a positive Faulgen reaction. No change with age could be observed. The cytoplasm contains f4 nely distributed RN' with moderate affinity r In these cells, lipo- Lo Puscin appears very early,~iving a positive Feulgen reaction and staining 7th pyronine per5istently. The nuclei of small motor cells are orange wi smaller, compact and their cytoplasm is stained more intensively with pyronine and gallocyanine. The Feulgen positive, moderately pyroninophilic lipofuscin granules appear earlier than in the other cells *out are coarser and fill the 1/2 I HUNIARY Bul-.'apest, Acta Veter-inaria Academia(, -Scientiarum Huni-,aricae, Vol XVI, No 3. 1966, paces 247-250. cells mo-'a rapidly. in both cells, the amount of pyroninophilic cytoplasm, decreases with the accumulation of lipofuscin. The existence of an absolute decrease is supported by some observations which are discussed. Since some of the problems can not be approached by histochemical methods, autoradio- graphic studies have been initiated by the author. 4 Western, 6 Hungarian references. [manuscript received 7 Jul 65.1 2/2 NAGY, Marie; FEHER, Gy.; alifIDIX3, Anna Histochemir.a.1 3tudy ol" some accessory sex glands in LTjlls. Ar.-ta vet. Acad. sci. Hung. 15 no.1-83-90 165 1. Lehrstuhl fur Analomie und llist.ol*gie (Leiten '!~rof. Gy. Kovacs) dar VetarinarmediMnischen UniversiLat, Budapest. GALLIY Lorant; IIAGY, Marta Intravitreal hemolysis. S~emeszet 100 no. 2.74-f~je 163 1. A Szegedi Orrostudomanyi Egyetem Szemklinikajanak (I gazgato Kukan Ferenc egyetemi tanar) kozlemenye. (VITILEOUS BODY) (HEMOLYSIS) (HYALURONIDASE) (SAPONIIIS) (ULTRASONICS) 3JI7,(JffADY) J..; NAGY) ~JAII,~P,IcSil (- Pantothenic a,7id; Ttf; ~;fc,-Ls ;ri nornia! !v"a, - 1. ~ - pacd-tat. acarl. 3ci. Illung. 5 nci.,":24.11-24.2 164. 1. Department of -Paedlatrics (Diroct-or: Prof. D. Boda , ITIniversity He6ical School, Szeged. NAGY) -Rthaly; Patei, Problerv~i cf v--ri-f-actaring fancy leatL-r gror)-is. Por ci;~r, '., ~, r.3./.: 122-124 Ji 1641. i 1. Leathor TrOustry -Ent,).-pri.t3o (for Iltig.,r). 2. jlvkOspalrAa and !~lajtiv. Processdng -,,-:ntqrix'Lse (for 'oeltl-mer')s IGNACZ,4 Janos; NAGY,-Hjba1y-;-WRANT, Ivan; RADNOTI, Laszlo; TAKACS, Kalman Manufacturing joined leatherboards from splits and split, waste materials. Bor cipo 10 no.3:77-80 My 160. 1. UJpesti Borgyar (for Ignacz and NaV). 2. Boripari Kutato Intezet (for Lorant and Radnoti). 3. Borlpari Igazgatosag*(for Takaes). . . BARTA, iaszlo; KAKAS, Janos; NAGY, Mihqly-. VARGA, Karol-Y Gamma-ray cantinuouB thickness gauge operating with scintillation counter. EnerRiA es atom 1/j. no.12:570-575 D 261. 1. Coep--l Vas- es Femmuvek, Kovacsologyar (for Barta). 2. Csepel Vas- es Femmuvek., Radioizotop Laboratorium (for Yakas, Nagv, Varaa). NAGY,, Kthal Zi VARGA, Karoly Determination of the ash content of coals by means of radioactive isotopes. Energia es atom 15 no.9:417-425 S 162. 1. Csepel Vas- es Femnuvek, Radioi.zotop Laboratorium. NAGY, Mihaly, okleveles gazda-gagi mornck, &'celoado Techn1pnl prcgress, labor prrAuctivity and prime cci;t In Eungarian railroad transportation. KozI tud sz 15 no.1;1-8 ja 165. 1. Ministry of Transportation and Postal Affairs, Budapest. HORVATH, Zoltan, dr. , egyatemi tanar; AA"Y -Miklos -Agyetemi taimrseged History of training metallurgical engineers in Hungary. Koh lap 93 no.5s235-240 My 160. 1. Kohomernoki Kar dekanja (for HorVath). 2. Dekani titkar (for Nagy). NAGY, ~Wdoo Gas infraradiators. Energia es atom 14 no,7;307-316 ji 161. 1. Fovarosi Tanacop Kozmu es Szolgaltatasi Igazgatosag.. Budapest* MA y okl, Exemption of CO from city gas, Energla es atom 15 no.1:24-29 ja 162. 1. Fovarosi Tanacs VB Kozmu Igazgatosaga, Budapest. (Gases) (Carbon monoxide) IIAGI,, MiUos.. oklevelets gepeszmarnok The use, exchange and substitution of variolas gases. Energia es atom 15 no.5,.202-208 My 162. 1. Budapest Fovaros Tanacsa Vegrehajto BiZ-Dtt8aga KoM- es Szolgaltatasi Igazgatosaga. NAGY, ldl~clos, OIZIC-VeIC-S .6r, tnrm I na L -I or of Qi ~i v T- t:--~r o fIf' drimand for motor !~ev- Q 1l'-515-518 1; 1, - 1. Main Dircotor!it-j of Ti L~n tation and Tostal A,-f',,,*i-i,7 latalant authe of V&h.Spt_-4 fuel .4,- TIXAft-trw`77.4; 116 118, 2U-207, Rar_ Apir I= rM caetlul; a! hkh4,-Kvd sfeO mMag mwn &M atbff tocis of itittic3te demzna by a-stiting the gt&mJ in a a nall tilting ck~ctrie -r, fuma~ "id by pouring it directly MW qXW-W inaltis hw Kra c4aimratril and put into practice about & year w at the MAty" HAkrA Wrx6~ 71is methad Is &ftilur to the war- Imlyre"LA,nn in'th-Ul tow,11 by settiptorl, jeweem and drattats, hawrvt,r 06q awtf-.M enn I~ applicit for tullis-sperd eflu" with a high nbrimr. i~int ,mly orwo &1equate fim"prool moldinit mA- teruils, Lh~ poly ~-, ii~,--in i~,.Iucti of ethyi tilicitti!. ha~_ fw~n found, A ma-ter ~-"e-n I-, made of hionze it at-A and a ma.1d. ra,it G( metal -Ih a 1- meltiog J~int' i3 tjI;~a of the pattern Wax I, px~jn-i itifn the -ld ac,i 6e 6nis-hed v~. it.Lttxrn in athn,(05mmilayerof finx~itmined hydruli" ethyl silicate. TW. I. 1-idcl mthcr in a moldini: rndtml of amilm canapi,sition or. Itavu,j; tfu.Le~d the maUnj t. 2-3 om by dipong or spraying. In moNfini: niv] quarU Lnd. Suloequeritly, U,e, wax i* nwl(~Ll anti jIou~l out. the niold li"tL-d in (M 0.50 -C-&; U_VMd_Gru:a -L-he -ethyl silicate in'to Isilica-te -and the mold hwdena. The molding box ie clamped with to sfirue downward an the discharge Outlet at the top 0( the furnace and the malien allay in poured into the muld by tilting t1w I anace. The pr,*- cas fa reLsciycly ezpenjive; however, the took obtained from I 4e inald are true to aiw with a tolerance of 0.02 to OJX ann, per m -.d ready far sharpening; a 50 to W% Konany la matMaj may be remlized vccapared wfuh metAJ-cuttLug nictiods; ahipa can be melted down and toolA have a long Iffe. DeWkd d anahed on Lhr Nuipment, beva moldinj aw-cri; and V museum RTR/LAIJIA Hwi.,-n ind liniml Morphology (-,,Iom.,-l end ntholo:Ticz7l). Skeleton. i~bs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 21, 1958.9 NO 97138 Author ; Mulfay,, V.; Gluck., L.; Ungy, 0.; Erdely,, B. Inst : Not given Title : On Roentgenologic Sxtrmnption of Pnranasal Sinuses. Orig Pub : Oto-rino-l,!ringol.., 1958j, 3, No. 1, 5-14 Abstract : No vbstr~-ct. Card 1/1 63 Nagy, 0. Raw trends in the treatment of spare feed water in power plants. P. 590. ErERGIA ES AT014TECHNIKA. (Energiagazdalkodasi Tudoraanyos Egyesulet) Budapests Hungary. Vol. 12, no. 9, Oct. 1959- Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncl. (A HUNGARY General Biology. Physical and Chemical Biology. B-1 Abs Jour Ref Zhur -- Biol., No 2, 1.968, No 4725 N IL Author Inst vNot given Title aSpeotrosoopio Examination of Trace Elements in Egg Shells. Orig Pub 2Kiserl. orvostud., 1956, 8, No 5, 516-518 Abstract vShells were tested for content of trace elements by qualita- -Hve and quantitative methods. Besides Ca, Al, Ba, Cu, Fe, Un, La, P, Si, Fr, V, were found, and after a preliminary concentration --- Ag, A!, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Ti and Zn. The concentration of these elements in 10 g of shell in --anged as follows: Ag 0.5 5, Cd 0.2 - 5, Co 0 - 1, Cu 2 - 10, Fe 40 -70, Mn 0.5 10, Mo 0-0.3, Ni 0.5 - 5, Pb 0. 5 - 6, Sn 0 - 6, 71 1. 5, Zn 5 -- 20. Card 1/1 N A C-~ Ifpj4 12. tit"Welef -'s-iluse fill FICAC NAGY, Oliver Theoretical comparison of continitouo and Interin1ttgn', Ion exchange operations f-om the point of view of water treatment. Magy kem lap 20 no.2:70-75 F 165. 1. Electric Power Industry Research Institute, Budapest. I-MGYP Otto Born the second time. Repules 15 no.9;13 S 162. S/194/62/000/003/036/00'0' D256/D301 AUTHORS: Xoncz, IstvAn, Millner, J6szef and Nagy, Oszkhr TITLB; Securing tightness of joints in higli-vacuum systemms PERIODICAL: Re'Lerativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 3, 1962, abstract 3-3-98zh (Veng. pat., k1. 21 f, 31-44, no. 147593, 1.10.60) T-.EXT: It is proposed using forced cooling of metal to insulator Joints (e.g. glass or ceramic) during soldering in order to elimi- nate the otherwise occurring mechanical stresses. The parts are thermally treated prior to soldering. The coolant is circulated in a short-circuit system. /-Abstracter's note: Compl,ete translation.7 Card 1/1 NA GY , P. Continuous repairs of machines. p. 18 In the machine shop of a Czechoslovak state farm. p. 20 zsi. Me Party secretary in Kopancs. p. 24. Vol. 8, No. 5 May 1956. ALDINI GAZDASAG, BudaPest, HunCary* SOURCE: East European List, (ML) Library of Congress Vol. 6, No. 1 January 1956, ..NAGY, P. TECHNOLOGY FERIODICAL: WrALURGIA SI CONSTRUCTIA DE MASINI. Vol. 10., no. 10, Oct. 1958 NAGYy P. Dynamics of automobiles with motors regulating or limiting the num- ber of revolutzions. p. 873. Fonthly List of East European Accessions (EKAI) W, Vol, 8, no, h, April 1959, Unclass NAGY, P. "Demands of Szeged for an experimental worksbop.11 (P-13) UJITOK LAPJA (Orszagos Talalmanyi Hivata) Budapest. Vol. 6, no. 6, Mar. 1954. SO- EAST European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 8, Aug 1954. MGY, P. Innovators in the hemp factories at Szeged. P. 10 (Ujitok L-rpja) Vol. 9, "Jo. 17, Oct. 1957, Budapest, Hungary SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF &kST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC. - VOL. 7, 'N'O. 1,,JAN. 1958 Nagy, P.3 Sxoke, K. Construction of prewalled brick-block dwelling houses at the housing project on Ulloi Ut. P-423 MAGYAR EPITOIPAR. (Epitoipari Tudomanyos.Egyesulot) Budapest., Hungary Vol.8, no.8, August 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (ERAI) LC, Vol.8, no.11 November 1959 Uncl. HAD, i. - - RASETA, I*,* NAD, P. "Observations from examinations for the rank of major in the communica- tion service." Vojni Glasnik, Beograd, Vol 7, No 10, Oct 1953, P. 58 SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol 32 No 10,, Oct 1954o Lib. of Congress V.':~L 6o28i-65 IJP(c) AT AP5021234 RtF/001L164/008/005/0M9/0?-25 AUTHOR: Nagy, P, (Engineer); Bereczky# To (Engineer) in the XIMI Construction. of a, cdcrorefrigerator. with semiconductors produced Peopae-, 9- Republic SOMMv Automatica(asi electroni 9 v& 8#.Yaoo 59 1964, 219-22!; Ca VO detmicondactor devicei ~3 camtion- quipment-l-refria gemtio engineo~4 n - * , z 4 Mai ~.'4~tS64 Jd*qcribeth-6:~dei1gdj:, ctrucuaw-And- testing of the pr a.--- 1 ons `a: 11' seid~6idli isiifgeritor. The work wtB perform6d at the or ~91v enterpr 'A -toe of Cluj, usiag eemiconductors d-melopad by- the rosear center of the PR Aca OrijC. art. has 3 f-'gures, 11 formimlas, 5 graphs and I table. iASSOCTATION: none SMMTTFDs 00 ENGM 00 SUB 00M IE no Rw sovs OTHMs JPRS 6-11 240 ffbm- W! MMUMMM~ Trtry PIWW~MMMM, 11AGY . P.~J Jng., candidat In 8tilrite teimice; smmom;i, s. Nondestructive control of the crankshafts at the Tehnofrig Works in Cluj. Constr mas 15 no.11/12:704-767 1-1-D 163. ROTH, Gh. dr. L112L.PLA...drs Scme aepeato of vaccular myelopathien, (Problemo of diagnoais and of olinical evolution)# Mod. intern. (DUcur) 17 no.6s 715-724 Je'656 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica, do neruodhir-urgle a Inatitutul medico-farmaceutic, Tirgu Hures(directort prof& T. Andraaofszky). MY. Pal, dr. Pylmonaz7 zycosis. Taberk. kerdesel 7 no-5:70-73 Oct 54. .1. A Makoi Jarasi Tanace Korhaza (igazgato: Toth J.Janos dr.) tbo. oestalyanak (f oorvos: Nagy Pal d r.) koxlemenye (LURGS, die. (VrRUS DISIMSMS I. virtm die.) lungs) 9- 416-0-01 0 0-0 11111_6 -0 00 00 00 00 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 or IQ 11 11 M 11 1$ of al A a A As. fortervaleallows of j The Wowing gadgetry, 0 t"Altimin~l"ll" - Vol, 213-Ho. Sclit., L%Cl,. 1i 0-4- ami-aw-oi li some govewo v W J* J7 a ad ail 0 X it Ia 11 U u " A " A 111-Ax 99 _U ,L_A 1 Mf , j-1-1 -t-A _J . - A A. I , -so louriwor is the alugg"ge a,ed toy E. PAI'll gold 11. .14,dry. Lt. -sm. PI). 21,1011-215. M, 3 fillis" 11 Durtiog Itic lirtworloihij oil Imissili. Its *0 fill-kit Ille filli'lille collivill jililitt bL. Inelli4xie c4141guyed tile 11141tiviry of floor lirrosrul tifior fire rximouating, frisg1hy so J and tzprswAvr; therefurr. the aulditirs put to crill(al . Imia all Vie liko:ylkisil ust4huda pn*omcd thim rar. (111 the Isisill lof ffir fret& It Woe Mfohlifiliftl floal its# z WOPril -- It'lister motolliml I Juprouff Jinf., Slip. Ch.-tso. gee me Alkif. rd. 3, 7. 1933.) pruved the mind 4JWr :11111 lilr 09 a m.ftf rclimletc 111% lsirth(Q 1% futinded list life ill% fill. jj~l 4d nossitrine frogn an aqueous sululami 00 00 ZI sw ILI Willi %ulgilturic ur pervidoric avid, '11ir -;o 0 00 sumu" arrhed as file ovewlissitmi itxm tivi, mrilwa no 0 Willi certain nood1kulimim - is %iiihilde for clocr. 300 niiiiitW floor flutirlisr molpist 4 101111111t.s. Willi tile jid Of 111:5 $1-Iffil-411 flirth-tif alk-tl( (our hipism are relltikrrAt for os, Aitside The flawrim- 00 et-1111-111 'of vur6t'L% IllllkgJf~ull lulixilrs rujigmf fromi (I Wool I's 0 1101 llcf ""it 4 I'lly a 1411-Goll ,I If,,, 11,jorim- of t: sio At, ILA v(TALLUFGKAL c.,wrol %)f file Istitilsitr bronglit Itils, Ilir gillillill. wee SL ,,I, ". ..- fosclwl he IVP. life other IM1111411% IxLhhv% III i A it. 1. goo 0 a a I W Ad 9 Is 0 0 0 Goo 00 a 411 0 a W / 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS so 00 09 100 el 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 111 0 0 W/ lumOria analysis !29 11111MIZZA liquors (Alumini -'-V(')-l III- b _L#, Zombory and-P. Nd 11M No _3 PPm 54.620 11hroh 19512- CH. The authors roommencl tho followiftr iniproved mathod if volumtria ralysie- founded on the processes px4viously alaboratod by Lanyio A eample of aluminfite liquor diluted with distilled water is treated with a saturated solution of barium nhlnride, boiled and titratod it the presence of phanolphthaloin as in- aicator with 1.0 n hydrochloric said (the amount of ml ionsumed is denoted value A). Vore-hydro-ohlorio &aid is added to the onlutinn until tba procipi- tate dissolves (value B)'j after tho Addition of r)ne cr tno drop.,3 of mothylorange it is boiled and onoled, then in the presence of four- more drove of methylorange on: is titrated with 1.0 n sodium hydroxide until the caosinr nolour the ooluti o~d f inally it is - f urthe r . ti t rate d tint i1 - the red-colour of ------ ---- -- A phenolphthalein also- appears (value -D) t- __Thai four- voilues- make t ho-eomputation L. Soda c 0 -the-al alj of ur#,Pa,_.,al3C, soda a odiun as vrall, As the " austi - soda" oonteM e liquor feasible in' a sin-gleanialys-io'.- The suitability or the aluminat of this ustrial, -proven by experiments with artificial aluminsts method for ind use tas no and -recyclin. liquor samples'taken from plunts. J