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j-AG-Y)--LO-z~e-fp-dr.; ALEU, Miklosnep dr, Tularemia and cytomegaly in a 4-month-old infant. Gyemek- Qogyaszat 15 no*2:52-56 F164, 1* Gyor-Sopron Megyei Tanacs Korhaz igazgatot Swans, Janos, dr.) Korbonctani, Osztalyanak (foor7ost Soos, Jozsef,, dr., egy. m. tanar) es Gyexmekosztalyanak (foor7c:stS2rekel7., Ferenc, dr. egy. m.tanar) kozlemenye. NAGIY~ Jozsef Sandor '1-1..-.-~' ", -,,, -- - - -__ o- T T J- rninlng rA ongnoser3 rArO X--zrwzJ 5 rr,.I- 29 165. NAGYJ J.; GORA, B. "Calculating and Aduating Displacement of Parallel Railroad Tracks. (To Be Contd.)III P. 70, (KOZLEKEDF-STUDOMANY SZEMLE, Vol. h, No. 2, Feb. 1954, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (FEAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954) Uncl. NAGY) J.; GORA, B. "Calculating and Adjusting Displacement of Parallel Railroad Tracks", P. 106, (KOZLEKEDESTUDOMANYI S72MLE, Vol. 4, No. 3, Mar. 1954, Budapest, Hungary) SOs Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. NAGY, J. TIAGY, J. : GORA, B. "Examination of Pail Fastenin s fron the Technical and Econonical Points of View. (To be contd.511, P. 299. (KOUrM ESTUDOMIYI SZD.U,E. V01. 4, 110. 7/8) July/Aug. 1954, Budapest, HunCary) SO: Yonthly List of East Eurol-ean Accessionn, (EFAL), Lr,, Vol- 4) No. 1, Jan. 1955, Uncl. ITACY, J .; GOIIA, B. "Ey,%.-iinAtion of Rail Faztenin,o 'Pron the Technical'and Lc~no:iic P'Ants of Iiew." T). 339 Vol. 4, NO. 9, SePt. 1954; Budapeut, llun~;ary.) So: 71onthly List*of East European Accessions, (DEAL), LC, Vol. it, "'0. Aptil 1955, Uncl.. NAGY, J. Gora, B. `SerammualFp-~-,ort on the 4keti-a-u-, of the Scienti-fic "issociat-*On f0-- .4. Co.-uxanica.j.ons and Comtructior. of Co,=m'.c-1tions-" p 352 (KOMSIa-D XDMIXI~-[--' - Vol. 4, No. 9) Sorit. 1954; Duda.nest, 1*11~11a--~.) So: Monthly List of Emot European Accessions, (ZEAL), Lr,., Vol - 4, No - 4) April 1955., Uncl.. I;A "Y' 'J. .:01),A, D. 11B. Gosztonyi's Vasu'vi Felepit-tenji I'lin-J"alt Gane~:itese O'echamization with Railroad Bed); a Book Review." P. 354 KOZEE-IMESTUDMINZ-1- Vol. It, Uo. 9, Sept. 19-.-1,,; Dudaneot., Hungary.) So- I-Ionti-ay List of East European Accessions, (M-b), W, Vol. 4, No. it., APril 1955, Uncl.. H-AG-Y,j JO; GORA; Bo "A. Ka:,,akov's Safe~yEquiment ir. Railroad Stat4on-p- a -11oot- ?e-,rie-,;." :L- 355 (KCTUEEEDESTIM-019 M. -U-Ur--=Vo- 4, Ho. r, Budanerst) H ' ary.) xi-19 SO: Monthly Liit of Ea-,5t European Accessions) (Ezu)) W3 Vol. 11) 1:0. 2") April 1955, Uncl., N~64' 0.1 Re's carelf e& and tittle riments on Imininated remenled rAlfway afeepers. J. N a g y. I., It e it Wphrl?s- I 1. 167 fludmittiuyi S:jIM :)55, No. 7 pp~282 295, 13 fit -%_ 4. tab,,. 'lox VI 'flit- 14-cmumilig flualitity fir 1111111jer tv(pilml [if, tbi- InH111014111 (if, filvtqwts made It 1wrtillvilf if) condlivt I ltbotatoty experIll tv it U o;l III if 11114 It 4.11 vellivilted viciliclas, tMica). dynandeal atid ourabifity h-dis wure voraIncted In order to findmiltable wilwAves. These tt~ts rtsr(!rhhlef1 that illmliffell Sylithtlit. 11411ft'sives Imscd ~ fill plic-Iffil-~ -rv Im'st ins %vt for the putpusv, Tile valtiva olitaftiect by Litt, statit-ni and dyntunical tests ctittalrd those (it first grade %()11(1 Umber. After baviog cximiW61 flit- bondiny-0-rength, lilt 111111j..jivus by yarfoll'i -luctiltvits fill (I - volitpa ied Oit-w Atitu with tlio~e of stufflar ubtood tile III'Lof Cemented SIeLlicts can,he c-ititnated tit 15 to 20 years. jt; Wmm foulid that logs having a small diameter mild tw- f-commically u-;cd for Stich NAGY,-J Utfliaztion of small pieces of wood by gluing them for use in railroad sleepers and switch ties. p. 80. FAIPAR (Faipari Todomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest. Vol. 6, No. 3, Mar 1956. SOURCE: EEAL, Vol. 5. "o. 7, JulY 19.56. C 0 U 1; T RY Hungary H-24 ABS Jon No 5864?0 RMh Jim Ne . 16 1959 , . . , , huViOR J. Lengyal, L. and Nagy, MST. -- Not p_,iven :Increasing the Service Life af Croas Tien by Surface Treatment ORI I G .PUI 3 . : F-xipar, 8, No 6, 177-181 (1958) AB33TRACT :Processee used in the German. Federal Pepublic, Switzerland, and Austria for the re-imprognation of cross ties are described; the Borlokh [Bohrlo- ch?lprocess, treatment with 'salt cartridges' consist-Ing of a mixture of RaCr207 + H&F, XaAs02 + Xa,,Cr.,O~ , and sodium pentochloro-Dhenylate (the cost of such treatment is about 10% of the cost of new cross ties), aad impregnation with coal tar. Reaulta from the repe&ted treatment of the surface of tne tier. with wood tar -.dontainins W 310 A NAGIV JozSef Artl4cal vood and other materials introduced in railroad car manuticture, Faipar 10 no,4:225-228 Ap 160. NADI, Yozhef [Nagy, Jozsef) (Budapeaht) Studying the stability of the straight sections of a contin-UMB rail track. Zhol.dor.tran8p. 44 no.9S40-44 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. 'Zamititel' direktora Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta zheleanodarozhnogo transporta Vengerskoy Harodnoy Respubliki. (Hungary-Railroads-Track) NAG*Y, iozsef,, f omernok I --I--- ~- .. .. ... .. I -.- - - Operative taaks in the teohnological cooperation among transportation branches in the Soviet Union. Vasut 13 no.6:29 ja 963. INAGY, Jozoef, okleveles kozlekadesi uzemmernok~ fomernok Some questions of transportation policy in tl* Soviet Union. Kozl tud oz 13 n0-10:430-435 0 163a la Kozlekedee- es Postaug7i MbAszterium. NAGY, Jossafj, okleveles mernok Effoot of the grain size of..the roadbed ballast on the .formation of the lateral roadbed resistance of tracks. Kozl,iud oz 14 no,l: 23-29 ',T&164. 1. Vasuti Tudomanyos Kutato Intemet igazgatohelyettese. N;,cjy, iozstr, :'omernok z - i . I - tf a , i.!i*,I~ cm the Of :3., " ~ O~ 'rv-z4- '- ~ -'!- ' ' U, na. q - 14-15 Mr `~4 - I . ..NAGY., Jozsef, okleveles kozlekedesi uzemernok, fomernok International comparison of labor productivity in railroad transportation. Kozl tud sz 14 no. W02-207 my 164. 1. Ministry of Transporatation and Postal Affairs, Budapest. H-16 X-,,- J. 14, '1'40 producil 61 I a Whoiys WAM vetz an NUM, joul)W of tho llijsgal~;J, k: Wiukal ar Krmikmh - VOL 7, 3951, NO- 31 it, PP.,347-7352. No- 12 PP- 3 1192-. 6 tAL-) 'no Irtilization, of silicon tetrachloride and ethanol as starting materials Wthe manufactuns of silicones I% -cc the adrAntageons tzOrn an economic point of view s! polyester obtained as a by-product can be ttsed well for' industrial purposes. A new procassivas evolved. for brir.- ijif about the Grignard reactlon'(dispensing with solvents) of :,-H arilut Teaha &I Abet on a large scAle- 13Y the Introduction - alk I or 217 1'953 fchlorides juta'a Suspension of metallic magy is tetraethDzysilana, the corresponding Grignard, reageni I first formed which, in the second btep, yicl& the cortes- Ponding. alkyl or azy] alkoxysilanes In the orosentat of aa agpropna!a catalyst. Suitable catalysts were found among t 'a transition Clements Of the 4th-9TQug 0( the periodic, table. The ndvantage c$ the now procest the alitfilftatlon of etherins a Solvent In the pmwnco of tatalysbt, Further- 'c more, the reaction product is easily separated from the magnesium salts,by extraction (employing Ica coolin nie fractionating of the reaction mixture is much oinipt. thin that of thforoillaties. Hydrolysis and condensation MM 'lanes am easily contmiled and thus, ctions of the alkoxysi cycilration reactions 6n be overcome. Ilia easily trans- ~1 esterifiable alkoxysilane compounds combine readily with organic rosins, cbntalning free hydroxy1foups. . 61, Va.-Idxyi Nk-,Y, J. Silicons ard their practiesl use. p. 211. Vol. 115, no. 4, Apr. 1956 Ti,-!U,- ZSC i~S '~:'AdUOALOV' Budapest, llurigary SourcEi- East Zuropean Ac7essdon List, Library of Congnss Yol. 5p No. 8, *"Ugust 1956 r G - 2 CATSOMY ABS. JOUR. RM11noi No* 5 1960,v NOo r4 AUIVOR Nagy J TIM F The Freoaratit~n or All-yi-, Ary'l-, and tion c1f, the Cacalytic Method Without a Solvent and TjjVeStj'grjtjon of 'che i- GRIG. PUB& I Period Polytech Cneta Eng, 2, No 4, 2141-2))i (L93'~) L Si(ORI); (I) by the reac- ADSTRACT t The preparat.Lon of RD -n tion of RMgX witin Si(ORI)4 in the abeience of a solvent and in the presence of halides of Go, Ili, Mn, Cr, Cu i6 described. The reartior, urder N narmal cnnditians [-,iyes high y lds of I witnout, the forgiatioi of Usire, the reartior. dn presence of CoCI2 as an example, the author oizn- cusses a free radidal nechaniEm for the reaction accordinp, to which the CoC12 reacts with RMFX ir the first stage with the forrration of RCoCl, which 113 MechanIsm of the Reaction.. CC, U fe' -!,-73 T VHungary TFZI OR r M33. JOU111. i RZKhim.0 NO- 5 1960., Hot i7918 A U7HCR iTITIA MIC-. PUB. ABI)TRACT I then U'ecompooes with the formation. of free rvriiralj3 R- which then alkylate or arylate SI(ORI )4 . I t i,, as been eetabli5hed expe rimen tally that C6.HsCoCl -Le moE t readily dv.-o-nposes, followed by C6 11.~ Cu ar: d CJ~MnCl, in inereacing order of difficulty. " stability of the PCoX depends on the nature of -, and X. The free ra"icals R can bc- arranged ir, t~-,e following ceries in 'the order of decreacing sI;-bU- ity of the RCoX: CF3 ---- C2 H5 C3 1~ =3,- C4 1-15 -->- ~",, 1% C'. Bromides are decom pose d more readily Thai., 01/liTs 2/5 180 Hungary CATEOCRT I G ABS, JOUR~ RZOdMot 909 5 IWP 100 19918 AUDIOR TME CRIG. M* ADSMACT i A discussion of the reaction of RMgX with Si(ORI),, is given. 0. Motsarev CARD 1 313 38611,1 .3/08 62/000/009/069/075 B I 60X131 01 J&nos, Kuszmann, Jhnosnb, Lipovetz, IvAn'. sef AT~WRS: Prosz'-, La r~~ __~ o TITLE: :.,.ethod of making silicone-based heat-resistant and anti-corro-- dion varnishes PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 9, 1962, 633, abstract 9P327 (Elj&rhs szilikon alapfi h-Mlo' szigetel'6 e's korro"ziove'd'o lakkok efUllita'sfira. Hungarian patent-147714, October 15, 1060) T7XT. Sil-:cone resin for heat-resistant and anti-corrosion.varnishes can L be made fron; nolyorGano-siloxane having an R:Si ratio of 1-1.5 and a derree of polycondensation of 10-100, which has been produced from alkyl-, aryl- or alls%-Yl-a-.yl alkoxysilane by total hydrolysis in the presence of water and p-toluene-sulfo acid W.' The resin is obtained by the interaction oil this /,III-/ with a modified oolyalkoxy-oligo-organosiloxane having the general rormula I o f-sin. R _SiR In OR, where R is an alkyl radical with RO-SiR in 2- 1 2-0 In 1 2- 1-2 atoms of C whilst R. 1 and R2 are saturated or unenturated hydrocarbon or Card 1/3 S/081/62/000/009/069/075 1..ethod of makinG silicone-based... B160/B101 phenyl radicals, n = 2-10. (This organosiloxene is obtained by condensd- tion of.j,e~-dialloxy-oliro-,iialkyl- or dialkoxy-oligo-allyl-,irylsiloxane with esters of fatty acids containing free hydroxyl groups, 1-5~ dicarboxylic acids or their anhydrides being added afterwards to the condensate). Examples: A. Production of silicone resin. (11) 60 F of water are stirred into a mixture of 350 g phenyltriethoxysilane and 1 g I for 3 hours and bo'.led for.2 hours. Aftet the alcohols have been driven off, the reaction mixt,ure is dissolved in toluene and any remaining traces of alcohols are rer:oved; the condensation is then continued in a Marcusson apparatus for of 3-4 hours while the reaction mix 'ture is boiled in the pre3ence of 3-4 C zinc stearate. B. Production of silicone plasticizer (III).* a) 7.hile a mixture of 146 E of dimethyldiethoxysilane with 0-5 g of I is being heated in a -.ater bath for 3 hours, 9 g of water are addedi the mixture is 1"ept heateCI for a further 2 hours and the alcohol driven off..-Tetrarriethyl- diethoxy-disiloxanp is obtained. b) A mixture of 44 g of glycerol, 64 [f of caotor oil and 0.1 U of lead,oxido io hoatod to 2500C in a stronm of nitroe,en to form a hamogancous mixture. o) The products obtainod from (a) and (b) are reacted to,-ether and the alcohol driv8n off in a strearn of nit7o- gen, the temperature being raised from 100 to 200 C in 3 hours. The* oily Card 2/3 s/oi3i/62/000/024/034/073 B144/B186 AUTHORSt Matus, Lajoa, Kise, istvfin, Vhlyi,_y TITLEs High-sensitive differential manometer for measuring the isotope effect PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 24, 1962, 266,-abstract 24E47 (Magyar. tud.'akad. k6zp-. fiz. kdzl#j v.101 no. 1. 1962, 77 - 83, V, XI [Hungo summaries in Russ. a:nd Eng.j) TEXT; For measuring the isotope effect on the vapor tension a plane-mem- brane differential manometer was constructpd. *The sensitivity of the manometer was lo-3 mm Hg. It was calibrated using the pressure of ice vapors and ito usefulness was verified by measuring the pressure of ice vapors. of heavy water. [Abstracter's notet Complete translation.] Card.1/1 NAGY- J dr (Budapest, n., Gellert ter 4); BORBELY-KUSZMANN, Anna n.,Gellert ter 4) On the production of alkyl and arylzinchalogen compounds by means of a modified Grignard method. Periodica polytechn chem 6 no.2:127-138 162. 1. Lehrstuhl fur Anorganische Chemie, Technische Universitat, Budapest. Vorgelegt von Prof.Dr.J.Proszt. NAGY, Jozsef, dr., Kossuth-dijas docans Silicons. Elet tud 17 no. 15?456-459 AP162. NAGY, T. (Budapest, XI., Gellert ter 4); FERENCZI-GRESZ, S. '--Mgpest, XI., Gellert ter 4) Data on the behavior of alkox7 silanes with alcohols. Periodica polytech chem 7 no.2:107-116 163. 1. Loehrstuhl fur Anorganische Chemie der Technischen Uni- versitat, Budapest. L 187~8-63 ~EPR'/EWP(J)/EPF(c)/BDS AFFTC/ASD Ps_4/Pc_4/Pr-4 RM/WW/KAY G/0004/63/010/007/0402/0404 ACCESSION NR: AP3005762 0 AUTHOR: Nagy, J.; Borbely-Kuszma -nn, Annw; Toronyi, M.. TITLE: Preparation of silicone rubber with reactive hydro xyl and groups of dimethyldiethoxysilane (Paper presented at t he It. Dresden Symposium for Organic and Non-Silicate Silicon Chemistry, held from 26 to 30 March 1963) SOURCE: Plaste und Kautschuk, v. 10, no. 7, 1963, 402-404 TOPIC TAGS: silicone rubber, dimethyldiethoxysilane, vulcanization ABSTRACT: A new method for synthesis of dimethylpolysil ne-4, W -diol (DMPS) used as base material for silicone rubber is described. \,,,The results of qualita- tive andquentitative investigntions of the-accelerators and vulcanizing agents used in vulcanization are.reported, Dimethyldiethoxysilane was used in preparing DMPS, with an average molecular weight of 31960. The raw product was purified by means of tetramethykdusidiumsinalonate. Alkyl tih halogenides were used as base material for the alkylazyloxy- or alkylalkoxy- tin compounds used as acceler- ators. The vulcanization time is considerably influenced by the chain length of the azyloxy radical as shown in Table I of Enclosure 1. In addition to the Card 1/4 L 18758-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3005762 quality or quantity of accelerator and vulcanizing agent, the vulcanization time is-.also temperature dependent as shown in Figure I of Enclosure 1. An increase in vulcanizing-agent and accelerator concentration shortens the vulcanization time. ,The greatest effectiveness of the difunctional compounds was confirmed by inves- tigation of the butylethoxy tin accelerator. 'Ve thank Professor Dr. j__Froszt for his interest in our work and the Balatonfuzfoe Nitrochemical Works for the base material." Orig. ar t. has: 5 figures and 4 tables. 'ASSOCIATION: Institut fur Anorganische Chemie der TechnLachen Universitat, Budapest (Institute for Inorganic Chemistry of the Budapest Technical University) SUMUTTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 14 Aug 63 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: CH NO REP SOV: 001 OTHER: 005 ',Card 2/4 'LaLjos; NAGY, jozs,~f Th~3 rew Laja3 Ko2niith University. Magy karn lap 199 no, 3-141-1,47 Vx 164. 1. 'Chair oC hipicochemi;itry, 'Lajos Koosilth f1rilversity, Debrecen, IYAE, lajos; NAGY, Jozsef The new isotope laboratory of the Department of Physico- ebi Omistry., Jajos Kossuth Univerisity. Pt. 2. Magy kem 14'.19 no. '14:185-188 Ap 164. 1. Department of Phyaicocheinistry, lajos Kossuth Uni- versity, Debrecen. NAGY T,,ZZCjf'; :;j, 'lap 1. Chi-if Editor, I %, . aI. - - ~;~ - !~! r NAGY, Jozrof, I-ATIN.,',K; fot'Plrli , , Ai,`~IS~ i -'Tj 0 I -~~; I Aasocislti.G'l ~r,;. -1r' ~4p' It '"' 1. Editor-ir-,'hi,~.f. 'tKohaszjitL Lapck"', Budapest (for krl-)a), Z.-St Ah 6-i-C-5 Distro: 4E2c (M) Tbe kladdes of at duatcr-adw cmalf"-1109 In T / r 6 J. Nag "J~! W (proe4edingg or the Ceninki Rescanis Institute for *(Ahe Hwriam AS!! ~maf �Skjcmj# VaL To 1950, We- 4k, pp.. 276-_Zaa~ 8 lip. ' -order tMadfunnatio i 10 disordur Tt n a the vJlOy CUSAU Im boon InvaltigetkA bkokeldical "Miadvity and diffamadd 1"3tm3Po"r VC.damed, cclaunuo=ly la a mtstan~ tempomtumbolow'tho tmmrannation point. it has boo ml thO tho varlatfort Jn, t1mawpower furnktwe a flou an tha, to tm l Uw gmdual di"Or*usnee of antiphaw rang". - - - 7 T 1 7- 77 O ; AT 7 9,ji t 41 -t A: ' NAGYI Jozoef Iron-duot metallurgy and iron-dust manufacturing. Hues *let 16 no.25:11 D 161, k i NAGY,, Jozsef Andras$ okleveleo gopeszmernok MAWOM"U""""000- $trength characteristics of iron-based alloys prepared by the technology of powder metallurgy* Gep, 15 no.7:281-286 JI 163. 1. Kemonfemipari Vallalat oaztalyvetatoje. ., NAGY, Jozsef, kleveles gepeszmernok Dimensioning open-air pipes of boiler installations an-4 steea= holders. Energia es atom 15 no*10/4;501-505 O-V 162. 1. "November 711 Kromu. pinion. in connection with architectural noise Talse. o t4btibn*:~ Musz elet. 17 no-23:11 8 M 162. ro, P NAGY Jozsef okleveles gepeszmernok Critical testing of the diffusers of axial ventilators. Energia es atom 16 no-5:205--210 My 163. 1. November 7 Eromu. NAGY, Jozaef Sandor 7 11 - I I .-I" --- Training of skilled machinists. Mezogazd techn 4 no.11:20 164. PATHOLOGY HUNGARY Jozsef, Dr., and JURASZ, Gabriella, Dr., Hospital of the Megye MGY Gyor 665r-oii'_d&iSM (Gyor-sopron Y-egyei Tanacs Korhaza) (Director, Physician- in-Chief: SZASZ, Janos, Dr.), Department of Pathological Autopsies (Korbonc- tani Oaztaly) ( Fhysician-in-Cihief: SOOS, Tozsef, Dr., Professor) and Depart- ment of Pediatrics (Gyermekoaztaly) ( Physician-in-Chief: SZEKELY, Ferenc, Dr., Professor) LI-location not given7.. "A Case of Lethal klumps-Encephalitis in a Six Year Old Child" Budapest, Ideggyogyaszati Szemle, Vol 19, No 6,"Jun 1966, pp 171-176. Abstract: The pathological and cerebral-histological data of the case were presented and discussed. There was a lack of meningeal symptoms; however, there were disturbances in consciousness and neurological lesions at a -later stage of the disease. The encephalitis, of para-infection type, was localized primarily in the III and IV ventricles. The mumps origin of the disease was verified by symptoms in the parotid, submandibular saliva glands, and testes, all of which shaved signs of infection, 30 re- ferences, including 10 German, 4 Hungarian, 2 Czechoolovaky 2 Rumanian. and 12 Western. NAGY9 Jozaefne Continuous processes in the sugar industr Cukor 13 no.1:21-25 Ja 160. y. (Continuation). ~io be contd.) 1. Foeloado., Cukoripari Igazgatosag. NAGY., Jowefne Contimous processes in the sugar industrY- (Contimiation). Cukor 13 no.2:52-55 F 160. MGY, Jozaafne Continuous processes in the sugar industry. (To be contd.) Cukor 13 no#3:7&79 Mr 160* l.Cukoripul Igazgatosag foeloadoja. NAGY, Jozsefne, foeloado Continuous processes in the sugar Industry. Pt. 5- Cukor 14 no. 2:44-48 F 161. 1. Cukoripari Igazgatosag. NAGYY Jozoofne; KOLLAR, Jono,- VIGZIAN, Bruno, dr. A Btudy trip to Bulgaria. Pt.3. Cukor 14 no-5:118-120 My 161. -NAGY, Jozoafne Regional geochemistry as a nwwdisciplim of phy3ical geograph7, Foldr koz.1 31 no.l,-.l-.18 763. 13- FEHER, Istvan, dr., Kossuth-dijgq; WEITZITER, Poter; 30tIG, fjtvan; t6y -'OZ ERDI , Pal dr. ; KOVACS , Gaibc~ .-; A~-.VAI , Beir, T OV 1, G c.1 za, dr. ; --X Y Laszlo The 1964 general meting arra%jed by the Associatlon of the Leather Induatry. bor -,'ipo 14 no.4:cjr,-:'jc) Ji t'4. 1. Director, Research in:;tltute of the Leather Indli-Ary; Elditor-in- Chief, I'Bor- es Cipoteclanika" (for Feher). 2. '-`ecrf~ Lary General, Scientific Associatijn of the Leather Industry (fcr 'Veitmer). 3. 11inister of Light Industry, JJudlapast (for Nafy;. 4. Editorial board member, "Bor- es Cipotechnikall (for Erdi). 5. Szombathely Shoe, Factory (for Kovacs and Arvai). 6. Leather Industry (for Toth). 7. Tisza Shoe Factory (for Dombcz-,). ACC NR. AP7001463 SOURCE CODE: HU/oo38/f,6/003/011/0326/0330 AUTHOR: Nagy, Jozsef .1ne-M-octor; Research associate) ORG: Institute of Architecture (Epitestudomanyi Intezet) TITLE: Test of vinyl-resin stability against high-temperature oxidation Part I [Presented at the PVC Symposium held by the Hungarian Association of Chemists at Josvafo from 7 to 9 September 1965) SOURCE: Muanyag es gumi, v. 3, no. 11, 1966, 326-330 TOPIC TAGS: resin, vinyl resin, high temperature oxidation, polyvinyl chloride, thermal stability ABSTRACT: The author reports her own findings in tests of virtyl-resin stability against high temperature oxidation. Hydrogen chloride which splits off from the PVC at high temperature was piped into a cell containing distilled water, and ther6 the change in conductivity was registered automatically. This method proved suitable for testing the thermal stability of PVC powders, compounds, semi- and finished products. Orig. Art. has: 9 figures, 5 tables, and 6 formulas. [Based on author's abstract] [KSj SUB CODE: 111SUBM DATE: none/ORIG REF: 002/SOV REF: 001/OTH REF: 004/! Id 1/1, J"."'V. I ms of hcat e~ftractllcjn i-, tl-.e co,:J-rc- of nacippr renctors, T'robleT ENTEXIIA 73 tT0*,,'TFCFN-lKA. Tudomnnyo~! --,Eyesulct) Budape.'-t., Ilumary Vol. 11, no.rl/lo, Sept./Oct. Monthly List of Ea3t Europr--an Accesoicams LC., 7jcl. ", na.7, J,-,--,,v it,*! Uncl. HAU-3011, J. . ST)GI, J.; SZIAM, L; IIAGY, J. - -- Relation between the structure and action of morphine and itg derivatives. Arta physiol. hung. 15 no.4.329--337 1959 1. Institute of Pharmacoloa, Medical University, Budapest. (MOTIPHIN3, pharmacoloa) SZ1GI. J.; RLUSCH, J.; MAG.U. X.; Nk(,'Y, J. Relationship between the chomical structure and pharmacological activity of the opium alkaloids. Acts. physiol.hung. 16 no.4: 325-335 '59. 1. Institute of Pharmacology, Medical University, Budapest. (OPIMO RAUSCH, J.; SZEGI, J.; MAGDA, Katalin; 4GYj, Julia- BOGNAR, R. ; SZABO, S. ~OWAIW4 Pharmacological studv of 6-acetvlmorDhine methobromide. Acta ph.vsiol.hung. 18 no-1:71-83 160. 1. Institut do Pharmacologie de l'Untreraite Medicale de Budapest et Institut de Chimie Organique de l'Universite des Sciences "Kossuth Lajos" de Debrecen. (MORPHINE, related compounds) ~ SZEGI;I,J,s RAUSCH, ~.; NAGY, Julia; 'MAGDA, Katalin I "Im..9 . New-contr1butions-to the antagonism-of-morphine and 11-allylnormorphine dervaiiies.-rclCPbysiol. hung. 19 no-1-4:273-285 t61. 1. PhDmmkologisches Iistitut der M-3dizinischen thniversitat, Budapest. (MORKIM, antag.) (JALOITHINZ phar-mcol.) NAGY, Julia, dr. Report on the work of the Library and Map Collection in 1961. Foldr kozl 10 no.3.-308-309 162. 1. Magyar Foldrajzi TarsaBag konyrtarosa. NAGY, Julia, dr. "Select catalog of Hungarian publications in the Jena by Karl-Heinz Jugelt. Reviewed by University Library Julia Nagy. Foldr kozl 12 no.2:173-174 164. SOLTIOF.; ISM-1, M.; NAGY, Julia Studies on the arute cardiac actJon of .9trophanthin In the dog by means of cardlan denertration. Acta physiol. acad. sol. IhIng. 26 no.4-.377-385 165 1. First Department of Mejlcine,, University Medi:ial Sc-bool, Budapest. of BE. t i..i. I jr, Ek3d pes t 1 hud"'m Irle, HT, le a ACC NRi AT6007h36 SOURCE CODSt. HU/2505/65/026/0OX/0Oh3/n4 AUTHOR: Solti, Fal Iakum, M#; Krasznai, I.; Hermann,, R.; NaEj, Julia; RuzsR, P, OfG: 1. Department of Medicine, Medical University of Budapest, Budapest (Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I. Belgyogyaszati Tanszek) TITLE: Effect of an acute inoreise in cardiac output on cerebral and peripheral -blood flow fThis paper was presented at the 29th Meeting of the Hungarien P17siological Society held in Szeged from 2 to h July 19~_47 SOURCE-. Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta physiologica, r. 26, Supplement, :11965, 43-44-~ TOPIC TAGS1 dogj.cardiovascular system, cerebrum, rndioisotope ABSTRACTt In i~esponse to A76 abute increaso,- In' cardiac output (induced by a rapid Infusion of a phys,iolozical 1jaCl !solution, 10 ml/k-) in the do-, the blood flow in 'he internal carotid and- r2i,. 'the vertpbral,artery incteased moderately while that in the fe'moral artery increased, greatly, as deteniined with a floating rotameter. Accordin.-, to, Iresults of,.plinical experiments. the acute increase in cardiac..out ut on P. card 1/2 NO 0 FULOP, Tibor, dr.; KOCSAR, 1aszlo, dr.; NAGY, Judit, dr. Rffect of chlorpromazine on the resorption of iron after oral administration of radioactive Isotope of iron. Orv.hetil. 101 no.36:1275-1276 4 S 160. 1. Debreceni Orvoetudomanyi Eastem, 19 oz. Belklinika, Porelettani Intezet es Gyermekklinika (CHLORPROMINE pharmacol) (IRCK metab.) NAGY, Judit, dr.; FAFP, Gabor, dr.; BESSE, Gabriella, dr. k-terial embolism consecutive to the Injection of "retard' penicillin. Orv. he t il. 101 no - 33: n84-liM 14 Ag. 160. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyatem, Gyermekklinika. (PENICILLIN exicol) (ENBOLISM etiol) all i and P inelly the thi~,h5. Tho author was awarded the f,.rat prIze tn tne ftrs, I N ational Boning Compeetit.I.-i for th!3 metho-i of w.-rk. -- EXCERnA MUMIC-A Sec-8-Vol--12/7 Neurology july 59 3479. THERAPELITIC INFLATION OF THE CSF SPACES IN PSYCHIATRIC AFFECTIONS - Die therapeutische Luftfollung der Liquorraume bet psychi- atrischen Erkrankungen - Nagy K. - WIEN. MED. WSCHR. 1958, 10813 (62-64) M acute functional psychoses associated with changes in consciouRness, therapeutic air inflation was performed through a suboccipital puncture, removing 20- 100 mi. CSF and replacing it with a somewhat larger volume of air. In 50 out of 450 cages (11.1%) psychotic symptoms disappeared. In some canes air inflation was supplemented by 2-3 ECT sessions; psychotic symptoms disappeared likewise. Consciousness was cleared after 24-48hr. Ten case histories are presented. Kroger - Bad Ischl to W -v r. ~C. 2 Determination of the montmorillonite contertu ant! cr-.,stallocheldcai. formula of jTontvnoriIlonJte in sorr!e Hunr,ariin 'onntonites. P. 3, (F'I"IZ- TANIF0ZLONY. BULLMIN ~T 7HE HULGARIAN GL~nff)(ITCI'j SCCIETY, Budape-Ft, Hungary). Vol. 84, No. 1,12, Jan./June 195b. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LG, Vol. h, 1-10. 5, MaY 1955, Uncl. ---- - - -- - -- -- -- -- - ---- - - - -- - --- Mineralogical structure of the ore deposit containing manganese carbonate at Urkut, p- 145p FOLDTANI KOZLONY,, BULLKIN OF THE HUNGARIAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY., (Magyar Foldtani Targulat) Budapest, Vol* 851 Nos 2j Apr./June 1955 SOURCE: Eas*-European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol.4:, No. 12, Decem~er 1955 :~ 1.111-7- - I..,.. ... ------- - - - - "-,- I.- "i- -1--l tO tllv k-lift ;- an v., ~-Ilvllt 13'.V nl;d.-F~'IL or llam,451tu + I NAGY, K. New methods of testing geologic materials and their results. P. 185, (Foldtani Kozlony) Vol. 87, no. 2, Apr./June 1957, Liudapest., Hungary SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EFAI) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957 NAGY, Kalman Fossils of the Miccena pericd in thr stone pit cr Flovil-ag 9 no.6:23-24 N-D 164. NAGY, K. K J',Ncrra'catzjy is aighty years old. Acta phya Hung 17 rv- 1/2; 3- 5164. 1. Inatituta of Thaon6tical Physics, Lorand Eotvas Univarisity, Budapest. NADI, Kalman., zvonevoy; ZOSICH, L., red.; LUCRKIV, M., tekhn. red. V- [For over-all mechanization) Za komplekBrru mekhanizarBiiu. Uzhhorod, Zakarpats'ke, oblasne kryzhkovo-gazetne vjd-vo, 1961. 16 p. (MM 14: 11) lo Mekhanizirovannoye zveno po virashchivanlyu kukuruzYkolkhoza nChervoniy prapor," Beregovskogo rayona (for Vad'). (Farm mechanization) NAGY, Kalmn "-- ~Spinn~ina o~ the chemically developed hemp rove. Mab-I textil 14 no.9:397-400 3 162, 1. Textilipari Kutato Intuezet. R~wm -- umi. ripa, --m-nn, FOOMW EW -In .T., _; a - 5 ~~Mf, I -. -- -- - - --- - - - -- -- - - - - I - - - - NAGYv K. - Acta Physica - Vol. 4, no. 4, 1955. Quantum mechanical forces acting on photons. In English. P. 327. SOs Monthly list of East European Accessions, MAL), LCx Vol. 4, No. 9,, Sept. 1955 Uncl. Catogory t POLJD/'I'aoorotio,,.l I'liyuion - Claosical filloatrodymunioll D-3 -*,bs Jour ;Rof Zhur - nzika, No 3, 1957, No 5644 A.uthor iharks, G., 11 Inst iRolind Dotvos UP vmity, Budapuat, Hungiry, Titlo Conoornine tho Transfor of Homenitmi by Continuous -*'lcotro- n-agnutic 'aws in Dioloctric hl:,,dirt. Orig Pub iByul. Pollskoy ;,N, 1936, Otd. 3, 4., No 2, 75-77 .,bs ,-ract -n-malysif; is givk)n of tho dorivation obtainod by 1)ubinovich (Roforat Zhur Fizilca, 1956, 21772), on tho basis of an invus- tigation of -.bmlomls onirgy-momontum tonsor, concumn.v 'Lho trnnsfur of momuntma to u dioloctrio by tho movinG surfrwon of th., discontinuity of Ui~-. olm'.-romagnotio fiold intonsity. Ilio discontinuity 6 E croatca in th;~ J ioloo Eric an Licr-nwzit inpol.--.rization, i.o., a motion of oMrgos. Thcoorrosponding donsity of polarization c urrent is Z-( E -1)/4 l1r)v- 6 ~, whoro v is tlio s pj;A of vmvo propagation in th.;.YLoloc;rio, In this caso tho wediumshould ba actod upon -It -Lho point of disconti:i- uity, by tho samo forc-,. as is producod in tho caso of tho conduc- Card 1/2 I - - I HAof J, K. .3 , ~ It ~~i, .1 -, - t~ V -CI 'I V~l 4 11) A~3-511914) R.11 -,-I NAGY K 4=4_44: "The equations of motion of particles in the Pole-Dipole procedure. In German." P. 683 (Bulletin) Vol. 4, no. 10, 1956 Varsovie, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 NAGY, K. On the deduction of the Dirack-Fock-Podolski equations from the quantum theory of fields. In English. P. 143. ACTA PHYSICA. (Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia) Budapest. Vol. 6, no. 1, 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions List. (EEAL) Library of Con- gress. Vol. 5, No. 11, November 1956. Ann. _Ittbrfemnce e fec 4 N rv.-,q iT IVA HUNGARY/Theoretical Physics - Classical Electrodynamics. Classical B-3 Field Theory Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika., No 2j. 1958, No 2656 Author Nagy Karoly Inst :--96-1-d~Ve-i--- Title : On the Corpuscular Properties of Electromagnetic Radiation Inside Dielectrics Orig Pub : Magyar fiz. flyoirat, 1957, 5, No 1, 57-69 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 1, K t7f f,," if HUNGARVTherretical Physics - Classical ElectrodynW.Acs. Classical P-3 511,,eory of Irields Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 7, 1958, No 148,39 Author :-Nagy a o1 Inst : ~,~,pest) Hungary Title : Relativistic Equatinn fnr Particles with Spin' _311-324 Orig Pub : Magyar fiz. folyr~irat) 1957, 5) No 41 Abstract : The author determines the kinerAtic energy-momentim tensor of a point particle with spin. Fron the law of emservatim of the divergence of the tensor he derives the equatims of motion. By way of illustration) the results obtained are applied to a charged particle having a magnetic noment. Card 1/1 Mx4GARY/Theore i'al , 'S - quantum neld 9heory B-6 Abs Jour Ref &Ur - Fizika, 110 5., 1958, IT:) 9952 Author Ila -Eau_L_L_ inst Eotvos University, Budapest., Hungary Title On the Equation for a Distinguished Component of the State Vector Orig Pub Acta- phys. Acad. sci. hung., 1957, 7, uo 1, 167-169 Abstract The results of Krulikovskiy and Rzhevuskiy (Referat Zhur Fiz- ika, 1956, 110 12, 33783; 1957, iio 4, 8415) are generalized to include the case of arbitrary time-like surfaces instead of the plane t const. Card 1/1 .il (- k4 K . 1. M-TNGARf / The ore e, c a 1ics - Classical Ele:;-trodyn-anics. Clasei~~al E-3 Field Meory Abe dour Flef Zhur - Fizika, No 5., 1958; 110 9908 Author 11aff,-K, last University., Budapest., Hungary Tit,le Relativistic Equation of Motion for Spinning Particles Orig Pub : Acta phys. Aced. sci. hmg., 1.9572 7. No 3. 325-339 Abstract : Sie author derives the classical equations of motion of charged particles with spin and magnetiamoment, in an external electro-- magnetic field. The derivation is based on an idea by InfAld (Ref Zhur Fizika, 1957o No 2,, 2951), consisting of introdueAng a gravitational iield, caused by the particles &nd the erd~ernal field. From the resultant system of nonlinear-equations,. the author derives the equations of motion. after which a reverse transition to flat metric is effected. In this work. -the choice of the form of the enorgy-momentm .tennor is made n-3t by varying the lagrangian, but on the basis of several nati),ral-phyeical requireme&.s. A unique feature of the resultant equations is that the rest mass of the particle depends on the proper time. Card 1/1 ri N - I'V6 ~ ~~ HUNGARY/Atorjic and Molecular Physics - Low Tbriperature Physics D-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika) No 6, 19581 No 12982 Autbor ;N9LE2r_O_IY4__Szabo Janos Inst :Not Given Title :Liquid Helium Orig Pub :Fiz. szemele) 1957) 7) No 5) 168-174 Abstract :Scientific-popular article. Card : 1/1 A HUNGARY/Atomic and 7.,OJOCUI Pr Physics - Low Tomporcturo r-hyoica D-5 Abu Jour s Ref Zhur Fizike, No 9, 1958, ITo 20188 Author -._Nzgy-Xaral.,,#-Sznbo Jenon Innt t Not Given Title : Liquid Noliun. II. Theory. Orig Pub : Fiz. szomlo, 1957t L No 6, 194-200 Abstmet Brief survey. Bibliogrophy, 0, titles. For pz~rt I coo Rof- orat Zhur Fizika, 1958, 'No 6, !2982. Card 1/1 MJGaY/The,,)retica1 Physics - (juantiim Electr,~dynnnics. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, no 3, 1959, 17051 Author RaCW, Karoly; Farkas, Istv= Inst Title Electron-Electron. Scattering in the Case of Lonj,,itudi- nally-Polarized Electrons Orig Pub MaMrar fiz. folyDirat, 1953, 6, 110 4, 353-367 Abstract In the first non-vanishing approximtion of the ordii-a- ry pertuebation nethod, the authors calmlate clectr)n- electron scattering; iii the case of loiyjt,~idinally-pola- rized electrons. III the mtter-,,)f-ixv;s systum the cross section is calculated for the case )f parallel and auti- parallel spins. The possibility of experimental verifi- cation are considered. The restilts of the work coincide with the work previotisly obtained by Diacer (referat Zhur Fizika, 1958, No 5, 9941). -- V.I. Lend'yel Card 1/1 HuNGARY/Theoretical Physics - Quantum TNeory of Fields. B. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 7, 1959, 14658 Author : Nagy, K.L. Inst : R. Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary Title : Tomonago's Intermediate Coupling Theory Using Configura- tion Space Methods Orig Pub : Acts, phys. Acad. sci. hung., 1958, 9, No 1-2, 23-48 Abstract : To investigate the state of real nucleons.that interact with a meson field, use is made of the intermediate cou- pling theory (Tomona~3 S. Progress Theoretical Physics, 1947, 2, 6, 63), which is a variational method, in which instead of an exact solution of the problem of the ener- gy-momentum eigenvalues P.,,f -0-110- > =. -,, , I O__ one seeks the minimum functional -ic with normalization condition 1 with a special Card 1/3 7 NAGY, K. Sc4Lance "ACT"A PHYSICA" Tomonaga's Intermediate coupllnc~ theor;- ii~in,- confil-tantion spicc mmethulls. In 'Emlish. P. 49 Vol. 9, No. 1/2, 1953, M,onthly List of Enst EuroFean Accessicns (E.---AI), W, VC1. '10 A-A! 1-?59 Unclas. NAGY, 1. Yase reversal and the interactions of elementary particles, In &jzlish. Acta, pbvs.Hung. 10 no.4:44i-448 '59. (KRAI 9-.-4) 1. Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Roland Botvoe University, Budapest. (Particles) NAGYp KoLo JY -invariance and the vanishing of the observable masses. In 3ngliEh. A& phye.ffang, 10 no.4:190-450 '~)q. (Ma 9:10 1. Institute of Theoretical Physics, Roland Notvos University, Budapest. Mwtlcles) I)mnowd Mmnn Intoiactio!.S C; . K.. Pirm'" i.-TI i ecAstwice oi a mWerutOy strwig tjtli~emd interaction between baryous-K nICS011.4 and Inklons- K mesons was a5sumed to fixplain the anomalously large IM153 Of inuons. The interaction also gives r6e to several wher Ofucts, eg., to a short-range strong singular inutin- nucleon potential. These effects do not secul to contradict rnin n PirizHii.-.- MARXg Go; NAGY,, K.L. The problem of the "anomalous" mass almuons. Acta phys Hung 11 no.2; 161-176 160. (EEAI 9:10) 1. Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Roland Rotvos University, Budapest. Presented by K.F.Novobatzky. (Mesons) (Muons)