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KIASSEN, V.I.; LITOVKO, V.I.; MYASNIKOV, N.F. Improving the physiooomechanical properties off4gmsilicon suspensions with the help of reagents. TSvet. met. 36 no.10: 17-20 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) KLASSENI V. I.; LITOVKO, V. I.; "Improvement of physical and mechanical properties of ferrosi-licon suspensions with help of reagents." report submitted for 7th Intl Mineral Processing Cong, New York, 20-25 Sep 64. 1. HYASNIKOV, N. G. 2. !ISSR (600) 4. Irrigation I 10 Saturation irrigation. Agrobiologiia No. 5, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. MIYASTNIKOV, 11. G. Irrigation Farming Mechanized preparation of the fields for irrigation and the teennique of sowing cereals in a new irrigation system. Sov. agron 10, No. 7, 1952. 9. Monthly LjLt of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952. UNCLAS61FIED. KYASNIKOV, N.G. Plows Attachment for three-or four-gsng tractor plows for cutting irrigation furrows. Sov. agron. 10 no. 10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. December 1952 l"37 Unclassified. USSR/Cultiva, _d Plai-ts Grains. -bs Jour "~f 44-C -7 Authcr : iyauiUlwv, ;,'@Go Inst : f Gr ins t' rr 9 Iri cl Title : Orig Put, Z-.J--J-IIY,, 1957, H `2-Y5, 5strac U a Cr, cv LurQ. Duri: -4 wut_ri:,,,,s. C;.. z_ 3 oy -.-L of -;cts by 13.9~,'91 -i-id iii.- by 16.3~ i.. c a wi6:. r wct~ studi,d w!,.l--.I _q v: '~y bunc:. 2 -at was c'.:k,.-' 7i:* )--I w. a..-. Iucroasc L~ 2~_r if sraii.:; 2~ Card 1,/") HIKMN, A.Z.-,_ MTA5HIZDV.J.-I~. Ilectronic automatic regulators on twbocompressors. Prom. energ. 15 no-12:U-13 D 16o. (MM 13:12 ) (Automatic control) (compressors) N F, MYASNV(%f A D AZAV A ~,(Vcllcvt V ? RA'I'IMC9 L A L'AMOVAI D I AGAKNOVAY I YAN a A L-i.RVIN, -A I KA-ANOV "Development of Recommendations of the Selection of Types of Electlrov-.cuum Le- vices in Standar.~ Circuits Used in Radio Engineerinp Apparatus and on the Procedure for rieterminati. n of Optimal an(4, LimitirF Allowable Cnerating. Conditions for -Some Ty es of Receiver-&-plifier Tubes An Mann Production 'i~*hlch Have Prospect.,, for these ADr,licationst' from Annotations of Works ComplEted in 1955 at the -'tate Unitn Res. Iust, Min,of Radio Engineering Ind. So: B-3,0"O,Q64 4YASHIKOV. U.N.; ARTOBOLEVSKIY, I.L. akademik. Vyshnegradle direct control theory and the effect of retardation. Izv.Afi =R Otd.tekh.nm,tk no.9:1217-1228 S 153. (MLRA 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Artobolevskiy). (Automatic control) 80948 S/024/60/000/03/010/028 16, '? S-00 E140/E463 AUTHOR: Myasnikov I N.N .,(Leningrad) TITLE: On the Synthesis of Non-Linear Corrective Network for Automatic Systems (A PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1960, Nr 3, pp 78-83 (USSR) tBSTRACT: The basic method employed in this article is the transformation of the differential equations of the system dynamics to finite-difference equations. It is assumed that all initial equations of the system elements may be assigned to four groups: the equations of the integrating networks~ first-order aperiodic networks; arbitrary non-linear characteristics, either single-valued or multi-valued; delay equations. The parameters of the system elements are assumed constant. Bashkirov's method (Ref 1,2) is used for substituting finite difference equations for the irtitial system equations. A graphical method is employed with the following steps; determine the system dynamics for various perturbations; by variation of the element parameters improve as far as possible the dynamic d 1/2 -- 11,~ ra,: Ler ist i cs; de- ; C;-~) -1.;z ;. 13TIPC lal -or) I ' * I P~~ -i 21 vin 80948 6/024/60/000/03/01-0/026 E14O/E463 On the Synthesis of Non-Linear Corrective Networks for Automatic SN,stems to ensure the required quality of system operation. Point perturbations of various magnitudes are assumed with interval between perturbations greater than the duration of the transient process in the system. The system is assumed to be in the steady state before arrival of a perturbation. The method consists of' calculating the response of the system with feedback loop open, where the form of input signal necessary to realize a desired form of' output signal is calculated. The non-linear corrective network is then inserted in the feedback loop in such manner that the required input signal is obtained from the desired output rebponse, In non-linear systems where the corrective network is different for different magnitudes of input perturbations switching of the corrective network in dependence on the input perturbation may be easily designed by this method, There are 7 figures and 3 So-iet references, SUBMITTED; February 23 196o Card 2/2 f f, - .3 5 a. 76 6E A T ( d k ACC NR: AP6010772 SOURCE: CODE: UR/0146/661009/001/0047/0052 AUTHOR: Myasnikov, N. N. ORG: Leningrad MAlitary Engineering AcadevW im. A. F. Mozhayskly (Leningradskaya voyennWa In-zhonernaya lcrasnoznamnnaya akade-m-1-ya) TITLE: Effect of relay operation time on the behavior of an automatic system SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 9, no. 1, 1966, 47-52 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control, automatic control system, automatic control theory ABSTRACT: The effe t of relay operation time on the dynamic characteristics of relay-type automatid ystems is analyzed. All assumptions necessary for using the harmonic linearization method are made, and the parameters of symmetrical cycling conditions, with one (for the sake of simplicity) relay element are Card 1 /Z UDC: 621'.3.077.6 L 3b879-66 ACC NR: AP6010772 determined. A third-order relay system is used as an example to illustrate the method. A characteristic equation for the harmonically linearized system is written. Critical values of delay, which correspond to a resulting hodograph that passes the origin of coordinates, are found. The plane of Vyshnegradskiy generalized parameters A and B consists of three specific areas: (1) The system is stable with-any initial deviations if the delay is zero to small; (2) The system undergoes hard cycling, with zero-to-small. delays. (3) Hard cycling with any delay. Conclusion- Whenever a nonlinear system includes delay-introducing elements, the system dynamic characteristics can be found by the joint use of the harmonic linearization method and the delay-system analysis method. Orig. art. has. 3 figures and 12 formula*. SUB CODE: 13. 09 / SUBM DATE: ISApr65 / ORIG REF: 007 Card Z/ 2 MTASNIKOT, U.N. (Samtov) Briof annotations of lissertatioas defended in the Council of saratew M~d1c&l Institute In 1953a Kline sod* 32 no.7:75-76 Jl 154. (MIRA 7:8) (MEDICINE) MYASNIKOV N.N. aspirant Anemia in pregnancy, labor and the puerperal Deriod. Alcuah. i gin. 33 no.1:44-48 Ja-Y '57 (MLRA 10:4) 1. Iz Mookovskago oblastnogo nauchno-teeledovatellskogo instituta akusherstva i ginekologii (dir. O.D. Katepanova; nauchnyy rukovoditall-prof. V.P. Mikhaylov) (PRIGHANCY, in various die. anemia) (Rua) (ANJIMIA. in pregn.) (Rua) KTASITIKOV. N.H. course of pregnawy, labor. and the postnatal period in conjunction with leukemia. -Probl. gemat. i nerel. krovi 3 no.6:55-56 N-D '58 (XIM 12:7) 1. Iz moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta akushergtva i ginekologii (dir. - zaaluzhennyy vrach ISFSR O.D. Hatspanova, nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. V. P. Mikhaylov). (UMMIA) (PRIGNANCY, COMPLICATIONS 07) MYASNIKOV, N.N. (Moskva) Role of midwives in the Drevention Pnd trentment of toxemia of pregnancy. Felld. i akush. 23 no.1:7-12 Mr 051. (MIRA 11:4) (PrMNANCY, COMPLICATIONS OF) ZAKv R,L., kand.mod.nauk; MYASNIKOV, N.N. Appendicits and pregnancy. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 5 no. 5:8749 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz akushersko-ginekologicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. L.S. Persianinov) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pir-ogova i rodillnogo doms, No. 23 (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR R.L. Zak). (APPENDICITIS) (PREGWANCY, COMPLIGATIONS OF) MYASNIKCV, U.N. (Moskva) Anomalies of the location and detachment of the placenta. Felvd. i akush. 27 no.2:3-7 F 162. (14IRA 15:3) (PIACEIITA-DISFASES) WASNIKOV. N.V.. inzb. Hundredth anniversary of the Moscow stewmbip line. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 32 no.i2:16-18 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Moskva River-Navigation) (Moscow-Harbors) WASNIKOV, N.V. Waterways in the servi,2e of the inhabit&nts of Moscow. Gor.khoz. Mosk- 34 no.6:9-13 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Moscow Province-Inland navigation) BOBKOV, Nikolay Vladimirovich; CAIREVICH, Sh.M., dots., kand. ekon. nauk, retsenzent; KOVALEV, A.I., retsenzent; MYA,%;IKOV, (General course in river transportation] Obshchii kurs rechnogo transports. Moskva, "Transport," 1964. 212 p. (MIRA 17:4) ALKNTIYEV, 0.0. [Alentliev, 0.0.], doktor tekhn. nauk; WASNIKOV, O.A. (MliaBxWkov, O.A.] I.- - "'. ---_- _ I Dilatometric method for analyzing the proceases taking place in the charge during heating. Khim. prom. [Ukr.] no.3328-29 Jl-S 163. (MIRA 17tg) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Alentlyev). 2. Ukrainskiy filial Vae 19oyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta steklyanogo volokna, (for Myasnikov). MYASNIKOV F A.- OKUNFV, A.I.; KOCHUKV, M.I.; STRIZHOV, G.F.; 66~v S.A. Testing a turbulent dust-oxygen buimer in a recirculation furnace. Trudy Inst. met. UFAN SSSR no.8:5-15 163. (KIRA 17,9) KOCHNEV, M.I.; OKUNEV, A.I.; MYASNIKOV, P.A., VEld*,NICHf:V, S.A..- SERGIN, B.I., 57PIZHm'-G.?~ Smelting Ural copper-zinc concentrates in suspenigion w,".h an oxygen blow. Trady Inst. mot.. UFAN SSSR no.8gl7-11' 163. (MIRA 17~9) KOCHNKVF M.I.; OKUNEV, A.1.~, MTASNIKOV, P.A., VEMENICHEV, S.A.,- SERGIN, B.1.,- BAMANOV, L.N. Smelting sulf.4de materials in an oxygen-enriched flarrR without the use of a carbonaceous fuel. Trady Inst. met. UFAN SSSR no.8:33-42 163. (MIRA MYASNIKOV, PIA., felldsher (selo Shapkino Gorlka7skoy oblasti) Medical care of school children. Felld. i akush. 26 no.12:47-48 D 161. (MIRA 14:12) (SCHOOL HYGIEM) 137-58-6-11960 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, MetallurgiVa, 1958, Nr 6, p 1 10 (USSR) AUTHORS- ~!~~~Bazhanov, L.N. TITLE: Improving the Cross-sectional Shape of Reverberatory Copper Furnaces (Ratsional'nyy poperechnyy profil' medeplavil'noy otrazhatel'noy pechi, PERIODIC AL: By-ul. tsvetn. rnetaHurgii, 1957, Nr 18, pp 18-23 ABSTRACT: Special exp,~riments %%*(,]'(, ('011ducted to. determine the rate of smelting of the charge in a reverberatory furnace. At 3 points along the bank, longitudinally in the furnace (at distances of 7.2, 14.4,and 18.6 m trom the front wall), the charge was smelted in boxes made of roofing ,ron sunk into the bank flush with its surface. Temperature change was monitored by two thermocouples in each box Investigations showed three sharply-defined zones to exist vertically in the layer of char,,e on the banks during the heat: a drying zone, a heating zone, and a zone of fusion. In the drying zone there is a very slow rise to 1000C iri the heating zone a rise to 900" proceeds 5 times as fast (in 5 min): there is virtually no change in temp- Card 1/2 erature in the zone of fusion. The thi(kness of the drying zone 137-58-6-11960 Improving the Cross-sectional Shape of lkevt-r -ratory Copper Furnaces (at the flue end of the furna~_ei is r~i5O mm, while the heating zone is 10 rnm thick and the zone of fusion is ~ mm thick. At the firing end the thickricsses are, rcspectively, 5 5, 4 5 ,nd I nim, i.v ( ()nsidcrably less, a fat t that is explained by the greater ernission of heat by the flame there. The mean rate of fusion along the entire length of the bank is 435 kg/ Along the height of the bank, the maximum rate of fusion is that in the middle portion. The mean heat absorption of the molten bath is 34, 000 kcal/m2-hr, and that of the banks is 118, 000 kcal/m?-hr as determined by calculations and measure- ments. The general conclusion from the results of the invest .igation is that the bath is poorly heated and does a bad job of separating matte frorn stag, discharging rich waste slags (0.46-0 56% Cul To improve the work of the furnace and increase its productivity. it is proposed to broaden the upper portion of the furnace and the roof, designing the side walls to slope. and to run t",(- heat with a thin layer of slag on the banks, which would broaden the surface of the molten bath and improve the heating thereof A.P. 1. --opper ore.';- r,,!_-e::s i rig rna-e;-- Per, C~:r.,nan,:e 3. llheriiocou;; le_--App a 'I i ori3 Card 2/2 I I - I ~ 14TASNIKO.V P.A., inzh. High pressure compressed air burners for open-hearth furnaces. Biul. TSIIIICEIM no.23:12-17 157. (IqIRA 11:2) (Open-hearth furnaces) (Oil burners) MYASNIROV, P.A.; OKUNEV, A.I.; LUTOXHIN, D.I. Cyclone smeltim, of copper-zinc concentrates. Trudy Inst. energ. AN Kazakh. SSR 2:274-284 '(,0. (MIRA lrl:l) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut metallurgicheskey teplotekhniki (for Myasnikov). 2. Ural'skiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i proyektnyy institut, mednoy promyshlennosti (for Okunev). 3. Sred- neural'skiy medeplavil'nyy zavod (for Lutokhin). (Smelting furnaces) (Copper-zinc alloys) 100M. B.I.; OKUNIV. A.I.; 1q~ASRIX0T,_k,&,; VZW4MCHEV. S.A.; SERGIN. B.1.; STKZHDV. G.T. Smelting Ural copper-sine concentrates in suspension with ox7gen blov. TSvet. met- 33 no.lWO-23 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. UraVskiy filial Akademli nauk SSSR; Urallskiv nauchno-issledovatell- sk17 i pro7ektny7 institut mednoy promyshlonnosti i Veaso7uzu7y nauchno-issledavatel'shy institut metallurgichesko7 teplotekhnikis (Ural Nountains-Ronferrous metalo--Metallurgy) (Oxygen-Industrial applications) STRIZHOV, G.F.1 MMNIKOV,, P.A. Investigating the oxidation roasting of i-Imenite concentrates in a vortex -.hamber. Stall 21 no. 4:326-332 Ap 161. (HIRA 14:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut metallurgi- cheskoy teplotekhniki. (Ore dressing) (Ilmenite) STRIZHOV, G.F.; MMNIKOV, 1'.A.; IPLINER, Yu.L. Efficient operating condit-Jons for aluminum pulve--*z;-ng , ER-~. -, -, . :: " Stall 23 no. 3:234-23'~ Rr 164. (m 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metalhirgicheskoy teplotekhniki i Klyuchevskiy zavod ferrosplavov. L 430c,~o_66 ~WP(k)/E',j-j (m)/EWj'(e)/E-,FP(t "/ETT IJP(c) JHIJD ACC TM: AR6014364 SOURCE CODE: UR/0137/65/000/011/GO12/GO12 AUTHORS: 1-brasnikov, P. A.; Strizhov, G. F.; Iy2,novL.,_A. TrrLE; On the methodology of atomizer design employed for atomization of aluminum SOURCEt Ref. zh. Metallurglya, Abe. 11081 REF SOURCE: Sb. tr. Klyuchavsk. z-da ferrosplavov, vyp. 1, 1965, M-116 TOPIC TAGS: atomization, spray nozzle, metal powder, aluminum ABSTRACT: In the design of atomizers (A), the following quesSAons must be consid- ered: 1) determination of working parameters of the.jaetal aiV sprayer (3) to insure the given particle size composition of the Al.~ der;1'2) determination of bowd _, the dimensions of A. Tho initial data in the design of A are as follows: 1) ef- ficiency of A in kg/g; 2) specific flow rate of S in kglkg Al; 3) temperature of S in K; 4) pressure of S in front of A in bar; 5) pressure of metal in front of A in bar. The values for the coefficients and all e uationB used in the calcula- tions are presented. 2 Illustrations. V. Semakin Xanslation of abstrac2t SUB CODE: 11 Card 1/1 I'll UDG: 669,71.04 NYASNIX(N. P. D. AUTHOR: Revyakin, V.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Lecturer, and Nlyasnikov P.D. Engineer. 122-1-18/34 1 11 TIMS: The repair of metal cutting machine tool bearings by electro-deposition methods. (Remont podshipnikov metall- orezhushchikh stankov gallvanicheskim metodom) Pi~.LdODICA.L: "Vestnik Mashinostroyeniza" (En -ineera-nC,, Journal), 1957, No.1, pp. 67 - 69 (U.S.S.R. ABSTRACT: Detailed procedures employed by the Irkutsk Eng-J--aering Plant (Irkutskiy blashinostroitellniy Zavod) imeni V.V.Kuiby- sheva are described for depositing an anti-friction zinc alloy to a thickness of 1 mm (radial) on the inside of worn-out machine tool bronze bearings. The alloy contains 0.5 - 1.05 Fel 0.5 - 1.01," Pb, rest zinc-. 12 000 hours of testing have proved the suitability of the alloy. Bronze and cast iron bearing inserts can be electro-plated with the iron zinc alloy to the required build-up without subsequent machininc-. The plating of inner surfaces of complete bronze bearing sleeves is Card 1/1 accomplished with rod-shaped anodes. AVAIIABM: Library of Congress 122-4-14/29 AUTHOR: Revyakin, V.B., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Myasnikov, P.D., Engineer. '21TILE: The iron plating of machine components in repair work. (Zheleznenie detaley mashin pri remonte.) PERTMICAL: I'Vestnik Mashinostroeniya" (Engineering Journal), 195?, No.4v pp. E54 - 65 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Iron plating for the restoration of worn components is normally carried out in an electrolyte consisting of iron chloride, common salt and hydrochloric acid. This electrol- yte does not yield deposits with good adhesion. In the Irkutsk Engineering Plant (Irkutskiy Mashinostroitellniy Zavod) "imeni V.V. Kuybysheva" a bettdr electrolyte was tested in service, containing iron chloride, manganese chloride and hydrochloric acid. Deposits of up to 5 to 6 mm thickness can be obtained. From a bath of 650 g/litre FeCl, 10R g/litre MnCl and 0.06 g/litre HC1 tt a temperature of ?0 C and a current density of 15 A/dm, a coat of about 200 Brinell hardness can be obtained; greater wear resistance is achieved in more dilute baths with 300 g/litre FeCl 200 g/litre 1/2 MnCl dt a maxiTmim 29 ?0 g/litre NH491 and 0.8 g/litre HC , current density of 9 A/dm2 and a temperature of 65 OC when The iron plating of machine components in repair work. (Cont.) 122-4-14/29 wear resistant deposits of up to 2 mm with a hardness of 2/2 400 Brinell can be obtained. There is 1 graph. AVAiIABLE: NIYASNIKOV, P.F. 14ndernizing no.7:30 J1 the DIP-500 machine tool. Stroi.11 dcr.nashiriostr. '5 9 - (Machine tools) (MIRA 12'.11) MYASNIKOV, P.S.. kand. takhn. nauk. Automatic witching of unit feeding in d.c. electric power s."tems on ships. Sudostroonis 24 no.11:38-41 N '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Electricity on ships) (Electric switchgoar) C- suslicripst,'ova-i3 res:.r~:- r-,i lpmv, Z.. 7'. f,ri s sTer,'-,qn4. 0 W .-.v-rsi',,t. C Z 4 1937, no. 7: jummary dn EnFlish. Title tr.: On the Py.4s"Pnce -f 9 r, e arou-nd :,odips -,,irv d -,.,a!15. --)--,7, no. 7 S(,!. Af-rc.naut-"ral 'e 4 _~jC;, Avi-ition ':t 1,:t- "o,i-(-.t Co-ii ress, 1Y5~. W-WgIKOV. P., V. I ~iev!atical lie views Vol. 3,5 No. 4 1954 i..eilbunicu Mytitealkov, P. V. On the pressuro of a free plaim, Jet an an ~oe --cre-71festulk Aloskov, Univ. 'S.-r. Estest. Nauk 1950, no. 6, 3-20 (195)). L'~titeur reprend tin schthna voisin de cehii dr Magc~ plans, permanents, A potentiel d'un liquide, le dt-tivoine (fit mouvement 6tant limit6 par des ligucs libres vt un oh5i ido rectifigne. Lauteur complRe les forandets Men rutinuc, ou explicitant lea valetirs-de la pression et des compotiame-, dv la vitem en chaque point de I'tcotilement (en fonction de, paramOres rkels auxiliatres) et oit lea graphi(Itics de dis- tribution des pressions 1e long du profil immerg& indicluent, les formules approctides suffisantes pour lea applicatioti',;J~y,'.- partie - expOrimentale du mkmoire paralt plus origin,ltv.- L'auteur donne des conditions de rblitiation au laboratoire de sea scUmas et compare sea pr6visions tht-oriqttes avec fes rhultats dc sea essais. L'accord paraft ratisfaisant. J. Kravichenko (Grenoble). MYASNIKOV, P.V. Certain special occurrences in the movement of a solid bod7 around a fulcrum. Vest.Mosk.un. 8 no.12:59-61 D '53. (MULA 7:2) 1. Kafedra teoreticheskoy wkhaniki. (Mathematical pkysics) FETROVSKIY. I.G.; VQVCHENKO, G.D.; SALISHCHEV, K.A., SERGMY, L.M.; KOSKVITIN, V.V.; SHETENSKIT, L.V.; GELIFOND, A.D.; GOLUBEV, V.V.; ALIKSAIMROV, P.S.; SCBOL&V, S.L.; BAMALOV, S.B.; OGUBALOV, P.M.; KUTNES, N.A.; KYASHIKOV, P.V.; ZHIDKOV, M.P.; CAL'PnN, S.A.; ZEIEGALKINA-SLUMI~tY*.-f'W.-Ak,~,,,7,S~I Vsevolod Aleksandrovich Kudriavtsev; obituary. Vest.Mosk.un. 8 no.12:129 D 153. (MLRA 7:2) (Kudriavtsev, Veavolod Aleksandrovich, 1885-1953) -V- /"tIR~Zs'i'C"SO-VG/yProscopic Rotation FD-768 Card 112 : Pub 129-5/24 Author : Yqasnikov, P. V. Title : A new method for isolating from the general problem of the rotation of a heavy solid body around a fixed point the integrable cases of' motion. A new particular case of motion. Periodical : Vest. Mosk. un., Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk, Vol 9, Nc 2, 47-55, Mar 1954 Abstract : Discusses: the characteristic plane and its connection with the problem of find the fourth algebraic primary integral; the general idea of the method; the Euler-Poinsot case, the Lagrange-Poisson case, and the Bobylev-Steklov case; permanent relations and pendulum - like motions; the cases of the spherical gyroscope and of the loxodromic pendulum; the new particular case. ('8 Card 2/2 FD-7*) Twelve referencee including A. A. Bogayavleaskiy, "Certain conditions necessary for the existence of single-valued sclutions to the probler, on the motion of a heavy solid body around a fixed point," candidate dissertation under guidance of Prof. N. G. Chetayev, Corr,-Mem. Acad. Sci. USSR, Institute of Mechanics, Acad Sci USSR. Institution : Chair of Theoretical Mechanics Submitted : November 27, 1953 .0 MW4 'findhi-g' ew me i tt PI a e" ttes _ : ~' ~ ri id-bc rotation of a 05~va. fixed po nt. 1 heavyv iay~ - - - - , 5 ~floskovw Gas. ,&p, -172 (1954), :Mph. Unij,_M (Russian)-- ' -Th6 pi ptr~suvvejrs ~ the taze~-bf integrability,in which all . t e angular -runm6t unt big a eomt t i the h an projeq4on or ` eJiXe-d h___ --line jolW-hg.tb pointwit A latram center, t e A' t lyl Ii it ter Ing iwonit of the princi of i al pk s A , ne ner a p k, Jy USSR/Medicine - Strychnine Therapy Aug 49 Pnc!x-monia "Therapy Involving the Use of Large Doses of Strychnine," R. Ye. Myasnikov, Lezhnevo Village, 3/4 p "Sov ~kd" No 8 Method used with success in Vyborg Rayon Hosp, F-- Molotov Oblast, was based on that of Prof Hyabov appearing some years ago in "Sov 14ed." It consists of subcutaneous administration of 2 cc of 0.1% strychnine solution once a day for a month of 2 cc b. i. d. for 15 days. Diseases treated were typhus, nontubercular forms of 152T58 USSR/Medicine - Strychnine Therapy Aug 49 (Contd) pneumonia, degeneration of the cardiac muscle, climacteric neuroses, neurasthenia, etc., and in some cases pneum cardial syndrome and cardiac decompensation. No corVlications arose during or after treatment. It is recomm nded as a safe method in above-mentioned diseases. 150158 (;Rr. 1 K"", ()- I"- I N"~ K()Vp '~') - I- ; KAREL IN, Y Ia. A. I ~, I) B?, OV, (~. A. Attachment to thf) 168-2 "Kiev" motion-picturo) cautere. for namihutomatic control of the lenis diaphragm, Tru&y LIKI no.1105-1,8 164, (MIRA 18:10) 1. Kafedra kinofotoapparatury lAningradskczo instituta Unoinzhenerov. 6~f ethyl alconO.L In WkLr,%FA:- A- --r-- Card 1/4 20231 3/04 61 /C07/[)Gl /OC 1 /01 06, 9_00t)(a-d 1/47, B1 04YB204 AUTHORS: Barkhatovo A. N., Myasnikov, S. P TITLE; Experimental field studies in the case of "antichannel" sound propagation PERIODICAL: Akusticheskiy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 1, 1961., 18-2C TEXT: The authors investigated the sound field in a laminated medium, in which the following relations hold for the velocity of sound: o/ 2az with O tm/11 + 2b(z - H) ., H Here, c0 is the velocity of sound on the level z = 0, cm . co/F1 --2aH is U maximum velocity with z - H, a and b are positive constants and the positive direction of z is directed downward. Further, it is assumed that the veloci- ty of sound in the semispace z 0. Such a medium can be produced experimentally in a tank by diffusion of ethyl alcohol in water. At that depth where 25-30% alcohol is concen~ Card 1/4 20231 S/046/61/007/001/001/015 Experimental field studies B104/B204 trated, a maximum velocity exists. In the experimental arrangements used by the authors, special sound absorbers were used on the bottom, which pre- vented sound reflection, while sound reflection from the walls was avoided by using a sound emitter with a narrow -directi;.;nal diagram. Inv es tigat i .--,ns were carried out at 450 -_k= , 9cC !kc' , and 2 pulses, with a pulse frequency of 5-C pulses/sec and a duration of 150-200 psec. On the left side of Fig, 1, the velocity of sound as a f,.Inc- tion of depth is graphically represented, In-Fig~ 1, on the rightq