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MUSAYEVI M.R.; GUKASOVA, G.A. Study of the conversion of mono- and ditertiary wylbenzer4a under conditions of catalytic cracking taking the hydrogen redistribution into account. Azerb.khim.zhur. no.2:55-58 162. (MRA 16:3) (Benzene) (Cracking process) (Hydrogen) MAMDALITEV, Tu.G. Ide4eased]: MUSAYEV, W. Oxidation of isoamylones by atmospheric C(Qrgen. Azerb.kJdz.zhw. no.5:29-40 162. (KRA 16-5) (Butene) (Ovgen) MAMEDOV, F.A.; MUSAYEV, M.R.; ISMAILZADEp I.G. Raman spectra of monoamylcyolohexane isomers. Azerb. khim. zhur. no.2:71-74 163. (MIRA 16:8) WSATV, M.R.; VELIYEV, Sh.V.; KOSYKHIN, A.S.; MEKHTIYEV, S.D. ---- -.- Composition of pentenes obtain6d in the dehydration of ax$l alcohols an aluminum oxide. Aserb.khIA.zhur. no.6:29-36 163. (MM 17:3) 60270-65 , -ACMSMN NRt'- Ori -,,l- g none ASSMIATION I @ @: ENM: - 00 VJB CODE; V ND -REP Wr 1 01.3 OTM am, AS MFK-ji7TME I Mj--.;@yEV; 4 I F, DehYtratlon :f @!y--Irhpxa-ncl and of "- . - - yci, over A: 20 1. A zerb. zY.1- , no. @ -,(?@ @., IN.- P7pl -25.m MUSAYEV, R.M.; CHERNIKIN, V.I. Formation of hydrates in liquefied hydrocarbon gases. Gaz.prom. 1.0 no.5:36-40 165. (KIRA l8t6) MUSAYEV, M.R.; MEKHTIYEV, S.D. Isomerization of cyclohexene to methyleyclopentenes during *.?@e dehydration of cyclohexanol on aluminum oxide. Dokl. An Awrb. SSR 20 no.5:11-14 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut neftekhiinicheskikh protsessov AN AzSSR imeni Yu.G.Ma.medaliyeva. MUSAYEV, M.R.; KLYCHKOVA, S.N.; WKHTIYEV, S.D. Dehydration of saturated aldohols on aluminum oxide. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 20 no.8:27-29 164. (KRA 17:12) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov A14 AzerSSR im. Yu.G. Mamedaliyeva. MUSAYEV, N.B. Treatment of er,-,.f.- , @z,-L I I -A 71-n , ' @ @-Irj ]'-7 TI-samA an I -@ "J-5 a fur-,@ilin solc.2;n. Tned. .- I M' P.A -1 ' , ' ) ACC.','SSION `M: AP3000225 S/0166/63/000/002/0075/0085 AUTHOR: It'lusayev, P. Kh. TITLE: On the theory of atomic semiconductor properties in strong electric fields SOIRCE: AN UzSSR. Izv. Seriya fiziko-matem. nauko no. 2, 1963, 75-85 TOPIC TAGS: mobility, carrier current, semiconductor, strong electric field, atomic semiconductor, temperature gradient, carrier concentration, optical lattice vibra- tion ABSTRACT: Calculations have been made of distribution functions from which the average enerGy and mobility of carrier currents in semiconductors are found lulder nonequilibrium conditions, and, in particular, under stronS electric fields. Analysis is limited to atomic semiconductors with overlapping energy zones. The kinetic equations are written for the spherically symmetric and asymmetric part's of the i-th zone distribution function. Simplifying assumptions are made of a con- stant, homogeneous electric field with no temperature gradients or carrier concen- tration. The solution is given for a carrier interaction with optical lattice vibrations, first in a weak electric field and then in a strong electric field. Card 1/2 ACCESSION M: AP3000225 The results show that in a semiconductor with overlapping energy zones the average energy and carrier mobility in each zone are given as functions of the mass of both type carriers and of the mean free path inside both zones and at interzonal tran3i- tions. Orig. art. has: 35 equations. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko tekhnicheskiy institut AN UzSSR (Physical and Technical Institute AN UzSSR) SUBMITUD: 25Jan63 DATE ACQ- 12Jun63 UNCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 009 OMR: 000 Card 2/2 4L ACCESSICK NR: AP4013027 s/O166/63/0o0/oo6/0O8O/00d5 AUTHOR:__N@@ Kh. TITTZ: On electrical conductivity theory and the HaU effect In valence semi- conductors in electric and magnetic fields SOURCE-: AN UzSSR. Serlya fitiko-4natematicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1963, 8o-85 .TOPIC TAGS: nondegenx,-ate electrons, semicondlictor, electric field, kinetic equation, lattice qacilAntioa, distribution function, HaLU coefficient ABSTRACT: The distribution function for nondegenerite electrons in semiconductors of type Ge has been calculated, considering the effect of external magnetic and electric fields (constant in time and homogeneous)v and of scattering of conduction electrons by optical phoams. The governing kinetic equation is vritten e + P. fiD V_ f Of C.,d 1/5 ACCESSION NRs AP40XI027 where the tera on the right of the equality sign is the change in distribution function during electron scattering on lattice v1bratlons. The distribution function is assumd to have the forn f (A - fe (P) + f I (P) (:0S + A (P) Cos and the scattering term is the sow as that given by V. A. QnWenkov (ZhTF, t. 28, 470,, 1958)., This leads to a solution of the form A (e) - C. - exp + 101(A + FsP ME113m- + Da + U' I @ A-T 7.7 (A + FaP The average electron energy, current denAty, and H&U ooettlatent are subsoquent1v computed on the basis of a simplifyine assumption that scattering probability on optical phonons is much greater than on acoustic phonons, Orige art, has3 26 equations, Card 2/3 ACCESSION NRi AP4033027 ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut AN UzSSR (Ptwsieotecbnical Institute, AN UzSSR) SUBMTrEDt 16MaY63 DATE, AcQ, o3mar64 E.NCL: 00 SUB COM PH NO REF SOVe 005 OMRi 001 -c-c" 313 MUSAYEV, P.Kh. @,. ' -5@, On the theory of the properties of atomic semiconductors in strong electric and magnetic fields. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 7 no.3:56-65 163. (MIRA 16;8) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UzSSR i Tashkentskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lenina. sov/lj6-'5'0, -1-9/12 AUTHOM Borodzyuk G.G., and Musa-yev R-A, TITLE: The Calculation of he Reliability of a Long Distance 0 Cable Communication System (0 ras&iete nadezhnosti sistemy dallney svyaz@ po kab,@'Inym Iiniyam) PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazl, 1959, Nr 11 pp 70-75) (USSR) ABSTRACT: Generally speaking the reliability of very long lirle3 @,,an be increased in two ways, either by increasing t@ie reliability of the separate components which make it up or by the technique knovrn -':_n the Soviet Union as fires erva tion ". This is simply t1ae introduc tion o-f planned .V redundancy. It is possibie to show t1hat ir, p-.a::!ti,--e both these methods are required. T'-ie basi,: material for the calculations is given. in Refs 1 and, 21. Failure of the cable installa'.--Jc-@ns t@emsel,'n,-S is qxt-.-af@lely rare and therefore troutle is be c)----"/ fri:m the intermediate sections vr@,i,21i -, -'ai-in He--i of course the trouble arises ra;--i-ruly fror. of valves. "Reservation" is usually out in of two ways: (1) by connecting valves in parai-le.1 in e:.--@i Card 1/4 stage of an amplifier; (2) by t"ne dupli@,ar.ion cf entire amplifiers, The second im-2,-hod has two pcssible -ia.-L"ants. SOV/106-5'-,-'--)/12 The Calculation of the Reliability c'L a Long Dis, I - ,-,nce a@ie Communication System either the amplifiers are entirely self- 2ontained 'Doth the main and reserve amplifiers share a rrum .ber of components such as, for example, the r-ega'L;ive network. It can be noted in passing t@iat in a system is considered to be satisfactorilly reliable, -'f it is out of operation for one houi per year of ope--ati-.. The probability of failure is give!, by (1), wl-iei-a ;j is the reliability of action of a valve over a time t. The number of amplifiers in the t--,urd@ line is r- anC, the number of stages in tlie amplif"Ler is ir.; t1-ien -J-1 a complete transmission line t"Ie p:-obability ef fai-L----& is given by (2). If in addition, val-ves are paireU in parallel then the over-all p-.c15a'U'ij_4@.Y Q@ faj"Ure 13 t:!-P-in by (4). This expression ignores the possibility of a short circuit in a valve. The survival --ur-ie for valves is assumed to be exponential, Uion the equation for PI (in -the middie of page 72) determines t!-ie probability to be substituted in (4). In practice m varies betvaen Card 2/1+ 3 and 4 and n can be as large as 1+20. Eq (if) is expanded as a series in (5). Hence lu-,ie ap.-I,rcxima-le SOV/106-59-1--,4/12 The Calculation of the Reliability of a Long Distance '@'abie Communication System expression for system loss is giver, by (6) in the @ase of valve redundancy. The corresponding expression for complete "reservation" of amplifiers is given by the equation immediately following (8). By comparing (5) and (8) it will be seen that, neglecting the ca-se of short circuits within valves, the probability of failure of 'the system "reserved" with the aid of parallel valves in comparison with one U3ing parallel amplifiers is 7, times less. In order to talce into ao3cunt the possibility of valve failu.--e du(--, tc sl-@)r% `4@e original probability p pr-:,.vious is rl(@W -,qa,te up of two components,one of w:-,ioh i@; -,.f failure due to short @@irzuit, and t'ie -is t'ie, probability due to all other 2,iuseL,. A a is introduced showing wh -J,@:`@ part of all failures 1 -3 -lue to short circuits and (12) is new a probability which should be s-alu-3@;-itlitpd -in (4) to take account of the possibility gr4d (@:-i@-.-,ode .;horts in valves. Card .3/4 In practice the value of a is usually less tlian 0.1. The merits of the two systems of "reser-;ationll are ncw V -1 The Calculation of the Reliability of a Long Distance Communication System compared when the possibLil-ity c-T' short all-.-.1pd. The ratio of the losses in t@ie valv,:@ and amplifi-@r methods is given by (16). This ratio is plottel, in 1 f or in = 3 and in = 4. Fim-illy a cal,-nilaticr, is for a system 2500 km long with amplifiers havijig two valves per stage. The total number of amplif4le:,s ---s 420, the probability of failure is p = 1.6 x 10-4 and this is considered unsatisfactory. By using valves wit'i the life of 10000 hr the system performan,,-e is again acceptable (p = 8 x 10-5) Card I,^ There are 1 figure and 2 r;feren,@es, one -f is Soviet and 1 English. SUBMITTED: September 10, 11)58 MUSATEV, R.A., BABALYAN, Cif.A.-, KRAVC-,",ENKO, 1-1. Effect of hydrccarbon solub-'Fi gurfaetanta on 3urface, tansion. Izv. AN Azerb. S5R. Ser. geol.-geog. nauk no.50?-102 164. (MIRA l8s6) MUSAYEV, R.M. Investigation of the formation of hydrates in gases of the thermally processed oil in liquid state. Gaz.delo no.1-1: 17-18 965. (MIRA l9gl) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskly insLitut prirodnogo gaza. MUSAYEVI R.T,; NIZAMETDItIOVA, MA. Mathematical modeling of the chetaical process of adsorptioi, using an electronic computers Vop, vycho mat. i tokh,, no.3:119-123 Ib4s (MIRA 18:9) MUSAYEV, S.; ZURABOV, A. Uzbek fumigation team. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bo@-. 10 46 165. (IM---,F,,A 1. Nachallnik fumigatsionnogo otryada pri llzL"3ksk(-,y go:iodarst- vennoy karantinnoy inspektaii, Tashkent (for Musaye-ji. . '@Iavny-y agronom fumigatsionnogo otryada pri Uzbekskoy gosudarstvennoy karan- tinnoy inspektsii, Tashkent (for Zurabov). SHVVWV, V.P.; MUSAYEV, Sh.A. 140 147 Coprecipitation of L& ,PM , and Y91 with iodates of quadrivalent cerium. Radlokhimiia 1 no.4:465-474 '59. (MIRA 13:1) (Cerium iodate) (lanthanum) (Promethium) (Yttrium) . ' 1 !1 - . I ..I - . . - - - .1 . - -.1 .,"1 Leningrad, 1960, 22 pp, 150 cOP- (Leningrad Technological Institute im Lensovet) (KL, 45-60s 123) 42- /,4,0200 24o92 S/186/60/002/006/017/026 A051/A129 AUTHORS: Shvedov, V. @.; Musayev, Sh. A. TITLE: A study of the separation of La 14o-Y,91, La14o-PM 147 and Sr 90 -Y 190 mixtures on a tri-valent cerium iodate precipitate. PERIODICAL: Radiokhlmiya, v. 2, no. 6, 196o, 723 - 727 TEXT: A study was made of the ooprecipitation of JA140, pM147, y9l and Sr9O + Y90 on a cerium iodate precipitate in the absence of trilon B, based on the theories of the three types of "homogeneous precipitation". The three differ- ent oases are given as: 1) "homogeneous precipitation" with gradual reduction of the solution acidity in the presence of an excess of the precipitating agent; 2) "hoknogeneous precipitation" with the appearance of precipitating ions in the so- lution; 3) "homogeneous precipitationff,@ith grtdual de@ompoaition of the complex compounds. The complete capture of La 0, Pml 7 and Y 1 in a saturated solution of KI03 led to the assumItion that not only La3+, and Pm3+, but also Y3+ do not form soluble anion cor"plexes with KIO A study of the solubility of lanthanum and yttrium iodates at various conceX,ations of KI03 UP to saturation showed that Card 1A 24092 S/186/60/()02/006/017/(r,6 A study of the separation of ..... A051/AJ29 3+ 3+ no noticeable soluble complex compounds of La , Y with KIO 3 are formed under the given conditionsi The following equilibrlum is derived: 3+ 4- La mrA] La + [ EurA] where [EDrA] 4- is the anion par' of trilon B. The experime-t was carried out und0r the following conditions: 0.40 ;@ of a 'Duffer solution (8 ml of 98 % acetic acid Plus 7.2 ml of 2.25 n NaOH plus 0.8 ml water) was added to 2.2 ml of trilon B (20 mg of trilon B, PH = 8.0) containing the corresponding radioactive isotope, the obtained solution was mixed and left to stand for 10 minutes. Then 17.4 ml of a saturated solution of KI03 was added while mixing and the solution was left to stand again for about 10 minutes, after which 150 mg of crystallized KIO was added. After mixing for 30 minutes, a fresh precipitate of cerium iodatePii) was introduced, containing 5 mg of Ce3+; there is complete capture of Lal, , PMA71 Y90 and Sr9O by iodate precipitate of trivalent cerium in the saturated solution of KIO 3. Thus, it was shown experimentally that with the gradual decomposition of the cerium comDlex compound witin trilon B in the prese ce of KIO 3 conditions are created for the "homogeneous precipitation" of iodate and for the se- Card 2/3 2hO92 ,q/i86/6o/oo2/oo6/o17/o26 A study of the separation of .... A051/A129 paration of Lal4o_ygl and Sr9O-Y90 mixtures on this precipitate. There are 6 figures, 1 table ani 21 references: 5 Soviet-bloc,and 16 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the four most recent English language publications read as follows: A. M. Feibusch, K. Rowley a. L. Gordon, Anal. Chem., 30, 10, 103, 1958; J. A. Hermann, Ch. A., 52, 10, 7921, 1958; L. Gordon a. L. Ginsburg, Anal. Chem., 29, 1, 38, 1957; L. Gordon, K. Rowley, Anal. Chem., 29, 1, 34, 1957. SUBMITTED: December 18, 1959. Card 3/3 SHVEDOV, V.P.; IZJSAYEV, Sh.A. Separation of cerium (IV) iodate and the determination of ceri= (IV) in it. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav; khim.i khim.tekh. 4 no-5:727-733 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Leningradskiy teklmologicheskiy institut imeni Len8oveta, kafedra tekhnologii iskusstvannykh radioelementov. (Cerium iodate) (Cerium-Analysis) 0 a e v 0 C I j.. 0: v" i -L 0. C,- 2 (Y-l :'O@U C) 1, 'Ir at s 0 ro c t o:. D 0.. a'. tne en-@ of *ne i3n 112 KRAKOVSK171, N. I., professor (Moskva, pl. Vosstaniya, d. 1, kv. 194); MUSAYEV, S.-M, Congenital multiple arteriovenous anastomoses of the right lower extremity. Vest. khir. no.4:91-94 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz Instituta khirurgii im. A. V. Vishnevskogo (dir. - prof. A. A. Vishnevskiy) AMN SSSR. (FISTULA, ARTERIOVENOUS) (EXTREMITIES, LOWER--BLOOD SUPPLY) MUSAYEV, S.M. (14oskva) Intravasculax ele --r,'. @@ --m it veins of the @Iovmr r @ li' ",-.I I@r. E:-" @'. i. p I..' 3@.-37 TI-Av. '0. ", y , - @ ", . - @ - I., hi o 0 1,6 S/044/60/01@VOIO/008/021 C111/C333 AUTHORs Musayev, 3.R. TITLEs -f-h-efirat boundary value problem for strongly elliptic systems in the class of generalized functions PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 10, 1960, go, abstract 11647. (Uch.zap.Azerb.un-t Fiz.-matem. i khim. ser., 1959, No 2, 4(-)1) TEXTs Let G be a finite domain of the n-dimensional Euclidean space En, and F its sufficiently smooth boundary. Let Fm(En) be the fundaaental space of the finite functions of order m which are defined on En' Let the set of the generalized functions which are defined in En over the functions Fm(M and which vanish outside of U be denoted by Ym(-a). Problem (A)s Vx E Tm(T) is given, determine u(x)EETk(-d) which satief ies the equation -,- -