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ACCESSION NR: AP40416S3 shutter is pressed by spring 5 and screw 6. A supply pressure of 1. 2-1. 4 atin is applied, via a thiottle, to a chamber that comprises two diaphragms having different effective areas. Upon application of the input pressure. the shutter moves and the pressure in the chamber varies. As the effective areas are different, a rigid center carrying nozzle I atso moves. By the end of a full Working stroke, the nozzle-shutter gap vanishes-and the chamber preAsure attains its maximum value (adjusted by screw 8). Other details are given. Orig. art., has: I figure and 8 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut nrfasnoy i rnolochnoy promy*shlennosti (Moscow Technological Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry) 01 SUBMITTED: IlDec62 ENCL. SUB CODE: 1E NO REr SOV:_ 000 OTHER: 000 Ce'd 2 3 34 KMVENK09 V. P. The Second All-Union Conference on the Preparation and Analysis of High-Purity Elements, held on 24-28 December 1963 at Gorky State Uni- versity im. N. 1. Lobachevskiy, was sponsored by the Institute of Chemi- stry of the Gorky State University, the Physicochemical and Technological Department for Inorganic Materials of the Academy of Sciences USSR. and the Gorky Section of the All-Union Chemical Society im. D. 1. Mendeleyev. The opening address was made by Academician N. M. Zhavoronkov. Some 90 papers were presented, among them the following: L. S. Vasile jKaya, V. P. MuravenjW. and A. 1. Kondrashina. Ef- fect of the purity of air, reagents, water, and containers on the spectro- chemical determination of impurities in Si, Ge, their inorganic compeunds, mineral acids, and water. An increase of one or two orders of magnitude in the sensitivity of determinations was reported. 2A-., Aw. iq 0-4 l?4q 777-7 VYALOV, O.S., akademik; BUROV, V.S.; MU.RAVETSKIY,,~-,~. Cbaracter of the besement of the westem Transcarpathian trough. Doki. AN SSM 150 no.4v874-M Je 163. OGRA 16:6) 10Institut geologii goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN UkrSSR i Llv~avskaya geologopoiskoven kontora tresta 'Llvovneftegaz- razvedka". 2. Akademiya nauk UkrSSR (for Vyalov). (Transearpathia-Geologv, Stratigraphic) 7 F. VENGLINSKIY, I.V. [VenhUnslkly, I.V.J; BURYNDINA, L.V.; BUROVA, M.I.; 14MAVFTSKIY,, V.N. [Maravetslkyi, V.M.] --- New data on the biostratigraphy of Neogene sediments in the Chop-Mukachevo trough. Dop. AN URSR no.1:96-99 164. (KRA 17:4) 1. Institut, geologii goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN UkrSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR V.B.Porfirlyevym [Porfirliev, V.B.]. i. ii. and r4aLuv, A. 1~. I Eksploatatsiia Heftianykh Mestuorozhden-Ji ( Oil Field Exploitation), T15 ~-, Moscow and Leningrad, 1949. RIW:S, V.A., kand.ffied.nmuk; XURANY, LP- (Knliniu) Thyroid function tests in cancer pntlents with the aid of radioactive iodine [with summary in Inglish). Probl. endok. i gorm. I no.6:78-82 N-D 457. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Is kliniki fakul'tetskoy kbirurgil (zmv.-prof. A.G.KxrevAnow) Kalininskogo meditsinskago institute, (dir.-prof. R.I.GFivriloy). (THYROID GIAND, function tests. radloiodine tests in cancer of various orgnns (Rua) (IODIU, radioactive. thyroid funet. tests in cancer of various organs (Rue) (EXOPLASKS. physiology. SAMO n`,-ETN I K, Lf i~, f-KI r1 )i n 9 l A 18. m-,~cvaria ~a C~c: roy I'M 1 r; s I IAUPIVEYSK&YA, G. S. Cwqa.~Twav ObAnistry fleet Capacity "Float Careetty of Dior-arm! Imcers of Platima 'IAar.-Ino Chloride." Aond 1. 1. Cbern~syov# V. A. Gokolovj R. Yo, Shmidtp G. 3. N.-rave-jaknpq Inat Gen and Inort., Checi IMcrA R- S- Furmkovt Aced Scl USS-Ro 4 PP OL'ok Ak Unuk SSSPO Val LXT19 V4 2 SUdled beat capacities of cin- mid trnns- Isomers of rlatimz dimino-dichlorlde. ExpreaW heat, ckpacit- of Peyrme chloride to be greater t1an that of tt,.e chloride of palwtlf second bow Ithe trars-Is=er), for tlie tarpmature range betwec-n rbso3vite am and to.-r"'ir-ituim of ismerizatimo Powwors, they vere Identleale Concludes Vatp for aror teciFeraturep dIfferet--ce, In Isobaric potenUals of these oubstanceo, crval to difference of their total enmWj, Is fUly determined 1r7 the hwt1z4,,, affect of tbe Ismorisation rwctions Subolttod 13 Jul 48. PA 36/49T8 214-2.9 6 r~7-al-tsiyakh c-4ol,~y ti,-& ly,v,.s'L,jl-a -,Iatiny I .c,.tzjllov (In i npor ~r,. it] iof-r: C, T ,tor,JS 1 1-11 GIUY~AEW. 1. 1., MURAVEYSKAYA, G. S. Isomerism Geometric isometry of diamindinitro nompounds of four-valence platinum. izv. Sekt. plat. i blag. met. no. 25, 1950- Monthly List of Russian Accensions. Libr"ry nf Congress, Ai)r1l 1952, UNCLASSIFI.O. [fJF,',VFYSK,V(A, G.S. "The Geometric Isomers of Diamindfinitrodichloroplatinum.11 Cand Chem Sci, Inst of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N.S. Kurnakov, Acad Sci USSR., 22 Oct 54. (VM, 12 Oct 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USS~, Hipher Educational Institutions (10) SO: Sum. No. 481, 5 May 55 CHZRHUYEV. I.1.; KMVXYSKATA. G.S. ... I - 1, - - Geometric isomerism of diaminedinitro couponds of tetravalent platinum. Izv.Sakt,pl&t.1 blag.set. n0-31:5-25 155. Mm 9:5) (Platinum compounds) (Compounds. Complex) (Isomerism) 'nz .7E~4 2~E ;T~NQI- . JO RA zz~ :7~ /7 AUTHORS: Chernyayev, I. I. and Muraveyskaya, G.S. TITLE: The Reactions of the Dinitrodimethylamine Compounds of Tetravalent Platinum (CH3NH2NO2)2X2Pt- (0 reaktsiyakh dinitz-odimetilaminovykh soyedineniy chetyrekhvalentnoy platiny (CH3NH2NO2)2X2Pt-) FkXIODICAL: Zhurnal Noorganicheakoy Xhimii, 1957, Vol.11, Nr.3, pp. 536-551. (USSR) ABSTRACT: (CH3NH2NO2)2(NO2)2Pt and (CH3NH2N02)2NU2NO3?t have been obtained by the oxidation of (CH3NH2NO2)2Ft with nitric acid of s.g. 1.35 and 1.50. Investigation of the properties of both these compounds confirmed the cis- diamine configuration attributed to them on the basis of' synthesis. The chemical inertness of the platinum tetranitrodimethylamine (CH31M2NO2)2(NO2)2Pt molecule is proved by the absenee of reaction with NH3, dilute H01, dilute KOH and H20. A change in the properties Card 1/3 of the N02-group in compounds of tetravalent platinum The Reactions of the Dinitrodimethylazine Compounds of tetravalent Platinum (GH3NH_oNO2)_*X2Pt- 7b-,3-6/3,9 occurs independently of the method of formation of the N02-Pt-N02 coordinate. The nitrohydroxooompound (GH3MR2N02)2NO20HPt has been obtained by neutralisation of a solution of (OH3NH2NO2)2NO2NO3Pt with alkali. The position of the N02-group in order of trans-activity of substitutes of tetravalent Pt compounds has been determined relative to hydroxyl by measurement of the pH of a 0.001 mol solution of (GH3NK2N02)2NO20HPt. Indications are that the N02-group In tetravalent Pt compounds has a very small trans-influence. The methods of preparation and properties of methylamine- dUmlogeno-compounds (N*102)2X2Pt(X is equal to 01, Br) are similar to thoseof previously studied ammonium compounds of the type (NH,3N02)2X2Pt- Proof of the existence of exchange between substitutes has been Card 2X3 obtained. 5(2) SOV/76-4-7-11/44 AUTHORS: Muraveyskaya, Go S., Chernyayev, 1. 1. TITLE: On Diammine-nitrochloropa2ladium Pd(NH 3)2 NO 2C1 (0 diammin- nitrokhlorpalladii Pd(NH 3)2 NO2Cl) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Ur 7, Pp 1533-1541 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The compound mentioned in the title is produced for the purpose of finding out whether in this case the same trans-effect rule holds as in the case of platinum. The plane configuration of the initial substances Pd(NH 3)2C'2 ana Pd(NR 3)2(N02)2 has been proved by means of X-ray examination cf the structure and by the existence of geometric isomers. By the common crystallization of equivalent quantities of the initial substances the trans- nitrochlorocompound Pd(NH 3)2NO2Cl was obtained. In the ex- perimental part the production of the initial substances and of the trans-compound are described. The latter was obtained both by means of the aforementioned joint crystallization as also by the reaction of Pd(KH 3)2 C12with NaNO 2' Figure 1b shows Card 1/2 microphotographs of the compound obtained in polarized light. SOV/78-4-7-11/44 On Diammine-nitrochloropalladium Pd(HR 3)2XO2Cl In diluted solutions Pd(NH )2e' undergoes hydrolysis and excess of chloric ions substituting the nitro-group in the crystal lattice occurs, so that mixed crystals of low solubility and a composition of Pd(RH 3)2('02)1-,Cll,x are formed, the microphotograph of which is shown in figure la. Table I gives the properties of the initial substances and of the nitro- chloric compound obtained in two ways. Table 2 shows the solubility of this compound at 250, and table 3 shows their ratio during heating. Figures 2-6 show the heating curves of the compound mentioned. It was found that the formation of nitrochlorodiammines in palladium is analogous to that in the case of platinum. There are 6 figures, 4 tables, and 11 ref- erences, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: April 20, 1958 Card 212 MAVELSIWA .; GREMAYWp I.I.; SOROKINA., V.F. Kitratlon ruaction of complex iridium chlorides. RvarneorgAhim, 8 no.3-.578.-582 Mr 163. (141RA 16:Z,) 1. Institut obehahey i neorganichaskoy khi-ii Imni N.S.Kurnakova AN SSSRI (Iridium compounds) (Nitration) MURAVEYSKAYA., G.S.; CHERNYAYEV, I.I.; SOROKINA, V.F. Potaooi= trinitritrichloroiridite K31r(Nrj2)3C'3' Zhar.neorg.khim. 8 no.3:583-589 Mr 163. (MliiA 16:4) lo Institut obahche7 i neorganichookoy khimii N.S.Kurnakova All SSSR. (.Iridiwn comoounds) MDRAVEYSKAYA G S - CHERNYAYEV, I.I.; SOROKINA, V.F. Polymrism of nitrochlaroaquohydroxo compounds of trivalent Iridium. Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.4:847-852 Ap 163. (KM 16:3) 1. Institut obshchey i noorganicheakoy khinii imeni N.S.Rurnakova AN SSSR. (It*dium compounds) AVTOKRATOVA, T.D.; ANDRIANIOVA, O.N.; BABAYEVA, A.V.; BELOVA, V.I.; GOLOVIIYA, V.A.; DERBISHER, G.V.; MAYOROVA, A.G.; MURLVEYSKAYA, ; NAZAROVA, L.A.; NOVOZHENYUK, Z.M.; ORLOVA, V.S.; USHAKOVA, N.I.; FEDOROV, I.A.; FILIFIONOVA, V.N.; SHENDERETSKAYA, Ye.V.; SHUBOCHKINA, Ye.F.; KHANANOVA, E.Ya.; CHERNYAYEV, I.I., akademik, otv. red. [Synthesis of complex compounds of platinum group meta1q. a handbook] Sintez kompleksnykh soedinenii metallov platinovoi gruppy; spravochnik. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 33F P. (MIiU 17:5) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii. 2. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN SSSR (for all except Cherny-ayev). CHERNYAYEV, I.I.; WRAVEYSKAYA, G.S.; KORABLINAI L.S. na o0 Pt(III) Effects of light on the irner-sphere reactio galonitrodiammines. Zhur. neorg. khita. 10 no.3:733-735 Mr 165. (MRA 18: 7) CHERNYA-.-LE.V, 1, 11 . - F'.0Fl El M , L.-S ~ - KUPPY"SK4 YA - ~S. . -. . A ~ J, j Cleavag,~ --~f a-i- w1r. f.. I It '. I .- ~ ~jy:IT 'I , , I c-' B-d J arid ne -; , 7. h-o r , n f--! r- -,- g ~ k h-':r.. , 10 rio , ', . 1,114 -, 1 1 '~ lkki I i--,: , I 1,;.y D.~ - ;, ~. j, CHERNYAYFV, I.I.; MURAVEYSKAYA G.S.- KORABLINA, L.S. --.. - " 1.1- 1. Effect of hydrochloric acid on nitrodiamminefi of bivalent platinum. Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.1:300-302 Ja 165. (MIFLA 18-.11) 1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii imeni Kurnakova AN SSSR. Submitted May 20, 1964. CfEP,NYAYr,V, I.I.; 1WRAUYSKAYA. G.-c, ; KN-~'d~!-',','A , ! of Pt with 7hi.r. 1. Institut Ashchey i neorganif-heskoy ~himji AN SSSR. Submitted Decembe! 1W4. Reacl or, cf methylarninp and ef.hylpnt7o~amir.~ SHTERENBERG, L.Ye.; BERKHIN, S.I.; KJRAVEYSKAYA, V.G. Method of studying carbonate manganese ores. Geol.rud.mestorozh. no.2:102-108 Mr-Ap 162. (MM 15-4) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva, i IGEA AN SSSR, Moskva. (Urel Mountain region-Carbonates) (Ural Mountain region-Manganese ores) MURAUYSKAYA. V.S. Histopathological chances in the organs in mice and guinea pigs following subcutaneous administration of colimycin. Antibiotiki 2 no.6:49-51 N-D '57- (MIRA 11:2) 1. Imboratori a okeparimentallnogo izucheniya lechebnykh evoysty autibiotikov Isav. - doktor meditainskikh neuk V.A.Shorin) Insti- tuta po isyskaniyu novykh antibiotikov AKII SSSR. (AICIBIOTICS, effects, colizWein, histopathol. reactions in animals (Rua)) KURAVEYSKAYA. V.3.; BELOVA. 1.P. Histopathological changes in animal organs following the administration of crystallomycin. Antibiotiki 4 no.l: 87-92 Ja,,-y 159. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Institut po Izyakaniyu novykh antibiotikoy AMU SSSR- (ANTIBIOTICS, off. crystallomycin, histopathol. aspects (Rua)) MURAVEYSKAYAq V S ~ct of monomycin. Antibiotiki 5 n0.4:24-29 Jl-Ag 160. CKLUA 130) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnogo isuchenlym lechebnykh svoystv novykh antibiotikov (zav. - prof. V.A. Shorin) Instituta po izyskaniyu novykh antibiotikov MIN SSSR. (ANTIBIOTICS) (EARS-DISEASES) SHORIN jV.A.- GOL'OBERG, L.Ye - HURAUISKAYA V.S.- PLUNER, N.S.; SIIAPbVii~VA, S.F.; 1.'F.; KIOCH,; FILIFF06110, S.T. Study of the antibacterial activity, toxicity and nDdicinal pro- perties of methanesulfonates of monomycin and colimycin. Antibiotiki 6 no.10:897-904 0 161. VIA 14:12) 1. Institut izyskaniyu noTykh antibiotikov AW] SJSR. (JOTIBIOTICS) (ICTWIZUiYONIC ACID) BELOVA, I.P.; MURAVEYSKAYA, V.S. Histopathological changes in animal organs following the administration of the antibiotic olivomycin. Antibioti-ki 7 no.3:57-59 Mr 162. (MIRI, 15:3) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentaltnogo izueheniya lechebnykh avoystv novykh antibiotikov (zav. - prof. V.A. Shorin) Instituts. po isyskaniyu novykh antibiotikov a21 SSSR. (AIUIBIOTICS-TOXICOLOGY) ZENKEVICH, L.A. (Moskva); MURAVEYSKAYA, V.S. (Moskva) Hydraulic method of the locomotion of animals. Priroda 53 no.6: 89-95 164. (MIRA 17-6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Zenkevich). T- ntihi~ittknv AMN' MU I tAv~ MYJAI, -4. 4S. Determination of tiip conrentmtIon of streptcryr-1,ri, ~!n otreptomycing ocl-Imylin and moncryoln In the lalrxyrint,,.~ fie. fluid in guinea pigs. AntAblotili 10 no.3:?45-250 Mr '65. (14-'Fo lp,-,n) Qwm-yq,+;7 wn-Ah rn'i.blLc,,hikrr7 (za-~T. - prof. V.A. 3hr~r`n) Instit-Lita po Jzy.,lka?iiyu ncv-ft-h antib"MIlknv, Monklm. MURATOVSKI, Gligor, prof., d-r Mortality :in childhood tuberculos!3 from 1956-1960. God. Zborn.Med.Fak.Skopje no.10.38-44 163. 1. Institut z& tuberkuloza na SRM, [Socijalisticka Republika Makedonija), Skopje. 1 , I ~. 'k" I i V t-- ~ ~ i,: I y: II~i ) 11 t~ aURAW&T-411, 1. D., b! -uur Teun "bl-uijjL,-- ol stce-L jjo.LiwLLj,L- Im' We aevelo,-zent of optical sumaces." LLiur,~:-rad, j,)'17, " -'LiAe 0,,"cal Invt in. ". I. Vuv-I.Lov~) k", 114~ "'i, ". I-kA,) Z, KURAVBMIY,.Sergay.Daitrijevic, (deceased); SMOVIYEV. A.I.. otv.r ed.; PERTAKOV, I.L., red.; KAIAM, B.Ne. mladshly red.; OWTSM, A.T.. red.kart; KOSHIMA, G.K., tekhn.rede [Rivers and lakes; Wrobiology and runoff] Raki i ozere; g1dro- biologiia stok. Koekva. GosAzd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1960 384 (OU 13:43* 1. Chlen-korrespondent Almdemil pedagogichaskikh nauk HSM; kabinst istoril geografil Koskawakogo goandarstyennogo universitsta (for $olov,YOT). (Rivers) (Lakes) 85315 S/ 1 .8-2/60/0LN~-,/X6/007/009 1.130 In' i 6 1 1/ A '_~ 29 AMORE: Amaryan, L.S.; *Aurx;ich, B.L. TFITE; stampirz Elilpt'.cal Eottoms of Large Size PERIODICAL Kuzrier;:-,rio--sh~.amDovo.~-rnoye proizvodzmvo, 1960, No. 6, P. 40 TFXT T!he au-..hors experimented at Podoltskiy masi--iinostroltelInyy zavod Im. Ordzhonikidze (PodoVsk Mac?-Line -9uildinZ Works im. Ordzhcnikidze) using a hydraulic .750-ton simple-ar;tion pres' i a die design and stamping me'r. as shown sche- matioally ~Fig. 1). -31anks vrere heated to 800 - 9000C(furnace -lemperavare 1,050 1,1000C). Heating improved greatly when gas was used instead )f liquid fuel, but it was too difficult- to keep a high forgLng temperature, because the bottoms cool- ed by 4o - 500C per minute, and one full stamping cycle lasted 3 - 5 min. Due to the different temperature of t'he blanks def.Drmation resistance var4.ed In a wide range. The effeQt of the Pandam-ental die parameters has not been studied separate- ly. The space z, (zee 5'ig. 1) eLnd radlus r ac:cepted in plant prac-!Ace after years of practical exp;rlence were z0 = L.058 and r 3)8 (wr)ere8 is the blank thickness), whilst r is rec:)mmended I.-i literature. It was obsex-ied that Card 1/3 85315 s/i82/6o/ooo/oo6/oo7/oo9 Stamping Ellit.,t!.--al ~~r-ttom~ of' Large Size A!61,/AO2Q, larxer z,) and - had a effecT., :,aussd creases or. tne cylindr"cal portion and galges a-, Small radlt~!5 (at ra,,~i3 higner than 80). '-R&d.'US r red.-.Csd 11o .1 -j)8 improved t.'-ie quality due to a longer blank portion undei. tns jluTplng ring, ~~nd a smaller, radi,-Is Impt-oved -,--.e, strength of the drawing ri7ig. A-~ d'-arr! ratios ---c-low 80 tne effect of increased z0 and r was not Tf4ere aLre r'- Card 2/3 6531 -Sta ElUOV 'A i Fig `.~A:f:'j, -T- do j"f Ca]~d 3/3 M 5. 'i eorliiiiv, is o"ptnel g1twQ111jal u B ~ 0 (k i l _ p. rdv md et AU o was obtained 46 16 v N C tr " ~ was. i __ Mvoll in. 2W greet,, tij at t t c Ity a tne Me group 11t 2- "~tmithi(lbenztmidazofes is causc,j hy the poa.'chargi-_ of the M ~13 he Initial ahlihYde- -4011), hydro!yZtd with Sclo HCI to t J J1 In 3W tal. H&0 was added 40 w1; pyridlat, then'' To 3 2 S -d %vith thm ML group. -The,effects of pit, . . . or -their c -are. S=11 -ombiruitiOns d hat to their n t M130941-10n witl-the laitno graup-of dazole' they'block TA ~-OINCJLNP soln.- from 1.4 g. %mine;`yIddin , urification by' etta. witL, fter bi h d e 't~c cimtron pif-of tile 2nd X at(iril. The most powerful in c t, w ; a u p 60 70 cru de pro pet, ether, ( ed green crystals, m. 266* (after fur% orm is -415,;NC)i goirp. --In thiabsiilcta an Opium K .... _"111'thi hPluawle-ringg ese ra-up-5 4bow'.00 t,th (re t r t e re . C c or g I ~ . ty of ilik-Ate group, Th' se, a theoretical balit for the . tn. wfth " - --MICILWOMS-13 clikuEened with numerous "JerMces. "Re-- Ref!~Wng 314q. O-Otl ` 0 - ~51 - T d '4() it -- the ttll;~ an lo mt. EtOR- t- hr_ with 5-10 dro '~ - -Pt;= ine ~40% `~ 3-mcth 1-2-(nimWLrojt - - r t d ob ;E~4te wi material 'and - Aaed -extg~Jhc black 7~V41'4 ti, tr;., - nt 1 enzl J, y y j (from Hj0). SE6 ;Jar condensa- ph Q11,N01, in. et er ga"c~ pure u-. Yff 1, fluxed IZ_2hxs,with20g. F*PS in 50 n1j. EtOllj d ld; with W4. IyAre: C1, Cjr.- %0 addified ICI boiled, filtered from S, ard trcMed I -wjth'jjH,0Il. g%ve o_pA.,vjjCu.VM,, w. 70-W, (from dil. - - 2710* (f MOW Jel in-MC011 with I-thenyl--meki EtOlf). Ifeating-1 ' 40 s i rom . -Th is . at ube4 hi 1 A~e=inridawfj in a sealed tO r.,; out res 1 -the a1dcny(&e (detected by fomatio ' 9 AftNC4U,CR0 75:g.) aLd-0.75 1;. p-1 ,' Te latter I of the. none. - m. 270*). No am d _r, _ . fm EtOH vr4th a few drops o V p 1111 fluxed I Jonned m-itt a tempted coadeasad a- of with: - Ail! aq.-i ;~ H kyrifiie or AcOli ,olns , mj,~szojff.- lylaminolyryOheits; -rAve 62.29o' 1-_phmy1ftd;nte1A laM took ~ N ctio * c owever i er o rea n - P Mr.], r,:d i. ora R~0).. In MOR in the Presence Of HNMe d ONC M , McOH) fonned readil-, froni dim Pti i p-. 4 Letween -- * j wreact with " ~ - e- Mel (M aud -duxed J~hr._in M011 Ir -the presenceof pipericiLle, Sirnt.;- - .2. di lar fj, 'Wfp 'und'er'_;voi?zous conditiatut.. Refluxing 2 1g. - Z-Phenyl-2.- b ddawk-uer, (ff) - end Wjb P-bdi h 1-5-nti,c cuill ' Aar'Y: wav formed 60% 265'jfron 80% ArOll) ~v:mm *-OKC~MCHO rn3 cruployed I Wth-" NC411 at M63l,CHO Ih, In.AV.0 gave violet Or oraur-MOC I at ow ; H), 1. -quality, of Color-~? ~3 WY In crys . r - Uto -41itmbinrihl lue I, in. , en frOn1 RtOH, odue 2 111oreloft violet ijkpre-Adent. ivandys-. whilt front - - - ---- - -- ;Ed rlizWce JTpIpe ;)I-2-(vl-nitrd$iylAi mid4zokc (VI) decomp. 2W~; --Headni gave T, th ;'JjzO&6 %vIth Btl in Etouj'~=. at 140o V it:1 "")INC-T-LCHO I far JV -radily Zave VI. Ou ithe 13rcw't j a c( y1peridine i butit did with, p 'ri in, wt i1mribed akwe, ykAy ve the salup rLtct. ~~R4u~,inx 02 z. 2.4-(OiN)i--: .5co yellow, ift. 151 ji t(.';11 and AcDh); I the yellow form rcd n- P2C` W A - diriv.-, yellow, in. 235'; reOnyed with WHIC1, it,; -.3; , the0 ,. ~-Ij hydrilly.4 to die IjCI C-C.; "m airtlie~ ' Th ar bta to, ITIOL- 147 unst2ble in warm, 'fitc aml f! AcsO in xseub;d-tub. 2 hri. at Wo given- &SS% 2-diardyl-, "aisir 2,4'-djjjitrjVj ' i nce or- -cap fu~vwnt EtOH lit itilt pres e rr willy, losm I Ac jr. pirk-sidizie. . The 6-Ac deriv. heated with 4N HCI M* a tube 2 fin. at 1701 thei., treatid i6di tIH,OH, gavi i'R yellaw, lid. rora I f the ''OrIlitro.derivi".7.77. dim MPAVICH, Kh. L. "Investigating the Hydrogen Mobility of Sam Derivatives of 2-nothyl-bonsimidazol.ft Cand Chen Sci, Leningrad Technological Inst imeni lonswet, Leningrad, 1954. (RZhKhim, No 21, Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No-521, 2 Jun 55 L'~;.s KOLESOVA, M.B.; 14URAVI~H-ALEKSANDR, Kh.L. Alkaline decomposition of some disulfides. -'hur. OD. klim. 34 no.10; 3525 0 '64. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Leningradskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut. I -' '~ , ,I ~ 7 " o , ,. : . YFJ,Z"SO-1, A.V. ; '! i' [~ "~-' F ' ' t - o k him. I n t, 3. Laningral~~Y4-v onkologit I~Mli lon enonbi,~-,, W~4114 W'spAct: 487 - iiii3 ACCUSION XS -- , cool s A00V -- .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MUMVINj A.V. DAY-INARTSO U.N., lushemer; &TAK119 A*A., lashener; KURATIN, A.T., lashener, Rzparlence In constructing a city water reservoir by industrial methodso Gor.kho*Aosk. 28 xio.4:23-28 Ar 954. (NM 7:6) (Water-oorso) GRIGORIYEV,, Te.A.; bVU ~114, A,V ; TANKILEVICH, A.G.; SHOR, D. I., kand. tekhn.nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sot3muinl Urgent problems of underground construction in the city. Gar. khos.Mosk. 36 w*6:23-25 Ja 162. (14M 15:8) 1. Glavnyy iny, ner Tresta, gornoprokhodcheskikh rabot (for Grigor!rv). 2. Zamestitall nachallnika Upravleniya dorozhno- watavogo stroitellstva Glavnogo upravlaniya, po zhilishchnonu i grasbdanskonu stroitellstvuvg. Moskva (for Maravin). 3. Glavxqy spetaialist treata, llbsorgstroy* po stroitellstvu podzemwjkh sooruzheniy (for Tankilevich). 4. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatell- skly i proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut podzemnogo shakhtnugo stroitellstva (for Shor). (Mosemr-Underground construction) GRIGORIYEV, Ye.A., iznh.; WRAVIN, A.V., inzh.; ETKIN, S.M., inzh. Perfecting and lowerina the cost of the construction of sewers. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 37 nc.10:5-7 0 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Treat gornaproVhocheskikh rabot Upravleniya dorozhno-mostovogo stroitelletva Glavnogo -iproLyleniya po zhilishchnom i grazhdanqkomu stroitellstvu v g. Moskve. MURAVIN, B. Ys., (Eng.) Cand. Agricult. 60j. Dissertation: "Investigation of the Technological Process for Straw for the Purpose of Fabricating the Impleinents for Livestock Raising and 3ee- Keeping Farms." All-Union Sci Res inst of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (VIME), 10 Jun 47. SO; Vacherayala Moskva, Jun, 1947 (Project #17836) mlitill.11 F, r A ~=I~~h. Cauxes of the one-sided veer of loconott" vtwel flanow. Sbar. LzizR? noJimi-iii l6o, (MM 13: 10) (ZoamotIvos-4heals) K&RAVAYEVA, S., VIN, I.; TOME., MOZGOVAYA, R. A Cattle Hov cattle are kept before slaugbtering. Mies. ind. 23 No. 4, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified. V, TOMM, L.. imudidAt eel I skokhosyaystvennykh nauk; NURAVIN. I., zootaidmik. f. Determining the pro-slaughter fasting period for hogs. IflasAn& SM 24 no.6:52-54 '53. (NLRA 6:12) 1. Toesoyasnyy nauchno-looledovatellakly Institut wasnoy promwahlon- nosti. (Pork industr7) IA- " i~/ I,.- /-! t /,' - 11 . I v 1. L.G.. kandidat sel'skokhosyaystvennykh nauk; WARATATIVA, S.G.; --_ KURAVIN, I- - V~Li~tenance of bags before slaughtering. Trudy VNIDM no.6:159-163 154, (KUU 100) (swing) RESONOV. P.A. (Moskva); BELYATE7, V.I. (Kolomna); BUDANTSEV. P.A. (Orenburg); KABABOV, G.I. (Helakess); MATOROV, S.V.-(Noskva); lMTlj,JLA" Moskva); RATlTJ[,,P,G,.(Gubakh&, PermskDy oblastl); SIZMKIT, K.P. (Moskva); TARASYUK, (Kiyev); MIABIB. R.A. (Samarkand). Discussing plans of programs. Mat.v shkole no.1:4-24 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy vysshey matematiki Moskovskogo instituta khimichaskogo mashinostroyonlya (for Bezsonov). (Mathematics--Study and teaching) l'it L) R o \f 10, f-I - 1, ~'l , I IKOLOT. B.Pj KUTUZOT. K.H.; KURATIN K.K.- SAYINKO. D.7., TROITSKlY. B.T.; ZAUTOT, P.S., professor, *"CO 11-gichookikh nauk. redaktor; IMBOU. K.Zw, redaktor.- XUZIKII. G.K.. tothntchaskly redaktor C(loodesyl 09odestia. Pod obahchol redaktatel professom doktora takhnichookikh nauk P.S.7Wmtov&* Kookm, hd-vo goodestchookol lit-ry. Pt.2. 1954. 283 P. (Kicrofilal (KLRA 80) (geodesy) YERM LOV, Boris Pavlovich; ZAKATOV. Petr Sergeyevich; KUTOMOV, Mtkbail Ntklforoviclh-, MMAVIN Mikhaylovich; SAYIKO' Dmitily Vasil'- . Mark 0 yevich; TROrTM=,-- -Boris Tia=gYrovich; RMHTM, M.L., redaktor; POVALUTIV. P.L. redaktor; KUZIKIN. G.M.. takhnicheekly redaktor [Geodesy] Geodezlia. Pod obahchet red. P.S.Zakatova. Moskva. Izd- vo geodazicheekoi lit-r7. Pt. 1. 1954. 519 P. (MM 8-7) (Geodesy) ZOLUPAYRY. A.P.; EMMOT. U.N.-. XURATIN. N.V.; SAYJM. D.T.: RUDSHIM. 1"o. rod.; M201MEMA, A.loo rsdAi&-va; ROMMOTA. V.V.. [GoWesyl Goodeslla, Koskva, lzd-we goodes.lit-ry. F%92. 1958. 402 V. (Kln 12 s.8) (Goodaay) KURATIV, Tenianin Koiseyevich; SADOT. I.Ta.. instiener. radaktor; YUBLON, 1 ,-- r"h-skiy redaktor. [Isloys for railroad siamling. central control and block system &ad their repair] Role S%B I Ikh resoat. Moskva, Goo. transp. shel-dor. Isd-vo, 1934. 231 P. [MIcrofUu1 (NLU 7:11) (ikilroads-Signaling) (Blectric rel&ys) K 0 pOLTORiX, Tefim Valikovich; RAKITO, Z.H.. _WVIN_Veq'u" NolsaLevich; red.; KKITROV. P.A.. (Repair of the equipment and mschanisme of signaling, centralized control and block systems] Hemont priborov I makhanismov STGB Moskva, Gos.transp.'2hel-dor.izd-vo, 1958. 299 p. (KIRA 12:5) (Railroads-Electric equipment--Kaintenance and repair) ,t-~)Juvul , Veni,amin Moiseyevich; FULTultAK, Yefin. T:*ziliko,iich; MAILETKOW, G.I., red. [11,epair systems] 1965. of the apparatus of cenualized traffic cow.rol Remont apparatury grgB. 315 p. Moskva, Transport, (FIRA 18:8) HMVnT* YA*G* 22346-Rwavint U. G. Tekuohostl Pblimerov I I~s Lawreniye. Vywokowlsku2yw. SWedinadyat TrP- 9v 1949p S- 47-5g.-BiblUgrp S- 57-0 SOS 14UPIS' No. 30 1949 f a. u. IL 980".. slaw A. G - MUMVM. or_- SPIRAIM =",Wn= 140. 9)j ".-POW types of POIYpbm sw tiolm. m dbtingWdW* . (1) "goanular," In whichL ft (PhCH-Cifm~ methicijlites, etc.) Is dispersedla water. 9;wm;~, Initiator is Weseat, Witlf or VidWd UMW_ amxmimer In do fien. but mat de0enifing on the say. of,the no malsifiem 1140-- dispersing phase; (2) "suspension, 4e sol. initiators lpersulfAtes); ~ (3) Man no anulsifiers, nitlatars (ors. pecoxides) sal. both In HaO and in monotmer; (4) -"hmicellar " with soap-type ewzW- fiers. The type can be identiied by Aissolving a dye fe.g., Sudan IV) in the monomer. Some data are given but no experfatental details are given. P. Danchy LOKSHIN. Yaju.; WMVIN. To.G. International exhibition of pacimging. Kons i ov. prom. 13 no.12:40-43 D 158. (KIRA 11:12) (DBxseld*rf. Germsmg-Packeging mehinery-Exhibitions) MMVIN. Ta.G.; ZILMUTA, L.N.; GLUZ, D.S. Determining the air perwabIlIt7 of plastic packing materials. Lons.i ov.prom. 15 no-5:22-24 My 160. (HIBA 13:9) 1. 73antral!nyy nauchno-inaledovatellakly institut konservuoy ov6shcheaushilluoy procqshlennosti. (Food-- ftck&gLug) (Plastics.- -tTes ting) (SUL,, s.T.; KONOTAWYA, D.T.; KMTM. Ta.G. low pacbsging materW for the food Industr7. lons.i ovoprono 15 r.0-7:23-26 11 160. (MIRA 13%6) 1. YeasoyusMy nauchno-isoledov&tel'skir i okeparimentallno- konstrWdorskiy ibstitut prodovolletyannogo mahinostroyaniya (for Genell, Konovalova). 2. TSentrallivy asuchno-isaledovatell- skly inatitut konserynoy i ovoshchemehilluoT promyshlonnosti (for *iravin). (Yood-pacwwag) WKSHIM, T&.Tu-(~ ~M. T~a-G. . International Ikhlbition of Packaging. ZDn~.i ov.prom. 15 no.8:43-44 Ag 160. (MIRA 13 - 8) (Packaging-4hchibitions) MURAVIN, Ya.G.; ZELFIISKAYA, L.N.; PUGACII, G.D. Use of high polymer packaging materials in food preservation by means of ionizing. Kons. i ov.prom. 17 no.4:24-27 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. TSentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel*skiy institut konservnoy i ovoshchesushil'noy promyshlennosti. (Canning and preserving--Packaging) (Polymcrs) (Radiation sterilization) 14URAVIN 9 Ya.G.; GENELI, S.V.; BAKANOV, S.I.; ROBWAN, G.I. [Lacquer coatings used in the food industry] Lako- krasochriye pokrytiia v pishchevoi promyshlemosti. Moskva, TSentr. in-t nauchno-tekhn. informatsii pi- shchevoi promyshl., 1963. 55 p. (MIRA 17:3) NTAVW,,ja-.G.; PARKHOMOVSKAYA, A.D.1 GgiELI, 6.,.; G ';-otv. red.j BERENSHTEYN, R.Ye., ctv. re-n. . S. (Epoxy resins in the food industry] Epoksidnye smoly v pishchevoi prom7shlennosti. Moskva, TSentr. in-t na- uchno-tekhn. Informatsii pishchevoi promyshl.p 1963. 22 p. (MI R-A 17: 10) 14URAVINY Ya.G.; PUGACII, G.D.; ARTDIOVA, T.I. [Use of polymeric packaging materials in the canning industry] Ispollzovanie pol:Upzrrrykh upakovochrrikh mate- rialov v konservnoi prorqshlennosti. Moskvap TSentr. in-t nauchno-takhn. informatsil pishchevoi promyshl., 1964. 32 p. (~q i'a 18: 8) ALIPERT, MakB; KgALDZ!r, Ye eniy- KRUKHLAYEV. Valentin (Moskva); MIKRAITM. VaUkiy (Stavr M; ;~6iCHFV. Aleksandr, fotokorrespondent opo I (g.Gorlkir); ALIMSMIN, Yevgeniy, fotolyubitej~, ~14M ~INT~u.-,' GARIM . A. Seven-year plan in action. Sov.foto 20 no.8:3-8 Ag '60. (MIRA L3-8) 1. lfotokorrespondent 15ovinformbyuro (for Alpert). 2. 1otokorrespon- daht gazbty "Frikvda" (for Ilhaldey). 3- Potokorrespondent Foto- khroniki Telegrafnoy agentury Sovetakogo Soyuza po lamchateko7 oblastl (for Mursvin). 4. Yotokorrespondent zhurnala wKrestlyankaw (for Gerinas). (Journalism, Pictorial) DDII[YJV, Pavel I-avlovich- MUbAVIN Yurly Yakovievich ~~ I Nakhodka. Vladlvostok, Dallnevostochnoe kn-izhr-.oe izcl-vo 1965. 1 V- (ICPA 19'. 1) MURAVINIL, R. 1-1. "Certain Clinical Problems of -,-~xudativf! Diathesis in Childr~!n," Vop. Ped. i. Okhran. Mater. i. Det., 17, No. 1, 1949, Chair. Faculty Pediatrlc!3, Chiaii. Head Prof. M. S. Maslov, Honored Scientist, Act. Memb. Acad. Med. Sci., of Leninerwi Pediatrics 0. Inst., Dir Prof. Yu. A. Mendeleva, -c1949, WAVINA R M r,,UM momand Mad Im =Plk md Olds 01"- do" is R. M. 1= lust.). raw'. to. No. I've With unic cw t-A) That tat*, wptic co"tims namal. The bring W,xd Foteh% is slightly Itkb I,* show a MI ~v loaf' bwm in taaw j, CW, in Wkk-h the allm &I.Imun vantent (ban I wo win cWtent is high. in 1cmvG comal comitim J, establisbW M- 01OWW""C'm" G. M. K. CO M u R A V A, cmd Pedist., lik-t VIv" Ptitia. i Otbmay Afsk-- issim i Offow M 1. 9II(l9w).-ltv wp~iccswa dk- total Mtwotf COj wAs 5 val. I" Wow numul in ampt bi- Oaac". its tamir cow, %be *op was 17 Vol. '~. (knelf coittens wa, oku"y low: 7.21-7.3 vol. %, aguinst normal 14.31',. Mmufflie-ImInding viskiwances am slight.*7 supet nwml in aid alowt I(W,; vApermartual hi tolic came. C, to low In dw Plasma, exp"my in tom. Call- but indfvklwal VwUtlous am vest; Cl in erylfw,,- cytrqls" low intativeAs" (140mg. "I). G.M.K. S/081/62/000/001/016/067 B156/B101 AUTHORS: Bogdanova, V. I., lifuravitskaya, G. N., Khalezova, Ye. B. TITLE: Determination of rare earth elements in zircons PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 1, 1962, 143, abstract 1D68 (Tr. In-ta t-,eol. rudn. mestorozhd.9 petrogr., mineralogii i Geokhimii.AN S33R, no. 64, 1961, 95-97) TEXT: It has been established that the classical method (precipitation in fluoride or oxalate form) does not always reveal