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Scattering of Longitudinally Polarized Electrons and SOV/48-22-7-25/26
Positrons on Polarized Electrons
of the initial polarization of the electron: P5;~,,s2COSE). If
the energy of the particle is hi0h and if the electron and
positron spins are antiparallel before the collision, the
scattered positrons remain completely polarized: PS6 s 2'
(3) and (4) still are valid in cases, where either the electron
or the positron or both are not polarized at the beginning.
The corresponding spin projection then equals zero. A.A.Sokolov
proposed the subject, B.K.Kerimov discussed the investi,-'ation
with the authors. There are 4 reference3, 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Azerbaydzhanskiy gos. universitet im. S.M.Kirova
(Azerbaydzhan State University imeni S.M.Kirov
Moskovskiy gos.universitet im.M.N.Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov)
Card 3/4
21(e) SOV/56-35-5-35/56
AVIRORS: Mukhtarov, A. I., Gadzhiyev, S. A.
TITLE: ~'_~~~~ntegration of the n-_ Meson antl the Considera-
tion of Non-Conservation of Parity (Radiatsionnyy raspad
n- -mezona i iichet nesokhraneniya chetnosti)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19118,
Vol 35, Nr 5, pp 1283-1285 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The longitudinal polarization of particles is a consequence
of the non-conservation of parity in the presence of weak
interactions. The investigation of radiation decay
ic+_+ + + 9 + y shows that parity can also not be conserved
in mixed interactions. For this purpose, the decay equation
for the four-component theory of the neutrino is written
down. The longitudinal polarization of the muon and the neutrino
are accounted for by introducing a projecting operator of
the form 6 P/P . The eigenvalues of this parameter(s 9 and a.)
then describe the loni-itudinal polarization of the muon and
Card 1/3 the neutrino. Next, an expression for the decay probdbility
+ S 0 V /5 6 - 3Y., /5
The Radiative Disintegration of the 7r---Meson and the Consideration of
Non-Conservation of Parity
of a resting pion vill be derived. Three terms of this ex-
pression are due to the non-conservation of parity, i.e.
to longitudinal polarization of the muon, neutrino and y-quantum.
In order to facilitate analysis of the expression for the
disintegration probability, the pulse of the muon is assumed
as being very small. The pulses of the y-quantum are assumed
as being anti-parallel. The analysis of the decay probability
leads to the following results: a) if the spin of the muon
is contrary to the direction of motion of the y-quantum, the
decay probability differs from "0" only if (luring decay a
neutrino is emitted and if the emitted I-quantum is polarized
circularly to the right; b) If trine spill of the muorl pointo in
the direction of motion of the -,-qu;~nttim, a decaj of the
pion is feasible under emission of one antineutrino axil one
y-quantum with left circular polarization. If the pion decays
under emission of a neutrino, its spin must then form an
angle of 180 0 with the direction of the y-quantuin (if the pi;lse
of the muon is small). In case of disintelixation of the anti-
neiArino this angle must be almost "0". Thore are 2 references,
Card 213 1 of which is Soviet.
+ SOV/56-35-5-35/56
The Radiative Disintegration of the Tr Meson and the Consideration of
Non-Conservation of Parity
,ASSOCIATION: Azerbaydzhanskiy gosudarstvenn y universitet
(Azerbaydzhan Stato Unlversity~
SUBMITTED: June 13, 1958
Card 3/3
Polarizatim of ffi-prtioles'
AGU. lPis.-mti I khla."mer.
.I I(K"fts-44cay)
is /(-;r-v o! 4, -14 -Ir domy. Vah. IAP.
noo-3:35-41 159. (MIU 2413)
(Data rays)
.9- 100 A901/A101
-AUTHORSt Mukhtarov, A.I., Bukh, P.O.
TITIEs Scattering of high-energy electrons from nuclei of light elements
PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Mika, no - 7, l9f 1- 76, abstract 713371 C'Uch.
zap. Azerb. un-t.Fiz.-mateiff. I khim. se,%% 1959, no. 4, 57 - 67,
Azerb. summary)
TEXT: Elastic and inelastic icattering-of high-energy electrons from nuc-
lei of light elements are considered in the first Born approximation with allow-
ance forthe form-factor of the nuclear charge. The distribution of density of
Coulomb charge_over thq nucleus was selected in the form.of Gauss'functions, mo-
nomial, binomial and trinomial whose parameters were determined fromiexpe~iments
on scattering of fast nucleona from nuclei of light-elementd.. k%ular distribu-
tions of scattering calculatef21n tha.Rtu4y were compared-with experimental data
on electron scattering from C and Be7 for energies 187 and 127 Mev. It is
shown that In2the case of elastic scattering the Gauss monomial functlonp (r)
= Noexp (-bor ) agrees better-with experiments than binomial and trinomial Gauss
functions. V. Kerimov
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
AUTHORS-.: Keriuiov, B. K., Mukhtarovo A. 1.9 SOV/56-37-2-47/56
Gadzhiyev, S. A.
TITLE: Polarization Effects in the Decay n!-4 e- + e + +
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 379 Nr 2(6)9 PP 575-576 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Recently (Refs 1,2) cases of a charge exchange scattering of
negative pions on hydrogen (X- + P--.ipx0 + n) with a sub-
sequent decay of the neutral pion according to the Dalitts
scheme into an electron-positron pair and into a y-quartum
were recorded. In the present paper the results of a calcu-
lation of the decay of the neutral pion according to the
above scheme taking into account the spin states (of the
longitudinal polarizatio* of the electron-Lwsitron pair
produced and of the y-quantum are presented. The Hamiltonian
of the direct interaction for the process mentioned above takes
+ 0 D -1 (Zt't+ a D 1)Oj~
the form + )4,e +
"int - eg+Tet 0- 1
In this equation + ., ~+ , ~ 4 and-r* denote the wave funct-
X 4r e
Card 1/3 ions of the x0 meson, the electron, positron, and of the
Polarization Effects in the Decay x 0-4 e- + e + + 7 SOV/56-37-2-47/56
matrices, 0 0 holding, if the no meson is poeudoscalar,
and 01 if it is a scalar particle. In the sequel an
expression for the probability of the decay in question
X0-.Y# e- + e+ + is derived
2 2 k2dQ (dk_)
g + +
dW(a_po+ rite) _~FC4(2.)3 kox~+k(koK-k)+konK -k-K+cos 0
U 1+8_832+18-~3 +18 +U' The rather lengthy expressions
occurring in this equation4for 1,9 12' ~3 , and (14 are writ-
ten down explicitly. The formula for dW(8_99 +,1,0) given the
angular dependence and the energy dependence of the degree of
longitudinal polarization and of the correlations between the
polarizations (the terms -s -a+ la-,19+) in the decay
xo--~ e- + e+ + y. This may be of use in the collection of
Card 2/3 data on the properties of the neutral pion. According to the
the Dirac
y-quantum. D represents the Dirac operator, T -
Polarization Effects in the Decay x 0 -+ 0- + e+ + 7 SOY/56-37-2-47/56
formulas derived herein the decay probability in x0_* e-+ e++
for the extreme relativistic decay electrons and positrons
(if k_o k+.) ko and ~ 1 _~2t ~ 3 0 ~4 is true) differ from
zero only if the electrons and the positrons of the pairs
exhibit either a left or right polarization. The authois
expresiruthAdr gratitude to A. A. Sokolov for the constant
interest shown in this work. There are 5 references, 2 of
whioh are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet (Moscow state Uni-
SUBMITTEDt May 16, 1959
Card 3/3
ZonGglitudlual ~Polarlsatlcu of, an slictrou-switron paIr In the decay
Of a noutralL It-weson. 11**Wg.uch*Oosw*,,flso~uo,Z-.Z6-30 960.
(MIRA 13:8)
Mcalm"My gesunivsreltet In* N Momonosova I Aserbardshawidy
On, Sexelmrova.
gmus or ti~
AUTHORS: Gadzhivev. S.A. and MUj?1rqVl1.I.
TITL19: On the Disintegration of the IL +_ meson If
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vy5shikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika,
1960, No 3, PP 195 - 197 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The pros ant pager is concerned with the process
It -4 a t' j * V + y It is well known that on the
two-component theory :'xq -1/2 -
for the ne4trind-and i_ 41-for the antineutrino.
r kv
Vono'gofienot Mory both the neuttim and the anti-
neutrino have 3 = 4+1 (s,*i = i 1) . It is shown
that on the two-comp(mnt theory the probability of the
above node of disintegration of the It-meson is
identically zim(Eq 5). The two-component theory
does not-allow the above process through the scalar,
pseudo-scalar and tensor variants of the interaction.
Thus, an experimental confirmation of the fact that this
mode is forbidden would be an additional confirmation
both of the two-component theory of the neutriw and
Cardl/2 k~�
On the Disintegration of the jL+ meson 9032/19314
and the universal interaction theory of Feyzman and
Gell-Hann (Ref 3). In the case of the VA variants
of the interaction, the probability of disintegration
is found to be proportional to I - 9V a ; and is
therefore finite on the two-component theory of the
neutring; the latter point will be investigated further
in a future paper. Acknowledgments are made to
Professor A.A. Sokolov and B.K. Kerimov for valuable
advice and discussions.
There are 9 references, 4 of which are Soviet and
5 Znglish.
ASSOCIATION: Azerbaydzhanskiy gosuniversitet imen:L S.M. Kirova
(Azerbaydzhan State University imeni S.M. Kirov)
SUBMITTRD: May 21, 1959
Card 2/2
h' 0'7,2 / h.'l I /I
MITHOR.', Nhikhtni A v n L, - k oR 1-1 and Gadzhiyev.
T I U-F Ro dl 3 t I vP-0 (.a'v Of the Tr '-I,,(,n
PERIODTCAL lzve-stiya -jvs.,,)iikh uchebnvkli za ve den i Y. F i zika
1460~ N,-) 6 pp 142-146
TrXT After the discovery of the non-conservatlion of parity
ll,ee arid Y,;stig. Ref 1) in weak intt-raction, it becatue nu-cessary
to rotview the theory ef the various processes in which these
InteraclLons are xnvolved Thiz has betn dovie by varLOU-S
atithors ORet' I to 10) who distu-ed ~n detail !he O-decay of
nut-lei, noti-radiative A It and u-mesons and
-S ri () rA The radiative dLS LnLe-rat Lois of th,~ 11 melon has been
(1~;4(i.xbsed by loffe, Rticitk. Fry Egf,lii . Primakoff Vederlov
Mukh,arov Bund and other ( ko 18) Fn some of these
pap,?rs, the non-conservation. of ptirAty wa-4 taken into accr.)kint
while in cithers the anomalous magneitt. moment of the U.m.~son
W.)- a~-,ounted for . Th4,. prr~strit auth,)rs reporl a tudy of the
r"diative dp,~ay made of ihe
Caj (1 1/5 1&
CS / ?, T ~ 4 'r- )
TJ It 0 " k? 1; 1 it -? 3f'. 2; n 41
.1 r- t n --. A t atil UCA I w _x Y -. t 1jr I 1 4 A I 'ali-A U v ur, I -a 41
ff -fi 4114 a'~VAI 0 IF.-TI .3 -1 V P11 LIA U ~:-S T D, J 9 34A d TI 3 tey a d ;"
UO I ;:)ru'Ad -qi I I i ' 1~ :~ U i"i q r-
.; r) v lt ;i? Ll L.'. p I I , -.Y, U T s i (" %)
AO U Ptk,_~' 4r) S! U I t
P;?'l k)4jdxc4 r --I -, -, 1) " d
Tjtdg iuauodwo-~ atux I Pur -3 .-Q U P -1 TA 4 (09 jazi;
1? 1;4 'o jc;ljo~~ '~q Unoq~ "L'A '-c 'Pur lfo-i ~Ota 10 1 vl~~Rluf III? S1 i I
4 ~' U I !!~ t tz" 0 -) :~ C 0 1 U . U .7, 11 V I r ( c i j t t -.- d ~ r ia p ;~- t4 i j u o x z t I e T a d
I ~Rjrpnl I$UOT 4141 "~f Ila J ~ A F1 A`] If p iR d ws,., -)~ ~ I v fF I i n o t d A aq)
j~ o Is o -I -., n 11 z i t- i -I v 1 n .4~ v o ~~, q I p -n x? ur) i i wz i a v I o d a Mj no',-Ul-I ;(I,,
30 11.1aulow -ITI-JU5irw ' i etumult, Ott) ttlno_-':~v ojul RU131it ptsv -F.U7d-
P-44U01 AO III fAl S-4( )I I-It'd ') P J I Cj I J 0 a L7 3 3 tf I ics 5; 1,6!-q -ill lzt~
uo ~i -)j% 1 .1 o "(1
7, ~ 0/ Z: Zf'j/ 900 17
Radiative Decay of the 1X Meson
the vector,
aj r2 'a
(Sokolov,,Rer.21 ant 22),,~ In--this expression 0 Is a unit
vector perpendicular to a (x/*); hx Is the momentum of the.
Y-ray; t a I for right--han4"_ polaAsetion and t i for
the.left-hand*d Oolarization. k general expression Is d*rived
for th*'decay probability using the four-compontnt neutrino
theoryo This probability contains & term due to the anomalous
magnetic moment of the A-meson and when this term to put to zero
the formula reduces to that given by Mukhtarov and Gadzhlyev
(Ror.17). The general formula Isp how*ver, rather unwieldy
but It can be simplified with the aid or the non-relativistic
approximation. On this approximation, the differential decay
Radiative vocay 'or -the meson
probability to given by
146 A. H. MysTapas, P. r. 9bax6mv. C. A. r&Axsn
ULIL) dWZF e3g2K2 dK 1 0 d 0
(Kq. Kj
16*chlxo. VS?
where is the angle between the direction of motion of the
It-meson and'or the ohotono It In clear from this expression
that If tbl,::In of the p-mosen to antiparallel to the notion of
the y-ray 9 a - l ) thou the decay probability has a non-
zor* value only when an antineutrino in emitted and the y-ray
has a right-handed polarinatlon, lfg an the other hand, the
spin of the IL-meson is In the opposite dtr*ction, then one must
allow the emission of a neutrino and a y-ray with a left-handed
polarixation, It follows that If the neutrino Is a completely
longitudinally polarized particle, then the probabilit- of a
radiative 7r.-docay has a non-zero value when the spins of all
Cord 4/5
I I t ilk e I r
'k 13 1 kil m-li by tto*-
fig 11 1 ~f' I UPI
f! t7' I ILI! . A r) A I clf
v I tirl ti tit ov t, E) A C USS 1 0 11 S
It r
A ze I z i it I r
VA y 9 ') j t t ta t
3/058/t 1/1000/1009/00TA50
AUMORSt Eilanbakov, R.G., Gadzhlyev, S.A.
TITM on the radiative decay of charged r1 -mesons
PMUODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no, 9, 1961, 3T. abstract qB126 ("D*i
AN AzerbSSW , 1960, v.-16, no.-10, 935-940, Azerb. summary)
TW4 The authors investigated angular and energy distributions at radia-
tive decays Jr--17,+v + 21 and jT----p e +V +/Jr for the scalar and pseudoscalar vari-
ants of direct interactlon with allowance for longitudinal polarization of the
particles and anomalous magnetic moment of A-matson (electron). Ii in shown
that contribution in decay probability of the terms caused by the anomalous mag-
netic moments of the electron and It-meson, amounts to ~~ 0.1%. In the non-re-
lativistie approximation relative to the A -meson the total probability of a ,
radiative Jr--:~fitdecsy does not depend on the longitudinal polarization of the
/t -meson; in the came of a radiative V--Vedecay, -high-energy electrons mot
be polarized along their momenta and positrons - In the opposite sense. The
authors present the graphs of energy spectrum of electrons and angular distribu-
Card 1/2
St/058A 1/000/1009/bOV050
On the radiative decay or charged r# -mesons AOOI/AIOl
tion of decay photons. They not* that -if in the formulae derived by then su=JM
is carried out by polarization states of the electron ( "son) and photon and
anomalous magnetic moment In negleoied, the result of Yaks and loff* (RZhFIz,
1959, no. 7, 14 in obtafted.
B. Kerimov
[Abstracter'li notes
Card 2/2
Complete translation]
Polarization effects B102/B180
obtainodl s and Sb/ characteri-,e tle lonpitudinal jolqrization of the Plec-
tron and neutrino spins, 1-1 denotes ri ht-hand and 1-1 left-hand circu-
lar polarizationj k is the pi-on rest mnss, cXK, (4K) and A~, (~;O are
Vermion (photon) enOry'nnd momentuin, a ;ind b are pion structural constants.
After inteCrating with respect to.photon and electron enerEies,
S) A O.,.-dQ
dW (a, (45 T a + 48e
-Flo-ml 0 ss~) (S. ~c 2 T2
+ (I - a) (45 - 63 a + 24 e 7- 2as) In (I - a) + (4) and
69 46 a 7 n
+ 'S e) + (I - a) (25 - 27a + 6a')l
2 a+ -3 a -T2-
summing over the electron and photon spin stites
+ ;LS) [a (45 a + 480 -87
dW (a) 2-%l T2- 0) +
+ 0 a) (45 - 63 a + 24 e2e) In (I - a)+
+ 2;L[c, (25 -L.+ Le - 7 0 a) (25 -27a + 6ax) In (1 (4')
2 3 T2 a3
- - sins ((1/2).
sFn 0 do dq. ~a
Card 2/4
Polarization effects B102/B180
is obtain-d, which holds for any For pion decay acebrding to graph a,
the photon (electron) anp-ular distribution is
dWj (q, 1. s) -pit- (I + &0 I'm + (I ~ a) in (I -,M) +
242 In -I) + Is [a (I 2a) + (I -a) In (I
0 -a)
From (4) nnd (5) it follows that for'all weak interactions according to b,
electrons and poeitrons are polarized in longitudinal opposite direc
For graph a in weak V, A interaction, the electron spin is parallel and
the po-sitron'spin antiparallel to the momentum. :With graph b and 1 the
photons from R + and jL_ decay can be polarized only parallel (t+) or anti-
parallel (-IL-) to the direction of motion., Foi Aa -1 the inverse holds,
and forA / 1 the photons are circularly polarized. These selection rules
are verified by examining the energy spectrum of electrons (positrons) and
the anpular distribution of photons (electrons). Only these spectra (and
not, e. g., the photon energy spectrum and the e- polarization signs) yield
information about the pred?minance of V-A or V+A variantat In V+A inter-
actiong the photons from It- decay are emitted at angles around 9 -11 in
*V-A interaction around 0 - Ow There are 3 figures.
Card 3/4
-Polarization effects ... B102/B180
ASSOCIATIONs Azerbaydzhanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Azerbaydzhan
State University)
SUBMITTEDs November 23, 1961 (initially
May 28, 1962 (after revisions
Fig. 1. v
Card 4/4
Connection of the oculmotor nerve with the careballm. Xxv.
AN no.5:45-47 158. (NIPA 12:5)
1e Tashkentakly gosudaretvannyy maditainskiy institut, lafedra
normallnoy anatomil,
7, !.
Tn-t==cem*mtrmI coum of central fibera of the lateral root of
the omdomotor mm. DoW. AN Vw.S= uoe5t5-JL-57 158. (NDA 11:8)
1, Ushinntskly gomidarstvenzwy wdltslmkly Institut, Pmd-
stavlano akadenibm AN UsfifiR A,,Yc6 Tm-
147JWAIWV# AeMo., assistant
Cormection between the oculamotor nerve and the posterior
longitudiral fasciculus. Mad. zhur. Uzb. no.4:42-45 Ap 160.
(MIRA 15:3)
1. Is kafedry normal $nay anatomii (zav. - dotsent, Kh.Z.
Zakbidov) Tashkentskago goeudaraftenwgo meditsinskogo
IN MAROV, k.M., assistent
Intracerebral topography of the lateral trunk of the oculo-
motor nerve, Med. zhur. Uzb. no.5:32-35 My 160. (MM 15:3)
I., Is kefe&7 normallnoy anatcmii (saw. - doteent Kh.Z.
Zakhidov) Tasbkontakogo goeudarst"mmago zoditsinukogo
Interrelation of the oculamotor nerwe with red nucleus. Mod. zhur.
Uzb. no.8861-64 Ag160. (Mm .13: 9)
1. In kafedry normallnoy anatomii (sav, - dotsent KH.Z.ZmkbJdov)
TaeWcentskogo gosudaretvennogo meditl(3inskogo instituta.
ZAKRIM v Kh*Zot doteentl XMITAMt.A.H.
7 assid*
CorebellAw oa=ctims of Ue trigem-iml the oculagot*r zwrvos.
Had, s1mr, Usb, rA,l2t57-59.D 160. (MIU 14:3.)
1, Is'kafoft uo~".Inoy amtonii
seditaingkogo instituta.
T"hkentskcgo gaguduvtvennago
w I v.-w-P A: in-, rt~?
-141-. .~Wwp At GO
NUKHTAROV, A. Z. --"iJirected Raising of Young Local Zebu-like Cattle of Uzbekistan."
*(Dissertations For Degrees rn Science and Engineering Defended
at USSA Higher F4icational Institutiona)(29) Min Higher Education
USSR, Uzbek Agricultural Inst imeni V. V. Kuybyshev, Smarkand, 1955
So, Knizhnaya Loet22isl No 29,, 16 July 1955
* For the Degree of GwAidate in AgricidtUral SCiOnCeS
Case of acute psychosis caused by ftentarhynchus infestation.
Y,qd.shur.Uzb. uo.10t&45 0 '58. (NINA 13:6)
--- 1. Is BWdwskoy oblastuoy bollnltsy (gl&vW vrach - I.I.
-VI Ch. K.= "On the-Laic com.)iex ,-)leci
Hiigher 1--o s cow Zn,,-!- nee r-Ph i ~ s Inst.
f-)r the be-ree --' Can6i:-Lt-3 in
-;C.Lance S)
Knizimaya Letoois' 1;1).
AUTHOR: 194khtarov, Ch.K.
TITLE: On Sbultaneaus Absorption of Light in Binary Mixtures k0b
oduavremennom pogloshchanii avats, v binarafth amesyakh)
Pr;RIODIC&L-. Optiks i Spoictroskopiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 2, pp 168-171 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Istelsiar, Hooge and Fahronfort (Refs 1, 2) reported experimental
investigations of "simultaneous" absorption of light in compressed
pses and in liquids. "Simultaneous" absorption is used to describe
appearance of infrared absorption lines in mixtures of compressed gases
or in solutions, absent in spectra of pure couponents of the mixture
Frequencies of the now absorption lines are given, within a few cm-l
by V = Va+Vb, 'where Va and Vb are the corresponding vibrational
frequencies of pure amponents. The affect is due to vibrational
excitation of txo interactinp
, molecules of different types (a and b)
waich absorbed simultaneously one quantum of frequency Y. The author
derives a formula which relates the intensity of a "siiaultaneous"
Card 1/2
on Silnultansous jibuorption of Light in Binary Mixtures S OV/ 51 -(J -2 -7/ 39
absorption line with the intensities of the corresponding component
lines (10 and vb) in the infrared and Rama spectra. For a molecule
with a centre of symmetry the author obtains a simple selection rule
vihich makes it poosiblo to find frequencies of "simultaneous" absorption
lines. AcknovIodg-pents are made to I.V. Obroimov and S.I. Pekar for
their advice. The paper is entirely theoretical. 'there are 2
references, of rhich 1 is English and 1 French.
SUBYJ TMD: April 18, 1958.
,a rd
IRODOV. Igor' Yevg9n1yevIch;,KUEV- 0 , Ch . otsent, nauchnyy red.;
R-R-L- !! . do
MOLWA. T.T.. red.; AMMSMU. Z.D., red.; VrAWA, N.A.,
ECollected problems In atomic physical Sborn1k sadach po atomaoi
fislks. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti sto=ol nauki I
takhniki, 1960. 238 p. (MMA 1432)
(Nuclear physics)
AUTHORS: Bel'skiy, N. K., and Mukhtarov Ch. K.
TITLE: Electron absorption spectrum of some bichromate crystals
at low temperature. Interpretation of the spectra
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 6, 1962, 1269-1271
TEXT: At 20-40K, various bichromates show a group of bands close to the
long-wave absorption edge. The position of the band corresponding to
greatest wavelength is nearly the same for all bichromates, which
indicates that the electron transitions are only slig4tly dependent on
the intermolecular interaction. The biohromate spectra apparently
originate from the molecular ion Cr 2071 in the whole of which the
electron transitions take place. These transitions combine with the
vibrations of the Cr 207 molecular ion as wel 1 as with the lattic4
vibrations. The Cr 207 vibrations are attributed to 0-Cr-0 deformation
vibrations. There are 2 figures.
Card 1/2
Electron absorption spectrum of..* B106/BI02
ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganiaheakikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk
SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the
Ac ademy of Sciences USSR)
PRESENTED: February 19, 1962, by I. V. Obreimov, Academician
SUBMITTED: February 15, 1962
Card 2/2
AUTHORSs Bollskiy, N.K., and Mikht v Ch JL.'
TITLiEs Electronic absorption spectrum of some bichromates-
at low temperatures. 1.
Optika I spektrookopiya, v.14, nail* 1963t 78-87
.TEXT: The absorption spectra of crystals of ammonium,
and sodium bichromate are investigated. The A
crystals werelobtained by crystallization from aqueous solution
and varied in thickness from 0.1 to 1.2 mme A plane diffraction
grating spectrograph was used, with dispersion 20 X/nn for a
gr4.ting of 6oo lines/mm and an aperture of 1/10. The light source
0 K"
was*. a high pressure krypton lamp rcOA-120 (GSVD-120). At 293
.all',three bichromates poaxoss--a continuous spectrum as In too easa--~-
~of tassium bichromate. Xt 78 *K the red absorption boundaxiy~Ai-~
dis all the bf-chromates and in
the spectrum-6-t the totramethylammonium salt some structure is~
,Observed. At 20 *K narrow lines appear lj~q4all-the spectra.
The ratio pf the nuclear parameters for t*trasethyLumonlum
jCard 1/2
Electronic'sibsorption spedtfum of s/o5I/j.6)/0I4/00l/013/03I
'bichromate i* a:btc a 0.6,168tito.4986; while'.1that obtained from
X-ray diffraction in asb:6"=- 0.6311:0.51. 'Fdll:details of aLl
the spectri ,are given vid wAvenumbers tabuLaidd. ; The spocti4is of
a frozen aideous solut on U tetra=* thy lasoioftun Itchromto'st
20*4 *K wai 'also studied.
There are It figures and -9' tables.
SUBMITTED:. November 209 1961
'Card 2/2
ACC N& APM2931 SOUNS C0021
ORG: institute of General and Inorganic CbadXtryo AcsduW of Sciences, SGSH
(Inatitut obsbebey I misorpalebeskiw Nhimill Akodepil nook SM)
TITLE: Influence of the boundu7 or the active saw on tM spectral composition of
stindated emission
SOURCE: AN SM. DokloWt ve ITit no* 6# Iwo X301113(*
TOPIC TAGS-. stlwaated emission, User covityp User radiation spectrum,, laser optic
ABSTRACT: The author ohms that Ir dielectric boundiLries exist inside a laser cavi-
ty, the spectral composition of the stimuleted emission am no longer be determined
under the assumption that tbe losses are Independmt, of the axial index of the
particular User undo. 2he ratio of the energy densities In the two zones on the
two sides or the dielectric boundary (where the refractive Indices are different) is
found to be strongly dependent an the ax1al Index or the mode. An equation is then
derived for the number of pbotons tak' part In the dIfterent modes# and the order
In which the varlow modes go Into the Using mode Is estimated under the assumption
that the pump ~=W Is lxw. GMMI concrete snopliesp with different ratios of
the two zones ad v1th affareft sme patomakers, we briefly discussed. Factors
capable of lacreaskS the la"es In the Individual andes and usens of suppressing
1/2 MCS "5-3
ACC Nits AW002931
the dispersive properties of a owlty wItA dielectric boundwi" gre agntlawd. The
autbor th*Ww Asadadalm 1. V. Gbrofmv for intout in the work and v. L. Livauts
04 V. We TsikwAw bor a discussion. Ws repw mw promatod by Acadowlelon 1. V#
On4ohm 23 v66. orss. art. bw s 6 gwumi".
US CM: 2Q/ am DAMS ginw/ arm MWI 002/ on WWI 001
L-Cwd 2/2
SO(MCS COM MV0Opj"/021/OO6j072D/O726-
AUTHOR: ngmuffb (Me X0
ORG: none
TITLE: Influence of dimensions of the active zone of the resonator an the spectral
composition of st1wilated emission
SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiyap v. 21, no. 6, 2966, 72D-726
TOPIC TAGS: stimulated emission,, laser cavity,, spectral distribution, line width,,
laser pumping, laser optic material
ABSTRACT: The axial-mode approximation is used to determine the influence of the
dimensions of the active zone of the cavity resonator on the spectral composition
of stimulated emission in the stationary generation mode, under conditions when the
active medium occupies only a part (of length 1) of the volume of the resonator (of
length L). A differential equation is derived for the determination of the number
of photons in the modes that participate in the stationary generation, and it is
shown that when I