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SP 45/6 1/000/010/00-, The effect of sulphiding D221/D304 with orientation around grains. The bushes were cut into rcIlers and turned in order to test them on friction, wear qnd running-in qualities. The anti-scuffing properties were determined by checking wear without lubrication. The graph of results indicates no re- duction of wear due to sulphiding, when measurements were m;,de with a passameter. Finally, tests were made for machinability de- termination, with simultaneous measuremeat of wear, by th 'e method of Professor M- M. Krushchov. The results are tabulated, and they reveal that the sulphided components are r-un-in fa~_;ter than the non-sulphided workpieces. The former also exhibit lo~_er fri--tior, force and operate more steadily. The table demonstrates t ';:,t the sulphur additive promotes greater wear which is contrary t- pre- vious investigations. Sulphiding may be reconmended in c-ises where the main requirement is anti-scuffing property and not the wear resistance. There are 2 fi,-,,ures, 4 t.Lbles and 8 ref,:rer:-_,es. 71 So- viet-bloc and 1 -ion-Soviet-bloc. The reference to tI,- ~uage publication reads as follows: P. D. .,',iterfaLl, Redacin-, CD 1~1 scuffing and wear of ferrous metals, .3urface treat,:ient by sualfi- nuz process, Engineering no. 4846, 195,j, 197. Card 3/4 S / 14 5 / 6 1 /0 0 0// 0 ',,) ,, ic) 1, `0 0' The effect of suiphiding ... D221//D304 ASSuCIATION: Sredneaziatskiy poll tekhniches,~.,,; ~,nstitLAt Asian Polytechnic Institute) V/ SUBMITTED: March 18, 1960 Card 4/4 S/:49/62/000/005/006/008 A0061A101 AUMCMr.: Ruayuk, S. I., Mukhamedov, A. A. TITLE: Reducing the heat treatment cycle for aluminum alloys AJ19 (AL9) anci AX 9 B (ALW) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebny?,h zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 132 - 136 TF-:(T: The central laboratory of the "Tashsellmash" Plant investigated in cooperation with the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute the possibility of reducing the heat treatment time of small AL9 and AL9V parts-. The parts were quenched under various conditions and during 0.5, 1, 2. 4. 6. 8 and 12 hours. An electric shaCt furnace with forced circulation of the air was used. The preheating tem- perature for quenching was 5)5�50c. The mechanical properties of thp alloys'were tested on specimens recommended by GOST 2685-53. The surface roighness of raw and heat-treated specimenz was determined with the use of a P 18 (R18) steel cutter, at 100 m/min cutting speed, 0.07 mm/rev feed rate, and 0.4 mm cutting depth. As a result of the investigation the following heat treatment conditions Card 1/2 S/149/62/ooo/oo5/oo6/oo8 Reducing the heat treatment cycle for ... A006/A101 are recommended for small A!,() and AT,9V parts: heating temperature for quenching, 535�50C; holding time of the parts after the quenching temperature had been at- tained, 30 min. These conditions assure the following mechanical properties: for alioy AL9 after heat treatment "T4" (according to GOST 2685-53) ,- > 2 2. b2 kg/mm --- 16 kg/mm ,;- 4% and HB -o;: 50 i. _/mm For alloy AL9V Cb g/mm2. arts thus heat-treated proved to be satisfactory in and HB 60 1, P operation on cotton-cutting machines. There are 3 tables and 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Tashkentskiy politelldmicheskiy institut (Tashkent Polytechnic Institute) Kafedra tekhnologii metallov (Department of Metal Tech- nology) SUBMITTED: December 6, 1961 Card 2/2 MIKUYLOV, N.M.; MUKHANEDOV, A.A.; RUDYUK, S.I.; ALBOV,, S.U. High-temperature treatmaht as a means for increasing the productivity of thenal 160 chemical heat treatment processes, Izv.AN Uz.SSR.Ser.tekh.vAuk 7 no.2:55-63 163. (MBA 16:4) 1. Tashkentskiy politekhnichesk4y institut. (Steel--Heat treatment) MUKHAMEDOV. A.A.; CHEKUROV, V.V. Effect of sulfuration on the cold brittleness of steel. lzr. vys, uchebo zav.; chern. met. 7 no.7:183-186 t64 (MIRA 17:8) 1. Tashkentskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. MMMAMIDOV, A.A.: MAKMWT-, She She Vear resistance of 3WhGr steel 4 rolling friction depending ;11 -- on the quenching temperature. , M Irz. MR. Ser. tekh. nauk 9 no* 604-56 90 (MnA 19t1) 1. Tashkentakiy politekbuichaskiy institute Submitted June 8j, 1965. KUKHANSDOT, A.M.. kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk. ------ 1111111-1.1-1~~--~, -11- Washout of sedimntation In hydraulic inotallations. Top.gidr. no.1:101-112 155. (emu 9:12) (Sedixentation and deposition) KUKHAMDOV. A.H. -"W 5 Of field tests on the modification of the channel and the flushing of trash coming from the upper waters of the hydroelectric power station located on the piedmont section of a river. Trudy Inst. soor. AN Uz.SSR no.7:161-185 '55. (KLRA 10:3) (Hydroelectric power stations) SOV/124-58-3-2904 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 3, p 50 (USSR) AUTHOR: Mukhamedov, A.M. T IT LE: Modification of a River Water-supply Intake (Pereustroystvo vodozabora iz rek) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN UzbSSR, ser tekhn n. , 1957, Nr 1, pp 91 - 102 ABSTRACT: The article describes in brief water intakes not equipped with any dam and those equipped with a diversion dam used for irriga- tion canals in Central Asia. General ideas are presented with regard to the principles of the composition of water-intake and dam configurations and with regard to problems of changes in river beds due to the dams built on them. The formula on p 98 contains a misprint, V. V. Fandeyev Card I/I KUKHAMEDOV, A.M.; VOROBIYEV, V.A., kand. yur. nauk, red. (Protection of people's property is a sacred duty of every Soviet citizen] Okhrana narodnoi sobstvi-nnosti sviashchennyi dolg kazhdogo sovetskogo grazhdRnina. Ashkhabad, Ob-vo po raspr. polit. i nauchn. znanii Turkmenskoi SSR, 1962. 40 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Socialist property) MUKHAMEDOV, A.M. General instructions and recommendations on washing out alluvium at hydraulic developments. Vop. gidr. no.lOi77-99 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Alluvium) (Hydraulic engineering) MUKHAMED07, A.M.; SIVETS, N.N. Remlts of the operation of the wateir intake of the Upper Serav- shan Hydroelectric Pbwer Station. Vop. gidr. no.138145-186.t63 (KIRA 17t8) MUKHAMEDOV. A.M. ------------ li,-- ------ Approximate calculation of the channel of deposits of the upper water of bydraulic units. lav.AN Us.SSIR.Ser.tekh.nauk 9 no.5s55-63 165- (MIRA i8alo) 1. Sredneaziatskiy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut vodnykh problem i gidrotekhniki. Approximate calculation of the washout of sediments in the uiper water of hydraulic units in case of a totall lowering of the normal proFped level line. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 9 no. 6t26-29 165 (MTRA 1~4:1) 1. SredneaziLtskiy nauelmo-issledovatellskiy inst.itut vodnykh problem i gidrotekhniki. Submitted March 23, 196~.' RUSTAMOV, I.G.; MIJKIIAMEDOV, G. Fourth Conference on the utilimtlon and earichmant of biologi--al complexes of the axid zone of the U,S.3.R. Izv. kN Turk. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.41-94,95 164. (MIRA 17z1-1) 1. Turkmanskly gosudarstvannyy universitet i Inatitut pustyn' AN Turkmanskoy SSR. ARKHAMELISKIY, Ye.V0. kand.tekhn.nauk; ~',UKWIEDOV, G.A., kand.tekhn. nauk; IWSIMOVICH, B.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; PETT.OVA, V.L., inzh., red.; BOBIROVA, Ye.H.,, [ADthodology for calculating the traffic capacity of a railroad station] 14etodika rascheta propusknoi sposobnosti stantsii. Moskva, Vses. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1962. 133 p. (Moscow. Vsesoiuznyi n-glienno-issledovatellskii institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Trudy, no.235). OHIRA 15:8) (Railroads--Traffic) (Railroads--Stations) KRAPIVINP A.F. (Sverdlovsk); ~ , kand.tekhn.nauk (Sverdlovsk); KRAVTSOV, S.D. (Sverdlov-sk) ' - Nov developments In the classification station. Zhel.dor.- transp. " no.11:77-78 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Glavuyjr inzh. stantsii Sverdlovsk-Sortirovochnyy (for Krapivin). 2. Nachallnik mekhanizirovannoy gorki. stantaii Sverdlovsk-Sortiro- vOchnYY (for Kravt9ov). (kailroads-Hump yards) FETROVv A.P., doktor tekha. nauk, prof.; TULUPOV,.L.F., kand. takhn. nauk; KHXWV, N.D., kand. tekhn.nauk; GUNDOBIN, V.N., insh.; VASILITEV, G.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; GRtSM, H.S., kam . tekhn. nauk; MOFUZOVA, K.N., insh.; HOZE, V.A., insh.; LEVSHIN, G.L., Insh.; BERNGARD, K.A., doktor takhn. nauk, prof.; BUCHENTAY, M.A., insh.; BUYANOV, V.A.,, Insh-; ILOVAYSKIY, ff. D. , insh. ; !MWAMWV kand. tokbu.nauk; MIRDSHNICHENKC, A. P. j, insh. ; insh.; BUTS, V.D., insh.; KAZPVV, A.A., insh.; KIREYEV, 6.P., insh.; DYUFUR, S.L., kand. tekhm nauk; U3TINSM, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; MIKHATLOV, S.M., Insh.; NESTEROTO YO.F.,, kand. tekbn. nauk, retsensent; LIVSHITS, VA., insh., retsenzent; PREDE, V.Yu., insh., red.; VOROTHIKOVk, L F., takhn. red. (Control of transportation processes using electronic dig:ital coriaters] Upravienie perevosochnys protpqaeom s primenenlem slaktromqkh taifrovykh vychislitellnykh mashin. Pod obshc~ei red. A.P.Petrova. Moskva# Trwwsheldorlsdat,, 1963. 2D7 P. (mm 16SR) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Petrov). (Rallroads- Minagement) (KILectronic di#tal computem) ALEKSEYEV# A*I.,-, Prinimali uchastiye: IVANOV, A.D, LEBEDEV9 B.F.; DARENSKIKH, P.V.-. BABKIN, N.I.; MELINIKOV, V.G.-, NIMIN, V.V.; MKHAPTM-V, K.A. 4M A*tomatic welding of the cylLndrical part of a decomposer shell. Avtom. svar. 14 no-8:78-82 Ag 161. (141RA 14:9) 1. Trest "Uralstallkonsti-ukt,siya. (.!,Iectric welding) (Aluminum industry.--Equipment and supplies) the Tur~mon i-.Cau "Ci i Lo, LI r' rf'~Li~'ures' Lo Inst. A c a 'a i' c -jo -re : -)f KUMAMWV, K.K. Bloloff of the alfalfa post CmPtOP" UtOralls GOM (H*t*rcPtor&o Coraidae) :in TurkKenigtan. Ent. *bow* 43. uo*3&505-509 162* (MIRA 15:10) 1, Turkwwskly podagagichookiy 1notitutp g,, Chardzhouo (Turkmenistan-Coreldas) (Turimenistan-k1faMa-Diseases and peat,B) MUKWMOV,, K.X. Alfalfa stalk post Mordollistena pumila GVll& (Colooptera, Mordellidae) in Turkmehia, Izv. AN Turk.SSR.Ser.biolomuk no&4:92-94 165& (MIRA 18:9) 1, Turkmerwkiy podagogichoakiy Institut. FINEMISHMM, K.Z.; TIKOMUM. I.K.; KUKUAKIMV, Mi.U. QmantItative determination of the sodium salt content of car- bom7uethyl cellulose. Ixv.vyz.uchsb.%%v.; neft' I @is I no.12: r,- 45-50 158. (KIRA 12:4) 1. KaskawsUiy inotitut neftakhtmichookoy I Casovoy promyshlen- nosti In. aked.1-K-Gubkina i sovnerkhas Perganskago skonomichs- skogo rayons. (Cellulose) (Oil well drilling fluid*) MUKHAMMOVI, Kh.U.; FINEWSHMIDI., M-Z- Developing and perfecting the technology of the lzroduction of carbazymethyl cellulose others with the use of Vie. rav materials and vanipment of vi.soose fiber plants. Trudy MIMMOP no.28:179- 197 1&. (MA 3414) (Cellulose) MUKHAMEDOV, M. F. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Search for the hydrothermal. regime of maintenance of coccoons of the mulberry silkworm as to gas metabolism of the chrysalis-" Tashkent, 1961. 23 pp; with dia- grams; (Ministry of Agriculture Uzbek SSR, Tashkent Agr Inst); 200 copies; price not given; (n, 10-61 sup, 222) KUMUNNI)OV, m. M. Automation of the production processes in cocoon reeling and its technical and economic efficiency. Sbor. nauch.-isal.. ra.b. ??I no*4:179-195 157. (MIRA 11:9) (Sericulture) (Automation) IAMAMOV~ Alzamat Musa Viticulture My experience in shaping and trirmnin grape vines. Vin. SSSR 12 No. 8, 1952 Monthlv List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified. AUTHUn: Vju zhuffjejdj~6~, ~~ -hkent TITLI- Ili the 7,orl~! of books ana lcerio6ica!-,~ zhurnalov'- "~-Pn va turmu3~." (,-an va turuiuih".; ~ekhnikR inolod--~zlii 1 !5h, r'r I since !(J57 id V) a short critAv,-:,- sc. ~Fl! z 17,1 F,I I. t I.- v, T. P. 1 L - lic) is th.- organ of tl~e Uzbekskny-a an v 7,uf;-o, 6 t- - fi r t j, to appear in t. 17bek, i t3 edition was an i M,,.. o r t cultur event. it informs a -re:.t -4-rcle of in 1,ri- and in towns about the latost aAi,~vements in f,!;- v fields of science rid :f. t~-o _.- ~ -, , i n Lt. I T t t-_rd:~ t1--.r: "i - ; .,~ oromotes civilization of the whole ,jeopl--. A r, ni~ t t h e vii ga z in- -~u b I i - r t i (- 1 tj- d ., Y: ~ rm k m youne scien ti fic cj1 laborator t the Inl3ti tu t f d i prava AN J7.~ Insti tute of chi I usoph 'i f,nd !,aws Jzbekskaya '.nl'tsnv, 'ember, cademy of' n u e zbek e r (7, PL d e it, taro c; t - 1~ t.,j mar by i. . E S -1(? 1' t ce 171- ,ju t no- f -"Dm 17 tu h 1'.ard 2 12 1 MUNHAMEDOVO S. Imestigators of now developments. Sov.foto 21 no,5:10-13 IV 161, (MIRA 14:5) le Ministr kulltury Usbekskoy SSR (Uzboldstan-Photography-ExhibitionB) 4.-~ Qgas~ptorlsties of Brucella strains isolated frow humans and ni"Is in Uzbekistan. Zhur. mikrobiol.,, epid. i imown. 42 no.11: 64 -* 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1, gabeholdy iniotitut krayevoy moditsiny AMN SSSR i Uzbek3k&ya respublikanslaya sanitarno-epidemiologicheakaya stantsiya. Submitted June 160 1944. Z, -77, au er it C: th'e bruoollcis 0*f-brluOdli al-01 I .. ", --v '-. I I'vjKli AIIE 1) U"I . ' , )r..j . !'lisor,~ez-5 -.,n -,ne permeability cf sk:.r rapil 'arfes Ir exposure t..-) 11.31 and noise, Mad, rad, 9 no,804-37 Ag '61- ":,"RA I MUKHAIED011, YA. YU. Mukhamedov, Ya. Yu. "The X-ray diagnosis of dyskinesia of the gall bladder." Tashkent State Medical Inst imeni V. M. Molotov. Tashkent, 19~,6. (Disser- tation for the Depme of dandidate in Medical 6cience) So: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 25, 1956 ,_NMWANZW. Ya.Yug Imudmd.=uk X-ray disposim of secondary dyeklmoslas of the gall bladder. Ned.nbw.Vab. so.22:W42 D 118. (NM 13:7) 1.~ Is kafedry routgonolegil I neditaluskoy radiologil (x&,r-mdu- yumbehly - Vrof, 3*Am Nalebanaw) fambkoutelcogo gasudarstveanogo vieditalustugo tuatituta,, (UM NARM-DIMSM) OKHAMOV# Ya.yu., rentganolog; SRUAKIMDOVA, H.S.# red.; AXSEL'ROD# M.D., red.; TSATt A.A.# tekhn, r*do ,X-ray diagnosis of clyakinesias of the gan bladder] Rentgemodiag- nostika diskinezii abelchnogo pusyria. Tashkent,, Medgiz UzSSR 1961. 120 p. (MIRA 15:6j (GAU MADDER~-DISKASES) KLOCHENKO, M.Ye.; bUMLaZDjZL, Ya.Yu.; FIR, T.A. Two oa~-es of melorheostosis. Med. zhur. Uzb. 61. (HIPA 14:10) 1. Iz kafedry rentganologii i maditainskoy radiologii Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo maditsinakogo instituta. (OSTEOSCLEROSLS) KUNHAKOOVI ..Jazh. ,q_ 'VOWOWA M + DistributIm of Icing points in section and classificatica yards. Veat. TSH11 MPS no. 5:43-47 JI 150. (MIRA 11;8) (Railroads-Yards) MUKHAMEDOV, Zh. A.: Master Tech Sci (diss) -- "The organization of the handling of refrigerator cars and the location of icing points at section stations". Moscow, 1959. 17 pp (Min Transportation USSR, All-Union Sci Res Inst of Rail- road Transport), 150 copies (KL, No 8, 1959, 137) ~2/2 C 04. Li--00 TJAER- ~002- - 4 .2 A., .00, t f -Plk, 9 4~ :'pr 'WA Fd t enpLira itt qu repg h itk~ -~tp igen-A~ e"o. lk them,, ghd&b yon-a Y- ook:.-mth6d Th -f app ~e- Ul' sun ,,~o ad Pro ;'1~11--,.-,".. Pa ~,Aq 'qb~-t q '.i O~ Ada _4 n 00k' w' th6 --ifiVe a t~jo hav -z-,e, d Jima -kb.Antd yeps ace a-,,,. Do Ari ti, d d b on ft -e 0 d .. . ...... .. 01464 -Aiit, BdIf6k -DAN eft 'Mtions"' O~ -)With' .;a - - ~~i;`ddfid t v a 4nd _g0 7 1 :_ .09 ben ar e od, reng ha' --dalau atedt i_~41-lons'- were eq .:th' ~6 --error e ng: g, a e, . b- I per, -f()`~% 1-,4; ht -~f&~. 7 ie ",,VA44--~O tl MV ii-. t -,,. ro ure 0 7-7.7".1 7 jr:. 4h ih Ve h ~AP f '1..h1 ME .4' v"_~a4th iin n 0 Ilk, r ;t*::;rUby.,qamplq6i --repor ;i,vai~;Or6ii t' Obre d bi.4-i vi Obre en e or" 8, mov. MJXHAIMOVA,, E. D. MLqUMDOVA,, E. D.-"Aspects of the Peripheral Blood of Gray Karakul Lambs." Min Higher Education USSR. Alma-Ata Zooveberinary Institute. Alma-Ata Samarkand, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Biblogical Science). 90 Knizhanay letopis' No 29 1956 MEMKIDOVA. I.G. - . Ion of the pollen of primitive aperiodic "ciao of p,11tato In the pistil of selected brands. lbkl. AN Uzr. SSR no.10-.6L-" 957. (KM& 11:5) 1. UsbekWW& ovoshcho-kartofel Inam, opytusya stantaiya, Predstav- leno, chlonoo-korrespondenton AN UzSSR LA, Wkovoy. (Pbtato breading) RU113MGMUTA L~G, I -- -!J- Cobalt fluctaations in the blood serum in typhoid and paratyphoid diseasese Isuch.trudy uch,I prakvmoh*Uzb. no.3sl2l-'126 162. (NMI 1612) 1. Iz kafedry infektaiannykh bole=ey Tashkentakogo udarst- vamogo institute, 41ya, usovershenstwovaniya vreohey 103~8v. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. I.K. Mesbayer). (COBALT IN THE BODY) (TIPHOID nTRR) (PARATMOID FEVEM 14UKHP.MEDOVAO L. A. 188T17 van/ahmistry - Acetylemp-DerIvatives Aug 51 411fte - Rearx-9 M. ~ctlon of atuis Compounds o6 Dimethylvinylchlorome- tbTpw,w A. X. Pudavik, L. A. Mukhamedova, tab of Org M.W. Kazan' State U Zkw-Obahch We Vol XXI, No 6, pp 1472-1476 ~Rxmmd reaction of dinethylvinylethinylchloromethane vItk:WIr and Y4gFWIr. On basis of results of oxi- fttlon of reaction products,, concluded that both re-' actlons pvceed with partial acetylene-allene rear- rampment. Froposes explanation of rearrangement TIARmift'.4sm , - -1 -t= ! 77-~` ~ - . .ardg try .1 -I , toIJ~ k ~am e4ollcl-f Z- # USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products E-16 and Their Application Treatment or natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricants. Abe Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31899 Author : Mukhamedova L. A. Title : Composition of Gases of Petroleum Deposits of Tatar ASSR Orig Pub: KhImIya. I tekhnol. topliva, 1956, No 11, 10-15 Abstract: A report of the results of systematic Investiga- tions of composition of gases of Bavlinskoye, Shugurovskoye and Romashkinskoye petroleum de- posits of Tatar ASSR. Total analysis of the gas was carried out by means of the VTI apparatus, by the usual absorption method. The am of C ard 1/15 USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-16 and Their Application Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricants. Abe Jour: Referat Zhur - KhImiya, No 9, 195T, 31899 hydrocarbons was determined by combustion over copper oxide or over a platinum spiral. If HXS was present in the gas a separate deter- mina.tion. of it was carried out by passing a separate sample of the gas through a titrated solution of iodine, with subsequent titration of the free iodine. For a detailed study of the hydrocarbon composition of the gases a fraction- ation of the gases was carried out at a low tem- perature in the seal-automatic TsIATIM-51 appar- atus. As a result of the fractionation were Isolated CH. # Ct Hg , C3 lid , h- and iso-butane, C ard 2^ USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricants. Abe Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31899 total isomers of pentane, and higher hydro- carbons as a residue. Since methane was driven off together with the non-combustible gases (N2 and other), and also In admixture with the air contained in the sample, the amount of me- thane was determined by combustion over a plat- inum spiral. In the butane fraction a deter- mination was made of the content of n-butane and iso-butane, on the basis of the temperature of dissolution of this mixture in 0-nitrotoluene. The investigations showed that regardless of the 0 ard 3A USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-16 and Their Application Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricants. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9., 1957, 31899 specific deposit, the gases consist essentially of hydrocarbons and In part of N (5-12%), the content of C02 amounts to decim;i fractions of one per cent. An exception is the gas from the Shugurovskoye deposit which contains about 1.5% C02. In gasee of the Bavlinskoye and Romash- kinskoye deposits no H S was found, while the gas of Shugurovskoye deposit contains 4.7% H13. In tneir composition the gases of Tatar ASSR are similar to the "fat" gases of Groznyy and C ard 4/5 USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. pubricants. Motor fuels. I Abe Jour: Referat Zhur - KhImiya, No 9, 1957, 31899 Maykop, and can be extensively utilized as raw material for chemical processing and as fuel for Udustrial and household needs. C ard 5^ ROBIJ1ZOH,Te.A;GRISHIHA, O.Y.; jMVJQMOVA. L.A.t URHAMIMIMV, r.Ao; IZMAYLOV. R.I.; BONCHER-.T.Ye`."-."~M, S.-U.G.; AMIRKHANDTA, N.G.; GONIK. T.K,; BAYBURDTA, M.Kh.; UCHAMA, M.A. Petroleums of the Tatar A.S.S.R. Isy.Kazan.fil.AN SSSR-Ser.khts. nauk no.4:91-113 157. (NIRA 12:5) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Potrojeum) SOV/65-58-9-4/16 411THORS: Mukhamedova, L. A; Bayburova, M. E-b; Robinzon, Ye. A. __ TITLE: 1nvezt1&t1o" P-~-racarboj~B bf MaphtWerlc-Serles in the Zerosere ifracti6n ofeil fr6m the -Romashkinskoye-1-C',11 Fiald:dn the FdnrJbayevs1 Area - (Issledovaniye tiClevodorodov ryada na-7talina v kerosinovoy fral-tsii neftl 11omas1n%1ns%or-o Me_"toro,-,!.,don1ya Minnibayevskoy ploshchadi) PLUODICAL: Khimiya 1. Te~hnologiya Topliv i Lasel, 1953, i1r 9, pp 18 - 24, M036R) ABSTRACT: The kerosene fractions of Devonian Taitab p6trol contain considerable quantities of aromatic hylrocarbons. Investigations were carried out vrith the aid of the Pi- crate method and ultra-violet spectra of condensed hydrocarbons of the kerosene fraction (2000 - 3200C) of Romashkino petroleum. This fraction was separated by chromatography on silica gel ASM (50 - 100 mesh) into a naphthenic-parafilinic fraction and aromatic concentrate. The latter was divided'into monocyclic and dicyclic com- Poundoe ~he arlphur-containing compounds were eep--,r,-.-'ked by oxidisine the ar6matic concentrate with hydrogen perox- ide in a modium of glacial acetic acid and the oxidised sulphur-containing compounds adsorbed on silica Cel r~&6X- Card 1/3 The desulphurised aromatic hydrocarbons 7rere vacuum Investigation at' Hydrocq.~bbbs ~of NaphUa-WeSOlios Fraction of oil"frowdt~ Rom-ashkInskoye Oil ?ield Card 2/3 6OV/65758-9-4/15 in t6a KeroAne ' i.n the MInnitayevskaya Area distilled into t1aree - five-~,rade fractions in a 37-i?late column. Each fraction was treated with picric acid ind the naphthalene hydrocarbons were separated. The hono- logues of naphthalene were separated by rectification, I - A, and in some cases the isomers '.-iere also split o'-~'. ", he liquid isomers viere separated by repeated recrystallization X, Irom ethyl or methyl alcohol and subjected to further decomposition. The crystalline hydrocarbons v.rere puri- fied by repeated recrystallization from methyl alcohol. The separated hydrocarbons were identified by elementary analysis and by oomparing the physical constants and melting points of secondary p1crates with literature data. The InAlvidual napthalene hydrocarbons,as well as mixtures of isomers,viere'-further subjected to spectral analysis of the riea r ultra-violet region (2,900 - 3,300 AO). The absorption spectra were measured on the speo't,rophotometer SF-4 ( in rk-pentane solution)(Fig. on page 19). Constants of the separat6d hydrocarbons are given in a table (pages 20 and 21). The separated hydrocarbons consisted of naphthalene, P -methylnaphthalene, Investigruti.on, br~ Hydracailbion's .8f Naphihdn'~e'Sd~i eis -'Ih V4 Ker6selrile 'Fraction of Oil fro'm-_tEe- RoraaWdtidkoye Oil Fi6ld in 'tEe" FdnnibP_yevsIaya Area 2.6- and 2, 3 -dime t"iyIn-apthale ne s, !!.,3p7-, 1,2,5- and 2, 3, 6-t rime thylnap~it hale ne s, 2,3,6,7- and tot hy1napht hale no s and tetramethy1naptri-.1ene point 107.0 - 107.20C) of undefined structure. (boilinr L. 1,3,7-trimethy1naphthalene was separated fron petroleum .Vor the first ti.,,Ie.With the aid of dtM-viol,2t- absorption spectral it was -jossible to establish the prc3ence ofcX- met'aylnaphthalene, 1j6-, 1,7-, 1,2- and 1,3-dimethyl- naphthalenes and of 1,2,7-, 194F5-9 1,4,6-, 1,2,5- and 1,2,4-trimethylnaphthalenes. here Js'l Table, 1 Fitnire and 21 References: 9 Enelish, 1 German, 1 6wisb and 11 Soviet. A330CIATION: Kazanskiy filial AN 563H (Kazan~' - Branch of the AN U68R) 1. Petroleuni---Fractionation 2. Naphthalenes--Separation 3. Hydrocarbons--Chemical analysis 4. Ultra violet spectroscopy Card 3/3 ROBINZON, To.A,,: MUKHILMMVA. L.A.- GRISHIMA, 0.11 ; BATHUNWit, M.Kh. S+udying the aromatic hydrocarbons of kerosene fractions obtained from the Romshkino petroleur (14innibarevo sector) and Bavly field. Izv.vys.uchob.zav.; naft' i gaz 2 no.11: 99-105 159. (MIU 13 -.4) 1. Kazanskly khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy inatitut im. S.I"irova I Kasanskly filial AN SSSR. (Hydrocarbons) (Petroleum products) 15.4100 7792', SOV/65-60-3-2/19 AUTHORS: Mulchamedova, L. A., Bayburova, M. Kh. TITLE. Tetralin Series Hydrocarbons in the Kerosene Fraction of Petroleum From Romashkinsk Deposit PERIODICAL: Kh-tmiya I tekhnologiya topliv i masel, 1960, Nr 3, PP 5-8 (USSR) ABSTRAM This work is devoted to the study ot' tetralin series hydr-ocarbono and Is a continuation of the InvestigatIon of aromatic hydrocarbons of kerosene fraction ob- tained from petroleum of Romashkinsk deposit. Chromatography, rectification, catalytic dehydro- geriation, picrate method, and spectral analysis were employed In the study. The results are sh(-,wri In Table "A". Card 1/5 Tetralin Serles.Hydrocarbons in the Kerosene 77929 Fraction of Petroleum From Romashkinsk Deposit S011/65-rG-3-2/19 Table A. Characteristics of the napthalenes separated in the coiirse of dehydrogenation. n D ~O 8 9 3 C H 75-80 200-207 79,5--80.0 148,5- 149.5 - - 85-96 212-224 34.5-35,0 115- Ill; - - WA02 224-233 L6025 LOW - 122-123 92.85 7,27 92.W 7,2~, 102-110 2.33-245 13 16 fIRM 1.0051 - 113,0-114,.) 92A t 7. V- 92,34 7,!) 131--I;V) 273-27S 1(y. -106 91.66 't, J." 91,54, I,GOOS M -M, 9t 23 Card 2/5 )I o K, y t,,) Tahl - - )f~ '(C)O flull I(,,-; ('J) .~( pl-lul, U., 11; 1.1111 ;Itl) C flip o I (,' IL t, 1 o jrl( t,;L I M.. thy I W"I'li LII:Lj.l -tit D") /3- til:L,l Ali- J-3 if Id'. 41 t hyl rtp! I t'11, 3,7 16 1 1 , 7 - a[ 1 -1 1 ffw uyl.yl I 1,..Lp) I L h"-t 1 k2 I!, 1y M, ~ t I I., i I I r 1: J~ 1) " 1I.A. I i j T,: t t hj I j la p! 11, h:)A it; Cai-(l TkAralln Ser-le- HyUcocai-l)mu; In Ith- Kt-ra:~orw T(f ll~).) rl'r'aCt,jC)rt OC P(~tl-k)1(2111rl 1"I"MH 0 V /I The maxiata of tPe l(Itraviolr2t absorption Pu (ball in Auj,,-str-om;,,) ot'. Iflethyltiapthalorle fruCt I(AL ~)0-10: q,-1110 and 3, NO; -I' 10'-110~) -- 3)070P 3,1)1~) :111d kl-)I*Vl*.`T(.)IIdJ LO tht! Cfjjj)iVl('ZL.t C:11-111111.'L rvoin rt.,wuon 512 '11) 0 ; ;) r 1, 1tll~lt- ()!, to the emp I v Ic-, -t ICoi-mu I i 0, lltffl(-)) Vt,orii Cram-lion .1 -51 -140 3,21~0. The :,,tructupe of subotituted :-,hown I ti Fltr A h, R, R Card y A`j'.'-)OCIATlON: und 9 ref'erencoo, 3 Suviot, It U - j i U.K., 1 3WlB!3. The U.S. and U.K. ZLI-t-: filLLIV, 13. J., Stvelt'f, A. J., J. Res. N.Lt . Pl I V . Mlklewlcz, M. I... J. Illst.- Petc., T), 'W" RoiLilrtl, Fr. D.,Ltnd oo-woriti-i-ii, V:t-lu(,s uC Pliyolcal land Thermo- (IYIULHIL~~- Pvojwi-tJ(.-.! of' llych~ocarbaim and R(:Iatf--,d COITIPOL111,1:1, J-ittL;burieh, Perinsylvarila, 79 (19~3); Ball(-,y, A. S., lit-yant, K. G., Hancock, R. A., and others, J. Inot. Petv., 33, 503 (1947); Morton, R. A., de Gonvola, A. 1. J. Clwin. Soc ., 916 (1934). In-,itltuto of Cht.-mistry of Kazan' Branch of the ACCLdOffly Ot' SCIC'11CC-3 of the USSR (Institut khimli Ka,-,:inz,;k(-)),,c) I'lliala AN SSSH) CLIrd V5 MUKHAMEDOVA.-L.A.;-BAYBUROVA, M.Kh.; AUSHKO, T.M.; KUDRYAVTSLVA, M.I. Synthesis and properties of dialkylepoxyhorAliydrophthglateit. Neftekhimiia 1 no.lsSS-92 JA-F 161. (MA 15:2) 1. Inatitut or anicheokoy khimii AN SSSR, Kazan'. Mters) (Phthalic acid) MUKHAMEDOVAO L.A.; BATBUROVAj M.Kh. Investigation of monocyclic aromatic kerosine hydrocarbons of Minnibayevo, curdes by their absorption spectra in the ultra- violet. Izv.Kazan.fil. AN SSSR. Ser.khim.nauk no.6:87-92 161. (MIRA 160) (Minnibayevo region-Petroleum) (Hydrocarbons-Absorption spectra) MUKHANEDOVA, L.A.; KUDRYAVTSEVA, M.I.; BAYBUROVA, M.Kh.; MALYSHKO, T.M.; -----LEPLYANIN, G.V. Some derivatives of 4,5-epoxyhexahydrophthalates. fleftekhimiia 2 no.3:372-377 )V-Je 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Kazan'. (Epov compounds) (Phthalic acid) MUMPMED'OVA, L.A.; RALYSHKO, T.M. Reaction of3alcoholo with o4-oxide of m-.thyl ester of 4,methyl-& -cyciahexenecarboxylic acid. AN SSSR Ser. kh.Lm. no.llt2042-2050 N 164 (MVIRA 19:1) 1. Inst-Itut orgaricneskoy khimit All SSSR, Kazan'. 14; KHA'ELCNA , L. A.; AA LY"P.~ j , ~; .';'. ; ~ : , 7, : , ': 1. Reaction of J -' ,i -~ e ~., 1, '~ 4 -, .' - I AN SSSR 160 no.~.:i323--'-`,~ :~ I- - . 1. Ins titut or:~i I.; " -". ! i ; ;~ ~ - , ~ Y , M I ..!, .,. "', 9 ~ oi.*illi , . . .. I June 12, 1904. MUKHAMEDPOVA,_~.A.; BAYBUROVA, M.Kh.; SHAGIDULLIN, R.R. Reaction of biz- (6p-chloroothyl and bis- f'6 - Q9I-chlarrethoxy) ethyl esters of cis- 44-tetrahydrophthalic acid vith sodium alcoWates. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khis. no.11:2019-2024 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut orgiudeheakoy khJ-1i AN SSSR, Kazan'. IMUKHA14EDOVA L.A.- LEPLYANIVI G.V.; KUDRYAVTSE7A, M.I. 0 'a" S~nthesls of certain derivatives of the oster oxides of 3- cyclahexene carboxylic acid. Neftekhimiia 4 no.1:100-105 .Ta-FI6/, (MIRA 17:6) 1. Inatitut organicheakoy khimii AN SSSR, Kamn'. am/Mb"clue - 917PIlis Jan/relp 50 Liver !At titoxic Function of the Liver In Syphilis Cas*8; iz* the Effect on It of Treatment by Novarsenol OM Saftreen.," L. D. Mukhanedova, Clinic of Skin Diasw*k, StlWnabad Ned Inst *V,O~Ot Venerol I Dermatol" No 1, pp 12-15 164te and tabulates data on state of antitoxic f=C-!- tian of the liver in 100 cases of various stages G*j*ilis, and effect on the function of treatmentl" moviarsenol and sovarsen. Finds: percent of n axUtoxic functioning of the liver is reduced Vi UM/Medicine Syphilis Jan/IPOU~:$O':~'~~ (Contd.) 640h advance In the stage of syphilis;, treataenV~, Govarsen suppresses antitoxic function; treatues senol is accompanied by increase in the funci:., - MUMAKUWA, L.D. Mft--"fik!V- Occupational dermatooes and their prevention. Zdrav. Tadsh. 7 no.4: 496-50 JI-Ag 160. (SKIN-DISEASES) (MIFA .13s9) (STALINB&U-ZIIA MUSTRI AND TRADE-HIGIENIC ASPECTS) "T7-"'1"- W',l - h. ;. ,. , . EDO ~T. 'I.' I "Thi- T. 'f'ect of the l'i7._rati-m of Ascaridae Lamra on the Aniffal (,r,,an4srr- ~-"rrler C,)nditions of Rich and Av-itaminous ".ourishrnent." r"and -ed :;(--i, jorlki.-f State I I-edical --,npt, -~orlkiy, 1954. ("Zh7iol, ','o 3, Feb 55) SO: Slim- No- 631, 26 ,'iug 55 - Survey of 5cientific aryll Technical Di6:--,Prt ~!--.ns Def-nded at TT!3S.R -iFrher 7-Incational Instituti-Is (14) RAGOZINA, T.A.; GULYAMOV, M.G.; Prinimal uchastiye: MUKHAMEDOVA, U. Hardening of aluinina belite cements in corrosive solutions and the effect of various hydrolytic additives on the process. Kor.tsem.i mery bor'by s nei no.2:109-130 162* (MIRA 15:11) (Alumina cwwnt) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) RAGOZINA.. T.A.; GULYAXOV., M.G.; Fftnimala uchastiay: HXIWWDOVA, U4 Penetrability of the structure of a cemut brick and the penetration of Ng" and SOI ions into it. Kar.teem.i mery burlby a nei no.4.-131:145 Ow. (MIRA 15:11) (Alunina ce=nt) (salts) j , ,1 T ~ - --. r- I 1 1.- I -- - --~ " ~ ~ 1! - ARKADOYIYSZIY. A.A.; BRUZHIS. A.F.- NUKHAMADOTA Ye.A. I ft-rw~ Disorders in the coordination of movements under high-altitude mountain conditions [Vith mumery Is AInglish]. Blofislkm 2 no.2: 242-231 '57. OUA 10: 6) 1. Institut biologichookoy fisiki Akademil nank SSSR. Moskva. (AINITM, IIWLUMCS OF) (NOYMMW DISORDERS) L NU IAMOVA. Ye.A. Interaction of nerve centers of the notor analysor [with summar7 in English]. Blul.eksp.biol. I mad. 43 no.4t14-19 Ap 157. (Ma 10:10) 1e Is sektora fiziologit ?Sentrallnogo nauchno-tooledoystallskogo Institute fisichaskoy kulltury (dir. - dotsent N-G-0solin). Koskvs. Predstayleca cleystyltelli7a chlenon ANN SSSR prof. Y.N.Chernigovskin. (KUBCUM. physiol. interaction of nerve centers of motor snalysor) (KOYMNI, same) (CIMRAL CORTEX, pbysiol. *Sao) E-CERPTA YEDICA See 2 '1ol 1215 Physiology May 59 1907. CHANGES IN THE ELECTROENCEPHALOGHAIM OF MAN IN THE PRO- CESS OF FORMING A MOTOR HABIT (Russian text) - Sakhiu lina G. T and NI u k h a m e d o v a E. A. Moscow - ZH. VYSSH. N ENV. DEYAT. 1958. 8/4 19ims, r.Papns F. EEGs of healthy adult subjects were recorded during muscular activity (pedalling on a bicycle ergometer). The initial phases of this kind of muscular work. new to the subject, are accompanied by the appearance in the EEG of high frequency os- cillations recorded from wide regionsof the cerebral cortex. but most distinctly from the s~ensomotor zone. As this kind of movements is being trained. high-fre- quency oscillations. localized in separate points of the sensomotor region. appear in volleys in the same rhythm an the movements. alternating with &-waves. Later. when the subject gets accustomed to the muscular work, a-waves are recorded in all the examined regions of the cortex (occipital. parietal. frontal). (11.80) .1 f AUIMAIMMUt YeqAp Changes of electrical activity of the brain in man during the Initial stage of mecle activity (with sumary In Saglishle SUL' obiol' I sod, 45 no~687-10 Je '58 (KOIRA 11:8)0 1. In eektora fislologit (sav. - dots. BeS. Uppenreyter) ?Sentrallnogo nauchno-insledowatellskogo instItuta fisicheakay kalltury (dIr, dotso E.G. Osolin) Predetawlena deyetvitellays chlenou ANIF SSSR V.V. Perinym. (RMCIS3. off @eta on =G. (Due) (MMMOCARDIOGRAPHTO off, of exercise (Rue)) MUNHAIWWRIN, K. D. Cand Agr Sol- (dine) 'Ikple forests or southern Kirgislya." Alm-At&. 1959. 16 pp (Min of Agr Kaza~SR* Katekh State Agr Inst)* M, 52-59, 123) -100- MUK mmmm R-A. .(Leningrad, M-6, Moskovskiy prospekt, 99 k7ar- tira 1) Leucosis in chickens reacting positively to tuberculin. Vop. onk. 9 no.8t80-83 963 (MIRA 17:4) 1. Is laboratorii patomorfolWii ( zav. - Acktar reterinar- nykh fikuk prof. P.P. Pirog) Leningradskogo nauohno-insledov.&- tel'skogo veterinarnogo instituta ( dir. V.F. Ouser). MUKHAMEDSHIN, R.A., ml-adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Lymphoid leukasis in chicks. Veterinariia 42 no.8:44-46 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Veesoyuznn, nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po bolezriaram ptil~s. CHUMAGHRNKO#- M.N.f,.:=HAIfDSHINAO-R.AQ,, 1~~ion, of iiiteogen.ih'-,the-decomposition of organic compounds by wi: Wlie potasAum. Isv. AN SSSR. khim. no.7sl262-1264 165. (NIRA 18:7) I.-Institut,khimii prirodnikh soyedIneniy AN SSSR. 4CC NRI AP6032120 A0 SOURCE com uR/0346/66/000/010/003010033 AUTHOR; Roslyakov, A. A*; Bisenov, K..; Popova, R. G.; Palichev, V. M.; hikhamed'yarov. F.~ Sal'n.ikov. F. Ye. ORG: Alma-Ata Zoatechnical-Veterinary Institute (Alma-Atinakiy zootekhnicheako- veterrn-arnyy institut) TITLE: Problems in the epiroology and diagnosis of Rabies SOURCE: Veterinariya, no. 10, 1966, 30-33 TOTIC TAGS: animal disease, infective disease, rabies, precipitation reaction, diagnostic medicine, veterinary aedicive ABSTR=.. Rabies may be diagnosed rapidly using the precipitation reaction, and preventive neasures aay therefore be undertaken in minimal .time. As rabies-antigen does not appear in equal quantities .in all parts of the brain. it is necessary to take samples from all of them; study of the spinal cord is particularly necessary. In th*4Gur'yev and some other oblants of Kazakhstan, Babes- Negri bodies are found Infrequently. Study of histological sections also increases diagnostic accuracy, though care must be.taken not to viistake other inclusions for Babes-Negri bodies. :ard 112 VDC: 619-.616.986.21-036.2-07(574.12) The seasonality of rabies (begin*ning in December, with highest----' incidence In January-April) in the Gur'yev oblast is of epizoological interest. It is suggested that prophylactic and preventive skessures be undertaken in the fall. A table shove the results of the authors' investigation using a diagnostic complex Including exanination for Babe6-Nesri bodies, precipita- tion reaction, and bioassay. [WA-50; VCBE No. 12) STJB CODE: 06/ SUBM DM: none/ oRIG RzF: oil/ OTH RZF: 001/ VYL7~,GMAIIIIII, N.I., dj,jei,t; ','EL'-,!,'KOVA1 N''I.; 'I'AA, ',',VA, S.G.; KIIA)MRSON, N.M. ; KIWU11,11.1,01 , i.!". SMOL , YN, r,"' UUAIIA, GOL I DSHT I D. YL ) dotient; W.TN:!.R, Yu A,, pr,- Dalu'v , v. , YAROVAJ, A. i(. Conference of pLysicituiz; of the city of Klivoi j results of the Litcrnational Canccr I,noorrch Kaz , m id. Z itL:. n,- :72- ?0 1 0'? 17:5) LEONTITEV, V.B.; SADYKOV, A.S.;.TU-X-H IMPOnt- Study of the complex formation of copper scetylacetonate with dipyridyls. Nauch.trudy TashGU no*263*KMm*nauki no*l3t53-57 164s (MIRA l8s8) L 29568-66 EWT(1) Gi ACC NR, AP6019594 SOURCE CODE: UR/0293/66/004/003/040810413 AUTHOR: Mukhamedzhanov. A-.-.K.; Stanyuko ich, K. P. j ORG: none TITLE: Theory of lunar craters W SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 4. no. 3, 1966, 408-413 TOPIC TAGS: lunar crater, selenology, lunar landfora, ring formation, moon surface, meteorite impact ABSTRACT: Questions dealing with the expenditure of energy in the formation of craters as the result of meteorite impact are discussed. Specifically, the theory of "explosive diffusion" is advanced to account for the characteristic structure of lunar craters having concentrically enclosed walls (Vitello, Posidonius, Riccioli, Furnerius, Wargentin, Cassendi, Harth, etc.). According to this theory, secondary and even subsequent craters may be formed when the material ejected from the first impact itself strikes the ground. It is further established that each successive impact in the process of "explosive diffusion" is characterized by a lessening of intensity. Orig. art. has: 33 formulas. (DM] SUB CODE: 03/ SUBM DATE: lOAug65J ORIG REP: 009/ OTH REP: 003/ ATD PRESS: :~; "If