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Call Nr: 1053995
AUTHORS: Shul,zhenko, M. N., MostovoX, A. S.
TITLE: aburse in Aircratt Design (Kure konstruktsly samoletov)
PUB. DATA: Oborongiz, Moscow 1956, 528 pp.., 11,500 copies
EDITOR: Reviewer: Grigorlyev, V. L., Eng.; Editor:
Burakova, 0. N.; Managing Editor: Sokolov, A. I.,
Eng.; Publ. House Editor: PoEseva, G. F.; Tech. Ed.:
Gladkikh, N. N.
PURPOSE: The book was Intended as a textbook for aviation
tekhnikums. It may also serve as a manual for students
of aviation schools and colleges and for members of the
Air Force and Civil Air Fleet with a secondary technical
COVERAGE: The book represents the first attempt to create a syste-
Card-15613~__ matic course in aircraft design. The authors do not
124 58 9-9660
T.- on~ lau or, i r om: Re t-- r a, ivny~ zhu rr. -'., Me kh in ika 1958 Nr Q, p 28 /USSR)
AUTHOR- Mo, tove
T'T LE: How !o,rd.ze the Degree of Lcng.tudin~l Stability of High
-pt,eci A r,. r At ~O vozmozhricitti normal zAi-ii ~teperii prodol'noy
u~-lo~Lhi c-1. -.eoro,tny~h arno*lt-to.)
PER'ODrCAL- T- Kuvbvh, ~. , i fs. 1957, Nr i. pp 247-257
ABSTRACT- It. orde- to et.~,,-(, throughcut j wide -,j n ~, e o! Pvl.~ c h T1 LI Mh e r -
th-~, the degree of long.tud.naj st'ibil,it~ of an -rcrafi be - iti~
!:~(: tory rel tti e ?o -ci~d t;i, ~or ard -speed, it i- prop -ed that, n
addi,.on to the ele, -itor. the st,t -I:Izer he employed. wherein it
be det!ectecl b~ means c%f J spec'al autornit~'.- control, the 'met'.ing
of which wuuld depend on the Jo.Id factor, the Mach number, --nd
the Ititude of flight The law go%erning the stabilizer deflec
tion would be determ ned by the known characterlstics of Iongi
tLdina) 5tab;lity ~nd control of thL aircraft with fixed st-~bil~zer
A calculation method is set tortF, for the deflection angle-~ for
I.he -~t "bilizer requirtA to accomplish a spet. if!eci degree of
stab*llity. Formulas are provided for the determination of the
Card 1/2 control force for the po~;slble inclusion of the automatic control
How to Standardize the Degree of Longitudinal Stability of High-speed Aircr.ft
into the normal reversible control system, Certain peculiarities of the degree
of longitudinal stability of an aircraft equipped with the automatic control are
indicated. Bibliography: 3 references.
Yu. 1. Sneshko
1. Airplanes--Stability (Longitudinal) .2. Airplanes-ConLrol aystem.,3
3. _'stabilizers (Horizontal tail surface)--Controls
Card 212
Translaslon from: Referativryy zhurnai, Mash.1nostroyeraye, 195q, No. ri, p. 29-),
# 22235
AUTHOR.- MoEtovoy_ A, S.
The Dynamical Longitudinal Aircraft 3-.ability W-Ith an Automatic
Coptrollar of the Stability Degree
PFP-TODI-CAL~, Tr. Kuybyshevsk. aviats, In-t, 19r--8, No, 5, pp~ 35-42
TEXT: The author analyzes the motion equations of an aircraft with an
automatic controller of longitudinal stability- If afffects the characteristics of
stability with respect to velocity and load faotor by vanying tne stablllzer~s
setting angle, The effects of the "ideal" and delayed automatic control of the
stability degree are considered. It is shown that It is possible to consider
separately the equations of aircraft motion and automatic control. The Influence
of delay of the automatic control Is studied, as well as the influence of the gear
zatio of the servomechanism on ' e short- and long-periodia motions. The analysis
of the limits of the longitudinal stabill"W of the air-,raft with automatic controi
is presented. P~ D. M.
Translator's note- This Is the full translation of the original Russian abstract.,
Card 1/1
MOSTOVOY, A. S. Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "on the possibility of normalizing
Ojwj , "-
the degree of *w longitudinal stability of Kazan', 1959. 16 pp
(Min of Higher Education USSR. Kazan' Aviation Inst), 150 copies (KL, 46-59,138)
SHULIZHENKO, 'Rikhail Nikitich~ 14CSTCV al, Anatoliy Solomicnovirn;
GF,IqOR'YEV, V.L,, inzh., retsenzent; '~PEVEGV, A.i,, inz~..,
[A course in the construction of airplanes] Kurs kc.nstruktsii
samoletov. 2. izd., dop. i perer. Nloskva, tMashinostroenie,
1965. 562 p. (MIRA 18:6)
L 3528--66-1 EWF w APF d E11P(T) "-2
(d)/EWr(mi)/EWP(' )/tEPF C FA 0(trUE11kh
0111665 EWP(b),0"A(h)/ETC'%1M)/ BOOK EXPLOITATION _UR/
Ewp(t) JD/W/WW/W~/Jr/
41k;* -
Shul'zhenko,'M!ikha1l-N1k1t1ch; Hastovoys Anatoliy srolomanovich
Course in aircraft design (Kurs konstriuktsiy uamoletov) 2d ed.*,, rev. and enl.
_w roy e", '1965. 562 p. illus., biblio., tablea.
~rascow, Itd-vo i ~hlno~st enLy
9000 copies printed.'-.
TOPIC TAGS: aircraft design principles, aircraft subassembly, aircraft reliability
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This monograph Is a textbook to be used by students attendin
aviation engineering schools and maj be -a. helpful technical personnel
working In the aircraft industry.-. The seco'nd enlarged and revised edition of a
CAMise In Aircraft Design was,written in, accordance with the curriculum prescribe
for aviation engineering 'schools.' The- book: consists' of three parts. Part I ex-
the extent needed for an approxi
plains the principles of 'structural'mechan~ip to
mate calculation of -the*
f an aircraft. Part 11 discusses
ptin iples~ of 'Aircraft 'dediga ~cotitalns-d I information on air-
ome genera
rraift: ~Aircraft dotponenti wingso -tail fuselage-#,.' (nmr plants
Remodeling sections of the pack-ing house. Hian. ind. SSSR 29
ne.5:28 158. (MIRA 11:10)
1. OdesuklT mrasokombinat.
(Odessa--Packing houses--Equipment and supplies)
MSTOTOT, G.A. (nadivostok)
famogram for callemlating steel girders. Strol. makho I m4ah- soor.
2 no.6:5-7-54 160, b (Girders) (ICERA 13:12)
T -.- - o--' I..--,.-.
Providing for labor safety in the operation of coke ovens. Koks
i khim. no.402 162. (MIRA 16.8)
1. Bagleyskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod.
(Coke ovens--Safety measures)
/ ~, f'- .; -1 . , - , ,//'A
CZECHOSLOV.VaA/Plant Riysijlogy - Photosyathesir.-
Abs J-,ur Ref Zhur - BiA., 11-,~ 5, 1958, 19923
Iluthar jloato7oy, 'K.-
Title T~ic Fh~ t~)synthesis Problem and On the Relation ~,f
5c.i.ence to., Practice.
Orig Pub Ceskssl. bijl., 1956, No 6, 36o-362
Abstract Vo abstract.
Card 1/1
HOSTOVOT. H.A. (Magadan)
. .... ..
i1 of nurses at our hospital. Red.sestra 17 no.7t45-46
JI 158 (MrRA 11:7)
4 V4 &nalysim of casee of death in the home. Vrach.delo no.2:
179-181 If 159. (KOA 12:6)
1. Pervaya Podollslmya bol'nitoa Kiyeva i kafedra terapil
stomatologichaskogo fakul'teta (zav. - dotsent G.I.Burchin-
skiy) liyevskogo meditsinskogo institutai,
Analysis of cases of death occurring at home from iqocardial
infarct. Vrach.delo no.1:79-81 160. OaHA 13:6)
1. Pervaya bollnitea Pbdol'akogo rayona riyeva I Infedra terapil
(zav. - doteent G.I. 1hwahtnekly) stomatologichaskogo fakul'teta
Klyevskogo meditainskogo instituta.
ACCESSION NR: AP4010052 S/0062/64/000/001/0199/0201
AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, B. M.; Dorokhov, V. A.; Mostovoy, No V.
TITLE: The effect of allylamine on tetraalky---diboranes
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Ser. khim., no. .1, 1964" 199-201
TOPIC TAGS: allylamine, tetraalkyldiboranes, (3-aminopropyl)-di-n-
alkylborons, asymmetric borotrialkyls,addition compounds, nucleo-
philic reagents, NH sub 2 deformation, NH sub 2 valence vibration
ABSTRACT: Adding 1 M tetra n-butyldiborane to a 2 M ether solution of
allylamine with subsequent boiling yielded (3-aminopropyl)-di-n-
butylboron and tvrice as much allylamino-di-n-butylboron. Reversing
the order of mixing the reagents yielded 65% of the first compound
and insignificant amounts of the second compound. Similar results
were obtained for the other tetralkyldiboranes. This reaction was al-
so carried out with butylmereapto-di-n-butylboron. IR spectra or the
(3-aminopropyl)-dial1qrlborons (N-H absorption bands at 3292 and 3350
Card 1/2
cm-1, NH, deformation 'Jand at 1590 cm-1) and their unusual stability
to air and to temperatures up to 200 C. are indicative of intracom-
plex structure. The laboratory procedures are described, as are end
products and yields for the propyl and butyl compounds. Their proba-
ble structure is discussed. Reaction formulas for the first and the
reversed sequence of mixing are presentede, "The authors wish to
thank 1. P. Yakovlev for determining the IR spectra." Orig. art. has:
5 f ormulas.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Aka-
demii Nauk SSSR IN-De, Zelinski Institute of Organic Chemistry AN sm)
SUBMITTED: l9jul63
C-.,d 2/2
DATF. AcQ: 14Feb64
NO REF 307: 002
ENCL: 00
OTHER: 000
ACCESSION NR: AP4042884 S/0062/64/000/007/1358/1359
;AUTHOR: Hikhaylov, B. M.; Hostovoy, N. V.; Dorokhov. V. A.
TITLEi Thiaborolanes - new heterocyclic boron compounds
:~SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskays, no. 7, 1964,
il 1358-1359
'TOPIC TAGS: thioborolane, borolane derivative. thiaborolane
ABSTRACT: Three new heterocyclic boron compounds, I-phenyl-2-thia-
borolane (I), 1-butyl-2-thiaborolane (11), and 2-aminoethyl (3-
mereaptopropyl)butylborinate (111). have been prepared. I (Mpg
38-41C) was obtained in 50% yield by reacting ally1mercaptan with
1,2-diphenyldiborane(6) in benzene solution. II (bp, 48-5OCat 2mm 11g.),
was synthesized in 34% yield from tributylborane, diboranc(6) and
allylmercaptan. III (mp, 65-73C) was prepared in 87% yield by the
reaction of ethanolamine with It. III has an inner complex structureb
lorig. art. hast 3 formulas,
ASSOCIATION1 InstLtut organLcheskay khLmLL Lm. N. D. Zelinskogo
AkademiL nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry# Academy of Sciences
SUBMITTEDt 23Apr64 ATO PR955t 3075 ENCLt 00
t 36992-66 gvrp(j) /Mm (m PM1'tA4Yj14
ACC NR: AP6008502 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/001/0090/0096
AUTHOR: Mostovoy, N. V. ; Dorokhov, V. A. ; Mikhaylov, B. M. 4/ ZI
ORG- Institute of Orqanic Chemistry im. N. D. Zelinskiy, Academy of Scienceaq
SSSR (Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR
TITLE: Oraanoboron compounds. Communication 162. Chelate Gamrna-
arninopropyi boron'compounds
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 1, 1966, 90-96
TOPIC TAGS: chemical synthesis, organoboron compound, cheLate compound,
boron compound
ABSTRACT- In this investigation the authors synthesized a number of new
organoboron chelate compounds in order to further study their properties, in
particular, to elucidate the effect of substitutes in the presence of boron and
nitrogen atoms on the strength of the coordination bond B-N. The authors
describe the synthesis of 12 new organoboron compounds containing the -f -arnino-
propyl grouping. The dipole moment of some of the compounds synthesized are
measured to compare the strength of 4t~ - internal coordination bonds. It was found
that the replacement of hydrogen atomq in the presence of nitrogen by alkyl groups
lowers the strength of the coordinatiorf inkage between the boron and nitrogen atoms,
UDC: 541.49+661.718.4
_~ _~6992_66
The authors also point out that the introduction of the alkoxy group to the boron atom
in y-aminopropyl compounds weakens the donor-acceptor interaction betvveen the
boron and nitrogen atoms. It is demonstrated that the strength of the internal
coordination bond between the boron and nitrogen atoms is determined by the same
factors as the stren th of the usual coordination bond in complex boron compounds.
The boron triaDm!!Kfave a higher complexing capacity than the esters of boric and
thioboric acids, and the basicity of tertiary arnines with respect to the organoboron
compounds~'decr eases with an increase in the volume of the alkyl groups at the
nitrogen atom. The authors thank A. N. Nikitina and V. Smorchkov for determin-
ing the dipole moments. Orig. art. has: 13 formulas.
SUB CuDE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 29Jul65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 002
"Ace MR: AP6006082 -"SOURCE'CODE.-:--
~IAUTHO a. N.' (Academician); Domkhov, V. A.; KostovW, M. V.
R. a
I isgo5.66
IACC HR: AP6008082
Iln contrast, the action of alcohol on 2-alkyl-1,2-thiaborolanes splits the B-S
bond to form compounds of trivalent boron , esters of Cy-mercaptopropyl)alkylbom ic
+ \Rahailm's"
Infr4red spectra-showed the association of armine complexes of thiaborolanes due to
intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Th* paper was presentedby Academician B. A. Kazan-1,
skiy-9 20 July 1965. Orig.? art. has: 8 formulas.
KOIMIYCHRNKO. A.I., rasluzhannyy deyatell nauki, Drof.;-903TOVOY. S.1..
Report on the activities of the Ukrainian Republic Society of
Otorhinolaryagologists in 1956. Vest.oto-rin. 19 no.4:116-120
J1-Ag 157. (14IRA, 10:11)
1. Predeadatell Utcrainakogo nauchnogo obahchestva oto-rino-laringolo-
gov (for rolomiyahanko). 2. Sakretarl Utcrainakogo nauchnogo obahchs-
etva oto-rino-laringologov (for Hostovoy).
Professor Aleksel, Isidorovich Irolomlichanko; 30 years of medical.
scientific. pedagogical and social activity. Test. oto-rin. 16
no.6M-79 11-D 154. (14LRA B-1)
1. Po poruchentyu kollaktiva kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla I nosa
Klyevskogo institute, usovershenstvovaniya vrachey
Conference ot otorhinolaryugologisto of the Ukrainian S.S.R.
Yest.oto-rin 17 no.4:88-92 JI-Ag 155. (KLRA 8:10)
I.~"/" "~ r, V ~~ /)/ .
KWSUK, re.M., professor; HOSTOTOY, S.I.
,.A,. ,- - - - -
Report on the confara=e"~~og!tric~ 'oo hinolar7ngologisto of Kiev
Province. Yest.oto-ria. 18 no.6:89 M-D 156. (KIBA 10:2)
MOSTOVOY, Sj. kRndidat maditsinakikh nauk
Persistent disability of collective farm workers in connection with
ear diseases. Trach. delo no.1:79-81 J& '57 (XLRA 10:4)
1. Kafedra boleznsy ukha, gorla i nosa (zav.-zael. dayatel' nauk,
prof. A.I. Kolomiyehanko) Kiyevskogo instituta usovershonstvovaaiya
Professor Aleksei Isidorovich Kolomlichenlro; in memory of his 60th
birthday nnd 35 years as a physician, tencher. and DubliC figure.
Vent.oto.-rin. 20 no.4.1116-117 Jl-Ag'58 (MIRA 11:7)
MOSTOVYY, S. I.,, dots.
Plastics help to restore h,~arin,-4. Zran.ta pratsia no.3:15
Mr 160. (MIA 13: 6)
MOSTOVOY, dotsent
Some morphological changos in the larynx and the purroulidingItis:mes
in cancer. Zhw7. ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 20 no.6:73-76 F-D 60.
WIRA 15.2)
1. Iz kliniki b)2.ezney ukha.. gorla i nosa (zav. - zasluzhonnyy
deyatell nauki prof. A.I.Kolomiyehonko) i kafedry patologicheskoy
anatomli (rukowditell raboty - doktor med.nauk V.L.Byalik)
Kiyevokogo instituts, usovershonstvovaniya vrachey.
%thods put forward for operative procedures of lymphatic
metastatic ganglions of cancer of the bar-fnx.0
report submitted for the Seventh Intl. Congress of Otorhinolaryngology,
Paris, 23-29 juiy 1961
Kiev# USSR
MOSTOVOY, S.I., dotsent
Surgical treatment of regional metastases of laryngeal cancer
without removal of the primary focus. Zhur. ush., nos. i gorl.
bol. 21 no.3:14-17 MY-Je 161. (MIRL 14:6)
1. Iz kliniki boleznoy ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - zasluzhermyy
doyatell nauld prof. A.I.Kolomiyehanko) Kiyevskogo instituta
usovershenstvovaniya vrachey.
MOSTOVOY, S.I., dorts,nt
Use of fluorescein in the removal of metastasized regional cervical
lymph nodes in laryngeal canaer. Zhur. ush. nos. i gorl. bol. 21 no-4:
34-36 Jl-Ag 161. (MIdA 15:1)
1. Iz klinlki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zaveduyushchiy - zasluzhenD*-
deyatell nauki prof. A.I.Kolomiyehenko) Kiyevskogo instituta
usovershenstvovaniya vrachey.
rionferrence of otolaryngologists of the Ukra4nl* S.S.R. for the
exchange of advanced work experinece. Zhureusha.nos.i gorl.bolo
2Z no,4o9?--96 Jl-Ag 162. (MM 160)
,IC6'i'JVOY$ S.i.) dotgent,
I - I ~ - . - -i o f a I ic at ari--
Moc! ificaTiori of Ihk~
to a vessel in tht:
Zhur. ush. noo. i
1. Iz -di.rdki
deyntell nau'r-A -A.
w3overshen,; tv,-)varj y?
Ci, Ul.*3 I Ls-
,evskogo institul;a
KOLOMIYCHRIKO, A.I. , prof., Laureat Laninskoy premii, za,)i. 6ey,,ttell
nauki, red .; LUKOVSKIY, L.A., prof., red.; ZARI'~L;FIY, L.A.,
Prof., zasl. deypate2l nauki, red.; FITD.,'FO, 1;.7.
. I ~rof.,
red.; GLADKOV, A.A., prof., red.; KU,,.ILII;, I.A., prof., red.;
MOSTOV,OY, S.I., doktor med. nauk, red.; BARLYAK, lit.A., prof.,
red.; SHPARENKO, B.A., dots., red.; ROMICAUZ, D.Ye., dots.,
red.; KHARSHAK, B.M., dots., red.; CHERNOVA, I.A.,
nauk, red.
[Current problems of clinical and exper-MRntal otolaryngologry'
AktualInyo voprosy kliniko-eksperimentallnoi otolaringologii.
Kiev, WorovIin, 1964. 350 p. (YJRA 18:2)
1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut otalaringologii. 2. Ot-
del profpatologii liauchno-igsledova--e.-L'--kogo instituta oto-
laringologii (for Pitenko).
E(jl,(Y'IY,lF'4;'KO, A. I., pri-~f. deyzz! r.el- i ; Zl~l-'LITSKIY, L. i.'
prof. misluz~"zi !.--- f. f.
uleyr.*,el" [:,tuki; Yn.A.?
y d *V., at i k i
,1,,ktor med. nauk; TYTARI, G.:%, ot.,larIngnIog.
H-~,-I'essor LeOT!;r-.ovicli LutkovE;'r-41- 1'~03 or, 1.1r, 60th b4j,tljd,~-,r.
Z~.ur. ush. , i r-
MOSTOVOY, Saveliy Ivanovich; KHARSHAK, Ye.M., red.
[X-r.V diagnosis of tracheal and bronchial scler,,ma,
~tentgenodiagnostika skleromy trakhei i bronkhov. Kitv,
Zdorovlia, 1965. 90 p. (MIRA 18:9)
MOSTOVOY, V.9 inzh.
Scientific seminar on reinforced concrete. Prom. stroi. i inzh.
soor. 2 no. 1:63 Ja 160. (MIRA 14:1)
1. Urallskiy Dom takhniki.
(Reinforced concrete)
Automatic block systems should hve dependable rail networks.
Avtom.. telem.1 evias' 4 no.3:26-27 Ytr 160. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Nachallnik sluzhby signalizataii I avyazi Privolzhokoy dorogi
(for Mostovoy). 2. Yachallnik laboratorti signalizataii i avyasi
Kalininskoy dorogi (for Kut a7ev).
(Railroads-31gnaling-Block system)
(Rai 1roads-Rai Is )
9. Monthly fist Lf Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, Uncl.
1.4 .1 $ , T. A.,
dindbrw~iks, Shelteroelts, Etc.
Regulate tne %York of setting out rully and ravint nlantings,
.as 1 ste-D' 5, No. 2, 195)
9. Monthly Fist 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl.
[Kecbwdcal neutron velocity selector]
maltramv. fleekwat 1955. 24 P.
MaIrl-nichaskii selektor
(MIRA 14:7)
~T)ETOWY.V.I., -FW1,r-F, M.r., W-T-IF ~~,fTnVj,,,I_,
1, A.T'.,
"Fissinn and Total Cross-,f~ctioris of Some .,navy ',uclLdes for
~Ionochromatic Neutrons as Measured by a ~4echanical Neutron Velocity
Selector," a naner nresented at tf~e "Atoms -f or-Peace " Conff-.r(Ince,
Geneva, Switzerland, Y-55.
"Survey of Native and Foreign Works on the Measurement of the Cross Sections
of Heavy Fissioning Nuclei for Monochromatic Slow Neutrons," a report presented
at the Conference on the Physics of Nuclear Fission, 19-21 January 1956 Atom
Energ., No. 1, 1956.
"Fission Fragments Energy Spectra."
paper to be presented at the 2nd UN Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic
Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sep 58.
"Neutron Spectrum Measurement in Uranium-Water Lattices."
paper to be presented at the 2nd Un Intl.)k Conf. on the peaceful uses of
Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sep 58.
ITTDVC'Y, Vladimir IosLfovIch
"GhanFes in ge-chanica] ~roDerties of L't.ructural MaterialF *,ndc-r
Irrad tat, on" (a paner to be nresented at lc)5~ n, "Atons-for-Peace"
Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.).
AUTHORSt Vlasov, N., Groshev, L., Idostovoy, V., Fevzner, M., 89-1-2o/29
TITLEs Interaction Between 1~eatrons and Nuclei (Tzaimodey~tviye
neytronov a jadrami).
PIRTODICALI Atomnaya Energiya, 1958, Vol, 4, Nr 1, p,,. 96 - lol (USSR)
ABSTRACTs From September 9, to September 13, 1957 an International Con-
ference took place at New York Columbia University, which was
attended by more than 2oo physicists. A total of 70 lectures
was delivered. The most important reaults are the folloy4ings
The reaction cross section for B10(ntcx)? L16(n,a) and He3(n,p)
must be measured with much greater accuracy.
Description of a neutron spectrometer with a pulsating neutron
source from a synchrocyclotron. Reudving power obtainedt
:~0,01,/ts/m with a flying distance of 35 M.
A mechanical selector which attains a ray-resolution of o,ol
to 0,015 ews/m
At Nd143 a negative point of resonance was uniquely founds
Eo . -1,5 1 o,5 eV; dof' - 415 b(eV)2.
Determination of the yieldv of various iaotopea at the fission
of U233 with En = 118 eV and the fission of U235 with En >2 eV.
A three-fold fission of U235 with neutrons in the energy range
Card 1/5, of from o,o2 to o,2 eV was not found.
Interaction Between heutrons and Nuclei. 89-1-2o/29
A magnetic apectrograph waa built for the purpose of measuring
the energy of fission fragments.
For pU240 resonances at En - 1,056 eV; 2o,4 eV and 36,2 e7 were
found. For J>u241-2 or4y ree onances at 2,65 and 53,6 eV were found
up to 1 KeV. Fcr 1129 and Zr93 no resonance was found within the
range of from 1 to loo eV.
253 o,,oo'3
of (,.u239) for neutrons with
. 1,405~-+0,0009 Maxwell distribution
101Z55) and T - 2ooc
(I,-(Pu 241 1,351+ o,ooo6
Cr PU -
CIO for Au s 98o8 + 00 b EU 22oo M/sec
T1/1 of U 233 a (1,611 + o,ooa) . 105a
Card 2/3 df for U233 t 524 + 4 b En a 22ro M/sec
Interaction Between lie-Atrunii and Nicli:i 89-1-2ol2g
d dE
-C E -25,5 + 24o
cl, 22oo m/sec - ,,,o% for Pu
The followLng reactionki are deQcribed:
2" U2,5(d,pf), U2~ U256(d,pf)
U (d,p); '6(d,p); Ed = 14 MeV
U238 (n,n'); U235 (n,n'); ?,,239(n,nt) En - 0,55; l,o and 2,o MeV
Fe 56 (n,nl); I127(,,,n,) En - -,1,5 Mev
F(n,Y') - 15 reionanceu from 2 to 15 eV were foand
(n-p), (n-.), (n-2n) reactionr. or, varioui; elementz
D(p,n) Ed = 3,") uP to 3,9 Mev.
Furthermore, the)-- iipectra of the morit varied n-j'procesiei
were mEasured. There are 2 fi6-ureg.
AVAILABLE: Library of Con.-Ire&;r.
Card 3/3
International Conrorwnco an the Peaceful Ones of Atomic Zn$or87.
2nd, Geneva, 1958.
DQkIA4Y Govstaidkh uchonykh; yadernyle reak-tory I yodernays oner-
Nstilm. (Repo rts of Soviet Sclentistsi Nuclear Reactors and
h%ClAar Power) Hoscow, Atomizdat, 1959. T07 P. (Serlast Its%
Tr'AdYs VOL. 21 ZMAta A119 tneorted. 8,000 copies printed.
General Zda.s N.A. Dollethal, Corrosponding Rembert MR Academy of
soleagess A.1t. &amino Doctor of Physical and Mathematical 3 1
Once" C-1
A.Z. LOYMOAdy, Member, Vkrainlan BSA Academy of Sciences, k
NOvIAM, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy at' Sciences, and V ..I.
Purmov, Water of ftaiaLl and Mathematical Sciences; Bd.z A.P.
Aly"Iyevj Teen. Rd.s To. 1. Razol-.
PUSP0381 This booX In Intended for scientists and ongtnear* engaged
Isk reactor designing, an wall as ror professor$ &.4 students of
ILL&PAV t0ahniaLl 6011*018 where reactor design to taught.
A,00 remind volown of a oix-voluse 00110*14an an the peacef.1
C'VXRA=x Thj'a
U06-Qr-Atk-- a energy. The six volumes a
ontAIA the reports or.-
N=Cod bysovIet scientists at the Second Intornationol Conference
OR ft"OfUl Ones of Atomic 6nergy, hold tron Sopteaber 1 to 13,
1958 In Geneva. Value* 2 ocnelsta of tnme parts. The first is
devoted to Atomic POWOr plants under cOnAtruetlon in the Soviet
ftIOnJ the second to *;xporiaontal and redearc.12 reactors, the ex-
Mimenta carried out an thou, and the work to Improve the%; and
the third# which Is Predominantly theoretical, to problems or
cowlear reactor physics and construction engineering. Tu. 1.
ftrnicln is the Aclenta editor of this 1.1=0. Soo 30V/2081
fur M108 Of all volumes of the dot. Asroronces appear at the
4".Qr-the Articles.
I- - i
V.S. Dzk&"Vl A.D. Togizarov, and Yu. 3. SaltykOv.
Neutron Spectra In Cranium Water LAttleem (Report
in. Nout.,
No. 21521
Cronin, A.Co B.G. Dubovskly, N.M. Lantsov, Yu-YU- 01&zkOv,
RJL Qoocnarov, A.V. Umayov, L.A. Ger-GO-a, I-V. VI'llov,
yo. Z. InyutLn. and A.P. SenchankOT, Studying the Physical
CharsoteristICS of a Beryl 1 iuu~wodarat or Roactor (Report No.
2146) 555
Wauln. A.D.. 3.A. ffaalrovaka7a. A.P. Rudik, TU. 0. Ab.,, V.P.
balklo. and P.A. Krupchltskly. Critical ZZ 0 law t On an Z"ri-
P n
mental Goavy-water Reactor (Report No. 2o365
Xarchaks (I.I.p V. To. PUpko, To. 1. Pogud&llna, V.V. Sz=olov,
Z.P. Truterevo S.T. Platonovao and 0.1. DmzhlnLns. certain Pro-
bleas In Nuclear Reactor Physics and Methods or Calculating
Them (Report No. 21 51) 5H ~
SUVutlno G.V. end V.S. Sommnov. Determination of Contml Rod i
Kffectivenows In a Cylindrical Reactor (Report No. 2469) 613
Gal-f'W, J.H.. S.A. Paynberg, A.S. Prolog, and R.N- Chenteov.
going the Rents Carlo Method or Random Sampling for Solving the
Kinetic Squation (Roport No. 2141) 624
foalatLn# R.I. Neutron Distribution In a doterob-cous Radium
tHoport No. 2189) 634
Sasarnovamly. X.V., A.V. Btopanov, and P.L. Shapiro. Neutron
Theriamlization and Diffusion in Heavy Radio (Roport No. 2148) 6~x
Voyalk. k.l.v V.3. To~kol, and A.V. Lykov. Using the Onnager
Theory for Studying Neutron Dirfuoion In the Absorbing Radio of
Nuclear fteact4ra (Report No. 2224) 668
Brader. 0.L., S.A. SurkIn. A.A. tutuzo~, V.V. Levin, and
Y.T. Orlov. Studying the 3patW and Sner67 Dletribution of
Neutrons in Different Media (Report No. 2147) 6T4
Dwitriyev A B Boron Ionization Chambers for Work Ln Nuclear
t Ito. 2084 ) 690
KIrIlll.n. V.A., and S.A. Ulybin. &.1porimental Determination of
3pocirle Volumen or Heavy Water In A Wide Temperature and P"o.
sum Range (Report No. 24T1) 696
21 (8)
AUTHORS: Mostov Mostovaya, T. A., SOY/89-7-4-10/28
ovinskiy, M., Saltykov, Yu. S.
TITLE: The Distribution of the Kinetic Energ7 of the Fragments in the
Triple Fission of U235 by Thermal Neutrons
PERIODICAL, Atomnaya energiya, 1959, vol 7, Nr 4, PP 372-374 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: K. Allen and J. Devan, were the first to investigate the
distribution of the kinetic awrgraffragments in the fission of
U235 with emission of one d,-partiole with a long range. According
to the results they obtained, the distribution of the kinetic
energy of the fragments in a triple fission is similar to the
distribution usually found in double fission. The present paper
gives exact data concerning the distribution of the kinetic
energy of fragments in a triple fission. A double ionization
chamber with a grid was ueed for the purpose of detecting the
fragments and c6-particles with long ranges. The apparatus and
the measuring method are briefly described. These meaouremente
were carried out in the neutron beam of a VVR-reactor. A
diagram shows the distribution of the kinetic energy of the
Card 1/4 fragments in a triple fission. Altogether, 17,644 cases of
The Distribution of the Kinetic Energ~r of the -'OV/89-7-4-10/28
Fragments in the Triple Fission of U 235 by Thermal Neutrons
triple fission were recorded. For purposes of comparison, also
the distribution for double fission, which was measured under
the same conditions, is given. Even if, in countingthe
"geometric conditions 21r" are used, the areas of the two
groups of fragments produced in a triple fission differ
considerably from each other. The ratio of these surfaces for
lij,-ht and heavy fragments amounts to 0.82. The simple
geometrio conditions of this counting chamber permitted a
reliable determination of the influence exercised by the
angular distribution of long range oL-particles upon the
efficiency of fragment recording. The ratio between the
recording probabilities for a light and a heavy fragment
(in consideration of the angular distribution of 0--particles
with long focal distance) amounts to P he~avy : Plight ' 1' 20,
which explains the observed difference between the areas. The
third diagram shows the kinetic energy distribution of the
fragments in the case of a triple fission in consideration
of fragment recording. The most prql?,~able aier d the heavy and
Card 2/4 light fragments are less by 5.7 � 0 ,.5 amd - 1`0-3 Mev
The Distribution of the Kinetic Energy of the SOV/89-7-4-lu/26
Fragments in the Triple Fission of U235 by Thermal Neutrons
respectively than in the case of a double fission. This
decrease in kinetic energy by 13.8 Mev can, however, not be
explained by a decrease in the charge of the fragments due to
the departure of an &-particle. The most probable value of
the total kinetic energy liberated in a triple fission is less
by 1 Mev than in double fission. On the basis of this result
the authors evaluated the Gxcitation energy of the fragments
in triple and double fissions of U235 by thermal neutrons.
Under the conditions made here the average excitation energy
of fragments in triple fission must be lower b7 5.87 Mev than
in double fission. This also agrees well with the results
obtained by V. P. Apalin on the number of secondaxy neutrons
in the case of a triple fission of uranium. The half-widths
of kinetic energy distribution in a triple fission are less
by 1.1 � 0-5 and 4-3 t 1.0 Mev respectively than the
corresponding half-widths in double fission. There are 3 figures
and 8 references, 1 of which is Soviet.
Card 3/4
TLe Dietrilbut-Jon of the Kinetic Rnerrg of the SOV/89-7-/,-IO/2U
Ftagments ir the triple Fission of U 235
I by Thermal Neutrons
SUBMITTED. mav 4, 1959
Card 4/4
%asurement of neutron spectra in lattices of uranium - water
and uranium - monoisopropylbiphenyL, Atomenerg. 13 zo.6:547-
555 D 162. NIRA 15912)
(Reutrons-Spectra) (Urani=) (Biphenyl)
ACCESSION NR: AP4006818 510120/631000/006/005510060
AUTHOR: Mostovaya, T. A.; Mostovoy, V. I., Osochnikov, A. A.;
Tsitovich, A. P.
TITLE: Measurement of the mass distribution of heavy fission fragments using
a pulse -amplitude analyzer
SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 6, 1963, 55-60
TOPIC TAGS: ionization chamber, pulse-amplitude analyzer, fission fragment,
fission fragment mass. fragment, mass distribution, thermal neutron fission,
heavy nucleus fission. thermal neutron, heavy nucleus, nuclear fission, fission
ABSTRACT: An instrument that can measure the height ratio of two pulses
formed in an Ionization chamber by fission fragments is described. Layers of
fissionable material 10-15 microgr/cm' thick were placed on the central
electrode of an Ionization chamber filled with 95% Ar and 5% CO~. The chamber
Cad 113
performance was checked by measuring the spectra of alpha particle@ and
fission -fragment energy of an U ""r layer. The pulse -height-ratio analyzer in
based on recording pulses on a two-beam-tube screen operating as a memory
tubs. The Tecording beam is activated when the pulses reach their maximum
height; the spiral-scanning readout beam measures the pulse-height ratio by a
time difference between two appropriate pulses. The analyzer comprises a
recording unit and a readout unit, both connected with the cathode -beam tube.
One beam records two simultaneous fragment -generated pulses as a dot on the
screen; the other beam reads the dot and sends information into the appropriate
channel of the time analyzer, depending on the fragment-wass ratio. A
fr equency -and -amplitude -stabilized sine-wave RC-oscillator generates 1, 300-
1, 500 cps for the readout scheme. The pulse -height-ratio analyzer can handle
up to 30 pulses per sec. It was tested by measuring the fragment-niass diatribu-
tion of U235' fission by thermal neutrons - The joint resolution of the ionization
chamber with the analyzer, measured as a ratio of the peak-to-valley ordinates
on the msss-yield curve, is found to be 330t 55. It can be improved by reducing
Card 213
the energy lose in ihe layer and the backing, and by improving the characteris-
tics of the linear amplifiers and the ratio analyzer. '"I. A. Smolin took part in
the early period of the project. 11 Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 4 fornudam.
DATE ACQ: 24Jan64
ENCL: 00
OTHER: 006
Cacd 313
MOSTOVOY, V. I. et al.
"Experimental studies in neutron thermalization."
report presented at the 3rd Intl Conf, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva,
31 Aug-9 Sep 64.
PASECHNIK, M. V. ; BARCHUK, I. F. ; VERTEMITTY, V. P. VLASOV, M. F. ; KGLk;T.[';,', V. ". -
"The param,--terS of i~e
As" apfi i :at.; c,n In
re po rt It it
11 ly
MOSTOVO,d) V. 1. ; L- -~AfU!,V, V. S. ; IN, I. P.
"Exper imentai work -)r, tie ~tr:m t:,errna- "
mporp I,C)I. -,r,!i irit: ~:-:, -
31 AiYg-) Sel;
L 40828-65 ts).~2/EWT(m)/Eff (c)/tFF(n)-2/F_M(M I/ E
Pq-4 MqGE
ACCES ION vk: W0006/64/000/00 /0211/0235
S AT5PO7911 0
hov &. A.: Yeremeyev, I
AUTHOR- Mostovoy,'V, Sadikov, 1. P.; %Mnys
ing~of-slo'w mon
TILM Sea ter ochTdmatic neutrons on monoisopropylbipheny t
17 t or -2c
SOURCE: Moscow. Anstitut-atomnoZ emigii., Issledovaniya po primeneniy1i
--(Research -.o,nl the use of organic beat-transfer Agents and moderators in power
reactGra)-. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1964, 211-235
TOPIC TAGS.v organic,rea or coolant/.?n'uclear power, plar t, thermal reactor,
-power reactorl:monochibmatic-neutroln, organic moderator, neutron-scattering,
su of measurement af _the_cro~ sections of inelastic scatter-.
ABSTRACT. Thel-re Its a
ing.o.tneultrons on*montisopropylbiphenyl at-room.-temperatuxe are presented.- The_
pu-rpose of this` Armes a g-dtioi was to d a termine: the- -.- thermali zing properties-of
-molioisopropylbiphenyl -and to- -compare them with the thermalizing properties of
water. ~_ The re-61dlis- the- form-of-graphi.which represent the ratio of
the secorM. deriva-tive-'of 'the cross section to the total -scattering cross-sections
of free atoms, whicti.are.molecules of monoisopropiy1biphenyl.. 'In addition, the
7 7
e8w . L'a -uranium in, -a.uranium-monotsopropylbiphenyI lattice, the spectrum of
~ In - -, ~l . - - -
ACCESSION NR: AP4012258 S/0089/64/016/001/0003/0008
AUTHORS: Mostovaya, T. A.; Mostovoy, V. I.; Yakovlevs G. V.
TITLE: The probability of monochromatic neutron triple fission of
U-235 in the energy region of 0.06-10 Ev.
SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 16, no, 1, 15164P 3-8
TOPIC TAGS: triple fission, heavy fragments, long-range particle,
fission probability, double fission, argon, carbon dioxide, electron
pulses, time analyzer, ionizing chamber, a-particles
ABSTRACT: A number of experiments have been made in recent years in
the so-called triple nuclear fission, that is the fission into two
heavy fragments and a long-range a-particle. An investigation into
the triple fission is the slow neutron resonance region could produce:
additional information issential to an understanding of the triple
fission process. The relationship between the triple fission prob-
ability of U-235 and the neutron energy was measured by the flight-
time method in a linear electron accelerator at the Kurchatov insti-
tute of atomic energy. A device consisting of seven ionization
chambers was used to record the triple and double fission. It ap-
pears that the permissible levels in the double fission (0.282; 1.138;
3.6 and 8.8 ev) are manifested also in the triple fission. But the
data produced by the measurements of the probable U-235 triple fission
are contradictory. One of the reasons for that is that the longer
the lifetime of the compound nucleus, the greater the probability of
triple fission.
"In conclusion, we consider it our pleasant duty to thank M. I.
Pevzner for offering the use of a linear accelerator to make the mea-
surements, and for his useful discussion of the work. We are also
thankful to A. S. Kolsanov and the group 0;. accelerator operators for
their assistance in the work."
Orig. art. has: 4 Figures, 1 Formula and 1 Table.
ASSOCIATION: Institut atomnoy energii im. :r. v. Kurchatova (The I. V.
Kurchatov institute of atomic energy)
SUBMITTED: 26M&y63 DATE A11.0Qt 14F*b64 ENGLs 00
Card 2/2
L 22.8346 EWT(iD)/EPF(n)-2/D/A(h) DM
AP5016927 6 _6/60/0588/0593
U =5
69?039 19.22
jAUTR0RS*._.:Tikhonov,-A. N.; Arsenin. V. Ya.; Dumova, A. N.; Mayorov,,
IL. 'Mdsto T.
TITLE: New method ofreconstruction of true spectra
SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 18,, no. 6, 1965, 588-593
TOPIC TAGS: neutron spectrum, neutron energy distribution, nuclear
reactor characteristic, integral equation, Fredholm equation
ABSTRACT:- The article presents two examples of the use of a new
method of,solving problems based on i=omplete experimental data,
which arise in the reduction of results of experiments on nuclear re-
actorso'.Thts method was developed by one of-.the authors (Tikhonov,
DAN SSSR v..149,, 529., 1963) 'for Fredholm equations of the first kind.
The first exampleconsiders the reconstruction of.the true energy
a Qatrurn or eeithermal neutronAn a uranium block of a reactor from
the results of measurements with the aid of a mechanical selector.
L 2283-66
The second example iff devoted to the calculation of the scalar energyl
flux of.thermal neutrons in a heterogeneous lattice moderator, from
measurements of the directional flux. The exa*16s illustrate the
possibility of solving some problems In reactor physics in which the
experimentally obtained spectra are distorted because of shortcomings
of the wasurement,apparatus or of the method. Orig. art. has: 4
figux~es and 9 formulas
NR REF -SOV: 004 OTHER.-:003
ACC MR: A Tj60 12 61 8 9
AUTHOR: Ishmaye~~S. N. Mostavoy, V. I.; flozik, V. 7.~ Gjacii, ,i, I._ _P,; C:iF-,rrPjshov'
A. A.; Yudevicli, 14. S.
ORG: State Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy 'ISR Institute of Atomic Enerjrj
X-&M-2 i
im, 1. V. Kurchatov~ Moscow (GosudarstveHiWY ~~o tZovaniyu- atomnoy
energii SSSR, Institut atomnoy energii) pf"
TITLE: Study of nonstationary neutron spectra'in zirconium!'h-y(lride
SOURCE: Mose-w. InBtitijt ntomnoy energii. Doklr,.d,r, no. 977, 1965- IzucllerliYe
ne~,-.utsionari -., spektro,i !,c-1, -A- lt('r,' V '~ il.'ri'le tsirl'~ ; . ,I, 1-ic
TOPIC TAGS; ne.tron spectrum, zirconium compound, hydride, nuclear reactor
moderator, scatlerij)g cras-~ sectir)n
ABSTlV,LCT: is a c0rjil'L!:wat;()r, of earlier work (Report at the n
Investigations with Pulc(-,_1 ;;cuti-yn "',ources, ?'larlGruhe, 190")
stationai-j specira of systems of different dimensions n Ft
moderation times. In the present paper the experimental reSU3 -,5 az-q
calculations based on the -are of doul.le-(iifferent ial cross Gec - -,* urs -ti
from the spectrum of the normal ogciLlations of the hydrogen bturris if,
Card 1/2
ACC NR: AT6-012689
lattice vith different ratios of the acoustic and npLical brairhe-- .,he -'e-
dependent neutron spectra were measured wtth an experimental -ctuf, --. -_,: : ;
the authors earlier (Paper P/367 at the 1964 Geneva Conferenc( ~ Paper Ll~
Karlsruhe Symposium), with a moderation-time resolution of ').I~ pGec.
neutron energy in the irnrestigated moderation-time range (T > `)0
to be lower than the energy of the first optical level of the vircr).rIi_,In
(0.13 ev), so tnat the energy exchange between the neutron Cw and th-
due essentially to excitation of the acoustic vibrations of ti c!
The time necessary to establish the equilibrium spectrum is of ~he
~Lsec in a "large" system (30 x 28 x 25 cm, B2 = 3.L~ X 10-2 CM-l",
system (25 x 25 x 7 cm, B2 = 0.2 CM-2) stron6 diffusion coolir4-, i~-
the time necessary to establish the equilibrium energy d-istrilution
decreasing system dimensions. The nonstationary neutron spectra we~-
in the P-1 approximation usinC, a computer program described b) L. V.
al. (Paper P/360 at the Third Geneva Conference, 1964). The c.,;reemenl- !jotw,~(,,,~
the calculations and the experiment is satisfactory. The best agreement between
the measured and calculated spectra is obtained if it is assunied that the aMP11-
tudes of the acoustic and optical vibrations in ZrI11.88 have e- ratio J_/5?jrj. QrjL,,.
art. has: 3 figures, 2 formulas, and 2 tables.
Card 212,-~1'ZIl'-
Rangt!. Geol.
MMA 18 8
r,' Mr, r 5 K k -ad
I /A
Effect of the inclination angle of main cutting edge on the
deformation of chips. Izv.TPI 85:281-287 157. (KIRA 10:12)
l.-Predstavleno prof. doktorom tekhn.nauk A.M. Rozenbergom.
(Metal cutting)
Glass and ware from soda sla.g. Steklo i Kerem. 9, No.4, 9 '52. (MLRA 5:5)
(CA 47 no.18:9580 1-53)
of ta
Sovet na_,-odr_,wc.
O'lid Za'/()d
---u adze 3 r. 11
A MI/E 14
AUTHOR: Hostovoyp, Yhv(Engineer)
TITLE: Aviati(In (If _+Amorrov
SWRGE: Grakdanskaya aviatsiya~ no, 59 1965m, 29
TOPIC VPS: jet aircraftp 4TOL.aircraftp VTOL aircraft# h~31copter, aeronautic on-
irs have shortened transatlahfic~ f1kfng time from 14'
ABSTRACT: MOd.ern jet airline
16 1 houri. 7A~ * i'670, 'the supersonic airlifter- may 'bi6iri reduce ifie flying
. g-~r'ange passenger transports of
time by one-half. ItIis'expected that Ion th~
future will fly at speeds of ' .1o 3600 km'/hr. Further increases in cruising
speed appeailunjustified In vidw of the fact that the time required for loading\
j, I
passengers, takeoff, reaching altitude,_ deaq d and lAewff,3wou1&reinftt;j.
pj#~fa)ly unchariged.
Accordifig-to-stitis~-tics+,--th*-e ratio f -wierin ID '16el). to-,,
0 a (PaVload plus
takeoff weight (weight lbadiig factor) incre Iases only to a certain point. In
Card I
-L 320()--46--,-
AcassroN NR: AP5013027
e case* of turboprop engines, for example, the weight loading factor incre
much faster within the takeoff weight Increments of 15 to 45-50 tons than it
in akeo
Voes within the 50-801on'increments. Afurther increase t ff weight
results in a lower weight loading factor, which means that a lar er fractio
_g n-of!
!the thrust must be divertedlo overcome dra!g.;
eed eatly coTii - li"t6s-
it is-a~piai~efit thiii'an In6r-eas6in to finage and. sp gr p
Ithe takeoff and landi, blem. Longer runways surfaced with thick pave-
ng pro
iment will be needed along with stronger tires to withstand the increased pres-
d upon the wheels*during high-~speed I di
L!~ure exerte gs2!
. I - - Appin
e are sever ways o so ving
f thet la~ problem:
arres ing gear,
id oled brakes, ceramic brake shoes' etc..' The takeoff problem is
Imuch more difficult.. One way -of solWng it forsupersonic aircraft is by using~,
Is. variable-geometry design. Anoth gpprgach involves the kWH
_ding_9f VTOL--
. ......- methods can be'lised to~_ -ei-tical -thrust; e.'g'., pivoting~,
genera e, v,
.the engines or the wing to a.90* angI.e relative to'the horizon, niounting the
ifuselag _!v~, u!~In ted fans gn�grCed in 6 wing. 'and special wing
__L 32109-66
Imechanics. The Soviet AN!m4.4.('Pchelka!') light~-*eiglit airplane is an e'xampl
of an STOL aircraft. Designed by-0. K. Antonov, this airplane needs 45 m
iof runway for takeoff and 65, m for landing.
Another fyjW of aircraft whick fias_Ya~tely been the sub ect of continubag
developme4t is the helicopter. To make the" helicopter competiti4e with
VTOL aircraft, the most pressing requirements'include.a higherthrust-to-
drag ratio greater horizonal. speed - and a wider range of operat,ion. The-
jhorizontal.sp6ed record, aid to have been set In 1964 by the
35S kzn/iZ is a
Boviet-built Mi-S helicopter.!--------
NO REF SM'000 OTHUt 000 ATD PRESS: 3254-F
L P60,~ lip (C
;1 ~: C NA 31256
AUTtijAl. Budker,G.1. ; hladvedev,P.1.; Montovoy,yu.A. Nbzhevenho,O.A.
&.L1-eV!(o,q_.N. Pananyuk,V.S Sam~o a ;-TAU.'
yj: ~v~
Tk-~;,E: The BS3 iron-Ireo singla turn synchrotron
S9 Zhurnal toklinichenkoy fiziki, v.36, no. 9, 1966t 1523-1535
TOPI-- TAGS: electron accelerator, synchrotron
A BS T RACT -. This paper is concerned with t'iu, type B313 11con-fruc sinile T,.;rn
developed at the IYaF CO AN SSSR for injeltion of up to 180 MeV clc--ctron~ Into a stor-
atre ring. A general description of the rrachine has bcen giver. '/,,-,.A.
I%bramyan and 22 other authors (TransactiorLs Of the Internaticm-il Coaf~rc~.C(, un
Accelerators, Dubna, 1963, p.1065, Atomizd,-tt, M. , 19G,I). In the presc,-,z dapl-,r
foatures of the accelerator are described in soL;e-what more detail,
nc!t, the magnot po,,ver supply, and "he injoctor, ar-d tho of L'~() zactllne 13
discussed. The magnet wirAin- consist3 oil' two conceritric dur-1L:!-.iri
the beam circulates. The outer rirq is capable of a
50 atm, and the geometry is such that the Inner ring is in
actic forces , being oubjected only to a hydro.-itntic pronsuro. -;:.o L; -,crxred
by a 0.045 F capacitor bank charged to 10 W. Tho mxximum magaot curzo"t ij al'out
Card 1/2
A, corriinliow.11nir to tat oluctron onorf-y of 180 MOV. T110ro nro two m,jx1%r!v-v c-p-i-
c~.tor Lonlai m.-Iii(Ak tire clic7clitirgod tit noloct(ol r4innon of the cyclo to coml,ro). 0-~)
or ou nincrv)Lte 11.03.11. Injectlon of GOO IM o1octrow, I.-i nec0iijol, I-jl od flu)-.
,71L; if sin-lo revoluticlit oS t1to ceptiii-ed cloctronn. The d1Fir)uxt,(,o of Mvi ;.!,d
1,1;wj enww'I'Lot. Imilkn iff 00 t.11.1ded that Dw 11.01d In appi-00-m-Aloly cowiLrml,
J, L ~ml TIm rf ncroloritting voltngo 1:1 frequency luxItIlItted fr(All 10-1.5 to 11G
Is 91 to t1lo bomn With tho nid of a aingle regoitntor witis ri Q of 200. S(-,r)
(1l)'.C.t,cu1L.Lv!3 %yore oncountored in tho fidju-itment of tho smichino, but itow, 1"w'~ rcwt,1
.Ivt ho ovol,410,110. It wnri imanible to WJect about 1.4" A of 600 IN (114-c-Lrom- 131',o ',!il
coilitant 'ri0d, 111)d to ACCU'llil-10.0 SOMO 70 '~ of tho 1.jlJ(,cLf,6
'oormi ctirrent vion fomid 1,o be 1imited by long, ILI.%VJ ilia I sp.9c.1, c.1warl"o
r1pstj offoct) , rnthov than by trminvorno spitco charro eA'.Vcfi0;- It 1-.1
nebloved witli n !jtroiyf: focon-'ng Iroi%-'yoo
L;vii. higbor currontu witht b
ni-ili1no. Tho atitliors thmik A.A.Nmimov for hifj intervit njYJ diocmin1o,%. A.A.
Vi:. ;wvvn!~o for orcwtizin-1, tho f alwicntlon of the mnbli partn oj~ iho acce1oi-ntor, 1.;,.d
Kord 1.11 Ill tnj
,p. nmi P.G.10j,
_5or partIcipatinz ir,
E_~_ 'j:-7~~f - - ' '
.111 cortaln parts of tho necolerator. Orig. art. has: 3 forQuIns =1 G fl-luron.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATZ: 27Sop65/ ORIG MP: 009/ 0111 MY: 001
Cord 2/2 1, it)
3 P _5TO- Oy" YlkA.;
Generator of single nanosecond high-voltage pulses. Prib. i -~ekh. eksp.
8 no,.2:93-97 Mr-AP 163. OMIRA 1634)
1. Institut yadernoy fiziki Sibirskogo otdoloniya AN S56R,
(Oscillators, Flectron-tube)
AUTHOR: Yerozolimskiy, B. G.; -M.ostovoy, Ya. A., Minyakov, B. A.
TITLE: Errors in measuring slow -neutr on-beam polarization by the shim method
~OU ,RCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no.'z, 1964, 39-42 -
TOPIC TAGS: neutron, slow neutron, neutron polarization, shim neutron.
polarization measurement
ABSTRACT: Methodic errors of shim polarization measurements are discussed.
Results of-exIier-iments which permitted a direct evaluation'of the shim-introduced
disturbance are reported. Tests were conducted in a neutron beam with an
intensity of Zx 10 C neutr /sec of an IRT - 1000 reactor; an 850/a-polarized beam was
obtained by reflection from a 110 x ZZO -mm *cobalt mirror. By placing a cadmium
slot instead of the shim, a beam was shaped and directed to a slot-type detector.
The variation in the counting rate, upon introducing the shim. was determined by
ACCESS10N NR: AP4033103
the loss of neutrons due to small-aagle scaltering. The degree of polarization
was measured by (a) the counting rate in the maximum second-reflectioa beam
and (b) the beam shape (narrow slot) and integration of all neutrons reflected
from the analyzer. An evaluation of error in the general case Is found to be
impractical since it depends_on the imperfLiction of the mirrors, insufficient
magnetization of the cobalt surface, dapolarizing fringe effects, atc. Orig. art.
has: 2 figures and 6 for=3,12s.
NO REF SOV: 00 3 OTHER: 001
EWT(MVEPAM-2/kWA(m)-2 IJP(c) 03
MR, ATS007972 8/0000/64/000/000/1065/1072
''AurHoR, AbEp
y!q.1.Ys. A., Bander 1. Ye.1 kondaranko, L. H.; Bud qr,_9L
L~ K.-I Ha..,,A. A.; Pal
a ymov. A
YS!, '- P_4~~S ; Pq221U~ I
S-ayloy. I. K;, Skrinskly. A. N. -. Y%dJAJ._L , Kon'kov, N. G.; Most* o
Nazhevenko, 0. L-J Ostreyko, G. N.; P!trov V. V., Sokolov, A. A.; as
TITLEi Work an the strong-current accele-um\%f the Nuclear PhYsics Institute
'SO AN SSSR. (1) StmqZ'.-;rmnt
plas accelerators with ipiral st;rage
:trons. (11) Strong-current accelerators with one-revolution capture of the In-
jected electrons
ISOURCEs International Can Enerly AccaleratoEg.-Dubna. 1963. Tru4y.
ference on High
,Moscow, anizdat, 1964, r665-1072
,TOPIC TAGSs high anerigy accelerator, electron accelerator, electron beam.
! ABSTRACT: The work on developing strong-current electron ring accelerators
was begun In 1965 by the authors at the Nuclear Physics Institute. Siberian Depart-
Iment, Acakay of Sciences SSSR, with the object of studying the possibility of
Lcaxi 1/3
L 4237-66
,forming relativistic stabilized beams. In the laboratories of the Institute ex-
perimental studies were carried out on the four methods for obtaining large ring
Currents of relativistic electrons: (1) spiral method of storing the electrons in
installations of the betatron type with subsequent betatron synchrotron accelera-
tion (Budker G. 1. CEMi Symposium 1, 68 (1956). (2) obtaining of limiting electron
currents by means of the injection of electrons from a strong-current linear ac-
celerator Into a ring chamber of large aperture with subsequent synchrotron accele-
ration; (3) storage of electrons in tracks (parking orbits) with constant magnetic
field by means of the multiple injection of electrons from another less strong-
current accelerator, this method is utilized for the storage of electrons and posi-
trons in experiments with colliding beams (expounded in detail by G. I. Budker
in the present collection, p. 274); (4) obtaining of large electron currents by
means of the acceleration of electrons by a ring plasma. The present report dis-
cusses the first two methods under the following tcpicsi (1) pulsed Iron-lose
botatron with preliminary charge storage (B-2 device); strong-current pulsed syn-
chrotron B-2S; pulsed strong-current betatron with spiral storage (3-3 device).
(II) iron-less one-turn strong-currant synchrotron (BSB)-. strong-current pulsed
synchrotron B-3M. Orig. art. hams 7 figures.
Card 2/3
L 4237-66
ASSOCIATIONt InstLtut yadermy fLzLkL SO AN SSSR (MuclAar
ENCLI 00 6m CODE Np.
OTHERi 001
iGil: ~,,os tovoy, _ Yu. A.; Samoylorv, Sokolov, A. A.
0.-Z: None
TITZZ: Singlo-rovolution injection system G~ the BSB Irua-frvo
SGUZE: Zhurnal teldinicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 9, 1966, 1550-1559
TOPIC TAGS: eloctron accelerator, syi-,chrotrori, electron Injection, i,,np, nar.r~
socoad pulse
ABSTF,,ICT: The authors discuss the Injection ,~,,Ljtum employed in the ES11,1
electron synchrotron described elsei,,,here by G.I.BL;dker et al. (ZhTF 3-6, 152:~,
soo Abstract APGO31256/). In this machine iiijoction is accomplishcd durin,,, a sia~;Ia
revolution of the electrons in the 41 cm r,,dius orbit. Sin,rlv-revoluti~r' i~-'-ectlon
was adopted because the efficiency of many-ruvolution Injection I,, lori~, in r,;:~all
machines in which the decrease per revolution of the radius of the instanta,10owi orbit
Is small. With single-revolution injection, or. the othcjr hand, It is in princIple
possible to captui-o practically 100% of the injoctod particles and to rcduco L..)
amplitude of the residual betatron oscillatio:is to zero by propur &)aiga al--; ')uJition-
inG of the inflector. The corAitions to be satisfied by the inflector for maxiz-m
capt-ire efficiency are derived in an appendix; one such condition is that tho traject-
-Ca-rd 1/2
L 114'
ACC NR'_':C;7AJ;J~03l251J
ory of the injected particles in the absence of the inf lector be tar4,,en*, to
brium orbit at the center of the inflector. In the prenent machine the is
excited by up to 50 IN square pulses of 5 microsec duration applied throur,'", a pulse
transf ormer. At the close of the 10 nanosec injection period the inflector _'5 Lhbrt
circ,,iited by the breakdown of two gaps, the breakdown buirZ initiated by a trlj-~rcr
pulse applied to a third electrode in each gap. The design of those gap3, wilie'l-, should
be useful for other applications, is discussed in detail in an -ppendix. Thu scatter
in the breakdown time of those gaps ranged from 2 nanosuc to less than 1 narosec, do-
peLding on the height of the trigger pulse. Meazurements on a 70 keV in"pcted b-,am
showed that at least 70 7. of the injected electrons wero captured in an
orbit and that the amplitude of the betatron o3cillations of 50 1%0 of the
electrons was less than 2 cm. Analogous meanuramento at the operatin.- injoc-.1on
energy of 600 keV could not be made because of noise from the injector. it iLi coll-
cluded that single-revolution injection is entirely feasible for accelera%o~-_~ la which
the period of the equilibrium orbit is as short as 5 nanosec. The authors -L,ianAk G.I.-
,Bud,ker-and A.A.Naumov for their interest in the work, and P.1,1.ledvedev, V.N.~SachaveliR,_
and ,',.,Ya.Rogucskiy for their participation in the development of different parts of the
inflecr-or system.
SUB CCOL: 20/ SUBM DATE: 27Sep65/ ORIG 'UT: 003/ am R~~' 000
-Card-2/2- ~, c-i 13
PharmacoloKy, ToxicolOV. (.heinothera,;eutic -rerarati-,
-,itihelibijitaic .-.LWstr~rces
in. 12 56842
A 'Aet.iod of 1,ehelmintnization
of Tapeworins
Sov. Zoravoo!" ldrgizii, 1957, - .1, 54-55
96 patierits with tenia linfestatiri-. were treatec, with
acriquine (1; 0-8 gm), extract of male fern (11; 7~
anc f ano II. 'Ireatment with I -,roe-iced a tiierave-Ativ
el"ferl in 1-3 of -,tierts. WAth II