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i7~URCA'V' V. U-".""JruOle4 F40100 Co=IC It4ru Yuclear hysics 'iajcus D" 47 9ftfm Spectre of Vwltrons.0 A. Ulkhanyan, Corr !-%m,, A(--d 3cd U3.311; 1. AlIkhanov, Aca~Ier-Icim; Ve Morozov, G. -%skhalisbviliq A. Flrlmyon, fta instj Acad Oct, 8mw2lau 'Bok Akad Vauk S&M# Povn Ser" Vol LVII19 No 7 Authors relport-w! In previous artlelo thats, as a result of mar-metle analyals of camposItIm of cow-Ae rediation at an altitu-1e f 3,250 meters, now particles diswvared whilch have eznm greater than the mess ~:f the mewtrcn. ALw prosented data st*wUlg thatp in cowde raffatlon,, there aro pnrticles uItli a roaltivo am me-ative cign, &'0 mass of ublah exesede that of the protron* Tift nou graW of elementry particles nawd varitrons. Pftwnt articloaMeento result3oof upeatrm amlyals of thaw mw particles. FA 60TSO If rA'. beg" tr 31 V; morozov. A Alikhan CL Teo -673-702 pin, 18. o "'Outan :A hisis- Spec -Dana f _0Q OF;et #A New 'The laige dfsper~-, Come - establish. that ~,.Ve7, of tm spectii !!f ;. - , 1, -,t, -44~ ;cwe 'Lj4a~t"-dla_j~- ~.! !. . I - - tE !MASO 12 varfcifes~ 'Mro presed, 'MIG-rays tMore rd 400, 1~jd ba:Vide, both &al& d oce vvitim' varies from atm6p was, smim t* 24, -W:q i--V~ ibit*#llrouis i iii~ttcciimt of the 620 4gom AA Air' iis ot t4-s~.~rviu of 0m a Teo; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P , ell -7T( Ihe bard .ospWint showed cordtd That the YsLritrom, re iris 3n: a result of. the decom At on -sL spectrometer. 0 1 To beistervarttrons stopped in ft air. no proadnce of 311 tat PrOons; ta cOSinto raye wAn proven by direct measure, nients. irrom- the -datermut-ati tin ot the pool tive excess in. the thsl It Is P0101ble to coinclud& tw %st grato" in uosra aye conat tu" 't v thw T% of tha,totid Int.en" ty~'(au no ler th a a 004 008 *to* a Ots, 0 0 **a &*[,-- W1111211126419 016 A 12020 Varltran Have Speatmag A I Allkhantan, T rozov and A V ]VmfjdfA us 61 35-38 1 4iij-1-M-Ruselan) 2 11 T AV 00 Ll a u -g 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 41 0.0 0 0 OLO 0 0.0 0 41 1 rn a previa" paper lank M 58 No. 7 (1947)) the '0* authors PublIeW varitran =seen obtained ftaim deviations of comic '00 ray trajectories in a magnetic field. The ranges covered were from lee 1.2 to 5.6 = Fb. In the present paper more accurate was values are #Ivm for the saime raqp Interval, as won an values corresponding to a range exceeding 5.6 = ?be Tbo minbersous maxiss on the distribution iso curves of the trajectory deviations (or particle - nta) correspond '40 to Individual varitron wasee. The abrupt positive slope of a alaxinm 900 showe the elviam sommitm of a particle with a given same; the position 0100 or-am& abrupt slope perults the det4=1natIan of the particle's mass. so An Important interpretation In glym to the fact that the negative s' slope of ame of the sarba is abrupt too# An upper lWt for the nomentum can occur to case* where a particle of a given mass Is See generated through disintegration of a heavier partials stopped In airl VO 0 the outcome of such a disintegration of a particle, under t),e conditions too observed , moat be the bruatlon of _;_part1q4~ arg, ,__qnq ok qd, and one A a 4S L A ACTALCURGICAL LITERATFAI CLASUFKATION I a- leads* map am* as a i_ 5 e 0 0 0 0 00000 0000000 60 see 0 noulial or a photon. A tantaft" use determination to given for parent var room C*wratbW the observed rArtfoles. 00 00 00 00 of so 00 9* 00 ee 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 *0 go 00 00 00 90 *0 00 00 0 so 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 go 71 11 r, 11 7 f- ?1 1, 31 121 U K, 2 44 45 11 17 41 42 41 1 13 14 Cr. it, rr ~ 1 , * , 1 . F__ A -, 'L ' L if tit IPt t )ectrum 'If VArltroll!,. .. .. f I he mn,s st ( A t .. 717 jrv,,L,,i 7-kh- t Fk Zhur. p 17,or,1. I I,. Il, 021 511(it'149)(In Rt- Ian). (See abal NSA 2-98, 2 1202, 2 1203, 3-1700.) U.,,ing nialm,tic Ule nit q pertrum of ,arilron~ In c (I ~; to ic radiation wa, Irvif Allialvd. O~mtijr, tj) a greater re- solving power If the !-, Irtiment, tht- varlit-fin masses oh- tabled are more -it it It,, than th-- fnund In the ALIthors' previou, vjorl~, Akad. Natik 58, 13210947): ' 'n I ii, I R. 671 wmoo. rhe of tow Zhur. Fkq,tL I I ,3 efficiency rolinteri. IlIm only i 7onall pvrcentm~~ of relativi,tic particlp~ permitted Uie determination of the ionizing piwer of varitrow; absorhed in load. The fact Lhat 13 the absorption In the filter I~ ri-, to Ionization losses pro-, the appliratillity if the MetItOll -oplOVed for the measuring r)f a particle'r, mas,, viz., fr,-m ltc, ir.mve and Its momenturn. The ~pectrurn of momenta If thi, unfiltered radiation in the air !;flows significant Irrvgijlar1tIr~,, in the shape of narrow maxtina and plat,ajj~-, rorre-,fYinding to Varitrons of different 4 riasc;ery. The narr,rwn-, (,f the maxima Indicate, Ill(, Otort half-lifetirriv of t-mr. of the varjlron.~, whirh J, much cilhort'r than 10-4 sec. The spert-ra %how linpirtant rxisitlyp exresses A 3,251) m altitufle about 13% 17f all partirles are fast pro- tfinr: furthernifire, there exist., in air a great exctass of posl- live varitrons heavier lion the protfin. I t~l~ LLAS',IFILI j r _ , ] 1. The remarks of V. A. Craytsov an "Tho (OCMWS for th* In*" tPectrometer a( Alikh=ov and Alikhanyan Moroxo~, and A. Kbintuvan ZA., t,14 J*e-ev Fif 20, cf. precrdanx abo, - t-111 AUthor, how ihat although the effor ~vnni,it -t bv -t~ .10Y in .11 Mtr~ro-tIAI~ ~q- -I- rh- X- U-1 for 11" """' '-f 11" th." I j4o,tAr I.,.,,h j WSEt/ Physics Luminosity Vard V1 Pub. 118 - q/1 Authors Horozov., V. Title -Measuring luminosity of the day light sky with photoelectric photometers carried up to high altitudes by rockets. Perloftcel.. I Usp. fiz. nauk 53/1, 142 - 1459 MaY 1954 Abstract Experiments-in measuring the luminosity of day skies, conducted with the help of electro-,hot6meters carried to high altitudes by rockets, are described. Measurements were conducted with various filters. Four re- ferences. Tables. Institution : Submitted : USSR,,"Physics &-CeJerated ions Ai--.,.hcr Y Y 01 Ti tle c p t cm~-, P e d taa o_ t Abf, t rac a", tl~- - ator o 1 -:1. tor 4 ener c r,,trt)stat -,,a -.3cteri .3tab~.L~z -st.Lcs, f 1 he -1e--, -a 4 o th , f e p - eln hle f ' --u,-ren'- of' l - l3 the Lcta - - !n .ro- a tin ..-istem directly c -tem is Ihe -jc-scribed sv wint~ t i I A . B. M. r z Gorlov V IG . . , el-1 ~,he and ;all C I N a )L Dfil,~ USSR, 1, , ' Twu -e4',,rencr. - vi~,. mcmo,~nerf-ctic beams of 1 1. 14. B. V. I~okhb,rrT, and Institution Subma',ted F fl k 8. zZV, &111 11; Tl?l~f4,,-,l~IV2-il-~v~,~!~~:,~L!iii~P-~_z~~~.,Wi~-Ili~%,~l-,IRP~P*XMIIlap-4-~4]p" mOROZOV, vx. Determining changes of tine dependent air temperature ix tL- stratosphere probing technique. Izv.All SSSR Sar.geofiz. no-3:366-371 Mr 156.(KIBA 9:7 (Atmospheric temperature) . KOROZOV. V.M.; SHKLOVSKIT, I.S. T Day brightness of the sk7. Iav.AN SM.Ser.geofiz. no.4:464-468 Ap '56. (XIBA 9:8) 1. kkademiya nauk SSSR, Geofixichaskiy inatitut. (Sky, Color of) MOROZOV, V.m Origin of noctilucent clouds. Izv.AN SSSR Ser.geofiz. no.7:865-869 Jl'F56- (Clouds) (KIaA 9:9) SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 /1 2 V PA - 1340' AUTHOR GORLOV, G.V., GOCH3ERG, B.M., MOROZOV, V.M., SIGIN, V.A. TITLE The Angular Distribution of -Produced on thf: Occasion of the Reaction T(p,n)lfe 3. PERIODICAL ~urn.techn.fis, 26, fasc. '~, 965-969 '1~~6) e Issued: 6 / 1957 revi W-~d: 10 IQ'6 .)o. Thin angular distribution wan measured for proton energies of 120C, 140C and 1600 keV. The protons were produced by inuitna of an olt:ctrostatic Een~rutDr and after passing through a 90 degrees magnetic analyzer they w~,,rk! dii-cted up()n it tritium target. The system for the voltage stabilization of t~.Q iTenerator -~vur- rants a constancy of the proton energy which is accurate up to 2.10-2 A solid tritium target was used, and a long counter served as a detector. The proportion- ality counter had a firm coverine of boron and was filled with a mixture of argon and methyl alcohol. Next, the problem of the sensitivity of the 'Long counter with respect to neutrons with different energies is discussed in detail. 7iith the help of the obtained characteristic of sensitivity it was possible to measure the angular distribution of neutrons with more than 25 keV with great accuracy, i.e. for all angles at proton energies of 1400 and 1600 keV and for angles below 1520 (in the center of mass system) at 1200 keV. in the case of large angles and 1200 keV accuracy is considerably lower. Angular distribution was measured inside a cabin of 3 x 3 x 2,5 m, the walls Df which were coated with a mixture of paraffin and borax. In the center of the cabin was the tritium target. The long counter was located at the distance cf SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1T47 AUTHOR KOTLYPIN,E.A., MOROZOV,V.M. TITLE The Estimation of the Upper-Limit of the Cross Section of the Radiation Capture 7of Neutrons with the Resonance Energy (275 kev) by the Isotope Li - PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk,111, fasc.2, 331-333 (1956) Issued: I / 1975-7 The authors used the continuous registration of P-decay acts of Li 8 when irra- diating lithium with neutrons. On this occasion the momenta caused by the a-particles of B98 deca are separated from momenta caused by the products of the reaction of Li 6(n,ti Hei. The a-decay of the Be 8 even occurs in the ground state within \,10-16 see, so that, from the experimental point aof view, this process may be considered as simultaneous with the P-decay of Li . The measuring device consisted of two gas counters. The inner counter (of usual construction) oper- ates as a proportionality counter, its walls are covered with a thin layer of lithium fluoride with a content of natural isotopes. The exterior counter registers the electrons of the P-decay of U8 and operates as a GEIGER counterl its construction is illustrated by a drawing. On these conditions the efficiency of6the reg. stration of the P-decay of Li 8 (with respect to the registration of Li (n,t)He ) depends only on the absolute efficiency of the counting of the electrons of the P-decay of Li 8 by the exterior counter. The efficiency of the exterior counter attains 50 T 10%. Thus, the number of P-decay acts of SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD i / 2 AUTHOR GORLOV,G.V., GOCHBERG,B.,',1.. -'OROZOV,V.:A., TITLE Measuring the Crosa Interval of Neutron Energies of t~ PERIODICAL Dok1.Akad.Na1jk 111,fasc-4,791-7)4 (v)~16) Issued: 1 / 19_~7 PA - 1554 Lil(ri,t' qe4 In t',le '100 The authors carried out these measurements at the beginning of 19)5 following measurements of the 6total cross section of the interaction between monoenerge- tic ne--.trona and Li - and L17-nuclei. The monoenergetic neutrons were obtained in the aforementioned energy interval from the reaction T(p,n)Hej'. The tritium was contained in the titanium-cover of a molybdenum target. Measurements were carried out in a 3 x 3 x 2,5 m cabin the walls of which consisted of a mixture of paraffin and boron. At from 0 to 600 the bKckground amounts to not Mo-e tha- some percents of the primary neutron flux. At large angles ( / 1400") the back- ,ground attained a noticeable part (up to 6o~;) of the primary neutron flux. For measuring the relative course taken by the cross section of tne reaction Li6(n,t)He4 the authors constructed a spiral-shaped ionization cha.~.iber with small dimensions. For the measuring of tYe absolute value of the cross !jection of Li6 n,t He4 three plane ionization chambers are produced; they contain tech- nical argon with a pressure of - 4 at, and have an operation voltage of 11 350 V. The pulse characteristics of these ,lune ionization chambers were fully satisfactory. Carrying out measurements is discussed in snort. Dokl.Akad.Nauk 111,fasc-4,791-794 (114~6) CARD PA 1~-~14 Yeasuring results are illustrated in fc= --f a i:aer-. attains ita maximuin valuo of 5,4 t 0 rnrr, a t it n"u t r C, r, :fi t. rt~~ ,) fk e"; an I I decreases towards smaller neutron eitergies ~,at E n 0 k e V T 11i eextra~~,-llation in to the tnermal energy ioma4n of tne neutruis accordinC '-- T,.e law 1,'v is nog in contradiction to the known %ralue -)f ~he crcss sect'on of -,.-,e reactio-, Li (n,t)He 4 in the case of thermal neutrons. These results agree aei'- with corresponding American res,11ts (BLAIR and " with resi~ect to the maximum amount of the cross section and with respect to the shape of trie carves, I cut there is a difference of 11 keV as re.-ards tne cosition cf the maximum. At a neutron energy of 20`1~ keV resnnange is essentiall.( c-a-,~sed -,-e P-inter- action between the neutrons and the Li n nucleus, i.e. the int~rfe-"ellce effect between s-interaction and potential interaction is not StrCnEly Marked. The fe- fore, the total Cross section 0 t of the interaction between neutrons and Li can ir the vicinity of resonance, without any gr-%ve erros, be ex-,ressed 'Zv t-e gum of the cross section Ll of 7otential interaction and tne c---sS sectica 0 corresponding to resonance. INSTITUTION: --- ---------- AUTHOR: MOROZOV, V,hl. 20-~:~-26/67 TITLE: _0`ne_N`on_m_o_1-dcular Scattering ir. the HiE~, Layers of t',e Atme3- phere. (0 nemolekulyarnom resseyanii sveta v vysokikh slojakh atmosfery. Russian). PERIODICAL: Deklady Akademii Nauk 33SR, 19'~;7, Vol 11,4, Nr 'D, PP 1939 - 1o42 (U.S~S.R~) A_BSTRACT: First of all some relevant preliminary papers are quoted. If the atmosphere is hoxizontally homogeneous, then (at monochromatic light with the wavelength A ) the equation of the searchlight sounding with consideration of the weakening of the light in the atmosphere reads as follows: a (h) exprip a (h) dh (h) a X e'~ Here ax stands for the coefficient of the scattering in the alti- tude h, and W for the angles of the elevation of the device and of the searchlight, respectively, We furthermore have X - (1/sin 0) + (1/,gin&j ). A photometer with a photoelement that was attached in the focus of a searchlight mirror served as light receiver. First of all a formula for the scattering coefficient is Card given which is valid at the following simplified conditions: a) The 20-5-26/67 On the Nonmolecular Scattering in the High Layers of the Atmosphere. searchlight beam has small angular dimensions and its image lies completely an the photocathode. b) The sensitivity at the surface of the photocathode is cornstant. But actually these conditions are not realized: a) The beam of the projector consists of a light narrow ray - the ray proper - and of a relatively weak but wide hinterground which ranges to angles of about 40 degrees. b) The sensitivity along the photocathode is not constant, This hinter- ground is taken into consideration by the introduction of an addi- tional term El 0 into the equation of the searchlif~ht sounding. This term is small as compared to the other terms of this equation. The approximate and the accurate expressions 111(h) and a 2(h) of the scattering coefficient, as found by the solution, are given., Then these expressions are transformed. With the aid of the method described here, it is possible to eliminate the influence of the multiple scatterini, of light. The results of the determination of a (h) from the data of e am , "a three searchlight measurements ar c 1 pile in a diagram for the effective wavelength X = 0.485^ , and are briefly discussed. Up to an altitude of 30 and obviously even 40 km above the surface Card 2/3 of the earth, there was noticed in the scattered beam of the search- 20-'--,-26/67 On the Nonmelecular Scatterinw in the Hie~h Layers of t.'re Atmos~here light the existence of a n9nmolecular scattex-lng of li.-,-,t 14 rq- productions, 1 chart). ASSOCIATION: Institute for Physics of the Atmosphere, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. PRESENTED 9Y: V.G. FKSENKOV, on 15 December 1956 SUBMITTED: 15 December 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 SO 111/ AUTHORS: Brovcherilko, V.G. , and Mcrozrv, V.1/.. TITLE: Circuit for Protec "ling Se zashchity ot elektrichesklikh pomek-h) PERIODICAL: Pribcry i teichnJ,.-',,,a ekspPrimenta, Nr 2, pp 145-146 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In nuclear studies where pulses are tc, be ct-,unted at a very slow rate external inter f ere nce can be tru,ible-3ome- The present arrangement (Fig 1) blGcKs a number --f channels when a false pulse is received. The action Is reliable if: the sensitivity is greater to interference than of any controlled circuit; speed of response in blocking is greater than that during ordinary operations, the blocking time is such that interfering pulses bc)th of greater amplitude and duration are frustrated. The main amolifier in Fig 1 has two sections each of tii~ea stages, the gain is 900, tlie passband 1 kc1:3 at The maxi-mum output -sLgna! is 50 V and i3 P(.-1-,ij-t!ve, Tbe output pulses are standardised in ampli,~ude (120 V) and dura-'en. (c.6 -A L ~L sk) DY the blo~,i,~ing c.3ciilaf,u 2 in FL',~7, 2. The Pulse is etched in t~ie Schmidt J, and Card 112- applied to tlie cnttlnode follo~wer Jl;~ wh---.n driveS all Circuit fnr Protectirv- a-,a:r5f~ tne gates F ri~,ht of in F-1-117 ar, angement 'r,as i e I i a b 1 v Ca rd 2/2- Tner e a-~ SUBMITTED: N c.,j e mb e 4 T n! ~1:1 C. e AUTHORS:Belyu-nova, A, D, )v 4 Z T TITLE: OTi o~,_ AP li L ~O,;~l_lQK_L~lil cl!l 1_.*/~,tL._!~ e l'I ~l 1.7 11 C C~ 0 'n. PERIODICAL: Iz,,e:3t;.,Ya Ak,-3-iemiL riauc ~',R lc)5~-), Nr L -, ' '- -1 _) 1 11 ABSTRACT: T-1-ie pur;)osv- of uL-.a ni-11t; :710I)v 0' Tlle is 3 I-LE )r. of li -,at e-miss-Lon '--:')0 ar-1 OH Ho-we v ~. r e interpreta-li,)r, ~_)f re~_-uLus ..ieasure:,,ie.-l:3 c_-.mi.licated ~e T,.,.e s~-jectru:l of _3;cy cauL;eu b-1- t'lue diffusion ct' tiie lc.w,~r 'o over- co-rie thesea d_Ltf-L*,_!4__,.t_leS the- aUTAI(22*3 ~%~O-rest. a-Ti apul4c-tti:~,n. CD o~L the s:Deciailv (..,I_j_ibr,-,,t-J wiiich couid ~__'cfel.en- tiate btrw,--,n factors: a constz)-u an'd a li-rea:i rad-Ilati,--i. Tiis ~.-an bc ci~,ne vvien the diff~dsian in thie lower at_-.,,!.-,..aere is c.)n-ia~i:--d as Eq (1). '. e fl L i? ~ld f US',La C~ G i-7- f t ii -,-if f r s R t~ f ~~ I an d a mi Ss Lon wic." h f 7", -'1 6 X i b- a ic e n, w cir 3 n u i v a 1 e n t t f r- a n s III I s:3 :D I IkX_ of' 'ne uave _2 ju,,L'.~'.s 'A e Card 1/5 i br' and On :1 T' Ell r U f so-V- L I o b tJ.,. - S- -2 X1 C e f a r1 1" :A f, 'A t p a S U x 'ie T t f - Card 2115 On Phot of! I ectric the ratio of ItIvio o[ lu~ie differeii~', AK constanu: 1) w[lp!,, )ri cari~ t)t~ (B; 0 V` X b o t"I photonet---rs r e e q ua I u n. i r A (o obtained from Ej (4 1 an(; L f an,-, :3.2 (- o 2) when contit.u!-)II's not exist, T,-en tlie ratic; ~,,f tw~, T:iea6urements Df radiat-on A% /A~ ca~, fouad from Er- Tne- ansorpti)n DI ra-r- be -1,3f~re` :~~S Cf I E H, A rIJ- J 'dV' 2' - 1 n j 0 1 + 0 takes place T U i I t I t-~-S l/Sin. T,Ie a b so r i') _7 a:-- j- r,,, i v i, I cbr"-.-31-113:~101~ 3' deter:nined --s, avo I- E ~Iard 3/L5 On Pilot Delec a r)f !,,,,.,.n3a:,d L~ f 1 t i it s i 1-., --3fL:-~? c, oa e ca--- a can t)e T a 7 A~A Card 4/5 1112 On Phocoeiectric WIC IS '-~ Ul '1," 01- I ~" ~! c, gratiu-,ide to ~'. 3. K,;l,.br,.i!iov t.-.iie ii,;e c) IS V. S. Shifman for (AetuaiLz; of A. Yer;,-,ol,-iy,,v f0il 0~11~rll",--,~i_ t1l, plloto:i-lo,'U-tj~l-.-,, ftt 2 cables) 1 fi-1--ure 4 ref,~renc~,,~3, ~ of are Eni-- 14 S~L and I i.~ Soviet. I - A6130CIATiOil: Akadel2iya ria~jlll 31j.~R, 1-.sU~tuL fLziki !'f,- ry A(: of Sciences MjR, In,~~ i ~.~ite Phy~-;ics of ~:l e A,;mc):- nere SUBMITTED: June 27, Card 5/5 21 (7) SOV/69-6-4-8/27 ,, B. V. , Morrizov, 7. M. , Otrr.,,qn~?opnko, AUTHORS Gorlov, (11. V.1 Gokhhorg G. A., Shigin, V. A. TITLE: The Fission Cross Sections for U 235~ and U235 -nder the Action of Neutrons With Energies From 3 to 300 kev (Secheniya 23z 235 Jeleniya U " i U pod deystviyem neytronov a energiyey ot 3 do 800 kev) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energ"ya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 4, r-P 453-457 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The neutrons were obtained from the Vp,n)He -reaction, t~ie proton ener[.Qr amountinir to 1201.-, 110~', an! 1(/_'C kr-~v. 7., ing chamber, the construction of the tarret, the neuti,on. 1,3- tector, and measurement of the angular distribution of the T(p,n)fIe-reaction are discribed by reference 2. Determination of the dependence of the fission cross section on neutron energy was carried out in two stages. First, -)-.Iy t*,.e reia- tive course of fission cross section dependence was leterrained. the absolute value of 0 f for ~O kev .,E~utrons was 'text, measured, and with this reference v--.lue the relat 'ive curves were re-calculated. Results are graphically represented and Card 1/3 show the following limits: c. ,OV '89-6-44-93/27 2 7 2 7 r .,o r The Fission Cross Sections for U and I- -nder t-e Action of With Energies From 3 to 800 kev E (U2715 23~~. n f f 3.4 kev 4~8 b 780 kev 1.0r) b 1.) b Accuracy of neutron energies at E p = 1200 kev En = 3.4 kev + 0.8 kev 235 + 0.7 k-7 233 200 kev + 28 kev for U + 17 ~ev "or U 340 kev + 13 kev + kev,, Accuracy of neutron flux measumment: -,2-3"Q1 (at nel:tr')n energies of 9 and 3.4 kev it however amounted to L. an~ respectively). Accuracy of the meLtsurement of the relative course of the fission cro8s section curve.--4% for U 235 and 237 for U (excoj,t ir, the cus-i of noutron one-r-glon of 3.ij kov cur.asPonding- 16%, 9 kev 9%, 50 kev - 6%, for U235 and IJ271 ly 19, 11, and 9%). Sum err,ors in absolute 0 f- determinlAtion: Card 2/3 U235 _ 7%, U253 - 8%. 2-~ 2, The Fission Cross Sections for U an d' 7 "nler t-e Action DI Nel:t-on3 With Energies From 3 to 30CI kev The results obtain(A agree well witi previously obttined lata, but it must be born in mind that tne present work was carried out already in 1~53-1-':5-1. There are 3 fi,.ures and 5 references, 11, of which are Soviet. SUBMIT'ED: September 25, 1958 Card 3/3 r9911 AUTHORS "'11 bo v , yu F1 r'.-- v TI TLE I ri Ptit. i c neu t. ror, ~ic ar i tij.-,t S 0 U R C E Krupchi tskiy, P ~ A, , ed Ney tronriaya f i z i ka; sborn Moscow, 1961, 298,505 T3XT: The cross sections of the reacticn Be n,2n)Be_ %Pr, dependence on the enerEj of the bombardinf neutrons. -7 ne r. eu f. was a deuterium gas target irradiated b~ electrostaticaily 'bF Kk d 3 were arran deuterons. The proportional gas counters concentric rings of 9, 16 ani 27 counters (Fig. 1) T~.e counters were recorded ~-; radio a coincidence time 200 Asec. For neutron spectra scattered ei-jsticail~j in cartcn efficiency of the detector was ~'- t-, '+',-, ana 1+ 4 for neutrons, and 4.5 Mev, respectively, The total cross section ~~ t W.-13 sum of the eiastic scattering cross section j th~- crn'ss the "n,2n), and (j of the 'n,a react4ons. and Card 1j 1299P j tic nel-;tr,-,n t'rom, t e t o-, c ou ri ', s & i t ri the ijr- iii th s,.driu~t: rom coinci'lence C~"~Ilts- (j w , q t o u n t 1) e 0 2 n 0 -t- C.07 sLnd 0 0 0 i. b a r n f o r E' 7 n respectivel-,-. Th~ --t-sults ~nja cate, th~it the ~'i_ 4n) r.:;I,-, c Psc ad e ~ rc, c e s se s ~ n ; n N The first st--~ee is ~Lr. scalterinc -vith formation of an excited statp- cl Be9 ' exc at 2,43 Mev). Deexcitat4on leads to neutron emiss:-n and for.Ta-,:-.,' 1- G. Kondrat'yev and L. A .'1olodov are tr.~~nked for asq.,star.ce 3 figures and 12 references- 2 Soviet :,-,r~J 10 ncn-Scvir~- f recent ref e rences tc Enk~ L, S n-I ane-jaE e pu cat'. ons r,e-.,: i's Hught~s , Schwartz Nieut --r. Crcss Sect I -,fs - t e S Campbell, '-~ C Ph s. '0o. I F R 9 - 7 eh Fie. 1, pa ra I' f I F, C 0 m;" t r , a ri'm - U a. r, 2 block of jetec~-,r, amorp nous .-.oron Card 24 AUTHOR T ITLE PERIODICAL? 33/04',,/~- 10'00~/O 1 D207 / D5(j') Morozov, VJI Some photometric data on the continuous emission Aka:Jemiya nauk 3SSR. Izvestija kaya, no 12, 19b1, 1807 - 1d94 E XT The author discusses published work, on the spectrur. of riaghtglow and reports data obtained by absol,-ite of the 3pectral region near the Na line at 5693 1. The observ-A-t-.--,%', were maie during tiie I G.Y. at the Zvenigorodskaya nauch~,aya -"'Irt, Instit,ita fizilki atr.osfery Ali SSSR (Zvenieorod Scientifi~-. Statl~)ri, stitute of Physics of the Atmos1here, AS US~3R) located at 360461 E The obse-rvations were taken at ti,e beginninf, of eac,; hr~ur In the zenith Jirection. The photometer was calibrate-J as des!:ribp' earlier by A.D. Bolyunova and V.M. Morozov (Ref. B. Ivv AiN zv~-r ,~eofiz. no, 2, The followinE conclusions were drawr- ~T-m Card 1/5 S/ I/000/0 I 2,/o0q//o(.t,) Some photometric datt D2C)7/:)')Oi res-,lts, (1' The intensity of continuous (backi ground) nightF,! fr~~m O.IA5 t,3 4 5 Hay'eigh units per 1 A and mean intensily W-J~ Rayleigh z X; ( 2 ) the rat io of the backp.-rou rid near the --e ~? ~i ~L rd C, A --,hangr-d very little, if' at ;tll , with .3ert-, -r, wi 11 b-,--ic k -, ro,.ind i n t e n.9 . t y; t h e ra t:. o c, f ti, e ra,- k e;r. ~; r j s:. ti es near ~-2?30 and 5690 1 was s imil ar to the d-- s t r, --li 7- ,gy from tl-.e sun; (L) the variation of the backgro-und inten, ty -ia with of the Na 5893 1 radiatic-n -:i "ar t'ie OH -1) bands. -ndicating independen' -ai-ez ti-s-ee tyl-es c4 Acknowledgments are m~ide to A A t ai,d t,'; miff meqib~,~-s ~f the Design Office of the lnstlt~-T ferv ( InstItIlTe of Pltyscs of the Atmo~iphere V 5 Fi, ip;--, va f-:- t`,eir :.n calculat,orls, inil to fi,,urps, 4 and !'I 'I"he refpren,e-,~ -) 'h- As t rc,;Aly 6 j I.::, E' RO a C I I 1 5 1 tr,d a-, Fercamor. i,resc,, Lon&-,-,, (,ard i / .. 4 '! , ( , - So me Iho tome t r -c ;i at a :)2C,7/j.10 5 and L ii, Meredith, i . ~;eophys lies , t~, LO I , ;~ 1, 0, - - : ASSOCIATION-, inst.-tut fiziki atmo3fery, Akademiya nauk ( Iii.9titute of Phygics of the AtmosFherf-, ' ';cxencfj~i, US:A.) SUBMITTEI)i July 10, 1961 . Card 3/3 AUTOR: 'T I T L E /,,, (, -z /I n (j S/C 4 9/ 6 12/0 0'-"/ C 4 D2()7/I)7) 01 ?.'orozov, Pion-con-.',twicy of tl~(, coritintiolm opertrum if~!,t-s'r-ly emisF~ion A;~ademiya n_ux Ss'.3!i. 'Ir' no. 4, 11)62, 57~ (fj 1 IXT- T.-.e paper is a .-Iletailed ans~ver 'oIh e fe v I V 3'S'-'-.)' ser. i-'eof iz. 9 no. 1" 11,1611Vi . K r: -N,k T AN j-~R, ser. re~~Ifi~:. , rc- . i1 ~61 sent 1_u-~_-.orls concluq.'ons (Ref. 7: Izv. AN ~jer. :-e r - 12, 1961 ) that 'r,,e night-skly emiq3inn near )2~_Au and 58"' lar to the continjous emis5ion of cla-~s G2 stars, and are no lurL-,e variations with time in the c~?ntinuous the hight sky, There are 10 referenceri: 7 Soviet-bloc and 5 nrn- Soviet-bi-oc. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki atmosfery, Akademiya nauk SS31.1' (Insi- tute of Physics of the Atmosphere, Academy of ScicTices of the USSR) SUBMITTED: January 2, 1962 Card 1/1 L 1L 3 3 5/12o/62/000/005/005/Oi6 E039/'E420 AUTHOR: Morozov-, V.X! T I 11, E, \n optical method of measuring the average energy of ions accelerated by an electrostatic generator Pribory i tekhnika eksperimentd, no-5, 1962, 33-34 ILVI: Iiie methorl makes use of the Doppler shift in the wavelength of light emitted by excited neutral atoms or ions obtained from the beam of accelerated ions by means of neutralization or dissociation. For example, if the displacement of a component of' the Ho doublet is measured (by comparison with an iron arc) with an error not exceeding 5 x 10-3 ~ It Follows that the average velocity of a beam of neutral h ydrogen atoms with V/C = 5 x lo-2 can be determined with-an error not greater than 2 x lo-5. This method is much simpler and cheaper than an electrostatic analyser and makes use of a commercia I I y ava i labl C it I Low the further --gpec trogra ph. It should also , (level opment of' electrostatic generators as highly stable sources of accelerated particles with accurately known energy. The best accelerators of this type at the present moment can produce accelerated ions of Card 1/2 S/120/b2/000/CO5/C'~-15/1-,':~~) An opt ica I method of measuring . . . E039/E420 constant average energy with an error of not more than I to 2 x 10-4 ot, a given va Lue . SUB161ITTED: December 9, 1961 Card 2/2 Z C, 07 cl: c Wk re, "C) r s C! r -C, ~1: az- C.,Icl-~ OL scvc~r", MQROZOVJ V.M. Some features of the emission of [O1] 5577 and the continuum of 1=1nescence in the night sky. Izv. AV SSSR. Ser.geofiz. no.102 1"6-1"9 0 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut fiziki atmosfery All SSSR. (Right sky) S/049/62/000/012/001/001 D207/1)30a VVIK T IT U Influence of the ligItscattering effect in a real L atmosphere on the observed night airglow intcnsity 11 1 r "I O-ademiya naWc Izvestiya. Scriya geofiziches- kaya, no. 12, 1962, 1837-1842 'XT I.- Simultaneous measurements of the night-air-low in- tensity and the transparency of the atmosphere were carrie(i out at the L'veni-orodskaya nauchnaya stantsiya instituta fiziki atmosfery -rorod "-)'cientific Station of the Institute ~21 3.,Sa Uveni, for Physics of the itnosphere, iS US.,I,',) during the .)eriod ol-L7 the IGY and the International Geophysical Cooperation Year. The trans ')arel-Icy was deduced from the redluction in the li-,Iit rQceivc(A fron the L'ole a-tar and the ontical thickness -r of the atmosphere was calculateu from the transparency. - statistical analysis of the airglow intensity I at A A 4270 and 5280 A showed a complete lack of any dependence of I on t. for t varying in the range nz . 1-2. This indicated Card 112 Influence of the light S/011 6 2 / 0 0 0/0 12 /0 0 1 /()(11 D207XJ308 that as tile C11'recL ii L;Sor,)tion OL airljow emission in thi: au-iosphcre incrca.,ic(l ki.e. increased) thr loss in the intensi .-tv I was fully c on,")cnsated by tho prodomin.-Intly fon:ard scattering on wrosoL ,)ar- ticles ~c.~,. waLer dro.,s) of ra(Hus r ~; X, where ~- is t1kc airijow wave le n(Yt h. icknowLeC.-cments are ma(-'e to G.V. i~ozcn~crg ~or his advice and iuzactsova for iier (LeLp in computations. i'he re are 4 Ligures and 2 taAes. j 2md, atmva, 1958. Dokl&4y Sovotalrikh ucnonykh; yadernyye reaktory I yadern.ays Oner- 16tika. (IkOPOrts Of Soviet Scientist-; Nuclear Reactors And no AtO&L-dAt, 195-4. 707 P. ~S-1-0; It- fruclear Pomer .4.rt.d. ~'Ow copies printed . ?rudyt vol. 2 Brrata j %Y Q*n&rn.1 9ds.t N.A. Dollashal, Correaponding Rem0er, USSR Acad~ Salenass, A.X. KmaLn, Doctor of Physical And Mathematical Science&, &.1. LOYPunAkly, Maxbor, Ukrainian SSR Academy or Sclen-es, I.I. X*vikOv* CGr"APQ0A1o8 Member, USSR Academy or Science.. and V.S. -1 rtzrDow, Doctor of Physical And Mathea,attema Sclancaa; Zd.: A.P. klyablyev, Tech. Ad.s To. 1. Me.all. FUSP0322 Thl book to Intended for scientists And engineers engaged a dmaignlng, " sell As far professors And student. of In re. tor hIgher technical schools whom reactor design to taught. COVIRACEIL. Thin LSO*^ Ascend volaws or . st--imes salivation as the pes!efu! _ _ Use Or Atomic SMOrGY. The Aix volumes contain the report. , semtG4 by Soviet saimnti.t. at the S.c.nd International- Conrwronce do ft&c*CUI Uses of Atomt 9n r Ml~ from S.Pt&AbAr c g y l. . 1958 In as"". V- us. 2 t; -hra. parts. Th. fl,.t 1, : - I a devoted to atomic Power plenta under constriction In tn. 3,,1.t Un-lon; the seco t experimental and maeft-h reactors, the - d parlmenta cs~lsd Out an them, and the worx to im~pmve then. ~d the tnird . which in predontinantly theoretical, to ProbLema 'I " reactor PhY-1c. And constructl~n engine.,lng. T,. 1. lb4: kin is the science editor of this -lumne. See Sov _~Cvij far titI0~ Of A11 voluteAl of the at. R-rere- appear at the end of the Articles. PAXr tI. RZFERDUINTAL AND W-UWCH RZACTIORS k, '& .- r 'TT:r net P - . , & , ? I- L.N. _In 215 t - r1i' TAht ...c- w-th rf- ~ Y9! o-bl* - X- P F6 50 2 232 Scese Man and RebuLlt T71erna, M-s-h ; A rt Me 2 5 - Broknovich, B.V., Dl--1111- Ra"t'r A t-r ?- Y-~- of OPal-tl- JRL,1-1 go. 2Z97) 319 1 - A , A t. "d T:, XO w ~ r t j H A -. t, . n .m~ . . _ n ' 1, . y for Obtaining HIg"I I-td--Ity N-ut-- F.'- ~RePc,rt N- 2-4,:' 3 34 PANT III. 1417ISICS AND ffH0nflMlHLN,3 OF REACTOR DESICIN A. 1. 1~ypun.kly, A.I., A.I._.Abraaay, V.H. BA r., ~Izz 1 , -T- A V.I. a.t~_. V.1. 3~1,b_, '1': t' ' D '-Xn ~Z Y N.V. y6_- r_-3 0: 1 i B.D. 1w7 m1hoL V.K. M-2.1 ' M.N. s N Fr. L ~~ 377 H-.g.... F * ynberg, S.M., tram,, V.p. jLAt_,_j..V. KQmi._. _ T.Jr. TAvi.4 Yu. 7. Nlk-l - kiy ' A- N : T'- Shav 1wv Fue~ k9um UP Ln ater-!'r B-P-rL.W.L. With the Or-lum Water "ttlc* (ROP-rt NO. 2145) 411 49rcnico, V.A. 3*lr-mgul&tlon in a wator-water r ... r lt-t~' L ~09 J,ey pur,3 k iy , A. Abra-,ro-.,, A. IA 16,' A., An 14 i r. I G .7.1 Bandarenko , IT . 1 ,GuF,jn,-1, A. 1-ianov, 1 Kazach?.ovtjV ij , 0. D. , K,izne ts~~v, 7. F. I V. ,(u::'-,inov ~. D. , ~~oroz-ov, V. N', , '.:. N. , _-al'n'kov, 0. A., Smirenkin, G. N., S.Id.ta~, A, S., I I Usachev, L. N., Yutkin, M. G. TITLEt investigation of the ')~-5 (BR-5) fast reactor (spatift'. arr, enere-j distributions of neutrons) ?'--R 101) 1 CAL: A tomnay a energiy a, v. 1 1 , no . 6 , 196 1, 5c5 T'--XTs The fast research reactor BR-5 and ita ex;-~rimontil eqa~-,m-,'It , 9 -leicribed In brief and some of its neutron upoctra are .74 Ven anl -1: scl-isspt The following data are givent fuel - plutonium ox4de; coolant - so!Jlum, reflector - thin layer of natural uranium plus thick lapir of i Power - 5000 kw. The reactor has many vertica) and horizontal holpB for technical and physical studies and is well supplied with expLrimpntal equipment. Leypunakiy gave a detailed description of t,",e BR-5 reactor at Card 11p -, :nv63tit7.;,tlon of t*,e . . . t-,e 3,,cond Genova Conference (Vi58). I n F i c: P t h .2 c,3 r e th r. t Or e r w. u 9 o f more tran 1 OC kev wn I ch they I on e a t comp o t ol 15:1 A'.0 thro,.~,-!. reflector und shield. In the outer laver_- of t~ik, t:;, - Mcan enorFj does not exceed non tenB of ev. in th.2 kell rtn,~- /,e7) ie I _ W, , , spectra were mpasurod for thn mo:;t important bonmq an,-' e%n-inn,!7,. W~r t n " other cages, they were deter-mined from threshold reacticrfj. Z;-ft 'n a r t -~ frr.7 a of th,, I spectrum within tne reflector was detrmirt . i distrioution of neutrons with E n-15 ev, recorde,l -,;. t h -,, 1 r,, nli- ca tors , The total neutron flux was lett~rmjned nnl,* tit the Pu 259 ' ission cross section was cnnstant ~)"r(~ct F-. 7neqsurernenta nere carriod out in a vertical ~GK-70) anA hjr.7.-,n*,..., v,irn,l uning (He~*Ar)-fillwl ionization cnamber .n tr,e firot ritno tt.o tranamisaicnmethod with n-hexnne In the second Th,~ nolitr,n of the horizontal channel was also ieter~ine,. -,y pnotn~7_:ainns. Fror. ne rates of indicator and fission reactions ;,u r. 27 PU (n,f), Th 252 (n,f), N."(nq-) Cu6'(n,.-t) , and Al (n,,,,) the abrupt -.ard 21; Invvjti#~jtion of the . . . drop in netror. - norzy in tnc Ni -!f , ector -k:; (If, tr--41n,~ tilt i v i ty c a u:it--o by req on n nc e n~ ut rr ns ev r r. I lux (t. in the core cf-r-ter wqi fG~ind to t-~ 2 Lj. f I anu tot Ii f" ~x . is 0.2 t Ii y ~r,. r6y -,,, coup ::, 1 rull at -.r na I Iui,q r.*, ry nlid won n1no found for the channi:1 -. h -i ~. t:. rt; ti,ari,( ~. S. NnKhvjik, ti. :1. ,~ri.9tirKhOV, ;tiid ti-3 r-, i.-:t,.r r-,r., ~ f,r anal3tance . Thtrre are 10 fl~,:uroo , 2 tableu , and 2 Suvi--t r,f~r,ncea AuFujt 17, 1)61 Tqble I Ataction cruou sectirinu in the core center. L c,,,- n a 1(1 1 Reactionj (,) experim-if ; ' 5 ) a cajouiat( d, givcn r, Darns . Fig 7 rf,!utron trnnsmioalor, spectrum (n-h,.-xarjo) f~)r the horiz,,ntal channel B-3. Card KRO.T.11F, V.Yu.; SFI-EN7,', YlI.N.; A.R~:'-YUNO';, E.A.; '-'iOPOZO*',, Ya. -LM 'hp:7i ca", -I v -esis ',a :-erE 7,---Je 2f -Z, n~-e --&7 ' ,wa.9',es. Foros-..7-e~. ,u t r -% ft~:- F,, oye -.a~8rip-c,vede-Va A:.* 0 tdle"; P." I L 2285-66 EWT(m)/EPF(n)-2/T/&IP(t)/F-iP(z)/WP(b)/a.'A(h) IJP(c) JD/H-I/tM ACCESSION NR: AP5016926 f5_ Uf?/0089/65/Ql8/006/0593/0601-i 621.039-538/539-125-52 AUTHORS: lBondarenko, 1. 1.1 (Deceased); Liforov, V. G.;_ Morozov, 1V. N.; NI_R__oTa_yev,, M. N.; Farfenov., V. A.; Semenov., V. A. I - - !TITLE: Measureme t of the neutron aDectrum in nickel, Iron. and Istainless steel. i ISOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 18, no. 6, 1965, 593-601 -TOPIC TAGS: neutron spectrum, neutron energy distribution, nickel, iron, stainless steel, nuclear reactor shield, neutron cross section ABSTRACT: The neutron spectra were measured by the time of flight method using a pulsed fast reactor (IBR) with a resolution of -0.04 tLsec/M., and with.high neutron intensity (.,.107 see-'). The energy ,region covered was that below I MV. The experimental setup is shown in Fig. I of the Enclosure. The spectra of the neutrons passing through various thicknesses of material disclosed the presence of'a 1 Card-1/3 L 2285-M 1ACCESSION NRS. AP5oi6928 0 fine structure due to the resonant character of the cross section of the investigated media. A preliminary analysis of these spectra was made by comparison with multigroup calculation and calculations based on simple models.. with account taken of the resonant self-screening ,of the cross section, shows certain discrepancies between theory and experiment, the reasons of which are briefly discussed. 'The authors thank 0. D. Kazachkovskly, L. N. Usachev and V. V. Orlov for valuabl( discussions, F. L. Shapiro and Yu. S. Yazvitski for advice and the opportunity of using EFe-neutron detector and the multichannel time analyzer of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, and the IBR reactor crew headed by S. K. Niko- ,lavev for help, and V. Z. Nozik, Z. A. Aleksandrova, and L. M. Sereda Ifor participating in the experimental data reduction.t Orig. art. 1has: 6 figures and 4 formulas fASSOCIATION: None ISUBMITTED: i3ju164 i, ENOL: 01 SUB CODE: NP I jNR REP SOV: 017 OTHER: 005 Card 2/3 79 -W-- 1,2285-66 ACCSSSION NRx AP3016928 ENCIDME: 01 1 - scintillation detector; 2 -1collimator; 3 detector consisting of Born counters; 4 - monitor on a 50m base; 5 - prism =do of the research material; 6 - active zone of the pulsed fast reactor UM)l 7 - monitor an a 100mbase. ,.Card Figure Is Setup of tba experiment: L 2100-5-66 EE(;(k)-2/EWA(h) j3d (1)IMPT tWP(k) 'Tip(a) WG ACCESSION NR: AP5024711 UR/0056/65/0491003/0895/0904 AUTHOR: Basov. N. G.: B - 9_rozov__.V_M_., Orayevskiy. A. N. TITLE: Nonlinear mode interaction in a SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no. 3, 1965, 895-904 TOPIC TAGS: laser, stimulated emission, nonlinear optics, oscillation mode ABSTRACT: A theoretical analysis is conducted of the operation of a two-mode solid state laser. It is shown that the mode interaction can be described by a set of rate equations and that the steady-state regime is stab.'.e. The solution i of the system of equations depends on the frequency difference o.1, the modes. The two possible cases, nearly biharmonic and nearly harmonic oscillations, are analyzod. In the case of close modes the steady-state regime may be unstable, resulting in the appearance of undamped spiking. The laser operating regime is shown to depend on the shape and position of the mirrors and the quality of the crystal. Orig. art. has: 17 formulas and I figure. ICS) ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademli nauk SSSR (Physics Tnozf-itiife- rarfemu nF sr-fouras lzqr.L) lCard 111, 7 L 21005-66 - ----- ACCESSION NR: AP5024711 SUBMITrED: 03Apr65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: F-C,~ ss NO REF SOV: 010 OTHER: 012 ATD PRESS C;r-d 2/3,1~ ,L 3196-66 E-,,A(k)/FBD/&JT(1 .)/F_EC(k)-2/T/F_V*(k )IEWA i.m)-2/E.i,.(h I SC--r-B '-, _- ~ i (, 'j ACCESSION NR: AP501541h UR/0020/65/162/00h/0781'/678~ AUTHOR: Basov, N. G. (Corresponding member All SSSR) Morozov, V. N. 0~jay -~ I i _~VsK Y. A. DT TITLE: Dynamics of a two-mode laser ~'SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 162, no. 4, 1965, 781-78h TOPIC TAGS: laser, stimulated emission, mode, laser theory, laser cavfty ABSTRACT: A theoretical analysis is made of the operation of a two-mude iaser. !Simple substitution is used to obtain an equation containing the polarization and i :the electric field from a set of equations for a one-mode laser. The equation cb- can be expanded in terms of the eigenfunction of the field. Two special .cases are considered: 1) eigenfrequencies much greater than the width of each of the resonance lines and oscillations occurring at both frequencies (nearly bihar- monic oscillat-Jons) and 2) resonance curves overlapping considerably (nearly har- :monic oscillations). In the case of nearly biharmonic oscillations, applicaCiou of ;van der Pol equations to the system of equations obtainect t)y the authors results in a set of rate equations which, under certe-in simplifying assumptions, are identical ~to those obtained by W. E. Lamb (Physical Review, v. 134, no. 6A, 1964, p. 1429). '-Card 1/2 L 3196-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5015414 In the case of nearly harmonic oscillations, application of van der Pol equations leads to a set of equations for slow oscillations. An analysis of the resultinE equations shows that the intensity of emission consists of regular undamped osci"_ lations and explains some of the experimentally observed operating regimes. How- ever, the actual regime is much more complex and requires analysis of the inter- action of a larger number of modes. Orig. art. has: 5 formulas and I figure. [CS) sics ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (-P Institute, Academy of Sciences SSSR)d SUB1411TED: 04Jan65 EITCL: 00 SUB CODE: F_C,, NO REP SOV: 003 OTHER: oo6 ATD pREss: 4041 L 17985-66 FBD/EkIT(1)/F.EC(k)-2/T/EVIP(k)/gdA(h) IJP(c) WY A NR: AP6006804 SOURCE CODE: UR/0386/66/003/001/0054/0058 AUTHOR: Belenov, E. H.; Markin, Ye. P.; Morozov, V. N.; Orayevskiy, A. N. 5 ORG: Physics Institute bebedev._&ademy of Sciences SSSR (Fizicheskly institut Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Interaction between traveling waves in a ring laser SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pis1ma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, v. 3, no. 1, 1966, 54-58 TOPIC TAGS : gas laser, ring laser, helium neon 1"er, laser R and D, traveling wave interaction ABSTRAM An investigation of beat frequencies in traveling waves generated in a ring laser on a rotating platform may be used for highly accurate analysis of the spectral, statistical, and other characteristics of laser emission. However, fre- quency splitting A of the traveling waves takes place only at rates of rotation v greater than some critical velocity Vcr (or the corresponding quantity Acrl*2kVcr/", where V is the linear velocity of a resonator mirror, k is the wave vector). Cou- pling between traveling waves causes mutual synchronization at frequencies below the !critical value which results in single-frequency conditions. The authors studied 'Card 1/2 L 17985-66 ACC HR: AP6006804 the quantity Acr as a function of the parameters of a ring laser. A helium-neo *n laser, was used in this experiment (A=3.39 0. A spectral analyzer was used for measuring the beat frequency &. The capture band Acr was studied as a function of ,the coefficient of transmission for the output mirror. A reduction in transmission 'causes a sharp change in the capture band. Experiments were conducted on attenua- tion of the beam reflected from the external mirror by using a filter. Attenuation of this signal reduces the capture band. Various optical system were used for passing the direct and reverse beams to the photoelectric mixer with a simultaneous .reduction in the energy reflected into the resonator from the external mirrors. :Figures axe given showing two modifications of systems for reducing the capture band ;to 300 cps. The Q of the resonator was reduced for a further reduction of the band. .This was done by replacing one of the opaque mirrors in the resonator with a semi- transparent mirror. The result was a reduction in the capture band from 300 to 50 cps at the same output power. The magnitude of the capture band is determined by the reverse reflection of energy from various elements -in the resonator, scattering by nonhomogeneous media,and the nonlinear dependence of polarization an the field. 11he authors are grateful to N. G. Basov for valuable consultation and interest in the work and to V. V. Gromov for assistance in carrying out the experiment!' Orig. art. has.: 2 figures, 2 formulas. 1141 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 23Nov65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 003/ ATD PRESS: i Card 211C~--~ ACC NR- AP6024504 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/007/2256/2258 AUTHOR: Morozov, V. N. ORG: Physics Institute Im. P. N. Lebedev, AN SSSR, Moscow (Fizicheskly institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Generation due to traveling waves SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 7, 1966, 2256-2258 TOPIC TAGS: gas laser, traveling wave interaction, solid state laser, laser emission ABSTRACT: Investigations of the pulsation of traveling waves appearing in a rinp-type gas i laser make possible highly accurate studies of the spectral, statistical, and othgr character- istics of laser emission. An experimental study of a solid-state ring laser Aows that It acquires some characteristics which distinguish it from lasers with Fabry-Perot type resonators. The present author examines the interaction of traveling waves in a solid-state laser. The following expression is found for the frequency of harmonic oscillations: 03 = wn 7 _~ T where is the frequency difference of the natural frequency of the resonator from the center of the emission line. The deviation of the oscillation frequency from the natural ,,_4;c!!d 1/3 ACC NR: AP6024504 frequency of the resonator has the same form as that In lasers with Fabry-Perot resonators_ It is noted that Eq. (1) differs from the effect obtained-for the high A-d In the splitting of the emission frequency (B. L. Zhelnov, A. P. Kazantsev, V. S. Sn-drnov, FTT, 7,i 12816, 1965). No such effect is observed in the region of applicability of the equation obtained In the present work: -2ky,, 2h I -2~1 RI - h-; = -2h 2h yj x,, (2) ENS -f-hwa- -2hy,'., (4, -#--2hly,)x.,, i=l, 2, i-Aj, R1, where t'=uqt, Y, I d12RO T2 0 = Mn. 2-, hV T2, h-' T, 2k = 4nR,d2l,h-'T,, v, U4dV* W I Q N =IV4dV, iL,,=JuVdV, jL,=jA,=jL, and the normalized eigen functions (u,v) satisfy the condition E(X, 1)=I[E,.(I)U.(X) -+- E2.(t)V.(_r)1, Card 2/3 L 1-124-1~1 ACC NRj AP6024504 where us-sink~r, v.-coskx. Orig. art. has- 8 formulas. [26i SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 31jari66/ ORIG REF: OG4/ OTH REF: 004/ ATD PRF,'~S: .13 Card 3/3 L.,-It 2.1 2:~ - 6 C. ( 'K 'T T I ACC NR: AP6026934 SOURCE CODE: URT014'766[669Too4[O71016747 AUTHOR: Morozov, V. N.s Orayevskiy. A. N, ORG: Institute of Physics im. P. N. Lebedev AN SSSR (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSRY TITLE: Synchronization of spiking in lasers SOURCE: MZ. Radiofizika, v. 9, no. 4, 1966, 710-714 TOPIC TAGS: laser R and D, laser theory, solid state laser ABSTRACT: A. J. De'Maria et al.discovered experimentally (J. APP1. PhYs., v. 34, 1963, 453) that regular pulsation of the radiation power with a frequency of an external force is obtainable Ina laser by means of a periodic modulation of losses in its resonator. The present article offers a theoretical analysis of this phenomenon. The fundamental equations of a Q-switched laser are replaced by this X3 approximate nonlinear conservative equation: x+x(l+x)-- =0; the motion 1+X integral of this equation is: x'=(I +x) JC+21n (I +x)-2xi, this integral defines the phase trajectories of the equation and permits solving-. UDC: 621.378.3 L 421'18~r6 kCC NR, AP6026934 the equation by quadratures. This equation takes into account interactions between modes and contains stable maximum cycles. The maximum cycles are due to small nonlinear losses which depend on the amplitude of oscillations and which arise as a result of modes interaction. In the case of a ruby, the nonlinear losses that I amount to about 0.0001 radiation loss through the mirrors may result In a stable maximum cycle. This cycle may be interpreted as a result of a mutual synchronization between phase-shifted modes. Several maximum cycles can arise in a multimode model, depending on the relations between the modes. Depending on phase relations, various time-intensity relations are possible. With random phase relations, the output will be irregular. "The authors wish to thank N. 0. Basov for a useful discussion and V. I. Bespalov for his critical comments." Orig. art. haB-. 1 figure and 25 formulas. [031 SUB CODE: 09 1 SUBM DATE: 29mov65 ORIG REF: 005 / OTH RM 004/ ATD PRESS: 5~-O L 4~~l E',T(M)/_E7',tT ( e 27-66 1 A C C N R7 A P-070-2 7977 SOURCE CODE:UR10051166102110021023010232 A U T i -, 0 Rror zov, V. N. ~~, 2_2 ORG: none -.ITLE: Amplification of spontaneous emission in a medium with population Inversion Optika I spektroskoptya, v. 21, no. 2, 1966, 230-232 -OPIC TAGS: laser theorv snontaneous emission, population Inversion ABSTRACT: Amplification of spontaneous emission was investivated f'or the case of a homogeneous b od %..,hose lenp,,th was much greater than its diameter and which was __ _e uniformly over Its entire volume. P ;P a -lie problem was limited to a one-dimensilonal approximation with the assumption that the photons which are emitted spontaneously over the steradians are propagated Predominantly alon~r the rod in two possi- ble directions. "he amplification of spontaneous emission wa7, described by a system of nonlinear partial differential equations. The results indicate that In the case of snort rode;, rair, )er increases exponentially with len,-th at 'Irst, decreasini, subsequently due to an increase in the probability of dumping of active particles by the spontaneously emitted photons. At hi,-,her amplification cf the Card 1/2 UDC: 621.375-9:535 L 4'~127-66 ACC NR: AP6026977 soontaneous emission, the total ~~ain o' tne crystal linearly depends on length. At pumping intensities of 5-10, increase in gain with length is effective from 15-20 cm, and at intensities of 10-20 from 10-15 cm. At increased rod lengths the average gain per unit length decreases monotonically, thus indicating the advantage of using a series of small noninterchangeable crystals Instead of one long one to achieve higher gains. The problem becomes highly complicated when crystal shape, reilection, transmission, and scattering are accurately known. In such cases the proposed single model can be considered as a first approximation of the problem. Orig. art. has: I figure and 2 formulas. [YKI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 22Aug64/ OTH REF: 002 Card 2/2 EEC(k)-2 L 27661-66 _/EWA(h)/EWP(k)/F-WT(1)/FBQ/T W(c) WG ACC Nts AP6OWM SOURCE COM M/0109/66/01,7003/0514TO51a AUTHM Morazov, V. Oraye vsk*-_-_, A. H. ORG: Institute of Mysics, M SSSK (Fizicheskiy Instituto AN S35R) TITLE: Effect of Irregularity of radiation of molecules on maser frequency SCURCE: Radiotekbnika L alektronika, v. It no. 3, 1966. 514-518 TOPIC TMIS imaser, maser theory ABSTMOT: In explaining wby maser frequency changes on introduction of a second molecular beam, K. Shimoda, at al., believe that the traveling wave if; connected with the energy flow into the output wave ide (Pbys. Rev., 1956, v. 102, 1308; J. Aws. Soo. Japan, 1961, Y. 16, no. 9, IT28 - The present article disputes this point and offers a different explanation for the 0traveling-wavi effect(f. It points out that even when the output waveguide is absent, the maser frequency deviates due to :Irregularity (or nonuniformity) of molecule flight in the resonator, with or w1thout saturation. The field nonuniformity in a two-beam system is lower roughly by, two orders of magnitude than In the one-boaa system. "The authors wish to thank N. G. Basoy for the problem statement and discussions.0 Orig. art. has: I figure and 15 fo SUB GODE: 20 SUBM DATE: O9Dec64 ORIG REF: 002 OTH REF: 002 Card I UM 621,317,766,1-001-5 77- L 29555-66 EEC(k)-?/ ( I -)~ I - q4P 1-!iVT__ f IP(cl 3 ACC NRi AP6018052 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/168/003/0550/0553 AUTHOR: Basov2 N. G. (Corresponding member AN SSSR);,Morozov V. N.; Orayevskiy, A.N ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Fizicheskiy institut Akademit nauk SSSR) L TITLE: Contribution to the theory of undamped pulsations of laser intensity SOUFCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 168, no. 3, 1966, 550-553 TOPIC TAGS: laser emission, solid state laser, laser pulsation, phase diagram, light, pulse ABSTRACT: The differential equation for the intensity of laser emission, which in thq case of solid-state lasers reduces to an equation whose stable limiting cycle cor- responds to undamped oscillations of the laser emission intensity, is solved analyti- cally. It is shown that the solutions obtained approximate quite closely the phase trajectories of the system in a case of large depth of modulation. The solution con- sists of two parts. The first corresponds to a slow motion when the active particles accumulate and the amplitude increases relatively slowly. The second represents an increase in amplitude followed by a release of the stored energy by radiation during a short pulse. The analytic relations obtained are used to calculate the parameters of a scheme proposed by the authors (Paper at Scientiftc Congress in Leipzig, March 1965) to obtain short light pulses (Fig. 1). The periodic solution of the equations