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DASNOT, KA.. professor, saslushemyy vrach RSTSR3 XONMOTA, -N.1r., dateent P-A-,- sasluxh*Wy, vroch. i8?V**Abdllir*Vditslo- skikh, nank. TherW of oplphort* fast. oto-rim. 16 no.4t47-50 JTI-k 154. (MA 70): (LACRTKAL APPARATTZ diseases# *opiphorat tberes WITUSHKOt AX, PostsedLimenteLtion changes in mmLrir* c1V deposite of the Baku Archipelago region. Dokl.A)f SM 145 0c.5xjjjS_jj2G ,62, (KMA 15ta) 1.~ lAboroLtoriya gidrogeologichookikh problem. is. F,P.Savuenskogo AX &qM- Pr*dst&vl*nO, akademikou 9,KStraLkhoyyz,, (Baku Arohipsialo-Submarim pology) -;f~ SOY/123-59-16-640TT Translation fromi Roferativrvy zhurnale MahinostroyeaLye, 1959, Ur 16, P 70 (USM) AVrMH3 t SiAlya, I.N.., Konyushko, N.D. TZrZ2t The Determination of Dynamic Loads of the, Rolling Milt Kators raubt)ICAL.4 Tekhn .-skon. byul. Sov. nar. kh-vt Chelyab. ekon. adm,. r-na, 1958, Ur 1. 35-38- AB9TRACTt The, dynamic loads of the motor- of' & pilger will in the Chelyabit4sk Tube. Rol-ling Plant were determined. The rated capacity of' the motor waa 2,570 kw, the tension- 700 volts. revolving speed - 3T rpm; the most often repeated dynamic loads on the shatt of the pilger mill amounted tc, 3 - 4.'timen the nominal moments- The maxImm torques were 6 - 7 times the nominal ones. The maximum brakingtorques occurred at the moment of 'the i"ct. The divergence between the calculated and experimental data, when dotermining the tangent str*sses, did not exceed 12 - 15%. The sug- gestod. methods ot calculating and investigating the transitional pro- ceases o-~ D.C. motors of rolling mills,can. &1sa Le employed.fgr motom with heavy flywheel masses and abruptly variable loads. 4- drawings, 3 re- ferences. Card 1/1 K.G.M. VArNSHTEYY,e G.R.r MAXASTAX, If.Sh.1 MORrUSUG, V.NA..' Determination of safe concentraticng or air in natural gas at pressures up to 350 at. Trudy VKIITB, no.10M-74 '59. (KRA 15:5) (Gas, Natural) IOFBII O.A.1 MCFIZA-, A.Kh.j DUBYANSKIY. M.A.; HHENKO, M.A,, general- Wor, rod.1 HITODAM, Tu*Aop red.; BUZOVSWA, N.A.,, tekbn, red, [Tactics in. modem combined mw operations; collection. of tranolated artioleal Taktika oovrevemogo obahch"oiskoyogo boia; abomik perevodrqkh. o'~ateis, Soots. i parevodchiki G,,4. Win, A.1h.Monsal H.A.Dubianakii. Red. i predial. M.A.Milanko. Y.oakraj Voen. isd-vo "a obor. SM, 1961. 222 p. (MIFLA 14t11) (Unified operations (Flnt=7 ecleace)) Concomitant courve of ocarlatina and rhmmtisz. Top. okh. Pat'. i dot. 7 no*5t6O-61 My. 162. (M:ERA 15r6) L, Is kafedry dstakikh infektaiy (say. - dotsent G.A.. 8 1 zeuovw) Owkogo moditsinskogo,instituts; imeni KJ. X&,lfnlna n& base detakcT infektaiortnoy boltuitay Kosl (gl&YW vrach P.P. Timokbina), (SCARIAT FZM) (RMHATIC M y F,onzhi.yev,!~Mys F. -K. lo-leal Data." irkuts': State F~dical Tnst. Trkutnl ror Tlegree of Doctor of V(-,dicil sciences.) S I I 10: rnizhney-. LettorAst, No. 23, vormmr, jun 55, p-p V-AC4 Kojuansar, x.A. Cerebral eyoptams La arriago"elia not complicated br srriagobulbis. Zhmr.nevr. t patkh. Supplevent:22-23 '57s (KMA 11:2) i. raredrs aarvaykh bolesner (car. - prof. Xh.G.Khodow) rrkutak:cco uedAt4iaekogo tnatttmta. (STRINOOKULLL) USSR Human and Animal Physiology, The Nervous System. T Abs Jour-. Rer 7-hur-atol,, No 9. 1958t 41684o Author Monchlyevskiyo Et A. Title The Status or the Ventricular System and or the Subarachnotd Spaces of the 8raln In Syrtngomyelia (Pneumcencephalographic Data). Orig Pub: Zh. neuropatol, I pstkhtatrits 19570 570 No 50 597-599, Abstract*. Pneumoertcephatography in 59 patients with syringo- myella (S) demonstrated the presence or air In the ventr1cular system and In the subarachnold spaces of the brain In 38 cases, In the subarachnold Card I/Z V-SR / Human and Animal Physiology. The Nervous System. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol,, No go L958t 4L684. Abstracti spaces only In 19 cases, In 15 patients a sharply defined assymetrIcal Internal patent hydrocephalus was notedt In ZZ cases it was moderately severe; a mild external hydrocephalus was noted In 6 patients; In Z9 patients the roentgenological picture was that or adhesive arachnoiditts, Signs of carebro-spinal nerve Injury were present In the majority of patients, and also some psychic dis- orders, The clinical-pithoLogical syndrome of chronic hydrocephalus characterices the early, a& well as the late, stages of So S is a disease of the entire CNS, -- So FA, Shteynberg. Card Z/2 III LNTC411ANI, Claudio, PrOf.(HIIAnO)j MONZINI, kndrea,dr.(Hilano) Applieation of co14 for seat proserva.tion. Aeta. chicioa, H=g 23, na.1/4039-346 160. (Ew lot?) I., Centre "rimental du Proid, do Milan. (moat) (Glycogen) KMZI.Ni, Andrealdre (Milano) Some aepects of the preser7ation of' fmits and TOgOtablear, b.- means of' refrigeration and prerefrigeration, Acts, chimica Ehmir 23 no.1/41 43~-08 ~ 160., (Sur 10:9) 1. Gmtre "rimental du Frold, Milan. (Food.) (V'Sg,*t&bles) USM/lb-n and Animal Ebysialogr (Iforral ana PaUublagical) T-13 Effect of EbrLeal Factorsi loalzIng Radiationo Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Blol*#' No 16# 1958# 75M Author : Astrakhan, D.V#p Honzull, G.De : Second Moscov VW That Mcal Ins tute. Title QuWAtative Digplacer=ts of Lmkocytotic Reactions Durin(; Radiation Sicknesse Ori g Pub Uch, zape 2-y Moak* made ta-t, 1957, 6, i44-i5o. Abstract 3 =I of sterile cov's milk, pro-heated to 37-38P was In- troducod into the Cemordl macIc of Woged and run-axpo- sod cats (26)e The blood was taken from a akin incision in the oar before introduction and in the c-ourso or 5-14 hourts after it (each hour)e After the introduction oC nilk into the unexposoC. animls,, a two-phase leukacyvtic reaction was observede Durizv~ 1.2 hours amll IaWwpenia Card 2/3 UBM/U=aa and Arilml Phyviology (Normal and PatholoGical), T-13 Effect of Physical Factors* Ionizing Ra=tione: Abs Rof Zhtw. - Bials, No 16f 1958,, 752D (-12*6%) vas decreasod by an increase of the: quantity 4~r laukocytes (L) on avaraC;e of 125s8%& In the courea of 5- 12 vocks afterexposure by a one time dose of 500 a (180 kwp 0,5 m Cu arA I m ;d; 20 min.) foliowine the intro- duction of milk, sharp and deep leukopenia developod, The increase of the quantity of r, approaching the norm van ob- served in 50 hours* AlonZ v1th. sucha "paradoxical" reac- tion. (Pl)j, a "transitional" (r2) type of reaction was met, Uhich combined featurea of wrmal and "paradoxicaJ " Pa reaction of an early Group (4-5th veek), I&ea the q=tttY of L in the peripheral blood is restored. In Its turn, P is displaced by P Vhan the original number of L is in- cPoased up to 23.0_2W of the level currently fowA before exposum P 2 of the later croup appear vith the oriGinaL lavela WUch cot;priso 300-350~ of normal. The,observations described point to the inversions of reactiveneea of the Card 2/3 - 103 - ! .A.- ~, 1,. Orculating Riemwn spacee of reCular Cartan "'-aces; an eycerr:t of r-n article. p. 210, Bulapest, :iunj,,ar.N-), Vol. 4, 'No. 2, 'Ci 10 1 " I 11 nthly Rvt of znut Europorun Accev-sions, C Vo . L "n ~ncl. o. . 50 May 1955, 4L Y?11~4, Euro;-,aan Accessions List, %'ol M) 10, Oct IV~54, Lib. of r~ncre an uj)ll So64 Gy tllo~!r ,xffin;:mmmrnh5ngvndc 41 ft , AfAltJgkCltCn ' Aoa x4ath. ,*::,-cw--d 16 soodere d"en iquivaltra. - ~ -4 2 0~5 5), 2 I x( H. b'o l!10,-Inging lo a p,-ant-rm,.fold P.. An 11, th--~ J-~7jr -ij, Nkjlrr,~ li, 4 a h-qp~'t. Ch,j F-ki!t It-, it cr 0 ~m nv-v 1 ;,-1! mit i-i I of a vfrfrq- Mmly. Thi,; H. A7 j-I t~t, in Vhich H, k rt-,Orit; L(-t, 14,1, g -sclidirw fovatial!" On,!` al,,io t1w Ole !IUA03 041 -uvino -2 10 fr;qpkU zill jo U0, ri U314, I:kjlp v slunoidal qnold( v s 1JIM, "..ki4j 3'n-,ul onufutp;4 5 MUO-1sunb jo ~jo-7qj aill 'ut a~uvisut .16; sa (a Q;ow ;np Pwmo-~Ur 4til.)"'Irld tjj~it p2plOijucia "i, ' R$Uih; 3111 tV '1A I 'JI! " A l ~ I Ut ILAUJI 11;xW Z It"113i L,! Pa)1'1JULUoT;;p1 Xrtu ,If '-Onis 'oonUjadns Yui~pj U-1pj'jF:- til -JUA $I ImIll 01 j~-Zulj..'m ;~-'j Itio"na a?-") llj~i; ~Fv) IV) Ual u1 ploq jou op words ;~ijSlltj U1 T~!JT:A 'o-j3(jXffQ I . . .1 U --.' o"i suo'.4 Upi G q 1 00 L1,) jWV JU. SWM011 JOUoi OU PC, UN I 'UT': ")1jjZAU r 01 T'j - -v ST (I 2)";j uuqj 5awills -tl~ A q n2 I u I ',;I (j J1 Ill!, .1 10 5,1ATIU, IT4 U'm I /q it 'SL!o-q1jmo:) uwj; io o U o jym jL:--!;uv-j ~,q I1 1 plopurw iful"(11 qiun w". )o 4 ij?UO)~"W;a Uh) 11 WZ;qn "(~l "t) fi t., o! 1-111i1 tl;~i 11 il-Drillo, 7y w~ v)v `aijp L~p QU;.)W[A-;~) WU,13 ju e'ml Idiffercritial giviqg rk:-. V) 1 -0 ~,ct-i r V, it Inetsug. It i -.. st ipul it - I t ha t tYw ci-~variaiit (1trivativ es of t tip- gVarlis 4111 ng, 'icr i-Nith furthcr rrinto COMP Icatir) condluoiis, to it parlial &., ter-ii ilia ti-m of The v~nnecti,in j,:,ram,:!t r3, (Fhe am ther's analysis in �. 2 Concerning, , thn umi,jumti% of the litter is erroneous; i Wthtymm the of urlain inverse =trk", lea& to unforttinate non-explicit formulations.) Fimlcr I its rim charact~:r'~cd in irrm7, bf.thia georneltry. while S 't ra gtodesicl do nutf in gtrit-ral coincide with, the auto- parallel curvm Curvatum tcas~,)rs and Bianchi identitim: are derivtd. Part If of the paper is devuted to a gentr- filigation (by imans of Me dcrivativei) of the ,Avrk of': '641 on groups' -A Knobelman [Amer. J. If nah. 51 (1929 $4;L of motions in Fln~. ~.rrLla~r_v J,() ,~-HOCRLAt-Wepd) Data on the covariant dorivation determinod fromt gik. Ac-t& &at Hung 11 no.11W75-186 ~60. (EU1 9t12) Is Tergelegt van G*Mjoso (Yoctor analyats) (Calculus of tensors) (Goomtry) MOOR, Arthur (5z.-ged) . - .... 1 1. Data on affine Finsler spices of scalar curvature. Act& math Szeged 22 no.3/4tl57-189 161. 1. SubmittAd May 260 1960. f MOOR, Artur r, tion or no.1/2t2Cr7 projective invariant tensors. Hmt lapok 13 162,. HODRO~ A. (Szeged) - . - Objecta of'permansat, transtormation groups. Araialea Fol math ~13 no.ltl9-31 163. W'Jtt, Arthiv- (5zogcii) li~ ofj-aative alterstior, of' tranjpoiti~.-. '.,!; Ilroot.- aultitj& s. Azta xat~. lzogel 24 '63. I. q~ihkittsd SoptA%bnr 10, 11%2. PfOORS A, Ccnfamal i-nd projeAlre derormatlen cf the ~iu-mtrzzv of point spaceare Act4m mat HLmg 15 no.l/,lt67---,5 t64 I* Eblymi Institut, joeser mut UnIvcr-sitati, Steged, VtrgeleCt rm 0o Varga. M.OOR, A. ........ Equation of autoparallel dsviation in n-lizensional 11no-sr elementary apdces. Acte math Szeged 25 no.3A%266-282 164. 1. Submitted April 16, 1964. Y-,XRO D. 1. -1-1 1 Xffeative horsepower of sUgle-ecrev ships, tTo be co=luded)v . Brodogradnja .1~ Do,3tlO5-119 162,, MMO D.L .Iffectivo borsepowr of xixigle-mcmv *Ups. Brodogradnja 13 noo4tI25-135 162. 1 - - jr'~'-eja- r- !t--j37'- -- --- -- - - - -- ---- -- - - - --- - - -- - - - - - Soils- TLen Shan Smo date on water soluble organic matter of primarjr soils. in the =UvAia-forest wag of-Terskey kla-Tays. Trudyt, Inst., geog,, AX 33SRl, no. 49r, IM, XguthIr "gt of Rusel" !gaeselo , Ubrarr of Congress, NbTem~-)er 1952. UNCLLSSIFLO. GLLZOTUATA. K.L.-,, KOOR. N.G. :Drcmm mo%lataia-atepw soug of the resyt-rui plain in gmirlAiA crop, rotation. 2i.%Ar rnst.geoc. uo.6pd3q-i56 154. (mLRL 8w) (Issyk-tul region-Soile:)! (Soils-losyk-Xul region) MOOR, 1.0. GroW composition of orpaic matter of' a series of primary Iloilo, of, the mmmtaln forest eons of' the Terskol Ala,-7~m razge. ?rudr no.60tl7l-178 154. (XLRA, 80) ofierskei AU-Tau-7orest soils) (Forest soils--~hrskai Al&-Uu) rh . A~ 2. USM (60D) 4. Baltic Be& Region - Archaeology 7. Soew pmblmx In the archaeological investigation of the Baltic Sea region. Kr&t.*oob,1DQC no. 42, 1952 Vont~jr-Lint of Rue-viar; Acceutionsy. Library of C;ongroast. Harch 1953t Unclawtiftod. apt=--- SSR / General Divialon, Congreaaes, Uonventions, X-4 Conferences ba Jourt Rer Zhur-Bialogilap No 5j 1958, 18FS75 1/1 . R, uthor Moore Own 'Itle t The Joint C6nferenca on the A-rohsology, Ethnography, and Anthropology of the Baltic CourLtriax at. Vilaius rig Pub: .1tv. AN RatSSR, 1955t Ho 2, 326-327 betract: At the conference (20-31 MaT 19551o there were heard reports on the population or the Baltik=--La the) light of anthropological data (Iakimav.from L&ningrad and Kark frotm Tallinn), on the aathropilogT of Belorussia (Duan),,, and on the cultivated plancs and weeds in Latvia according to archeologicel. materials (Rasinsh and Rigi). ard "K voprozv-i a vo zn C'n I report, ~,ubadttc-~ for 'Ith Intl Colik, K~scow, 3-10 Aug 64. MICEX,jt. Technicka spolupracel, JAINACEOU, ff.; t'jWrZajA,j' 71-,,e trial to follow t~.e charges of eosinophil comt as an Indicator of skill. Cesk. hyg. 9 no,4CI93--P-01 t4r%4. 1. r,-,todra, hygieny deti a dorostu 1&,arske fakulty hygle- nicke KU (Karlovy university]. Praha. moguchaia. industrial Inaia.derzhava. Koskva, Moskovskii rab-,2chii, 190. 79 p. Tht U.Mqt is a poverful industrial a Late. E'Lcc HC335.F59 SO: Manufacturing and Mechaniml Fzrineering in the Soviet Union, Library ot Congress, 1953. mmj, L. I Djmp=d=AAC of parmamnt an tg =ads moWs, Nsghjz"troorm la noel.,31-32 for omll diroaf,~zlt it. 163*, ..I,* SOV/124 SR -' 16;1 Translation from- Refera-,---,yy zhurnal, Mekhanika. 1958. Nr 2. p M 11USSR) A-, AUTHORS- Mora mE-VzAU- ( Mora, A , Inf; c r-ta. j - de la W TITLE- Influence of the Chemical Composition of Fuels on Detonation MiyaniVe Kbim;-'Veskago sosta%d topliv na detonatsiyu) PERIOWCAL- V xb. : 4 v MezhdtLrar. neft. kongress. Vol 7. Moscow, Gontekhizdat, 1q57 pp 455 -457 ABSTRACT- A presentat-on of tf~e results of an experimental investigation of detonation ir. internal combustion engines. The existence of several pressure wa-ves was discovered during the combustion process in the cylinder-, these waves are characterized with reference to their effect upon the working of the engine. Tv:c kinds of fuel dre compared, namely, pardf(in and aromatic fuel,-: having the same octane ratinF. The pressure fluctuations occurring during combustion with concomitant detonation are SMdller in dromatic fuel. V. L Troshin Card 1/1 ~~j ArAras,, ins* (Ada# Petefl Sandora 55) .11W of sylindrical cogwheelmr. T*hnika Jug l7no.lOr ftWlot Hasinotyo 11 no.10:1909- 0 162, 11 Pmoenkk tahnickog direktora fabrika alatnih masim i supcanika. 'Potigle", Ada, dr.1 WMCHIIIG,Pvp dr.1 PELLE, Me, dr.1 dr.; PMIX, Adrian&, dr.1 Alimentary taxi-infection caused by Salmonella typhimurium after Ocinslumption of cottage chease. Microbiologia (Bueur) 9 no.6t $43-546 N-D -'64 1. Inoraro ef-jetuata la In spectia do stot pentru igiena si protectia muncit (Valita (directors dr. M. Pelle)* HASZ, Istvatt; VAJTA, Laszlo; K115, Istvanj HDRA, Ferenc; IU.SZTOCZKr, Erno; DEUN, Sandor OrgvA2ffti=a1 qmestionx of the gas: induvtz7. Eneigia as atom 13 no.3pll7-121 Mr 160. L rovaroni Gasawsk (for Maj. 2. Mapenti Ptrtbisottsag Zpari Ositalr& (for Dekazx),. MORA, pAnrista ', ing. Leather humiditjr and itir inrluenm on the rerilts of mchmical proce9sing'. Industria usoara, 3 no.7sZ79~280 ig [i,e.Jll v56. "The introduction or new technique as an active factor in the increase of pro4uction and labor productivity in the leather industry." P. 199 (Industria Lrsoara) Vol. 4, no. 5, Kay 1957 Pucharest, Rumania SO: Monthly radex of East European Accessions (EFAI) W. 701. 7, no. 4. April 1958 MOP~L~~ .00 "For a continous mechanization in the leather industry.0 F,236 (Industria Uscara) Vol. 4,, no. 6,, June 1957 charestp Rumania SO: llontlLly Index or East European Acceisaicne (EFAI) W. VOL. 7, no. 4, Lpril 1958 Country IRumanic rf Abs. Jour 1 41140 Author !Fore, Z. Institut. T 0~~ Tltlo 9 Chrin"ge Temperature aad tqe quoxIlity ot Cemi- finiahed L,~ather Products Or 1e Pub. Ind Usnarm, 5, 1,'o 7, 243-2.49 (1958) Abstraot IThe author his made in annlymi r of the relation- ship between shrinkage temperature (ST) and the d products ob- vaticus proportion of aemiftnicht tained in the coiirr* of the procoasinr of tho hide&, usirr tht reaa.%rchev of Soviet scientirtm an a bAsIn. ST in a function of the nature and etsount of tanrinsr slibrtarcem precent and from that point of viow ST In a relatively mastly d*term,',n#d inlex of the dogroft of collegen fixa- tion,(leatherin,r] t&kingr pl&ce durins- tannage. A linear relationship between an,! aoc~i-nical ntrength is observed orly at the b*ginninsr of the tanninr, proress wher. the crons-linkel I%ttic* dner Cam 112 yau, H. rncrossed rosixt4wce of' Isaaer soles to ve&r and tear ascrited to. the improTed quality of products. p. 44-0. IS-713fIRTA USOAPA. (Asociatia StUntifim a Inginerilor si Technicieftilor din Rominia, xi Departamentul Industriei Uaoa-re din Hin-isterului, rndustriei Eturturilor do Cons=) Bacuresti,, fb=&nim. Vol. 5, no. 12, Dec. 1959. Konth-ly Ust of Kant European Accessions (ZW) LC, Vol. 9, No. 6,, Sune, 1959. UNC.L. *eMnIvitioa in the leftthfr Wuatrf* p.214 uxpat. (Aacciftti-~ Sti-AIrfica P Tngiaerilor ai -elmicionilor Ailn Ro-Ards ai Deprt--ratul Irducitri,?i U~"-rel Un 4-intaterxAui Iaduatriel Duxxilor de 'Consum) Uuvurasti, Rumnim Vol. 6, no. 6, jualt, 1957 'Sonthly List of FAst European !,ccea3lons 1-C., Vol. 0, na.1, An. 1963 unal . New conceptson the structure of' collagrne p*90,f Ita'j,mU 19cAPI. (isociatis. StiIntil"ics, a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din RraLnii si Departa-ent-al lndus~riei Usoare din Vinisterului, InduatrifU F~urkurilcr de~Conaum) Ducuresti, Romania. Vol. 6, no. 3, ~~r. 1959. YcmtUy List of EAst European Accessions (EU-1) IC, Vol. 8, no.7, July 1959 Unc 1. XMI. Henri i:4. ,-- IntroftatLon of nav technics in the leather industry of the WSR in the light of the tasks laid dcmm by the 22d Congress of the Comsuniat P&rtr of the Soviet Dnion. Industz*ia; umoLrs, 9 no,306-91 Mr c62a XMAS . Ift- Utor aboarpti= index of eols leather. Inductria uacara 10 uov5tI77-180 I(r 163. MRA, Ifenristap in&,.; SEUL, An&, Ing, Oulfanie groups in tanning extracts and their quantitative determination, Industria, usoam 10 no.9075-377S 163* , .4nrielii, lr,?,. I,Ifitl'3n'-e -f Zl_",fC:-'.-- Itl the ,,-I t,..p qu'LlIty -,f L;~ ! f, , ~4afvsl r" .i -AI.Lqtr 1 -1 ", I r.,.V.,r . , ~". -)?5 Ja 164. WIRA, fkrzriptni. inv. ~ 1 41, 1, "W, 1~4 ~ " .~, 6: "-. ~ I! - ~ , - .." z: -! ., , " et 4, % . !.:~e r f collageas 4 uxcriev ',I ~, Fj I .1r,,tt.strIM 1), Tl-*:,~' I , - ... NIDRA --p-ir t I larter. Motu. awl, wu I flung ~ Am, Cafes. .941-fiftl'i 31110 131 IMUlt II(WalIXIII) #34 It Ii In low qv , I an-it it It UrAxt. orrsopt ew -p hoo with hattit Ial A m IIAI. Julien X, wtv" , aval lorpot 4146 L. I"Wit It-top . 14wra, V t s t. MA411v, tilt 414 0.4. C4 *%It% k inorsawtv ivoolt t ,4 26 0, J, is. Wvk, A4.41 imis. A titilsoliott 30 into., O"w S.2t g. !% IJ8% 4*-)W 404,1n, M 13&' - it 1 (do (me I Awl M I in F10 R. 4 JA g. iti; t 1. H #0. it* 'vollortwo at some trio With CCh 2 AS if ' 40- IMC41tic)(SWeI70 M. to- 10)" '1=11d. 1~. 11110W d-"wol. dat I t if X, I'l M OA 1. 1(00' tmtvd at "A W*k k-(% WHO a 1,11111 lrooflor givIt a 3 A. W w Motaftoo-A'At if'"t at wrift &I.(*" I tjolt (Itoluttj I ", W-1 1. 1,q hom' it 1611,fit it Flh~ I M Igo 1% on- 20 A, * tN via" tvaliotal moults Ii,aft tha, 4WINM .4 C14%, M If in ribe? at W. the owever Mf tfhorl rw~ls n ao."'.Xj olk. To--- F'. lwm* sior? 1-1k.1i'mil 14 a J.-Ittv"lev" (1111 IA 11 11, J (in 1 1. la-alrd fit min- at-lor Its. ft P OF dkws~e jac Kim- slv~, 1 -13 lic I OLS jt~ dielorwoopuripyran, tn. I 1 (10 of in 31" cc, 1;0() at 51) . loydragoolosted ovoor I'd-C (2 to" &W %be t4 I. , saw. UtAted witit c0ol. ji-,re low itaid. ~pd firtrviotdated as TV 1cf. Brim1w, G. &N, ob. t4dAirlowl. ,Via lao,doilf-Ir 1-.- hi~ dialid. is- ft-tft"t r. 4 1, y Italatto, (itivet ry bir fk ting At-*#- k* "t J~ A Til"I'l-Ift ((A too vim", by "Sulint 3a Milo. wmk Ae#*)- AcON*, tat the wevolpt*4 Ptirps. 0( tilt ftim". or cilt Shaking It ilk It to RtOff 30 Ion. at W-70".. 111 (9, 9 j &c RE or. A-COIC, onliett tepwr a( 0' "A'th & cc. "." - *,.It At4)111, oi~l . llp( 9 Ist. st. Pr If%A. '11thf. w0l; 4 ~ . oitvNi, 7A I Af the d.-M '04 IV, (4#0 W4 if. f.4'.tt N'st 4.1tv of I'T 4MI -Wk" C ( ), yn~. fh4. teatils. at., It-i, litiltioN~t.1f,k lilt .,s~t %1,. 1, $1. I~ it III in 74 to A,A)II. lf,Atrj at I * "llk 1-* " .'. 11%t1i, (,I I I). io.pq I I'l. . ",I IPAI~J N, M'~' At Vk". fl". it., I 's 'N~q I't'~' 4"'t , - V-I* !A ..... J- I V (I g ~ ill '."' " A'I)I1. i~,J A( &,-* kth, J " It %kl' jA 1.0o in V A,011. st-1 kapt --tat hr. oc c-*n irtnol.. 61il-cs 1 9 C4 6,JF',fA 4stw4%'J'-GJo4kW?*r(-6- p)wse , so, ~ this ritstifts a1w on; har.lum 4 V e-Vandlew and MtCO givor the d,-.Vt s4U cif fu P..seA~ *Jry'4tw#sd~~Aw't.-Ar. M. G'w 41' -h.L cj( 11W 1 "q .1- ft 9--f. 1 A'. 6. "Mtv,e(f~c 4 l',r (&' f.4 Wj, at a cen4rvmdvx ptatwt wsils lf,,oklf. oK. av. Owk FkW Wj,~ of The J(orw , m. 134% S'A444(40 &w. 4 tit. m, U~-A% 441~;- 2.4410~' "cOXj(.Cl(o cat" not 1w cmpkvy*t bmsew c I($ immob"r m Aw*1f ne Allw1i cAwk~wwiaft 0( a -w4w. o4lOC41(.Cll0*stk t vw,(. I a"- 14 wwlw fl"~ o-ll(KWCeCl( CA