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KOPTYUG, V.A., REZVUKHIlf, A.L. ZAYEV, YeJa.,- YQUIT, Tu.K. Structure of the complex of mesity-lens with aluminua bromide and hydrogen bromide. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.9.-1700 S 1633@ (MIRA. 16:9) 1. Novosibirskiy- institut, organicheskor khimii i Institat khimicheskoy kinetiki i goreniya Sibirskogo otdaleniya AN SSSR. '(VBsity-lene) (Aluminum bromide) (Hydrobromic EL-aid) MOLIN Yu N, -CHKEIDZE, I.I.; WUN, Ye.P.; BUBEN, N.Y&.j VUV-- V.V. Formation of radicals in the radiolysis of solid organic substances. Fart 2t Y5eld of radicals in benzene and biphenyl derivatives. Kin.' i kat. 4 no.4,.557-560 -11-Ag 163. (MMA 16:11) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fizik:L All SSSR, Institut khimicheskoy organicheskay- k-himii All SSSR, BUBER, N.Ya,; PRISTUPA, A.I.-AHME[EV, V.N. Eleat-ron. paramagnetic resonance spectrun of the cycloh*Fl radical.formed in the radiolysis of cyclohexane in the gas- crystal state. Dokl. AN SSSR:152 no.2-00-355 S 163. (MIRA 16 U) 1. Institut, khimicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR i Institut khimicheskoy kinetiki i goreniya. Sibirekogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. Predstavleno akattemikom U.N.Semenavym. 'ULA MOLIN, Yu.N.; K -F-OVA, G.I.; LATCIIOV,, V. Ye.; YAKOBSON, G.G. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of polyfluorochlorobenzene fluorine. Zhur. strukt. n" 5 no.5t7gl-793 S-0 164 1. Institut khimicheskoy kinetiki i goreniya Sibirskogo otdele@- niya, All SSSR i Institut organicheskoy khimii Sibirskago otde- leniya All SSSR. KOPMG, V.A.; RIM"WIMIDII, A.I.; ZAY-E7, Ye.Ye.; Camplexes of aromatic hydrooarbons vith met trul halides and hydrogam balies. Part 1'.1luclear magnetic resonance speatra of - -,sityl:ene complex vita alun1r-um and hydrogen bromides. Zhur.. ob. khim. no.12-.3999-4003 D t6,I, 1. Sibirskoye, otd&ieniye AN Q'SSRv IIorosibLr-3k-y inst"tut. organi- cheskoy khimli Thstitut khiaicheskoy kinetiki i goreniya. D7.IZENKO A. K.'F ZtYFV,.Ye. Ye.; YELYAKDV, G. VOYEVODSKITY, V. V. NMR spectra:of genins from glycosides of Pan= ginseng C. A. Mey. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. It,92-94 My t64. (MMA, 17:5) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial im. V. L. Komarova Sibirskogo, otdaleniya AN SSSR i Institut khimicheakoy kinetikk i goreniya Sibirskogo Gtdeleniya AN SSSR. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Voyevodskiy). N Yu.N.; PETROV, A.K.; KULAKOVA, G.I.; YAKOBSOIT, G.G. Analysis of polyfluoroahlorobenzena mixtures by the methods of nucioar magnetic.resonance and infrared spectroscopy. Zhur. anal. khim, 20 no.350.196-397 165. (MIRA l8t5) I ,Institut khimichaskoy kinetiki i goreniya i Novosibirskiy- institut organichaskoy khimil Slbirskogo otdeleniys L-, 555R. . MOLIN, lu.N.,- LESHINA, T.V.; WMIEV, V.P. ftft.ft ........ Correlp-tion of protca chemical shif tl with Taft fs irt-duccluon d-congtants. B&I. AN SSSR 163 no.2-.402-405 JI 165. (MIRA 18M 1. Institut kh:Lmicheskoy kinetiki i goreniya Sibkrskogo otdeler-iya AN I SSSR i Kovosibirskiy institut.organicheskoy khim-4i Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. Submitted December 23, 19644,. . i@k 'r, I - NA=UKHIKf YuJ.; MOLIK, Yu.M.F KNaW, V.L.i RYKGU, V.I.; SAWANIK, R.I. Cames of sigral-broadening of water proton resonance in DNA solutions.. Biofizika-l0,-no43i4O8412 165. (MIRA 19:10) l..'.Institut- kbi mi cheakay. kinetiki 1, gorehiya, Novosibirsk i Inatitut taitologii i genetiki Sibirskogo otdleneiya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. Submitted Dec. 1, 1964. @-soum CODF.: _UR/0195/66/007/002/0230/0236@ F.@ krmok i chkheidze, 1. 1.- Us N. Himnov V. F. V9 ye, A.* I Ya. Voyevodskly V. d-AN SSSR) ORG Instittite'-Of Chemical Physics AN SSSR (Institut khimichesk,6y Atikf' 'Instituie _oUKS e-tics and -Combustion, So AN SSSR Qnstitut kinetiki i goredya So SSSR);.Institute Ff- anic-Chemistry im. N. D.-Zelinsk1j, AN SSSR (Institut Mzani-_: chisk@y-@Mii AN SSSR) -TITLE,.' -Formation of -radicals during the radiolysis of organic solids. Part 3: EPR -radiation y1eldsof radicals in certain-organosilicon compounds spectra,and.- -SOURCE: Ainetika i k1taliz, v. 7, no. 25 1966 -230-236 @TOPIC TAGS-*.- free radical, organosilicon compound, irTadiation effect EPR spectrum, The EPR method ins used to investigate the'radical processes'invo-ved in',-. the low-iemperature radiolysis of certain organosilicon compounds with a view-to de- temining the effect of,the silicon atom entering-into the aliphatic chain.on the ef-I fectiveness and direction of primary radiachemical processes.. The radiation yields of the radicals -(G formed by@ irrcadiatin@ undo with fast electrons at tem R per4tures from .-130 to -1006C'wera 40termifie'd by tht EpImetholA. , It was -found that G@ for saturated and aromatic -substituted derivatives of tetr@methylsilane did not UM 541.15-16 C6rA i/2:. t (5787-66 EWT(1) IJP (c ACC NR& AP6029851 SOURCE CODE: URf0032/66103210081,093310943 1,AUTROR:._'Holin, Yu. N.; Chibrikin, -V'# Maj,,S@balkin, V. A ; Shuvoloy, V, F, 51 ORG: Inatitute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR-(Institut khimicheakoy fiziki Akademli. nauk SSSR) ITLE: Accuracy of measuring the concentration of paramagnetic entities by the EPR t od me SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v, 32, no. 8, 1966, 933@943 TOPIC TAGS: , EPR spectrometer, spin resonance, error measurement EPR 2 spectrometer,, RE 1301 spectrometer ABSTRACT: The purpose of this investigation was to make a systematic study of the er-;* rors, involved In the quantitative determination of the number of paraday-net a entities: (atoms,, radicals, Lons* etc*) using the electron paramagnetic resonance method, The spectrometer operated at a wavelength of 3.2 cm with lMHz modulation of the magnetic field. A cylindrical cavity (Hull) of diameter 45 mm and height 34 mm was used. Quan- titative resulter were obtained by comparing the signal intensity of the unknown sample with that of a standard containing a known number of spins. Both signals were record- ed as the first derivative of the absorption line. Errors connected with the, prepara- tion of a suitable standard of known paramagnetic spl# concentration were minimized by UDC.- 538.113:543.42 card 1/2 L 457E[7-66 ACC NRt A26029851 direct weighing of the standard CII . 1018-IOLS gpinal and the use of a calf rated volt- age divider with the spectrometer. Under ideal conditions, the principal. e is due to integration of the derivative signal. The maximum err", was found to be 20-30% where the integm-tion stop in thegraphical integration was much smaller than the line width, and the "wings" of the signal were not neglected especially in the case of sig- nals with Lorentzian shape. Distortion of the signal form by use of large modulation amplitudes which decrease the signal height will not affect the datemination. of in- tensity, by integration. The quantitative measurements should be carried out at kly- stroft powers low enough to prevent saturation of the EPR signal@ Large. errors (50- -65%) will occur if the geometry of the unknown, and standard differ greatly. For examt- pie. comparison of a line sample (34 mm) with a "point" standard will lead to an: er@ ror of 60%. Orig. ext. has: 9 figures, 2 tables, 25 formulas. SUB CODE** 20/: SUBK DATE: notfeAiV ORIG REn 0041,. OTIJ Rglft-@003/ATD:4RESS: 5085 Card. 212 Pb IIrjL-TNFK Adalf Injuriefs' oir lower extraw-Wel;a in miners, Mir* narzad. ruchtt ortop. Pol. 29 fto.5r599-607 164. 1. Z Oddzialu Urazovo-Ortapedyaznego Szpitala Mejakiego v Rybnikm (Orc4ynatort lek. med. J. Juszko). BACIU,, G.- MOLINO C - HINETTII B.; PASQUALINI, L.; PIRP-GINO, G. Analysis of the effective section of the photonuclear reactions caused by the aid of braking radiation generated bya betatron. Studii cere fiz 16 no.8:903-915 164. 1. Institute of Atomic Physical P-OtBox 35, Bucharest (for Baciu). 2. Institute of Physics, Torino University (for Mollno, Minetti, Pasqualini,-Piragino). A A It'll URNS 1-4 It 9 IV 4 It lift It I I Tive wh"17 Q'Saniin asidum aft* Is &&&Me edudwA am, Ib Gesm Cukrowaims 11. 324-38(1932)@@Ia a mudi&d [ticks &pp. (C. A. 9MV11. W Mahibilitics of Ca ftTute. CSSO. CR toomte CA 01414te and CAC(k a bam been, &W, Is 15# 35 MW 55% P*w. of virruse, made ;ik- by adda. U( Ca(011), to f1w amt. al CaO - 0.01, 046 and OA051t. nv. The tmps. of the mesommittits wrfew.6114,70"ReandINP. Ttw agubitilkv t6waw in dor abow i-rder,mid ist all Of Imm they decreau with the -iw In stwrose couca. An inctraw L4 CAO cum". fit the .10 win. couaft a dMq in the schlbOdet of CaSO.. C&M and Ca. tartrate, while with Ca Cialate the OWY. dOMWft at 50* and W* with incresainc CSO vaticu. from 0A I t,, UXV'@ ji LIU 0.1r; CaO. At otbre temps. a steady drop of (fie PA4y. witft 1,;:, 1 1 Zatr Observed. Os, oettate exhibit. a mitidar fttrtra@ in "r. .2. with IncTramas C&O n4m., whik with Cakf% the chau X" are temp. CGUM A" ificTfAftift 1Wy. O(Ctouktr. wh with @j prevaUs between 30 aM 80% with a awceeding tim. CsfSO, and Ca acrEate ethda tmusitim pabitson the wly.rurm, rrvestingehang" of hydratkm ofthe s2ft,6n tim. it 4 low 7 It a an lie 1(fiff Ifor 00 0 : : : : :1 0 0 0 0 0 IN 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L C I Od fk I its P * To 0 0 41 0 Cs o a 4 gap,* 0 0 Coe 17: SM 4 C-41 00 :40 *1 as 0 me 0 :0 tO 9 W@ 0 * @00 0 0 0 - Q 0 0 0 0 0 *100000*0*00*000- 0 0 so 0 Dole 0 1 0 r I f it it it is it is it 1j, a W a j n v - -x A a)I a aW a b v if a' a it a a ej a j- X-r-AA - I-L-k- A., IF I 1, 7 AA 0 - A VOL ::a i 77,; &durWeg 116A boot 4oWtWS, A-UUUWJIL d dt- .00 00 (list. Cabrmakw 19J7,1-3.4.-~Vm*brttctmwttcswt(t IIE the Awit M&Wbiw " ptupiwd fly kr the. Wilt. Ut @hz "u'VA slid Hftlgct (cf. C. A, 30. -00 (Ammil l:ither ---- the comettes or fit the diffusion fak-r; or than oldinwilr 0410 the fo@njtr had a. OhithictLy tighter c4 lild Ibir. latter Wall ujbt VST. TkM"Of At jilive after the fivit cutxM&tdttdU W" erductd AbOUt 21M And that (,f the thilk-juice A. Mal. of 2.3%. a. C. A. dSH it rel-00 Is ICAL.LMOAtIdE CLA.IUPKATICK x 10" 11"NSIVO Clow wifty tamago, .1@ a.. O*r 91AL31 OK Q- All 0- If A aa A v tr U it At KM it f j1A 0 9 40 00 0 0 0 0 49, 0 0 :1* 0 0 9 111 410 40 0 S, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 9 0 JAMS ZME F 1 S41119111flutl u 11 f# 11 a if a A IS lo- x 11 2 v Jim I&OXX4 v 1 1 1 A s a 41 unwage . f- AA A. 0 to 419 @ f4f 4.. . l CO r ,( V j j Oil Z Mollift4f of beet coseattim SWOud . m . -j Cidski SLAW W. Pelcur. Gas. CukrAMATIO. "0 1; 74 w i l td b U l 8 F e- tes r eet, Craw M lu t ru t cf. C. A. $2, 4 1 at t& oficing machine with 0.01% 89% according (aSp-r- 1 i and itwas(oundthat ferand86tiger (d. C. A-30.40= S% infiacoccir the aci@lity_ Pit and coutut of reduciat lul- i ' the hind t sitsuccs. due to its axti&@ pmmt - @\ -08 . ' action of microkg1tris- and eunuwl Joe was observed in the co*wte cbsinber or ftt the diffuidurt: -00 juk". The color of the jukr after the carbouatim was 'A% thick b d f h k 2 ao* e -lu e . o t 4wreawd by ca. 0% an y rmnk Clowt S Saw ago too age C*6 Igoe At, wee ME (EASUFICAUGN 1 klia-ILL otTALLUOUGICAL UT111141 Ittoe -kicitlIjIt. _--1- . - .. . " . . -- - - t It or Ti O r T tv rMa, all Its Its a a ra I IS f RX; n w tr w P K a I or A n: .4. 04.4.ii.@O.T_ 1 I Is 11 11 Il 11 If 4 11 WN 1111 bill M911114141 4143 a Of a @ $a IL AL -11 A - T JIF OL Spetillic gravities and rvft*ct(vt indexes of sclumm v l i f t l So ut i on o . .9. Waa ubfiski, P. Nowomy muld W, to c H Cshls. Pr"mYd For chemically Purified futfufal the following values werc tlctd.:, dQ 1.1014, bnr l(W.G*, xV I Z=4, Sp. &r. and or were a(w 0 lit a (@MdAormq. mins. of and 95,S- fu fu h l r ra e resp. concus. inLreasing by o.5% , t ' ' f-If ; the values ob(aitted art! givctx in the-, fo of a 40 .4 tabre. 10 ref"Citecs. Vdward A. Ackernfautc .00 , a got 0 ta C 0 00. 1 A, lit ACTAL4USIGICAL C11140111ir CLAHWICATIOX cr 9' MOW" .1. tLst@@ - AV U, 11 As * l 0 0 ei 0 : : : l 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 900 * * 0 & 0 0 0 g 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * d MOLINSKIS S. The,effective help of science to industry. p. M -(CHEKIK, Vol. 7, no.. 6. June, 1956, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Honthly list of East European Accessions (EE&L) M. Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1957. Undl, W)LB[SKI, 3). F. Runge's Watep the ChemistW7=7 do chemii L (introduction to review. P. 32. (CH&KEK) (lfarszawa, Poland) Vol. 10,, no. 1, Jan. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EM) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 Gaseous corrosion inhilbitors. P. 79. nMi ff-r KOkInisterstwo Przem,751u Che-,dcznego i Stwarzyszenie INTaukowe-Techniczne Inzynierow-i Technikow Frzeryslu Cherrtczrego) 'elarssawa. Poland. Vol, 5, vo. 2, February 1959. IIC,;LI113KI, S. Anticar rz,@slve protection of chemical &Fyaratus ;elth rubber coatings. p. 176. CM41K. (Hinisterstwo Przemyslu Chemicznego, i. StGwarzyszenie Naukawe-Techniczne Inzyn-ieraw i Technikow Przemyslu Cherticznego) 7artmawa. Poland. Vol. 12, u--. 4, Monthly List of Fast European AcccsdiGns (EEAI) LC. Vol. 8, no. 8, August, 1959. MOLINSKI 5 Principles of the electrochemicalprotection@of iron against corrosion. P. 382 CHEMIK (Ministerstwo PrzmWsIu Chemicznege i Stowasmazenie Nauko-ae- Technikow PrzeWalu Cherdcznego) Warozawa,,,Poland Vol, 12,.No. 9, Sept. 195F @Monthly liBt of East EuropeAm Accession (EEAI) W. volt 9,, no. 1,, JTan. 1960 Uncl, 14-62i 218-e2. Au4'2 2o869 P/013/60/000/004/001/002 B115/B220 AUTHORSt Kolifiski Stanistay Doctor, Engineeri -Tre-fiE =ew (R-_ Kagister TITLE't Metal spraying as protection against corrosion PERIODIC'ALt Chemikf not 4t 19601 W le8l TEXTr@ 2he Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej (Institute of Fine Mechanics) has condueted.exiperimenta in the field of metal spraying for 5 years in the G6rno&l#ski Okrqg Przemyslowy (Industrial Zone of Upper Silesia). The Institute has'performed the,zine-lining of the underwater structures in the rivers Odra and Wisiaj railroad and road bridges and, recently, tanks in Chemical plants were coated with aluminua. Process of protective metal sprMingt The surface to be sprayed has to be prepared carefully. It may, neither have sharp edges and angles nor be deformed during the process. Also bolts and rivets have to be metalized. The steel surface should be carefully cleaned and degreased before the treatment. Then, it is super- ficially ground with sand or scrap.iron and metalized 2-3 hours afterward at the latest. Pistols with gas or electric heating are used for the me- Carcl 1/4 -J 2 Pr 60/000/004/001/002 Y metal spraying as protection. ... B ? BI I 5 B220 ,tal sprayingi and the metal to be malted is introduced as wire. The mal- ted metal is applied to the surface by means of compressed air., The gas pistol of Polish manufacture,,type GMP-LZ uses compressed air of 4-5 atm, andas heating gas onygen and acetylene, or a liquid gas mixture of 25% gaseous propane and 10% liquid butane-isobutane mixture. Another pistol of Polish manufacture, PE-1p is provided with electric heatingl-,1_ it is easier to handle. The weight of the pistol is 1-5 kg, the wire diameter 1-5 12.0 mm. The wire has to conform with the PN-5T/M-69412 standard. For correct metalspraying, the following regulations have to be observedt 1)@ co natant distance between pistol and surface (10% tolerance); 2) uni- form displacement of the.pistol'along the surface; 3) each strip sprayed along the,surfaca has to overlap the.precedent by 50%1 4) the pistol has to be directed perpendicularly to.the surfa cet 5) pressure variations of the gas must be eliminated so that a uniform output is guaranteed; uniform fee Iding of the wire to the pistol has to be ensured. COrrOaiOn -resistance of metal-spraye& surfaces is guaranteed when the metal layer has been applied in uniform thickness over the whole surface. This is measured with induction coil instrumentai such as Elcometr or Magnus Juni- Card 2/4 2o869 P/013160/000/004/001/002 metal spraying as protection ... B115[B220 or.' An aluminum or zinc layer sprayed on correctly should have a maximum porosity of@q %. The porosity of the metal layer can be reduced by addi- tional treatmeatt such as grinding or supplementary protection by paraffin, polyc.hlorovinyl varnisht chlorinated rubber, or phenol vaxnish. The losses in spray metal due to evaporation are more important for zinc than for aluminum. The temperature of the treated surface may hot exceed 1500G- Subsequently, American data concerning the-corrosion resistance of metal- aprayed surfaces are referred to. The authors believe that aluminum pro- tection is more favorable in acid fluids and combustion gases, as well as for temperatures of up to 50000. For underwater conditions the use of zinc is recommended. From an economic point of viewl protection by paints and lacquers is cheaper than that by metal coatingst but requires more fre- quen t renewal and interruption of the working process in the treated in- stallations. In a period of 15 years, the maintenance cost amounts to 600% for lacquers and paints, and to 325 % for metal spraying. In the long,runf the protection by metal coating is, thus, nearly 56 % cheaper than that effected by other methods. Moreover, operation need not be in- terrupted. Finally, it is stated that metal spraying is economically ju- Card 20869 FIG131,601000100410011OG2 Netal spraying as protection B115/B220 Stified a) in the case of an aggressive atmosphere, b) if the renewal of the protective coating is expensivet and a) if the element to be sprayed is difficult to isolate from.the working process. L paper of Z. Kowalski is mentioned. There are 2 figuresl 2 tables, anii 5 referencest 2 Soviet- -bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. P/013/60/000/011/002/005 BIT5/BZ15 LUTHOR: Uoli@akif Stania-raw, Doctor, Engineer TIT.LE-. Anticorrosion conference of the chemical industry PERIODICAL: Chemik, nos. 11-12, 1960, 469-470 TEXT: An anticorrosion conference.was held in Krakow in October, 1960. to:deliver reports on the realization of recommendations of last year's conference (Gliwide)t and (2) to discuss further economic and engineering problems which so far have not been discussed by a larger group of experts. Last year, special conferences were held by the industry of.sulfuric acid ("'Chemik", 1959, 11-12, 482), phosphorus fertilizers ("Chemik", ig6o, 5, 213), the phenol industry ("Chemik"I 1960, 9, 374),.and the aoda, industry ("Chemik", ig6o, 11-12, 467) in preparation of the Krak6w conference. Chairman A. Kowalski, Deputy Minister, Engirxaex@ stated that the conference had fu.1filled its taaks, but am improvement of the situation did not depend on one branch only. Since corrosion is an economic problem of general importance, various industrial branches have to cooperate for its prevention. One of the most important demands, Card 1/5 Anticorrosion conference of the P/015/60/000/011/002/003 B115/B215 according to the conference members, was the conatitution of an inspecting organ checking whether justified decisions of various economic authorities have been realized. The establishment of the Komitet do spraw Teohniki przy Padzie Kinistr'ow (Committee on Matters of Technology at the-Council of Ministers) which appointed a Komisja. do Spraw Korozji (commission for Matters of Corrosion) gave rise to great hopea. Thua, the Commission will have to see that.modern foundry methods be introduced in metallurgical plants, and that the quality of cast-iron pipes be tested by ultrasound defectoscopes. Tery often the detection of causes of.corrozion is sufficient but preventive measures should also be taken. The neceasity of coordinating research work was emphasized. Here, it is necessary to determine the working potentials of the individual centera, and introduce specialization. Training programs in the field of protec- tion against corrosion were found to be lacking in all stages of school education. The lot form of the technical school for anticorrosive work compriaing 30 students was organized in Kedzierzyn by ItMontochem" Gliwice, and this is only a small start. Further personnel training in factories and design offices organized by the Zjednoczenie Przemys-lu Card 2/5 Anticorrosion conference of the P/013/60/000/011/002/003 B115/B215 Syntezy Chemicznej (Union of the Industry of Chemical Synthesis) is only a remedy for a short period. The dynamic development in chemical industry- is accompanied by a demand for a young generation of specialists. Researah work and technical training should be placed under the super- vision of the Komitet do Spraw Ochrony Tworzyw przed Korozja przy III Wydziale PAN (Committee an the Protection of Materials Again*st Corrosion at the 3rd Branch of the PAS). :As in Czechoslovakia, the preparation of surfaces before treatment with protecting colors and varnishes should be standardized. Aaidproof ceramics, siliceous and organic cements (KW,KW") are still a completely- unsolved problem. Damage may also be due to inferior quality.and insufficient assortment of these products. So far, the Komisja.Planowanim przy Radzie Ministr'o'w (Planning Commission of the Council of Ministers) has not obtained any positive results. A petition has'been addressed to the Minister Przemys-lu. Cieikiego (Minister of Hea@ry Industry) as to the organization of a production of plated sheet iron and enameled apparatus. The use of sheet metal plated with acid- resisting steel would save a lot of nickel. Pharmaceutical and food @induatry is iia need of enameled apparatus. The plans for the extension workof -the Skariyako-Kamienna enameling works have an essential Card 3/5 Anticorrosion corif arence of the P/015/60/000/011/002/003 B115/B215 shortcoming: they produce no armatures or drives for individual apparatus and, thus, impede their expedient application. Besides, only cast iron is being enameled but nosteel. Heavy industry is going to introduce some imorovements in-this respect. So far, electrochemical methods for the protection, against corrosion have not been applied in the chemical industry. They include: the method of protection without using a foreign current source, and cathodic and anodic protection with foreign power supply. Apetroleam pipeline,from the USSR via N!ook ta Schwedt in Eastern Germany isto be the first.object provided with cathodic protec- tion. Research centers will have to work. an the problem of electrochemi- cal protection with regard to its simplicity and efficiency. To fulfill the great tasks of the chemical industry-in connee-tion with the Five- year Plan, the Zjednoazenie. Budowy Aparat6w i uria"dzen Przemystu Chemicznego.(Union of Instrument Construction and'@Flanta of the Chemical Induatry).has been set up. The Montochem Gliwice will also become a member of this Union. The Montochem is the only center to have a large department for protection against corrosion by ceramics, Karit, and ,plastiGs* The department has.its own laboratory and design office, thus Card, _,4/5 Antiaorroaion,conference of the P/013 6q/ooq/6ii/oo2/oo3 B115 B215 YB giving rise to great hopes in this field. The enterprise which is able to carry out approximately 5ea of the industrial orders is to be given thelargest possible support. The absence of a. production of the following materials waa-.pointed out at, the. Canference: (1) raolite .(fenolit), based upon phenol formaldehyde reiiLnsf and asbestos fillers whiIch can be' used for acid or neutral media at 13000- (2) Glass tubes resistant towards almost all ag,@-7essive mediai (3) Vinyl polya'cetate for improving.concrete. (4) Furan resins as impregnating substance protecting against alkaline media. (5) Ready-mixed asphalt mass of the German type "Kerasolith". (6) Inhibitors protecting against corrosion in steam space to be-aued in power economy. Despite many achievements a lot has still to,be done in the organization of an.anticorrosion service. The number of experts.'is insufficient,. or it may happen that a ohief mechanic is ahiirged with protection against aorroaionas his third or fourth function. It is deemed convenient that the roxt conference on this subject should comprise thelwhole country. Card 5/5 MMINSKI, Stanislaw, dr im, Technological progress: in the paint and lacquer producir@g industry. Ghemik 15 meo.lt24 Ja 162, P/01.4/62/041/01.2/00L/005 D204/D3O7 AUTHUS.- lfol.i@i@ski @S_=iraXax-and Biefikiewicz, Genowefa TITLE: The applicatioa of synthetic resins to-chemical. equipment PERIODICAL: PrzemysX Chemiczny, v. 41, no.12,'1962, 673-678 TRXT,- The present paper is a review, based on both Soviet----- blo@-, and Ifesterm- work, dealing vdth the, economical. and technolojical' a of-the applicat on of plastics to the construction of advai,age I i chemic4l. equipment, -dtd aimed at promoting- a fuller utilization of plastics for this, purpose in Poland. Physical &nd chemical proper- -es of a,uumber of the most common thernoplastic and thermo-setting resins.-are tabuLated and compared with some properties of various steels, paying particular attention to the effects of temperature and of constant load on the potential applicability o:ff synthetic resins for constructional purposes as (a) self-contained units, Cb) linings and ant icorrosion coatings, and C0 supplementary' mat- erials, e.g. seals, insulators, cements, glues,..etc. Typical exam- Card 1/2 P/014/62/04L/012/001/005 The.application of synthetic ... D204/D307 pies are quoted. it is recommended that the production, variety, and size of plastic products in Poland should be increased, further research work should be carried out, and centers devoted to the pro- motion of the use of plastics should be formed. Xhere are a figures, 6 table& and 10 references: 4 Soviet-bLoc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. Card 2/2,. .MLINSKI, Stanislaw, dr inz. Aluminum,, a metal of the future. Chemik 17 no.1.2-7 J&164, 0 MLIffSKI, St., dr inz. Tha Abbe refractometer and the submergible re-fractometer as equipped with flow pris=* Chemik 17 no.5.-163 My 164. .I MOEINSKI, Staniglaw,. dr inz. New possibilities in anticorrosive protection. Ch--.dlc 17 no.5:165--166 Ky t64. dr -'nz. Tdn, mgr A 1401,1118KI, Stanislav, dr Inz. --- e__-, -R,-Viev Qf Wrronlon problems ir prodaction equipment. Chemik 18 - A. ao.ItI6-20 Ja t65. KOLIS,- 3 Shield bugs of the, Acanthoooma subfamily, in Litbnaniaa territor7. Liet ak darbat B no.4t221-230 t5g. (EYAI 9-*3) 1. Lietuvoa TSR Mokala akademijos BiQlogijos. institntas. (Litbuania- Acanthosoma) VITEKY V. inz. CSc.; ROLIS Z. inz. On the theory of performance figures of an electric power system. Bul 'EGU no. 1/4:20-26 63. vMrs, Titold, ina., CSC.- @Ll& Zdenek.- ins. Experimental tests La the interoonneeted eleetria system of the wmber states of the Gowail for Mrtual Economic Assistance. KnergetikEL Gs 13 no.7042-349 JI #63. 1, Vyzkuiwq ustav energaticky,, Praha. r-.OL ISZ, @R@fSTWNT, W. NAKOWSKI, J. Radiography of reinforced-concrete constructionsO 153 ARCHIWW, HYDROTECROXI. (POMKA AKADE141A MUK. MTMT BUD%INICTWA IWOMICE GO) MDla= Rudolf 4i@- T11a Dapartmat of lAlaill Hydrau.U,-@ Sagineering; its Saientific aet:LV:Ltjea. Rozpr hydraEaabn no.!2.-9 162. @ 1, Zakiad Budowniatm Wodnago SrodIMMWi Gdomko d 14OLISZ Rudolf .Mve3tment purpozes of the rratiff"Ute of Hydraulic -Engin,@erjlg of the Polish Academy of 3ciences., Rozx)r hydrotechn no. .' 5: 19-23 164. Scientific reip-arch works of Vre Department of Physico--hemlcal Stidles during the yea,--s 1953-1-963. lbid.,.,2663,971 :MOLITMI.P.T. Effect of wate, waters from the qffzhuralnikel"t CombirA and plants, for the treatment of nonferrous iWals on the pollution of the Ural River. Met. met. 36, no.309-81 Mr t63. (MM 16t5) (Ural Valley'-ffonferroui, Metal industries) (Ural. River-Water-PoUmtfon) MOLIVER, Go S. 20911, Koliver.. G. So Myenip pasterizateil stolovykh via na ikh okisliteltno-vos- potentsialy v avy-azi ir sozravaniyon vina. Thoy Odes. S. -kh. in-ta,, To Vy,1949p so 81-9le SO:. LETOPIS ZHMAL STATEY Vol. 28, MosWa$, 1949. IAOL-JASTAL, Anna; SOKOLMSKI, Adam Progressive chronic rheumatism in menopease and senile rheumatism in the light oC cur observations. Faumatulogia (Varez.) 2 no-4: 309-314 r6/+ 1. Iz Instytutu Roumatologicn- evc Mdzial w Krakowig(KierownAt t:l 0 prof. dr. med. A. Sokolowski . MoLrjKj'A rlvm.@ Ia. [Curran, 's.1-; Mm. R.; KOM, A. CKO A.). Using. pou.tron, activation anal"ia for dating potassium. Iminarals'. Biul*k=ipc,-- cpr.abv.vozr.Seol,,f orm. nilZ-.IM-l03 "57., (MIRA lo-.4-) (Radiocrgom'datinC) LT C., LAO; f.,,OLKp A.M. Diffusion of c9rtain rare-earth elements in ger, .anit= Fiz- tver. tela 6 nO- 4:1256-1257 Ap 164. (MIaA 17:6) Ift . 7 " twm. f @@t t h ft ---t 4 'e- P .4Fe'. aiw i4wZiZ_ Sncw undiar'the mtjj@as has to-bi pras.$, tl -. ., 1. - L .1 1. @ - 1 t- ;.,, @ -, -;-' C 6-_ I t lwst@ be carrl.dd'-Ouf-_.,pr Y; b 1h i illa EXpeol- Zjd P. Cwl IS 4XV P-im-4 met& a A_okK*,WvO A - hi -trait 0 MWO" MOLKAYEV, Kazhigerey; NEDILIKO, A.T., red.; URBISINOV, A... (Toward high goals] K vysokim rabezham. Alm-Aa, Kaz- sellkhozgizj 1963. 45 Pf (MIU 17:3) 1. Starshiy chaban sovkhoza "Arkaldinskiyn Urdzharskogo, proizvodatvennogo upravleniya Semipalatimkoy oblasti (for Molkayev). KOLKN, Waldemar Value, of dextran (makradekshn the treatment of skoct falloviAg surgerr, injuries,'and, bu=s. Polski tygocl.19k. 11 no.24.-793-797 13 ITUM 1550, 1.(Z 11 XlWki Chirurgicznej L.K.G..kierownik: In-of. dr 1. De'hi Gdansk. ul.lipowa, 30. (SMCK, theraly, dextran) (DXMMX, therape"t;tLe use, -shock) MD KOMSKI, SItAnislaw "rimental application of dextract in gainea pigs and. -co:U-i-eclitive renal and. hepatic amtomo-patholq:Ical changes. 9@Lr* Polek'LI.7 no'.3:273-2.78.,TuI)r-Sept 56. pro;W.'dr.' X. -Debicki, i xjakladw-Anat. Pit, V Gdamskm -Kiinrowhilc: frof. ' dr. V. C'zarnocki, Gdans1r, -Litowa, 3. (L'I'm '@L effe6t of drugs on dextisict, histo changes in gaineapigs pathol, 0 (Pol)) DIMS effeet of, drugs on' gavel (DlrlW,. effectai, on kidneys- & liver, hi-stapiLthol. changes in gmineL pig% (POI)) livacture of the first rib In a boxer, Cbir. narz. ruchu 21 noZ: 167-168 1956, 1. Z 11 11iniki, Chirargicznej Akademii Nedycznej v Gdansku lierownik: prof. dr. X. Debicki, Gdansk, ul. Lipova 30. (RIBS. fraetures, in boxer (PoW (MOTURMe rib, in boxer (Pal)) (ATKUTres, diseases, boxerts. rib fract. (Pal)) MOLD, Waldemar Cartain coasideratioas on peristan. Polski trgodlek. 15 no.23: a57-86i 6 T6,16a. 1. Z TI Kliniki ChirurgiazzLej A.X.(;. kierawaik: prof. cIr mad. K6D4&bic1ci- (POUTBTLPMOMONN Pbarmacal) . MOLKK, Waldemar Trials with periston therap7 of experimenta-2 tetanus In guinea, pigs. Pat. Fol. 16 no.3&305-308 JI-S 1 65. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirargicznej AM w Gdanska (Kierownik,. prof. dr. med. K. Diabicki). mar; MIGX4WKI, Stanislav; ZAWISTOWSXI Leonard 1de k Periston as a plama substitute,. P101. ortekl. :cbLir.- 35 n0-lQ/l-lrlU&-U49 '63. 1. 7, il Miniki Chirurgicznaj AX w Gdauka Kierownikt prof. dr K, Debicki. (PpLunlywramiDONS) (LIM), (PHARMACOLOGY) (RNA) (LIPID METABOLISM) Our experience in thwe tre&tment Gf pem-phigus vulgaris with corticoids, Dermato never Sofia 1 no-3:43-45 t62. 1. Iz k.:mtedrat,-- po kozhni i venerichessU bolesti pri Vl-tl "I.P. pavlov" Plovdiv (rulcov. na Im-tedratz- prof. B. Buchwarov). 14 rilt ill i(j, IL 0' the of -Alnf@@-ittlc ezzem aco -3 *i Clini.,; fo I avdi7 Dermat --erur Cofia 2 3 27 t63. I. Frcm the Chair oC 5'. 5A f1jaeaSeS at the T.1*1.raVIOV Higher Medical rnstitut@, Fl,@-vd'LV (Elead of the Chair,. Prof, B. Duch-varo V-) -