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KOLOCHM--B-K- Keehanization of wood raw material sections of bydrolysis, plants. Gidroliz.i 10 no.4:Z5-26 157,- (NMA 10: 7) I .4audaistvannyy institut pa proyaktiroyanlyu gidraliznykbL zarodor. (Katerial handling) y Nechazkization of labor-conswdvC work at chemical storehou". Gldroliv. I lesokhim4 prom. 10 no.6.-29-30 957. (KIU 10r12) 1. Giprogidrol1r. (vaterials handling) (Wood-using industrieny. Nechanization ef heavr vork im ireast plants. Gidraliz. i lesokbim. pro m. II no 30-31 (Mlu'iiao) 16 osudarstvemff inotitut pe . prorektirovanirm gidrolizafth saveday. (Killing mchiner3r)',- -(Tea'.9i) a design of the blowoff assemblies in hydrolysis plants. (KIRA 12-3y G.idrolizi lesokhim.prom. 12 no.Z'.28-2.9 "59. 1. Giprogidroliz. (Ir.ydrolysia) (Lignin) KAPLO, K.K.- KAMXMO, K.D.,- NOWGHNYY, B.H. Stanclarci plan of a hycIrollroia furfurole plant. GidrolizA loookhis. prom. 12 no.3.,215-29 t59. (KM A 12:6Y 1. Giprogidrolit.. (Hydrolrais) (Puraldebyde) DOLBNIII. A.T.;-MQP29MffY, B.M. 'Small hydrolysis yeast plants. Gidroliz.i lesokhim.prom. 13 nc,.6:30-31 f6o, (NM 13--9) .1. G@probum, I (reaat) 1. 1 KMAWA A. @_@ILKINf A. (Zhadanov); GALAKMNOY 0. (Penza); 2FLOD Aj Letters to the editor. Obohehostv.pit. no.100-31 A 163- (MIRL 16:4) (flestaurants,,I=cbroomo, etc.) MOLOD A iN, A. (Kiahimv); GROMOV, So; SELIFANOV, P, lnxh.,-@skhnologj 1,41, L )k;NA, A., inzh.-tokhnolog; ZAKOVRYASHIN, G.; ARKADIM; Do From the editorla'mail. Obshchestro pit. no.8:42 Ag .163. (MIRA 16:2.@) .1. Dimktor'Belgorodakogo zheleznodorozhnogo restorana (for Grcmor). 2. Otdel rabochago snabzheniya kombinata "Sverdles" Sverdlovsk (for Selifanov). 3. Direktor Minskoy- kulinarnoy- shkoly (for Zakovryashin). Xssevtat-Lon: IlLnvestL Of t-l-'r,; --are er- of a Loudspeaker arrLC Pa pe. 11 Cand Tec". 3C@2 l-,G-: :0-vc a-l-ect'rical - @dr@esr4 of the -t@ daird Tv En -- 11,1, , - - V@:=W,11- c@,-tli-jnsj 131 Kay 54. VacL-.err@,raya 4 @',-ay- 454, 61j: 284s 26 -.Nov 1954 MMODAN07, Ta.1,,_kalibrmhchik - Grooving with connected, ocnItti-tirm rg - -- 'ambic grooves. Natallurg 8 no,5.*22-23 W (63, (KMA 16:7) 1. Luganskiy teplovozootroiteltW wavod Im. Md7abriskoy revol7utaii. (Rolls(rrmmins)) KOLODATIM. A. ro. insh. DevIcea for mechanical dischargina of roll drieriffe Dereprome S no@3,.19-20 Kr @59, (KMA 12.-4) 1, lanerw kombinat *Irrasrq7 7akor'.." (PIYWOO(I-Drying) KOLODAIA, Mataltys, Trofiz-ovna [Acoustical design of radiobreedcasting and televislon studios; manual for course project designs'l Akustlchekae proektirovanie radioveshchatellrVkh i telavizionrWkh studii; posobie dlia kursovogo proektirovaxiia. I-loak-7as, Mosk. elaktrotakhn. in-t sviazi, 1962. 83 p. (MIRA 1-7:7) WtIAM VOLODAYA, Vatallya Trofimavna; GORON, I.Ye., etv. red.; TSEYTLIN, - - . =M: ------- (kcral-q'Itical design of radio broadcast, ng and television studios] Allu-sticheskoe proektircNarie radioveshchatell- nykh -i talevizionnykh studii. Mlcoskvaj 1,-,d--;o 113vial-I !' 190,1. 111 P. (Vak I-1:11) k I MOLODAY& Nataltya TrqCjmq-vna; PAMIRNIOV, Lev 7ak-bx-rovich; GOP14YY, HOV'I'DEUT"YE-11A, V.P., red. prof [Studio audio equipment and sound amplification systew) Apparatura studil-wjkli traktov i sisteir, zvukousileniia. 11!o- skva, Sviazlizdat, 1c,16,1. 173 P. (MIRLA 17:6) 4HOLOUYKI R. T. - Mechanical parameters of the moving system of a standard horntype loudspeaker. Trudr uchab* inst. aviazi no.14t 127-134 163. (KERL 17t9) 1. Noskovskly elektrotekhnicheakiy- Instititt. svyazi, MotODAut -fe . 1. Nolodaya, Ye. K. - "Treatment of a danglin-C elbow joint." Trudy Tsentr. nauch.-issied. in-@ prctezirovanir% I protezostroyen1ya, symposium 3. 194% p, 71-75 SOt V-4355P 14 August 53,, (Letopis, 'Mmrnal tn7kh Statey# go, 151, 1949) MLODAYA Ye. it. no@, r Ye. and Belayat Re K. "Abstracted.results of a plastic bone amputation "cording to the metbod of Pigoror," Trudr Teentr. nauch.-Loaled, in-ta, protezirovaniya i protesostroyeniya, symposium 3, 194,% p. 22$-36 30t V-4355,, 14 AuPat 53s, (Letopis IMMrnal (nykh Stateyp No. 15j, 1949) MOLODATA, YE-K. 25977. 1401od6Ya, Te. K. Meditsinskiye ounovy, protetiroveni3ra. Felfdsher i akusherka, 1%91f, No 7p a., 1,1-13 SOt Knizhnaya Letopist, Vol. 1, 1955 MOIDULTA, Te. K* Amlysis of mortalitr in Basedowra disease. Xhirargila, Kbakwa no.7:1&-26 Tulr 1950, (cum 20. 1) 1O.Based. on materials of the 11ospital Surgical Clinic (Director - Prof. A. T. Martynort ditmased) of the First Hoecow Medical rnatitmte anti of the Surgical Clinic (Director - A. T. Tishnev- ski,r) of the All-Uhion. rustitute of E#erizental. Kediaine (VIM). X(MMATA, Y&J.. professor Problem-Of amputation WA application of prosthesis, Xhirurglia, U009-M-52 3 154. .(XLRA 7:19) 1. Is Tgentralinogo nanchno-looledovateltakogo InettiM& protest- rovanlya, i protesostroyentya (dir.-prof. B.P.Popov) (AMPUTATION, technic & pie*.'Gf couple). (ARTIrICAIL LW. to'chida Of appILIcation & prev. of compl.). KOLMAYA, YeAs, profeezor; ED INOTA, K.B.# kandidat maditainakikh nauk Paresthatie maralgia caused br poorlyfittis* prostbesis, Map., travmf L protaz# no*6:69 IT-D 155. (MIRA 9:12) Iz TSentrallaogo sauchno-iseledovataltskogo inatituta protesirovaniya i protozostroyaniya (dir. prof. B.P.Popov) (THIGH-DISMIS) (?ROSTHISIS) KOLCDATk-,, Ta.X.,L professor; XYDIITOTA, K.B., kandidat maditainakikh nauk OCR, qmdromas in clisabledL with diaeaseff of shin stumps* Ortop., travim. pr.otese 17 no.5:6a S-0 156. (KLRA 10:1) I& Iz Tgentrallaaga nauchao-issladovataltakogo, inatitmta protezira- vaniya i protesoatroyantva (Ur. - prof& B.P.Popov) (AKPUTATICKS Cy W) p 'TV BLOKIIINI V.N., doti3.j BOGDANOV, F.R., rot.1 VAYNSII ill, V.G., prof.; GODULOV, doktor jred..nauk; MITBREYT) I.M., kand. mod, nauk; MOVS11OVICH, I.A.p kand. mod. nauk; 11OLODAYA, Ye.K., prof.; IIIKIFOMVA, Ye.K., prof.; NVACCHI-EM10' @1. , @pro ROZOV, V.I.p prof.; CHAKLIN, V.D., prof.; YAZYKOV, D.K.t IGHILO, K.K., prof.; PETROVSKIY, B.V., prof., otv. red.; SMi tekhn. red. [Multivolume manual on surgery] Vnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po khirargi:L. Moskva., Medgiz. Vol.11pbook 1. (Surgery of the upper extremitiea] Khirurgiia. vp-rkhnei konechnosti. 1960. 519 P. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii-meditsinskik nauk S&SR (for BagdanGv, No-vachanko, Chaklin). 2. Deystv-itel'rZry chlen Aka- demii meditsinskikh nauk SSSP (for Petrovskiy). (EXTRR-fIT=-S. UPPM-SUR=) A-BRAMYAN, A.Ya.,, prof.; BUSALOV, A.A., prof.; 'IELIK0RF.TSjj![, A.N., prof.; GRGZD0V, D.M., prof.; DORMIDONTOVA, K.V.,. dots.; ZHKAKIN,. K.N,,, prof.; KORNEV., P.G.j LLVIT, (deceasedh LIKUCIMF,@A.G., prof.; LOBACHEVY S.V.., prof.: MOLODEAj-Ye.-K., prof.; PETROV, B.A.; PRIOROV, F.H.Edeceas*ed]; &t*fSHCHEV, V.E., prof., [deceased]; SAPOZIMOV, F.I., prof. (deceased,h. TERNOVSM, S.D. (deceased]; FAYEIMIN, I.L., prof., zasl. deyatelt nauki.; CFA=I, V.D.; CHENTSOV, A.G., prof. [deceased],- CHERNAMY, V., prof.; SHADURSKIY, K.S., nrof.; SHAKHBA2YAN, Ye.3.1 prof.' VELIKORKSKIYj A,N.) prof.1 red.; GORELIK, S.L.r dots., red.; YELANMY., N.N., red.; STRUCHKOVA, V 'I.., red.1 RYBUShKIN, I.N., red.; BULIDYAYFV, II.A., tekhn. red. [surgeonts manual in two volumes] Spravochnik khirurga v dvukh tomakh. Moskva, Medgiz. Val.2. 1961. 642 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent WN SSSR (for Yelanskiy, Struchkova, Petrov, Ternovskiyj Chaklin). 2. Deystviteltnyy chlen. AM SSSR (for Kornev, Priorov). MOLOWH=j ZO V., SIRONOVI L. L.) iijid STAROSTIN, Yu. S. "Determination of optimum and maxdmum dravinp during drawing of pipes from aluminum alloys on self-aligning mandrels (f -showed that adhering to this method is 1.5--P- .0 times greater.than pressing during drawing ou cylindricaL mounting. This allaws intensification of the process of drawing. Report,presented at the branch seminar on drawing of tube and aluminum. alloys on self-aligning mandrels, Metallurgical Yactory, im V. 1. Denin, KuybysheV, P-4-P-8'june 1.963 (Tisvet, Ketally, No. io.. 1963 pp 84-85., autbor niarostint Yu. S. im P-4.1 651 19 May 1.964 26@ it,17` 111111 Ill 1110111-1 -11111-111-111 11- -.11 Ini --- ME M-M 111111mim 'I L 4oO92-66 EWT-(M)/1'/EWP(t)/ETI/EWP(k) IJK0 JD/HW/DIZGDLJH ACC NRt AT6016429 L11,A) SOU'acz CODZ- U-'/0O00/65/00q/0GD/O2O4/O2C9i AUTIHMS: Livanov, V, A.; Shteyningery T. R Molodchinina, S. P.; 17,16lodchinin, Ye. V; Senichenkby, A. V. ORG: none TIT" The rolli of thin-walled tubes from slightly deformable aluminum alloys retallo@- SOURCE.: AN SSSR. T@nstitut metallurgii. Ifatallovedeniya logkikh splavov (L rap,'T of Light alloys). Moscow, Izd-vo Naukaj@ 1965, 204-209 roll fo * tZAM-;b, moiga=y D1 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy, metamla r9ing aluminum alloy, D16 aluminum alloy, AMg6 aluminum alloy ABSTRACT:. Tests were performed to d,termine feasibW ty and best means of f@ 1)1, 11 A6d (41 oducing thin-walled tubes of alloy@ Altg6 t)'@ the method of heat rolling. Test data recordings show the mechanical properties of alloy specimens As a function of temperature and as a function of the process by which the alloy is milled. Improved technological properties of the tube specimens aif are rded by the hot- rolling process. It was found that alloys D1 and D16 are eas' rolled in the temperature interval 120--2200 without intermediate temperin Alloy Mg6 (with no restriction on chemical content) can, in theannealed state, be rolled in, the same temperature interval. Themaximum rolling temperature for A?Jg6 in the nonannealed condition is about 150C. The hot-rolAling technique is more productive than the cold C6rd 142; L 4oo92-66 Acc NR, A.No16429 techniquawhen the production is carried out on the KhPT system. For alloys which @are only slightly detormable, the use of the hot-rolling techniqua results in profitable production. as opposed to the unprofitable record of previous production; also the product line is wider with the hot-rolling technique. Additional benefits discussed axe the low capital outlay required for implementing this tachnique, the ease of conversion to the technique, and the reduction in, wear'lon. production eqair.- ment. Grig. art. has: 3 tables. SUB, COM 14f 11/ sm DnE 16sap65 Card L40092-66 EWr-W/T/EWP(t)/KTr/zwP(-k) ijp(c) -jDZHW/Dj/,Gp/jil -.ACC NR, AT6oi6429 SOURCE CODS: Uil,/0000/65/000/000/0204/02C9' od Ye. LUOiS:. Livanov, V. A.,- Shteyninger, V. R. @.Ildlodch:Lnina, S. _F, - Mol chinin -,V.; Senishenkbr, A. V. I OaG: non e ft TITI The rollin of thin-valled tubes from slightl;r deformable aluminum alloys SOURCE: AN:SSSR., Institut matallurgii. Ustalloveden4re legkikh splavov Wetalloi. raphy of light alloys). Moscow, Izd-va Ifauk.-, 1965, 204-209 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum allay-, metamlh&@t rall for.3ing, DI aluminua alloy, D16 aluminum alloy-, AY6 aluminum alloy in' ABSTUCT: Tests were performeito d@ feasib @ty and beat means of the method of heat rolling. producing thin-walled tubes of alloy Di, DIAnd AT@gla- Test data recordings show the mechanical pi3perties o@ alloy specimens ds a function of temperatuxe and as a function of the process by which the alloy is milled, Improved technological properties of the tube specimeas are af@#ded by the hot- rolling process. It was found that alloys DI and D16 are easi&v rolled in the temperature interval 120--220C without interme&iate temper -F'Alloy UTg6 (with no restriction on chemical content) can, in the annealej state, be rolled in the same temperature interval. The maximuim rolling temperatura for Alfg6 in the nonarmealed condition is about 150C. moreproductive than the cold i@rd 18, L 4ooga-66 ACC NRt AT6016429 technique when the production is carried out on the KhPT system. For alloys which are only slightl@y deformable, the use of the hot-rolling technique results in profitable production as opposed to the unprofitable record.of previous production; also the product line is wider with the hot-rolling technique. Additional benefits discussed are the low capi@al outlay required for implementing th's technique, the ease of conversion to the technique, and the reduction in,weartion production equip- ment. Orig. art. has: 3 tables. SUB CODE: 14t II/ SUBM DATE: 16Sep65 Card 2,/4 FOLAND Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Organic E-3 Substances, Abs Tour,- Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 19580 No 17, 57245. Author Ko of Hojnacka A. Inst a Detection,of Small Quantities-of Amines. Title OrIS Pub; Ch4m. anal., 1957, 2, 193-194. Abstract: A simple apparatus@for_the detection of small qusn- tities of.amines by the Faygelle,method is proposed. its functioning is based on the evolution of NH when Amine salts are heated in the presence of 8aO. The generated NH is detected with the aid of a sensitive paper ?Mpregnated with a solution of Mn ne solu- (N03)2 and ASN03, and treated with benzidi tion. The apparatus consist's of a long, thin test tube that has a bulge, which assures contact of the Card 1/2 14 04Hj a was neurate to -4liky wsults ill an vr of les-A th= I pi@ie- la thelfillerval of 08-1007,e th accilT= tz Y wiww 1--p-.- ge-n- -g- gg Ri VT j; la -Toe CSW4"- &C 4- Jbid. -2 53 39 Jv @65. (KI'luk )-Feao) 'BOBROV, V.S.; UITUGINA, N.V.,- MOLDDEN. .1a.- ZAKTIARIYUS=, @ KATEROVA, Ye.A.; K.S.1 STEFANOVki O.K., TIN, NIFOLIS=1 B.P.1, oty. red. FPOZDTSHWA j V.A.. red. (Theoretical and practical guide to laboratory work in pbysical chemistry3 Teorsticheakos i prakticheakoe ruko- vodatvo k laboratornym rabotam po, fizichaskoi khimii. (Leningradl Izd-vo Leningrt univ. Pt.l. 1965. 197 P. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Leningrad., Universitet. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Nikolgokiy). -1 0 1) Liu - e P, MOLORINKO (Fauggion of K. 11. P&MOO book I'Vesterm Siberia"' rLt a meeting of the Rovosibirsk Branch of thn Geographical Societrof the u.s.s.R. rrv, AN SISR.. &w. geog. no.14.-14q-14?. n-Ag 157W (MM& 11:1) (Sibeka, Wastern.-Geographr, Economic) KOLOIMNKOV, K.K. Permeabilit of capill&riaa izL ijdlanm@tioua of' the ragua. Riul. sksp.bial.i sod. 37 no.l-.73-74--Ta '54. MEL 7:3) Is Is kELfedry iafektsiowWkbL bolesney 11 Goaudarstyannogo madi- tainakogo institnta im. I.T.Btalina (direktor - 4oteent S.I. Kilovidoy), Koskva. (Tag-as nerve) (CardiRiascular system) MOLODMOV, M. M. Cand Me& Sci (dies' "Functional and morphological changes of the myooardixim as a of prolonged Ir44*atitm of vagos5mpathetia nervesen Moe, 1959* 18 pp (Second Kos State L(ed In st im 9. 1. Firogov), 250 copies artiele on RD:Laphrapatic herniO. Khirurgiia 35 no.9025-129 '59- (MIRA 13:32) (DUPHRAW.-UMIL) LCEMIlf, Yuriy Mikhaylovich; MOLODIMOT, Mikhail Rikolayeviah , [Gourse in operative surgery] Prektiknm po. operativaol khirurgli. Noskya, Hadgiz, L960. 178 P- (SMGERTI, OPMUTIU) (KMA 13:12) 9 IVZOV, Va5iliy Alekseyevich; 1-DLODENKOV, lAdkhail aikolayevich; VIONAYENKOV, AJV., red. - (Feurodystrophic lesion: if the internal organs in chronic irritations of the vegeiative nervous systeml Neirodistro- fichaskie pornzheniia vrutrennikh organov pri. khronicheskom razdrazbenii vegotativnai nemmoi aister.V. Moskva,, Ved" tsina, 1964.. 115 p. (MIRA 17 5) IVANOVY V,A..# profo f dotsent (Moskva) "General vrgeryft by V.T.Stuchkov. Reviewed b,-f V.A.Ivanc7, M.H.Molodankov. Khirurgiia 39 no. 7tl34-136 t'll 163. (MIRA 16;12) L,QFUKH!ft', Yuriy Mikhaylovich, dots.; Mikhail flikolayevich, dotfs.; GOR-1k1l, rt;ds -- I---- (Practical manual on operative surgeryl,Frak"likum po opera- tivnoi khirurgii. Izd.2., perer. Moskva., Madits;.na., 1964. 234 p. (1-111M 17:7) M014DENK.oVt M.N., dotseat Pathogenesis and treatment of a=te rancreatitals. Kh.','.rar" 4G no.zt72-78 F t0'4, (MA. 17:7) 1. Kafedra abah-chey kbirargit lechebuago fakullteta (zav-. - prof. V.A. T,,r&nov) U Moskovskago gosudarstyennago meditainakago instituta imeaj. 11,1a Pirogova, IVANOV, V.A., prof.; ILO@@DEZjh V 11.1.1. dotsent Thtroduction of drugs into the arterial blood stream. Khirur- giia 40 no,4t58-63 Ap t6/, (MIRAA 18:11 1. Kafedra obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.A. Ivanov) le- chebnogo fakul tteta 11 Moakovshogo gosudarstvennogo meditsin- skogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. IVAMOV, Vasiliy Alekseyevich; MQLODENKOVKikhail Nikolayevich; LOPUKHIN , Yuriy Mikaylovi-ch-.- -red. [Surgery] KMrurgiia. 2. j1d., perar. i dop. ViosL-v&.. Meditsina, 1965. 41+5 P. is: 7) KOT,OMMKOTL, S.F Role anil problem of organizatioul anii mthodologloal seations of ermato-yonervologioal, clisponsar Log, fast, rener., Kookya, ZLo*Az41- 43 JulY-Aug- 1952- 23:3) 1. Senior Inspeator. 2. Of the Department for Gontral of Skin- Venereal Disease& (Read -- A. A. Antonlyev), Kinistry of Pmblia &alth RSTJR. MOLODEMMTAw4IvP-.-.RMIKN, Te.Ke Health education practicee of the Moscov Nunicipal Dermato- renerological Dispensarjr*' Test.derm. i veno, 32 nos-k56-60 J14C 158 (KMA IltIO) 1* rg Koskovskogo gorodskogo koshno-venerelogict-makogo diffpaasera (:la;;n;;. Vrach S.F; Kolodenkova) (SKM DrSRASES, .prev, &.control in Russiff. (Rue)) (V3MUCUL DISEASM, preva* & coatrolo' same (Rue)) G, L o4916-67 Edr (1.)/Erw (m)/Fcc up(d) d ACC.NRc AP.60189.17. SOUR69 C668: XiR/0203/66/006/0037061270517 AUTHOR: MolodenskLy Korchak. A. A. ORG: Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, the Ionosphere, and. Radio Wave Propagation, !AN SSSR (rhatitut zemaogo magnetizma, ionosfery i rasprostraiienlya radiovola AN SSSR) TITLE: On synchrotron emission In a dipole fe field SOUR.M. Geomagnetizm I aeronomiya, v. 6, no. 3, 1966, 512-517 TOPIC TAGS: synchrotron, magnetic dipole, magnetic field, relativfstle electron. OSTRACT: A. concise survey Is given of works dealing with the calculation of synchrotron qmIssioa In a dipole magnetic field. Precise expressions for Vie distribution of the synchro- troa emissioa characteristics of relativistic electrons in the pl:me of a figure within a dipole 14agnetic field,.with the dipole arbitrarily oriented with respect to the line of sight, for aa energy power spectrum and an angular distribution prz;jportional to sinlK a. Two Cartesian coordinate systems are employed in the computations. Thtegral characteristic f r use in observations with a radio telescope of the "knife-rest" configuration are also derived. A brief discussion of the results of the computation Is given, Inwhich the model parameters card 1/2 UDC, 550.389 ACC AP602d767 SOURCE. CODE: a,FCF0_SYj@6/b43/OO4/O72T/GT3l AMTHOR: Molodaenskiy, K., K. ORG: institute of Terrestrial Magnestism, lonosphere, and Propagation of Radio Waves.1 AcaderZr of SciencesSSSR, (In-t zemogo magaetizma, ionosferr i rasprostraneniya radiovoln Akademii nauk SSSR) T ME: Force-free model of & sunapot magietic field 17 SOMM: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, v. 43, no. 4, 1966, M-731 T vector analysis, TOPIC TAGS: sunspot, potential field, chromospheric current, UVbraic equation, magnetic chalt get --- rl-14- ABSTRACT: It is shown that observations obtained with a ma6petometer (total vector of the magaretic field ia a spo@j supply sufficient data for the constructioa of the chrom3spheric magnetic field above a spot equivalent to Fe ). 5250 A. Me method of computations is described, aad,preliminary cal.cuiations Ere made of the ma&net1c of an axisymmetrical sunspot. A magnetic field In. equilibrium in- &'suaspot is a force-free field. In the'chromospheric layer with particle density 10 sec and tempereture 104 deg, the above conditicn is satisfied when t-he field ititensity is more than, 50 oe., The. problem is solved using vector analysis and expanding the field int tensity into a Taylor series. The ve@ctor field equation is then transformed. into '& system of algebria equations of first derivatives of the field. A total picture 7A:C C @NRt. AP602-6787- 04. the field distribution can be obtained in the field is considered as a point- shaped ma&ietic,charge located on the axis symmetry of the spot at a. de@fiinite depth.1 IA.graph shows the distribution of the field intensity according to the theoreti-cal J.poi,it-shaped charge and of the real spot on 5'September 1961,.and a figure shows -in distribution. A.diapole located deeper on the axis of alie@at. dIffere,ace symmetry cr an-additioa to the field of an anniUar current reduce the difference. Me Taylor series becomes divergent when the poiat-shaped charge lies deeper than the gravity. center of masses carrying the magnetic field. The computation result based on the system of algeb,_7@.ic, equations shows that the field consists of the measured,potentlal component and &_curlof the lines of force. Orig., art.. has: 3 figu resand 9 formulas. SM CODE; 031:.61MM DATE: WDee@651 MG W: oo4 -1 Cam PA 26T30 V 151 rT Q@avlxetrio Ana OThIrt'7 Years of Soviet Omvimtry," M. S. r. V. 764,7noldy, 13 pp- "TXI.Ak Muk SSM? Ser Gecgi Geofiz" Vol XX$ NO 5 mory of the basic work which bas been done In' Put the field of Soviet, - &avimet.-Y fr=':1917 to 1947. The@ atithois state. that although this science -has been in - existence for quite some t1mg It-was not until the past tenyearsAbat 63V remrkable work was ac6cmplished in Ole field. The article, among -mentimu'the fact that there are scm exImtria posts In the -Soviet Union at the _11 000 NP M IS, KOLOMSKITI, Kls,wp@__ Approximate method fkNr solving equations describing the figure -of a quasiseoid. TradY Tumid no.68:5-11 @49. (KIRA 10:12) nuden - AN SSSR. 1. Ghlen-kDrreal>, (larth-Figurel MOLOMMY, K. Bw- NMAstio Tides, Pree Nutation and Some Zrobleme of Terrestrial Structure' Tr. Geofiz. last, AN SSM I:o 19, 1955, pp 3-52 3quilibrium equAlons for the case of smeLL deformations of eLix elastic sphere, heterogeneous in density and in elastic properties, compressibis and grav#atiowl, are derived. Initial forces of the bjvdroBtatie type are consi&ereL (BZbAatri No 2, 1955) SO: Sam. No. 4W,, 12 1W 56 "A lienr of Sclut--'-On- of Gic-Cdctic Froblei-as," Sb. R.--f. Tsent-r. n.-i, L-r-ta G---Od, i4 f c rd of n Th-j ---U' stitution of n. Iierical"' by ones ccrc-i-@tir: ho r, a elltnsoid leads to reulacement of Of, irsinite series b,-;" C@Cact solutions ill eleme-Titary functions. (RZiiAstr. 1.,0 19551 SO., 9 Nov 55 F USSR/Geophysjics@ Book Review OD 3dd Cexd 1/1 tuthor Zvolinskiy, ff. V., Dr. Phyg-Math. Sci.;, Levin, B. Yu., Cand Phys-Math. Sci.;, Molodenikiy, 14. S., Corr. Mem. AcaA..,Sci. USSR. Title Vnutrenneye stroyeniye zemli [Internal structure of the Earth], by V. F. Bonchkovskiy. .Periodical Izv.-,AN SSSR, Ser.geofiz. 3, p 299J.- May/Jun 1954 Abstract Favorable review of geophysics book, belonging to the popular-science series put out by the Acad. Sci. USSR. The book contains a large amount of material in the form.of numerous graphs, maps, and tables. Institution, -Submitted M)IDDENSKIr, K.S. L new mathod, for solving geodetic, problems. Trudr TSNIIGAM no.IG3:3-21 154. (MML 13: 4) 1. Chlea-karrespandent AN SSSR. (Geodesy-) A 2 w @M% @41R MI BUBIErNIKOT, F.Dot HOLOU radaktor; PEREIL', Yu.G-.. radaktor; ASWIrIML. 6.17 Me- Hchasakhr radaktor. [Omtlins of the development of an undarstancling of the eartbl Ochark razvitiia predstavlanii o zemle. Koskva, lzcl-vo Akademii naulc SSSR 1955. 205 P. (tau 8 .(Zarth) I I 604!i-26-11/16 AMM., Molodenskiy,, K. S. Tl=-. Density- and. Masticity in the Earthis Interior outzoatt i uprugost, v=tr:L zemli) PERIODICAL-. Trud3r Geofizicheekogo instituta, Akademii neuk SSIRp 1955 , Itr 26, , pp In-130 (USSR) 4 ABSTUM: The moduli of elasticity at any depth can be detormined, from the valoalty^or propagatiorl of seismie waves if the dellAties are known. Since the total increase in density with depth ca=ot be less than the change due to c ssion,, Radeautii limits may be -considerably narrowed; they- come even closer if the break in density- at the core bcwtdary- is knm. ftwly acgaputed Radeau limits indicate that. in the absence of gravitational differentia- tion the break in density at the boundazyof the eare is not greater than k_6 g/c=3. If so, then the upper and low Rideau boundaries will aDl=ide everywhere. Aammdng that continuity of the modulus of volume elasticity on, thecore's bo=dary- requires a break in density not less than 4 g/=3 the upl*r,and, lower Limits of densities am close to each other frozzi the surface down to 0.3 of the Earth's radius. If the break in density at the boundax-1 of Card, 112 6045 -26-11116 Density ana Elasticity in the larth's interior the core is egAa to 0., the increase in density in themantle (tile to Smvitational, differentiation vill, exceed. the increase due to a asion mors tbAn twice. rn generaL the nature- of chang& in density with depth depends subs -11antially on the value attributed, to the break in density at the core batmdarr, Utilization of values characterizing elastictides will, facilitate.the determination of shear modulus in the core or its moment of inertia,, provided, the core is licluid. rn order to determine more accumtely the correlation between density and the ''elasticity modulus with depthlit, is necessary to investigate theoretically and eXperlmantally' the magnItude of the break in density or the volume elasticity modulus at the boundary of the basie core. Klasticity moduli at dIfferent depUm can be measured. more accurately on the basis of seismic wave vclocity and. density than on the basis of elastic tide, amplitudes or the Chandler jxxiod. The difference between theoretical calculations of amplitudes of' forced. matations, from those obtained through observational data supports the theory-that the shear modulus in the core is equal to 0. Them'axe 3 tables ancl 3 ra-ferences., all Soviet., AVAILAETZ: Library of Congtegs. t Card 2/2 MOLODMEUT. M.S. Solution of Stokes f problem with a relative error of the order of the square bf the earthts compression. Tiudr TSMIIGLIK no-lZ:3-8 156. (KEU 13:3) (Narth-Figure) (Gravity) MOWDUSKIr, K.S. Investigating the solution of Stokes," problem with a rela- tire error of' the order of the square of the earth's con- preanion. Trudy TSNIIGAIX no-12W-21 156 WU 13 0) (Urth-t-71gure) (Gravity) MOLODENSKLY M S 'Wev Methods in Studying the Earth's Figure," The International Association of Geodesy; Abstracts of the Reports at the XI General A@sembly of the Interna- tional Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSRj 1957, 63 p. 1,500 copies printed. In relation to the Earth's gravitatimal'field the figure of a geoid is not .of single definition. To make it so, densities an over outside the geoid, =Ist. be determined. The author worked out another way of iwrestigating the Earth's figure., which excludes the necessity of knowing the density of =sees outside the geoi(I. "Solution of the Stokes. Problem With EL Relative Error on the Order of the Square of the Onlateness." Ibicl. By applying Stokes' formula to an ellipsoidsurface such accurate results are obtained) that the relative error is reduced to the order of the square of the oblateness. BALAVADZI, B."K.,c,'prqfessor; doktor.fisiko-matematichookikh -nauk; jggj;ISLJ@Cql@ UOY7 -ADZ#, er.K , kandidat o tve to tye rodalctor; TYAWY, matematichaskikh nauk, Otretstreanyy redaktor"; BAJRAM, D.S.. redaktor; XMCHXOT. S.R., takhatchaskir redaktor [Gravitational field and structure of the earth's crust In Georgial Gravitatsionnoo pole is@roenie samnoi kory r Gruzii, Tbilisi, lz@-@o Aka&.nauk*Gruzinskoi SSR, 1957. 120 P. (KLRA 10-.7) 1, Chlen-korrespondeat Akedemit nauk: SSSR. (for Nolodeaskir) (Gravity@ (Nart.h-Surface) "Nev Metbode of Studying the Narth' figure" "The Soultion of the stokes Problem vith a Relative error of the Order of the Square of the Earth's Compressioe I(Section V) :- paper s@bmitted at llth General Assembly of International thiion of Geodesy and Geophysics, 3-14 SeP 57, Toronto, Canada. 800 1.146 f,Ar,Lc 6-11-3113 AUTHOR: ffolodenskiy , U.S. , CorrespondinfS I- Member AN TITrZ: New Methods of Studying the Shape of the Earth (ITovyye metody izuoheniya, figury Zemli) PERIODICAL: Ceodeziya i KartografiyatlMs Nr 11,pp. 20-24 (USSR) ABSTRLCTt It is shown that the traditional solution of the reduction prob- lea by means of a reference of all measurements to the geoi(I-sur- face leads to insuperable difficultiest as the density of the con- tinental masses which rise over the geoid arc only insufficient- ly known. The investiGations show that the quanttties of reduc- tion which were calculated according to the former theory are not characteristic for the geoid but for & certain other aur- face close to the geoid-. This latter is. called cluasigeoid by the author. It is shown that it not at all necessary for geode- tic calculations to know the shape of the geoid, as it is suf- ficient for the projection of the triangulation on the reference- ellipsoid in points on the earthfa surface to know the devia- tions of the vertical from the normal to the reference-ellip- soid and the altitude of the points above the referdnea-ellip- card 1/2 soid. Formulae for the calculation of these quantities and two 6-11-3/13 frew Methods of Studying the Shape of the Earth examples for the practical employment of the new methods are given. There are 5 references. AVAILABLEt Library of Con.gress Card 2/2