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8602-6 31'02016~ 113 5/3 - 3 C /C 2 " 2 AUTHOR: Onis~,chik, A L TITLE. Compact Lie Groups Beint- Transitive on Certain '.Ianifolls PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, !960. Vol No 11, fp TEXT A general topclogi--al method for determining all connected compact Lie group~--Fe-Tn --- F- g ransitive on a given manfOld. L9 pr,-)po!zed -ild carr-~! oul for some classes cf homogeriecus manifol k, Let H(X) be the algebra of the :ohomologies of the space X with. rea: coefficierts; let f* be the homomorphism of the algebras of thv~ which is induced by the continuous mapping "r Let P(X,t) be the Poincar('- polynomial of the graduated or topoloeical space X Let ('~- be i. --onne-t,d compact Lie group; 17t. be its closed subgroup; 0 he the conne(te-0 component of the unity in ',Y,; i A imbedl-np Let P an~. be 'lie spaces of the primitive elements of the algebras and Then i*(I')(- q and there exiot graduateO fipaces P1, P,C P and ao that P - P lphically P, onto The 1;;~P2' qlt'~'OQ2' '*Pl ' 0' '* maps Isomo fundamental topological fact used :n the paper. --onsists in the assertion Card 1/3 (Y) 2 3/020/60/1 0~ 1~,z 9 C 11. / C2 2 2 Compact Lie aroups Being Transitive on Certain Yanifolds (theorem 1) that the graduated spaces 1,. anJ are topc-'o6i(al of t he man i f o 13 X they di rv~t derend )n t':e ct.v~, -t- - f the compact group ~",- being transitive on this manifold The -4 ti,is fa-1 is based on the results of (Ref 3.4). The sum of the ranks of all groups X) (k-1,21. is deroted an the -k 1~ ' rank r(X) of the topclogical space X if "he sum is fin-te Theorem 2. Let the connected compact Lie group be trans-tive on the manifold X of rank r Then there exist5 a ncrm~ii d-*viLsrr locally Isomorphic to t:ie dire-:t product of at most r 31Mpie Fr -UPS an' being transiti*ie on X If r 1, then is a simple normal di-,iaor is, a normal divisor Of being complementary to t~ien r It follows from theorem 2 that for the determination of all homogeneous spaces of rank I it suffices to consider the homogei,eois spaces of the simple compact Lie groups L f A I O~ is commutative, then X - 3, ie a rircle If C~,-is simple and riot c0 utative, then all pairs ( 'G,U) must le Lviven (where G is a simple not commutative compact Lie algebra, U Is its 3ul- algebra) which yield the homogeneous spaces of rank ' That is done in the form of a table in theorem 3 Numerous con--lusions from theorem 5 are.2-iven Card 2/3 ~6028 C 2 2 Compact Lie Groups Being Transitive on Certain Manifolds 1 B a connected compact Ll e fro:jp, 1 !1 Theorem 4 Let X where its connected closed subgroup It holds r(X) then and only then 1! H(X) is an algebra witli one generator Theorems 5 and 6 give the properties of simple transitive groups of transformations following from theorem I ' the knowledge of the 1-"X'i'j for simple compact LAe groups is used There is 1 table and 7 referencesi 2 Soviet, 11 American, 2 Frencri and 1 Japanese ASSOCIATION Mcsk~,vakiy gcsudarstvennyy universitet imen., M.V ~umorcsova (Moscow State University imeni M V Lom-,n~qov') PRESENTED. June 17, 1960. ty P.S..Aleksandrov, Academician SUBMITTED June 17~ 1960 Card 3/'~ ONISHCHIK, A.L. Classification of stratified spaces. Dokl. Alf' SSSR 141 mo.4: 803-806 D 161. (MMA 14: 11) 1. Mookovskiy i#sudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Louionosova. Predstavleno akademikom P.S. Aleksandrovym. (Spacom, Generalized) (Lie algebras) ONISHCHIK., A.L. Relations of inclupions between transitive compL-ct transfor- mation groups. Trudy Moak. mat. ob-va 11:199-242 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Groups, Theory of) OKSHCHIKY A.L. (14oskva) Iransitive compact groupa of transformations. Mat. abor. 60 I Ali 160. ( ~U iA -' t, 14.1 (Group6, Theory of 1) Ulil6ilC,h". A .-)eai 8 J ml, 1,~, i - ., , * ' ~ 4 1 -. A -mi, I e Lie &lg e br as . Doic! . L'i 66 ". L49 nf,- I . -. , -.. " . 6. 1.. . 1':U?A i 6 i ~ i . Pred 3 c.,~i v - - r; t";:,i -~, I- -~.k,riksandrovym. ~ ~ I - ~' ~ v brus) ., &1. 1, ONISHCHIK, L.I.. doktor tokhn.nauk, prof. Professor V.P.Nakrasav's so-called "theory of utrar-Cth of masonry w,)rk." Stroi.prom. 27 no.11:25-26 N 149. NIRA 13:2 ) (Mil'sonry) ON16HCHIA', L. 1, STROATSKIT, U.S., professor. doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk. KELDTSB, V.H., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; GVOZDBV, A.A., professor, laureat Stalinskoy preall, doktor takhnichaskikh nauk; OXISHCHIK, L.I., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; GOLIDMLAT, I.I.-IMOMP-tiow- nicheskik.h nauk; KARTASHOT, K.N., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; BAlDIN, V.A., kandidat tekhnicheakildi nauk; TALI, K.B., kandidat teklk- nicheBklkh nauk. Discussion of the problem of building calculations uBing the method of 11miting states. Strol.prom. )2 no.4:41-42 Ap 154. (P%RA 7:5) 1. ChleD-korrespondent Akademii nauk, deystvitel'nyy chlea Akademli arkh1tektury (for Streletakiy). 2. Vitae-president Akademli arkhitek- tury (for Kaldysh). 3. Chlen-korrespondent Akademil arkbitaktury (for Gvozdev). 4. Chlon-korre8pondent Akademit arkhitaktury (for Onishchik). (Building--Tables, calculations, etc.) (Reinforced concrete construction) Prof., doktor tethn.nauk; KORCHINSKIT. 1.L., prof., doktor takhn.nauk; BTKHOVSKIT, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; POLTAKOT, S.Y., kand.takhn.nauk; DTKHOVICHNATA. N.A., inzh.; TUSPIN, I.M., Inih.; DUZIMVICH, S.Yu., inzh.. nauchnyy red.; MUNITS, A.P., red.izd-va; BOROVNIV, N.I., [Strength analysis of bearing masonry walls of buildings to be constructed in saismic regions and instructions for performing the analysis] Primer rascheta us -prochnost' kamennykh neaushchikh stan sdanii. vosvodimykh v saismicheskikh rsionakh, I ukazanila k primaru raschats. Moskva, Goa. ltd-vo lit-ry po strott., arkM t. i strolt. materialam, 1958. 24 p. (HIILA 12:2) 1. Akademiya stroitalletys i arkhitaktury SSSR. Institut stroi- tellnykh konstruktsiy. 2. TSentralinyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut strottellnykh konstruktsiy Akademit stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Onishchik, Korchinskiy, Bykhovskiy. Polyakov). 3. Proyektnyy Institut No.5 Kinisteretva stroitellw;va RSM (for Dykhovichnays. Tusfin). (Earthquakes and building) (Walls) ONISHCHIK. L.I., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. Lightening of bearing walls is the basic way of ecomc:zing wall materials. Trudv MINI no.9:11-29 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Walls) (Building materials) DMlTRIYXV, A.S., k:and.tekhn.rwuk; OMSHCHIK. L.J., prof.; KOVAL'C.TJK. M.F., inzh.. red.; PRTROVA, V.V., red.izd-va; 'CMAKCVA, B.I., [Instruction for using ceramic materiHIs in finishing building fagades (S11 52-59)] Instruktaiia po primeneniiii kerpmiches~dMl materialov d1la oblitsovki fasadov zdAnii (MI 52-59). Moskvri, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po strolt., arkhAt. i stroit.materislam. 1959. 27 P. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gomidnristvenny-y kom-ite'; -Do delam stroital'stva. 2. LaborF?torly~p kamenny1ch konstrukt~jjy TSertrql'- nopo nauchno-imeledovatel'5kogo institute stroitellnykh konstruk- tsiy Akndemil stroitel'stvn i arkhitektury SSSR (fo;- Dmitriyev). (Faqades) (Tiles) ONISHCHIK, L.I., dok-tor tekhn.nauk, prof.; TILKIN, A.V., dotvont; SMIRNDV, B.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk; IWORIKOV, A.F., Imiid.toi:hn. nauk; SEXINA. L.A., lcand.tekhn.nauk; SLM.-alKO 7 , L -A-. , i az ~ . Increasing technical and economic effectiveness of basic do- signs of standard apartment houses. Trurly 14131 no.14:41-101 '59. 041RA 13:1) 1. MoskovBkly Inzhenerno-okonomicheskiy InBtltut. 2. Doystvitel'- W chlen -Akademli atroitelletva i arkhitektur7 SSSR (for Onishchik). (.mpartment houses) (Architecture-Designs and plans) ONISHCHIK L.~_., dgktor takhn. nquk. prof. ; BMOUNA, E.11.. red. tz~--v-a; BOROTICV, H.K.. telchn. red. Designing masonry with cerfinic facingj Roachet knnennoi kladki a keramichoskoi oblitsovkoi. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., nrkhit. i stroit. m terialam, 1960. 140 P. (MIRA 140) . chlen Akademii stroitel'Btva i nrkhttek- 1. Deyatvitellnyv tury SSSR (for Oniahchik) (Knsonry) (Ceramic materials) ONISHCHIK, R -.- - - Passenger automobile train. Avt. transP. 36 no.12:44 D '58. (mrqA il:i2) (Automobile trains) OMSHCHIX, R., inzh. Repairing compressor heads. Avt. transp. 37 no.2:52 F '59. (MIRA 13:1) (Automobiles--Brakas--Maintenance and repair) , R , - ) . i, I* D" ". - ri, - '. ; -, - , - ., ; J.'. ~ I . I .. - - r 'IV - , , I - I . - t I . lk I '.rh . .., 1 .1 1 (,)~, , I - V... ", -- , -T " f - r. , - 1'. - ~ , 157- ~8 I(,- " T ran s I at ion f rorn Re f(- rat i vr;vy zh, I r I I a 1 , P-1 -I a !I ~, ri4i , a1 `4 r 10 p AUTHORS. Geller, Yu.A., McVnit. lwnko Y v . V .Onish( hik,YI . TITLE The Role of Carbide Transformations in High-spced Slecl licated Into the Al l'V111l)t'rc1tL1rV Range (0 roli laarbidt;vlth 1)1-(.% rash(hemy v bv st ro rezhu slit liev ,;Idli pri nagi-t-vi, A j ) PERIODICAL Mctallovedenivr i trrin. (jt)r,jlj(,tki. Mos( o,.k. Mt-tallut-14iz(bit. i ():~ 8. 1-)P I 12 - 14 8 ABSTRACT The effe( t of ann(-alinp , t~rrie arid temperature on properties of steel was studied on four separate st-neltings of high-speec steel with different corriposit~ons (smelting I included the car- bides Fe 2W2C' Cr23C,,. and VC. smelting 2 the carbides Fe2"'2C and VC, smelting 3 the carbide FeZV,*2C: and sinelti.-I~~ 4 the carbide Fe?W,C with some positions ir; the latnce be,.ri~ reolaced b,,- Cr). It \A.-as established that an increase ,n an7,,eal time produces t ransforma t ions in the carbide phase and impairs the properties of the steel. The unstable carb,.de Fe?W?C is Card 1/3 transformed into stabic carbides WC and F(-3C. During lwating So V i 1 3 7 - 58- 12 1 ,22 The Role of Carb) :I(- Transformation,., ii. 11,gh-speed St(-( (( ow-) of steel for hardening purposc-, ilit, ch-s ro)l dissolvi- and thr tion contains insuffiL lent amounts of W a- a rt-sul!. tht, hardiivs." .41:(1 shortness stabilitv of the steel arv irripaired -I'h c pro L es s of t r a nsfo of the metastable k arbides Fe W )C and WC, is not reve rsible. C' r and mail 2 quantities of V tend to replai v %V atoms III Hit- , omplex I arbide Vc thu., increasing its stibilit\- '111d 111111hiting tht. It)rmalloll of WC, whit 11 111 111 r-11. inc reases the resi stant v of steel to rcd sht) riness thi s lattc r prop(- rt \ I s iiot di rec tly affe( ted by C r o r V. Int rodut tion of C r impro% t-S the Ila r(Ictlabilit" of the steel. C:--frce st,-cl exhibits a ,omcwhat lo%~(-r hardness, aftcr t(-mp- ering (55-57 RC instead of 61) 111( reasin~" the ttlinvdlm~~ tin-It. of 't strt~l (on- taining Cr and V, or V only. has no (,ft(-( i on its hardness nor on it-, rcsist - ance to red-shortnt-ss, it) the t ast- of a sit-el t ontaimnL~ no Cr or V, Thf- R(-- value is reduced from ~~-57 to ~O Im reasing the anneal tirne to 100 hoki-~ increases the hardness of a steel %vhic 11 ( ontains nvithcr Cr nor %, to an P( of 65-66, and the hardness of st(-(-l I OTIMITII 11 g V 0 111 V Io ;if IR(I 01' h() Pir authors explain this fa(t bv the clecon-ipusition of the Vez%V IC into %VC1 ;t~)d Fe3C; and by the dissolution of tli(~ latter i!i a solidsolution III( r(-;jsiY;j4 thf. temperature and the time of anneal redutt-s the hardnes, O)v t,,,,,o koiit~~i A:id mii)air, ',;I,, prt)p(-rti(,.-; of st(-(-! thcit had bet-n. heated relwated",, to Ca I.(, "" SOV!137-58-10 llr-22 TheRolcofCarb:dv Transfori-nations mHigh-spvvdStvvl((or.~ 1 OOOOC. It is recommended that the temperature of anneal be lowered to 820-8500 and that the soaking tinit . as well as the number of m1crinediatt. and prolonged heatings into .)I(, Al region, be T_Vd1IL Cd In Order 10 111( the red-shortness stability of the steel. t .oc' -;tee-' ra. c,r7., Me-hani_-a1 propertied; Card 3/3 OVISHCHIN, B.P.; VTCHEROV, V.(i.; MASTYKOV, G.F. Electric smelting of oxidized nickel ores for the production of iron nickel. Biul.tekh.-okon.inform.Gos.nauch.-Issl.inst.nauch.i tokh.inform. 16 nc.8:3-6 163. (MIRA 16:10) ONISECHU.A.Ye. ~cz- Synthesis of 4M -imida2olecarboxylic acid. Zhur.ob.khim.25 no-5:984-985 RY'55- (MIRA 8:10) 1. Zapadno-Sibirskiy filial Akademii Nauk SSSR (Imidazolecarboxylic acid) ONISHCHUX, A.Ye.-, NIKIFOROVA. O.K. Synthesis of histamine from Invert sugar. Zhur.prilcl.khim. 29 no.5:789-793 MY '56. (FLRA 9.8) (Histamine) (Sugar) Oft, ~~ t K ) ~A - )~'L USSR/-.rganic Chemisizy - 33yntl,etic Organic Cheristry E-2 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - lUiimiya, Nc 2, 1957, 4398 Author Kulev L.P., Cni6hchuk A.Ye Inst Tomsk Pclytucikic~ns i~~, Title Synthesis of Solae Ethers of 4(3)-J1ydroxymethyiiridazr)ie Orig Pub Izv. Tumsk. politekhn. in-ta, 11056, 83, 102-112 Abstract By inte--action of 40)-chloromethylimiduzole (1) with an excegs of al--oholate RONa (II) were obtained the 4(5'-al- koxymethylimisazolas N-CII-NII-CH-C-C112OR (III). it was not possible to prepare III from alkyl halide and III (R = Na) since at 2CP TII (R = H) does not react with Na, and their interacticii at melting temperature resfilts in decomp-,sition. To a cooled solution of dry hydrochioride of I in alcohol is added a two-fold excess of alcoholic sol~ition of II, the mixture is heated at 40-5CP (30 riinu- tes) and after maintaining it at 200 (for scveral hours) dilute HC1 is Ulded until a slightly acid reaction Card 1/2 62 ard 63 CNISHCHUK, K.N., inzh. Changen in com~,ined ruleg ",,)r bnfety meRsures during bnsting operAtions. Bezon.tridA v prom.. I no.10:15-1" 0 1,)?. (MIRA 10:11) (BInsting) UMININKO, V.A., Insh.; GOLIAND, Ye.B., insh.; ONISHCMM, K.N., inzh. Intensif7 the promotion of h7draulic coal mining. B090P. truda v prom. 2 no.12:4- D 158. (MIRA 11:12) ~Coal mines and mining) &JUgHUN, K., inzh. _ Changes in safety regulations. Mast. LLgl. 7 no. 6:1A Je '59. (14IRA 11 -7) (Goal minee and rainirW--Safety measures) OFISHCHUX, K. ,, foi;_;_hanges in "Safety rules in coal and shale mines." Shakht. stroi. no.8:35-36 Ag 158. (MIRA 11;9) (Coal mines and mining--Safety measures) ONISHCHUK, M.D. Growth of labor productivity in mining enterprises of the "Ogneupornerud" Trust. Met.'i gornorud. prom. no.2:58-59 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5, ONISHCHUK, N.M. P&Ir conf,-:-~-,ir~F -f ;.. -* ~igruence and a ,, ;~ :'! e in (,,I Trudy 7 - -- :', - Frames ol' I t., 1, :... I air Lng of' a conrrkl,~n~-,~ and a surface in I : I,E-o wxy. li,Jd..Io7--Ji4 (MIRA 17'.1) ,V^H1:FJK, !;.,!. A, , in t- , - , . !' ~l . .~ -. .1h, I. . .1 . . _ I - , . 'I ti ~ ITI -1 , .. n ') ~ , ~-' - 5.- - - 'i : i ~,, .. ~ 1, 1 . SERIPKA, P.; ONISHCHUK. S. 2. USSR (600) 4. Cotton Grouing 7. Deep plowing for cotton. Khlopkovodstvo no. 8, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, january -1953. Unclassified. F, --t~ 7~- AP5007163,-` CESSIOWNR 0106/65/00 /003/0637/0038~ A I R lifix I A~~btboA f0ri'abbil tini phosphor -in ~rinin~riily. Iminous conipoi~nds -No ~16 919 7 i - ykh-zhakov,-,- no.' ~3,- 1965-v.---37.-m38.-' SOURCE i - yulleten' -izobr6teiiiy i to-v& m ~~-Ope. liitin 6kificial radioactivlf~f -~:e radib acti v d:Js 10VIC TAGS escence. . on j..'V~ipbbr-- r Thi Auth C rtifi te introduces*a -thodif -'a6tivating tbe.phoi- STRAM. s 0 -'s e ca me or diming a -active introL isc~tope into the, h Lity:and decre-'ase, the,~.toi&6ity' of. the -~J-."'- compoun or rove- t e _,qua um-464" ', sedl-a an- ~ftificlal radioac#ve is6t6peg thAlli s tfie-~ !vat ~~t or Is u ASSOCIATICK:~ none -CODE.- OP sumrTTEW... kAug62.' ~UB. (MIER VI. 000 110 REF: So E, cdft -0141SIlClIUK . V.A., lcand.j..-edagogicheskikh nauk Use of textbooks in laboratory work on botany. bicl. v :ih~G~e 28-30 Iy-Je 162. 1. Nauchno-issjcdov;-.teI'skiy institut pedngogiki (Bctany--Study and teaching) ,.L* 1877 M4T(l) XG 14fl: AP6602739 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/65/049/006/1938/1941 .AUTHORS: Lyubosbits,.V. L.; Onishchu Podgoretskiy, M.I. ORG: Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (Obttyedinennyy Institut yadernykh issledovaniy3 MTLE: Anisotropy of radiation of the hydrogen atoin in an electric ,!field. ISOURCE.- Zburnal eksperimental3noy I teoreticheskoy fizlki, v. 49, ino. 6, 1965, 1938-1941 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen atom reaction, quantum field theory, transition radiation ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of an earlier investigation by the ;authors (Preprint., OIYAI, R-2248, Dubna, 1965) of the effect of mixing !quantum levels by means of external fields on radiative transitions iof atoms, and the interference effects which arise In the transitions ,of atoms located In a homogeneous electric fields. In the present ;paper the authors discuss Interference effect in the radiative transi--7 !Cwd L 18771-66 1ACC NR: AP6002739 .~.'tions of atomic hydrogen in an external electric field, where notice-; - - interference effects can be expected even with weak fields, owing; a ple to the smallness of the separation between levels having the same j Ibxit different 1, and also between levels with different J. The tran- sition between the first excited state and the ground state of bydro-1 gen is studied by way of an example for which the actual calculations$ are made. It is shown that whereas in a homogeneous electric field ;mixing will occur between all the three levels 2P 2S and 1/21 1/21 2P and interference will occur for the El transitions because of 3/21- ,...Itbe mixing, in the case when the Stark shift of these levels is much than the separation between them (fields weaker than 500 V/cm) ' ithe 2P,/2 level mixes with the 2P,/2 level and noticeable anisotropy .!and partial linear polarization appear. Similar effects can occur 'ifor transitions between levels with larger quantum numbers. However Ithese-come into play at considerably weaker fields. For an anisotrcpy !:In the angular distribution of radiation of about 0.1., the field re- lquired for the 2P,/,,'--P 1S, transition is 500 V/cm, but for the /2 CWd V OBISHCM , V.F. (Ternnnol') Effec t o!- rpF: --t pr-- v f;t " ~ufz V-7p t s cn t r i d It -nd ecretl,-.% enstri, ~-;ro-ry r,-~ . v7qC,-.!e-: F'1Tl'---_-_-,, Iq (MIRA k STOM-ACH- - -- V-,liFT I ONS ONISHCHUK. V.F. Changes in the Deripherpl bloo 4nd erythrocyte sedimentntion resulting from ganatorium thernny in rate pntients with stomach diseases following gastric surt-pry. Vrach.dplo no-1:903-3o4 Mr'58 (MIRA 11:5) 1. lurort "TruskAvets" (nnuchnyy rukovoditel' rnboty - nrof. T.T. Glukhen'kiy) (BLOOD--ANALYSIS AND CHEMISTRY) (STORACH--SURGXRY) ONISHCHM. Y.7. late results of gastric resection and palliative operations in peptic ulcer; from data of the Truskavets health resort. Sov.maed. 23 no.1l-.97-102 N 159. (KIRA 13-3) 1. Iz kwortEk Truskavets (direktor S.F. ]Pedotov, nauchnyy rukovoditell t konsul'tarc - Prof. T.T. Glukheulldy). (PIPTIt, ULCXR surgery) ON Me r wh o RV P 11"Ov u] r, VOV ONLSHBM,, Yuliy Antonovich; GORITSKIT, A.V., otvototvennyy radaktor; isdatelletya; RADZINSIATA, A.A.. tek-hni- chesidy redaktor [Imading of rock in horisont&l aining) Pogrusk& porody pri provedenti gortsontallnykh gornykh vyr&botak. Koskv&, Ugletekhnlzdat, 1956. 59 p. (tUning engineering) (KIRA 9:7) AUTHORs STUKALOV,M-I,.. ONISHK 0 N-.S ai.ii PA - 2404 engineers. 'r TTLEs Liquid Slag Remova' fr,,m S-)ak~i%g ?its . "r.inKuye nr,~ut,.~-idaler.'ye iz nagrevatel 'nykh x,-,l,,dtsev, ftussiar,). PERIODICALt Stal' , 1957, Vol ', 1', 1111' 2;)p 10 17') ~'U-S S H. Received: 5 / 19'17 Reviewed: 5 19r- ABSTRACT: The cogging mill trains erectL-d after the second World War are all equipped with recuperative soaking pits; those built before trie war, however, are furnished with regenerative soaking pits. Slag removal can be achieved in the liquid state by reducing melting temperature if 9mall amounts of boiler - slag are poured into the soaking pits, Transition to 114uid slag removal in recuperative, soaking pits increases the efficiency of the pits, improves the quality of the ingot heating, and increases the output of suitable material. It is no lunger necessary to throw the precipitated coke into the pits. whinh inureases the resistance of the recuperators, lowers costs and improves working conditicris. The addition of boiler slag is also recommended for the regenerative soaking pits, as this increases their efficiency and improves the resistance of the regenerators and of the platinum-platinum elementa Card 112 (5 illustrationo and I tables). Liquid blag Removal. from Soaking ?its LSSOCIkTION: Azovstal I -Plar,t ana Ts~i.t r--r PRESENTED BYs SUBMITTED: AVAILABLEi Library of Cor,gres.9 PA 2404 Card 2/2 S~' V/ 1 14-2 AUTHORS: Dygalo, N.I. ana Onishko, X.S. TITLE: Kaolinite Refractories for Covers of Soaking 1-its PERIODICAL: Stall, 195'j, Nr 91 pi o5(;-052 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A description of the propertLeS of kaol-inite refractories used for lining covers of rucuperative soaking pits on the Veliko-Artadol%kiyWork5 kDonets basin) is given. A cuml.arative test of the sorvice life of the kaolinite an(i chamotte refractories it, t1it. suakiny j it covers was carried out. After a 1.eriud of six mariui-s the wear of the kaolinite bricks was uiure thart twice as low as that of the chamotte bricks. There are 3 figures and 4 Soviet references. A6Su,CIATiuNS: Ukrainskly nA. institut ogneuporov (-he tki-ainiall Scientific-Research Institute of Refractories): Zavocl #,Azovstal 'it ( itAzovstallit Works) Card 1/1 NOVIKOV, I.M.; SATRONOV, V.A.; qK.,SHENKC) Z.V.; S'MAKOVA, ~-P.; BELISKAYA, Yu.R.; BALASHOVA, Prfnimaii uchastfye: KALINICHEMKO, V.W.; LITIVINYMO, L.A. Granulation of butadiene-styrone and natural rubber in ~.he Dniepropetrovsk Rubber Tire Plant. Kauch. i rez. 22 no.12: 4,4-48 D 163. (~U RA 17: q 1. Dnepropetrovskiy shinnyy 98vad (for all except Kalinlchenko, Litvineriko). 2. Dnepropetrovskiy fIlIal Nauchno-issledovatell- skogo instituta shinnoy promyshlennosti (for KalinAchenko, Litvinenko). - . .. . '" r. . . ~ -1 19 . . ,, ~ 2-,t - . .. , . - : - * , , I - , - -. - , ' , . 1 11 1 S(,: -- - , I , '- -, . - ; . I I . . . I . ) - 1 1 1 , I I . . . 11 . I . . . I . I DY A r LO V ;, .. I !~i.. L'~ ; " ' 3-1~ bV 1 f- " 5 'IM8r- '~ &Z3 1 Med. araz, , parn,~ D'4 r 12 'All "T . V9 !". .~ -1 - I I ~ I . . I . I . Li -, - '. m . . . I I I F , . I . . I *1 . 1. : , ,. : . . . I ? I -. II- . I 1. . I . v AZBUKDIA. Rinaida Kaksimovna. kand.biolog.nouk; ONISIMOVA. Zinaids Grigorlyevna, kand.bIolog.nauk; KAXKDONOT. B.. RMITTUIOV, B., [Corn diseases and posts In the Maritime Territory and their control] Boleuni i vroditell kuk-uruzy v Primor-skom krae I mery bor'by 9 nimi. Vladivostok. Primorskoe knizhnoe izd-vo. 1956. 74 p. (MIU 14:1) (Maritime Territory--Corn-Diseases and posts) OIIUIHUVA. Z. G. Case of mass reproduction of the pale leaf beetle, Luperodes pallidulus Baly.,in the Maritime Territory. Soob.DVFAN SSSR no.9:147-149 158. (MVU 1,2:4) (Pozharskoye District-Leaf beetles) A. Z.G. Bollworm moth (Chloridea obsoleta F.), a new harmful insect in the Soviet far last. Soob.DVFAN SSSR no.11:144-145 159.(MI]RA 13:11) 1. Dalinevostochnyy filial imeni V.L.Komarova Sibirskogo otdeleniya jW SSSR. (Soviet Far last--Bollworm) ONISIMVA, Z.G.J. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; VAVILOV, L.N. The meadow moth Cirphis unipuncta Naw.~ a scourge of grain crops in the Far Zast. Zashch.rast.ot vred.i bol. 5 no.3:23-25 mr 160. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Onisimova). 2. Starshiy inspektor Prlwrskoy krayevoy inspektaii po karentinu rasteniy (for ftvilov). (Soviet ia-r East-Grain-Diseases and pests) (Soviet Far East-44oths-Externination) OVISIMOVA, Z.G. Development of Insect pests of red clover in the Par Wat. Soob. WFAN S3SR no. 12:151-153 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. %lluevostochnyy filial Sibirskogo otdeleynia AN SSSR. (Soviet Par Ihst-Clover-Diseases and pests) ONISK, Zbigniew; JERZMANOWSKI, Antoni De,terminatiodv of anti-a-1phastaphylolysin levels in patients treated at the Dermato1c)i:,,ic&.i Departinent of the Medlical Academy of ilodz. Przegl. d-rm. 49 no.6:523-530 162. 1. Z Kliniki Dermatuologicznej AM w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr J. Lutowiecki It ZtLkladu i4teriologii AM w Lodzi KierowniKt z-ca prof. dr A. Ganczarski. (DERKATOLOGY'l (STAPHYLOCOCZAI, INFECTIONS) CZERNIELEWSK.1, Antoni; ONISK, Zbigniew; WIACEK, Tadeuez On the problem of complications during the course of gold salt therapy. Pol.. tyg, lek. 18 no.4-134-136 21 Ja 163. L Z Kliniki Dermatologicznej AM w Lodzi; kierownik* prof. dr mod. Jerzy Lutowiecki. (GOLD) (ARTHRITIS, FMUMATOID) CUISK. Z-h',m~'.ew: SZ-I'DL31SKI, k F, rM lrm K-c F;? Dr Oli :L K b early prcf. APANAS'YEV. N.; SILINOV, V., glevnyy inzh.; BAGHIWV, I.; GaIGEOV, A.. glavny-. konstruktor; SOKOWV, Ya.; ONISKU, A.; THUKHANOVA, A.. takhred. [Trench-type silo with a capacitv of 60, 90, ,ikti 1-1-o tr.%E3 ~W:,. s lined with brick or rubble concrete)j Sllosokhranili.~ijctAe. transheinogo tipa emkost'lu 60, 90 1 150 torin (steny ublitsc-variy kir-Dichom i1i butobetonom). Proekt no.004. Minsk, Gos.iz.!-v,- BSSR, Red.nuchno-telchn.lit-ry, 1955. ) P. (Milu 1-:4) 1. White Russia. MinisterBtvo gorodako4o i aellsko-o Btro~teilstvh. 2. Direktor "Balsellproyekta" (for Afanaslyev). 3. kukovnditell mnsterskoy 'Belsellproyekta" (for Bachilov). 4. IspoInytyustic%ly obyazannosti nAchal'nika ametnogo sektorm *B6lBeI'ProYfikta' (.,'t)r Sokolov). 5. "Belsel'nroyekt" (for Sil'nov, Chertkov, OT,i3k,). (silos) SYLJNDTUKOV, Kh.1h., kandidat aeliskokhozyastvannvkh nauk; CNISIO, N.Y. Tillage for sowing the fourth crop on virgin and waste lands. Dokl.Akad.sellkhoz. 21 no.11:3~-8 '56. (KLM 9:12) 1. lazakhakiy filial Vseeoy-aznoy akademil sel'skokhozyaatvennykh nauk Iment Lenina. Predstavleno akademikom I.V.Takushkin". (Ruzayovka District--Tillage) -ONISIKO, N.I. (Novosibirsk); 610-ffAKIN, Ye.I. (Novosibirsk) Pbvement of the free surface of a homogeneous soil in an underground explosion. P,'CF no.4:82-93 Jl-Ag If,1. (Soil mechanics) (Explosions) ON IS XD,. O.G. Conditioned pAncrentic secretion in reanonse to the nction of necretion. T71idy Inst. fiziol. 6:366-176 157. (~IJRA 11:4) 1. Laboretoriya interotBaptlvVkh uslovnykh refleksov I Lnborntoriya vyashey nervnoy deyatel'nosti Leningrndskogo gosudnrstvennogo univerBiteta (zAveduy-ushchiy B. Sh. Ayrnpet'yAnts). (PANCREAS-SECRETIONS) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) ( bFDRET ni ONISKO. O.G. Role of tne nervous system in tte nction of Pecretin Lwith 9U=;~I-Y in Finplish]. Biul.eksp.biol. i mod. 45 no.1:7-11 Hr'S~ (MIRA 11:5) 1. Iz laborntoril intcrotse-otivnykh uslovnykh reflksov (zav. - prof. E. Sh. Ayranetlynnts) Institutti fiziolovii imeni I.P. PRvlovFi Wir. akademik K.M. Bykov) Akqdemii nqUk SSSR i lAborgtorii vysshei nervnoi deintel'nosti (zAv. - nrof. B.Sh. AyrAvettants) Lpnlngrr~dskoeo ~osudqrstvonnop,3 uy,-'vPrsItPta. PrPdstqvIRnA akAdemikom K.M. Bykovym. (SUCRETIN, effects, on intestiial rp-ntors, olood iressure & rps,. reactivIty (Rus)) mffrrt of druers on. secretin, blood pressure & resn. r-w-tivity (litis)) (BIA)CD PEMSSURE, physiolog off. of secrmtin on intmstinpi rs~(-.ent,ns (Rus)) (RESPIRATIOE. DhyRI010gy, name) ONISED, O.G. Mechanism of the action of secretin. Uch. tap. WU no.239:89-100 158. (MIRA 12:1) 1.1aboratoriya fizielogii vysshey nervnoy deyatellnesti lPiziolegli cheakege instituta loningradekoge gosudaretvennogo universiteta i laboratoriy-a interotseptivuykh uslovnykh refleksov Inatituta fiziologii AN SSSR. (SECRETIN) ONISKO, O.G. Moterials on am anfLlysis of the external reflex activity of the pancreas during Teeding witb various kinds of food. Trudy Inst. fiziol. 9:120-125 160. ('!IRA 14:3) 1. Laboratoriya interotseptivnykh uBlovnykh refleksov i Laboratoriya vyashey nervnoy deyatellnosti Laningradskogo gosudarstvennogo UYLIversiteta (2*vediAyushchiy - E.Sh.Ayrapetlyants). (PANC,UAS-,SECPM IONS) I I ~ ~ , . . ~ , iwj"OM" I . I I : -- - - . . I .f ~- &ao*p : . A . . . . I I i . I . . . . , v , I I I 4.~ ONISKO, Wlodzimiem, dr. Sulfite cooking of poplar wood in the vapor-gas phaBe with the use of Emmoria base. Przegl papier 19 no.10130q-312 Q t63. 1. Katedra Chemiczmej Technologil Dr"ma, Szkola Movna Gospodaretwa WiejBk!Lego, Warszawa. CNISKO, Wlodzimierz, dr. Sulfite cooking of poplAr w(,(),i jur4:.j,, the 7apor-gav pnaBe witY, the use of amonia bass, Pl. -"'. Przepl papipr Ir, no.12i 380-30 D161. 1. Katedra Chem~ozie.j Tecl-i.c.lojil Drem~a, S--kola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wariszawa. 0 J64-ewe 0 0 000 0 *so.. " 004 1 of &,f ?MID b"aft 000 MOO"$ AM *septetme$ -"a 00A -00 000 .00 009 004 suawmalft d sw6m Nab -00 00 - - as *A& P mmrow immi atfift of god . "L Raab Naft. uv cu w I l 00 s so ., o b, 00 dem Wma cad WAW ndmebm of bdm t6 AS ptAnL Tbe 26-1 + x +604x"xm l1 m m+ x + x P. mw Ows cd a wu aquo* MORIL ZOO see MOO tie* Moo seem 106080 *it 0.. 014 Bell$, 00 ft~- se a Me I 1 0 PA 0 0 9 1 a III I ita I ti so 0 0 0 0 ONITrU, F. Statistical methnds to analyze the techn logical rrc,c-.99,.g of tl-. OTerfJOVE ;uality contkol in the ~ndustrlal rroduc*i n. METALTIRGI A '~NS*,"TIC':Ilt DE (Metallur7-y and Marhine Censtructi,n.) 1:59:Jan 55 CNITIU, F. The OTerative, st-atic control of quality hased -n -neasilremen'.. ME'. ALTT I - SI CCNS-RUCTIA DE M.ASINI (Metallu-Fry anO Me-hine Cons'-,;c'ion.) 2:42:Feb 55 01,'U" -F- Rules for the n pplication cf the plane parallel prec'-'sion gawe Liock in enterpr-Ises. p. 8 MET11,01,001A AI-LICATA. Vol. 2, no. 3. Mar - 1055 Ruman ia Source: 7,ST =FEANI LISTS Vol. 5, no. 1C Qct- 1956 CNITIU) F. The aritlim t Lcaa meai., -rescri~tiun f(.i -;u&] ; tv In sta.,A8rJr,. r . BLot'resti, Vol. -, i"C. '1, :-155,; SO: !~)Tittdy Llit of -7~ast :~uro~,ean Acce5s',-)ns, , L-, 7.7 1. 4, A-. I , lur.(- : - r,,-: I . ONTTTU, F. In calculation of the b-oaking strength of cement, based on the 4 best results out of 6, correct? P. 21. STANDARDIZAREA. Bucuresti. Vol. 7, no. 8, Aug. 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 3, March 1956. ";-, '. . V " lr- 1 7.- * ~ , , : . - - :. , ~ t I . 11 ~ ONITIU, F. (Ioc. nipl.-Ing.) F. Onitiu, "Die Ueberwachung der -jualitaet von Mesggeraoten Jurch statisitische Methoden'll Feinyeraete Te,~hnik (Berlin), 6/9, September 1957, pp. 402-4. The author is leputy scientific director of tho Institute for Metrology, Bucharest. 4is photogra-h appears with the article. t.CT -I- -a ull 0l t ;I'.- e', W(- a st an ;a- t co 2 1 .,nnt,~Iy L; st -cf FaE* ":'urc- an Fe' r-: ,j-., -nc ONITIU, I., ing. Mechanization of the man,-facturinp proceas of asj~halt mixt-ares at the Malnas section of the Instl.tute of Highway Research, Deva. Rev transport 8 no. 3:12?-130 Mr 161. MITHO.'U, 0.; BAUU, C. ; OVAL, L. ; D!,l-'uT.U,SCU, IOMSCU, T. ; POPA, P.; in cola~,r~,rc cu 01;1T,', L, Etiological investiga-ion.i of --pide Ac :-epatitis. 1. T.--- stud-,- 0' several viruscs cultivited in --(-1-1 caitures from casc:-, of e~'Icl,?:-.,~c hepatitis. Stu,2. cercet. i-n'ramicrobiol. 13 no.3:319-3~17 162. 1. Comunickire jreza-,tata la In3titutul ie infra:Acrobiolo,--;-~ -LI Acacleniei R.P.R. (HEPATITI3, 11TECTIOUS; (UTTATIT13 (VLi!JS ,L'LT-',VATIC):!) (TISSUE CULTO]t S, , , V , . I - - I ? - 1. 1 1 1 . I .!;L ;' ~~; * , . : " - . . F. z - , I . . . ..y ~ - 7 '. , 7. phnrriftcolorir~.l Pat, Sod ,1-,r'h'. t~i7-1 ~Prn cf < _71 rT` z An, rc! o - T -'-cs ic)4n c I, r7 7 J: f W M i .- I P makol. i rakrakW. 6, No. 6. 3D-70MM. (from Cmmallario majolm) was assayed for physiol. activity Olatches-Magnus and Knall-Lenz 00 methods), isite ol resorption (Svec. C.A. 30, 307771) and go a - eumulative effects UlatcbrV and Fr4alif-Lendle rueth.tA, CA 30, OX109 - The test aninialls were dogs, cats. rabbits. 1ruiura pip and frogs. The cardiac effect is f f d i I o the card ac glycosides. o hich convallatolin ypsci has the highest known activity (lettial close for cats 0 UK r for guinea pigs 0.398 mg kg ) Activity vants with f d the mWe o ministration. it is io. Isith enteral 1-~K, a ond high"t wiih mir ven-Al " t-, I. 'Spi'l TractiAng 19.11'I S, L 1, ti I rid A . 16 :.", in 6 hr. The Hat"b" 1-1 1-n rutnulmlm~ &It *0 0 showed half the dow, elirriln.t~t o, I day od , cli inal wn in 5 dm" Thi, gmeral effrel is 'initial to 00 0 0 If Orophanthin. ins which Nurivallm,m" ~n 1w tutM uul 'ro 'h , . ~ 00 00 '00 -00 roe 2 It A OffALLURGICAl. tlyt�&Tu-f CLAISIFfEATION =00 i -T- I I U _i- W - -I - - -_i go i- U o AV 00 is An a I Far 0 0 R I n be 0 a a j - - i 0 Is El Is it a At ~ g 410 004141O 9 000400606000060 Ii 1 o1 0 0 0 0 * 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 N A : 10 AD 1 , u V ii h 01 0 a 1 9 b I/ v 0 4 1 -j- t- I A a cx 0 U 49 L k - o0 00 - -11, - " ... . -00 go . Pharat,"Ological Oefien of 4WD" code" A t, 111mutt 1113n)'I'll, And tolu I V.1 of tht WhAr platit ""pillIg t-t~l Itl 711', of I-li M ., tolk (,I Whill 111111 191111 0o rrill'.11 f1cmm, sy~lrm In N'th I jwl .~ - i in frup And it I It 5 , v pwr it, m-, glirv, 'kil-StAn~mAy I,, t-1. with f.h1of c-4r. And of kid, i,v., with ihc ,%l. in bla, It .... i I - - t,, -,~ - - - 1, p ,, th~l~ - .1-- a V.,.I,Laf,w .Mvt with C-mila, .1.0i At NO to 211,il(k, 1, t ut'ru. lo'W"I It, "I ut,~,, th, heillitr-j t-- At 1,hm~ Cog ~ I go so* 0 0 z0 6 0 Ij 4* 0 It Im It 11 10A 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 a 0 o a a 0 90 U*'?Atq f? qp T 4ti 4p MIR t 4R f t p I f I f t f `111' 1*44 ' a I it I Y-A 1 -1 M t* Ui& i & I Ar , 00 00 -00 e9 as&& ot cardiec drujit witr% guines Pigs_ - 1. axak,4 rok, 0 lint ... 1" rill, 111, 1 72 t i-- :0 ,r 00 00 00 LIO 0 'If It V An I t1v IS, u, I a 'wa ."a 0 0 0 f 2 a a 10 db o 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 q 0 o 0 0 0;0 0 0 o 0 0 0 a o a a a 61 IN of % J, 11 um IN 491aa .1 ) 4) 0 air* Uf A , I L I L -1 u -Mx a R r F I . 1, .,L1 v -I- --k I 1 44 a Qw U,q I161., 1 _641A A ph---lag" sru4j of -rWAMna, zot~ p I 00 j.j,~k,q . -00 ....I 141,I)a Uterus In -06 -1. like '"b" Ic, 1,.%l -1 1. ZI nks,It. At 1-1 1 .4 t~om,,l fl 119 blUr tk*,V,l 1. - " mg Lit - -Af-, "na, f-" t 00 it, v -0 1, as 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 a 0 a 9 N a 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 0 41 4 Co 0 9 0 0 0 0 -00 09 00 too ::,4 C; do -w. oil 14 Il, Rvm-w 7V -A -,A 1 0 R a 41 a 0 4 Time toge" 2rw P. 1. 2PL1.fq,- . -63 ad" F.,Mwssyu W).---SjwTff"ft mitt e'swu) should be gatheml after b - All parts of the plant milain Slyomitirs T1. h1l,"t Callbac k tt,iivity t% in tht rtusts isittotst 12 W untitt, May to Nov) "'Id tmvv. I I I -W Units. May to Aus 1, 1 he I. Activity unji% are I Y Imol a.- rm- TO-1 I" f he So~t :,nwo.' Imirried WOCIktr o it, har-1 mily the Wev", Iravlos the rums I's twomislum). )uliajj F. imith 'Ve '00 ! Ve too ILA StIALLIOCOVAL LfltflhT~Rf CLAWYKATION 'Woo brow 11, .;4" L"L . 0 4. j 40";-2- U It 41V 00 It -0--s I IF IN 91 a a 00 00 0 00 0 w -00,94-0000 0090 I# 411111,810d Old" 012M WIS P. I * 10 No' 2, I (1947).-LASM at (1), ;1. Owporta (U). and D. t led an ffop. III frog- "rdLftc be for each vAiiety wall 1 133.2. After a yew of t, th~ ha- a 1332, In 101). cultivatim call the3s wervidentwal Julian F Sunith &SO-SLA 011ALLMOKAL LITINATLOO CLASUPKAITION low -4 .1. M. fall AT 10 0 all; W, a, X, a, X, if 6f ; 000000000000000 to All 00 A % 4 rho 0 a 9 1 111 IN 0 .8 a 3 1 zi i!k ONITSZV P.I., dotsent, % -7 Cumulative propertims of cardiac 917c osides. inst. 21:172-176 152. (WILRA 9:12) 1. Kafedra farm&kologii rnar'kovskogo veterinarnogo inatituta. (Glycosides) ONITSIV, P.I.. doteent. Changes tu the electrocardiogram under the effect of convallatoxin. 21:177-182 152. (MLRk 9-12) 1. Kafedra famakoloKii Khar'kovskogo Yeterinarnogo Inatituta. (Blectrocardtagraphy) (Convallatoxin) ORITSBV, P.I. Collection of PeriDloca. Antech. delo, Moskva 2 rio.2:51-52 Mar-Apr 1953. (CLML 24:3) 1. Of the Pharmacological Laboratory of Khar'kov Scientific-Research Phs,rmaceutic Chemistry Institute (Director -- Docent M. A. Angarskaya). Ofi.ITSO, P.I. I~cl Elimination uf ~,)nvsllatoxln. FarM.i toks. 16 no.4:17-19 Ij (KLRA 7,5) 1. Iz farmakologicheakoy I&borstorii (zavaduyushchiy - doteent P.I. Onitsev) Khar'kovskogo nauchno-isaledovatel'skogo khimiko-farmatsev- ticheskogo instituta. (Glycosides) .77: SA - ' 07- t vel--, Q 1~ Z~I- 71 fz wi- le :pt ORO. at I-ato. WWI'= o.omp, OAS,- Ima4b0m~Oz69, -lite: tijbimatiot fu me - bni# 1'.7-2% 61 the ldbnfil I girl ONITSIV. P.I., dots-ent. Classification of cardiac glycosides. Sbor. trud. Kbw 1. vet. Inet. 22;188-193 154. (KLRA 9: 12) 1. Kafedra farmakologit RharIkovalaDgo veterinarnogo instituta. (Glycosides--Classification) 0 laj,,~ot a ent. Biological activity of cardlace. Sbor. tm& Khar'. vet. imst. 22:194-201 1_54, (XLRA 9; 12) 1. Kmf~e4r-a far 0 og$i Miarlkovskogo reterinarnogo instituta. (Pharftd6logy)