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SO V I 1 5 r4 - 7 - I A Device for Remote Control of Dill I IM 11int (-s "Gipromez" require a coh(- ihoighii,t,) tccuracy of +20ku of the speci- fied weight. The lonp-Limp op(,,ration of two recnr(l('T--s at one of the blast furnaces cf' th(, plant "Azovstal ''I Showed that thl. In- strument dt.ta rieet this ri-quirement The selsyn transducers func- tioned during one year ivithout tiny maintenance or reptacerrients The servo system described tri thi-4 artick- may find application not onlv for t-cordirifj aml t,mot-, (otitfol of viv it w,,if!Ilts or] dial balai.ce: , but also I(r and if,cord,nu other maeni- tudes whose charip-s ina-v bi oii%,,. t,d fato angular shifts T 11, ra are I photozri,ph, I (ir( ti i ti i -iti f am I diil"~FIIIII and 3 Soviet ref- Prences. Card 2/2 o.NjSfjcU-,jjj,,o.- ii.P.-,- masl,(3r Pedal-op-irated paint npraynr. Rats-i R.7 * no.12:46-47 '5 9. (14:1ij, 1. TTt-)qt !4,#:nitostroy. Magnitogoruk, Chrillyt' (Spray rintinf-Equi-mont arid supplItoi) KOZHM, I Ya.; ONISHCHEITED, N.P. Mt,aau.ring and rerulatiW, the weipht of coke frIF~-;. Metall,,=g 5 nc.11: 10-11 N 16o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Zavod "Azovetal" (Blast ~urnaceg-.-Equipment and supplies) (Governors (Machinery)) FOZHUKH, V.Ya.; ONISHCH7V )y N,F. Instrument for autonLntic measurement and regulation o.*' '-ne relation of two vnliies. lzm.tekh. no.9:19-21 S 1b.?. (AURA 15:11) (Electronic instruments) ONISIECHENKC Nik I;iy P,iviovich, ~E:. ~ A. V. , red. , 7, ~,KCVA, V ~, , t-~khr. r ad - (safety -neF~s~ires In fi-mrilfi system refrigerntion pinints ' Tekhnikii bezopasnostl na amminchnykh kholodillnykh u:3taijcw- I kakh; praktict.f-skoe ruk-~vodstvo rilla mashiristov. moskvFi, A Gostorgizd~it, 1()fj.l 101 P. (MIRA 16:11) and refrIgerfiting wichinery-Safety meis, res) "E21 KC i apartm Sl :j T7 L-Tr, f c USSR/~,ultivated Plants - Potatoes, Vegetatles, Melons, Ref 71ur - Biol., N(, 3, 1~68, lC797 Kxivolapova, C.P., Onishchenkc, 0.1. Potafo Seed Production in the Trans-Carpathian Region. Kol6:)spnik Ukraini, 1957, kic 4, 31-32 ~"/" , / S 'A-1 C ~ KLYUSHNIKOV, A.m.; 0111SHMM11KO, 0.)i. [On7shchenlm. 0.1,41 Now (Inta on thp stratigraphy of Tortiarv gellonnts In thn wen'ern -errins nf ttl,j Donqta BnRln. Vlanyk Kyjv.un.Snr.gmol.tll geog. no. 1: 1-12 158. (MIRA 1?:10) (Donots BaBin--Geoiogy, Stratigraphic) lb- 19b7 -7j-2n72 Translation from: Referativnyy z1aurnal, '-,eologiy~, 19b7, Nr 3, p 2 (USSR) AUTHORS Kulichenko, V. ?uzilevich, I. B., OnisricnenKo, 0. M. TITLE: Mikhail Nikolayevich Klyushinkov (On His Fiftletr, Bir Ith- day and the Thirtieth Ppniversary of His gcienti!'ic and Pedagogical .,.ctivity) L"Mikftail Nikolayevicn Klyusnnikov (K 50-letiyu so dnya roztideni a 1. 30-letiyu nauc Irinoy i pedagogicheskoy deyatellno3tii~ PERIODICtl"L: Nauk. zap. KYylvglk. un-t, 19b6, Vol 1b, Nr 2, pp IHL- 182 AFIS TRAC T: M. N. Kryusftnikov '-Klyasftnikov 17, professor at Kiyev University, studied the geology and mineral resoarce3 Of Ukraina (Ukraine) and trie Urals. His most important works have to do with the stratigraphy of Tertiary de- posits of refractories, brown coal, kaolin, and other Card 1/1 materials. HBAKOV. Ivan Fedorovich; ONIKIYI:IJKO, Vladimir V88il'7evich [Onykilanko, V.V.j; 0141sliCHE11KO, F.D., otv. za v7pusk- MIRONOVA, Ye.V. WJZICHKO, G.I. Nuzychko, H.I.), tek-hred. LChernovtay Province; economic and geographical outlinej Cherni- vets'ka oblaBtl; ekonomiko-geografichnyi narys'. (Manual for geography teachers] Posibnyk dlia vchyteliv geografii. Cher- nivtsi, obl.vyd-vo, 1958. 101 P. (MIRA 12:9) (Chernovtsy Province-Economic conditions) A lo I T IT LE 0., Ti PER~ODP~'AL: .3,Lai kB,3TRA~,' 2 A ir~-- zhe tri..-)l k SOC IA P 1 1 r A.- i "-I v s ~'l 1" (Institut for Ferrous Metallurgy, AS UOR, and the "Zaporozhstall" Plant) Card 1/1 ONIS11CIENKOP P.I., inzli. flew conveyers with ril-,bed conveyer belts. 3troi. i dor. 5 no.5t17-18 My 160. (MIRA 14: 4) (Convayjhg machintiry) 0111SHCH91110, ftveU~ -TrffR-,IvwR -- r~oroo~vich- ~KOVAL' , P.V., otvatstvennyy redaktor-, ., re or ~el'Btvs; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L., teOin,- a r chesIriy redaktor [Mining machinery] Gornoprokhodchaskis maE;hiny i makhanimy. Moakva, Ugletekhizdat. 1956. 222 p. (KLRA 10:2) (Coal mining machinery) ()Nlsllclu-l',;NoyFnwl I:ikiforovieh; FA , ,tv. red.; '~,v , A.Ta.-y- red.; 1-AKSTOVA, V.1'. , tekhr.. red. [I ining machiner-,-) Garnoprokhodchesicie vz. hii-*, i :.e~,:ianll~ y. Moskva, Gosgortekhizclat, !(?61. '170 p. (' I', A 1 1, - ~') I I (Mining machinery) A'JTHORS: Dc t k!- i T F K, t 1 F., L~ t19 yo L. TTTLE, The Pri-t-, a,. ; Tes, f tfie ',ir~ical Dc-lomite Of the M 3'.~ '(.o -j . zz , T D11 r a n r 0 1) er a t. 1 o I Z' let U IV. ~3- 11 k P. me s t o r o z h! e n' -L PERIODICAL: og-'eup :96 (USSR. ABSTRACT- "lie M-:4 ~w '.I,- i r.- 3.1 WV~, r, Se mo 1, u t E e k p New -9- ip) t e f the ~o)e deposit a f T na -2 ri n it-, 'a ici ins-. Tote a E I ar, v (;:,j g! K a Y 8 ii n7. t.~& fez-^ ne :)I, j r 'I E P LIT ' M ~' n for f I of mi"e at 5 't", j A 1 .;1 th ari annuai. uutp~~', ~~f )0 000 - -r!- -ri w r~t I-nis pr blea"u t'jsl c ~ i I, r'~e A t +erhr- ) il Ali h,~ w Fi,- t. he N v -4 k In lorrui te s t s t o, k j ~~r t i n t ~i i -i N p T-) J- I QKh Y S z i e r r 3 Yr- Be r i r, skaya and Card 4 '1z F, T, yax Fi i H c- T:, e j- ~i e m ~,- F, i .-- .m p, t : c n -. f th e r aw The Producti-~n an! r,~,i a, D-_-.-m-te a w Material of theS"'!-~& e Thrri.? u~ raw a r w, F !'-el Ly F _j at I e, g, a; r' 9 t C'Z.' I W)i! were then de T i - -i- i 11 T a ?W -1,L 0M e I- h t. c, Fj e .~ n Tli - J )ILI t " wan i n -A r(, t ut i n(T K I" % i.' :'T' et~s , The 11CIII I r al o:np,~-' ~ t i on -s!. dolcmit, are gven (Fi~T ai~a -,I ri .2 m u,, -i a - a -:~ f Tabies 3 and I is show-. i n *at i - , F i,. ri tne lie ;~?s that had been weld,- ed t . i- T-he r The experimental del ~r- i te pro duc 7,3 Tt~,~ vi~~v ii e~ t- ChMT~J '0018-54 f0 fllreul let ELI om S i f i ~P d as (' I a , s I and so~-t 1 Lr P. I 1 r. yv a cs ai i _,ut at the "Serp i milot" workL- P, 1. Mel rik-v ;3. 1 7; , A L~,_-d kcv Ya 4 iv 3v a S~ I A. A~ Yep-or-j and I.. I, Alekseyev P f t' . s t ; ~a j Thp c-x per i Den'~ al e r, Ma r 1 in farna .,za with a cap-- dc :z 7': -,,- , ~, , ~ ,I ~ n t~ m r., t ~, s ~t 1 .,r i the do I.c- f I red 1 r. K -it. w,~ TaL .~ ~ The composition T rp, 1 1 e X T'er I me rilc. ; I .- - Card 2/14 a r. C., ~~': _~ ' ~1 ' _'I mite 2, The Prodti, t. cn and *.h;-~- T,~s*, ~f tMeta, i re, :aJ Do-A-)mit,~ )f the Raw Material -f th,~ De,,-~si- During Operati)r, a r ~-- m P r, T. i"I ~ Tat and thf) f-xpf:rimer ta I d-,lorrji te i. r t 1-i ? r : ' a t ~ rig k ~ !i 3 !3 li o w ri k F i g 4 , . T h o s amp d (, I o m I t I? f a n ',Tola k~ln.~~ -!3 qhc-wn as well (Fig (,.,."nc '. is 1 c n 6Tne dt-~omite rf the Shchelko-skcye deposit ca-, be f I roii r, th6 dry prc,-Iess in rotating kilris w-thout addi. tion5; thu6 a metallurgirai dolomite is produ,~ed which meets techn~fai df-,mandE,. C,' It Is recommended to fl~-~ the dolomite ~)eparately a -,rdir~g t,-- fracticnA. 3) Tests in Vie "Serp i mr w, rks carri~id oi f wi Ih it pr(.,-ed itEi usefilness. 4 ) Th e c- 4-) n s T r,.i , t i ., r) -) f if-, ~plat-:~~. at the :~hcheikovr-kkw" deposit must bq a :-,Ierat,~d in order to replace the magmesite powder used urT-i! n,,w. This way also the demands of the Cherepo-ts works could be met. 5) The proda.ti--n a- th, leposit were eztimated to 0~- mu ft I wer than is tbE - ase aT the Nik-.tovk-, ard Tanink-ly dcl,~Yp, Tt Th~re are figuzes .91id 7 ti4tl-e-3. ASSOCIATION: VI-, yuznvy na,chrn 186!0~doua-'-2 'Ax'.y in'stit'it 0~mquporov .A., U,, j Sr ~ -- . Card 5/4 r-' - f ~R%-aT h Inst-.tute of Refractor,.es) 4 J7 rl h The Producti,-r) and t h~ T~B' ! al D('1 -)mIt c f w Material Df the S' i D a Op- r 9 ~ i N,, k i r ,,) k mL,nuf CaTd 4/4 3(7) AUTHORs Onishchenko, S. 1,~. 'VisAbilit TITI.L: On the )bs~rvations of' ti-me ~O nabTyudei.i,/akl-. ar, vili;:,~)-st'.*, u) PERIODICAL: Keteorologiya i gldroj,dlya, I Nr 7, P~ -,.o, v1sibilitty ABSTRICT: The observatir s of the/ by the M(2thcd Cf t."( ~,~;Sical Main Observatory 'Aef 2~ werc t,,E- A,~-3:Lpteor--136ical Station of ~Iukhov in Lay 1957. Th~ ohsvrvers !,:ive not without - ' h a t t h e n c- w d c f et t e A iVy.,ch horizontal 6 Td, These drawbacks are pointed cut ~~,ere. T~~(, ii.L;t; on the zi~.thods to be applied are insaffic~~ and do not saj anjthi~i6, about ~-ozie t The r o I e... of 7.,:,a sir i ng t, h e 1. c~ r i z r. + a 1 t i e prod erly . A great ach vemEnt r, tht- nw--w re.-c-r-, transpar,ncy which, hyyieve& is .,,,t :,I A! thc c~nr~e:ticn ~,tw, 11%, . ic n:, r. p 1y o.,s i ure t io r..- k'lli - f 7:-. . ~l r.- --- ~ ~ '- d t u C -1 t i on C f t "S r: . i k r w I 1 c o a I d v e 1- r i.,.s t r . c t i c, nf; rC):_, r t., c, r 1 -.'.b cal-(~ 11 2 0 r. t h e C; b fi ( r v -i t i c. ns .- f V i r, ilb 111 '~,y I , -1 ! , , - , ~ - 1. - I , /. , I I I -cG,-ic ~ T--Z ing 4, !~P- -:o- th :~'s t~-, ~e ~i ~,:- 1, i .- ~l . T", r (, , r, ~ t , ' '-, - - -- " S,:~vl~ * r(,f,,r,ne 0- . Card 2/2 TEMKIN, O.N.; FLID, R.M.; GEWAN, E.D.; ONISHUENKO, T.A. Soluble complexes of unsaturated hydrocarbons with metal salts, and their role in catalytic reactions. Part. 1: Soluble compounds of acetylene with copper salts. Kin. i kat. 2 no.2:205-213 Xr-A 161. (MIRA 14-65 1. Moskovskiy irratitut tonkoy khimicheskov tekhnologii imeni M.V. Lomonosova. (Copper compounds) (Acetylene compounds) AUTEC-RS Vershkov, Y.V., and Orishchenko, T.A. TITLF: Aerial systems for coastal ITHP raliotele-. t, re i ns PERI(D:CA--: iefera-.iv--i.-,.-Y z%,,.irnaI. !vtomatika -4 r2 no. 7, abgtr,.ct 7-7-1,51 s (Inform. n.-i. in-t morsk. flota, no. 06, 1961, ~t) T'UT: the frequency separation between stations iss trie distance between them can be reduced by using lirectionaI al. Simple directional. aerials are investigLted, usint: r~.(- roughly ~,aif-~,,,ave lipoies fed by coaxiai cable, with the 111, 1,; the netal mast serving as a reflector. To obtain non-directi;r-al aerials the recommended distance from the body of the mast s 0.75 ;6 while for undirectional aerials it is about 0.25 /'-. 14 rcl-e- rences. [Abstracter's note: Complete tran8lation.j Card 1/1 VL'.RSIPOV, M.V., kand.takhn.nauk- ONISHC!ENYO, T.A. -, : 2. -4 , -p ' - r G a S :~aj -I ' tr a .2171~ 7eL:: -- '~ ,kntern-pis *4tn. ' 111* F . I ~: q telephone stations. In'nrra. 3t,01~. '3liI:Vlr r r - 7 ' '"' Z' no.20:84--'~l ~ t,-- * (RlRA It -7) (Ri ii.-,, 3hortwave-rntennas I teleptr)rle) L 192lo-63 ACCESSION NR: AR3004397 S/0274/63/000/005/BO36/B636 SOURCE: RZh. Radiotekhnika i elektrosvyazl, Abs. 5B258 AUTHOR: Vershkov, M.V., Onishchenko, T.A. TITLE: Basic requirements for call selector device for use in marine shortwave radiotelephone communications CITED SOURCE: Inform. sb. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t morsk. flota, vy*p. 79, 1962, 76-81 TOPIC TAGS: marine radiotelephony, call selector, code selector, shortwave communication, radiotelephone, radiotelephony TRANSLATION- The authors consider the basic requirements for a call selector device for use in international marine shortwave radiotelephone communications. Recommendations on the use of call selectors are given. The authors give tech- nical data on call selector devices employing the pulse or frequency methods of signal coding. They recommend a 24-channel code selector for seagoing vessels; these would have up to 10,000 total code combinations. One illustration. Ye.M. DATE ACw: 25Jun63 SUB CODE: CO ENCL: 00 Cord 1/1 C .. ......... ........ ........... . ..... s S c (ConUnued on Card 21, a ra 1, 6 ACCESSION N:': A'174 03 18 1 3 w 0' 17,j D frorn vOI -'ec";ve gal;, S. 71g,-*c ax=-Ip.,'tj uf p4ttaril vftvlo~ls val'igs cf S. T"".' .. ..... Selec'.L~(~ ~;-. ~"-actlca so L~a" the PI-O" "'t~oli of t1id c'xci".uv lici from 0. ,'-G 15 eu-e oi trie re-ector. Dimensions are i(wi-,Licai in both ),aiies. The reverse 0 cGrc. 11/6 ACCESS'l- Sll F."N C LOS Ud Varla,Loll of rad.auuli resistarCC Witll CL6=C(3 frOlll thO rCf,('Ctk)r. 4/6 CC- I'NCLC)SL,'I-',E: Fi(r. Variati, on of directional -a-in Nvith distance from the reflector. 0 C, Card 5/6 ACCESSION XR: AT403,1113 Fi-. 3 - Directive patterns of an ante,ina of a dipole with a planar dipole in horizontal plane.' S = 0. 3A = 135* D = 4.4 db S 0.2", 1G, D 6 c1b S 0. 4 'N 145, D 0. 5dl-, Dr z 50* = 5 db (relative ,o full wave dipole) R,- 96 ohms R 70 ohms R~-= 90 ohms Ca-rd 6/6 ENCLOSURE: 03 V. k .~S,6 t-made'. fa6bliait~ e6ipment, (n "-I "Ladbga -'tPrizmal -I'Arfatt -~6nd,. -for Neva") St "A 20,AAAeojrd% eps. inc)~eaaing noise .01- rarISIdBB on are tofibidaied "ThOTTA-K transmitter and: mmiul for'.-transmis- 4 Af -in '.teo:~i4e and other "gra o:~inaWftal-5`-AL gk --a 'ted' , i an 'p and i6e: as 6vq~ MAIN 11O)a C_Y' d r,.r o.. an 6ias Sion; aq re-_, ransodis eviAtI64'of _=~-,300- tr'Pq~,10 Id k6~ th Im. ii -Mf')t6d at i foreign c6tAiui~do' of--4-adio-~ 0 vans 9 hasbi speci:uc the facsimile vb4th6r'v#B~ V th tb --for.'s lt ii held ex A t o-:,o-r* anize such L peciien ~m pa, Pi f"B3mj 0 -aji4 iii L16! iecaiiir ~Pavy;__ IM 'j-3- a --on' t _p_ j~ Aim Ovwt -7p - ~j "R4 'q4 ?T!a MO-A-z-, 4 'A tz. ONISHCHSHKO. T.Ts. Clinical characteristics of recurrence in scarlet fever. Zhur. mikrobiol.spid.1 immun. no.):26-29 Mr '54. (KI-RA 7:4) 1. Iz kafedry Infektsionnykh bolemay (zaveduy-ushchiy - professor M.Ya.LatBinik) Odeaskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (direktor - dotsent A.P.Kiyashov). kScarlst fever) ONISHCHANKO, T.Ye, Clinical spects of Sonne dysentery in adullts. Z~:ar, =krobio,. I imman "A no.2:142-143 F 'Y? (MLRA 10:4) 1. Iz Odeaskogo inatituta usovershonstvovanlyn vrachey 1 ryorodskoy infektsionnoy lml'nitsy. (SHIGRLLA SONNEI) T Ye lc- 'ne'~ na (;oniparatil,e era-ual r. A' ef "e, some me- tlfrj.: treat--'-Le wh(--j-,),.u y TL( 3C 'k 7 r - :--~i ioC, - ku o ts t~ bdf,~, koc- t i ka:- MISHCHENKO, T.Ye.; ~,()BUVA, Effectiveness of vacc--'ne ~hera,-i 'n whoopinp cm,~gh wzt- a of the phagocyte Lndex. Pediatriia no.2:39-43 IQ. (MIR!. ~ r :-; ) 1. Iz kafed-y infektsionrykh bolezney detskogo vozrasta (zav. dotsent N.G. Stepina) Wesskogo meditsinskogo instituta N.I. Piror,ova (dir. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki Prof. I.Ya. De7peka). (WHOOPD:r, COUGH.-PREVE11TIVE IKROCULATIOU) (PHAGOCYTOSIS) Insh - MEZHEUMOV, F. p inzh.; ZELIDIS, M., inzh.,- ONISHCEgE~O Automation of the washing and drying of passenger cars. Avt.transp. 39 no.1:16-20 Ja 161. (-vLLRA 24:3) (Automobiles-Maintenance and repair) ACCESSION N-R: AT4037695 S/2865/64/003/000/0245/0249 AUTHOR: Kuz'minov, A. P.; Onishchanko, V. F.; Sillvestrov, M. M. TITLE: Retention of habits for transmitting information under conditiorw of prolonged isolation SOURCE: Ali SSSR. Otdoloniye biologicho6kikh nav.k. ProblenV* kosmicheakoy biologii, Y. 3, 1964, 245-249 TOPIC TAGS: isolation, emotional stress, manned space flight AJ3ZTRACT: Experiments have been conducted to 8tudy the effects of prolonged isolation on the ability of man to perfora habitual tasks involving the trans- mission of information. Data from five experiments on prolonged iaolation indicate that during the first day, performance in the habitual transmisailn of in-formation decreases both qualitatively and quantitatively. Adaptation to conditions of isolation usually takes place on the second or third day; performance improves,, but does not reach the initial level. The average number of errors for a well- trained operator is higher under isolation conditions than under norvAl circum- stances. The character and degree or emotional strain has been shown to vary with the individual peculiarities of each uubj"t studied. C.. d V2 ACCESSION NR: AT4037695 ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 NO REF SOV: 00~ 1 i -2/2 ENCL; 00 ()THER: 005 SUB CODE: pal LS V'l-LYJ,'KDi, Yu.!.'.; 1- , S.A.; A] ~-, 11YOV, %'.V. kL--K!:OV, 3.". :;A7YEVSKlY , ...V. ~;ELAY) .1,:A., 1". i~-*~ VA.Sl L'Yll', V.S. ; SAGA:-,2 Yu.A. A. I.; GUhO'.-',KlY N.N.; yy"- V~' hCV, A.D. U~PCV, Ye. A. ; KO' ALn', V.V. ; KOLOSOk A. GOi A.A. ; KASIYA1, 1 .1 . ; KC'OVSKAYA, A.... UldF~1,111' 3. V. KOY ANE'~' , V . I .Kll'~"!-. II (;V ,A. ; KAKU;P~ 11 - , L., ; Yl: VA, L-:.%EDIT~ , V. I .aBEI)EV, A.A. 1,013~',I! , 1 .1 . ; !--AKS11 !-YASl-':K,,V , '.'.1 . ; ! ALYS))!E.P. , Yo.G. ; NEU.'~'Y%AKIN, 1 .1 . O!.l.'--:CHENK'V, V.F.; H,I CV, I.S. ; 1 O.-LUCF.IKuV, Ye.1 A.D. ; SAKSOII~OV, i V. G. '.Ayl~% , A.S.; UDALOV, Yu.F.; F01~111, A.G.; K14.LE~~1111-.~"\ YUGAEOV, YeJ%; YAZDOVL;FIY, V.I.; K?JCHAGII~, V.I.; AKVI.I: I C I T V I.T.; SAVT',.lCl`, F.K.- *-T?JTljj:-,A, S.~.; VClSK.---,3E2~'.;KIY, C.G.; GAZE2-.'.,C, SISAMAN, N.M., akade!r..-*k, red. [Second group space flight and Fore :-e-;ults of the -wovie, astronauts' :'li,-hts on "Vostok" ships; :3cientific result! a' r..ed-,*cr-il ano L)inlogical -ese,,rch conGucteu :,"ur4ng ,he Eecctnc group space flighti Vtoroi gr-LlypoVC4 ~o.-.i,.JchesKii polel. I neyc)- torye itogi joleto-v sovetskiVh kosmontivtov na kor,:b14hkh 11"lostck"; nauchriye -PzLl'taty :,~eciiko,,io'o,,ici-,e.,:ki~.1; issl,-novan-: proved ermy'r-1 i~ vo vreii.ia vtorc%ro cmppovogo KosmicheskoFo iole~-a. 4, oskva, ],auks;, 1965. 2.77 1- (F.J;~A 18: 6) _L 2943u-, ACC NR. SOU11CL CODE: UR/0000/6,r)/000/000/0112/0118 AUTHOR: liulat i%. A.- Denisov, V. G.; Kuz'minov, A. P.; Onishchenkp, V. F.; 11ozanov, Yu. A.; Sil'~egr6V,_R. M. ORG- NODe TITLE: An integral method for evaluating the effective training level of operawrs in control systems SOURCE: Sistema chelovek I avtomat (Man-automaton systems). Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1966) 112-118 TOPIC TAGS: man machine communication, elect rophys iology, specialized training procedure, human engineering ABSTRACT: The authors consider the dyna-mics of the process by which an operator acquires skill in control and the degree to which training is effective in an attempt to solve the problem of adaptation of an operator to the system which he controls. Factors affecting the speed at which working habits are formed are discussed. It is pointed out that the purely psychological method for evaluating the level of training effectiveness is not sufficiently complete and object- ive. Electrophysiological methods are used for a fuller evaluation of the habit formatioti pro- cess using electroencephalogruns, clectromyograms, electrocardiograms, cutaneogalv~Lnic reactions and pnewiioj~rams to study changes in the neuropsychic makeup of the operator. The results ol tests show a reduction in the bioelectric activity of the muscles and high-frequency Card 1/2 L 29436-66 ACC NR, AT6012890 rhythms of the cerebral comex as well as in the amplitude of electrocutaneous potentials and the number of cardia,,- conLractions to a frequency close to the normal pulse rate. A d~agra_m is given showing the equipment for comprehensive registration of the electrophysioloocal indices of the operator during training. An analysis of the dynamic process of coordination between the various systeniq in the organism of the operator during training is used for deter- mining the instant when the operator reaches optimum capacity for dealing with control prob- lems. It is found that u,t- .- ircu~Rtion of'a deniiw quatity of information is required for maintain- sys- ing a given control process. This quantity of information is evaluated for a closed control tem with a single human link. An integral expression is given for evaluating the level of effee- tivenessof operator tra.;-tig in man-machine systems. A curve is gIven showing the degree of training effectiveness for an operator in a complex control system as a function of the number of training exercises. Seven parameters were used for evaluating training effec- tiveness. It was fouDd that working habits were formed after 12-13 traWng periods. Grig. art. has: 2 figures f--r-nuirls. ,L08] SUB CODE: 05 SUBM DATE: 02Aug65 ORIG REF- 008/ ATI) PRESS:6 Caid 2/2 '_ L 319go-66 mvr(fl SCTB DD/QD _K/Oi~8 __~7 - ACC NR, AT6012899 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/Oil AUTHOR: Volkov. A.A. V G. Kirilenko, Yu. I.; Mankevich,, V.I. Mel'nik S. G. - Denisov Mikhavlov&kiv. G. P. ; Onisi~_;~~eno. r7 ORG: none TITLE: The structure of the command signal and the psychophysiological capabilities of an operator in control while subjected to G force V SOURCE: Slatema chelovek I avtomat (Man-automaton systems). Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1965P 215-228 TOPIC TAGS: man machine communication, automatic control theory, human engineering, biologic gravity effect, flight physiology, psychologic stress ABSTRACT: Circuits containing a man-operator as one of their elements are extensively used in modern control systems. The case studied involves the control of the pitch of an aircraft in descent prior to landing. An experimental investigation is made of the psycho- physiological characteristic a of an operator during control under ~!onditions of C force acting In the chest-back direction. It is foupd that w i t h a G force be'.ow a certain Ii mit, the operator is capable of controlling angular and trajectory movements if he receives a single control command. The structure of the control command should be identical with the principle of control of an automatic system; furthermore, a correction should be made in the 1/2 _'_ _3199M6 I' FACC NR- AT6012899 command system, i. e., the dynamic properties of the operator should be corrected. Optimal structure of the control command may be selected by methods employed for automatic control systems. The quality of the control is considerably affected by its dynamic characteristics , by the preparation and the training of the operator, by perturbation factors, and by the organization of the working place of the man-operator. According to data obtained with the polyeffector method of recording physiological functions, an increase in G force acting on the man-operator leads to the execution of control functions which are unchanged in capacity at a high neuropsychic stress and at a lowered performance. The polyeffector method makes it possible to determine the neuropsychic activity of the operawr under G ime move fully6 An objectim evalustion~of the processes employing the man-operator in the control circuit may be obtained as a result of analysis of the parameters of the motion dynamics of the controlled plant, the actions of the operator, and the degree of the operator's paychophystological stress. Orig. aXt. has: 12 figures and 18 formulas. (081 SUB CODE: 05 / SUBM DATE: 02AW5 / KTJD PRESS c.rd 2/2 ACC NR, A-1603656i SOMCF CODE: UR/oov-0/66/ooc,;/3~,O/C)',69//--.7C AU71M: Zharov, S. G.; KuzrrAnov, A. P.; Kaslyan, 1. 1.; Maksiffov, D. ~L. F_,.; Popov, ". A. none Tnf~ prw':"M -C pil,:t, w,rk cap:iciLy curlni' I P.-I C " S r, 1 P R, 0 c k,~; p!, [Paper prerentcd Lit the Conference on Probleris of '.'-pice held in 114oscow from 24 to 27 May 19661 SCURCE: Konferentsiya po proble.T;am hosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. ?r&)-le~V 1. r.os,--ic",-,eskoy medit3iny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentsii, Moscow, 1965, 169-170 TOPIC "'AGS: tf-,"t" ii'lliukri phyniolor_"" r.", space physio-10".T 1A BS 71'ut C 7 :On prolonil'e,a Fi)-icefligiits, cosmor.-tut. work activ-~ty place during the exposure of the organism to a whoic group of unusual factors (weightlessness, prolonged isolation, hypodynamia, altered gas medium, and so forth). Study of the effect on man of these factors is of great practical importance. The purpose of the present investigation is to study the condition and work capacity of man during a prolonged sojourn in a spaceship mockup. ;Lcord 1/3 ACC NR. A'i'6036561 For this purpose, four 3-day experiments and one 12-day experimen' were conducted (the latter %-.ras a control experiment without S;-)(-CIaL COUnter- measures against hypodynamia). The volunteer subjects wore ventil,-1:cd suits. They remained seated i ihin couch through(,ut the wiiole I in a spiace c; time of the experiment. The couch was fully isolated frorn the external, environment. The work activity of the subjects was carried out according to a schedule approximating spaceflight conditions. At scheduled times Lhey performed test tasl(s in the operation of a marjual attitude control system, ifformation transmission, correction tests, and so forth. During the experiment complex recordings were made of physiological functions (EEG, EKG, PG, EMIG, and galvanic skin response). Analysis of 'the experimental data showed that during a threc-day stay in a ipaceship mockup, the general condition of the subjects %-Is ractically unchanged. The investigated physiological indices remaint.-d P !,within normal limits. The work activity of the subjects dropped off a bit in the firSL day, but returned to initial levels an the second and third icays of the experiment. In the 12-day experiment, the tendency toward lowered work capacity ICard 2 ACC NR: A7603656i was more pronounced. Thus, on the first, fifth, seventh, and e,evei,th a 1).w ,nd olic.-half to two-fold decrvat;o in the accul-:Icy of "Jii;l attitude control from angular coordinates was recorded. Ttic i-equir(I , ;or Information trammission increased toward ,he en(. of ',_v e\-perimentIby in average of 10,X.. ill die Correction 0 C' c:~Pacity of visu;ii an.tiyzor (il-oiye(l frtmi 1. 7 to 1. 3-11. t5 Iiie reci and iitic ligiit cojitrast sujisitivity of the eyes ducr ed 3S'lo -c Cas 40(1;'o, respective',y, from L. N. Meyer' s data. Numerous changes in physiolo'llical inoilices were aso notec; the enci of the expcrirnent. Thus, zor example the EEGIs -i-,owC6 a Tests with sudden i stagriza-11" exaltation of alpha riiythnis. "inclorri ~-"-"'Iats requiring a rcsponse reaction from the subject showed a decrease It-- eiectron-iyogran-i amplitude from 300-200pv and a galvanic skin response amplitude decrease from 650-480pv. The observea functional shift-i in the state of the sub,cc, during a 12-day stay in a spaceship mockup indicate that further study of pilo-.- work capacity under analogous conditions is necessary, as is an effort to find optimal work-rest schedules for cosmonauts on prollongea spaceflights. [W.A. No. 22; ATD Report 66-1161 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: OOMay66 UNISFGHERKO, V.G. [OnyshcheTlRO., V,F,],, inzh. Repair of the framos of tht, UT-1 tractam, "',ekh. hoBj, ,, 54 1 no.8 -,2-25 AE '.( ), - NIRA Ir):.?) (Tractore - Maintenanco and repair) ONISHCHENKO, V.Ca. [Onysh~henko, 7.11., 1, inzh, Flrbparing cylLndei blo-ks befOT13 ai~smbl=g ebrinpe. Me-Kh,gil'. hosp. 13 no.124-.O.-.-l D 62~ (MIR.A -L ~ -, - ) (I'ra~tors- 5ngineq.-Cylinderb) C)filSHCFFNK(' V.G. (Onysbrherj~r, V.!;,j', l.nzh. --- - --y- ~ - - ~ whnlesalo! P-lc-t'z~ "J~~ " . n~~,~n inry. MW~kh, 311 1. 1" n- . '.: 1-11-20 Ap It, -1 . OCRA I ~ .I()) orlisHCHENKO, V.G. tOnyshchenko, V.H.11, JnzIt.-mekhanik Serv'ceabil'Ity ..oten..Jal of th- B' eng4,ne. Mesh. sil'. L-,osr,. -- no.11:11-12 N'63. (MIRA 17:2) BRAUDE, V.I.,,nn.nauk.; -: YWP~, inzn.; ONISHGHFNKO, V.I., ~nzri. Actual tra.lec*:,.:-y of --iovement r!iiring the charge of switch lic overhanging in gantry cranes. Vest.mashinostr. 43 lo.9:26-28 s 63. (MIRA 1t,:10) cill , -.. - ... , , . - . . ~ : , , . -,. ,.,a 1. . . . I I 'f I -f - 11 " '. -- , I 4 I I AUTHOR., Onishchenko V.I. (Onyshchenko, V. I.) 7 TITLE: The Mixed Axisymmetrical Problem of the Theory of ?otentia' in a Space With a Flat gircular Slit ("meshannaya zadacha teorii potentsiala dlya p:.ostranstva a ploskoy krugloy shchellyu) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainalkoi RSR, 1958, # 1, pp 21-2,) (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author analyzes the mixed axisymmetrical problem of the theory of potential for two harmonic functions in a space with a flat circular alit. The mixed problem of the theory of elasticity for a space weakened by a flat circulur slit can be reduced to this type of problem if the components cl the external strain on one side of the slit and displace- ments on the other side are given. The problem is solved in quadratures. The article contains 2 Russian references and 1 translated from English. A3SOCIATION: Dnepropetrovsk State University (Dnipropetrovslkyy derzhav- Card-~ nyy universytet) AUTHORt Onishchenko, V.I. C1 I lIC222 TITI,E. 7he solution of a mixed problem of potential theory and of elasticity theory for a space with a plane round apertilre PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 7, 19062, 66, abstrRot 7B321. ("Nauchn. zap. Dnepropetr. un-t", 11~61, 25-37) TIE: ( T :'.~'he following problem is considered : Deterzzine four harmonic functions, two of which are defined in the lower and two in the upToer half space, and which satisfy certain linear conjugation condition8 on the plane z - 0, where these conditions are different inside and out- side of a prescribed circle. The author represents the sought solution as a ~'ourier-Bessel integral and red7uces the problem to conjugate integral i_-quations which are solved by quadrature!3. Ala.0 an analoKous boundary value-problem of function theory is considered. The results obtained-are used for solving an elasticity problem for a space weakened b-y a round aperture. -Abstracter's note i Complete translation.- ,'ard 1/1 C em F r fi 7~ fl p k-rl -It k CNISHCHRWXC, V.*.. inzh. Semiautomatic production line for rivid mineral-wool slabs. Strot. mat. 6 no.6:27-29 Je '60. (KIRAL 13:6) (mineral vool) ,- " , I , ~' ,1 1) S~, v ; I .,( , -1.4- I - I.-- - , ~1-"! I *,- ',r.- e, , -. . . .: ~ ~, , , - z , - " -17 . ~ 2 " -1 - , . : . , n, 1 - , C; , -,: v ~ , - . r ~ , , ~ ( ~ . . '' 4 1,1~n.c. - . - 1,. )-. .~, 1. '. -.., , - ~ - r,,.v -i 1~ ' f, Y. r - - I NOVOZHILOV, M.G., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; DRUKOVANTY, M.F,, liland. tekhn. nauk; KRASNOPOLISKTY, A.A., inzh.; OIIISHGHENKO." inzh. Effect of rotary drillina on the quality of blasting opeirations. Vzryv. delo no.51/0-223-231 163. (MIRA 16W 1. Otdal gornorudnykh problem AN UkrSSR (for Novozhilov, Dnikovanyy). 2. Dokuchayevskiy flyuso-dolomitrqy kombinal. (for Kraonopollskiy, Onishchenko) (Boring) 5lasting) 7'1,T.,'j'T A, N U ,kano . . naijk i CA! ?-',I ~; ' N , A r. , 'i(and U, 'AS 7JO PC I. I 3K. A, . A . , kri-nd . 1, r- )(1,!. . na ,I,, In? h. N .1-1. , ',nzh. Kkh I-; J. F. ; ec LJ vpn e ss a f b) as t ~ nj~ -;y v. t ;,mg r. u-K r, 1 (-,. r Vzr-yv . tie lo nr 5"/" t 181-18c- ~osudarstvpr!nyy nnuchno. A:iq,t3dr-,0.ellskly o n s t. tu 1, ugol I nny , rid roy , nef jy i pa 7..--)v oy LrkrSSF i 1.okuchap-vskly flyxiso-dolorrAt~nyy r((,mb'.n-,i, 21655-66 prr(mygw(t) JD ACC NR, AR6011593 SOURCE CODE:---6i/6,37/65/000/012/BO19/BO19 AUTHM: Gavranek. B. Gladkiy, D.; Leybenzon, S.; Onishchenko, Ye.; Shakhmeyster, B-1 Chalyy. V. ORG: none TITLE*. Automatic non-contact regulator for flux remelting 4W0R*Afir_ for'controlling the electric cycle of f:~Ice4 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiva, Abs. 12B131 REF SOURCE: Elektrotermiya. Nauchn.-tekhn. sb., vyp. 44, 1965, 17-19 TOPIC TAGS: ~utomntic regulation, metal melting, metallurgic, furnace, electric relay, power amplifier, electrode, electric transrormer, electronic circuit TWSIATION: The orozh'Ye 4rfll,jqk~q of the Institute of Auto- nation and the Dn etestall Plant hake_ eveloped a non-contact regulator for controlling the electric cycle for flux remelting In consumable-elootrode furnaees.;~The regulator maintains working current of electro a witfi -9n of 1.5% of nominal. An Input signal proportional to electrode current In received by current transformer and fed to a comparison circuit where It Is compared with a voltage which Is proportional to the setting of the electrode working currents '71he difference between these voltages Is fed to ,a semiconductor relay which operates a magnetI4 power amplifier. ThIsAmplIfler controls the motor which moves the electrode. A L 21655-66 , k6- EC _N_R_ A OU593 A schematic diagram of the regulator to given together with an ex- planation of Its operation, The regulator has been In continuous .operation at the Dneprospetastall plant for a year and a half. ,During that timeq the unit has been used In asking more than 1,000 melts which have shown that the regulatcr to reliable In operationg simple to useq ono eliminates metal rejects due to szoesuive do- viatione in electrode current during melting,, Ve Sidorove [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 099 13 ONISHCHRUED, Ye.G., doteent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nomi . Effect of heat on the proteins of wheat. Trudy NTIPP 2:315-340 '52. (MlRA 9:2) (wheat) (Proteins) (Heat-Physiological effect) :9`1'ect rt,Lri.,i,7 dr-ing in gasne from roal on 'he q,iality of grain p.1-iten. lZV.VYS.!l-~heb.ZaV. : Dlsh,,h.te;c;. no.2: 15-21 '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Moskovskty tal-chndogi::heski~r tnatitut pishrlievoy prr-myshlen- nosti. (Glilten--DT-:,, j-1p CHUPRIKOV, Mikhail Konstantinovich, kapitan pervogo ranga; OYLOV, Pavel Sergf-yevich, kapitan pervogo ranga; ONISHGMIY,~, Yevgeniy Yakovlevich, kapitan per-vogo ranga; POPOV, Georgiy Ivanovich, inzh., kapitan vtorogo ranga; PAONICHKIN, A.P., red.; TARSKIY, Yu.S., kapitan vtorogo ranga, red.; SRIBNIS, N.V., tekhn. red. [Reference book for a watch officer] Spravochnik vakhLen- nogo ofitsera. [by] N.K.Chuprikov i dr. M03kva, Voenizdat, 1963. 384 p. - (MIRA 17-2) SOV/ 124-~8-5-~,872 T rans I.-itior. f r(,in 1~ 1-ft, r,i z):,l r-?z,, 1 , M vkhan ik d, 1956. Nr L) S p AUTHOR Onish(her,.ko, Yki.A. TITLE Causes of Cave-ir.~ t''Bumps'') During the Constru(tion )f i(al Mine Shalts ~Prithinv ubrushemy pri prokhodke %criiKa' ri~kh stvolo% _-,hakhtj PERIODICAL U go I' U k rd; n v 19 ~ 7. N' r 10. pp 16 - I Q ABSTRACT Bibliographi( cntr~ C a rd I / I -QNISHCHENKO, Yu.A., in-?.h. Relief of vertical shnft wall su-faces. Shakht. strci. no.12: 1q-21 D 157. (RIRJ 11:1) (Shaft sinking) I r -A. i'e - !'C- ,6-tW T)Ybo7rrc7T, 'Ttn c ;' sL i C); t --UT)-.,orts '(-1r ve-T.jCij nni,e 'It ig,*It fts un-ter, eUL11; of t ov ONISHCHENKO, Tu.A. Rock pressure in vertical workings. Ugol' 34 no.9:36-4C S 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1.Institut gornogo dela AN USSR. (Subsidences (Earth movements)) (Shaft sinking) ONISHCHENO . Yu.A. Adhesive forces between cement and the surface of sedimen',ary rocks, Sbar.trud.Inst.gor.dela AN URSR no.8:66-74 161. (Y-.--IIA 15.2) (Grouting)(Mining engineering) ONISHCHE M , YU.A. Effect of a shifting rock mass on a retaining wall. Sbor.",rud.Inst. gor.dela AN URM no.8:75-82 161. (KIRA 15:2) (Rock pressure)(Mine tim-bering) ONISHCHENKOV YU.A. Establishing the relationship between the size of pieces of broken rock and the pressure on the supporting wall. Trudy Inst.gor.dela AN URSR no.llt4l-46 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Rock pressure) ONISHCHENIO, Yu. A., kand. tekhn. nauk Re-examine laboratory methods of stud3ring the physicarechauiral parameters of rocka. Ugol' Ukr. 7 no.4:15-19 Ap '63. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Institut gornogo dela All UkrSSR. (Rocks-Testing) LY' t'Irl . -.1 , !T, . I . , U K A M~i :, f. . t_-~l go r-norudn of? 0 v -i K n i i v 1. r, r) - 1 ~ c Y I .?'7SAKOV, N.;' . ; , Y ;. A. Res I : *--,.9' ~ %F trltt S, '. -'r- es - *' L=-- - 9.-.71 - I---- --' -Z -ts I - -- if. dels G,- ir.-r-g . " tr . "Ig I ' r - . 2: 1- -) '- -~ I_lz. M -. Z, ~. . -, . I j I. Instit,it g...,-nog dela AN '1,,r '.-)I ~ . -- ONISHCHENKO. Yu.1, Testing results and prospects of the development of a gas- turbine plant with a fres-piston gas producer. Trudy KHIIT no.46slOO-108 161. 04IRA 15:12) 1. Nachallnik byuro gazoturbinnoy ustanovki Luganskogo teplovozostroitellnogo zavoda. (Gas-turbine locomotives-DeBign and constructJon) K I'S H, P. P. , CN I" ll~, yo. Y. ?r,C,j,-jMetj-~ . r~Li ! . -,n r.' Wq ! , ' jn I - 'ii . ' and zinc z~? . ~w- ,i- w '. , - : .,- ne.49477-478 It,j. .. I 1 . Uz he c, r z d sl~ i I g Cls - I.,i - -, I vre. n,,3-.,, i r, . - ~ , ~ '. - ~- I L 07928-67 FWT (m) /EWP (t) /1--'rT 11P (c JDIX iACC NR - AP6033382 r-4) SOURCE CODE': TJR/0075/GG/021/008/0944/0949 AUTITOR:- Kish, 11. P. ; Onishchenk - ~41 U 1~1 I I ORG: Uzhgorod State University (Uzilgorodskiy gosudarstvennyy unive-sitet) i TITLE: Glycinecresol red as a reagent for photometric anal sis of Ilium y k_' a SOURCE: Zhurnal analiticheskoy 161iniii, v. 21, no, 8, 1966, 944-949 TOPIC TAGS: glytine, photometric anilysis, spectrnphotometric analysis, I gallium, glycinecresol, gallium containing,, mineral, gallium determination ABSTRACT: Glycinucresoll red has been suggested as a sensitive and selective reagent for the photometric analysis ()f j,"111111111. It has beell folind ,;p(-Ct1-oph()Lo- metrically that a Ga:GCR = 1:2 complex is forined at p1l 4 with inaximurn ab-;orp- tion at 510 (the absorption maximum of the reagent is at 435 ni/~,-/- ). The molar extinction coefficient of the con-iplex ic; 25, 000, A photometric methoci has been suggested for determining gallium in zinc metal, zinc oxi(l(~, and gallium-containint minerals. Large amounts of Zn, Cd, Pb, Mn, Co, Ni, 11g, Ag, i Th, TI, As(III), Bi(III), Sb(111), V(V), JMo(Vl), and W(VI) do not interfere. The Cord 1 / 2 UDC: 543.70 L 07928-67 ACCNR~--A P-6--03-3382 sensitivity of the method is 0. 05 v/ry)l Ga at 1:2 x 107 maximurn dilkition. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas, 7 figures, and I table. [Authors' abstract) SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 30Nov64/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH RE'F: 007/ ONISHCHETKO, YU.N. Condition of vertical s ~j_-f* wr,.s o-, Donets Brs;L minies. Ukr. no.6:11-13 Jr ', 0. (MIU. '-3:") 1. Inatitut r-.rnopo 'ela AI, USSIi. (Rock pressare) (Donets _-~isin--Crrd mines ani mini nf7) nprr bane. Der. imr=t -rstitut e ~:h a r. h(-- rtn6 ver.pering) CNJ,';W4FN!.l- , "', A. f y &11 ",Y'.T F ri , ,, . ; - . ", - I or: c" ,r-. npe r of G, ; -r~ ., mm thl rkne ss . ber. prrwn. n , .,. : ' i-' , f, r~ 1 ,.~ . ONISHCHIK. A.L. Grientability of analytic homogenous manifolds. lJsp,uujt.naiLk ~', nc,.5:121-130 S-0 151. (1(1-qA 6: 10 (Aggregates SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMANCSj /Top 09y CARD 1/1 PG - 68 AUTHOR KAR LEVIF F.I., ONI~IK A.L. TITLE Homology algebra of loops space. PERIODICAL Doklady Akad. Nauk 106. 967-969 (!W) reviewed 6/1956 Let X be a simply connected topological space,-Q the space of the closed pa-ths in X with fixed initial- and endpoint, H(X and H(J-L) theirfoohomology rings (coefficient field of the characteristic O~. Theorem: If, H(X) Ls an outer algebra with free generating elements x 1 x ... and if every pUrt of dimension of H(X) possesses a finite basis, then H( q ) is the polynomial algebra with free generating dements I 't2 ...,where dim.ti - d-im i:i An application to Hopf's manifolds and homogeneous spaces is given. 9M_ - u a a 9,32-935.T -Slei!ri with t4i~; Y , _ ~B fiberr- - prouiection- -P; the au#Ip-fI5"IesT* new 4W1 ct' ose~ b _j~*rhiWbaseis,.E, d`w-basel, -an III Dtal paed is.F _ 166p -in-B; b*d at sorfie fg(By, the ipki~& ;-i" -bo-Actually t ettot -sp-acci~~iiotEitklf,btilla~p~, ce _ Z ically--equivalent to it~:-'rtmel~ the fiber W spa T rom e of-'all ~Ahs in B' c starting a e i er spa ' of E lntt~ B spau of B), by the-projection pi -- -- -- ir is ent, - - Similarly-'the fibe t actuallkpABJ,~bu tlikquival d im Lfiber (R i fi : x nA _ _ _ - this aw aj Siam or, 56 ;ated space consists iptaking for lot f - ' l P~&-of all piths th~ S iwE, startingin P, arid projeil~ing The ibn- -E by sending the padi hit Ato i3 its ert~f*i~t. struction 6n be: iterated, giving rise to (LI(B), F rI(R3) then to. (O(E)-, I)(- ain - assurhpo*p~s. B O(F)), oc, tert a- t, Th cir aj~otft. connectedness h ve o lk~: Tji~ade. e sf'e al -- _ - A 6~ of tlk lirst t ree a ss miated spAces And.of the 11 seque h 404, Z it T T V W'i . . ........ AV . ONISHCHIK, A.L. (Moskva) - Cohomology of path spaces. Mat.9bor. 44 no-1:3-52 Ja '5P. (KM 11:2) (Topology) KA .14iod jo Povdw ~ Jo OSTY01-103 .(--Oxl -T-r .(O-Ajj VA"T-PRIZ '6 'OL P- (OAO"ATT- T-L .41 .0 ti -wqr"~ 2..q jTrv.jj*zd=A" n .0 01 .-TV, wpuv~ -4uaV..d.pwj jo '4"jj VCM J- --11~41-46TC 99 jo U012sirp mm jo All UoV4r'q'1j*4ITv r-r*JmT==wv Ims A'uoqdaj&j tri ~T~Oj RtmijS -n ru. 2. W~TT_j -2 P_ 2T2' T--2w-Oq2wft ~d_' V"d P_ '74 ~L J~ . samo1q." L'o-, 17'zo~j u0j,-nj T-9-12-1 P" 'vaqo" '"-Ul -q- u1 _1~11 '"0111A Vz I it-.&Or Q%oq jJC .9~ Jd.d .43 J1 'Puv p.2T. o% ~~o -M j~ -d-d .1u J. 'Ed.. 1 11.4no I- t=-.p 7~67-4uI 11", 101" Ul 1-11P. 21~ ~Odw j0 .4. Q3 -Tz o.,-- I; LIS Pap~I-In 4.442 AQ ~add -1-- Z. ..IAV* I 'o - JI.d 101.j .14 *V.1-SWUl~ Oltri .1 IfMQ M" *7~i Ainr P- -f ul P1-U '-~OJA-O -'FuA _1tv PJILLL 041 j0 9~12'IeLmia ILq2 j0 Al ~10A *I 11~q Anil ,3vw2mAw P-P-*14~n -1 -Vu 1-2walu -M11W ZWI '"ITIN .1 '-C.j.qo -0-p 'Spi-ad.0 'Y'A ..-*1.1n -T *~rj '-ontuqa .1.11 'A -nA '-~TUI-Od 'D'T '('PB 'd"V~ ~ Xrn',T(M'9M -0-C '.G'y 'ASP..P.M 'fi'Q -N-V ' '-VW-ftA3jQG A ~qv TIT :pj..a lywolips !Clnmm-.-Qc -u-S-0 .-Ps -Rpea 'vm Fnwu WAT.-Pwm :L-'-wdpw W-w-suods 'P*IUIAd *.Id.. I MM a 'd 4we I 'HM Iff OA-PZj '--.N Lal-&d 70 .%Adde -.%Jd I." 11-S j. Aj~g :, -10. --0 .1 TMq,3 -U".M -lull-TTY W[ -12 JO 9w%4-UWJ,0 LMA-QJn trx~200M AP-111-G '--PVTA-P tgRA~1-44-- -ACWIV~V" 4t '% LAIMMA"OnA claw hog NM1VL1OUxz load I =vim M91 16(1) AUTHOR: 3nishc E ---------- TITLE: On Transitive Transformation ".rDups of -ompac, Spaces (0 tranzi~lvnykh gruppaxh preohrazovan.-y odnorodnykh prostranstv,' PERIODICAL: Doklady AkadRmii nauk SSSR. 1959,Vol 124,Nr pp ABSTRACT: The a-.,thor treats the following problem set up by Ye.l. ~ i b Let be a compact Lie group whi,~h ib trans~'i.p and effective or. the manifold X; all the subgroups trans.,t~v,i or, X are tj be determined. Ttie p-r,)blem is 8o!,~red for a ~Iass of nomogenec-us manifola~ amung cther thing.;, 2antains the simply manifolds with ELIerian chara~,,teristl,,. The main rosults aTe -'?ed 'n a larger table. The results obtairje3 are un-4 -immaT4 in order to calculate the maximum connected groups of anally'~, automorphisms cf the compact complex homogeneous manifolds. Altogether the author gives 10 theorems., lemmata and cDr- clusions. Card 112 On Transitive Transformation Croups -,f -.-.).T.,-acf. Homog-le-j!.53 Spaces There are 8 references, 2 of which are -,~)vii~tj 1 Swiss, and 1 Japanese. ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni (Moscow State University imeni ",V. Lomcnosov) PRESENTED- September 12, 19~6, by P.f;. Aleksandrov, SUBMI7TEDt September 12, 1958 Card 2/2 At'THOR: Onishchik, A.L. 66722 5 11V I Insertions Between rans~tive Compact "'roups 1crmations I ERI OD I C A LDok lady Akalemi i nauk "JiH, 11)99 , Vol 12Q, Nr 2, pu~( 1 ABJ'THA C.,': Le t be a group (G a Lip al,7ebra of and 4 pt e t r, Pt .groups of 4 (0' and G" subalgebras of Ttl.e triplet is called a decomposi"-n, 1, (T is representable as e,=g, . V F7 if' dve7y element ge9, -GI -r~mpa gJ11 if ~ +G Lemma t i,e tly~ be a connoctec ( T, ~ie oup, i, and analy t i c subgroups ; u" , G I , ~; "the correspondin K Lie alg"ebras and subalgebras. Then 4q,C110 is a decomposition if and only if is a decomposi- tion. In theorem 1 the authcr gives all 'he decompositions (G,01,G") of a simple compact Lie group G (table 1). After the introduction of some auxiliary definitions the author formulates necessary and sufficient conditions that or (G,91 G") be a decomposition. Altogether tnere are eorems. The author thanks Ye.B.Dynkin fo:- the Card 1/2 guidance of the paper. 66 72 2 Insertions Between Trans 4 tive -'ompac t ~roii ps of Transf nrmati or s There are 4 references, A of which are Soviet, andl Frenc!.. AS:3C,"IATIONsMoskovskiy gosudarstvennvy universitet imeni VI.V.Iomonosova (Moscow State University imeni Y.V.Lomonosov), PRESENTEDs July 3, 11-)1,9, by P.S.Aleksandrov, Academician SUBMITTEDt July 3, 1q59 Card 2/2 -'- ..-0 .- . - . . -h , ...1.- 4,- , . ! . I '. B - , I I , ra 'i'' ~ 11 . 1~ I . 1. 11 7rr--Tg" . Vbq-:~,w , '. .. - - ~ .!, ~., ;!;,~ o"! -, A. '. z - I.,. .. . . orlonosov, r", - , . 1 ~ p" p" 1. , , , : a,- I , N" " 1, .1 v , I. . I . r , .I , 1 ) 01111SHCHIK, ,. L. (Moak-va) Rotation of singular Lie grou3s. Mt~t.sbor. ~l no. ):27).-2?6 ii 1 6(j. (MUUL 13: P,) (Groups, Phoory of)