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M06 B/549/61/000/101/003/015 Ultrasonic spot-welding and D256/D304 nance frequency varies with loading, the change becoming marked at 60 k load and greatest at 300 k, Oo that a variable-frequency generator transducer system is required. This disadvantage is not inherent in the method shown in Fig. 2, but the device is less ro- bust, more restricted in power and difficult to analyze mathemati- cally~ and cannot be used *Ar continuous sean welding. A really satisfactM machine of this type was neveAr developed by the au- thors. A batch of machines of Fig. I type were produced, permitt- ing welding of aluminum alloy sheet up to 192 mm thick. A gun-type welder was also made. Equipmenty&r ultrasonic spot welding is then reviewed and a number of reed forms tested by the authors are described. A stepped cylindrical reed gives a maximum amplifi- cation CA -_ 1) 2/d2. where these are radii of the input and output endB, but is unsuitable for transmitting relatively high ultraso- nic powers used in welding, since the mode is located at the sec- tion change, and here stresses and stress concentration at a maxi- mum. Fatigue fracture quickly occurs on reaching resonance at high power. With a conical reed CA -< D/d. for a V2-wave reed the limit Card 2/.ZZ r I 27806 B/549/61/000/101/003/015 Ultrasonic spot-welding and D256/D304 ing value is 4.6. For a double half-wave reed this becomes 7.6. -beat working is obtained at 3 - 3.5 and 5 - 6 respectivelyg and this can be used for welding. Exponential reed is most sailed for welding. As distinct from other types i* resonates over a large frequency range and is easier to match to the transducer and less sensitive to frequency changes on loading. It can transmit high power and give amplification up to 0 A = 16 with a single V2-wave scheme. Catenoidal reeds give the greatest amplification, but th& nathematical analysis is difficult* and they possess no advanta- geB for welding over exponential. Comparative values for resonan- ,10 length and amplification are shown graphically. After discuss- �ng further characteristics of the exponential reed the authors examine finding node positions and vibration amplitude experimen- tally., and note that the former could be found by dusting powder onto the horizontally placed latera surface of the vibrating reed. A catharometer could be used to measure amplitude, by mea- suring the length of the line of images of a point light source r&Alected from one spot of the vibration reeds Subsequently weld- Card 3/]W8- 27806 8/549/61/000/101/003/015 Ultrasonic spot-welding and D256/D304 41P~, ing machines are discussed, pistol-typeg seamp and spot-welding machines,, the Yn -1 (UT-l)p YU. -1 (USh-1) and YT-4 (UT-4), respec- tivelyt the latter being described in some detail. Technically details of the UT-4 machine are: Supply voltage for U.Se genera- tor and time relay: 220 V; Electrical power consumption: 6 watt; Resonance frequeneya 20 kapB- Ma-x. gap between end of reed and an- Til: 20 mm; Range of automatic tine regulation: 0.1 - 2 sec.; MimenBions: Vidth - 635 mm; length - 680 mm; height - 1020 mm; weight - 70 k. Factors discussed subsequently, in*ude a) thermal processes: The authors carried out similar experiments using chro- mel-alumel t-hernocouplesp while reali2ing that the max. tempera- tu're recorded would be lower than the true oneo 0.35 mm diameter wires were joined in a so-called "knife joint" and then flattened to 0.2 - 0.3 mm. This could then be inserted between sheets of metal to be welded. The thermocouple E.M.F's were recorded oscil- lographically for short welding c7cles and on paper by means of a thermograph for the longer cycles~ Different materials and load- ing conditions were investigated, the minimum load being that at Card 4/*.? 27806 S/549/61/000/101/003/015 Ultrasonic spot-welding and D256/D304 which a spot was just obtain!%. It was established that at large pressures initial heating was more rapidt but the ma*mum tempera- tvre reached was lower. With maxima attained in 40-80 sec. the temperature then began to fallp although vibrations were still being applied; this was atiributed to a lowering of energy absorp- tion on completion of welding. If the pressure was too low and welding did not occur, then a similar fall was observed. Prolon- ged ( ;:-4-6 see.) application of energy was undesirable sint this lowered productivity and 'Led t) overheating and oxidation of the metal. Thus marked surface oxidation occurred in copper after 15- 20 Becq and after 1.5-2 min. cracks appeared around the spot about I cm from ito With prolonged treatment aluminum became wel- ded to the reed so sirongly that it had to be knocked off with a chiBel. The surface of the Al around the spot was coated with a black film and was usually cracked. b) Microstructure of welded joints: Weld formation was in 3 stages. At first the process com- menced at individual points corresponding to sites of contiguity of surface projectionsq and crystals were formed at these loca- tions. In growing, the groups of uniting grains formed islands, Card 5AW ? 4 ~2 306 8/54 9~ 61/000/101/003/015 U-welding and Ultrasonic spot D256 D304 easily visible on the fractured surfaces. In the third stage the iBlandB became u*ited, filling the whole contour of the spot. c) Effect of suTface cleaning: The work of the authors is summari- zed in tabulated form and indicates that surface condition had a great influence on 4pint, strength. Degreasing and 2leaning were particularly important with thin foil. d) Effect of welding tip shape and material: A furiher series of tests with different tip radii (,with stellite hard-facing) and different tip mat Orials (in- cluding copper and brass) established that (a) The tip material should be harder than the metal being welded;(b) It should possess good thermal conductivity and not become overheated during weld- ing; (c) The tip material, while hard, should not be brittle or crack and crumble; (d) It should be grindable; (e) The radius of curvature of the tip had little influence on weld strength (with- in the range 10-30 mm) but the smallest radius tended to give greater indentation. 9) 5trength of ultrasonic welded joints (sin- ale spot): Yor each type and thickness of sheet that loading ftr- ce was found which gave the highest strength at the shortest weld- ing time. With the force constant at this value the effect of ul- Card 611A g 4 27806 B/549/61/000/101/003/015 UltrasWc spot-welding and D256/D304 --trasonic application time was then found. With the combination of --force-and time defining the optimum conditionsp a series of speci- Imena weremade for fatigue and elevated temperature testing. With cDrrettly chosen conditions fracture normally occurred by the spot pulll-ng out along the peripheryp both in shear testing and in tension. Shearing through the spot could also occur* and Table 9 showed the specific strengths obtained under both conditions. f) load distribution and spot jo;rength in a mi t ,# i-spot joint: SpDts could be closer together than with resistance weldingp since the -problem of current shunting did not arise. It was established that weld'img of one spot had r-o influence an the properties of preceed- ing Bpotso The welding operation itself had a slight weakening effect on a continuous member whti another member was ultrasonic- ally welded to it. g) Fatigue testingo This was carried out on a Tulaating tension cyclep with specimen form. The fatigue strength obtained (30 k) was comparable with that for a conventional spot -weld (25 k). At 2500C a value of about 16 k was obtained. General- 1-y speaking, the properties of ultrasonic welds were not inferior to those of resistance welds. The high shear static strength was Card 7/XF' 27806 S/54 6:L/000/101/003/Ok Ultrasonic spot-welding and ... D256YI)304 explaimed by the small change in m*terial properties in the joint and the slightly larger spot diameter than in resistancetppot welcb The strength in tozion (tearing) couldAMwever, be lower. There are 37 figures, 15 tables, and 22 references: 9 Soviet-bloc and 13 non-Boviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the English- language publications readlo as follows-, L.R, Vaidinath, M.G. Nicholas, D.R. Milner-, Premure Welding by Rolling, British Welding Journal, 1959, v. 6, 11o. 1, p. 13-9F-9 B. Jones, W.C. Potthoff, Ultrasonic Veldingg Aircraft Productionp 1958f v. 20, No. 12, p. 492-495; 1. Vernong New We4ding Processeso Welding and Metal Fa- brication,, 19589 v. 26, Wo. 9, P 328-337~ 13. Jones, F. Meyer, Ul- trastmic Welding of Structural Aluminum Alloys, Welding Journal, 1958, v. 3?9 No. 39 p. 81-82~, Card B/A 8- ~5221 s/7751621002/ 00010051011 Oils-nans)oy' A'U'rjjo?~S. Z' GOTyachaya -technology 1,83-lc)3. vlaing roashinostTOYe 967 v, Totse 5.DOV "34 555y, on and auto- latsiya P U'sc-ov, 17a-vo 4 chanizati . 'welalag Avtornatim -metallov. in "the Tne tornateCL . 50-UAC;31'- obTabot'" tnP_SS a doubling f au 15 rne, bTaUCAP-S 0 )ToIn.'Se VIC, .11:1 vlau will lt-n so GTeatp-St 1 C slag USSR, V _C%TI be -7_yeaT the .8:rationS.. CIP ed j,$G) In op a-rcless . t'Dta'VG 'aflu%-WG) r alloy d "0' p ge z 10T x1rultural, a, M rnatization a 0- solo oft, SubmO -neT alloys; ag. st...turest . clartion attaiDIng..7 'elraTIC-aTc a Vt a'tjons. jjCa'v)Fv ch .0 tornatic. - A, Til an lic abuiltling tive P t'AT for 3 laing- Ai* tvaou, all . -wG of ac. thick*. of .110-rded b-1 at' 'hexe r.-t -We 't-ransPOT climculty. an rarn tmosp of contar- 9 a b The PaPer the shielain 'VveS builaIng' of ZTeal a buna-reat Is. S all 0 "Suiaaiusl Sul? pyoble".19 aTC ths aim mate-tia AteTIals . 1. 1 WG steels)) j'arnacb1ne Otals ten _,,jyner latteT TO Jct C.-hernica facing. Othe'r a unll~Le M t,,,,na his 5 jox J~Jeqe lugheT jjYe 2~ul Ila ovessE be j4oSco%v rechnology as th 3,1111 o in haT e tCO)l 11DO some VG V a',,tjou 01 t I of N&Btalo is 11DJ etals jjC2A1'OV3)x a torna'a" pro ases' 'boo nce_a~~ ra au of Sr such kelectTOn~'Cs app rl'anize _haoli IvAlvwlth taililjg3& lsG Z~ nevr Tne Sr thickie 3,bes labs of the . .descT uaby t1le I -Bauman oxv'913) 30 eai_uxn- rriore ejaboTa I Scbool imen e 11;M') -,rarern - oearn are B Teeb3I17ca poweT IuBtltut WG of sign - To date, Is f the )AOBCO'%V .Welding ificantly materi.. --'3r to a weld. Deal affords lower and Phez GaT _P~' rable irnp the d 114 etals: TJS WG Of me "overnents Card . - .1g" Cut_;~e'thex the tec tallic z-nd n0nmetz-11lic su:ff'c'entlYunde.r,qtOoe hnc)'09Y'z'Or e,en the physics Thi n (1-5--rnrn) par of tB can be thereby .New welding- technology processes. S/775/62/OOZ/000/005/011 W,'ilded together and onto thicker parts. The temperature of the metal parts rises roidly upon application of US. attains a maximum after about 0.5 sec. and drops after achievement of the weld. 0.1 +0.1-mm parts require but 0.20-0.25 sec. The ~qTU and MEI explored US-WG processes of brass 0.25+ 0.25 mrnaustenitic stain- lezs steel 0. 1+ 0. 1 mm, the aluminum alloys AU-6T (AMG-6T) 0.5 + 0.5 mm, A~6AT (Dl6AT) 0.3 +0.3 mm, A= (AMTs) 0.5 +0.5 mm, Zr 0.1 +0.1 mm, steel IX18H9T (1 Khl8N9T) + Zr 0.5 +0.1 mm. The US WG of the Al alloys is of especial interest for aircraft production because of the lower temperatures involved and the simpler equipment required for it. Strength data on Al-clad D16AT show a jumplike increase in strength at high WG pressures, when apparently the cladding is pierced and a stronger WG contact is established between the two parent-metal layers. A full-page table provides strength data for -welds in 12 different metals. The tensile strength of the weldspots ranges from Z5-757D of their shear strength. Some lowering in strength in the parent metal by the US weld spots is indicated by test data. The weld spots are sensitive to stress concentration. The fatigue strength (PS) of the spots is lower than their static strength but no lower than the FS of contact-welded joints. US WG is readily automated; it exerts only a minimal thermal effect on the welded parts. It appears most promising in the welding of thin parts, in which it competes with contact welding. US WG of plastic and polymer : US WG is suitable for thicknesses from 0.01 to 10 mm, including lap, Tee, and other joints. The US stresses induced in plastic are normal, as contrasted Card 314 New welding- technology processes. S/775/62/002/000/005/011 with the tangential stresses required for metals WG. Thermoplastics alone can be welded successfully. Projected areas of application: Electrotechnical and chemical industry, building. The effect of US on welding baths: Preliminary findings at the Institute of Metallurgy, AS USSR, the Scientific Research Institute for Produc- tion Technology and Organization, the MVTU, and the MEI indicate that US exposure improves the density, uniformity, and strength of welded joints. US reduction of residual stresses and strains in structures: MVTU and MEI measurements on beads -welded onto the edges of steel strips 3 mm wide indicate a 50% reduction in residual stresses and strains upon US exposure, probably through stress relaxation. Post-welding deformation of many alloyed steels, attributed to dedomposition of retained austenite, has also been shown to be substantially reduced by US exposure. It is premature to speak of immediate practical applications. However, if practical uses are found, it is apparent that US methods lend themselves readily to mechani- zation and automatization. There are 11 figures and I (unnumbered):table; no references. ASSOCIATION: None given. Card 4/4 S/125/G2/000/005/004/010 D040/D113 AUTHOR: OlIshansIdy, N.A. TITLE: Peculiarities of electronic heating during welding PLIZIODICAL: AvtomaticheSkayZL -svarka,,,,no. 5, 9G2, 18-24 TMU: The heating process in electron beam welding is theoretically investi4ga- ted and eN,plained. The author uses non-Soviet formulae for calculatiw- the electron penetration into the metal, heat produced on the metal surface, and pressure produced by electrons on the rrolten metal. The penetration of the electr9r_ beam into the metal is explained by the pressure (tenths of one --rani per P-jr) exerted by the beam on liquid metal on the front surface of the fusion cone, and the movement of the metal to the opposite cone side where it crystal- lizes. Data obtained by W.L. I-I)mian are used to explain why aluminum alloys can only be welded using electron beam pulses. There are 9 figures. The most im- portant Fhalish-language references are: W.L. 116man, High Vacuum Electron Beam Fusion Ulelding, I%Ielding Journal", no. 2, v. 37, 1958; G. Burton, Mectron Beam. Welding, IrWIelding Journal", October, 1959. 17 /% , I'- CLJSHANSKIY~ N.A., kand.tokhn,nauk; CHEN PEY-SHEN, inzb, Mtrasonic welding of anodi2ed D16AT duralumin and tba sip alloy. Trudy MVTU no.106s84-92 262. OUR& 16: 6) (Ultrasonic welding) (Aluminum alloya-Welding) h1869 1003/120-01 AUTFOR: 01'shans -kt~-N-A.-, Carol. Techn. Sciences, Aried TITLE: A modern rethnd of wDlding by a jet of electrons in vacuum SOURCE2 Moscow. Vynshoye tekhrinheskoye uchillihcho. rTrudyl no. lobt 1962. 181-198. -,varkn f5vetn,1JrJi splavov I nekotoryk! lagirovannykh stalv~ TZXTa Graphite was voldod by the 4bove method to titanium, :irconiump stairloss steel, molybdenum, and othor unterialn. Graphite Is best wattod by nollon titanium and zirconium, while molybdenums stainless stool# nickel# miobium, the Amg6 alloy, tantalum ard other motalp vat gra;hAta to a lesser dograo. Copper and tungsten do not vat graphite at all. Tensile tests of graphite-retal joints obtained by this method showed that the samploo break along the graphite under forces equal to the ~trangth of the graphite. Card 1/1 MORDVINTSEVA, A.V., kandtekhn.nauk; Prinimali uchastiye: Q41SHANSKIY, A.A... kand.tekhn.nauk; SKOROKBODDII, L.N., in2b. Ultrasonic welding of smal-I-size liolyethylene shnlls. Trudy MvFTU no.106:199-2(Y7 162. MPA 16:6) (Ultrasonic welding) (Plastics-41elding) owsHmxu, N.A., kama. tekhn. nauk 3jectron ve2da. &uka i shiznl 30 no.4:25, P-2 of Cover Ap 7,63. (NM 26 -.7) (Ilectric we3.d-lng) (7-lectrar beans) ALEKSEYEVA., G.Ye., karxi. toklin. nauk, dots., I-ILESHYINA, L.P., dots., karxi. toklin. nauk; 13ALL'YEV, V.X.~ lnvh.; UNDAS, A.M.., prof., doktor tekhn, neuk; WlilKOV, V.A., prof., doktor tekhn. Yinuk;'YEZHKOV, V.V., kand. tekhn. Muk; ANISIV,OVA, N.D., dots.., kand. tekhn. nauk; GPI47MI, S.A., kand. k1lim. nauk,- GUMOV. A.A.p dots.; kand. toklui. nauk; GOGUA, L.K., inzh.; &JIFBEM11CHENKO, V.T., inzh.; GRUDIVSKIY, P.G., pvof~; GORFIVKEL~, Ya.M.~ inzh.; ZVEZDIN, A.L., inzh.; KAZANDVICH, G.Ya., inzh.; YITYAZEVSKIY, B.A.y dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOSAiIEV, G.V.p dots., kand. tekhn. Pink; ISSEEM,'Ally kand. tekhn. nauk) dots.; KOKHM4, N.D.p lnzh,; KUVAYEVA, A.P~v dots,p kand. teMm.nauk; SOKOLOV, MJI~~ dots,, kand, toklin. nauk; LASHKOV, F.P." dots., kand. tek)m. nauk; LAZDI, A.I., inzh.; YUDB,, F.I., inzh.; LTIVSHITS, A.L., kand. tekhn. nauk. METELITSINP P.Go. inzh,; NEKRASOVA, dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; OLISHANSKI;Y~~N.A,,, . ., -Ts dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; POUEVAYA, I V do nauk; POISVOY, V.A.: dots., kand. tekhn. nauk (deceased]; RAZEVIG, D.V,, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; RAKOVICH, I.I., inzh.; SOLDATR0A, L.A., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; TREMUCH, V.V.p dots~p kand. tekhn, nauk; FEDOHOV, A.A., prof.., kand. tekhn. nauk; FDGEH. inzh.; CF,11.!KB',, M.G., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, glav. red.; ANTIK, I.V., inzh., red. GOLOVVI,A.T., prof.,rel., PETROV, -U.N..~, prof., red.; FEDOSEYEV, A.M., prof., red, (Continued on next card) ALEKSEYEVA, G.Ye,-- (continued), Card 2. [Electric~ engineering nanual] hlektrotekhrJlcheskii spravochnik. Pod obshchei red, A.T. Golovana i dr. Moskva, Energiia. Vol.2. 1964. 758 p. (MIRA Dt12) Energetichesldy institut. 2. Moskovskiy energe- ticheskiy institut (for Golovan, Grudinskiy, Petrovp Fedoseyev, Chilikin, Venikov). 3. Chlm-korrespondent AN .SSR (for Petrov). OLISUMM, N. A. (Dr. Tech. Scl.)j N=EEIM, 0. X.%'Cand. Tech. Sci.) WContemporary Status of ElBetron 1eam 101193AIng in the USSM Report to be submitted for the International Conference on Electron and Ion Beam Science and Technology in Toronto, Canada, 3-7 118Y 1964. SOURCE CODE: AtX NRt 0601"6~ UR/O ~55 O~~~ of-1, AMOR: Oltshanskiy, X. As; Xachalov, V. M* ORG: nona TITIME: Causes of weld-seam strenfthqning in electron-boam-weliling SOIJRCZ.~ Avtornaticheskaya svtxkaj~'no. 8, 1965, 73 TOPIC TAGS: electron beam welding, butt-volding, material deformation, welding technology ABSTRACT: : in electron-beam welding.of butt joints with no added metal there are some conditiona, under wfdoh joints are formed with appreciable strengthening. The reasons why the strengthening occurs have been unclear*. ,Different assumptions have been made where some assume that the strength- ening occurs,as a result of driving metal out of the welding crator, uhile others assume that there is an increase in volume of the metal in welding as a result of decrease in density. However, it is easily shown that the metal driven out of the crator is insufficient to form a re'inforeement$ while the assumption that thore is an increase in the volumeof metal is not confirmed by experiments We assumed that reinforcement is formed by angiaar deformation of,the ~oheets, which occurs during.the welding procese. Card 1/2 UDC, 621,791,85,053 T_ 91940-66 ACC NR; AP60IW2 Punch marks (10 mm) ,iire made alon he central 'art of i 126 x 240 x 9 'IQa8N9TI Y-t plate of i 11 6;tajBjess s~eal'i The distance between the punch maejcs was measured exactly$( bLnd then tho base metal between the -punch ~,jwks was melted by an electron beam at the following conditionst U = 50 kVp 1 25 Na, V - 25 14/hre on.-the--up-pe-r. side 6f'tbe plate Reasurements made ~ after welding showed thif there is a considerable reduction in the distance between the base punch marks, while on the lower sidsa it increased only slightly. '.It was noted that the plate, was defomed,, and that the area of.the metal between the punch mark decreased by approAmate3,y 1.2-103 vm2 as a result of deformations Io determine the area of reinforcement of the joint, macroalides woremade from the plate. Measurements showed that the area of reinforcement is also approxi;niately equal to 1*2-1*3 mm2. Thus.. quite complete agreementwas found' 'between the reduction in area between the punch:marks resulting from angular deforhiation) and the area of the reinforcement produced in the Joint*_ .These experiments'support*the assumption pr6iously made that reinforcement of the joint occurs as a result of angular deformation of the plate during 'the welding process. It has been found that deformation of the base metal during the wading process favors pressing liquid metal-out o-n to the surfaced am _qf the pl4e so as- to form a- reinfore ent for the Joint 6 "The editors mggest that reinforcement may also be formed in the absence of angular deformations --as a result oftransverse shrinkages Origo art, has: A 4gure and 1 table, 13~ SM DAM SUB CODE: 'none 28 ot-~- 147381-66 V%P(e)/EWT(m) /Z,.WP(V)ft WW/la A~:C. N ~-'. ='~ AP6021~-,-36 SOURCE CODE: TJR/0413/66/000/014/0053/0053 INVENTOR: Ollshanskiy, N. A~.; Mordvintseva, A. V.; Shubin, F. V. ORG: none TITLE: Method of welding "h2ite with graphite. Class 21, No. 183851 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 14, 1966, 53 TOPIC TAGS: graphite, graphite welding, filler ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of welding graphite with graphite. To obtain a uniform weld, a graphite bar is used as the filler material. [Translation] (NTJ SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 04Jun62/ 1/1 ",S5 UDC: 621. 791. 752. 042 ACC MR; AP6035709 SOURCE CODE: Ult/0413/661000/019/0057/0057 .INVENTOR: 01'phan~.IIX4 I'. A. Mordvintf3cva, A. Zorin, Yu. H. ; GrIggT'p~v Gs~_ A. ORG: nolle TITLE.: Method of welding ~oppe.r to Zraphite with metal inserts. Class 21, No. 186560 SOURCE: Izobretcniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovnrnyye znnki no. 19, 1966, 57 TOPIC TAGS: ithatad welding,' graphi te welding,copper graphite-weldin WOAt'vvi ABSTRACT: 'fais Author Certificate introduces a method for welding copper to graphite ,us.lng mital inserts. To improve the weld quality, insert materials, such as titanium, ;stainless steel, zirconium or nickel,, are used as filler metals. !SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DKj'E: 20Apr62/ ATD PRESS: 5105 Cam UDC: 621.791.7 ADTHORSt Lileyev, S.K., 011shanskly, S.F. S07/113-58-4-1/21 TITLE:. Experience From Intexdepartmental Scheduling of Basic Pro- duction (Opyt mezhtsekbovogo kalendarnogo planiroTaniya canovnogo proizvodBtva) FERIODICAM Avtomobillnaya promyshlen-nosts, 1958, VT 4, PP 1 - 4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: There are two basically diverse methods of detailed produc- tion planning in the enterprises of the automobile industry: the parallel method as used by the Gorlkovskiy avtozavod (Gor'kiy Automobile Plant) and the chain method as applied in the Moscow Automobile Plant imeni Likhachev. The latter produces tons of thousands of automobiles of medium load capacity a,year, 'which are put out by the method of contin- uous mass production. Certain departments of the plant em- ploy individual small serial, serial and large serial pro- duction methods. This includes repair and assembly shops, pattern and instrument sections, foundry, forge-pressing, accessory, metal-part and tbermal-processing departments. A mixture of these two production methods proved to be un- satisfactory, while experimental interdepartmental sebedul- ing of the basic production guaranteed the rhythmic flow of Card 1/2 the processes concerned in all departments. Three examples SOV/113-58-4-1/21 Experience From Interdepartmental Scheduling of Basic Production are given and the development of standard graphs comprising serial Processes with respect to time, action and material explained. Establishing and following-up of the schedules is effected and handled by production-dispatching bureaus and departments. There are 6 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy avtozavod imeni Likhacheva (The Moscow Automobile Plant imeni Likhachev) 1. Automobile industry--USSITZ 2. Passenge-r vehicles--Productior. product-;on--Sc'_r-CdiL1irg Card 2/2 12(2) SOV/113-59-4-3/19 AUTRORS: LileYev, S.K., 01'shanskiy, S.F. TITLE: Experience in Organizing the L.anufacture of a New PToduct Without Intorrupting Prodnetion PERIODMIL: AvtomobilInaya promyshlennost', 1-959, Nr 4, pp 3-6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The chanee to the manufacture of the new three-axle truck ZIL-157 vas performed by the Moskovskiy avtozavod imeni Lik- hacheva (,Ioscov; Automobile i'lant imeni Likhachev ) aurin~ the third quarter of 1958 without interrupting the production Dro- cess. This Droduction change was a subsequent step in the production conversion system ddveloped at the plant. This system was used for the fir.-t time in 1948 when the manufact- ure of the ZIL-150 truck was begun. Preparing the manufacture of a new Droduct is divided into two phases. One consists in the design work, building of test models for checkin,~.7 desion and calculated data. The second, a more important phase, is the develop:-ent of the technology of the new manuf,,,cturinF process. At automobile plants, the conveTsion of assembly Card 1/2 lines for the manufacture of a new model is connect--d ~iith Sov Experience in Organizing the Mn-nufacture of a New Product Without In',Or- rupting Froduction great difficulties. The author mentions the expcrience of the American automobile industry. For example, ?ord's Droduction losses in 1947 were 298-~fo of monthly production while ZIL lost 57*,-'fj during the 1946 conversion and 28;S in 1,058. The aut'-or describes the various phases of the 1958 production conversion at ZIL. There are I graph and 2 tabl03. ASSOCIATIOU: 11.11oshovskiy avtozavod imeni Likhacheva (114oscow Autoniobile Plant imeni Likhachev) Card 2/2 OLISHANSMY, S.F., inzh. Orpnizitg regular f1cw of proftotion at the LikhachevAuto:ac-bile Plant in,Moscow. Vest.mash. 41 no.11:73-77 11 161. (Mird. 14:111 ) (Moscow-Autmobile industrA (A 1XI) 3w , &WHOR: Sokolov&. 0. 1. 111[st Issults of the COMP411ttas for the 340! Uproving e raisio"llsolorskays as luahabo t kaskurso q Ot , oa ua&s ad y :M16112481yo) MIDDICILS caodasly* I kastagrafirs, 1959. Wr 7, pl, 17-21 (1155s) 116mcol Is w 1952, the Ordinary cou"Ittlan for the best Impro'. W waostim to the field of tarographLe-oodotic and 0Ayt6gruplits oraduattims imas saimaludad all the Claiinayt urrso- C7 liamija gatsdestt i kartsa&M WVD 3334 (Kia Alstalstralloa - _____ _,of._Caodqsy and Cartagr&T-by of-the Utntsiry of Uternal Affairs hic tastIt.1#4 rto 8 d ro 1 a 16 so"tals, of Us vast). 1 SIP6446,144 c p a" KNr took part. A total at 30 "a 31 sarifavaphLa. ouggiallitat earn submitted. The 10% prize of T.WO rubles see, G"yj&j to V. A. Mares" &at 1. 1. Trusow (VIA&MYS karlagraftabaskAym, rsuyLks (Ulnek Cartographid Visas, ) for the -uaxlsas Y"t4ning of &ties Slooks.. ?bm, 2" prison of 7S0 rubles %"* avar,3641 %a% 1) TS,_6 1ZkmiaxAkIj, V. U. urtucia. YU. W. calitakly, 2~~Muz _ ..A V. P. sl.tiamaw tswbl ter T.Ohmolary of Ihs Use of atkalsil i W.-O. ladowil-skays. for ,,~a =:faalur, of Combined Hapostit've ff--rlsaii (Vwb). , (Vaska'skays ACP (Masoo, jGr)) for '14d'SS4104 0_r_VO_tr_4~ V91USt LAS the AaeuraeY of Umsetria 496dotLe Rate y4y"i by Figures of Regular 3hara.. 4)-k,-T _Shvgrbiv~ (:rav*&IWLrvkvy. LCP (XOVO6tbIr6k ACP)j for 'Light COILAPOLVIN Wier or Dural far Prospecting'- - ?he 3rd IwLes. of 560 rubles osab, "?a awarded to I I M_Mmmliis. , 1w tTAk%tSk0Ys ICY (Yzlmt&k AOM for 19stab tahamat of YIjaj Main V the YAtood of Thawing toy moans of vagorli. 2) 01-shAs6kil UkutskRY4 401' M111,14 ACW for ?Tallay for TLzb-r Transport'. 3) 1. -A. T J _,yalt (KGak6v4ko)6&cP (manatim, Rep)) for -Tapia too in the A-%Tjj-hmr of nalographs an t&a 3TD.2.. 4) V. Y. tGrObta (L:a4kQvskq,,s lap (M64669 ICY)) fan oUlvLaig by 5.1 ,t& completion va r4itLafl or tTvacro. ,let wbod". Q_V. P. Gluchanin (Mia, ralriks, (viask CTRI-GeM.-PO-a-millso. z Xsehlas for Broobarse. 7) 1. 1- ~Y~ itraphim, ImatitaW rer 194chanlra for the Loading of ?m.%Lv (Mratook.. With paper Balls-l. 8) _k. V. ye ACP (MY&JIMINSUP)) for of the A." Long fix the Malto- graphle-rrUtEng ItaeNtas ZY-1 14Y an l1luxisattoz Dallas aj%~% Lualsessoul Laxpv DS-40. 3vorAIuvvtqyw Ad? (S'ardl3vok LCYjj tar -8 xn ~~ 1,rowa. tion of "P ajtd Final CougLiAttafte.. 10) -L-Z ACP (Varth-wast ACP)) for -1m. of the Coortairt =cbsalwa In The SUvrocilter bz Yoder.. 11) 1: Am!rv ww (tookolskaye Ar? (Komoo, ACF,) for -ParmuMIO~ =,zor .rare Rational Coagulation mr Suparol*va%lcnv Fr= ttsjrlsonometrio LvolinA-% '2 jill-or A I (3-.rflo,sk A1.7)) far I.! _,U,;,~:7,-. 3AS uAd Painting of la,-.Xiag Stffs". 13)_2~~_G.Ibaj& (mooko,skeye Aw (Lscom &Gm for end Table for Xxtr-w Diverilt...* 344.41. the pro. .4rul of P~Iax and Bass C.4ditt... C";,t.d .5 . Ft.". end a. - Doll'. siisid.., 0. fall-Lai; sue-litt 'ro d b , vNo jurj, 1) t, I- "V.~W,azql 1._r Card 316 7-.W. 2 P. V. O.I..ktr N A --~J: 2 .A .0a4 O's -Ki --A-] Z -611H lit; 13 1 I at i J q Hi C Z$4 -I.-- M! ..,m 2m V,OZ- ..0 1 ~ ; -* ~'- 3 kp4p-nn ing Z.:aal Itlz 9 S A U 3. t .1 i. Ut A Is a IN I, Z ;: -a t, -141 a at I OW SR"SK 9& ",,- -6W Treatment of purulent chronic otitis media with furacilin In combination with sulfaullamides In tuberculosis patients. Ve3t,oto- rin. 16 no.3:75-76 IAY-Je 156. (MLRA 9:8) 1. 12 Xurskoy oblastnoy tuberkulaznoy bollnitay. (MAR-DISUS35) (TUBERCULOSIS) (YURAID31HYD3) OLISHAIWay. TIO. Reparative proreBaes in tuberculoBis of the upper respirau--y tracts of pationtB treated witb antibacterial preparations. Zhur. ush., noB. i gorl. bol. 20 no.661-63 S-0 W. (VJRA 14: 6) 1. Iz bronkholorotdolemiya Iruk. - prof. A.N.Vomnesemkiy) MoBkovskogo nauchno-Isaleclovatel'skogo instituta tuberkuleza Ministerstva zdravoo'AI=anqniya RSFSR. (FMPIRATORY ORGANS-TUBMCULOSIS) OLISBANSKIY, V. 0. Cand Med Sci - (disr) "Clinical, roentgenological, and morphol- ogical characteristics of the larynx in patients wituh pulmonary tuberculosis." Moscow, 1961. 3; (Academy of Medical Sci- N 12 pj ences USSR); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 10-61 SUD, 226) OLISWSK17., V.Oy aspirant signif.1cance of a roentgenotmographic atud7 Of thO lary= in patients vith tubercamiva Ve0t*VtOrlm- 23 33o,1;75-79 Ja-F 1610 (MMA 14:2) :10 :r2 bro]jItbalaringologicbeskogo otdaleniya (rukovoditell - Prof. A.N. '702nesenskiy) Nauchno-issleduvatellikogo instituts. tuberkuleza Ministerstm !zdravobxl=aneniYa Rsm i rentgenolo- gicbesliogo otdeleni7a (rukovoditell - prof- G-H- ZOMUOV) GosuclarBtvemnogo mEmobno-isoledovatellskogo Imatituta bolemey iLkhaj, gorla i nosa MmIsterstva 7,drairookhranariva RSFSR (dlr. - zaeluzbe=yy deyatell nauki prof. V*K. Trutnev Idec-eased]), Moskva, (LAP.MM-TUBERCULOSIS) OVSHANSK17, V.D. Primary nultiple malignimt t=ors of the otorhinolaryngologica2 orWs. Zhure usha, nos* i gorl. bol.23. no.3:22-28 My~e 163. (MM 16:7) 1e Im oto.-inolaringologicheskogo otdeleniTa (zav.-doktor med, mauk L,%Baradulina) Gosudarstvannogo nawbncAssledovatellskogo onlrologicheskof,,DT--i,nstituta imen:l P.A.Gertsena. ORHIVOLAMGOLOGY) (CANCER) L)-T I S-Z 2i, r"""rv, nik. -11. OTesting Aajustinp Apparatus for the Senirntion of Steam," Zj Ekon. Too., No. 4, 1948. Nngr. A - CLISIU~I;SYIY7 C Themoccul,des installin'r themio-couplin-s for measuria,- the tc-rnperature of 'Uube walls. No. 2, 1953. Yonth-tv List of R)issi~n Pecessions, Library of ConLress June 1953. U~`C'L. "-I , / .-- , " I-, , I - 4,-- 1 \ I (-,~ /- D ~-/ / T / v -; / '. / Y, /7 KRAYCHU. 1.7., im2hener; OL'MNSKIY, in2heneT; SUROY, V.S., inzhene t Automatic feed-watqr flov control for boilers in pover plants. 3nergetik 5 to.2:14-16 7 157. OUZA 10: 3 ) (7,ead-water regulation) (Automatic control) GIIIZBURG,.I.I.; OL'SiIA?SKIY Ya.I. deceased]; BELYATSKIY., V.V.; Prinizafl uchastiye: ITUMMEBOVSKAYA, T.S. , laborant; ROUDESTIRNSWU fZ.S. 1 51 , laborant; KOZHINA, V.H., laborant; YZODOMXV~ K.M.,; SHIMV2 V., rod.i'zd-va; LAUT, V.G., 43ttffieitof e-xperimental and technical petrography and mineralogy] lasledo-vaniia po ek9rrinentallnoi i tekhnicheakoi petrografi* i nineralogii. II'o./+: Studies on oxidation of sulfides) Eksperi- mentzalxnye issledo-vanlia po okislenilu sullfidov. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. 1961. 130 P. (Akademiia nauk SSR. instiltut geologii rudynkh r..9otorozhdenii, petrografti, mineral- ogii i geokhinii. Tru(~y, no.59) (MIRA 14:7) (Sulridop) ()JI5HWPT,,,Ya.0.,.kandldat mvditsinakM nauk. Achievament3 of Xursk _Pzovince Society of YnLthologlata during 1954. Arkh. pat. 18 no.1:135-137 056. (HLRA 9:6) (RURSK PRG71HCB--?A"iHOLOGT--SOGIETIES) OLISHANSKIY, Ta.D., kandidat meditsimkikh nauk I ~- ~' Work of Jhe Kursk PrDyinca Society of Pathologists in 1935. Arkh. Pat. 19 no.4:83-86 157. W.U 19:6) (13UTWY, PATHOLOGICAL) OFSPA'NSXly, YR-Dal kandired,nnuks DORDSHENXD, V.V. oi-" wo~i of the Xursk Province Society of Pachologlats in 19"6o Arkh.pat. 20 no.7187-199 158 (MIRA 11:9) 1, Sakratnrl Xurakogo oblastnogo obahchestv'a pntolo,-,ov (for Doroshenko). (P.ATHOLOGY) OL'~!!IANMY. 7aL, MORUZOV. 'J 7. sm r.-a e r Fats! c as'l o If T r ra vj-,- tD (sa prof dotsent -,.j (glovrt3rj vrach ((JILOR, L~.Zj TIE jC)'KTCOLQf!Y't DISMSES) MMT, D., goneral-mayor Anzhenorno-tolchrIcheakoy sluzhby; OlSHANYY, Ya., Inah.-podpolkovnik. Portalle fire-imitating apparatus. Tanldst no-5:53-55 MY '58- (Night fighting (Mllitav)) (Tank w=faro) (MM 11:6) OLSIMIAM " E. "RecBption of TV broadcasts In the town of Roshal." So. Radioy Vol. 7., p. 50, 1952 ANDRIANOV,, D.P., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; GLIDELIA0, M.Z., kand. tekhn. nank, 6ota.; GLICHEV, A.V., kand. ekon. nauk,' dots.; DIDENKC, S.I., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; ZHU11AVLEV9 A.N., kand. tekhn.nnuk, prof.; ZAKHARDV, K.D., kand. tekhn.nauk., dots.; MOISEYEV, S.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; ,.T kand. tek1m. nauk, dots.; ORLOV, N.A., prof.; POPOV, P.G., ispolnya- yushch-j,y obynzannosti dots.; SARKISYPIJ, S.A., kand. ekon. nauk., dots.; STARIK, D.E., kand. tekhn.nauk, ispolnyayu- shchiy obyazannosti dots.; TER-MARKARYAN, A.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, prof.; TIKHWIROV, V.I., kand. tekhn.nauk, prof.; CHESNOKOV, V.V., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; SIEWAN, Ye.I., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; ELIBERT, L.M., kand. ekon. nauk., dots.; LAPSHIN, A.A., dots., retsenzent; NOVATSKIYY V.F., kand. ekon. nauk,' red.; TUEYANSKAYA, F.G., red, izd-va; KARPOV, I.I., tekhn. red. [Organization, planning and economics of airplane produc- tion] Organizatslia, p1nnirovanie i ekonomika aviatsionnog) r proizvodstva. LByl D.P.Andrianov i dr. Moskva, ObDrongiz, 1963. 694 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Airplane industry--Management) OLISHEIMS~ L. M. 0snovnya voprosy plahirovaniia nn -,ietallool-,,-aba4.yvaiushchen- pmedpriiatii. Pod red. D. P. Andrianova. Monkva, Gos. izd-vo meiitnoi pmr.,Cyshl. FSFSR' 1950. 182 p. diagrs. Tundamental problens of planning in a meW-working enterprise. DLC: TS155.04 SO: Mmufacturing 'ind 1,11echanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library 0 of Congress, 10,53. PHASE 1 BOOK '-NPLOITATION SOV/6530 Andrianav, D. P., M. Z. Gendellman -, A. V. Glichev, S. 1. Didenkcp, A. H. Zhuravlev!, K. D. Zekharov, S. V. Hoiaeyev, L. M. 01'shevetG, N. A. Orlov, P. G4 Popovi S. A. Sarkinyon, D. E. Ter-Harkaryan,,tV. 1. Tikhomirov, V. V. Cheanokov, Ye. 1. Sherman, anA L. M. El'berts .Or ganizatsiya, planirovaniye i ekonomika avistsionnogo proizvodstva (Organizntion, Planning, and Economics of the Aircraft induscry), Hoscow, Oborongi2, 1963. 694 p, Errata alip inverted. 5000 copieti printed. 3a. (Title page): L, M. Olvahevets, Candidate of Technical Sciencea, Docent and N, A. Orlov, Professor; Reviewer: A. A. Lapshin, Docentg Ed.: V. F. Bovatskiy, Candidate of Economical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: F. G. Tubyanokaya; Tech, Ed,:, 1. 1. Karpov; Managing Ed.: L. Gil'berg. PURPOSE: Th.LB textbook ia intended for students of aixcraft enginceitug schools of higher education. It may also be useful to enginearin3 psr~sonnal of aircraft Induatry. Card 11114' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~rsanixativn, Planning (Cont.) 421 UVERAGE: The book presents a comprehensive review of problems con- nected with economics of the aircraft industry and with the organ- ization and planning Of aircraft DTOdUCtiOn. Concrete problems of organization of work at aircraft enterprises are analyzed as they apply to Various types of aircraft plants, eogto aircraft construc- tion plants, engine manufacturing plamts, instrument-making plants. Specific features of,the organization and planning of production in industrial and experimental plants are outlined, The Introduction and Ch. 1, 11, and X1 were written by Professor No A, Orlov; Ch. III by Docent So V. Moiseyev, Cand.'of Techn. Sciences; Ch. IV and XIX by Docent So A. Sarklayanj, Cando of Econ.. Sciences; Ch. V and X by DDeent Do E. Starik, Cando of Tachn. Sciences; Ch. VI by Docent P. Go Popov; Ch. VII by Docents 7e. 1. Sherman, Cando of Econ. Sciences, and X. Do Zakharoy, Cando of Tachn..Sciances; Ch, VIII by Docent H. 2, Gendallman~ Cani. of Tecbn. Scienzes) Docent A, V, GlicbAv, Cand. of Economic Sciences, and Prolevaur A**N. Tar-MarkSTyan, Cind. of Tatbu. Sciences; Ch. IX by Professor A,.N9 Zhuravlev, Cando of Tech. Sciences; Ch, XII and/X111 by 7TVIBBBOT Do Po Anarianov, Doctor of Econ..Sclenzex; C~v XXV by ProfeaBor Ve..1, Mbonlrov, Cando of Coard 2.4$ organlization, Planning (Cant.) SOV/6558 Techn, Sciences; Ch. XV, XVI, XVII, XXII by Docent L. H. Ol'sheveta, Cando of Terbn. Sciences; Ch. XVIII and XXI by Docent So 1. Didenko* Cando of Zcon. Sciences; Ch. XX and XXIV by Docent Lo H, Il'bert, Camd, of Zcon. Sciences; Ch, XXIII by Docent,V, V. Cheswlbkovo Cand. of Econ, Sciences. Lo M. 0119bovets an4 N. A# Orlov suparvised the group o,f authors and completed the scientific editinBo Zacb part of the boak'is accompanied by TefeTences, all Soviet, and in addition-there STA 9 Soviet TaIsTences relating to the wboAs book, .'-TABLE 07 CONTENTS: :40reword Introduc.tiono Purpose SnA. Content of tile Course 5 APART 1. 7UNDAMENTAIS OF ORDAN22ATION AND ADMINISTRA710N 07 A2RCRAFT INDUSTA7 roard 3/0. OLISREYSXAYA, Y. (Moskva) itSID71310D. 7AVrWe 2 no.6:19 Je 156. (Niat 9:8) (TICIXYISICN AIM CHILDFM) i . -)rl (jepart, ill ti- ,411jiuL~ I:r~jj tj.firsr - j, ment. Vf,~f?t. svia7l ?5 il 165. (;.'T:R-! 18:8) 5twolOy in-i4t. p~r) trump upravIr-niia 1.1i ill s to r!;,u Ir, t . S/032/63,'029/001/004/022 BIOI/B186 AUTHORS: Kaplan, B. Ya., and q.1'shevskaya, 1_. V TITLEs Determination of scandiun In coal ashes after paper chromato- graphic separation PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, Y. 29, no. 1, 1963, 26,- 27 TEXT: The coal ash is dissolved in H 2so4 +,HF and the insoluble part is decomposed by potassium pyrosulfate. Fe, Sc, and the yttrium serving as chromatographic carrier (added an YC1 3) are precipitated as tartrates, calcined, and dissolyed in HCI, whereupon the Be is separated by paper chromatography. The spots of Be in the chromatogram are dissolved in HC1 and the Be is determined by spectrophotometry at 530 mil after addition of. alizarin S, or by colorimetry. The calibration curve is linear in the range of 10-100 mg Se 0 per 25 ml- Iron doeB not interfere in concentra- 2 3 tions of uP to 400 mg per 100 ml. The interfering Al is removed as sodium aluminate. The method suggested permits of determining 0.005 % Be 20 3' The results show good agreement with those from the spectrum analysis. Card 1/2 S/ 032/63/029/001/004/022 Determination of scandium in coal ... B101/B106 There iB I table. AISSOCIATIOIN. Tsentrallnaya khimichoskaya laboratoriya geologichookogo upravleniya toontrallnykh rayonov (Central Chemical Laboratory of the Geological Administrat,ion of the Central Regions) ZEIENIB., TATARKM., G.V.; SHIRONOVA., 11.7a.; IMEROVSKIY., A.11.; FEOYIMV., 7e.7e.; OLISHMMA, LIA, - Ic Production of automobile gasoline. Xhim. i tA)kb, gor, slane i pr" ikb perer. no,8:75-83 1,60. (MM 15:2) (Gasoline) PWOSLUM; E. B.: BOLOHM: N. 1. and OI--UVSYAYA, L. V. (Moscow) (T /. Ili- ~/ '~ 4 0A / ~ . V, - "Me StMe-Lemillg (LagUrUB lagurus Pall): A Rew Animl Suitable for Cancer Researeb." report preBented at the 7th InU. Cancer CongresB, London, JulY 1958. IYA, L.V. (Moskva, Xhlebkvv par., d.213, lv.111); POGWYANTS, Ye.Ye. (Moskva, Xalinina, d.10/2, kv-5) Changes In the chorioallantoic meribrane in twnor culture. Vop. onk. 4 no.2:140-146 '58- (mm 12:8) 1. 12 laboratoril opukholevykh shtammov (7av. - dol-tor biol. nank Ye.Ye.Pogoeyants) oidela etiologii (2av. - deyetvitellnyy chlen AIRI SSM prof A.3).Timofeyevskiy) InstitutE-- ekEparimentall- noy patologil I terapli raka JJUJ SSSR (dir. - chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof .11-11.Blotkhin). exDer. morphol. changes in choriallantoic menbrane of chick embryo in tissue culture of human polyp & gastric cancer (Rue)) VAS111M, Tu, H.; OllSB3VSXAYA, 1.V. 3mbryonic tissue as a sti=Unt of homograft tumor groWn. Vop. onk. 4 no.5,.548-552 158. (MIRA 12:1) 1. 12 laboratorii orakholevykh Bbtammov (zav. - doktor blol. nauk Ye.Te. pogosyants) otclels atiologii i Patogenems opuk3aoioy(zav. - deystv. chl. AIM SSSR -prof. A.D. TimDfeyevskiy) Instituta eksparimentallnoy patologli i'torapii ralm ANH SSSR (dir. - chl.-korr. AM SSSR prof. R.N. Blokhin). Adren avtorov: Moskva, 3-7a Meshchanakaya u1., d. 61/3, korp. 9, Institut &.sperimentallnoy patologii I terapii raka ANN SSSR. (MOPIMRS, exper, eff. of emb27onic tissue suspension on groirth of homografted tumor tissue (RuB)) (AMYOP embrygn us suspemlon. off. on homcgrafted tumor tissue groldn WSW 7IS1117XV, Yu,N , OLIMFVSYAT.A, L.Y. Eaterolmspl.-mUtion of human tumors to cortiBono-44re,sted rpts hamsters. 331ul.eksp.blol. i mad. 46 no,8389-92 Ag 1.58 (MMA 11:10) I Iz laboratorii omftolarykh ahtimmov (zav, - doktor biol OBauko' Te.Ya. Pososygnts) otdelc stiologii i patogenezu opukhDley (Mave, daystvitellrjyy chlen MIN SSSR A.D. Tlmofeyevskiy) Instituta eksperimentallnoy patologil I terapil rpka (dir. -chlen-korraBpDndent AM SSSR 21-11. 331ol-hin) XM SSSR, Moskva; Predstaviena deyetvitellnym chlenom AM SSSR A.B. Timofeyevskin. (NEOPLASMS, exper*' heterotranspl. of human tumors to cortinone-trepted rats & hamsters (RUBD (CORTISONE, eff. on heterotranBpl. of human tumors two rate & hamsters (RUBD -POGOSIMS, 76.7e.-, 1014NINA, W.I.; 01'SRPVSUYA, L.V. StBpP9 7019 (1agUTU-B lagMW Sall) RJ) a U90fUl Z9V 8nil-SI f 07 eXPOri- mental oncological roBearcb. TOP.onk. 5 MO-3:281-289 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Institute of RxpeTimamtal Phtholopj a-ad Therapy Of GanCOT, MOSCOW, Adres avtoras. &skva, 3-Ya Mosbebanslmya u1., d. 6112, Inatitut ekB- 'perimertallmoy patologii i torapli ruka. (Nmpusms' exper. lemming lagarus lagaruB as research animal (%s)) (DUCRATORY ANIMALS, lowing lagurus laguruB as cancer research animal (RUB)) 7AS11173V, Tu.H.; 012MTMYA, 1.7. T~rsnsplantatlom of bu-n- chon-drosarcona to hamBters. 7crP.Onk. 5 M0.7: 79-8) '59- (MnA 12:12) 1. 1z lal)oratoril opukbolevykh sbtaumDv (zav. - doktor biol.nauk Ye. 7e. Pogos7ants) otdela etiologil I patogenaza opukbolev (2av. - deyst- vitel3nyy chlen AHN SSSR A.D. TiMDfeyevskiy) Instituta eksperimentall- noy patologil I templi 7-aka ANN SSSR (dlr. - chlen-korrespDndent ANN SSSR W.N. 331okbin).'Adres avto7-ov: Mosk7a, 3-7a HashchanskaYa ul., d. 61/2, korp. 9. Institul. eksperimantallnoy patologii i terapil raka. (CEOMOMCOMA - transplari-lb-ation) O1)."5,qEVBYAYA, L. V., I'VAT-OVA, 0. YLI., VA-S)IL"Y1,11, IT. 11. "A Conparative Investigation of Histochernical Changes in the Connective Tissue., Developing Under Various lsj~--s of Carcinopenic Influence-11 repOrt subrdtted for the First Conference on the problems of Cyto and Histochemistr7, Hoscow, 19-21 Dec 1960. labDratory on the Study of Carcinogenic Substances InBtitute of ExpBrimental and Clinical Oncology, AcadeW of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow. MOS7ANTS9 le.7e.- KISEZVAy Ro3st:0LISHNSKATA~ L,7, I CharacteriDtica of the SSR ptraim of rat sarcoma an related to different metbodo of tumor transplantationo Top.onk. 6 zo,l: 19-27 160, (HIM 13:10) (TUMORS) OLSHEVSKAYA, L. V. (USSR) "Dynamics of t-unour development induced by implanted cellophane film in rats." 11 report submitted for the Euppean Conference C4 T=or 'Biology (rrG)., 'Warsaw., PolwW 22-27 May 1961 InBt. of ExDerimental and Clinical Oncology, A.H.S., Ideshchanskava, 61A, Moskva OLISHEYSUYA, L.V. Early morphological changes in the connective tissue around ceno- phane film i3;plants in rats. Biul. eknp. biol. i med. 52 nD.3:116- 120 Mr '61. (MM 14: 5) I Iz labDratorli kantimrogannykh veshchestv (zav. - chler$-korres- P;rdent AIM SSSR p7of. L.M.Shabad) Instituta eksperimentallnoy i k3lnich6skoy chkologli (dir. -- deystvitellnyy chlen AMI SSSR prof. N.N.Blol&dn), 24oskva. Predstavlena deystvite2lnym chlenom AMI SSSR N-H.Blokhinym. (CONNECTIVE TISSUE) (TUMORS) OLISIEVSKAYA, L.V Changes in the connect-ive tissue of rats during the develo.=ent of tumors produced by the implantation of cellophane plates. Bjul. eksp. biol. i ned. 52 no.22:79-81+ D 161. WIRA 14:12) 1. Iz laboratorii kantserogemykh VeBhchestv (zav. - chlen-korrespon- dent, =11 SSSH prof. L.H.Shabad) Instijuta ekl3perimentallnoy i klinicheskoy onkologi.i (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen M SSSII prof. 19~11.Blokhin) JXN SSSR. Predstavlena doystvitellnym chlenom AIM SSSR A.D. Timofeyevskcim. (COIRIECTM TIWMB) (TW-1010) (PRMTFXSIS) SMADY L.H.J, W'DT.; P14HE OKA, ~~V.; VASILEV., IU. M. Ch the development of tumors in rsta xonoving the introduction of pol7ner plates. Xhirurgila 15 no-43325-3.33 262. 2. Institut pD eksprinentaIna i k-Unichna onkologiia pri AMN ma SWR DiTektor: prox, N.H. B163thin., deistv, chlan na AVY na SSSR vuldel. za izuehavzme ne. 3m-otserogennite agenti Zavezhdaaht: prof. L.M. Shabad- deistv chl. na AM na SSSR, (NEOEM atiob (POLTHM toxicol) OIAKOVI, L.A.; KORRIGMSKIY, X.I.; OLISMSU, YA, U.S..; FARBER. A.M.; POPOY'A' N.Y.; BRM.EWA 9 z J. - ~ 0 . 0, red.; BROY.A. G.N., . KM 21 tekbn.yed. (Economy of Archangel Province; a statistical manual) Ilarodnon khozisiBtvo A3irhangallskoi oblasti; statistichaskii. sbornik. firkhanpll sk] Arkbangel'skoe kni2hnoe izd-vo, 1957. 146 p. (MMA 11:3) 1. Archangel (Province). Statistichaskoye upravleniyap 2. Statist lcheskc~~rp_ upravlenlye Irkhangel'skoy oblasti (for Kulakova, Xoranchevskiy, Ollshavska7a, Farber, Popovs, Breznneva). 3. Nachall- nik Statisticheskogo upravlenlya Arkbangel'skoy oblesti (for )bs9sro'vz) (Archangel Province--Statistics) C1'$HEVSKUA,'Ol'ga losilo-ma, kand. ned. nauk; VDIOGRIDDV, N.V.., prof., red.; KRTU,7T-,'5KHA, B., red. [Illental diseases; popular science essays) PBikhichaskle zaly-levaniia; rauchno-populiiariVe ocherki. Minsk., lzd-vo "Belarus I ~' 2 1964. 118 p. (MIRA 17:6) L '27591-66 EWT(m), -"~'~AP6012247 UR/0205/65/005/006/ SOURCE CODE: 0899/0906 AUTHOR Yarmonenko, S. j.; qi~aklmovj_ V~_ G.; ~O~IsbevsksyaI Lavrerchik, Ye. 1, ORd: .!Institute- of Sanitary WorRs and Pr SSSR". Moscomi-JI-nStItut gigiyeny truda i1proftabolevanky A'KN SSSR) TITM.'!,~ Effect of:antiradistior, agents _nder-frgcti-oned irradiation conditions, 2, Protective act with different,dosages and time, ibterV~als- between irradiations SOURCE: 'Rediobiologi a,,:vs.5,, 'no. 61 1965, 899-900' Y TOPIC:'IITAGS: bone narrow, radiation biologic effect, radiation sAcknessi, fmtirai~ation drug, mouse cte ABSTRA;CT: This study was condu d to provide new date necesaary for underdtanding tbe.action of protectors in fractio-ned irradiation. The effectis of intraperitoneel injections of AET (aminbetbylisotbl'uroniun dibydr~obromide), oystapbos (sodium bete-aminoetb-ylthiopbospba-te), and 5-MOT'(5-motboxytryptanine bydroebloride) on the number of karyocytes, blood.laukocytes and spleen weight were noted, In mice injected witb AET, three days after single total irradiation or frectioned Irradiation dosages in.tbe 270-700 r range, the'number of bone marrow cal2a was Card 1/2 UDC 628,58~~ L. La -L 275291~-66- AICC NR.i AP6012247 higher t~y,2-3 million karyocytes per f-emur than in unprotected animals. Tbe~sbiellding effect of protectors in fractioned irradi.stion increases as the Interval between individual irradiations Increases, This is primarily connected with the degree of bemogenesis recovery. Tbe result of the p~rotective action of protectors in total and frectioned irradiatlon is a decrease of the effective radiation dose and' acceleration of repairs due to the greater number of protected blood- forming 'cells in protected animals in comparison to the controla. Under fractioned irradiation conditions the use of a combination of c,,Fstapbos+ 5-MOT significantly i-nore.ased their protective effect, as compared to the pro'tpqtion effected by tbe,component protectors' ,.in both sub- and supralethal doses. Orig. art. hast I figure and 6 tables.- SUB CODE'6 06/ ~SUBM DATE: 03jun64/ ORIG REFI., 006/ OTH REFt. 005 ACC Nit, A1160210673 ------- soucl; - C01).1, U.Ii/.00-161/66/ooo/oo6/ooo3/ooo6- AUNCIR: Khomeako, N. A.; 01'shevskaya, T. B.; Dovzbik, R. 14, ; Kireleva, B. ~5, ORG; M'oL;cow Vaccine and Sera Institute (14oskovskiy institut vaktsin i. .i3yvorotok im. 1-icchnikova); Sanitai-y-Epidemioloeical Station of the Lenin Region of ibscow (Sanitarno-epide m~ologCcheskaya stantsiya Leninskogo rayona Mskvy TITU-,: Serological properties of Flexner bacilli isolated in the Soviet .'Union SOURCE: Zh mikrobiol, epideniol i imunobiol no. 6, 1966, 3LB TOPIC' TAGS: human disease, WM .. e.-- serology, serotyping, Aserological property, fleDmer bacillus, Shigella flexneri, clinical method, biological classifi- caticn ABSTRAW: Various clinical serological methods were euployed in the serotyping of 774 Flexner cultures obtained from all parts of the Soviet Union. All a. J*1c=wx-Z serotypes and their corresponding subtypes as well as x and. y varitnts were included in these cultures. Rare types and atypical type6 are being studied further. Results of this experiment suggest the, L 1/2 UDC: 576.651.*49.077.3 ACC NR: AP06020673 fpIlm-ing amendzents to the ShIgella clasBification, which%--re sent tol.ihe International Nomenclature Committee: .7 1. Ad,d 2 subtypes to Flexner type 5, 5a - antigenic formula V: 3., 4 51, - antigenic formula v: 7, 8 Z.. Change subtype 5x- to 5a and 5x+ to 5b. (W-A. -50; ~U No. 10 M Com: 06/ SUBM DATE: 06Yay65/ ORIG REF: oo6/ ov riEF: oo6/ Card i~. 2656"6 7'ACC NRs SOURCE CODE: UFP28l/65/ooo/oo4760l1T00.,-,8 6981 I AUTHOR., 011 shevskiy 0. V. (Novosib1rsk);v` Samorodovp G, 1. (Novosibirsk) Kh le (HovosibiYA) a vin, I none TIM; Quabistationary solution of a transient process in a long line 1 SOURCE: M; SSSR.. Izve.stiya. Energetika i transportj no. 4o 1965,11-18 I TOPIC TAM! electric power transmission, mathematic operator AB3TRACT: .:i:On the basis of a solution for tho equations ofa long Line in the form of D'Jambert the operator rAothod is used to produce a solution for tho. equations (X a transient process in individual sectors.of time in the form of' 7 a functiona,L1 dopendence on the parameters or the electrical transmission, -current orivoltage'in the stationary regime and the number of the sections. .The advants.90 of the suggested method are especially great in the case of _number,of t ,ime sect:ors less than ten. Orig-. art. has: 15 formul~Sp_2 lijurei)~ and lltable.* [JFRS-l -SUB CODE: 10,p i2 SUBM DATE: 2lSep64 ORIG REF* 001 SOV REFI.. 4L TjDc: 621.3-051-025-2 C red wmffi~~ , 0 4 574ie V., "IJ4W uJiiioll shkol BUBB (Bashit3ft); OLISHRY A, . HKO Siuy 7 ~- Pezhitga) UB* of -self-made models In solTing stareometrio proble=. mat. v shkole no.6:14-16 N-3) 154. 011&1~ 7: 11 ) Ofensurat Ion) XBOS2a0y OLlS)MVSXAYA,, T.R. Inerewe of t-be apecificity of flurancent glrhdir-3 fr-.-. lv~,* dinet method of staining Sbigalla. Zhur. =Daobilcl., opid. imm. 42 ti).7333-36 JI $65. (MIRA 18211) 1, Poskmkiy imtitut vaktsin I syrorotok Imni 1.1, Mehnikffo, 7ASILITRY, APL; OLSHEVSKATA, Y.M.; SAVOLITET, V.-A.; CREPTSOV, M.B. .?ovBr reBources of 15!tM Provinca and reasureD for their utilization. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.1:98-107 158; (MIRA 11:8) 1.Zapadno-SibirskI7 filial AN SSSR. (Tyumen Province-Power. resources) SKOMITSYN. Tu.V., prof.; KAPUSTIN, V.A., inz.b.; 333DNOV, 11.1,, lnzh.*, 012SIMSZKYA, V.T'. Sinplified metbod of determining prircipal factors of electric suppI7 before drawing up a final plan. Makh.1 elak.sots. sellkboz. 17 no.5:29 '59. (Mn 12:12) 1. Kazanakiy filial AN SSSR. (Pmral electrification) 017SHEISKA'YA, V,,T. Analytical mthod for determining the engineering and economic indices of electric power supply to agricultural districts as applied to small zones. Trady; SSSR.Ser.energ.i vod.khoz. no.2-17- 32 361. (14M 15:3) (Tatar A.S.5,.R.-Electrification) OLIMINSMA., V*T. Simplified method for the preliminax7 degign determinatiom of tk-- engineering and economic Indicea of electric power oupply systen's to a-All agricultural 2ones. Trudy Ka2andil.AIIIJ SSSR.Ser.energ.i vod.khoz. no.2:33-1+8 161. (MIU 15:3) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Electrification) OLISHE )UU~ agog 3 IWImentation of nurBery regimes (feeding, aleep, and stoDl habits). Med.seBtra 21 no.lOs2l-23 0 262. (MM .1634) I.Taoli No.101, at. Arnavir - 1, (DAY NURSERIM) S/138/62/ooD/002/003/00r,, WO~IA126 AUMORS: Gallperin, F.I. (deceased); 01'shevskaya, Ye.S.; Insarova, A.V. T=: The visco-fluid properties of certain rubbers and rubber mixes PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 2. 1962, 10 - 12 TEXT: An instrument has been designed for determining properties char- acterizing the behavior of rubbers and rubber mixes at various temperatures (Fig. 1).. it is composed of a cylinder with a piston, ensuring the required degree o:! compression of the sample and its heating to t~qe temperature of vul- canization. The properties of the rubber mixes are determined from the viscosi- ty index. The following rubbers were tested: Butadiene-styrane CKC-30 (SYS-30) (non-masticated and thermo-masticated); CHC -30 ALI (SKS-30AM), CHC -40A (SKS-40D), butadien,~-nitrile=-1-40 (M-40), isoprene CKZ (SKI), natural rubber (LIR), and low-temparature polymerization nairite HT(NT). The effect of the fillers on the vise,)-fluid properties, the effect of sulfur on the fluidity of the masti- cated ru':,ber, SKS-30 at 20 and 1600C, and the causes of'fluldity reduction with an increase in the test duration were further investigated. Finally, the fluid- ity of S.(I rubber mixes was determined as compared to that of the SKS-30 rubber. Card 1/2 S/138/62/000/002/003/0()9 The visco-J'luid properties of certain .... A051A126 There are 4 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATICN: Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut kozhevenno- obuvnoy pro,myshlennosti (Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of the Leather-Pootwear Industry) Figure 1: Diagram of the instrument for determining the fluiditj index of rubbers and rubber mixtures: a through the capillar-y; b through the aperture. H/0 X, N, Card 2/2 KANDR, N.M., knmd.tekbn.nauk; CLISHNSKIT, A.A., insh. 1mvestigating brake sboss of railroad cars. Trudy BITH no-17: 259-268 257. (NIRA 12:20) (Rallroaam-Cars) (Railroads-Mrskes) ,-- " --- t-~I- "-i' - -1 zil-', -ii~ "", YCANTOR, R.M., kandidat', teklmicheskilkh nauk; OLISHMiSKIY, A.A., inzbener. .......... - Increasing the operating qualltloB of brake sboas. ZheI.dor.trqnr-). ?9 no.8.73-75 A9 '57. (wml 10:9) (Railroads--3rakeB) ., A. A. : 1',j'Lr ' r ~'~;C fi, CC I (CI-. 'r) -- I. c-, !A on cf , ra,- -, OL I =- lf"K TY V) I ., I L " ... t, for ral2xca-d freig~itu cars In ord5r to 1--n-prove their opera-tinS cl ar-actor-, - 11 , Mopropetrovsk, - /~, L2 pp (min rmpor-Uat ion ljvllj~, J)n,)pvc)pE;t,rovrjc, 11irt ()I~ Ranroaa rr,,knspDrt 150 copt~,-, (IM, TTO 16, 1')P) 614618 ALUBMS 01'shevskiy. A,A , Molseyeva-, N.A. TITIX~ Seamless ("bezob"Loynaya!') St&_miplngl~ S/I 17/60/000/006/311/0 1 2/:U_ Aoo4/Aool FERIODICAL,~ Mashinostroitel', 1960, No. 6, pp, 33-34 TM: To increase the metal utilization factor and improve the quality of shell-type cutting tools,)~.he Laboratoriya plasticheskikh deformatEiy VK-7- (Laboratory o1' Plasti6 Defcr~hations of VNIVI has developed a technological Trc, cess oIP the seamless st&rnping of blanks of dcifol ~ -edged, three-sided; =,_ngI,:' edged and ~nd cutters of high-sreed steel, hig~~_s_reed steel module cuttE__ 9X(, (92PLS)Pgrude steel disk gea-r shaper cutters as well as the br_,dies of thr-e sided and end cutters of the 4OX (4oKh)14 grade s+eel, The advantages of th-_Iz seamless stamping process are,., re'jTl savings, ~n account of the blaLnk ccnfizura- tion approach:Lng thatt. of the finished article, an Imprcved blE_mnk etri.Actxre, -a re- duction in the labcr inr-u+. required for the zu~~sexuent mechanJoal machin-,ng and - I eel, All o~eraticns were carried an increase in the ductilit.-y of -,he high-speed st out on a 1,000-ton stamping press with 31 strokes per,e and a crosshcad travel 140 rrn, An allowan~,e of I - 1,5 mm on eac"~ -side :~f forging waS pr,- Card 113 846A Se ;l 17/6o/'Ooo/W6/c)li/w :,/if Seamless ("bezobloynaya!') StamPing A004/AO01 vided for t"o the dimen-cions -.f -T.he finished ar-ticle. Trie tec~nn:d,'glzal of seamless stamping of blanks cf nlgh-s~eeJ -on_~Ist5 of t"ne f-)II -'-wi.nq cpsrations, cutting and heating of the 'r;1ar;.I%,.uvz-ett:n8, _itam_ptng in a -_C_Z'Ed die and annealing, The blank was _~ut with a -t~cslerano~- c;f ~I rilm, on ~he leng,;- and heated in themr3 _,88 (MGZ-108) hf-in~ztalla'.Isn with multiturn Ind'I':-Cr, The upsetting cperation fulfil=- preliminary Lin-ti-ns 3-1-e it, aproache3 The blank shape to that of the finished ar+.icle and reduces the neceszary degree ~-f deformation in the fini-shing die, in order tc avc-1-d ----.Id-hardening -,-racks in the blank, it zhould 'te c~c...~Ied d,-..-v;n lslcwly with Butsequent annealing, AnneeL*..-_nS was effected ir a compartment furna2e. Th~ hardness after arnealing alh.-_uld amount to 2D7 - 255 HB. During the up-sett.-Ing creration, the upper he-ad pres-::,e-z a fixing ImpreE;sion intc the Iblank by which it is centered in the flniE'rilns dl~. For the stamping of tool blanks possessing a sufficient, natural preLzing rake (double-edged eand sJ-ngle-edged ,milling cutter_s, gear sharer cu-t.tlar) dies wit,':,.i- pushers are used, whose ted die is located at the -_~p while rhe Funch i= ~la-:! below (Figure 2), For other kindS of tools diez with pus).~.er_.-. are empl:-.yed, t~av.. ing the bed dift below and the punch on n:--p (Figure )), Me-allcgraphi_-, In-"~s-I-.6~.-' tions of 5eam1vzs-ztamFed bianR5 of c_hell_ty~e process reduces the degree of carb:Lde ncn.hcr_,:Senc-_-~y_ The tccis made cf ',n~Ee Card 2/3 S11 17/60/tWAC6A 1110' 121)r-( amless Vbe2obloynaya?') Stamping A004/AOOI Se blanks',possess a bigher redhardness than those made by way of mechanical machin- ing from :Large-diimneter rods. Figure 2. Figure 3. I NIIIII There are 3 figuras. Card 31'~ S/5CB/61/000/002/001/004 D0410113 AUTFOP.?' Degtyarenko, H.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Noiseyeva; N.A., and Ollshevskiy, A.A., Engineers Burrless stamping of an arbor cutting tool SOUR("-'; Gosudarotvennyy komitet Soveta Ninistrov SSSR po avtomatizatsli i mashinostr.?yeniyu~ Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy instrumental nyy institut. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961. Novaya tekhno3oglya izgoto-loniya instrumental 12-18 'rr-'XT: The ztithors dederibe a new technological process of burriess stamping of blanks from PIS (R18) and P.9 09) high-speed steel which was developed in order to ra4ne the metal-utilization coeff3cient when manufacturing arbor cutters. The Laboratory of Plastic 'Deformations of IrfiII has accepted the burrIess stamping method for series of blanks of iLrbor cutterse !inc. cutten-, don-ble-angleo sideq and angular end milling cutte.Ts fron R16-high--iji~-ed "'l, gear cutters from 9~P(9ftG) and high-speed steel, and the she115 of a tee r7t*V vide milling and inserted-blade ena mining cutters from 40X(40".) Ftee_?~ For designing a forging, the dimensions of a finished workpiece were tak-n Card V3 ': / 5 6 a / 6 , / oir. c) /, cj D0411DIP, i-,z~2c dimpiasions with a iminimun machining allowance of 1-1,5 trim in neiflit and diameter for each side, The allowance depends on thn valur. of the decarboni-eed layer formed during beating. BurrIess stamping of blanlr-:, of aTbor cutting zools consists of the following operatlons~ cutting and beating of the blank, upsetting in an open die, stampinf- in a c-losed dlc-, and isothermal annealing. The blanks were heated o-ZA iIN-108 fy(;7-108~ high-fre-uency unit in a multiturn inductor up to 1,A00 UC'~RIT3 steel') an,! 1~1500C 6i9 steel)~ Stamping was carried out in two passest upsettinT %'n open dies and stamping in a closed pass, After stamping, the bldnls wurtt 1,~- slo-mly cooled with subsequent annealing or immediately anneali. to avoild tric, formation of cracks. Annsaling was carried out in a chamber furnsce unl:r the followinp conditionsg heating temperatl;- - 8500C; holding at 850OC4 cooling to 7500C; holding for 6 nr.~t)rs at 750OC; furr.L- to 6000C wiO subsequent cooling in 'Who air After annealinp; the foigln,~, must have a Irinell hardness of 207-255. types of final passes w,?'n? used for buri-less stamninp~ (1) a stamping device without Dusher above and a vunch belo-, was used for stamping g blanks of toois ba-inty 68/61/000/002/001/004 c~n t rin' i ral draw ( i,,n ble.angJ e angu I ar eu t ters gertr -shaper cu t to rs and ~i !~',,arplng d(Lvice with a pusher with the die below and the punch Ftbove. The upsett-Ang die3 were made of 7)(3 (Uh3i steel with a hardn,~ss of 11RO 47-50 anti the die matprial. for the fintal 5X2F.8 (3KhI':IV6,I ar IY8132 ~.JKMV2) eteel. with a hardness or HRC 45-48, Thf: rusult.9 oht.,-iined en burrleFs stamping of arbor cutters at the Laboraf.ot,y of Pla,-ti- befortra- V14II and stamping of gear-sbaper cutterz, and double-anf,] +-. mi 11 ing cutte:-s conducted at the MIZ and the Zaved im Voskova (Plant im. ~oskov) linve shown tbe possibility of stamping and obtnining high-qiuality b3Rnk..:4 of tool.- from Dw-planticity, high rnpeed B18 nnd R9 ntpels, Thore are ~ figunp. and 2 tablen, Card 3/3 - owsmsm, A.A., Jmzh.; XRYWV) S.V., inzb.; METANOTICH., X.M.2 imb. COld upsetting of suspension Insulaior roda. Slek.sta. 33 mxj52-56 N 162. (MM 15412) (Electric insulators and insulation) (Electric linaB-Overhead) ACC NR: AP6016 $38 AUTHOR: Krivonl)gov, 11. 1. (Candidate of technical sciences Bryanck); Oltshevskiy, A.A. (Candidate of echnical sciences; Bryansk) ORG: Ilone TITTZ.. New auti)zatic car coupler SO=E: Zholez:iodorozhnyy_trapsport, n a. 1, 1966, 83 railway coup er, TOPIC TAGS: raLlway transportation, railway equipment, railway spare part CA---3 railway coupler, Z0-10.kAcoupler AMTRET ieralescription of a now autozatic coupler of SAD-10A type designed Dy E. A. D--yatl-,o 15 presented. The now type is an improved devolopzent of the CA-~3 coupler which is widely used on SSSR railways. The now type is interehangeable with the CA-3 couplers. Die aew coupler differs from the old one only in design of coupling mechanksm which insures cm positive interlocked en,-,agp-~ent and increased safety. Various advan- tages of new ms,.hanism are briefly explained. The new coupler is smaller in size and is lC% lighter in weight than the CA-3 coupler. Shus, the spacing between two cars is also' reduced. Wear Df coupler head and part6 is materially reduced thus, increasing the service life. rhe now coupler is shown in a photo. raV samples of new couplers Cana- factured by the Bezhitsk Steel klill were already tested in laboratories and actual opgra?- tion. Me Txwisportation 11inistry decided to accept new couplers for extemive trial service appliettions in 1966. Patents for the SAD-10A coupler were issued in mW foreip; countries. 0xig. art. has: one photo. SUB CODE: 13/ SUNI DATE: None - . I /I 'iv USSR / Farm Animals, Cattle (Smil) Q-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 7171 Author : -A,_.M. 0 L I shem-akiy Inst : Not given Title : Breeding of Fine-Wool Sheep in Large Cultivated Areas. Orig Pub: Ovtsevodstvo, 1957, No 7, 15-16 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 CATEGORY Atilinals. Small Horned Cattle. ABS. J(YJR IRZhBiol., No. 69 1959, No. 25872 AUTHOR 01 Lei'v'Wiv. 11. of 6hi-op Ifi the Bnyc.~-iv; of ORIG. PUB. :Ovtsevodstvo, Ic.158., No 59 12-15 A33TRPU :Winter t.4rth of sheep in tho Worthern rci,*,,ronf; %smires rapid rate W.' grow',h of!' tho. p p,) I na I., io i in cr e aiv S P 1, ct!~ -J, wil decrqasez llw~ ferti'J'Aty 0~ ewes vo vioiftht uid wool rettirns b~.-com- SMEYNBIRG, R.Vj VIM, Z.A.-P OLISMCYSKIY, A-P,,; LMINOVA) 1-3)- I Continuous deaerator of Purse food products for children, loms-I ov.prom. 13 no*njn-13 21 360. 011RA 13:20) 1. Vkraiuski7 na-achmo-isaledovatel'skiy AnDtitut konaerynoy pro- mys)LIennostis .. (ChildTen-Ratrition) - Cutting reinforced no.6:36 154. 011SHEVSKIL1.7. , - "'. ~ ... - AppaTatus for putting a second bag on bagged sugar. Sakh,prom. 28 nc,.7:36 154. (HLRA 8:.L ) 1. Crakhovski7 sakharW za'vod. (Bagglug) (Sugar Induat37-3quipment and supplies) L's 6 k _3eN' i3&,j h~' ~xu -MW -near, e for archiWtu cornp~ is SiO 56 is suitabi ~;l terri cbt6; (tic -19 Ma I--- j 3,13 N - o 7-6-1; 105S On ignition, 5~25. ThiS Chly,_Vln bO'Sh6X1aMd Wi 1'j111q of,groun i'marbl'-wasto and f the ne clay or with ad brick with iuddit 7' "tha tj -additions,iliorten ft_~lay and lower its -Mrification ternp.- A t a ras- tby Stark's p moL%tur~ content) the mater call Lt- be 140, for"casting. plastic shaping, or cresting. A wor-king fluidity of slips from obtajbid by add! of soda asbi Na rilizate and a taimic extrict- 'Dm _q has'Won developW for terra-"ta body f4ry Wt. V. Leningrad Cumbrian raL foil v4a~fO- crvshed red brkk, IS, marble waste, 1S.'ehiss culkt~ 5.0-2 Bacolk-ad&d V -0,15% Na -of the mix; f6rA slili (which-is made in1till ndlts) 0,W1. a-,C0j, i-M. and 0, 30',/0 tannic "tn. cis is: Added in additim -tip HaCo).- Anadditi6~of- -of the j Pb Pass inwasifics the the vith ication lcrnp.~ C. -Thic following ea4ily-fusible glaze vmL tried (%),,cullet. 901--murble 2, BaCOj md 2-5,' spar were includt Wate rood N-1tonite, S.. In,addition, 4Y rp ~:_-_cn4jings_v-, of tho-sanic lcrmwcot!a mix pplicd to the raw body. 11cy consht pe W, r I I 'I ]5739 Onal Use 0-t t Te -nl' Furnam. 011i ",= a. no, 12, If Vol. a No. 4 ;Dmaibcs atubular recovely un t IOr comPlete -utflization of,, Apr. 2954 ibwL DIR.grwns. Spaoe Peating AV4 ConAitioning