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SOV/1 3 7 - _5 7! - 1- 1-62 ob Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 1. p 216 (USSR) AUTHORS: Ol'shanova, K. M., Petrova, M. A. TITLE: Quantitative Determination of Copper by the Method of Precipitation Chromatography (Kolichestvennoye opredeleniye medi metodorn osadochnoy khromatografii) PERIODICAL; Tr. Mosk. telthnol. in-t myas. i rnoloch. prom-sti, 1956, Nr 0, pp 184- 187 ABSTRACT: The chromatographic column is filled with an intimate mixture of A1203 and K4 [Fe(CN)61 in a 100: 1 ratio. The solution containing Cu4~~ (without Zn Z+ and Fe34*) is neutralized with alkali up to the appearance of cloudiness, which is dissolved with I or 2 drops of 2N CH3COOH (pH 5). 1 cc of the Cu2+ solution is introduced into the column. After filtration, the length of the red-brown band of Cu? [Fe(CN)61 is measured and the concentration of Cu2+ in g-e.quiv/liter is determined on the curve. The curve is plotted in accordance with the lengths of the bands and concentrations of Cu2 in g-equiv/liter from 0.01 to 0,0005 N. Zn2~, Fe34, and high Card 1/1 acidity impede the determination. P. K. Name : OLI S~LOOVA, Kalcriya Makaiincvna Dissertation: The chromatographical method in qualitative analysis Degree: Doc Chem Sci Affiliation: Mosccw Technological Inst of' Meat and Dairy Industry Defense Date, Place: .2 Jun 55, Council of Inst of Physical Ohemistry, Acad Sci WOW Certification Date: 16 Mar 57 Source: T)MV0 13/57 5(2~ AUTHORS: 011 shan. .'Y-Lorozzova' N. 11. S ov / l 53 - TITLE: Chromato,3raphic idethod of Deter-iininL Copper and 171-1 ckel (Khro-ato,graficheskiy ::ictod opredeleniya medi i DillE.11ya) -MIODICAL: Izvesti-a vy--shikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i k1)i::iic-.c-- kaya tel-hnolo.-iya, 1950, 1Tr 2, pp 63 - 69 (usn) ABSTRACT: The problem of the precipitation chromatography has hitherto not been paid the attention it deserves, althouah it may successfully be used for aralyt-"cal purposes. The separation of elements with a pre- cipitation-chromatographic column is based on the d-4f,erent values of the solubility product of the precipitations. A certain dependence between the width of the forming zone and the concentration of the investiC;ated solution may be found. The tas1"- of the present paper is the working out of determination inethods for the metals mentioned in the title. For this purpose the authovs investi:-ated characterintic,,.,lly colored copper compounds th.~t are difficult to solve Card 1/4 with ditliio-o:,amic acid as well as nickel comDounds Chromatographic Method of Determining Copper and Nickel SIJIVI/I 5"-:51:-2-1 with dimethyl glyoxime. The column for the pre- cipitation-chro.matoGra-m is forn-A by a mixture of a coxrier (a highly displ-rse substa.,ce) and a prec-,pitator (substances that form precipitations with the ionn to be investi~-,ated, which are diffic,,ilt to t;olve). Miiiy(' Irouo i~luninum r).-Ade Vl,)e "CV. K-4, F-1, series 20, 1955, tctiv~Aed charcoal, glass and rice povider, starch, river sand, etc. acre used as carriers. L-tcr only unlh-drous alum-InuZ. oxide was used. Dif,-^erent weiG~-A relations carrier and the precipitntor were trief". T,-Ic re,~1,ilto with -.Ium-inum, o-:.-dc- ci,4tator -,L-de the think tll-at '1 has an excha,.-I,~e c.-.pacity, and th-A the ioll 1 t 4 exchan-e in this czse hi-hly infliiencej the for-a U I and t,-e ienL~th of tllne zone of the precipitation- chrD:iato,~i-am. 'Whc-n the preclipitator is pre!~ent in !~,r--er qi-tantity (riare then 11"') the t.,Q ion exchan~:e is mucl-I ler,2 i:i-r'l-ed. Thcoe were proved by thle Oistril-ction of tlip copper ion.3 .Ly Card 2/4 means of Vlie rL,Iioacti~.,e in~ic-:-tor Cu64. The Chromatogm-phlc Met~'-Iod of Co,),;(-.r ind L;ho,.-,c-d ti.;-,t t7ic-, colored 7one. ~:--c L!-,c, I~rlttl~i- tlno ivcl proiwi-fAcIt-, ).C c~u-rio;- -rc:. Vie lv.,,L;th of U;o zonu of 1-hu to- to tie si--e of thr% c'-Irr.c1r. Tll-~i~ olon,-, if' Vhr., ~x-,Anc are biCZor. Tl-,o 1:-n6th of t1--c to LIu tllrt.,~,~otnv of th~! cr)lu!;Ir,. curvc.,c, 41' 7_-c plc,,,ttcd (.)Ii t-lic coo-rOiil.-,too, can lie investi oi,!,, co.cres- wilth colur;.~i,; of 11he ri!trr, di.-A-tc-r. Furtherr.-iore, ti~c ac.)undu~~r,e bet,.-I-uen thic volu;u-, .r,(1 thn- p1, C 4 ,:t ti C) for:.i~-d ancl t,-.,c corccnti-~-tion of the :-,?t,%l on diffcrent tyjv~~L; of A1,0 3were studied. Al-.lm i I'll UM c-;.Jdc not prnlviced -,t cr-mo Li,7,~- hiiu a diffurc.1-A so t.-L-t the Vr)lu::~,c if the preci:)-i 0,- ~..c 2-, 2~~ thc ca--.Ic, cc,--!7--*,L-4Or~;) are dif'c--ort. T"--u thLl C',-'-%---'t` of tl"L EI,(,l th-C, of th", zone. Card 3//4 ciirvc?s f'iL:;Ul'co 1,2). The cnpper and nichel dcterv~i~~.-,tiur. M-thods were chariclu(-rl7ell I;y co:~iparison. It Cl-.romatc~~--raphic Yethod of Co,,j-cr and llickiu'l. SO',.r/ 1 r 7 n th-.-t -, i c or- apl method secureo a r.,-,orc rLuid dctcrmii~uluion of :,-ietals In --olution vil-th col.--u-..,.pt-i or., of Th~r-~, ar~' 4 f i,ru~, es ,,,nd 1 talile. ASSOCIATIOI:: Lrookovskiy tel:hnoloCic.-.cczkiy institut myasnoy a. rnolocl,noy prorlychlennostli (Iloscov, Technological 0 Institute for 1~eat and Dairy Industry) Kafe"Ira analiticlicr;koy '-,hirqii ( Ch,~iv of Arvil-ytical SUDMIT'TED September 14, 1957 Ca-2d 4/4 5(4), 5(2) 170 AUTHORS: Kopylova, V. D., Ollshanova3__K--I;, soll/i TITLE: on the 1rd2uenoeExErkd'jy the Co'mposi*tion of the Soltition Upon the For-lation of Procipitntion ChromatcS~rcu,.,.s (Vliynniye rastvora na obrazovoniye osa-doclinyl-h khromato.-ramm) PERIODTCAL: Izvestiya vy~:shikh uchebnyl-h zavedeniy,, Yhimiya i kaya tekhnolo.-iya, 1950, Nr 3, PP 46 - 51 (USS,11) ABSTRACT: The separation of ~-.ubotnncec in fire oipitat ion chro,-,i~toLra= occur,-, in conueqiience of several repititiono of tho principal proceso of precipitate formation ,ind dicsolution. A chromatogram is thus formed: The zone localization in it is determined by the product of the ion acti-vity of the resulting precipitates (Refs 1,2). To make clear the question of the separability of tivo substances by means of preci-pi-iaii-on chromato-r.--phy and to choose optimum separation Conditions the ratio of the concentrations of the substances to be chromatographed must be computed Card 1/5 az the time of the easier soluble precipitate. The On t1v Jnfluence ExMtA . y th e Co:n.~ o s _J 41 ion -, f0 S 01- 4 Upon the For.,.ation of Preci.itation Chro::~~;to.~:'ans con.putntion c,-.n be performed in a Gcneral way 11-ccordin't, to oqii,,Aion (2); but it can be constdorably simplified if instead- of the ion activity thoir molur concentrations are used. In Cleneral, the resiilting precipitate is rendered impure by co- precipitated substa-~ces. Under conditiono of the precipitation chro:natographic column the effect of some co-precipitation processes can be reduced practically to zero; others, however, ma., increase their influence. The quantity of the co-precipitated admixtures and the character of the process as well as the c-)nplcteness of the zone separ-tion in the chromatourams depend on t e composition and microstri7cture of the precipitate, on the composition of the solution to be chromatoaraphied as well as on the concertr_stions of the ions contained in it, finally on the quantity of the pre- cipitant in the column. It is most probably due to these factors that -- frequent incomplete or a co7~- Card 2/5 pletely suppressed oepa2z.tion of --ones, even in the case ()n1he1VftUenM-'Xerkd by the Composition of the Solution SOV 1 L, 7_7 /7 Upon the l'or-ation of Precipi'tition Chro~atoarams of precipitates the solubility of which is conside2ably devinting fro.-n one another. It is the Lin of the prosent paper to make clear under which conditions the nost complete separation of zones can be attained. The experiment was carried out both with and without radioactive isdicators. The cations investi-ated: hydroxidespe +,Fe2+,Cr3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 3+ CO , Ni , Mn and Ag+; phosphntes: Fe , Fe , Cr 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ + Co 2+ , 1"i, Ni ,lin and Zn ; 4odides; Hg , Hg2 Ag Pb are presented in a table. It can be seen from the table that the clearness of the precipitation chromato-ram increases with decreasing solubility of the precipitates at the same concentration of the ion to be chrwMtoCraphed. This concerns experiments without radioactive indicators. A Uood separation is observed if the respective solubilities are deviating considerably from each other. For hydroxides, Card 3/5 for instance, the difference must be the 100-fold. On tv-9 TrTm -Px6ft*d ~Y t-e Corijooit ion of the Solution SDV/1r3-5q-3-fj/"O Upon th-o For ation of Precipi ta-tion Chr-7atog-ra-is Other-wise no zone separation at all or only a partial one takes place. The use of radioisotopes has shown that a visual zone separation in chromatograms is by no neans indicative of their absolute separation. This is due to the contamination by co-precipitation of other ions contained in the solution. An absolute separction is never attained, not even if sharp ed-es can be seen. In all cases the upper zones contain impurities of other ions which yield easier ~-oluble preciPitates. The lenr-th of the zones and the inten:7it., of their coloration increases with the increasing concentration of the solution to be chromatographed. The increase in the concentration of the hydrogen ions (p1T) caiises, in je-.eral, a lenGthening of the zones, but reducec thc- clearnen.,i of then (Fi- 3). The chro--.-~ato- grams n2e thus shifted downwords in the colimin (Fi,- 3, curves *id 3)---nd become irdistinct. The Card 4/5 authors try to expic-in these phenomena. There are Ontbalr~me-RtwtEd,y the Composition of the Solt~tion SOV/1 15-55-5-5/30 Upon t:ie Formation of Precipitation Chromatograas 3 figures, 1 table and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: lloslkovs'~iy tekhnolo.-ric.hesI--iy instuitut ~-.Iyasnoy i molool-nioy promychlennocti (I'lloccow Tec-hnolo,--ical Institute of Djiry 71*&tIridustry) Y~%fedra ana- liticheskoy khimii ( Chair of Analytical Chemistry) SUBMITTED: SepteMber 19, 19'57 Card 5/5 75-17-2-2/27 qS: 011 shanova I K. Chmutov, Y. V. -2 1 i L3. Chromatographic .!ethod in QM,.litat-1ve -hnPlysio (-KItironatografi- chaskiy rictod v ',.;ic..c-stvennori Dr. The Jnal:;sis of Cations of tlhi; Third .rialytiot! Gzoilp (IV. Analizz `.ationov 1"') 77-RIODICAL: Zhurnal Analitichesl:oy 2,pp.162-171 (USSR) L B'O'T nACT: In a I=evious paper (.1of 1) ropcwt vias j~iven on the nrran,-e- ment of cationa and anions of ench oinglo ;roup in the ad- .ption series accordin to the degree of their ad3orption cor U on some adsorbente. Furtiermore, ~~iethods were worked out for the qualitative chronatoera-Phic analyaiE, of cations of the fourth and fifth analytical group or, aluminum oxide as adsorbent (Refs 2, 3). In the present paper the qualitative chromatographic analysis of cations of the third analytical f-roup on aluminuia oxido a~ adoorbent iti worlwd out. The catiQno 3+ 2+ 2+ 3+ Te , Cc , Ili and Cr can bc proved imm2diately on the adsorbent: aluminum oxide and pernutite. On sulfonite only L Card 1/3 Fe3+ can be proved, whereas the other cations form dim zoneo 75-13-2-2/27 Chro-atographic 11,1ethod in Qualitative Analysis. IV. 'Me Analysis of Cations of the Third Analytical Group 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ with respect to coloration. Al P Fe , Mn und Zn cannot be proved without developmant or, Vie ridsorbert-s. Nickel c---1 be proved on aluninum oxide only in the case of ab3once of C02+-ions in th L solution, since tliiz is adso---bod in the ~le appli,~s i-I tile ovz3e of Fe34 ar,,d some zone as 11i . The sa- Cr)+. The detection linit for the on aluainu-m oxide without development, lies for F 3+ at 5,4 T for Co2+ --t 3-:5,0'T for 1-j12+ at 35t0 ^( and for Cr~+ at 30,0 T The authors showed that the cations o-f t1-B third analjtical -,roup can be proved chromntof;raphically on aluminum oxide, I;er- L> nutite, and sulfonite ~ta adsorbento by neans o.4 various L--3c- nerators and precipitants. Solutiona of aumonium thiocyan-te, lye, dithionic acid, potassiun chro7aate, nitric ammoniun- -tL ~trathiocyanate-mercuroate (Im [T.,-(SCN)L and ammoi~4a served here as developer. The UoK1j.o'r'iOs O.-C C~Iuztic 30da ~-'d ~potassiura chromate were u2cd au prucipitanto. In a comprari- son between the Precipitation chro!:;a-~oL:raphE; and the ioni-t(-,- -chromatou-Taphs i*t vas found that tile:'-C is almost no dif- ference in the coloration of the zoneo, the -.Drecipitation chromato.-raphs have, hoaever, bettcr mar::ed bot,ndaries of t'le Card 2/3 colored zones. Also a qualitative chromatographic nethod v;~:s 75 - 2-2/2 7 CbxomatoLtraphic Nothod in ;4lialitative Anf_lysi.~i. !V. The .,nalylin of Cations of the Third Analytical Group vorked out for the of the ~_L'Jionfj of the third (ina.- I.ytical 7rovp on ,.Iuminum o%ido as adsorbc.,it by means of which these calion3 can be proved -citliin 0-10 ninutes. The detec- tion limit for the proof of each sin&le cation of the third .-roup on aluminum o~-ide is Civer.. -Furthermore a cciaparir-g- characteristic of tho qualitativt, Mlethods for t-p- proof of the cations of the third group axe giveii in solution in the paper. The chrozatooraphic raethod permits the determination of all cations within a shorter time ~, On. 1-y a small quanti - ty of reagents and a very small volume of sample solution is necessary for this purpose, furrhprmore, tbia method is More sensitive thwi other method,F!. The experimental carryina out of the anal.Ntia is described precizely~ There are '0 tables and 6 references, G of' v;hicb are Soviet. ASSOCIATION% Institut fizicheskoy khim--,'-' AN SSSR, bioskya (11oscow Institute for Physical 'Vhemi!.,,try,AS USSR) SUBMITTED: December 25, '1955 1. Ions-.-Chromatographi(~, ana4sis 2 , AlldmtlfnLi~ oxidcs- Card 3/3 AUTHOR-3- XbrIlava, V.D. , 01 1 shino SOV-69-58-4-9/18 TME: Oecond!iry Phononfna In Prfjalpitrttion Chror-ritogrnn.- of Compounds (Vtorichnyye ynvleniy8 v osadochnykh ~hromntoprnm- mekh razlichnykh soyedineniy) PERIODICAL: F61loidnyy zhurnal, 1958, Vol XX, Nr 4, PP 456-460 (USSR" ,,more often than in other APSTRAWP: In tho procipitntion chromritngrnphy forms of chromatographic analysisin change of chromatograms with time takes place. These changes consist of the smoothen- ing of-the zone boundaries, the formation of new zones, the down-ward movement of the zones, etc. In order to study the laws of these changes in the articlethe secondary effects in 'Precipitation chromatograns of phosphates, chromates, hydroxides of various cations, etc. were investigated. In several of the experiments radioactive indicators were applied in a chlor- vinyl pipe, either in the precipitating substance or in the chromatographed solution. The ratio between isotopic material and the dry matter in which it wa-F contained -was then determined, The most characteristic changes in the precipitation chromato- grains were the followingtsmoothing of the zone boundaries; in- crease of the initial length of the zone; change of the color Card 1/3 of the chromatogram due to different oxidation and reduction SOV-69-58-4-9/18 Secondary Phenomena in Precipitation Chromatograms of Various _~azpoaunis reactions. Experimental results show that with an increEse in the concentration of the precipitating agent, the speed of the change of the zone length decreases, the speed of boundary smoothening decreases also, but the speed of color change in- creases. An increase of the concentration of the chromato- graphed solution causes an increase of the speed of boundary smoothening, and of the speed of zone length change. An in- crease of temperature leads to an increase of the speed of change in the precipitation chromatograms. The radioactive isotopes P32, C065, pe59, Hg203 were used in the investigation. An analysis of the results indicates that the distribution of the chromatographed ion and of the precipitating agent changes with time. The change of the distribution of the precipitating agent in the column consists in an upward movement in the column. The concentration of the chromatographed ion in the zone decreases with time ...which leads to an increase of the length of the initial zone. The smoothening of boundaries and the increase of zone length is explained by the difffusion of the chromatographed ion. The investigation permits the Card 2/3 explanation of the secondary effects in many cases as well as Sov-69-58-4-91/18 Secondary Phenomena in Precipitation ChromatogramF of Various Compounds the regulation of these processes by changing the conditions causing the secondary effects. The results may also be used for explaining secondary effects in molecular and ion exchange chromatograms. There are 3 diagrams and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti (Moscow Technological Institute of the laeat and Milk Industry) SUB'M1ITTED: February 25, 1957 1. Chromatographic analysis--Theory Card 3/3 OLISROOTA. K., -prof.; KOFMYA, T., kand.kb1n.nauk; MAT-OCHIR, 1., insh. OTM~~OD~jrx'pblc netbod for determining chloride content In meat. Mat.' imd. SSSR 29 no-5:51-53 158. WHA 11:10) 1. )bskovskiy telffinologicbe3kiy inttitut m3yasnoy i molochnoy prorVablemnosti. (*at--Anal7sis) (Chlorides--Analysis) YNASS I WOX IMPLOITATION SOV/2554 kkbd-Atyst nauk -,L-k*. Otdolanive kbiaichaskikh nauk. Kodisatys, po khra-abojearti TA61bab-ahlys, V 6bl&Atl reop"dolltallhoy I osadachiloy h~rawdt6gt&fil (AtUdiff In tho, Vield of Ion K'ahangs, Distrtbu- tied *hd YrddtbIt*ti*d Ch"OLAtogrUhy) K6811OW, IZd.Vo AN SS&R, 19W. 1.w P. arrAta $110 In"n6d. 3.500 060105 printed. orov; Teoh. ltd.t T.N. "oval Y& Xa"i W O 2d f t bli 1hi s. . . . 6 u g nt Mitortal Board- 1GV. Chmutow, Cor"NoaddIng ka,mbar. On Adad6sy at zdiwiass (b*-*P. %a.) I Y.X. sh*syakia, V1"r*%sarj X.X. 011 shenova, ra,efdoaar; Kit. SAIdAdso, Docent, and U.N. T=Itskly, pro fassor. P41YOUt 'this ba6k Is Lounged for ch6tilato and eh*Rleal ongtha#rs. COVZ2Af991 Tha U06k discusses studies in Ion-szebanga, distribution. chromatography. Various problems of the theory d *r and its apvIlestlen a" also considered. this i! 1 ths 4th coliaction of artlelva published by the Conalttes am - ------ - 5- tkr"At*9ft0h7. The first colloetlon Vas published In 1952 under thd tltldg -I"Iodovanlya V ablastl khromatografil, (studies In thd Yield of the second Was published In 1955 under tha, title "TOOPITS, I Praktiks PrImenanlya Iondabstann7kh vmkt&rlla6v' (t~f,"ry and Practlao or the Vaa of Ion-exchange Us "i and tLe third v ubli de h d i th titl 19 T e, s e um r e s- as p n 5 bl#d6vanlYa V 61,12stl lonoobstannoy Ithroastografil' (Studies In the VULd of Xna-ax--lwaga Ch"mitograph* We personalltleax man. tib"d. are given after most of the artle 8. -Daviaiii-, A.T. LnA757K. IN-3-yTR-a. Study of the Sorption Value and - - thAl ZIENZA141 WAArjY'iTrT& -MM-0-A W*r&tttt With Relation to Tea- TrO r4ratwy,# 21 14dLLUkLy-V-T- 5.*ary of the Stationary Front of Dynamic Sorp- 24 --saidadra, X.R.. "a y --ftdztmz&, Iffeet or the Ionits, w M92--va, ~05 he zkUS h1ww Troeges, 39 vsalwzs K W , end TO.JL-ame~ rinaties Of Cation ftchancat ~ 4a ;;L; ~ WM axyll. Cationites, .-F o ftjZ-X-3L., and FV-191oanyakin. Purification of Salts With the Xid of in Counterflew Inatialation 55 TO ;nave. Study of Podge#,yeXA.1-C.P., W.W-Z~-jmd -g-30 -iibatles 0 Exchange u ated Resins 63 Esi atlas -;"awiplets Cation Is A. R. Pashkayr 9A. Parsbanov, and N.H. ?unit. skiy. change in mbe-r.-ro-ati" or7-*1-m--n-jjy-Le1.dic Nonorunctional CattmItes in RalatU4 to the Cowentration of Sulfo Groups and rAterebALM Ban" IS CAtIonites Y and W.W. Tunits)dy. Study of --cha-alsfuslon or Lwts Through a Cationits. Kembraner ~ ._ 1- 76 ShA47xidno Y-X- OrgAft-16 R489GntO 10501 In Ldsarption and Dletri. buttes, Chpomatogrwoicq, yholp CI&zsjfjoe,tlea, and Trends of Invopti- gatieft so W.- and FX-ae!syAkIn- Some Now 1"h*fto4*nj1 0601-01:~y tha Process or glectroalgration of OrgaLn1c Substanest; 90 -PI Study or TharmiLl Doguironstlaft of Sulfo- pie&ixrortuadshydo Wasin ItU.1 sft4 IL Precipitation Chromate. gra;fty -5tKx~ ~,- 105 KOVI'l a,-T~D~ And Secondary Phenomena In Traci.-)Station Chromatography - 113 Determination of Calcium by thw PrqcIp1t4LZ4w% ChroastoCrapby Method With the Indicator Kurazlds 124 K.K.. s--A Z,A. EDI*sko.a. lon-oz.hangw Toper Chr=-~Ohy in waliatTivi-In-saysis 1281 N.V. Chromatographic Nothod of Qualitative analysis ror ftr Dyestuffs 134 Saldzdz8-Z,R,~k.X"1!dhwovs, and-LI. Zvanovs. Sorption of assral, solos and- or Their Boats on Cationitwo 138 and-_L11. Soldad-a. absorption of Complex ZIno AnIons an Knionit4ro With afferent Basicity 143 AUfiORS 1 01 Ishanova, K. X., -lorozova, N. Y. TITLE: Fractional Discovery of Several Rare Elements By 111eans of the Chromatographic Method PERIODICAL: Izvestiya,vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheskaya t ekh no 1 o g-'L 1 1959, Vol 2, Nr 4, PP 498 - 5o2 (USSR) q~ ABSTRACT: The authors attempted to investigate the method mentioned in the title on chromatographine aluminum oxide. Since the elements in- vestigated may be combined with various elements in natural mixtures, chromatograms of the solutions of mixtures of various cations were investigated. The solutions were composed in accord- ,,osition in such a way that a complex cation ance with the presupp mixture could be se-oarated according to various degrees of cczp- tion. '. Therefore, ihe mixtures were composed of adjacent ele- ments in the sOrption sequence. The authors succeeded in consider- ably supplementing the sorption sequence of cations (Ref 1 by rare elements. These are subsequently shown in brackets: > Sb3+~S.n2+-Bi3+=Lr,e4+D~Hg2+~ETh4-~p= Cr3+. Fe3+.Hg,24- U02+ Pb2+~ 2 n3+ \VU 2+ Nd+3~ lg~ Mg 2~ Zn +> C02+.J,1,2+= Cd 2+= Fe ~+= Ba 2+ XI > I + 2+ 2+ + 'Rb Card 1/3 ;>.Un += TI Sr Ca K - '1'[L'+3XCs+D NH4+' I naccordance Fractional Discovery of Several Rare Ele--ents By -Means Of SOY/153-2-4-6/32 the Chro-matographic Yethod with the sorption sequence fixed by several elemments, chromato- ,-,ramo of rare, elemento were obtained in combination w1th other cations. In additionp the analytis in connootion with tho discovery of the following metals and ions is described: Cerium: in -!%-,he presence of bismuth and copper ; of tin IV); of mercury (1) and bismuth; of tin (IV), bismiath, mercury R and II), and iron; of biem"th, antimony (111), i1nd arsenic (III). Dif3rovery of indium ions: in the presence of cobaltj of zinc; of morcury (I and III) , and lead; of iron (III). Discovery of ions U02+ in the presence of cerium; of mercury (I and II), and^iron 2 (111); of copper. Discovery of thallium ions: in the presence of : copper; of mercury (I and 11); of indium; of ceriuin; of cobalt, nickel, cerium, and lead; of uranyl and zirconyl. Discovery of zirconyl ions: in the presence of mercury (II); of zinc; of copper; of iron (111); of cobalt; of uranyl ions. Discovery of thorium ions: in the presence of lead; of cobalt; of uranyl ions; o-f iron (III). Discovery of neodymium ions: in the presence of mercury (II); Of lead; of copper, silver, and cobalt; of nickel; of iron (III); of cadmium. There is-* Soviet reference. Card 2/3 Fractional Discovery of Several Rare Elements By Leans of SOV1153-2-,-61152 the Chromatographic Method ASSOCIATION: Noskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myafjnoy i lennosti) Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii (Hoscow Institute of Meat- and Milk Industry) Chair of stry) SUBMITTED: ,March 28, 1958 moloclizicy promysh- Technological Analytical Chemi- Card 3/3 MHOZOVA, N.M.--013SHANOVA R.N. A lo .Wlication of I r exchange :pTocesses in the dai--7 industry. lzv.vys.uchob.zELvi;yljsh7cb'ote) 260. (MM 13 '. 12 ) 1. Mokovskiy tekbnologleheskiy luBtitut myasnoy i raolochnoy yromyshl-ennoBti. Xafedra analiticheBkoy Iddall. . (Dairv irAustr5r) (ion exchange) COLISMOVA, K.M., prof.; STOROZIMIKO, G., red.; PAEGLIS., Ia.., takhm. [Use of Ion exchaners in Industry] Primananie loritov v pro- zqBble=osti* Riga., TSentr. bluro taklin.informatsi-i Latviiskoi SSR., 2961. 27 p. (MM 15:4) 1. Hoskovskiy tekbnologIche.,gkiy institut ryasnoy I nolocbnoy proxgsblemnosti (for Ollsbanava). (Ion exchange resins) MOROZOVA-j N.M.; VVSHANOVA K,14. Phromatograpbic metbod i5f Ana2pirk beary zip c-al.9 in dair7, productoo Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; piobeh.tekbo 1:33C%-135 061. (HIFLA 14:3) 1. MoBkovskiy tekhnologIchbskiy institut nyuncy I molochnoy pr=7,shlennosti, Xafedra analiticheskoy khiuii. (Dairy products-Analysis and examination) (Metals-Analysis) OLISHANOVA:~ X.M. .1 ..... ............ .... Cbr=atc)Zrz-,pbiv metboa for determinimg m*.rcury. 12v.vya.-ucheb. zav; kbim.1 3diim.tekh,. 4 no.js734437 161. (MM 14: 11) 2. MoBkovB3d7 tekbnologicbeski7 iwtitut nyasnoy I nDlochnoy prmyshlemnosti, kafedra nearganichaskI7 i amlitichaskoy kbi-mi:l. (Mercury-Amal-y5lv) OLISRANOVA, K.H.; XOPYLOVA, V.D.; VIOROZOVA, B.H. Detendnation of the concentration of inorganic iomB from the zone length or volume in precipitation chromatogram. Izv.vys. ucheb.sav.; kbi-.i khITn.tekh. 1* w.6:923-927 161. OML -15:3) 1, Hoskovskiy tekbnologicheski7 institat nVasnoy i molochnoy promysbaennosti2 kafedra noorganicheskoy i analiticheskoy khimii. (Chromatographic analyais) OLISHANOVA~ X.H., dolctor kbim.nauk-, POTAPOV.A, II.A.2 kand.kbim.nauU; FWLOVA, -~~~~~Aekbn.nauk; SEMERSMVA, L.-Ya. Recovery of anion exchanging substances after neutralization and purification of sunflower seed and castor oils. Hasl,-zhir. prom. 27 no-9:10-11 S 1161. OiM 14:11) 1. Hoskovskiy tekbnologicheskiy proiVablennosti (for 0113banova) gidrozavod (for Seliverstoya). (Sunflower seed oil) Institut rWasnoy i molochnoy Potapova) Frolova). 2. Hoskovskly (Castor oil) Kamm., Y.D.,- MOROZOVA2 N.H.3 ~LISRANGVA4-K.H..,. ftmdc 2magents aa indicaton inprecipitation cbromatqpaw. lzv.vyD,,,; kbiml khim.tekb. 5 n0.1:22-23 362. (MM 15 4) 1, *Bkovskiy tekbuologichoakiy inst#ut 3*wnoy i =Ioohmy promysb3.s=ostl., kafedra noorganichookoy .1 analiticheskoy kbivail. (Cbromatogripbic aual7aiB) (Chemical tests and reagenta) SALDAD29, X.M.; OLISHANOV.Al X.M.; FROLOVA) G.V. I Molecalar Borption of some hydroxjacids and their salts on caticr-I exchangerB. lz*~,vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.1 khIm.tekh. 5 no.2-.272- 276 162. (ERA 15:3) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicbeskiy institut *asnoy i molochnoy prmyshlannosti, kafedra neorganicheskoy i analitichaskoy khimii. (Acids) (Sorption) (Ict exchange) XMNSTSOVA, N.N.; POTAPOVA, 2d.A.; SAIDAM., X.M.; OLISHAIIIIl X-11 t~ DeBprptlon of ions *on lonexc6rgm studied by 'electrodialpis. lzv.vys.ucheb.zav.-3ddm.i Miin.toU. 5 nD.3:4-18-422 162. .7 OMIA 15:7) 1. HoskDvskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i m6lochnoy prcmyshlennosti, kafedra analiticheskoy kbinii. (Desorption) (ion exchange) (Electrodialysis) QkjLH-AXOU,,-~er-i: lama ~na; XOPYIDVA, Valentina Dmitr-1yevna; MDROZOVA., Radezbda Hikhaylovna; CDOTOV, X.V., otv. red.; VLASOV, L.G., red.; YAKOGONOVA, I.A., talcbn. red. [Precipitation chromatograpb;y]Osadochnaia khromatografiia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1963. 10~ p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk ISSSR (for Cbmutov). (Chromatographic analysis) 3/032/1553/029/001/003/022 BIOI/BI86 AUTHORS: _qhanoya_-Xj_M._,. Morozova, N. M., and Kopylovap V. D. TITLE: Determination of microamounts of inorganic ions PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 29, no.' 1, 1963, 24 - 26 TEM The limiting concentration at which an inorganic ion ceases to give a chromatographic color reaction is deterrAned. Next, the solution under investigation is diluted until the element concerned gives no reaction. The concentration of the element in the sample is calculated from the re- quired degree of dilution and the known limiting concentration. A glass column 10-13 cm long and of 4-5 mm diameter filled with Al 2 03is used. The following elements, developers for t~e chromatogram, and limiting 2 concentrations!':(mg-equ/liter) are givens Cu(II), rubeanic acid, 4-7*10- -3 '1.1010-3 Vi, rubeanic acid, 7-3-10 ; Ni, dimethyl glyoxime, I Fe(m), poiassium ferrocyanide, 3.6-10-3; Ag, potasaitmn chromate, 9.2*10- 21 lfg(ii), I potassium chromate, 7.6,-io-2 Zn, ammonium tetrathiocyano mercuroate in the ..Card 1/2 T S/032/63/029/001/003/022 Detezmination of microamounts of B101/B166 the Dresence of cobalt ion, 0.26; Pb, sodium rhodizonate, 2-5*10-3; Pb, Potassium chromate,_1.0; Sn, potassium ianthogenate, 0.23; Co, a-nitroso- .~-naphthol, 4-7-jo 4; c1 , Hg(Ho The method is recommended 3)2, 5.'10-2. for industrial analyses. There is 1 table. 1,Toskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy Promyshlopnosti (Moscow Technological Institute of the bleat and Milk Industry) Card 2/2 7,y~~p; POTAPOVA, Mariya Aleksandrovua; OLISHENIIOVAI KajUrj imo X0117LOVA, Valentina Dmitriyama; HDROZOVA, Radezhda Mikhaylmma; DZBABOV, V.G.., red. [Manml on ion-exchange., partition, and precipitation chromatograpby] Rukovodstvo po ionoobmemv)i,, raspredell- tolInal i osadochnoi khronatog-rafil. Monklva) KhImiia) 1965. 199 P. (HIRA 18:7) OLISR"OVAY Do., prof*; MRMOVI., N.3 MROWaY.L., Go i 0 Chromatographic method for determining the tin content of canned moat* Masaind' "BM 32 no*2347-48 361a OMA 14:7) (148at, canned-Preservation) (iDbromatograpbio analysia) S/048/62/026/603/004/015 B107/BIO2 /'R lls-4 AUTHORS. Ollshanskayat E. Ya., Nekrasov, Yu. V., and Umanskiy, Ya. S. TITLE: Examination of order in the alloy W + 44 atoms Mo by measuring the diffuse X-ray scattoring PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 26, no. 3, 1962, 349-351 TEXT: The degree of order in the alloy 'it + 4,'V,,*' Ido at 1100, 1350, and 17000C was studied. A PC-500 (URS-501) diffractometer and CuKa radiation monochromatized by a plane germanium crystal, were used for the examination. Radiation was recorded with an MCTP-4 (YSTR-4) argon counter. range from 6 to 200 was measured; scattering from air was eliminated by the use of a vacuum chamber (Ref. 1: A. S. Kagan, V. A. Somenkov, Ya. S. Umanskiy, Kristallografiya, 5-, 466 (1960)). Temperature effect, Compton effect, and Bragg scattering were mathematically eliminated. Ground samples with etched surfaces vere used for the examination, since absorp- tion was considerable. The intensity distribution was determined experimentally. The curve for 17000C was calculated from Card 1/ 3 Y62/026/003/004/01 -Ex-amination of order in the BI 07 02 I NCAC31 UB /A)2 C~ The short-range order coefficients ai resulting from it, are Given numerically. The positive signs of a^ and a show the atoms of the same 1 2 type to prevail in the neighborhood of one atom, i.e. the Vo - W system tends to segregate. Purthermore,the radial distribution of the atom density of tungsten was determined from the formula 90 r D In general, the results of Fig. 2 agree with those of the first, method. The additional minimum between r and r is explained by the fact that the 4 3 4 U.Dper limit Ot integration, so) is 2.6 instand of Co (Ref- 4, see below)*. The degree of order increases slightly as temperature decreases, but still is very low at all temperatures. The mixing energy appears to be very blow: it is 0-079 ev for 170OPC according to Ref- 5 (M- A. Krivoirlaz, A. A. Card 2/3~ I-IMAWRWAYA- ... Neclanizea molding. BTO 2 no.21-.36 N 1,60. OLM 13: 11) (Molding(Founding)--TecbnologicaI innovations) IY,-z non, (;..A., ka~diaat takhnicbeskikh nauk, fttsemt-, XORM111TSEYA, Z.P.; OLISHANSKATA, 14.A.i Inzhemar; IOLDEMIR, T-3.. Inzhener. Investigation of the diffusion of sulfur in cat-Is rubber b7 means of radioactive isotope3. Tast.elektroproz. 27 np-6: 66-68 Ja '56. (MLRA 10:8) 1.Duepropetrovskiy khixiko-t9khno1og1chssMy institut (for BUM and lormilltseva). 2.2avoamizovkabelO Miniotarxtya olektrotakhnichaskoy promyshlemmosti (for 01 shanskaya and Xo1obenim). (Rub'ber) iSulfur) (RadiC130UP82--lmdustrial applications) 110-S9-6-12/22 AUTHORS: Blokh, G.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, KoCen, V.B. aund 01'shanskaya, L.A.., Engineers TITLE: On the Vulcanisation o-f-Rubber Mixtures for Cables (K voprosu o vulkanizatsii kabellnykh xezinovykh smesey) PERIODICAL: Vestunik Elektropromyshlennosti, 1958, Nr 6, pp 54 55 (~SSR)- ABSTRACT. T1je work on zhich this article was based was done by the Wor',